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Fuck you.
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Ai cucks btfo
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You bet
>Dalle fags saying all their haters are diaper fetish furries
>like half of them are diaper fetish furries themselves
What is this projection?
>That faggot could be my sub if it wasn't because AI!!!
Kill yourself
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It seems someone is testing a new model on the AI arena, "Blueberry" and people think this might be the first tease of DALL-E 4 since OpenAI teased GPT o1 as "strawberry".
Either that or someone is trying to copycat OpenAI and drum up hype for a random closed source model.
Fuck you
Get a real job
>Entry level furry
Bullshit, they don't ban these
When will this furry diaper fetish discord fuck off?
where can I bet money on this
It's the most transparent "trolling outside of /b/" I've ever seen
I'm sorry I will not be commissioning you. I know! Haha, I know, but sorry, no.
When the janny(s) protecting them are removed.
kek based
>lil buddy still mailding about the furry who denied his comm and has PERMABUTTHURT
Could be the case, GPT5 is going to drop before 2025 and I heard that they were already testing Dalle 4
There's no way Dall-E 4 is ready in less than a year unless they are greatly lowering their standards for what they consider a stable release. If there was a new Dall-E (there isn't) it would be 3.5 at BEST.
Why did we have to get the get during euro hours...
>Confirming to literally have a furry diaper porn patreon
Hahahhahahahahaha so transparent and funny, post your paypal I'm feeling cute and want to donate $5 bucks
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good for him, I wonder which seething poster is working over time in this thread
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>There's just a general of off topic furries roleplaying on the board who would spam all sorts of rulebreaking shit and screech autistically when someone call them out
>Even a legendary 6 digits get can't get them to fuck off
Realistically, how can we fix this?The mods are one of them and these fags are too mentally ill to stop anytime soon.
Should we just wait until they eventually die?
get better material
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>complain the dog is being harsh
>suddenly it's being more charitable
I'm thinking get that ass banned
i think ill generate some porn of ashley doing anal later
the rest of /v/ is sinking with the get thread, it's pretty worrysome that most of the shitposting is coming from our pet AI schizo
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post gens
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skipping sanae because she doesn't wear panties
Well the leaderboard says that over DALL-E 3 there's something called "DALL-E 3 HD" which I assume it's the version of DALL-E 3 that premium GPT users have access to, if blue berry isn't related to DALL-E, you can actually consider DALL-E 3 HD, DALL-E 3.5
DISCORD screnshoot time?
why are we getting raided by /v/ right now? isnt this bannable?
Isabelle status unconfirmed
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The get was meant to be and is the TRUTH.
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what should I look for
Based, this.
We can't know for sure, but with each new version, they might not need as much development time
>by /v/
Is just the same sperg of every day
regret never saving that jojo prompt from last year
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You're probably just seeing things. Dog gets stupid sometimes
Posting gens
This would be hot if she was just fit instead of a freak
Post my stickers bitch!
fuck your stickers, you post them
Can we just pull the fucking plug?
>anything interesting is already done
>all the people left here are either bots or people too mentally ill to leave their only source of social interaction
>Discussion so stagnating they are just spamming images at this point
>Create fake banter and drama to try make more people interested
>Didn't work,so desperate to stay alive started spamming porn and giving away money just to make people stay
This is beyond pathetic and could be one of the worst threads here rn(yes,buddy,Twitter screenshots,Character simp and other whataboutism you are throwing is better than this).Just fucking stop and get a life please.
>in b4 ad homiem
hexo sexo...
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If you mean the priest ones, they're not worth seeing

I'm laughing at furries
lol *drops mic and dabs*
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well well. what do we have here? statue/mannequin fetish?
Can I have the prompt mate?
>they are just spamming images at this point
honestly that would be based, it would be just like last october
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This place is just a mental asylum to keep these faggots and weirdos from ruining other threads. They'd do even more damage left unattended, it can't be helped.
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She's presenting?
the glory days when the threads were just images and prompts
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How does skull knight fuck this gobbo?
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just doing some yoga
now it's just discord trannies jerking each other off
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which jojo prompt?
Containment thread,sorry.
Genuine question, why do these posters get so vehemently defensive about AI that they will resort to screaming incomprehensible rubbish about porn accounts and trannies? What do they stand to gain from it? What is it about AI that gets them so incredibly invested in it?
I'm genuinely trying to understand perspectives on AI art here.
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No, I'm trying to weasel around the dog by refusing to refer to women directly as women. Sometimes this prompt renders them without faces

>Elegant Dark fantasy Flat-colored digital art by Akihiko Yoshida.athletic shimmering white slime monster(based on Overwatch's Mei(motherly plump, athletic),nun habit.bobbed white hair.Very tall.slinky athletic slitted red and white satin curtain draping cocktail dress covered in gold filigree and accents).In a misty fantasy grotto furnished with bookcases and magical implements.presenting pose.wide stance.sunset.bright glowing gold shadows
who are you talking about
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The discord trannies are in the discord
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who is in the right here?
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She doesn’t Citriti v3 is Skull Knight’s descendant
When you see this word you instantly know someone is a furfag
Tribalism+paid shills.
Post the stickers coward.
thanks. but i will re purposely for statues since I am getting a kink for them
someone made a lowtierloan back in september i think in the jojo artstyle. also someone made him a horse and boogie his rider but i think this one didn't share prompt
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Any examples?
Most people here just go "it's cool"
Thats enough /v for today. I can tell it's a no video game day today.
I'm talking about people like >>690002636
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Yeah this method doesn't really work very well for other things. Coze (Yes, I still spend five minutes poking at it occasionally) doesn't do well with this crap either

But Bing gives me shit it would never give me if I just flat out asked for it doing it this way
>bro ai suck
You can literally see the reactions in this thread and the last one,why are you lying?
Imagine if you had nothing going for you and these were the majority of your social interactions. Of course you'd do anything in your power to discredit the people criticizing it.
uhhh anon? ---> >>690005806
If only it worked
>Hates furshit
>Post Trump
Eh, I'm not liking the choice between furshit or election tourist
what about BWChako?
People like to form world views on extremes instead of reality, I'm not really sure why. I think the vast majority of people don't really care that much about AI or just see a dumb image, shrug, and go "huh, neat".

Most people on this site in particular need to create specific groups of villains for everything that they don't like so that they can always point to that specific group and generalize so that they don't actually have to have any meaningful discussion about a subject and can just instead go "well it's THEM again" even if isn't actually.
The "social interaction" thing aside, why AI specifically?
If only it worked
What if she inks?
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Here. Have this one. It's my favorite
>The discord trannies are in the discord
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Mid Journey lol
too fucking bad making them headless is a bit hard
I blame that porn statue game for making me search for something rarely drawn
>Bold floating Japanese saying "MENACING". Manga. a character(description). jojo posing(position). behind him there's an ethereal character(description) attempting to punch the viewer, grabbing user's back. Jojo's bizarre adventure Background: background. Drawn by Hirohiko Araki
This should do the trick
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Because it allows this place to be a sfw /b/ . Even in the A.I discord the conversations are rarely focused on A.I. It's just that the pretext of A.I just means "random bullshit: go"
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then it means she got a good workout!
>tfw Skelefag is already father
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This. It's like kids playing yugioh in a library. You're not even there to borrow books, you're there because it's a place to sit down.
So whats the quick rundown on all the drama?
A get made everyone lose their minds.
>angry otter eating watermelon
Angry seal munching on pineapples moment
2024 Dalle is shit and people get bored
>see female character
>think tranny
You good?
Aifags were destroyed today
Anon exposes the furry diaper porn patreon, the patreon owner gets mad and start samefagging
AI bros lost so hard today that we are going to have to hold an emergency meeting to determine the future of these threads. It should be sometime this weekend but the timeslots for the council livestream will be posted in the discord
/pol/ parasites went mad about a get
I can understand the polarised worldview dynamic especially on this site, but is there something about AI that makes itself one such subject? I don't understand why posters like the one I highlighted in the previous post choose to make AI their hill to die on.
AI art is just a cheap novelty that isn't meant to be taken seriously at best, so why get so extremely defensive?
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>Someone mentioned /a/ bans A.I
>Poster replies that /a/ is based along with a god tier GET
>Trannies start melting down calling anyone who is tired of the discord cucks a "patreon furry"
>Screenshots of discord reveals that the main regulars are indeed furries
it's very funny seeing asocial aspies trying to fathom the concept of social interaction through their schizoid lens
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>Most people on this site in particular need to create specific groups of villains for everything that they don't like so that they can always point to that specific group and generalize so that they don't actually have to have any meaningful discussion about a subject and can just instead go "well it's THEM again" even if isn't actually.
Good lord this happens so fucking often. Nothing can be viewed as a separate phenomenon but rather as some kind of HUGE VICTORY or MASSIVE LOSS for some sort of "team" because /v/ is full of traumatized, paranoid, or simply retarded manchildren.
Ai cucks got btfo
I always chalk it up to immaturity. This doesn't apply to just AI but really anything where people get so invested that it makes them lose their minds when someone has a differing view on it. You see the same thing in video game threads here be it people trolling or people being actually genuine when they froth at the mouth after someone says the game they like is bad. I can't really sympathize with it because people have called the games I like shit for my whole life and it doesn't bother me.

I assume there is some other factors with AI where there is a fear of the unknown where it might be taking people's jobs or the fear that it may ruin something they enjoy already which I think the latter is a bit more valid. Such as in the sense of AI taking over video game development and lowering the quality of games or something. I can understand that, but then taking the leap and turning yourself into some weird anti-AI zealot seems to be the wrong way to go about it.

But I also think those types of people will never give you a genuine response to why they don't like AI other than "AI is slop, no like AI".
>the main regulars
Don't lump them in with 'cord recluses
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I wish Bing wouldn't love umbrellas so much because it's incapable of drawing them
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mating press
Uh oh you made them mad!
naked apron and naked overalls is up there with bottomless for me
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Look at this little guy

I didn't even ask for him
It's just people guessing the identities of posters. That's all it ever is.
Not in the cord
I might have used nai for a very slightly furred version of a videogame character basically just a human with fur and ears and a very vague hint of a boopable nose that couldn't really be seen straight-on but it was entirely vanilla and therefore not enough to tip the scales into being something possible to consider as furry
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See what, Koharu?

Bing doesn't output nudity.
don't lump patreon here
remember that paypal is also banning users who purchased NAI
that's me
>paypal is also banning users who purchased NAI
My post implies that it's a falseflag
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More like this?
Yeah I'm calling bullshit on this too.
He cute. I like the glasses on her too.
Yeah that's the stuff
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What's up
>moving goalposts
stating facts hurts, you know.
This reads like they're both lobotomized, it feels like I'm reading my baby brother's chat logs. If these two aren't underaged and they type like this I pray for them
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Paypal is banning???
>anons sees human interaction outside 4chan for the first time
since 24 years ago nonstop.
Post ginny...
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its funny how they get so mad about not being able to post furry
What are you even talking about dumbfuck? I guarantee that you misinterpreted BOTH posts
>Don't work
I just come here to share my feelings about cute fluffy wives bro
It is shrimple
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Go on then. Let's hear it.
3/5 of those are much better than whatever gay shit they're discussing in that discord. Not sure what your point was.
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Poor NAI chads
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I'm gonna go play vidya now
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Palutena's gonna go suck Pit's uncut willy
but enough about isabelle's stinky rectum.
unironically kill yourself
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Isabelle here! Remember Isabelle thinks YOU and your prompts are awesome! OK back to playing Space Marine 2! Have fun prompting!
Looking forward to only using BIC to slop September 30th~October 1st
No designer, no Copilot, no NAI, only BIC
the poster, not the image you fucking mong
Which had practically nothing to do with >>690006524
you brainless dipshit. You just mass replied to anyone that had the word "patreon" in their post like a dumbass.
oh the drunk driving criminal scum federal hacking evader chapter 3 brat is back,nobody cares you
>likes WMAF
The problem is?
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Which get?
you first, uronically.
Detective and Slime refusing to join the 'cord is vindicated every day
So angry that you couldn't wait to hit submit huh?
what does discord tranny mean in your mind
I'm curious
Listen freak
Paypal is baning users who breaks serious crimes like buying illegal services and other "suspicious" activities.
don't make this shit up and don't lump your feud here,please understand.
none of these noimg posters seem to understand one another
How did Skull Knight produce this descendant? He's a skeleton
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At no point did my post say anything for or against that point you brainless faggot. Not rewarding your bait with another reply.
So ugly that you couldn't accept it, heh.
Do not talk shit about paypal you furfag mong
They're a tranny that's in a discord
They're a discord user
They're a tranny
at this point you're so pathetic that you can't handle the truth,your dumb bot only is rewarded by smart replies like me, you temperature room iq sperg.
He is a happy sailor, that's for sure
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We don’t know but it happened regardless, generations of goblin-goblin relations however have bred out most of the necro traits
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I bet most of the furry / futa fags are all in the discord
oh ok so you were retarded from the start. got it
lurk for 5 years before posting and welcome to 4chan!
is this post noimg?
so stop bashing shit about elon, you motherfucking twerp.
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Maybe you should ask yourself why you seethe so much about AI when it's just a bunch of images. Are you scared it's going to "replace" you, and don't want to admit it's actually because you're worthless and talentless? AI isn't kicking you out. You just suck really bad and you always will, deep down you know there is nothing you can do about it.
Don't talk shit about my nigger lancer
Mummified penis in goblin hole?
Shriveled nutsack shooting dead and rotting cum into a goblin?
Let me see those goblins with necro traits
Still nothing about them being a discord tranny
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then just think harder
kek, and I don't plan to
I tried to prompt popeye some time ago and fairly often it made him a weird dog creature
lmao what the fuck
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We told you, IRS agents are nothing but nuisances.
that's crazy kek
top kek
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for real?? dude this ai shit is WILD
Honestly it's not the furry porn or whatever about the discord that's the most pathetic. It just seems like a group of people that are still thinking that getting banned on 4chan makes you cool. It makes me think they're all 16.
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Sketch Manga Drawn, Drawn By Masashi Kishimoto, Grainy Effect, Limited Pastel, Impressonist Anime Painted, isabelle from animal crossing, hanging from the ceiling by a rope, pained expression, open mouth, stylized text below says "-ACK" long eyeballs bulging forward
Not to mention that getting banned in a DALLE thread means that at least 2 - 3 people thought you were a faggot and annoying enough to be worth reporting to begin with
What does it mean if you've never been banned?
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Nowhere in the post was any of that implied. But since you're here, what is it about AI art that appeals to you so innately?
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haha indeed my good friends, sometime the ai can be so wacky sometimes
The average age of the discord is like 30+. Isabelle is a married Dad.
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He made me his son's godmother.
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my sides
is this real?
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>I don't really look at 4chan anymore
says the dude regularly posting during all hours of the day in like 4 different dalle threads
how's that? slime is ESL and detective probably has a low social battery
i heard we were host to niceget
what are you retarded and can't read?
>aside from Dall-E threads
Pretty sure everyone in the cord is ESL and Detective seems to have an actually active social life outside of these threads (constantly busy on the weekends, vacations, seeing movies). Just saying they both dodged and continue to dodge bullets
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Probably something like this?
>instant isabelle defense force
knew it
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yeh, /a/ get
And male goblins humped that?
you didn't answer the question
how did they dodge bullets
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defending criminals is not a defense force
awesome gen, anon
Kek. If he has to explain it to you, you're too far gone as well.
"dead" is not a genotype
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The discord seems like a special brand of cringe
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Tough crowd
I'd love to helpyou ou hough
I'mm unable to do so ATM.
So sorry.
In between family stuff AND trying to doing something for the board(s) I frequent (?)
I'm swamped. Simply cannot do anything.
I'm stretched to my limits and...
Let me be clear.
Nobody implied you and the male goblins had anything else in common except for this:
>You might as well love the one you're with, that God has gifted you with, because that's all you're getting
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yikes imagine having actually having children and wasting hours of your time bouncing between A.I threads on 4chan and in a discord

[X] Doubt
2 replies with nothing to say
I can wait though
Nice pantsu, welcome back
>reposting the same image
>dox addict reposting old info
>thinks he's anonymous
>overly attached to one topic at all times
average /v/ user
People keep saying Isabelle is married with children but where is the proof? why is it just one dude who keeps trying to spread this lie
No matter whats explained to you, you'll just deny it anyways. Anyone who isn't a basement dwelling troglodyte can tell you that excessive use of 4chan alone (let alone discords that spawn from it) would be detrimental for your mental health, critical thinking, and vocabulary. Being and sitting with other retards for an extended period of time prepares you for doing just that, being a retard and wasting the time of yourself and others.
It's just a joke. It's funny to say.
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it's obsessed fanboy trash
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I love the scents of Autumn.
>euro hours 6 months ago
>cool skyrim bro
>furry porn
>slow and chill threads
>euro hours now
>discord drama
>discord drama
>random thread drama
>discord drama

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EU Hours stopped after gore spam started happening every other night
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Also skull knight takes a rez up potion, he just prefers being dead
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pic related
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a poignant image seeing how he is the one doing a lot of the noimg shitposting
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misery loves company
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Reject OCfags
Reject coom

Embrace COMEDY
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sex with furbabes
I thought this said furbabies for a second
did you think this non sequitur would distract me? answer the question
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I like ocs cause they cute
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You're cute.
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we're only missing one thing
I'm good thanks
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oh god my sides
monkey's paw from all the bitching that the threads suck and are dead during euro hours
Penny-List! Pretty cute.
I've heard if you say "chopped willy" 5 times while holding your cutting board, he'll appear...
has anyone generated asuka before?
How did you get blood?
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>Euro hours
bro you're like
you're like 5 hours early
just be sure you don't mislabel foxgirls and I don't think anything bad will happen
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Yeah gun elf
Speaking of which they've been mia
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>the acker....he's coming for me!
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I return to eat some food for a bit
deciding if I should drink 2 beers or just a soda
Remilia would not be in the sun
2 beers it is
Eat 2 rats
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this is my new signature character, the Ackerman the -ACKer
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A cake
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what does he d- ACK!
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He's from a video game jannies
that's chuck D head though
extremely based
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Mountain Dew
Indeed, he's not an OC, but he's their greatest nightmare
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why not?
I'm not a cat
don't have either
weeks ago
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You will never be n64 cartridge head
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If you want porn or furry, go to /trash/, if you want discussion or non schizo threads go to /co/. They also seem to welcome anthros over there too.
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She's a vampire and would burn up
drink 4-6 cups of coffee!
diet pepsi
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ohhh I see yeah that would make it hard to be in the sun
coffee is gross
Drink lemon garlic mixture with a bit of honey
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good design can I have the prompt to test on Midjourney, please
raven haired girl jennifer from labyrinth movie in chevalier armor dress with gothic astronomical makeup. full length polished marble ballroom shot. platinum armor with chiffon sparkly iridescent shoulders and sleeves
dat's rite!
My sweet child...
That dude was pretty kino
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Ginny no...
I wish choppy waw here...
Still testing Illustrious. Only had to do some minor inpainting here with NAI but could have probably done it fully with Illustrious inpainting as well.
waw :(
...I only looked at the thumbnail, thought that was a twink...
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it all tastes the same to me and leaves a weird feeling in my mouth. not like an aftertaste (which is also bad) but like it feels like it coats my mouth with a lingering bad taste/feeling
You think cause you say nothing you are strong?
waow ;_;
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I love dalle 80s face more bro, thanks
Is that a...
>thought it was a twink
>didn't open immediately
It's not adding up.
Sticky note?
I was getting up to leave and now I'm phone posting, thus the lack of images
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Is that Lillie?
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Is a cute, confidant Lillie. Thanks.
this isn't that same prompt, is it?
For me it's Selene
threadly reminder
avatarfagging OC posters should also namefag to make them easier to filter
>"The time has come and so have I...."
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post a gen
paula or mariafag?
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She cute. Just started Ultra Moon, but I picked the boy.
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nope I add Tifa

cgi, square enix animation, raven haired girl Tifa Lockhart final fantasy 7 Game in chevalier armor dress with gothic astronomical makeup. full length polished marble ballroom shot. platinum armor with chiffon sparkly iridescent shoulders and sleeves
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>dalle 4 never
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hey, that's the jerk off man!
No! It is you who is the jerk off man! Enjoy your 3-day vacation, ai child!
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I drink 2 more beer
fuck honkers
Need bare butt
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that's risky anon
mods have banned for less
I don't see any nipples
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true that
Cute feet
Bian is so sexy
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>A breathtaking high definition photographic portrait of a A Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(femme,green eyes,anthro bat,blue eyelids,white short hair,dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),pink heart print on chest) emerging from a Phoenix fractal formula z(n+1) = z(n)a + c*z(n) b + p*z(n-1) Julia set entropy cascade, focus on the subject, seamlessly intertwining with fractal patterns, micro details
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guys you have to post
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I literally carried these threads all day today, can't I get a damn break?
hard work is hard for a reason
experimenting with repetitive junk and there's no need to post for the sake of posting
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Why is she mad?
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because nobody is posting
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*hunts u*
noooo don't hunt me hahaha
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Think this is it for me tonight
ok I love you bye bye
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rest up champ
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I expect more exhibitionist antics in the future
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*eats u*
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slop lives matter
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Convenient censorship
>retro 2000s future aesthetic, jungle beat, vibrant white atmosphere with slanted views of a blue ocean interior on the side of the image, reflection, water ripple, abstract, barcode, the words "HEAVEN:EXE" are written in bold black font, a super imposed image of girl (short black hair, loose white t-shirt, chest, abdomen, hip) in faded detail drawn in style of a Yoshitaka Amano colored sketch, girl blends with the background, floating iridescent orbs, shading
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Thank you.
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Does she actually have hacking skills or does she just mash buttons until she gets into something
Elves aren‘t meant for hacking.
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a baby maker?
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Maybe later, time to shift gears
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Can't wait for Elon Musk to make his brain chips so I can plug myself in and slop every waking moment in my mind, direct brain to slop, slop to brain, endless stream AI generated images flashing in my mind turning my brain to slop
I want it I need it
every neuron in your brain storing slop
"Morty, its me"
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good evening ai slop niggers
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Post his foreskin
AI is a reflection of what humans have created, you can't hurt human artists without hurting the progression of AI. If it's good enough for you now, sure, fuck 'em. if you want it to get even better, you need to make sure human artists have jobs
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ok, elpo's forehead is built for kissing
just say "no homo" first
isacker is based
>just say "no homo" first
I don't wanna feel the male hair
waw :(
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A reminder.
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This tranny shit is by far the worst shit tier fetish that has ever existed. This is at the bottom with scat and feet.
For normal people I'd recommend them stop looking at porn, but for this AGP shit, I don't think there is any hope of recovery. This has to be a humiliation thing and you must know how gross this is because the grosser it is the more you shove it in people's faces.
Just ignore / report
What? Please, please stop obsessing about trannies man, it isn't good for your health.
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Will these appease you, strange SS13 poster?
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>using a 1024x1024 resolution image instead of gore for ants
>reposting the same image instead of scrapping the bottom of the barrel for random gore off image maps with images you can barely tell are gore
clever girl
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oh he's back

You don't have to open catboxes, stupid.
It's funny that the people in these thread complain about the gore being the same boring picture with no sense of irony too
I should give inpainting and vibe transfer a try

no frog
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part 2
mental illness general
Inpainting goes against the spirit of sloppa and is an abomination. You must post sloppa as god created it with no modifications.
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we cant let thos get archived without reaching image limit aaaah
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Prompt to midjourney brother?
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what happened to his signature boyshorts?
he's right I'm back
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AI fucked it up a little bit
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Not my image d⌒(> _ <)
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thanks brother
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her smile and optimism, and frog: gone
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thanks brother
well img2img and some tags lol
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she found a new friend
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cute bro
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>leave the thread 14 hours ago with the schizo having a massive meltie
>come back to the schizo still having a massive meltie
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It was pretty quiet these last 14 hours
sexo elf (//ω//)
Stop lying you're always here
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>somepony sitting here for hours spamming gore when it's obvious there are only like 5 posters here at this hour and the thread is nearly on page 10 anyway
Surely there must be a better more disruptive way to do this without burning through 10 IPs an hour.
The resolution thing is more clever than I'd expect from him, but xir can do better
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Why does it make you this mad?
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maybe char ref will improve the expression brothers
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I don't want to help this guy but the way he does this is very inefficient and seems pretty dumb. Obviously people aren't scared away by the gore and it's just silly.
There are very obvious things the guy could change to be more effective and I have a compulsion to give him some tips, but I don't really want to spoonfeed him
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Someone should post this at the beginning of each dalle thread and marvel at the melty it causes
Yeah, not reading allathat buddy :)
>All that text
You see pretty butt bruised to me.
don't care what anybody says. hololive is based
mah nigga
But melties happen all the time anyway.
I will impregnate this midget
I am among allies
you'll have to wait approx 8 months
hololive is cringe
All Vponys are cringe
>the schizo prebaked a thread
How do you even manage to get so mindbroken by a bunch of 1024x1024 pictures
What always happens is what person starts shitposting and gets joined by another who can't think for themselves
he got upset from the gifts
this dude is mad 24/7 lmao
will you faggots hurry up and bake before this shit takes off?
I wish I had his energy and dedication, or at least his supply of adderal.

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