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Comfy forest and tall trees edition.


We discuss Modded Minecraft, modpacks, projects, build ideas, etc.
If you're working on a mod or a pack, keep us updated for feedback!
Refer to the OP before asking about launchers.

► 2. NEWS

All legacy/java/Mojang accounts have been killed. Use links below to keep playing the game without a M$ account.


>Play modded now!:
https://github.com/fn2006/PollyMC [offline poly fork]
https://github.com/antunnitraj/Prism-Launcher-PolyMC-Offline-Bypass [offline prism solution]

>Get mods:

>Useful Curseforge Search
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/464782-old-curseforge-please (script to automatically redirect to the legacy curse pages)

>Optimization mods:

>1.7.10 server authentication option (Got shafted by M$? You can still [multi]play!)

>Ideas, Albums, Resources & Inspiration

>General FAQ [Read this before asking for mod-making guides, where to download shit etc]

>Mods, modpacks and guides [Read this before asking what modpacks you should play]

>alive /mmcg/ servers (Do you have a server up? Add it to the OP!) :


Previous: >>494704268
anon, the reikapack and the pfft pack were both retired
this is why it's bad form to put those in the OP
Can you ride the Centaurs in Grimoire of Gaia? This is important
are there any gt6 modpacks out there or do i have to install this on its own?
Give it to me straight, Optifine or Sodium? For 1.15 and 1.21
nigga what
embeddium if you're playing forge
sodium if you're playing fabric or if the sodium forge port comes out
sodium completely btfos optifine and its not even close
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They all look the same
Optifine is the tried and true method and anyone who says otherwise is either gay, lesbian or a shill for some cringe mod that doesn't work with Optifine
What's the best and worst modded mob that has even been created??
ur mom
>nigga what
For pre-Nether Update playthroughs
>embeddium if you're playing forge
>sodium if you're playing fabric or if the sodium forge port comes out
I have no idea what you're talking about
Ghasts or Hoglins
Cats, they spook Creepers
I'll give it to you gay instead, fps plus
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any new mods
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glad you asked.
Vault Storage more like Fault Snorage
check out the chests
you can just ask for (you)s instead of pretending to be a retard
thanks :)
no problem man i remember farming for (you)s just for any semblance of human interaction too i don't judge you
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Finally got enough fangs, killing bats is annoying.
Those aren't modded mobs you dummies.
>What's the best and worst modded mob that has even been created??

Non ironically? I liked the Hulk Chad looking Mutant Zombie
A draw between the Crimson Mosquito and the Genonach from Lyncanite
traveling trunk from thaumcraft
Vault herald
If the Mekanism fusion generator produces 200M p/t but the indication housing can only input 55m/t of energy wtf is happening to the other 145m?
On 1.12.2, nope. Don't know about nuversions.
>pre-nether update
>not 1.12.2
You're either retarded or a vanilla faggot that got lost.
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RNGesus is with me.
I've heard good things about toymy
hey that looks int-
>MCreator mod
I literally just checked, did not know that. Then again all it does is add basic mobs to fight and some structures.
with most mcreator mods you can tell them by the heavily geckolib depended animations.
dang it
uh I think Bear's Den has one?
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what mod(s) bring back the feeling of first time in minecraft?
it's not that good
gtnh changing almost every recipe in the game brought back the feeling of "first time" for me.
none of them, sorry anon
the fuglutum flaot pack
if you haven't played more recent versions then that might do the trick
wrangling frogs and bees did it for me
download hasn't worked for a year
remove pfaa from OP, idort, it's dead >>494788127
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teknik died people lied

only option atm to host technic packs over 100 MB is probably github, which is stinky
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what do you mean reika dead
recipe is borked, no?
mb I saw the guy talking about unfinished recipes with reika that will never be fixed and I thought it had stopped
>that crafting table
is that reika's chromaticraft table
did he literally just rip off TC6 shit
>teknik died
no that's the thaumcraft 4 wand auto-charger addon for the arcane workbench
you can still install flaot lutum through multiMC technic
Yes they are, everything added after 1.7.10 is by faggot modders trying to keep things vanilla+
ages ago bro
ain't no way
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there is
huh apparently I had fixed the link with a dropbox one
weird, I remember dropbox not collaborating in the slightest, plus that shit's outdated as hell
woop, there it goes away
you waited 5 hours for someone to respond to your bait so you could post this preplanned reply?
>technic literally released a pack a month ago
something losing popularity doesn't mean it's dead you insufferable nigger zoomzoom
please don't be racist, that's against the rules
insufferable and zoomzoom get your point across well enough
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I took a nap then replied to myself because no one else was talking :^)
>Zombie, Enderman
Tard anon....
What font pack anon?
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so apparently this one weird github trick works so everyone's getting an update

I literally haven't tested this more than once so "it doesn't crash right off the bat, probably" but it's there and relatively more updated than a year's worth of no updates
alas technic is gay and I forgot how I'm supposed to patch things through it and what extra crap I'm supposed to put in there to make it work so eh
I'm not even sure it's gonna work downloading off technic like this
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yeah no it's borked and I'm not bothering to fix it before next week
krallen has his mod list in the video description of his playthroughs. it's not a catered pack thoughever, just an assortment of complementary mods
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what his name?
Moe Lester
Put some fucking framing on that dirt anon.
>wendigo enderman
>one enriched naquadah fuel rod can provide a completely stable, completely safe 4608 heat units, 3072 rotation units, or 2304 EU/t for over 1600 real life hours
extremely based
>uhm sweetie you forgot to download IAmANiggerLIB and your mod Niggerkiller.jar can't work without IAmANiggerLIB
>er, sorry honey but that mod wasn't brought up to your Minecraft version so... yeah...
>that mod? Oh yeah it only exists as NeoForge and Fabric. Huh? You have already installed 10 mods with Forge so you can't change to NeoForge? Well too bad!
Use modrinth launcher retard, it autofilters the required version and type of loader, as well as download all necessary libraries by itself
That looks like a you problem.
moron post >495152504
>"Sneakin' around late in the hen house like a fox, ay Chuck? Maybe I've got some eggs for ya..."
setting view distance to 5 chunks with fog, resolution to 1024x768, and framerate limit to 45.
this retard is still putting .jars in the mods folder.
No women is funny enough to say this, immersion ruined.
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>DawnCraft and Prominence don't have hammers
>DawnCraft doesn't even have ore doubling
I can't believe this will be the first time in 5 years that I play a pack this close to vanilla.
These packs are as close to vanilla as gtnh is.
Haven't played in years and thinking about doing a run. Maybe 1.7.10 pack. Will those optimization mods in OP make the game run at a decent framerate on my decade old toaster or should I not bother?
>1.7.10 pack
Not having hammers+ ore doubling is something new for me. I haven't played a pack like that in years.
I don't even know if it is worth it to mine for netherite or simply explore more for netherite drops.
>DawnCraft and Prominence
woah nigga just kill yourself
Modern minecraft is aids, yes.
How is that different from sticking mods in a folder 10 years ago?
It has to be the fourth time I mine a block from Rotary/Chromaticraft and the block (expensive) doesn't drop, I'm sick of this crap
Why is five different mod loaders and a five way split between mod compatibility bad?
Cuz you braindead faggot who can't read OR use launcher
Sorry lad, your IQ has to be at least triple digits to play modded mc.
>fail to grasp the point entirely
>calling someone else retarded
It's literally one check mark in the search filter.
>I want to use this mod and that mod together
>sorry, this mod is forge only and that mod is fabric only
Are you understanding yet?
its literally just neoforge and fabric, quilt is dead trannysplitware, and no ones left to dev forge. not sure what 5th loader you're even talking about. riftloader? liteloader? what fucking year do you live in?
>doesn't know sinytra exists
actually embarrassed for you anon
>complaining about modded now when 13 years ago you had to stick mods into the jar and manually change item ids in the mod config file
You don't understand, nu modding is bad because there are 10 times more mods and you have to choose between two modloaders!
>Connector is currently in beta state, and many mods may not work as expected, or might be broken completely.
>having to use yet another 3rd party tool to play mods
Great thanks
that shit was cancer. fuck
That doesn't answer >>495172550's question
i hate tech illiterate boomers
boohoo modding requires some reading
it's been like that for nearly every game you have to mod
not everything gets to be convenient
that's just life you fucking baby
>consistently moves goalposts when proven to be a fat retarded nigger
great thanks
keep tugging that sissy clitty
The modding scene is objectively more convoluted now than it was several years ago.
>Want physics mod for the water and mob kill effects
>1.16 and newer
>Want Scape and Run for the creatures
>1.12 and older
Can I get around this?
It's bait or very stupid underage redditor.
yes, but these retards complained just as much back then too, even when minecraft was hands down the easiest game to mod (it still is)
Very sad.
don't think so
>Certain mods locked to specific versions
>Certain mods locked to specific loaders
>Many combinations of mods are straight up impossible
>Somehow it's a bad thing to point this out.
>have to make compromises in life
>this is bad
yeah sorry you don't live in paradise, boo
why does this newfag still think he's welcome here
The thread has dedicated autists who's personalities revolve around being contrarian.
Keep arguing about muh modloader. The general is about to hit page 9
just play the game tranoid
What mods make the game easier?
learn Java
any tech mod, once you get into charging your tools and flying before you get to the end the game becomes baby mode.
Waystones and any map mod that adds an actual UI map instead of you autistically having to piece together multiple different maps into one
applied energistics 2
All the cute Passive animals
The. fucking. Ice & Fire. Cockatrices. I hate them.
uggh fine
So what if I am?
i can't play the game without carryon anymore
Bees are good, they're my frens. Not only did Mojang throw some bees on that shit, but it's also hip.
>ice and fire
>cockatrice shoots a laser beam at you from 50 chunks away that constantly damages you and inflicts blindness
>dragons shit up the landscape for no reason and cause a ton of lag
>sirens take control of you and force you to swim towards them, softlocks your character if you get stuck
>sea serpent jumps around like it's having a stroke, kills you from 20 blocks away because fuck you
>hydra is literally unkillable unless it's on fire
fuck this shit mod and everything in it
Is it more or less convoluted than the
>delete META-INF
>separate client/server versions
>id conflict
>forum link to adfly
boo hoo, we had it better than usual for a while and you got spoiled
very suspicious timing
present your samefag license for immediate validation
best storage mod for nuversions? all those chest mods that just add more slots feel really sovlless. im currently using nether chested because higher stack counts is at least somewhat interesting, but would like to know if there's anything better
storage drawers still exists but there's a mod that is supposed to be storage drawers but better (functional storage) but I haven't used it yet
vanilla chests
Best is milenaire npcs. I like them and their little buildings.
Worst is modded mobs that break blocks with no heads up (modded creepers are usually ok). Especially ones that destroy blocks en mass. Im talking about Ice and Fire Dragons destruction or Trolls/Ogres/Orcs or whatever that breaks blocks to pathfinder to you.
Computer Turtles
Item stealing mobs. Fuck Alex's mob seagulls. "Haha they steal food like real life" FUCK YOU I JUST WANT TK WALK ON A BEACH. Good thing the Hunger or Vulture never made it to Minecraft.
>it's an artist that wants to do something that involves programming episode
still ae2
>all those chest mods that just add more slots feel really sovlless
just place more chests faggot
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fuck seagulls
>shouldn't of pinched me chip, simple as
Any worldedit plugins available for singleplayer? I'd really like to take advantage of tangents when pasting in track and road beds.
anyone know a death chest mod that doesn't spam up the spawn inventory like the Tombstone mod?
Pffft https://modrinth.com/mod/axiom/
can you faggots use search engine?
The argument is we've gone two steps back, not back to the very beginning.
is rats a tech mod
is rats a mawpc
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bitch I if Wanted to use google I would've but I wanted an answer not a an endless slurry of dead reddit posts and AI generated articles
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>xe's search engine is google
/gamerule keepInventory true
It's just your problem that you're a retard.
>nobody posts builds
>nobody plays the game
>not allowed to ask questions
>only endless shitposting about launchers and trannies
why is this thread even here
kys faggot
i rest my case
>redditor is angry
Search engines are dead.
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Your image reminds me of quake 1 models and now I want a mod that converts the steve model into that used by quake
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>remove Biome bundle and O' Plenty + OTG
>lag mostly (mostly) goes away
why are biome mods so freaking laggy
I've just been wishing for a Quake 1 mod for Minecraft. I think it would fit pretty well as a dimension mod. All the mob behaviors in Minecraft are basically simplified versions of Quake monsters.
>Axiom works normally alongside FAWE and VS once the plugin is installed on the server.
Holy shit, I can have polygonal selection at last?
it gets better
>use google
actually skill issue
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>jewy jewenstein
>current director of minecraft
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>find out you can Allocate more RAM to the game in the launcher settings
>change the max from a paltry 4gb all to 16gb
>test both with and without bbop
>no lag in both cases
>the only error I caught is the the chunks taking forever to load in but still no lag
So you're legit telling me this whole time it was THAT easy to fix it? omg
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>He didn't know he could assign extra RAM to the game
What the fuck? It's literally the very first tip that is given to anyone that wants to mod Minecrap
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me as well, should be a vanilla feature
that weird thing on the left concerns me
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Took three days to upgrade this guy to two planets
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is this lost cities?
wholesome and underrated
not my screenshot but it's definitely lost cities
no its the other city generation mod
I don't like Create's train track model, it has one too many ties in the model and it makes tracks look too thin and dense. Any mods that change it or am I better off just going into Blender and editing the model before reexporting the .json file?
mobs that do stuff for you beside fighting:
TC golems, computercraft turtles, luggage, robit from mekanism
mobs that fling shits everywhere they go, both figuratively and literally.
rats, most of Ice and fire mobs, infected enderman, gaia guardian and chaos dragon.
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How are you doing /mmcg/? Build anything fun lately? Something pleasant to look at? Started a 1.20.1 pack that is definitely for sure the world I'll play for 10 years this time. Really.
you're answering your own question with this one
if you're unsure, yes, you'll probably need to remake the model to settle your autism
i'm moving my modpack from fabric to forge because otherwise, none of my friends will play it
it's fucking exhausting curating everything, and i know that when i finally sit down to play it, i won't even have fun from being burnt out building it
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Unfortunately, I can only play vanilla with friends. They refuse to agree on what they'd want from a modded server.
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i've already posted this but i'm posting it again
thats a nice house anon, reminded me of my comfy warehouse in 1.12.2 with Ancient Warfare, may return to the mod once it comes to newer versions.
I do want to have a long world, but I would have to take things slow in that world so that I can better balance both my work life and vidya, plus, worlds become significantly more laggy the more developed your base become, so I would want to keep the pack quite light-weight.
I'm working on my megabuild. Well, spending more time staring at it trying to think of how to work on my megabuild.
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Very cozy, always love seeing dens/libraries
Thanks, it's basically just a hut for easy villager iron farms and trading sticks for emeralds with my enchanting room on top.
Taking the toymy pill has made the game enjoyable again
always has been
house is too open reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
more walls less windows
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Is the basement closed enough for you?
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just a thought, if you are going to make a world that span through years, then posting pics of the same world over and over again online would become stale at some point, right?
Anyway, here is the newly built storage shack.
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Interior, it's literally just a bunch of chests.
nice basement, haven't got one in my world.
Not if it gets cuties like you to post your builds :)
Twilight Forest?
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correct, I've been transforming the place during my free time, which isn't a lot.
Nice, I particularly like the path style
>playing 1.7 w ae2, mekanism, rotarycraft, witchery, etc
>can find certus crystals easily enough
>no tin or copper or osmium or aluminium
did i do something wrong
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one of these days I will finish this. im bad at city planning
dw it's not like you have any friends who are going to see it
I wish I could bases pretty as these, but I just can't into roofs, too hard to make, all of my stuff is hella blocky :p

One of the reasons I miss Millenaire desu, the cities looked so cool there and the villagers were all self sufficient..paying some iron of the chad builders to make a mansion for you was my personnal nirvana when I was a kid playing 1.5.2
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desu I have no idea how to do roofing, I either build the house with basic roof pattern or follow a tutorial from start to finish.
make 1 (one) mod.
Some day I might get around to that.
But I've gotta properly learn to code to do it right (more than just if-else), and that's more effort and lower priority than getting a job, which I'm already procrastinating on.
I'm sure I could slap something together in MCreator, but there's no dignity in that.
Im building a mod.
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All my lame ass console user friends can join my server and we can all play!!!

Why the FUCK isn't crossplay a thing to begin with?!
because bedrock and java are completely different games built in completely different engines
True, honestly I'm shocked at how well the mod works, everything plays just fine aside from the fact that the emote button doesn't work for them.
who even plays bedrock? fuck who even owns a console anymore
>got stuck in a cave for 20 minutes looping around over and over again even though i had torches all on one side during my entry
What the actual fuck man, this game is discriminating against my poor sense of direction
That being said, the poor Apothecarist I killed for his house and loot will be pleased to know that I will start working on Iron's Spells as my first mod in ATM9
Skill issue.
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spent 4 hours building this because i'm very early into my new toymy that was was going to configure more but I just couldn't be bothered
at least I found a mod that let me make structures rarer so I haven't seen an ae2 meteorite in 10 hours
Who's you toying with anon?
I might look like a lazy cheating fuck, but whenever I am cave exploring, I just switch keep inventory on and kill myself when I finish exploring. Modern Minecraft caves are just too big and too deep and mostly aren't ravines no more, so getting back into the surface is hell.
if the mental illness ever spreads so much i get forced to specify my pronouns anywhere i'm gonna put mine down as "i/me"
>hey who shat on the carpet?
>i did - i mean anon did
With how deep and complex gregtech, terrafirmacraft, and alchemistry go, you'd think there'd be structural formula crafting, but there isn't
i got rid of enderio because it's dead on 1.20 and got rid of some other stuff that wasn't very interesting then jammed a load of magic mods + create in
What's even the deal with EnderIO anyway? Seems a tad too convoluted mod for a too deep progression with almost no gains because you would be caked up to hell and back at that point, like Draconic Evolution
enderio on 1.7.10 is decent but on 1.12.2 it's really good
it's the conduits that really sell it and the mod's not too convoluted other than the grains of infinity + soul blend stuff
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>"What? No, I said "steamed hams". That's what Famer's Delight calls hamburgers."
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or I can use kubeJs
>use contenttweaker
>can uninstall half the mods that exist
Post what's you're listening during another modded mineya session.
rev up those Epic Fight hordes
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I approve
>waiting for greganon to post the last reactor video so I can see the most fuckhueg power generation setup
post it NOW
So me and some pals cant seem to be able to damage mobs in an rlcraft server we made..anyone know what might be doing it?
there's your problem
skill checked
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>"T-thanks for coming Anon, this means the world to me!"
>"I made the food myself... I h-hope you like it."
I know this is AI because a real white woman would NEVER do this
he knows bros...
burn food? No, definitely a possibility.
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dont die
I hate how people in the UK are so soft that "teasing" animals with food is seen as "cruel". We dressed up our cat for an xmas picture one year and my mom had to take it off of facebook because oh how many people sperged the fuck out that the cat had to wear clothing for one picture as "abuse". It's pathetic.
I miss Elemental Creepers, they were cute
I don’t like silly outfits for dogs since it feels demeaning but I won’t sperg out about it. I just never did anything
more than five my dog a nice collar and maybe a ascot.
>"B-but why not? This is my own recipe, I didn't use any of Granny's or had her help!"
kinda bouncing between AI coomerposter is based and AI coomerposter is cringe
for the record they are based on an existing mod so it's on topic
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What are the tnt/nuke mods like? I don't care about the techy-nonsense I just want to say "fuck that nigga over there in particular" and watch it glass an entire region. bonus points if there's a radiation mechanic or even a f76-style mechanic where super monsters spawn inside the crater.
none, code yourself
icbms is a classic, it's the most visually impressive one and has alright variety
ime cockatrices aren't too bad, never been hit from far away by their gaze (it helps that it only hurts if you stare at their face)
sirens sound nice in theory but are very boring in practice
dragons are pretty bad with the griefing, my enjoyment of them increased a lot by turning off their block breaking and making them literally 10 times rarer while buffing their stats a bit
hydras are fucking retarded: i've seen hydras solo frostmaws, cyclopes, ice and lightning dragons, parasites from SnR as well as hordes of all kind of smaller mobs because they literally cannot die unless they're constantly being hit with more napalm than the US used in Vietnam
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kill yourself
live yourself
laugh yourself
Why would I kill myself when I can go play modded minecraft?
more like:
Just use ICBMs, is the most impressive mod out there.

If you want to commit some nightmarish war crimes, play that mustard gas mod
Thats a Kek.
nuclearcraft has ghouls that spawn in irradiated terrain
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when's GTAE coming out?
it's called modern industrialization
you mean the paid version?
minecraft mods fighting game when
I paid your mom to suck my dick.
your dad paid me to suck his
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>Gregtech's Modern Era
>he's back
I hope he stays back this time, only good MC YTer
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anyone interested in a terrafitmagreg server? i've started one up locally in my homelab, and im enjoying it, but i want to purchase a server and run an smp with other grug and progression autists
i am horrified and also a tiny bit intrigued
do you still drink out of a waterskin and eat raw wheat grains while in the nuclear rocket age?
desu i don't know
i also play vintage story when i'm not playing minecraft, and i usually play either gtnh or toymys with friends
i was just watching hecuba's playthrough of it a few nights ago and became morbidly curious as well
i'm still thwacking stones in my shit lawn base and only just got copper tools, but it's been entertaining me for the past day and a half
>find json file for model I want to edit
>edit the json model with blockbench
>put into the asset directory via resourcepack
>mod still uses the normal blockmodel
So this is what it is like being a noob, huh.
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I built these on servers with friends so fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
you just have to see what others have done for what shape you want to do. I also took real world buildings and saw how the roofs looked and tried my best to translate that into blocks. just takes time like anything else. I wouldn't even say I'm that crazy of a builder.
Herobrine chicken... spooky...
I assume since theres more new blocks to generate.
Hit me with your favourite DH compatible shaders
press the super secret settings button
Will modified .obj and .json files even work in a resourcepack as opposed to a packed mod?
Imagine using DH
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when a questbook is a fucking spaghettimess
>leave mineshaft with about 20 durability left on my remaining armour pieces
>the undead army finally invades
well that was scarier than I thought
>Taking real other structures as inspiration
Trust me, it makes it worse, I can't make non square shaped stuff and I suffer a lot with roofs
You forgot GT6CETFC
wow who'd have thought
your fault for watching eye diarrhea, retard
it's fucking dead
sorry i'm busy erping with shota ai chatbots
kill yourself, pedofaggot
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Me solar powered Lunar outpost for my autistic plan to colonise the Solar System in Northstar. I am going to plan every thing out in advance. I have six different phases each with three or four goals. This is the first part of the first phase which involves establishing a solid Terra-Luna prescense for enabling future missions.
Mommy ASMR has to be a straight up industry plant.
She comes out of nowhere and instantly becomes one of the top audio roleplay channels when there are so many others that make better quality stuff that don't see a fraction of the same success.
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such a simple item sorter
hope he doesn't burn out this time.
ah yes, the bazaar at work.
So is there anything particularly new in GTHN since 2.5.1 (current version I have)?
Anything to update for?
gtnh 2.7 might as well be a different game than 2.6 or 2.5
there's been so much changed that no matter what tier you're in you will notice significant differences
so is it safe to play on a pre 2.7 world and just upgrading to it when it releases?
You should be fine.
If you aren't past HV I would say it's 100% worth updating now to the beta that just released.
I see a lot of mod removals for 2.7
you can use controllers in a subnet right? what's stopping me from daisy chaining one controller (128+ channels) when i pattern provide into a subnet? or is this intended for AE2?
>you can use controllers in a subnet right

>what's stopping me from daisy chaining one controller
Not sure what your question is. You can use a controller in a crafting subnet if you wanted to, for example, have 20 export busses in that subnet to feed your items into furnaces.
What I'm saying is that can I go infinitely (provider > subnet > subnet 2 - x > furnace)? I want to know if it can work.
>have 20 export busses
Or a better example would be 20 storage busses, the items would get deposited into the furnaces immediately.

I guess? But I don't understand the point of that since your channels would still be limited by the controller in the final subnet.
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>But I don't understand the point of that since your channels would still be limited by the controller in the final subnet
I'm gonna try plugging in 32 subnets into the first subnet
>for what reason
Personal curiosity
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I don't understand the use case but this would work. In 1.7 pattern providers are merged with interfaces, so in my screenshot the blue circle is the pattern provider. Then you would have to daisy chain the outputs with storage busses (red circles) into the next subnet. I guess you could use this as a method to filter out multiple items into different nets, but there are better ways. At least for crafting I've never needed to go more than 1 subnet deep.
I love ae2
all the greg addons?
they got merged into gt5u for some reason
I will put my gender as "Furnace", and my pronouns will be "In/Meinkraft"
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I'm not using it to filter items but to craft like a shitton of items at once, here's what I'm currently doing
actual mental illness, does not even resemble an amogus. meds and sproke NOW.
saw this and skipped. he should've stayed retired
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its a stretch
>"N-no Anon, that's okay... I'll just go get one of Granny's recipes... maybe she can make something we can eat."
did you forget to make her haitian or something? why is this bitch trying to feed me mud cookies
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Redpill me on Dungeons, the Diablo clone spinoff to be specific, what are some good ports of the mobs and other stuff it has?
they're eating the ocelots
they're eating the wolves
gtnh serb soon...
can't post maga pics of a blue board
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It's honestly impressive just how well the developers were able to take the base, unpolished core of GregTech 5 and perfect it into the masterpiece that is GregTech: New Horizons.
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>mowzie changed the barakoa and turned them into birds
I knew they would be a little too spicy for your average forger
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Legitimately curious, and I mean no offense by this - how old are you?
>make the game slightly more annoying and hard for the sake of "realism"
if I wanted to play Rust rust clones, I'd play Rust clones, not minecraft
late 20s
I just reposted it from reddit
triple vaxxed for sure
you're not wrong, but I'm not ashamed of that; I am mildly ashamed of reposting from reddit
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it's mostly just experience like I said. you can use this tool to create circles as big as you want btw, and youtube is your friend for tutorials on non-square roofs and geometry

>be me
>Just finished tunning my Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor
>Drive ny horse cart back to my base
>Grab fresh meat & veggie from my freezer to make a nice stir fry
>Put them on my latest cooking appliance which is a clay pot on a primitive firepit
>Take the piping hot food with me to the top floor using a teleporter that run on pure magic
>Sit on a slab and enjoy the food while watch over my automation that run on 5 different energy types
I fucking hate tech dysmorphia so much, yet i still play it
>tfw you can invent rocketships and steam locomotion
>but your most efficient methods of glassmaking and brickmaking are just smelting shit in a slow-ass furnace and then organizing it on a grid until you get the thing you're wanting to craft (or carving it on a stonecutter (which only works with specific stone types and wood occasionally))
what a shitty design, like every other scary monster/demon/ghoul in minecraft ever.
mods that add right click behaviors to mobs for... not monster giel reasons
ask the kubejs guys
dude's wife was blown out in college....
better to be blown out than blown up
any lesser-known magic mods i should use in 1.7.10?
clockwork phase
Hey, do any of you know of a Client and Server Fabric mod for MC 1.21.1 to sort the contents of a chest?
Things like sorting stacks with blocks of the same type together by name and such.
Lightweight Inventory Sorting if you want something really basic, Inventory Profiles Next if you want go full autism
>Lightweight Inventory Sorting
Thanks, that worked beautifully.
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Alright so I've decided to download one of these mod launcher/manager things (PolyMC) and I need some help and advice, since I'm an absolute modlet. So I want to play the latest version of the game with one of those modpacks that optimize performance (and maybe add some other mods that actually change the game later on), but I can't actually do that since I don't have java version 21 on my computer, at least that's what the program is telling me. So, what do?

Also, which one of these on the left is the best/safest to get modpacks and/or mods from? Thanks in advance.
you can download Java 21 from Oracle
1.20.1 is the current modding version
1.21 does not have as much stuff
(Neo)Forge has more mods
for 1.20.1, Forge and Neoforge are interchangeable
the breaking changes are in newer versions, and not many use Forge on that version
Wow, this is forced even for the low standards of the genre
Liftoff BTFO
northstar you dumb newfag
that's what I thought but I hadn't gotten around to playing it yet
dumb animeposter
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Cosmic Horizons. It's being developed by one guy and if you track his progress on his Discord you'll see that he coded this lighting engine in two days and makes fast progress with everything else, thus BTFOing the lazy ass niggers making Liftoff.
Northstar is the Galacticraft revival with Create integration you fucking stupid cunt.
cute animeposter
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>"Hey, welcome to Jenni's Bargain Mart for all your TOYMY needs. What can I put ya down for?"
xhe looks like Spongebob
>"I'm sorry anon, we don't support Sponge here. We've only got Forge mods. If you're looking for one of the other loaders, you'll have to never be a real woman".
okay mister square pants
all the pants is square, retard
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do zoomies really dont get it?
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>jokes on him i was pretending to be retarded
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gib pack recommendations
i unironically enjoy stoneblock 2's "get chickens + EMC then shit everything else out" structure and i've also played some of the ATM Sky packs, for reference
>chickens + EMC
today im gonna make 1.21 toymy, wish me luck.
>have to pick 5 modloaders
>find a mod you'll like that incompatible with your chosen loader
good luck
>have to pick 5 modloaders
What are you talking about? All the mods I need are now on neovagina forge.
>looks like that
fuck yeah
Ignore it, it's just another braindead faggot who came here along with the announcement of a minecraft movie.
>get stuck in a cave
>uhc instincts kick in
>dig straight up
With a pickaxe, bucket of water, and a torch, you can dig anywhere.
hope you enjoy Just Dire Things(tm)
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Who wins?
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this didn't end very well
i thought i could kill him if i just chain died and emptied his health bar but he despawned
the whole time i had a noteblock on a timer to distract him but the rapid bass drum was adding a layer of stress that made the whole thing intense
the second time i fought him I had 8 wooden slashblades and actually did quite a lot of damage before he oneshot me
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Do you like my solar powered Lunar base? I'm just planning things in creative right now because I'm new to Create but I'm pretty happy with the result. Next is going to be the factory and launch pad on Earth.

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All I want is magitek mechs on 1.12 or 1.7
why is that so much to ask for
they literally skipped from 1.6.4 to 1.16
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I saw that the gtnh team came out with a beta release for 2.7, should I wait a few more betas before opening the serb or should I wait until a stable version? I remember updating gtnh is a pain
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>I'm new to Create
Pro tip: Anything you build in creative mode can be easily rebuilt in survival using the schematicannon.
Should be fine for the beta if the majority of content is in there, mostly gonna be fixes and tweaks after that. It's only a pain in the ass if they start ground rooting shit but no one's gonna get far enough until the stable build comes out
do it faggot
>non vanilla crafting items in the trailer
Yep I'm thinking it's based in moded minecraft
I'd wait for 2.7 stable
too bad he hasn't made a new mob in fucking forever
Looks pretty neat. But does it have oxygen?
meant for >>495307014 because I thought we were trying to compete for who can post the gayest minecraft youtuber
Mine Little Pony (friendship is magic)
I couldn't get more than five minutes in, I think you won.
The most autistic game I've ever played is Stationeers. It's basically that.
do it right now
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go back and stay there
>Threefold comes back
>It's the same pack he has two series on (and a third playthrough offstream), just on a new version (which means uglier textures)
He's the only one who makes actually good videos, and I respect the autistic fixation, but I would love something else.
>Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor
name the mod, I want more advanced nuclear mechanics
the youtuber containment thread is this way >>>/vg/mcg
are there any good (not progressionslop) moddedmc youtubers? or did it all die with the yogscast 9 years ago?
what does this mean?
gtnh type shit
well there's a gregsex anon who posts videos and tutorials, they're more calm type videos and by himself though, I guess if you want the yogacast vibe that style is kind of dead now
Chosen is fat redditor but he got nice edits and interesting buildings. But I can't think of a single youtuber who didn't quit the pack after closing quests.
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>moddedmc youtubers
Are you 10 years old
Define "blown out"
How do you even begin to create a toymy? What is the first step you all choose to do? What makes your process for a toymy different than other peoples' processes?
i see mod
i install mod
My process probably is different to everyone else's but my first step is to determine what gender I most identify with today. Obviously sliding scale gender and not archaic binary concepts.
I just download mods I like the sound of and then hope to god it either bootstraps or doesn't crash
1: Optimizations.
2: Waifus.
3: Gameplay.
4: Transportation.

Then add content mods until the computer kills itself, then slowly start taking mods out until I can actually play something that isn't a slideshow.
sounds like a memeversion problem
t. has ubermega furnaces that can bake 6 million cookies not just in 5 years but 5 hours
Playing IE:E. Almost at the UU dimlet but out of power. Wat do?
Download java 21 from oracle
1.12.2 is the real current modding version with 1.7.10 being 2nd place
anything beyond that has mentally ill mixins posing as mods
Forge is where all mods are played on ignore the mentally ill pronouns options
install GTNH
updating gtnh is piss easy anon
>I don't have java version 21
so install it. https://adoptium.net/

>which one of these on the left is the best/safest to get modpacks and/or mods from
modrinth is best for mods. has packs.
curseforge has the most. probably best for packs.
others only have packs.
ftb is slop
technic is old slop
atlauncher idk
none of them are any more or less safe than the others. all are better than the litany of fake mod sites that exist only to serve you ads and malware
Well there's some things to figure out before making a pack.
>1. Gameplay goal/loop
What are you looking to play for? Are you looking for a more build-oriented, RPG-like, quest built, exploration, etc. Is there a certain style you want to go with or have mods you want to play? This can go as complex as you want but ideally you know what you want to play.
>2. Existing Packs
Does a pack your thinking of exist already? There are tons of small shitty packs out there that might fit your forte, or could atleast be used as a base for your pack if someone's already tweaked stuff already.
>3. Core Mods
If there are no packs to satisfy your needs, try to identify some "core" mods to flesh out your gameplay. Do you want it to revolve around magic mods/tech mods/ etc.? Should everything just be available all at once and go from there? It doesn't need to be questlined but its optional.
>4. Installing Mods/Tweaking
This goes more indepth but be prepared to have mods work with each other and learn how to tweak mods to be more hand in hand.

Version picking is also important, mostly being 1.7.10, 1.12.2, 1.16.5, and whatever nuversions are beyond that. But its a lot of work, so be unique, or you'll just end up as another slop pack
if we don't have a serb before the end of the day im ending it
serb for what
Don't you die on me until we get the gtnh serb
its over
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>want LoD mod for 12.2
>Distant Horizons will never be officially backported because Nuversion
>the closest thing I could find is a single github page of a backport that hasn't been touched in 3 years
Nobody cares about your necro shit, faggot.
I start by playing in vanilla for a while, then I make a list of things I wish it had/had more of, then I look for mods for those things, until I got a nice group of them. Only thing that sucks is that you can only add so many mobs before you run out of space and they stop spawning in.
i just want you to know people have essentially backported sodium x nvidium to 1.7.10
>want LoD mod for 12.2
>backported sodium x nvidium to 1.7.10
i was responding to the nigger calling glorious 1.12.2 "necro shit"
>1.12 =/= 1.7.10
yes, it's even older and even more "necro" yet it still get's a lot of love
which makes 1.12.2 definitely not "necro shit"
is there a mod or resource pack that lessens the effect of darkness? only thing i've been able to find so far is one that removes it completely
This guy really needs some good video editors and writers. Could be a great mod with some work but his team is literal children.

wow this looks like putrid dogshit
>t. malding liftoff """dev"""
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I think I'm tired of automating things bros... I want to play minecraft, but I can't build anything to automate anything anymore. Is there a solution to this?
I won't kill myself
project e
play something else
come back when you want to automate
obligatory aaaaaa im autooomaaaaaating
I don't have a sister
Give me a modlist that will make super overpowered. I want to solo SnR Parasites. Guns are welcome.
Would you like Avaritia or MCreator slop?
>Adds a bunch of different cool beers
>crafting of which yields absolutely worthless buffs
What's the point, is there any way to fix this?
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this thing is so expensive and slow
get dreammaster'd
buy a server lol
Botania is a tech mod disguised as a magic mod. Is there a magic mod disguised as a tech mod?
>is there any way to fix this?
fork it
though i suppose to comply with their license you'd have to delete the resources(textures) from your fork and download them on first run (other mods have done this before)
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>Everything useful is a drop from a boss you must fight manually every time
Truly a tech mod!
i don't know the pink wither isn't that useful
yo holy shit turns out mekanism is fucking fun
It's an acquired taste
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its simple
wheres the fucking gregserb i just got to IV in my solo playthrough and have no infrastructure
i want to start again give me gregserb NOW
next week, trust the plan
>falls for serb call each time
be the change you want to see
i could put up a gregserb right now on real hardware
but i wont because that anon said he'd do it

i hope he publishes backups
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>said he'd do it
I'll set it up tomorrow since there's so much demand. It will be on the beta release.
how many more weeks will you want to wait until "that anon" makes the serb? more and more excuses so it never goes up
Applied Energistics 2
i have his dox. if the serb isn't up tomorrow we'll be throwing him a pizza party.
he has 24 hours >>495479758
Holy kino
Your shitty delight is fucking sucks big ass now.
i'll be convinced when its done
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oh yeah lads
we've hit it
peak comfy
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>no snow under signs
Filtered at IV.
jk i'll be back to work through it tomorrow
tomorrow will be the day i set up ae2 autocrafting and whole-base powergen
I will also build 15 more EBFs (i got to IV with 1 ebf)
let me guess, gtnh?
andy upload never...
Ars Nouveau.
But that's magic themed.
Is it a magic mod disguised as a "tech mod disguised as a magic mod"?
I'm retarded and misread what anon said. Regardless, Ars is a tech mod disguised as a magic mod.
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80+ mods taken from ATM3, ComplimentaryUnbounded, Faithful32.

Feels good mang.
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It's the Twist Dyson Sphere project, it's not from base GTNH. It's an alternative to spamming Dyson Swarms since you only have to build 1 Sphere Launch site (the thing on the left) and one Ray Receiver (the thing on the right).

The trade off is that it is absurdly expensive, slow to build up, and you need to invest 10-30x the resources and processing time to make the same amount of energy. Basically:
>Each Solar sail you deploy grants a little over 8 amps of UV power
>You can only deploy so many solar sails (otherwise they get destroyed) without deploying carrier rockets to increase the node stability of the Dyson Sphere
>Each carrier rocket you deploy increases the max solar sail count by 256, but it also slightly increases the energy multiplier for the entire sphere

So in order to make enough power as a single Dyson Swarm (337 billion eu/t), you need to deploy 7000 solar sails. But because the rockets increase the multiplier, deploying another 3000 sails grants you the equivalent of two Dyson swarms.

The rockets and sails are so expensive oh myg od it's going to take me weeks to make this worth the investment
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I've been enjoying the TFG experience apart from some autistic red/blue steel processes.
It feels more grounding than a lot of packs, but I'm getting into LV so that's probably going to start going out the window the deeper Greg gets
You're such a retarded moron because you were dropped as a child?
>is there any way to fix this
Yes, tweak drink effects with kubejs.
>willfully playing chinkshit
Just because G_d said it was ok for Japheth to dwell in Shem's tents doesn't mean it's ok to eat Japheth's food
your nigger god can suck my cock
I hate nigger zoomers that suddenly discover religion and decide to preach it everywhere they go
God is not partial.
Let go of ancient grudges based on whatever theory about who descends from who.
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How do I properly relocate headstones in MCA Reborn? I just lost 2 souls by accident.
ok millennial
i hate nigger 90 IQ nihilists who can't comprehend simple allegory. go boil in a pot of shit, goy
there's nothing theoretical about it, you pretentious humanist

enjoy your precious block game getting subverted and overrun by slit-eyed intellectuals who churn out the most wretched psychological humdrum that has ever been created. enjoy this happening to your entire culture as well, for that matter
anon I'm just using that because the alternative is to either wait three months for two buckets of niggerium or spend 38 hours placing down 256 of the same multiblocks in a flat field
Try silk touch.
looks like I touched your nigger nerve huh
I mean, the mainland Chinese are dictatorial communists.
Go ahead and nuke 'em if you can, you'd just be putting them out of their misery.
I just don't agree with the theory of race.
is there a mod that lets you cover yourself in oil to fly
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gilded armor: mawpc or no?
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Serb ETA?
good times
I want to pay with you everywhere
they do be
wow only 6 years later, now I don't need to manually edit the recipes with minetweaker
damn old versions look ugly af
i will not join the server and waste my time this time
Why not? I was waiting almost a year.
because i dont do well on servers
But you still would be helpful.
>being this desperate
can we have a gt6 serb along the gtnh one
I wanna try this https://youtu.be/k5Cgj5lwH_A
>can we have a
Just make it?
greg's reactors are so based and once you understand the mechanics they're dead simple to run, my only complaint is the radiation can't be blocked
>my only complaint is the radiation can't be blocked
IIRC there was some talk in the forums about having lead encasement in an area around your reactor, but nothing concrete (heh) yet has been made into a pull request
Yeah, idk how that would work out for performance but it would be nice. Although the reactor itself is made of lead so it really should just block radiation by default, but meh
>Yeah, idk how that would work out for performance but it would be nice.
IIRC looking at the changelogs radiation spread was reworked *because* it was getting too laggy by spreading slightly in all adjacent chunks and was capped to some hundreds of blocks from the reactor, so if anything it'd improve performance
it's the usual case of "there's 1 guy making commits to gt6 and he's busy playing factorio right now"
if I had the motivation I would do those things myself but I just can't be asked to go and do it, I would rather just throw the reactors somewhere else and move the power itself
Can you actually move EU between dimensions efficiently with miniportals by hooking in a in them? I know you can move fluids and items with it but that doesn't seem like it'd be the case.
You can move anything with mini portals, what you'd want is to either hook up the EU directly, or if you want to minimize loss you could hook the RU from your turbines into them. Or just use AE2 quantum rings to teleport the power
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Ok, thanks for all the answers. One more question tho, if I decide to mod out a version like 1.12.2, that has good performance as is, will i need to install some performance mods? I ask this knowing for a fact that mods that change/add new shit always hit your fps, hard.
dont die
Serb ETA?
2 days
I'll set it up once I'm home in two hours
Okay so holding ONE (1) uranium ore from HBM is perfectly fine but two uranium ore in my inventory is way too much? Fuck you.
2 weeks
That looks amazing.
Then I found that the developer of Immersive Portals is an anti-forge troon, it no longer interests me anymore.
amazing how every single "cavern" dimension felt and looked exactly the same, the aether music that didn't fit anything and the incredible lagspike between changing dimensions
>completely irrelevant tranny mention
ok good to know
the lag is pretty brutal, you can tell minecraft was not built for this
Is it possible to find the dam high hd textures for free. Seems like everyone is charging for their work.
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>come back home after a long mining session
>75% of my villagers died
i've already made some modifications to the pack and cloned the repo to fix some bugs
it's been great so far
also, the grind is half the fun
i am on normal with vanilla monsters disabled to have animals fight back
>He wants soulless textures which make the game look like absolute dogshit
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gtnh serb will be up in an hour
easiest way to scam people is to scam retards.
Start preparing your client, you need gtnh 2.7.0-beta-1
download all the relevant client side mods you want, texture packs, edit your controls, etc.
The pack includes angelica so keep that In mind if you experience any crashes / visual bugs you might want to switch to optifine
dont do it anon
I am using them to take screen shots. og Minecraft looks jaggy and like ass so not good for wallpapers.
Also since it's a beta and unfinished you'll need to add
to your client's java arguments if you want to be able to play on the server
Is there a way to create a superflat in GTNH so I can actually plan out my factory halfway decently?
>The pack includes angelica
>is there a way I can be even MORE soulless in my lawnbase
yes :)
Yes, in EV you get a customizable personal dimension.
Once you reach EV you get a personal dimension reward, which can be either a void world or superflat.
will the serb include morpheus?
>you might want to switch to optifine
do not use fucking optifine
I didn't have any plans to include it but I can if you want me to. I'm still setting up the configs.
morpheus is in the server pack by default

>I'm still setting up the configs.
what configs
dont change shit baka
>dont change shit baka
shit eater
what are you even changing
I'm rearranging your mum's guts
I'm doing the standard server setup stuff, then I need to make sure the backups are working correctly since serverutilies has some new 2.7 chunk claim only backup feature, then I need to zip the server folder and upload it to the Oracle VM which takes a while because my internet is bad
More water creepers please
No, I'm not ready yet.
why dont you just download the pack to the server directly
>how dare you change the configs, I need thaumcraft bats to spawn everywhere and rearrange my chests randomly, it is the intended progression of the pack and I will not have any of this hebrew nonsense
i dont care if he changes the configs i just want to know what changes and why
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15 minutes I'm not so good with bash
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Okay the gtnh server is up. The IP is
It's running gtnh-2.7-beta1. Auto restarts are enabled so if the server crashes it should be back up within 10 minutes.
I enabled backups to only save claimed chunks and gave every player 1000 chunks to claim. So if you build something, make sure to claim it.
Mob griefing and explosions outside of spawn are enabled.

Some tips for the early game:
>Don't sprint if you don't have to
>Get wood and flint for tools as soon as you spawn in
>Avoid blue creepers
Have fun!!!
anyone on? I'll join in 20 minutes
What can be done to keep modders' egos in check?
valkerean, you say
>Try to join serb
>Fatally missing blocks and items
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serb status
>skipping ZPM tier straight to 8 amp UV mainline cables
Feels like I can breathe again. They made lumiium cables way too cheap.
>don't use drawers they lag
>don't make animal farms they lag
>don't chunkload your base it lags
>have to worry about griefers
>cannot restore a backup if machines explode by accident
>if the admin gets tired of the server the world and the effort are lost
>I play irregularly (a decent session per week) - impossible to coop
and finally
>I start from scratch a modpack that takes 1k+ hours to beat
LMAO nah
nothing is disabled and the server is running on good hardware
we have 5 people on right now
I might've considered (maybe) if you started at EV to have AE2. If I had to mine or craft in GTNH by hand again I'd puke.
what's the point of a server? everyone's gonna play their own game 1000s of blocks away anyway
I also don't want someone else to make progress in my base so I'm not gonna base far away too. Might as well play single player without lag
You get to see nazi blacked BBC cuckold spam in the game chat!
some people just want to chat with other people while they play a game
it makes everything 10x easier
we already have farms set up and we're working on getting tools
I can chat on the thread, thanks
meant for >>495572418
Imagine not having a discord server by your IRL friend
Imagine meeting new people
>let others play the game for you
again, why would I want that
bronze boiler explosion webm/gif soon
>items scattered randomly
>logout with important stuff in the inventory
>just plain malice (it is 4chin after all)
you're at zpm you've already done most of the stuff
do you really want to spend 10 hours mining gypsum for 4 bbfs again?
shitmask could literally just host his world on a private server and then he could just swap between serbs when he gets emailed by ae2 for 2 seconds
>most of the stuff
Not sure, I did progression yeah, but I did not go full large-scale autismo mode. I see ZPM is where real multiblocks begin.
>you really want
My point exactly >>495571876 also I got too used to q.boots of traveller, vanilla walking speed feels like standing.
I ain't kharax and don't have it in me to finish GTNH twice. I wish I could finish it at least once. Besides, I have other games to play.
some people really just hate social interaction I guess
i dont have friends
Nice meme'd, anon. 4chan is a normie website.
take me back
serb is comfy...
post screens
dont talk about it
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truly horrid
admin give me a stack of ZPM coils for the EBF
I actually got the admin on the last serb to give me all the researches for kami (90% of researches in the game)
what an idiot lol
I hate you
I played ATMG for about 5 hours and it was ironically a little pleasant (apart from how the fuck you're supposed to find graphite and kaolinite)
then I got filtered when I wanted to make a house/homestead and my building """skills""" were not up to the task.
There are some parts of this I like ( the chimney is a functioning charcoal forge) and some I don't but mostly it just feels too small despite the size.
Like the rooms inside are okay as they are but if you start putting chests and worktables and lighting it becomes cramped
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retard doesn't know how to use an image board
I love you frend u should join
I'm at work and have to sleep after.
>I'm at work
wait, are you guys not neet?
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PFAAhost, did you stop renting the serb or are you running something else now?
Do you mean over 20 years old? If so, yes
>>495582076 -> >>495581267
>serb with no signpicture
I'm 28 years old and still neeting it up at my parent's house
it's clientside bro
add it yourself
can't wait for your base to be covered in cocks and swastikas
I was running a vanilla server but it pretty much dead aside from me and one other dude.
As the VPS is powerful i can easily host like 3 more servers.
I am considering hosted another modded server but im unsure about how it will pan out and what modpack to even put on.
Id rather avoid something like PFAA since it was really ancient.
holy dunning kruger
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I set these up while everyone was getting raped to death outside during the blood moon
is this a website or a program or something
yes. websites are programs, too.
hope that helps.
>>don't use drawers they lag
by the time you can make drawers lag you have access to storage 100x better than drawers
>>don't make animal farms they lag
??? same point as above
>>don't chunkload your base it lags
serb allows chunkloading
>>have to worry about griefers
not a problem with land claims
>>cannot restore a backup if machines explode by accident
don't be an idiot also you MAWPC pussy
>>if the admin gets tired of the server the world and the effort are lost
that has never happened and all the serbs have given world downloads
>>I play irregularly (a decent session per week) - impossible to coop
thats okay we are tolerant
>>I start from scratch a modpack that takes 1k+ hours to beat
its fun and you'll burn out slower because you have friends + also they added so much stuff in 2.7 it's almost easy mode compared to 2.6
every tier has had their "grind" reduced considerably except the final tier where they made stargate like 4x more expensive

>I see ZPM is where real multiblocks begin.
not really by zpm you've unlocked 85.9% of the multiblocks
Pollymc, java21
server has been up 3 hours and the greggies are already dilating and shitting up the thread
not the host but do you have an account? we've had like 6 people join so far
unless the mojang servers are down idk
have you tried restarting your game?
Offline account.

No, should I? Yes I have
>Offline account.
well there's your problem
I played without one last year.
A healthy dosage of Cyber bullying and public mocking.
>2/10 on the gregtroon server
>kvieta and poopa
redpill me on kvieta
I've heard plenty about poopa
doesn't gtnh have some anti piracy stuff?
it's actually 4/10 now and I wasn't on
seamlessauth is in the op. its specifically designed for gtnh (works with other 1.7.10 packs too)
we should use it so offline frens can play too :)

its very easy to use. clientside you just drag and drop.
afaik there's a setting you have to change somewhere, I forget what it is
I've already put one. Do it work with java 21?
it's a serverside mod
I've thought it was made by the hoster, so it should already be installed.
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Do we want Seamless Auth on the server? This is my first time hosting so I don't know what to do to set it up. How many people would join with it?
Me. That's enough.
I don't want to say your name but does it start with an S? There's been two (I think three) people that have tried to join but haven't been able to.
yes. let the pirates in
its easy to setup you just need to enter map uuid of players that already joined to their names. clients dont need to do anything except add the mod.

yes, it works with java 21
What happens to the people that already have Mojang accounts? Do they go through an extra login screen, or can they join like normal?
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>pirateanon getting ready to steal everyones IP information
Yes, ends with i.
they join like normal
except now their skins wont work until they add them
(you just drop a skin.png in .minecraft)
someone's IP adress is basically useless(unless you're a cia/jidf glownigger)
Okay so, what's a good sky-factory-like pack for 1.18/1.20
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I'm restarting the server to install Seamless Auth. You need to install it as well from the github link in the OP to join.
seamlessauth doesnt leak your ip
Why anon is not hosting?
anon IS hosting
are you out there, Anon?

i hope i dont need to patch seamlessauth without you!
No, he is not the anon.
>serb came up
>walked 100 blocks
>pools closed
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I'm launching the server back up. I don't know if it worked correctly but it seems like seamless auth was installed as it generated a config file. Let me know if anyone encounters issues.
post Essex instead of whoever that is
>no robo waifus mod in server
Still can't join.
great job piratefags
you killed the serb
> [11:48:57] [Netty Client IO #7/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [Aroma1997Core, txloader, akashictome, mcpatcherforge, notfine, embeddium, angelica, archaicfix, Aroma1997CoreHelper, AromaBackup, AromaBackupRecovery, Baubles|Expanded, beebetteratbees, BetterAchievements, bettercrashes, betterloadingscreen, controlling, craftpresence, custommainmenu, defaultkeys, defaultserverlist, defaultworldgenerator, duradisplay, Ic2Nei, InGameInfoXML, inventorytweaks, journeymap, lwjgl3ify, modularui2, MouseTweaks, navigator, oauth, overloadedarmorbar, postea, Schematica, seamlessauth, serverutilities, StorageDrawersErebus, tcnodetracker, TiCTooltips, torohealthmod, unilib] at SERVER
It seems that Seamless auth is working. Is it still giving you an authentication error when trying to join? Did you install it on your client?
It's giving you an Auth error?
>attempted connection with missing mods.... seamlessauth

that would mean seamlessauth isnt on the server, when clearly it is
piratenigs make everything so complicated
are you even connecting to the right server wtf
I think I figured out what's going on, give me a bit.
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Still can't.
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I'm restarting the server. You should be able to join now.
Also everyone's items should get transferred correctly (I hope)
greggies in remiss
Damn, there no total automation packs for the newer updates?
Version velocity (and thus mod velocity) is too high on newer versions to have well fleshed out packs
packs where you automate server construction, setup and hosting?
How do I download ftb on prism
type that same question in google
go ahead nigga
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dubs decide on what I should build on my world.
big futa cock
Your mom's house, quite literally.
cute and funny cave
>he doesn't know
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what are those???
Automated vis-powered auschwitz which turns villagers into perditio crystals and void seeds
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I hope you eventually do, fren. While I can se the appeal of gregserb, it's not my cup of tea, wish there were a comfy modpack ran here
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cottage in the woods.
so you're saying the only reason you play gtnh on a serb is so you can scam the dull-witted admins into giving you free shit
no buli admin
A chimpanzee, especially a male one or a female with babies, would totally rip apart two minecraft zombies with ease.
There are pedestal mods that let you put an item on it as a kind of display stand, where the model will slowly rotate.

Are there any pedestal mods that let you hide the pedestal? Or let you place and display the 3D model while it is floating in air without a "support block" in the same space?
I don't mean Plonk or DE's place item feature, which just places the 2D texture on a surface.
SkyT is on 1.18.2 and SkyT 2 is on 1.19.
I've only played about 3 hours but they looked like skyfactory packs. SkyT even has resource generation from trees.
For something a bit more expert there's Mechanical Mastery, 1.18. Forever Factory is on 1.19 with a similar premise by the same devs.
E9E is on 1.19 but it's a shit of a mess, I can hardly recommend it. E10 is on 1.21 but has no expert mode, it'll be years before one is implemented if at all.
Project Sacrifice is on 1.18 but it kind of sucks.
E9 and E10 won't be skyblocks like skyfactory, though.
serbbros where tf is the bbf
serbbros where is fusion
I thought you are not newfags
can you fags move to your own chat stop shitting up the thread
you're my bbf bby <3
>playing and cooperating with others instead of programming robots and drones to do things for you
this isn't you anon, is it?
why is everyone a steve
reload your skins niggers
Is there enough interest in a non gt serb?

Also what modpack do you think anons here would like to have in a serb?
Im not doing anything tfc or PFAA
Simple create pack would be nice
How clockwork impact on a server anyway
I could go for a simple toymy where we just fuck around and make cool stuff. Personally I like open-ended, knowledge-building mods like Hex, Psi, Create, CC, and such. Could throw Pneumaticcraft in there too, really whatever people find fun
I'd play create astral when the new update drops
Hex/Psi pack would be great
Imagine trapping anon in a unbreakable dirt box
I'm quite partial to hex/psi trolling to induce schizophrenia in my friends, I would be on board for this
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>laptop can barely handly toymy
>been seeing lots of stuff about framegen recently
>seems promising for Minecraft since the art is simple and not much complex movement to interpolate
>not using troondows so no Lossless Scaling
>Gamescope is supposedly looking into it, but no progress so far
I hate playing Minecraft Singleplayer, and survival games in general. I just like playing Multiplayer online on serves.
I guess we are making our own.
So lets create a foundation yes?
What version of MC are we using and which mods should we build our pack upon?
>one server dies
>two more takes its place
isnt lossless scaling fotm jeetoid trash?
I don't think indians are involved, it's just a frame gen software sold on Steam
gtnh serb status?
Farmer's Delight
Epic Fight
Epic Fight NBT Integration
all of Yung's mods
CC: Tweaked
Quark + Oddities (tetris enchanting is based)
Sophisticated Backpacks + Storage
Create Steam n Rails
Storage Drawers
Second Chance
Apple Core
Towns n Towers
all the Abnormals mods
Klee Slabs
Nature's Compass
Little Logistics
Right Click Get Crops
Time in a Bottle
Nether Dungeons
Friendly Fire
Ad Astra
Alex's Caves
Twilight Forest
Mana and Artifice
Carry On
Chisels & Bits
Supp Squared
Haunted Harvest
MmmMmmMmm(Target Dummy)
Chunk Sending

there are more that are good but these are some I would suggest, feel free to prune/add
2 people on right now we peaked at 7 yesterday

>months of a comfy gtnh serb AND toymy cuck seethe
bright future ahead
what's wrong with it
>all of Yung's mods
just kill yourself
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>Epic Fight
That mod doesn't work well on high ping and it's a gamble with all the different anons here, I also think the pve needs to get buffed when you use it but you could say the same about vanilla combat.
Vanilla structures suck balls, sorry bro
A bit redundant dont you think
Just giving options, it's not really meant to be focused on anything
alright, i've ran into enough things that vaguely frustrate me about this pack and the way its developed to where i'm making my own compatibility mod
going down a rabbit hole ig
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good afternoon greggers
we now have a tool forge
step right up get yer hammers and lumber axes
there's a nu storage drawers and psi isn't on 1.20 yet
holy fuck
What's the nu-drawers called?
I can't join the server
whenever I try It gives me the "Mismatched Key" error
I was able to join last night just fine...
>All this jumble
Why not host an ATM pack instead
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Never mind a restart fixed it
due to the way sneedlessauth works you need to copy your key files whenever you want to play from a different launcher/pc
>completed in 1 week
>nothing left to do but run around with infinite bullshit.
Might As Well Play Creative.
servers barely last a week so a pack that can be finished in a week sounds exactly correct
>There will never be an All The Tech modpack that contains Gregtech, Ritary Craft, and Create
I would hope that a toymy with lots of different content mods would encourage more creativity and fun/cool builds, kind of like how we used to do back in the tekkit days
i will never play with this or any other reika garbage in a pack
(that's why you play gtnh instead)
>implying gtnh isn't mawpc with you spending over 2/3 of your playthrough flying and building megastructures with effectively infinite materials in void/superflat worlds
>takes 4 months to get there
>90% of that time is just idling because most recipes are arbitrarily set to absurd times
>isnt spending that 90% buildong more factory so resource generation goes even faster
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>months of a comfy gtnh serb AND toymy cuck seethe
people having fun is always good, I find it kinda silly that given that we had 3 other serbs up you'll think people will "seethe" at it arbitrarily, it says more about you than anything else, but whatever floats you smile, anon.
That's not how it works, you're in a thread of autists.
The only thing people here can build is a two dimensional cobble box.
people always say this but in reality nobody does it because it's almost never necessary after a certain point
if you look at these threads and see anons who progress in gtnh, or anywhere else gtnh players post, a good portion of posts are memes about waiting for whatever tier 10 shitfuckium material/circuit/garbage to craft
Desu I want a ATM9 serb.
So we can have our farms and buildfag.
functional storage
and you don't need a right click harvest mod if you have quark
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desu the entire point of gtnh past HV is to waste your time with more needlessly complicated recipes for no real reason other than to brag about how much time you've wasted and then start another run

And this is the official stance on it
you cannot make a good "endgame" content, minecraft isn't made for endgame
look at the garbage that is meatballcraft, it's absolute chaos of retardation of recursive custom multiblocks
people should just make packs that let you play and open up new possibilities to build and get around instead of arbitrarily winning the "you win button" structure
IIRC the endgame craft requires you to craft at least 4 "chad" token which are literally just a prestige useless empty item you'd craft to brag that required you to sink hundreds of hours into the crafting line for it, which is just a gif of the gigachad meme and the you'd post about it on discord
the fundamental problem with """super endgame""" minecraft modpacks is that they are always based on avaritia in some way which was a parody mod (which then got ported by the draconic dev)
yeah, it's the main issue.
Honestly we were discussing this with a friend that it's basically been the format for the last decade for all modpacks, I personally hate it.
dildonics is the worst fucking mod
This was all caused by the developers of BigReactors and Dildonics. They completely fucked up the modded landscape with their baby tier mods that baited in players with massive numbers and excessively bullshit gear. You'll never have a balanced endgame armor/gear system like the MPS for example ever again because nobody wants to be overshadowed by bullshit gear from these types of mods
posted it again award
modular fucking powersuits
fuck yeah
gtnh needs this instead of gay nanosuits
make a pr lol
You already know they'll reject it because they love their little custom mods that suck balls
what little custom mods
make a fork lol
Mekanism has an MPS style suit and it requires its endgame power gen just to produce /waste/ and get its suit.
nudildonics has a different upgrade system but I don't know if it's more balanced or more powerful than it used to be. I've only used it once.
What is TFC and PFAA?

Some exploration mods that doesn't rely too much on tech would be cool, I am quite tired of playing tech mods, how about a bit of Iroha Spells with a few boss/dimension mods which aren't retarded. Like Blue Skies and Battle Towers?
Those would be undubitable great, put biomancy in too for some terraforming tomfoolery.

Also if we run older versions, Millenaire seems a neat choice ngl. Anons building alongside smart villagers and allying or warring with them, would be quite neat
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Who is putting saplings and iron tank parts in the furnace output chest
roll call
server will be hosted in europe
how many are mutts and yuros
I don't want to be a snitch but it's someone whose username starts with s
mutt here but I'm not too fussed, I have fiber
me i did it
good internet doesnt change latency dumb anon
Early meatball seemed neat.What happened
there will always be some latency but yes, a better connection speed will reduce latency
there's too many stupid gamers who don't understand that good internet can't save distance based latency and it annoys me to hell and back
anyways new bread

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