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>You know, the delay doesn't mean Ubisoft will remove Yayasuke or change him to an NPC.
It's absolutely impossible, Ubisoft spent so much money on publicity, making models, tons of advertising.
Changing him to a Japanese male would result in the entire script having to be rewritten and most of it scrapped. That would cost Ubisoft at least a whole year and tens of millions of euros.
At best it would be bug fixes, and removal of tons of buggy details.
>Still not buying.
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All that nostril girth and he still can't breathe.
>in a samurai game
the state of gaming in 2024
Funny to watch DEI crash and burn.
You're acting as if that was ever on the table and the only thing stopping them is time and money lmao, they'll not change yasuke if the game was 10 years away from release, You're really not as powerful as you think you are
Yes, Ubisoft still won't change and I still don't buy their crap games.
Better for them postpone at least 2 years, drop Yasuke and bring Taka Yakauchi(original plot MC) back and they could have a chance for a major turnaround.
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It's ok when japs do it
They will be fixing all the Chinese shit into Japanese shit probably.
They might reduce floydsuke's overall game length /screen time but they couldn't remove him. That would create even more outrage>>689953482
I wonder why anti-GoY threads suddenly disappeared...
Ugly faggot ass nigger criminal.
Isn't that about the time kcd2 and avowed will come out? this is possibly going to bomb harder than star wars outlaws
its tru tho
nothing short of changing yasuke for >>689953974 and almost completely remaking the game could save this garbage, hope this is the final nail in the coffin
they just need a playable jap male so it doesn’t look like a bmaf ntr fantasy
I dont think mocking a man who died in the hands of police is funny
Why not just allow players to DIY their characters?
You're free to choose your skin color and appearance and gender.
Just change "Yasuke" to "Outsider".
That way you can satisfy the dei without pissing off the players!
I dont think making fun of how black people speak is funny
He looks so much better than the Ubisoft version it's insane.
He overdosed, buddy. I don't think anyone sane anymore even believes he was killed.
They won't change anything at all, the delay is merely there to let things cool down a little in hopes that retards will just forget about it and buy the game.
It would be really funny if this isn't why they're delaying it.
>Valentine's Day
they're turning it into a love story between the two protagonists, aren't they?
Yes. Now you get it.
Why did they throw an obese man having a medical emergency on his chest and put additional weight on him?
They portrayed him as the enemy, a minion of the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven. They didn't glorify him. Also, Nioh 1 let you play as him, or a white guy, or an asian guy, or an asian woman, or a white woman from spain. Nioh 2 flat out gave a character creator and said "we don't give a fuck, be whatever you want".

Nioh is unironically how you do it, give everyone as many choices as possible.
I can't breathe!
Difference in intention.
>retards itt saying drop Yasuke
That'd be a PR nightmare, it'd look so bad to just drop him and Xittertards (a.k.a virtue signal central) would whip up a shitstorm of unimaginable proportions. Most they'd do is make him less important in game compared to Naoe. But even that isn't feasible since the delay is only like 3-4 months and there's already voice lines recorded and the story set in stone
Why not?
I think it is
Now what?
Yeah it kind of is. They could have just had Yasuke as an assassin why the fuck not? He was a real person without much detail known about him and was a good angle for an assassin character. The only thing that got people mad was the kangz shit. Why does he need to be a Samurai it's called assassin's creed not samurai's creed.
>They're not gay anymore!
>Now they fall in love!
Japanese men are even angrier!
The virtue signalers have less control, the games they champion fail. The games they try to impede succeed. They're the ultimate paper tiger, they have very little relevance in a space completely dominated by youtube influencers. It's happening to TV and movies too, corporations have completely lost control of their narratives because they started going after products that sperglords care about. It's impossible to beat autism.
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>it's called assassin's creed not samurai's creed.
What rock have you been under?
>releasing 2/14
>kcd2 releases 2/11
yasuke buck broken by hans capon
Kek valentines day.
The kind of NPCattle who play this slop have gfs (or are the gf kek) and thus won't be able to play Day 1
He asked to be put on the ground because he said he couldn't breathe. Go watch the full video. I mean, the cops were retarded, but they are retarded meatheads, that's not something new. Even if they did everything perfect he still would have 100% died unless an ambulance with all necessary tech came to the location in a matter of a few seconds.
I have not played since black flag and it looks like that was a prudent decision.
>he kind of NPCattle who play this slop have gfs
> and thus won't be able to play Day 1
lets be real anyone who isn't a game reviewer excited for this pozzed trash are cucks who are most likely in open relationships, they will definitely have time to play this
keep thinking that screecher.
Mmmm not really. Truth is somewhere in the middle. You're assuming cause and effect. That people hated Concord because of the wokeness and not because of the awful character designs that got to that point because of delusional and toxic management who couldn't take no as an answer.

I hate Twitter but like it or not, it influences normies opinions. Most content creators are on there and get their opinions from their, and that filters down to normies through the content they put out whether on YouTube, Tiktok, IG and then eventually word of mouth. People are fickle and both extreme sides of the culture war regularly get BTFO by the general public. It's just the wokies seem to be losing this time a bit more. But it's definitely not a tide shift.
>same week as KCD2
lmao. better delay it some more.
>why cops be cautious around a criminal that committed armed robbery
>They could have just had Yasuke as an assassin why the fuck not?
>Yasuke avoiding detection by sitting on a bench with 2 other people. The bench breaks at his weight.
>Yasuke stands in a crowd to avoid detection. He towers over them like a monolith
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I'm guessing the final straw that broke the camel's back was this, Ubisoft inadvertently touching on a social taboo in Japan.
Just thought it was cool but didn't realize what it meant.
imagine what else was in the game, they probably have actual historians pouring through it to make sure there's nothing else like it.
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>if this shit doesn't sell 21 000 people will loose their jobs
In the end was it really worth it to go with le negro?
I can't be the only one who think this look like saint floyd?
They already searched and cuffed him so I don't know
That's because a chud edited his face onto Yasuke
It's edited specifically to look like Floyd.
I love zoomette sluts so much.
imagine being some codemonkey working on physics or some shit and lose your job just because some woke retard in character design wanted to virtue signal
So? The Japs would just see Nobunaga's pet. Realistically he would need to keep his head down. On the flip side, he would blend in with the darkness so you tell me.
Just in time for black history month, too
I hope they keep the nigger, only way this bankruptcy happens, and we all wanna see these cocksuckers crash and burn. No survivors.
I still don't know if this a St. Floyd edit
For gaming in particular, the hive minds on Twitch basically draw their opinions from 4chan and Asmongold/Critikal and Twitch culture is gaming culture on other social media sites. The biggest content creators in nerd spaces end up being autistic white men that had a head start to get views and subs, they got in early and grinded it out and even the people of color there basically grew up in the same internet communities so they have similar politically incorrect world views from playing in CoD or Halo lobbies and browsing old internet forums.

Look at how the narrative shaped for a game like Starfield that journalists were sucking off nonstop. It became a joke of a game because of content creators making fun of it, the truth does lie in the middle where Starfield is a decidedly average game. The peak of mediocrity and a good example of a minimal viable product. But it might as well be Big Rigs for as much as people shit on it.
>The Japs would just see Nobunaga's pet
>Assassinate Nobunaga's enemies/rivals
>See Nobunaga's pet around
why does he look like the guy that caused riots
You have to be underage and have no idea how this kind product works to think there is any possibly they can swap out the main character for another in such a short timeframe.
Just say you hate niggers and don't want them in any game already. I don't really have an issue if you hold that view.
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>like the guy that caused riots
>black guy destroying things for no reason and breaking into houses
kek what did they mean by this
Your ideas being retarded has nothing to do with racism. It's just that you, as an individual with thoughts and agency, are dumb. Racism isn't a magic shield for you to hide your idiocy behind.
he looks like George Floyd
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It is
ubisoft's torii gate isn't the right shape, besides if you wanted to depict a ruined torii gate with molded plastic easiest way possible what would it be? one-legged of course, japs are literally trying their hardest to find something to get mad about in this game.
The nigger stays, they have to tank the hit, but they'll definitely take this time to fix all the retarded shit from this retarded version of japan ubisoft quebec has cooked up in a desperate attempt to salvage as much as they can after Outlaws catastrophic shtishow. It won't help much, too many issues to address in a handful of months with the nigger being the rotten cherry on top
Yves is already coping with Outlaws by softening the truth
yeah he's also fictional
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Based, if only they had the same reaction for DQ 3 censorship...
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>Finally, let me address some of the polarized comments around Ubisoft lately. I want to reaffirm that we are an entertainment-first company, creating games for the broadest possible audience, and our goal is not to push any specific agenda.
I am one of the studios they outsources too.

They are removing both characters and you will be playing as a silent protagonist ninja/samurai with a character creator. Both of these characters will still be in the game but as NPC's.
Seems like Guillemotbergstein is finally starting to get afraid of losing his shekels.
yes saar thank you for your needful
Not the main character.
he looks black not a nigger
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>Fuck the chuds
>Errr…. I mean guys please buy our games…. we’re not trying to push any agenda….please.
>nigg samurai
>peple complain so let's delay it!
they seriously think they will save this shit game? not only ubisoft is showing it is AFRAID of public reception, it will bomb even harder
>We need to push back our game, but lets use this opportunity to release it on a holiday, that's when people take time off and spend a little extra cash
>Ok, let's do Valentine's Day, a day where gamers with significant others will not be able to play the game at all because they'll be out on Valentine's Day plans and an extra income they have will go towards dinner + gifts
blacks had bear stands!?!!
Maybe they're trying to slap together an actual character creator for the MC? I mean, facial animations and everything like that still looks like shit in Ubisoft games, so they can just throw it on whatever abomination the player comes up with and it won't look much worse.
that would be the simple and best option
but nooooo, these fucks are committed to force you to use their fucking fanfiction nigga at every cost, well guess that will cost them like half of their stock value lmao
>remove Yayasuke or change him to an NPC
they will not
they will rather scrap the game completely
having a nigger in japan is the whole point
they're not doing it to change the MC, they delayed it because the game is cobbled together with shit code.
Post the billboard in Japan of a Japanese guy about to get beheaded
>The thousand pajeets with a thousand typewriters will surely produce more quality code if we give them a couple more months
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to where? israel?
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Israel would behead the motherfucker.
Jews from the west =/= Israel.
Eh, I think the damage to this title is done, cleaning up a few discrepancies/inaccuracies won't increase sales, and they're only slimming their profit margins by investing an additional x million dollars between now and February.
Now if they were to make MC changes that would actually move the needles, but in this statement they don't even acknowledge that the reason for the delay is the backlash, much less apologize for their culture-trampling and promise to resolve it. "The game is a big deal and it just needs more time, this is unrelated to the disastrous reception." They really do think they're above it all. They haven't changed, they don't intend to change, and their company is doomed to fail no matter what numbers Shadows does.
t. A person who hasn't purchased a Ubislop game in 13 years.
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>the learnings from the Star Wars Outlaws release led us to provide additional time to further polish the title
The real reason for the delay is right here. Star Wars Outlaws bombed. Shadows is the only big game they're working on right now. If their 2024 report just has two bombs with nothing on the horizon, they cease to exist as a company. Instant liquidation.
God damn lol
They picked February so that when it bombs in Japan they can say it's because of Yakuza and Monster Hunter
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even if they got competent people, there's no way they're going to bring it back from being so unplayable they cancel their current plans to prevent it from being shown in less than half a year.
>look at me
>I'm the nipponjin now
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I don't like how this will fly over peoples heads. At face value it's bad but when you understand the Jewish role in the nuclear bomb, where they dropped the nuclear bombs, the war against Japan(America IE Jews forced Japan into the war), and the hatred these people have, it's just some dumbass mistake.

It's fucking intentional and it's evil.
I'm going insane, I thought this shit already came out. Too much ninja shit lately.
Just googled, and it was a "Mirage" game that came out last year, and the viking one has been out for 4 years now fucking hell. I think I'm losing my mind.
>the portuguese were never represented in NIOH despite the timelines aligning
Maybe delaying the crash by these months will somehow qualify them for more free money in Canada or France?
>xir says, as xir entire world order implodes on itself
Its a joke, and so are you.
You and your entire ideology are nothing but a disposable means to an end. You will be wiped away by your own masters, like so much filth on a windshield.
Ahahah they are going bankrupt plus wilds gets out about the same time nobody will buy that nigger samurai shit when monster hunter is out..
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They're rushing the DLC so all preorders have access to it and polishing that hackneyed leaked base builder. They just want those day 0 sales. Pre orders matter more than ANYTHING for internal bean counters.
i know disney didn't make the franchise any favors but even still, they did manage to make a star wars game bad enough to tank sales
i think this calls for some sort of terrible award because wow, they really fucked up
Truth is, no one would care or make fun of him if they didn't turn him into a sacred cow.
Do you count your shareholders doing a ground up investigation of how bad you are as a company to be a terrible award
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are we witnessing the imminent DEATH of Ubisoft?
Unironically yes
They're going to be stripped for parts, assets sold off, studios laid off, IPs sold to embracer/microsoft/sony/ea, and the trademark will be sold to some Bulgarian company who makes mobile games
I strongly believe literally thousands are about to lose their jobs. Anyone and everyone who isn't working on Siege, Outlaws, or Shadows. They already confirmed they're all hands on deck for Outlaws to give it legs through the holidays
Guess you haven’t heard the news kek
It's going to be very, very hard to keep the remaining teams motivated when they're also going to be looking for work during their shifts
Everyone is losing their jobs. It's over.
So Wukong has literally no competition this year
There's a Spaniard though. Same shit, really.
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The delay is so they can add a side mission where you play as a jap male for 15 mins.
Dude seriously why is always piss and shit with these freaks. If you're not pissing your diaper you're shitting your pants or some other insane fetishistic projection
>he forgot about niggers
They need something to play on those stolen ps5s
They canceled all pre-orders and said the next new batch will have access to "the first dlc"...which is probably what you said
>release during nog "history" month
yeah they'll push him even harder
japs will never make black as main character in a game set in japan
It is because they aren't claiming it's historically accurate you fucking retard.
That's all they can do. Front load DLC content for preorder incentive then quintuple down on the reason they made the game to begin with
I can't launch
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You're actually brain dead. The mere fact he became Nobunaga's pet is exactly because he stands out you fucking moron. People couldn't believe someone so tall and black existed, he was like a protective species in a zoo. He was literally an alien. Him being an assassin would be the most goofy retarded thing in the world.
Simple solution:
Rather than "play as black male/Asian female" divide, you pick your origin as either native or foreign, then do a character creator to make your foreigner white, black, male or female.
You escape the Yasuke controversy, hit your DEI quota and nothing needs to be rewritten.
Let's just shit up.
He wasn't a samurai he was a bushi which literally just means warrior which is why he was allowed to have a sword.
He was only given a house because he was the special pet of the president.
He wasn't a Samurai. If he was, he would have committed Sepuku after Nobunaga died. He didn't and then was literally told to go back to his country jej.
nah you're just a racist white supremacist who is jealous of blacks.
yeah but you already know much of the script will be about him being dismissed for being black, and there is some kind of moral of the story built in that black people good. Probably should have been this from the start, maybe with scripts depending on what race you select, but at this point, its probably too late to rewrite the game and re-do voice lines.
Nips were racist to everyone. Find and replace "black" to "nanban" and you're done.
Wish the sequel was good
The whole point of the game is that one faggot at Ubisoft read Thomas Lockley's dogshit book that he sold as historically accurate in the west(sold it as fiction in japan btw) and saw the perfect opportunity to make the golden DEI game that would hit all the boxes.
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Don't care didn't ask plus you're a faggot
Yeah, but I wouldn't be suprised they will try to parallel BLM or some other american culture in the writing. Its western slop made for a western audience. Also don't these games tend to have modern day components/lore? That stuff might make reference to it too. I never played AC beyond AC1, and I know they stopped focusing on the modern day stuff a while ago, but who knows, with DEI, they may try to introduce a new black desmond or something.
That game was developed by western studio Gonzo that got closed after this game released because Bandai had to cut losses. This game is fun though but it wasnt developed by japs.
It's never okay no matter who does it.
Why? Dei be the ones choosin to speaK english da wrong way wrong cuh.
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If only YT was so defensive when it was his own kulcha being desecrated and rewritten to fit an agenda.
I'm sure fighting the Japs battles for them will get you a ticket into their future Jap ethnostate. Anime and manga are your soma.
Nuh uh
>We actually don't care about historical accuracy we are an entertainment company first PLEASE INVEST ON US PLEASE
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I tried it and holy fuck it was awful. The first game was pretty good.

It was still funded by Japan so that's a bit of a weak argument. I didn't know that though.
You're irrelevant to history, you're the euro cucks. You got cucked by the tea guys out of all your gold and bullied by napoleon lol.
The irony is completely removing him would likely objectively make the game better. The chance of Naoe's stealth stuff atleast being solid is a lot higher than Yasuke's pure combat style so being forced to play him even if only for a few section might straight up kill the enjoyment of the game not to mention removing some of the obvious bloat this game will have isn't bad either. It is pretty funny though that Ghost 2 got announced with just a Japanese female protag while the leftists at Ubi just had to force Yasuke as a 2nd protagonist taking away from Naoe as a character and no amount of minimizing Yasuke's role would change that. Remove him from the game, repurpose his cut content into a Mirage like smaller stand alone game with lots of asset reuse also allowing you to get more money out of AC Japan edition from the people who still really want to play as Yasuke
>It was still funded by Japan
It actually also wasnt. Entire Afro IP was funded mostly by WuTang anon. Anime/movie and the game itself too lmao. RZA especially paid millions from his own pocket to prop up that IP after manga flopped in Japan and he discovered it some time later.
Why did they make him look so much like George Floyd
Am I... Am I faceblind to black people?
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>most prolific Sweet Baby client
>heavily funded by BlackRock
>"we don't want to push anything goyim, please buy our slop!"

Yeah no.
They can just cut a ton of shit from him and start working on a dlc to compensate for all the removed content right now and crunch the shit out of those devs. It's better to save profits than to appease twitter.
>publisher namco bandai
it's an edited image but yeah you must be faceblind if you didn't notice that lol
Yes,so? It was a time when Japanese publishers were establishing foot in the west but again if you think they would fully finance a game like that about dead IP that targets very specific audience then you're delusional lol. That time was exactly when RZA was funneling millions into that IP so im pretty sure he pitched that shit. Mangaka himself said so that if not RZA Afro would die with his volumes back in 2000 lol he said so in interview about FURI im sure you know that game if you like Afro.
Yotei is direct competition for the game and the delay to early 2025 might still be away from it, its still in the same year and people that "want" an AC japan game, will just wait for later the same year.
Both of them are going to be garbage not worth playing. Feels bad man.
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this shit is amazing lol

SJW devs have zero self awareness. I do hope they are all executed in my life time. Fuck ubishit
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They don't have the time to do that, but they could bamboozle everyone by changing it so the playable character is a nobody made in a character creator, but Niggasuke and the chink lady would always be tagging you and the cutscenes would focus entirely on them, with you being more of a spectator.
You could just do it two legged. There's no sense of proportion to that figurine to begin with. There's nothing stopping them from having distorted it and had it be two legged. In fact, structurally, given there's a character on top of it, that would have been preferable.
Yotei might still be an okay game, at least technically, despite being generic sony open world. sushi mama was also decent, but still had a lot of the common ubisoft problems.
it's ubisoft. the game is probably a pile of broken dog shit
Also not a samura, sais by himself.
>inb4 he said he was a samurai in the cinematic after you beat him
That was a deam
jew shill
please AC bros, I need more webms from this goldmine
The only reason most people liked it was because of the samurai vibes and that you played as a cool samurai. They removed that from the sequel.
hahahahaha what a fucking loser bitch
GoTs biggest selling point was it's ability to provide incredible immersion. There is no immersion when a woman is your action game protagonist.
why didn't they just make him asian
I dunno the investors seemed pretty mad about the stock prices, it's possible that they'll just tell the devs to remove all the nigger trash and only have that chick as the main character
I don't wanna play as an asian, make him white
I am still baffled that Nioh story is that Spain and England are leading a proxy war in Japan by manipulating Japanese to kill each other to produce magical crystal to create clone super soldier or revive demon
i don't give a FUCK what you want
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>was it's ability to provide incredible immersio
Yeah ecause of the samurai vibes and the main character who was a cool samurai you could easily take seriously.
An ugly tranny woman dual wielding spits on that. This isn't even so much about it being a woman though, they could have made an appealing ninja girl who was nice to look at. Instead they hired a tranny. It's disgusting.
you just know they're gonna remove the howdoyoudofellowkids jungle music that starts playing when yasssuke enters combat
Gotta get the burger audiences
true. and all the cool dyes and outfits made the collecting kinda worth it.
ok ricel
No one wants to play as a bug
who did they hire? an actual freak?
Ubishit stock dropped 15% TODAY and they have zero games for 5 months. Also, this one will never recoup the dev costs.

the company is dead.
>So? The Japs would just see Nobunaga's pet.
and that would help with espionage/stealth how??
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Of course, it's Sony.
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Wait, what sequel?
It's a literal 0 out of 10 game. Don't even google it.
You're right, its hilarious!
>Over the top supernatural fiction done for fun by the Japanese themselves
>Pseudo-historical fiction trying to present itself as fairly authentic, and being developed by agenda-driven idpol obssessed westerners who consulted a fraud trying to push that Japan was a center of the black slave trade
>pride exists because of a riot

These people were always evil.
there hasn't been a good AC game since revelations
first it was the autistic sailing, then it was the terrible rpg style
>Also, this one will never recoup the dev costs.
it's possible for them to fix the game. It's not going to happen, but it's possible.
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Way too late, it's over for them, all political shit is flopping left and right and they're fucking afraid, but there's nothing they can do now.
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>Changing him to a Japanese male would result in the entire script having to be rewritten and most of it scrapped. That would cost Ubisoft at least a whole year and tens of millions of euros.
What if instead of changing anything in the game, instead they retcon Yasuke as "Okinawan" and cite newly uncovered studies claiming that Okinawa is an island of Black African Folx?
>Just say you hate niggers
That aside, what you're saying about him blending in as an assassin makes no sense. He stands out like a sore thumb in a country that is all japanese
>there hasn't been a good AC game since revelations
rogue was good. it finally let you play as the good guys
I feel left behind by this whole gaming hobby
or alienated idk
guess I still have the backlog
Damn that's poetic
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what are you some kind of bigot?
I will never play as a heroic nigger who acts like a normal person.
niggers are fucking animals and i expect them to act like one.

i will only play the game if the nigger is an asshole who acts like a ghetto gangbanger going "WE WUZ SAMURAI AND SHEETZ!"
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>What if instead of changing anything in the game, instead they retcon Yasuke as "Okinawan" and cite newly uncovered studies claiming that Okinawa is an island of Black African Folx?
it's possible, samurai champloo made Ryukuans brown
>muh stonewall heckin valid black person
it's legitimately evil how far and wide these false narratives spread with people not daring to question them
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One more flop and they're gone, if somehow AC manages to flop we won't have to tolerate their bullshit anymore. Is it even possible for it to happen?
Are there seriously people here thinking Yotei is gonna bomb because of a gay voice actor?

come on man, you people are not thinking straight.
I guess I don't get a say in that these days
I always thought I wuz a gud boi
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how did Ubisoft go from this, to woke retards?
A delay this late is definitely going to hurt their advertising budget even further. They were already doing ads in public so no doubt they had other promotional material already printed out.
there is a zero (0) percent chance they break even.
It might not bomb but the game itself is cooked. Zero chance of it being actually good, and seeing how Concord and Outlaws bombed and Yasuke is looking to be next, there is actually a good chance that people have woken up to wokeshit and are voting with their wallets. So maybe it could bomb. I sure hope it does.
They're refunding preorders, this is already a flop.
>Are there seriously people here thinking Yotei is gonna bomb because of a gay voice actor
I consider myself pretty much a chud and was going to dismiss your post, but you're probably right that the youtube grifter-watching "get woke go broke xd" cattle posts on this board, so technically there are bound to be people that think this
He's also a cuck for Alyssa Mercante.
>They picked February so that when it bombs in Japan they can say it's because of Yakuza and Monster Hunter
No they'll say its because of racism because of Black history month
They saw the new Ghost game and realized they fucked up.
The funny thing is, they will release it in the MH Wilds month. They are going to get mega fucked.
>no dreads given the era and place he lives in
Already a massive improvement
It's honestly impressive how these giga meme studios have done everything possible to shit on consumers and they expect people to constantly show up, every year, to eat more slop, in perpetuity.
what the fuck did they expect to happen? I have avoided Ubishit and EA games for more than a decade because I saw the writing on the wall that they were anti-consumer aids (not that others aren't, they just aren't as BAD about it).
minorities are literally poison, they will infect the workplace and make everyone there sluggish and ineffective at their job.
All it takes is one minority to destroy a company and make good products completely shit.
It's the one drop rule essentially.
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I'm trying to play Odyessy right now. The world and setting is really beautiful but holy shit the gameplay loop gets old quick
She's probably going to be influenced by Masako from Rashomon, since Suckerpunch devs are huge Kurosawa fans
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What if they just did Blazing Saddles with samurai.
Come to think of it, how many games let you play as a knight templar? Or any knight wearing white with a big red cross?
I suppose games that let you play paladins kinda counts.
It would lack the background of US white/black relations that the movie worked off of.
Or do you mean Bart rides into town and declares himself the local samurai instead of sheriff?
>samurai fart scene
chasing and killing the cultist of kosmos was probably the most fun I had playing this. It's fine for a ubislop game. The first expansion is pretty good too
>It would lack the background of US white/black relations that the movie worked off of.
Depends when you set it. Sometime during the isolation era once the Tokugawa took charge gives you some room to work with.

>I was the fastest sword draw in the world. It was getting so that every punk pissant wanted a piece of me. I must have killed more men than Nobunaga. I was starting to see Iado in my sleep. Then one day I heard the word "Men" and spun around and saw a six year old kid with a stick. Well I just threw my sword down and walked way..... LITTLE PUNK STABBED ME IN THE ASS!!
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it exists its called red sun
Unironically just got to this part and this has been my main focus.
>Toshiro Mifune judo flipping Charles Bronson across an entire goddamn desert
LTG is pretty fucking based for a nigger.
>gamers with significant others will not be able to play the game at all because they'll be out on Valentine's Day
But chuds are incel woman haters!
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Moreover, Nobunaga was a notorious troll so if he gave anything to Yasuke, it was likely just to make his other retainers pissed.
ignore the random timed quests, it's just fetching stuff or fighting enemies. The celadon blue and gold quests have better objectives and narratives.
His armor set is actually really cool. It's so good in fact that they brought it back for Rise of the Ronin.
Meanwhile, the "official armor" for AssCreed's Yasuke is trying way, way hard to stand out and be flashy.
Yes, I know that the AssCreed game will likely allow Yasuke to wear different armors, but the "mascot" armor he's wearing that's on all the cover art and promo material looks like shit.
I like how the Japanese npcs KNEEL
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>why would they do this?
Didn't they just copy his sword like right out of some anime.
The reason why dreads are given to all black characters these days is to make it really obvious the character is black to ensure that the dev team's virtue signaling really comes through.
I can't believe Tom Cruise's twin would do that.
wait are you telling me toshiro mifune did a movie with alain delon and charles bronson?
How have you not seen it? Charles Bronson was weirdly popular in Japan.
Unironically yes. This looks fucking cool.
The whole game has stuff wrong. Harvesting rice when cherry blossom is in full bloom when they are supposed to be months apart, using copyrighted statue and so on. They literally just took typical japanese stuff and just put them in the same game.
I will release a spider-man toy being between two identical skyscrapers from New York in America next year.
>He wasn't a Samurai.
It would also be weird even for Nobunaga to grant an outsider he just met the title of Samurai. It would only be to make other people pissed of.
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>implying americans care about that any more
just swap out the usual us flag (stars and stripes) with their new one (star and stripes) like the based chinks have
>It would only be to make other people pissed of.
Which would totally be something he'd do. Give some rando slave a ceremonial title and just watch as Mitsuhide gets angry and laugh while stroking your mustache.
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They've already made him the next gay icon he isn't going anywhere
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>Which would totally be something he'd do.
I agree. He was a notorious troll, hated traditionalism and loathed buddhism. And the fun thing about the last part is that Yasuke goes to a buddhist temple to pray, which is a bit weird if he was friend with Nobunaga.
They are also pretty disrespectful in the game by cutting out parts of each clan's emblems on their banners for some reason.
When was it supposed to come out? They're excusing the delay with time for Polishing that turd.
But they're probably searching and erasing every one legged Torii in every fucking location.
They truly shoot themselves on the foot.
What are they afraid of? Didn't they get millions of free dollars from Blackrock?
Anon there's literally only one torii in the entire country that looks like that. Torii gates simply don't decay in that way so it's impossible for one to end up looking the way that one does normally.
They are afraid of all those happy japanese fans.
They will make it have jankass souls combat to save the game.
I say, that buck's a mite peculiar
>torii gate isn't the right shape
There isn't a single one legged torii in all of Japan except for that specific one in Nagasaki. I'm sure Ubisoft made a mistake, but this points even more towards no expert was hired for this project. It's all just google (re)search.
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>Been wanting a Japanese set AssCreed since the start because it could be the next Tenchu
>Finally get one
>Ignoring countless interesting Japanese people it could be focused on to make it about the one black guy who didn't do shit
It's funny because tons of black/sheboon games failed in the past.
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>game with historical token black dude gets beaten by game without blacks
Now that would be something.
Not gonna lie, I always wanted to play an Assassin's Creed set in Congo where you're playing a Japanese Sumo lesbian, it's so obvious to the franchise I don't understand why they haven't made it yet.
these games costs hundreds of millions kek
And yet doing that would make them so much money they'd be retarded not to do it
This looks cool.
This looks like a Floyd meme.
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>This looks like a Floyd meme.
It is.
>most diverse same sex patterns
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That nigga done be george ass floyd
It's Saint Floyd!
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Fixed him /v/ros
Yes it is. If Japan made a game starring that version of yasuke, I would play it. But not the Johnny somali shit we're going to get from Ubisoft.
With how many outrage threads there was about this I thought it already came out.

>Black history month

this is it
I just hope he's a templar agent who was at the wrong place at the right time
>be Ubisoft
>Make successful game franchise about assassins set in historical time periods
>Everyone wants you to make a Japan setting game so you could play as a ninja
>It's a fucking no brainer
>They never do it
>SuckerPunch comes along years later and makes the game everyone wanted, but did it perfectly with none of the Ubisoft or assassins creed bullshit
>Ubisoft later goes, "oh shit, that was really successful, okay fine we'll do one too!"
>Games development is having trouble because of fucking course it is
>Sequel to the game that made an ass out of you is announced
>Announce the very next day you're delaying your Ghost of Tsushima attempt and pushing it possibly closer to the release of the sequel to the better game
They should just make him floyd-sama
fuck ubisoft, I hope they go out of business and everyone who works there gets laid off.

i wanted to play some old ubisoft games out of nostalgia, far cry 3, splinter cell, assassins creed, but everyone of them dont work anymore on steam. the CD key says 'invalid', ive been talking to ubisoft customer support for weeks just to get access to games ive had purchased for decades
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fun fact: if you have already bought a legal copy of the games, then what is usually considered software piracy is completely legal (provided it's the same version), and has case law backing it.
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>game with NIGGERS on front cover
When will they learn?
Whoever is responsible for making "Yasuke*" (*unbiased sources needed) an assassin in Japan an make Naoe look non Japanese basically costs Ubisoft at least 200 million dollar...

Even if you destroy the whole Ubisoft headquarter building, you wouldn't have created a fraction of the damge the person did, who woked up the main characters in AC:Japan.
>if somehow AC manages to flop
C'mon, what could they possibly do to sell this turd? At this point all they can do is cancel the project, reuse the assets and make a straight samurai story and delegate Yasuke to a side story.
Even if the game managed to be salvageable, Ubishit will still ask $70 for the featureless version and $120 for the "good version". HaveeEverything at one price or fuck off.

Valhalla killed the momentum of the series just as bad as AC3 and Syndicate did at the time
Mirage was so half assed no one believes this will be any different.
They pulled the story out their asses to please two trannies who already worked at Ubisoft as community jannies
Ubisoft is simply cool to hate and with good reason.

EA and Ubisoft will not survive this decade and they will be lucky if Tencent picks off the carcasses.
/fit/ bros what build is this? is it even natty?
They picked it because Valentine's Day is a notorious spook day and used often for agenda-pushing projects for symbolism and signaling of other spooks.
they're not changing a thing
they're just trying to wait out the pr shitshow they've got, but they're listening to incompetent employees who cannot comprehend that nothing is going to change in 6 months
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After hours, it's dying even more than the 15% it dropped today.

it is OVER.
>C'mon, what could they possibly do to sell this turd?
Just like FIFA/Madden there's a small army of retards that buy the new game every time.
They're probably not even aware of the drama around it.
It will sell something, just not the numbers Ubisoft was planning on selling
buy the dip
>implying this shit isn't being done on purpose for some sleazy wall street jewry
They knew what the reaction would be, in fact they counted on it.
their own shareholders are trying to go private, they are literally in the midst of a mutiny.
Fuck you for reminding me that we never got a proper sequel to Wrath of Heaven
Was the prank worth it? Did he know Mitsuhide was a huge chud who hated faggots and niggers?
I'd love to find out what kind of budget this game has.
>Ubisoft is dying!
They are funded by the french government, stop being delusional, they will never die, just like many other cancer american companies that are funded by the goverment.
you're an american, we get it
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He won
>They are funded by the french government
The French economy is in the shitter at the moment, this is the kind of stuff that gets defunded first.
Buraku raivus mattel baka!
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if they 1 don't have dark skin in the game at all while you are back in time (as was reality for 99.9999% of japs at the time, realism) and 2 don't have stronk womyn characters at any time (not acting like a man physically or mentally - aka no girlbosses, realism) i will buy it.

we should reward a company if they actually course correct because otherwise why would they?
Can Ubisoft and Sony just fucking die already?
They produce nothing but woke garbage so called games.
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>the guy doing the most coding
Why is China so based now?
>black history month
>buy our game to support niggers
noticed a stronk womyn with a crossbow in promotional material of kingdom come deliverance 2, not a good sign
Side character just like historically
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Ubisoft being FUCKING DEAD should be sticky in this board for a week. Like a head on a spike warning for the rest.
>I can't play!
>Koko de ore wa nihonjin desu
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searching for your wild news claim (no source) made me find this:

looks like ubisoft will abandon their launcher strategy?
This black guy looks repulsive
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>they delayed it to black history month
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I just for the first time reflected on the fact that they actually decided to name the game SHADOWS
and St Valentine's Day!
Japanese girls will gift asian boys this for St Valentine's.
October 31st was their original release date which was actually good for sales and they had no proper competition in this year's holiday sale. The February release is them competing with a bunch of other AAA games like MH Wilds.
holy shit lmao
>we're not pushign an agenda!
>singelhandedly increases yasuke bullshit on the modern consciousness
What a thing to write on a professional announcement lmao these people are absolutely cooked on their nigger worship religion
Cope, your nigger game is dead
mega KEK
Japs are POC and POC can do no wrong - your rules.
>delayed to Valentine's Day
uhhhh what does that say about these two then??? what are they planning?????
We're going to see another Valentine's Massacre
cheeky cunts kek
it's colored people. don't accept their language changes.
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Leftistchads.... I fucking kneel. Teach me your racist ways.
I’m just not buying it is all
is this an edit to make him look more like lord floyd
>seething this hard
Now I know it absolutely is about woke and DEI
monster hunter wilds is going to destroy this game
what a loser lmao
Remember the Stop Asian Hate campaign and how quickly that died off because everyone noticed who was doing the assaulting?

Fun Fact: This what made Garry Tan go off the deep end

>nigger game
>always late
Ignore every single post in this thread.
They are all wrong and only I can be right.

If it looks cool, it'll sell. If it looks gay and lame, it won't.
Make it look cool. Ignore everything and everyone else that speaks on this topic, they are all wrong and I am 100% infallibly correct. This is why so many mental gymnastics appear in every conversation about why woke shit flops and yet other shit succeeds. No one actually wants attractive women specifically, they just want shit to look cool. Hot women just tend to be cool, that's it. This is why Space Marine 2 defied the trend despite having a black and asian guy artifically forced in, because they looked like they belonged there (ie "cool"). Tranny shit tends to fail because it looks really uncool. Moralizing is really fucking uncool.

Make shit cool. People who loathe to even see a moon cricket bought GTA San Andres. Why? Because CJ is fucking cool, Yasuke is a zesty fudgepacker. White racists play as the former and quote his game all the fucking time while actual blacks would sooner get jobs and work then give even a passing thought to playing as a fucking faggot. That's it. That's the secret.

All companies, you owe me tens of millions for my brilliant fucking marketing advice, but I chose to give it away for free. Listen or ignore, but I am right on this and literally everyone to tell me I am wrong is coping.
Sadly, that isn't true. He went to prison and pretty much every liberal cuck here in Minnesota thinks he's guilty. I hate this nigger infested kike subverted shithole like you wouldn't believe. Walz will destroy the rest of the country the same way if allowed anywhere near the White House.
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Imagine if they gave him the monkey as the guardian spirit instead of an extinct african bear.
it doesn't look cool and the hip hop music that plays during combat is laughably racist
>Moves a game set in Japan to black supremacy month
lmao you can tell they hate Asians in general.
Yeah it was hilarious and stopasianhate is now branded as an anti-nig movement by woke college kids kek.
Ubisoft might get shut down before this even comes out with how much they're bleeding money.
did he dies?
pretty sure the cop died.
>Johnny somali shit
i came here to say this but you already said it far more eloquently than i could
Templars got taken over by ((them)) after they got Order 66'd in the mid 13th century
it will sell whatever. most asscreed fans were waiting for asscreed japan. so many people bought valhalla because vikings. and samuais cause even more gaymers to 'jak so it might be their biggest ever asscreed release.
Biboo has discovered the bomb drones. Those are always great in this game.
thanks fromsoft!
She should just summon the depth crawler asap and will likely get another before she actually needs to use it.

Someone else can ride in the first one.
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a torii gate only has one shape and no one is claiming it is that specific torii gate but that it has one leg. You can imagine how easily they missed this, there's probably a lot of japs that wouldn't have caught the significance either. But all it takes is one angry jap to point it out and you get buttfucked. Now, let us consider that UbiSHIT payed MILLIONS of shekels to DEI consultants to make sure this very thing didn't happen, and instead of properly informing them, they sold ubiSHIT a fish tale about a NIGGER samurai who was TOTALLY REAL and not made up. People might not appreciate this now, but later on, this will probably be the moment all those consultant companies stop getting hired.
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what the frog Ubisoft, I already pre ordered the gold edition
USA put over 100k japanese americans in internment camps during ww2
>laughably racist
racism as a concept is mostly incoherent. At this point it's only used against people you don't like or to flex power on someone
This delay has nothing to do with Yasuke. Screencap this post.
> Dei be the ones choosin to speaK english da wrong way wrong cuh.
With that point, I mildly agree with him >>689954708
Scottish people are funnier
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>asscreed shadows delayed to black privilege month
That'll work out for Ubikek.

Post fronthole.
NIGGER, there's enough actual news coming out that you don't need to piss all over it with your faggot well-poisoning.
Rainbow Six is filled with nothing but fags and trannies
Johnny Somali's making a comeback?
>You can't criticize Yasuke because BHM!
>Black people on social media are riled up because BHM, they'll work for us for free defending the game!
>If you don't buy Yasuke's game, cuck, then you don't think black lives matter
Ubisoft's rubbing its' hands together fiercely right now.
To be fair, that Yas looks way fucking cooler
>It was a prank, bro!
>Oda at Honno-ji
Is it woke = broke unironically?
>This is perfect!! Now I'll be able to fuck up those shitty monks again, in Hell!
I can only assume because they feel like a subversion of expectation holds a lot of weight (not to mention they'll come across as so brave and unique!). Add that to the virtue signaling and "DEI" points. A little "we need to help our poor black people catch up" (anti racism) on top, and there you go.
>Humiliation ritual
So what
if they remove the nigger I will buy the game even though I hate ubislop games. Not even kidding I'll pay the $70 or whatever a new gayme goes for these days just to support removal of niggers from media.
I know it won't happen though that company is cooked top to bottom so my $70 is safely going to 2 ounces of silver bullion.
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Ain't that something
Didn't another Ghost of Tsushima game get announced? They're probably terrified of competing with that in the same release season
>the surprise English speaking foreigner who can sympathize with the protagonist's path so far yet stands against the protagonist for his own beliefs and loyalty
Nioh Yasuke was basically a one scene wonder yet his existence is the contrast for William's journey.
What the fuck does AssCreed Yasuke represent?
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lmao they started the war. Germans don't whine like japs do
It's the equivalent of showing an american pic related. Ignoring the fact Zankyou no Terror is absolutely fucking retarded (hurr durr we're terrorists but we don't hurt people we conveniently evacuated the building before blowing it up we're the good guys!), imagery evoking a sense similar to something tragic or traumatic for a population is bound to get people riled up.
Duh. All this is is to try and outrun the media cycle. Thats why they've cancelled all their previews and shit. They're going media silent and delaying by four months to try and let another shitstorm occur and take everyone's attention.
They'll put out some "we fixed X, guys. Praise us for being so understanding!" shit shortly before release, and retards will go "Ubi W", buy the game.
Nothing is gonna be changed, though. Its just a delay tactic in hopes everyone will be too busy shitting on something else.
>it's afraid
Yer kiddin
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No samurai watermelon armor, no buy.
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>You're really not as powerful as you think you are
Legit sauce?
They can cancel it and get a tax break
He won't be the only black guy in the game either. IT will look like nyc or modern day Tokyo. Ubisoft is fucking retarded.
If Assassin's Creed Shadow genuinely made you upset then you're a racist. Plain and simple.
>But it's historically inaccurate!
Assassin's Creed was never completely historically accurate. The game series doesn't even frame itself as actual history, it's VR. You beat up Pope Alexander VI over an alien device, team up with Leonardo DaVinci to build a tank and bombs, kill Charles Lee, kill Benjamin Hornigold, the Borgias are portrayed as cartoon villains, Washington steals a mind control device, etc. No one gave a shit before, but suddenly complain now
>But it's trying to be historically accurate!
The game literally has hip hop music in it, ala Samurai Champloo. It's clearly heavily stylized. No one gives a shit about that or Afro Samurai but suddenly complain now
>Assassin's Creed always had an ethnic native as a protagonist before!
This game has a Japanese character as a female protagonist. Assassin's Creed has made changes in the past before, for example, Odyssey was entirely based off of mythology (which wasn't done before), you play as Jack the Ripper (AssCreed never a historical figure as a playable character before), you can pick a female in Odyssey (could never do that before). These changes were nowhere near as controversial. Saying it's bad because it's different and they changed something isn't a real argument, nobody gave a shit before
>But it offends the Japanese
The Japanese government flat out said they don't care, because it's fiction. In general, the Japanese mostly don't care. They've played fast and loose with their own history (portraying Nobunaga as a literal demon lord) as well as foreign history (portraying King Arthur as a woman when females were never knights). They've included Yasuke as a samurai in their own games. Most people online who are "offended" are usually Americans posing as Japanese, one of them even pretended to be a Japanese professor and got caught on Twitter
I can't wait for the Feburary trailers which will have obnoxious new day mumble rap about power.
5/10 for effort
Have a (you)
Well you're wrong
Also, you can't say
>oh well all those other times AssCreed was historically inaccurate, were bad too, all the times the Japanese were historically inaccurate, were bad too
Because there was nowhere near the same level of controversy. The Japanese government didn't have to come out with a statement saying "no we don't give a shit, it's fiction", Ubisoft didn't have to write a letter apologizing to Catholics or Italians over AssCreed 2 being historically inaccurate. So yes, it is hypocritical and yes, the only reason why it's so controversial now is solely due to racism.
>you're a racist. Plain and simple
okay and?
You have zero rebuttal to this. It is solely due to racism. No one cared about "historical accuracy" before, suddenly everyone cares when a black guy is involved. To this day conservatards still can't refute this
Practicing what lines to feed black folx during their pride month so they can defend your game for you?
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>The Japanese government flat out said they don't care, because it's fiction. In general, the Japanese mostly don't care. They've played fast and loose with their own history (portraying Nobunaga as a literal demon lord) as well as foreign history (portraying King Arthur as a woman when females were never knights). They've included Yasuke as a samurai in their own games. Most people online who are "offended" are usually Americans posing as Japanese, one of them even pretended to be a Japanese professor and got caught on Twitter
I have seen japnese people upset, but its not because they don't think yasuke was a samurai, it is because the entire game is a huge black man running around killing tiny japanese people
Because it is politically ok to bash Christianity. They know a Christian isn’t going to raise an army of suicide bombers as Christians (and Italians by extension) are cucks by default. Japan is already not white or Christian by default. If they wanted to keep fucking with Templars, there was a whole war the Japs fought killing Christians. It didn’t need diversifying.
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There is no need to mince words with retards. Just have to do nothing and win.
Apparently only racists buy video games, because when not appealed to games seem to flop. If you want your black samurai thats fine, but the majority of the market won't buy it so do it cheap I guess.
>not the main character
>manages to actually be compelling in the five minutes he's on screen for with a slightly larger role in the sequel
>still loses to both main characters, one of which is white and the other of which is japanese
unironically yes

I didn't care about the other AssCreed games period(you'll never have one), so this is a retarded argument for you to try and make. I would have cared about this one had it been historically accurate. You've been refuted, now kill yourself, moron.
kek you got mindbroken I see
big difference is clearly the reasoning behind it and you're either blind or being disingenuous by ignoring this, this series has never had an actual historical person as a main character before this and them picking Yasuke specifically is because he is the single token black guy in the middle of Sengoku-era Japan, the fact that people are willing to bend over backwards for pandering is almost more of an insult honestly
>socially acceptable
Doesn't matter. The Catholic Church or the Pope didn't give a shit. No other foreign government gave a shit about any of the other games too, and the Japanese government didn't give a shit about Shadows. However out of all those games, it's only Shadows where a foreign government flat out had to give a statement declaring that they don't care

The point is no other game was anywhere near as controversial even though they all had historical inaccuracies. The only reason why people ""care""" about the historical inaccuracies now, is because a black man is involved and they're racist

It's a bad faith argument
>oh it's bad because of historical inaccuracy
>but all these other games in the franchise were historically inaccurate, no one cared, there was no controversy so why do you suddenly care now
>goes to a site he despises and says shit like this
Then why is this a controversy at all? If genuinely no one cared there would be no controversy, everyone would just go "oh it's another AssCreed game" and move on

But that clearly didn't happen, the Japanese government had to give an official statement saying "we don't care about this, it's a fictional video game"
why not just make a game about africa - being a warrior of a tribe and attacking all the other tribes and shit with the grass huts, jungle warfare
i wouldnt unironically play it
Ubisoft will come to learn the true extent of nigger fatigue. their hysterical cries of racism are only going to turn more people OFF buying the game. the last few normies who were still going to otherwise.
>big political controversy around a ubisoft game? eh, bit tired of all that culture war stuff. maybe I'll just stick to whatever slop I'm already playing.
t. normies next february
i don't like broken english, i hate, i don't why zoomers copy it, it's so gross
This is the only way they can make money because they are a bunch of no skill and talentless freaks

That'd have to come from an indie studio, no big publisher would touch that shit it'd be a fucking xitter minefield.
NTA and I'm sleepy so I might've misunderstood your post, but:
To the best of my current knowledge, this is the first time they claimed to have a historically accurate main character.
Then people looked into it and found out they were full of shit. Told them so, and ubisoft doubled down instead of going "oh, we were wrong"
And now here we are. Because Ubisoft is retarded.
I pissed myself laughing
fuck my life lol
Anyway I hate it and I don't know why zommer copy it
buracku rives mettaru
>new quest: mine gold from bald men's heads
Because before it was a muslim based game. To be clear I was super racist and checked out when they tried making me a fucking injun in 3 and shit posted we wuz kangs over and over again for origins when the niggers larped about being Pharaoh.
1. He's a boss fight, not the main character
2. Nioh is not going for a realistic vibe, see the mystical fucking bera behind him
Imagine if Ubisoft did Ass Creed DR Congo and then it starred some white dude. I'm sure that would go over well with the you know who's. They've been bitching about RE5 for years, imagine if a current year game did that.
I've seen this image so much that I forgot that he doesnt look like this
>(hurr durr we're terrorists but we don't hurt people we conveniently evacuated the building before blowing it up we're the good guys!)
Fight Club
Where did they say this? Their actual official statement is
>While we strive for authenticity in everything that we do, Assassin’s Creed games are works of fiction inspired by real historical events and figures. From its inception, the series has taken creative license and incorporated fantasy elements to craft engaging and immersive experiences. The representation of Yasuke in our game is an illustration of this. His unique and mysterious life made him an ideal candidate to tell an Assassin’s Creed story with the setting of Feudal Japan as a backdrop. While Yasuke is depicted as a samurai in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, we acknowledge that this is a matter of debate and discussion. We have woven this carefully into our narrative and with our other lead character, the Japanese shinobi Naoe, who is equally important in the game, our dual protagonists provide players with different gameplay styles.
Good. Miss the Christmas season.
>ac Congo
>mission 1: welcome to the jungle
>collect 50 hands
>reward: white cotton safari suit.
if you have the time his Japanese Wikipedia entry is worth a read
I'll have popcorn ready and the steam play chart up as I watch ubisoft finally shit its brains out in its death throes.
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>add black boss
>gets styled on by white foreigner
wtf japan
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>delayed it to black history month for more woke points and to ignore potential critique and use it as a marketing strategy

Actually kinda smart.
Imagine if they pull a Haytham, you play him for the tutorial missions then you start controlling an actual jap.
>white devil is a well established historical character of certain importance
>all we know about the negro is they kept him as a pet and that he was spared because they did not consider him human, nothing else is known about him after that
Will they adapt the second part? I'm sure they will come up with some bullshit.
The fact this guy had EVERYONE fooled and it was a fucking assassins' creed game that undid him is so goddamn funny. Rolled a nat 20 on his luck rolls for an entire career then hit a 0.
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Not even close
Yeah its great, the whole siege part is top tier too, having every general just pulling their shit to fight
Cope faggot lmao
Die dumb nigger die
it's their choice, either they remove the negro and get 20% of their investment back or a complete shit show flop situation like concord with 0$ money back
Le meto hasta los huevos, chamo
Translation: I put my cock deep inside of her, balls and all, my dude
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>Yasuke ain't no gadamn sa-moo-rai
>nigga ashy as hell
>he monkey ass din dun wash Bonobonaga's foreskin for a year
>nigga zesty as hell
>Naboonaje ain't my damnyo eitha
>muhfuggin konichiwash yo monkey behind Jasuke
>nigga on the dl ifyaknowhaamsayin
>nigga get fucked by men, nigga is a gay nigga
>he dun even spend that long in Zipanipongo
>nigga real ashy
It always surprise me... how many groups have been used as a shield by busybodies until something new and cooler and of higher rank on the oppression ladder replace them?
I'm genuinely disturbed, how can someone fall for that? do they believe that this time it's going to be different? do they know Humanity record history?
Stop projecting your misery and hatred on others.
Dude, we had a nigger in the court of king arthur and another one at the white house, why we can't have a negro in feudal Japan? I hope you can hit, cut and defile Oda Nobunaga in the final game, and I hope you can decapitate, mutilate and desecrate his corpse after a bloody and difficult final boss battle, while you burn his castle to the ground, live and learn, Japan. Game Over, yellow man!
He's right, don't deny it, rat
This, they should have yasuke destroy his nobussy
pepper spray is not lethal
>we are just making games pls buy
absolutely disgusting
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i thought Yasuke was Nobunaga's buck
unprecedented amount of cringe virtue signaling
Well it was a stupid fucking NIGGER anyway. Get the fuck off 4chan zoomer cunt
imagine buying ubishit shits, couldn't be me.
He's nobussy's bull
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>molding leftoid
kek, won't buy your nigger slop, simple as.



You will see ubisoft die in your lifetime, such happiness shouldn't be real. They deserve it for fucking up far cry series and not making better games
They just hope that the normies caught up in the hate will forget about all the hate coverage the game is getting by then and buy it because muh triple A release.
funny enough, I think he was the one to tell the tokugawa that foreigners arent to be trusted because they kept trying to convert japs to Christianity except the dutch
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i don't know why is /v/ even discussing this game
AC will sell millions of copies, just like FIFA and COD and other garbage sells millions every single fucking time.
normies love these games, and they will buy them no matter what.
is this rexxar?
Removing Yasuke wouldn't turn haters into followers, but it would piss off even those who were excited about the game. Could even ubisoft pull a blatant suicide move like that?
That's because this nigga got AURA.
They moved it to February to release during Black History Month.
just like star wars, right?
go ack yourself
>AC will sell millions of copies
The funny here is that's really bad for them. They've fucked themselves into a corner so hard that it's like they're the heroine of a shitty RPGMaker porn game. They have to choose which of two dicks will rape them but either way they're getting raped.
>Game bombs - Ubi's death is assured
>Game succeeds - Damages have been presented and every person they didn't ask for permission can sue their ass. Made worse by their interactions with the Sekigahara Teppotai showing active malice multiple times by declining to remove their banner meaning they won't be able to play dumb.
It's one of the funniest situations you can watch unfold.
Star Wars is not that much relevant of a franchise anymore.
AC Mirage which was a much smaller game still sold 5 million copies. you seem to not understand how big Assassin's Creed franchise is.
ubishit literally broke laws, retard
>you seem to not understand how big Assassin's Creed franchise is
All I hear when you say this is "Damages"
Ubi need to stop acting like the nigger they added to ACS and start asking for permissions before it gets worse.
>Ubi need to stop acting like the nigger they added to ACS and start asking for permissions before it gets worse.
im not saying you're wrong. you're right. but this game will sell millions and turn out profitable for them anyway.
you don't understand that they don't make these games for you or me, they make these for normies who are ok with braindead repetetive and boring gameplay.

i played AC Origins and got bored after not even 1 hour, and then i played AC Odyssey and got bored after 8 hours (and i've been probably alt tabbing half of this time), because they're boring and shit games. but normies love it.
Henry's come to see us!
shit i must get ahold of myself and finish KCD asap (im 60h in), cuz im buying sequel on release for sure.
time to vote with my vallet you know.
>but this game will sell millions and turn out profitable for them anyway.
And my point is that that doesn't matter when the lawsuits hit and they need to pay lawyer costs and damages to the families, sites and others they've stolen from. They already showed malicious intent with the Sekigahara Teppotai interactions so any lawsuit is a guaranteed loss for Ubi. 10m unit sales is 10m units in damages the higher the number the higher the damages. My point is it doesn't matter how well it sells when they'll lose all that money in court.
>malicious intent with the Sekigahara Teppotai interactions

it's just ignorance for a culture too different. they have western historians, not japanese and that's their problem. There is no malicious. Ubisoft makes videogames and you all act as they are the real deal.
they probably will address the technical points DashBlue with his wife brought up in his video(s).
what's the name of the chick?
They're doing it to coincide with Black History Month, a time when any amount of woke shit makes you practically immune.
>AC will sell millions of copies
Not in 2024 it won't
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The post by Ubisoft_Japan diesn't mention refunds
Delayed to black history month?
>Disrespect Japan
>Forced to commit sudoku
Sara Bustani 69
there no AC game in 2024 so of course it won't sell millions.
>There is no malicious
>Hey we didn't give you permission to add our banner, it's not even historical, please remove it.
>We're asking you nicely to please remove our banner, we aren't giving you permission to use it. Take it down
>We will keep asking you to take it down until the game launches. If you don't comply we WILL sue you. Now please take it down
How many times do they have to say no before it's actively malicious? Trick question you redditspacing faggot. The answer is when the lawsuit fucks them out of everything they have.
No one is acting like the game is real. The copyright infringement and theft on the other hand is very real.
>it's just ignorance for a culture too different
Don't Ubisoft go on and on about respecting different cultures, why are they fucking up one of their supposed key values?
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it mean she be gettin day bebece whiteboiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
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thanks pal
They are just waiting for the shitshow to calm down. People will forget and move on, and they will release the slop later very quietly. Nobody will buy it. They already accepted that the game will be a massive flop and just try to save their reputation.
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Incredible. I wonder why he must compulsively lie so much.
>cultural appropriation is ok when done by NYGGHURRS
when this gonna change? look at SF6 and abomination that's called kimberly, no one bats an eye about her being "le ninja"
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This guy is getting yelled tf out by investors rn & thats so funny. It should happen more often. He is so out of touch, his corporate empire is going to the shitter if he doesnt get a grip on what gamers really want, swim or sink bitch.
Is this what happens when they target the modern audience?
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So Ubisoft pushes agenda, spun from lies by a fucking JET English teacher who just can't stop lying to revise history.
Good job. >>689981142
Hope the stock keeps dropping.

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