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Prove you're an oldfag, /v/.
I've been here since 2018
when was zozzleposting a thing
I remember when people used to talk about games on /v/. Back in the before times
why do I have to prove anything to anyone here?
Fuck skubfags
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>Ravi Drums
I want to go back so fucking bad bros
I'm not an oldfag, I've only been here since 2010.
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Back in my day, whippersnapper, this site was split up between "4chan" and "4channel".
considering at LEAST 2/3rds of this site are post-2016 users that might as well be an oldfag.
I think that games made in the early 2000s are better than the ones being made now. The ones before that were old and ugly and had bad graphics, the ones after that are bloated garbage full of political messaging. The only good games are the ones I played when I was 13-16.
You're not a real oldfag unless you were here when /b/ was the top board and /pol/ didn't even exist
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2008 newfag reporting in
i was there man, i was there!
2016 ancientfag here. I remember when onions wasn't filtered
I've been here since 08 off and on. I think i started posting full time around 2014.
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>this was 8 years ago
>r/thedon fags have been here for 8 fucking years

This shithole was never good anyway
I miss Satoru Iwata
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Skibidi toilet
primordialfag here. i remember when we had ip count
>This shithole was never good anyway
Can't agree. It was shit, but it was a comfortable kind of shit. The kind of log that comes out your ass without any struggle, and the toilet paper scrapes clean. Like a ghost of a shit. The kind of shit that makes all the pain in your gut go away, and makes you feel like a reborn man. The kind of shit that feels like a body cleanser.
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Why do newfags roleplay as if 4chan started on the very day (usually post-2016) that they found the website?
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Nobodies care.M
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I remember /v/ hating halo and musou games with a passion.
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over nearly 20 years I think Ican remember 4 good threads. All the rest is just shill threads and poorfag buyers remorse threads
I played Savage with /v/ when it went free to play.
Move over Mario.
Halo was the first time a console had a playable fps (albeit mediocre). Plus it was casual as fuck cause it had to be playable on a controller.
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I used /jp/ to talk about vtubers for a few months before /vt/ existed
It objectively started last Thursday
Lmao 2cat!!!
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I was an RP namefag.
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the best forced meme
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You're shilling right now.
Oldfag literally means 2006 and earlier. There's maybe a handful of actual oldfags still left on /v/ and most people just use them to think "well at least I haven't been here THAT long" to feel better about themselves. If you're an actual oldfag, it's mind boggling why you would still use this site at all.
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I miss a lot of the old crowd, however not needing to remember to noko and being able to see a catalog are rather nice QoL updates.
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same as it ever was
ive been here since 2007 and i only come here when my life sucks and i use 4chan as a shitty coping mechanism by derailing threads with shitposting
faggot thread, sage in all fields
Christopher Robin is the most dangerous baseballer
It's incredible how few tripfags there are on the whole site nowadays. /v/ has maybe three or four consistent ones left, /a/ has around five, etc. It's nice that there's so few nowadays but it's surprising given how many there were back in the day.
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>reddit tier shitlist for reddit posters

nah they always were and always will be the biggest cock sucking reddit fags to walk the planet
I've also been here since 2007 and I do the same. The problem is my life has sucked since then so I've been here everyday shitposting.
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Its always been very funny how I didnt make the list despite having an encyclopedia dramatic entry.

I was born in 91 and had two older brothers, 85 and 88, who passed down the classics for me. am i safe?
I'd attribute it almost entirely to the negative connotation tripfagging has when it's done for simply showing off who you are. Plus, I think all the tripfags moved to /vg/, or at the very least that's where you'd usually see them nowadays.
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>2008 E3
oh sweet summer child, summer 2007 is the cutoff date
I was in middle school when I saw this E3, I was so assblasted by it I homebrewed my wii and pirated nintendo games in retaliation
That negative connotation was around back then too though, people just didn't care. Why the shift?
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And wild how there is a 'thread/board' "personality" everywhere now, who ends up being more obnoxious than most tripfags every were.
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I remember you from my lurking days, faggot.
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i remember when this was an anime website and we said things like epic win and the narwhal bacons at midnight
So before 2010.
I think one part of it was the relentless bullying of tripfaggotry, another part of it is zoomers are tech illiterate introverts that don't want nor know how to create a trip. In retrospect, It's a shame moot created /pol/, because the 2016 election tourists who've stayed have become far worse than even the most annoying tripfags from back in the day.
i'm 40 years old and i've been here since 2005 and it will happen to you too
It's right there in red letters, doc.
it has to have been after kek and lel at least
>mid tier despite being a retarded middle schooler/early high school student
hey I'll take it
barneyfag isnt a real person
I used to play transformice with /v/ and /r9k/ (before it turned into whatever the hell it is now).
>Why the shift?
Think it might be due to some tripfags getting doxxed, like ShiN or whatever from /a/.
>Hank Corgio
I remember Hank Scorpio. Too bad he went insane. He was one of the tripfags who got to talk to the guy who played Chad Warden.
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Holy shit am I fucking blind as fuck kek.
Its probably because ive only ever searched for just a plain Godot namefag since I used it for a longer time.
Filters exist now to hide named trolls and every small community on /v/ is on the subboards
Barneyfag was way after the popular advent of tripfaggotry.
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tripfagging was dogshit before zoomies were even born faggot. If you want to be le upboated then fuck off where you came from
They learn about the website from those videos on youtube that have millions of views talking about "4chan history". They're usually zoomers too so the idea that something on the internet might be misleading is something they can't comprehend.
>He was one of the tripfags who got to talk to the guy who played Chad Warden
that's neat. elaborate on the details?
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I dunno why anybody bothers with filters. It's just not the same.
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Im too young to be old, but I do collect images from before my time
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>I dunno why anybody bothers with filters
are you fucking kidding me? /v/ is unusable without filters, mods have always let garbage fester on this board while boards like /a/ got proper moderation
>I dunno why anybody bothers with filters
Newfags lack posting permanence and believe that if they do not see posts they disagree with then nobody does and post quality remains high.
I'd rather not. What's the point? Old images can be downloaded. There's no way to definitively prove anyone's actually an oldfag.
That spic still posts here and on /vg/.
>it's mind boggling why you would still use this site at all.
Mind boggling to an internet newfag maybe. It's clear to anyone else that there are no legitimate alternatives to 4chan at the moment, and it isn't due to a lack of trying.
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That's 14 years bro
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i remember shitposting on 99chan when my altchan was down
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This is very funny since Team ICO is dead and Zelda now gets people complaining that you dont just push boxes onto buttons anymore.
Nobody bothers to report anything.
I do
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I honestly only show up on this site now during gaming events just to shitpost. Literally here today making fun of that capcom going, "Please see this ad for the announcement of an introduction video about a franchise that’s been around since 2001 coming in 3 days"
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Since 04.

Ancient fag reporting in...
Because newfags took everything literal without understanding the meta of the humor or "rules" Tripfragging was usually frowned upon if you were obnoxious, but never was universally despised. It's sort of like how Rule 34 mocked shitty cartoon porn that flooded the internet in the 2000's where anons would make the most outrageous porn to laugh at (see: Scrooge Mcduck flexing while Ice Climbers are impaled on his dick). Of course that term immediately got misused by summerfags in 2007 onward to the point where the "rule" is synonymous with internet culture and represents what it use to mock. But alas, this goes back to why Reddit became eternally hated for being the arbiter of this practice of taking anything 4chan related and laughing at without understanding the context.
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that because /a/ is 4chan
/v/ is cuckchan
>implying I still don't hate trips
I'm not defending the tripfaggots, It's great they are barely around anymore. /v/ has always been shit, but it's been straight up cancer since 2016. I also miss when leddit was never a fucking thing, it took away making fun of those cocksuckers on ebaumsworld.
I remember being on /v/ when there was a massive shitstorm over mass effect 3's ending getting leaked, there were stickies and everyone was having a good time just shitposting
>Tripfragging was usually frowned upon if you were obnoxious
Donkey Kong and ESG are legit faggots I miss.
There's a newspaper in battlefield 3 that makes fun of /v/
People always parrot this for every hobby this board has, whether it's video games, anime or otherwise, but it doesn't really hold up. Like for example, posters on /a/ like to pretend it's some bastion of elitism and good taste but that hasn't been true for over 75% of this website's lifespan. There are other imageboards, forums and even websites that fulfill the same purpose but elicit a higher quality of discussion. /a/ doesn't even manage to make worthwhile OC anymore. The ultimate end goal is to just not bother with engaging in discussion whatsoever rather than continuously seeking out an alternative. You can enjoy your hobbies in isolation, it doesn't make a difference.
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been a while, old friends...
all your base are belong to us!
it's peanut butter jelly time!
pedobear seal of approval!
domo bear!
lol internet!
chillit bang!
you are a pirate!
stick figures on crack!!
anon partyhard!!!
loli catgirls!!!
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It's a damn shame this never got an animation
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on my first day here I was telling people to lurk moar
Well, I've had long stretches of time when I experience intense mental anguish, and I know how that feels. And I come here to inflict it on others because, why not? They need to learn too. But every now and then I seem to figure out what life is all about and break this habit. It never seems to be permanent, though.
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can't believe I'm on this list, though my trip has changed
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It really does hold up; as bad as the moderation is around here, it's a legitimate nightmare everywhere else with even half the level of traffic that 4chan recieves in a given day.
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moot replied to one of my posts once
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Anon, as much as this site no longer represents what it use to be a half life time ago in 2006 (t. 36 year old), i just see no alternative to scratch that itch to get me to chuckle. Sure, /v/ is pure dogshit and filled with all the unwanted refuse that would've been on sites that /v/ mocked back in the day (gamefaqs ect), but when the rest of the internet is now reddit/twitter/resetera, what do you even do? Even alternatives like Sleepychan are packed to the brim with unhinged schizophrenics.
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the Billy and Mandy Pumpkin smashing game (scythe was way too OP and toilet paper fucking sucked)
that Edd Ed and Eddy Wrestling game that was fucking IMPOSSIBLE.
the Edd Ed and Eddy kart racing game that showed on a win screen what was never meant to be seen my mortal eyes.

motherfucking BATTLE BLITZ my TROQ
other avenues are simply dead or bad
>loli catgirls!!!
>go to /f/
>first thing I see are Magikarp, 2girls1cup, Pedobear, and Chen
Holy fuck, /f/ seriously doesn't age.
Where did all the halfway decent drawfags go anyways? Nowadays you have to specifically go to the drawthreads which ruins the fun of having some random drawfag just drop into a thread at random and sketch up whatever stupid shit people are talking about.
I'm a 2005fag and have posted on /v/ almost every single day possible since I first discovered it. There is no better place to discuss games in an unfiltered capacity, never has been and never will be. The worst thing to happen to /v/ is zoomer growing up and infesting the place; seeing threads of unironic MW2 nostalgia for example make me want to literally blow my fucking brains out after lighting my home on fire. I absolutely despise everyone born after the year 2000 and hope you all get drafted in the next Israel war and have your convoy nuked.
>when the rest of the internet is now reddit/twitter/resetera
You retards keep pretending /v/ isn't that too. All of those sites share the same userbase and you're insane if you think otherwise.
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Every board is either dead, dead in spirit, or a post 2016 cesspool. Visiting some boards feels like walking in ancient ruins. There were people there and they had fun and made cool stuff, but they're all gone now and nobody replaced them.
I got here in 2011 so at this point I’m an oldfag by counting years I guess but by the chart I’m cancer
>go to the drawthreads
Seriously don't. All the drawfags on /v/ usually just go to the Loomis/how to draw yoshi/kirby threads to post their art nowadays. The drawthreads on all the boards are fucking wastelands full of schizos and generalfaggotry.
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its been almost 10 years since moot left and he hasnt come back once
there is overlap but it's obviously not the exact same
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Im bad at photoshop.
Where's the eck-meter?
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>battle blitz
It's more like users from those sites come here to post things they're not allowed to post on their home sites. They use 4chan as their shitposting toilet.
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>All of those sites share the same userbase and you're insane if you think otherwise.
Bullshit. I only post on /v/, meaning those posters from reddit, tumblr, twitter, et. al. are sharing THEIR userbase with mine, not vice versa. As long as I'm still here and not there, this place will have something those places never will.
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If I got a 6 figure salary from google doing jack shit Id also never show up here again.
If we're talking old Internet games, I fucking miss Supernating Superdudes.
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Wait when the fuck did they merge back together
holy fucking shit I made this gif, you just flashbanged me with my own creation
This website used to be own by a smart, white man who allowed us to view IP count and wouldn't have allowed slop to infest the site.
The amount of schizophrenia on the site has risen dramatically, nobody wants to put a target on their back anymore when any little thing will set someone off to try and dox you and your entire family.
It's kind of a neutral outcome. As more anonymous discussion is ideal, the schizophrenia problem also makes anonymous discussion more painful.
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>Noblesse Oblige

He helped win the Tribes tournament against reddit, right?

>no Donkey Kong

Did he come later?
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>implying he ever truly left
he'd just post as anon
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>make my first thread back in 2006
>didn't know about noko so get booted into the index after posting
>refresh repeatedly until i see my thread appear on the front page with 1 reply
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He is literally in god tier.
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i genuinely have mw2 nostalgia, games are literally that bad now.
Halo was also iconic, fuck you.
My fav game growing up were commandos 2 and dungeon keeper.
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Apparently I downloaded the contents of a TF2 webcomics thread sometime in 2011
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You're welcome anon, I hoard a lot of oddities.

By the way, what program did you use for the rainbow transition thing, i've never been able to find a plugin or anything to properly replicate that effect.
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>adult swim dropping random banger games you'd only know to find watching dogshit cartoons at the dead of night (HARMONY HARMONY)
>that one Foster Home game that taught me the values of benefits of trans acceptance

I still don't understand why they got rid of the IP count.
Been here since late 2011. It's only gotten worse with each passing year
I genuinely don't know why I bother coming here anymore. The site is practically unusable at this point.
Who still has their free mousepad?
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The first time I posted on /int/ was when that Aussie doxxed som3 french whore and the whole darkm00t saga. It’s a shame what /int/ is like these days.
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Anon you are here forever. very few people escape, we just show up less.
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I remember Mass Effect 2 having a permanent sticky for who knows how long when it first released
2006, but was mostly on ytmnd back then.

Polite sage for being off-topic.
Who has that rawkit lawnchair/Gee mashup song that played on /v/ for one april fools day?
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threads usually die before OC can be made
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11 years here now so not that old. /mu/ was my home board for the longest time but I spent an embarrassing amount of time in /v/ tf2 servers
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Mines fell apart after a few years and I had to throw it, I had pic related

I'll forever be salty that I didn't order a chalice
Newfags have never seen waifufagging reach the proportions of Tali waifufagging
>It's only gotten worse with each passing year
No. Modern /v/'s still MILES better than fucking peak ironic shitposting /v/. Fuck you.
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Why make OC when you can just add a reddit frog or a wojak to some image.
I'm using my last one. I went through two in the last however many years and they had seen so much use they literally started to melt.
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Ah arts.cow facebook hack. Those endless summer days. and lmao @ arts.cow being word filtered still.
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No, YOU.
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I made this retarded, unfunny comic like 15 years ago and still see it posted from time to time which makes me happy.
haha, y-yeah..
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I think sword van was already an ancient meme at that point.

It's crazy how long TF2 has been around and how it has bridged multiple eras of internet culture.
im not. first comment was in 2015 telling people not to get excited about no mans sky because there was no gameplay footage. posted about 50 times since then. sorry
2010 but mostly on /sp/ and /mu/ because even back then this board was dogshit
my family computer came with paint shop pro 8 and jasc animation shop 3, the executable are actually portable, and believe it or not, I have copy pasted this .exe from computer to computer since 2005

in animation shop 3 there is a simple color change effect that does this, I don't recommend the software though it runs like shit
I think I just copy pasted the image a few times to make the lines on the left side of the girl, that part of the image isn't part of the effect
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roody-poo, jabroni, and candyass filters
/vp/ used to he called /tr/ for team rocket
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mods don't publicly ban people anymore sadly, feel like it would help curtail shitposting somewhat.
moot replied to me on AIM
see you all next HARMONY
This guy is a fucking GG-2016 faggot.
you should buy a pass to /reddit
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2011 i think.
twas destroyed many a years ago
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>video games
Remember when /v/ used to get random offtopic guro threads that would go to bump limit? In a fucked up sort of way, I miss those. They helped keep summer kids away.
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>the mousepad
It's still in the bag because I forgot about it after it smelled like literal death and rubber.

Remember the free zippo lighter one? I still have that too. It's been in a dark climate controlled box in my closet for well over a decade now and I stumbled on it again a few months ago and the entire thing is yellow now.
>drafted in the next Israel War
Putting aside the fact that no actual country in the Middle East has the conventional capabilities of taking on Israel and thus a "war" will never happen outside of your usual spats with Hamas or Hezbollah, I don't think you understand how drafts work. A draft doesn't enlist every 18-20 year old, only a select few through a lottery system to help fill the ranks of a specific war scenario. A person born in 2000 is now 24 years old, meaning their chances to be drafted are rarer. The thing about the draft is that most who went to South Vietnam were volunteers, same with how the majority of WW2 vets were volunteers.
And a fun fact about Vietnam: 2/3 of the men who served in Vietnam were volunteers. 70% of those killed in Vietnam were volunteers. Most draftees were merely replacing positions of volunteers who were transferred over to Vietnam. After all, you want trained soldiers, especially those with combat experience on the frontline, not newly formed units pushed out.
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i still haven't beaten christopher robin
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The best era of /v/ was the era where we had daily pokegirl porn threads that hit bump limit.
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I remember when the devmod used to post here with his blue name unlike m00t’s red or mod purple. I wonder if he’s still around. I haven’t seen blue palm tree man for a long time.
Holy based, i'll check it out and see if I can't tinker it to work on my win7 machine just to fuck around.
I miss Accelspammer.
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Are you not aware that Resetera requires an email account from your fucking provider to just post on there? That permabans are given out for the most minor offenses (not giving proper pronouns)?
I can't imagine not filtering the latest culture war jargon
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>crushem was fear int-
what do you do in this situation?
i remember that i could post without solving a captcha and this is the closest i'll get to that, have fun identifying fire hydrants or whatever not-moot is making you do nowadays you fucking slave
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me either
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>tfw you lost your earliest saved 4chan stuff
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What would I do if I couldnt see "Censored", "Woke", or Tranny every 5 posts!!!
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moot endured a lot for our sins
>have fun identifying fire hydrants or whatever not-moot is making you do nowadays you fucking slave
you're the one that paid him faggot not me lmao
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Not inherently proof of being a /v/ oldfag but I remember saving this image (backed by the metadata) in 2011 from a /co/ cosplay thread.
I feel that, but maybe it's just because there's very little in the way of games I care about coming out anymore.
Not really any MMOs and the ones that do come out are hilariously bad, I miss that shit, playing MMOs with 4chan was the most fun I ever had with video games.
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>sink threads
I still remember when "For Julie's eyes only" appeared.
I got banned in 2007 for saying Sonyfag, which is why I know mods are Snoytrannies. I've received many subsequent bans too for criticizing them.
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It'll work just fine, it just has some weird memory limit and with big files will crash often, so treat it as a fragile program
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I lost 99% of my pre 08 stuff to a HDD crash years ago. This is the oldest images I still have with a unixnumber.
You sick fuck.
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I feel so lost on modern 4chan
I feel so lost on modern internet
I remember when getting banned didn't even let you lurk.
They should bring that back
I still call the pokemon board /tr/
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Sometimes I forget you faggots are still here and that I should just forget this shitty website ever existed

Whenever I see a thread like this it brings me back in
Bro I was in threads with Cracky-chan
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>Enjoyed the novelty of some of those fancy sinks with the aquariums in them
>Discovering what the thread was actually for months after the fact
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These sad cats are so fucking gay.
I've been here since 2004.
>conceived in 89
I made it on a technicality.
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Literally the only reason I haven't tossed all my internet connected devices out the window is because I am in a discord group with friend I made on a Final Fantasy BBS from when I was in Elementary school in 1997.
I don't even think this works anymore.
Back in my day, /gif/ was usable. There were titfuck threads every day and BE threads at least once a week. Better days. Oldest event I can remember/place is 'Old /b/' but that was a while after I started browsing
ive been here since 2007, i barely learned anything, I still dont really know any of the ins and outs of using this website, never made OC, and kind of forgot all the things that happened due to alcoholism.
i did enjoy my stay though
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cheese pizza links embedded in the images?
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I think if you post a 160709 in an oldfag thread you should be tossed into a volcano.
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only benefit of modern internet is they're pretty transparent with what they want you to think
being on 4chan was a great innoculation against brainworms
man I miss /gif/ being full of camgirl threads
I'm pretty "secure" tripcodes aren't secure anymore since someone allegedly cracked the algorithm so you simple can't have prominent tripfags before someone decides to impersonate them.
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I'm in several discord groups built around niche interests from way back but seeing them slowly die out fucking sucks
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i remember the smell
Bitch I was here when /a/ was the anime/random board and it was actually allowed to not be a gay super special club, don't preach to me you stupid child.
with better moderation, sure
I was on tinychan for a long time for whatever reason and then made some memes that got popular and then I left for years cause I was young and then now it's like 13 years later and I'm back and what I like about this place and why I came back is because I feel like a very large variety of videogames are discussed here, poorly discussed, but better than pretty much anywhere else online at the moment.
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internet humor peaked with demotivationals
no I will not elaborate
i remember one mother fucker from here who did it, and i suspect he's japanese
i'm glad snacks was banned
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everybody, get in here
Zero Suit Samus jerking off Brian Griffin.
I've been here since pools closed
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I miss moot
Even then, it takes a long time to re-generate a secure trip so you're probably safe for a couple months maybe until someone autistic enough to dedicate cpu cycles to it finds it.
tripexplorer has been around for a long time to find funny meme word insecure trips and that was doable on even shitty ass pentiums in a reasonable timeframe
I remember when people used to actually tag who they were replying to instead of making posts that are clearly replying to another post but don't have a tag.
Worst /v/ trend from oldfag times?
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if you've got em, post em
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It's ok boko is so fucking gay and shit opinionated he counts for at least 4 trip fags for himself.
I used to come to 4chan because it was the only place to get organized photos of drunk/unconscious girls getting fucked.

much later I learned it was a nice place to talk to people as well
Is it caturday? LOOL
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Sure the faggot made mistakes, but we didnt realize how good we had it with him in charge.
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>the fucking translator dude
This is by far my favorite
Crazy bitches used to randomly cut themselves with razors, now they literally chop their tits off hah.

Jesus christ thats a lot of fucking straight razor cuts

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You're supposed to be lost on 4chan. It's the cutting edge. Endless novelty.
As for the rest of the internet, me too sometimes.
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Martyposting and gorespam. Neither really did what they were supposed to and were just relentless shitposting.
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I. remember when boards had tripfags before they all got bullied out of existence.
Good job /v/ almost 260 post before tranny convo.
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>found 4chan in 2008 from 4chan gif compilations on youtube
And you?
>he saved the snake edit
>been on 4chan since 2007
>things happened so long ago that I either forgot about it or dont care to remember
>people call me a newfag anyways

It's over....
Truly tragic
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> can't believe it's been 20 years
I remember sakura poster on /a/. How did they manage to stop that guy anyways?
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I am proud to admit to being one of the biggest Martyposters. This was well after I hung up the name though.
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Sorry for that anon. You can blame me, /GME/, and the fact that broken reply links get under the average shills skin far, FAR too easily.
Honestly, this is a very small percentage thing, but the anons that had massive hard-ons for Shenmue were insufferable. Yeah, the dreamcast got a raw deal, but Shenmue was and is overrated.
does anybody have the
>sourdough breads often leave the shelves in excess of 70mph

nobody ever knows what i'm talking about with this one but it's been stuck in my mind for ages
it's such a nothing fucking meme but I can't get it out of my head
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Theres 0 oldfags here.
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I always thought Harvey was one lucky guy for getting to experience the pleasures of TAB COLA
I remember when E3 still had soul
I'm an election tourist and proud. Voting for Trump a third time. Cope
i was there for habbo raids and people calling the jesus christ hotline (who were trolls the entire time) and people pestering starbucks for ice cream cake.
Same, been browsing since 08. I'm 30. 4chan was a negative influence on me to the extreme I'd say. Shoop da whoop was unironically a meme quoted in my junior high.
>it's such a nothing fucking
My sister showed me her /b/ folder in 2009 when I was 11
I saw the site had a video game and anime board so I've been here ever since.
There is 1 poster here besides myself who i truly believe is an oldfag.
Id always try to make a mayonnaise only sandwich
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my friends in graal kept saying ORLY YARLY NOWAI and then I googled it to figure out where it came from
based and same, came to /pol/ in 2016 and they said lots of /v/tards are libs so I come here to trigger them sometimes
You might not know this; but you were part of the problem. I'd say 2009 was the last decent year of /v/ despite the /b/ refugees. And then the Gamespot Hero's poll occurred and it drove a lot of traffic from the hellholes like gamefaqs forums.
Female classmate showed me 4chan around the start of my senior year of high school (lol, 4chan was unblocked IIRC). This was probably September 2007.
>popularized vidya e-thotting
What the FUCK happened to Nigri? She was so cute
I was on this site when this happened
>anno domini 2011+13
>still browsing 4chan
fucking kill me
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they always sucked and added nothing of any considerable value.
>tfw I still have the old protomen images from here as my profile pic on steam
>tfw they died a horrible death
>tfw we are the dead.
>/b/ folder in 2009
that'd be some good stuff
>yellow text
>le in front of everything
>grafics cat
Hey it worked. Now /v/ is literally gay and the mods are literal furfags. It's an improvement over the intervening years when all the other culture was bled dry. I miss the movie streams and a few old culture threads but the new replacements aren't terrible.
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And /tv/ - LOST
>tfw you didn't save enough
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My brother showed me a "reporting in" thread on /b/ back in 2006 and then the Project Chanology video back in 2007, but I never actually went on 4chan myself until 2011. Even then, it was mostly just lurking until 2012 or 2013.
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i do too
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I used to think 4chan was full of hackers who would doxx or kill anyone who upset them.
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That's post 2012
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>2011+13 (holy fucking shit)
it's funny how you people look down on /v/fags for caring about video games, and think you're "fighting the good fight" by spamming political bullshit no one cares about on a mongolian basket weaving forum all day
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I'm no oldfag, I'm just an archeology enthusiast
I'm almost afraid to ask if she still has that folder. Mainly because I feel like the answer will be no and all that data is lost 5ever
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>implying theres anywhere better to go
It was.
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I always wondered why Ganyru or whatever the Giant Whale-Man was ever put with him. He literally did nothing but criticize and mock his plans and eat all the food in the fridge nonstop. the was the embodiment of a bad roommate. the couch surfer mooch or whatever.

why did Ganyru not hand him over to Dr Hamsterviel or ...you know. the other badguy.
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It's been more than a decade, sue me.
I really don't. He was too focused on canvas to put effort into stemming the floods into 4chan in late 2000's. And a lot of his bandaid fixtures were not well thought out. Either way, he escaped the hole and is probably the most well adjusted person from this site all things considered.
I've been here since 2006 but I almost exclusively browsed /b/ at the time. I remember habbo hotel raids, ddosing random sites with Low Orbit Ion Cannon, Project Chanology (the REAL beginning of the death of 4chan), DSFARGEG, dial soap spam, Girugamesh spam, and of course the beginnings of the brony pandemic.

I didn't start browsing /v/ until maybe 5 years ago or something like that.
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i am so happy that i have resolution that some of them have literally died in real life.
>this made millions of nerds coom in 2010
I remember I first came here looking for shota when I was 12 or 13 in 2011
As a newfag it appears almost to be a sin to create and use Trip code. Those that do are bullied relentlessly

Everyone except baconrider on /n/. He's the only one where when I see people try to call him out for tripfagging they get shut down

That man is like a veteran dreadnought
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Well faggots I have a 13 hour drive tomorrow so I have to bounce, but I’ll risk a nice little ban to ask everyone.

Are you Marty’s perfect BF?
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>tfw I'm here forever
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It was retarded back then but looking at it now? Imagine if canvas actually succeeded with the way meme culture is monetized today.
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he short now
I know but 2011-2012 /v/ fucking sucked
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Lost-posting was the best and dumbest.
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not sure when i first came to /v/, but I was on /b/ in 2005
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How is this is the fastest thread on /v/?
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i'm lain, from your website 4chanf
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nostalgia is poison
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We're all old
Its not another *blank* is woke thread.
I was actually scared to post on 4chan in the early 00's when I was a young newfag. A friend posted a picture of me on /b/ when I was clearly underage and all that happened was a few anons demanded i post my asshole and i knew everything was okay.
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Truly the end of times
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potato knishes
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I never cared for Lucky Star
I never cared for Squid Girl
I never cared for Azumanga Diaoh
I never cared for Mugi
I never cared for Madoka Magica
Millhouse will never be a meme.

Panty and Stocking was decent though
Wanna know why? it's because THE GAME
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The silent majority finally speaks
It's millennial autism
God this use to be posted daily.
EXIF data might help
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my niggas
i remember following project falcon punch back in 2008 when /b/ did ARG shit, i have a 16 year old youtube comment on this video and feel like i need to go and kill myself.
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>I never cared for Lucky Star
Lucky Shit is more like it.
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There is 0 oldfags here.
In the proper meaning of the word, aka before 2007. oldfags.
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>I never cared for Squid Girl
Krill yourself de geso
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I was born in 2005.
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what year was the katawa shoujo obsession?
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when I first came here there was constant CP from the talking anons site
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I've been here since 2014 when I was 13.
The fuck there ain't, i'm from the 2004 nregroundsfag migration and part of the reason /f/ is even a fucking thing, fuck you.
I'm 2006.
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Nah anon, the Godot namefag was here well before 07, and its pretty obvious that he is posting in this thread. He was not well known enough for people to mimic his posting style and the exact images he would spam.
queen of nyc
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grifters bumping for their next youtube compilation
Because fags use these threads to try to larp as oldfags.
Just add +10 years to whatever they/them are lying was their initial year.
*newgroundsfag, fucking shit.
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I talk like xXCallofDutyJohn99Xx to my coworkers
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I was here when Dark Souls was considered an underrated cult classic.
Pretty sure I jerked off to this image back in the day
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>would simply get lost in the static today with the sheer amount of other low quality furshit these niggers spam now.
literally me
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>/v/ is unusable without filters
shut up newfag
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So fucking weird to see dark souls not only become a genre, but become popular to hate

Nah go fuck yourself fag.
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I was the cancer killing /b/
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Everytime I see this image I think of the Jade Redmond comic.
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Whatever helps you sleep at night you sweet summer child
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Don't go to the Pragmata threads, anon.
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It was the best era
Not oldfag shit but when the fuck does anyone talk about The Tester anymore?

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one of the best story times I've ever sat down and experienced was this one cock-vore story. it was in shitty black and white and was about some dude tricking another guy in a hottub and a super hero saved him. fucking bafflingly hilarious and the mods were either distracted or entirely asleep at the wheel.
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Does anyone else remember Nubs? from when Moot disabled Dubs on /b/?
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lol no

according to those old charts, newfags were people who came in like 2008, then cancer, then redditors, idk what 2018 even classifies as but newfag is too god for them
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I was here before Dark Souls was ever announced, baka.
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based mod. shame all the good mods are gone by now.
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You could literally expand this out to 2024 and it would still be the same.
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>wake up and open 4chan
>giganigga hit my home board
This is the correct reaction as premarital sex is a sin.
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In my grade 8 yearbook, one of my friends at the time said that he looked forward to me telling him about memes I found on 4chan. Me being an underagb& back in like 2011 is now forever printed and burned into my Elementary school yearbook. I'd post a picture of it but I don't have it on me at the moment.
You are from post fappening years, Theres 3 tells in your posts.
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truly another time
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I was a mod back in 2005. I have no idea how it is now, but you were required to ban a certain amount of people per day.
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I've still got this. Doesn't work anymore so I don't know why I've kept it all these years, but I've got it.
Mugi a shit. A SHIT.
Eat shit cancerfag.
Jessi Slaughter Incident
CyberBully watch-along
Scumbag Steve,Grumpycat,Good Guy...
"screw the rules, I have money"
grabbin peelz
bitching and whining about MATT WARD and his Ultrasmurf wank
herd u liek mudkips
encyclopedia dramatica
Think I first learned about it back in the adventure quest forums like 06/07 because people would always respond to the trolls there with the likes of “go back to /b/“ and that piqued my curiosity.

Didn’t we used to have text-only boards and IRC back in the day too? When did moot get rid of those
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another great find
You know what? 2015 was the worst.
Why would you list EFG a trip who didnt post on /v/ much instead of ESG?
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Project Chanology was the mutation of a simple trolling of Scientology by /i/ affiliated ircs before being usurped by grifters from ED using newfags from /b/ to push it. I agree, it was the real beginning.
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the passage of time makes me so fucking sad bros
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Does anyone else remember back when DmC was coming out and we had a Capcom leaker who was surprisingly accurate, leading to him saying his final leak, that Vorgil would turn into a dinosaur in the last boss fight? I remember so many threads asking when the game came out if it was real.
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This is peak /lit/ , nothing will ever come close to it. "steal this book" was our bible

Epic Sax Guy?
If there was ever a comic that was the definition of sour-grapes, it would be this one.
You know, there is nothing stopping you from posting old meme in any thread.
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I miss Ainsleyposting, but I guess it did run its course
Great googly moogly, take a look at those OCTOS
Vad är det för anime som är snygg?
I'm not an oldfag, but I have been here for over 10 years, right around the pony craze.
give your meat a good ol rub... yeahaaa boy

I've upgraded PC's multiple times over my life. all my old meme folders is lost in space or probably compromised
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Anyone remember Yozhman and his quests?
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Fuck moot for splitting old9k into /lit/ and /sci/, and ruining old9k on multiple occasions, including not keeping it dead.
My fat DS still works, meanwhile my PSP battery bulged and I had to throw it away to avoid it damaging my PSP.
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you ever wonder what the bottom of an avatar's shoe looks like?
>ruining old9k on multiple occasions, including not keeping it dead
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I still have my copy of SICP, embedded in an image of the SICP cover with catgirl maids
I don't know if current /v/ is actually worse considering Lanced Jack and ToadytheBro aren't around anymore.
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I remember watching shoop da whoop videos on /flash/
>used to frequent several other forums
>they all died
>only 4chan persisted

i hate the fucking internet now
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i posted some the other day and had to explain them
rather not do that again
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I should have listened...
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I miss gets
This has to be a shitpost
I remember experiencing the event that made us require captcha for posts
all those quarantine threads and shit
the entire site melting down
that was an amazing time
OPpenheimer on /k/ was a legit one as well. I miss his nuke threads.
I can't say I really miss forums but I do find it interesting how there just aren't any kind of smaller communities like that anymore, it makes the internet feel very lonely.
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It's like pearls before swine. I've found that the best thing to do for keeping 4chan culture alive is to relentlessly shit on retards, bad takes, lies, and faggotry.
What's wrong anon? Don't you wanna shit bricks?
what was the picture of the asian guy eating the pink donut again?
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which is funny because there's several hundred million people using it now
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Yeah i see that
They all left for twitter/discord I reckon. Better for attentionwhoring than 4chan.

>Vad är det för anime som är snygg?
only the cutest
Id honestly take lanced jack back to get rid of tranny posting
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I remember spamming this cancer
That's nice but check this 5 yugi boy.
thats what i mean. you have these pillars of the internet and nothing else. its like civilization catching up with the wild west.
Itty bitty baby
Itty bitty boat
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don't we all
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it's occurred to me I'm close to 20 years browsing 4chan
somehow board discussion manages to maintain quality over the years and I suppose that's why I've never really left
not good quality mind you, just like barely not shit
when does the narwhal bacon
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we all wish to be the little girl
No U will just have to habeeb it.
I miss getposting, mods are fags
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It'd be worse nowadays honestly.
What the fuck makes you think reporting does anything? Mods are PROTECTING the shitposters you imbecile.
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We know KoG.
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Nigba and Lanced Jack
I'm a 2011 newfag from ebaumsworld, I remember when lennyface was invented because the catalog on every board was getting spammed for a little while
I feel bad bullying reddit OPs out of nowhere
no one else cares, then theres one buttfurious weirdo cursing them out
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was it a gril
>There are other imageboards, forums and even websites that fulfill the same purpose but elicit a higher quality of discussion.
No there fucking aren't. Name them. I'd love to leave this place, but this is the best website you'll get.
That's not how an originalfag would post. Its probably just copy pasted post from some archived thread from 2010. or something.
Because its pointless claiming any year on an anonymous imageboard.
Its against core principles of anonymity. And even when you have a secure trip and tripfagging posts from that year or court records from a trial proving you were posting back in that year its meaningless.
It doesn't make your opinions better or worse, this is why forums died, because of that fallacy of calling to some authority of being there for years shiposting.
File deleted.
I don't believe it.
Nigba kicked my ass at BW so i'm gonna call her a tranny cause she never ever posted tits.
No, I had him on last.fm

He really liked Drone music also.
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THose were the days
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Art was so much more soulful too. It's like nobody knows how to draw a background anymore.
anon that was harmless and silly
Posting an Elden ring meme isn’t Oldfag material
>I am more stressed out on the internet than I am in real life
Do you agree with madthad?
He was a dude, we talked about music and I saw his face.
Gushing granny
I briefly remember Nigba associated with Heroes of Newerth(same person?) and being associated with him/her/whatever outside of 4chan for a brief time but I don't remember a single thing.
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That looks like AI sloppa
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I miss the /tgwtg/ threads on /tv/
my sides have ejected into orbit
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Fuck I hated that guy.
I always hated these fucking thre
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Will the good times ever return?
They were a Starcraft obsessed dude who trolled pretending to be a girl. They liked Drone music and copied Lanced Jacks hair of avatarfaggy with Konata
I remember that meme I think that you die if you say his name 3 times or some shit, candle jack, ca
The easiest way to spot a newfag was that they would act like they got taken by Candlejack in the middle of saying his na
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nothing ever changes
What was the name of the "prophet" in like 2010 that predicted the world would end and Anons used to post pictures of him saying "the next post will end in [x]" or something to that degree. I can picture that fucking image in my head vividly but I cannot remember that fuckers name.
fuck you candle jack, your power won't wor
you have to make the good times
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Reposting for the bros that missed it.
Most of the semi-decent community in this place left with the exodus when it happened. I can say this with certainty because the first few weeks post exodus were the most magical time I ever experienced on an imageboard, it was just great seeing anons reminiscing with flashes, webms with sound, all the great capabilities. But, as the only constant in life is change, it all melted away with time to a fitting end.
dumbest meme ever, stop pretending guys, candlejack is not fun
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>JPEG corrupted
like tears in rain
I'm a newfag, so I'll be safe if I say Ca
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I gotchu
I wanna make a name for myself like this.
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>mara green is married with children now
I miss Happy Negro, Cockmongler, Mordor, and Cracky-chan.
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lets see
You want to be hated by everyone? I mean you're off to a good start, but why?
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Could be fun
the good tripfags are genuinely helpful with questions/recs, effortpost often, and make nice oc like charts
Next year will be 10 years since moot left
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>oldfags thought literal CP was funny
maybe this website changed for the better
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I wish I still had my avatars. I used this trip briefly in 2010.
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a classic
My memory is so shit I don't even remember what was going on when I first came here.
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>nobody remembers how it all started
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who is moot
the guy who made 9gag
It's hard to leave. I've been on 4chan since 05, /v/ since 06 and as much as this place sucks, everywhere else is hundreds of times worse.

I just wanna talk about video games with people who don't hate attractive fictional women.
what significance does UP have? tell me anon of old before thread reaches post limit
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Owari da. See you later Space faggots
How long has it been since Hiro has shown his ugly face around here?
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>Page 8

It's just getting started
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>17 years ago
has it really been that long
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I raise you this.

Encyclopedia Dramatica
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2005 from Gaia
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i still watch this one occasionally
I remember

Those were good times
It's been so long that I don't even remember.
shit anon, making me remember the good times
When channers spammed gore-porn on a forum for the upcoming Nintendo Revolution.
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I came here because I was streaming code geass, and someone in a comment section on a random streaming website posted that /a/ talked about it a lot.
Page 10 and bump limit. Have a good night everyone.
Did you ever fuck her?
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this seems fun
really looking forward to post in this thread
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>That man is like a veteran dreadnought
What a cringey way to describe someone kek
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2006fag here. You're definitely not an oldfag, but compared to shitholes like /pol/ that unironically think 2014fags are oldfags, you know of at least some board culture.
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