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mfw when climbing from page 10 hell to page 1
go white girl go
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>that OP pic
LOOOL Jesus bless ya lad, that is so great. I need to show my little brother this.
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Man these are great
Always amazed vy the creativity of some anons here
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a cute
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it's my bed time though. gotta sleep
Sweet dreams fren
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>look up dalle news to see if any updates are coming
>clickbait AI news sites just making shit up and presenting speculation as news
>check r*ddit
>it's just people posting their terrible slop that pales in comparison to 4chad art
>4chads are just talking about made up drama and coom posting
dallebros left in the dark once again
all the innovation is coming from open source atm
Here you go
>Open AI
>founded as a non profit
>looks to go for profit
>everyone leaves
>detached left hand
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Trying to profit from operating LLMs at this stage (besides selling porn, which is basically NAI's model) is complete fiction, all these attempts to monetize them early are going to hurt interest in the technology in the long run, just like it happened with VR (or with "AI" itself back in the 80's).
I just love the idea of a for profit AI company called "Open AI". I assume they are doing this so that they can gauge price for a potential buyout or something
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the real people who should profit from AI are us artists
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so trve
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>i AM an artist
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>I assume they are doing this so that they can gauge price for a potential buyout or something
That's always the plan with tech startups, they are never profitable in terms of operational cash flows, so they have to burn as much cash as possible as quickly as possible to drum up interest from big companies so the founders can get rich by selling their quotas. Or at least, that's what the financial management professor told me back in 2014 or whenever I took that boring ass course.
congrats on taking the bait, retard
this but unironically
AI creates illustrations, not art.
me on the right watching some twitter furry cry about my art being better than his after I tweaked the seed
>merely pretending
Me (the chad nonwhite AI artist) on the right
You (the crying autistic tranny doodler) on the left
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mad that I got one
which model did you use for this one?
That's NAI. If you see a boring ass picture of Shadow the Hedgehog, Zero or Bridget, you know it's John testing the limits of his creative prowess.
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Any character that LOOKS like a mexican fanbase is formed around them is a John image
it’s nai, using the sketch tag
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This style is sex
he literally is a surgeon though
finally some good fucking food
that’s a man baby
That's.....Boba Fett from star wars?
>subtitle says Jango
...? bro?
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>no drama
>no gore spam
dead thread
I've nooticed the more horny posting, the less drama
Really makes you think
>he finally realized it's just his tranny ass that's autistically setting up these 24/7 generals
And you will continue to spam images for the foreseeable future because your special interest is to advertise for microsoft instead of something productive like trains or dinosaurs.
Not sure what that's about. Maybe after cooming they have post coom clarity and start shitting up the thread.
anons get angry when they get backed up, so cute
>every prompt with anything resembling a woman gets dogged
what's the point in linking bing?
horny posting is best done once the schizos and mass reporters are gone
not everyone is a coomer
take a break and try generating something cool for once maybe??
Nice Bridget Bunda
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Happy now?
prompt is of literally a woman with a specific hairstyle sitting on the floor of a living room, how tame does it need to be?
Use a more noisy arstyle, describe the surroundings more, describe clothes
>sitting on the floor of a living room
Migh as well ask for Dua Lipa getting gangbanged by Bosnian midgets.
>trying to sneak pantyshots through
AI isn't as dumb as you think it is
i hate fags
you sick fucking freak
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calm down Rhakesh, Mohamed and Abdul
The point is, bing fucking hates prompts where you ask for people, especially women, to sit.
Excuse you but my name is Haji
/aco/ trying to blame us for the swiftening still makes me laugh
It was clearly our fault for making too many raunchy pictures of inkling girls in the onsen
What should the new dalle kino song be about?
Video games?That's a star wars character so you can't even justify your cope of AI vidya images
>inb4 star wars games
Trump have a game too.
Then post trump?
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most of the tards in these threads experience nuclear butt damage any time someone points out how retardedly specific you need to prompt / how many generations it takes for some of the simplest concepts and forget that not everyone else is sitting here collecting gens and autistically hoarding pages of prompts into a notepad
looks like persona to me
>random /v/ tard doesn't recognize a well know series
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When is the last time you flossed?
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No one is stoppig you form posting game-related Trump gens.
>wait a minute this isn't nintendo
>well ackually we used persona 5 fonts
>well ackually star wars have games
Nah,you guys just stopped caring.
Post anything you want at this point because 90% of the basedboy pop culture shit you post have games
yes, look
>reddit meme
keep going bro, free laughs are always a joy
how? i thought microsoft had their model cucked by DEI and something like this would be impossible
Me too. I like trannies, though.
>not video games?Just pop culture
>ackually it has a game
The series came before the game.The guy in picrel isn't even in those game.
Just admit you people stop trying to pretend you aren't the AI fags from the other boards.
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>Jango Fett isn't in the Videogame "Star Wars: Bounty Hunter"
these threads never disappoint
he resolution and filename should have given you a hint retard
If you see someone not putting a space after his punctuation you can just ignore him, he has been having a meltdown in these threads for the past couple weeks
That's not microsoft. Look at the resolution and file format. Probably a local gen with Flux.
Still, you can sneak some good stuff past Microsoft even now.
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holy shit
Skill issue
is it threadshitting hour?
Not him but that artstyle looks like fucking garbage and took you almost a half hour
get out of here juan
You also need to ease Bing into doing what you want.
y si no quiero que (what if i don’t want to)
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free tacos at the homeless camp
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It's just the first thing that came to mind, and I did it a couple of minutes ago when I saw his cringe-posting
If he tells us what he's trying to prompt we can probably fix it.
you can have em i just ate
do you like not have a job
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New song about dalle buddies
put spaces after your punctuation or you will die in your sleep
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The type of faggots that cares about this type of shit is usually the ones that's ESL. I mean who gives a fuck?
Yeah, I think I gave enough attention to you faggots.Go back to your gooncaves and starve for another guy insulting you or one of your groomer OCs coming back to groom you.
It's frustrating how completely innocent prompts get filtered, but keep trying different combinations of words and roundabout ways of describing things and you'll figure out how to get things through.
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List, you gotta change your typing style
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Listfag melty going on for a record 3 days
So funny how it's obviously him everytime
His narcissism won't allow him to even pretend to be someone else, it's pathetic.
He can't help it, his narcissism won't let him.
It's crazy how obvious it's him every single time listbros
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>ask for mars symbol
>get tranny symbol
Illustrious has gone woke...
>The types of faggots that care about this type of shit ARE usually the ones that are ESL.
>The type of faggot that cares about this type of shit IS usually the one that's ESL.
Plurality has to match
Only a chinese ESL like listfag would make that mistake
What's purple overalls girl poster's deal
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>banned from /vg/ ss13 threads because he would shitpost with ai images and then cry about it
>didnt have anywhere else to attention whore
>now just shits up the /v/ threads
it's another /g/ tier OCfag refugee
Fake news
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>anti woke
>pro Microsoft
Sure, my fellow chud.
Yeah but they don't even seem to interact or like other OCfags. And they're not here for vidya either. Most of what they do is complain or make "ironic" humour posts. So I don't know what they're even here for.
Attention seek. Just in a 'not like the other girls' way because he is an unironic tranny.
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I copied that from your gens, thanks for the inspiration.
Sorry OC king I didn't reply to your posts. It's not personal, there's just nothing to say about your images. If I like them I will try to copy something for them instead of replying going ''good job!'' You wouldn't have posted that image if you didn't know it was cool so it doesn't have to be said.
>they're just... posting images!
like they did in /vg/ they just are here to le epic ironic shitpost
There's nothing ironic about slop
>He moved from calling OCs groomers and pedophiles to singling out one anon
Listfag go to bed, it's late in korea
It's particularly strange that there is an issue here because if you just scroll up everyone is posting smut, furry shit, gay shit and loli characters.
>discord rpers
This thread is like one of those abandoned buildings that's now filled with homeless people and criminals that the cops can't do shit about
>posting image without text
>posting images while doing shit like
Was wondering where that cancerous faggot came from. You can see how desperate they are for (You)s are too.
thank god I will never be this mad and powerless over slop threads existing
I'm glad the threads are finally turning on Space Station 13 Girl with Green Hair poster
If they were JUST here to post images they'd
>post vidya
>vary it up at least
Their images are literally just the same dumb purple overalls girl in a spaceship in the same style everytime, the point of their posts is clearly the "funny" text accompanying them. Which nobody gives a shit about. So I'm wondering why he even posts here.
>that the cops can't do shit about
you mean they actively keep them there to either laugh at them or occasionally smoke crack with them during lunch breaks
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Exactly like real life cops.
And they will tell you to just not enter the place when you complained so their little drug dens and fighting pits won't get busted
The threads existing would be nice if it weren't plagued by a dedicated band of faggots
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>not posting images while starting drama so no one recognizes who the drama fag is
>caring what anonymous people think of you to this extent
You were just complaining there was no drama so what point are you trying to even make here?
Who haven't these threads turned against
do any one of u make money off ai?
nigga just press F and they go away how is noimg real
The OCs who already left
The guy below.
I've made enough so far that my NAI sub paid for itself.
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Didn't think it'd work for so well for lewds but you prove otherwise. Nice work.
>dall-e thread pisses me off
>I'll spend all day every day in them
why is this always the case?
faaat bitch
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You making this retarded post seething about them is equally ironic when you could instead just post images
why do you sub to nai? my 8gb shitty card is doing enough work
Drama is the lifeblood of a community, so if you start some come up with some good shit. When I started drama on /vg/ I looked at an admin's socials and exposed him for stalking underage girls so he ran from the community.
I am not even sure what your drama here is.
>what's the DEAL with X poster? Haven't you noticed that X poster posts images?
Is this Seinfeld?
>When I started drama on /vg/ I looked at an admin's socials and exposed him for stalking underage girls so he ran from the community.
>the guy seething about space station girl is a twitter pedo he exposed
it's all making sense now
This is all listfag btw
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LMFAO imagine.
>Drama is the lifeblood of a community
This is a really sad mindset and explains a lot about why you act the way that you do
What if spacestation fag IS a lying twitter pedo
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noimg running wild
What game you guys playing?
>Drama is the lifeblood
Stopped reading there. Certified Listfag post
That really explains why dalle threads are just filled with attention whores
>post own photo
>this is the evil guy I take down bros, aren't I a hero?
Yeah,you are a tranny.
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I wouldn't be surprised either way
The answer expansion of Persona 3
This is why I left and am never coming back
kill yourself
>sees his face posted
>runs away
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Original or Reload?
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these hours were better when people posted fox and lizard girls
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I miss Skyrim guy too anon
based but be careful
Do people really have melties because specific posters never reply to them and give them attention?
reload, i didn't beat it in fes. Pretty close now and it's been fun.
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I don't bring it into the thread but there is a specific poster where if they don't reply to me it makes me irrationally upset.
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Kill yourself. Same goes for the rest of you AIJeets
slop seller I tell you
I'm going into fapple
and I need your FERALEST ponies
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good morning sir
peach poster...
if you say their name and it's me I will make an effort to not neglect you like I have been until now anon
I don't want them to feel like they have to reply to me as that would make it sting even more.
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>cute OC posted
>several people start seething and pissing and shitting
>pony with a dick and balls posted
>fat feeder vore porn posted
im here to cum i dont care about any of your gay bullshit drama
But what if they feel genuinely sorry about it and didn't even realise they were snubbing you?
not like this not with cock and balls I can't believe I got monkeypaw'd
>fat feeder vore porn posted
imagine outing yourself this hard
Just ruined a good Noita run by fungal shifting sand into acid.
Tried some Wreckfest but it runs like shit I'll have to figure that out.
Also I thought I'd give ZZZ a try but there's endless talking and I thought the combat would be more like Senran Kagura so I dunno.
just like this with a thick cock and heavy balls I can't believe god has rewarded me
>woman with a specific hairstyle
It was a high ponytail wasn't it
Bing thinks "high ponytail = whore" and it's right.
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Remember when dalle people accuses others for being diaper fetish furries?
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no but did you remember your duolingo english lessons
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le perma assblasted face
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my sides
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I'm guessing 3 is your favourite Persona? It's always the one you go back to(in terms of prompts, at least)
Only played a little Noita, didn't play it for long. What's fungal shifting?
>thought ZZZ would be like Senran
I think the girls with their titties out is the closest link there but Senrans still have them beat in that contest.
Estival Versus was the last one I played, good fun.
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So today we learned that in order for the thread to thrive we neither either:
>Novel AI and Flux
>Discord Screenshots
>Dick and Balls
>Fat feeder vore
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>we neither either
>neither either
bro call duobird he's fucking blowing up in dms
>need either*

>ESL speakers
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What we actually neither either is
1. post slop
2. don't stop
now kinsect(fluffy white moth) harvesting white extract from their hunter's penis
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wtf miku's penis should be thin and skinny like the rest of her
Noita's a hard game to like but an easy one to love I think, pure ragequit fuel but once you get past that hurdle it's top fun.
Fungal shifting is a meme mechanic where if you eat a bunch of pink fungus it causes one of the materials in the world (like water/soil whatever) to change into something else. Usually it's harmless and adds some fun but if something gets turned into acid then it's usually game over.
And yeah I liked SK, shame it's dead.
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Thank you Arkail from of Orcs and Men
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No soul.
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Why does everyone hate Animal Crossing?
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It's not AC it's just Isabelle, mostly due to the 1 poster.
I wish AC got more hate, it's one of those 'overrated because Nintendo did it' titles.
honestly isabelle was cringe even before that faggot decided to base his life around it
She's hot, though.
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my fucking sides
I didn't know these generators did size content.
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don't underestimate the
>size difference
>extreme size difference
tags on NAI
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Holy nice
is this any specific artist's style? I think I've seen it before
imagine the chafing
A mix of kokaki-mumose and dowman-sayman.
If it's neither of those you're thinking of, then it might be Flip Flappers you're remembering
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I had no idea.
cool prompt anon
Morning anons, how's it hanging?
holy bazongas

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I'm hungry.
Hungry for SLOP
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they're hanging low
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Yo chief.

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Reminder to stay hydrated when slopping
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Sure. On the True Gamer™ hydration.
how’s everyone doing
i’m cozy
Anchor post for everyone to respond to this with how they are doing so people don't have to be stuck in an infinite loop asking each other how they are doing

Reply here
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gets softer
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she's strong
nai won't let me in so pretend this Cirno is a Neco Arc please.

There's enough room for all bakas here.
more of best girl plz
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>he doesn't stockpile
Thanks man.
I'm alright.
I'm feeling faketective vibes from this one
Taking bets
I don't think so. It only looks weird because the other anons are missing.
I bet the last two numbers of this post that he is a faketective.
The return of a classic
>That prompt
Did you really inpaint the tights to make the image less lewd?
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Having trouble with NAI rn so it's only old stuff
Some might argue adding pantyhose makes the image more lewd
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Completely unprompted too. None of the others came out like that.

Yes. No lewding the Baka
rise and grind, gamers
The new studio behind this anime clearly had more budget
gooners in the back goat gooner in the front
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>A Vintage Sepia Mechanical Marvel illustration of Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(femme,green eyes,anthro bat,blue eyelids,white short hair,dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),pink heart print on chest,upper body chest Exaggerated), where nature and technology blend seamlessly in a bygone era aesthetic. Feature intricate gears, cogs, and steam-powered elements in a color scheme dominated by warm violet and black sepia tones.
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>page 6 during burger hours

I-Is it over?!
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>Dark, reflective, surreal black and white poster of Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(femme,green eyes,anthro bat,blue eyelids,white short hair,dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),pink heart print on chest,upper body chest Exaggerated) disintegrating into particles
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>A Xenoflora Portrait of Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(femme,green eyes,anthro bat,blue eyelids,white short hair,dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),pink heart print on chest,upper body chest Exaggerated) composed entirely of otherworldly plants and flowers. Imagine bioluminescent petals, strange textures, and colors never seen on Earth, using violet and black as your primary hues
So the Rouge the bat poster is just a chat GPT bot that comes in and creates random prompts whenever the thread gets too slow, right? has anyone else noticed this? it never talks to anyone else in the thread
People busy fapping at NAI
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nai's been down, apparently it'll be down for a total of an hour for maintenance
no they're rebelling against mods who delete Rouge
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I just like to post this so that others will want to use it.
endless cuddles~
I wish you would post more of your gens. I really like them.
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These kids look different
time changes us all
is your chibi hourglass? upgrade your chibi today
built for paizuri
Not much time to slop as before
you can tell it's faketective bescause he said good morning when it's afternoon for detective according to the spreadsheet
work on your faketective senses
the secret satanic cult of the dalle threads
It's Friday. All 4chan activity slows down on the weekend.
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I'll never turn down an excuse to post detective's body
Detective is the antichrist
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>whimsical 3d image. bold colors disney style an isolated cartoon Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(femme,green eyes,anthro bat,blue eyelids,white short hair,dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),pink heart print on chest,upper body chest Exaggerated) standing crossed arms mouth sunset in front of her there is a board with the words : Bat Tats (correctly spelled), style disney pixar,cimatica,micro details,digital art
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grainy screenshot of Playstation 1 game, 3d ps1 spec, bad textures, crt scanlines, glitchy tv artifacts VHS filter, final fantasy, skyrim, Sorceress [soft purple skinned woman, pointy ears, black fluffy hair, bull horns, golden eyes, golden earrings, wearing gaudian armor with a spear, book], yellow, black and green arabian palette, hinduism and japanese mix,in a moon castle made of blue crystals sparks, strange alien fauna and flora at the sides
Good morning.
New haircut?
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also he's using one of the set of detective prompts walking through a forest from his last melty, confirming faketective is in fact listfag or at least the melty anon
court is adjourned
i'm thinking based clemGOD
good stuff
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is this what the self-diagnosed autists call vocal stimming
>come in A squadron, bomber-leader Isabelle-1 here
>we're right above Dresden, let 'em fly!
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>gaudian armor
what is this?
Deserted island sex with detective
welcome back
Basically exaggerated with shit armor
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Clemsa we need to talk...
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>10-4 good buddy, connecting you with uhh... Pizza Hut
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So that's what 'gaudy' means, huh.
Guess it's more of an insult when applied to decorative accessories.

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>prompt limit
Shit time to go
Cool style.
You can't leave us I need you
Slow thread, eh?
Holy moly. Howdy clem
Howdy sunbro(?)
No worries, anons. It's me
Spreadsheet? Pretty normal time here for me, at least.
Heh, wonder why he picked mine. Cute gen regardless. How's it hanging, anon?
Nice to see he isn't giving up. I love it when they fight, makes it more fun.
Can Fett anon and Jirachi anon tell me how theses were made? What tags?
Good afternoon, detective

Ver 2

colorful whispy silhouette art, impressionist ghibli anime OVA still drawn by Hayao Miyazaki, with blue sky background. watercolor. red cloud silhouette of a sleeping laying on a hammock in a forest, Purple skinned tiefling woman adventurer with black layered bob, horns, closed eyes wearing a black&golden chained armor, high heels, white cloak, golden earrings. from her head inside of the silhouette are images of adventure. fantasy patterns

Peach vers

ver 1

colorful whispy silhouette art, impressionist ghibli anime OVA still drawn by Hayao Miyazaki, with blue sky background. watercolor. red cloud silhouette of a sleeping laying on a hammock in a forest, Princess Peach(from nintendo) adventurer with long wavy blond hair, horns, closed eyes wearing a black&golden chained armor, high heels, blue pearl earrings. from her head inside of the silhouette are images of adventure. fantasy patterns

ver 2

colorful whispy silhouette art, impressionist ghibli anime OVA still drawn by Hayao Miyazaki, with blue sky background. watercolor. red cloud silhouette of a sleeping laying on a hammock in a forest, Princess Peach(from nintendo) adventurer with long wavy blond hair, horns, closed eyes ,chains, high heels, blue pearl earrings. from her head inside of the silhouette are images of adventure. fantasy patterns

ver 3

colorful whispy silhouette art, impressionist ghibli anime OVA still drawn by Hayao Miyazaki, with blue sky background. watercolor. red cloud silhouette of a sleeping laying on a hammock in a forest, Princess Peach(from nintendo) adventurer with long wavy blond hair, crown, closed eyes ,chains, high heels, blue pearl earrings. from her head inside of the silhouette are images of adventure. fantasy patterns
Make cool gens while I'm out
What's the prompt? I love it.
yep, how's it going with you today detective? any plans for the weekend?
Thanks dood.
hey detective
my nooticing radar is fucking exploding right now its overheating
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Guys, why does Bing's magnifying glass icon keep changing color?
First it was gray, then it was blue, now it's black. What does it MEAN??
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It's a part of life
If no one replies to you, blame the thread for being slow (when it isn't, it's just that nobody replied to you) and try again.
It means you know too much
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Good afternoon, detective
slime is seriously working his way up the most pathetic avatar ladder
I'll have to try that the next time I'm feeling neglected. Apparently it works.
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Noticed that all the discord people came online at the same exact time and all of them post the same exact prompt with nearly identical image that they always post?
I didn't notice anything
slime is seriously working his way up the most adorable avatar ladder
detective and slime kissing...
in fairness we've all been sharing like 3 styles since march
Speak for yourselves, I have my own style.
I've shared it but no one uses it anyway.
Fake me is being more sociable than the real me again...
pray tell
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Hey-o all, hope you are doing good! Play any vidya?
Hey-o gums!
Hey-o, slime-o!(i dont know if the other two are real or not)
I did.
>possibly fakegoat?
What if he faked him and then told me that he loved me...I would never be able to recover
>tfw no one greets me when I come in
They're all real
ok, hear me out
I'm fake noimgposter
Helping this thread dying!
There's no fakepool yet, no one can be as autistic as me.
hello anon :)
Is there ANY image generator that comes close to DALL-E?
NAI is miles better
All I've seen from Novel AI is hentai. It can do other stuff?
cant tell if ironic shilling or real shilling
Flux was pretty good for OCs. Dunno about copyright
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>same negatives except for "horns, sheep horns" which was in the first one for whatever reason
>NAI maintenance
>can't generate pics of Sun and Ram getting spanked
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>NAI maintenance
>Ginny can't generate and post more loli and pretend it wasn't him
Possibly: https://postimg.cc/gallery/WkZZ9XF
It can recognize mostly popular characters, there's also LoRAs but i doubt the average /v/ poster cares about local genning
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Rise and Grind
it's not whether or not AI creators are artists or not, it's the fact they can produce 5 concepts for an original character in 30 minutes whereas an artist has to stop 3 months to go to a funeral or some shit
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Name ONE loli
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They're older ones so they've been remade. I'll probably have misremembered the exact description for Jirachi but Dall-E only half-understands him anyway.

>Persona 5 screenshot, Persona 5 anime artstyle, Jango Fett(man in silver shiny armour, blue undersuit, helmet, jetpack, holding blaster pistol) as a Persona 5 character, anime style. Persona 5 ingame character art with text box that reads ["Shadow or Not, there's a price on you."], background is a purple corrupted dream city

>Jirachi(white pokemon with yellow star head, teal rectangles on star points, black crescent on belly, long veil sleeves) as an overweight (fat) stuffed animal version of themselves, sitting on a toy store shelf. Picture them with chubby cheeks, pudgy arms, and a round belly, exuding a cuddly charm.
either way, art for profit is not real art no matter if a human or a computer made it
Presidential candidate Kamala Harris
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Baked >>690184993
thank you bakist
gunny uoh ToT
after 5 months of nai use I would still prefer Dalle3 where possible
if Dalle4 recognizes characters and games I like significantly better I don't think I'll resub for anything but T&A+sex
bit early innit?
You did this to yourself, piggy
>DALL-E 4 allowing copyrighted characters
Fucking kek
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>Auflaufgeschichte Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(femme,green eyes,anthro bat,blue eyelids,white short hair,dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),pink heart print on chest,upper body chest Exaggerated) portrait, fine-line art, illustration, flat 2d, minimal, centric, isometric, neon, vivide light, volumetric shadow, black background,violet scheme
Merely a cosmic coincidence and nothing more I'm sure.
My prompt sanitation is terrible. I feel like I'm dyslexic with all those brackets in the way. Also, hi.
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If DALL-E 4 can't clem or clappy it serves no purpose to me
>Dall-E 4 flourishes because of OC content
Oh boy
what does this even mean
Uoohh little miss president
Don't ToT
<3 right back at ya
Thanks 'aptrap, cool song
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Dalle 4 will save the thread
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TummyChan will return for Dall-E 4
I'm trusting in the plan
Where did you come from anyway? I like your bitchy girly energy.
I doubt we will be getting DALL-E 4 anytime soon.
5 months, trust the plan
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I got used to regularly checking my negatives because I didn't want to share anything untoward that could potentially damage my public image.
These Chinese AI video generators are so good I have to wonder how good Sora is by comparison.
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No rescue for 9 months exactly
Just a bit of fun
You need to set up a marco-polo of sorts to distinguish yourself from Faketective and Ditztective
I can't make cool gens, they don't compete
I come from the land down under
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>public image.
yeah you show the neigh-sayers
What are the Marco Polos of each regular?
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>A ghostly Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(femme,green eyes,anthro bat,blue eyelids,white short hair,dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),pink heart print on chest,upper body chest Exaggerated) glitched hologram of a Lovecraft style monster standing in the desert, at night, in the style of Stephen Shore and Daido Moriyama.
Marco's Polos....
I need help getting a consistent 90's anime style going. I wanted something that looked recognizably 90's like nadia or something like it. Would you guys have any ideas?
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>hand drawn alcohol ink wash autumn colours naive double exposure sketch dreamy surreal whimsical minimalist stallion Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(femme,green eyes,anthro bat,blue eyelids,white short hair,dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),pink heart print on chest,upper body chest Exaggerated) birch trees
yeah I have some ideas
would you please share them with me?
Silly girls, it's night time.You don't need sunglasses.
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>screenshot of a 1993s OVA in the artstyle of Kenichi Sonoda, 90s cel animation with film grain
that's the one I saved/remember being used for the 90's look, but it could be better.
Should remember that characters with weighted styles can fuck up the anime look until you reconfigure their description to trim the problem word/s causing it
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hold on to your shorts its the timeskip
Thank you very much
where are the proofs?
I tend to leave "pussy, nsfw" in the negatives after I've been ecchi prompting. Otherwise it's like an opposite dall-e where I'll be going for a cocktease and end up getting pussy flashbanged.

Oh shiiii
>the game in the negatives
Son of a bitch
/vg/'s SS13 thread
probably one of the top most mentally ill places on 4chan. We actually nuked the place and are rebuilding it with like 3 posters after chasing 2000+ discord users away. I am supposed to promote and play on the new server today but I am too lazy for that
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which oc/poster is this
I can't bear to nominate myself
no one really has a reputation for being dumb
would be easier to name the ones that aren't this
Every OC poster that regularly posts in these threads is highly intelligent.
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Where is Maria? Did they drift apart?
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Hey-o all, hope you are doing good! Slow thread, huh?
>Changing colors, music, and general wonkiness warning:
She goes by Mari now
why did he stop after that random rogue janny attack
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>mfw we get trolled
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>A Surrealist Metamorphosis of Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(femme,green eyes,anthro bat,blue eyelids,white short hair,dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),pink heart print on chest,upper body chest Exaggerated), with unexpected juxtapositions and transformations inspired by dreams and the subconscious. Utilize a vivid color scheme of violet and black to highlight the fantastical elements
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The fight was chopped out of him
Your one lewd gen of the day
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I nominate this for the thread banner.
more bum
I can't wait for tomorrow
Too cute to lewd
can you do this but make it detective instead? with red tie and large ass with abs and maybe breast
>Where is Maria?
Off to solve the mystery of Bat's missing father...
We got 50 images to russle up, partners
holy hell what happened to this thread
drama? qrd?
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Explain yourself
No, you can have one of the gens I didn't post yesterday.
One from the forbidden vault...
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Did she choke on photoshopped nuggets and die?
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Not me. I was eating pasta. Also I remember them using the same style the last time they were doing the fakegoat bit.
>caving to the crowd and genning lewd detective
that's it you're off the Christmas card list
Gotcha, what's prompt for this by the way goat?
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But a humble request to do a woodelf of this
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If in doubt, you can always ask for a manual edit.
I need to tinker with it more, but:
>heavybrush manga drawing, pc-98, blurred, grainy, dithering, pixelated art, faded watercolor:
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Slow day today I see.
Having some trouble with this one
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feels like khyle. slipped a little in somehow
So Klinganon have you tried the Lalilulelo
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There is always a next thread.
What if there isn't though?
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Have faith.
We don't deserve a new thread
reminder that punching ram also causes voodoo damage to sun
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I deserve Peach though
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we all do
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