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This is literally another shoah
a daring synthesis
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>please talk to us
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would you man the dustborn booth at tgs for a free 1 week trip to japan?

>you're not allowed to leave the booth while tgs is open, except for short toilet breaks
>you're not allowed to use your phone/switch/whatever, the only entertainment you're allowed is playing dustborn at the booth
>you're only allowed to talk to people about dustborn, you cant criticize the game or the devs
>you're not allowed to sleep at the booth
>you're not allowed to look at the nikke booth
>you're not allowed to look at the nikke booth
Wtf is this sick torture
Yes. It's no different from doing any job you're being paid for.
you dont get paid though, unless you count the trip to japan as payment
you have to sleep in a pod
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I wonder if he is finally going to achieve CHIM and gain self-awareness. The world needs another Longest Journey and Secret World.
say what you want but they got money to make their dream game and they went to tokyo for totally free from taxpayers money again
thats a win desu
Is the week considered part of TGS or is it an additional free week? If so yes, I'd do it.
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I wonder how the self-hating cuck spins all this in his head? It must be the fault of white supremacy, somehow.
>/v/ goes 10 seconds without imagining interracial sex challenge ((IMPOSSIBLE))
the week includes tgs so you get 3 free days
Yeah after TGS I'd go to a maid Cafe and ask them to play Dustborn in front of me
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>you dont get paid though, unless you count the trip to japan as payment
Then I won't bother.
>im just ahead of my time
>in 20 years this will be seen as a classic
ohhhh...dat dah niggerlova zone, we no go dehhh desuka.
Over the line
I bet that bastard doesn't even mind. He knows he will put out another turd a few years later from taxpayers' money again.
i wish there was a camera pointed at this stand during the whole show and then fast forwarded footage was posted online with nobody checking the game out.
you should kill yourself
>don’t get paid
You mean… you’re saying… I’d have to do it for free? I’ll have to decline. What kind of person works for free?
I actually want to play this game. Just to see how their minds work, just for educational purposes.
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I don't give a fuck about politics or culture war and most of the games I play are games /v/ utterly loathes, and still I found the Dustborn demo easily one of the worst games I've played on the past few years. Literally a glorified visual novel with fucking rhythm game segments and the combat section was so clunky it makes The Witcher 1 feel like Nioh 2 on top of conceptually being Scarlet Nexus if made by complete, absolute morons (and I hated Scarlet Nexus a lot)

>You didn't play the full game
No need to; in my personal experience a demo is enough to judge the full game.
this explains how the ubisoft ceo can say that they're not pushing any agenda
Just watch a long play on youtube.
Whats with mixing the band theme with faggy modern politics.
Volcano was a fag game with shitty rhythm game elements
And so was crustborne.
Being part of a music band is something every hippie / anti-establishment young person does.
Think back to the time when you were on high school and remember that cunt who always brought his guitar to the school.
why is there this tiny ball pit in front of POC worshiping game?
Make it a 10 day trip and I''ll agree.
define "free trip"
Just the plane tickets to and from?
Do I have to pay for basic meals myself, or do I get a food budget?
Do I have to pay for my lodging? I don't mind that capsule hotel stuff as long as I'm not paying for it.
Am I paying for my own transportation, or do I get one of those week long passes paid by the company? I've seen the company I work for pay (using company money completely) for the most frivolous of shit. I'm talking several thousand dollar meals. Not even business meeting meals, just "the sales guy wanted to go to a nice restaurant for lunch on his own". The company I work for is in the red by the way.
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How deep does the lore go?
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What games are these?
I thought the left was Atelier Yumia because of that girl with the short hair and red sleeves, but after looking at the AY's MC's clothes, that doesn't seem to be the case.
Found the right, looks interesting.
That is so sad kek
Who's the guy in the black shirt staring at it?
that's the main dev looking at his booth
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>graphics doesn't look like any more complex than fortnites
>requires double the resources to run compared to fortnite
why can't devs optimize their games anymore?
it is the guy who created dustborn
No one has come to play the game, so the developer sits there all alone playing it. No one even looks at the TV when they walk by.
>can't believe i got government funding for this shit lmao
>main dev playing his own game
who's the other white guy there?
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>gacha PvP hero shooter
Pure cancer
The booth babe
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Meanwhile the Japanese had this cosplayer doing a Lollipop stage show yesterday at TGS

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anyone interested in the collectors edition?
Do real people actually play these games or are they made solely for game journalists?
I hate this shit but stuff like this still always makes me feel kind of bad. I worked at a bookstore for awhile in university and whenever small authors had signings and like nobody showed up it always hurt
The TVtropes' Dustborn article is pretty funny; no criticism allowed anywhere, only positive things.
who's the red guy
Wow a bunch of paper
Someone set up a live cam
No and yes; the game bombed for a reason.
I would.
No, I'm requesting it
Based OP
Looks like they skipped showing the stage show and kept the panel part

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dude on the right eyeballing the lil kid pretty hard there
Why would you advertise this shit in Japan. KEK
>dustborn collectors edition
>ends up collecting dust
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Think about environment.
>no criticism allowed anywhere, only positive things
Liberals are like this for everything now. "I made this product, you can't criticize it!" has been a mantra for more than 10 years
A friend of mine put it pretty well
>"It's a game about American politics made by Norwegians. Why would the Japanese care?"
I think they did it to go to Japan on vacation and write it off as a business expense.
>I'm on the right side of history
>I'm like the family hiding Jews from the Nazis in ww2, one day they will acknowledge my courage
probably, but even then it must feel really humiliating standing there for hours with your trash game no one cares about. i guess these devs can just zone out and not think too much of it like i would.
holy fuck
>It's a game that makes fun of American culture made by Brits. Why would the burgers care?
dont feel bad.
these fucks just skimmed some from the billions that the government offshores instead of fixing any of the rotting infrastructure.
those guys are cockroaches and will thrive even after a nuclear armageddon.
Japanese people are super autistic, do they not realise that if you set up an awkward situation where the developer and his boyfriend are going to stare at you the entire time you play the game that nobody it going to touch it regardless of what game it is.
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>would you work for free?
what's the fucking incentive then?
Makes fun of= fun
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He got bored
It was funded 100% by the tax payers so don't be surprised when this studio goes on to make another 10 projects. Fucking Swedes man.
>everyone and their mother want to visit Japan now
What happened
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Also, what do you think is he playing now?
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>ugly negress character as the representative of the game
>nobody gives a fuck, everyone too busy at booths with cute anime girls instead
>incels are really stalking the booth as if anyone with a life actually gives a shit
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>Our team is predominantly white and male. That's unfortunate.
meanwhile Valve is predominantly white and male, but they still made interesting "diverse" characters like Alyx that don't feel forced or there to tick boxes
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I'm not sure if that's actually Ragnar Tørnquist or a remarkably similar looking body double. He sure doesn't fit in.
>At least it has more players than Concord.
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Still don't get what Goku and Vegeta have to do with failed events.
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>don't feel forced or there to tick boxes

Do you ever tire of being wrong?
I saw this as a kid and it fucked me up for a week. I looked at people entirely different knowing they could be like this.
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this is the one that got me
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seeing people watching the z fighters fight looks like they are staring at nothing, to someone untrained
the joke is he isnt staring at his empty dustborn booth
Are any of the 5 people playing here with us now?
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>previous game
>had 3x the amount of players at peak
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I'm having a blast!
When they first fight, Goku says they should fight somewhere empty.
Whenever something bombs, the implication is that the empty place is wherever it's showing.
>remember that cunt who always brought his guitar to the school.
He did that cause it got him girls

>Dashcon was 10 years ago
Stop explaining the joke.
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>remember that cunt who always brought his guitar to the school.
>He did that cause it got him girls
It actually works
hahaha humiliation ritual
Has that comic been scanned and storytimed?
haha I have been spoonfed now and also can laugh at the "secret" joke
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You're selling what are you doing on your ass.
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Thank you brother
I can guarantee you Ragnar is there telling Japs about how their country should open their borders more
I don't get it
normalfags are all watching anime now. look at the netflix listing, it's no longer litterally who anime originals from netflix, it's all the big stuff
I was talking to a stacy in college, you would never guess her favorite anime: Tokyo ghoul, akira, Kaiju 8
now the ostracized people in anime community are the nerds that consume loli
those 5 people are probably just the devs testing something in the game
>the passersby avoiding eye contact with them
Buddy I worked on the game and even I don't want to launch it ever again.
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>promised to have Steam Powered Giraffe and Welcome to Night Vale
This whole thing is gayer than I remember.
>The Shadow confirms it's real
Oh no...that's just terrible...
But I already live in Japan.
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>western devs begging for a single sale of their very expensive game
>meanwhile i dropped $60 on a single skin for marciana
Man, it really shows how conceited they are thinking they could sell this shit in japan.
fucking lol
How and why did this happen? Like, the game is already out right? And how did they afford this?
Cuckmann should be shorter, like half of Ragnar's height
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>no one posted the best picture
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Funniest part is the anime stuff on the right side.
Best picture indeed
Just upscale lmao
I fucking hate this shit so goddamn much
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I wonder which will appeal more to that demographic
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>32 page prequel comic book
That sounds absolutely dreadful.
>I worked in the game
I hope the money was worth it at least
What did they mean by this?!
Neil Druckman at the Golden Globes red carpet, nobody cared about him and someone said "next guy" as he was standing to be photographed
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wat is this game i am very intrigued
god i hate kikes
Feel bad only if they don't deserve it
Not only people shouldn't show up on their booth security should also throw them out for displaying this garbage
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>that jump for 2011 to 2012
I'd make fun of him but I'm careening in that direction too
i can see the face of his pain. his entire belief system. tested. utter and complete rejection of his life's work. a man flirting with inevitability. he no longer feels human. the realization. Inescapable. he is. the clown.
added to wishlisted
i sure do like this kind of girl
There's some on the YMMV page
It's very soft handed though; Tvtropes is bad about fence sitting even the worst dogshit. It always stuck with me when I read the Secret of NIMH 2 page and they tried some defense of it.
>Hey, this isn't as bad as I remem-
Window closed.
My government is probably paying for it
Why are Norwegians making games complaining about America instead of ones that deal with their own social and political issues.
The Dev looks autistic, what is it with some autistic nerds where they turn into full blown communists?
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>no criticism allowed anywhere, only positive things.
I hope this continues
People like him don't have their faith tested. He'll return to a bubble to reaffirm his beliefs, and if Trump wins again then he'll decide everyone else but him is wrong.
El negro siempre...
These people live on twitter and don't leave their house, you could say they are digital citizens of California.
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>"i'd make fun of-"
and thats why these things happen to you!

Reminder that this shit LITERALLY got US and Norwegian taxpayer money to fund it
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Based OP
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the faithless cannot abide the might of the divined ones.
Is the game a spoof? Why does it have so much shit in it that feels like a spoof?
No it's not a spoof but it's also not meant to be taken 100% seriously. It is partly an (intentional) comedy.
The Triggered option for example was meant to be funny but people online seem to think it was serious.
thats what happens when your jokes are terrible and not funny
How many Devs on the team thought the game was insufferably woke vs people who thought they were making cutting edge political commentary? When I was working in-house this shit was always driven by 1 or 2 writers and everyone else just awkwardly acquiesced
ignore the gaijin sweety just keep looking forward
We never set out to make the game "woke". It just kind of became that way as the characters became more fleshed out and more dialogue was added. For the characters we created it didn't make sense to write it any other way. I wouldnt' say anyone on the team is infuriatingly SJW or anything.

Nobody mentions it anymore but early on the biggest influence was the Scott Pilgrim movie which also had some SJW-vibes to it but not enough to be annoying.
t. woman, non-binary, PoC, minority
Why is the main character so racist to robots?
Why wouldn't they be?
Weird, I don't believe there weren't 1 or 2 political activists on the team because you don't end up there by accident but they were probably disconnected from your department. If the majority of the team was normal and treating it like how do you do fellow kids american behaviour then it explains why it's impossible for me to tell if the game is making fun of woke shit or pushing it. It's like an alien regurgitating american politics without understanding the ramifications of any of it.
>We just made game by the flow and it accidentally and unconsciously turned out to be the most woke and unenjoyable game of 2024

Either you're making shit up or there's not a single vision or talent inside the company
They look so bored lmao
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>feeling sympathy for the devil
VR spinoff
FF16 and Ratchet are already on PC
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I think the British understand American culture better than most Americans, they are intertwined yet have enough distance to observe, they also have a sense of humor that translates. Scandanavians don't understand American culture at all, they are too far removed from the Anglo mindset to be sophisticated or even funny about it.
Imagine the stench
If you don't have irl friends and people don't approach you, this is how people see you. You are that booth.
lmao is that the ball pit from that one furry convention or whatever it was?
So THIS is why faggot Poojeets and niggers were advertising the AC Shadows dogshit with "FUCK JAPAN" recently.
>Kaiju no. 8
Absolutely based. Ask her out for me.
prefer when stockings do this on thighs
Only if you're incredibly off-putting in some way. I'm not negatively inclined towards random people who sit alone, I might feel sorry for them but I don't hate them the way I hate stupid propagandists.
>take the deal
>ignore the rules
I dunno bros I think I'm getting soft
I used to laugh at people like this but now that I'm older I feel bad cause there's clearly something wrong with them in the head so I dunno
I deliberately want to be left alone, SPECIALLY if I'm eating or working.
Come on brother, no character ends up like that "naturally" unless either the writer is so deep down in his politics he cant even see its off puting to most people it or its satire, and its clearly not satire
California was still pretty alright until Californians got exposed to Europeans via social media. It was like a switch had suddenly been flipped and everyone I knew started referring to themselves as a "Social Democrat" that just wanted "healthcare like the Europeans".
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I have an idea: what if devs stopped making political games and went back to making games like 2016 never happened?
Erm, that would be quite zamniphobic, chudigga.
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>doesn't win Norwegian game awards
>doesn't get funded by the government or EU
>works part time in a kindergarten
>solo devs, hikes and dives in his free time
>makes a masterpiece and then disappears from the internet entirely
Meanwhile, Dustborn's dev just wants to put their twitter nonsense into games
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At least DFC had 4 figures
Wanting free healthcare doesn't mean you start chopping off your dick and start calling for reparations
>Red Thread
Didn't know Wendigoon was a liberal now
That's just where it starts.
>Game with such negative appeal that its booth at the TGS successfully advertises the other games around it
Not sure what you're referring to but "red thread" is a phrase used in Germany and the Nordics meaning "throughline". For example the red thread with Red Thread Games is that they're braindead woke
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Not saggy tits.
i read that as fatenigger
>execs still thinking Star Wars is the benchmark of success when Marvel far outgrossed it
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>California was still pretty alright until Californians got exposed to Europeans via social media.

I'm joining the call for a total zoomer ban from this site.
Marvel made infinity money because they made the gambit of forcing all the fanboys to see a dozen mediocre character movies in order to get the full context for the next Avengers movie, 4 times in a row. But now The Avengers is over and the MCU is falling off a cliff because all but the most delusional dedicated marvelsöys are burned the fuck out on it.
good lads
You're not getting soft than you are becoming a bit more empathetic. Doesn't mean you accept this guy for being autistic or enabling them, but at one point you see the forest for the trees and just feel bad instead of having the cringe reaction as usual. The purpose to feeling shame and embarrassment is to know that you've committed a faux pas in your tribe, while knowing that feeling is born out of feeling cared for and wanting to belong.
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>which way western man?
you dont get paid though, unless you count the trip to japan as payment
Unless it's an all expense paid trip where literally everywhere I go and everything I buy is paid for, I could just spend the week working and buy the tickets myself.
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Reminder that on some level, conscious or unconscious, this fag understands he made a really unlikeable, lame, gay piece of shit and so he can't even bring himself to accurately describe the game when faced with a flesh and blood human
I didn't even notice druckmann at first lol
>i screencapped it, it must be true!
If he's that embarrassed why is he even there? Nobody forces you to rent boothspace at tgs unless there's some requirement from his gay overlords.
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>A norwegian happysad game set in a northern land!

>already paid by the yuro tax payer.
>doesn’t needed to make money.
>devs enjoy a free trip to Japan.
>devs are a bunch of white guys.

And you guys say white privilege ain’t real lol.
My hommies
>you could say they are digital citizens of California
kek, that explains it
No one has said it but that nip with the off-shoulder top looks fine.
Concord reminds me of the making of Star Wars Episode 1.

I wonder how he feels seeing people of both genders not giving a single shit about his pandering and walking right past him to go to anime titty booths.
>The Triggered option for example was meant to be funny but people online seem to think it was serious.
Because people seriously act like that. It can only be intentionally funny if you're allowed to mock trannies and SJWs and call them mentally ill. When all gaming media is bending over backwards trying to worship pandering and diversity, you can't make a game like that 'ironically'.
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What's the problem here? Its a persona he puts on for Youtube. He doesn't look horrific like YandereDev or anything.
Should have left in the Dashcon ball pit, and added the meth lab Oompa Loompa.
Hol up
I know they didn't bring back songs from the OG. But is Sleigh Bells stills in RePOP? If so, I may buy it now.
That's not it. The yen is freefalling right now so the dollar to yen is mightily in murrica's favor. Alot of murrican tourists are going over right now because they literally get more bang for their buck. Hell there's housing incentives for them too but it comes with a few tags on that, like rebuilding abandoned houses in rural areas back to earthquake standards and utilites.
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STFU transphobic turd
I've worked for horrible companies in the past, had to say some truly atrocious things with a smile on my face. Shaken hands with the devil himself. A free trip for a few hours of work isn't a bad deal.
Not even remotely interested in BR but looks sick
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No sorry. You would have to sweeten the deal. Basically you desired a marketing wagie's business trip but without pay. Let me be clear: i am an unapologetic corporate whore because i like money. If you are not paying money i can't sign on.
The reason Dustborn went into development was because Trump won the presidency in 2016 according to the head dev (the loser standing with the empty booth at TGS. So your perspective is really strange.
Nicely put
>The reason Dustborn went into development was because Trump won the presidency in 2016
Uhhh what? Did he explain further than that? I don't see how those 2 things go together.
It's the next Korean Genshin killer
good thread
A daring synthesis!
It's a Norwegian phrase for describing tone in media, but it's used inappropriately here. There's no story to get happy or sad about, it's just adventuring and fighting in the wilderness with moody fog and such. I'm annoyed he put it there in the description because it has confused a lot of people
This thread is being sexist!
i jest. there is no contest
mussy gets a bye
>Battle royal
>Hero based shooter
>Chink developer
>Battle pass
>wanting to go to that soulless shithole filled with pedos
I agree that western devs are stupid but you are an absolute faggot for doing that
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>did he explain further than that
I'm not answering that nor am I 690304506, so I'll give my two cents on
> I don't see how those 2 things go together.
When 2026 comes around, we'll get a wave of "retrospective" video "essays" (glorified listicles put to moving pictures and voice acting) covering how Trump's victory in 2016 inspired a creative fad of dunking on MAGA and Trump. Besides Dustborn being 7 years late to the party, you got games like Life is Strange 2, Wolfenstein The New Colossus, and Mafia 3. Absolutely fucking asinine by the way, Wolfenstein TNC's inclusion of black and Southern communists fighting the good fight against Nazi Occupied America would've been stylish Black Panther kino.
Especially for a gigantic hunk of shit like Nikke, shit for shit makes the world dirtier
>I'm not sure if that's actually Ragnar Tørnquist or a remarkably similar looking body double. He sure doesn't fit in.
To show the world this beautiful game.
>The only good-looking person in that pick is Jacob from Twilight
I wonder how many of these chuds got arrested?
>average woman
>average woman, japan
Based. Crazy to think that this is the commanders canonical view and the nikkes not only know the commander is looking at their panties and butts but they enjoy and encourage it.
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If you ever wanted to visit Japan, you need to go NOW. In a couple of years, Japan will be filled with pajeets shiting on every corner.
>>you're not allowed to look at the nikke booth
What? Sorry man, not worth it
His a host on a podcast called Red Thread
This will never be not funny
Gotta be in the year end collage for sure
This game ruined the series more than the 2nd
This is so grim just off the first minute. I looked away in shame at least 4 times in those minutes
>tranny ball pit
>no one takes the bait
JP has won
the west stands alone at the bottom
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You are not even being paid to do this, anon. Just stop.
yeah could've just put "melancholy yet whimsical"
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Meanwhile, in America
Anon I think you might legitimately be retarded
This. It’s not like that studio is going to be open in a year.
It was happening before 2016, friend. What do you think Gamergate
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lol lmao. You are free to take pictures of booths. It's not like some CCP country where you aren't allowed to laugh at them either. TGS is 4 day event by the way
wow big success
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>but now that I'm older I feel
>>>I feel
i see two people playing looking bored as fuck
waiting for their turn to try lysfanga - the time shift warrior
even the green haired tranny is watching the another game
Yes. My yellow fever is that strong.
Damn, it's like Jap repellent lmao.
>but what about the Americans?
>would you man the dustborn booth at tgs for a free 1 week trip to japan?
i'd do that but only because i'm a yuropoor so i would need to save for half a year for such a trip and you're telling me i just need to sit around for several hours? sign me up
you can read it in their website anon https://www.wearethedustborn.com/en-US/comics/dustborn-prologue

spoiler: it's a nothingburger
Hm, I don't really get the concept of the game if it's built on satire. Your team has never looked at a single Life is Strange game because the last thing any big youtuber want to do is display any form of hatred in their videos
Oh god anon, I'm so sorry for you. It must suck knowing you contributed to making Dustborn.
It's already getting jeeted pretty bad.
I love that he wrote that book, told everyone that he was in retard classes and rode the retard bus, and explains in depth having a tard melty over someone using the phrase balls on the dick which he somehow makes about himself, and tops it all off by reading the audiobook version of it himself, never thinking he just shouldn't tell anyone
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>i've seen footage, im not buying
>i've seen footage, im not buying
>i've seen footage, im not buying
When I was stationed in Sasebo, I was genuinely surprised to see Indians working at the 7/11 and there being an Indian curry restaurant at the Ginza near the base. 7/11 must have some sort of bizarre hiring practice where they only fucking employ Indians or something.
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>average woman, US
White guilt
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>the ballpit
I can't. It's too much.

At least try to use photoshop these are fucking awful
uhm excuse me but EVERYTHING is political, don't you get it, chuddie?
we in the ball pit now
I expect someone from /v/ show up there and make fun of them.

Anon he got mindbroken by Trump winning and completely head dived straight into wokeshit. It's plain and simple. Him being obsessed with Amerimutt politics is actually not that uncommon with Europeans.
They actually paid $25k for booth space in TGS just to get humilliated publicly.
Thats fucking impressive, it takes some real skill to lose money by promoting your own game.
That movie should make like concord and cancel itself
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No blacks in sight.
I don’t know about you guys, but I kind of envy the people who get to work on these slop games. You sit around, you pitch creative ideas that sometimes make it in, sometimes don’t. You get a steady wage, and then it comes out, and no one really cares, and you get to go to a game convention with a free hotel, business class both ways, ogle some jap cosplayers, then go home. Like yeah sure they’re not creating masterpiece art, but neither is the average office employee.
>You get a steady wage
Tell that to anon when he loses his job in like, two or three months when his game company closes.
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I want to see them take their booth to black events. Like black republicans for trump, or NAACP convention. I think it would work. They would be the only video game, they could convince people to try it, and it would be two white nerds talking to a bunch of black people. It would be hilarious and they might even get some sales. Or a vibe check. Cause no one who plays games right now is interested.
>brings up trannies out of nowhere

Are the trannies with us in the room right now, chuddy?
>>you're not allowed to look at the nikke booth
Ok I'll go look at the Azur Lane booth instead.
Also does this trip include a premium economy flight from burgerland, and free lodging at some nice hotel?
nta but always
i dont get how you can be extroverted enough to attend these gatherings but still be a shut in whose whole personality is frequenting an image board. nerds being extroverts just doesnt seem right to me...
it's a known fact ALL cons must have a ball pit to appease the trannies
They're fighting somewhere empty (meme).
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low class worker ants use photoshop, explorers and kings spend 3 minutes making sloppy edits in GIMP and paint.net
>Go from Indigo Prophecy
>To Publishing This
What was the point of getting the collectors edition, then?
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If anon from the earlier thread was telling the truth, he pointed and laughed at the booth and spoke in nip to his friend so they wouldn't understand. Ragnar looked embarrassed and looked at the ground
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>the people you'd expect would play this are actually playing it
Of course I would, I would then break all the rules
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if you break the rules you turn into a pillar of salt
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Where did these pictures come from? Was this before the game went gold? Lmao this fucking retard
sounds based tbqh
your boycott isn't working
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It's from TGS that's happening right now, or at least was happening over the last few days. So this is post-launch, and even after the player count on steam dropping to single digits. Imagine being this guy, having your game drop to single digits, and also showing up to TGS just to have everyone ignore you.
No he's right. It's called empathy.
It's from this weekend, that's what's so funny
Le self hating Norwegian face
>zoomer generational album photos
nigger what
The actual audacity of this fucking loser and his trash game going to tokyo.
These people are so out of touch with reality it is mind boggling.
Norway here.
We're sorry.
It's ok, Norway gave us Magnus Carlsen so it evens out.
Stalking? It's a photograph, not a live feed.
They likely got their tickets paid for by whatever local norwegian agencies, companies tend to give each other some benefits like this for attending events
They probably still had to pay for that much floor space though
Get Bazz in there too kek
It is crazy to me that these retards thought it would be a good idea to host this dumpster of a game with all its ugliness at a Japanese gaming event. Like did they really think they would be able to compete with all the anime and japanese products? This like taking your tesla to a porsche car show
Wtf are you fucking kidding this shit literally bombed a month ago, what was the plan? To pay for a vacation for these two faggots?
Wait a minute...
Demoman is a based chud, though.
At least you're not Canadian
He has to spread the word of multiculturalism to Japan.
Everyone loves Demoman
I hope every person involved in funding and making this game lives a painful fucking life. I hope they burn in the deepest pits of the hells and suffer until the universe’s heat death. This is my attitude towards every piece of shit that is left wing or actively makes garbage to force a political message.
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The american dick sucking going on here is crazy i cannot imagine an american giving this much of a fuck about some nordic ice-dweller country
Could use a recognizable blowjob in the background
TGS, I'm guessing the Japanese release of the game is upcoming.
It's okay to feel empathy for those authors because they're starting with next to nothing in most cases, but in the case of Dustborn, these devs were literally paid millions of dollars by the Norwegian government (and also made Dreamfall back in the day) to make a game and this is what they shat out. They aren't struggling.
I spy...
>i cannot imagine an american giving this much of a fuck about some nordic ice-dweller country
binland dont look fug :DDD
The fact they are surrounded by anime tits and sexy cosplayers makes it even better.
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The honest truth of the matter is that there’s nothing to spin. Woke people won’t defend this game because it’s like getting egg on your face except you’re doing it intentionally. Does Dustborn build on the troupes associated with what far left progressives attach themselves to? Yes. But is it something that will leave an impact? No. So no one wants to defend it beyond saying “chuds bad”. Many of the types who would defend it state they didn’t even know about the game until chuds started yapping about it. The truth is that Dustborn isn’t a win in the culture war but it doesn’t make any progress either because the people who it’s marketed too won’t play it anyway.
Isn't this picture from a weekday, shouldn't she be in school
No one talking about it in twitter either, imagine how it must feel drawing zero interest when thousands of japs have walked past your booth.
You do not belong here, unfortunately most people don't because you didn't lurk before posting. You weren't told to fuck off, people spoonfed you, you didn't get goatsee'd.
I'm not clicking on a Rick and Morty gif bro
Having skimmed through a playthrough of the game to see if there were any funny scenes to webm (not really), I conclude this game is incredibly dated on release and feels like it should have come out in 2017/2018, and it screams "I learned about America on twitter".
To advertise in Japan. Thing is, the game bombed so I highly doubt it was going to appeal to the Nips anyway.
the whole point of demoman is that he's self aware that he's a black scottish cyclops and knows how fucking strange it is. meanwhile modern game devs don't give any context or actual worldbuilding for racial diversity in places that are otherwise monolithic cultures in times where it's clear that travel takes a long time. like they'll go ahead and slap in a bunch of subsaharan africans into the heart of moorish spain even though they were incredibly rare even in port cities and almost always a curiosity where they were present, but then gloss over actual interesting interactions like franco-normans, sicilians, and moors living alongside one another despite their differing cultural and ethnic backgrounds
And that gay artist, Tom of Norway. His work is hot.
>nobody visiting their booth
>meanwhile a huge pair of anime tits hangs behind his head and a visible line of people waiting to play whatever that game may be
lol, why the fuck are they here. they're retarded, they're way out of their depth
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guess it really has been that long hasn't it
Yeah, but I'm not gonna follow those rules. You should have been more strict about it somehow, like the company has the booth bugged in case I bad-mouth them.
I think I'd be fucked if I went to Japan, I know literally no Japanese and I certainly wouldn't be able to learn enough in a week to get around
ay yo
>why the fuck are they here
99% sure that the CEO just wanted a trip to Japan and was able to abuse some kind of grant to be able to travel abroad and "spread the message about Norwegian companies" or some garbage like that.
>goes to TGS
>can only think of Dustborn and stalks out their booth, taking unwarranted pictures of men he doesn't know
pol fags are unhinged lmao
exactly this, he was just taking the opportunity to wine and dine on taxpayer money in japan
Well I only really noticed those fucks after I had post-nut clarity in the restroom, and it's no effort to get out my camera, so...
yes you will, retarded streamers go all the time and Japan is very accommodating towards English-speaking tourists. this isn't 1989
You mean Tom of Finland.
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I've never actually looked into going to Japan, so I had no clue what it's like for English tourists. That's nice to know either way
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Mr. Mitosis main here
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>I conclude this game is incredibly dated on release and feels like it should have come out in 2017/2018

I think this could also be said about Concord.
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Thugnigicent Bazz though
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Anon how the fuck can you be on 4chan and make gay shit like this? Aren’t you inspired to make a JRPG like those French devs? Or a fighting game or something with hit coomer women in it? How did your art career lead you to making shit like this in 2024???
>images moids will never understand
Its from the tumblr convention so youre technically right
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you'd need soul to understand
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No, Bazz deserves QUALITY
Probably yes, but this is less a genre thing and more the tone of the game, it's very "2017 Twitter"
We call them "Twittermericans". Their entire social life consists of hanging out in American social circles online or at best solely interacting with other people that do this.
Dash con el dinero
it's very easy to navigate tokyo and osaka with next to no japanese knowledge, but you're SOL outside of public transit everywhere else
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Dustborn kind of reminds me of YIIK, although I don't think they have much in common outside of being generally ugly
Except for some reason YIIK was saved by /v/ while dustborn is just completely untouchable by anyone.
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Idk about that.
Haven't played it but, despite all the shit, Yiik seems like an earnest (if absolutely incompetent) game.
I don't get that feel from Dustborn. It just feels mean spirited.
Yiik at least is entertaining to watch. I cant say the same about Dustbin.
a classic
someone incorporate this into >>690317623
YIIK is somewhat fascinating to me and I can't really explain why
needs a druid
lmao nobody noticed
nice shoop
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Sometimes you niggers are all right
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Is this the best example of a humiliation ritual?
>I got paid to make this.
Probably something like that I'd imagine.
What are you talking about? In this moment, he is already coping that everyone there is just an incel chud gamer, and that he's ahead of his time.
No part of his thought process is anywhere close to the question. "Am i incorrect?"
There's also some shills for the new Warhammer game that are targeting Japanese/Eastern games because GW is funded by Blackrock
NEXT GUY and NEXT GAME, it's so over for cuckolds
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The only visitor all day
200 million dollars and the only fun anyone had with the game was this gif
It's amusing that someone photoshopped the Japanese below the title to read kusoge, or shitty game.
Not a matter of secret club, it's part of the etiquete not to spoonfeed.
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I still cant tell whether this game was satire or not. It just seems like a parody of what people think leftists are. Do the devs actually think the way their characters act and talk is a good thing?
Man i'm so fucking bored of the japanese copying everything
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Who dat
fucking brilliant
Concord is much more MCU coded than it is Star Wars tho.
Powerful image
it is that racist piece of shit
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best example of not knowing your audience.
like going to Oktoberfest to preach sobriety lol.
I see you Neil
What a waste of floor space. They could have had cosplayers taking that spot instead.
It is kek
Dude is such a fucking loser
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seriously what the fuck were they thinking trying to push this garbage in japan
That's a Chinese game, Zhang. You know, the people that copy everything.
>>you're only allowed to talk to people about dustborn, you cant criticize the game or the devs.
Thats basically torture at this point
dont' tell me they fucking wasted money in a japanese dub
now i wanna hear the songs in japanese
The train station assistance have tablets pretty much just for google translate , and most of the popular touristy spots will likely have basic functioning english. You might need to speak in katakana engrish for them to really get what you mean though.
what if i go "ching chong wing wong" and flip them the bird if they dont like it
I think you have to have some self-awareness at some point. If you know your book is not popular, why do you even bother going to do that? Just wait a few more years bro, maybe you are decently known by then
Some other foreigner will get mad at you to protect their glorious nippon while the nip will just smile and bow 20 times.
How extremely odd and coincidental that your character designs all fit perfectly into one of the two or three preapproved sidecut biracial lesbian archetypes then. You people have zero creativity in your entire makeup. Your entire faction is like North Korea, you have no individuality or original thought, you act in cowardly ruthlessness if anyone expresses the most mild dissent, and you will contribute nothing of value to the world other than an example of what not to do and what fate ultimately befalls those who oppose freedom of expression.

When your handlers steer you wrong and the slop you make fails, it's gonna be you who loses your job, not them.
Damn, because I'd like to go to some of there natural parks and such. They look very comfy.
Guess I can cross that off my list.
they are ownin the chuds so hard in that pic
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i genuinely hate what america has become
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Get your goy slop away from those anime tiddies.
Fuck off
piss off plagiarist
you wouldn't understand soul
It's mostly that regardless of intro/extroversion, internet culture is far disconnected from normal culture. The more you get into it the more your own interests get disconnected from the average person, so even if you're an extrovert it's difficult to socialize without sterilizing yourself and finding others that are just as retarded as you is refreshing
Next booth
to believe the Cowboy Bebop LA sucked but the OP live action somehow got praised even by normalfags.
W japan
more like LAST GAME
Why don't Japanese audience embrace DEI at all?
Did you miss the trap zombie in Zombieland Saga who an hero'd because he grew a single hair on his chin because he desperately wanted to be a girl?
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Cultural Incest.
You can't introduce DEI when the people doing the games were fans of the games they grew up with, thus creating a closed circle where you can't really enter. Granted, this comes with cultural inbreeding and generally lower quality of games, but its still better than what the aaa western industry has to offer.
I live in Japan, so no.
This is different. These guys used tax money to develop their shitshow.
For you to spend more money
the only thing the guy running the booth has is that he's a tall white guy in shape and if he wasn't a beta who slurps up shit like dustborn, he'd probably be able to use this opportunity to get a bunch of japanese babes. But he'd probably think it's offensive to asians to assume he'd have a shot because of that.
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Unironically, why would any girl there go with him over the booth dudes with actual six packs?
>booth dudes with actual six packs?
that's a statue...
Even better. It's literally Majima's rock hard abs you're competing against.
I doubt SEGA would let you leave with the statue, they might let you leave with the JAV girls they have hanging around since they're whores, but the statue would have to stay.
What the fuck is there to even show for this game? All you do is walk around and do nothing of interest. Most of way pulls you in is supposed to be the story, which is shit... But I always considered that when you have it on screen like that open to play, it only ever works out if the player is able to actually just go around doing whatever the fuck they want like in a GTA game that just let's them immediately murder everyone on the street and fuck around with the game just to get a "feel" of what it might be like. This shit would do absolutely nothing at all.
are they trying to lure in children with that ball pit there?
Sure, why not. I'd get my Japanese friends to come meet me at the booth
she looks so soft... what do women feel like bros?
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>booth dudes with actual six packs
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It's less guarded than the Ryza statue. It's only a matter of time.
why would anyone take the ryza statue home? the thighs wouldn't be squishy enough to use, they'd just hurt
>staff is almost all white men
>black woman protagonist

every god damn fucking time
What exactly is even the point of the physical map when, first, you don't even actually use it in-game. You just see it once during one of the exposition dumps early on in the game and that's it. And second, game doesn't even take place throughout any of the places mentioned throughout it. You start at the start as expected, then immediately deviate off-path to somewhere else and the rest of the game is all off-path until the end where you're magically just teleported to the end of the map via dogshit time skip.
you'd think with how many white men seem to like black women, there'd be more attractive black women protags? they should just be open about their fetish and make them look like yummy chocolate queens instead of whatever the hell they're doing now.
The MGS Delta we're better, they showed tummy
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Mind over matter, young Ed boy.
Theres enough space to insert an onahole between her tighs, you can imagine she is giving you a sumata.
you would have to be soulless to come up with something like this. as such, he is completely unaffected. you look into his eyes, there's nothing there. even pornstars don't have that kind of void inside
>posts the best character in TF2
what did he mean by this?
maybe if you've got a smaller one
You know what? I'm impressed. They somehow got every single person who bought Dustborn together for a picture!
Never seen a goyim wrangler? All "indie" devs have one.
I work in the gaming industry as a concept artist and I've worked with teams on both sides of the spectrum " dudes who want to make fun games, activists who seethe at white people"
The fun games client were my favorite, we bounced ideas back and forth, it was always exciting trying to conceptualize characters and environments and it reminded me why i chose this career in the first place.
The activist brained client was an absolute nightmare, they have twitter brain rot and genuinely hate white people, whenever i presented a non diverse character they seethed and they had the imagination capacity of a shoe with down syndrome
Everything to them was about lecturing why white people bad
The funding stopped near the end because the producer got tired of their shit and the activists hijacked the project and turned it into a depressing quip filled preachy garbage that would've failed day one.
The white dudes team game got over 10000 positive reviews on steam and they're currently working on a sequel.
Last I've heard from The consultant from the other team was a GoFundMe for her to pay for rent kek.
The thing is the successful project had diverse characters in it but it was designed and written by normal people not by people who hate their own audience or think they know better
Why the fuck would you go to TGS for a game that already released, bombed and is dead as fuck?
I wish you faggots never gave attention to this piece of shit.
Whenever a game flops you get people saying that you need more marketing. The Dustborn devs listened.
Is that an intentional dashcon reference
I think Ragnar got hooked on Twitter and it rotted his brain like it did with Stephen King. The Longest Journey was a good game and I would have never imagined him making a turd like Dustborn.
Just taking a vacation on tax payer money
Japan is a very conservative culture and it's also insular. The jews have a hard time penetrating it because they produce their own pop culture instead of eating hollywood slop.

You need to send gaijin to work in japan and then rise through the ranks of every key company to hijack their culture. It's a long process and will take more than a decade.

Another problem is that Japanese men are far ahead in the whole MGTOW pill. We only started hearing about incels here in the west in the last decade.On the other hand Japan deals with Otakus/Hikimoris for around 3 decades now. You're not gonna convince an entire nation of blackpilled men to abandon their waifus because it's problematic.
That much is obvious. More importantly, American twitter.
No Jews in Japan.
No self hatred perpetuated by decades of brain washing and propaganda.
Not really proof but a LOT of people lost their fucking minds in 2016 and shifted incredibly far to the left. Europeans were some of the most deranged afterwards for some weird reason.
JK Rowling became batshit insane after Trump won.
Good game name?
I don't want to go to pedo, gay, autistic, sterile, perpetually offended Japan.
Someone peed in it too btw
And there were no "extra hours" it was just there for retards to get in or not
And they did a humiliation ritual asking for cash donations from people who already paid to be there to come forward with cash to pay for the room or the hotel would kick them out
I'm not racist when I'm inspired to
camaraderie by good character design and violent slapstick humor, simple as.
Niggerfaggot furry that got canceled IIRC
I'd legitimately just take it and run, I don't care if I don't make it I would at least try.
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Regardless I'm bored of it, how many games of hotswap the 4 party members you can only get by gambling do we need
That random Chinese gta game could have been good if it followed through on proper shooting instead of yet another floaty 'tap to awesome' bastardization of action combat
Bitch, I have manned booths before. The fact I get to play something, even Dustborn and get a trip to Japan sounds okay.
I could even get people to try the game.
Here is what these faggots are doing wrong:
You need to be proactive
You need to look confident but approachable
Even for something as bad as Dustborn, you need to look like you are having fun or you like what you are doing.
I have manned booths Internationally. For a game based around diversity, they sure look fucking stupid for not brining in anyone who speaks Japanese. There are agencies provided by the very same organizers where you can hire a temporal representative that speaks Japanese, Chinese and English.
They got a custom booth and they still look way worse than anyone else using the standard booth, how is this possible? Oh and they did not translate the logo either, fucking retards.
They are also gay as fuck for not having a booth babe but I forgot these people are hardcore homos.
Just hand out demo codes and DLC codes, have a few shirts for people willing to try the game. If you can afford them having props and gifts is a sure way to attract people.

All in all it is hard to say if they even care, I heard this game was financed by some Globohomo entity so the sales may not matter.
People don't and won't see me because I don't go out, checkmate.
I also do not care what people think of me or I'd feel compelled to befriend them.
Kill yourself eurokike, he told the truth.
surreal to see it while anime tits hanging on the background
TNC is such a downgrade from TNO that it honestly disgusts me.
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>that one guy who just can't let go of the comfort of his covid-19 mask

It's like a binky to him.
The absolute state of Norway.
Anon this is Japan, it's normal there.
>the pain in their eyes
>polite yet false smile
Christ. I have no sympathy for these men, free money to make a game, made absolute garbage.
Nothing was lost.
No one will be fired.
Government probably doesn’t even want a return on its investment.
No one will learn anything from this.
They’ll probably even make a Dustborn sequel
do you guys think the people of nippon enjoyed their prequel comic?
I'll be honest, conventions are a place where you'd be 100% justified in wearing masks and preventative stuff like gloves. con goers in the US are gross
>average kuromi poster

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