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Built for loving impregnation Edition

Previous thread: >>492144870
>General Info on Taimanin
>General Guide for Characters and Builds

>News and Current Events on Action Taimanin

>Official YouTube Page (EN)
>Official YouTube Page (JP)
>Official AT instagram

>JP AT Wiki

>RPGX Extasy
>JP RPGX Gacha Schedule
Threads are straight up dying again, I see.
Actual previous thread: >>492648038
nah anon just linked to the wrong one lol
I'm sorry anon,

The last thread was past bump limit
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Is it worth spending 1600 gems on getting Butler Asagi to 5/5?
I somehow ended up with an extra copy and it feels sad just leaving her there, and a waste to melt her down just to get some event supporter trash.
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>Yukikaze sends Tatsurou a funny and playful message while he's training his bones to dust
haha she's eating that big green sausage in a funny way, tats is a lucky guy
There's so many creative ways to bump the thread but you insist on cuck shitposting, sad. I'm out, good luck with the thread cuckies.
Stopped playing when nagi became a playable character..... Are my builds still usable? Weapons are both 5/5, supps around 3/5
See you tomorrow
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That build will work for pretty much anything that's not step 50+ VR. Like most builds on level-maxed characters.

Shiranui is probably one of the best tanks for demon VR if you build her VR weapon.
I haven't seen her HP go below 90% even once around step 65 on Arachnea. But I did invest into her, here's my build.

Overall though she's pretty mediocre.
Both weapons 5/5, stella and rin limited supp are 5/5 also

Never really played much VR, i wanna get my builds right so i can start playing It now though, i realized that now you can just make hp potions at the base. Hope my current gear will be enough
Yeah that Rin should fuck in all VR stages up to 30 easily. Just keep in mind that the most important thing for VR is racist damage modifiers.
Just replace the yellow magatamas. Crit is sadly still useless. Someone claimed the only magatamas that actually help are green ones for HP, not even the reds. I don't know how true that is though.

And do enchant your weapons/main supporter up to +12 at least.
Red or Green Rin?
Also, doesn't the crit stat increase critical rate? Was that debunked?
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>doesn't the crit stat increase critical rate
It doesn't matter what it does, at some level in VR crits simply don't happen anymore.
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What do tastebuds taste like?
Wait, so they made the crit stat useless in VR past a certain floor? I would need to make new builds for most of my characters then, i always went for crit-centric builds...
Imagine her marking your cock as her property with those lips.
She needed more OVAs…
Need Hebiko wf
Different anon here. I wouldn't say crit is useless. However, it is severely nerfed in VR bc enemies have lots of crit% reduction and crit damage reduction. What this means is that in VR, you have to really build heavily for crit to make it work. I personally still use crit a lot in VR, but a lot of players just invest into straight damage increases as it's just easier and more reliable.
My slutty NTS gf
If, so I've been at this for an hour. This is only my second one. I has like 11k when I started
the juxtaposition of these girls being in "official art" showing them as typical anime girls and the official art showing them have their holes destroyed, while they literally cry and beg for more absolutely insane and degenerate abuse and often times love every second of having their pussy, ass and mouth filled to bursting with the semen of the worst beings imaginable is really jarring.
That's in the past. Taimanin is a vanilla ecchi franchise now bro
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Truly the best part
my nigga Tatsurou deserves better
Curl your tongue and find out.
All the official art is not canon.
>This will make Fuuma like me!
female logic
I'm Fuuma and I like her a lot, so it works.
Imagine the wild sex...
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Noah's Husband here. I've managed to get her a prefect set of Anti Demon Tamas and even upgrade one to UR, Next I work on Anti Humans ones and I farm Hammers from the Shop to upgrade more to UR. I love my tiny Daughter wife a whole lot. I can't wait for her wedding dress in 2031
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>Noah's Husband here
But that's me
State your numbers. There are ton of Noah's lovers here.
That Francis girl is such a hottie gawd i love gyarus
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Tokiko is good in Battle Arena now
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That is what I like about the gacha. In a VN, you have little time for anything that does not advance the plot, but gacha need lots of padding and FOMO, so we can have things like Felicia nagging Black to go out on New Year, Ingrid in a Santa costume, or Oboro finding and caring for a weird cat. And then they all get brutally raped, because you have to respect your roots.
Share build with a fellow Tokiko enthusiast?
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Pic and 5/5 +15 VR weapon
I haven't touched this for months so there are probably better builds after the renewal. Ask Tokikofag
she actually always kinda was since red humming bird produces stun and you could scam builds that abused hitstun with her unique buff.

Now Stone Piercer also causes stun as well so a pure red build can stunlock easy
Having a Taimanin Gangbang with anons
It's Friday!
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I think Yukikaze sucks
that's a very white Fuuma
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goddamn fucking little sow
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Chat, is this real?
Is it even rape these days though? Don't most of the girls now have augmentations and conditioning to love having there holes deep dicked? Wasn't Asagi literally using the school as a farm for new sex slaves at one point or is that retconned?
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yeah, she's a rerun
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I don't like this cowtits meta
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Shh, just eat up the big fluffy round balls.
Open wide AHH~
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what to do
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Saitama, no!
>the War Devil, Yuuji, joins the Taimanin force!
Fuck, that's the artist. The War Devil's name is Akira something, probably Tetsuo or Kaneda.
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How do we fix oboro?
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Much bigger hagtits
Orc Therapy
I need debiru Oboro on my left shoulder with enjeru Charboro on my right.
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Reverse corrupt her into a loving, faithful wife
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What this anon >>494492148 said plus impregnation
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>monster girl + impregnation
super ded
I am only paying for character packs when they add fully modeled nipples and erect clits.
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Rinko always comes to mind every time I hear the word rump
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Me on the right
Are dogs even allowed on this website?
The sex addict granny convinced her to do that.
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Granny knows best
She had fun with fuuma before, not exactly fair.
You mean Fuuma Danjou? She made him her bitch.
I wonder what we getting for anniversary. Last one was somewhat lurkwarm.
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I have never gotten anything good from a discounted roll
what if we got a game mode
bold I know but who knows
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>guild raids
comfy time is over...
It really depends how is handled. Top anything is always whale turf tho.
and pump
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>Built for loving impregnation Edition
Before or after her special training regime with Murasaki?

Imagine getting jerked off by moon rabbits haha
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Saitama, yes!
They call him One Pump Man.
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I love VR weapons, hope they add more
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>Before or after her special training regime with Murasaki?
When ever you want
bigger, BIGGER
smaller, SMALLER
They're good as is
Taking your Taimanin in front of a gang of Orcs to mark her and let them know that she's your property. She ends up falling in love with you
>LO got caught

I'm worried about state of ecchi games. But then those retards were pushing really hard.
>Hello, this is GM Aisha.

We regret to inform you of an unfortunate development.

Last Origin is currently being re-evaluated for an age rating, and has received requests for certain illustrations to be altered.

The illustrations in question are ones featuring exposure in the lower body in the uncensored version, some of which will be replaced in the August 6th update.

This may not be something that we or the Commanders want, but it is necessary for the game's continued service, and as such we ask for your understanding.

To compensate, future illustrations will feature increased exposure in the upper body.

We will notify you with a separate announcement should any additional edits or changes happen. Again, we ask for your understanding.

Thank you."

JP is censored already. Mostly because you could see naughty bits, and they started shoving buttplugs on art.
I only know a tiny bit about LO, so maybe I'm totally wrong, but isn't the uncensored version listed as r18? Why would it be censored if it's basically listed as porn already?
>To compensate, future illustrations will feature increased exposure in the upper body.
kek that's pretty funny
>To compensate, future illustrations will feature increased exposure in the upper body.
Boobchads win again
JP cover a bit more despite being 18+ look at enrai damaged and compare with KR .

Also this.
>This skin was revealed during the anniversary broadcast on January 24, 2024, and was added as an update on the same day after the live broadcast. Illustration production was done by illustrator Hyeol-ra , who worked as an AD at Destiny Child , Zig, who outsourced Bunny Slayer's Niba , and Illare from Decha, the third person to participate, following 2V , who joined the company as a full-time employee.

>Although the unique drawing style of Hyeol-ra is very different from the general drawing style of Last Origin, so there is a difference of likes and dislikes, but the quality of the skin, which is drawn with a rich and beautiful drawing style that makes up for it, has been evaluated as being excellent, and the SD motion with 2 skills took a lot of effort. Also, the quality is excellent. The glasses are implemented as ON/OFF props, and like the Miss Orca Ryu skin, a song is included. It is also a skin that does not depict belly fat like the Midwinter's Feast Labiata skin.

>However, the true value of this skin is that it reveals an unprecedented level in line with the 5th anniversary skin. It is a monumental skin that completely reveals the nipples for the first time in Last Origin , and Jungpa has an anal plug openly inserted into the buttocks, and when enlarged, the anal wrinkles are visible . It was visible and there was some kind of white liquid on the beaded panties at the bottom. There was a flood of shocked reactions asking how high the water level had risen.[44] As a result, public sentiment, which had been shaken by the broadcasting accident of the 5th anniversary live, was suddenly reversed.
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RIP, it's always sad to see another lewd gacha having to censor.
More boobs for less pussy. Lets be honest they pushed ridiculous hard, at least now it have bare tits.
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Touching dicks with two other guys? Thats gay.
I just beat number four on in the arena ranking and I feel pretty good about myself. Unfortunately, I'm still not anywhere near the top ranks.
Nope. The Golden Rule it's not gay if it's in a threeway.
Well, fourway in this instance but the rule still applies.
LO has had a ton of issues lately that it’s not really surprising, also they were REALLY pushing it towards outright H territory around the lower parts of the body
Is not gay if is with Noah
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Huh, didn’t know this series had a Gacha? Is it as depraved as the series?
My brain is honestly putting to much effort into the question if black could beat a soul reaper. The answer is probably not.
Nope. Taimananin is a handholding and post-marital intercourse only series now
action is SFW, RPGX has sex in scenes that are 90% what ifs
this was a few weeks ago and all that really changes is that they're more blatant to show nipples.
I'm not into tsun flat whores but I would destroy that
We don't have enough Taimanin Whorehime.
Fuck, Su is just such a fine piece of built China slut..
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I finished my first 5/5 arena weapon, please clap
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But how i can find another gacha with barely visible labia and buttplugs?
you can always sign up for japanese rpgx

RPG is censored as fuck. So any other DMM gacha.
LO is a shitty game with shitty story
Even a censored hentai is still better than cringe shit ecchi
Nigga, you really complaining about ecchi on this general.
Su UFS gangbang
Tragic that the pregnant wife arc was with an orc and not that demon horse
Truly a tragedy. Eliza in AT for justice.
no, only in your headcanon - not a big stretch to imagine depraved shit happening behind the scenes considering this is taimanin we're talking about
Why is Su trying sas adam smasher. Thats unwise
Sakura found the orc!
If you are rubbing dicks with another man and being stimulated by it even if you're both inside the woman it's still gay. It's straight if it's with a futa though.
Shouldn't that be Hyulla? The one who makes those semi-realistic uncanny valley faces?
meant to reply on
yeah he should trade up for shizuru or some other girl in the series who isn't completely tainted with the NTR stench.
Any clue what's going on with yellow man in the RPG?
due to the ending of TABA he doesn't have his taimanin art of stealing other abilites, instead he has a portion of edwin black's power
....So absorbing other people and their powers? The gravity and darkness manipulation? The universe destroying and recreating? Gonna have to be specific here.
i'm not sure but i think he got his darkness manipulation and the crazy regeneration, not sure where the rest of it is when it's split between Teutates the wraith king, edwin black and fuuma
I want to assume fuuma has the reset since black doesn't as far as I understand and Teutates having it would be a copout.
>Edwin relizes he'll never win as he is
>Decides to merge with Fuuma to conquer Asagi
Mirabell soon
I want some of what you're smoking
the event rerun cinematic felt weird, did they cut the dialogs or were old events really that barebone?
Su's day off it like the very first event it is 100% old in design. In fact I might be blind but I don't even remember the last time. An new event told us what points in the story it takes place.
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Black beard or White feather?
*sigh*.... Somehow Oboro turned herself into a cat again
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Annerose SEGGS
Diving into fanfic territory here but hey main universe Kurenai is right there since we don't know what happened to her after TK so that'll tie up that loose end.
It's just the costume packs,which only come with the weapons, no supporters, no gacha.
At least AT is safe on Steam because GabeN is based enough to allow straight up 18+ porn on his platform.
Fuck G**gle and A**le
Both are good, ite entirely depend on the characters and builds you're planning on using.
It's literally the ticket that allow you to pick one of the limited supporter.
My mistake. You posted this literally the day before those costume packs get rerun, so yeah, I was thrown off a bit.
>You posted
Fuck. *They* posted. Clearly you're not the same anon, sorry.
Erect nipples, clits, and grool physics when.
A cat is fine too
Teen Oboro when?
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Built for impregnation
A hag cat is fine, too.
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Anons is there any character you just can't bring yourself to like in the series? Hard mode: no Fuuma.
>Make perfect onee-san character who unambiguously wants to fuck her brother
>Brother also wants to fuck her
>Literally only had one genuine incest scene in this entire fucking franchise
I will never not seethe.
Glad she's not in the game
I don't like the wizard guy that kills almost the entire cast of Annerose fuck that guy.
Kirara. I hate that bitch
Sakura is extremely annoying.
I hate tsunderes with a passion
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Su would be fine if she wasn't one. The sow is beyond salvation.

Kirara is trash too.
She's dark and ugly
Hey, just because Wyrm Knight is bullshit doesn't mean you should take it out on Ingrid.
Anything drawn by Yuni. Especially if it has perfectly spherical tits and pinpoint nipples.
I mean she is quite literally the one you would take it out on. Her or lina.
Fuuma is the only one I kind of dislike, so I have to choose easy mode I guess.
Why can't we have everyone in kimono all at once? Wait another year for Lina and Shisui I guess.
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Frost Mommy in AT when?
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>Literal bugman

I vill eat ze bug
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Chapter should had ended here.
>new mobs are bugs
What does Gremory mean by this?
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She does have things going on that some pistol wielding pigtailed taimanins dont
Got to say I really do like the new limited. The explosion is strangely satisfying.
Another 6 months for next chapter.
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fucking legend
Mu-chan's husband is based beyond belief.
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Kirara's lo-
Tits too strong.
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No. Fuck off.
Cut your hair short and then we can talk.
Did someone test if the phantasma nun effects stack on an enemy?
my wives
I will never get upset at action Taimanin cosmetics ever again.
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Tokiko, i don't hate her, i just think she is boring.
Kirara and Asuka
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Maribell, Shizuru and maybe Asuka.

Also Riku even though I love Annerose game.
I'd rather support Action Taimanin than AAAA DEI charged western jew slop anyday.
I have all the characters (except annerose) at 81, who is the best character to reach step 100 in the ingrid boss fight in VR?
I am not a whale but i was wondering who might have the best anti-human weapon in the VR shop for the ingrid fight and what are the supporters for that boss fight.
Supposedly, Maika with White Feather Asuka support. I've yet to actually try a serious Maika build.
As someone who beat stage 100 I second this and strats like it. Super armor breaks are the only way to stun in phase 2 until Lina dies. And you definitely want to stun the boss before she spawns more fire pits and makes the arena more problematic for the AI.

Oboro mind control is great for phase one and phase two with dead Lina.
If you're the guy that was posting pics the first time around, that's why I said it. I don't know of anyone else that managed it around here.
Thanks, i have lapis, murasaki and astharot at 87 with feli and yukikaze at 85, and maika at 83.
For maika becuase white feather asuka is supress should i go for a red build or stay in a blue build with meido flame?
For oboro hypnosis snares 2 enemies with 2 blue assist, so oboro best build for the VR ingrid fight would be a blue build?
I think I was the first one to post a stage 100 clear but other people were posting high stage clears. So I assume they beat 100.
Death from above is the preferred skill so go full red. She should be player controlled and the first hellfire pit targets the farthest ally so keep distance and probably at the edge of the arena. Carpet bombing is good aoe in my experience. My 3rd skill was crimson lotus and I mostly used it as filler when my other skills are on cool down so use whatever you want.
Actually just 2 red is fine crit rate means nothing here you only really care about the extra bullets.
Just run her strongest build. As said before, when Lina is around you can't status her. So being able to mind control multiple enemies is irrelevant. What you want to do is lock down Ingrid phase one. Kill Lina as fast as possible phase 2. And then continue to lock down Ingrid.
Oboro I mean.
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what does that even mean? 1 and all? Isn't 1 part of all?
yes one is part of all that means 1 enemy takes 24% more damage and everyone else take 12% more damage
Hag bro we won!
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death to titcows
unsurprising but also wonder how many debuffs she can drop or if her supporter is another Francis situation. best case she is very much like Phantasma.
If they give her a legally distinct Tsunade outfit I will have no choice but to give them $300.
Who is it? I can't see it cause X is shit.
Imagine giving Kirara a new sister and a child.
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For those X-less or banned
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cool, but also
Anon this franchise is filled with titcows and we already have the poster girl for flat chests, yukikaze and Felica. Who else are you expecting? The 14 year old sakuya?
Thank you. Still, I'm surprised she came that fast.

Well, she is part of the main story arc so I'd imagine it would have been her.
sorry, google and apple don't want flat characters anymore please understand
This good for my wife, Noah?
uh yeah sure I guess
This is Hebiko from the apocalyptical timeline, where Fuuma's been dead for years by the time she's become an adult.
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Noah ate my image. Should I try and 5/5 this for blue noah build?
>I explained my answer
You didn't explain any answer, you explained something completely unrelated to the actual question because you know answering the actual question proves my point.. both of my main points actually.
>prove it
Like I said, I'm done doing things you're too afraid of doing yourself. When you grow a spine and answer my ONE question (In The Frame That Its Actually Being Asked) then I'll have no problem copying and pasting my answer yet again.
>Literally has
Literally hasn't since you refuse to answer a yes, no question with Yes or No.

Is what you've already admitted a ((completely)) subjective preference, objectively right or wrong?
Just Yes or No? It's a simple yes or no question.
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She have quite wide frame. Maybe to fix shindol weird torso.

But then Rin also have different face, so is probably internal artists doing reference rather than original one.
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she looks great
>You didn't explain any answer
I explained my answer
>I'm done doing things you're too afraid of doing yourself
I already did what you asked, you're the one afraid to answer my question in return
>you refuse to answer a yes, no question with Yes or No
and you refuse to answer my question with any kind of answer
>It's a simple yes or no question
Which I've already answered. Now it's your turn.
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>long ass clone arc

Well, going take a while till we get someone relevant again.
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She could've looked even better kek
another titcow, so it's officially over for the petankos
They fixed her dumb saggy tits.
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At this point, seems they retconned on AT verse.
Shame because it worth some jokes.

Even Senran kept granny around.
Where's the boob window?
Previews use IOS.
Well, on the bright side, we are atleast getting Sakuya character development with this arc AND there's a possibility that one of the clones may join us as a character instead of a costume since future versions are a nogo. Clone arc isn't all that bad. Nothing against Momoichi Tayo (he gave us his daughter after all) but they did recycle him as an enemy one too many times. Clone arc is a nice change of pace from him.
Well, yeah but issue is that AT takes forever to move plot forward, momochi arc took 4 years.
>4 whole years of getting 'umm actually Momochi got away. tune in next time, taimanins!'
Holy shit...
Fucking awful and nothing really happened.

We got more on those 3 chapters + events than whole momochi shit.
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Hard to believe he's still alive when the narrative didn't stop reminding you he hadn't much time left.

And he kinda won at the end, so yeah.
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Plot is moving towards task force g. So, likes of Tesla, Major and Saya neo.
>Saya Neo
I'd be so happy if we got her.
Seeing USF characters in general is a good thing, even RPG more or less ignore them.
Based crone
LO isn't even on phones, its on a dedicated gook server and DMM lol
Its off the cuff that she is quite old and uses rejuvenation based taimanin arts. They just dont want to show it because you know, they want people to buy the skins, gooks and chinks would get completely scared off.
the game somehow looks even cheaper with the full 3D cinematics compared to classic 2D
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Anon a quick trip to google show granny, its hardly something obscure.
Stay strong, Maribros...
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Nah its much better, you can see their expressions and such. Not mention that lot of characters have weird pose for dialogue.
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I wonder how much overlap exists between RPG and AT. From Nip side, lot of people double dip.

/h/ don't seems be that interested on AT.
It's a SFW game with an alternate plot with OCs that do not make much sense and has even worse writing than RPGX (if that's even possible). The /h/ side borderline cares for the skins we get (for example, slut Rinko because Rinko has received crap content for years so a good setup is welcomed) and a little for good OCs like Lapis or Su, but they'll never get orc'ed so whatever. Why they should care?
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We ain't had nothing but maggoty boob monsters for two stinking years!
We're gonna get future Yukikaze retooled as the prime clone
She needs a legally distinct Yor outfit
Sakutard and cucksurou
Also Oboro. I like hags but not that much
Which robogirl would Gremory add anyway?
Azusa please
There is a whole production line for them to choose from. I hope they pick number 3. We need to go darker.
fuck that's hot, TA 2 was my favorite cause of this
Agree so much...
I'm unfamiliar with her VN, does that actually happen?
Robot Annerose
Phantasma. Her nearby aura passive pierces through Lina's protection letting you trigger debuff-based supporters allowing you for quick kills.
what build do you use for Phantasma? i want to use her so bad but my Eleonor is just way stronger
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Meant for

And this is for you >>495022918

>he kinda won at the end
Fuuma didn't even disagree with him, it was more about his methods but he was fundamentally justified by the plot.
Azusa is very likely in the future, Amane too but then I'm drawing a blank.
Future Yukikaze is a robot in this game
this took 2000 UR beads and 100 million gold. Min maxxers pls tell me this was worth it over 3% type damage
>that damage
Is that because you started forging a UR magatama from VR instead of evolving it from SR? Because I am pretty sure my SR-to-VR mags have something like 500+ damage instead of fucking 2k.
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>forget to turn on item drop rate
>money stolen
Sorry, it's still Fuuma. I genuinely like everyone in the cast to some degree. Even the orcs can be entertaining sometimes but Fuuma stu is just a special brand of cancer for me.
Writing cant really decide if is a clone, robot or cyborg.
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I have failed way more 95% chances than is statistically feasible
You're just lucky!
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That's the sum total, the atk of that one maga is 572 above the 5/5
Granny gangbang
I'm fat, ugly, green, bald, greasy and smell worse than a barn full of rotten corpses. There couldn't possibly be a Taimanin interested in rimming a guy like me...
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>TV tokyo
>some bucko at USF have a whole room full of ybuta clones.
Ugly shit
Someone got his jaw broken for saying that in front of her face, she doesn’t fuck around Even though she hypothetically CAN also be fucked around
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Original source leads to deviantart, went through the tags mentioning Sakura and I came across some wild results such as this(reportedly from the same guy that had asagi and grimlock, no it’s not the mahou Kaiju guy), I like how it’s oboro who’s face is transparent in the background as if she pulled off a “prank”(or whatever shenanigans she does) that went so far and offensive that even the multiverse is out to get her like she’s public enemy #1I blame decade on this
This image reminds me of that one really fucking weird fan wiki. Haven't seen it in a while since google knows to show me the proper stuff.
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wtf bros, felicia kind of sucks. Is there a certain build that makes her worth using?
I did mention the mahou kaiju guy actually, I think the main wiki and ACTION get more popular(I mean look at the other image, you know a series has made it if one’s seeing that) definitely helped out clear up a lot of misconceptions and confusion
Heck if I know I ran her as support so she naturally didn't do well. I saw some people talk up a crit green build for her. But thats crit so mostly just for standard play and tower rather than VR.
Worth it. Someone should make her know she is trash below trash.
So granny and then chinese titty lady next I guess. I dunno, man.
Ye. Marifags and Shikanofags are beyond recovery at this point.
she used to be great pre-VR, but since grem doesn't understand how to balance anything she sucks now besides healing, and there are better healers
Just take a break. I have, several times. Grem is pretty much just releasing the same character over and over again at this point, so that's what I'm doing. Come back for anniversary, though.
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her and Kurenai used to be the crit spam unga bunga sisters but they aren't that great anymore due to VR being the meta grind
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Pretty obvious, or at least some sort of final boss.
Would it have been better for AT to classify playable characters as R, SR, and UR? They aren't remotely balanced amongst themselves, so perhaps that would have been a better system?
Oh nothing has ever gone wrong with that...
Problem is that such systems favor URs by a fucklot.
Kurenai's extra fucked since the gooks STILL refuse to fix her floorclip bug in spiderboss' stage
Yeah, but there are characters in AT that are obviously better by a longshot so it seems like that's already the case, it's just not official. If they "classed" the characters then they could at least try to make VR more interesting by limiting the team to one UR or something to that effect.
Yeah nah I know my main is pretty bad but I don't want the game to tell me that
where da tierlists at
I'll never get over how they butchered her base outfit.
I didn't even know there was a floor clip bug in kurenai's case. Then again I never use her since all she can do is slap with no real help to the team as a whole
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please don't give them ideas on how to make VR even more annoying
Eh... base outfits barely matter at this point, not mention that now its completely untouched.

Also fuck this gay ass post filter, i can't even post ingame ss without tripping it.
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I see what you mean, but I can't agree. Base outfits are obviously the most iconic look for the non oc donutsteel characters, and they gave ybuta nasty-ass comical granny panty bottoms.
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Eh... Different times, at least now gremory is far more comfortable and doing all sorts of stuff.

Just pray that they don't test the gods like LO did.
Honestly While I greatly enjoy her base look just being a bikini I much prefer her other more clothe costumes because they have more interesting deigns.
Like I ain't going to say shit about the crafted costume since that is another character's clothes. But I do greatly enjoy her new fall kimono really touches on the oni stereotype and that scratches an itch.
If they didn't fix it with the renewal, we're stuck with the granny panties forever.
S-tier: Your waifu
A-tier: Everyone else
SSShit-tier: The sow
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I'm still sore that the gooks removed that little prattle animation she used to make when changing costumes
Lina can clip into the floor too. The bug more move specific than character specific.
>faithful wife
>Christmas cake
>barn demon
>Electric deer conductor
They are too strong...
If Gremory play their cards right we might get future asuka and rinko before this kusoge gets EOS
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I hear wedding bells!
Maika is just outfit, so probably going drop any day without fanfare.

They are distancing much as possible from RPG.
God I wish these gooks would stop shoving Sora down our throats. Both her and her cocksleeve friend are boring as fuck
Hold on now, i think its brave of them to put so much focus on a stim addict and her struggles to lay off the booster crack while having to accept she'll never be more then a 3rd rate taimanin.

Oh and her pet fox too i guess
Sakuya's situation is tailor-made for depraved shit.
Yet the gooks will never give us what we want
How am I supposed to get any work done with Secretaries like these?
>pet fox
Sakuya's entire character revolves on her getting mogged in all aspects by said pet and sucking her off at every opportunity. If sora had a dick the little midget would have her snatch would permanently welded to it
They still exist?
Wasn't there some drama or something with Mari's voice actor?
They exist as Potionfags, surviving by sucking Aina's and Astaroth's titties. Like me.

I think I heard something about her agency not wanting her to do taimanins (or just lewd shit in general?). I might be wrong though.
Does that revert menopause?
If that’s the case then gg playable Mari in the future. Unless they decide to change her voice actress, like what they did with Asagi’s (Koshimizu Ami) and redo her whole voice lines.
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Feli is a better healer than Lapis on Queen Kanaloa as her limited weapon removes their damage immunity
Who would want more flatties when we already have feli
My main problem with her as a healer is her AI. It just refuses to use Evil Strange for me. The only time I see the mark on enemies is through Vampiric Zone when she manages to perfect dodge.
Is there a trick to make the AI use it on cooldown?
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I play her myself and don't even use Evil Strange as I need 2 green supporters for the Slaying Spree 2nd bonus which spawns 3 shadow blades. These blades remove buffs super fast and are slowing enemies for 30%.
For the heal I use Yachiyo and NY Feli supps + Vampire Zone.with 50% increased duration.
Show off the weapon details and where you can get it.
It's her limited, you need to wait for a rerun.
Her associated supporter is also pretty good.
>another weapon to max

Damn, people complained about swords but at least give some leeway on building.
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rerun in ~3 months or exchange facility with Feli emblems
2 weapons. The slutty hag and the chink from main story
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Is the bonus stage for the yachiyo event unusually difficult? I managed to get to the end and couldn't even outdamage the king's regen (months old account btw)
My other charas died during the tank fight at the start...
Oh yeah. She use staff.
Did they erase stuff at some point? The game is asking me again to pick one of the initial trio.

I played for a few months, some years ago
you didn't link your account

But I played on steam as well. I think. wait.
Holy shit this fucking cancer interface.

I just clicked on steam icon and it did it. Before it always aid link account successful, but it was not working. Shit fucking game. Shit i love rinko tits so much.
My guy went through the whole Kubler-Ross in 3 posts.
Shit I dont remember anything about this game. I left at only level 15.

The what now?
Very cummable back
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Maika's giant ass stuffed into jeans please
I suppose, knowing it’s kinda a blind spot, is it not protected from the rest of her bulletproof suit?
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I feel like that dialogue just reinforces openings in her blind spots are an issue. Its dangerous to use the skill to see outside of her usual vision in active situations.

If she wanted to pull some sort of eyes in the back of her head thing she shouldn't have a hole in the front and back inviting the idea of pincer attacks to get the jump on her. A more protected side and a perceived unprotected side inviting entrapment.

Maybe her "outside of my usual vision range" is third person view like action taimanin's gameplay. That probably would explain seeing both attackers at once. I'm really over thinking the game's explanation of her abilities.
Taimanins are ridiculous overpowered even after gacha nerf, bunch of goons with weapons are nothing, soldiers give trouble but still on low end of danger. Robots bruteforce them with high power, but against seniors, same old song and dance.

Only real challenge is other taimanins or demons.
It’s also why the “Bad ends” are referred to as “what if’s”primarily for erotic purposes staying true to its original roots, the canon version's of these characters (especially in RPGX and ACTION) are frighteningly powerful
There is very few scenarios where they get defeated on actual fight, sure Sakura got caught but Oboro caught her not some random, and on TA3 they dealt with a whole army.

People just watch those shitty ovas and take conclusions from there, without any context.
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>It begins
>they updated the whole website with charas and everything
didnt play in a while so im feeling it again
this is the simple version of the news feed, what you linked ends up a
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>a Club can have up to 20 members
do we have enough people here to have to make more than one club
>only 20.

Ouch, 50 would be more doable.
2 Clubs should be doable
Milkers vs Flatties
>Guild system
Ah, finally. More reason to finally put this shit down
please don't be a flattie
>Guild system
Just like those gang bangs doujins. Wonder if that would work out.
As long as it's not the type of system where the guild leader get significantly more loot just for being the guild leader since that never ends well with everyone wanting to be a guild leader.
I wonder what are those raids.
Fucking this. It's why Asagi freaks out when she learns 9 Taimanin were killed early on in TA1. Dying is part of the job but it's so rare for them. The norm is
maybe one or two dying or disappearing every ten years, if even that. The Oboro situation was just that fucked. Also on the Sakura thing, Oboro herself isn't anything to sneeze at. While she isn't much of a direct threat to Asagi head to head, to pretty everyone else going up against her in a fight is basically a death sentence. Especially for a newbie who mostly had to train herself like Sakura.
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Orc Club lets gooooooo!
Shit, I've been wanting a club for us few proud /atg/astropods. I guess I need to start playing again.
More damage autismo. Hooray.
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The rewards are good but nothing too big. Definitely seems optional, which is a good thing. Nothing big like exclusive guild only weapons that require cancerous grinding. I hope it stays that way. Nothing against you guys, but I am NOT doing co-op raids. Learned the hard way why teaming up with anons is bad from Dragalia Lost. Either one member wiping means the raid is lost OR connection issues cause people to randomly disconnect OR you don't have the right character and everyone spams the Cleo, Eli, or Notte sticker (they removed it later but I still have ptsd)
most gachas I played had some sort of asynchronous contribution system rather than actual co-op
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Holy shit, is that a real chat? Not just stickers/premade messages like in RPGX?
bold of you to assume they'd actually implement live coop, I bet their spaghetti code can't even handle it
raids will just be single-player stages where guild members have to rack up damage/clears
>live coop


Prepare for lot of guilds being glorified chatrooms.
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imagine the ERP
If they add something like a guild room then is joever.
just start a cult toward your favorite Taimanin and kick anyone who talks about anyone else. Not that complicated.
Noah cult...
In the loli oni event Oboro would have slaughtered all 5 girls she was against but she wanted to "lol" at Ingrid too much so she spared them.
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There is.
Now you can shitpost while grinding.
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>500 gems to create a club
>there are only 12 slots at the start
Here is what will happen:
>The first club will be instantly filled with tourists/returning players that will drop the game in a week
>2 anons will create the "2nd one" at the same time and will be too invested to delete one
>by the end of a month we will have 3 half-dead clubs with 4-5 active /atg/ players each. These players will not leave their clubs to join the main one because they already spent a lot of resources on it
On the one hand, club shitposting might stop this general from being ded. On the other hand, it will be cancerous trying to actually discuss the game here when we will club drama like for example...Everyone in the RinkBink club is mad at YButaFucker69 for not doing his dailies and they spend the whole day (on /atg/) discussing that. You could ask a simple question " is Asagi worth starting with?" and it would never get answered cause of the club drama.
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>ATK is higher than CRI
Truly the smartest taimanin
Ugly Bastard NTR Club
If any of you starts larping like in the comments section of rule34.xxx im going to really lose it
>Dragglefag suffered
Staff will have a good time banning certain words and abbreviations in every possible language
They'll never be able to ban colloquialisms
They'd have better look scranning ybutas piss flaps.
>Main Website Updated
>New Club/Clan System
>New Character "Inage Natsu" Granny
>Global 4th Year Anniversary next month

Not a bad start, I hope the anniversary is good this time around... we should start seeing some previews soon
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Have a Annerose club!
Assuming those club logins reset every week and carry over between clubs not forcing you to repurchase. That is going to be a good source of tokens.

Those assumptions should be obvious but you never know what bugs a new feature has.

Also hahaha you can whale for others now.
Nagi's Niggas RECRUITING !!!Only 3 spots left!!!
Top 30 Club, we're looking for active members to climb the ranks.
Rank 115+
At least three highly invested meta Taimanins
Reply to this post with your ign so we know you come from this place, otherwise we won't accept your application
There's going to be a lot of club hopping from f2p'ers looking for whales who are buying things regularly
This popped up into my recommendations (into /m/ stuff toku included and retro anime) from some gundam breaker 4 videos and my sides, I haven’t even seen a Taimanin video on there even https://youtube.com/watch?v=z6gD3uki7so
The influence grows (also the guild thing showed up in my reccs too miraculously)
Where's the phantasma club
I am doing the returning commander quest. Now i remember. This was a mistake.

I remember now why i gave up so soon. I am just doing this for rinkos ass and tits.
Why cant we have a decent action dmc type game with these characters....
Taimanin is very well known among otaku crowd, not really surprising.

Also RPG is top DMM, kinda hard to avoid.
> it's another episode of the jellyfish spamming invul buff
God I fucking hate this vr boss
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This or Hebiko supp
I just ignore every VR boss that isn't Masked Taimanin.
>Rinko's fanclub
Worse when your whole team get debuffed.
Machines and Ingrid are absolutely ass, I agree, but c'mon; Spider is easy as fuck, bro. It's as cheesable as Masked Taimanin too.
>Spider is easy as fuck, bro
It's also the biggest/second biggest damage sponge and take longer than any other VR boss since you fight her in "waves".
Ybta hate
Spider is spongy as fuck
shizuru paizuri
>member count: 1 person
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unless we're talking about Clone/Future Yukikaze it'll have at least two members
You know that untanned Yukikaze guy will be the first to get a club up.
Her victory animation was in one of her mini tornadoes. It gives a really nice effect to her victory pose.
Prepare for raid damage autismo.
...made fuuma cum too fast and cry like a bitch
Can I ask anon, as someone who never played any of the games or VNs, why do you dislike her?
The Unbrown Club.
Those who hope for:
>untanned Yukikaze
>unbrowned Ingrid
>unbrowned Eleanor
>unbrowned Phantasma
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More like the cursed as fuck club
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To me she's an annoying tsundere with a mesugaki-like design. Clone/Future Yukikaze fixes that by turning her into a cute doting girlfriend type of character, at least going by AT's brief characterization of her.
I just cannot stand the tsun trope, specially when this whore has no redeeming qualities besides being a walking toilet.
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It's Friday!
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Friendly reminder that there is a new game in development, just reposting what I wrote down on /h/
> Taimanin will continue on.
>We shall continue to work hard and challenge ourselves so that even more people can enjoy the Taimanin series.
>And Taimanin will one day return to a global audience.
>Please look forward to when that time comes.
“This correlates with “what’s his name” was talking about on the whole fiasco(he was also involved with GOGO) and that it’s Lilith themselves doing it or supervising this supposed new game. What we DO know is that they’re not gonna make the same mistakes that caused the deaths of GOGO and extasy and that it’s a global launch. As for the game itself we have no clue whatever it’s a new mobile game or potentially(this is my personal pipedream) a console title”
I know it’s not entirely what /h/ wants but given what direction the series has been going for i think it’s for the best, still can have heavy ecchi being a franchise staple
/h/ is full of literal brainless coomers. Discussing anything there is waste of time.
Eh whatever, I was trying to make it neutral with making seem like I was completely against hentai(which I am not). Point being the series has never been more successful and popular than it has been before and I think /h/ still hasn’t fully adjusted yet at least they’re not sankaku users, those guys are terrifying
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Its weird to have playable granny given that she is just a background character, sure demon gang that popped earlier don't have anything on current arc but at least engage with rest of cast.
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Honestly I'm pretty jazzed about them not being totally discouraged from trying to break into more mainstream and global markets. Franchise has a lot of potential beyond just the hentai and I feel they could find a good balance going forward if they're smart about it. Is there any news on TY3 or is that still in cliffhanger hell?
>a console title
Hell no. Neither Sony nor Nintendo have the balls to publish coomer shit anymore (and japs are yet to learn that Microsoft exists, but they would hardly do it anyway), and a sanitised game by a minor studio would just get forgotten amidst more popular franchises. If it is to have any impact, a new game would need to be a hentai, and therefore probably gacha (as VN have a short shelf life), or something with better gameplay than Action, and about as lewd at most, considering even that has to be censored on phones. Any game that is as hardcore as RPGX or plays better than AT must, then, be a PC release. Anything else is more trouble than it is worth.
It's really not if you consider the body type of the newer characters we get. The gooks are just being blatantly lazy.
It's really not if you consider the body type of the newer characters we get. The devs are nice, understand their audience and give them what they want.
Granny have slim waist, ingame model is same slampig as rest.

Its really lazy but not out of ordinary.
Lilith won't green light a 3d 3 axis mobility action game because it will cannibalise AT sales.
The best I can guess is something like DOAXVV.
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Hi hi!
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taimanin kart when
Jesus this fucking sow, she's practically showing off her little pussy
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Playable Mai when?
probably with spider is waiting for the fucking waves, that shit takes forever, each run has like 6 total cut scenes for something you had to do over and over
I want honkai fagrail but with big tiddy and big booty ninjas instead and it wouldn't hurt AT since the combat would be totally different, could even use the same models just upgraded
this is the only attractive character shindol has ever made
I'll be definitely joining this club with my wife and all her adoring fans, they love her so much and she's always so friendly with them!
Assagi's legacy as the OG is this series is for big boobs and big asses, thank you asagi-sama
Rinko's bicycle rental service
Rinko's waiting list
Rinko's inbox
Rinko's stork delivery service
Rinko's boozey bubbley brothel
Rinko's pump and dump
Rinko's hands-on milk bottling factory
4 niggas in a row: Taimanin edition would be great. I hate the chibi shit in RPG, if it was similar to the models in HSR I would play it no question.
I'm making an alt to join each club, I must keep an eye on my wife
>I hate the chibi shit in RPG
same here, the girls are so ridiculously sexy in taimanin, it's such a massive waste to not have at least a fate tier sprite
No need, we'll help you keep an eye on her. It's the least we can do.
>graphics set to high
>textures still look like they're from a ps2 game
>no anti-aliasing
I'm playing on my phone, is the PC version this bad too?
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PC version is far better than anything phones have going on.
same assets, game is just rendered at higher res
still looks bad but at least the character models look significantly less jagged
I've got my settings pretty high on PC, running it at 4k but displaying at 1080p with that nvidia setting, AA ect, game is beautiful
That’s why I said pipe dream, and Nintendo still does publish games like that
You are absolutely correct
I just hope it's not another project with Fuuma as the MC. Not out of hate, I just wish we could focus back on the girls who are vastly more interesting and engaging character wise than the dudes.
Yes please, he's had 3 games, time to move on
Technically speaking since action and rpg are still live and gogo came out after both they already have moved on.
I want a triple A character action game with TNA physics with rin uehara and rinko.

That's it.
I want a game where Yukikaze become less tan as she swims less.
Granny gangbang
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Is # an actual kanji? wow
why did they puss out so much on Kiara's model then give us the tiddy monster oni which is like Kiara's original design more than Kiara is
>leopard print
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means well
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you learn something new everyday.
Is that a direct translation for the word well or something like "うぇる"?
I can hear it
Orc's favorite
if a kanji is being used then the actual sound isn't going to be romanized like it would be with katakana unless it's some bizarre coincidence
That makes more sense. But why post Emily freely? Never mind, go ahead then.
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My Broken goods wife!
Wanna fuck Saika, but without her prosthetic legs.
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Both, both are good.
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because she's my favorite AT OC
Yeah to clarify again you can post anything you want if it meets the boards rules.
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Cannot stand Lina's baby face. She looks retarded.
but she's cute because she's pretty retarded
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I wish we had the same option as Asuka to choose her limbs, some outfits it just doesn't look good
I don't like retarded girls. Maybe that's the reason I can't stand Sakura.
Its a shame both her and Asuka have great designs, I like hime bangs hair, but the amputee, prosthetic fetish kinda ruins them for me.
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it's time to vote
Sorry to ask, where is this poll from?
Consider the fact lilith made a quadruple amputee heroine and that was never used, all her sex scenes are just regular ones where she has prostethic limbs on.
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Its some bullshit with censor. Some asanagi fig got in hot water because nugget.
I don't like prosthetic too BUT I love LEGs and those fake legs are looking really good on her.
Seems like we get 3 retards for every non-retard at this point
>no Sakuya
the guys who run the wiki
Voted for Mai and generally anyone who made my pp hard.
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Why are hags like this?
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wow that is amazing looking art.

I hope the mole is toggleable.
Nice censorsuit
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Hot damn, my wife's new costume looks amazing. Yet another example of why we should be able to mix and match hairstyles between costumes too; that braid looks great on her and I'd love to see it with her other outfits.
The mole is what throws her off for me.
>Nintendo have the balls to publish coomer shit anymore
It depends, as some how this game, Perky Little Things, is on the Nintendo switch and you can even get a physical copy.
Nintendo don't give a shit long as it pass through rating.
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I look up the gallery and it full penetration with visible dicks and vags.
They used to allow unrated game on eshop, but retards abuse for shitty porn puzzle garbage.

If comes from a reliable publisher, no reason to bother.
Where is granny preview?
Wow this looks like AI slop wtf
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atg's forgotten tap wife
Bros is there a way to spend multiple BP per run of Taima five? I just reached a good enough power level to start on this and I can't imagine having to repeat the fight dozens of times a day.
Welcome to endgame.
Frankly my only beef with Taima five is that if my game crashes I loose the BP without a chance to restart the crashed run. Which is bad design and was worse when we didn't have extra BP or passive BP generation from hotsprings.

Like because of something outside of my capabilities I loose a run and a resource and back then I had to wait for it to replenish before I could even try again. Only positive is I don't think my characters take damage from that run.
I built up Shisui for autoing vr, granted I usually grind 29 but that's enough to max out the vr points with the hot springs bp. (Emily is for regular farming with the extra drop supporters and I can't be bothered to switch stuff.)
It's not AI. The costume art has always looked off because it's taking the base art from Kagami's VN work and editing over it. It's someone trying their best to match the art style.
I kind of want to bet that they said it was AI because of all the light glares which is to be expected on leather like this and is present on secret garden costume art.
First 35 clear for me!
Keep it up li'l bro!
Pace yourself 30s to 41 is probably the best farming range because everything after that can be brutal if you don't have the right effects rolled. And you're bound to get more from doing two 31 runs than you would from rerolling one run and playing a second.
So what's the verdict on the Phantasma supporter? And why is the site running like shit
I keep forgetting. Who is responsible for the order getting fucked up? Because this right here feels like another instance of weirdness due to order getting fucked up.
>vote mirabell
>check results page
>she's not on there
I'm calling rigged
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We really need a marriage and childbirth system.
I'm no suggesting it to be explicit, as they obviously can't do it, but a SFW system is perfectly possible.
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What do you mean?
She is one of the most voted.
My wishful thinking is that devs will see this and finally consider adding her.
Then again... Mari was one of the most voted in the official poll and still nothing.
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Not sure if something is messed up then, since she's not there on my end.
Click on that 53 bellow Mari.
Oh, nevermind. I only checked the names and didn't see there were more bars than names. What a dumb way to display it
I remember the Asuka model having messed up lighting after her first update. Did they improve it since then? It's still kind of noticeable, but it's not as bad as I thought.
someoene is definetly rigging the votes now because there ain't no way Mari jumped from 7 or so votes to #1 in front of people like Cara or Mirabell
does this dead general even have 20 people who actually play every day
Does anybody remember what the ip counter would hit back when we still had them
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murasaki is nice but I wonder if there will be a way to get older ani costumes this time around since I want to get the ones I missed.
>murasaki ninja costume
ah, an anniversary I can skip without feeling like I'm missing anything worthwhile
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I on the other hand will finally be rewarded for my patience
Halloween Su rerun?
Gremory needs to release 100 more titcows in a row to save /atg/
There's just literally nothing to talk about. Like what, farming VR points? Who gives a shit.
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I keep missing the red hammer, god fucking damn it. I need like 12 of them
may god bless them
Do you think the AT staff will be cheeky and give Natsu Hebiko's outfit as one of her alts? Maybe the adult version's?
I take this over namefag drama or some discord bullshit.
That sounds like one of the better crafted costume ideas.
Would be cheeky but I doubt.
okay with the greatsword done, not even bothering with masked taimanin's daggers, and not bothering with spider queen's bracelets I have 4 weeks that I can use on top of main week to get points for ingrid and lina's vr weapons. That means I should get them done in like 2 months thanks to how rotations work.
Those item rotations are fucking retard. They really need make weapons fixed at very least.
Any idea what those silver coins are for?
I've read that Oboro and the orcs would have failed miserably (with them most likely dying a miserable death) if they tried to pull an Asagi on her. Is that an accurate statement?
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they simply need to make a proper plot-hack to make it work, to disable her ability or make the orcs resistant to it
Probably item shop.
Are the type specific SR supporters viable? I'm seeing a few with high bonuses towards humans/demons/machines etc, wouldn't that be even better than some UR during specific encounters?
What you mean, there is only Homura and Harusaki for damage. Def can be ignored as URs give far more.

SR weapons have real good performance on VR despite having one less slot.
While I love the ninja costumes to the death, I'm not sold on the freakin' fox mask they threw here and on Rinko.
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Most of them are viable.
Haruka is one of the best if not THE best Main Support for a blue anti-human VR build.
Major is a must-have on Machine VR as a Main Supp. Great for red build Maika. Viable on everyone else, -100% defense with such low cooldown is great.
Homura and Arika are good as sub supporters, but there are better red URs
Mai is decent if you need survivability, but there are better blue supps.
I use Momoko together with Yachiyo to always have enough particles for her healing ability: >>495163351
Yuuna can boost Lapis' heal by 60% which is insane in VR. The build is: Blue Main, Yuuna and one more Blue supp. Skills: Gem support, Piercing dash, Crystalize
Even Saika can be viable as her main skill Snares for 10 seconds with a 30 sec cooldown - It can keep Ingrid VR boss in place.

All the above works if SR supps are 5/5. Main supps should be enchanted to at least +12, subs can stay at +0.
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I mean Faust. Stupid Major is living rent free in my head
Taimamin crying over (you) after you suddenly collapsed
collapsed from edging and gooning too much to porn of anons lovely wife
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Did Oboro get a a titjob? hag look like she went up by at least cap
Apparently they’re planning something big for the anniversary if they’re skipping a story chapter, on quote they mentioned “a major turning point”. I’m invested in the main story so whatever it is they’re prioritizing is something they must’ve planned for a while. WHAT IS IT?
Only cunny characters from now on
>we want the blue archive crowds
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We need more mesugaki
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2025 will be the cute and funny year
Oborocat scene WHEN?
Threesome with both Kirara!
Asuka's tit size has been inconsistent for a while
More like Aoi Nagisa's. This shouldn't apply to Kagami.
Aoi have been quite inconsistent for a while. Current Asuka have same slampig body as Shizuru and Phantasma, but dont seems to apply to Kirara or other characters.
I fucking hate how Asuka looks now, fucking hack Aoi.
Can you get that witch skin for Asagi?
it will probably be for sale during yeah
>Inageya token
I'm betting high value affinity item.
Nice thanks.
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Why does the opponent's Astaroth move everytime I click the mouse
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We're reached the absurd point that Rinko is better drawn in her AT costumes (that use edited TY2 art as a baseline) and RPGX collabs compared to whatever monster Nagisa throws out nowadays. Rinko, Asuka and Shiranui are borderline deformed and completely incoherent.
this WILL happen the second kiraradev leaves
It's okay anon. It's a shame her franchise/universe is so underused. Such a waste. Whoever owns her IP rights is an idiot.
Aoi can only draw 2-3 body types at a time. He has three templates
>Petite small/flat tits (Yukikaze, Lily, etc)
>Big breasted older sister (Rinko, Asuka, etc.)
>G+ cup chick (Rinko, etc.)
If he makes a change to any one of them, all characters in that field will change too.
Why doesn't Baalbuddy join Lilith/Gremory? Maybe even just as a guest artist to do some art for a couple supporters.
Mom looks better than the daughter.
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many such cases
Fumika got the worst genes lol
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In before someone decides to make a solidus snake type character to round this joke off.
>Oboro is going to rape and hatefuck Asagi again, just like in the good old days
God, this just make me more mad that the RPGX localization was handled so badly.
>unsalvageable personality
She and the sow are garbage bags in the same trashbin
Claiming the mom.
I don't think Edwin wouldn't approve that
Teutates already claimed her though
Black is a NTS-chad
Claiming this mom.
The fact that Azusa isn't in the poll makes me think she is coming sooner rather than later.
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Already claimed, but we can share.
Oh boy I sure can't wait for these like two costumes to drop tonight. Meanwhile, waiting for the actual anniversary to happen next month.
Is the full October content lineup revealed yet? Coupon codes? anything? I really want the Halloween Emily and Shiranui costumes.
I don't think I've seen anyone post newletters in a while
Them posting on twitter like this is not normal most months and the newsletter is usually at the literal end of the month. October is special because it's anniversary so they're drip feeding earlier.
My biggest hopes are bringing back all the old Anni Kunoichi costumes most people missed, I still want that badass armored costume for Annerose and then Xmas Oboro but I know I'll never get them.
You mean furst
So Clown girls have been steadily growing in popularity. Is there a Clown/Jester/Harlequin Taimanin?
Best we got is the rose jester costume on shizuru
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>Ingrid week.
A bump for untanned Yukikaze.
Asuka always a slampig though
Not even close.
Comparing to another artist is a bit unfair, but Obui draw those large hoes and most of Aoi girls rarely get that close outside of CGs.
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Oh I either forgot from the magazine or didn't realize the Asagi stuff was back. Bringer of dawn is really interesting in how it turned a move I don't think I've seen anyone use into a decently strong move assuming that the enemy gets hit by all the attacks. The supporter though I think is absolute garbage considering all its effects are restricted to the 30% HP threshold. Like what situation would ever want you to be under 30%?
>Juicy peak Taimanin hips and butts slapping at each other
Pure sex.
i will always eat and defend nagisa slop.
>all its effects are restricted to the 30% HP threshold.
I had to do a double take there, as I had no idea what you were talking about. I'm pretty sure it's just the Fortitude that that applies to. I'm having a great time running her as the main on Green Shiranui in demon VR.
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gee fuuma, how come lilith lets you have TWO kiraras??
Did FKirara just steal Phantasma's choir girl habit?
They should undo this Ingrid fight
Fuuma also gets the oboro and asagi threesome this gosha. Gonna be some angry anons.
Fuuma WIN!
when did musk kill nitter?
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>Ingrid dies
>timer won't stop for another 5 seconds
I'm not entirely sure Fuuma is consenting or even conscious in that scene. Being pegged to mindbreak has its risks.
Well then I guess I'll throw it under another poorly translated effect because there's no separation between the first line and the rest.

Because I would sooner read no comma, comma, and as everything is under that one restriction. Before I read it as you say it is. Seriously, we need like an entire update dedicated to correcting text.
>Fuuma got kidnapped (again)
>Asagi sold her body to Oboro for one day to save Fuuma
>Oboro sex skill is too much for Asagi to handle
>Asagi think Oboro will bring orc or orge (again) but it was actually Fuuma
>Fuuma got trained so hard by Oboro he become her sex slave
>Fuuma fucked Asagi then Oboro fucked him and make him say Oboro has better pussy and prettier than Asagi
>blahblah Asagi become Fuuma cum addicted sow (again) and the sex slave training continues with Oboro evil laugh echoes the room
I guess the capitalization of the second line is the separation. But, still these effects need periods and why is there a comma between 15% and and. I'm fairly sure that there shouldn't be a comma there.
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>Fuuma fucked Asagi then Oboro fucked him and make him say Oboro has better pussy and prettier than Asagi
Based Oboro
Like 1-2 years ago.
There's still some private instances running but they're not referenced and would rather not be found.
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My fucking dick.
I like how the devs had to stealth complain last year in their December letter that they couldn't win with Asuka's face because she's inconsistent as fuck in her designs
That's simply Aoi being Aoi. Poor Koreans.
A pity though, I hoped for a TA1 throwback instead of the old boring "Fuuma got kidnapped". I don't play a lot of gachas , it's common for the protagonist to be kind of loathed by a good part of the public?
>Fuuma got kidnapped (again)
It was actually some kind of betting between Asagi and Ingrid and Asagi lost the bet so Fuuma become Oboro property for one month.
No, usually the protagonists are more self-inserty. Fuuma has too much of an identity despite being as shitty as your average gacha protag.
Seems more like a Chaos Arena throwback considering its Oboro doing some raping to Asagi. Either way, it's still kind of an old callback. With all the demons, aliens, and ugly bastard government officials, I think people forget that the series all started with those two women hating each other.
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>"Watch those wrist rockets"
>>>>>>>Letting fucking Oboro of all people have Fuuma
Goddamn, what the fuck did Fuuma do for Ingrid to get passed enough to whore him out to Oboro? I thought Ingrid hated the way Oboro does things? Giving Fuuma to Oboro instead of doing a punishment herself seems OOC unless Ingrid was mad.
Love inverted milktaps
because the writers dont give a fuck
Ingrid is the judge while Oboro is Nomad representative
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Asuka is one of the girls I wish DIDN'T get a renewal, she was one of the best looking characters before they changed her face
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bottom left with them wearing their normal outfits looks kinda cute actually, looks like two kiraras seeing each other as rivals rather than two cosplaying whores seeming vaguely disgruntled with each other (before inevitably ending up in a happy vanilla threesome scene because it's kirara)
Yeah easily the worst VR boss they've ever included. The gimmick is cheap and the AI also ATTACKS the fucking flame pillars like they're enemies which is why they're drawn to them.
I haven't played VR manually in a million years so all bosses might as well be the same
just letting emily do her thing, grab my coins and fuck off
Speaking of, did they fix the hellfire bug? Not sure how many people noticed last time but the bleed and poison mods you can roll on the level also triggered the hellfire debuff stack for no reason. Was so annoying to get nicked by a regular attack and see the debuff start going up
Ingrid was mind controled and I saw hellfire go up it's wild.
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so in this game you only roll for characters and sub character chip thingies right? i should just save gems to buy characters from the shop?
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You roll for weapons and supporters, the characters you just buy outright with gems yes
You can also farm arena weapons and/or use 5/5 SR weapons with good skills which will usually be better than having some random 1/5 UR weapon from the gacha.
Supporters are a lot more essential but you get a steady supply of currency to roll for them and free event supporters are often quite good.
At the beginning it's a good idea to get a decent roster of charas as they passively contribute a lot of benefits like increasing your AP cap and operating facilities.
I'd recommend getting a good pvp chara early on, I went with Shisui (who can also autofarm and cheese hard content)
Speaking of which, what >>494322718 asked about. I'm wondering if I should try to 5/5 the weapon or if it's even worth spending gems on the card-board.
holy fucking YUM
>still no gameplay preview.

Come on. Twatter account is awfully quiet.
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Who do I take to 87? Sakura or Shiranui?
shiranui personally.
My wife Yukikaze just sent me a funny picture of her sucking on a pickle so hard she's doing the anteater face, hilarious. She even captioned it "bigger than yours" Ha ha, of course it is honey, I don't have a pickle with me now so even the smallest one would be bigger. What a jokester she is
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She's so silly sometimes
You just know her little pussy is going wild despite her expression
fucking BITCH
Walk away, Tatsurou. You deserve better. Leave the path of the simp.
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Look like Black gonna be the MC while Fuuma is busy dying
should have picked Rinko over the sow
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Who can stop her?
The best affinity bonus is the item drop chance?
yeah but switch back to XP when leveling a new char
and AP+ when you are about to use AP pots.
yep, this too
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wtf Gremory?
When you are done with the main ones the other anons mentioned you can also get the extra VR coins to make farming it a bit less of a hassle. This is what I have if you need a reference:
>Drop rate +90%
*Kirara 30%, *Lina 30%, *Sora 30%
I usually swap Sora for Kurenai to get 20% Arena coins so when I forget to swap back I only lose 10% drop rate
>Exp +80%
*Ingrid 30%, *Tokiko 30%, Rinko 20%
>AP +85
*Asuka +35, Shisui +25, Sakura +25
>VR coins +40%
*Felicia 20%, Shisui 10%, Astaroth 10%

The ones I marked with * have the highest value the others can be swapped
>Who can stop her?
Ingrid doing the same to her for mutual destruction. Imagine them looking at eachother with hate in their eyes as they both rub their pregnant bellies lovingly
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This is the ugliest fucking thing I've ever seen what the fuck Tokikobros
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>playing VR
>using Emily and staying at the boundaries of the stage to bait the flame pillars away from the fighting
>Tokiko starts running towards me, wtf
>see the red warning zone for the pillar pop up next to me and she runs straight into it
this is some serious bullshit, at least it doesn't take as long as spider queen
what scene?
>this is some serious bullshit, at least it doesn't take as long as spider queen
she actually ends up taking as long since later on in the fight her hitbox disappears during moves she loves to spam
it detects copyrighted words sometimes. I know it also bans the word Kinnikuman
one of the rinko ones where tatsurou hears fuuma bang her from next door
Thing is, I had Gyaru part in my name before, maybe a year ago
Look how flat she is, that's so fucking hot
Su orc gangbang
This hasn't effected OPENUFUCKINGPUSSY!! has it?
Calm down, Bro. We have weapon skins for a reason.
Serious question bros, do you actually grind out VR everyday manually? I just afk it on shisu while doing other shit
autoclicker app + emily for full automation
I just started VR
How do you afk Ingrid without getting BBQed by the flame?
I play a low setting and my units are super tanky, BP is like unlimited with the school facilities giving it
not him but I just give emily three defensive supporters
yeah she stands still on the flame pillars but ingrid dies first anyway, it's also nice that the pillars stay away from the other two characters
I used to but nowadays I only grind Masked Taimanin.
I'm kind of annoyed that they decided to make Ingrid always be before masked. I assumed it was going to be a squid situation where the original was always first in the rotation. This particularly sucks for me because I wanted mask to be first to have more VR points going into Ingrid.
never cared much about Su but that outfit has a reddish line on her cute & funny
never cared much about Su
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I care about Su, she is an honorary American
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Newsletter is up
We are eating good
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>neat I'm finally around for a coupon
>4 garbage rolls
feli looks great
sora looks like shit as always
That ninja costume looks good.
>Annerose only exists now to be glorified overpriced gem discount.

ok that has got to be like sora's best costume if not from a design perspective then from a cultural one.
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