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I got goosebumps. The whole walk from the checkpoint into Cordon was PURE nostalgia kino of the highest order. This is my first approach to Loner Village. Seeing it emerge from the fog almost melted my cold black heart.
My PC can't even run the game at 1080p 30fps and I can play 1440p60fps in games

Call me back in 1-2 years when/if modders fix this mess and I might pirate it then. I'll keep occasionally playing the original games for now, but thank you for beta testing it.
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You're welcome
I think people like you are complaining because they think a gpu is all that powers a game and pay $2000 for one instead of $500 for a normal gpu and cpu
this but ironically
sell me on the adventure aspects of the game. are anomaly's fun or interesting to deal with? or still just random gimmicks that require little thought to navigate like the original.
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This is so true. People ahve been negelcting CPUs on builds since the PS4 took over as the main target platform.

Fuck off. I'd rather SOIFACE over Loner Village than Avengers or Game of Thrones.

This is the Bulba anomaly.

Think of it like a Gravitic Lung. When it's inhaling, it pulls and damages anybody nearby who has direct line of sight to it. You have to crouch behind obstacles to be able to approach it. At the center is a legendary artifact that makes you take less bullet damage when standing still.
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I am enjoying it so far. The game has a rough start, but once you get going it's pretty fun. Has some problems obviously, NPCs can see and get shots off you way too easily. Bloodsuckers have way too much health too. Performance has been fine for me, and the game looks fantastic.
Bloodsuckers will be nerfed soon. The DMG is fine but they shouldn't be tanking 6+ 12g shotguns blasts
They're also just not fun to fight. They just do the same attack loop over and over.
I dunno. They have the roar now. They used to just have melee and grabs and now they have melee, heavy melee and roar. It is arguable that the roar isn't very fun though
not at fucking 60 dollars
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Return to ripoff.
trashy game where you need dssl to run it at over 60fps, and dssl also has input and mouse delay, great game, fucking hell.
I have intel inside does anyone no why I cannot play the title?
Almost looks like a time vortex anomaly in previous games.
Hahaha what a fun game.
So what is everyone's opinion on the Russian-Ukrainian War?

I'm sure we all have thoughts about it!
is ryzen 2700x too slow for this? 4060 gpu
Ukraine - Nation of beggars and scammers. Never underestimate them.
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No A-life, completely braindead AI. Fuck those scammers.
Combat is wild. So far I’ve had to drop everything and sprint to cover just to figure out who’s attacking me. It forces some realism though. I can’t figure out how to use 2/4 of the d pad shortcuts on a controller, but it’s a little more realistic having to pull up the menu to use a bandage
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I found the old vehicle checkpoint but haven't ventured south into the actual cordon yet, does the main quest send you down there at some point?
5600X 6700XT, I will never ever use frame gen shit.

On medium settings it barely can run at 25fps in towns with the most basic TAA and some sharpness. Garbage ass game
>man experiencing foot pain refuses to use orthotics
I don't blame him, turning on framegen boosts my fps a lot, but the input lag and graphical fuck ups aren't worth it. If I aimed with a red dot and strafed left and right, I'd see 3 dots popping in and out.
can i go back into the power plant?
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Is it worth playing now or should I wait for patches / mods to clean it up?
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okay dimitri
I want to get it but may as well wait for patches/mods.
Is there a quest that takes you to Cordon or do you just have to go there on your own?
Not a Slavoid, just experienced Ukrainian scammers on the Steam platform.
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ok, I'll boot up Shadow of Chernobyl
I went there on my own. Dunno.

That's good too.
>on the Steam platform
What ever you say vatnik
It's Chornobyl now chud.
Also you can't call yourself Strelok it has to be Strolok
I don’t really want to play it if it doesn’t have the A-Life AI. That was part of what made the other Stalkers atmospheric.
The way people describe 9/10 game as 7/10 due to bug is enough to make everyone wait for some time before playing

maybe it'll get cp'd over the course of years
strange bot post
Define "atmospheric".
I'm not even sure if it's a-life itself, the spawning is kinda fucked. If you follow a roaming squad around, it seems like they do what they should, but occasionally stalkers just show up in places you recently checked.
I haven't seen anything too egregious, and I've had some cool moments of friendly/enemy stalkers showing up to help or hinder me in a firefight, but it's definitely not all it should be.

On a side note, I don't think OG a-life was as complex as some people make it out to be. Would you really see shit like a rookie village loner working his way up to the big leagues throughout your game? Nah, stalkers mostly just go on patrols and act as they should. But it was enough to make the game feel alive.
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did they give you your money? not yet for me, they told me 24-48h
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Kind of pissed about the A-life, but did it really add all that much to vanilla STALKER to begin with? I don't really recall it being anything mind-blowing. Anyway I just got into three successive firefights while looting an area as bandit groups kept passing through the zone, and that feels emergent enough to me I guess.
It's a crucial feature, but mostly it gave the "illusion" of the zone really being alive.
I heard that early in development they wanted stalkers to actually affect the economy, do their own missions etc. but the actual version in SoC is toned down from that.
Pretty sure the oblivion lost mods made a version of that system.
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Should i get this, The last of us on PC or start playing cyberpunk?
you should buy a 9950x3d if you want to enjoy stalker 2 at above 60 fps
>no muzzle flash
>no shadowcasting from campfires
>no dynamic lighting
What the fuck were they thinking? Stalker from 2007 had this. No muzzle flash especially changes the gameplay significantly and makes it significantly worse
no 'eck no cheque
>expecting Stalker 2 to run on the Steam deck
Surely you jest
It is pretty baffling when you step into the bar and literally every single light is casting multiple shadows. So clearly it's in the renderer but it's just not enabled for a bunch of really important things.

I don't understand UE5. I don't understand why developers waste so much fucking time with indirect lighting to the point where direct lighting is now neglected. The game looks great but the priorities are wrong.
It didn't add anything mechanically, but everything that adds verisimilitude to the Zone is important.
The best way to do that is to simulate as much as possible.
I'd love to but a 2060 on low at 1080p is barely pushing mid 30s, towns drop to low 20s
I'll wait to get a new gpu before playing, at least by then there should be some mods out.
It could definitely use a patch or two. Not even for performance, but the controls and options in the game are weird. Had to do a lot of ini tweaking just to get things to work normally.
That being said, with Thanksgiving coming up, I'm happy to be playing it now while I've got the time.

Don't skimp on CPU either.
Is anyone else pissed off the NPCs in the English dub don't have silly accents?
Nah. Performance is pretty ass, and the game's spawn system is busted. It drops enemies right on top of you way too often.
Ah shit why did you remind me, that's probably my biggest weakspot 5820k
100% can't get immersed. Brits and irishniggers everywhere. Some sound like germans too.
Well they do, just british and fuckin australian ones for some reason.
puffy bulba
Think of this way, I'm saving you the heartbreak from when you upgrade your GPU and find out that you still can't play modern games.
All UE5 games thus far have been extremely CPU heavy.
Are you playing on Veteran?
The bloodsuckers are such bullet sponges that I can barely keep up on Stalker.
It's a pain in the ass but an important reminder.
Fucking UE5
Not really. Sounds better than Clear Sky's constant
>Hey bro
Yes. I'm dying quite a lot.
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Why didn't they make Master the hardest difficulty?
coming later so you have to replay the game again
What's UP BRO?!
That's pretty lame. Why do devs keep doing this, and by this I mean releasing games they intend to fix and add features to?
yes, all that shit that made emergent gameplay and funny faction shit happen in the original and especially in all the mods was all A-Life
I barely made it through the tutorial before changing it, the english accents pissed me off.
>takes like 20+ shotgun shells to kill
>either cant be baited into anomalies or are immune to them
>nearly 1 shot you
what the FUCK were these devs thinking?!?
Try turning down Antialiasing setting and put on TSR Quality.
You shoot them with a shotgun then flick sprint jump to dodge their attack and immediately stand still to regen energy
I heard some anons claim they patchworked it to only spawn in a 200m radius around the player and so far there have been moments of fighting bandits, rounding a corner and find more bandits. After fighting those I go back to where I was and there are more bandits. And every house spawns six dogs behind it.

I don't mind the action, but I'd appreciate if it was spaced out a bit more, or spawned further away so more AI fights can happen.
Yes. 43 deaths so far I think. It's actually fun wondering if I have time to heal or reload before the next attack.
that is nothing like the original a-life. if anything, the stalker 2 "a-life" sounds more like the director from left 4 dead, valve's in-game thingy that would periodically spawn zombie hordes
cringe faggots replacing u with v are the same kind of cringe faggots from the early 2000s replacing g with q
I didn't. That's why I will not buy it.

Any game that doesn't run on PS3 hardware is pajeet bloatware slop.
Blame the Unreal Engine, ever since 3 they seem to have deliberately left out optimizing for older hardware in direct opposite to say the Source Engine you can force to run DX7 if you so desire.
>did it really add all that much to vanilla STALKER to begin with?
I played CoP recently ; stalkers roaming/patrolling around and checking anomalies. Some might have artifacts and you can trade with them. Shooting every seconds either between bandits, mutants and factions.
Why am I getting radiation every 2 minutes? I ran out of cures after like 10 min and then I die
you remembered the thing? i remembered!
Did you use artifacts ? Most of the artifacts have radiation as tradeoff for its benefits.
Is this beeping shit trying to lead me to artifacts or just warning me of hazardous stuff?
Only some pebble
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am i supposed to be finding god tier artifacts with only an echo detector?
It still hits you constantly though and sooner or later , it will kill you. Even faster if you places with heavy radiation

if they dont change much from OG, artifacts are pretty much rng. Higher tier detector allow you to track artifacts easily.
yes and its pretty painful, firefights with humans are such a pain in the ass without a scope and mutants are mutants
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weird gun.
I tried but it gives my 2070 super a nasty lil memory leak that I have to restart my computer to purge.

I'll upgrade to a 4070 later this week and give it another shot.
Just dont use any ""optimization"" mods you find online. They are inbred fucks. There is no way you cannot play this on a 2070S.
is there any chance this is playable on a 6700xt at 1440p?
This isn't stalker. This isn't "slavjank". This is a shitty UE5 imitation made by dozens of actual developers funded by microsoft who still shat out a crappy game.
You will never be a stalker fan, redditor.
This shit is far worse.
nvm I don’t think that one pops up until you get the mission nearby
I get like 55 fps on medium with DLSS on but it fucks my entire system up. First night I played, I exited and decided to play FFX and I got 10 fps on the intro movie. Had to restart my computer for things to go back to normal. Happens when ever I run Stalker 2.
they added nothing because gaming nowadays has no originality at all

all development is done by looking at existing games and trying to replicate them by junior devs

no originality whatsoever anymore
the base mutant combat in the game relies on having 20 medkits to use while you inevitably get hit 50 times and spending 10 magazines
this game will never get anything like anomaly or gamma because there is no a-life system because the devs are lazy hacks.
Yoo, trying Anomaly for the 1st time. Any advice ? Or just go blind ?
Stand still, move when they get close to do their lunge, shoot them with shotgun, repeat. Bloodsuckers are the easiest enemy in the game as long as you have ammo of which they eat 5000 bullets.
How come my weapons I drop on the ground always remain there when I come back then? Isn't that the same system?
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god this game is so fucking good
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I mean.... wat ?
Everybody talk about CPU performance but RAM quantity is really important for this game too. I swap my 16gb for a slower and older 32gb kit and the game is less choppy.
What part are you failing to comprehend?
ram is dirt cheap, why in the world wouldnt you have 32gb of ram? that costs less than the game does.
yeah you're right i just saw a NPC turn to look at me as i approached so it's probably the same thing
For starters, the "this game drastically affects my pc AFTER i close it" part.
Never had that happen and this doesnt sound normal at all.
Is there something still running in the background after you exit or did you download the "free" version with crypto minors ?
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This is the first time I hit 14gb use on my PC. I have two 8gb 3200mhz/cl16 crucials and looked for identical DIMMs to but to no avail.
I kill all related background processes. I, too, have never had an issue like this. As I said, my computer is -fine- until I run Stalker 2. Very simple diagnostic, anon.

All this week I have played DQ3, BG3, Elden Ring, Far Cry 5, FFX, FFVI, Fallout 1, New Vegas, Metaphor, Doom 2016, Call of Pripyat (Gunslinger), Live A Live, GTAV, Raiding in WoW - all with ZERO performance issues.

The moment I boot up Stalker 2 and exit, no games run well again until I restart.
its just retarded third worlder things, ignore it
>i played a bunch of 10 year old games with no problem! why can't i run this unoptimized UE5 slop released in 2024?
I didn't needed any more (until now).
>Reading comprehension
I listed a gamut including Baldur's Gate 3 and Metaphor, retard-kun.

Even if you had a salient point, the behavior isn't a performance issue. Its a performance -drop- issue.

I run Stalker 2. I stop. Games that run at 240 fps now run at 10 fps until I restart.

you're overheating your favelatop
your dogshit computer probably has a hardware issue then retard because no one else on the planet has this issue
No I am not. CPU registers at 65c and gpu at ~70c while Stalker is running and it drops back down to ~35ish when idle.

This is a 5 year old gaming PC and, AGAIN, has no issues outside of Stalker 2 and this strange performance drop.
No fucking shit. I said I was going to give this another shot when I pick a 4070 up later this week before you retards started getting weirdly defensive.
Yeah, I got that, I just wonder why.
Could be still too many things tho. If its not your hardware overheating or a HDD fault (but im sure youre using SSD), maybe Windows closes tasks in the back to save RAM and tries to reopen them after the game is closed ?
Its worth checking if its the same problem after you lowered the settings.

Sorry anon, wish I wouldve been more helpfull.
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even with a 7800x3D and dlss and framegen on a 4080 the fps is all over the place. Is this the power of potato farmer code?
Lumen isn't good with lights that move dynamically quickly, like flashlights controlled by players.

Lumen accumulates light over time, that's why Unreal Engine games with Lumen never have fast blinking lights that instantly turn off and on, instead they get dimmer or brighter over time.

Even in Epic's demo of their latest mega lights the lights still work like that. It's not an artistic choice, but an actual limitation. And GSC are essentially UE modders at this point.
it's free on gamepass
I might pick up a new 2tb SSD. I just have the 1tb I bought when I first built this and games are getting too big to stay lazy about it.

No diagnostic software picks any faults up. I've done memtests and intel's diagnostic tool for cpu.
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>fucked around I the southern ISPF checkpoint for so long the game decided to spawn guys that dropped full set of armor
Thanks I g-guess...
I've been enjoying the game up to varying points after finding Squint. Then it just starts crashing, right on game load or maximum 2 minutes after game load.
Been fiddling with graphics settings etc but nothing makes a difference, the game is unplayable for me because of constant crashing.
It runs very smooth otherwise, I get a stable ~75 fps with everything on high settings.
Just keeps crashing.
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I had a persistent 3-4fps in the Garbage Hub, especially after the Ward take-over. I hit 100% GPU use as the game was probably struggling with asset swaps on my shitty 8gb 3070ti.
It's like Dragon's Dogma 2 again with the NPCs. I know my 5600x is showing its age but if a top of the line 7800X3D/9800X3D struggles then there must be something wrong with the game engine side of the things.
Stop blaming the engine, retards, it's the dev incompetence.

That said fuck Unreal with a stick
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Are the preorder items you get from that one quest just easymode items?
Is this some new zoomer lingo? Started innocently or retarded with soul but now you guys try to push it up everywhere...
There's a damage tweak mod that makes them significantly less cancerous.
i feel like the expanding dart shotgun ammo fucks them up good. took a lot less shots to kill with that.
Not using Xray Engine was a mistake
anyone able to stealth? I keep getting seen through walls. idm but there seems to be knife takedowns and such
NTA but I have a 5800X3D which is still one of the best CPUs for gaming and it's struggling with this shit. This game's optimization is undefendable
It's both. UE5 sucks ass but it doesn't usually suck as bad as in this game. It's like the endless discussions about Bethesda games. Do they suck because Bethesda are incompetent or because the engine is shit? People argue over this as if it has to be just one, but it's both.
Use the mod like all broken things
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>pirate the game
>play for a few hours
>it's okay, some bugs, bad performance
>day 1 patch torrent appears
>install it
>the enemy spawns are now absolutely fucked

So they actually broke the enemy spawns with the day 1 patch? Bravo.
Devs couldn't even figure out how to make flashlights properly, as Lumen by itself isn't very good with that.
That mod reduces their health to only 25%. That's too low IMO, they become a joke then. A 50% version would be better
I literally only ever see the heavy attack from them
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How do I get there?
It's in Zalissya
I didn't know Gamepass was free. How is that profitable?
>unreal engine
pick one
this game is just pure garbage
Why is freedom in rostok
Cyberpunk is really amazing and it's a finished game now. Plus it's super optimized while Stalker 2 plays like complete dogshit at the moment. If these devs don't abandon it, it should be good in a year or two since there are some really bright spots. From what little I've played the combat against humans feels really good and has the foundation to turn into something incredible. Fighting non humans is lacking so far. The environment looks incredible, special effects are great. It's a really solid early access game.
Bugs, horrible enemy ai, the worst user interface I've ever seen, game pacing, and weapon balancing aside.... If they just reduced the constant random event spawner in pois and added more patrols/monsters outside the pois it wouldnt be that bad
>Squint quest
>find village he's hiding in
>accidentally discover the caves under the village
>explore them, find some loot but no artifacts
>find Squint in the mill 2 minutes later
>he sends me to find an artifact in the same cave I just explored
>the artifact is now there

I hated this moment. So much for a leaving, breathing, persistent world. The game should have accounted for this and just let me have one of those "ah I already have that with me right here" moments.
>cyberpunk 2077
>super optimized

Eh. It's alright. I feel like people have forgotten what a truly optimized game is during this generation. Doom Eternal is maybe the last time I remember a game actually being SUPER optimized. I guess almost anything can look super optimized compared to Stalker 2 though.
what’s with the jump in this game? it feels like i’m covered in soap.
Cyberpunk without question
unreal just fucking sucks. Always feels like it's pissing straight lava down my computer's urethra.
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I take it the game is completely missing soviet iconography? Since they removed it from the console rerelease of the trilogy.
Can anyone who played it confirm?
Haven't seen anything soviet-themed in my few hours so far
There's soviet style murals, yes
Good point. Doom is the most optimized game I've ever played but if that's your benchmark then nothing will seem optimized in comparison. Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC also feels like silk. Cyberpunk is quite good for what it is.
>do some multi stage side quests
>here's your reward
>375 Rubbles
I wish the devs would stop playing Misery.
I regularly get that with this game too. Its fine for 4 hours of playing but it will suddenly just tank for some reason. Killing the app fixes until it shits the bed again.
I got 90 fps but it still feels laggy/janky/choppy when moving around, what's up with that, using a 7000mb/s NVmE too
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>Ayo this A-Life 2.0 is fire no cap
> 5600X 6700XT, I will never ever use frame gen shit.
> On medium settings it barely can run at 25fps in towns with the most basic TAA and some sharpness. Garbage ass game
I have 25-30 fps in town and 35-40 in rural areas. Also it's medium settings and high textures + XeSS balanced.

Game just need strong single core that's all. Also amd cpus are garbage. Always were.
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Uhh.... these branch names are kinda sus?
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god i hope they put nfts back in
This is a $75 CPU btw.
It really shows how petty Russians are, that the developers in a country they are invading are that keen on Russia at the moment so they throw a bitch fit and even the state is trying to get it reveiw bombed. Imagine Trump paying incels to reveiw bomb Dragon Age Veilguard
S.T.O.L.K.O.R 2: Hoort of Chornobol
what osd is that?
None of your business stalker
I played several hours of this. I wouldnt say that its a big improvement to the original stalker series. But the original stalker series already was good (after the patches), so a small improvement on the formula means that this is also good. Voice acting. More life like characters. The mechanics.

I am not much into politics when around stalker. I just dont want war there. Still. I will give this a 9 out of 10 so far. Very good.
>the developers in a country they are invading
Russia is invading the czech republic?
I was torn between CB and STALKER, but I'll definitely get CB. Fuck paying for STALKER in this state. The game is five or six patches away from becoming something playable, plus CB is cheaper and may get even cheaper in the next Steam/GOG sale.

>hit 14gb use on my PC
Chrome can do that too. I got 32GB 3200Mhz, but CL22. It'll arrive soon. Hope it makes things more tolerable.
how does the poppy field anomaly even work
Hahaha oh that's a shitstorm about to happen, if true
I hope it's true
That's Sergey for sure
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See you in 3 years when the game is playable and everyone is bored of screeching about the Crimea Forever War
try to drink monster before teleport. if you get teleported twice and you cant sprint anymore, youre about to die. if your character has issues with sprinting run out
>Илья Бeлгopoдeц
I see that damage control kicked in after people found out about A-Life lies
>compiling shaders on every single startup

Fuck this stupid broken shit. I see for most people only the first shader compilation takes long, but for me the game does a full compilation on every single startup, which takes 10-15 minutes
I don't want details, but how much of the old game locations are in this game? I can't quite figure out the map.

I've seen that we're going broadly back to the Cordon, but I hope we get to see rookie village/skadovsk
>100 rubles for negative Steam review
>this is less than $1

lmao. Spend 60 dollarydoos on the game and get one back for a negative review
>medium settings
>around 60 fps with framegen at native res
Eh, could be worse I guess.
There are a lot of OG locations
I was wondering what the fuck to do there
>framegen on
yes, it still worse
put all high but 50% res scale (aka balanced). theres way too much graphics glitches on the medium preset and u might even get more fps than before
Its odd, its at time reminds me of the old stalker games, but for the most part I feel like im playing a game with stalker assets, made by a fan or something like that. It's not even terrible in terms of most modern fps slop that releases current day, its just terrible in comparison to the OG trilogy prior, it lacks many of the features that made the old games great and alive. I don't think any fixes or mods could bring it back to that level, if the a-life 2.0 was truly broken, and not just a low quality spawning system with the name slapped on top, you would think the devs would have taken notice at any point prior to game release, but from what I can tell they clearly haven't playtested it themselves and are just trying to cover ass. The nostalgic factor hits at times, but its honestly a step down from metro if you were to compare it to another similar series
Did you guys read the news yet? A russian discovered that the game collects "Gameanalytics" data every second. That's right, it checks your PC data, where your character is looking at, what's in his inventory, etc etc every second. The game lags just to send this data, and it can do so even when compiling shaders.
Makes sense. I saw someone yesterday claim here they improved performance by firewalling the .exe.
Climb on top of the roof dingus and drop from the hole right above the stash. Jeez is this your first S.T.A.L.K.E.R game?
no a-life, no buy shitcunt
bot_spawn Artyom
tell him to duck
jump on his head
mantle to the 2nd floor
reap the rewards
That's not how you get that one, but ok, you tried.
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>Original stalker games were made by 10-15 people
>300 people worked on the sequel
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Who else here rocking the /bread/ suit?
There are plenty of murals and those soviet bus stops, I think I also saw a Lenin statue but might've been someone else. Haven't seen a hammer nor sickle, I doubt they're in.
Happened to me too, was furious. Fucking garbage. Later on though I did have a "I already did that" moment so hopefully it was a one off.
Exact same thing I did
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fuuuck i had that ball as a kid
it had a weird smell, not entirely like normal rubber
The lighting and how it interacts with characters looks absolutely repulsive in this game, every character looks like they are made out of plastic. Major downgrade compared to just 5 month old trailers, let alone gameplay released 3 years ago.


There is not a single person left there that knows how it works
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>legendary artifact, the type of thing stalkers dream of finding
>can't even buy a gas mask with it
the economy in this game is so fucked lol
Anomaly, not a bug
It isnt free, but it means you can have that game and another big ammount to try for a month for 20
The devs should've played less misery
They really didn't think it through at it seems took the worse notes from mods
Are shotguns in this game shit or is the TOZ just very, very bad?
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I read Roadside Picnic some years ago and it was kinda bad. Same with Canticle for Lebowitz. The games that were inspired on these novels far surpass the source material, and also make it clear why video games are the superior story telling medium.
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Seed, motherfuckers.
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playing atm, I'd say wait a bit for patches

audio is sometimes messed up and the random out of nowhere enemy spawns break the immersion quite a bit. And mods will make a lot of things better, f.e. the reparation costs for your weapons and armor are way too high atm, even hoarder mcgolddigger like me doesnt save up a lot of money because repairs eats up so much cash

I play because I couldn't wait any longer. Probs gonna replay in a year or something, once there's an addon out and already plenty of mods/fixes

but yeah, I'd wait for now
> 1 mil copies bought
Cope poltranny
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I am happy with a few things, the weather and anomalies are 10/10, but discovering that it has no A-life has obliterated my enjoyment.
forgot your meds again?
I spared Solder
>the reparation costs for your weapons and armor are way too high atm
I think there's a really high cost-floor,so it's only worthwhile repairing your guns once they go into the yellow at least. 'Cus my rifle cost 4000+ to repair when it had like 80% condition but then only 6000+ once it was ~40%. I think it's intended so if you REALLY wanna keep everything in pristine condition it's going to cost you, otherwise the game wants you to just deal with jams etc.
I tried shooting him afterwards and it did no damage to him.
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Original STALKER had a lot more than that.

GSC was infamous for shady working conditions, they got a lot of interns (who worked for a short period of time), some of them who worked for free, since STALKER already had a legendary status at the time, during the development
retard here.
only played shadow of chernobyl
do i need to play the other two or can jump right into 2
i just honestly cant be fucked with all the jank and downloading mods to make them playable.
Skip Clear Sky (it sucks) and play Call Of Pripyat, (it's kino). You can play it compeltely vanilla, no need for mods.
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dont be upset lil bro, you will join the z-cube soon
All my encounters with mutants have been really unenjoyable. They are way too bullet spongey. Even if I get the drop on them from quite a distance and start unloading my AK on them, they still manage to get to me before they've died. A fucking flesh shouldn't take a full AK mag to kill
get a balance mod
So basically, the first three games have storylines, but are essentially the devs trying three times to make the same game concept as best as possible.

Pripyat is basically their idea of "peak" Stalker at the time they made it, and, yeah, basically, but the experience you have with SoC will be similar, just less polished.

...and all of the mods support it, so, there ya go.
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Is there a fix for ultra, ultrawide monitors yet? The FoV is way lower than it should be, even maxed out.
Use shotguns, avoid mutants, you're not supposed to hunt them. They're a hazard not a themepark attraction
Grok's already released a mod to balance mutant HP
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You don't need those extra informations goy
Truly encapsulate the slav spirit.
>You don't need those extra informations goy
100% correct
>Light weight mod
>Nerfed mutant mod
>Repair cost reduced mod
it's gaming time
Just because you're not supposed to actively engage them doesn't mean these encounters should be unenjoyable. The fact that they have no loot on them is punishment enough, they don't have to make me dump three AK mags for each run-in with them
Ehhh maybe in a year or two when they fix the game.
Does /v/ know about Stalker 2 buses
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You can change the Fov with a trainer, not sure if it's the same as using the .ini file.
That's why I said use shotguns. They're like the flood in halo where the sniper rifle doesn't do anything to them. Don't mag dump 3 AK mags on a bloodsucker, shoot him in the face with a shotgun 5 times instead. Explosives also work pretty well. I died like 5 times to a Burer trying to shoot him, but then one well placed nade took him out instantly
artifacts are worth a ton of cash in Anomaly if you deliver to order or if you sell them to Sakharov
btw, what's the new currency in the zone?

>Canticle for Leibowitz
what game is inspired by it?
afaik Fallout was going to have an area based on it but they admitted the concept is too similar to the BoS so they dropped it
>btw, what's the new currency in the zone?

"Coupons". From what I've gathered it seems to be like a cryptocurrency of sorts, tranferred to your PDA? Not sure but I tried killing a guy after giving him 1500 and he didn't have it on him as a physical item.
I am so pissed off about the artefacts.
Not only can you not find them at random and have to go around amusement park style to specific areas but they're all fucked in what they do.
Where's the bleed and rupture resistance? Where are all the stats? There's zero reason they couldn't include all of the artefacts of SoC and kept them doing what they did before.
What are Controllers like now? I fucking hated the jumpscares they gave you in SoC.
has any of the patches improved performance yet?
I can't respect anyone who plays with the compass and crosshair on.
Have any of you looked for a stash on the map, and arrive at the point only to find fucking nothing there?
It's just well hidden. A few times I though it didn't spawn but it turned out I wasn't looking hard enough.
yep makes it much better.
I found one that was supposedly in a building with all the windows boarded and all the doors being fake doors.
It was in that millitary base to the south-east of the starting village.
> walk into village
> Framerate: (dies)
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Where the fuck is the stash?
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I’m having a blast but being unavle to see enemies in the brush in broad daylight while they can see me behind a wall and 4 dense bushes is making me pissy.
Also having shit spawn directly behind me as soon as I clear out an area is a pain.
On top of the pipes
I just have a trainer on standby for bullshit spawns like that in the wilderness.
If the game is going to cheat then so am I.
lmao 8gb gpu users
I’m no fucking pussy. I’ll deal with it, I just don’t like it.
sounds like a blast
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works on my amd pc
Yeah I found it now.
That area was fucking cancer. the game keeps spawning Bloodsuckers and bandits on to of you.
had to deal with 9 fucking bloodsuckers. They also won't leave you alone if you try and run away to another area.
Your 12100 is a pile of shit and the game is cpu limited. You got what you deserve.
i also gave him my utter judgement. he'll learn
>We will provide template
I need to see this
>Skip Clear Sky (it sucks)
holy reddit
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all the voice acting is made with AI too. sad
Fan, can someone tell me how close to Master Mode the Veteran difficulty is?

Play Pripyat then play Clear Skies if you want more.
Word going around is veteran is just a 0.75 multiplier for player damage.
Welcome to modern AAA tovarish. You pay 70$ so YOU can be the product.
its possible such a plugin was used during development
otherwise you have to wait months or even a year for vo recording to get scheduled before you can test dialog with sound
So, what I just do and take more damage?
Or do I do less damage?
I’m playing on stalker difficulty right now and it kinda feels like master with the damage I take and do but not quite.
Huh. My firewall works on a whitelist policy so the game isn't getting any data out and i've had relatively smooth performance (note I said smooth, not necessarily high framerates).
>Or do I do less damage?
This one.
wow thanks for atomic heart
Both CS and CoP are reddit by fucking with SoC.
is reddit in the room with us right now?
what ?
How exactly do I do this and which .Exe am I walling?
There’s like 3 and none of them seem like things that would be the main one. I think the .exe with the biggest filesize wouldn’t even let me frame limit it in Nvidia settings.
He said it was the shipping .exe
wasnt the analytics shit optional? like it asks you at first start if you want or not
supposedly it's running anyway
thats not how it works anon
hmm, i checked my folder in appdata local and its empty of any analytics data. but i use a cracked version so can be that it is disabled there already
I have a 3070 which should be fine but also an 8700k. I think I'll need a new processor and possibly mobo if I want it to run decently.
ukranian men are scammers and ukranian women are whores
ok zigger
> 146 Gb
> Over an hour to decompress

How big is the map? I saw it takes all the land inbetween the Cordon and all the way from the CPP with what looked like red forest, rostok, garbage, and so on in between.
What is missing from the map?
>I have 25-30 fps in town and 35-40 in rural areas. Also it's medium settings and high textures + XeSS balanced.
christ almighty on a stick people out here calling this fun
>have a 4070 TI Super
>have 5600x
>have absolutely no problems other than towns being shite
dunno what to say senpai
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So what was in the flowers?
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>absolutely no problems
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Are people on this board really that fucking tech illiterate that they think that major fucking features that the game has to built around will be just patched in like alife?
Or that mods will somehow revamp the entire fucking game?
normalfags and secondaries are just retarded
they dont know anything about the older games, so they think just randomly spawning shit around you counts. The devs are just saying they will fix it (read : make things stop spawning in your screen or 5cm away from you) and secondaries think thats actually getting it done
it doesnt matter if you explain them how it is in the previous stalker games, they will just cope/ignore/think its whatever because the muh ukraine faggotry and marketing conditions people to like it

I guarantee you, if this game had been released by a generic AAA dev such as ubisoft, or some random western/japanese/chinese developer that acquired the IP, people would be shitting on it & it would have like a 30-40% review score
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i can't tell if im fighting Ward or normal Military in the main missions
There's no rep system in the game so it doesnt matter
If that's true, then that's exactly what I mean by developers (Epic) having the wrong priorities. Lumen is sacrificing direct lighting quality to chase """real-time""" global illumination and it's the wrong tradeoff to make. How many people actually notice the bounce lighting, versus every single person pointing out that the flashlight doesn't cast shadows the way it did nearly two decades ago?

Also I swear there has to be a way to have the flashlight not interact with Lumen but still affect VSMs or whatever. You don't need bounce lighting for a lamp attached to your head. Whatever you're looking at is obviously going to be directly lit and and overpowering any indirect lighting anyway. And of course all of the shadows will always be in screenspace. It should still be possible to do exactly what Half-Life 2 Episode 2 did to get flashlight shadows.

Tangentially, I've grown to fucking despite Lumen. It's so god damn ugly. It works in like one case where you have adequate sky light, and then fucks up your scene in any dimly lit condition. There's so much obvious flicker and artifacting. And you still get fucking light leak. So in the end it's not even better than probe-based GI while running way worse. If you're gonna raytrace, just raytrace. Software lumen is just cope.
if gsc leaks the source files of the game then there is a ghost of a chance
they give source code to lost alpha team in 2011-2012 which they leak in 2014 - its 5 years after call of priyat

extrapolate this to s2 - source code in 2029 and alife port in 2034

with such timing, ixray modmakers definitely will make path tracing and seamless world for xray way more faster, they already implemented dlss 3.0 and ingame mode in sdk) https://youtu.be/00paWnLf5uo?si=uMupdbRjgt9B6r4S&t=8156
Apparently the Poppy Field contains a super rare artefact that looks like a blue flower, but I haven't spotted it myself.
Game somehow looks ugly as sin in some areas and absolutely gorgeous and photorealistic in others. Why does all the reflective surfaces look so fucking ugly though, the game is super blurry as fuck and shit smeared most of the time
>Why does all the reflective surfaces look so fucking ugly though
Lumen. You need gaytracing by default for reflections to look passable not even good just passable because game runs software based gaytracing by default and that also smokes performance too. UE5 truly is a piece of shit.
Unreal Engine is super shit with reflections sometimes. Your whole weapon is sometimes enveloped in a greyish sheen that pretends to be a reflection during a cloudy weather.
Also idiotic rim lighting that plagues pretty much every UE game because devs are too fucking retarded to disable it. Or they are too fucking retarded so they think it makes things POP
more like chudnobyl
the mental gymnastics /v/ is using to justify the broken state of the game is hilarious lmao
Old broken game good, new broken game bad
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Biggest issue other than the artefacts all being shit is stashes not showing up where they're meant to.
I even enabled the compass and it shows I'm right on top of it.
There's no underground area. is there?
there's a down arrow on the compass next to the stash, so its underground. probably a cave or basement near you
It does look pretty
Memes and shitposting aside: I genuinely think if the modders can harness their autism again, that they can make this game amazing
this fucking pic hits so hard. i hate women so fucking much man
If you're willing to do some settings tweaks the performance isn't an issue. Most of my settings are Medium and the game still looks good, then just turned up some lighting quality

The biggest issue for me right now is the squads of STALKERs spawning in randomly, and not really organically finding groups of STALKERs roaming around
I fukken love lummox's AKM just for the scope. Now I can truly do classic stalkan popping heads with single fire mode.
With that amount of time, someone is just going to backport all of Hoart of Chornobol to X-ray and it'll end up looking better anyway in the end.
Outside of a-life and performance issues, most of my gripes can be easily fixed with some value tweaks. I installed a few for things I expect them to address in updates anyway.
i think the little cloud of petals blowing in the wind blows right over it as part of its route
I really hope modders can sort the artefacts and add more.
There was zero reason why the artefacts had to change through the series and even less reason the zone can't have all of them, especially as they seem to be random as to which ones spawn.
Jellyfish, Moonlight, Flash, Droplets, etc, they all need to be in with their basic idea back in place, bleed resist, rupture resist etc.
most artifacts changed with each game, but some stayed consistent from CS to CoP. not really sure why they went that route but whateve, maybe the lore reason is that the zone is constantly changing.
The only thing that bothers me about artifacts is that there's more overlap in a lot of the effects. Might just be a side effect of bringing most of them back while adding new ones.
Where can I find a Bear Detector? Echo sucks ass and I die too much using it.
The atmosphere is great that I cannot deny.
I noticed a bear in my inventory after doing some missions for noontide. The echo is shit but it seems like it can find high tier artifacts now, so its not a complete waste to use it while you have it.
I haven't found that new one they added that tells you the distance in digits, but it seems like it'd be worse than the bear.
Runs and plays like shit. Glad I pirate this vomit day one and so should everyone else.
>they aren't physically in the country so the Ukrainians making the game shouldn't be upset
They would make the game in Ukraine if there wasn't a war on
Bro the game was originally supposed to release in march 22. Given the state of it now, it obviously didn't exist outside of a bunch of vertical slices back then.
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>2200 yuro gpu
>1440p dips below 60
the absolute fucking state of pc gaming

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