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Why do developers keep hitting the diversity button when it's clearly costing them tens of millions of dollars at this point?
Unless they manage to do a comeback and convince young people to get drafted for being male alone again then there is really no point to this.
it was never about the money
Im not playing it. Thats all.
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You’re really bad at the whole “fake outrage” thing here’s a (you)
This but ome do it for the money.Jews
also block funding if you don't follow the agenda
How is this diversity? Its a Japanese person in Japan
These games started development a few years ago before there was any significant backlash. It will take a couple more years before we start to see any true turnaround.
The only cancerous diversity is the inclusion of the cancer known as (((bisexual))) representation. Everyone should avoid games with it.
It's a female ronin

Japanese women are 90lbs and sedentary
These companies have so much money its ok to take these hits.
Yep its the message
It says a lot that you guys somehow can't fathom the idea that it is simply what they wanted to do.
Yes, its what They want
if you want to go for that vibe you have to actually make her attractive
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>Who's they though
>hitting the diversity button
>Asian woman in an asian setting
Is this what the discourse has come to
Yes a female ronin is unbelievable
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It's sucker punch, they already done it 10 years ago, aint nothing new for them.
When did /v/ become r/Asmongold? It feels like post 2016, we became retards with no actual views.
4chan poisoned the real world, not the other way around
>in an asian setting that had nothing to do with other Asian nations that do not have national male exclusive draft in their history
>when it's clearly costing them tens of millions of dollars at this point?
Laugh at concord and ubisoft all you like but this clearly isn't the case. Diversity doesnt cost gaming studios/producers millions, bad games do. DEI is just a helpful scapegoat for clueless laymen and politically charged midwits to point at to try to make sense of an industry they'll never even begin to understand.

Just consume the products with "right" stuff in it and stop trying to think too hard before you hurt your brain.
Most corps aren't profit maximizing now a days.
CEOs are a stubborn bunch who need a good few years of failure before they adapt, and meanwhile grifters like SBI get to leech off of CEO incompetence. They still got a good three to five years before the CEOs get pissed off enough.
okay but even if this game plays well I won't play it because I already know I won't be able to give enough of a shit about the character to immerse myself in the game world
The actual creators of the game. It's like you idiots forgot all about the white guy that wanted a black woman on the box for Fable but was stopped because of corporate meddling from Microsoft.
You could probably apply that same logic as to why you can never get a girlfriend
I’d buy this game if she looked like this. But she doesn’t, so I don’t understand this cope?
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Because the financial system is held hostage for those who don't conform in their agenda. So companies would rather take the sales hit than be stigmatized in the long run.
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>"They were going, 'You can't have a black person on the cover, and you can't have a woman. And you want a black woman.' And I was like, 'Yes, I do, because it's about be whatever hero you want.' [According to McCormack, Microsoft said] 'No. It's a white guy. That's just the way it is. We know what sells and that's f**king it. Stop the arguing.' I was like, 'F**k you!' That was a huge fight."

>"They said, 'What's the most unsuccessful Disney film? I was like, 'I don't know.' They went, 'Princess and the Frog. Work it out.' I was like, "F**k you, man.' I hated it."

>McComack went on to say that Microsoft "missed the point" of Fable III overall by putting a traditional-looking, male hero on the cover.

>"I was screaming at them in conference calls," he said. "I lost it at that point, because they just weren't getting the game. Especially because we were the first ever game that had gay marriage, we were about breaking down walls. It was meant to be funny and mature. They just took none of it and just did the usual white guy with a sword on the front. Damn it! You missed the point!"
did GOT ever sell itself on historical accuracy?
>japanese woman in japan
Yes because it's historic fiction. There are no mystical elements to the universe that would suddenly make women twice as strong and capable of killing professional soldiers.
The VA/model is a tranny
>There are no mystical elements to the universe
Nigga your weather controlling flute? Your magical objective pointing wind?
Isn't it interesting that it is mostly boys and young men who play video games and yet in recent times instead of giving them proper male heroes as a vicarious role model of sorts they give them women or trannies.
Can you imagine if in ancient Greece or Rome boys weren't raised with epic stories of Hercules or Achilles or Hector but rather some woman or tranny.

How would have that worked out for Greece or Rome and the men who built those civilizations?
NTA. She's a theyfab, for fuck's sake.
The first game literally had three 1v1 duels against women, with "the ghost of Yarikawa" actually having slain a bunch of people before Jin learns the dance of wrath from her.
Stylish touches, there's also a Kurosawa mode

The in-game universe does not lack nor have an exposition for the lack of sexual dimorphism, so there is no grounding to it which creates a break in immersion.
>I was screaming at them in conference calls
I wish there was a way to physically pick at someone's brain to understand what mechanism causes this kind of self destructive saviour complex behaviour
The kind that makes you seek the most obnoxious and othwerwise ineffective way to promote your self admonishing personal biases
We talking about the same game where granny lesbian samurai managed to hold her own against bandits that came to kill her family, lady archer who is the bestest greatest archer in the whole island, pirate cove boss lady who puts decapitated heads on pikes, and "vengeful spirit" lady that slew a bunch of people to avenge Yarikawa?
Yes those are some immersion-breaking moments in an otherwise good game
>Boomers who invented female protagonist games and the very video games themselves want to enable male exclusive draft in real life
Denounce WW3.
>immersion breaking
You maybe considered not self inserting into videogames and just take them for what they are, which are pastimes?
Why haven't they gone bankrupt how long have you been saying it's been costing them tens of millions of dollars? Ten years?
Why do you retards shit up the board with these nothing topics the game isn't even out yet and she's still fucking Asian
Like every other piece of art they are more enjoyable if you are able to immerse yourself in the world and make you think about the world outside of the game.
woman can't be samurai, SBI cocksuckeer
The main character in GOY will not wear this or act like this.
That's the problem
Did anyone buy GoT expecting the sequel to have female protagonist? To be fair I somewhat did when that multiplayer feature was added.
Ubishit is finally going bankrupt inshallah
>this IP has a-aways been woke
first spiderman as well, now it's worse.
Oh. You're one of those "videoGAMES are ART" retards. That explains everything.
I wish you luck on your screeching into the void at first world problems.
This isn't an asscreed shadows thread, retard.
>Art has strict definitions that exclude this one medium but include a can of soup and period blood on a canvas
Esta la creatura
She is Japanese.
>everything HAS to be art
Nah, retard. Sometimes a banana is just food. Don't need to be a retard and tape it onto canvas.
What's your definition of art?
Queer people should be barred from working now...? Retarded unless we're feeding them with your paycheck
The only jobs trannies should be able to have are prostitute and pornstar
>it's clearly costing them tens of millions of dollars
its not though
Art is whatever it is I deem to be. And videogames? Druck, that ain't it.

Videogames are a hobby. A thing that doesn't add to gray hairs as we all slowly age on this rock. It's the fart you release after holding it in during a business call. It doesn't need to be transformative or thought provoking. All a videogame needs to be is fun. And slaughtering mongols left, right, and center using swords, kunai, sticky bombs, etc then dabbing on their corpses by playing a little ditty on the flute? That's fun.


>faggots on /v/ are so fucking brain poisoned that they cant cope with a lady snowblood simulator existing
I'm sick and tired of you whiny niggers.
They've never made a good game as long as they've existed, diversity has nothing to do with it.
We could just let em starve and not worry about it.
Everyone can see the woke retard shit from a mile away. This game will be full of queers and probably blacks too.
Does the MC look like lady snowblood retard?
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because its funny triggering retards like (You)
She isnt a samurai tho
Actually in this case it might be developers thinking an exotic Asian women is more commercial than a threatening Asian man.
it was greenlit a d went into production long before all these big budget woke reksses started flopping
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>get paid millions to make a woke product
>don't have to care about sales
simple as
jews managed to convince liberal white retards that they're doing a good thing by hating themselves and their culture
they get off on it, even at massive personal cost
they view themselves as martyrs
its a huge ego trip for them
>Queer people should be barred from working now...?
nothing fake about it sweaty.
tired of out of place women and darkies
If she had pink hair and purple eyes you faggots wouldn't say a word. suspend your disbelief it's a fucking video game
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wouldnt have mind if she wasnt ugly
okay so make her with pink hair and purple eyes and make more obviously fantasy instead of the fantasy of people taking an enby samurai seriously
its not about making money.
it should be obvious by now.
no one has a problem with the fact that it's a woman
the problem is that they made the female main character really ugly, as usual, and she's going to be lesbian and have a horrible girl boss personality

leftoids endlessly shat on stellar blade for having a female main character
because she was attractive
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She's not ugly, you're projecting
get your eyes checked nigga
some people will have a problem with it being a female because the previous game established a male character
Perhaps I worded my post poorly. If she was pretty no one would say anything. The "women can't be ronin" stance is bs
project less
Nah anon's not wrong. The VA is ugly but the game protag is cute enough.
>it's the same person
No it's not. The game protag has a noticeably thinner face, basically oblong vs circle.
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I'm not really into the chud side of things here, but can you guys really just go fucking nuts over how Ghost of Somewhere 2 and how much better it will be than Assassins Creed Japan?

Seriously, it would be so fucking funny if it kills Ubisoft. The giggles alone will sustain me for decades further than my natural life.
The first game is still new on PC
Y'all are fucking retarded. "diversity" is not costing them millions of dollars. Normal people don't shit their pants every time they see a girl who isn't white. Normal people play the game to experience the game, not to virtue-signal to their chud buddies how "anti-woke" they are.

Also, its a fucking game set in Japan. You think the protagonist might be... i don't know.... ACTUALLLY JAPANESE.
Writers are more commonly leftists.
In this day and age it means that they can be a bit unhinged.
So then you have things like this. They believe they are fighting for the good cause.
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>y-you chuds are just making things up!
It's not very complicated, a ton of companies were paid to add it.
Expect to see it for at least a couple more years while the stragglers finish their abortions.
>Y'all are fucking retarded. "diversity" is not costing them millions of dollars
Tell that to Concord and Star Wars Outlaws
Far out, dude.
Holy God, you faggots are ignorant.
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i don't feel like this is a diversity issue so much as it's an ugly woman issue. nobody complained about Heavenly Sword, BloodRayne, or the Lollipop Chainsaw remaster.
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Meiko is top tier but I like this
do you watch movies? TV? does your brain seize up every time a woman is on screen and not a white man?
>Especially because we were the first ever game that had gay marriage
they should have got Karen Fukuhara to be the model and VA, she at least can speak Japanese
Eh... Words actually have definitions. "Art is whatever i say it is" only goes so far. Sorry, chief, video games are the result of creative expression by human beings. That is art.

it's about sending a message.
the message?
we are lame and gay
Anon, I can't stress this enough, posting ubisoft shitting their pants in a thread about a game that ubisoft didn't make means fuck all.
>Sorry, chief, video games are the result of creative expression by human beings
It ain't. Video games are the result of people who want to make a video game. Ain't no "creative expression" about two lines and a dot moving on a screen, and yet Pong is a fucking video game.
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Unfourtunately for them, Fukuhara isn't enough of a lgbtq activist to be cast.

Fucking missed opportunity
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I agree
Economic class Marxism failed with Stalin, so it metastasized and applied the oppressor/oppressed narrative to all aspects of society. Now everything is framed through that. To work at a dev studio, you need a college degree, and at university, this is the only ideology that is taught.
>if the conditions were different then your reaction would be different
Yes, and?
that wouldve been so nice,
western game studios should all go to hell
Don't doubt that the lackluster performance of Callisto Protocol scared her off of doing anything with video games.
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I usually don't find asian girl attractive at all, but she's the one asian girl that I've seen that is cute as shit
money isn't real, jews want total anglo death via diversity.
because what they lose in sales, they more than make up with the currency printer. They're being given currency in the form of loans in huge amounts to offset the losses. We're in a period of time where money doesn't matter any more to the powers that be, they have the currency printer and they have bought out everything in order to sell you propaganda.
Nta but good. Dogshit games pushing agendas should fail left and right. Just support good games. Fuck ubisoft and fuck that retarded faggot twink Paul Tassi.
"stop trying to think"

nation defiling kikelet detected.
For the greater good.
No. Games "flop left and right" because they're bad games.
Fucking Bald and Gape 3 is a smash hit in spite of /pol/tards screeching about pronouns, body types, niggers in positions of power, etc.
>this thing happened that one time therefore....
you've yet to make a point
>video games are the result of creative expression
you're' hallucinating about /pol/tards sperging about BG3. go find your meds
Nigger, people bitching about Wyll and his dad being one of the families that govern Baldur's Gate was no hallucination.
>exceptions don't exist!!!!!!
Are you the CEO of Firewalk?
>Representation is important
>Except when White men want it
Why do people keep not being me when me is clearly better than not me?
Idk how many times will I say to you chuddies normies don't care about culture war... bg3 and Hogwarts legacy sold millions inspite of righty and lefty meltdowns.
> diversity is when women
You were made by one.
I don't watch movies that have female protagonists usually
>it's just an exception bro
Are you saying all the games that had fuck all DEI that flopped were exceptions? Shit son, it wasn't that long ago that this board was making fun of Stellar Blade for only selling a million copies.
Can you please drop the queer vocabulary?
Why won't everyone just be me?

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>if you want to go for that vibe you have to actually make her attractive
>last of us 2 managed to sell
So poorly that they cancelled all the spinoffs and had to remaster both games to try and recoup some of the loss from the second game.
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based but this is diversity and uninspired i can tell its tokenism
Queers and old hags have infested developers. Queers care more about planting their flag than anything else. They're running these companies into the ground.
Non sequitur. Try again.
This is goddam sony we're talking about. This is their idea of NOT hitting the diversity button. It's just hitting it with a non binary mid japanese american instead of concord or allyoy.

Hold up. Have we heard directly from them what they wanted?
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how about I drop my seed in your mother
except it isnt; making shit games is
>everyone who disagrees with me is a leftoid
Sure bro. Day Before, Mortal Shell, Babylon's Fall, Gundam Evolution, each one of these are flops despite having no DEI elements.
>For triple A games if you can sell ten million units you're a success from there onward.
Thats not how it works, you literal fucking retard. 10 million is an arbitrary number you pulled out of your stretched ass.
Non sequitur. Keep trying champ, you might be able to form a coherent point eventually.
>>everyone who disagrees with me is a leftoid
when posting demoralisation bullshit, yeah, you're a leftoid until proven otherwise
>it's all non-sequiturs! You can't just say that bad games exist! Only DEI games flop!
Ah, you're just a retard. Carry on then.
It's about ideology.
It's about forcing as much antiwhite, antiwestern garbage into media, advertising, books, etc as possible.
Money is COMPLETELY fucking irrelevant.
It's ONLY about antiwhiteism.
Or in ass crud shadows case.
>so upset that he's now arguing against a strawman
Love it when lefties implode lmfao.
>but rather some woman
You mean like Atalanta or Nemesis?
>still can't disprove that games flop because they're bad games and not due to whether or not they have DEI elements
I accept your concession.
Thank you for proving that anon's point.
Bit late to try going back to classic ages when christianity has poisoned Western civilization beyond repair
Tikkun Olam
Cultural Marxism
Shant be buying.
Who said games don't flop because they are bad? There's that strawman again.
ghost of tsushima was always woke
>every woman is strong and independent
>every time they say to do something you have to do it like a bitch
>they don't have to deal with any consequences, like one of the main villains who trained the entire Mongol army to torture and execute several villages
you just weren't aware of it
This guy over here.>>690021339
Thats why we hate them, they are sick and dragging the entire tribe down with them

Traitors always get the rope first
>ceremonial larp
cringe af
I guess I'll explain this like you're a child. I am not that anon, hence why our entire reply chain doesn't include him. The question itself was rhetorical, the implication of the question was that I did not say "games don't flop because they are bad".
Up to speed now? We can actually discuss this if you wanna chill with the strawman retardation.
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what makes you think I give a single shit about what they want?
I'm the customer.
>hence why our entire reply chain doesn't include him
But it does, because I responded to his dumbass post, then you chimed in afterward.
underage newnigger.
So you're well aware that we are not the same person, but you still strawmanned for whatever reason? Good to know that you're a disingenuous little fucker. I thought maybe you were just stupid.
Why should I care if you're a different retard? It's all still part of the same reply chain.
I'll trust biology over modern reinterpreted "history". Women can't fight for shit.
The only good game they "made" was Rayman Origins.
holy underage
You ever gonna address the point, or just keep screeching like an autist about how the only possible reason a game can fail is if its bad?
There are no good Ubisoft games before or after that.
Sorry about your shit taste.
>you just weren't aware of it
Tons of people were, GoT just wasn't particularly egregious. Even Reddit was thrown off by how out of place it felt for Lady Adachi to come out as bi.
go back to school, kid
You have yet to name a good ubisoft game.
Is this the new tactic? Faking outrage?
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>what makes you think I give a single shit about what they want?
>I'm the customer.
It worked for borderlands.
/v/ will fall for any kind of bait.
>faggot leftist thinks you should buy thinks you dislike
Why are you like this?
she looks fucking normal to me. Not even intentionally ugly, she looks like a homely woman that would make an ideal wife. What the fuck happened to this place man. Old /v/ would be begging her to spit on them.
What other reason would there be?
Like I said earlier, Baldur's Gate 3 is a success even with woke stuff in it.
Like others have already pointed out, GoT has plenty of woke shit in it and that's done well.
Hogwarts Legacy has body type shit, a tranny bartender, and a lesbian teacher, and a literally better than everyone else nigger, and it's also a success.
Hell, if you wanna believe dumbass discord raid shit (which you shouldn't), Space Marine 2 is allegedly woke because the black dude, asian dude, and the indian major are all just DEI inclusions.
You gonna keep gummin' about how they're all just exceptions or just admit that good games rise to the top and shitty games flop, as they should?
Nah, i'm going.
>b-b-bbut u gon die
Yeah, that's the point.
I just want you to say what you really mean.
>Ubisoft has just lost hundreds of millions of dollars from Prince of Persia The Lost Crown and Star Wars Outlaws
>both games have Black protagonists, one of which is overly forced and the other which is just disgusting looking
>it's somehow surprising that they are taking steps to do something about Nigger Creed Shadows before it flops
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I'm the customer. I make the demands. Entertainment business isnt a welfare racket for homos and trannies, even if they try to turn it into that.
The Soviet Union was the fastest growing economy in the world under Stalin. He also would have hated woke shit.
The model and VA are really trans ? source ?
Because it was entirely self funded an European studio who didn't had to listen to Blackrock demands.
Nothing anywhere about the VA being trans, but it's one of those all gender pronoun snowflakes.
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Controversy doesn't hurt sales as long as the target audience doesn't care about it, and might even turn into free marketing. This is what happened with Hogwarts Legacy, and to BG3 to a lesser extent.
yeah, so, um, about the human and social cost of that economic growth...
Trannies spent several months trying to boycott Hogwarts Legacy and making kill lists of streamers who played it.
because fuck White people is their mantra
mine is to keep my wallet shut
>b-but what about these two or three things?!?!?!
GoT spent years building up its characters to the point they are at, and generally didn't have women dominating men in physical confrontations. GoT being woke is your fever dream.
Hogwarts Legacy is literally fucking Harry Potter. Your examples are not very good.
On the other side of the aisle you have shit like Concord, which should have sold millions bare minimum given that it had an advertising budget on par with a GTA game, but was rejected outright based on tranny shit before the game even launched. TLoU2 flopped. Forspoken flopped. VIIR flopped. FFXVI flopped.
Were in agreement that bad games do tend to sell poorly, but you seem to have this retarded worldview where a game can't sell poorly because of forced diversity bullshit.
In the same vein, a good game can do poorly for tons of reasons too. When you get a little older you will realize that things are not so black and white.
>inFamous: Flesh Light
And yet it still sold great in spite of that and the DEI shit the game has.
It's not about wokeness, it's about whether the game is lame and gay. The games you listed weren't lame and gay, they looked cool. This one also looks cool even though they're doing a woke protagonist switcheroo. Go too far with woke shit and you end up lame and gay like Concord and Borderlands movie. There absolutely is a connection between wokeness and lameness but there's certain level of tolerance that people can accept. I love Wrath, that game has a ton of woke shit but it's also cool so I can look past it. It's not infected at its core
t. nta
It's really too fucking much to ask these days that they cast one of the many, many decent to attractive looking Japanese women who are also better actresses, but instead they reach right past them, get really in there, scrap the bottom of the barrel to find that one he/she/it califag pseudo-japanese diversity hire to waste that opportunity on instead. And then afterwards it's always
>Why did our game flop? We only willing actively and willingly made the obvious worst choice at every opportunity!
>buh Concord
Have you seen the gameplay it has? It's shit. It does fuck all to innovate against other hero shooters.
It would have flopped even if everyone was a bolt on breasted anime girl, because Overwatch already cornered that market.
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>character dies in an edgy zombie game
>this is supposed to be shocking and woke
>and just did the usual white guy with a sword on the front. Damn it! You missed the point!"
beats having nigs and dikes on the cover. all leftists are mentally ill
Highly doubtful given the advertising budget. A few million copies bare minimum should have been expected. People were so turned off by the designs they didn't even try it. Rightfully so.
Hero Shooter isn't even a real genre anyway.
>muh /pol/
seek meds, loser. You and your resetera ilk came here and ruined everything with your identity politics
Yes, retard, because normies are completely oblivious to the culture war. Massive brand names will sell regardless of the bullshit that goes on in social media and the backrooms of these studios.
>A few million copies bare minimum should have been expected.
Anon, Stellar Blade barely got 1 and that's as bolt on breasted animu as it gets.
Well they clearly deserved it.
>Have you seen the gameplay
no one bought it to begin with, no one even knows that its gameplay is shit
>youtube doesn't exist
Would (the character, not the actor)
The game sold great because insane Twitter shitlibs screeched about it for years. Then the average normie looked at it and just saw a perfectly normal Harry Potter game.
With a tiny budget. You want to see big tiddie anime games with a large marketing budget? Look at gacha. That's selling pretty well I'm told
And what was Stellar Blade's advertising budget? Probably like 1% of concord.
You also completely glossed over the part of my post where I said games can fail or succeed for a myriad of reason, being woke among them. We could even discuss that further.
I'm starting to think you actually are a child, otherwise I'm not sure how you have such a hard time following a conversation.
Sure buddy. Bet you can't even name 5 objectively 10/10 games that flopped.
Ah, I see. Enjoy your (You)
I still remember her pert butt in those orange leggings.
1) Ico
2) Psychonauts
3) Beyond Good and Evil
4) Planescape Torment
5) Demon's Souls
Lone Echo
The Last Guardian
Dishonored 2
Mankind Divided
Bayonetta 2
>noooo those aren't 10/10
Nothing is if you want to be a cunt about it

t. nta
>I'm the customer. I make the demands.
lol no you don't. Many of the best games literally came about by devs creating things people never could have imagined that they wanted.
Most of these were cringe in one way or the other.
>That's selling pretty well I'm told
You mean like Destiny Child, made by the same people that made Stellar Blade? Oh wait, that's dead.
Maybe they just need to have a famous developer/publisher, like Star Ocean Anamnesis or Nier Reincarnation. Oh wait, those are dead too.
Maybe it just needs to have a popular normie property attached to it like Harry Potter. Oh wait, that's closing down in NA next month.
Gee it's like even Gacha is subject to "bad game flop, good game stay"
Hitting the diversity button doesn't always cost money. If you look at, for instance, Baldurs Gate 3 it made tons of money despite having a lesbian couple and a carnival tranny and a character creator that lets you put dicks on chicks. The reason BG3 did so well is because it's a solid game with attractive characters and doesn't bring real world politics into the game.
>please, BTFO me mercilessly
you asked for it
Shut up Erika, if you weren’t woke and a fully jp woman without jew shit. It would have been fine.
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Normies are gonna eat it up
If you want to be a cunt about it
I don't even know what's the point of the comment chain but the first Titanfall was successful.
>demon's souls flopped
you are literally retarded
Fuck you Paul, you're cringe.
It did initially fail to meet expectations. It took more than a year for to be a financial "success".
The pre-order numbers are pretty weak tho. Not to mention the game is a complete departure from the previous games.
goddamn you are retarded.
>It did initially fail to meet expectations.
no it didnt
they EXPECTED it to flop, yet it was a big success
Sony didn't release Demon's Souls in the West because they thought it was a huge flop.
No I mean the successful ones with a big marketing budget. What the fuck is Destiny Child, nobody ever heard of that. The ones you heard about, those are the ones with a big marketing budget
Okay, name 5 10/10 books that flopped. Before you start though, Herokiller and Earthborn are 1/50.
>tsushima is a tale of a male warrior throwing away everything he knows and betraying his entire existence to defeat the enemy
>the journey of the slow acceptance and turn to the point where he must fight and possibly kill his father figure

Men get it. It was good. The worst parts of the game were that old granny and the other strong woman bullshit that is indicative of modern writers. So lets throw it all away and essentially make a game where the worst parts of the original are the sole focus in the sequel? Genius.
>look chuddie someone's POC Asian grandma is a strong warrior and even more capable than any man
zamn I didn't even know I wanted to play as a lesbian in every game
thanks for this innovation sony
>have an exposition for the lack of sexual dimorphism, so there is no grounding to it which creates a break in immersion.
Yes Sakai-sama butchering about 1000 (if not more) mongol soldiers single handed, in some cases in a 20v1 fight, is extremely realistic and very immersive indeed, he is a stronk japanese man so it's logical he can do this.
Reading books is gay, only women read books and they also suck dicks. Draw your conclusions
Several famous authors and literally died of starvation and disease.
But she isn't a samurai, so what point are you actually making here
Oh you mean like Gundam Breaker Mobile, where they even did a big shilling thing with anime shows and a contest where the winner did a cameo in an anime.
Oh wait, that's also dead.
It doesn't. It's investment. Those companies would be dead decades ago without the investment. The gay agenda must be pushed. By whom? God knows.
this perroflauta was already in the base game, and her powers aside nobody liked her or the expansion
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>name 5 10/10 books that flopped.
Yes and also he doesn't piss or shit once. Video games are so silly haha. And what's up with regenerating health?
t. Seinfeld
>“If I would have asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
No, reading books is straight. Women pretend to read even though all they do is waste space. Try again.
Yes I do mean Gundam. That's one known for giant anime tits right? Or did you just completely lose track of the conversation
>they EXPECTED it to flop
Yeah, they expected it to top out at 15k copies. It wasn't until its Western release that DeS became a success.
I don’t think most people are gonna have that issue
For most people if the gameplay is good they won’t care if the protagonist looks different than what they were anticipating.
I thought wolf from sekiro looked more like a homeless person than a ninja but I still loved that game.
>moving the goalpost
Retards, all of you, genuinely. If you've been around long enough you know that listening to your consumers exact demands will always result in slop or stuff that is just mediocre and shit. A smart developer knows how to filter the noise. That consumerist mindset literally earns you gachaslop tier nonsense where the devs literally end up being terrified to do anything interesting at all and play it safe and predictable.
Misery by Stephen King is nonfiction. Reading is for fat lonely middle aged women.

Because the CCP has spend millions buying their way into these companies to push this ideology as a means of cultural warfare and to weaken their enemies. If not to just raise generations of westerners to be too riddled with personal problems to fight back than to groom the west to be more sympathetic to authoritarians, hate their own government, and be more ready to accept their systems.
What's wrong with this? She looks fine.
I didn't move the goalpost, I literally just set that post up you nigger.
The game also sold better in Japan due to good word of mouth. Sony didn't appreciated the game but Atlus and Banco saw that it was a quality title.
>listening to your consumers exact demands will always result in slop
exactly, just because the consumer knows that they don't like a thing, does mean that they have any clue how to improve the thing
Spoken like a man pretending to be a woman who doesn't read.
I wouldn't even be totally against a woman character however their track record with the first one and how they wrote the women in that shows exactly what you're going to get. There seems to be a lot of people running defense for this game but you're not gonna gaslight anyone who has actually played the first one.
A developer not listening to the audience at all is also a bad idea.
Death to America!
China Numba Wan
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Most Japanese banks and companies are in bed with Blackrock already. You just want to deflect blame away from the real culprit.
Outlaws and concord flopped mainly because the game is fucking shit, if you then have woke elements in there yeah that doesn't help and anti-woke lords will go apeshit
Obviously. But that also depends on many factors. But of course a lot of /v/ are actual absolutist retards.
Are "they" in the room with us right now?
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I think they've earned enough goodwill that I'm willing to wait and see more. And I'm certainly not down with the obvious shitposters who just want to call it sexisim. I 100 percent understand everyone who's nopeing out now though..
Look into a mirror shvster.
You literally did. Writing a book and developing a game couldn't be any more different.
Also, most of the books I've read were written before the concept of copyright or tracking book sales even existed. I don't read pulpslop.
not giving a shit about what they want is antisemitic racist sexist and problematic. do better.
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If I wanted a female ronin, I'd want her to be blind to justify the black and white screen. Also, having a zatoichi character holding a shamisen with a blade hidden in it. Then again, aiming with a tanegashima or arrows will be less likely.
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I genuinely believe its because this is just the version of shitposting for old jewish execs.
I didn't ask anyone to name any games. I was mocking the anon who said "name 5 10/10 games (you? Maybe).
Wait. I've SEEN that movie. About the girl who gets trained by Zatochi
They are being blackmailed, you gotta sell your soul to Satan in order to become the leader in producing a triple A video game. Selling your soul means you have to diddle or kill a kid, that way you take orders from the highest ranking Satanists to ensure there is diversity in your video games which promotes bad things. All the conspiracy leaks point to this. Or atleast heavily alude to this as the initiation process for legitimate power in our societal structure.

It's the only way to become a leader in video game production, that way you don't include traditional values as an agenda in your video game. Or more importantly that you don't make a video game like deus ex, the original one, which showcases legitimate conspiracies and world wide agendas which the masses can easily assimilate and become incited to do something.

Video games are a form of propaganda in media and whoever controls this controls the way the next generation of children think.

I wish I had enough money to make a game series centered around past conspiracies and secret cults, it would really open peoples eyes up and make them distrust Hollywood, Washington DC, and corporations in their agendas. Something similar to deus ex butmixed with the first season of true detective in a modern setting.

Why do you think the first season of true detective was more successful than the 3nd or 3rd season? Because it was based off of real life. Why didn't they keep going with what they had in the first season? Because that's how the real world works.

The agenda can only work if you have blackmail on everyone, doesn't it strike you as odd that no high-ranking video game produces voices their opinion against these agendas? They are being threatened and blackmailed to stay quiet or else it gets released and they go to prison or they get killed.

All the modern day conspiracies alude to this fact. Which is why the rich and powerful are all cushy with eachother and all support the same ideal publicly
This would offend me if I was a jew

Well yeah. Part of Marxism is that marxists get put n jail when the communists take over. It's like giving sugar to the children of a guy you hate. The kids think they are getting treats but you're actually manipulating them to be trouble for your actual target.
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because the goal is to burn everything down
it's a controlled destruction
You weren't supposed to tell anyone this. We have your IP. We are coming.
Did you even play tsushima? Past the intro you RARELY ever encounter male characters, every warrior and authority figure is a woman.
I respect the mental gymnastics deployed to not blame the jews anon.

Freedom Force 2
Gotcha Force
Guardians of the Galaxy
Tons of point and click games
Now say that again without recoiling.
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Deus Ex is mid compared to Harvester.

Blackrock is mostly owned by the CCP.
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I don’t like the asscreed basketball man, but this is really not that big of a deal, I used to live in Kutchan and I have been ay the top of Yotei-san so I am kinda interested in seing how they portray the area.
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>It's all so tiresome
you're using this word pretty fucking loosely if you're referring to the government of China
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Good luck kid, I'm behind 7 proxies.
Okay, what now?
>can't figure out what game he's talking about
>"...of Fable III"
With all the passion and anger here you'd think he was trying to make waves with a game that's actually good.
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HUNDREDS of millions.

At least 10B+ total for the industry, much more if you count lost potential. Especially since the effects of chasing out the talent is going to be felt by the industry for at least a generation.
It's mimicry, at first people did it because of dei consultant nonsense but some people got stained and the process and do it while not knowing why because they think this is the norm. It's what blackrock means with changing behavior.
Kojima was right.

people will complain about this but play the game in english despite japanese being available as an option
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I don't give a shit. You soft white bois are acting like this is the main character kek
People overreact as a result of past trauma.
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the kurosawa and moonspeak options in the first one were pretty cool but i stuck with the english audio because there's no lip-sync for the japanese one.

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I suspect that most people here just watch a bunch of gameplay videos or just pirate when they can, because I had noticed this too. I had bought GoT secondhand on my ps5, and there was so much pozzed shit(stronk woman who has to save her inept brother, lesbian old cunt who's stronk too, the greatest archer is actually a woman and a dindunuffin too, etc.etc.)I couldn't believe the game was being praised here.

No one here plays games.
if gameplay is good people will buy
but if the game depends on the story, or they forget gameplay in favor of DEI then it's game over

i want universal basic income so bad bros so i can finally buy RTX 4090.
>The CCP
bro it's a foreign tribe and they don't have slanty eyes
This is why every American president has to visit the Great Wall of China, bows to the ACPAC and has half his family line in bed with chinks...
Oh wait no it's the Jews.
Always been.
Because Larry Fink is (was) giving them hundreds of millions of dollars
Anyone got any proof that blackrock or other people are behind forcing gaming companies to use diversity characters? Or is it pure speculation?

Youre giving the virtue signalling game companies a free pass when its entirely their fault. They think theyre so progressive and saving the world by putting blacks and women in their game. I dont think its being forced on them.
It's most likely both.
It's not the really (just) the content itself, but what the content says about how a company is run.

Status signalling luxury beliefs relies on people denying things that are right in front of their eyes, since that is the most efficient form of a pledge of loyalty, and bores deep onto someone's sense of identity. Companies that promote the best status signallers to the top are doomed to fail when they no longer can rely on pleasing the ethics guidelines of institutional investors
Because they started making this when they thought it was good, and now they are stuck with the fruits of 5 years ago.
oh yeah, lets not forget the double dildo scene from lady snowblood, how progressive. lol
You say that but they literally hired that exact girl for Callisto Protocol, and it did fuck all to help the game sell. It's like "Dead Space, but melee focused" was a fucking stupid idea that no amount of JP QT could ever save.
It's about the money. They are failing because they are incompetent.
1. They think they can expand the playerbase.
2. People can invest in sustainable funds, wokenism it's an easy access to such funding.
Because all these turds have been in development for years, and it's too late to slam on the brakes. We've got years of this slop left to flop through.
Is a Japanese woman in Japan really diversity?
I find it kind of sketchy that Ghosts of Tsushima struggled to hit 500 posts but this game gets around 50 "DIVERSITY BAD" threads a day. Is this just what shitposters are riding for a new high?
It's one leading to the other. Execs threw out real devs to hire troons and blue hairs because they got paid for it by Blackrock and all the (((market research))) insisted it was the right move. Now, all of these companies are filled with dysgenic freaks, so the rot is self-perpetuating.
You're talking to people that never played the first game.
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> calls people ignorant
> posts an article by a person that writes white papers
Because accepting that fact and not doing it would be admitting that their ideology is wrong.
Did you play the first game? It may have had a male protag but it was already a very feminist game with how many strong women it had who could all do no wrong despite being by all intents awful people. Expect this character to be a lesbian girlboss out to smash the patriarchy. Don't be surprised if you find some note about Jin here mentioning how he was easily killed by some woman.

She's attractive so it doesn't count. You can usually tell how the female will play out based on her looks. The more attractive she is the less likely it is part of a modern progressive agenda.
the sjws were right, it's not about anything deeper, its just misogyny
Agree. Witcher 3, Baldur's Gate 3 and God of War: Ragnarok were all massive flops. So was League of Legends, Valorant and now Deadlock is shaping to be one too.
It is only about the money, if you disagree then post your short positions
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Because it's all part of environmental scores.

No im not kidding. Basically a company gets funding from various groups based on how "progressive" they are.

Look up ESG scores. The more points they get the more funding they get.

They HAVE to push this crap or they can't make games.

Also the company in question is specifically Blackrock

The more Sony appeals to them the more money Blackrock gives. Hence no white male leads.
>pubg spinoff isn't good

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fucking chuds.
Obviously the devs ALWAYS planned a quadruple amputee, poc with vertigo to be the main character.
thats not how loans work. you are supposed to pay it back at some point. (Unless you are "too big to fail" like any first world country for example) then ""debt"" is just more spending money.

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