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>make worse-looking worse-playing copy of an existing popular game
>make bank on it

Is it really that easy?

Pic related has 8500 positive reviews on Steam and it's still in early access, and it looks like babby's first pixel art and offers absolutely nothing Stardew Valley didn't already do better
women and trannies don't care about quality. if the life/farming sim is new they will buy it.
Wow this thread couldn't go a single post without incel posting. The absolute state of /v/irgins.
>Too pink
>no marriage
>incomplete and basic
>dudes look like girls and girls look like dudes
>"none" option
>no moddable
Into the fucking trash it goes
You can't do better pixel art than pic though.
You also can't code.
>You can't do better pixel art than pic though.
I can though
>You also can't code.
I can though
Where is your game?
I'm making it, why do you ask
Post some screenshots.
For what pvprose
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So your pixelshart of a game isn't better than OPs pic.
Has anyone tried Farlands? Seems just like stardew valley in space and garbage art, which is funny because I never thought SV looked great, now I feel it's definitely okay
Wild that this has over double the reviews/sales of Starstruck Vagabond given Yahtzee's immense online platform and presence
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found the steam page and it does look aggressively ugly
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Holy SOVL.
Shit game that is astroturfed to hell and back because the "creator" is a Youtuber. All the reviews are from fans of said Youtuber
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>perspective on that ship
Thanks for the headache
people want more Stardew, so they buy the shittier ones looking for their fix. First person besides Ape who steps up to make a quality one is going to make almost as much money as he did.
Games adjacent to this space are huge too, just look at the latest 'My Time' Kickstarter
>First person besides Ape who steps up to make a quality one is going to make almost as much money as he did.
Haunted Chocolatier
yeah sure man, see you in 2056
There are a lot of these
Farlands, Moonstone Island, Roots of Paca, Sun Haven, Fields of Mistria, Coral Island, Graveyard Keeper
A couple of them do some things that are interesting but none of them present a cohesive enough package for those elements to shine, so they just end up feeling like gimmicks.
Now, that isn't to say that Stardew Valley itself isn't a blatant ripoff of Harvest Moon, but it appeared at a point when Harvest Moon was a plodding corpse and revitalized the genre by pushing no boundaries but shoring up everything which makes farming sims cool. And it did that so well that other offerings have to really nail the basics before they can try building on them, and if they lack any of that polish, then it just ends up feeling bad to play.

I played Moonstone Island recently, which is just OK. It has an interesting card-based battle system, and tries to have a creature collection aspect, but neither are developed enough to give the game anything more than superficial depth. The farming and potioncrafting are, again, interesting, but again, not developed enough to create a sense of depth. Same as the exploration. Same as the relationships. None of these things are developed enough to support any of the others. So you end up with a game that just makes you feel sad because the it has fantastic ideas but all of them feel like they were aborted halfway through.
I can make a game like that, but, its not going to sell very well.
I played Stardew Valley and a few things bothered me, you don't have to deal with plagues, hail, dry season, lack of water, bad seeds, low quality products, random changes in the world economy, you don't have a hard limit to pay some kind of loan, NPCs don't try to sabotage you, there are no rivals, you can't build a meat farm.
I don't hate SV, but game is not for me, maybe the genre is not for me.
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It has better looking characters and dateables, with a cool retro anime vibe. THAT should be your takeaway. Sex sells games. You can't even marry anyone yet and girls are foaming at the mouth over March who is literally just a ripoff of the guy from Ranma. Make your own game and put HOT characters in it = free money.
>maybe the genre is not for me
That's obvious. SDV is a slow comfy game to play at peace. You sound more like you want to play frostpunk and such.
Don't get into game design, players hate obstacles and hardships
>I can make Stardew Valley
>names a bunch of shit not like Stardew Valley
The point is that it's more Stardew Valley for those who don't want to replay SV for the 10th time. I loved what I played of it but stopped to wait for the full game. The only red flag was the pronoun option at the start of the game but so far I've found no other bullshit, retards asking for retarded progressive nonsense in the steam forums get clowned on thankfully.
no they don't but they do hate retards who don't understand what genre they're in
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>girl look like a dude
SV revived the genre on modern platforms in one complete package, it filled a huge vacuum and was huge as a result, now that it exists other farming games need to have everything it has PLUS all the other shit that should differentiate them from SV, but they always have some basic ass take on farming and a half-baked gimmick that makes you wonder "why isn't this a mod for SV".
Aren't some of those literally traced from Sailor Moon
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Kys fag
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>confusing a 30-ish old woman for a dude
That's a (You) problem my man.
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Or just heavily inspired by the Sailor Moon art style. But it sells.
I will now play your game
Better way of saying what I was trying to say, yeah.
>let's borrow this old based anime's aesthetic for our modern pozzed game
No thanks I find that sort of thing revolting on principle
>Is it really that easy?
>when >>690102540 exists
If pronouns in a character creator alone scares you away then that's your problem because there's literally nothing else of that nature in the game.
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>rural Europe fantasy setting
>retro Japanese anime aesthetic
>1/3 of the cast so far is brown
it sounds like you want to play a farming simulation
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>game is sexo but "pozzed" because of pronoun selection that the game literally ignores and does nothing

Never gonna make it
I think out of the few I have played, Sun Haven is the "best" one. Stardew Valley has its place, and it is nice as a full fledged game reaching about 30 - 40 hours. Beyond that, it becomes incredibly tedious. Saying that, Sun Haven also gets real fucking tedious when the other areas open up. Yet there's so much more there. Coral Island is a fucking embarrassment, Graveyard Keeper was a little too repetitive, and Roots of Paca just didn't grab me. I'm eager to play Moonstone Island.
Problem is, I know that Sun Haven isn't perfect, but I can't think of any serious faults it has.
So if the game ignores it, why is it there?
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>1/3 of the cast so far is brown

Bros, it's over...
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>rural Europe fantasy setting
>retro Japanese anime aesthetic
I fail to see the issue here, this is nitpicking.
>1/3 of the cast so far is brown
Sexy anime chocolate brown, not nigger brown. Oh no, what a shame.
Women and trannies fucking love farming/life sims, they practically shit money
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Cease anon, do not venture forth
Easy way to grift millennial "they/them" women out of their money.
Oh yeah all those classic retro anime with characters that look like Ryis or Reina like... uhh...
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>Sexy anime chocolate brown, not nigger brown
Ah yes, now this is the character design I remember from the classics such as Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura!
The animals are cuter
plus eric cheated too so who cares
Woah Sailor Venus is in the game!? *Ka-Ching!
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No, you don't understand, they're all BLACK and they're all DISGUSTING

Look at this disgusting NIGGER and weep, game development has fallen
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Actually I can
Anon you were the one claiming Liru and >>690103340 were the same sort of brown character, you're unironically the right part of >>690103258
She needs pubes... and futa cock.
>looking at the male dateables

asset flip bros.. they're onto us
fucking eye literal cancer and tranny character
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>I-Is that a haircut that the average black dude would have?!?! AIEEEE
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>they love the manlish face
I bet you also want they peg at you
Always entertaining seeing Jaspedos get upset that people are leaving their nonce game.
>girls look like dudes
>this European-setting Japanese-aesthetic game needs to have multiple black characters because.. it just does okay??
Why did you type women twice ?
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>make worse-looking worse-playing copy of an existing popular game
>make bank on it
>Is it really that easy?
>offers absolutely nothing Stardew Valley didn't already do better
You realize how many popular games throughout history, FPSes in particular, this applies to?
But Pokemon came first, it didn't rip off Palworld
Fantasy setting, retard. Also
>Black people!?! in my video game!?!
Last (You) btw.
But palworld is better than nu-pokemon
No it's not. And that game will soon be taken out from steam.
Thanks for reminding me what turned me into a futa obsessed freak.
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>how am I supposed to enjoy this video game without my black people??
No that easy but it happen. Shitworld got very lucky too. Until ofc the lawsuit. Now is matter of time to see if the game is taken down or Nintendo let them live.
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>defending Sw/Shit and S/V
Palworld will be fine, if it was a copyright issue then that would be cause for alarm but Ninty's patent trolling is just sad.
can I have juniper step on me?
>I bet you also want they peg at you

Okay, what third world shitskin country are you from?
Too bad Nintendo has already won other lawsuits with blatantly illegal patents.
friendly reminder that you can get a ribbon to wear that has all the LGTV 4K gay flags, considering this is an alpha at best, likely more gay shit or mental illiness will show up
They why do I have 300 hours in palworld and I got so bored of nu pokemon I didn't even finish it?
I'm just not buying that shit anymore.
>Japan doesn't work same way as the west
>Nintendo never lose something they started yet, they have the money
>Twitter told me all this is just patent trolling
Ok sure, good luck with that
My one main gripe with Sun Haven's is that the magic upgrades to help with farming needed to be earlier in the skill tree
Not having access to sprinklers or multi-tile watering cans feels bad
The mining also does not feel good, you need too many hits for simple rocks early on and needing to craft keys to permanently unlock floors isn't great

Graveyard keeper sucks because it was dropped and never finished

Stardew also has the advantage of having a large mod catalogue to extend the possible play time
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She's literally this meme, she's been using the whole town of idiots as guinea pigs and she only agrees to stop if you let her test all her potions on you instead.
So when can I date the little girl?
But Palworld looks and plays better than Ark.
Careful, Nintendo patented fences in video games
Because you're an awful person who love animal abuse? Because you just do it to join the bandwagon? Regardless, i'ts fine if you don't like the games. But it doesn't change the fact Nintendo and Pokemon are some of the most successful and rich brands in the world right now.
>random indie game thread
>but nintendo!
what level of mental illness is this
You can't. It's one of the reasons this game will always be inferior. They won't let you mod the game.
Not that I've seen but she bullies you into being a test subject for her potions. That said, the game's like 40% done, considering her personality it really wouldn't surprise me if they do something like that later.
>splitting a patent into multiple patents in order to force PP to defend each individual patent
It literally is patent trolling. That doesn't mean they're not trying to win, just that they're abusing patents to try and shut down potential opposition. Which will fail, worst that happens is that Palworld has to change something minor to get around the patent(s) in question because patents are incredibly specific. Generic patents get thrown out immediately.
That's the pokemon/zelda angle, all the people whining about this never played a video game before.
Get permission from her sister first.
>sailor moon audience
Huh Charming
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>>sailor moon audience
Sailor Harvest Moon
I might be wrong but pretty sure the patents was already accepted before. You just can't sue someone using something no approved yet.
How is palworld animal abuse but pokemon isn't?
It's a western game. of course they'll add "muh representation"
>t. Seething Startroon Valley faggot
Uh oh, I think you should make just one more thread and cry about it lmao
Okay. I'll give her a truckload of flowers if she'll go for a onee-chan oyakodon-style threesome
I think they were but an accepted patent doesn't mean anything, they don't check too hard at that point. It's only once they get tested in court that they actually look into it and see if the patent is reasonable.
Mistria is earnestly the least ugly indie farming game by a fair margin.
Yoruichi being classified as a shinigami/not human has to be the most retarded distinction imaginable when for all intents and purposes, she looks human in every way except when she transforms into a cat.
I'd rather they not corrupt wholesome classic anime and art styles then and come up with their own
That's somebody's MC.
You really need to go back.
Frankly, this. The more I see of its execution and art style the more I can say that it's blowing every other non-modded western farm sim outta the water in that aspect alone. Music seems nice too. BoF2ish
>literally shooting firearms at them
>trap them and turned them on fire like a manic arsonist
>butcher them and feed it to the other animals
Promoting animal abuse because "is fun"
They would get more value out of playing the older Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons games. It's too bad a lot of them are locked to the DS tho.
It looks like it steals assets from ALTTP and Earthbound at the same time which clashes like crazy, and it's flat as shit with ugly "digital" colors which are the furthest thing from vintage anime imaginable
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If this game let you be the shota and date all the girls I'd be playing it right now.
You don't get it anon, I'm AGAINST cultural appropriation
Do the japanese use the jury group system? because even if the patent is wrong or not, if they bring back the "they copied us like thieves" showing examples, even if isn't true, the jury will go in favor of Nintendo.
>It looks like it steals assets from ALTTP and Earthbound
lol go tell Nintendo, maybe they'll put a boot up yet another indie dev's ass
A miracle like summer/winter memories won't happen twice.
Stardew Valley literally looks light years better except it doesn't steal 90% of its character design from Naoko Takeuchi
It will never get to trial. Just like most cases like this, Nintendo will bleed them dry for years on end forcing them to spend 50 million trying to defend themselves.
trooncore art style
SV portraits are dogshit
It isn't "easy" in the sense that you still need to make an entire functioning game.
But yes, making a game in a very popular genre that is at least decent can make you some good money.
>Stardew Valley literally looks light years better
If you think Stardew's base portraits look good compared to anything there is no hope for you, period.
The music makes me happy. Reminds me of Motoi Sakuraba GBA games.

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>Stardew Valley literally looks light years better
I think you've been playing with mods too long, base SV is passable at best and the portraits are just bad.
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And Mistria's would be ultra dogshit without stealing from Naoko given the quality of the rest of the pixel art, which was my point, at least SV has good looking portrait mod packs

I literally said it looks better in every regard except the portraits, but the portraits in Mistria borrow too much from Sailor Moon to be counted as the game's own appeal

>base SV is passable at best
You're crazy, SV has some of the most soulful and cozy pixel art ever, just compare the chicken design in SV to Mistria
my benis....
And Stardew Valley is a worse looking, worse playing copy of Harvest Moon. Funny how it works.
>34k players right now. In middle of the week.
Yeah you have bad taste
This. There is so much money untapped in this market that it is literally overflowing.
>I literally said it looks better in every regard except the portraits
Why are you lying when your comment is right here on full display? >>690105949

>the portraits in Mistria borrow too much from Sailor Moon to be counted as the game's own appeal
You are literally saying that an appealing art style doesn't count in making a game appealing because it's not an original artstyle. Seek help.
Stardew's arent that bad, but they do look like one of those "how to draw manga" books by some western guy.
>Why are you lying when your comment is right here on full display?
It literally says the exact same thing I'm claiming here, do you struggle with reading comprehension or something

>You are literally saying that an appealing art style doesn't count in making a game appealing because it's not an original artstyle. Seek help.
Okay, then count these portraits >>690106480 as SV's instead of the default ones
>post modded SV portraits trying to prove anything
I say again SV portraits are dogshit
for me its the last one
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The portraits are the weakest link art-wise in the game but at least they're unique and personal instead of being vapid trend-chasing
Unique and personal doesn't mean anything. A bent fork is unique and personal but it's still useless. What matters is how good the portraits are and while a few are passable depending on subjective opinion, the majority are simply rubbish.
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Soulless low IQ hands typed this
Just play Sun Haven if you want Stardew while also being a bit different.
AI art. Avoid.
Yes it is.
Difference is that top is still aesthetically pleasing in a grungy kind of way, changing that would make the game worse. SV doesn't have that as evidenced by the ridiculous amount of portrait swap mods.
I'm not a nintendoid, so you guys are used to this jank, huh?
NTA but I've never butchered a Pal. I butcher the bandits I catch and feed them to my Pals. Try doing that in a Pokemon game, tendie.
>aesthetically pleasing in a grungy kind of way
...because it is unique and personal, compared to the soulless "pretty" dolls in the new version
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I found him. The person that genuinely compliments tumblr faux anime style "art"

I'll take art that does a decent jib mimicking Takeuchi style and expressions over that any day. Also it's sad how the prototypes in that image are almost universally better than the final design. Really says a lot about what "influence" SV follows, as opposed to FoM's superior inspiration
ywnbaw, now get out of our board
>haha murder and canibalism is fun
It's unique, personal AND good. The SV portraits only do the first two.
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If you think ugliness is charm in and of itself, you should go work in western game design. You would fit in PERFECTLY
Whereas Mistria only does one, and creates nothing new in the process. If you were to ask the Mistria devs/artists to make a new character design that doesn't already have an equivalent in old anime, they'd be stumped.
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>Whereas Mistria only does one
So you're saying it's ONLY good, then? I agree
Anon any artist worth their salt will tell you personal effort and expression are far more valuable than just appealing aesthetics alone, that's one of the reasons why low IQ third worlders fall for gacha, that's one of the reasons why plastic AI shit is derided, you're taking the side of lizard brain monkeys
>literally shooting firearms at them
Yeah it's called hunting, I do it in real life too.
That's not animal abuse that's food.
Animal abuse is like kicking your dog because you're a gay faggot
Also you don't have to butcher your pals, I never do that.
This isn't a points game where more = better. Being good is the important part, the other stuff is secondary after you nail the 'good'.
not all trannies are womxn bigot
No everyone like hunting. Pokemon is a fantasy game after all. Because there's no need for any of those bloody themes.
That's a lot of words to tell me you worship ugliness and resent beauty. For what it's worth anon I'm sorry Concord died, I know that must have hurt.
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>any artist worth their salt will tell you personal effort and expression are far more valuable than just appealing aesthetics alone
Think about this statement for a little bit anon. Think about what this implies.
They traced the portraits from tactics ogre btw
Well Naoko's art is good, Mistria does an okay job of stealing it

This isn't even a Cuphead situation where there's still a fuck ton of skill-intensive work and effort required for the final game after lifting an existing art style for it to work, here they can literally just trace over old anime still for a sprite, change the hair (by tracing over another character) and skin color and call it a day, the style is super flat and simple it shouldn't even take long
Then impose the restriction, you can literally just grow plants to eat.
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You are slaves to your lizard brain and superstimulus
This has to be the shittiest "argument" concieved by mankind, someone's lack of skill in something doesn't invaldate their opinion, none of us knows how to make detailed stone sculptures, but we can still give our opinion on them
Mimicking an art style isn't 'stealing' it but feel free to keep making silly accusations like tracing and what-not, really makes you sound rational and not at all butthurt.
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Ah yes, the enlightened ascetic of /v/. Pray, tell me again how nofap november turned your life around.
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>beta shane portrait
I've kek'd enough for a century.
As if Naoko herself didn't copy paste designs
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You are by all accounts a tasteless third world ape, your opinion means very little
>A bent fork is unique and personal but it's still useless
Whatever helps you justify your garbage taste.
No they just got an artist who's obsessed with 80s/90s anime to design the characters.
>"anime inspired" western indie game
>male characters look faggy and not even in a good way
we need indie devs whose games look and are written like frank miller comics
give me the buff wrinkly manly men who say "faggot"
That's bad too but at least it isn't the whole aesthetic, the face of the story/franchise like it is here. Those designs aren't even 1% of the visual appeal of her work, whereas her style is 99% of the appeal in FoM, without it the game would've never gotten traction.
wouldn't be surprised if there's woke people supporting it while smearing the guy who made stardew valley
>at least we got pronouns now!
kek i wouldn't be surprised if a good 20% of buyers are just stardew valley fanywnbaw's trying to stick it to stardew valley in hopes that pronouns get added before running back to it and dropping this game
There're people who hate Ape because he didn't bend over to those faggots who wanted pronouns in the game.
A video game, a farm sim at that, that survives on having appealing visual design. What a revolutionary concept. It's almost like giving people nice things to look at counts for a lot in the business of selling relaxing fantasy escapism.
>western basedfag devs ape 90s anime art, going as far as outright tracing old art for their shitty pixelslop game
>the actual in game art is typical modern bad pixel art
Western devs, they hate japan and the japanese yet are very eager to dare I say, "culturally appropriate" art to sell their faggot propaganda?
They'll run back to Stardew Valley if this doesn't keep getting decent updates like Stardew does, otherwise probably not
ah yes, the hyper-original Stardew Valley, which definitely wasn't dismissed as a clone when released.
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I believe the topic was merit of originality in art styles and character designs
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big if true
holy shit he did it, the most talented man in 4chan...
No the topic was "Stardew Valley's base art style is ugly", and it is. The whole originality thing was your hang ups, I was just making fun of how low you'll stoop in the pursuit of the "unique" no matter how ill-conceived or nasty.
The funny thing is that butchering Pals is so wildly inefficient you'd never actually want to do it
Actually if you follow the reply chain you will indeed see it started with anon calling out Naoko for copying too
You mean shimaidon.
I considered it an evolution of the same conversation as before but if you want to treat it as an entirely different subject, that's fine.
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Thanks anon, I couldn't think of the right term.
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>No the topic was "Stardew Valley's base art style is ugly", and it is
Actually it looks great, the character portraits are a bit ugly but in a charming memorable way like >>690107586 and >>690108809, FOM meanwhile technically has more appealing character art but being almost wholly unoriginal both in style and design it's almost entirely devoid of warmth and merit.
>5 females (thought it was 4 but valen is a woman kek)
>5 men unless balor is a woman
>2 mystery characters look like fat representation
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It's bizarre to find someone who'd actually defend those portraits. Since I haven't ever seen it before, I'll just assume it's born of a need to be right or a strong hatred of Mistria. Either would make more sense to me than anything you're saying.
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>game developers and gamers still haven't figured out how to appeal to female gamers except by making SV clones
If she doesn't have fanart, the game suck
Kill yourself Cris.
>Gacha pedo lolishit
Aaaaand there it is ladies and gentelfolk
You have brain rot my good man. No one gives a shit.
who fucking cares
>no marriage
but there is
Not yet, it's planned though.
That's not how water works.
yeah and my game is better than skyrim so plz give me $10m right now*

*planned to look better no promises
>They won't let you mod the game
what's stopping modders other than lack of interest?
Does it really not do anything different or better than Stardew? Put it on my wishlist for once it's out of early access but if it's literally SDV I don't see the point.
>They why do I have 300 hours in palworld
because survival crafter slop eaters like you are subhuman
animals eating humans isn't cannibalism
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>make worse-looking worse-playing copy of an existing popular game
See the problem is that, despite what the people who make player count threads think, people don't actually play the same game over and over again their entire life even if they enjoy it.
If a similar game comes out, even if it's worse, they'll play it as long as it's not bad since it's essentially more content for a game genre they enjoy.
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>make worse-looking worse-playing copy of an existing popular game
Did Pokemon SV really come out after Palword?
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I'm curious as to how people decide just how woke their SDV ripoff of choice should be. Like, do they look at Moonstone Island and think "no, that's a little TOO woke, I want something slightly less communist" and then go for Coral Island?
You don't have to call people that still play Pokemon slop eaters.
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Piccolo's race is pedophile, not African.
The biggest differences I've seen are no sprinklers making the watering can matter (but no need to refill water thank fuck), some sort of magic system, an overarching world plotline going on in addition to the farming stuff and additional minor plotlines going on at once involving the different NPC's.
Combat in base SV always felt rather secondary to the game while it seems to have a little more focus in Mists, time will tell.

I'd sum it up as SV with a little less focus on the farming and a little more on RPG-related stuff. It's still primarily a farming sim, just not as pure.

Probably by whether or not it feels like the devs are trying to push an agenda or not. 'Woke' elements by themselves can be forgiven by a lot of people if it doesn't feel like they're having a message preached at/forced upon them
both games are slop
Only if you ignore everything other than the portraits.
>Probably by whether or not it feels like the devs are trying to push an agenda or not. 'Woke' elements by themselves can be forgiven by a lot of people if it doesn't feel like they're having a message preached at/forced upon them
Not anymore, anon. Something's changed in 2024.
Why are 95% of indie games inferior pozzed SV clones or shitty platformers that make Super Mario Bros look modern?
Sure it was dismissed as a clone, but it was still basically a PC version of Harvest Moon which was novel at the time it came out.
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oda really be drawing russians darker than african somehow
small bottom left ones look the best in every character
what possessed him to turn it into the bottom right ones?
just because he kidnaps children and makes them fight doesn't mean he's a pedo, my uncle did the same thing to me, and he isn't one. I mean he ended up in jail, and nobody will tell me why. but still.
I don't care about le woke boogeyman at all and will play whatever has
>attractive LIs that fit to my tastes
>decent looking graphics, not actually a fan of modern games looking like SNES Harvest Moon from literally 30 years ago
>lots of content
So yes I'd play Coral Island since I'm fine with the disneyclone artstyle and it has lots of content, definitely way more than most Stardew/HM clones + mermaids which I like I can romance and live with underwater or on the surface, also definitely the biggest amount of portrait and portrait changes of the ones I've played so far
The only reason I'd play the OP game is because I'm a sucker for 80s/90s anime
come on now, it looks a thousand times better than Stardew Valley, and that's coming from someone with 500 hours in Stardew
how did they make every male character look like a fag.
even the guy with huge hairy arms and a beard looks like a fag
It doesn't look like Harvest Moon at all though
Can confirm. My wife barely cares about the quality if it does something slightly different
why is latinos in-between other dark-skinned and east-asians/japanese?
the real issue here is that, let's face it, there is one real husbando option and then several niche guys. the game is clearly targeting girls and homos and needs to make the datable guys who aren't March hotter.
so then you won't get butt hurt when my fantasy setting has no black people then, right?
Sadly even in that new hobbit farming game, there gonna be black characters despite lore innacuracy
My favorite film is The Princess Bride
I'd say Hayden and Eiland are pretty solid too especially once you get to know them a little. Balors an (honourary) jew tho and who cares about Ryis?
I like that chicken but there's cuter more pettable chimken in stardew
Funny you say that when stardew valley is a shitty harvest moon
that faggot just got mogged, owned, raped, and blown out
he's just a retard spewing retard shit because he literally cannot play games longer than two hours without thinking about tiktok
I think Eiland is probably second best. Hayden has the grey hair and beard issue. But really, how are any of them competing against a tsundere twunk with a good job and visible muscles? The boys need makeovers!
Is grey hair really an issue in an anime styled game though? He doesn't seem that old, late 30's early 40's at most. I assume the colour is just hair highlights.

Honestly though, the best boy is Olric isn't even date-able and it's BS. I THINK there's a random line that states he has a thing for one of the Sunday market ladies to explain it but it's still bullshit.
Way more popular than any HM game right now
I'm just mentioning it in the sense of how it affects popularity. An older guy with greying temples and a beard is probably not going to be a top pick even if we know that kind of guy would not have trouble finding someone.
You're right about Olric though.
Stardew valley is a shit version of harvest moon so yeah it works
It is better than Harvest Moon thou.
soulful little critter
Did he teach you to make car bombs and the like?
That probably had something to do with it.

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