This game came out in 2004 and almost every game made since has failed to even come close to it.
>>695183912>muh old normalfag slop is better than new normalfag slopfuck off
>made by a team with a dream>memorable and full of soul>fun allowedgameplay is jank but the world and characters were great
>>695184031Yes unironically. Even goyslop made back then had more heart put into it.
>>695184079>characters were greatLet's not go too far. They're memorable but mostly for the wrong reasons.
>>695183912kinoslop for sigma rizzlers
>>695183912Wrong, it’s extremely overrated and really not that good. Perfect example of quantity over quality. It’s just the NPC opinion that this is the best GTA game.
>>695183912Rockstar has never been good
We simply lost the technology to make good games.
>>695183912Games back then were made by actual gamers
>>695183912If anyone is interested in this game's development for the PS2 must've been a nightmare
>>695183912Even handling still the best for me. I have no clue why car physics are fucking bad today. I hope GTA 6 doesn't have retarded handling as bad as GTA 4 and 5.
>>695183912VC > III > SA
>>695183912>almost every game made since has failed to even come close to it.almost every game before it has failed to even come close to it.
>>695183912I wouldn't say that. There have been games before and after that were on its level. Which is 10/10 and something different enough that they are not comparable. There has been a number of 10/10s. SA isn't alone there.
Aged like milk. GTA peaked at vice city, and even that in retrospect wasn't that great. It just had a certain magic at the time probably due in large part to being 9
>>695192954>in retrospect wasn't that great.It was made in 12 months to profit off 3's popularity
Kudos to the creators
member the fucking "hot coffee" media explosion? shit was funny af
Rockstars' best game is Manhunt. The Warriors a close second.
>>695192954>Aged like milk.This isn't an insult.
>>695198054Cheese is not aged milk in the same way wine is not aged grape juice
>>695183912>be me>2004>new GTA releases>i've been a very good boy so mommy buys it for me and lets me take a day off school>load it up>wtf it's a bunch of niggers doing nigger shit>disappoint>fastforward several hours>GROVE STREET 4 LIFE, NIGGAAAAA
>>695186646True, the game runs out of steam towards the end of San Fierro
>>695198649>like 8 missions left>padded out by the shitty gangwar
>>695183912Like everyone else, I loved it at the time. And like any honest person, I admit that it doesn't hold up. The soundtrack is good but you can listen to those tracks independently of the game.The first problem is in the graphics. While it is a bit more sophisticated than Vice City, it still looks crudely cartoony and, let's face it, ugly. The city resembles a cardboard playset. The character models are risible.And the gameplay features that are always extolled by fans are only semi-functional. Yeah you can fly a plane but the draw distance is so short that you'll spend most of your time flying through a blank fog. Fly close to the ground and you won't see any pedestrians or traffic, because the PS2 couldn't handle flying and population at the same time. In a related issue, the gang system is fucked by the tech limitations. Take out your entire Grove Street crew and there won't be anyone else in the streets, because your homies are using up all the available polygons.These are real problems and very off-putting from a present-day standpoint. The game is dated to the point of obsolescence, and it's time to move on.
I forgot how much CJ is a black man's nigger slave in the early missions, and how quickly Ryder becomes a complete retard, wasting Mc Eiht's voice acting. I have to do more missions but the beginning is kind of rough in this regard.
>>695199387>in the early missionsCJ is someone else's bitch the entire game through. Literally when it comes to Catalina raping him .
>>695183912good I hated the game>forced to play as a nagger>mission 1 steal a bike
>>695183912I've 100% this game 3 times and I disagree with you. It's good, but not that good.
>>695199910trannygo back to your miga echochamber
>>695199910>game does not tell you to steal the bike>game does not require you to steal the bike>stole the bike anywayThe true inner city negro was inside (You) all along
>>695200006>don't steal bike>game flashes on screen to go get bikefuck off and die, liar
>>695200264And yet you can still finish the mission without touching it
>>695199849>CJ is someone else's bitch the entire game through.That's also true of Niko Bellic. In fact Niko might be more of a bitch, because he doesn't have his own equivalent of Grove Street peeps, he doesn't have a neighbourhood he represents and which represents him. Niko is a perpetual outsider who is coerced and bullied around by slav thugs, CIA spooks, the Sicilians, the Russians, etc. With CJ I at least felt that he was gradually becoming more powerful and important as the game progressed, whereas Niko just went from one disaster to another.
>>695201137>he doesn't have his own equivalent of Grove Street peeps, he doesn't have a neighbourhood he represents and which represents him.CJ abandoned his gang, his two oldest friends abandoned him and the best of the rest died or got into coke, and both times he puts his life on the line for Grove Street it's because Sweet bullies him into it. Niko at the very least, besides the Darko business, leaves the Old World in the Old World when he comes to America. His failings and flaws are all personal, he's never once called on to represent "the old country" and while he has few friends they're at least as loyal to him as he is to them. CJ by contrast was quite happy to drop his old allegiences when he left for Liberty City, gets browbeaten into flying the colours again, is glad to be rid of it when he's making it big after Sweet's arrest, then is nagged into saving Grove Street and Los Santos when he'd rather walk away, his integrity and loyalty is entirely controlled by whoever has him by the balls at that time.
>>695187770cars feel like they're made out of paper weights, they just spin out like crazy when they collide
>>695199298>The first problem is in the graphics. While it is a bit more sophisticated than Vice City, it still looks crudely cartoonythese games originally had a comic book aesthetic to them, retard.
>>695202561Yeah I know it's going for a comic book style, but it's poorly done. If I opened a comic book and saw artwork of the same quality as San Andreas, I'd dismiss it as a shitty amateur work. Even the Dark Horse Star Wars comics, at their lowest ebb, were less offensive to the eye than this game. And if you're willing to say you can't see any problem with the overall presentation of San Andreas, then you should think twice before calling others retards, because you've shown everyone you have the bad taste and worse judgment of a halfwit.
>>695184079It was made by a bunch of slimy subversive Jews, but at least Jews had standards back then. So while they pushed nigger culture upon white teens with games like GTA SA, they at least bothered to make it a good game.The same can't be said nowadays.
>>695202561Ehm, sweetie, it's called sovl.
>>695203303This game is one of the most beloved ever made, if (you) claim to see problems with it then you're the one with problems.
>>695203337>So while they pushed nigger culture upon white teensRockstar exploited an existing pop-cultural trend, they didn't create it. There were many white rap fans and outright wiggers before San Andreas came along. You would know that if you weren't a zoomer.
>>695204027>an existing pop-cultural trendAnd who's behind the proliferation of said pop cultural trend? Who owns hollywood and the record labels?Rockstar Games isn't some independent entity with autonomous agency, it's a front for a much much larger interest group who owns nearly every facet of modern entertaiment, and who pushes the same messages through all the mediums they control (be it movies, music, vidya, comic books, etc).In other words, the hollywood kikes, the record label kikes, and the vidya kikes are one and the same.
>>695204610The best part of knowing this is that it changes nothing. There is no action you, I or anyone else can do to change it. You just get to tell anyone who will listen that the Jews run it all and all anyone can do is shrug and say "yes, yes they do. so what?".
>>695204842Draft yourself female protagfag.
>>695204779Lol I still got the map they gave you when you bought it for full price.
>>695204946cuz i'm gangsta and got the game on release i've got a full size poster and a SA branded bandana as well
>>695204842>nothing will ever happenJust 80 years ago an austrian painter almost ended the kikes. This time it will be even worse. The Jews always overplay their hand, and they always suffer at the hand of the Goyim as a consequence.Give it 20 years max and we'll witness a second Shoah.
>>695192954>Aged like milk.Wrong.
Last pic which is of previously mentioned bandana. Actually i've got a pack of them as the dude at electronics boutique (i 'member) just chucked it at me as it was part of the promo but I later found out they were meant to split the packs up and only hand out 1 bandana per customer lol.
>>695203337>>695204610>>695205096fuck off back to /pol/
>>695205449This is 4chan, nigger, if you're a judeophile or a kike yourself you'll feel more comfortable in Reddit
>>695205096Okay Chud that's cool and all, but maybe you should go back upstairs and argue with Tranny again? Get it all out of your system with your old sparring partner. We're trying to have a videogame thread here, and you don't seem to be interested in that.
>>695205784>Muh vidyaThe second Shoah, Moshe... It's unavoidable.There is nothing you can do about it.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
How come all the retards selectively forget utter trash padding between SA and SF and between SF and LV ?
>>695206034The country side was peak comfy desu.>Lost Santos (Early Game): 7.5/10>Country Side: 9/10>San Fierro: 9/10>Desert: 8/10>Las Venturas: 6/10>Los Santos (End Game): 5/10
>>695206215All of the 3D GTA games are best at the start when you are a nobody.
>>695206034If you're talking about the countryside and desert areas, those were obviously more impressive when the game came out. It was the first time we'd been able to go outside the city in a GTA game.Also worth remembering that the Vice City map was small and you could lap around its two islands in under ten minutes with a sports car. The scale of SA came as a surprise.
>>695206215Bro, if i want to ride on empty roads inna woods i would go outside or play my summer car.They should have made country & desert smaller.
>>695206215>Country Side: 9/10Absolutely not. From the first Truth mission to the Woozie race, that entire part of the game is a slog.
>>695206315CJ's lowest point was after sweet got arrested and he woke up in the country side with a bag on his head in a car with Tempeny and Pulasky. That's when he actually became a nobody, and that's when his quest to get himself out of the gutter began.
>>695206354>those were obviously more impressive when the game came outStill good now.
>>695206315without question. i want a GTA game where every mag of pistol rounds is as exciting as those first few
>>695206354Just a reminder that this came one year after Freelancer and they did open world right.Every zone is interesting, rewards taking risks and exploring even if they seem like padding at the start.
>>695206356>>695206447>>695206356Nothing beats jamming to K-Rose while driving through some greenery. That atmosphere, that magic. guys focus too much on gameplay, if we are to judge SA by gameplay the whole game is a slog.
>>695206560I do a self imposed challenge run for 3 that could be adapted to the bigger scale of VC and SA if you really wanted to that goes along with that.The rules for my street thug run are;>No visiting ammunation ever>only weapons you can use are ones found in the game world or given by missions>no massacring gang members/police to get ammo>no saving, collecting pickup and then saving again to make it respawn>no collecting hidden packages so no free weapons at save pointsGiven in 3 there aren't actually that many shootouts you'll be running around for most of the game with under 100 pistols rounds. It should work similarly in VC as while there is much more shooting the game tends to have enemies in harder to reach locations or despawns them fast because lmao 20 year old engine. SA has significantly more shooting sections (like gang wars or green goo) and collectibles are spread out much more which lessons the impact of these rules unless you really hold back but still, it could be a fun little challenge.
>>695183912It was the best ending to the PS2 era.>Fun above anything else>Good soundtrack, not as good as Vice City, but still great>Balances the serious stuff with intentional retardation>Varied weapons>The map is small but cleverly designed to feel huge and varied, little wasted space unless it's required like making a believable mountain or forest>Actually likeable gang banger main castVice City is still my favourite, you can't beat Tommy Vercetti, but I'll admit the map sucked.
>>695207007>you can't beat Tommy VercettiI'm in two minds about the character. On the one hand, he's fun because he's an unapologetic, violent psycho who just does whatever he wants, and he does it without the irritating antics that we saw from Trevor in GTA 5. On the other hand, Tommy lacks personality, being a one-dimensional, raging impulse. He's only slightly more developed than the mute GTA 3 protagonist. When Lance betrays Tommy at the end, it's not a sad or tragic event, because Tommy has neither the strong identity or depth of feeling that would make us invest ourselves his troubles.
>>695208046It's not sad or tragic because Lance's betrayal is built entirely off his own porcelain fragile ego that gets shattered when Tommy yells at him one time. It's just pathetic.
>>695183912The game stops being great midway in. Once Ryder and Smoke leave the gang, it’s loses a lot of luster.
This game is one of those games that has sovl you can feel