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She's cute
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this was so uncomfortable on stream
I am shaking and shidding right now.
How is this uncomfortable
there's a guy on furaffinity whose fursona is a sentient mass of polymers (in the form of a wolf of course) and the more petroleum he drinks the fatter he gets and he has commissioned several pictures of his polymer wolf sucking all the gasoline out of a gas station or all the oil from an oil derrick and inhumanly obese the size of a house
it is a delicacy!
he's a fox-wolf actually
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it's past bedtime, chang
I guess these are a perfect match then
I do this
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These are the kinds of furfaggots that give anthrochads a bad name.

cute animal people = good
degenerate fetish shit = bad
Have some whimsy in your life you faggot
the japanese say "furry" now, the culture spread to them because of their voracious consumption of uncensored foreign porn
Both can be terrible
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It’s a pity those morons never took the time to research what caused the Zelda CD-i cutscenes to be so amateurish yet soulful and instead made a soulless facsimile based on YouTube poops.
It still moves around strangely and looks pixelated enough
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Yeah but it’s so stilted and anime-esque and not at all evocative of the Soviet animation techniques the artists for the CD-i games were obviously inspired by.
Also some of the bits used 3D models lazily traced over and I find that completely despicable.
Zelda is Soviet?
>not at all evocative of the Soviet animation techniques the artists for the CD-i games were obviously inspired by.
Please elaborate on this more
I've already played Changed you're smalltime
You can't make "so bad it's good" on purpose because the secret ingredient is sincerity. Or in /v/ terms, SOUL
The CDI games were more "I really wish I was Don Bluth" inspired
WE do this
Quite far away from Don bluth but i can kinda see it
you're literally just furries in denial, sorry to burst your bubble
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You are awfully in denial, furfag.
The only acceptable one is kemonomimi
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Walking onahole built for human men
Wasn't this game made by a tranny
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midna isnt an anthro
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I gotchu. So, the company that developed the CD-i Zelda games was a business in the United States called Animation Magic. Now, that might not seem like it relates at all to what I said earlier, but it will when I tell you that one of the offices was in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Now, I can yap on for days about the history of Soviet animation, as it encompasses a vast amount of time, but what I want to focus on is the similarities between Animation Magic’s animations and the works of a little studio in the Soviet Union known as Kievnauchfilm.
Now, although this studio is based in Ukraine, the works of this science film turned animation studio were widely distributed in both the USSR, especially in Russia. As a consequence, it is evident when you look at the cel animated portions of these films (because the animators also used highly detailed paper puppets to supplement animation) that the animators for the Zelda CD-i games, though probably not actively thinking about it, were at least influenced by how characters and scenes moved, as Kievnauchfilm cartoons had all sorts of dynamic camera angles, very detailed faces/hands, and absolutely hilarious/terrifying stills if you pause at the right time (just like the Zelda CD-i game cutscenes). The closest match I can think of in terms of visuals has to be the studio’s Alice cartoons (pictured), because, good lord, does the animation have the same low quality but high effort charm as the Zelda CD-i cutscenes; however, other animations from the studio retain the similar animation styles.
It also helps to note that the animation director for the games is Igor Razboff. If that doesn’t set off any alarm bells then I don’t know what will.
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hey guys look what I found
I thought it was common knowledge that the CD-i animation was outsourced to Russia, Phillips didn't exactly make these games on a huge budget licenses aside.
Well, yeah. Hence why they needed to study up on what made the Zelda CD-i cutscenes the way they were instead of taking the easy way out.
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Apparently a lot of people (grifters and trannies) missed the memo.
don't look like Felicia then no.
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hope you're still thirsty because here comes anoth-
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No furry is acceptable.
I'm gonna draw oppai loli art of her tomorrow, any ideas?
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make em HEAVY
and where may i find this
oppai loli but without the loli
anon what?
she's just a recolored human
Hey asshole, shouldn't you be working on your game instead of shitposting here?
Thank you for the informative lesson.
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Oh yeah? What do you call this then, bitch?
No problem, homie.
This guy's mom is his dad's niece
do you think his head made a sloshing sound
not oppai
>The autopsy records his "heart was the size of a peppercorn; his lungs corroded; his intestines rotten and gangrenous; he had a single testicle, black as coal, and his head was full of water."
I'll put it on the booru
think it was exaggerated? i'm sure he didn't look great inside but that seems just flat out unsurvivable
"single testicle, black as coal" - Ernest Hemingway
I have no clue which one your talking about
i'd gander it's the current one on the drawthreads
Why do you know this?
Someone should redraw this but give her a big round tummy as she is chugging oil.
So that I can masturbate to it.
The peppercorn sized heart probably is
I knew it! I knew some of those characters looked 3D!
For a game trying to emulate the zelda CDI cutscenes it seems to completely miss that the constant motion of the characters are what made them stand out so much.
Why is she so thirsty
Yes. Guy was trying to limit the power of the church and wouldn't you know it after his death the guys in charge of his autopsy report was the church.
Holding a sign saying "Will give titjobs for oil" or something, and maybe in a cow print bikini
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She knows h____ m__ have lots of oil
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>H_____ M______
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>Lamp Oil? NO It has to be Crude Oil!
sorry i've only got raw hot sperm
what the fuck are you talking about? it's "choppy" because the mod is emulating youtube poops.
>Goat video game character
>Ability is to eat anything (basically be kirby)
>Drinks oil until she becones evil off of it
what is this weird charmander looking girl?
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seriously tho i wonder what ZUN was thinking
This is fucking hysterical, what do you mean uncomfortable?
>rent free
Lizard cunny
>women humor
If "forced soul" was a real thing, this game would 100% be a text book example of that. The obvious use of 3D assets made it pretty clear they truly gave no fucks, nor did understand the circumstances/places those CD-I games were under while being developed.

In conclusion: troonies have zero taste and their humor (and brains too) never developed pass yt's first golden era.
That's a pathetic compromise for people with no passion or guts.
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I had thought they hired the original animator from the CD-I games which in retrospect probably wasn't the best idea.
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She is an imp that loves drinking (crude) oil and loves humans
Please say something nice about her
you don't belong here, troon freaks
snowballing oil (or just cum) with Ivy from Deadlock :)
Stuart K Reilly is the wolf betrayed in the game by the way
>Wikipedia editor are retard
Russia >>> nigalice
She isn't anon.
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Every single time this causes massive cope among western furries, and all the other replies are them falseflagging.

They literally get off to the absolutely fucking horrid disney/tex avery snouts.
They wouldn't be as hated were it not for the fact that western furry style is the most stagnant fucking ugly thing ever.
Oops, meant for. >>690096110
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Her sitting at the beach on a lounge chair, with sunglasses and a cocktail glass filled with oil
a demon
Post her butt
Post her butthole
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imagine the greasy shits
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I hate western artists
she cute
are you stupid? he's talking about the segments without "cuts." compare the animations
It's a game mostly made by one guy and whose cutscenes were done in parts by various people just contributing to the project.
Read it in her voice lol
then dont go to western websites
I love her
So is Rogue the Bat yet people don’t say shit about her. Midna is considered adjacent.
Midna is a human twisted by Twilight. Rouge literally has bat in her name. They are not even remotely adjacent. The least you could do is actually play Twilight Princess if you're going to make stupid ass claims.
god western women trying to do loli voices is the worst shit ever, with vtumors being the worst example. i'm actually glad i dont speak japanese because i'm sure it'd be just as bad
Business is booming, then, Maki?

>This is fucking hysterical
are you 8 years old?
How do you suppose she reacted when she realized she unwittingly helped the princess kill her idol?
Probably drank a whole barrel of crude oil to drown the pain
>Awful! I'm a big weeb. Can't believe that dumb westerner is trying to draw her.
>So is Rogue the Bat yet people don’t say shit about her.
shes cartoon shit like mickey mouse, you don't see mickey mouse as a human do you?
midna literally has a human face
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then don't try to emulate it then. expecially when they have the nerve to put a price tag on it
>bring Wawa to staten island
>then don't try t
>dude just don't even try, just sit around doing nothing, forever
Between this and the Tem one, I think I'm starting to like girls who sound cringe.
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>blue tongue
That'll do it
I do this
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would you go to war for her oil needs?
I've already fueled up the harrier
Your point is that she’s a recolored human. Rogue is more human than Midna since she has tanned human-like skin, confirmed both by the games and her designer, while Midna may be covered in fur and Rogue face is barely animalistic. Rogue being a bat wasn’t one of your points and that doesn’t really matter as original species like protogens exist, even airplanes can fall under the umbrella as aeromorphs are a thing.

Mickey Mouse looks more mouse-like, Rogue barely looks anything like a bat. She doesn’t even have fur or a bat nose.
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This is not funny nor attractive.
Yes it is and yes it is.
I disagree.
There will not be a single oil refinery spared
Her voice is shit but the design is acceptable.
I want to say that the developers are gigantic calarts faggots. steven jewniverse art can be found in nearly every scene.
can you at least pick a less ugly character to avatarfag with you fucking retard? or better yet, use a trip so i never have to see your posts
Made for big human dick
Most definitely
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Steven Universe was an alright show.
it has produced vast quantities of both incredible and staggeringly awful pornography, is all i will say to that
We talkin' 'bout that black stuff that comes in barrels?
yes, molasses
It's tantalizing!
For those who don't know the reference:

Now I'm even more confused.
me cleverly disguised as crude oil
I do this
There are plenty of good western artists.
>tongue coming out of glottis
lol glad im not one to be bothered by such things also is there porn of this character or not
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I just found this artist like 3 hours ago so I'm not sure but there was this
I prefer my reptiles with boobs/nipples even if very petite to keep the sleek look but this is still pretty hot otherwise
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feral is an exception though boobs on normal snakes looks so damn retarded
Agreed but now that I think about it I'm sure there are artists that could make it look okay if it was stylized enough.
Didn't think I was into feral. But if she can talk and has them sexy cartoon eyes... well, I may have to reevaluate.
Shane does cute monster romance
At some point he started making his girl monsters less and less cute and he kind of lost me
The slime, the snake, and the weed are still pretty kino.
I'm going to say it, the obnoxious fucking niggers back when "Monster girls" were a thing were so much more fucking annoying than furries ever had been in the 18 years I've used this website.
Their (Seedy Eye before you get any ideas you annoying nigger) publisher are fucking faggots, but afaik no that's not the case.
You're replying to a falseflagging furry.
Nobody normal shits on kemonos because they look cute to even the average normie.

With western furries you can smell the literal shit encrusted into each stroke of the brush.
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I don't care, kill yourself you psuedogoon.
I fucking knew you were the faggot posting that Soviet Alice in wonderland shit in the Drawthread.
His one off girls has always been more on the weirder side (I still like them) but the ones he uses for his actual comics are always cute even if in an unconventional way. I really like his current robot story.
No, it was not.
Even his ugly monster girls are hot. That fem Gannon comic was great.
This is strange
strange is Shane's mo
Not even hot
Your typical Kemono is a bland moeblob. I’d rather take something that looks like an animal person over a generic dressed up anime girl.
Strongly disagree
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impressive, very nice. now let's see zazie's feet.
Shane is more for "advanced" monster fuckers. Think less cat girls and more "the thing"
I an really starting to hate ai
This is fucking nasty dude
Pretty cute, not bad. Should be smoother though
funniest shit i've ever seen
sorry, meant for >>690081000
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Footfags are weird.
for me, it's the theriantrope pixiv tag
How can furries consistently be riddled with these autistic fetishes
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What did Vinny mean by this?
It's a frog, they usually eat things under rocks
so does vinny. sometimes even taco bell
Cute demon
>like [any thing at all] to a proper extent, but not when it gets pushed far beyond to become unattractive
>"wow what a pathetic compromise"
You're a mega-retard
Put it in a box
Rub it on my balls
And lock me in Fort Knox
Sauca on my balls
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This is pointless, pointless art. Four identical drawings of the back of some unexciting snake’s head, and the last one the head’s been moved in an unfunny way over a disinteresting subject. Good technique but no value, what is anyone supposed to get out of this. Just a fucking clueless drawing
This is low iq middle school fetish art, you retards. It’s awful
Feeble cope from someone with no resolve.
I'll drink ya
Brainlet, everyone likes what they like to the extent that they like it, and going way past it makes you not like it anymore. Saying otherwise is a mega-triple-cope.
Is he right about Silent Hill 4?

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