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File: Draw Thread.png (528 KB, 1008x1316)
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Previous Thread >>689905312

>If you drew it and it's vidya, you can post it
>When requesting, post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. Thread's about art, keep it that way
>Have fun!

>Booru Collection

>Drawing Books and drawing programs:
>/ic/ sticky:

>NSFW Deliveries

>Offsite options:
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Anchor Post
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Requesting the Blini Cat as an Animal Crossing villager
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Draw more evil women!
requesting regina but upside down
I want DALL-E 4 so bad. We need updates.
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Requesting Lorelei wearing a comfy sweater sitting in a cafe reading a book or enjoying a coffee.
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Requesting the female malkvian hitting LaCroix with a stop sign
you're a dying breed. people will care less and less about your work and you will get older and older.
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Requesting a drawing of the witch girls Maple and Irene from the Zelda games because i want to see some more zelda witch girl art.

How about a pic of them on the beach with Maple playfully teasing Irene for her swimsuit?
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Requesting some soft bondage with Wicke from Pokemon Sun/Moon, smiling with a bit of a dopey expression like in the ref
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Requesting Rocky and Melody from Rocky Rodent dress up in Halloween costumes going trick-or-treating.
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Requesting someone draw rabbit Curly Brace like here but wearing something more revealing like a virgin killer sweater (and with 5 fingers on each hand, since it looks like she has 4 on each in the reference?).
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Drew a rabbit from WarioWare
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Requesting this thicc healer from metaphor refantasio clumsily on its knees trying to pick up its staff with its massive hips and thighs showing
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Requesting the Zoologist struggling to put on her jeans because of her big butt.
Requesting Elora stomping her hoof on my chest causing it to cave in and instantly kill me.
Clearly a sex bot.
that about sums up your sensibilities
Requesting the difas pillager being put in a pillory and her butt exposed
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Requesting a recreation of this Mayl pantyshot but with Amy Rose instead
Requesting Lilith Aensland from Darkstalkers, flashing her flatchest, and saying to the viewer in an aggressive way "Smaller is cuter!" (Or you can write what you want as long the meaning is similar) , something like this pic https://files.catbox.moe/189pwl.jpg
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Requesting Mizora from Baldur's Gate 3 getting fucked by a He-Man looking Tav while Wyll is unwillingly forced to watch because of his contract.
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do ivy x it-z crackship, this is an order

or I'll eat your heart out...
or give it to the nearest organ donation center
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Requesting the Nameless Hero smoking a fat blunt of swamp weed.
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I made this yesterday I wanted my fellow anon's opinion on it, It's a little animation I made of keyzer from wario land 4.
Requesting Chara from Undertale and Clover from Undertale Yellow having a Pokémon Battle. Artist choice on whatever Pokémon they have
Nice and simple. Good work, anon.
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Requesting fanart of Pixie from The Kore Gang
Thanks anon, I will admit I feel like I could have done more, like maybe animated the tail, but I just didn't least it came out nicer than my first animation and was far less taxing, adobe animate might be a tool I always use then, It's just really nice, It makes the process of animation so much easier compared to kirta
Well, here's to your future stuff.
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Requesting Urbosa swimming underwater. I leave to the artist the choice for either a swimsuit or skinny dipping, i'm fine either way.
100+ "How to draw" books for free: https://e-hentai.org/?f_cats=767&f_search=draw%2C+language:english
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Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" wearing her Long Maid Outfit doing stuff related to autumn and mushrooms, preparing a tasty mushroom stew, gathering mushrooms in the forest, sleeping over a giant mushroom or any other thing you can think of.

Non-ingame reference: https://imgur.com/GGhgzao

Nothing lewd, please.
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Posting this here as well
Birthday Merrin
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Requesting Clar the male succubus either giving Mana Tank a blowjob deepthroating his cock or getting fucked by him in the full nelson position.
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Requesting Keira wearing a wedding dress with her and Jak getting married.
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Requesting Gloriosa from Visions of Mana having sex with a human with her on top and enjoying it.
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Requesting Maya sitting on a bed either nude or in lingerie holding those 'yes' heart pillows.
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Requesting Aisha as a slutty gyaru.
its really nice seeing that one of the regulars in these threads keeps getting better, keep up the good work.
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Requesting Blueberry in the punk rock outfit getting fucked against the wall by an anon with them kissing. https://files.catbox.moe/3ltlix.png
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Requesting Sierra in heat bending over and shaking her butt seducing the viewer.
You'd think that with so many requests you'd have at least a single good one
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Requesting this Runescape player either in a necromancer battle with Gravelord Nito or just them chilling together with their skeleton/undead minions swapping necromancer secrets.
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Requesting Daud starting the Dunwall guard tradition of gathering for cigars and whiskey with his men as a way to bond and boost morale.
Thank you! So many kind people today...
We'll see me hitting the plateau when I have to draw full bodies at weird angles lmao
Underrated waifu (+ Need to see her boobas)
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Requesting Tsubaki relaxing in a hot spring.
Requesting Modeus as a cute little loli
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Requesting Party Girl passed out drunk with someone drawing a dick on her face with a sharpie.
Childish thinking from an idiot, there will always be a market for human art, and we haven’t even got to the inevitable backlash ai has coming once it starts replacing real artists. Real people are going to shit on ai once it stops confining itself to some heavily filter thread people already don’t want to look at on some shit forum.
I love this picture so much.
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I didn't really vibe with Engage a whole lot, but Merrin is definitely one of the things that I enjoyed, very a cute
And....maybe....but probably not today...
Have last year's Merrin titties in the meantime
Gay request, cool Curly though.
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ai slop
Noice. I really like her design and personality. And love her basic class.
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poor girl forgot to wear her arms and head today :(
You can tell its AI slop by the hands, it has only 2 fingers on each hand.
Do better....
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Requesting a drawing of Lilly in either of these bikinis.
The english voice actor is very fun too!
She got her head and arms blown off in a battle and you are making a mockery out of her? You should be ashamed...
>2 fingers
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Requesting Raquel as a Oifey/Seth brand Fire Emblem Paladin
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Requesting a Shygal inspired on this, as in Paper Mario the Shyguys do a lot of backstage and props work
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Requesting Hikage juggling knifes

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