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Being a depressed neet with endless freetime for games is a double-edged sword. Sure, you have all the time in the world but you burn out quicker from breezing through them all, and it doesn't improve your Iiving situation at all.
getting a job isnt "improving your situation". its a scam you only do out of pure desperation. neet it up for as long as you can, you'll be working for enough time in your life as-is and once youre in there you will be WISHING you were back in neet life. seriously dont even feel bad about it just enjoy it as long as you can.
Do you want to change?
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Cause you don't have any other interests/hobbies. If you did then you would find you wouldn't burn out from gaming. This applies to you if you had a job or didn't.
this is why i work like 25-30 hours. i hated games after a while back when i was neeting, because i realized it was the only thing left for me before dying. at least i got some kind of trajectory now and enough mix up in life to enjoy games again.
And you cannot afford any games as a neet.
>Just pirate
>Just steal
I am not a black jewish pajeet.
hopping onto a job is a double edged sword it gives you access to things you can only get through money, but it also cuts you off from more nebulous things like free time and freedom to set your own schedule
Modern AAA deisg slop doesn't even deserve a pirate let alone a purchase, g0y
It's only depressing because you need to sustain yourself somehow. If I won the lottery and didn't have to ever worry about money again, I'd just think of it as retirement.
>doesn't improve your Iiving situation at all
Because NEETing is just a pale imitation of the perfect lifestyle, which is retirement, something only available when you're either filthy rich or old and withered. You only need to "improve your life" if you're broke and unemployed.
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>its Jewish to pirate media that Jews want you to pay more than 30 bucks for...
so listen pal I am being sincere when I say this, and I know it's a huge fucking meme because lmao andrew tate and the self help brigade are just trying to grift at you, but take it from someone who knows - time is money. you can have all the free time in the world but if you don't have any money you might as well be dead. that's how it goes. so you need to find some way to make money, and also you need improve yourself - study, learn a language, learn to code, work out a few times a week, etc. do it sooner rather than later. you'll be much happier for it.
fp still the best
Stop chasing fleeting pleasures. Ironically, doing so is how you end up miserable. Working hard with a purpose and goal is the only way to feel consistently fulfilled.
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Yup, I finished more games when I got a job than when I was a neet. Having a passive income or part-time job that can sustain you is the sweet spot because working fulltime is really tiresome.
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bros what it like to have a 2/10 meh face but 11/10 body gf like Fionna
she welds doors with the best of them
watch your back choomer this is a mobface board
I do wish it was easy enough to get a job that's just 3 or so hours here and there and not excruciatingly boring/pressured.
I wouldn't mind a break from gaming to do stuff, but I don't want to do full-on work where it feels like I'm struggling just to get relaxed and focused on a game for a while.
>get an internet job
High demand, not easy to get.
I've considered picking up volunteer work just because I figure I can fuck off sometimes and it's just whatever.
I wanna plap her dirty body.
Finonna is canonically sexually active.
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So Cuck and Jake
Set out to find a new show.
It's gonna be tough
For a male and a dog on their own.
Here's a lonely girl,
Aw, Cuck's stickin' his dick in.
Well, that's a bad idea dude
Cause now that chick thinks you're a incel Finn!
And now they're crying' on the side of a hill!
And thinkin' havin' a fanbase’d be totally thrillin'
Unless they find something inside
Like a mean bubble dyke and her beautiful vampire bride.
Gaming under NEETing can be good, but not the release cycle of various games through the year. Once I got a job I do struggle with tiredness on weekends to a point where I can't even concentrate on a game, but I still play more games than I did in my 2 years of NEETing.
The issue is that every new release has a FOMO effect of wanting to be part of something, but you're NEETing, so you realize ahead of time that you're stuck in a rut while playing vidyas, and when the 40-ish hour expeirence ends, you're back to where you were.
On top of this, the monotonous cycle of waking up, eating and sleeping in the same apartment without social input leads to a growing lethargy that gaming can't fix by itself. It kills the "escapist" effect of them.

All this said, I did manage to get fully absorbed into Xenoblade Chronicles X for 100 hours, replay Mass Effect, and play 300 hours of Monster Hunter in one month.

But all the "new and exciting games!" lose their appeal unless you're on society's track IMO. Btw I'm quitting my job tomorrow with no alternative in sight, because I wanna play some video games!
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God damn I’m a week without porn stop posting shit
>i'm not black
>is unemployed and depends on hand outs to survive
>i'm not a pajeet
>needs the newest games instead of being able to appreciate and play classic games and cinema
stop larping anon. i have piles of money and i still pirate anything because the movie/games industry don't deserve my money when i can spend it on securing my retirement faster with my family.
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I had whole year period of looking for job and honestly, it WAS pretty depressing. I have inner need for being useful and I felt awful for doing nothing. It was also Covid period and whole process was much harder than it should be. Finally got position at national research institute so at least I know I don't do some useless bullshit work, investigating materials with potential usage in energy production and storage (fuel cells for example). Too bad that it comes with minimal wage and society think I'm useless but I don't think I deserve better.

No idea which country have better approach toward scientists, especially from STEM fields. But I would hate to have to move out.
I am 3 months without porn.
Some countries give a lot of money if you get the right neet bux, i get the equivalent of $2000 a month in Scandinavia for mental illness
I find that I game more when I am working and making money. When I was a neet it would take so much effort sometimes to sit down and play anything because it felt like a waste of time. Rewarding yourself with gaming after a hard days work removes that notion, and replaces it with “yea I worked hard today, I earned this gaming time”
I want to smash her face in with an aluminum baseball bat.
Mob-faced girls are the best
You're not useless
The battery was just flat
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I was neet for years now I got a part time job for years
still live at home
why is she all sweaty?
>working fulltime is really tiresome.
working part-time isn't good unless you have a hobby other than gaming that occupies half of your time. being a fulltime NEET sucking sucks. part-time is doable, though
>big tits
>nice ass
face literally doesn't matter
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Lol, lmao. No thanks faggot.
What is it with neetfags and thinking every job is walmart or mcdonald's?
Because if you have skills you won't end up as a neet
god I wish I was mentally ill
just pretend
If you're here, you're already mentally ill, it's just your specific illness isn't in style right now
Which means yes, you're entirely right to defraud the government by pretending to have a mental illness that actually is in style
>Finally watched Fionna and Cake after hearing it's ''peak Adventure Time''
>"Oh it's just kinda alright, I guess I grew out of Adventure Time."
>Watch some clips of original Finn and Jake adventures
>Surprised by how much I still like it
What the FUCK happened?
it becomes a completely different show after season 2

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