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Is this game the best example ever of an f2p game teasing their players with enough enjoyability to want them to make in-game purchases? It's got a great story, great aesthetic but a brutal grind at a certain point if you don't want to pay for anything.
I have never seen another game that does it so well. Warframe sits right on the edge where they make it a great game, but your life will be so much easier if you just pay for in-game items and platinum. It baits people in perfectly.
Yes, but also coom skins
its has good presentation and gameplay. but its not perfect, waiting and grinding for stronger weapons can be cumbersome. the weird arcs in the story can be confusing
The story is confusing but at times it looks like a professional game. The community has very fanatical people who defend the game like their lives and bloodlines depend on it. It's not perfect but I'm disappointed and also impressed at how they wait before they hit you with the reality that you need to pay to progress in the game.
its because the game is fun and the trading system is pretty generous, as long as you do the events to trade for parts or join missions in coop.

playing during the destiny 2 upset made me like the game until my computer hit the bucket
I can't find anyone who wants my stuff and I'm not going to pay for anything in the game. So I am at a brick wall, especially because I am at a quest that literally wants you to go through an insane grind OR just purchase the machine and move on. I get it, they are a company and they want to make money like everyone else. Nobody is forcing me to play the game. But it just feels almost sneaky and underhanded the way they slip it in on you that you have to pay to move forward.
try going to the warframe market place and looking around for some deals. what machine is it?
It's the Voidrig Necramech. This is something that many people have complained about and I can't blame them. Also I tried the market place and nobody wants my stuff. I just can't compete with more experienced players who grind for years and also post things they bought with platinum.
oh that. i never got to that part. im at the last part of venus open world so im guess your stuck on that grind. find a clan part or something to speed up the process
*clan party or random party request in global chat to help you out
Well I can always just join a random squad and follow them, sometimes that happens, but everyone agrees it is almost a torture to do. Or, you can just pay. The game waits until a certain point and then point blank gives you this black or white option. But I'll stop complaining now. At least it gave me many hours of entertainment.
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yeah entertainment
iirc necramech part stuff drops from deimos vaults so you should not follow a random squad, you should queue for vaults
other than that they probably need some deimos open world resources which means you queue for deimos open world missions
letting you trade the real world money currency is genius
The only female warframe I have is Mirage lmao. I haven't seen any lewd content in-game yet. Lotus sort of, but not really. Again I stand by what I say, it's pretty good for people who want a nice free game to play, it will take up your time, but eventually it jolts you with the reality of pay or grind. And if you're like me and nobody wants your items, you are stuck.
Dogshit story, aesthetics completely ruined and its gameplay has been on the decline for years. Warframe should have died with the kiddies
The grind for the Voidrig is not that bad it took me 2 days to do it you can also buy it from the community market it costs 60-70p and there are like 20 ways to make platinum in the game open some relics or just farm corrupted mods on lua they sell for like 20p each
Again it's either grind or pay. I just don't like that. Nobody wants my stuff. You even admitted you have to pay at a certain point.
That shit takes like 4 hours to get tops now dude. You don't have to do the vaults unless you want extra part chances, chesa kubrow can make other parts drop from every single mech killed in the tier 3 mission. Then it's just getting the standing to be able to get the ranks required to make the gems. Voidrig is nothing burger now
the grinding is literally playing the game
you are complaining about having to play the game vs paying to skip playing parts of the game so you can play other parts
some of those other parts you can play and make plat, e.g. relics which can be opened in a large variety of mission types
isolation vaults are pretty bread and butter warframe stuff too except the minor annoyance of navigating the caves and do the stupid puzzle (which you can take a quick screenshot for btw)
Trading can be gay but yes you will need slots eventually which is very easy to get plat if you grind relics, go into chat & type wts prime junk. The numbers are low but steady. Or you can grind Aya which gets you standing towards things to get your voiding because open world bounties provide a lot of it & sell 6 Aya relics for 30 plat each or grind axi relics & sell them 6 for 30. Unless you're on switch. Then you're boned
You can buy all the voidrig blueprints and parts from father these days. All of them are 2000 standing per pop which means it costs the daily MR1 standing cap to make a voidrig.
Demos bounties are dog shit though & people should suffer like i did
>live service trash
Yeah, I don't care.
>Demos bounties are dog shit though
Stop doing ones that give 15 tokens then. If not the cap you could do max standing in a hour.
Live service would imply you pay for a service. Game is free and best enjoyed alone.
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It's live service shit. It's trash.
I don't want to get into another pissing contest with Warframe fanboys like I did the last time I talked about it on /v/. I like the game to a degree, it's pretty good, nobody is forcing me to play, but at certain points you get stuck and it's brutal. You either pay or grind and go nuts. Yes you can trade for stuff but nobody wants my stuff, no way around that really. I tried void relics I get garbage drops every time.
>I tried void relics I get garbage drops every time
you get void traces opening them, which you save to use on the relics that have more desirable items
at a minimum you can trade in your less useful things from relics to baro and get primed mods to sell, which you can also increase the value of with endo
The smart man would wait for the 75% coupon and buy $20 of plat and be set for a lifetime. But if $20 is too much for you to spend on a game you will sing hundreds of hours into you might skip the game altogether. There is nothing worse than a "100% f2p or death" mentality in such games it will kill all your enjoymen if grind is all you gonna do.
I know about the system. I also used void traces and again I got garbage drops.
They give me coupons all the time. I just don't want to pay. I mean the mental relief of paying and having it that much easier must be great. But quite frankly I am tired of spending money on games.
I think you are just being obstinate at this point
you take the trash drops and go to baro once a month and sell them all and get a primed mod, instant 90+ plat
if that sort of thing is too much work then you should fork over real money
it's not a pissing contest with fanboys, people are just (correctly) calling you a fucking retard
Wrong word to use. I am slightly frustrated and hopeless. I may consider your suggestion as I have not done that yet. But warframe market is highly competitive and usually anything that is posted has multiple other listings. I want to like this game, I want to succeed at it, but it's kneecapping me.
The last thread definitely was. Were you there, faggot? Anyways if things don't get better soon I will just stop playing, don't want to do that necessarily, but the game is being stupid.
you just need to learn a bit more about how to do things efficiently
most of the grinds are not too bad once you have a bit of know how and appropriate builds / weapons
I think I've spent the vast majority of my time in warframe opening relics because you can just pick the way you want to do it and chill out playing around with your various frames
you can level frames and weapons while doing it so its pure progress
then just work towards -sets- of things that sell for a reasonable amount of plat; frames, weapons, etc
you can look up where every relic drops from if you need a specific item
after >1800 hours the most annoying things were mastery ranks that just don't click (b/c the 24 hr cooldown)
just remember there is literally no destination to get to; its just grinding to get new toys to play with (and color)
Yes there is a destination you son of a bitch. I want to do all of the quests. Did most of them but I am being blocked out right now with the Necramech. I know a decent amount about the game. Not as much as you, maybe, but I am frustrated with how it makes you grind or pay. My drops from relics suck and they always will suck.
>My drops from relics suck and they always will suck
I tried to give you some advice but clearly you actually like whining
good luck with that
I have a right to vent but no I'm telling you the truth, I am tired of doing void fissures only to see crappy drops from velics. Even when I use void traces to the max! It's all so tiresome. You have to have some sympathy for people in situations like this.
Unless the prime parts are for a brand new warframe or a weapon it's almost impossible to trade individual parts for plat.
Try to farm a full prime set and look up the price on the warframe.market website and sell it through the trade chat.
What specifically are you stuck on with Voidrig? I'll double check in a moment, but when I looked at the latest revision to the necramech requirements it seemed really easy.
yeah it's pretty good at everything you mentioned. I think part of the hurdle is once you're tired of your starter frame after like 20 hours, you throw down like $20-$40 for a dude or 2 with some nutty abilities and you're right back in with some fun bullshit. And by the time you're getting bored of those dudes, you are actually at the point where you have like 6 other frames crafted in-game for free and then it never ends. Giving money from that point is just charity for gold and chrome bullshit.

super fun game, especially when you realize it is just a grind. there's never gonna be some crazy paradigm shift you're hopelessly going for, you set your own difficulty pretty much too. it's just cruising around the solar system killing some 40k discount baddies. The random lobbies are fun too, some early 2k energy with people playing shit music over their mics. 10/10 game to play sleep deprived at 6am on your day off with some icecream.
>I am slightly frustrated and hopeless
I'm done checking through the requirements, and holy shit dude stop being melodramatic. You can buy the damaged parts from Father Entrati and the rest of it is just mining and fishing. Granted, looking up fishing locations on the wiki is unwieldy but fishing and mining isn't "an insane grind"
You can also filter your trade chat to only show buyers listing. After that just click on the linked items and it'll show if you own that item.
What the hell do you mean, paradigm shift? I never expected anything like that. It's on me to adjust or stop playing. It's a choice.
Many other people also say it's a grind not just me. I don't want to go around multiple places doing this and that for hours and hours.
>Many other people also say it's a grind not just me
Have you even tried mining and fishing for it yet? Voidrig should take an afternoon to farm, maybe two, and that's assuming you don't even have a mining laser and fishing spear yet. Is this the first game you've played that needs grinding/farming? Are you looking at like 4+ month old posts from before they massively nerfed the requirements? Even if you aren't, Warframe has a problem where most of the playerbase are retards who need mobile style forced handholding tutorials, so people throw tantrums about anything that isn't just handed to them.
The story is cool up to a point. Once you get to Deimos, it's wokeshit after wokeshit, and it's incredibly cringe. The new war it's a PMS trip about "my abusive ex boyfriend" then you get Whispers which is just "my gay boyfriend left me to save the world and didn't love me enough" and then you get the preggo quest. Incredibly cringe shit, legit makes me not want to play the game.
>Whispers which is just "my gay boyfriend left me to save the world and didn't love me enough"
Fujos will eat that shit up.
>and then you get the preggo quest
only unironic troons hate straight relationships
By "paradigm shift" I mean the concept of a player thinking there will be any change at endgame content. Y'know, the carrot on the stick "when I get to max level the game REALLY begins" only to find disappointment because it's just more of the same shit really.

anon, you seem really agitated i used that phrase. why? i was obviously talking in broad strokes to a general audience on how to view this game for the most enjoyment. you seem personally offended.
You don't have to use real money for anything, getting plat is very easy.
By the time I was LR1 I was rushing stuff just because I could
mirage is great for burst explosive weapons. also her bows

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