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>can now put lili as the menu character
it's over, street sissy 6 is fucking finished.
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My body is ready.
even normalfags hate you now, troon.
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TekkenGODS, I kneel...
I will now buy your game.
No but seriously whats up with the starting roster this fighting game generation? SF6 one is super shit Tekken isn't a lot better and both have mid season 1 DLCs
Lili is cringe

she never even had a martial arts teacher
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Lili is one of those few, rare vidya women where she is so fucking hot that it's actually bullshit.
It's even worse that she realistically wouldn't even keep you around to laugh at how poor you are, she'd just seduce your girlfriend and then laugh before telling you to fuck off from your own house.
take it easy man
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what is she watching bros
Lili doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She''d be more likely to ask you about your mancave from pure curiosity.
That's my fetish thoughever
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I think you're making 2nd part up
can she be naked
>uses your gf's phone to send you pics of all the cute dates she can afford to take her on
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My Tekken cumfu alongside Zafina.
The Complete Tekken Timeline Breakdown.
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You're confusing Lili for Karin from Street Fighter. Lili is the nice villainness that's misunderstood but is also kind of dumb because of her richness. Karin is cut throat capitalism ojousama that will do anything to get what she wants, including buying out an arcade so her rival can't work there anymore.
I dunno, she legally enslaved Asuka just cause she wanted to
Finally I can set Kazuya again like it should be. Too bad no Christie in the game.
She's canonically a lesbian anon.
she ganryusexual.
>she never even had a martial arts teacher
Neither did the first martial artist
I want to jerk off to her hair
Now we're fuckin talking.
I spilled so many loads to this character as a teenager, now I feel kinda guilty when I see her. Haven't played a Tekken game since 5DR.
>that spoiler
I need this in doujin format immediately.
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still obsessing over sf6 tekken cuck?
Asuka is boyish enough.
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Idk who this is and haven't played a Tekken game since 3 but I fucking love hime cuts bros
>tekken now caters to agp trannytroons
oh no no no
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Eat the rich!
nta and I know you're baiting + shitposting but anyways
her """"relatioship"""" with asuka is a rivalry thing with a shitton of retarded japanese humour on top
it's never implied she is into asuka sexually or vice versa
not even a hint of it in the actual canon
just a retarded japanese humour
also her t8 ending doesn't have asuka at all lol - she just dabs on law and chats with leroy a bit
she has an ending with azucena about tea vs coffee
also she is connected to eliza, they're sisters? (but eliza got flushed so we will never know more)
originally she also wanted a revenge on jin
and she is into ganryu because she likes fucking thick eyebrows
tl;dr lili was never a dyke and you're a fucking tranny
Is Lili the last white blonde girl featured in a big title game that isn't a villain or twitter feminazi pandering type?
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didn't read, Lili gay
Eat her hairy pussy more like
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why did he do it?
Lili 120% shaves.

Asuka on the other hand
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I doubt that anon.
Like his friend, he also hates rich people.
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That's all I have of "naked Lili"
He just hates the french
I demand sauce now
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>I play games for the plot
The plot:
I don't know about Lili, but Asuka surely has a big bush.
He's a misogynist chudcel.
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wrong picture fuck
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>Lili 120% shaves.
This. Or she has a very delicate trim.
But nude mods >>689983902 are universal unfortunately.
What if I asked her not to?
But that's impossible because according to doujin logic, nothing can beat the cock.
Back to twitter troon
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Hilarous gameplay discussion here
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Main menu thing is just a small part of the latest bretty good patch for Tekken 8.
The way she look at me, its like she's telling me that I'm a poorfag and laughing at me for being corposlave, slaving for 9 hours per day doing ui/ux design with underpaid monthly salary of $350 while my friends are having fun with their dad money and being a rich neet without doing anything as seen on their instagram page unlike me who are looking at reflection of a defeated men with youth crawling out of my skin whenever I took a glance of myself in the mirror
I couldn't find the setting, where is it?
Thank God we won't have to look for the ugly old man snout for 3 months.
>look footage with Reina on the main menu
>she looks at us with maximum bed eyes
W-what does she mean by that?
It's the webm dude. Lewdgazer. You should also check his other Lili vid (standing bondage with creampie)
stupid french slut
Who hurt you, incel????
What makes her agp coded
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Next update
Lily is genetically enginered to rape japanese tomboys
When is Tekken getting more r34? Things are looking dire
Options - screen settings - main menu character display settings
My knees....They bend of their own accord....
You just know she's thinking about training with Heihachi
when it has a fanbase that can draw, so never
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I want to play with her story. I mean I want to play her story.
based. Lilisuka holds no water. Retards think the smoking gun is the lewd banapass pic like that isn't a common anime chick trope. Either that or they think the Queen's Blade depiction is canon.
you mean the patch that upgrades the practice mode you never touched and that reduces Dragunov damage by 1?
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>minding my own business
>playing with Ghosts
>having fun
>suddenly realize the Ghosts not only learn strategies and techniques
>but also 'moods' in a way
>start seeing Ghosts going super Saiyan sperg on the final rounds if they lose
>just like their scumbag players hiding their power levels
>when I thought I will kick ass
>I get my ass kicked for 10 matches till I figure it out and beat them
>thankfully they are still the most enjoyable mode
Ghost fights are getting real. I wish people praised this ai learning feature more. It's a truly miraculous feature that can save fighting games.
>skintight micro-bikini
hoooooly I need to get this game now
WHAT the fuck is that look and heavy breathing. My chairs are violently clatter. Wtf really, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE, I love her so much.
Ghosts still fail to learn how to counter some easy-to-abuse moves. So if you find a move or a sequence of moves like that on your character that works vs AI - it's over
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Yeah some coom mods make this game very hard to play
*You* personally never discuss any gameplay about any games on /v/ anyways. You probably just do nothing but orbit the catalog and go into shitty threads with a twitter screenshot, or concord threads. Even when you do this, you never say "nice gameplay discussion here" to those threads I bet.

It's only a problem for you when you see a beautiful woman from a video game being discussed.
Catbox more of that outfit
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how bad is the battle pass? I bought the deluxe edition and never touched it after learning about the battle pass shit but I'm getting bored of kof15
Ok but you still have to pay for good cosmetics
Around the same time the Japs and koreans who can actually draw give a shit about it more than sf6, granblue or strive, when this board has consistent threads about it that are actually about the gameplay and when the few threads it has aren't filled with shitters like
who can't handle playing against other people and call adapting/playing well being a scumbag(never)
i'm too weak and you have convinced me
This really needs to be edited so that she just keeps spinning.
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>play Tekken 8
>try to find a couple of characters I like and understand
>most have wacky moves that are somewhat unpredictable from what you expect when you try techniques
>(or others are heavy and slow big guys)
>look into fighting styles more than how they look
>what's this
>Lidia does plain old karate
>no wacky dancing and stance changes
>might be alright even though I don't understand why the president of Poland is here
>try her
>press punches and directions
>she does what I generally expect
>try the kicks
>fairly straightforward and what is expected
>learn some bits of her flow
>wow, her simple style actually helps me focus on Tekken techniques instead of getting confused by flashy, twirling moves
I think I will stick with her for a bit. I can see now why she is popular and a good addition to have. Especially for learning.
I also find Jun good for this. Reina is fun too.
I'm a Lili main with over 1200 matches with her and never jerked off to her. I see her more like a daughter.

Go meet a Lili player and see. Dear God, do not actually seek out a Lili player. I heard that shit for years and thought it was a joke, but no, they genuinely are a bunch of freaks.
I know it's just me. I get emotional and having palpitations when a human starts low key, makes me feel I will win,
then suddenly they start the launchers and super sayian energy.
Who's this You guy? Anyway elaborate on why they still don't punish pluggers and use Excel to ban people
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I just have shit I saved from /v/ it's not much
Maybe people on Twitter have more 4k-5k screenshots with coom mods idk
How about we meet up so I can poop in your mouth and call you a shit eater lmao
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yeah, that's what I thought, keep on with your retarded gamewars and porn addiction, bye
I play lil li and SERGEI DRAGUNOV because my first Kekken was 5 DR on PSP and these two were new characters.
Why don't you really stand up to what you believe in and go to a strip club and argue with people outside until you get yourself killed?
>Open Tekken 8
>Lose to Lily at the title screen
>Close Tekken 8
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>it's over, street sissy 6 is fucking finished.
You have a couple of months until we are back on top again.
>no preg mods
lame af
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She looks like she enjoys asserting her dominance over Japanese women.
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built for Hwoarang
AGPfreak thread.
This retarded crack fatfuck is still alive AND seething? KEK
Can you fags stop talking about AGP when PCI Express has been the standard for 30 years now
File deleted.
>AGPfreak thread.
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>>AGPfreak thread.
Built for BAT (Big Asuka Titties)!
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Kys, trannies.
Holy kek it's actually a slimetrannoid having a melty
Good shit for posting this >>689989789
NOTHING beats it
this nigga zesty
what a funny buck..
>*locks in right after*
>bounces right back
good for him!
Did they add back her original dress costume?
Yes, $3, pay up
That's that chick in the new Monster Hunter game.
im on a heroic dos e of dmx rn no idea of wjat is ogog o
wait, that's not a mod? might buy instantly if it's actually official.
Jin, you mean.
>play Lili in previous games because I'm retarded and she's the only character I can understand how to play
>apparently now her fanbase has gotten real weird in the new one
Alright, how do I expand my brain and play some fucking Yoshimitsu, always thought he was cool but could never understand anything about him
>>apparently now her fanbase has gotten real weird in the new one
How do I into WS moves consistently
Also how do I play Jack
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build for big Korean cock
>let's other people dictate his actions
Little bitch
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When is she going to marry Asuka though?
Thanks, I was waiting for this.
The fuck do you mean "consistently"? Just block lows and hit your best WS button, ezpz.
>Also how do I play Jack
Stance spam for days baybee.
People compare the Sakura/Karin and Asuka/Lili pairs a lot but they're really all totally different characters and only resemble each other in sharing phenotypes.

Lili's really a total nice girl compared to everyone else on the list that happens to be an autist with what is definitely, 100%, a sexual fetish for violence. Asuka fucking hates her too unlike Sakura and Karin's friendly rivalry.
Just wait two more weeks.
She's busy being (my) wife.
You must be a newfag for thinking this is new and you are retarded for letting the way people perceive players of a certain character affect who you play.
>I wanted to see Asuka naked, goddammit.
That's how you get the incompetence out of your system
What's the big deal?
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I like Lili because she's in Digimon
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Why is ojou-samas’ feet always look so delicious and erotic, bros?
Uh-huh, just like Jin and Hwo
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Yoshimitsu is much easier to play than Lili in tekken 8
That’s a mod made when the game released, since then there are several official bikinis added.
Should I reinstall Tekken? Did they rebalance the roster enough so not every game is against same characters or moves?
>ywn have a gothic lolita gf
Now we're talking
Balance hasn't changed in like 3 months and won't change for another 5 months or so.
Not in my porn.
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Why is this allowed?
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Dragunov is about to be hella nerfed bro
are witches literally just caricatures of jewish women
god I love tastefully dressed women so much
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They stated he is getting damage nerfs. Dragunov could do half the damage he deals now and he would still be broken. They need to remove properties from his attacks and massively reduce tracking on them, which isn't going to happen any time soon.
god I wish white women were real
street gooners
me too
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If you gonna buy it you should wait for near Heihachi's release, Namco might do a big discount, well they will if they're not retarded(which is it's not unlikely that they are retarded)
No. Coming with an update on 30th
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Why play competitive games if you can't handle the tilt?
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>she is so fucking hot that it's actually bullshit
My thought exactly. How can she be this beautiful?
Don't care

Jun and Nina for me
Based 44 year old woman enjoyer
Self-punishment for failure is manly
They are already doing a discount on psn
What about steam?
She's going to legally buy her and have her status officially changed to house pet in Tekken 9. Asuka will be forced to wear nothing but a collar and make yipping noises.
Lili wants to marry Asuka, screencap this.
I like how people post this as if it's supposed to be bad when that's literally number 2 in the entire genre.
That thing that scrambles the egg inside the egg is cool, I haven't seen that before.
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He should have been chosen one
Lili would be perfect if she wasn't so tall. She's listed as 182cm. That's 6 feet which is ridiculously tall for a girl, and she wears heels all the time.
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horrible taste
/v/ be like: "errm that's still a woman and I can overpower and rape her on biological strength difference alone, so what if I'm a weak skinnyfat, I'm a guy"
where do i get good tekken porn lads
The chad fat bastard stride.
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As per in-game data
Lili - 180
Kazuya - 181
Paul - 187

The shoes must have been taken into consideration, and models are made with them in mind for gameplay purposes, consistency for range and stuff.
Lili is 180 with heels, if it wasn't the case, she would be on the same height as Paul(187), and not Kazuya(181). Meaning she is about 173cm, and with heels + ~8cm gets to Kazuya's height, and her in-game model corresponds to that.

Proven beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Isn't that game made in China?
Fuck off. Lili loves Jin
Yeah, I can totally take her, just watc
is the game fun yet? I really hated playing the beta even though I loved T7
We will lure her out and then overpower her with numbers, there many more of us
>tekken gets hot girls while sf gets facking manon
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You guys are simps
God she's so cute.
Some of the lighting/shading looks awful in some angles, like at 0:05 and 0:07
Can I set it to show Asuka's giant rack
>it’s okay when Japan does it
Need her to destroy me
This info makes me like her way more. I wish she was taller in fact
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its okay when anyone puts cute girls in their game
heelmogging is adequate to her character
... heihachi isn't in the game? what the hell?
I found the monetization of even just Tekken 7 offputting, Bamco have been extremely Jewish for years.
He supposedly died in 7 bro
Just wait for final GOTY releases. Then you can make a better idea of how bad it is.
And she'd say it all in French.
And step all over my balls too, ya know, for good measure.

That's why you all play her.......right?
So what's with people here pretending to play fighting games?
Lili is a pure idiot
And pure sex
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Lilly is nice but a bit of a button masher. You can win without knowing exactly what you did.
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I love Lili and her wife Asuka
nigs shitli so hard
How do these games keep getting made when the sales figures are so bad?
Tekken 8 sold 1 million in 1 day and 2 million in 20 days. Sf6 sold 2 million in a month and 4 million in 1.2 years. Mk1 sold 4 million in less than a year.
She looks like she fucks japanese women
Kazuya sunglasses, Kazuya sneakers, Kazuya dishware, etc.
Realistically speaking what would happen if she did this to my balls?
dude she falls canonically in love with Ganryu
lili is not gothic lolita, complete opposite in fact she dresses all in white.
She is not even a lolite just a hime
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Official manga btw
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Where's her cat even come from?
It just suddenly appears in the newest game?
Poor man's Sophitia.
Reminder in this thread that Asuka is the more "bloodthirsty" rival than Lili and that the former literally wants to beat the latter to a pulp. Lili just trolls her around.
Is it only with their default outfits or can you use custom selections too?
>poor man's Sophitia
Where is Sophitia's game?
Lili a pure. She doesn't know what CBT is.
>kicks japanese men in the balls and then steals their women
Based ntr gaijin stacy. I wish i was jin here.
I need to see Lili with drill hair
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Xiaoyu is Jin's woman thou
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I know, i just like yuri and femboy ntr, but it's so rare.
And Nina?
Lili players are either faggots or fascist racisist bigots, no in between
nigga you just described the entire t8 cast, fucking powercrush safe on block heat engager stance transition into mixup 8 sucks
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I love Poland!
Ohohoho! Asuka lets Lili sit on her face for money!
A manly man is irresistible
>Tekken 5
Yeah and Asuka is still a shrine maiden that is able to purify the Devil gene, which is why she had such a big role in Tekken 8 that was all about the devil gene!
I thought it just had an update?
Last update was Lidia months ago
>ywn have a hime gf
You rise to the top as a Lilibro and take back the straight mans character
>Muh vee out of nowhere
Cause only fucking Japan does it. Kike
How many tries did this take to get the hair right?
Nue won
I just like blondes nigga. I don't care about your community autism.
I also play King and Heihachi
Don't even play this game but Lili is made for me.
t. pale blonde hair green eyes
i'm a simple man i see hime cut i get hard and play game
It was a coincidence
more girls need bangs
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Guys need to be dark haired
Fair hair is a feminine trait
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Life in a 3DPD world is pain
From the thumbnail I thought she was bending over
Kino doujin
>king and Hei
Yep, faggot
>try Jun
she's okay
>try Reina
>try Eddy
not fun
>try Bryan
he's okay
>try Lili
... idk bros, thinking of trying Lee, Xiaoyu and Yoshi next. maybe even Heihachi cuz why not.
just can't find a char that gets me excited to play
You fighting fags are legitimate schizos>>690020431
>with in-game ads
woah you sure did win
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Uh huh. Well, Lili is for feminine traited men is all I can say.
she even has a dick aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Why did Asuka turn into a construction worker in TK8? Is she fat what's going on?
No she's for dark haired med bulls
But she’s from Monaco
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I miss Negan.
When is Negan.
everyone in this thread is brown
its a fighting game thread
May I have your daughter's hand in marriage?
Downright peculiar.
negan the vegan lol
I'm convinced homosexuals are a myth.
moar nude butts pls
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>shit game dies
>start appealing to trannies
i see kekken is trying to go the skullgirls route lmao
How tall is Lili again? Haha...I'm only 172cm...
-> >>690005042
You’re mentally ill.
I'm not a lilitroon thoughbeit
Post Lili's armpits
>Want to get Tekken 8
>The coolest boy and best girl are going to be in Season 2 of SF6

How do I justify my Tekken 8 purchase over SF6 season 2? Haven't brought Tekken since 5. Would be more convinced if Christie was in the game.
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What a disgusting boke ass thread
Wait no more nigger? also when's Grandpa
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cba string memorization simulator
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Bratty Asuka variant needs Lili correction.
>>a beautiful, well-proportioned, athletic and slim, 6 feet tall woman
>>nah, I want her to be shorter
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Why are Japanese girls made to be dominated by pale blonde girls?
>>try Bryan
>he's okay
this is a character that shits out counter hit launches
what exactly are you looking for
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tall women will give you powerful sons
You tried 18% of the roster, bro. Keep looking
What the fuck is your problem with T8 roster? Genuinely curious
Stick to a character else you'll fuck up your muscle memory.
Any bottomless outfits?
I was born in 80s and I miss pubes like you wouldn't believe it. Why the fuck is pedophilic stimuli normalized is beyond me
nta but no armor king
Or fucked by ugly bastards
How naive you have to be to expect AK in base roster? Come the fuck on
You think like a deranged Twitterfag
I don't expect it. I demand it.
Wait so this shit is real?

You mean Japs can't even have ONE blonde character that they subject to their ugly bastard degradation/villain trash?

Why is it always the blonde girls they shit on?
I still want to jerk off to her himecut.
I want Lili to give me jerk off instructions.
notice how any praise tekken gets literally only comes down to two things
>muh woman
>b-b-b-but it's better than SF6.
it's embarrassing. people will sit and defend a game that bastardized everything it did right. play arkadyzja if you want to play real tekken
Because they hate blonde people
How come there is no doujin about Lily and Karin scissoring all the while both of their tomboy girl toys, Asuka and Sakura wait at the foot of the bed kneeling, naked and collared just in case their mistresses wish to play with them.
Do I need to learn to draw myself just to make this obvious thing exist?
They would not be bored or unimpressed with my penis. I have swollen lymph nodes (sclerosing lymphangitis) on my cock that makes it look like a thing of horrors. The horrific screams upon seeing my mangled member would delight me in many ways.
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Just use AI anon, what age do you think we live in?
Why do Japs do this to blonde girls? They even do it to blonde guys, kek
Still shorter than me
though by only like 5 cm
I prefer my girls under 149 cm though
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It's so the plain stereotypically Japanese non male gaze "good girl" who isn't the white bitch with big tits, scores the handsome high value prince charming like Prez from Kaguya, meanwhile the bimbo fucks ugly bastards
made for ryona
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I like the graphics
>normally play 2D fighters, haven't played Tekken in like forever
>friends are playing Tekken
>yeah sure I'll join
>keep getting myself killed because keep crouch blocking

fug im retarded
As an SF6 guy, the only thing I am jealous of in Tekken is the graphics. I hope one day we get a new Soul Calibur with this level of graphics.
This but Asuka is the one slapping Lili
or Lili's father
>This but Asuka is the one slapping Lili
Kill yourself.
>or Lili's father
Fucking Nips and their ugly bastard shit because they fucking hate blonde people
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it would look alot better if there wasn't so many dumb effects. why does everything have electricity, the reasons EWGF and shit like kazuya WS2 stood out was because of it but now it's something that every character has on it's jab strings. movement also looks pathetic. https://youtu.be/siLL4Al2skc?t=367
I don't find it hard to internalize that I shouldn't default crouch block coming off of 2D fighters, but one thing about Tekken that does always trip me up compared to 2D fighters is that in 2D fighters I feel like it's typically big, heavy looking moves that are unsafe, going by the logic that the attacker is still recovering from the heftier animation when the opponent recovers, but in Tekken I feel like it's much more common for the big heavy attacks to put the opponent in so much blockstun that those moves are the safest ones, so I always end up mashing on what to me looks like it should be unsafe but is actually completely safe.

SC6 pisses me off because I love SC's movement way more than Tekken but the game basically got ditched by Bandai and I doubt they'll ever make 7 or even rerelease an older SC
no rollback, letting people bring custom characters dressed as huge fucking cubes in ranked, pretty much no support from Bandai after the first few months also the RPS shit got tiresome but I heard it wasn't too bad towards the end of the game's life

like if they did a huge update for SC6 and gave it rollback and a big balance/bug patch, I'd genuinely be happy to play it again but I don't think it'll happen
>I doubt they'll ever make 7
There is going to be an 8 year gap between Tekken releases. Bamco aren't just gonna have their staff sitting around doing nothing between that time. May as well let them work on SC7.
Tekken team never was the dev for SC. SC devs are Tk Devs are fairly separate. And SC devs basically don't exist anymore
Jesus, Tekken is kino.
the only thing soul calibur needs, is soul calibur 2 dolphin rollback netplay with an easy UI, a la Slippi.
I have no hope for a SC7 being good
she's a girl who likes girls... she's exactly like me!
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Kill yourself faggot
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How do I get a Lili gf?
Look like Asuka
be a japanese tomby aikido expert or a japanese sumo wrestler
Bamco have washed their hands with Soul Calibur. Its over unfortuantely. The only thing we can hope for is a SC guest character in Tekken.
Kemono links are down. Know where to get more of Merlyn's work?
try nekohouse. it' literally kemono but way less archived artists
She's top model tier, you'd have to be crazy famous or a top nfl player or some shit.
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Lili is just another ugly bastard trope because Japanese developers hate her and she's a villain.

Same reason why the Japs always have beautiful elves getting raped by orcs
I look cute :) Is that enough?
how do i filter your retarded worhtless ass?
Remember: >>690029043
>first good Lili model since 5DR
>nu-Alisa looks like a shitty roastoid in exchange
fuck you harada
Why tf they do this ugly bastard shit?
He took em off mega and now gives access through discord like a fag.
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I'm just teaching you a valuable lesson about literally every one of these characters you see in Japanese media.
Even the boys like Miquella
Lose some weight, you ugly disgusting fat fuck. No one cares about your shitty crack ship
Outdated, shame for everyone who's not Asuka.
this nigga got sugar in his tank
if anything miquella raped mohg. it's an inversion of the ugly bastard trope. update your script bro
get that thong out yo bussy playa
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I would say it's simple slutshaming, and a general contempt for Westerners/noble types.

So let's say a man has a choice between a Japanese virtue girl who is plain, vs a large breasted cheerful foreigner girl she will slutshame that rival woman.

You see literally this with Asuka the Jap and Lili, and this is the base structure for most of their stuff like romcoms and that sort of thing.
Strong pure tomboy tradwife Nippon girl, vs effeminate big boobed whore airhead blonde foreigner girl.

So effectively they're "fighting against the male gaze"
He seems to be the kind of an IRL virgin fatfuck who lost his crush to a lesbian. Must be a NTR fag too
>is into NTR
Why is this so common?
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Look, I'm not a fan of it either. But it's better to acknowledge the truth.

This is how they always deal with these types of characters
Corruption/degradation is hot, that's why
t. pussy-free fatfuck
Lose some weight or you'll get a heart attack pretty soon
>Fatfuck tries to push his crackshit as the truth
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>Retarded /pol/fags are now labeling NTR as troon shit
What's next, are you gonna label 4chan's Hiro as troon too, retard?
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Corruption/degradation is a feminist tactic.
It's how a woman attacks her rivals, and funnily enough they have even men falling for that kind of manipulation
>NTR as troon shit

Always has been. But
>Weeb and yuri
>Now NTR and corruption
Is there anything that /pol/ won't label as troon and/or feminist tactic?
A lot of time the approach with yuri is "my presence as a male is problematic, with this couple there is no male figure being gratified" but at the same time yuri is pretty opposed by SJW types because men are getting off to hot women kissing, and they're objectifying them
NTR is like "this type of woman should not be glorified or presented as loyal or fulfilling the wishes of the male gaze" so it kind of squashes the idea that "oh I'm going to fall in love with this character who has a problematic design or overly male pandering elements in her character" and it presents the more realistic, strong, proper representation of a woman as the substitute
ntr is straight up mental illness so yes, definitely trannoid shit
sorry to break it to you, sissy hypno enthusiast
>trannies are now defending cuckshit while crying over their /pol/boogeyman, as if normal people don't also find NTR revolting
It's just a fetish dude. Any deviation from your personal preferences makes a person a tranny now, or what?
>yuri and femboy ntr
Ankocucks, this is your mindset.
I love Lili's boobs so much.
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A woman without a penis is like an angel without wings.
jessie what the fuck are you talking about
Damn SF6 women are ugly. Lets hope they don't fuck Mai over.
Imagine Oscar's fat tits
i have no hope personally
zestiest motherfucker i have ever seen
Sweetfluff has the best nude mods, but i wish he would change the color of the pubes depending on the woman's hair color. It's black for everyone.
because thats not possible
Light in the loafers.
unless the characters all share textures, yes it is possible.
they all share textures yes

One of these is a guy, the other is also a guy.
damn, i've never heard of a game do that. sucks that's the case.
underrated post
Me shoving an entire jar of pickled herrings into my anus on live stream
Normalfaggots are the ones constantly cheating and betraying one another, so no, it's absolutely normalfaggot fetish, lel. Stop trying to label everything you don't like as "troonism" of some sort.
There are specific traits that make NTR what it is, and note how it's always usually the same exact character tropes
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>70 fucking eurobucks for tekken 8
That's it. I need Lili's tummy NOW.
>no blondes with Hime cuts IRL
fuck this gay earth...
Yeah, it's focus on the misery and how pathetic the cuck is and how much better off the girl is fucking literal street trash compared to him. It's typical normalfaggot shit, since they are the ones that will gloat about someone else' misery and justify their soulless psycho behavior by saying that it's okay so long as the guy deserves it. Literally commonplace, from work to school or business.
It only released this year, that's not that surprising, not to mention how Jewish Bamco are. I don't mind the price of the game so much, I mind more that once you open the game it'll be constantly advertising you and trying to get you to pay for its worthless microtransactions, season pass that costs half of the game's price and giving you ingame ads.
>blonde hime cuts
Pretty rare in fiction too. Kinda blows.
>I mind more that once you open the game it'll be constantly advertising you and trying to get you to pay for its worthless microtransactions, season pass that costs half of the game's price and giving you ingame ads.
It's all so tiresome.
what a shitty character, only good for porn
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what's her killcount?
ALL of my future children.
>A normal sperm count ranges from 15 million sperm to more than 200 million sperm per milliliter (mL) of semen. Anything less than 15 million sperm per milliliter, or 39 million sperm per ejaculate, is considered low.
It's trillions...
>sexualizing white girls is okay when japan does it
white underage girls*
I said I might racemix with a Japanese and breed Asuka but no, I will preserve my ARYAN blood and breed Lili
I think Lili would have visible pubes.
Post maids
Because it would be cultural appropriation if done by an american.
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Looks like an ewhore with a bogged face
It is on a sale on PSN
They have blonde people fetish,remember hitler spread some of his aryan superiority ideology in japan,you now realize how many blonde characters are in anime,they are always rich and superior,sometimes 50% american 50%japanese because they would would love to snatch some of those genes (unfortunately for them its recessive so they will never manifest),and when they make up some perfect form transformation bullshit it involves them getting blonde hair,see:goku,sonic,kaede from last blade
I refuse to buy playstation stuff.
Wait it will soon be on sale on steam too
Yeah, I will wait. Put it on my wish list for now.
As a blonde haired, light eyed person, I am flattered by the Japanese and I wish them the very best in maintaining their homogeneous identity.
Her killcount is about to increase by a few billions... how can she be stopped?
I meant like very soon. Usually there is a discount on new dlc release to attract attention. Sf6 does it far more aggressively.
I foresee trillions dead.
>Hey goy sorry Tekken 7.1 sucks but here look at this heavily censored bitch's three inches of thigh skin instead of getting to see any part of her that would match having Kazuya's 4K muscular pecs shoved in your face
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There are bikinis in the game
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ending this thread with some honesty.
pic related
Oh shit Lili's Tekken 6 bride outfit is here and I missed it...
I honestly need to see Lili naked.
Shut the fuck up nigger. The moment coomers infest a game's threads that means it's over. Dead. Tekken 8 is a disgrace and you're part of the problem.
woaw a good post on /v/
>this heavily censored bitch's three inches of thigh skin
>The moment coomers infest a game's threads that means it's over.

Bipolar tranny lmao wtf.
Did you people never played T5DR, she is into "strong eyebrows" as they remind her of her father, damn elektra complex as by her own words, not the fat part.
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Can they actually make her look french instead of this weird gook shit?
>Marie Rose and Lili commit gamer genocide on a daily basis and nobody bats an eye
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Then use the ancient Chinese tactic of uncucking
Lili gifting me a day with Marie Rose...
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>More Asuka x Lili in Tekken 8
>Fatfuck's fatfuck self-insert doesn't even appear in the game
I'm so sorry that you crackshit was killed off for good in Tekken, you lonely fatass
See >>690012423 >>690014557 >>690037995
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Asuka is for the Chinese BVILL
I can't believe Asuka is married to this bimbo
What do you mean by that? Do they have to make her black?
>actual RAPE ending
Old Tekken was different...
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He probably is. He hasn't been seen since this ending.
no. you’re illiterate and raised by a single mom
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Good morning Lili
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>just grabs her pet and goes on her merry way
That's bs numbers
Anon, I just... to Lili. You can't do this.
From reddit
>Reina (162 cm) standing vs Leroy (187 cm). Yes, Leroy is a little hunching, but that would make a 5 to 10 cm different AT MOST.
Reina (162 cm) vs King (200 cm)
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>Camera focuses on her chest
What do they mean by this?
>love interest talk
There really aren't many good men in tekken, eh? All the girls are hot and all the guys are fucking weird. Japanese games in general tend to do this
They're not called "plot" for a reason
I forgot Zafina was in this game.
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They're just shitposting. The OTP is obvious here.
She wants to get the story off her chest
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is it that weird for a few anons to understand that asuka is only a friend to lili?
Bikinis will look tame compared to Seductive Set we're about to get
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Where my Eddy bros at? I've picked him up as of last night and am enjoying getting free rounds by pressing 3, throwing in a 4 on occasion, and opening up the neutral with back 3+4. What's the Eddy drip guide? Obviously I will be freeing him from his stupid Killmonger cut (no real person has ever had that haircut)
Only AGP losers are obsessed with Lili
I remember this doujin.
I mean, there's also a recurring trope of tall, blonde haired Westerners being arrogant and cruel/dopey and big-nosed but don't let that stop your Nazi fetish
I just realized we're gonna have 'Cena bikini and Asuka's fat tats in main menu
We're going to have much more than that
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Impeccable Taste. I'd also take Anna.
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Anna awoke something in me...
I never played this game but this bitch makes wanna goon
I miss Eliza.
Anna > Nina
Steve agrees
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AGPfreak yuritroons lost.
I don't accept amwf, sorry
>she'd just seduce your girlfriend
she's straight, faggot
>both games are live service season pass slop
>but le waifu is on my menu screen, that's so based buy me twenty copies please!
wafufags are cancer that kills entertainment media just as badly as woke shit does (look at at all that gacha shit and even diarrhea like baldurs gayte 3, only waifuniggers care about these "games")

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