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Man screw all you Tenpai players on the Master Duel ladder. Look at what you fuckers did. Fuck you.
Sex With Purrely!!!
remember to buy the snake eye field on black friday for fiendsmith snake eye
Shifter is a good boy who dindu nuffin. Otherwise, the banlist was good but not harsh enough. Just fucking kill Snow already Konami.
you forgot the subject, newfaggot
I fucking hate Gamma so yeah, thank you Tenpai players
I've drew Driver around 300 more times than Gamma so I'm fucking glad the later is limited so I don't feel the need to run that shit anymore.
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so where are the tempai hits?
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>cancer cards getting removed from the game
Have you thanked Jesus Christ today for this banlist, anon?
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Decks for this feel?
Kekshtira and Floowandeshit took all the hits for Tenpai.
Pot of Prosperity's days have been numbered for a while, in an age where every deck gets full combo off of one card the ability to dig deep to draw it is way too strong.
Now we just need to ban Baronne and all will be well
>rotating out of the shop next month
>and a duelist cup next month
Come back in 30 days to complain about how they weren't enough. you will be right btw
Purrely Horny Memory
who in konami is responsible for this awful name?
why is he even part of shining sarc? That's atem's card
if he's the magician of black magic wouldn't he be black magician
Its unironically one of the most accurate translations KoA have done in a while.
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>just started playing
>want to add ragnaraika cards to my traptrix deck
>their pack expired and they're not in any others
well fuck now what
i dont want to craft all of them...
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You're welcome, let's hope the onslaught continues. Free my weak nigger gx cards.
ermmm infernobles are french the regular noble knights are the bongs
black magician is dark magicians JP name bro...
Same shit different asshole.
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I want to build a new deck, preferably a tiered/meta deck, sell me on your deck
Pretty much. Remember how the Chaos synchros had a lot of stuff like "Chaos Goddess - Goddess of Chaos" or "Chaos Demon - Devil of Chaos" on them?
>zombie vampire
>ooooh my scienceeeee i need to play troonbel in this event oooooohhh just like le epic ladder ooooohhhhh
worst event EVER
yubel konami's favorite child especially with fiendlslop incoming
this but floo trannies
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Hot puppets have sex with you and you just win on the first turn, often ignoring interaction, so you don't have to sit through your tear tranny's 15 minute turn.
just started playing floo after that post
fuck this nonevent
Blue Eyes is meta relevant now?

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Purrely Lewd Memory
What pisses me off the most about this banlist is that Extravagance, a card that deserves to be banned a hell of a lot more than Prosperity, wasn't banned as well.
Atem and Yugi are linked by fate and are allies. Also the card's whole gimmick is that it exists to be destroyed by Gandora which is lore accurate. He has the same link to Atem that Kaiba does to Priest Seto, only it's more tangible and explicit for Yugi. If Kaiba can use Blue-Eyes then Yugi can use Dark Magician.
Also it's not like Yugi didn't choose to add Dark Magician to his deck before he was possessed by the Millennium Puzzle.
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Screw Yugi's/Atem's Dark Magician. When is Pandora's fraud Magician getting his own archetype?
this isnt a banlist to ban anything stop listenign to retards / being one
this is the "cope hits to tenpai" banlist
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I think every pot is on borrowed time at this point.
Mirage of Nightmare can come back. Just running a floodgate is going to be better than hoping it draws you into hand traps.
>but you can destroy it with Drident or something and keep the cards!
That's fine. If you're in a position to do that you'd be winning regardless.
Yes it has been for a while now. People weren't joking when they said the new cards are good.
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Imagine the retrained version of Beaver Warrior for Shining Sarcophagus, "Louise: The Rat Warrior".
>this card is always treated as a "Louise" card
That because every deck is hyper consistent now, its kinda ridiculous see something eat a whole hand worth of handtraps and still pull full combo.
Beaver Warrior is a girl?
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The game is spiraling because of everything being a 1 card combo and extender. The ceiling of this game is getting rapidly reached.
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He was too honest for this world.
My boy, Louise.
Does the Duel Pass expire next reset or the day after?
I can't keep up with post-POTE Yugioh.
not true, the real ceiling is tears/lab/floo levels of playing on your opponent's turn. They are very slow about releasing cards that can do that sort of thing. Havnis is still at 1, lab's furniture is still hit, a lot of floo is hit, etc.
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They're not trying to kill the game outright. Those decks are designed to kill the game.
Problem is that modern decks completely lost identity for sake of engine piles, sure ryzeal mostly play itself on main deck, but previous stuff not so much. handtrapping one engine mean another going off with little to no punishment outside of bug.
>so much as breathe
>opponent combos off on turn 0 with his only copy of Havnis
At least we're moving on from turn 0 meta

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>sure ryzeal mostly play itself on main deck
The current bets Ryzeal deck is VV with like 4 Ryzeal maindeck monsters and a few spells.
It's more because the pots were always broken but were held back by typically being a poor fit for meta decks so it was fine to let off-meta decks have them. But as was always going to happen, overpowered decks that can make good use of them came out and so they became a problem.
And really, we've had more power-creep in off-meta decks than people appreciate. Like the current meta is weaker than it was during Tear format. It's lower than it was when Snake Eyes released. But the rogue decks are also much stronger. MADOLCHE was rogue in Tear format, and now it's rogue again while being much stronger than it was at the time during a much weaker meta. The pots aren't needed to boost up mediocre decks like they were before.
that's rare but does happen kek
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>Playing an infinitely worse Ryzeal deck
I'm good dawg.
Day after.
>playing on le opponent turn're
that doesn't matter if your opponents every card is a 1 card combo into full combo without a definite chokepoint and with graveyard recursion
either you have 6+ negates or you don't, at some point (hell, now even, either tenpai uses 4 board breakers on you and kills you or they don't)
you don't need to play on other people's turn
This might be the most mindbroken explanation of a konami cope-hit I've ever seen in my life
They hit it to (((hit))) tenpai while it's still in the shop little bro
haven't played in half a year, is tear still bad
tear will never be bad
Jesus, Prosp to zero just throws my petdecks in the fucking dumpster.
The MD banlist is such a train wreck. Games only been out for 3 years and already every generic SR has been hit just to lower the winrate of a current top deck by 0.1%
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If by "bad" you mean "is it not tier 0" sure. Otherwise the deck has never been bad.
9999 gemmies and nothing to spend it on...
>They hit it to (((hit))) tenpai while it's still in the shop little bro
Yeah, no shit retard. Why do you think I brought up the fact that pots weren't a problem when only shitty decks were using them? That was the whole point of the comment. They hit it the first time for Floo, and they hit it now for Tenpai because those decks aren't shitty and were using it.
Pot of Desires especially because of how incestuous modern cards are getting.
Compare meltdown > aleister to new design. Invocation cant go backwards but Snake Eye, Voiceless, Tenpai and to a slightly lesser extent, Yubel can all play ring around the rosies with their shit. It means you can run a bunch of 3 ofs that all search each other increasing consistency that can be further increased because of Desires resilience.

It also makes for extremely dull duels that devolve into handtrap wars and nearly identical lines.
No lil bro, you're making up some cope scenario of 'epikk sicrit problym cardzzz!!!' while they're just generic cards being used by a broken deck
This hit has nothing to do with the pots as you're deluding yourself to think
If tenpai used upstart they'd hit upstart (not really, it's UR) just so they could go s-see haha... t-tenpai hit...
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>My 1-of held the deck together
I wish i could see the tears of laughter on the Konami employee's faces reading your schizo posts
Build Chimera.
>artwork is clearly a Machine
Types are bullshit.
Nah, fuck stunshit.
I think that anon was being sarcastic.

The people who cried about Halq ban ruining their petdecks where unfortunately just that stupid.
Actually the pot ban does have something to do with pots. Because they banned a pot. That has a lot to do with the pot. It was in fact a problem that Tenpai was using it, because Tenpai is a bullshit over powered deck.
I'm just not going to cry that hard over it because my current pet decks are far more consistent than they were two years ago.
>oh my science i loove the epic konami! waiter waiter more tenpai non-games please!
i wonder what causes these types of posts
Turn 0 is actually one way to buff going second that isn't the shit show Tenpai or forcing every deck to run 21 generic handtraps.

It'd lead to much more interesting game states than just trading ghost girls with each other, or watching some nigger set up a Fiendsmith board.
It's like breaking the color pie in MTG. It slops the soul and makes you take the game less seriously.
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What the science are you talking about?
Yeah, they just need to not make it something only 1 deck can do and have that deck be the most bullshit deck ever printed. Unique archetype-locked hand traps for decks without room for 25 non-engine would be nice to see instead of the same generics every game.
I just want Legend Anthology back. Give us an evergreen lower power level ranked format.
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Guys.... I don't think Tenpai is what Konami was aiming to hit on this list...
Bird bros, what's our response?
I can't wait for them to print a generic turn 0 slop engine that any deck can splash into itself, truly that will be peak YGO.
I spread my cheeks and take John Konami's dick and end my turn
But Fiendsmith exists already.
it does matter when you can summon shenshen turn 0 and they might not have an out hahaha
Same. I like the game as it currently is, but a second meta for some variety and an opportunity to play worse decks on a more even field would be nice.
Classic Floowandereeze player.
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Prosp was a godsend for bricky petdecks, it's saved my ass on picrel a number of times. And yes I already run triple Piri Ries and Triple Small World to effectively have over 6 copies of my starter. Prosp making it so I don't need to burn 2 maindeck monsters or pay half my LP to start my turn was really nice and it sucks to take collateral damage from Tenpai.
>Barrier statue turbo isn't stun
Whatever you say bro.
Shud eye build lab I need two craft 150 ur cp
We're all scat fetishists and have monkey pox. It's a floo player thing, you wouldn't understand
Barrier is a brick and should not be played, but sure, whatever you say.
prosp was a godsend for a ton of decks along with having an actual cost (needing to banish shit so if you had a tight ED you're shit out of luck)
but troonami had to print a niggerdeck that they (((can't))) hit until it stops (((selling))) so here we are
that doesn't make it any better. the name is still dumb.
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>4k gems
>got a playset of evil twin alt arts
>280 urcp in the bank, with 30 more coming when shifter gets banned
>duel pass refreshing soon

life is good
prosp is a good card for going first

response window on pot?
must be maxx c or ash
>ash for maxx c
>1 card starter/extender that can get past ash
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>Post your face when you see floo faggots, kash niggers, and ritual beast trannies losing their shit over this amazing ban list
Purrely Hot Memory
rb's only hit is shifter and honestly its not the worst thing
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Will it's success affect how Konami handles the future of Master Duel?
RB also used Prosp.
Personally I'm just glad Gamma finally got the dick kick it's needed for a long time
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prosp is not targetted at rb, almost all decks were running it, most pots have to go
>gamma (?) hit
>shifter the sacky no-games card put to 1 so you can lose to it vs chinks and seethe harder
That's more just because they can rather than because they need it to actually find any engine like Tenpai does. Most of the time you'd be looking for Called bys or Ash Blossoms or hoping it ate an Ash.
Pokémon could sell literal shit and it would rake in millions
Yeah but they really only play it as deck thinning and ash bait. They don't even banish 6 most of the time unless they're bricked.
Purrely Erotic Memory
No interesting decks to build Zzzzz....
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>What Konami SHOULD learn from pocket
>Add a more casual mode like a permanent retro format because players clearly love more toned-down card games

>What Konami will probably take from pocket
>You can put card displays in your profile that literally nobody will ever look at
They already did with BDSP
no interesting decks left playable*
ninja control is rogue at best but it's really funny when it fucks up combos
basically you use low level ninjas to make meizen and summon out jioh during their turn, or yagamaru to target banish anything
it also has an infinite resource loop with ninja art scroll > grab iron digger from grave > banish baku for the effect > remove iron digger from the field > add baku to hand > baku summons itself and adds ninja art from from grave to hand
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All roads lead to the addition of rush duels to master duel
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All roads lead to the addition of my seed to HER coochie
In Flush duels when you deafeat your opponents, do they go down the sewage, you know like when flushing?
Anniversary predictions
>Exodia structure deck
>new OCG Blue-Eyes added to Blue Eyes Secret Pack
>Fiendsmith White Woods Selection Pack
>Dragoon to 1
>Royal Rare 2500 gem Dragoon & field bundle
>ghost loli alt art in a ketchup pack
>1000 gem Dark Magician Girl mate
>konami frees dragoon
>other decks like branded take advantage of it
>dark magician and red eyes decks eat shit
How come a card that is supposed to be used by Dark Magician and Red Eyes ends up being abused by other decks?
I want exodia bad
Purrely Naughty Memory
>1000 gem Dark Magician Girl mate
Yes, please.
>Print fusion monster that can easily be summoned with archtypical fuse from deck spell.
>Goes in every deck that can afford to run 2 bricks to make it
noooo my narrative
I think this card should only be used by Hero players. How would you fix this card?
>ash his Maxx C
>extend through Imperm
>pass on a board of ABC, I:P, 2 mons to make Apollousa, and Regulus
>Raigeki to pop omni negate
>Pot of Prosperity into Talent for game
I have never survived against Tenpai long enough to see Paidra or Sangen Summoning. I'm buried under handtraps and board breakers before their turn even starts.
i got this card when it came out but now virtually nothing relevant runs it, should i dismantle it?
require the fusion card to have a hero on the field to activate
That card is only used by Hero players already. It's not 2022 anymore.
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>Chirp'd all the gems for the No Extra Deck and Festival quests in 1.5hrs
Now what?
now chirp yourself into a coal mine
wait for the banlist to nuke the rest of you bird faggots
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If I don't play Kashtira nor Floo, how can I make the most of this banlist? I mean, it seems Kash and Floo players are in shambles, how can I take advantage of this chaos?
You can have fun playing Yugioh Master Duel.
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Same as usual
Play meta
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time to play melodious voiceless voice
Japan. Warrior of Chaos - Chaos Soldier is nothing weird.

Though the TCG probably doesn't help with their bastardizations. Black Luster Soldier doesn't exactly tell you it's chaos in the name unlike the Japanese while at least the Link one does by adding it twice. Taking that into account is a good idea when you refuse to rename anything like you should and don't want to add 100 cards to every print of new support for no reason.
Oh, this is Tenpai's fault. Of course it is, I fucking hate this banlist update and, as usual, Konami won't hit the overtuned messes they never should've designed in the first place. I hate that I love this game's mechanics because God, do I hate the people that are in charge of it.
>Dimensional barrier also Skill Drains the chosen type
>when your opponent uses dimensional barrier
>but you play floo
Floo chads how we feeling?
Dead, because Tearlanent and Tenpai banned two of your cards.
Dead draw against a Link deck so in a Bo1 format nobody other than Labs who can hard search it ever run it and even then Labs only run it if the meta requires it, nobody was running it pre-Tenpai
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are these boba?
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hmmm doesn't seem to do anything to my runick fountain. Anyway I banish cards from your deck.
Tenpai is the freest matchup ever. None of them ever read what ninja shadow mosquito does.
Because it does nothing agianst Links, which is the current dominating one and the one all can kinda use.
But I agree it does fuck up Fusion/Synchro based decks and the poor bastards called Ritual.
Pendulums deserve it, and the more you play YGO, you realize XYZ deserves it too.
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>1000 gem Dark Magician Girl mate
Slapping on pngs for the sleeves were one thing, but are they really going to make a DMG mate when it would require their lazy ass devs to make a 3D censored model in addition to the regular one?

There's no way Komoney doesn't know the demand for a DMG mate
Make it a TOON DMG (she doesn't have boobs)
Problem solved
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I just want Konami to remember how to make well-designed decks again and not slop-engine piles that can do anything off 1 card
its been 20+ years, they are running out of ideas
Holy shit, Platinum duels are unbearable! This duelist playing a slop salad with Horus, Centurion, Bystial and Lightsworn, and to add a little spice 3 Ra spheres.
Which is why we're long overdue for a new summoning mechanic.
I wish they'd stop making new decks entirely and start printing support for some of their more neglected decks. Do we really need more new archetypes? There's like 200+ in the game, yet 90% of them are simply unplayable and you've probably never even heard of them. Stop making new decks and start trying to modernize older decks to make them viable.
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God no, there are enough of those now. I wouldn't mind them maybe trying to fix spirit and union monsters but no more new summoning types.
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>Stop making new decks and start trying to modernize older decks to make them viable
What is Melodious for $500, Alex?
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They unironically killed the game with this banlist change, I'll be charging back thousands of dollars tomorrow.
>he spent cash
Konami does know how to make well-designed decks. You have stuff like Nemleria, Vaalmonica, and Vanquish Soul which clearly have a lot of thought and soulful thematic cohesion behind their mechanics while also being fair.

The problem is Konami also knows how to make overpowered lore decks and slop engine decks which sell much better to metafaggots, and Konami is going to milk people as much as they can
I have a high IQ so the money was change to me
I'm joking, I would spend some shekels too if the game wasn't so jewish, but fuck this
Make a rush duel mobile game
When they have sales it's not so bad imo but yah i agree, it's not worth it to spend on a game where they can essentially delete your investments.
Other gacha communities will literally lynch devs if they nerf characters in any way at all, no idea why we're okay with them just straight up deleting our pulls.
Can continuous spells that shit out your whole deck fuck off already
What happens next?
Something not canon
Show, don't tell.
It's funny how cool decks like these are left to rot while your average combo deck gets wave after wave of support
Where's my fucking plunder wind ship Konami?
Continuous Spells should've never been a thing. If you want a continuous spell effect, you should have to commit to a field spell. All other "continuous" cards should've been traps.
>gets wave after wave of support
Heroes have gotten so many waves of support, their combos last 30 minutes and they still die to Raigeki.
>when it would require their lazy ass devs to make a 3D censored model in addition to the regular one?
The OCG side doesn't get uncensored mates; Bagoosca still has pillows instead of bottles in nip land.
Isn't it weird that chingchongs always start the same few cards every time despite having a 40-60 card deck like everyone else
I report them, they always open 4 handtraps and 1 starter.
If the prices were less steep or we weren't subjected to "half your pack is ass" then maybe but right now it's laughably fucking bad. Even the welcome bundles or event deals are ass.
If they sold more and better mates, I'd spend some bucks.
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Tenpai is easy as shit to get to master with
I have one copy of Talents and Thrust each. Which playset should I finish first? Both are busted.
Depends on what you're playing.
Most of the time you want Talents, but Thrust is more useful in stuff like Branded where you use it to set Fusion Duplication.
Most decks play talents at two anyway so dont craft 3
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>10 bucks for 1000 gems
>1000 gems per 10-pack
>1 UR guaranteed per two 10-packs
>1 UR = 10 dust
>1 card costs 30 dust
>10 x 2 x 3 = 60
>i.e., with worst possible luck, you could spend up to $60.00 on a single digital card
No refunds
Who thought giving a single equip spell bouncing and a special summon for free was a good idea, exactly?
If you get Arabesque'd you 100% deserve it.
>you 100% deserve it
I have to summon a synchro to bounce a single card. You shouldn't get to do that shit with an equip spell.
Why didn't you ash it or ogre it?
I didn't have ash!
>Complaining about equip spells
Might as well be a normal spell if you can use it with your opponent's monsters
I don't like Mikankos goober ass Numeron impression but Arabesque is one of the more interesting tools Konami has made that can help going second
Would you prefer to get your shit super polyd over a card that loses to drident?
Yeah actually.
Thoughts on the new field?
I like rituals, I suppose.
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>10 bucks for 1000 gems
But enough about the welcome bundles that you only get 3 of! What do you want, Mr John Konami to hand these for free!?
You want the best "regular" value for your money on a comfy saturday afternoon with no deals? Check out our special 4950 gems bundle for the sweet weet price of 71 fucking dollaridoos! That's it, you don't even get 5k to get five clean 10 pulls! Better have some gemmies saved on your own or spend some more shekels to round that out.
The math? Why obviously a measely 14,2 bucks for a 10 pull! So if you're shit out of luck and 5 pulls aren't enough to get your UR of choice, to keep the highest cost/ratio you may even consider getting a second 4950 gem bundle!
I mean, what are you going to do, spend $21.49 for 1.42k gems and feel even more scammed? That's awful value! Don't worry, Komoney has your back.

And that's looking into american prices which are honestly a fucking godsend compared to what us eurocucks have to go through. Prepare to lose your fucking shit when I tell you that $71 (which is 68€ with proper exchange rate) costs 80 fucking euros in the official client. Wowie I'm so going to spend my hard earned money here, seems so worth it!
>24 actual physical booster packs cost less than 50 digital ones
Gee, Relinquished. Why does Konami let you have TWO ritual cages?
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>Prosp banned
>Shifter to 1

Everybody else gets their degen but you make one anti-meta deck and it needs to be taken out back and shot.
you got a statue banned you negro
>played awfully
>won anyway because I had a Godhand
I don't feel bad
Secret village is negatively impacting tenpai, it should be banned ASAP.
>shartira and floo hiding behind Tenpai when cards they abuse get banned
You slime
>bricked 5 times in a row
It's time to stop playing for the day methinks.
>Konami makes a bird deck
>It's one of the absolute worst things to play against
>And the people who play it relish in your misery

I'm not saying Blackwing, Raidraptor and Floo players are the exact same people but there's a hell of a lot of overlap.
The last fair "bird" deck was tri-brigade.
And Lyrilusc
And Duel Links Harpies
And Fire King
>Fire King
Fire King is that bad only because the Snake-Eyes engine exists.
Pure Fire Kangz are also gay as fuck. The pure version is just not nearly as common.
Lyrilusc also does fuck all on their own. They're just a bad going 2nd deck whose only relevant in events.
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Free him.
what's a good singleplayer YGO game that will teach me how to play
The solo mode
Alternatively, legacy of the duelist with the DLC.
Did Exodia just win on stream? I just tuned in.
They rape rogue players by playing through multiple handtraps/Nibiru and still ending on multiple disruptions.
No they don't.
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Joey the Passion.
>not playing through Nibiru
What's the most reddit deck
At best they have their choice of either a big robin or a big nightingale post nibiru, Neither of which is all that threatening on their own.
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That's....not how my first Nibiru went.
why are konami so hellbent on sinking this card game?
No bullshit, I fucking hate Gamma and glad it's hit.
Because my shit ABC deck totally needed a third fucking staple banned.
You're getting the union support you don't get to complain
I mean, all the Pyro type mains are the proper "black lives don't matter" kind of of people so you may be into something when you can assume that all bird players are bastards... exept Harpy mains, those guys just get off to watching their girls reverse rape Ojamas.
Sky Striker. Nothing says that you are an outsider pretending to like this game as to suvbert the community from the inside as maining Sky Striker.
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>watching cimo's masochist series for the first time
this is the comfiest shit i've seen
next MD banlist got leaked
>crossout to 0
>droll to 1
>nibiru to 2
>evenly matched to 2
thank you for your patience, we hope these changes improve your Master Duelâ„¢ experience
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The two worst things you can learn from it
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The new cards force you into linear lines that are forced into a set pass position after a single handtrap. At least you can play through or under disruption in ABC slop. Oh, and the new deck goes from t-bagging Nib with multiple different lines to having no lines that can negate or play through it.
So what you're saying is we should also ban Regulus.
Alright I'll tell John Konami
Leave my King alone, someone has to push the Harvester around the field
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what he do
>droll to 1
>evenly matched to 2
Imagine thinking these aren't good hits
He carries shitdecks
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>Sky Striker
Interesting. I would think the 13 year old girls in plugsuits would be more of a stigma to that crowd
Actually, I'm expecting I:P Masquerena to be hit next. That'll kill the deck.
Is this really how it works?
the list is shit because shifter and gamma both needed to be banned
why even put these cards to 1
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I'm so tired of Konami fucking over my Lightsworn deck for other shit
Genuinely done playing now that snow is at 1. Had a fun time I guess since I hadn't played paper since DAD vs LS in like 2006 but master duel genuinely sucks and I just wanted to have fun with the new LS cards but Tearfags keep ruining the game for me and Konami just will keep hitting all the shared cards instead of kitkallos for some reason
>the shuffler is 100% bugged
>there is no incentive to play
>meta is not fun and is about to get much worse with FS
>pet decks constantly get hit instead of the actual real problem cards
The game bleeds players and it's like Konami wants this to be the case. It's just wild. I'm out. Honestly relieving.
Yeah, each field has its own theme.
You can choose (from the settings) to always listen to your field's theme or to always listen to your opponent's theme.
my pet deck doesn't get hit. try playing something honest for a change
My Nemleria deck will never recover from this
gaye's red hot posterior
you've been playing the same deck for 15 years stop already
deserved for playing a gay ftk deck
I crafted Beatrice for Chimera but I literally never summon her, did I get memed? her lines are too niche and I summon Chaos Angel/SP way more.
you will see her alot once fiendsmith comes out
If you think LS = that gsy ftk, you're a retard. I didn't play that slop at all.
kill yourself tearfag
once Fiendsmith comes out, the only place I want to see her is in the forbidden section of the banlist
Spoilers, this isn't LS and this deck doesn't play any of the 5 new cards so with basic deductive reasoning you can infer that you are in fact, one dumb mother fucker
Reddit hates Branded, they just like to complain about it and make retarded ash blossom meme #47249
What a fucking CHAD! how can Verre even compete?
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We need a new summon mechanic, im tired of link cancer
>i'm tired of cancer give me super cancer please
new summon mechanics was something they did for new anime. sadly the way the game had progressed, it's almost impossible to make a new anime, which is why i heard making VRAINS was hard to do.
As long as its not super generic, they should. Its been too long, we need something fresh
I couldnt watch vrains past like the first 2 episodes. Kinda sucks that they are focused on the RUSH anime instead of the standard one now
imagine wailing for a 2nd royal copy of fairy tale snow. that would be funny
they focused on rush because of how convoluted new yugioh is. rush doesn't have all those chains and weird interactions. a rush anime feels like the paper game, a yugi anime has little to no representation of how a real duel in the tcg plays out.
It really doesn't need any more summon mechanics.
Yeah i can agree to that, but to be fair it hasnt really stopped them from still making the anime. They always just change what cards do in the anime compared to in the tcg. But yeah i can also see how modern yugioh can make it difficult to make a new entry
How do I make pure evil twins work?
you dont
>josh schmidt is vegan
>still fat
explain this
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>well fuck now what
>i dont want to craft all of them...
just wait they will probably be in the battlewasp pack when you get the new support.
vegans need to eat more to feel full
meanwhile a single plate of eggs and bacon fills me for a whole day
truly a g-d tier meal
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60 free sr yes please and fuck yes i hated having to run these maybe i can get rid of garura and N'tss too. extra deck is no longer so tight and as everyone ran these it does not matter as everyone was hit the same.
>Lightning Storm to 2
>Snow to 1
These clownworld hits never get old
snow should be banned
>not banned on OCG ever
Even the infamous Roach will be banned before her what with already being semi'd
why do moderntards always talk like they have no choice in the cards in their decks >>695385619
Should be Dark Magic Magician, the Magician of Dark Magic.
Why can't Konami make a 3D card previewer where we can rotate our cards and see the glossy/royal effects on different angles. Are they fucking retarded?
Bros, I just bought the figures for Raye and Roze despite barely playing their deck... I built it after getting alt arts, but I didn't touch it much for a while
Then Tenpai released and now it seems miserable trying to pilot a spell-based go second deck when everyone and their mother are prepping floodgates for Tenpai. Maybe I should craft the third Talents and try out that degenerate Ken/Gen go first build

Anyway, sex with Sky Striker Aces
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>he can't rotate into the third dimension
skill issue
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how is runick in the tenpai meta i am tempted to build it now we have a pack.
I've never liked prosperity. Desires you ash because decks that play it have no good ash targets. Extrav you save ash because every deck that plays it has better ash targets. But prosperity and duality are fucked up when deciding to ash or not. Because it's the closest thing we have to a mulligan. Gamma should have gone to 3.
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It don't really change much.
I rather keep using ostinato than pend mags
what the game need is a mulligan system and this https://www.yugioh-card.com/eu/play/forbidden-and-limited-list/ banlist on top of the regular banlist we already have.
Problem with ostinato engine is deck space, also zarc magician gives you a leeway with roach.

Even if you not playing zarc you can put all sort of tech cards on ED like shenshen or cookie cutter abyss.
>mulligans in Yugioh
You're insane

It's okay, I'm insane too. I liked the Vancouver Mulligan.
True but ostinato shenanigans do a good job of at least soaking some opponent interactions since i cant play full gas/zero handtraps in the clusteruck that is MD
At this point it's kind of a chicken and egg problem, mulligans wouldn't work in YGO because of all the 1 card starters but the entire reason we even have 1 card starters to begin with is that there's no mulligan.

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