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What's the worst character design you've ever seen in a video game?
UUUUNNNNNF Oh my fucking G-d...
idk why the devs thought making her look like she's from a newgrounds shitpost was a good idea. the only reasonable explanation I can think of is if it was supposed to be stylized, but sony forced them to make it photorealistic
you never see the pizza cutter in these threads anymore
anything out of /agdg/
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thanks doc...
God, I wish that were me...
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God, I genuinely can't wait for some former employee spilling the beans about just what the fuck happened behind the scenes and in all those years the game was in development in detail.
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It is Concord but not Bazz. Instead it's Emari, the fucking ogre in vomit-green football armor with neon blue lips. Who the FUCK is that supposed to appeal to??
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I look like this
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the mid-section on her armor looks like a cock
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Penny is so ugly holy shit
This is actually an iconic af character design ngl.
iconic doesn't mean good
swastikas are pretty iconic
what can we call the modern design trend where all characters just have a bunch of shit on them
What the fuck is with captain tupperware in the top right?
There's a phenomenal clash between the photorealistic character models and their completely insane unrealistic clothing. It makes them all look like they just walked off a B-movie set. It's horrible.
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From the river to the sea
What was wrong the art department for this game?
But the manji is a good design, anon 卍
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the villain from Neverdead
Get this thing a bra
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I'm comin' for ya!
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albeit generic, I find these 3 very cute and totally salvageable with some tweaks
What the fuck
It almost feels like they wanted to combine spirited away with lotr. The combination of east and west was kind of interesting.
most are just bland but daw, emari, and bazz stand out for just god awful designs overall
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Fixed it

I don't want to make a thread about it, but I've figured it out

>trannies are autistic
>autistic people think literally everything on a screen is reality
>anything on a screen that doesn't validate their delusions is an affront
>they seek to either destroy or inject themselves into any reality in which they don't exist
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Bottom left is basically Mechanica from arms with literally no interesting details. Somehow, I doubt it's being piloted by a cute girl.
I like calling it the kitchen sink method. Overwatch works because each character has either two primary colors or they have an easily identifiable trope.
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Xenoblade Chronicles X had some dire designs
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It's what a lot of people suspect: this shit was originally never supposed to be done in a realistic artstyle and more like something akin to, I dunno, Hi Fi Rush meets Moebius meets intestines and sausages.
Then Sony got their hands on it, demanded a realistic artstyle so they could use their expensive mocap equipment, the dumbasses at Firewalk's helm said "yes sir; will be done in six months" and the rest is history.
The weirdest part is the deep, serious voice that comes out of him. It doesn't match the design at all and just makes it funny.
I think they were going for a football/rugby theme.
it's just a tenga colored yellow
Mmmmm I'm gonna fuck that cat
The anime guy with the giant pizza cutter. I can't remember what he's from, but I recall every detail of his design making me wonder "why?"
This is a good design though and you've probably never played a Mana game before.
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Sonic Adventure 3 looking to attract a more mature audience
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its a terrible mid point between human and cat. and yes, I only played the demo and got bored
I actually like Emari’s design. Probably the only good design in the entire game.
It's absolutely garbage
>what can we call the modern design trend where all characters just have a bunch of shit on them

Over designed, confusing more detail for better quality which is definitely a problem post PS2 era when graphical processsing power increased. I noticed a lot of Japanese designs went utterly bonkers in the PS2 era forward (belts and zippers became a joke among Kingdom Hearts and Nomrua fans).
Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced and Advanced 2. What's funny is that it's only those two who look fucking stupid. Just look up Adelle or Frimelda from the secnd game or any basic unit of any race.
Not necessarily character design but cosmetics like pic rel.
"Big framed gemstones" or whatever, I don't know whether this has a name. But I see it everywhere added as an easy and awful looking design, be it on armor, sword or something else
>It makes them all look like they just walked off a B-movie set. It's horrible.
That's kind of what they were going for, but old sci-fi comics instead of B movies. With a better, less woke art direction and a less realistic graphical style it might have worked.
lmao, at least one of them was allowed to be a white guy.
It’s memorable, the colour scheme is nice, and she looks intimidating.
Just because she’s unfuckable doesn’t mean her design is bad.
>and she looks intimidating
this nightmare demon shit is why I never touched that game
You are why Nintendo never dared to step out of the colorful cartoon/anime aesthetic after TP.
>the colour scheme is nice,

Green blob? She's just a giant ugly Green rugby player with little color contrast. In fact most of the characters have ugly pastel colors.

> and she looks intimidating.

She looks like a bull-dyke who will lecture you on whiteness and white supremacy, not the same thing.
>where all characters just have a bunch of shit on them
over designed just werks, but the aesthetics have an identity crisis as they throw on bright colors and then washed them out for brown & bloom
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It's like they've given a human a muzzle - it's uncanny as hell
literally missy elliot in her last tour
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I don't think anything can be worse than Bazz
I personally found the trash bucket on head character far more stupid looking
We used to have trash music, now we have trash characters
they broke all the rules to make a tank character with a heavy gun. She's memorable only for being particularly ugly and being brought up as a bad example all the time.

She's blobby, vomit colored and non-threatening, the opposite of what she should look like. It's not even a grounded or realistic design (see helldivers armors), it's just atrocious
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Why does this keep happening?
That could have been YOUR DICK, Chud.
All you had to do was by xir game.
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like, look at another ugly character-based flop game, second extinction. There was basically an identical trope. While the game still flopped and the character was still unlikeable because annoying, look how much better designed it already is
>take one of the few attractive characters
>literally put them in a vomit colored toddler onesie

they literally begged for failure
>I am an avocado
it's as if a furry was wearing a humansuit
because they try too hard to make the protagonists underdogs (and now it seems like it's been generalized into good = looking like a complete dingus)
Where is the AI hades guy when you need him? I would love to see him have a crack at these designs
Good one
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>biggest in the cast
>absolute mammoth weapon that you can't imagine anyone else carrying
>strong sillhouette
>solid theme (shirtless army dude)
Hold up, is the tiny head guy from Battleborn actually an example of good design?
There was nothing wrong with it, it was iconic. The npcs were made ugly on purpose to make Link stand out more as the only handsome character in the game.
>we worked at home at our computers and got paid every two weeks
what do you think the story is going to be?
battleborn in comparison is a timeless masterpiece in design
its only issue was being inferior to overwatch
Disgusting, don't post this brown girl ever again lest I jizz in my underwear you sick freak
what's wrong with this one? If it's like a feudal japan baby it's ok (dunno what game it's from)
Functional design, maybe, but he looks retarded.
Queen Bazz WILL be back
I mean, he clearly looks stupid intentionally, like heavy from tf 2 no?
Big Bazz energy
Yep. Still a hideous black ogre, but at least her junkheap exoskeleton looks cool. Hide the face and there's neat stuff to look at.
I wonder how many ppl have jerked it to this
Heavy is not stupid!!!
You are just small man baby!!!
the helmet is the only bad part of the design. Although I'm pretty neutral to body too, it's just so round.
Not Ada Wong
Oraguntan with his face is red instead of ass
Discount Buzz
American Toad
Doomed girl
Token white guy
Big head but not big chest
Sindrel but even older
Stephaine from lazytown but a furry
Generic black girlboss
Stereo type black pimp
Trash can
Scout from TF2 larping as spy
Almost. but not quite.
The proportions are too extreme.
Reminder that the number one rule of character design is to communicate something about that character to the audience, be it role, moral alignment, backstory, etc
I have no idea what the fuck any of these characters are supposed to be about, only a few are even remotely trying to tell a story with the design
nah, cover the face or something and change her colors into some space-janitor aesthetic and she's fine
This design is just a fucking mess. You literally cannot make out her face through all the vitiligo and shit color contrast. Couldn't even tell this was supposed to be Hestia the first time.
Their voicelines don't do much to help. They're all so very generic.
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proportions are extremely exaggerated, otherwise the designs are not bad. battleborn never really had a chance because pitchford is a raging homofaggot
It's trying to be stealthy about reusing the same skeleton for rigging animations.

I agree with the sentiment that the graphics changed at one point and the characters were designed for something more stylized like borderlands. The art style comes off to me like an older comic book. Probably why it took so long to make too, some executive decided they needed to redo all the graphics after they had already finished working on it.
Round shapes are usually used to communicate “friendly” characters via shape language so having those shapes on what is presumably a tank character (I don’t play hero shooters they’re for fags so I don’t know what this type of character is called) fundamentally clashes with what the design is supposed to convey which is why it feels so bland
t. Character design autist
christmas tree
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>Overwatch works
Overwatch has terrible art direction and is basically the ground zero for this shit. Every character suffers from the visual vomit "neon colors and random shit glued on" syndrome.
sorry but this is a dumb take. If there's a thing overwatch has, is incredible art direction. Literally market defining. Now, they've been recycling it since it came out, but that's a testament of how effective it was
This. It's not even close.
No it doesn't.
>terrible art direction
>only western game to rival japan in terms of porn
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it's the eyes
>ghost like shape
>weird diamond that cuts into them because ???
what the FUCK were they thinking
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Remember we thought this was as bad as it could get?
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Dear Seega
SEX with cat helmet woman
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Why are objectheads so cool? It's like a cheatcode for an easy to like character.
Looks like a cosplay of that nerdy cucumber dude from Spongebob
I only remembered the helmet girl and then I saw the black chick and then it all came back to me
It used to be fine.
Honestly, that has some bad designs, but I can also see a lot that I dig. Some of those are genuinely good.

>It's an "all english team tries to come up with a name for an hispanic luchador" episode.
Two right hands.
i really want to know who saw this and approved it
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damn, is that the next sonic game?
i guess you're too young to have been here for Battleborn
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Bazz is the king AND queen
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i unironically dig Bazz's design
It doesn't match her actual ingame theme (warehouse wagie who's so skilled with boxcutters she became a professional knife assassin) but it does have a strong theme (80s power woman suit with huge shoulders).
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Rhea was actually cute before the "you must be METAL" bug got in her
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That is a terrible take, you should join the Concord art team
she's the biggest poochie in video games I can think of from the past 20 years
the sonic guy is funny tho not gonna lie

on an unrelated note, I get the generic ass ones and the ultratranny but what the fuck is that guy on the right next to dr disrespect
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>these are the same character
Get out. I always just thought she was a new female lead.
Dude realized he lived in a clown world, so he got a mask to match.
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It is now 8 years old and so many other things are copying its style that people seem to have forgotten, but I remember when it came out. It's overdesigned Pixar trash. Look at this fucking shit. You look at this character design and tell me it's good.
This was the worst character design in recent memory until the latest slew of Overwatch-inspired wokeslop games came out and did it even worse.
The girls are cute, their outfits and weapons look fucking retarded. Most of the porn is them in street clothes or naked, if you haven't noticed.
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>Autismerella Metaverse
>Blind Woman thinks she's holding a guitar
>DEI Mc Smart (She's got glasses!™)
>Premium Bukkake Leftover
>Marques Brownlee
>Bob The Drag Queen at Home™
>Radikal Sonic (professional school shooter)
>Dr Age of Consent (he stole the frisbee from Marques)
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It honestly looked like an interesting game, but the artstyle was so incredibly off-putting that I never bothered with it.
bro was too embarrassed of being in the game so he covered his face
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What's wrong with Doomfist?
The Asian chick has some redeeming qualities
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isnt the Goth Indian kid literally the guy behind the DONTE the Prom Date ?

the rest of this is pretty inoffensive. I dont see the problem with any of them.. Flat-top black kid and white nerd with glasses is a certified retro classic.
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>Most of the porn is them naked.

That's... what pornography is, yes.
purple haired monkey lady is cute
bro no offense but you have to detach the hatred for the company from objective judgement.
Sword guy is worse. Robot hunter is fine.
>it's bad because...it just is ok!
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Nothing wrong with Malo. He's supposed to be a fat baby guy, he looks like a fat baby guy
wow, being naked in porn
imagine that
not once she opens her mouth
>Keaton was added because of some crowdfunding goal
>he winds up being the most popular one of them all by far
>this causes infinite seething among the devs
Good times.
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no, concord was so bad it brainwashed you into thinking battleborn was good
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Doomfist is one of Overwatches best designs alongside Roadhog and Junkrat. you are a retard with gigashit taste for not saying Soujorn or Echo.
>the only tolerable characters are pete, the nerdy white boy, and hoops, the asian girl
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concept before sweetbaby consulting ruined it
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League also has a similar problem with its skins, "Gold Trim Syndrome"
>take a normal design like "cowboy"
>add a shitton of metallic trim to make it "epic" and "fantasy"
>do this with every fucking skinline and theme, to the point where everything just looks the same now
What the fuck is "overdesigned" about Doomfist? Punchy man has big hand. Body is a little cyborgy to show why big hand does not pulverize himself. It's a perfectly clean design.
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blizzard's design team in general is fucked
they choose what the character should look like based on diversity traits lol
they came up a fucking algorithm for it
>all but ONE of the women are fat
Battleborn's cast are absolutely terrible
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Probably still this fucking guy
Its like the reverse fanart vs. official design meme.
Wow, this is the worst iteration of Final Fantasy ever.
Man, I like FFTA2, but this design was actual dogshit.
While sexo, this still isn't a good design. Tank characters need to be WIIIIIIIDE.
Double her hip width.
I'm noticing you haven't actually said anything specific about the character designs. Just generic grumbling. What is it you dislike about Doomfist's design?
>literal backwater village has retarded looking children.
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nothing wrong with the giga nigga, buddhist robot, and the obese australian. if you wanted low hanging fruit should've picked soujourn, moira, or orisa
Culture, ethnicity, age, ability and body type are fine metrics for character creation and you can't convince me otherwise
groomer artist
Holy fuck she was hot.
Doomfist is one of the sickest designs they did, the fuck. If you said Venture instead, yea true
...and that's a bad thing!
Any black or brown character, really. I see some fucking monkey and devs want me to consider it human but I'm just done when I see them nigging around.
Blizzard did not develop that tool, nor was it used in the development of Overwatch given it was created at MIT in 2022, and Overwatch released in 2016.
this is fake btw
>some random fag on twitter draws fanart of Concord characters in a "what if they weren't ugly as sin" style
>not related at all to the development of the game or anything, it's literally fanart
>some niggerfaggot posts it on reddit framing it as leaked concept art
>fucking retarded assholes keep posting it everywhere

Kill yourself you subhuman, there is already plenty of material to shit on this trash, you don't need to use made up bullshit.
Moira's original design is fine, she's just meant to be Mad Scientist David Bowie.
Redesign for Overwatch 2 was horrible though.
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I'm not that anon, anon
I was just pointing out that their design teams are poop
John Concord
because they're not creating what they want. they're creating what a chart tells them to.
let me guess ashlie is a tranny
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this was predicted decades ago
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To be fair that's a pretty based design.
If she was on something like Dead Rising as a boss, where she rides around screaming about "WHITE MEN" and "THE PATRIARCHY"... that'd be hilarious.
Fat ugly bastard Jr.
This was art posted two days before the game was shut down by someone completely unaffiliated with the game.
Wow it's fucking real. I barfed.
It's bad (even one is) but not nearly as bad as people on this website like to claim
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>another lying tranny exposed
you realize people can look this stuff, right?
>Started in 2016, the Diversity Space Tool–currently in beta–was designed as an optional supplement to the hard work and focus our teams already place on telling diverse stories with diverse characters, but decisions regarding in-game content have been and will always be driven by development teams. The tool was developed at King, and has been beta tested by several developers across the company, all of whom have provided valuable input.
i just loathe their insistence on that retarded and autistic job system
...that looks like the overly modded version of a real character.
Sort of, in some animated shorts he was basically voiced as a pale mexican
>used to do oppai loli and other degen shit
>troons out
>makes a bunch of comics that his kind uses to groom children
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He ended up being the only one of the friends I liked, because he had a character. My man also had his own hobby but they couldn't even let him have that and had to force the other two useless fuckwads into it, despite how stupid it was, it was his thing.
Why is his sword a giant Hitachi Magic Wand?
lmfao so? stop being a contrarian retard and trying to always rebel against something.

If you like something say you like it and know why. If you dont like something then say you dont and know why.

Doomfist is cool because he uses a fuckhuge megafist and Giant-POWER FIST characters are fucking rad and always have been for me(Hellboy,Vi, Bionic Commando,Gauntlet from HoN and Commisar Yarrick are come to mind). the African Somali tribal Warrior motif is also a scarcely explored direction nowadays so I enjoy that aspect of him. I feel like a lot of companies pander too much to the eastern direction to satisfy weebs that they forget other parts had their own fun cultures going on. I want to see more Bushmen, Khans, Celtic and
Aztec/Mayan in my vidya and someone on the Blizz Char team remembered that one of those exist so I greatly appreciate that.

now your turn. what makes Doomfist a bad design? or are you bereft of individual thought ?
Holy fuck it's that chick from Borderlands 3 but even worse!! Same jacket!!
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Man, i liked her game a lot, never got the hate for the design
go back
You didn't say why Overwatch supposedly has bad designs.
For the financial downfall and failed concept of this trashheep, I gotta say this is AAA gif though
so they couldn't even have a generic white guy, huh
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I like the alt skin.
She looks like someone tried to put spehs marine in guardsman uniform and fixed all issues with rubber bands.
>Started in 2016
you mean...AFTER Overwatch released?
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There is another
yeah, if you can't figure it out there's no hope for you
just embrace the rope
Once again, you didn't say anything specific about the designs.
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That's a nurglite
>The original Overwatch game was released by Blizzard on May 24, 2016, for PC platforms, as well as eighth generation console platforms PlayStation 4 and Xbox One
tf is that
when characters were allowed to be sexy too, yeah
that changed quickly, kiddo
if you don't understand artistic integrity there's nothing to discuss with you.
Answer the question. What is bad about Overwatch's character designs. Be specific.
When the game came out it was all fine but pretty much every update afterward was about making another hero gay or something.

Tracer and Soldier are still straight to me, I don't count their headcanon as canon. Only my headcanon is canon.
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I genuinely think they were doing a bit
>much every update afterward was about making another hero gay or something.
what the fuck has this got to do with character designs? you brought up Doomfist, who isn't even gay in the game
>get rid of intestines
>get rid of handlebars
>smoother the texture of armor
>give her retro looking gasmask
And maybe it would be servicable.
I think you just have nothing to say.
Every time I see these threads, I momentarily consider rewatching the Boondocks.
It's like the designers were like "fuck it, the game's already fucked anyway"
nah returnal is good
easy there Palamena
Never played it, no idea
But the character design is horrible
Shantae... We are long due for a new one.
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The designs were fine, but some of the faces looked horrendous.

Name: Theodora Alaric
Politics: Neo-Byzantine Human Empire
Job: Princess, daugther of the disabled old king of humanity that somehow only had daughters, no male heirs, he lost his male testicle in battle or something, only got the female one.

wears power armor which an Electro Magnetic shield and the minigun of her dad.
no I didn't, I am not that anon
Looks like those cosplayers who wear the anime girl heads.
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whos idea was it? honestly? the design was already functional and then you just went and..... WHY????
>During WW2, surrender to Germany in order to preserve your cities and historic buildings, a tough choice but they're irreplaceable.
>Current day
Clothes are nice, but I don't like the excessive disability.
at least they're not speaking german...
So which character design is it you have a problem with?
It's the noses.
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because the DEI SweetBabyInc faggots literally ask them to put FAT black women in their games for some reason. Barely any FAT black bitches play vydia and even they themselves know they are unfit for battle or any athleticism.
No it made sense for her to look that way in game. Like it's a good design, her face isn't pretty but she looks like a hardened woman in a masculine role who's not concerned with her appearance, it makes sense for the character. She's like brienne from GoT. Wouldn't feel as plausible or grounded if she was hot. Plus her suit is cool.
did it ever occur to them that actual fat niggers don't want to have anything to do with fat niggers?
>game called final FANTASY
The heels were kinda cringe but it's good that at least they have a propouse and got rockets and shit, they should have been platform shoes instead with steel on the sole and cap to kick harder.
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Not to mention that they can't serve in the military for a reason: FAT and undiciplined.

Concord is a game about violence, movement, positioning. I cant rely on a fat nigga to save my ass. And that fat bitch Emari ain't even wearing power armor, its more like Football gear.
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im pretty sure they all are
I think I saw this lady in Bug Hunter in UFO 50
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You're right, anon, there's never been a single grounded passable fantasy design in any final fantasy game ever, this mongoloid with an oversized dime buckler, pizza cutter sword and rain catcher boots is on the same level as this mildly overdesigned but still cool looking tree
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.... hey!
>Scout from TF2 larping as spy
Jesus christ that fits so well

I haven't seen this pointed out yet but, every single female is completely flat chested expect the gigantic nigger tranny.

In the future only guys are allowed to have tits. How sexist.
Galactic Imperialist "baddie" designs are always much more kino

something like this would be my redesign of that Concord sniper bitch that looks like a cucumber. I can make all of them white because I have true creative freedom unlike them that got yelled at by SweetBabyInc. :)
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And flat assed
Feminine traits could lead to accusations of SEXUALIZATION you see
The Sonic dude makes me think why not a game like that with actual Sonic characters with family friendly weapons or whatever, surely guaranteed to sell like everything else Sonic
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>there's never been a single grounded passable fantasy design in any final fantasy game ever,

Kyle from Art School
Jerome from Zumba/Pilates class
Jack...up lead for a nu-metal band

THESE....are the saviors of your FINAL FANTASY
What was up with the intestinal motif on all these characters
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it's trans friendly
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Normally I have to make an MSpaint comic where the person I'm talking to acts in a hyperbolic caricature who is silly to make my point look better but you're just doing it entirely on your own volition. Was FFTA2 the only game your parents bought for you or some shit?
the little flag always makes me laugh
TP character designs were amazing and I'm tired of pretending they weren't. They were weird in the best way.
The art team was aping the French artist Moebius. Badly.
What does that bitch with the colander helmet even do? I heard she rocket jumps like having a jetpack but i dont see no jetpack
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But you have nipples too. Right?...
>when you select random in the character creator
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Bayonetta. I love Bayonetta's gameplay, but I hate everything about the character, from the looks to the personality. She looks like Slender Man in drag. Just an ugly character design overall.
apparently the big fat brown thing with goggles and a blue jacket is male, I thought it was a fat brown bitch at first
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there's a war on the female body. leftist developers hate it.
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You are ugly as fuck
gay space nigger is starting to grow on me
>blocks out name
>can still clearly see who he responded to
Which retard made this image?
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i'll show you who's boss of this gym
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Makes me think of a ski slope
>AI slop
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Aw man, get your own thing! I DID THE ASPARAGUS SONG FIRST!!!
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>Well done lad, the incels are all dead
Pig guts are in.
Make something better then.
I can't because I'm actually a bot
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I unironically like IT-Z I want to HMOFA her
for me its reminds of a little golf flag tee. like she somehow stole that armor from some golf course?

more than likely though the char designer was like..."FUCK.. THIS PALLETE IS ONLY TWO COLORS! WE NEED SOME SORT EYE CATCHING DETAIL TO HELP IT SEEM MORE VARIED and less REPETITIVE...." so they just picked a warm color on and added a random asset on the armor, paint tool filled it then called it a day and probably stopped for Chipotle on the way home hoping that random clash would be enough.
Why would you put your hair under your glasses like that
I only know of this because if E;Rs stream
It was gay ass dhit
Furries having no standards as usual
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Me when I played War of the Lions and pizzacutter guy unexpectedly appeared.
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The original cringelord
what? sonic was cool back then
Original sonic is still cool blow your balls off zoomer
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This is a great design
I'm not even a furry but I want to HMOFA this slut
I always thought Knuckles was cooler
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I think the guns look good in Concord.
She is a spider monkey
What the actual fuck?!
Their designs are so contrarian to the overly designed protagonists in the whole series, they make a full cycle and become cool. The whole game is like a statement against the final fantasy franchise, which is a breath of fresh air
It's too bubbly, she reminds me of the robot from Big Hero 6. Aside from that, it was also a massive mistake to give her an open mask. They should have covered the face. She's far from the worst design, but the flipside is that she is also the one that could have been fixed most easily if they actually gave a fuck.
She looks terrible.
Borderlands 4 is looking good.
Tanks should have a larger profile, but left is definitely still a massive step up.
That doesn't look anything like Borderlands' art style.
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you wouldnt know a good design if it limiter removal'd you in the face.
Nah she kinda cute. I find her appealing because I imagine she is from the same ape planet as the gigachad yetis but her spider monkey species got enslaved and raped by them for generations and they are like a lower caste of sapiens animals in that planet and the yetis are higher caste like hyperboreans.
WTF this is actually cool as fuck. I will watch every cutscene right now.
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>Cringedom Hearts Cloud is somehow more manly than Redditbirth Cloud
looks like dirty matress foam
Would Lupita, she deserves to be in a fighting game. Ratu with a paper bag on her head or put Genesis head on her body. Muna is alright too. Twinkle R1ot is just a fortnite character.
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this is extremely kino let me guess Japanese game?
Original DEI wokeslop and was called out as such in the 90's

>Ambiguous gender
>Body-positive (fat pot-belly on full display and he's smiling about it)
>General marketing fixated on how much he's not like lameass Mario (a cishet white male)
>Parent-focused marketing: "Rescuing a princess is a horrible trope that treats women as trophies, let your children play Sonic "
>Game themes: technology bad, wealth bad, personal property bad, global warming gonna kill us all omg

Just because you zoomers weren't until a decade after his debut doesn't mean he's "non-political". Sonic sez diversity is our strength, and it's really cool!
The one with the rocket launcher would be pretty good with a better color scheme and details on the armor and launcher.
I feel like this graph (which I know is real) is bullshit. Like why the hell is Sexual Orientation on there?

They just go with what looks cool or sexy and everything else is an afterthought. Only characters I'd say goes against this are Venture, Sojourn and Baptiste. They are lame.
I unironically like the Richard Nixon one. The rest are shit or too weird relative to the rest of the cast.
It's a fat brown they/them
people will defend these garbage woke designs btw
The pickle niggy cannot be saved she is genuinely ugly af and at best you make her mid trust me I tried. Just make her white and make another character.
That's not how socks work.
I feel like she is only in media so people like us say "eww" and normies scream R U RACIST OR SUMTHIN??????
Mom's brussel sprouts
I agree. It applied the MOBA principles to an FPS so every character clashes completely with the rest, everyone is a shiny little pixar person, and it needs those godawful outlines just for shit to be discernible. They are lucky that most of the female characters are fuckable.
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this is actually pretty funny
TF2 did that first and the designs are excellent
What's Rodney Dangerfield doing there?
>If she was on something like Dead Rising as a boss, where she rides around screaming about "WHITE MEN" and "THE PATRIARCHY"
That's exactly what I thought she was
This is hilarious. They tried to give the MC a "normal" outfit but being FF it couldn't be actually normal so they made that weirdly cut purple t shirt with buttons that go down to the belly.
Combined with some bizarre streetwear joggers with several zips that serve no purpose, and of course a pair of fingerless gloves.
It is assumed that CHAOS man went to a clothing store and bought all of that, feeling confident in the way he would look.
>everyone is a shiny little pixar person
This isn't a legitimate complaint.
TF2 doesn't use a MOBA art style or approach at all. They intentionally streamlined and simplified designs while putting a massive emphasis on readability and color palette consistency. At least when it first came out, you'd never see a character in neon pink and purple running around in a saturated jungle. The team did everything in their power to avoid flash so they wouldn't need for team color outlines. These days TF2's art style is dead.
The designs while not complete ass don't mesh aesthetically with each other or their environments, the closets we get to this in a contemporary game like TF2 are the mercs on maps like Egypt but even then that's a huge stretch compared to what overwatch looks like in each game map.
Yeah, forgot about this dogshit design
Thank fuck you never have to suffer it ingame
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Not even the wokeshit of current year can outdo this disaster.
They are designed like the intention was to use them in an animated film, a place where movement and motion is going to be directly controlled by the creator. You can cover a Pixar character in all sorts of flash and have them look good, you can have a much broader color palette in a Pixar movie because you can always dictate the composition of a frame to ensure visibility, Pixar characters don't need to share motifs in fact often you will try to distinguish important characters from the rest because its a goddamn movie obviously one character is more important than the rest. Pixar character designs are really good if you are making a movie. But when you are making a game, you don't get to decide where your characters are. There's no control over composition, so it is often advantageous to adopt strict levels of consistency, aim for simplicity, and keep a narrow color palette.
>Completely covered in heavy armor
>Except for her face
The devs really wanted to 100% make sure we knew she was brown.
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yeah but have you seen the oki options ?
Nomura is such a hack holy shit. I'm glad he's quitting
It’s so purposely garish that I find it hard to say it’s objectively bad.
People mock nomura for his overusage of useless zippers, but what really irks me about the designs are the appendage hairs he gives characters since FF-X.
Sure, ultimecia was kind of a prototype with her hair horns, but I think it fits her overall design.
And the mana too, like what the fuck, why should I wait some turns just to cast Firaga? Summons are understandable, but basic Tier 3 magic? Come on now.
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This studio deserves to go under and all the employees branded
Why is Avowed there?
Are you aware that Overwatch has many animated featurettes? Their designs serve this functionality for a reason.
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Overdesigned as fuck.
And are you aware that they also released a game called Overwatch where these characters are featured prominently?
Nu-SNK protags have been pretty shitty, yeah
Besides the point. It means they have to be good for both games AND animation in that case.
Sacrifices are to be made, and "aiming for simplicity" is a worthwhile sacrifice. Game design can suffer complexity.
The alt adds a literal BULGE kjahahah

I'm glad this crap went under
If you have to choose between designing your characters for the actual fucking game or designing them for a marketing campaign, you should design them for the actual fucking game.
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Every time
There's gain in designing them for both. They serve their function in the game in either case. Your claim that they need simplicity is a flawed one at the gate; designing for simplicity isn't going to make or break your game and how people play it.
Overwatch has excellent character design across the board, and this is univerally agreed upon up to about Echo and the characters of Overwatch 2. If you disagree, especially with the original cast of OW1, you are flatly fundamentally wrong from a design standard.
It is so off-putting. Like, why? Why is that the recurring thing in the armors? This ain't Scorn.
The more you look at Concord's characters, the worse they get.
i mean if they gave her a pretty face, better complexion and got rid of the blue lipstick it wouldnt be so bad.
the armor only really looks like shit because its got fuzzy low quality texture resolution going on from 2010.
improve the texture of the armor, make it shiny and change the colour scheme, fuck off the retarded little flag and change the character's name and it wouldnt be that bad.
> designing for simplicity isn't going to make or break your game and how people play it.
People have been complaining about excessive visual flash in Overwatch for years, it has a massive readability problem. That's why you design for simplicity. And the assumption that you can't have coherent and simple designs as well as successful animated shorts is also flawed, given that TF2 had wildly successful animated shorts.
>Overwatch has excellent character design across the board
Overwatch has fuckable character designs. That's their redeeming quality, which admittedly puts them above something like Concord, but that doesn't make them good.
>Doesnt look anything like a fucking Samoan

plumberpunk at its finest
He won't do it because he's shitposting for (You)'s. He knows everyone here jerked off to the chicke at least a few times, so its an easy target
>People have been complaining about excessive visual flash in Overwatch for years, it has a massive readability problem.
Literally who.
>And the assumption that you can't have coherent and simple designs as well as successful animated shorts is also flawed, given that TF2 had wildly successful animated shorts.
TF2 has 9 characters total. And nevertheless, its designs are in fact decently complex. Each class is given a significantly different profile and structure. The only thing it strictly "does better" is the color coordination.
Sonic is a fantastic design that has one very important feature that fueled his long-term appeal: he's very easy to draw.
I don't feel the need to explain that further.
is this that never-finished space neo scavenger
Its the same problem I have with Coral Island's portraits. Its that stupid tumblr design trope where everyone tries to apply realism to a literal cartoon character, but only picks the worst parts. I'm not even alone in thinking it looks awful
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>Literally who.
Where have you been for the past half decade?
>TF2 has 9 characters total. And nevertheless, its designs are in fact decently complex. Each class is given a significantly different profile and structure.
All of the designs focus on using flat broad surfaces with relatively little flash to break them up. If you think pic related is "complex", I don't know what to tell you except they went out of their way to avoid any excessive detail. Having differing silhouettes doesn't equal complex, and more importantly the game maintains coherence because all of the characters are all clearly based on Leyendecker art. They all adhere strictly to the same design principles. You won't see, for example, a gorilla next to a mech which spits out a fuckable korean girl. You're going to see a cartoony guy with big hands and a large torso covered in flat broad surfaces fighting another cartoony guy with big hands and a large torso covered in flat broad surfaces.
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all these, gameplay is good but goddamn these characters are dogshit
i find Bazz so shit its funny good, but ddeadlock characters are so fucking bland
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I think it was more of an OW1 complaint, which had far more barriers and particle effects. Not really an issue with character designs, though.
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i like dynamo
I'd argue Reapers fuckhuge guns contribute to the visual clutter, and that is part of character design even though it is from a first person perspective. I think in general the character design lacks cohesion and contributes to the visual clutter problem, it's just that there are also much more obvious problems. It's like bringing up someone's cold while they are dying of cancer.
Best part of that game was the dude with a tie who made him autotuned all the time
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this is just proof that nobody likes black people
It's crazy how fucking ugly the side shave is, and yet it is stupidly popular among millennials and zoomers. It looks good on like a handful of Asians and fucking horrible for everyone else.
I just remembered this existed
It's not hopeless but it will be crippling if nothing changes.
A few well placed nukes and it resets.
sorry no one replied to you anon. I know who you're talking about. Also their teacup shoes/socks.
I can't tell what class half of these characters represent.
I mean alot of those characters like Yamato are getting redesigns at least
Its incredible how the word "Tumblr" can instantly describe an artstyle
Moogles don't look that bad
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Coral Island's problem is they have one face for every man and one face for every woman, all that differs is hair and skin color.
Don't we already know that it was Sweet Baby Inc? What more is there to tell, really? The only way we'd get more info is from a former SBI employee.
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At least use the fixed one that removes duplicates and some really dumb inclusions. There being character creations in there is still stupid.
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Go on, guess. Just a wild guess.
She's in so much shit because her kid likes video games and no other negresses are really applying for the roles
That doesn't explain anything. In fact that's a cheap, stupid excuse. "Uh lol everythng is le SBI" as if they're the developers. There are fundamental problems with Concord that go far beyond "a consultant suggested more brown people".
I don't think it's that bad aesthetically, not compared to some of the other stuff here which is outright offensively ugly. But, it's clearly made for the fujo/gay gaze.
The female gods in Hades
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nigger nurse?
A park ranger but in space
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Until Concord, it was this
>Fuck you, but this game
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I thought this was edited the first time someone posted it
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Keaton is /ourguy/
I mean guess what class the character is in the hero shooter.
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>Chinese dev's depiction of a Japanese woman
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Why do western devs feel the need to make black people as ugly as possible? This looks like a fucking A Wyatt Mann drawing.

Support of some kind?
that's supposed to be an Asian
reminder that the devs were seething that the only white guy had the majority of players romancing him.
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I don't know if you're trollin or not.
They made a long haired emo boy and got suprised he got picked over the rest of the generic ass cast?
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n g l this looks pretty good, it's the only good design
largely agree
The only thing I remember about this is the devs freaking out about how all 5 of the fags who bought their game fancied Keaton over the browns.
She's vaguely SEA but with a Caribbean voice
>n g l this looks pretty good
whats good about it? it looks awful to me
It looks downright unfinished
It looks better here. Proper sci-fi look
The faceless robot is the only one that isn't annoyingly smug, and I'm sure it's only because they couldn't figure out how to make it so
Those are rocket boots
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His skin color + the hat and glasses makes me assume he's a wizard.

Honestly, change the color of his baby blue coat and he'd look pretty cool.
A ton of concord charaters design look like a anon ask a ai to make a super woke cast of charaters for a game
Man I can't wait for Fairgame$ to faceplant through the floor
>cube boobs and scarring
If only this game came out now instead of then, so we could have an entire cast of nonwhites in a game called LAWBREAKERS
One of the most baffling things about these designs is that everyone looks like they're wearing some basic bitch recolor of their actual design nobody ever uses and were only included for prize box bloat
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Looks like an animorph that stopped halfway.
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What an unfortunate ass.
I'd have usually assumed revolver/pistol guy because of the hat and glasses making him look a bit like a halfway of Alucard and that one Star Wars bounty hunter. The closed coat looks awful and takes away from it, but maybe the designers wanted it to kinda add a slight poncho vibe.

But then the gun just completely throws me off, because that's not at all fitting to the vibe I just described.
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>A black french korean.
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Free my nigga
Yeah. Ostranauts. Remember being hyped for this due to NEO. First public build finally drops. Check it out. All the binary shit in character creation. Game absolutely broken and barren. Dev gets asked why the focus was so much on this binary representation shit as opposed to a functional first build. Has a passive aggressive melty.
NEO was a mistake he stumbled unto.
Wow 15 bachelorettes and all are extremely unappealing. Even Boyfriend Dungeon had 2-3 cute girls.
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The answer is, he's a healer.
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>she's the biggest poochie in video games I can think of from the past 20 years
I can think of one
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>Tupperware Karen

I still laugh thinking about it.
Wargroove had amazing portraits. Everyone looks like they're in terrible pain
That was my second guess purely based on the color of the coat, but it was a far behind guess from gunslinger, and pretty much matched with ice-themed spellcaster.
They changed her face two weeks after
>If there's a thing overwatch has, is incredible art direction
someone post the webm where it's nothing but laser beams
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I will remind them.
God damn it don't post her without a spoiler and a warning, I had finally reached the point where I stopped seeing her every time I closed my eyes.
That artstyle actually looked cool what the fuck happened
Italians aren’t white!!!
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i unironically like these
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what were they thinking
they made him into a faggot tank
This fucking anon kept repeating this lie and other anons just believed it. If you repeat a lie enough times it became truth
My bad. I kinda forget spoilers exist because I have picture spoilers turned off and my text spoilers have been auto-revealed for literal years now after some arcane keyboard command and I literally can't undo it no matter how many settings I reset

But yeah. I snapped when we had a literal unironic "Where's Poochie?" moment and that's not even very far into the game
Is this real or another one of those fake concept arts? Looks so much better than the Marvelized slop. Even the catgirl who was the only half-decent final design looks more interesting.
Reminds me of Outlaw Star.
That top right lady with a fish tank helmet. Stupidest design since Mrs Freeze
>no less than 3 broccoliheads
Twinkleriot is cute though.
When Overwatch came out people were constantly shitting on the designs and how they dont stack up to competent designs like in Team Fortress. We didnt know how bad things would truly get that now Overwatch is seen as good character design.
Maybe it's a bit from a comic book they had coming out

Concord was meant to be some huge multimedia property that was going to have all sorts of crap. Apparently we're still getting the Secret Level Concord episode.
Inverse, she's hot as fuck but I got filtered hard by the horrible gameplay
Stunning. The fact that it's a legendary skin is even sweeter. They thought players would see this and think "Awesome! I can't wait to get THAT!"

I never understood her appeal. Same with the girl from PNO3. I think Bayonetta is a queer icon solely because she looks like every AGP post jawbone shave (contrapoints, philosophy tube, etc)
SPEEEEEN I've called you about your papa peace and taco policies.
Wuk is even here..
I think her only being in the trailer for 2 seconds qualifies as borderline illegal false advertising
She was and still is in 0% of the marketing, so yes
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So long as we're posting Monster Hunter can they stop dragging this fucknut into every Monster Hunter game since... was it 4U or 3U?

I'd say I hope he's not in Wilds but we have even uglier people in Wilds already so who cares
Concord was my goty
it's not fair
only designs that aren't ass are Keaton and Malik. I'm gonna take a wild guess they are both the least obnoxious ones too.
doesn't explain why every single character she voices has to be modeled after her
>Sony wants their big franchise
>Concord development starts
>Enter: SBI
>Designs go from eye catching to what we got for 2 weeks
>Sony can't figure the correlation, and will continue to hire SBI
it would be funny if it wasn't so stupid and (at the risk of sounding lefty) TOXIC this whole DEI shit has become
I've been ready to move on for like, 8 years already, Sony and like-minded developers need to stop destroying cool and secy designs like that concept
Wasn't the Art Attack guy who did that redesign?
>no source
That could be literally anyone's drawing.
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if you just simply cover the face its already better
It's not real. I don't even know what the point is of trying to fake it, when the reality is even worse, that the designs were like this from he earliest stages.
still looks like a fat football player
Oh no you misunderstand, my fault for not being clear. I meant the Protags in both games look stupid but everyone else looks great.
Blame current mocap technology. Most AAA game these days have the characters' faces resemble their VAs because it's easier to program.
I guess they made the protagonists look ridicolous so they stand out from everyone else
I suppose so, plus with them being SRPGs you only see the little sprites and like upper torso in conversations so it isn't as bad.

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