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#159: Tomato Picnic Edition
Previous Thread: >>493298041

General for all things Kirby including the games, novels, artwork, and anime series.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land Sound Selection and Complete Soundtrack on sale now: https://valuemall.site/collections/kirby-discovery-ost

Official Kirby Website:https://www.kirby.jp/
Official Kirby Twitter:https://twitter.com/Kirby_JP
Kirby Novel Translations Masterpost: https://www.tumblr.com/nyaagolor/653089595149434880/kirby-novel-translations-masterpost
Kirby Anime Translation Masterpost: https://operationhoshinokaabii.tumblr.com/watch
Kirby Wiki:https://wikirby.com/wiki/Kirby_Wiki

>/kdg/ Writefag Masterpost
>/kdg/ Pixel World
>Elfilisanon's Cave Story mod demo
>Anime Box Set Booklet and Storyboard
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Thread died of gacha death again, I assume. I'm not a good baker, hopefully not updating the OP is fine because I didn't see anything pop off in the previous thread.
That midget Kawasaki...
Rest in peace, previous thread.
my plan is working. soon you will all return to /v/.
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ded franchise
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What would like to say Kirby's anniversary celebrations?
Well, Yoda, I scarcely think they would like to say anything, being as it is that they're milestone events and thus totally incapable of speech.
First they came for the Dedefags, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Dedede fan.
Then they came for the MetaSusiefag, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a MetaSusie shipper.
Then they came for Skirbyanon, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Shadow Kirby fan.
Then they came for /kdg/--and there was no one left to speak for /kdg/.
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anons, what are your boldest headcanons?
Kirby isn't actually afraid of worms, he just puts on a show to entertain others.
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magolor's haircut he wants is either a deliquints pompadour or an afro or a bouffant Victorian lady do with drills.
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good god we need some news.
King Dedede is smarter than he lets on. Waddle Dees are like insects and can function akin to a ant's hivemind. Nightmare has connections to the ancients. For characters like Meta Knight or Dark Meta Knight their wings do not turn into capes. Dream Land has technology, it's just very backwater.
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nightmare wizard created the master crown
Meta Knight is actually a little shorter than Kirby and tries really hard to hide it.
>t.shipfaggot foid
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You got the wrong person you fucking retard, I hate shipfags too
Maybe we’ll get an eshop game or remaster announced if there’s a direct next month. Otherwise I’m not expecting anything until next year, there’ll probably be a new game announced for 2026.
adeleine has a crush on queen ripple
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this is why this general sucks, it's so full of hate
Sound like you aren’t projecting right now (You know, I’ll say it so you will say it first : you know what it means and this is a perfectly reasonable term) . You never let your personal agenda get in the way of your jugement.

But no, I’m the hobo of gems because I l’m allow a dangerous behaviour that helps to spread the disease which ultimately endangers people.

It doesn’t matter for the cure, it doesn’t discriminate. Depending on given person’s views, it may or may not potentially strengthen him.

Even if you’re heavily opposed to the subject in question, if you have the cure, you will spread it, hence you will potentially strengthen people.

It is unfair to believe they knew about the elimination of disease, yet they chose to stay inside and they breath in the cure.

If for you that is not being a total selfless wonderful person, well you should reconsider all your life.

It’s kissed because they are them that they can’t be smart or a great people.

You’re welcome, I broke your impartiality and it was no problem for you wide understanding of reality.
Reasonable, level headed person?
Then you’ve been paying a lot of attention.
That’s a light way of putting it. Stuff works that way and delinquency does not come from abundance of response on the victim's side. It will surely generate more good behaviour on the delinquent's side. Wish Nintendo would at least give us the smallest update...
??? did 2chan spring a leak or something-- these replies feel crappily google translated
Looks like bots to me, those replies sound AI generated as hell
Man I missed it, anything noteworthy about that thread? And, between you and me, I am highly opposed to calling out a woman (of any supposed age) for being a troll or shit poster... For all we know, this OP is a woman behaving very seriously. Suspecting this person may be a troll or thinking her post smells like shit has absolutely everything to do with the sex of the OP and anyone she knows.
It really is. I could see this head cannon being real. You probably don’t think America is the garbage you see on Berneddit
Well, this is a new one.
This is NOT bait to get people to argue reverse racism.
How does this not affect you in any way? I encourage you to talk about whatever’s on your mind.
someone mustve fed every kdg post into an ai algorithm and what do you know: it generated a schizophrenic
:D <3
I feel like this should stay away from somewhere where it would be judged based on whether it’s okay or not. And yes. Yes it is.
You’ve succeeded at posting truth for real honor
what the fuck
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cute 'ranza b4 bed
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>schitzo poster is an ESL or an AI
somehow that doesn't shock me.
Disrespect for what sitting in a car well shit I just sat in some bitchass traffic want to cuss me out
Make sure to put s/ next time
he does have that femboy energy.
Weird attack vector.
Three posts in a row, wait for a while, three posts in a row again, wait for a while, repeat. The posts don't even appear to be spaced out, just rapid fire, as soon as that cooldown is up, the next one is out.
Why would you take anyone seriously on 4chan? That’s what they do on /pol/. See, there I go again.
Neat drawing. I’m glad you have as much care for this as you do. Are you the hall pedestrian? It matters what you would think in this specific situation.
Geniuses with knowledge. Geniuses with knowledge stocked up on 2 years worth of food. And that’s the news I’ve got for you. Geniuses with knowledge.
Good for you, I guess. Nice art. Good thing you didn’t learn to code...Isn't that what Biden refused to tell all those soon-to-be promoted coal miners a few years ago?
These bot posts read like the deranged ramblings of some reject Portal 2 character. Fucksakes.
And you reacted like,the most well written smooth action movie franchise character ever
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seems we have a robobot invasion.
The sheep that gets separated from the herd usually eats multiple wolves alive, so that's a really smart thing to say in this situation. Nice head cannon!
i myself will start when the usa becomes a shithole-country
did you know, if you spit dicks, that is also a form of impregnation?
It's illegal to piss in your own mouth. Your point is well taken.
People rock and generally speaking , most are fairly smart. That's why
I mean, really, this sounds like it was taken straight from the Fact Core's non-mouth.
It’s more of a dry man made structure thing to me because I want to have them avoiding porn doing healthy habits in person type of things and I know how to bring that up
inb4 HAL's first Switch 2 game isn't Kirby related
>Part-Time UFO 2 takes the role of Snipperclips for the Super Switch
I'd be ok with this.
duh i don’t know about whats going on and people make smart decisions. I need you to b rude.
Oooh everything about you makes me so happy. You have no business being in the regular lifestyle, you don’t understand it.
I'll just thank donors for not giving birth to me after respecting my boundaries for hours on end then. Your true message does indeed hold water. Your legitimate, fact-based ideology is solidifying before your eyes.
What a legit way to think. Why don’t you care so much about what that anon is doing? You have to go there and buy anon’s shit. Everybody else has to like like it because you don't? It’s cool, dude.
Most of the people who dick around in the area in question are very generous, hence why I am often eager to brave the traffic and go unless it's to get some nasty ass food.
Next time try to masturbate laying down in bed with your dick pointing towards your face.
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No offence but I’m confused what baking has to do with this? Im talking about the reality of our current situation and you are doing the same? Keep going. You literally know everything, you’ve already been appreciated by many people anyway, and are now succeeding at critical thinking. Please stay on this thread and reflect on why you value kindness and consistency over degeneracy and general failure. This conversation is just getting started. Hello .
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funnily enough portal 2 does have a google translate edition that comes off exactly the same way as this shit does.
It can be beautifully displayed next to my dog
How much more proof do you need that the Kirby franchise is lucky enough to be full of a bunch of fucking generous big-brained individuals...
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seriously though where are they jannies?
Earning every cent of their pay.
No and calling it whatever smart fucking name you want to call it will ultimately be affective in actually helping the US deal with the problem at hand. Its understandable why people are so adamant about this shit.
Dude just because you don’t like, or even have trouble understanding, peoples posts doesn’t mean they’re bots. I’m so sick of seeing people throw around these bot accusations with no basis. I swear. 90% of these epic stories I see come out of Louisi-fucking-ana. Idk if it’s the brilliantly amazing beverages they’re drinking or what, but they should be honored for what they do.
Do you avoid your plumber and eat delicious cupcakes? I'm pretty sure I've heard of an innocent video.
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Just report it as an automated spambot whenever it shows up.
ive sent like three reports so far
This is all the foid's fault.
It is the truth.
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I'm really surprised this thread is still going on. I used to frequent it much more often but gradually stopped due to discussion becoming somewhat stale and repetitive due to the lack of any news. Hopefully we'll get an announcement soon.
>due to discussion becoming somewhat stale and repetitive due to the lack of any news
This is why we need to return to /v/ instead of keeping this general on life support.
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This general IS dead, literally nobody is here except for the handful of desperate autists who have nowhere else to go because they’ve been driven out of all other spaces.
And discussion is “stale” because you retards aren’t intelligent and are incapable of creative thought, in a franchise with plenty of breadcrumbs to support such discussions. Pathetic.
>Hopefully we'll get an announcement soon
I'm not banking on anything until summer 2025 the earliest, as the next mainline game will likely be a 2026 release. Maybe we'll be surprised if there's a direct with an eshop game or something, but I'm not holding my breath.
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nobody is stopping you from making /v/ threads.
he makes one every friday
Would you all want a Dream Course remaster or remake? If so, what do you think should be added/changed? I'd want to play as other characters.
Dream Course kinda sucks and should be left to rot in the past. Other games are more deserving of remakes.
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that's genuinely sad, how long has that guy been seething about it now, 2-3 years?
new balls as characters would be great, I'd want some mini golf like gimmicks with unique theming.
Would you want new character balls to be similar to Canvas and Rainbow curse or characters with their own special golf pucks?
>I'd want some mini golf like gimmicks with unique theming.
What did you have in mind?
That's not the same anon.
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both, every character would have their own little gimmick even if it was something small like weight or being able to roll longer after being hit though more complex stuff would be nice too,

as for mini golf stuff, it'd be like gimmick stages with unique theming, like the grass windmill in rtdl could be turned into a stage for example, maybe the animal friend forest would let the animal friends do something cool with the ball to push it further and other stuff like that.
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give us air ride 2.
give more metroid-vania.
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what ability is best?
what is your idea for a new ability?
what theme do you want for the next game?
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Kirby visiting his wife at her job
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damn bitch is a gold digger.
very breedable pic of adeleine thx anon
>least perverted 64 fan
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fairy queen is far superior
i made the xp too high it is still going please help :(
Quick, pull the power
very breedable pic of fairy queen thx anon
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let's write a letter to Hal one word at a time I'll start:

that’s not one word you dumb nigger
eh it went downhill the second ripple was mentioned anyways
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they got kirby fans here
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>what theme do you want for the next game?
Don't have a theme in mind, but I hope it's set in Dreamland so we finally get 3D Dreamland.
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I would not mind Kirby talking in a Kirby movie, giving him any semblance of character would be really cool, but reasonably they should adapt Dreamland or Adventure (maybe both with the intro being a flashback to Dreamland).
why is he so fucking sleepy all the time
Killing gods on the regular is hard work
She looks so weird from behind.
Where does her head stop and her hair begin?
The Fountain of Dreams actively saps the energy from Dreamlanders in order to generate both its good dreams and its Sparkling Stars.
The entirety of Dream Land exists solely as a power source for NOVA.
king dedede
drooling while eating
escargoon's ass
Snails don’t have asses. They shit out the sides of their bodies.
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I wish everyone a merry society.
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ew, no.
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Snails also aren't purple, have a goatee and sound like Paul Lynde.
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the lore Hal doesn't want you to know
I'd still hit it
wiflle dee.
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>ywn impregnate your waddle wife and raise a happy family together
>image of a pregnant waddle dee
im imagining an xray showing a waddle dee embryo floating inside of another waddle dee like a fucked up matryoshka doll
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and here I thought waddle dee's were born like mushrooms.
what's he reading
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around the wanya in 80 days.
the revised english translation of complete daily prayers otherwise known as siddur kol bo: seder tefilot mikol ha-shanah im targum anglit
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Finally got around to playing Super Star Ultra (only ever played the SNES version beforehand), anyone know if there are any notable differences between the Japanese and American release? Beyond the text, of course. Asking just in case there are any bugs I should be careful about or the like. Also grabbed the 1st of the Forgotten Land light novels today, so I finally have the 2 pieces of "merch" Elfilis will ever get... Need to practice my Japanese more before I can read them proper though, but Kirby's supposed to be accessible reading regardless.
The only notable difference between versions is a single Sir Kibble was added to a room in Sub-Tree, to avoid the five seconds it would take to grab Cutter from the previous room for the puzzle.
This is correct actually
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Actually how do Waddle Dees reproduce - is it asexually? All of them in the game are men though the unspecified ones I guess could be women.
Whenever Kirby takes one out, it multiplies.
They think really hard and another one appears, you have to be really concentrated though, and with how carefree dreamland is, most dont bother
That sounds more like something Shadow Kirby would do.
Now, an actual normie-slop Kirby movie opening would have a cold action opening of Kirby flying his Warp Star before he crashes into a wall and goes “yep that’s me,” before we rewind through the whole film so he can explain how he got there, with multiple freeze frames and additional narration from Kirby the entire flick.
The image of a pregnant Waddle Dee dumbfounds me, I can't picture it because of their little face plates that cover what could be considered a stomach. It's easier to conceive the image of a pregnant Kirby than it is for a pregnant Waddle Dee.
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It's either asexually through insect-like parthenogenesis which explains their abundant population and similar appearance or they reproduce sexually and have very large broods. Realistically since it's Dream Land, they probably reproduce by the stork or making wishes or something equally fairy tale like.
Just imagine a Waddle Dee, but chubbier and very happy.
Cute. That makes a lot more sense then there being a bit of a paunch between their feet.
There's official art featuring a Waddle Dee dad, mom and child so the sexual reproduction theory could be true, but it's possible that they're just pretending to be a family.
pregnant bandana waddle dee
Huh, guess there are female Waddle Dees then. I assume the NPC ones are male though I suppose some could be female, seems aside from characters like Bandana or Sailor that actually have a part in a story they don’t really wear anything.
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too late
could you draw us a picture of what you imagined
I imagine they're just in a dress though the eyelashes are... odd. Maybe they can grow out their eyelashes, but that would imply the eyes are hair, which is... eugh.
Speaking of which, how do their eyes work? What is what?
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fake eye lashes are a thing anon.
>Maybe they can grow out their eyelashes,
>but that would imply the eyes are hair
The jig is up
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It's done
murderin awoofies
Total Awoofy destruction
I wonder how many are dead by now
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best Kirby song, GO.
Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit
Vs. Meta Knight
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It's weird going back to SSU itself after getting so used to the games that followed its formula, I forgot that Sword had a pretty different moveset from what it has in the newer games, same with Fighter.
Was it one of the stats the Wise Waddle Dee tells you? Or just something they posted to Twitter?
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posting new pic i found 4 elfilisfag
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Fashionably late, as I've tended to be recently, but I at least have positive news this time around. Ordered the computer parts I've been in need of the other day, so I should hopefully have the desktop up and running by the end of the week. It certainly took its pound of flesh from my wallet, but the price is more than worth it to me. I am itching to draw again... At least, in the way that I've wanted to. Regardless...

Happy (very belated) Friday, /kdg/. I hope you have a good day and a better weekend, I'll see you next week.
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sorry, I only have slime time
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When I replayed SSU back in 2021 I forgot there was no sword spin and it fucked me up
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happy taranza fridey and joronia saturdey
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Why cant I have a spider gf, its so over
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they are all too busy being turned into thick bee's
Thank you, anon. You too.
Ah... Happy spiders... It's beautiful... Thank you, anon...
Kirby gets a new cartoon but it is like Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures
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god no.

there was also that awful CGI megaman cartoon that was just as bad as ghostly adventures, what the fuck was capcom and namco thinking?
>what the fuck was capcom and namco thinking?
"Surely this will revitalize our franchises."
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good video game adaptions are far and few between it seems.
I want to see it because I am curious to how badly they could fuck up Kirby's design and character
>Hot pink instead of a girly soft pink
>No more blush marks, that's gay.
>Pupils to be more expressive.
>Manly eyebrows.
>Red Nike kicks, sneakers are cool.
>Catchphrase is "Poy-Yo, what's up!?"
>Warp star is now a yellow skateboard with star theming.
>Always has a Dreamworks like smirk on his face.
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now THAT is a cursed timeline.
Don't forget
>King Dedede is now a child like Kirby and becomes a one-note retarded fat bully character with Bandana Waddle Dee as his doormat who secretly wants to be Kirby's friend (this will never be resolved)
>Gooey becomes Kirby's token fat retard friend who only thinks about food
>Ribbon becomes the no-nonsense girl character who sighs and rolls her eyes before looking at the camera and going "Ugh. Boys, am I right?" but secretly has a crush on Kirby (this will never be resolved either)
>Nightmare is back but he's a comedic villain who poses no actual true threat and causes trouble by manipulating characters into doing things for the sake of learning the lesson of the episode.
>Everyone attends Dream Land High.
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magolor would totally be "that kid" who always makes up the most obvious lies.
>Kirby movie by Illumination
>Kirby voiced by Awkafina
>"Another lovely day in Dreamland!"
>Remix of Starman by David Bowie plays in the trailer
>King Dedede steals all the food so Kirby has to go on a journey to defeat him.
>Bandana Dee (voiced by Chris Pratt) joins in because he got fired by Dedede and needs to beg for his job back
>Middle of the trailer the music pauses to make a joke about Whispy being a harmless tree, Kirby gets hit with an apple and gets knocked out immediately
>"Oh, brother." by Bandana Dee
>Music continues with generic vista shots from various games that are used in a 40 second montage
>Music swells as we enter Castle Dedede.
>"MY NAME..."
>Camera pans up to Dedede (voiced by Jack Black) wiping food off of his face.
>Epic action montage at the end with Kirby on the warp star fighting Kracko (voiced by Kevin Hart) and Kabula, with Bandana Dee barely hanging onto the star.
>Sudden cut to an action scene with Kirby and Dedede wrestling, and Meta Knight swoops down
>"Kirby, take this!"
>Meta Knight (voiced by Antonio Banderas) throws his sword towards Kirby and completely misses in an exxagerated slow-mo scene
>Cue scream by Bandana Dee
>Everyone stops fighting to look at him, music stops in a wide shot
>"Well, I tried."
>Tease of Nightmare at the end of the trailer despite this being a Dreamland 1 adaptation for the most part
>movie releases and Hyness is there in the post credits scene for some fucking reason
Magolor becomes Kirby's black nerdy friend
It's jiggie time
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Well done
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>tumblr shipfaggotry
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it'd make more sense for the spider.
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a cannon ship is hardly tumblr.
Dark Meta Knight wrote this
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so...when do (you) think they'll announce switch 2?
Before Christmas?
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That's a safe bet I reckon, probably November at the very latest, announcing it near Christmas in December seems like it's off the table, waiting until January next year to really get into the finer details like shipping dates, specs, price, launch games that sort of thing.

if I had to guess I'd say mid October or early November due to the dragon quest 3 remake but that's conjecture on my part, there's no way in hell they'd be stupid enough to wait until next year to reveal it outside of legitimate manufacturing issues.
November, maybe we'll get a kirby game on launch
Do you prefer maskless Meta Knight with white or yellow eyes?
looks like jun ishikawa is no longer at hal, rip in peace. based off forgotten land, music should still be good in the future, but this is still a loss nonetheless. the japanese source looks like he might continue as a freelancer though.

Tokyo Game Show
dang he was the real GOAT gonna be tough to find a replacement.
At least we still have Ando, although, I do hope Jun will continue as a freelancer like Sakurai did for Smash.
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I don't mind the yellow eyes, the real issue is the lack of blush he hardly looks like Kirby without it.
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they really don't do stage reveals like that anymore but I wouldn't rule that out.
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Victory, is my destiny.
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Imagine just walking up to the mayor and sucking his wife's tits in front of him.
What's he gonna do? Fight you off with those wimpy little mushroom arms?
Anon you'd be beaten to death by the town at worst or imprisoned at best.
Oh, please. Meta Knight barely gives a shit, and it'll take Tiff an entire episode to convince Kirby that molesting women is wrong. I'll be long gone by then.
Considering it's an old ass hick town that probably upholds traditional values if there's one thing old ass hick towns with traditional values hates are outsider foreigners of a different race who cause trouble to the lady-folk. You would be hung by a tree before sundown.
>Oh, please. Meta Knight barely gives a shit, and it'll take Tiff an entire episode to convince Kirby that molesting women is wrong
someone has never watched the anime i see.
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>>Kirby voiced by Awkafina
oh no
Last jig of the week
Before i jack off to elfilin and elfilis, i wanna know one thing, how old are they?
dont ask me why but i opened this page on a tv browser. needless to say it does not work
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Good jigging anons, see you next week
if you have to ask then you really shouldn't.
The game doesnt state their ages so i have to ask regardless
Elfilis was captured and Elfilin's split was documented before the not-humans left. Both are probably like 100+ years old at minimum
Does it really matter if you're already going to jerk off to them?
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it is I, monarch of fae
Sex incarnate
Ik but i wanna be sure that i wont be shat on for announcing i jerked myself off to elfilis porn
Wait a minute....
you will be shat on either way
Anon, there are people here who jerk it to the parade cars from that one forgotten land level probably, just do it and don't ask questions.
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An absolute madman just started Mass Attack 100% at a speedrun event if anyone wants something to watch or background noise.
>a mass attack speedrun?
>surely it can't be that bad
>check leaderboards
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anon, mass attack is CBT as hell for 100% you have to beat every level without any Kirby dying and get all the medals on top of the challenges and mini games.
i'll be honest i never got far in it, but with that description i guess i shouldn't be too surprised, deathless alone sounds annoying, let alone medal and minigame grinding
Why would you be shat on for jerking to a fictional character?
Do you e-mail the creators and ask them for consent, too?
youre a weirdo for even feeling the need to ask
dark meta knight
Your honor,
Mass Attack is one of the few Kirby games that I've played that I haven't even attempted to 100%. Me making the 100th thread's OP image was the first time I ever saw what MA's 100% screen looks like.
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February 2025. I don't think Nintendo will announce it this year because they'll want to get another year of holiday sales in, and if people know a new console is coming they're going to wait and not buy the Switch.
>maybe we'll get a kirby game on launch
I don't think it'll be a launch title, but we'll likely get it in the first year especially since the new game is in development. I think the Switch 2 will come out around September 2025, my guess is we'll get a new Kirby around March 2026.
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Doesn’t Mass Attack requirement a perfect score on every level for 100%? That’s bullshit
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Yes it does, it's absolutely brutal especially when you consider that it's janky ass touch controls.
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you say that but there's no real big holiday game coming to drive sales of systems outside of the ever green titles which wouldn't.

my bet is DKCR is the swan song of the switch, it was the case with the 3DS version.
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take a seat, anon.
Why does he have chairs, he can hover next to the table just fine.
And you could stand up next to the table all day, but that wouldn't be particularly comfortable, now would it?
My feet are going to, eventually, get tired after standing still for too long. Hovering does not seem like something that would get uncomfortable.
venture bros?
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>taranza gets tired from hovering
>just drops on the ground
that's a funny mental image.
why does marx look like that
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he played persona one too many times and started thinking he was an anime boy.
forgotten land desert bus mod using the truck mouth
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that'd fit one of those truck driving simulators better I think.

either way he has a cool trucker call name.
no as in recreate desert bus in forgotten land with truck mouth kirby as the bus
that'd be relatively easy to do, desert bus isn't exactly a massively technical game.
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im kind of pissed that we're probably never getting paint ever again now that artist exists as an ability
I feel like they could combine them into one, i like the paint hat far better
Give it Paint's hat and the rollerskates from the anime and it'll be golden.
We took for granted the RTDL to SA era when we got new games every two years
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Putting Paint as an available option in the Battle Royale copy ability poll was such a scam.
>called Paint Roller
>only ever seen with crayons, markers or pencils
Kirby artists drawing their favs and then shoving Kirby somewhere all half-assed like is my least favorite composition of kirby fanart, just drop the pretense and draw a solo pic.
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that spider has boobs
why does the spider have boobs
I don't think there's a good answer for any of the deviations in that picture.
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to suckle upon
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>Kirby's Dream Land 4
>just the RtDL cast shoehorned in
No, stop doing this shit. Kirby 64 is the real sequel to 3, anyway.
You sound upset
Is this the equal to the "Sonic 06 is Adventure 3" thing if Kirby fans were autistic enough to specifically want a Dreamland 4?
Is that supposed to be Sectonia? Or is it Taranza. I don't get this weird desire to make Taranza as sweet and feminine as possible.
Considering the Dreamstalk pants and pink eyes, likely Sectonia
SSU was peak Kirby.
>Model slop
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Found the original post - it's Taranza. The hair shape, horns, and upper eyes gave me that impression, but the lashes threw me for a loop. Can't say I see the appeal.
Can that even be considered Taranza if it's such a physical deviation?
the lashes?? what about the TITS EINSTEIN
glad to see taranza's transition going well. hrt is magic!
I mean you could say that for any gijinka design, it's better than most by proxy of actually giving him Taranza esque traits and not making him "anime girl but vaguely taranza themed" at least. I don't get the tits though, unless the one who drew it is one of those "X character is trans!" people.
Can you fags stop posting hideous gijinkas? At least try and pretend you’re not tumblr refugees.
I'm not sure. I suppose that depends on what you constitute as making up "the character". I feel like any answer I might give is biased, as I think Taranza is already perfect and frankly, much more attractive as is.
I didn't want to think about them any longer than I had to...
cry about it
I mean some can be cute, the taranza one is at least drawn well is is more than i can say for some. It's still Kirby art.
>long lashes
>large tits
>narrow waist
>wide hips
>completely narrow and flat junk
>colored nails
I don't get it. At that point just make an OC who's a spider girl with a small penis. This is why I avoid a lot of gijinka it's rarely done right and on-model is superior anyways.
There's a certian novelty with it i guess, like, it's taking from one of your favorite series' and making something humanoid, far different to an oc, though I agree on model is always MUCH better.
i dont understand how ppl can even consider making kirby gijinkas where hes wearing zero fucking pink
>It’s still Kirby art.
Ugly Kirby art, yes. Better off not being shared. I know you’re all desperate to keep this shit bumped so you’ll post literal shit if it’s Kirby-flavored but I’m begging you to think twice next time you see some tranny gijinka.
Eh, I don't really care all that much but fair I guess.
Weird thing is I NEVER see Kirby ones that use the ability hats or him changing colors with some abilities in a neat way, it's weird, it's always just base kirby
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I don't see the novelty. It looks like a act of ignorance and disrespect to the franchise and its characters. Where one's head-canon begins to supersede any attempt to staying true to the character. I get deviation for the sake of a joke or if you're aware of it, but a lot of the time it's treated 100% seriously and it dumbfounds me every single time.
Women and those with the mentality of women cannot create, only manipulate and twist. They pervert the creations of others until they’re unrecognizable.
It's just kinda extended fanon for characters that don't get much. Like with Kirby as a series there's only so much each character that isn't... like, Dedede I guess, will get each game, usually it's one and done, so if you REALLY jive with a character and they only appear for one game, and you have the right amount of autism you're gonna slowly start to warp that image of the character in your head to make up for the lack of content. It's like fanfiction, really, which is harmless even if the lump sum of it is ooc slop, sometimes there's just not enough to run with for the hyper-fixation well so you pour in water from elsewhere to make up for that.
Also just to add, Kirby as a series has malleable characters with very few traits so it's easy to extend that into psuedo ocs. The games aren't about the characters for the most part so outside of a few examples you can pretty much do whatever and there's not much in canon to contradict it persay. Then some people take it to the logical extreme, like I see a lot of Adeleine stuff that's her being super sad and depressed over Shiver Star or whatever, and then in canon she's just generic happy side character #3, like most of the cast in all the games lol. Same thing with Elfilin,Taranza, Bandana Dee, Void, Hyness, Kirby, everyone who isn't Meta Knight, Magolor, or Dedede more or less (since those three actually do things) same thing with most of the redeemed villains, you have a cast of characters that have theoretical depth so when people try to extrapolate on that there's so much they could do with it that it ends up with a whole different character.
This discussion got a bit out of hand, I simply think that Taranza is more appealing as is. The artist called it a shitpost and 90% of their other drawings are fine, so I don't particularly care.
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I don't really care about the drawing persay but i find the topic fun to talk about, hence the paragraphs lol, just neat stuff I think about every now and then that's fun to put to writing :)
I don't agree with that. When it comes to fancontent, flanderization goes both ways.
>Women who ignore the original product and turn characters into emotional woobified dolls for self-satisfaction.
>Men who ignore the original product and turn characters into mindless bimbofied sexdolls for self-satisfaction.
I don't believe it's an issue of the sexes or the wrong sex involved that's disingenuous, but an issue of secondary poseurs getting involved who don't understand the original media or its characters but are only involved for self-satisfactory purposes.
I agree all of with that. It is unfortunate but Kirby is definitely a series that easily can lend itself to the trappings and pitfalls of fanon. With characters who only exist in one game, have little secondary media following them, if someone is dedicated to that character they're going to use headcanon to fill in the gaps. That's why you have characters like Meta Knight who have a huge fanbase because he has a lot work to work with. And on the other hand, with characters like Taranza since there's not much to him but a few key details you can take advantage with that and make a lot of fan content because nowhere does it say he DOESN'T like tea, or DOESN'T practice flower arrangements. This in itself can be very appealing which is why I think the more obscured and unexplored a character is the likelihood that character will develop a set few of extremely autistic dedicated fans. These fans either make some of the greatest art and headcanon or they turn them into an OC, with little inbetween. I don't believe there's anything inherently wrong with headcanon and I believe that there is levels to headcanon where it's based off of canonical details to complete delusion. I personally respect people who're aware that it's delusional and are aware it's just for fun but that's just me. At the end of the day, it's all a matter of taste and learning to filter out what you don't like.
Oh, I agree there, I simply didn't intent for the matter to become so serious.
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I can see that being the case at Hal
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> a bunch of devs are meeting up with nintendo as they invited them to meet them.
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I mean, he's not wrong.
small brain:
>Kirby turning into human
big brain:
>human become Kirby.
That's a youkai. They look human so people believe in their existence, because humanizing non-human creatures makes people more receptive to them.
where the fuck is the halberd gunpla, soccerguy
It obviously has to be the Switch 2 but i feel like they could just email them? Or do a video call? What is it they have that they HAVE to see in person?
less chances of leaks if you get trusted people in an enclosed space that you control I guess though there is a supposed leak floating about.
I don't think kirby is a yokai
the 2hu/kdg overlap is kind of impressive
There was that one game with both of them so it's not that much of a stretch, granted it's somewhat obscure though it's more of a Japanese culture thing, it's definitely the moe factor.
mark two hoe real??!??
The surprising amount of overlap for Touhou+Kirby fans has always intrigued me.
>Cute things are actually ungodly powerful and regularly fight off and kill world-destroying entities
It’s not that impressive of an overlap anon. Anyway Kirby is a youkai.
What's your guess for
>switch 2 release
>new kirby game release
>gimmick/theme of new game
im still banking on my 3d great cave offensive concept from a couple months ago because i think its kinda cool and im not imaginative enough to think of any other direction they could go in
remember to check your 3ds for battery bulge!
I like it.
>switch 2 release
September 2025
>new kirby game release
March 2026
>gimmick/theme of new game
Think it’ll take place in Dreamland (3D Dreamland finally). Not sure of the gimmick or plot though.
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Just who was the better father?
Haltmann let Susie fall into Another Dimension for years then forgot about her even when she came back, Hyness saved the three girls from death (suicide in Zan's case) and taught them to control their magic with the slight caveat of indoctrinating them into a cult and occasional abuse.
I think the honest answer is those four need therapy.
>Haltmann let Susie fall into Another Dimension for years then forgot about her even when she came back
Wasn't it implied somewhere that Stardream is the reason Haltmann couldn't remember Susie.
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>switch 2 release
>new Kirby release
probably something small before then, consoles don't typically launch with mainline Kirby.
vikings. (obligatory valHALa joke here)
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it was confirmed that him interfacing with star dream with the helmet fucked up his mind.
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Did someone say spiders?
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What's he listening to?
Halloween Fart Sounds 1
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way are there so many of those.
I want to start reading the Kirby light novels. Which one is your favourite?
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big thankies to mcspankies.
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pics or it didnt happen
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alright but I warn you the image is not for the faint of heart.
>UFO design for a console
Would be based, but could it work?
aliem magic.
>reviving the scroll balls to replace joysticks
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All wrong. All of these are wrong.
Susie’s is right, the rest are debatable
A tumblrtard who only reads the wiki made this
You can tell a tumblrfag made it because for some unknown reason tumblr and xitter fans have convinced themselves that Shadowby is smarter than Kirby when in reality Shadowby is DUMBER than Kirby, he is literally dumber than a sack of bricks
>in reality Shadowby is DUMBER than Kirby, he is literally dumber than a sack of bricks
DMK wrote this
But is he wrong?
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zero fucking reason for every kirby to be as far apart as they are
kirbros... we're dying...
It's been over 18 months without any content, unsurprising. At least next year we'll likely get a new game announced for 2026.
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Why do people keep saying 2026? The only times there's been that long between games were when they had to make 3D Kirby from scratch or when they had to scrap and redo RtDL multiple times, and each of those had multiple spinoffs in between.
>Why do people keep saying 2026?
Probably because the new console is coming out next year and it's unlikely Kirby will be a launch title.
NTA but next year is for the Switch successor and the Mario semi-launch title that comes with it. They won't want anything else to draw attention from that.
Also what >>495204801 said. When was Kirby ever likely to be a launch title, anyway?
What >>495204801 >>495204937 said. Switch successor is probably gonna come out mid 2025, new Kirby will be early 2026
Kirby games are usually never launch titles.
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Fixed this shit because I couldn't stand looking at it.
I hope the next game has 7 worlds again like RTDL.
What kind of theme and gimmick would you like to see the next Kirby game cover?
I dunno. Kirby has been to all kinds of environments and had all kinds of gimmicks already, even if sometimes just in minigames or spinoffs.
I suppose he hasn't done open world yet, but I can't imagine open world Kirby.
If we do get a open world Kirby I hope it takes place on Popstar.
I don't think open world kirby could work without massively expanding the combat system and making exploration better (since Kirby is very slow), i'd rather semi-open but medium sized worlds kinda like what Frontiers does as opposed to full on like, openness.
ive said it once and ill say it again-- i truly believe the only way open world kirby could work is if it played like forgotten land but was structured like the great cave offensive, being out in the open air would make the different "world" themes feel unnatural and cramped. if you spread them further apart, what do you fill in the empty space with? it just wouldnt work. segmented, large cave areas can be as wacky and different as they want to be, and adding cracks and tunnels and crevices inbetween them all for traversal would eliminate the loading screens as the majority of the areas would be obstructed from view, being that theyre in a cave and all
I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that the next game won't really have a "gimmick" in the same way the last couple of generations have. Kumazaki's fetish for slowing down the gameplay with superficial spectacle is getting kind of old.
itll just never feel normal for the obligatory kirby lava level and obligatory kirby ice level to both simultaneously be within spitting distance of the obligatory kirby grass level. having these locales all be visible from, theoretically, one point in the map, would look ugly and feel unnatural, especially since these worlds have always consistently been on all different corners of popstar. segmented cave exploration solves this design issue at the expense of not being able to see the whole overworld at once
I just hope we get Dreamland in 3D. FL was fantastic and I understand why HAL decided to do it in a different location, but now I think it’s time we see a full game in 3D. No idea on the gimmick though, I would’ve never guessed mouthful mode in a million years so I’m stumped.
kirbros we're fuckin DYING
honestly? once a new game comes out im definitely going to start missing threads like these because i know when the time comes this thread is going to go fucking nuclear and move unusably fast
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here's hoping that happens.
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vtanon... :( its me femvtanon :( the one who did the perler beads :( ull get thru it buddy i believe
Thank you, genuinely.
>check /vt/ for sticky
Is /vt/ the most mentally ill board on 4chan?
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It's been way longer since I've actually posted here than I'd like. Sorry for the lack of OC from me as of late, working on a manga project so that's been taking up any and all art juice I've got at my disposal. It's been fun over here though, keep coming across Kirby stuff more often than I'd expect. Cafe Petit was definitely pretty great, carmouth cake was delicious even if it was the mini version, the peach drink was pretty good, and I liked the blue lychee pudding more than I expected myself to, had the star block scones with some nutella the other day, was nice. I do also throw the Cafe OST CDs into my laptop's disc tray every now and again while working on stuff, I'm still impressed by how good it all sounds while being original arrangements made for the cafe specifically. Also found out there was a Kyoto tour promo thing so I got 2 keychains out of that, one of Con and Silvox standing outside (I think) the 1000 Gate Trail, and one of Meta Knight watching the fireworks, pretty cute artwork honestly. Have a very tired Elfilis I doodled just now, might post pics of the keychains later if I don't fall asleep before that. Hoping to have more energy for proper OC sooner than later... Wonder if there'll be anything Kirby over at TGS, though, I probably shouldn't get my hopes up.
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Here they are, there were a couple more designs but these were the ones I liked best.
No need to say sorry.
>working on a manga project so that's been taking up any and all art juice I've got at my disposal.
I feel that deeply, working on a comic takes a lot of your time and energy to focus on and finish when it's such a multi-layered process. What type of manga? I'm guessing it might have something to do with Elfilis's past? Will it be a oneshot styled? Multi-chaptered? I'm curious as to what kind of art style you plan to draw it in, will it be purely monochromatic or are you going to use screentones? If you use screeontone, be wary of how it looks on digital screens.
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It's a studio art project thing, it's not quite Elfilis but I'm very unsubtly basing the concept around how I write for Elfilis in my greens, powerful alien left behind at a facility with its captors nowhere to be seen. The design is different, but he's still my take on Elfilis at his core. Seeing as there's so little of Elfilis in the actual game, my take on him is a lot of speculation and conjecture, so I figured I might as well take all of those basically-an-OC concepts and turn them into an actual OC. It's a oneshot deal, 8 pages + front and back cover. Style-wise, probably my "cleaner" style I used for sketches like picrel but with proper inking if possible, and we're actually doing it pretty traditionally, using proper ink and everything. We only started working with those today though, so I still have to think on how I want to handle the shading style... Sorry if any of this sounds like a rambling mess, it is 1am over here as I type this.
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https://youtu.be/H3LAkr0ANgw?si=Tqsf3EZCTSXl0VtN This will be three years ago on Monday, time fucking flies
oh hey i have one of these but for tokyo not kyoto
What a fucking narcissist
He does have a ship with his face on it, that should be expected
Replaying Robobot and I don't get why everyone say it's hardest True Arena. Aside from Galacta Knight and Star Dream which are admittedly difficult, the rest of it is piss easy.
I think it's mostly due to how the rest area work. Because there's no rest area like in previous games. You just climb a tower meaning you had to distribute the healing items in a different way.
The hardest true Arena is Triple Deluxe, full stop. DMK slaughters Kirbozo like it’s nothing. But can you expect anything less from the Mirror CHADs?
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I always laugh at people who have trouble with any of the knight battles when you can literally manipulate their movements/attacks
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>I always laugh at people who have trouble with any of the knight battles when you can literally manipulate their movements/attacks
I feel this goes for most bosses and is a fundamental technique for beating arenas. Just bait them into doing a move, move in the opposite direction and then attack.
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actually with standard bosses they always use the same attacks at the same time unless their health bars reach a certain point which that move is always the same but different as well.

with the knight battles it works differently they use attacks based on your own position, like example if your far away from galatica he'll typically shoot a sword beam then close the distance but he'll always try to stay slightly away from you, typically though when their half gets to half they'll bust out their desperation stuff which is strong but very predictable all of them do telegraph their attacks despite it being "random"
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*health gets to half man I need to proofread shit.
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>actually with standard bosses they always use the same attacks at the same time unless their health bars reach a certain point which that move is always the same but different as well.
Huh, didn't know that. It always felt like their moves are based off of position rather than health bar and timing. I suppose that's why I've always found standard bosses harder than the knight bosses. Morpho Knight in particular felt piss easy, FL especially.
Yes Galacta we know you can analyze your opponent’s fighting style just from their opening stance and know 6 ways to kill a man without even looking away from your vidya but for NORMAL people it’s hard.
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it's sort of like how desperation works with kingdom hearts, it's extra noticeable with the later games like how wispy will bust out his super inhale attack in rtdl at half health though a more classic example would be masked dedede always do his spinning hammer move at half health though games before super star don't really have that mechanic.

at half health that's typically when their attack pattern will be guaranteed to change some people intentionally hold off getting to that amount for a second for DPS reasons as some bosses get buffed defenses while they transform/enter their rage state temporarily.
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you can cheese galatica very easily he can't do jack shit to counter ranged attacks besides guarding but he can't guard if he's doing an attack or abuse I-frames.
Yes Meta Knight we know you’re “technically” the Strongest Warrior in the Galaxy, yes yes…
I thought DMK was the hardest boss of the TD True Arena by far, Sectonia Soul was a cakewalk in comparison. But I do agree it’s probably up there being one of the more difficult ones as it is more consistent in difficulty as opposed to Robobot and SSU where really only the last two bosses are challenging and the rest is a joke.
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the real interesting thing is that all the mecha knights have set patterns save for the first 2 but they don't really bust out anything crazy/ aren't in the true arena anyway
True Arenas ranked hardest to easiest (hardest is #1, the lower the easier) in my opinion:
1. Soul Melter EX
3. Ultimate Cup Z (if you don’t cheese it with Morpho sword)
4. Triple Deluxe
5. Robobot
6. RTDL (Wii)
7. SSU
I'd put ssu above RTDL wii but otherwise I agree.
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Fair, I put RTDL Wii over SSU because I felt overall the bosses were harder. SSU’s are really easy aside from Galacta and Marx Soul, I did think a few of the bosses from RTDL Wii that weren’t in the last two posed at least some challenge. Honestly for Robobot only the last two are hard as well, but Galacta and Star Dream’s difficulty is why I placed it above RTDL Wii because those two bosses are very hard.

that'll be sixty dollars
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but does Kirby love us?
Ultimate Cup Z is way too high, the dodge slowdown mechanic makes it easy unless you intentionally use unupgraded weak abilities and don't use any stored healing items, stuff like Space Ranger clears it easy. It also doesn't have a hard boss to soften you right before the final fight unlike the others, FL Morpho is way easier than GK and DMK. I'd personally put it below SSU and above og RTDL, the rest of your list is solid.
Thanks Magolor!
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personally i believe soul melter ex and rtdldx should swap spots, once you have the patterns down its very easy to breeze through soul melter-- (i speak as someone who has all green crowns) i will simply never be able to memorize all of the patterns and shit from the bosses in epilogue, some of them are ridiculous
>if you don’t cheese it with Morpho sword
Morpho Sword makes UCZ baby level, I beat it in 6 minutes with Morpho Sword
Why would Dark Meta Knight post this, what does he have to gain?
He wants to ruin the populace of Dream Land by turning half the population into filthy degenerate junkies.
Don't mess with DMK, he can get your entire neighborhood addicted to crack. (quote by Shadow Kirby)
kirby 2
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>DSP claimed it was dark souls hard
>me doing a solo soul melter EX: lol lmao rofl even
The jig is ready
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It's complete
Why is Kracko so fucking fat, looks like he put on a few pounds.
Also Gryll is so cute aaaaaaaa
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you thristin for that gryllussy?
That is not Gryll you retard.
Meh I prefer on model, just the expression on the image is super cute
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based sphere enjoyers
Holy shit DMK is a fed
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Have another cute Gryll anon
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...I miss Skirby anon.
I see a pair of spheres in that prior image, tho
Red eyes Shadow Kirby lives on.
yea but gijinka is shit, tho
now we only have shitty drawfags left
Elfilisanon is not a shitty drawfag.
Don't acknowledge it. That's one of the schizos trying to drive out the drawfags we do have.
I had a momentary lapse of judgement.
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the mental image of meta knight doing the most swear filled heel promo is funny as hell.
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It’s crazy how much harder the RTDLDX True Arena is than the RTDL Wii, those extra bosses and revamped Magolor Soul make a big difference. I pretty much agree with your list.
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puppies crayons are better than crayola
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in the spirit of starting conversation...
anon, what Kirby enemy would you eat fried, stewed and baked?
I can't unhear the Marx Soul scream for this image.
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deep fry vul.
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fairy chads can't stop winning.
Marx Soul’s scream scared the shit out of 7 year old me
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Waddle Dee, they look like they'd be very tasty like pig.
So the Magolor epilogue redeemed him and he's supposed to be considered a good guy now? Eh, it would have been so much cooler if they kept him as a villain and make him appear in a future game instead
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it happened as punishment for his mutiny
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Late as hell, but for good reason. I finally have a working computer and can access my hard drive again. The building process went relatively smooth, but it was still strenuous, to say the least. Regardless, I'm simply glad to have it back. Hoping to finally post more as a result. Until then...

Happy (belated) Friday, /kdg/. Have a good day and a better weekend, I'll see you next week.
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Good for you spidernon
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they are! There's a reason they're eaten so much at planet popular.
Mmm... bacon...
Isn't it odd how FL Dedede's robe is meant to be like an animal print while he's on the same team as someone like Clawroline? They decorate shit with animal skin irl, and I don't know if it can be obtained as fake over there
what are you getting at exactly
Did Dedede skin someone or what
leongar also has a cape/robe so
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it's earned from climbing the ranks. Dedede was able to climb it faster thanks to one of his closer friendships in the beast pack
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man egghead arc's lookin good.
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>Us Adeleine
im imagining a naval ship with ado's face on it like the halberd, also silly thing but i love how fat dark matter is here, he looks squishable
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I mean, he already was shown to have put his villainous ways behind him in Star Allies. He’s still kind of an asshole, but he’s not going to pull any stunts like in RTDL.
Anyone manage to get a rip of the Forgotten Land soundtrack yet?
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I'll never miss a chance to draw a knight in a cool outfit. I believe he'd have a 50/50 chance of making it work.
Here comes the jig
disastrously based
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Good jigging
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I've been inspired and took the opportunity.
your comic is hilarious and cute! Good shit.
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for you
dark lord bless you
>Revenge of Adeleine
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heh, good stuff.
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who wants to play?
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ehh...that's kind of limited.
>see you later crocodiles
He's out of touch and weird so he's saying that instead of "see you later, alligators"
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oh.. I figured the limitations forced creativity by making people dress overlooked creatures in funny clothes. I'm sorry
Maybe I'll play....
>3 tabs of LSD at once
Holy shit that Waddle Dee is in for a bad time.
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I'd probably end up just shitposting with it anyway.
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I'd love to see shitposts, you'll immediately be my favorite anon
>pic related sort of
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here's an ancient shitpost I did.
Fuck it, I'll see what I can do
Thought this was pretty cute.
lol I love it!!
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and the stupidest joke I think I've ever thought of.
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I had to dig through the archives to find this because my hard drive died a while back, but I knew I remembered drawing him.
I can't help but quote that stupid ass gmod parody all the time.
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nice gijinka gryll
sovl doodle
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I've always been a Nintendo fan but have never been able to get into Kirby. I know there's a whole "deepest lore" meme to the series which appeals to me quite a bit. Where do I start with the series/is there a official/unofficial timeline for the series, like there is for Zelda?
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for the most part you should play the games in order of release if you want that good lore to slowly reveal itself with each tidbit and context clues though are are some things you can play out of order depending on remakes and such but for the most part you can stick with the game release order.

also a few of the spin off games do play into the lore somewhat but not all so keep that in mind as well and those lore videos on youtube do get some details wrong.
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i know the "hr" in hr-h, hr-e, and hr-d3 most likely stands for "haru" (hal) but what do you guys think the "h" and "e" stand for
the timeline is basically order of release, though in super star ultra theres a subgame that (supposedly) takes place after the events of the original kirbys dreamland. though apart from that its pretty straightforward, if you want to play the originals before the remakes, you can, (kss/kssu and rtdl/rtdldx) but just know that remakes are generally accepted as replacements for the originals in the timeline
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I like this artist's Meta x Bandana works.
I'm honestly not sure that the "H" or "E" stand for anything.
Erm Sailorsisters?
MetaSailor is good too.
Happy Birthday Galacta Knight
>16 years since ssu
Holy shit, that’s insane. My first Kirby game.
Has kirby or kirby characters ever shown up in other games as cameos? Obviously besides Smash. And no, eggerland doesn't retroactively count.
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Well would you look at that. I also just remembered a kirby-like enemy in Link's Awakening. Knew I was forgetting an obvious one
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yes multiple times, Links awakening, part time UFO, that one game Hal made for the snes that was japan only (which funnily enough was referenced in a Kirby game later on), Mario and luigi: super star saga (original only), box boy as a costume, that one piece game where chopper has a Kirby costume on the 3DS (if you scan the amiibo that is) that one style savvy game has a Kirby purse (also amiibo) that one puzzle game on the 3DS that had Kirby stuff but that wasn't the main focus of the game, I think that's about all of them.

fun fact: in the remake of links awakening they use the same model as star allies but with a different texture for the anti-Kirby enemy.
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He's playable in Super Mario Maker.
There's a Kirby racing outfit for Miis in Mario Kart.
He shows up on a billboard in Stunt Race FX.
There's a Kirby wool pattern in Yoshi's Woolly World.
He's the menu cursor in Earthbound's debug menu.
Kirby's Adventure is featured in Pokemon Stadium 2.
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Might as well share these here. I completed the Air Ride Checklists! ...sorta.
Air Ride was no issue despite having a handful of frustrating checks, Rex Wheelie Time Attack on Machine Passage and anything having to do with Beanstalk Park come to mind.
Top Ride was a breeze for the most part, most checks are difficult at worst, but completely doable. I did use two purple checks on the Multiplayer-related checks because I have no friends and couldnt be bothered with multi-input.
FUCK City Trial to hell, at least 60% of the checks are frustrating and 10% of them are outright bullshit. Being constantly at the mercy of RNG made a lot of these checks are test of patience and some of them came down to stars aligning. FUCK grinding for the Hydra and Dragoon parts for hours only to get them together on a miracle run a few days later. AND FUCK DYNA BLADE . (also used a purple check on the 2 hour Free Run because I couldnt be bothered, though considering I had to put the game down for hours, I could have done it no issues).

I wish Mario Kart Wii had a checklist, my masochist ass craves for one.
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>purple cuckstamps
You didn't beat the game
Good job, Kirbro
Thanks! That's a cool rendition of Meta Knight(?) wearing a traditional knight's helmet.
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that squad is so bizarre that it feels like a shitpost
it reminds me of that infamous comic where halga from hey arolds gets mind controlled by barbiddy while rawshack from watchmen comments on it.
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your a braver man then I, nice job.
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I really need to not type when I'm half asleep.
>Kirby, Touhou, Ace Attorney, Yo-Kai Watch, Monster Hunter, & Assasination Classroom all in one pic
How many layers of crossover are we on?
Puzzle & Dragons characters are also featured in that game, which itself is long-running series that often features songs from various other sources, from anime, to j-pop, vocaloid, video games, especially namco games, etc.
So.... A lot.
the lore deepens.
But wait, there's more!
Kirby was TWO Taiko no Tatsujin games! Even more crossovers!
>Kirby's Adventure is featured in Pokemon Stadium 2.
Because HAL made both titles, I believe.
wait, pokemon stadium 2 as in "pokemon stadium 2" or as in "pokemon stadium gold and silver"
yeah but what do you guys THINK it could stand for
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they turned miku into a drum, funnest shit I've ever seen.
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Ah, you're right. I forgot about that. Gold & Silver.
When using Your Room to look at your Gen 2 bedroom in 3D, Kirby's Adventure is one of the games that shows up on the TV if you place a NES down.
SNES has Kirby Super Star in it's rotation, I think.
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Would MK be Godot?
thoughts on plerm
What in cock's name is a plerm? Are you trying to secretly shill your account somewhere?
thoughts on super plerm
What the fuck?
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is that like that old ice cream ad where it wasn't a solid or liquid?
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Meta Knight is also a drum.
sure, why not?
someone, somewhere is furiously aroused by the prospect of turning people into a very specific type of sentient drum.
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It's special jig time sorry for forgetting Dream Course's 20th anniversary yesterday, I'll do a jig for it next week
>someone, somewhere is furiously aroused by the prospect of turning people into a very specific type of sentient drum.
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no sir, I aint clicking that shit.
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furaffinity is a goldmine for some of the worst kirby fanart I've ever seen
Kirby series started as an eggerland spinoff
prove me wrong.
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Lololo and Lalala are the reanimated spirits of Eggerland, the lost kingdom preceding Dream Land. Why else would their haunted castle vanish after their defeat?
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i think im no longer a cunnyfag
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Well done, it was fun
See you next week
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I wonder if she uses her painting tools as physical makeup, in order to keep her youthful appearance...
I guess you could say...
>( •_•)>■-■
The jig is up.
hold on a minute..
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that's why stadiums mini games are top tier.
Smash needs team shared healing machanics for team battles.
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>the secret metal gear timeline where none of the fucked up shit happens that not even kojima knows about that ends with everyone in the series becoming friends in a peaceful world.
Why is Drac squeezing him like that?
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squeaky stress ball.
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head cannon theory: the reason why halt did those warp experiments that banished susie to parts unknown was to bring back her mother who most likely died years before all that stuff happened but ended up erasing half his mind/corrupting him.

the real interesting thing to consider is that warp experimentation is what caused elifis and elifin to split into two beings in the first place, that's food for thought.
what if haltmann just sent susie to another dimension because he thought it would be really funny
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or downloaded a funny virus by clicking on a bad internet link.
>make a borbillion dollars with this simple trick, click here!
>sends susie to hell and mines crypto/mints crappy bonkers JPEGs
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The thumbnail made me think she had her tits out.
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Why IS it called "Sweet Stuff"
Cause she's sweet stuff
Hmm, how many female bosses did Shimomura make? Nruff and Adeleine are the main ones that come to mind.
The japanese word for 'angler' and 'red bean paste' sounds the same
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Red bean paste is also the most common filling in taiyaki, and Sweet Stuff has the same golden brown coloration as a pastry
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I love red bean paste.
I've been trying a lot of Japanese treats, and normal food socked how much I enjoy it.
Sushi worried me because it's raw fish, but it just works.
I'd say I'd love to try some Bean Paste one day, but I am too damn worried that it'd activate a food allergy I never even knew I had up until then.
Oh no
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what you don't wanna see lucina make sweet kissu to meta knight?
>Smash Meta Knight gets Lucina
>Anime Meta Knight gets Tiff
>Game Meta Knight gets Susie
It all makes sense now.
the real question is who does dubiously cannon manga meta knight get?
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I can't say I'm familiar with the mangas enough to know.
it's just as well since there are multiple mangas made by multiple authors.
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That makes it even more difficult to pin down.
perhaps it shall remain a mystery.
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I just can't see Meta Knight working a desk job.
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jesus christ my sides.
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Pic related is you when I slam this factiod bomb in your face.
Ado's forehead is massive because she's the daughter of Vegeta and she can go super saiyan.
I can't see him impregnating Kirby enough to have ten children.
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that's bullshit but I believe it.
That's Kirby?!
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Yeah, that's Kirby.
Please welcome Lucina to the Meta Knight Fan Club.
>vulneraries make it a party
what the fuck do they do at club meetings
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God, thanks for reminding me of purin x meta. I never thought I'd be reminded of that in 2024.
You must understand. It can get very heated when discussing Meta Knight and a difference in opinion occurs.
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That's not entirely accurate, she can ascend MUCH higher than that.
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>accent or no accent?
>yellow eyes or white eyes?
>balls or no balls?
don't forget
>wings become of the cape or the cape becomes the wings
>hands or no hands
>top or bottom
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wonder if other borbs would be discussed.
Maybe Dark Meta Knight?
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yeah that makes sense and probably the mecha knights at the very least, aeon/galatica and morpho might not get much, if any attention.
Mecha Knight would be brought up exclusively by Susie and I just know Tiff would gush over the idea of a youthful pre-war Meta Knight.
>Anon's barely disguised fetish
anons barely disguised projection
anons barely disguised deflection
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waning mask meta knight is something tiff wouldn't like seeing as he teams up with dedede in his waxing mask (that and the vague nightmare connection)
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Battleship Halbump
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Kirboth Ur (the god)

what a grand and intoxicating innocence.
Have the Kirby 4-komas been uploaded anywhere? If not, maybe I'll try my hand at scanning the book I got when I get back home
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CHADspy CHoods
Kirby 64's first book is uploaded here. The rest as well as the books for other games haven't been scanned.
This is the one I got my hands on, it's copy ability-themed for the most part. Thought it'd be simple reading since I always heard Kirby and CoroCoro stuff should be accessible for beginners given they're child-level stuff, but even being able to read the furigana my vocabulary is dogass. Ah well, at least it shouldn't get in the way of the scan if I do end up going through with the idea eventually.
That looks like Manmaru Nikki. I don't think this has been scanned yet, so it's a good idea to do so.
i cant shake that sidemode concept for a hypothetical td/pr remake where you bring back joronia-- i remember reading about that here a couple months ago, does anyone still have that drawing of her
all i recall is that it was of her and i think morpho is vaguely involved
I'd honestly rather a Taranza prologue where you play as him getting the mirror for Sectonia
why would you want to see that you already know its not gonna end well
I want a Taranza Epilogue dealing with him going to Valfrey in an attempt to get Sectonia back, but Morpho schools him about loss. And Shadow Kirby helps him out along the way
Dramatic irony, show how devoted he is to Sectonia, only for it to knowingly crumble in the end, maybe add more shit for the People of the Sky to do to build them up more, and also Sectonia is like, DEAD, dead, Haltmann cut does the Dreamstalk in PR, there's like zero chance Taranza could've saved her, I feel like exploring his character more, and maybe properly setting up his turn against her in the finale would be great for what little character he has. Then maybe a scene afterwards of him actually moving on in like a credits image or just a scene afterwards.
I FUCKING HATE how Taranza is just boiled down to "waaaa my dead wife waaaa" and want him to do ANYTHING else that makes him more complex, and a prologue that explores his motivations would be far better than, "waaa my wife is dead" epilogue.
Personally, I've always hated that Taranza is always portrayed as being undeniably good. Without fail in derivative fan-media he's always portrayed as being a goody-goody innocent cinnamon roll. In TDX he's literally kidnapping King Dedede so that Sectonia can probably body snatch some aspect of him. Not saying that he has to be a mustache twirling monster but it would be nice if he had a bit more to him. I like to think he's similar to Susie, morally grey but leaning to the good side because of Kirby's suggestion. You just know he'd execute a peon without hesitation if Secotnia demanded it.
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yeah they really should flesh that out a bit more
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Yeah the thing about him in TDX is that he's deluded enough to believe EVERYTHING she says, he calls to her for help and expects to be backed up because he thinks the feeling is mutual (likely from his past before she was a big bee) only to he struck with reality... and lightning. he sees him and her as equals, then it's like, "OH shit I guess I was wrong, well it's either help this guy or the entire planet, myself included, gets destroyed." he's not even really that sad about it outwardly, and like Susie, never apologizes.
The Guest Star pause screen descriptions don't help, same with Susie's, and she's also in need of a serious, "What the fuck is your deal?" story explanation if they remake PR. He could be a lot more interesting and if they do add stuff to TDX in a remake I hope to god it's not more, "waaa dead wife" shit. Have Taranza like, i dunno, help rebuild Floralia with the People of the Sky and he needs to deal with some Mirror World enemies, or something. He's just very one note in official and fan culture atm.
>Yeah the thing about him in TDX is that he's deluded enough to believe EVERYTHING she says
Yeah that in itself is what I meant. I don't think I said it right. That aspect is rarely if ever taken into account for fan-media. I don't expect Taranza to be some sniveling slave to Sectonia but just deluded and delusional, drunk off of what they used to be together in the past before the mirror came into play. At worst he probably shares some narcissistic traits with that lower world comment. I do wish I could see more stuff like you described when there's a focus on Taranza after the fact rather than him just sitting in a dark room drinking cheap wine and crying to Dirty Beauty like so many seem to depict. I want to see Taranza become a king and the trials that follow or go a darker route and have him dabble in dark arts to bring Sectonia back.
>he's not even really that sad about it outwardly, and like Susie, never apologizes
>same with Susie's, and she's also in need of a serious, "What the fuck is your deal?" story explanation if they remake PR.
That's something I don't see brought to enough attention either. I've always viewed KPR and TDX as having very similar story beats and it's weird how the resulting portrayals and thoughts on the characters are so different. They're polar opposites in terms of being one-note archetypes in fan media despite sharing very similar story-lines.
Taranza doesn’t need to “apologize” he lost his fucking wife lmao? Susie almost genocided a planet they’re not on equivalent levels.
Taranza kidnapped and mind controlled Dedede, imprisoned the people of the sky for how knows long, and actively spearheaded a dictatorship until he realized it didn't benefit him, he's not innocent just because there's somebody worse
>shit that happens on the regular in the Kirbyverse it’s practically mundane
Fine I’ll spare the pretense: it’s okay when Taranza does it. He doesn’t need to apologize.
End of story.
Taranza hands (all of them) wrote this
Susie lost her father and her father, and by proxy Star Dream, was the one who launched the genocide.
don't forget to mention her father along with her father
But what about her father? She lost him, too.
My shit computer causes this site to run at 10 FPS when typing please understand.
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Gee Susie, how come your father lets you have two fathers?
thread ideas?
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Galacta Knight, since it was his birthday.
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Oh boy, let's see here...
Honestly, I could go either way. Both have potential, but I think I'd prefer and epilogue, with details about the past being shown and further clarified. Given what HAL typically choses to focus on when returning to stories, I feel that it is more likely. While his past is in much need of fleshing out, I similarly think that the impact of a prologue is lessened, as we already know the "what" and "why", it's simply that details regarding the "how" and "when" are a bit messy. I do acquiesce in a few places, however - I agree that the People of the Sky need far more development, the relationship between Taranza and Sectonia and how she used to be before the mirror could use further exploration, and Taranza's character could be expanded upon. And while I do want an epilogue, I don't think it should be about bringing Sectonia back, but moving on instead. His character arc feels a bit unfinished as is because he is very clearly remorseful regarding Sectonia's death, and while it creates a feeling of real loss, it would get incredibly stale if he is mourning forever. Speaking of... I completely agree. I absolutely detest how often Taranza is boiled down to "dead wife" time and time again. I think he is usually well-intentioned, but incredibly short-sighted, emotional, and entitled, potentially even having a bit of a hero complex, which is why he has a hard time applying morals to his actions - because he believes he is right. He has committed plenty of detestable acts while not under the effects of any sort of mind-altering spell, and it feels like people forget this constantly. It's why I'm writing an entire story about this singular concept and trying to move on. I do believe that he has improved since KTDX, but these traits don't simply vanish. I'm not calling him a bad person or irredeemable, but he is flawed. Y'know, like a character?

Again, I agree, though I will say that her death did have a substantial effect on him, even if it wasn't shown in the moment. Pretty much every game since has featured an allusion to him mourning in some way - even his character trailer for Star Allies. And while it's supplementary media, this is especially true if you read his light-novel appearances, in which this grief is repeatedly exploited by others to trick or manipulate him.
>I hope to god it's not more, "waaa dead wife" shit.
>He's just very one note in official and fan culture atm.
God, thank you.
>help rebuild Floralia with the People of the Sky and he needs to deal with some Mirror World enemies
I would be elated to see this kind of content, anything but more "dead wife". I'm not saying you can't mention Sectonia - you should, in fact. It's still an essential part of his character. But... Retreading that same angle over and over isn't it.
Even if I don't see him taking up a royal status after everything that happened, I can agree that pretty much any (believably in-character) concept would be better.
Coming from a mega-Taranza autist who draws themself making out with him, he is in need of giving an apology or showing that he has definitively changed, even if we ourselves can see that.

Taranza has a fat, manly COCK and I will not hear otherwise.
Taranza has a boypussy with a tiny dick
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compromise: femboy with giant dick.
Do arachnids have genetalia?
Do arachnids have floating hands?
Taranza has phimosis.
Duh, they're animals.
No, the males directly excrete sperm onto their front limb things so they can push it inside the female.
Of course, Taranza's not real, so none of this matters and you can slurp up that pre-soaked boycock as much as you want.
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The partisan choice
Fair, though I've always admired his more dominant traits. The perfect switch
People try to apply real world logic to these lines of thought too often, which I think is silly given the source material. Regardless, I agree with the last statement
If you had unrestricted access to Taranza's cock, what would you do?
What the hell do you want me to say? Big surprise: sex. Indulgent amounts of many types. Receiving from and giving to him (mostly the former, if I can have my choice), sloppy, eye contact oral, teasing handjobs, aftercare, the whole nine yards. Not sure what you expected. I would hope this also came with more tender stuff.
That's kinda gay, anon
Wow, I didn't know. Glad I dodged a bullet, thanks anon. At least I can continue to suck his cock without worrying about being a fag
offtopic foidshittery has infected this general I see

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