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>Steam is getting proper season passes support, all DLCs must be listed with expected release dates. If DLC is cancelled, refund for the value of unreleased DLC will be offered.
>buying season passes
>buying any kind of DLCs at all
Kill yourself steam goyslopper.
Also you will own nothing.
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Never once have i bought any dlc at all ever.
> thinking you own anything in an age of subscription services
You already don't own shit. Everything is a subscription now and it's not like you're gonna buy a house with whatever you save by pirating. Kill yourself NEET
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You're missing out.
this hurts devs
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No, no im not.
Good, they should suffer and release things when they promise.
Good, they are entitled fags who need a reality check.
>If DLC is cancelled, refund for the value of unreleased DLC will be offered.
I don't see this in your pic. Good if true though.
Examples of recent game affected by this?
Did Homeworld 3 promise DLC?
Not the good devs, it doesn't.
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You are, there's plenty of good DLC for many games.
You're just a lying jaded sad cunt of a cretin who felt the need to go into a thread and be a contrarian faggot for attention
Who takes over Value when Gaben kicks the bucket eventually?
I am genuinely anxious about what will happen to gaming as a whole medium when Gabe is gone
nice example of putrid dogshit you fucking retard
Was that last not the case before?
Were there companies that were just cancelling DLCs and keeping people's money?
So, what kicked this off? The only big DLC fuckup I can think of is AC shadows, and that shouldn't be affected here.

I disagree. Customers having faith that a DLC offering will be enforced is good for everyone.

We don't know what his will looks like.
The Gabe AI they've been developing instead of HL3
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>provide 3-month span to release single DLC into Season Pass
>if not, DLC can be delayed for 3 more months
>but if not, contact us
>Valve -may- take action if no DLC beyond 3 months
>Valve -may- take action if no Season Pass content beyond a year
literally nothing
fucking apply this shit to Early Access rather
Have there been bad egg developers doing this sort of thing that this had to happen?
>season pass
Yeah, I really feel like this is going to save gaming
I believe this is a thing for live service games in general. When they shut down you dont get your money back for dlc/mtx. Mobile games would refund you if you bought as it's shutting down like Dragalia Lost & Nintendo but Steam doesn't do this.
Based. I love paying for stuff that doesn't exist. Also
>Rlease review Season Pass Release Documentation for details.
Someone should tell them to correct that.
Well, yeah, and it's gay, but they never pretended otherwise.
In this case we're talking about selling people a DLC stated to contain "X" things to be completed and made available later. I was wondering if that'd ever happened - a company just cancelling unreleased content that was paid for in advance such as a season pass, and fuck you imma keeping the money anyway.
>If you aren't ready to clearly communicate about the content included in each DLC AND when each DLC will be ready for launch, you shouldn't offer a Season Pass on Steam.

This hurt scammy studios.
Which is good for devs, at it will bring back some semblance of customer trust in season passes.
wait, there are idiots who even PREORDER DLC?
Are these people fucking insane?
>oh no, maybe it will sell out
>the bits might be gone
>need to preorder right now
>yes, I have no clue how woke GTA6 is going to be, but I need that extra story DLC too!!!
Recently, several semi-high profile games decided their newest, most expensive DLCs weren't actually part of the Season Passes.
Guess Steam got fed up receiving a bajillon refunding demands each time that happened.
Its likely related to the stopkillinggames stuff. Rather than the goal being the refunds it seems more like they wanted to make devs give clear timespans on shit they are promising people. If they are going to make devs give clear timelines of promises content people are paying for may as well make it so they can't be scummy fucks at the same time as it will likely be attempted when its put in place.
Wow, rocks
>loser who can't afford to play the game 3 days early
keep crying over those sour grapes kek
Why doesn't any studio make expansion packs anymore?
I know you won't answer, but I'll ask for the record: which devs would be hurt by this?
Gaben may be fat and getting old but he's been improving his weight and can easily afford healthcare, personal chefs and fitness trainers, dunno why people are so eager to see him kick it within the nsxt couple years.
it only hurts developers who refuse or fail to deliver on promises
they also need to abolish "TBA" as a release date
Still waiting on Steam to add a DLC tree list view so CERTAIN GAMES can organize their stupidly long lists into groups/content type.
Silksong bros...
Isn't that just grandfathered shit? I thought any new entries on Steam had to actually come out within a year or they'll get a warning or some shit.
oh no
i'm sure the noita devs and factorio devs and blade and sorcery devs are all going to go under in 2 weeks thanks to this change
More than that I'm glad they added that auto-record last 120 minutes of game footage with blacklist/whitelists.
Shit's pretty useful.
Womp womp
They need to enforce more strict or open roadmaps for early access titles.
As it is, most devs just fill in an estimate they'll never meet or adjust when initially making the early access page and you end up with wishlists containing a gazillion EA titles because it's unclear when they're leaving EA.
Or you get the inverse issue where they leave EA without actually fulfilling all the requirements they claimed would be in the 1.0 version.
it doesn't
>promise something
>deliver utter shit
>no refunds
"quality" is subjective, devs can easily release shit they made in one hour and pretend this is what was promised to begin with
no idea why retards pretend this will change anything at all
Devs need to be hurt, they can't be trusted not to lie and cheat otherwise.
If a dev or a publisher decides too keep a game off steam because of these rules, you automatically know it's because their intent is to scam people. Devs without plans to scam will have no problem adhering to this, but I've no doubt it'll make some of the big flop creators like Sony more hesitant to put their filth on the platform because for them it's even less control over the consumers dumb enough to buy their shit.
I rarely buy games where this is a concern, but it's nice to see Valve taking steps to hold publishers accountable, instead of just sucking up their 30% and jerking off all day.
>Publishers must know ahead of time exactly how much DLC a game will have and when it will release
Typically, DLC is DLC because it's not ready at launch. To know precisely what, how much, and when means they know ahead of time they're not providing a full game up front. Publishers will want to make sure all DLC is ready before committing to this kind of season pass. The result isn't fewer broken promises, it's more games with Day 1 DLC and fewer games that offer a cheaper option for future content. This is bad for everyone except the publishers looking to nickel and dime their customers anyway.
You're right that this is at odds with why season passes are a thing to begin with. But that's because season passes should never be a thing.
why offer a season pass in the first place, when you don't know
- when you will release it
- what it will contain
>Play Overwatch through Steam
>Buy their bundled FOMO bundle
>Trolls spam report you until you get banned
Does this mean I get a refund?
Has anyone even done this kind of season pass in recent memory? I'm sure the last time I seen this shit was in the EARLY PS4 era, at the latest.
How the hell do you manage to land a trollable situation, anon?
What's the problem with that?
If they aren't charging for anything then it's fine.
Imagine paying even 1 unit of currency interest free to a company for 1s and 0s that will have no effect on your ability to obtain said dlc
So you can't sell $60 season passes, release a small content patch and tell everyone no refunds? This is incredibly unfair to publishers and developers.
Do you live in a fantasy world where dlcs cant be pirated? What the fuck is wrong with zoomers
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Long LONG overdue and welcome. Fuck vague season passes.
can't wait for bootlickers to defend those poor corporations again against vailve's monopoly
Is this why they give steamfatso shit for pepes atm?
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>why offer a season pass in the first place, when you don't know
how so?
if you dont have a product, dont waste the space
Wtf I love Valve now?!?!?!?
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Genuinely asking, what prompted them to do this? I feel like I missed some game that did some dumb shit with it's season pass
Wish this had been a thing with Them's Fightin' Herds. They straight up lied and never delivered and now the entire project is abandoned.
>a steam page takes up space
Calm down, nftcunt
But they still do. Monster Hunter is the most obvious example
I will now buy another 50 loot box keys.
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Should've chosen a different job if you can't commit
>>buying season passes
>>buying any kind of DLCs at all
kys retard
>steam goyslopper
kys ranjesh/tim
this is why I'm okay with Steam having the PC monopoly. Unlike Sony and Xbox, they don't do retarded shit most of the time.
>inb4 Artifact pasta
This is because of California lawsuits and is anti-corporation. WTF we love California now?
Is Gaben a gentile?
the entire of pc gaming (and gaming in general) riding on the good will of this one company is fucking scary. gabe dying is going to cause a monumental shift in the landscape and you just know everyone and their mom is going to try and convince the new ceo to make valve public
I think this is more Valve covering themselves to minimize how much they have to refund when a total scammer dev putzes out after hocking Deluxe Editions and Deluxe Reddit Gold Editions of games.
Example 1: Game sells a Deluxe Edition with a promise of future DLC, but the game flops and since they're not meeting the contractual obligation (deliver DLC) now Steam has to refund the full amount. Example 2: Same case, but now Steam can partially refund only the estimated value of the cancelled DLC.
uhh, based? owlcat needs to take notes
it helps us. the people who ACTUALLY matter.
i mean obviously is helps us and them but that's just how it should be, it's also just a good deterrent in general
>saving anything
lmao even
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t. tim sweeney
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yes, you are.
Dev here.
What's the point of season passes from a company's perspective even? Getting the money earlier? Getting the money from the few people who would buy a first dlc but won't the second it the first is trash, but would buy a dlc?
This system needs to be applied to early access games to stop the devs from being lazy with the updates just because they got their money up front.
Pretty much the latter. You're paying upfront for products which may not exist yet AND you might not even touch anyway
>zoom zooms literally cannot conceive of piracy because they are so technologically illiterate
Use CreamAPI, retard.
Woooow what a nothingburger
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Wake me up when there's legislation treating digital media as equal to physical media, so you actually own your games, and when they get rid of EULAs. Two of the biggest cancers killing gaming besides woketardism.
They're called DLCs now
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10 years too late
Good. Release your shit on time and they way you shill it.
most importantly, why the fuck would you play overwatch? and why the fuck would you give blizzard you money?
Reporting in multiplayer games was a mistake. 99.9999% of implementations have it be automated and it's entirely designed to just punish people for "muh toxicity".
Meanwhile known inters and cheaters go free for large amounts of time, even if they're visible on fag streamer's streams for hours and hours and hours. I've seen that all the time in League, OW, any BR, etc. I specifically remember a known inter in masters/challenger called dotot or something on League and streamers complaining about him for like 4 months straight, never got banned or at least not permanently. Meanwhile I've seen people in non-ranked games just shooting the shit reciting rap lyrics get banned for "racism" because they said nigga for 2-4 weeks.
I've also seen how gay people are begging for reports from everyone in a game if you don't play the game how they want, this has happened to me even in all of the games mentioned above.
Sorry, not enough. Unless Valve are making specific release dates for Early Access updates and end of the Early Access phase binding and mandatory this is just worthless.
You already sold me on it, no need to sweeten the deal.
Have you made every game you bought? No? Then you don't own shit. It's a retarded technicality for stupid people to shitpost and cope over physical.
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If only...
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I'll pass on renting my games on Steam.
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>why do you care that Steam doesn't actually sell games, but licenses with unlimited strings attached and can take away your subscription at any time for any reason
WEF and 22 others liked this post.
ooohhhhh they're not gonna like this!
as opposed to what? a fucking physical ps5 game that simply downloads the digital came to your console?
This is actually huge.
Thanks for sharing, didn't see any info about this
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>digital came
This shit needs to be applied to early access games as well
Wanna release as early access? You need to put up a roadmap for what you plan to be doing month by month, you need to commit to meeting those goals, and you need to commit to a final 1.0 release date. No more of this Patreon-tier dragged out milking nonsense. No more decade long early access cycles.
What season passes have cancelled content anyway?
This was because of Tekken 8, wasn't it
cue thousands of wegs leaving steam
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Well don't keep us waiting anon.
How did BANDI fuck up this time?
It should
they sold Heihachi's DLC stage separately outside of the $120 ultimate edition AND the season pass
>If DLC is cancelled, refund for the value of unreleased DLC will be offered.
It';s good it's "officiol" but I'm pretty sure this exact practice is why so many dead live-service games still get obligatory content drops for a full year before being dropped dead the second the last DLC is released.

Like Rocksteady already said that the only reason they aren't putting full focus on a new game yet is because they are legally obligated to finish the "season pass" after selling it.
lmfao why would stream ever want to do that? It would kill off like 70% of their revenue
You don't own it and you can't do shit with it other than lose access to it for a fraction of what you paid, while pc can mod, backup, transfer, crack, etc. keeping it forever on any device they want.
Probably this has been in the works for longer and is a consequence of the EU Digital Services Act, which requires that platform holders of online distribution platforms and store fronts exhibit decent stewardship to protect consumers from malignant deals. The platform holder is both legally liable towards consumers AND can be fined by up to 10% of global yearly revenue by the EU for fucking up. For *knowingly* fucking up repeatedly, that fine can double.
Would this have prevented Atlus' fuckery with Persona 3 Reloaded?

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