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>Season 2 - New utility companion
Everyone will go for the vacuum/looter pet.
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Hoping for BIG content patch in October.
Do we have some other kind of pet?
its owari
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The Bunny army is the ultimate fighting force
I will rape valby today
Breeding army
I honestly can't imagine playing this game without Hailey
What's the difference between Skill Power and Skill Power Modifier? Maximize Skill has Skill Power but Maximize Power has Skill Power Modifier
I don't think it would actually be possible to rape Valby. When you talk to her, her blurb says she requires her suit to maintain Human form. Assuming that's not a translation error* then she'd turn into water once her suit was removed. And you can't rape her with with the suit because obviously she'd just voluntarily turn into water. Ergo Valby would be the least rapable descendant.

*don't ask me how the skins like swimsuit work, I don't know, it's just what the text says
Logically speaking Valby also has the softest skin
logically speaking you can just drink valby
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What would Valby even taste like haha
Sweet girl sweat
skill power is your core damage stat for spells, think firearm ATK for guns. Skill mod is the multiplier of your skills.

Basically skills that hit multiple times with lower skill mods benefit more from skill mod while single big hitters benefit more from skill power.
my piss obviously
Very good sir, set example for everyone to rape the valby.
>*don't ask me how the skins like swimsuit work, I don't know, it's just what the text says
Isnt there a Sharen skin before she lost her limbs and reconstructed them? They arent mean to be canon
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>He pays attention to Sharen
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I ran out of Energy Activator blueprints before I got Hayley...
boing boing boing boing boing
Is building ult bunny is really that simple? Just 4 crit mods, 1 defense mod, 1 hp mod, 1 electric attack mod and 1 cool down mod that's it?
If you want to go slow, yes.
You don't need cooldown if you're playing HV Bunny, just focus on elec + focus on singular will give you 100% uptime.
You want some extra range instead. Regarding the defense mod you'll most likely get more ehp out of using a second hp mod instead but that's overkill outside of maybe some hard hitting invasion bosses.
Once you have all that you can reduce your mp consumption.
Fucking up your catalysts doesn't matter anymore so feel free to experiment.
Imagine the smell
But I want to go fast.
im getting a ps5 pro for this game
just a bit more effort and i'll have a maximum greg within arms' reach.
Dead Bride is a metaphor for a tranny ain't it?
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>Player base drops
>Thread's shitposting ramps up to 11
Ebin, Simbly Ebin
No, for Eliza Barrow. She died before her wedding day and was buried in her bridal gown.
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Holy neuron activation
I intentionally fuck up outposts for Sharens
How much HP/Shield does Pyromaniac have?
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70m with 4 players team https://tfdtools.com/bosses/pyromaniac-hard
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>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community.
Never fails to make me laugh.
Does Hailey's fourth skill deal low damage if you don’t have sniper rifles, or is it because I don’t have the right reactor and my mods aren’t fully upgraded?
whats the best kuiper farm currently? need to get my stacks up
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How do you get this skin? I can't any reliable source on in, just some readit posts who claim it's not available because "trust me bro".
That’s my screenshot
ele spec+sing spec
4 crits
blue range
200%+ hp
Yeah? So? What're you gonna do about it, tough guy?
aa2 moment.
If Alpha is ever playable what his skills would be?
Crit mods are only necessary on Bunny if you want to kill colossi with her (which you shouldn't, there are much better characters at killing bosses than her). If you're using her to farm or run through invasions and such, crit isn't that useful.
>best kuiper farm
by disassembling mods and getting the 200k from daily missions
Imagine weakling who don't like to kill colossus with uBunny.
a AOE support buff accompanied by a voice line awkwardly delivered in English like "LET'S MAKE SURE TO COMPLETE THIS OPERATION, EVERYONE"
Is this really the game bros
Those outposts must be bugged. Way lower chance of what them says but between this and doing a amp that needs Fortress and Gluttony to be open I prefere this
>Those outposts must be bugged.
Don't like winning the 75% everytime?
It is for me currently
thinking drop rates are linear is what leads to anger, a 25% drop does not mean 1 in every 4 runs. you might get 3 in a row and then 15 runs without a drop. buckle up.
Shit lore
Shit story
Shit voice acting (You're okay, Yunjin)
Shit enemies
Shit NPCs (you're okay, Jeremy)
Shit areas
Shit main hub
Shit soundtrack
Shit prices
Shit farming (But I grew up with korean MMOs, so I don't really mind)
Okay upgrade system
Okay gameplay
Good tits
Good butts
Good sound effects

6/10, will keep playing for now whenever I'm too tired to play Trails from Zero or SF6.
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me for the for the past few days just need bunny code left
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>this game had over world bosses
it was a cluster fuck though
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Sweet angel gone too soon.
Jeremy would have a really fun skill set
some outposts definitely have a scuffed drop rate, ive noticed that at specific outposts itll take me 10 runs to get a single amp, meanwhile on other ones Ill almost consistently get one every run
Lads I havent really played since Hailey dropped, what have I missed so far?
>what have I missed so far?
nothing wait for halloween 10th
5kk gold per day in 20 min.
the game has given me 3/4 ult gley parts just by playing, i feel if i target farm the last part it will take ages but im so close
whatever you do DONT search up the amp you need for the part
Where are you from?
youre right, ill google it so the game doesnt know, unless it can see my google history...
Oh no, the game is now going to try and sell you futa horsecocks!
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Starting another day of Invasion....praying to the RNG gods that I get drops for the last Hailey part I actually need
thats a bad thing?
which descendant is built for ryona
was it haven or old mystery that had the room with elite spawns for battery?
Anyone else tried out Narcissism mod for Bunny and had this issue? It reduces the cooldown way below your duration, then you can activate the ability but your ability isn't actually working. It's as if the cooldown from the Narcissism mod is being ignored. Why I stopped using it.
5m not 5k lmao
*Lightning emission ability
You've missed Hailey, the best descendant in the game
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nice butt
>telling Nexon exactly how to fuck you over
I miss Defiance sometimes even if that game was janky. I spent a lot of time on that one and the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer back on the Xbox 360. TFD reminds me a lot of both of them way more than Warframe,though admittedly I've barely ever played that one
Visit doctor asap.
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Does Putin know you are evading the war, Ivan?
You were supposed to post ass with that screenshot, don't let it happen again.
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Thank you, enjoy your Hailey.
>Piercing Light
>Ult Valby(Soon, I hope)
I have FIVE(5) activator/blueprints and these are the the things I'm thinking about using them on. What do we think? Or maybe skip Luna for Ult Freyna...?
I don't know anything about this game except everyone in there has big tits and asses.
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Wait for her inevitable patch fix before wasting anything on her
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are all normal descendants 8 hours for parts then 16 hours for the combine
I've seen some pretty decent mobbing lunas, not sure about bossing
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Is this game actually fun to spend time in or is it just a vehicle to mindlessly shoot stuff with hot ladies?
Also if I start now, would I have missed anything permanently? I know this is a live service game and my autism hates when I come into a game late and can't get things even if they're meaningless.
Its korean warframe without the dogshit plant aesthetic
You missed out the Preseason battle pass stuff, which includes a few minor cosmetics.
You also technically missed out some paid outfits (school and maid) that rotated out after about 80 days, but those will probably come back eventually.

As far as the core game, it's solid but has some jank. It's a looter shooter so you're really just here to barely listen to the story and grind to grind more if thats what youre into or have done inother games.
bless the dev and model also the skin tight pants I wonder if they are gonna throw in sports wear with yoga.
I hope so, holy fuck I'd buy that.
i prefer bare ass cheeks than yoga pants
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You missed out on some twitch drops, a few sprays, emotes, a backpack and a really shitty launcher weapon. That's about it.
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Alright, I've decided to not fap tonight and will enjoy Hailey fully tomorrow when she's finished building.
that invasion mission with the ice bitch is bullshit
get the anti freeze mod from that reactor
you dont even need shards to start it now
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What skins are you hoping drops in October?
or cool
My account has been tainted by cock because nexon didn't get us any female descendants with fire :(
im kind worried for the halloween skins when this dumb frog valby skin is one of the trailer highlights
whatever they are, please no buttflaps
a rerun of old shit would be cool, i missed some hairstyles that are omega cute
don't use fire then retard
you literally don't need it
It's mostly shit as you'd expect from a coomer game. They're not a difficult fanbase to please.
what you described is a 4/10 at best
It's a looter shooter that almost 1:1 copied warframe's itemization, but has gunplay and movement more similar to destiny. It's a fun game with devs that actually listen to gameplay problems, but has predatory nexon monetization.
I am wondering if they are planning anything event related besides the skins I think they might do van helsing trench coats for the males and slutty witch costumes for the females
I got 3 different 20% drop chance items in 4 runs.
I've also gone 10 runs without a 20% I was looking for.
Welcome to rng.
It's possible that they're lying about drop rates, nexon was fined $9,000,000 for doing exactly that in maplestory, but I doubt it.
I want more actual outfits.
I like the slutwear, I bought all 3 female swimsuits, but I also enjoy just cool/fun costumes. Luna's swimsuit is actually my favorite despite being the least revealing
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But Blair is pretty neat.
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now we just need a main story for him to unlock food buffs for us.
I really enjoyed the academy and maid outfits.
I've seen lots of little signs and details the team developing the game really enjoyed making things for this game, and their fast response to things have been nice, but damn, imagine having Nexon hanging over your heads all the time. I can only image the pressure being put on them.
>boss didn't die in 5 seconds
>leave and queue again
jesus fucking christ, the players of this game
>you literally don't need it
Only way to get a 30% drop chance maximize power so I don't have to farm it for 5 hours
they are playing in a different realm.
I wish I bought some of them. But I think shit like the dinosaur or firefighter are lame as fuck and idk who's buying them.
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what's the meta nowadays? I got stuck halfway through the hard mode bosses when tamer was (is?) good
>ass in captcha
I wonder if the devs wanted energy activators or ultimate frames to be such hell to farm for, or if that was nexon twisting their arm?
Solo with Hailey in seconds.
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Greg's Reversed Fate, Enduring Legacy and either Afterglow Sword/Piercing Light, depending on your flavor. Executor too, but for Gley only.
Lepic mega man build can get you through most of the hard most bosses, Gley's Massacre builds get really risky to use in Gluttony, so its generally better to go gun platform/Executor now, and of course Hailey, who hits hella hard.
>Honorable mention
Valby with her trans mod for making Gluttony go a bit smoother, Yujin for giving some extra fallback in healing for Gluttony, and Enzo with his Supply Firearm mod, if you can get the damn thing to drop.
Valby with that trans mod really helps in Gluttony
Tamer is just budget enduring legacy.
Investing like 3 catalysts in it you can probably get it up to 400-500k which is adequate for any hard boss
is this game fun or is it just a grindy t&a game
I wish that the sexy nun skins had the same level of personalization the academy and maid skins had. Considering they dropped only two swimsuit skins, and the nun skin was pretty much the same across all girls, I wonder if they where really worried about how fast people was blowing through content and decided to rush out these skins.
It's a fun grindy tits and ass game if you're into warframe/destiny. It's a shitty grindy tits and ass game if you don't like looter shooters
>Considering they dropped only two swimsuit skins
3, viessa valby and luna
4 if you count the male one too
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you can have the title cute spreader???
thank you anons
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Whats wrong with spreading cuteness?
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man its a bitch trying to one-phase hard Dead Bride with Zenith Hailey. can wipe out Molten Fortress, Obstructor and Pyro quickly, but never this bitch
Spent 10 bucks so I can get a hairstyle for Gley and nothing showed up. I don't mind wasting time on the game but wasting money is where I draw the line. I'm uninstalling this trash. Have fun guys
Did you check the store inbox for the caliber? People do miss that.
proof that this game filters anyone with sub room temp IQ, both through monetization and simple boss mechanics
Yep, nothing there but the stuff they gave out on laucnh day.
Are you gonna say that when the servers close before the year ends? lmao
did you add money to your steam account and not actually buy the caliber? did you get an email verifying your purchase?
>stuff they gave out on laucnh day.
That stuff came through the main mailbox. There is a separate inbox in the stop, very bottom tab, where purchased caliber goes after you pay for it. You have to claim it there, not in the main mailbox with the other stuff like daily rewards.
yup. no matter what, I will always hold my viewpoint that at least 50% of the playerbase are braindead CoD coomers.
Yep, got the email and checked both mailboxes just in case. The one outside in Albion and the one under the Caliber tab.
Bummer. Guess you'll have to contact customer support to get that resolved. Don't know why the payment didn't process right. Damn frustrating when that happens.
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Luna is cute
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>that at least 50% of the playerbase are braindead CoD coomers.
thanks for keeping the servers up.
That outfit is hot as fuck
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She's really cute. I didn't realize because here on 4chan they only post images of her with that curly short boys hairdo and with that she is just ok
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Ok I will be honest by saying that I never been a hero-shooter/moba type of guy and even after playing and grinding all day for 2 days straight, while I'm not having a bad time, I'm still not hyper about it.

Now to my problem, I just finished Sterile Land and still no sight of Valby which I reaally want and the main reason I even started playing. I'm debating whether to just bite the bullet and buy her or if i'm getting any closer. Like I will be honest the main appeal of the game for me is the customization. I wanted to get to it as soon as I started but everything is behind a paywall. Also I feel like I'm being rushed because there are only a few days left for Valby's summer costume.

Any suggestions?
Just keep playing bro. Save your money for her bikini skin.
Well that's the idea since I plan on getting a few costumes for several characters, but the grind is starting to feel like a slog...
I sent Nexon a ticket but I heard it takes weeks for a response so I won't hold my breath. Ah well, my backlog is huge anyway
Gley's belly and tits look so supple
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>PCfats are too stupid to purchase in-game currency
yea sometimes i get absolutely nothing from them,they are scuffed sometimes and i notice its more of a issue on the earlier maps like vespers
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>Valby with her trans mod
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Gley is bae
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So are they gonna do ult freyna like they did hailey?Or are they gonna put her parts on gluttiny/amps?
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Really up to you. You have to way how much you want that skin, with how much you value your time vs how much you value your money, and if you feel like you will really play the game much.
No one else can make that decision for you.
Rank the descendants in order of who you'd most like to have sex with
It's weird because my main incentive rn is the customization, not even the gameplay. I'm willing to spend some money for 1 or 2 new skins every month, but not sure about entire characters.
>Also I feel like I'm being rushed because there are only a few days left for Valby's summer costume.
you can buy her costume without owning her, so there's no rush. Luna is the only one who's summer costume is locked into her bundle.
If you're finding this grind a slog though, I'm going to suggest you just stop playing now. Valby is one of the easier descendants to get. Like maybe 2-3 hours of grinding total, compared to the like 100 hours to get any of the ultimates.
They said it's going to be easier than hailey but harder than ult valby
can I paypal you to delete this webm?
>you can buy her costume without owning her, so there's no rush
I just feel stupid without the guarantee of also getting her in the future

>Valby is one of the easier descendants to get. Like maybe 2-3 hours of grinding total
I been playing for 2 days straight, i'm clearly doing something wrong : (
Hailey > Bunny > Luna > Gley > Viessa > Valby > Freyna > Sharen
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Well, we have 8 female descendants, so my ranking goes as follows:
1: Gley (Classic Maid Uniform)
2: Gley (Dusk Stalker)
3: Gley (Albion Academy Cadet)
4: Gley (Ultimate)
5: Gley (Twisted Worship)
6: Gley (Regular)
7: Gley (Intensive Care Subject)
8: Gley (Dead Bride)
What are the % drop chances for the valby parts you're farming for? What are you grinding to get her?
I would highly highly suggest getting to hard before trying to get her. iirc, all the amorphous material that drops valby parts on normal are low chance.

Enhanced Cells AM 115 AA - 32% Chance - The Haven (Hagios) - Frost Walker [HARD]

Spiral Catalyst AM 73 AA - 20% Chance - Vulgus Strategic Outpost - Vespers (Lost Supply Depot) [HARD]

Stabilizer AM 55 AA - 32% Chance - Vulgus Strategic Outpost - Kingston (Fallen Theater) [HARD]

Code AM 87 AA - 10% Chance - The Chapel (Echo Swamp) - Pyromaniac [Hard]

These are her highest drop rates and you should get her pretty quickly doing them.
Oh fuck

How much are Character slots again?
Gley is what trannys wanna look like...
nevermind these are for ult valby
let me log in and check normal valby, I'll recommend what to grind to get her.
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>See's MILF Mommy Gley
>Think's of trannies
Gley looks like she'd be a character for Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within 2
50 caliber
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Gley was the character that made me try the game

I then farmed normal Gley and Ultimate Gley on my own, no paypig shortcut used.

And........I havent used Gley much since as I continue to farm Invasion with Bunny and Intercepts with my Supply Moisture Valby....I feel bad
shit thats kind expensive
thats why you use the detour method i.e farm something else that uses the same amp or can drop from the same piece of content and get the mats that way.
>t. got all my important red mods this way
Format is item, amorphous material number - % drop chance - where to get it - where to open it

Enhanced Cells AM 16 - 38% - Sepulcher (Vespers [Normal]) - Executioner [Normal]

Spiral Catalyst AM 29 - 38% - The Asylum (Agna Desert [Normal]) - Devourer [Normal]

Stabilizer AM 9 - 38% - The Forgottense (Sterile Land [Nomal]) - Stunning Beauty [Normal]

Code AM 6 - 38% - Rockfall strategic outpost (Sterile Land [Normal]) - Void Fusion Reactor Rockfall (Sterile Land [Normal]) (15 monomer shards)

If you want help grinding for her at all, you can add me and I'll run the stuff for you until you get her. Outposts are a lot faster to grind out if you have a Sharen doubling your chance of getting the AM.
$1 is expensive?
thats equivalent to 450 dillweed
I mean I wouldn't mind some help, though I will be going to bed soon. ID? Also be mindful that I'm shit at these games
I don't want to play what content I have left so I made a descendant tierlist instead
I keep seeing Bunny builds that go all in on crit but I thought her crit was low? I swear every game I play, the best builds are always crit rate and crit damage
where i come from (under da sea) we buy goods and services with dillweed
Those are all normal activities….
>valby a 3
Anyone else a freyna enjoyer, i feel like i almost never see another freyna in current late game content
Ajax should be 2 spots below Valby, he’s pretty useless as of right now
... alright, I could maybe bump her to a four because she can do funny outpost drowning things.
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the first 3 of those are just dungeons you can queue up for and will likely have someone just run through for you. it doesn't matter if you're bad.
the outpost is the only one that you can't use matchmaking for
shes a solid bosser too
You’re forgetting her Gluttony carry gimmick also.
am I retarded or does the executor feel awful to use because of how inconsistent it is.
when soloing bosses with sniper hailey or greg on anyone, I get basically the exact same clear times, sometimes maybe 1s of variation if I fucked something up. however with my executor vs someone like executioner, my clear times vary wildly. like anywhere from 9s to 25s but I swear I'm doing the same thing every time
Sir valby is rape tier.
Thanks for the help
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my guy idk how else to explain
I'll be back on tomorrow if you still need help, but just wait for sharen to go in, hack the pillars, then you can kill the boss. you get bonus rewards for doing that. for this particular outpost you get 2x the drop rate for the item you need.
both, the shooty bits and movement feel good. 95% of the time its not overly structured and kinda janky. Like they spoonfeed you the best farming character who is only topped by her ult version.

But it is grindy as fuck, cursed rng drop machine.
I should correct that though, it's not really double the drop chance
It's 2 separate 20% chances. You could potentially get 2
Korean warframe with hot bitches
My chat is literally broke, I don't see ANY text but mine.
Lmao that explains it
Well for future reference when doing outposts, let sharens stealth in first, it makes the grind a lot faster. Did you get any of the 006 amorphous material? Go to the void fusion reactor on the same map to open them if so
It sprays pellets around, how many pellets hit what weakpoint versus hit the air around the target can vary greatly. It's not like a one projectile gun where you either hit or miss, there's like a sliding scale with shotguns.

Unless your freezeframing to count the numbers or the guy is immobilised, it'd be hard to tell how precise your hits are.
Yeah i got 3
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What is Hailey's bra size? Asking for a friend.
But apparently I don't have enough void shards, lol.
>It sprays pellets around, how many pellets hit what weakpoint versus hit the air around the target can vary greatly.
I get that, I'm just surprised there's so much variation even when my shotgun barrel is physically touching devo's huge ass knee or whatever. plus basically every boss kneels and stands still for you by the time you've gotten your stacks
Idk how I never got a single one, but I'm too tired atm, tomorrow i will look into how to get them
Can you farm the currency to buy the skins that actually look good or are they paypig only?
paid only. for what it's worth the producer has now brought up a warframe-esque trading system half a dozen times at this point, so I do think it will eventually happen
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>friend I started playing the game with hasn't logged in in 2 days
He was a console pleb and would play everyday
feels weird playing alone
I used to have 3 other friends that played every day, none of them have been on for 3 weeks, and i havent played in 1 week

They are all playing other games now and said tfd is boring until they add more things to do.
Pink text = whispers
Blue text = party chat. You can switch between them.
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TFD is more like Black Desert Online than Warframe. The problem is Warframe players are worse than Black Desert Online players.
What a stupid comparison, the only thing it has in common with BDO is the coomer outfits and girls while quite literally everything else is ripped off from warframe.
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Nobody would rip off another f2p game loser, just admit warframe is giving you brainrot if you think it's the first to do anything while still not being popular
>TFD is more like Black Desert Online than Warframe.
What the fuck are you smoking?
Save your bait subhuman, I dont play troonframe.
>wow this game is like warframe because you can farm and kill enemies for loot!!!
>warframe was the first game to have champions use lightning! wow play our game please tfd is dead bros!

I'm smoking on Warframepack.
Almost every system in tfd is an exact 1:1 copy of warframe.
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then my next issue would be the mic not working, i literally cannot toggle it either, it's grayed out.
Look at this thread. Site is literally being invaded by r/gamingcirclejerk types. Wtf, like how can anyone get that mad over this.
>getting baited this easily
I don't care about retards being angry though. TFD devs are fucking based for having 2x the polys in ass and tits than the rest of female bodies
I hope Hailey gets a good outfit. Everything she has now is so boring
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I hate the pornhub map schizo so much, every game with hot girls he's gotta be a massive faggot about
it's insane how low quality /v/ is these days. feels like every other thread to reach bump limit is 80% baiting and people replying to obvious bait

I swear it wasn't this bad a few years ago
I'll take /v/ bullshit over the rapefag we have in here
I actually don't mind the rapefag at all. he's very easy to filter out and he gets almost no replies when compared to /v/ bait
Which descendant is most likely to do anal?
I think Luna personally.
Which female descendant*
Gayber is too obvious
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Do your invasions descendants.
Why does she repeat the instructions every time by the time i'm done with the second room she's still talking
Do your invasions descendants.
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3 weeks...
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I love it when I get punished for using my gun in a looter shooter game
>general rounds
use another gun? wtf?
Bro your Greg's?
Just like warframe bros...
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Which one of you fuckers is this?
I saw someone named Giga Nigga yesterday.
Secret Garden is kinda dogshit for Viessa, pest control activates on skill activation and not skill dmg/dot.
I just had a guy typing to explain Molten Fortress to the team and by the time he hit enter we were already in the immunity phase.
Good morning. I hate youtubers so much its unreal. Have a good day.
Based. Same
Fortress mechanic is dog shit because is whole team dependent. With Gluttony and Frost Walker if just one person know what to do you can get away with it. They should reduce the numbers of pillars to 4
Good morning Anon.
I've got enough DPS on ND to 1-cycle today's fortress invasion boss.
I've been playing Molten Fortress a lot this morning. Favorite moment so far was when I was grappling him while two Xbox players with matching gamer tags shot me off of it. I wrote in chat something like "ffs stop shooting the grapple points" and one of them stopped what they were doing to slowly type out a comeback while his buddy went down next to him.
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> ''jayber dps build''
>is him killing Devourer with Enduring Legacy
>comments ''I knew Jayber was secretly OP!''
people are finally talking about how walk a tightrope and shot focus only effect the gun's base, unmodded value. assuming you actually have mods on your gun, tightrope is like 4% more dmg, and shot focus will increase your DPS by 2%. I remembered mentioning in a thread a month ago those mods felt useless and weak, and everyone called me crazy :(

don't get me wrong I'll probably still use them if it's an easy solo boss and there's no other mods I need, but fuck all those floor gleys would really benefit from not using low HP builds
>110m glut damage in the thumbnail
>Click video
>Fight took him 9 minutes and 30 seconds
WTF? Only now I am finding out that there are specific mods for Shotguns/Launchers/Sniper Rifles. This is fucking bullshit
just unlocked hard modes and hanged man lads
got some catalysts and another mushroom, do i use them on willpower/tamer or save them for the ult weapons?
also whats a good launcher to try out, all the ones i foudn were garbage
and ifnally, is forest gaze the best sniper for hailey until i get light?
save those shits for ult weapons
>do i use them on willpower/tamer or save them for the ult weapons?
the only 2 purples you should even consider investing in are vestigial organ or silly weeper. but honestly you're way better off saving for actually good weapons. as for hailey wep I'd actually suggest a revolver like perforator to a newer player. you can solo bosses in 4 seconds with only 3 mods on the gun, zero catalysts and zero duplicates. piercing light or afterglow will be like 15% stronger but they both require drastically more investment and you should probably skip them since hailey's sniper comes out on the 10th

I do recommend focusing on a generic gun for use everywhere like greg's reversed fate or enduring legacy. also get ult bunny asap, being able to solo carry the dungeons where hailey drops and getting 2 minute clear times is going to save you a ton of time.
Just did 37.7 million damage to Dead Bride with Gregs revenge. I felt like my team didn't do shit. At least they only fell two times. Am I right?
sis your enduring legacy?
you can solo it if you're doing that kind of damage
I hate the matchmaking in this game. sometimes it will take 20 seconds but then put me in a lobby with 1 mr9 ps4 player that takes 2 minutes to load in. I wish there was an option for "queue until the party is full" on dungeons
Vape valby
eternal willpower and tamer are only eclipsed by enduring legacy later on, they were best until they buffed EL. i maxed eternal willpower, i dont regret it, it made the whole game easier until i got EL, i'd probably still use it as a 2nd weapon if it didnt share ammo type with EL. If you aren't a casual you will be mostly gated by research time for cc and activators. eventually you will have an abundance of both blueprints, i have around 25 ea and some 80 catalyst, which i could get more if i bothered to open amorphs.

belief is the best sniper i think, not forest gaze.
Realistically, how much hp do i need so not to be killed by enemies when they simply do as sneeze in my general direction?
having maxed basically every even remotely meta weapon in the game, I'm the most disappointed by enduring legacy. it's not "bad" but it's consistently weaker than all my other guns. there isn't a single boss in the game where my fastest clear time is with EL (and this seems to be the case for everyone else like math nerds on YT as well). if you're even remotely a minmax/meta fag then you're better off with other guns even if only slightly, plus EL has one of the worst farms
>my other guns
Which ones are better?
I came back a week ago to build a Hailey.

I'm almost fully built except for getting a perfect reactor, I can 1 phase every before Gluttony.

I go into Gluttony and nobody grapples onto the shoulders when it's yellow.

Do people still don't know how to play this game?
Your mistake is doing in group.
Shame she's such trash
my favorite go to generic gun for killing any dungeon boss or colossi is definitely greg. that being said piercing/perforator is definitely better for all the soloable ones. I like executor a fair bit as well, but the only fight where it matches or outclasses other guns is gluttony. that being said it's technically low investment if you're trying to go for a world record glut clear - the current WR with greghaileys requires doing shit like firing fiesta swapping while maintaining the enzo buff, and the 2 haileys had 2 maxed gregs each and swapped so they never have to reload. meanwhile executor is literally just "press gley's 3 and then left click" for a 10s clear, 1s off the world record, no fancy tricks or gun dupes required
Eternal willpower is pretty great, but I think he's better off putting resources into thunder cage instead. It will at least still have use later, while tamer/eternal willpower will just gather dust as soon as you get enduring legacy. I put 3 catalysts and an activator into eternal willpower and kind of regretted it. While you do get an abundance of both later, they're a hot commodity early on.
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oh i meant as in stat stick for her sniping skill, i have not seen a sniper with higher attack yet
People save shoulders until phase 2 typically
Having at least Increased HP or Stim Accelerant mod maxed out with 3 or 4 HP increases on external components is generally what I personallyrecommend. Ideally both mods if you can fit them in
Nooo I must minmax in my pve game nooooo you can't just have fun in a video game!
Thanks for the info, anon
The best stat stick is impact rounds so you can use payout for more shots. The skill damage from that ability is going to be the majority of the damage.
do you guys actually use your thunder cage? I maxed mine, but since bunny can 1 tap multiple enemies a second, 92 feet away, through 12 walls, 180 degrees behind you, I find I never have a chance to shoot a gun against a regular mob.
I did use it a tiny bit when leveling non bunny descendants several patches ago, but now that we have things like bio lab and magi lab xp farms and near infinite XP boosters, I haven't had a chance to shoot a normal mob once even when leveling ajax or whatever
This is the thinking man's solution
You misunderstand, she looks trashy
>Main Esiemo
>First day doing Invasions Fire skills -87%
>Second day Fusion Skills -53%

That's why TC is only good for beginners and not worth the heavy investments. After a while you will have your mobber characters spamming skills and boss characters for colossus only. There is no reason to use TC. I would argue Kings Guard is better because if you are going to farm anything that requires you to move around, you will use Bunny but for defense missions just set up the lances and chill.

Just wish there was a way to increase their duration even more.
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>the guide when someone doesn't do their invasions

Stop hurting the guide.

Do your invasions.
shes also just plain trash too
no u
its a gift to design a character with such unappealing gameplay
Skill issue
>Hailey building
>Suddenly dont wanna do Invasion
I know it's FIVE(5) fucking million gold and gets the 4 mission daily done but...
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will the council of bunnies make fun of me if i do this

im trying to find reasons to play
My gear is too shit to do them still :)
Trying to play Guitar Hero while I'm playing an entirely different game is just too much effort for me. Luna is an interesting concept but she just feels like a useless gimmick character that doesn't provide nearly enough for all the extra work involved
Getting rid of debuffs is pointless but that gun may be more usable on Valby.
I already have 51 million gold from the process of getting Hayley in the first place. Don't care for any of the BP stuff either so might as well take it easy
If you have an enduring legacy, even with no catalyst, I promise you you can do it.
Surviving is the bigger problem
3 or 4 defensive mods, hp/def on your components and HP Collector on your bunny. all adds just feed you hp and your enduring legacy is enough to get gold, maybe silver if you get unlucky with something

thats all i had when i started and my hailey is cooking now
what use does thunder cage have later? your bunny and her skill 3 does the aoe. if you need single target dps, there are better options, eternal willpower, tamer and enduring legacy are all better.

i never put any resource into thundercage, never used it besides trying it for 15 mins, it was just such a downgrade from eternal willpower/tamer when i got it in normal that i opted out.
>I never tried this thing but will speak confidently about how bad it is
a 0 cata bunny, 2 cata thunder cage can clear it 100% of the time. there's plenty of guides that go over exactly how to do that, and it sounds like you really need to watch one. I've also seen these super low budget invasion guides use a few other characters like sharen
NTA but see my post here: >>495414248
I've got that shit maxed and thunder cage is hot trash. they could revert the explosion nerf and it would still be useless garbage unless it's your 1st day and you don't have ult bunny yet. even a cold blooded viessa is faster at clearing trash mobs than that stupid gun.
I think it's good side arm for some characters, assuming you dont have other weapons to level.
>bunnyfags when you suggest using anyone other than bunny
see my original post - I even go over how I don't use it on other characters like ajax. heaven forbid someone tries to be efficient in a korean grinding simulator?
if her playstyle rewarded you with bunny aoe clear and speed then maybe she would be worth it.
TC is a noob trap. Don't fall for it. Invest every catalyst and activator in Bunny and dump the gun after clearing normal difficulty.
her playstyle does reward you with bunny aoe clear
I'm really surprised luna turned out so weak. I expected her to be as meta as hailey is (but for buffing and AoE dmg not raw boss dmg) given her high effort and nexon's several decade history of powercreeping like crazy, if they did that they certainly would have gotten tons of sales from minmaxing coomers like myself
I use TC when doing outposts with my stock Sharen (no EA no cata). I also used it when leveling stuff for mastery exp that I didn't want to invest activators and catalysts into like Jayber for example.
>Colossi tubes don't count as weakpoints
why the fuck did I waste an activator an multiple catas on my Afterglow sniper....
revolvers and snipers are still fantastic for popping tubes. even if I'm not doing a hailey snipe build, I'll still bring a sniper to fights like frost walker as a secondary weapon for speedkilling the tubes
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literally can't even get through the cunt's shield
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>just found out Jayber has his own Viessa style weapon exp farm with the exact same abort mission strat but is more comfy with less skill spamming because turrets
Why didn't you tell me.
new fag here, if i use energy activator on normal bunny, does it carry over to ult bunny?
not at the moment, no
where is it and does it require no movement?
are you guys just building her like retards?
I don't understand how you're not doing a truckload of aoe damage
a maxed luna does 60%+ less damage than bunny while having worse range. she's not even close to bunny.
want to show your build?
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What's going on here? I'm suddenly doing like no damage to the boss, barely 1/8th of its HP before barrier is up again. Already built Hailey
Is it really the debuff making this much difference, do I need to bring a cleanse
who are you using
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I'm gonna have to say no.
Cleanse is useless because the debuff is just going to reactivate again. I'm skipping this garbage.
bunny and EL
i have done invasions with this modifier before and it didnt seem to do much, this time the squid boss shield takes a million years to kill and i do like a tiny bit of actual HP before the barriers up
used afterglow and lepic
Are they adding the merchant dude on the 10th?
I'm assuming its going to work like
>Get dupes
>Sell dupes to him for currency
>Buy shit you don't have for an inflated price with that currency
Either that or its a weekly rotation of items.
>he doesn't like spending hours staring at walls
>he doesn't like spending hours farming shards
>he doesn't like not getting any amorphs for 12 runs in a row
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Vesper, Moonlight reactor. Need the double turret trans mod. Enemies are weak, dont need a lot of damage. Build primarily for duration, cooldown. You do need to refresh the turrets with your gay unique gun. This spot is a little more console friendly. Viessa is more for PC.
Can this be done with out an EA?
Generally speaking, all trade in systems in video games are at a loss so you have to farm 10x to trade for 1x

But Warframe's merchant doesnt actually let you trade for a missing character piece, we dont know if TFD will let you trade for that or just random cosmetics and "fun" things
>omg I have to farm the same thing over and over in this looter shooter!!!!
that's literally the genre.
If they rip it off from warframe I'm pretty sure it'd be a mix of cosmetics, parts and rare mods. I don't know exactly I haven't played that game in like 5 years.
>done over 10 missions for Fallen Hope bp
>0 drops
fuck you too, game
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Don't know, probably not. His unique weapon cooldown is very long and turrets have short duration. Try it but I imagine he need at least an EA and a couple of Catalysts. I found this out after using 10Cs on him for 2 builds.

JayberGODS win again.
They had this same debuff a couple of days ago and I had no problem clearing it. It was a Legion of Immortality invasion just like today. Using the same weapon and character as before I'm barely damaging this cunt.
Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. Something feels different this time....

But to be fair, I always felt like the brain collection bossses are the hardest since you have to get through a shield that comes back up. The other two types dont have this at all, you just do mechanic and then go wild on their HP bar.
It's called fallen hope for a reason
I ran out of code breakers....
I'm so close to saying fuck it and building a bot that can do some extremely basic aimbotting via visual detection from openCV. both viessa and jayber seem very bottable because you don't move and there's no risks of getting knocked down. I was trying to get viessa's to work yesterday by recording my inputs and playing them back but it was a bit finnicky
huh, shouldn't valby be able to do that as well? albeit more inputs but still
this squid cunt can fuck himself and his shield. I don't have the damage to get through this garbage
>been playing this game
>was mad about fomo shit
>only kept playing cause brother wanted to play it too
>start actually enjoying it a little
>figure that at least I'll be able to get all the battle passes if I get the first one
>just today learn that there was a pre-season battle pass too
God I fucking hate video games nowadays so much


>can literally never have all the guns now
I don't give a flying fuck if the battle pass guns are shit. It's fucking stupid if you can't get all the weapons, or all the skins, or whatever else. Fucking dogshit ass game and industry these days I fucking hate this world man
I finally beat the faggot in 10 minutes. It feels like sometimes you do a lot more damage than other times. Fuck if I know why. I thought maybe it was because his buff would go away in between status effects but that's not it because his buff symbol was up the whole time. I actually had this happen last time an invasion had this debuff. First run I had a really hard time killing him second run I killed him way faster without having done anything different.
Viessa has 3 Fusion skills she's probably the best fit for Blue Beetle. You can use her movement skill and then quickly pop off her 1st and 3rd skulls with the increased crit
yeah she can but with more spamming and movement. Her range isnt great. With jayber you can put the turret directly on the enemy spawn and refresh them from far away.
I hope they change that eventually. Viessa was my starting character and I've already used 10 catalysts and an activator on her so it would be pointless for me try even try farming the ultimate now
wait what do you mean his buff, isnt it a debuff inflicted on (You)
if its a buff on him, i wonder if piercing light can remove it
there's a massive difference between shootin and lootin vs staring at a wall. I know you know this.
I've tried it. He'll just get the buff again anyway, there's no cooldown. Which is pretty dumb, the only real use for Piercing Light is a single Colossus.
it's not that big of a deal. you'll forget about this game 6 months from now
I don't stare at the wall. I stare at pics of Valby on my phone.
oh, whatever then, i can skip the 2 million, not spending 10 minutes firing at a squid...and doing it twice
Oh, yeah I forgot about Viessa having Fusion skills, I got used to spamming her 4.
I'm gonna max Beetle's unique skill and see how it works out.
If it's good, I may use an activator on it.
Secret Garden is rng with it's 50% activation and Clairvoyance needs longer debuff duration and I don't see much use for them as a Viessa player.
wait, do people actually care about random cosmetics? I don't regret missing out on getting a one time use dragon-dildo-purple paint or some gaudy sticker
wait hold on

does the boss get a buff WHEN YOU INFLICT DEBUFF ON IT?

if thats the case just dont use skills or eleement mod, right, shit let me try this again
he's autistic and MUST COLLECT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it took me 17 minutes ;_;
report back, soldier
because frankly
I would rather not rip my fucking hair out trying this. the other invasion is a piece of piss in comparison
Or maybe he didn't grow up with this bullshit normalized like you kids did.
>I must CONSOOM everything.
>so mad I couldn't swipe for the last battlepass!
I had no issue getting gold twice with my usual bunny + tc.
If you want a weapon which doesn't inflict any status there's secret garden.
You only have to buy one battle pass to get all of them, but they shouldn't even exist in the first place
nigger I'm probably older than you, and limited time cosmetics have existed in online games for over 20 years. It's really not that big of a deal if you miss something.
It's ironic you're trying to call the people not screeching autistically about missing a cosmetic item in a video game children though, and the autistic screecher the mature one lmfao
My Thundercage has a chill roll. Is it true that elemental rolls aren't worth it cause they don't scale or some shit?
>You only have to buy one battle pass to get all of them
>You only have to buy one battle pass to get all of them
you do? I thought you only get back 300 from the 500 you spent for one.
The level of brainrot it takes to make excuses for billion dollar companies' bullshit. At least kids have the excuse of not knowing any better.
excuses for what?
Yeah. Only weapon where it's worth it is EL because then you can save up a mod slot.
Generally battle passes give you enough currency back to buy the next one

Do you? I didn't count the currency in this one honestly, I just assumed that was the case since it almost always is except in some select dogshit video games so I guess that would make this another game that falls into the dogshit category
nope it still got the buff and i do no damage with no skill and no element buff

how? im doing so little damgae to the shield with my EL compared to all the other invasions ive done before

does the boss have a little aim icon buff on it?
As expected of a retard.
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>I don't think I am supposed to play like this
>Generally battle passes give you enough currency back to buy the next one
they don't. you get 60% of what you paid back. this is nexon.
Based older Anon. Yeah, I'm 35 and I hate the way video games are nowadays. I'm sure it's even worse for people who are older than I am. I hate this shit so much it's unreal and it's seeping into every fucking game nowadays. It makes me not even want to play games that are like this even if there's a lot of aspects to it that I do like. I just completely check out.

I feel like sooner than later I might become one of those boomers that only plays old single player games or local multi-player games because of SHIT everything is becoming.
nice argument, dipshit
keep crying because you couldn't get the ultra shiny deluxe limited edition toy though, it makes you look very mature.
>durrr i cant follow the discussion but ur a dipshit!!!!!111
the battle passes in tfd are useless cosmetics. The rest of the monetization of the game is the problem, not shitty battle passes that don't give you anything worthwhile anyway.
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I just did the usual, mid air grapple around the boss, shoot with my TC while on the way down and start reloading before mid grappling again.
There's literal guns in them that you can't get or can't max out if you don't get and finish the battle passes
You are such bitch I can't even begin to understand how a person can become a little corporate cocksucker like you
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you mean terrible guns that you won't use anyway? Sigvore's and excava are fucking terrible.
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bUt ThEy'Re nOt GoOd So It'S oKaY

You guys are dumb as fuck, this is exactly how guns that ARE good end up in the battle pass, they're already testing the waters
The one whining about not being able to complete their virtual gun collection in a video game that will be dead in a few years tops isn't the bitch?
They aren't good until they release something in the future that buffs them autistically, that's how these games work.
Why are you here or even defending it if you think it'll be dead in a few years?
reminder this is a pve video game in which you can finish the hardest content with nothing but purple gear if you felt so inclined.

You're having a mental breakdown because they might someday put a slightly better weapon in a battle pass some time in the future?
because I can enjoy my time with the game now. it doesn't have to last forever for me to have fun with it.
Which is better, Frugal Mindset or Strong Mentality for Ult Bunny?
I already have both range mods on her and I almost never run out of MP anyways, I feel like 22% more range would be even better, I'd be losing like 8% MP cost reduction.
Yeah something is...just not right here.

I do very low damage to its shield for some reason. Tried Burn immune mod and nothing works.

My only alternative is to just never get hit I guess?
Frugal Mindset because MP pickups will fill more of your meter.
YoU dOn'T nEeD iT

>You're having a mental breakdown

I'm shitting on a game that deserves to be shitted on for being shitty

Defending it makes you a little bitch though, just like the other guy

Also I wouldn't waste time on a multiplayer online game if I didn't think it had longevity. There's no point.
what the fuck do you call this
>>can literally never have all the guns now
>I don't give a flying fuck if the battle pass guns are shit. It's fucking stupid if you can't get all the weapons, or all the skins, or whatever else. Fucking dogshit ass game and industry these days I fucking hate this world man
if not a mental breakdown?
You wanna fight me bro? is that? where do you live? I swear to Jesus Christ, I will fuck you up. I am amateur MMA fighter with 10 wins under my belt. Who the fuck are you?
>can't type in caps or shit on something, if you do you're having a "mental breakdown"
The word you're looking for is ranting or complaining

and yes I am going to complain about a game being a piece of shit, especially if it has some aspects to it that I did like, or if I've invested time into it only to find out it's a piece of shit afterward
this is a wendys
you're just a retarded bitch. end of discussion.
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I have 30 ultra code breakers left
No, you're a retarded bitch for defending garbage like this. You like dicks in your ass, mouth, and both hands
Nice meme xD

why is this guy so angry?
Don't feel bad, I couldn't even beat that boss solo when I first reached hard mode.Dead Bride is basically a test of your characters dps. Eternal Willpower is decent but ditch the Tamer. Bunny's skills particularly her Lightning Emission benefit from movement speed and using Machine Guns greatly reduces your speed.
>No, you're a retarded bitch for defending garbage like this. You like dicks in your ass, mouth, and both hands
I like this guy.
I love the Excava even if no one else does. It's got a good fire rate,a large magazine size and great accuracy. Just ignore the grenade mechanics and hip fire the thing and the crit rate is okay too. It's overall the best overall Assault Rifle even if Eternal Willpower might beat it in dps
bes gun
I like your Hailey. She is very cute.
Look into Multitalented if your not using it already. That one gives a significant increase in Lightning Emission.
I just unlocked the invasion and i already hate it.
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Just hold on a little longer bros. We gonna make it. We can beat Destiny 2.
>I just unlocked the invasion and i already hate it.
Be careful someone'll criticize you for saying it.
>Adding more content no one cares about
Curious what hard mode infiltration is
Is this game like Warframe where people will bitch at me for not using THE meta character in co-op
If freyna is locked to playing their new retarded gimmick boss fight, i won't come back for this update.
Only for boss battles. Nobody will say anything in Dungeons.
ultimate luna when?
I can’t turn on my mic cause the option is greyed out, like it won’t even let me turn it on or off, does anyone else have the same issue? I can see people talking above their names, but can’t hear or talk. Playing on steam
Why would you turn on comms in this game? you run the risk of hearing niggers or other browns speak?
Do them everyday anyway. They are by far the best source if gold in the game right now
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why so much anger and hostility in the thread today?
the current age of minmax autism knows no game it won't ruin. just play who you want and ignore retards.
shut up faggot
Maybe I want to play with the friends I made through the game? I don’t have everyone on discord. Also having the option available like anyone else would be nice. Never had this issue before. Maybe it’s a privacy setting I didn’t turn on/off
I can't beat dead bride no matter how hard I try. Every time I get her close, I just get too fucking horny thinking about her stepping me on that I run under her feet and die
>Do them everyday anyway.
You said that like i can even finish a single one of the two i have.
They just don't combine their modules
Bunny mains getting uppity again.
This but for swamp walker
Level up your stuff first retard.
don't bother trying squid today. his shield is absolute bullshit. the other one isn't bad though if you can dodge decently. I'm not very well geared yet but still double golded.
sounds like NIER
you know they will just change it later so I would not be surprised if they do.
>gimmick boss fight
why do people hate mechanics in bosses so much?
is it just unga bunga CoD kids that can't comprehend doing anything but holding left click until something dies?
press 4 to win
two more hours until my haley is gone........
because it's boring and makes it very tedious. Amazing how i can spend 30 minutes fighting one monster in monster hunter and it feels less soul draining and boring than spending 5 minutes in a fight in this game.
Why is she leaving you?
just tried it. her range and damage is actually okay, provided you build for max range and use supply moisture. a single plop will cover the whole spawn and moisture combined with a crit mod handles the damage, and you can just reset using the bubble from a distance (making sure the ground is flat between you). the big issue is that her tickrate is very slow so you need a plop and a trail for a decent kill rate. but otherwise it's also works for exp if you don't have jayber or viessa.
the game isn't mechanically interesting enough to support those types of fights
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Anons... i can't find the will to play and the second half of season one doesn't look like it's worth returning for.

I hope season 2 is better
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oh i meant done
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>hear people say combining one red C mode with 3 rares ups your chances of shot focus
>try it and get SF on 3rd try
huh, either rng was generous or there's something to it
I'm guessing it's just the current infiltration with enemies hp scaled by 20x, including the trash mobs.
Are there any mods or whatnot to increase the breast size of females?
>it feels less soul draining and boring than spending 5 minutes in a fight in this game.
that's due to lack of mechanics you fucking moron. bosses wouldn't be boring after 5 minutes if they were more than just
>hold your cursor over the weak point until it's dead, once every minute or so you maybe sometimes have to roll to avoid a projectile then continue holding your cursor in one spot

monster hunter bosses are interesting because they have a dozen different things you have to constantly look out for, almost every monster is completely unique from others, and weapons actually give you unique playstyles.
wait lol
shot focus was purple? what the fuck have i been combining gold mods for then

nah some mh monsters get boring too
overall i still enjoy both types of games, especially when done in co-op
TFD will never have a good boss fight no matter what as long as immunity phases are in the game, and the AI of the bosses remains drag and drop unreal coding tier.
>no life season 1 for 500 fucking hours
>omg guys where's all the content???
you just finished it all by sitting at your screen for a month
are you retarded? that is 480hr since release day not just season 1
Is 8% all attribute dmg actually good?
I didn't say all monsters are fun to hunt, but you have a lot more variety in both play style with different weapons, and in how each monster fights. TFD is just the same colossus copy pasted 10 times with slight variations that you melt with weapons that all feel the same.
TFD boss fights are like if monster hunter had 20 reskins of rathalos and nothing else.
>that is 480hr since release day
the game released 2 1/2 months ago. you played the game more hours than most people work at a full time job and are surprised you ran out of things to do.
That is a bit harsh on rathalos even 20 rathalos would be more interesting and engaging than any intercept in this game right now.
Starting to feel the burn bros...
Leveling weapon proficiency over and over again even with the buff
that's fair, I just used rathalos since its the quintessential monster hunter boss. but even he has more going on than any intercepts do.
the funny thing is that there are still people that struggle to understand the mechanics of bosses in this game. running molten fortress, gluttony, or hanging man with PUGs is almost fucking impossible.
Because this game has shit gook style boss mechanics and nothing fun like monster hunter
well yeah, you're playing a gook game.
Monster hunters fun if you like moving around like you've got 20lbs of shit in your diaper.
You seem kind of triggered my man, and just so you know my hours are way bloated because i used to leave the game running so i could remote in from work and queue up catas when they finished.

I only played this season maybe 20hr because there is nothing to do in it.
>leave the game idling for 460 hours
your pc hates you.
Farming a component with gold consumable drop rate made a huge difference for me. Turned enemies into hp/mp piñatas
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I literally only turn it off for windows updates
now you're just lying
What year are you living in? remoting in to your own PC isn't very hard any more
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Everyone post hours played
how do you mark an outpost so it doesn't go away every time you do it?
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>u-gley is the hardest to farm
>acquire her mats the fastest of any descendant i've farmed
its just that easy, lads.
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>spent like 70 ultra breakers
>finally got Enzo's Firearm Enhancer module
I still got to get the other 3. I Habeeb in you, too.
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this is way to fucking hard
Yeah was having a hard time with bunny too so I just swapped to Lepic and nuked the fucker.
>swap to u-valby supply moisture
>unload EL into its face
>greg it when shield is down
if you dont have a gun build yet, grind one out.
I litrerally got 3/4 of her parts just by trying to farm other parts. I had them all cooked so I decided to go after the code and I ended up getting it on my 2nd try. I thought she would take me the longest because all her drops are 6% but it was actually Ult Viessa that took the longest. I got her parts over the course of a week.
I would supply valby with moisture if you know what I mean
I do not know what you mean
Not when you remove the glasses you pleb
Left one is cute.
i had the same journey with gley, getting her parts while hunting other shit. its the most comfy way to farm. got her last part on my 6th or 7th pyro kill.
u-valbys 32% drop took me three times as long, rng is a fickle mistress
Most of the time there will be a "best of" battle pass some time in the future or they'll release the stuff you missed for premium currency
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best farm for these?
Sigvore's proof will become meta in season 10. Trust the plan.
Have you heard of the bunny cave?
The best thing about tripfags is that you can filter them so you never have to see their retarded posts again.
no I'm a newcutie
Look it up then, you can use it to level weapons too, not as fast as the other cancel methods, but you can afk it.
It is absolute bullshit how accurate the squids beams are
Look up where?
thanks anon
You want me to google "bunny cave"?
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>doesn't use grapple and first ability for burst damage
>doesn't mag dump gun while double jumping between grapples
>instead wastes time and dps sprinting
You're intentionally doing it wrong, right? I'm not the only one that actually knows how to play Bunny, am I?
"the first descendant bunny cave" results in exactly what he was referring to, yes.
NTA but maybe if you also added The First Descendant you'd figure it out. Stop begging for spoonfeeding.
>Stop begging for spoonfeeding
*unzips dick*
open wide then
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>someone on the dev team play games
Out of interest, how about Organic Void shards?
He killed Jeremy after all
9 shards seems kind of shit, surely this isnt the fastest way to farm them
By hugging him, he didn't do it with the beam
Does Hailey second skill need to hit weak spot to deal more damage or is always the same?
It's infuriating how my bunnies don't utilize Rabbitfoot + gun and just do the fucking circle run
The 15 of everything in Agna is better
Nope, but when you wake up in the morning it'll feel like it.
It's because they leave bunny afk there with macro. I have 10k of those because of that lol
Its affected by weakpoints
How do I get it?
does anyone need help taking down any bosses?
Look at his interface buttons. He can't do any of those things.
Then I probably never hit it lol. You can't use aim assistance on console for that skill
You'd be surprised how many bunnys don't use grapple
He can double jump while shooting at least, it doesn't matter what platform, they all can do at least that
>he have time to aim and shoot between grapples
Are you sure that you know how to play Bunny?
Huh. The Hailey chip grind in WNG don't feel too bad at all.
I have 1 copy because I started playing 3 days before the pre season ends. But I will not pay for the 2 copies of excava behind premium battle pass so I didn't matter lol
oh what's the macro? I think my pc will fucking hate me if I run tfd all night but it's worth it to not have to do mind numbing void shard farming
I'm sorry...
double jump

make sure you have potent collector mod
It's an absolute bitch to hit dead center with it most of the time
https://www.itoady.com/ you need to use the 2 range mods + mp collector
thanks lads
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I had to switch from electric dmg to spell dmg it made it easier with my bun bun also you should be stomping non stop,like could we not with these anti element debuffs....the entire game is about elemental dmg.
need a macro for Outposts jfc
How much can a maxed Hailey hit with that skill on Pyro? So far I am dealing 13 million but my gun doesn't have CCs and my reactor is shit.
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is this adequate? I've never put any resources into bunny because I'm waiting to get u-bunny
Oh no no no.
I saw that on Reddit and posted it here as a joke expecting you guys to rip on it.
/vg/ is just as retarded as reddit after all.
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I leaned into the enemy weaknesses and killed it with one mag dump of pic related.
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Hailey is literally perfect
get rid of spear and shield and max out skill expansion, you need to beef up your range
perfectly generic
>it was all part of my master plan, muahahaha!
you just did the most reddit thing ever you braindead oaf
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Perfectly hot
perfect for ass eating
It wasn't intended that way. I genuinely didn't think you guys were as retarded as you actually are.
Perfect for prone bone position.
lol nice try. I reverse searched that clip and didn't find any Reddit threads with it. That's you, faggot.
so us giving advice on playing bunny more effectively or also agreeing its annoying makes us retarded?
>log in
>remember I already did my invasions
>log out
Fuck. When is October 10?
Two more weeks
>enviromental containment zone is supposed to give me 250k gold per run
>get 60k on average
i'm supposed to have 4 gold gain mods and a gold booster on aren't i?
If you look at that gameplay and think they have any right to complain about the game being too hard you're a complete and utter fucking retard.
>2 hours remaining for a catalyst
What do I do for 2 hours?
Believe it or not games actually get patched over time.
mass produce greg gun components
how the fuck do you need gold when invasions exist?
Emote in Albion
>normal bunny
>normal gley
>normal valby
i feel like the smart thing is to delete one of them...esepcailly the one i really didnt play that much of besides leveling to 40....but im sentimental...
High-waist pants were a mistake
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>big tits
because im upgrading multiple weapons and multiple mods and researching constantly, its not hard to believe
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dude, she is so fucking big
the game is only "hard" when all your shit is un-upgraded, the whole loop is dps checking you. so yes, a new player just getting into invasions will find it hard. and then its piss easy.
stop being a gatekeeping autist on a stupid website
I dunno I guess I expected this place to be more than just reddit with the n word.
>typing out "n word" instead of just nigger
>complaining about reddit
name 5 other realistic characters with big tits and cleavage in non-adult games
He most likely does. That's how I one cycled that boss twice today. Explains a lot about this general.
does hard mode infiltration modifier matter if i just wanna farm an elite's material
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I've been thinking long and hard about this. Ultimate Bunny is the ideal female specimen.
The best part of Ult Bunny's design is her cleavage. I like how her tits got that natural/realistic sag, that is rare in most vidya.
Too bad there's barely (if any) jiggle ingame, only in cutscenes and character select.
>bro, she's so unique because her breasts are large!!!!
what the fuck unbelievably stupid shit am I reading?
I accept your concession
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>couldn't name a single one
For shame bro, for shame
>no man like bro dude horny nerds have never designed a female character with big honkers before, this has never been done
Her boobs are really nice though. Like perfect.
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>like for real holy shit this is crazy, idk why no one ever thought to make a big boobed character before???
Not realistic (not in FF7R either).
The only one I can think of is Lady Dimitrescu
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>it seems so obvious that to appeal to men you would make a character with large breasts. why didn't anyone do it???????
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What we need is a suite of breast (and butt) physics options like in Dead Or Alive 5.
are you retarded?
Meant to reply to
>like man it's been fucking decade after decade, but no one has ever dared to think "hey, maybe large breasts are an idea we could try?"
They are both ridiculously hot, like I am putting them in the all time hall-of-fame
My breasts are this big but I am a man.
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are you?? like is this the first video game you've ever played?
Again that's not realistic.
Not sure why you completely ignored the goalposts 4 times and thought it was an own, you look like a moron
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you're fucking retarded and should kill yourself. like seriously. holy fuck
I accept your concession, again.
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>Don't play for a couple days
>Boot up game
>Freyna still looking amazing
>Come to thread
Here we go again
>Again that's not realistic.
Go outside. All women look like that irl.
so "realistic" has to just mean "thing that will win me the argument"? There are literally hundreds/thousands of well known video game women with big tits. it's not news that horny nerds making video games like sexy women. saying a character in a video game isn't generic because she has a large rack is the most braindead fucking thing I've literally ever read here.
When I went for Gley, no joke I got the first piece on my second try, and the next two on my first try each. Which was actually kinda unfortunate because I was intending to farming for her with a buddy of mine. However, the fourth piece took a normal amount of goes (expected value of 17 attempts, but I think I got it on my 15th?)
I dont know how to kill Swamp Walker with 1 Lepic Ult. I am watching videos on jewtube of people doing it with my same build but I just cant. I shoot the middle core, the legs, the middle, the joints. It just doesnt crit enough times.
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>n-no bro you don't get it, women irl can't have big boobs like that
perfect jewess succubus
>It just doesnt crit enough times.
That's your issue. Your Jewtuber ran that fight probably 30 times until he got good crit RNG to 1-cycle it.
This is clearly AI.
Looks like a Slav to me.

Big chocolate milkers.
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I asked you for 5 realistic girls with big tits and cleavage. You keep posting 2D girls for some reason.

Ask yourself the question "Could this person exist in real life?" Would you see a person with that face and find it very odd?
That's SC6 Ivy, FF7R Tifa, every 2D girl, KMMO girls, DOA girls, etc

What's realistic:
RE Engine girls
BG3 girls
Sony moviegame girls
TFD girls
Wukong girls
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Worth, right
Nah she has those Jew brows and complexion
so your problem is with graphics. what a dumb fucking argument, holy shit.
>he's never heard of eastern european jews
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Why would my idol do this to me? I even subbed.
Their YouTube AI overlord is a cruel mistress
You're the one who both doesn't understand the question and can't provide the 5 examples of this supposedly "generic" design element. Because it's exceedingly rare.
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>eyebrows and eyelashes glow in the dark
>hair is still normal
how the fuck do they let shit like this even happen, did nobody who worked on this game play it?
You're just a cash cow to them. I'm sorry anon.
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Are we discussing big vidya tiddies again?
no such thing. nexon is the first to think of it.
This explains some of the retards I have in my intercepts. I know a lot of them are copying youtubers but I didn't consider them doing this specific thing.
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I love big tits so much
youtube is just a clickbait content farm. you're irrelevant if you aren't making
>the BEST [thing] build ever!!! Gluttony one shot speed run!
and then make that same video with 47 different builds.
because somehow there can be 47 bests.
wtf I love jews now
Next descendant should be a hot jewish woman with a fat ass
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Love DOA
Hate Honkers and Marie, simple as

Also TFD x DOA Penis Vacation collab would be amazing
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>Could this person exist in real life
>bro is space real?
>i don't know bro look up into the sky
who hurt you
that Sterile Land invasion boss and debuff can fuck off
>sexo designs
>''gameplay'' is auto path, auto combat, auto everything mobile jank mmo trash
>he's still seething
what not-porn game is this? the ui looks extremely familiar
>be standing dead center on my water ground
>supply moisture buff randomly goes away
this happens a lot, what the hell is going on? it happens right after i lay water down too despite having over a 20sec duration and standing on top of it
You’ve got to be gay as fuck and sheltered to think big tits aren’t realistic lmao
I'm pretty far removed from that type of stuff because I wouldn't ever even consider watching it.
how the fuck are ivy, tifa, and doa girls not realistic? because graphically they don't look like gta?
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if you think this is "realism" then you don't know what it means. Realism is an art style going for photorealism, it is quite popular
Jesus christ imagine Hailey with these physics
HIT 2.
>because graphically they don't look like gta?
so yeah exactly this lol
I guess? Is that an invalid distinction to make?
why do people struggle so much with such a fucking simple boss?
>bunny too strong!
>bunny too op!
>there's no reason to build anything else!
>bunny killing the game!
>nerf bunny!
>aaaa why can't I kill this boss with bunny!! aaaaaaaa
>Is that an invalid distinction to make?
unironically yes. that's a retarded as shit distinction to try to make. I also don't think the characters in tfd are any more realistic looking than what you'd find in games like tekken or soul calibur or ff7r
I feel like the game could have done a better job teaching players some of the basics. Most don't even seem to understand how the frenzy bar works.
Chill bosses have high chill resistance and I refuse to play a penis haver
Game doesnt explain mechanics on purpose because the devs said they wanted this to be a game where people learn through trial and error and engage with the community.

The outcome was retards not doing any of those things and just quit the game.
What the fuck is with this dogshit game and all the enemies that have homing projectiles? What the FUCK is the point of a shooter where the AI has bullets that don't fucking miss?
them giving you exactly 0 time to communicate with your team prior to the start of the boss is a pretty big issue with that concept.
even if it would make things take longer, give like 15-20 seconds before a boss so someone can explain the (very simple) mechanics
>fire mods
>fire atk
cmon man dont act all silly
sorry meant
the only time this pisses me off in fighting frost walker, that instant 360 pivot into a freezing missile tilts me
>give like 15-20 seconds before a boss so someone can explain the (very simple) mechanics
Console players are the majority and they cant type that fast. They need to add a ready up system with like 1 minute timer
This game made me realize how much I hate console players. A lot of times they look like they're afk but they're actually typing something, or you would ask a question and get no response, or it's "sorry controller ran out of batteries".
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>I also don't think the characters in tfd are any more realistic looking than what you'd find in games like tekken or soul calibur or ff7r
Then you're blind. Those characters have glowing hand-sculpted faces with tiny noses and look like no living human race of people. FF7R has gigantic anime eyes and pointy faces designed to resemble the old anime portraits. Tekken characters are stylized and there's not any in T8 with tits as big as Hailey's anyway, only Tifa and Ivy compare.

TFD characters could have been face scanned, like DMC5. Not sure why you can't conceive of this, it's pretty simple. /v/ is always bitching about realism vs stylized. Maybe you are seething because you can't reconcile the fact that you can't actually name 5
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looks like The Sims
you can turn off crossplay
bullshit, how
I’m at FW now and I need it for Valby

I’m debating I I wanna do it tonight, how bad is it?
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I guess they removed the option
before it used to be at the top of the gameplay tab. maybe not enough players to turn off crossplay
get a bunch of lepics or haileys
lmao you are stuck with us consoleGODS now hahaha
>I’m debating I I wanna do it tonight, how bad is it?
Currently I'm at 11 attempts with 0 kills
every single time we either don't break enough shit to get 6 fires, or some brainlet picks up half of them without knowing what to do with them and we don't have enough for the runner.
RNG teammates. If you get Lepics or Haileys, its easy. If not, you lose.
As a vampire I approve of this game.
0 for 12
0 for 13
>fight it as a newer player
>get newer players who dont know shit and have shit dps
>grind more
>now i can kill faster and my teammates also know what to do and have better dps
the game knows what its doing, just keep playing
>I got lucky matchmaking
okay? This isn't my first time doing the boss, I'm just trying to grind u-valby.
0 for 14
it is your first time, this whole arc of arriving to a new boss and trying to grind its loot is part of the first time experience.
either further catalize your weapons and improve your dps or keep doing what youre doing and deal with the inconsistent teams. the only guaranteed way youre going to improve your experience is by carrying the rest of your team.
0 for 15
>it is your first time
no it's not you fucking retard
stop getting hung up on that part and read the second part of what i said, you moron. improve your dps and stop moaning, we all had to suffer through bad matchmaking. take a break from fw and farm catas, upgrade your mods and weapons.
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>stop getting hung up on me being wrong
post your weapon and build loadout
>thinking this proves anything other than you got carried
>still cant clear the 3rd from last boss
once again moron, fix your build or shut the fuck up.
do you guys need help with FW? I can help you
game doesn't tell you shit besides
>get embers to not fuck up
doesn't explain you lose stacks on getting hit
doesn't explain you need 6 stacks
doesn't explain you can refresh a full stack with another ember
how the fuck would you know the wipe mechanic comes in at 7:30 on your first run

and its incredibly easy for one retard to ruin the encounter
>my teammates also know what to do and have better dps
>the game knows what its doing
you got carried and are giving advice as if you didn't lmao
you're the bunny running around collecting embers with zero clue what to do with them
How built does my Hailey need to be to carry this?
watch a youtube video explaining the fight so you aren't a burden to your team
except im not, i use supply moisture uvalby and can actually chunk the boss
yknow how i farmed FW faster to get uvalby? by catalizing my gear more so i could contribute more dps.
p o s t y o u r f u c k i n g b u i l d
nta but realistically what are you expecting to happen right now to kill walker ? are you asking for help to fight it or what?
Last time I did frostwalker was when ult valby came out and I farmed it like 40 times with uLepic. 80% of the time there would be another Lepic together with me and the fight was over in like 20 secs.
I think it got nerfed again since then. If you can't clear it before the mechanic it's obviously a dps check issue.
>inb4 I don't want to play a male
Then use your fucking weapon platform + EL/Greg.
if you cant beat FW, which should honestly be easy at this point, you need to get an Ult Lepic. hes the 2nd easiest Ult to get and none of his AMPs are from bosses past FW. i just dont know how people cant do it two months later
i think that anon just wanted to bitch and deflect any blame from themselves because they wont say what build/weps they use or realize they are also responsible for the poor performance
>pillars are up
>someone dies 1 second later
how the fuck do they do it
i was going to get him next but the game gave me ugley for basically free so im either gonna get the last 2 lepic mats while i wait for her to research or just build her boss build out and then farm the last lepic parts
>i just dont know how people cant do it two months later
not everyone started playing on day 1, anon
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I should've brought TC for the mobs instead of EL.
someone asked how bad FW is
most people agreed that it's total shit with PUGs because one brainlet can ruin a whole run. then a nexon employee tried to defend it
i agree pugs are mostly shit. which is why i'd rather be the carry then the carried. of course getting to the point where you can carry is made more tedious by the shitter pugs.
at least with FW you can be the flame runner with bunny and serve a purpose

not clicking your virus

Hes been nerfed big time since then.
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it's nothing we haven't already seen
>More insta wipe mechanics
Gooks really like using this in all their mmos huh
That's most modern MMOs, not just the gook ones.
>death count is per player rather than shared for the whole team
>insta death mechanic is per player and is avoidable if you do a mechanic
fixed their game while allowing for the shit mechanic to still exist without playing hating PUGs
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>most people agreed that it's total shit with PUGs because one brainlet can ruin a whole run. then a nexon employee tried to defend it
I don't know what the general has been smoking again then. FW has like 60 mil hp and you have two minutes and a half to do that with 4 people. A single properly built Enzo/Valby/Hailey with an EL will easily be able to do that solo while carrying 3 dead weights.
In Kiketube video format for you, kiddos.

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Do you think the Devs regret putting male characters in the game? Don't get me wrong, I'm the type that just likes gameplay so I don't mind using the dudes, but it's really abundantly clear that the dudes don't get even a fifth of attention at the ladies
>All that Dev time and man hours making a character no one gives a shit about
I'd be super despondent if it was me
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Cool. Lets see how this work. I have been opening all my boxes for extra parts.
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Beyond what everyone else said, anyone using a controller has a really hard time shooting the legs when he rages. No, autoaim doesn't help, it sucks your reticle straight to his torso. And since most people are on console, that means most people contribute very little to his rage mechanic.
how bad does she smell up the bathroom?
>I've had good matchmaking rng, you guys are just bad for not getting carried like I did
i know youre the same retard who refuses to post your build and just wants to complain that your team isnt doing the fight for you
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>Spend days animating Esiemo's hologram dance routine for Explosive Propaganda
>It's on one of the latest non-ult characters to unlock in the game
>A late character that's generally bad so few people use him
>It's only on one ability that's exclusive to a rare mod from the end game that precludes any other transcendants and also overwrites his most generally usable skill
>It's been bugged to uselessness for two months now and no one bothered fixing the three lines of code it would take to put Esiemo's HP back on before going on vacay
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>she was going to have a onepiece swimsuit but they didn't give it to her and instead built it into her Ultimate skin
it's 30% damage with 100% uptime.
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>inb4 it's expedition on a timer to trade parts with convoy
that explains a lot, i noticed how many people are mag dumping during his enrage and hitting his mid section. thought they were all just retards but i guess they still are for playing console
Yeah yeah I got carried. Like the other dude was saying you're not posting your builds and like I was saying in my previous post you're just failing a dps check.
Sounds like you're just using the general to vent your frustration but refuse to face your contradictions.
150 seconds to deal 60 mil damage and completely ignore the mechanic, it's as simple as that. If the 3 guys with you deal a total of 10 mil then that's only 50 mil left for you in 150 seconds.
If you're not able to do that, you should gear up.
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ok, this is lepic
nta but im doing 30 mil to him after some upgrades, so half his hp. now i can kill him pretty much every time, now i just need to finish catas on gregs and el (theyre both at 5)
but why
that $1 could have gotten you a value menu cheeseburger
reminder to anon complaining, they make bosses with instawipe mechanics to intentionally frustrate you in hopes that you'll give up farming and just buy the character instead
everything about the crafting system is designed to annoy you.
I live in a very expensive area of commiefornia. a value burger is like 2.99 plus tip
jesus what the fuck
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Are these good for anybody? I really don't want to farm reactors and the non attribute one looks generic enough
I see a few skins but werent those from the beta

So what even is new here
the last time fast food felt cheap was right before covid when I could get 2 mcdoubles for 3.99. it's much worse now. I hate jews. thanks for reading my blog
nope, not at this time.
It's usable on Hailey, but not the best option.
Excluding bunny, enzo is probably my most played but I know since he doesn't have ass and titties he won't get his ultimate for a very long time
Ajax is next but luckily he already has his ultimate so I'm good on that, esiemo is also fun if you completely ignore his 4th ability but he's guaranteed dead last to get an ultimate since he sucks and he has a dick
so yes it's annoying but coomer bait is the name of every game
>So what even is new here
I'm 100% convinced nexon is doing something they did with a lot of their other games, where they had their "A team" of seasoned professionals and expensive devs work crunchtime basically developing the entire game in a couple of years, and even making at least an entire year worth of patches. and then when the game launches, they move them to other projects/lay them off/etc, and have a b team of a few cheap and retarded interns replace them and slowly release the content was already made by the pros, and occasionally fixing bugs as they come out. I would bet money that ult freyna and the new dungeon/boss were 100% completed at least a month before launch. nexon isn't even the only studio to do this all the time, expect us to never get content patches faster than we do now.
alright guess storage it is then
I forgot about hailey gun build but it looks so boring to play so forget it
>bunny leaves our mag lab run
why? youre the goddamn bunny youre suppose to clear this shit for us you bitch like when i cleared the runs when im on my bunny, and this thing with the 3 of us left only took 3.5 minute anyway, your third worlder loading screen was probably a minute, BITCH
I really wish sharen was good. how can we fix her? I was thinking put a dash on her skill 3 instead of a grenade that makes no sense with her kit. go fully into the stealthy melee ninja thing.
transcendant mod that turns stealth into a powerup. call it cybernetic overload or something whatever.

boom, from ninja to facetanking boss fighter.
she's literally used on every single world record clear of glut. I'd say she's pretty good.
Would be cool if we had actual stealth missions instead of this outpost infiltration crap.
>bro people use her for a cheese strat and to grind outposts, she's totally living up to her power fantasy
>being efficient is now cheese
what retarded ass logic is this. next you're going to say we should all be using tamers because gregs is "cheesing"
Her three makes sense, thematically it's a ninja smoke bomb, practically it makes openings for you to use your long ass four animation and close distance with your short range sword whenever you are not using cloak.
And removing it would cripple one of her only uses outside infiltrations, unless her three's transcendent was somehow as good at dropping enemy defences during collosus fights.
Also, isn't dash superceded by grapple hook?
I could only approve if it was a literal naruto run, and even then that's just making her dollar store bunny.

A *teleports behind you* augment for her sword, though, now that would be cool.
nikke x tfd would save both games
>A *teleports behind you* augment for her sword, though, now that would be cool.
basically what I meant by a dash. she should be teleporting around killing shit. think zero in bl2.
>save nikke
didn't that game just have its most profitable month a couple months ago, and the game makes like 200 million a year
yeah idk what he means by save nikke. it's going strong
you dont understand, if a gacha game doesnt make as much money as genshin then its dead according to 4chan, reddit, twitter and youtube
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To fix sharen, all we need is a fat double barrel shotgun to use with overcharged edge.
And the reason we don't have that is because gley exists and would abuse the shit out of it with her 3.
Ergo, the best way to fix sharen is to delete gley.
..... hmmm, but then we'd be missing out on one of the best beneficiaries of the Enzo X Sharen team comp, like who would be our third if not infinite ammo gley? I might have to think about his a bit more.
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The only crossover we need is one with Capcom, specifically Street Fighter.
Seconding this.
Even if I hate Capcom now, the girls they've produced over the years remain some of the hottest around.
I really do think characters like hailey and gley were poorly designed because now all future guns have to be balanced around those 2
oh my god, i closed out of this tab after seeing this picture cause i thought i was in /fgg/
then i opened a new tab, searched for tfdg and came back and its....here again
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Post Gluttony clear time, Vappa.
new thread where
nta but what he probably meant to say is she's not living up to her theme because shes only used on 1 boss and outposts

patience, anon. we'll get a new thread when ult freyna comes out
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>mfw the best collabs they ever done was on Nintendo 3ds m4u
>Hailey skin and red mods already

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