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prev. >>495196646

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Sept 5: Update progress https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4613462911400573371
Sept 17: 1.001.100 Patch Notes https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/eventcomments/6655846466490872829?snr=2_9_100003_
Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwdf0G88OEY

Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwdf0G88OEY
I guess I'll buy cutting edge already, been playing since day 1 but I'm a hoarder so I don't spend any credits on anything just in case

don't want to miss something really good!
but I see that'll never be happening with this game, the brapbond has confirmed the best ones are behind us
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>Like this drip
>Can't actually wear it because light armor is shit
Defender is still the best automatic bug primary.
Also standard Diligence is now very solid on bugs. Cleaves through Alpha commander skulls while having decent enough handling to not get cucked by hunters.
Skill issue. This is my most to used bug armor
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broadcasting live
on board the keeper of the stars

i like plasma punisher and the green cape
Man I've gotten eaten, stabbed, shot, and exploded by heavy ordinance in dreams. I dunno what to do about Indian head-crab demons.
i used to swear by the defender before this thing came out
shoot the main body, not the engines
engine nacelles eat most of your splash
I did eventually start figuring that out after remembering someone doing so here thanks though.
I used to prefer Pummeler but Defender kills things considerably faster, IMO it's the golden middle between killing potential and ammo efficiency. Pummeler is great when you are being harassed by Stalkers, but low damage and firerate is felt when you just want to lay into a crowd of bugs.
>Defender kills things considerably faster
it does
Was this possible before the RR buff? I don't ever recall trying to do this before.
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>Sickle (Lasgun)
>Senator (Stub Pistol)
>Thermite (Krak grenade)
>MG (Stubber)
>Rocket Sentry (Tarantula sentry)
>380mm Barrage (Artillery strike)
>Supply Pack

I'm so deep into the role that I don't even care if I die anymore, It's just part of the experience.
Feels like that to me. AR's on the other hand tend to kill small bugs *too* fast meaning you overshoot dead bugs a lot and waste scarce ammo. You need to control your fire well and can't just lay on the trigger. Besides that one-handedness is *very* useful on bugs. Never stop moving.
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>for the privilege
>to grind more
>because light armor is shit
The fuck are you on about? That's what I exclusively use; even on defense missions. I like having stamina. I use the stealth armor that pings the map where you lay down a pin.
Heavy armor blows dick. Cool, I can sprint 2 steps and I'm out of stamina.
Just don't get hit. It's pretty easy when you're light on your feet (hence light armor).
it isnt a grind if you are having fun, i didnt even look at my medals after buying the bond and just kept diving.
>Never stop moving
bug front sure, bot front has too much random shit flying around for me to trust my life to paper mache
Haven't played in months, is the fire breaker still the decent all rounder for bugs?
And more importantly, has the AC been nerfed?
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>i like plasma punisher and the green cape
And i like flutey :)
he bought?
Got a little nerf to ammo but it's still solid. AC wasn't directly nerfed, but some enemy health changes hurt it pretty good.
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every update makes this game less and less playable
bots have War Thunder gun barrels
Well I guess to be fair; I do use the personal bubble shield generator. But I do that with every armor and every mission. I just feel so squishy without it no matter the armor.
So I guess that's a good caveat to my post. So I guess I could see where you are coming from. I don't think I've ever even used heavy armor without the shield generator and I'm level 96. Must just be my playstyle I guess.
Plus, another caveat to my post: I usually sprint around the map and complete side objectives solo while my squad does main objectives. For instance, blowing up fabricators/blowing up holes or just other side things we need to do. Good thing I usually play with my friends because they know what I'm doing. I bet that playstyle could piss randoms off lel.
What's broken now?
>he isn't sitting on at least 5,500 Super Credits after buying the new warbond
>he didn't grind the Super Credit farming exploit before they patched it so he'll never have to pay for a warbond ever again
lmao'ing @ ur lyfe rite nao
He's an ACfag and got dethroned.
How to solo dive again and close of people joining? Need to grind medals
Just put your lobby to friends only or private, nigga. Works on my machine.
Avoid eradication missions
ok I did it, got the sickle and enjoyed myself
feels good, it's not very strong but you can shoot it so much it's like a suppressive fire weapon so I like that
your job is just keep bullets flying
Why do shitters insist using stratagems on heavies that have rushed into the group?

Need to case study these people that throw eagles 5m away from the team
Just go into options and set it to friends only.
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>>Sickle (Lasgun)
if fucking only
sickle's just a stub gun that has long tracers
it would need to be a proper pulsed beam to be akin to a lasgun
hit the gun barrels
>Need to grind medals
alright bros, I am getting bored of RR+crossbow. What's another weapon combo that allows me to handle literally everything in my sleep?
arc thrower + thermite
PO is bugged, didn't get any credit for it yet
another thing, I keep popping stims any time there's a strat ending in ^, t's the same issue that used to happen where he throws a grenade instead of strats ending in >
perhaps you accidentally rebinded something
Welp, just learned the AC doesn't ricochet into fab vents anymore.
>Spend my accumulated 250 medals
>Play a few times, completely forgetting I'm not capped
>Back to 180 medals
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What's the best SC farm nowadays?
Any other games where the devs punish players for failing objectives by just straight up delaying content?
Try all the changed weapons anon
>He didn't try the SnP
>He didn't try the Diligence
>He didn't try the Torcher
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His super seed... For Super-Earth.
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next broadcast soon (mid-thread)
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what's the super credits reskin that makes them a huge beam of light called?
then maybe scorcher? I know it's not looking 40k-y enough but it's closer to a Lasgun
i hate sweden like you wouldn't believe
to be fair we've been deprived of content or threatened to be deprived it over successes as well
>napalm on the spewer MO
>anti tank mine 2 billion MO
>titanium automatons for holding planets MO

Just pick a quick short map, loot around and stuff. Others joining in also loots the shit I need to farm
Every single grind game where failing a stage/mission/etc results in you not getting the reward.
Yeah I'm the same way. Sometimes I just want to solo run around on D2 missions doing my own thing. I kind of feel a pressure when someone joins to actually start doing things seriously. Hell, when I'm by myself on Easy, I'll even just get up and take a piss. I don't want someone to think I'm just standing around being a retard (even it's some random dude on the Internet). I just like to play carefree by myself every once in a while and farm Super Credits and medals and stuff. Also good for testing out new guns and loadouts I haven't run before.
>Others joining in also loots the shit I need to farm
You know the rewards are all shared, right? And I mean multiplicatively, not divided
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remember when we saved the kids?
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>the stagger/knockback on the cookout
Holy SHIT this is a must-have medium bug rapist
Flamethrower goes through striders and doesn't damage them no matter where you shoot them.
Also why the fuck can striders shoot missiles when they have no missiles left.
Yeah cookout is a punisher but with more pellets and sets shit on fire, it's great.
>Sony doing marketing runs for HD2 since all of their other GaaS projects flopped
Alexus will need to work doubletime to sabotage everything again. The chud game must NOT succeed.
granted ive not played a lot since the patch but i get along just fine in d10 bot games with light armor. but ive also been light armor exclusively since launch so maybe im used to it
NTA but do you run vitality booster?
You die instantly with light armor if you don't have it.
Any reason to pick vanilla diligence over DCS?
no but i use servo assisted armor which gives 50% extra limb health
Save the kids was proof that if they put even a fraction of effort into the lore of filler MOs players would care.
That's the same thing but better
I mean, if we can afford it, yeah, but I only use it for the speed enhancement. If I'm running a small crew of 2-3 and they're running Hellpod optimization and anything else, it's a tossup between stamina, muscle enhancement, and stim enhancement.
I seriously don't have issues dying as long as I have the personal shield generator. But that's with every armor type. Even heavy I have to use it. I just feel so squishy without it.
couldn't even give us a cape for it
why are they so damn stingy with capes? they'll take literal minutes to mock up and push into the game
I... actually only went for the save the kids option because I genuinely thought they would add an in game item or stratagem related to them, not donate shit to real children.
How un-democratic of you
Name of this semen demon?
>I genuinely thought they would add an in game item or stratagem related to them
You are genuinely retarded
they weren't planning to do anything because we were meant to get the mines, they didn't expect people would actually RP for no reward instead of getting an item
I remember an anon saying they should've put a photo on the Stratagem Hero machine of Helldivers playing it with the sick kids, and that would've honestly been 10/10
>I... actually only went for the save the kids option because I genuinely thought they would add an in game item
i did not expect anything in game or real life. i chose to save the kids purely because i liked the idea of it
I feel like the game's performance have decreased at higher difficulty due to the increase in visual effects. I don't have a top tier rig but it's like low-mid range (3070-10700k-1080p res) do you guys have tips to help keep the fps more stable? My settings are mostly on med-low with balanced dlss.
there has to be little stuff like that for people that are actually around during events, it's not a matter of FOMO because that cat is out of the bag with the reddit creek cape, new players don't get that one. so no need to stop there
Cap the FPS at whatever you think is fine enough.
Yeah I've noticed some pretty spooky frame drops on PS5
what difficulty is it acceptable for me to play at if im really bad?
you will learn by the numbers
it's capped @120fps with gsync. I get on average ~80-90fps in battle with 70 dips. It"s playable but it doesn't feel quite right on a 144hz monitor.
Whatever you can handle and have fun with.
>pc player
10, you'll learn at the deep end
>ps4 player
just join an hdg lobby faggot no one cares if you're bad
liberty day hopes and wants: a free 3 page super earth themed warbond
likelihood: the constitution will be given out and maybe there's a warbond but you'll have to pay for it
If you suck join hdg 10 lobbies with the stim pistol and give your team head between missions like a good slut
play at 720p minimum settings
Console players can hang if they turn on the good controls. Most don't have the will to improve.
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7 is still the comfiest difficulty
I dunno who came up with it, but that idea did spread through the community. Some people made children's art like you'd expect as a thank you from the kids to the Helldivers.
We didn't get any, but at least one of those images got framed and put in Joel's office.
I only saved cute lolis and made them pilot Eagles.
I preferred HD2 at launch over the game we have now
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My fellow comfy diver.
Not too stressful, not too boring, and most of the randos are still braindead enough to make it interesting.
Shout out to all my Helldivers who wear matching armor and weapons—so you don’t look like two landfills f***ing each other
I didn't git barely decent gud until I started getting carried by /hdg/ at level 60
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I like the stim pistol :)
Lazy Sweedes can't even add a simple cape related to special events like this one

i'm gonna try it after i unlock it
>matching weapons
you've got serious autism
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>Actual healslut in my /hdg/
>3 page
liberty day should feature a 10 page warbond every year
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I don't care what you fags say, tox grenades are amazing
An easy solution would be to make that cape available to anyone that plays on the creek. It will come back into rotation eventually.
holy shit is that THE wegh?
Orbital napalm is pure kino. I'll keep taking it even if it gets nerfed to oblivion as long as the visuals aren't changed.
has anyone here said the brap nades are bad? What's bad is literally everything else in the warbond
>people still don't realize we're playing the bad guys and "for Democracy!!" isn't something we should be glorifying
>liberty day hopes and wants
Election storyline
Either squids or the campaign for Cyberstan
Free Warbond
Paid warbond
Second balance patch
Some new content like maybe a biome and a couple missions
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Democracy Officer? This one right here.
Wait. Is gas strike bad now? I used it against bugs because it killed all the little shits during breaches.
super earth is a paradise and we will protect it
Yes it's bad because I say so, faggot retard, kys
No, it's still good but it does half damage with a new stun.
It's the new EMS.
>stun grenades
>they do what they say they do
>sometimes they bounce poorly

>gas grenades
>they do what stun grenades do
>they stop when they hit the ground, almost sticky
>effect lingers for longer tahn stun
>kill chaff
>lowers armor of things it doesnt kill? (unconfirmed)
>damage medium enemies
>sometimes enemies just murder eachother
>if anything dies under the effect of gas it credits the helldiver that brapped it with the kill.

they're pretty based and i dont think anyone will argue with you.
Nuh uh we are the gud guys
It's very strong against both factions since it's a short CD AoE disable that lasts for quite a while. It also kills chaff and a decent amount of mediums as they start whacking/shooting each other.
Always a pleasure to see you around, wegh.
What's the old EMS do now?
gas grenades against bots feels great.
Stim pistol HONESTLY pretty nice against bots too. People take a lot of chip, just needs to self heal and it's perfect.
SE is a force of good (human), you have to be a genuine misanthrope to argue otherwise
>self heal on pistol
Alexus would FREAK
They don't reduce armor.
But they also linger for like 15 seconds.
Not much of anything. Gas does it's job but better now.
Barely useful as a free stratagem and nothing more
EMS should permaslow enemies
my post didn't get uploaded for the 3rd fucking time I just wanna host a goddamn lobby
lobby in a few mins if this goes through
post eet
>good controls
Which ones are those?
How does one join lobbies as a PSN player?
>decide to try botdiving since buttdivers are supposedly so good at the game
>only 2 randoms join over the course of 4 hours
>first one dies 4 times in a row then leaves
>second one dies once and then leaves
Seeing as this sample size accounts for the majority of buttdivers I can say with confidence:
ya'll a bunch of fags.
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it did
friday night drink and dive
10 bots, planet undecided
they seem to also work at least a little bit on bile titans, making them stop following for a few seconds. Not that BTs are an issue anyway when half the squad has RRs or Thermite.
Most console players use it for 10 seconds, play worse because it's different, then go back to trash stick aiming.
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You don't
The stim gun is the best thing ever
wtf is it full already
Thermite is cool but in the end I think impacts are still better. Without impacts I lose my OH SHIT GET THE FUCK OFF ME button. Thermite is good at killing heavies now but all AT is more effective now so I don't need my grenade slot for that.
It's just another very good option depending on what you need for different parts of your kits.
If you are going light on heavy AT, it's a great way to shore that up, and it means that when you drop fresh, you always have access to heavy AT immediately.
Impacts, gas, stun, thermite, all very good depending on need.
Anyone else freezing and crashing recently?
Thermite takes too long IMO. I want heavies dead NOW. I want chaff to fuck off me NOW.
Newest patch introduced some shit. Reverify.
yes, ever since my wife left me and took away my daughter and son i freeze and crash constantly
Art request: Helldiver A happily shooting Helldiver B who is not excited about the 20 needles sticking out of his helmet
Helldiver A keeps shooting needles into Helldiver B who is busy getting shot by bots.
>just let me die already
>no, liberty needs you
It's not game changing, but it's nice when you have someone who's enthusiastic about topping off your chip damage.
Mek nieuw
I'm not taking grenade pistol.
It should let me self heal.

Not even fast enough to heal yourself mid combat, it'd be solely for tap ups.
The effect stacks, which means the crack stims effect probably stacks too. Could people be running around at light armor speeds in heavy armor?
>Could people be running around at light armor speeds in heavy armor?
Fuck that. How fast can a minimum armor diver get when jacked up on 4+ stims at once?
DCS might be a bit too strong on bots, desu. Not because it one-shots heads, but because it also has low shots to kill on midriffs and legs.
Is DCS the light armor pen or the medium armor pen?
it's cool because now I can take 4 chaff clear stratagems and not be fucked if my teammate doesn't kill the armor even if thermite takes a while to activate compared to real AT it's something
It's the medium pen semi auto counter sniper.
And I just realized it feels like that because I ran it with gas so I could take my time slapping patrols without any fear of a bot drop getting called since they're busy getting gassed.
Yeah that's my favorite part about it. Just "oh chip damage" FWOOP (fwoop fwoop fwoop, "holy shit this is hard to aim")
I hope they end up giving us a horde difficulty, less or even no heavies but the map is absolutely swimming in chaff and maybe mediums not devastator variants
>holy shit this is hard to aim
My years of leveling the medic perk in kf1 lobbies are finally paying off.
I wish headshots healed you faster
I guess it's time to make a helldivers 2 healslut brothel.
i only like jungle commandos if you know what i mean
Anyone not run a stratagem weapon? I just pick up whatever I find on the field for variety's sake.
bugs 10
bots 6
Why is the crossbow better than the eruptor? It just doesn't feel right.
Because the shrapnel is hit or miss while the crossbow is guaranteed.
Eruptor has higher highs and lower lows, crossbow is just reliable.
tried out the new tesla coils today. holy shit they are super strong now
because they just don't understand how shit a mechanic shrapnel is.

>Click on group of enemies
>All of them are guaranteed to take 350 damage
>can tap again and kill all of them.

>Really bad fucking weapon sway
>Has to cock back each shot
>Shrapnel MIGHT kill everything, or do jack shit and bounce

Honestly should just set it to do like 700 explosive damage per shot with a fat radius and eruptor would be fine.
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Lobby decides bots or bugs
Prince Juhziz had his revenge.
Wait until I'm home ok baby
The call down?
shrapnel is fun and dopamine pilled
use the fagbow if you want consistency
I use frag grenades and resupply pack.
yeah, tesla towers*. survived mutiple attempts at chargers/behemoths trying to kill it everytime i threw it down
gee turns out when you reduce the armour of the charger to a level where the tesla tower can actually fucking penetrate them it actually deals with them really well
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That's a nerf
Your squad should only run one RR strat and call down extras of it over the course of the mission.
It also stuns them
>Try braphose
>It doesn't really do any damage
Why doesn't this thing atleast leave clouds. If this was gonna be this weak, why wasn't this a primary.
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>try to do flamethrower
>it's a teammates have nothing but high explosive strategems that they HAVE to drop on me each time they see 10+ bugs episode.

They need to add some shit like explosive armor just makes you 100% immune.
I am very pleasantly surprised by the orbital napalm barrage
It'd be a bad primary then.

Theres no reason to stand near an enemy to stunlock them. It's fucking retarded. At least the drone lets me shoot.
Umbrella backpack that deflects overhead projectiles. Actually I guess the displacer backpack will solve that whenever squids are added.
Pile will save us
Trust the plan
Alright fags.
I'm back with more dissapearing rockets.

Also what the fuck's wrong with the previous thread? No comments loading for whatever reason.

Well, can't link to the previous "conversation", but here we go again.
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Do you trust this man?
Uhm...skill issue, sweaty
bitch you just missed
the gun has to move after you aim, look at the circle no the dot
As much as I like the new gas effect, I really do miss the orbital gas strike being able to kill targets like how when the dot problem was fixed and everyone rejoiced. It should have both capabilities hoenstly
>crashed out of my own lobby
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Explain the second rocket then, you can see the trail clip right into it.
Fucking meteor shower crashed my game
Also nothing hits quite the same as a tank sneaking up on you, this game could really use some more audio cues
Skill issue
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threw an eagle and crash'd, can't rejoin

i was hoping to finish that mission considering how miserable it had gone so far
bro he is right there literally JUST SHOOT HIM
I didn't want them to change gas at all, nugas sucks.
Bro look at the circle not the dot.
Lobby died
And yeah that was a slog but I had a feeling we were on track to finish
something in this game is cause my videocard/drivers randomly to fail causing a unresponsive black screen and my monitor going to sleep because nothing is detected. Makes me have to restart my PC. I think it might be the menus.
This is what happens when you don't believe in democracy!
The autocannon does the same thing if you shoot it too quickly. Pretty noticeable when you just want to quickly kill some chaff and the round isn't connecting despite the circle being over the target.
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One more time bots or bugs
bots 10
Idk, if mediums stay it in for full duration all die. Except maybe hive lords.
>bot misses every shot too
Working as intended.
fuck it, join this one
This was back on release. They wont miss that shot now.
I'm hopeful. I have enough SC for a lifetime but if they keep going in this direction I'll start supporting the game unironically. Too afraid of being burned right now until they confirm with the next update.
It also lands a burst at the midpoint, so damage still going one way
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eagle strafe is so fucking good holy shit, why did i sleep on it
Way too situational.
what's so good about it
All the armor nerfs for enemies made it much more reliable with the update.
I cant go back to other primarys on the bot front the DCS feels so good
fwiw i run it with servo-assisted, lets me snipe fabs from super far & clear patrols pretty well, the 5 time use and low cooldown makes it very spammable
They never fixed the lobbies breaking after someone leaves?
Might as well do the same with EAS while also doing lots of collateral in the process, as well as chances to do in more than 1 fab.
Anyone want a lobby? Not trying to sit for 20 minutes.
why did you lie to me
peak physique doesn't work
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>everyone itt now wearing the chud helmet
>mfw I can now easily identify /hdg/ays in pubs
i am wearing the scouter tho
Hate to break it to you but like 60% of all pubbies are using it rn, no way they're all lurkers kek
it's the reddit helmet too
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Everyone is wearing it. And it drives the troons insane.
I hate them so much bros it's unreal
I'm still wearing the physician from the first warbond.
Your great grandparents would beat you if they knew you were celebrating the usage of nazi uniforms
my great grandparents would have joined the nazis if they saw what happens in the west today
my ancestors have been absolute golems for several generations back. It disgusts me that I have their genes.
Tell your great grandparents what you did with your penis, loonytroon
My great grandpa was a pacifist
now that the dominator is overshadowed by the DCS can it get a buff
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Fantastic post, got multiple fishes.
explain to me why peak physique actually increases sway when aiming down sights instead of reducing it
do swedes really?
d10 bots, claorell
Lmao, it just increases the speed your gun moves, doesn't it?
I felt like this for months. That buff was overkill though.
Not really
It increases the turn speed in 3rd person but not when you aim down sights
The only effect I see when aiming down sights is increased sway
Joke's on you faggot my grandfather fought the sovoks
failed to join
My great grandfather pissed down a tube into the mouth of a jap general that was buried on a pacific island. I don't think he would give a fuck about "micro aggressions" like thinking nazis were fashionable.
Anon that story is 100% bullshit lmao
True or not, he was the one that told me the story so the point still stands.
It feels inconsistent that the RR can reliably oneshot factory striders to the head even if you don't aim for weakspots but then it requires 3 to 4 shots just to kill a tank if you don't aim for the heatsink
based pterodactyl
Man remember when gcj was just people mocking Witcher 3 shills? Good times.
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What nerfs are you excited for?
RR, thermite, and crossbow of course.
Nigger, my grandparents were fighting alongside the Nazis and wearing stahlhelms.
Your mom.
Has anyone else noticed that titty plants have been absent from the game since the patch?
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given their pattern of behavior:
>diligence CS will get toned down
>AMR nerf
>railgun will be toned down
>AMR will be toned down
>thermite will be toned down
>RR will be nerfed
>crossbow will be nerfed
The rest I think will stay the same.
you must be smoking titty plant because I saw some
I don't follow, is this a Danger 5 joke
I hope they undo the update and bring back stratagem thrower. You have a super destroyer, the enemy doesn't, that's your power.
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Ka, meil samit veikkosein
>responding to a doomsissy
I can see them cutting 500-1000 dmg off of RR.
I have no idea what people want with a melee AT weapon, nerfing thermites in any form will make them trash. Being able to ohko something is a decent price to pay at the cost of all the other utility other grenades provide as well as nonsticky chances.
I also don't see what you want nerfed with AMR and RG to begin with. Together with AC they are the laughing stock of the current patch.
t. Polish subhuman
Your grandparents were nothing but expendable war-slaves, just because they wear nazi uniform, doesn't mean they aren't forth class citizen in the eyes of the Germs
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Old Painless when?
next warbond along with the chud armor
it would be way more fun to mow down hordes with this instead of noob tube RR
*Super Earth Uniforms
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>backpack stratagem that's literally a futuristic pic related
>pressing 5 makes you crouch and starts a randomized input
>if you hit the inputs correctly everyone gets their stratagems faster then goes on cooldown
>If you fuck up it just goes on cooldown
>like 30 seconds cooldown
would you use it?
Not soon enough.
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I haven't bought any warbond since democratic detonation.

Is any of the newer ones worth the credits? I don't like any of the armours in them- the jungle one I kinda liked but the fact that I have a chance to get nigger skin at every spawn makes it a no buy.
A stratbooster comm device that does -1 deploy time, +dmg, -10% cd in an area around the user would be a cool thing once every minute would be a cool thing.
I don't want the AMR nerfed at all, I just think these devs are retarded and might nerf it anyway, like they did with the Eruptor and initial railgun nerfs.
Thermites are also fine, but again, with it being able to one hit kill chargers and tanks, I can see them ruining it.
I would love to be proven wrong.
This but except it's a tablet instead where you file a requisition form to increase your budget (decrease cooldowns)
I wish but real answer probably fucking never
Closest we're likely to get is the Stalwart or starting MG
HMG is the "upgrade" but apparently the design philosophy of the devs is heavier MG = less bullets so a chaingun that has all of higher rof, calibre and capacity becomes impossible
>Everyone on the team uses the backpack.
>Whole-ass 2 minutes off the cooldown of everyone stratagems.
>Cover the whole map in 500kgs and orbital bombardments during the entire lenght of the 45 minutes mission.
Yes. Yes I'd use the backpack.
>everyone crashes at extract
well shit, not the sendoff I was expecting
ggs anyway, never taking orbital barrages again
You'd need to friend someone with the in-game social features and then be invited to /hdg/ lobbies. I dunno how that'd work but I think it's got something to do with the friend codes. And I'd be willing to act as liaison but you should really cure yourself of your consolitis
I didn't want to play anymore anyway, baka.
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>on their knees mouth-open for nerfs
>on the heels of a pre-nerfed brapbond
>after a pre-nerfed firebond that only just got undone
they will re-nerf fire (shouldn't kill hulks or robots in general) they will nerf gas (bots shouldn't get confused) nerf railgun (it's worse than the amr but should be even more dogshit) nerf every rocket launcher (rockets shouldn't be able to kill tanks) nerf crossbow (one handed so it should be dogshit) nerf both diligences (they're long rifles so they should handle like a brick shit house) nerf 500kg (shouldn't kill enemies) nerf napalm barrage (lasts too long) and finally nerf eagle airstrike (it's been too good for too long) also they should buff enemy health by 50% across the board (enemies shouldn't die in less than a magazine)
>another crashed lobby
Yall gotta check yourselves for aids
>Well I'm German, time to gas ze je- I mean ze bugs
I think one decent idea for a resource sink would be to let us requisition SEAF artillery shells to call down when at an arty site. they could have different prices. purely req slips for EMS, smoke, explosive, req+samples for napalm and high yield, req+samps+medals for mini nukes.
>doomsissy is also a bot-centric poster
forgive us, Yuri, we blew it
>not RR-blapping the tank at the zenith
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it's just a hobby
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>lobby crashed
ggs otherwise, we finally had the dream team of four level 150 autists assemble
Based Alexus. Give us more nerfs please!
I wanted to like it, but it doesn't kill Chargers and it doesn't close bug holes, which makes it not very comfy.
bots have T-72s now?
no, they have B-U-R-A-T-I-N-O-S though
I'd take a lowest HMG fire rate if I could just not reload every 2 seconds in this reloading simulator.
umm chud, the realism? what's next, you gonna ask for a third person reticle on AMR?
Anybody know a fix that worked to get their social tabs to load again? Mine have been stuck on please wait democraticly since the last update.
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who are bigger doomers: nerfmongers or buffchasers? who will history remember in the battle of our balls vs alexus' vice grip?
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what the fuck is that? that kind of shit is why I sleep with a knife.
>he cant identify a garloid
over/under that he's infected?
gg gentlemen. First mission was rough but it went smooth as butter after that.
>All these retarded light armour only players malding because they're punished for getting hit now.
Dex builds, man. Will they ever learn?
you never farmed garloid before?
>game physics flinging objects at you for literally no reason
Backblast made a vacuum that sucked them in like a vortex. Saw it all the time back in nam.
>no reason
shell hit the top right engine behind the berserkers while the dropship was at an angle towards me so the force of it flung them at me
this is the sole occurence where it makes sense for them to fly at me
No. That shit looks haram as fuck.
Malicious code
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D10 bugs. B.Y.O.B.
This nigga never seen a garloid
Honestly they just need to spread out enemies more when they attack players. Nerf explosives and reds by making the ai not just funnel in one direction.
>the *SWEDISH GAME DEVS* just need to rewrite the entire path-finding system for the AI
Risky proposition.
Chudbros, what do armour do you think matches best with the helmet?
Medium servo assisted
Not pathfinding. Just spawn two seperate bug breaches from different angles.

Same with like drop ships.
Then again people bitch A LOT about bots flanking them
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>Wegh... Wegh never changes
Typical peak physique user
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This is me every mission.
I love stim pistol. It's so dumb, but comfy
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>bring GL + Ammopack
>its a bile spewer seed
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>he's using gas bombardments on hideous insect aliens! WTF THAT'S ME DOWN THERE BEING GASSED
Is it good enough to larp as a medic?
G pistol is the like fix when I'm not using the best weapon in the game.
Art request: A helldiver pointing a bushwhacker at a stalker while saying “Try me bitch”
Yeah actually.
Bring it to bots, follow the RR guy.
They always take chip damage.
>shield devs shooting through themselves came back at some point
But these are not nazi uniforms. these are kreig, jin-roh, german empire, or helghast asthetic, but absolutely not nazi
For me it's kicking anyone who wears the nazi helmet. My ancestors loved punching nazis, so you could say I'm keeping up tradition :)
some guy did that in a d10 pub with me last night, was probably the most pleasant and smooth pub operation i've ever had
The guy they had for Helldivers 1 OST was fucking cooking, and I prefer the more arcadey soundtrack of the first game over the more realistic track that 2 has. Also, the intensity changed depending on what difficulty you played.
>I seriously don't have issues dying as long as I have the biggest crutch in helldivers 2 that makes me borderline invincible
that's a bit of a silly thing to say man
I enjoy getting my teammates high without their consent :)
Refilling their stamina might be it's real strength.
I'll look into it, but first in need to sleep.
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Bots are niggers of races
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>stimpistol guy forgot that he brought the senator last mission
hold still while i heal y-
>the title isn't "Gas Master"
that alone would have saved this warbond
Bugs are easier and more fun than ever. I don't know how a single major order involving the bot front will get completed ever again.
Sweet dreams art anon
>I hate that light armor is so weak now but I will NEVER EVER EVER use the bubble shield backpack
Sad nobody responded to your lil clitty bait XD turns out nobody likes niggers and the nazi helmet (actually based on ww1 helmets and gas masks, not that a nigger would know) is cool asf
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>all the backpackless support weapons are more viable than they have ever been
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No no, you don't understand. The shield pack prevents you from carrying B E S T B O I everywhere
if they give a free 10 page I'll jack off on stream
BLAMing teammates should become a gameplay mechanic, help keep morale up
so what's the bot meta
is AMR the only viable weapon like it's always been?
I was excited for RR buff but there's just too many heavies and too few ammo to deal with them.
Honestly I don't want to go back to AMR, I'm kinda tired of using the same shit over and over
I accidentally squashed one with my mech
I'll figure out the details if it happens
I'll get a helldiver helmet and do it
I'll never use shield cause it sucks.
>60 seconds to fucking recharge when it gets damaged

who thought that was okay
Just use whatever you have fun with, there are obviously bad choices but for the most part just use what you want
machine gun is fun
that's why I'm fucking asking
with all the rocket striders and shit around, it's not fun running out of ammo in 30 seconds, and I'm tired of AMR
I even have to take out hulks with crisper to preserve ammo
You say it like there are other options besides AMR and RR, then name them
Meta is boring try fun builds. You can run some cool shit together now and have it be perfectly viable. I ran ballistic shield, crossbow, EAT, Commando all of last night in D10 and had a blast.
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bots D10, only those who can aim with an AMR allowed
>forgot my link
*super chair clattering*

The only support weapons that is basically worthless on bot side is stalwart and brapthrower.
Stalwart because it only has light pen and its just a glorified primary weapon.
Brapthrower doesn't deal much damage and trying to use it on bots is suicide.
Flamethrower could fall that boat too but atleast that can melt bots, literally.
>Flamethrower could fall that boat too but atleast that can melt bots, literally.

No one should touch the flamethrower until they revert the accidental nerf.
the flamethrower never passed through bodies, it always deflected off them and armour
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dang it
I don't know how true that is, because I know you could sweep through chaff.

Just they honest to god nerfed the flamethrower by 33% instead of buffing the damage by 33%
He’s talking about them nerfing the damage by 33% percent instead of buffing it. Swedes still can’t into percentages, negatives and positives correctly still
this feels like a personal attack
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torcher should be about 375 DPS
Flamethrower should be 800

currently flamethrower is 400
>survive things you shouldn't
>complain about it
flamer never penned through bodies, there's videos and tests of people trying to front-kill hulks pre-EoF and it literally NEVER could
the devs were just flat wrong about that from the start
the flamer can only penetrate things its projectiles can pen (which is now pen4)

the reason it fucked chargers was because their leg hitboxes were broken
I don't like how when it's at at like 5 hp remaining, it doesn't recharge and if I get hit with it up I die anyways.

It recharges at 10 seconds when broken.
Theres no reason it needs to take 60 to recharge when not broken. I honestly thought it didn't recharge when damaged, like it was a bug but no.
Dumb double niggers are not people so it can’t be personal
>the reason it fucked chargers was because their leg hitboxes were broken
I always assumed it fucked chargers cause they had an itty bit of hit zone in them that didn't have armor on it that the flamer tickled.
Railgun is a decent choice but you'll need to sniff around for ammo, autocannon isn’t king anymore but is still great, even the basic MG is viable. If you're having such ammo issues try bringing the ammo backpack.
/hdg/ diver tier list, go!
fuck off retard
You sound like a massive faggot. You probably are
Tracks have 750 HP each and 100% transfer to main, the main hull is 3000 HP. With both tracks broken like that that tank has around 1500 HP remaining. It takes 3 and a half seconds (not 3.3 seconds since the timecode is in seconds:frames as evident by the fact the second ticks up once the last two digits hits 60) to burn through the roughly 1500 HP remaining which puts the flamethrower at around 430 DPS. 66% of 600 DPS, which is what the flamethrower supposedly had before this patch, is just shy of 400 at 396 DPS. 430 DPS is not exactly a 33% decrease but it does appear less than it should be if the flamethrower did get buffed to being 800 DPS.

It fucked chargers for two reasons:
A) the spray projectile could phase through the collision mesh of the exterior armour hit zone that made up the chargers outer leg armour as these were not properly configured. The throwing knife, a special projectile like the flamethrowers spray projectile, also did the exact same thing but now can't
B) unlike the bile titan torso interior or the charger torso interior the leg hitboxes of the charger were incorrectly set to be always enabled instead of only enabling after the exterior armour hit zone was destroyed. This allowed the phasing projectiles of the flamethrower to hit the comparatively very low HP interior leg hitbox and do full damage. This is why you can also damage the chargers interior leg with literally weapon before stripping the leg armour. Immediately after the patch that 'fixed' this it was even still possible to kill chargers by flaming the leg, it just took longer and was less reliable.
Use scorcher or plasma punisher to pop your shield so it recharges? Hopefully they add the plasma pistol so its easier to synergize with the shield. Though I agree its a bit stupid it should have a 'recharge period' that you can manually activate by hitting 5/your backpack button.
If you say Lobby 3 times the Lobby man makes a Lobby.
>Tracks have 750 HP each and 100% transfer to main, the main hull is 3000 HP. With both tracks broken like that that tank has around 1500 HP remaining. It takes 3 and a half seconds (not 3.3 seconds since the timecode is in seconds:frames as evident by the fact the second ticks up once the last two digits hits 60) to burn through the roughly 1500 HP remaining which puts the flamethrower at around 430 DPS. 66% of 600 DPS, which is what the flamethrower supposedly had before this patch, is just shy of 400 at 396 DPS. 430 DPS is not exactly a 33% decrease but it does appear less than it should be if the flamethrower did get buffed to being 800 DPS.

I did the math based on the video. Relative to the torcher's 375 damage in TTK in seconds.
3.56 x 375 = 1335
Divide that by the TTK of the flamethrower at 3.31 you get 403. (or ~400)

Which is 33% of 600. The original DPS of the flamethrower pre-patch.
It's hard, you'd fix one thing, create another problem and end up creating way too much fucking work
>split the fronts
>liberation is fixed
>but now you cant have kill orders without scaling for player numbers
>so now you have to remove hard numbers in favor of a percentage bar which sucks or even just remove kill orders completely
>and now you need to add the aforementioned scaling
in short; fuck bugshitter npcs for being what they are
I use Grenade pistol to pop. But yeah. It's very dumb.
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I'm a D7 shitter
>t. scared he'll be put at the bottom
D7 is comfy no shame in playing it anon
Really like that you can kill shriekers with electric weapons now
Solo right?
Solo d7 is like the only manageable difficulty unless you play hyper meta.
Me at the top and (you), yes (you) reading this up there with me
hdgdivers never die
hdgdivers never lose
Gunships as well on maps that don’t have trees that cause them to fly higher than usual
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Hey man.
Nah, I do pubs. I don't have friends that play this anymore to play d8 or 9
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Reforming bugged lobby. If you didn't leave before the host transfer, wash your hands and get a file verification.
>gas nades with +2 grenade passive
yeah, I'm thinking we're back
aww I feel that lil buddy. That's why I've been solo diving.
OPS sucks now
Secondary? It better be Crisper
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I will verify before trying to play again. We were about to rape those gunship fabs. Host crashes, another player disconnects, Chang enters. Pure shitshow Good luck.
This. 500kg is back though.
I wonder how many anons actually play on d10 or just larp that they're good at the game to fit in
why? still deletes impalers and BT
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Thanks big bro
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I'm gonna take a break, been playing a lot today. Had a lot of fun today and yesterday after only being able to read about the new patch for a week since it came out. If I had to surmise my feelings, I like all the changes but miss the old spawn rates. I heard nothing but horror stories about how light armor is now unusable but that hasn't been my experience at all. My new punching bag came in today too and I've been away for a week so I don't want the new habit to die down yet.
Top priority for swedes, critical to game's success:
>Cowboy Hats
>New mission to clear bugs from a space station's interior (you can still use all your stratagems to blow holes in the hull.)
A lotta stuff they say fits the bill.
I haven't heard any retarded reddit tier takes.
a 500kg is a better hit in any situation. They did a power scale switcheroo in the last patch. I think it's intentional to spread loadouts more between eagles and orbitals.
any lobbies up?
>I like all the changes but miss the old spawn rates
Same here, hoping difficulty 11 isn't far off. Give em two mega outposts per map.
holy shit anon, this is extremely autistic. I'm proud of you and glad that you did the math on the one thing I am the most invested in (I hate AH make flamer actually good swiggers)
interior missions would be such a swiggerjank mess if they actually tried but I still like the idea of getting some honest to god corridor fighting in hives or facilities
Not before we get an urban map of a giant sprawling city
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I just crashed as well
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I was in hospital the last few days and completely missed the patch. Is the game worth playing again or is it still dogshit? I've seen they've buffed alot of shit.

How's the Eruptor doing with the return of shrapnels?
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>18k people on pandion
>0% complete
They're having "fun" apparently. Even though none of these niggers were playing on Nivel-43 when it was available months ago.
it could literally pass through chargers and hit their weakpoints behind armor, nigger
D7 with 2 people can be randomly rough sometimes. My husband (female) and I play on 6 and 7 mostly and I swear the waves are often endless.

Maybe it's just 2-3 players being shitty balancing, but about the 20 minute mark patrols start getting big enough to where by the time you kill them the next one comes in.
yeah okay RR rockets just go through bile titans sometimes
completely outclassed by the crossbow
ironically, the explosive crossbow is better than the shrapnel eruptor
>Flamethrower should be 800
it's another episode of pulling numbers out reddit's ass
all flamethrowers have the same dps
Patrol rates are set with having 4 people fighting them in mind. I know exactly what you mean. I play D7 with my son just the two of us and I swear the shit we get thrown at us is tougher than most D10 games that I usually play.
hulks were literally immune to fire, nigger
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Despite the swedening we still finished the mission.
Bug Malevelon Creek soon.
that's a wall of text that says the same thing
there was not a signle point in time when eruptor was good and it's not even as good as it was on release
>All flamers have the same DPS

The wiki and prepatch numbers and DPS disagrees.


Lets even say the flamethrowers and torcher had the same DPS prepatch. The buff ration would have differed them enough by themselves.
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>hulks were literally immune to fire,
their heatsinsk weren't
What goes through someone's mind when they pick the Quasar instead of any other support weapon?
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>The wiki
The idea of never reloading.
>I want resupply pack and a Rocket launcher, but I hate eats.

Does the quasar do more damage now?
they think ammo costs money or something
the sexual gratification of them helplessly watching as RRbulls steal all their kills before their piss cannon charges up
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>that's a wall of text that says the same thing
The flamethrower could pass through charger legs and ONLY charger legs because they weren't configured properly, but even then it only killed chargers because the interior leg hitbox behind the armour was also not configured properly. It was not a feature of the flamethrowers spray projectile that allowed it to ignore collision meshes, it was two separate bugs with chargers legs. They didn't pass through armour or the collision meshes on any other enemy.

This webm was recorded in june and the flames are deflecting off the hive guard.
I mistake it for the laser cannon on selection and ready up before I realize my mistake
D7 bot is peak gameplay
>t. lvl 142
dear god lobby
IIRC it does something like 2300 damage compared to something like RRs 3000
Still enough to one shot chargers/hulks but not enough to do shit like shoot the underside of a bot dropship and fuck everything aboard up
but that's wrong
if they weren't immune to fire they would teamkill eachother (after they buffed hulk fire damage to 9000%) like bile titans
less worry about bad ammo drops and backpack space for okay damage, though it would obviously make more sense if the damage were amazing considering how long the cooldown is even on frozen shitholes.
If they don't also take a backpack, likely nothing.
>is the game worth playing
It's good. Crossbow's better but it'll never feel as good as the Eruptor. Supposedly people liked the Eruptor because it was "thematically" cool but now hate it even with the shrapnel back.. because it's not one shotting everything lmao
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GP grenades too
what happen anon?
did you fail mission
no i'm about to resort to pubbing
nope does 2000 while eat does 2000.
So there is no upside.
>but that's wrong
do you not believe your own eyes?
pugs can be good, the worst thing that frequently happens is host disconnecting after one mission
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Sometimes I pub on 8s, but usually I play D10s with /hdg/ lobbies and personal friends, when I'm not fucking !CRASHING!
>anon sends me a direct friend invite through steam
>sure, why the fuck not, we've played enough to warrant such
>check their profile out
>animu waifu wallpaper galore
Well I don't what I was expecting. Anime website and all that. I'm memeing of course.
I don't believe your bullshit claim about hulk heatsinks not being immune to fire
Just copy what EDF did.
>hellpods burrow underground
>only hellpod stratagems available to use
>only exception are mechs which have a unique burrowing delivery system
This would leave support weapons, sentries, mines and emplacements for use.
Now that weapons can actually deal with problems it could work.
>taking 90 seconds to pick strats
I like them tech priest fellers, give me a tech priest loadout please /hdg/
>arc resistant armor/servo assister(the ones with robo limbs)
>any energy based primary or the flamethrower
>grenade free pick
>MG sentry
>autocannon/rocket sentry
>mech of your choice/tesla tower
>arc thrower/laser cannon/quasar
Arc thrower, Plasma gun. Thermite or smoke (for inscense flavor).
Machine gun sentry, Gatling sentry or something else.
AC mech suit.

Stun shit off your sentries with the arc thrower and praise the omnisiah.
gas grenades
arc thrower
guard dog rover
anti-tank mines
tesla tower
servo assisted medium armor
God I hate redd*t, can't bring a problem with anything without some sort of drone force jumping on it en masse.
Thinking about a bot-centric warbond.
>breaker loaded with slugs
>grenade that just does three arcs in quick succession like the arc thrower but shorter range
>sickle but in pistol form
>armour passive with x% chance to cause projectiles to ricochet off without doing damage (still staggers/aim punches you)
>armour sets are themed like dress uniforms with a captain's cap on the helmet like pic related from hd1
>shiny chrome paint jobs for pods/mechs/pelican
>whatever other garbage no one cares about as filler
Would the botdivers approve?
>250/75 damage per shot
>gigantic cone of fire

>200/50 damage per shot
>sub-MOA precision

So what was the point of the previous nerf to the slugger's damage, so that it would be worse as a DMR? Seems like a DMR has practically obsoleted it now.
I play on D10 but lower difficulty for solo. Feels like having squadmates really distracts the AI, it's much easier to use a stationary reload weapon.
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I huffed too much galaxy gas bros
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>they nerfed fire right before the fire warbond
>everyone lost their mind
>they reworked gas (read: nerfed) right before the gas warbond
>no one cares
The DCS has the same drag as the HMG while the slugger does not. Better to snap fire against bugs.

but that's about it.
Sounds good to me anon. They really need to come out with a bot centric warbond soon though. Tired of feeling like a redheaded stepchild as a botdiver when it comes to just about everything.
The only gas that existed before was the gas orbital strike. Complainers seem to focus more on guns than red strats.
>and it's not even as good as it was on release
Yeah no fucking shit, release Eruptor had Orbital Airburst shrapnel, nobody in their right mind would ever believe that was balanced.

Since Extreme Heat isn't constantly active on hot planets anymore, even desert planets can get Extreme Cold at nighttime, it's usable on a lot more planets. 12.5 seconds of cooldown is not that far off from the original 10 seconds when it was literally top tier meta. And at higher difficulties, finding the time to reload is more difficult, shooting and scooting is
Gas fills a different mechanical role.
Does it need a buff? Yes.
Is the rework fundementally interesting? Yes.
It just needs higher DPS or make it's effect last longer.
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here's my idea
AT rover, shoots mini HEATs like the rocket sentry
primary: Gauss gun, a bit like railgun but can rapid fire instead of charge
shield bubble grenade
stratagem launcher pistol, shoot your barrage/500kg/sentry beacon across the map
super earth color skins, white yellow blue
armor perk: impact resistance, survive falling as well as getting smacked against the wall by some ragdoll shit, comes with recoil reduction too so you can spam your Gauss gun more effectively
I'd call it Super Sentinels
>posted before finishing
Shooting and scooting is its own playstyle, and with all anti-tank being stronger you stand a good chance of blasting the head off a Charger Behemoth or Bile Titan with your one shot, meaning the cooldown is less of a problem. Blast the single armored threat, immediately swap to your primary and kill chaff, and just keep going about your day while the weapon passively cools down.
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Someone the past thread must have done or typed something terrible, because all the posts have been deleted after the thread got archieved. >>495196646
The strat launcher makes this the best warbond yet. too bad the swedes would never add something so good
It was me and I’ll fucking do it again.
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I want a backpack that lets me call in artillery.

>quick view over head of the map with enemies.
>call in some pretty beefy shots
>know where the enemy is with an overhead view
while you're completely correct anon, you can't just mention EDF, especially not in reference to it having preinvented the wheel in this context, one of the seething non-vidya playing doomniggers will try to start a chimpout over a nonexisting rivalry between the two
Sorry, son. We can't let you on the pelican.
cool secondaries are easy ways to turn warbonds into winners, refer to steeled vets, detonation, viper commandos
sure wish theyd let the stim pistol be powerful too
and you're right this would be too cool for swedes to implement, also probably instacrash any of their shitbuilds
>sure wish theyd let the stim pistol be powerful too
The fact it competes with grenade pistol, when I'm using fart grenades that don't blow up holes, already makes it extra hard to use.
yeah even the better half of the secondary slot struggles to hold a candle to GP (god pistol). a mid item has next to no relevance in that slot.
DCS ergonomics were made on par with ARs months ago, so slugger doesn't even get that advantage anymore.
I feel like nothing really competes with grenade pistol. It's very comfy.
It's because nothing else outside of strats kills bug holes. At least fabs can now die to anything
First things first, sanitizer is not a gas weapon, it's a spray
It should deal less direct damage than flamethrower but more damage over time and debuff for a longer time.
Does it deal less direct damage? Yes.
Does it deal more damage over time? No.
That's the problem with sanitizer.
Brapnades are absolutely fine. The problematic one here is orbital gas strike, it's the same effect as grenades but they don't want to make it last longer because it will be become a griefing tool. There really is nothing they can do about it besides increasing it's DPS, which they won't do due to autism.
Even taking impacts I still take GP.
Having 10 grenades at anytime is huge.
Make one yourself you derp
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clean it up janny
Been doing the crossbow with the 3shot shotgun. It's probably my fav
>So there is no upside.
No bullet drop and practically hitscan because the shot is going at the speed of light doesn't count as an upside?
the flamethrower literally kills the hulk by breaking the heatsink in that webm.
the hulk BODY is immune to the fire damage over time status effect because it had too much armour, but the hulk itself still took damage from the flamethrowers projectiles.
>flamethrower literally kills the hulk
I'm sorry anon you might have astigmatism
Dont they take damage now that fire is AP4?
please explain to the class what killed the hulk, then.
The brapthrower should have waaaay more range
>no hdg lobby
this game is dead
Idk I don't have problems with it's range
It should have lower (or no) windup, windup really makes it bsd
>50% more range
>400% more damage
>create brap cloud that lingers
even THEN it's drastically outclassed by flamethrower
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>he doesn't know about the slugger's ability to rip straight through bugs and keep going
Bushwhacker is pretty good with its stagger and it has a lot of ammo. Just gotta slot in an explosive somewhere and the actual grenade slot is hard to keep stocked for simple bug hole clearing duties.
I didn't realize this video had a hulk in it
>there will be bugs
>it just has to be the flamethrower
I was going to host but with how hard you're crying in the thread I'm not going to. I'll join if you host one but if you're too much of a faggot to take the initiative I don't want you in my lobby.
It's honestly amazing how out of all the things they didn't test.

It was the flamethrower.
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Swap range and damage.
Give me arc thrower range, and make it create an orbital gas sized cloud that grows the more I shoot it.
The game isn't launching for me for some reason. I restarted steam, still nothing.
>every post for a lobby is the same person
Wrong. I don't want a faggot like you as a host.
Been out for a while
Why is there a blanket of brain over the the bug planets
Happens sometimes. Restart your PC
>Stratagem beam might attach itself to an enemy but it will deploy to its original location.
This will NEVER be fixed.
They nerfed the flamethrower's damage on accident by 33%
happens sometimes after i verify, a second verification fixes it
That's the galactic brap, it started spreading and we don't know why
It certainly doesn't have anything to do with deploying subterranean nukes and blowing giant holes into planets that spores are now seeping out of
Just make it snap to terrain if it's red? Shouldn't be... hard, just complicated and annoying I guess, too much effort that should be spent on fixing game-breaking bugs
Gas grenade is great, it's blocks an approach off with a persistent cloud and inflicts damage and cc. Really handy tool in the grenade slot.
The spray gun being in the support weapon slot feels awkward since that's typically where you'd get your big dick damage from and not just a little utility.
>have 35 samples
>plus the specimen
>guy napalms the landing zone with 16 seconds left
I fucking hate this game
Ah thanks
i agree, a gas pistol secondary would have made more sense than a support weapon
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but the spray projectile's damage was increased from 3 to 4, a 33% increase.
Actual damage is lower, they didn't properly revert the spray projectile or some particles aren't being registered now
Someone was talking out of their ass on an anonymous Uruguayan corn-planting forum? Say it ain't so!
They reverted the VFX, they didn't revert the penetration.
>pubs aren't so bad anon says
>dive to a mere d8
>no reinforcements left
>only on planet 8 minutes
I'll at least give them this, one objective was done.
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Can any madlad edit a C-01 permit onto the PDA?
This bitch is always giving my diver a side eye.
I'd unironically plap her.
Stated notes don't match actual implementation, not the first time they've done this (peak physique not working on launch, packing methodology not working for months). See >>495366641 for the video on flamer bad
This is also gay and retarded. As long as it at least pierces corpses I could probably live with this massive pile of damage. As it stands now, it struggles.
You can literally just start the game, drop on a low difficulty mission, test the Flamer on a Behemoth, count how long it takes to kill it and then go watch a video of pre-EoF Flamer. Remember it should be noticeably faster with the damage buff, and not actually slower
The penetration is there otherwise it'd be as useless as EoF Flamer
>or some particles aren't being registered now
this is my bet. I've been seeing projectiles phase through entities that recently took hits. I fired two rockets back to back at a hulk and the second one flew right through its crotch as it was doing the flinch animation from getting hit by the first rocket
Anon that is a nigger, and worse, a nigger female with no hair. Please get help, your coombrain has made you a worse person.
Why is yours so dark?
Fucking hell the Sickle is huge now, wasn't it Scythe-sized just a patch ago?
Stop excluding me from lobbies
You need your eyes checked.
Thats a latina.
Niggers have monkey noses.
>then go watch a video of pre-EoF Flamer
You... do know that Charger Behemoth health was increased by 66% in the patch, right?
Wheres the rate of fire per particle?
The leg fatal parts weren't increased as much as the Flamer damage was buffed
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Took a break from the game and came back to this. Not enough enemies spawned in the mission for me to complete it. I'm assuming that's a bug?
It keeps getting bigger with every update.
Not even joking.
>You can literally just start the game, drop on a low difficulty mission, test the Flamer on a Behemoth, count how long it takes to kill it and then go watch a video of pre-EoF Flamer. Remember it should be noticeably faster with the damage buff, and not actually slower

This was the first thing that tripped me up.
It used to be 1/4 mag to kill a behemoth. Now it's a full mag. Even if they doubled the charger's HP (it went from 1800 to 3000), it doesn't add up.
Its like a spoof movie joke
Yes, this happens even in D10
The band-aid fix I've found are:
>kill enemies faster
>make sure at lest 1 small bot stays alive so it can call botdrops
If the torcher and flamethrower fire the same number of particles per second, and going off the torchers DPS as shown in >>495366641 which is accurate at 375, it means thee fire 125 spray projectiles per second. At 4 damage per spray projectile hat puts the flamethrower at 500 DPS, which is only 70ish short of what the test video in the quoted post got.
>kill enemies faster
Most of my mission was spent waiting for enemies to spawn
>so it can call botdrops
I think I'll just switch missions
Lobby? Should I host? Don't make me start one just to leave me alone for half an hour like before
>which is only 70ish short of what the test video in the quoted post got.
sorry, which is 70 more than the test video showed the flamethrower as having. If you go by the old number of supposedly 600 DPS (not sure where this number even comes from) it was supposed to fire 200 spray projectiles per second, and increasing the damage from 3 to 4 would have put it at 800 if that was the case.
All darkies are niggers. Focus on the white race.
It only happens in bot exterminations, for some reason.
Also killing enemies faster 100% works, you are likely taking too much time to clear them all.
Did you take Loc Confusion or what
Nvm it's probably baby mode
that might be it then. They set the ROF to that of the torcher.
I bought this game a few months back to play with friends but they all quit really early on. I haven't played since. Is it best to just join randos or lobbies here? What's the best way to unlock stuff? Do you guys just grind super credits?
I want to play a lobby here but I died the most when we played D9s (even though we do end up clearing the map) and I feel like I would die even more on D10 so I am too nervous to join any of the lobbies posted
>Now has a duckbill muzzle making its spread very horizontal but less vertical
I like this autism
Also the IB should have one too
If you're hard up on credits just buy them if there's something you want that bad
Farming them isn't a good use of your time, best case scenario you're earing $3of credits per hour
>Is it best to just join randos or lobbies here?
Joining randoms is perfectly fine for the most part. Joining lobbies here will typically be a better experience since you will have less complete retards for teammates. But most randoms are good enough.
>What's the best way to unlock stuff?
Just play normally
>Do you guys just grind super credits?
I pay for them, I dont mind. There is a mod to make Super Credits EXTREMELY visible (giant beacon of light in the sky) if you want to grind for them. I still would rather just spend $10 instead of multiple hours grinding
No one cares. If you're that sorry just apologize and keep playing
Lobbies here are highest difficulty only, if you can't hack it at D10 then better to play with randoms.

Unlock stuff just by playing the game. Do missions, grab samples, complete Personal Orders as much as possible.

You can grind SC, but it's boring and stupid and a waste of time. If you have any sort of job that allowed you to buy your gaming PC and the game in the first place, then you have the spending money to buy SC to unlock the warbonds.
How are you supposed to progress the difficulty if you don't complete all the missions?
I decided to take a break from bots and did a bit of bugs. Just about every mission someone killed themselves with their orbital napalm or 500kg. Bugdivers are a different sort.
What blows my mind about this, I think they showed official footage of the flamethrower versus chargers, and showing it killing them.
Don't you just need to complete operations? Afaik you just lose out on medals and xp if you fail a mission
just play fag
I'm sick of every breach being "OKAY TIME TO THROW NAPALM ORBITAL!"
There's some weird shit going on and it somehow depends on a lobby
in some lobbies aristrikes miss by more than 20 meters and in others every explosion has like 4 times the impact range, I killed myself with 500kg from like 30 meters in one lobby, multiple times, I even thought the host might be cheating
Honestly have no idea what's happening
Remember space stations?
>the huge Blob of bugdivers just repeatedly bashing their heads against Pandion for the past nine days with literally zero progress
>they STILL haven't realized that there might be a problem despite having like twenty thousand dudes on the same planet
They reall are a different sort.
player clans and stations are a complete waste of dev resources
literally no fucking point to it
Yes there were some recent leaks about them
Nobody gives a shit. Just git gud. If you're gonna die a lot take shield.
D7/8 for pubby randos

D10 for the boyz
apparently RR one-hits facstriders in the eye which is why you sometimes get the insanely fast facstrider pops with RR
just a tip
i don't play pubs
the one time i played pubs a negromancer scared everyone off my lobby by chimping out
he also brought the deployable bubble shield to bugs
that was back in march
now that bot grunts gun heavy armored diver in on spray of 4 shots, and rocket striders oneshot you, what are viable armor options on bots?
I doubt extra padding would make any difference, there wasn't much difference between 150 and 200 AR before. Does fortified help with rocket oneshots? I have my doubts.
I wanted to switch to medic armor for extra stims and stim duration, but I don't even get chance to stim because I either get gunned down in nanoseconds or chain ragdolled to death. Engi kit is a meme because it doesn't increase grenade pickups and total capacity is useless. I don't die to fire. Nobody brings arcs to bots. If fortified is useless, should I just go for servo assist? I don't really feel like I need more throwing range though.
Should they nerf the crossbow? Would the bugdivers revolt again?
I feel dirty playing anything except d10
probably but they won't and now isn't the time
>make it two handed again
>decrease accuracy
>maybe take away like two mags
>buff the xbow
>nerf the xbow
>make it one-handed
>buff the xbow
Just make it two-handed again and decrease the massive reserve
Servo is not bad since it reduces limb crippling which arrowhead recently made more common. There's a learning curve to getting used to the new throw distance.
Rocket chicken rockets were always oneshots with a high chance to die from just getting ragdolled by it.
Unironically for bots Servo-Assisted is really good.
Its Vitality Enhancement+ but sadly doesn't stack with the booster.
>quick play on bots on 7 to mess around
>join in on group with zero reinforcements
>last objective
>they are all standing around haphazardly shooting at patrols instead of just taking out the big gun
>do the shit myself as there is literally nobody in the base
>they spend the next 10 mins shooting a wall of patrols coming from extract that is a heavy base
>two guys are in laser turrets doing fuck all
>other guy is calling in EMPs on himself for some reason
>walk around the map and make it to extract
>take out base
>take out factory strider and like 4 hulks
>get killed by laser turret i did not see
>somehow idiots all managed to die despite me taking agro on the whole map
>i am not stuck at a 2 min spawn in a 5 mins left mission

i wish i had friends to play this game that were not retarded mobile tier gacha fags
Please join
D10 bugs
Level cap increase when? 150 feels like a strange number to make the cap
when clans release
>need to be lvl 250 to host a clan
who's our representative?
I was thinking magazine size, but with the ballistic shield that would fuck you over a lot.

Honestly they just need to upgrade the eruptor.
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I had Democracy Protects on for the whole ~3 hour session and it saved me only two times. Probably the least influential armor in the game, until we get a shamrock stratagem to stack it or something. Totally worthless once you get to the difficulties where you're taking multiple angles of fire.

If Peak Physique didn't look so ugly on the moon, I'd probably use it every bot mission. Makes it way easier to tag dropships, which has become the most fun and powerful strategy. Genuinely hope they don't nerf it, as it's one of the most enjoyable things about bots in its current state, and it's the ONLY reason to take RR over things like RG. It feels so amazing to get the big hits. They make the gameplay so inherently satisfying, there's no way they take it away from us.
>weakspot_engine : 500 Health (Fatal) (ExplosionImmunity), 1 Armor, 100% to main, 100% durable

Anyone know where this might be on the factory strider?
The best looking armors have democracy protects, and style is all that matters
man the sterilizer feels underwhelming. I've been trying to use it like a cc tool since it deals low damage. But I can only get 2-3 primary shots off before having to switch back to gas
those are the guts, no? you strip the back/side armor and you can see the internals
it's the engine, is it not?
do the doors underneath have a named weakpoint? i would imagine they just classified the interior as the engine, or they went fully autistic and the leg joints are each servo motors
Isn't it the spot inside when the doors open?
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Probably the rear if the armor's shredded. The only weak points you can access without shearing are the face and stomach.
Yeah. I like to style myself off the environment my diver's in, since it looks way better.
Honestly, I'm just hoping we can get recolors. If I could just make my peak physique armors look winter-themed (especially with sleeves), I'd be way more into them. Right now, they're only wearable on the green planets without feeling like a loser who got dressed in the dark.
What's even the point of increasing the level when it accomplishes nothing? The final level where you unlock anything is 25.
Only thing you can really do is run the laser dog with it. You get exactly 3 seconds before it wears off.

It's better to just throw gas grenades as they let you hands free it.
>engine_front : 2000 Health, 4 Armor, 100% to main, 100% durable
>engine_rear : 2200 Health, 5 Armor, 50% to main, 100% durable
>engine_rear_weakspot : 1500 Health, 3 Armor, 100% to main, 75% durable
>weakspot_engine : 500 Health (Fatal) (ExplosionImmunity), 1 Armor, 100% to main, 100% durable
i think it is the internals, but the 500hp one in question is the one underneath that requires stripping the dev hole
Titles and bragging rights for being high level of course
Should I buy viper commando, fire, gas, or cutting edge
wish I could change the color of the highlights of the ground breaker helmet. I love the giant filter that sticks out but man that yellow clashes with other armors
It's the size of a vietnamese wife now
cutting edge first and by a lot
viper after that
gas after that
fire after that
Bugcreek is open, Peecock.
Cutting Edge -> Fire/Viper -> Fire/Viper -> Gas
My pod is middle right btw, don't even try to use that one
viper commando is trash
others are meh
>not far right
Its like you arent even a supremacist.
If you play bots a lot, fire is crazy good.
Cutting Edge has maybe the best primary against bots and the great stunade
Viper looks cool (unless you get saddled with the nigger skin) but it's not that great
Gas I haven't tried yet
I thought fire was useless against bots
Is the dagger good now?
Does anyone have any fun loadouts for bots? Plasma Punisher + AC is still great, something similar?
crisper kills a hulk in 1 can or slightly more
it's pretty good now
it has no recoil and will pop dev heads in a picosecond
>always drop far left
My mortal enemy.
Well, not anymore it's decent
But you're right, I meant bugs
Does the localization confusion booster actually do anything?
yeah, outs you as a shitter
give it like 5 total mags and it'll be like the incelbreaker where you're forced to be a resupp hog or a supplypackGOD
it is unless you're using orbital napalm, which completely melts bot drops
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man, they really just gave up on making this game challenging huh
If you want that, then ask for a Prestige rank instead. Completely reset levels, weapon access, warbond progress minus SC unlocks, stratagem unlocks, ship upgrades, only things you keep are stuff you bought with SC and difficulty access. And for each Prestige rank you lose access to the lowest level of difficulty until you hit 150, so by the 9th time you do it you have to do Super Helldive with all basic equipment.
Increases the [minimum] time between enemy encounters (breaches/bot drops)
Don't take it unless you want everyone else to get annoyed at you
this would be pretty based, actually
But I already do that.
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>guy suddenly opens up with breaker into the pelican at everyone at the end of a mission
>but he gets blocked by shield bubbles as he moves forward and evacs
>he almost looks surprised we haven't kicked him afterwards, moving around erratically on the ship
>we queue up the next mission, and he takes localization confuser, airburst rocket launcher, and mortar
>kill and kick him
do you think it was a genuine loadout choice, or did he have a grudge? no idea what his problem was
TIL purifier is not terrible versus bots. Provides good CC similar to punisher but at range and better ammo economy.
It only has a better ammo economy because the charge-up forces you to fire extremly slowly
it also has 15 rounds per mag
i'd use it if it had a full auto option like the blitzer. i want to be able to hold M1 on it without having to do the uncomfortable ass "hold/release hold/release" pattern
Every planet is spewers.
spewers aren't planet based they're map to map
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>Peacock is a -2.5% decay rate planet.
Holy fuck, Joel. That effectively leaves bugfront with either Gacrux or the Hellmire biome, which actually isn't so bad now that extreme heat stamina drain only applies during fire nado activity, but normies don't know that so it'll be avoided like the plague still.
Mate literally everyone is wearing it
where's the swastika player card?
Viper Commando has the best secondary in the game and a top tier booster
the chud helmet is the light gunner
i forget what the new one is being called
>guy brings arc thrower and no other strats
Why are people like this
old chud helmet buyers in shambles
I told you all it was low quality and something better would come along, but you all jumped on it just because it looked like a stahlhelm
now the real deal is here and you'll never wear that old piece of shit again
display bug
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Help me /hdg/
I only have 1k creds
Talk me into getting either the polar warbond for the tenderizer alone, or the brap warbond for the armor sets alone
neither of those are good choices
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Just wait nigger, you never know what's getting buffed next.
Use a harder loadout?
They need to add some sort of vague indicator in-game for decay rates. Don't need to show us the whole numbers, but at least something like "Resistance: Heavy" for anything above 2.5%, or "Resistance: None" for 0% decay, and "Resistance: Collapsing" for negative decay like for Tarsh.

tendie's alright but you're not gonna use it very often
lmao if you want the helmets i guess

you're inevitably gonna get both. if those are your only two options, take polar. polar has useful unique armors like heavy engi kit, which you don't get from other bonds.
See >>495384249
None of those armour sets in the gas warbond are actually useful because gas barely even does damage to you normally.
Yeah, that would help a lot with at least getting more concerned normies to understand their actions aren't helping. It won't matter for the absolutely normies and gamerdads, though. They really just need to create a system where those that actually like to influence the Galactic War have more impact on it than those that don't give a shit. Because having liberation get cucked by a mass of total retards is frustrating as fuck and just makes me log off to go play something else while the retards lose themselves an MO.
they really should just make you immune
>Liberator buff
>Give it everything they can to make it viable (outside of giving it 60 rounds)
>Meanwhile Defender
>+5 damage
>+1 vD

I get you can use it with the ballistic shield, and you can shoot it while running.
But its like they didn't even try to buff it.

Like they genuinely said, "oh shit hey doesn't this make the defender useless?"
Then went "well... Give it like some extra damage." And they couldn't go to 80 that sounds like a high number. (Granted that would put it at threshold to 2 shot hunters and 1 shot pouncers which woulda been something.

It's just so weird.
Killmogged some pubbies out of oblivion with a basic bitch build
Also god damn forgot how bad shitters are at this game
>doing a great mission with pubs
>split into two teams
>both do our own things flawlessly
>the person I am with has my back
>lots of emote and voice line use
>max samples
>I throw a napalm barrage as far as I can at the horde of bots approaching
>pelican lands
>we are all moving to board it
>one fucking shell lands nowhere near all of the others
>right on us and kills everyone
>alt+f4 immediately
back to singleplayer games it is
80% resistance for a dot that tickles might as well be immunity anyway, but yeah, total immunity would be nice if they're going to buff gas down the line. Which they probably will, because it fucking sucks dick right now outside of the orbital version of gas and the grenades.
This game feels like it wants to be the funny random bullshit death game, while also punishing you hard for death.
kino way to word it
it's fun as hell to get yellow kills in any lobby, but it gets insane when your kill count's higher than their combined total
There's always an """""outlier""""" (unironic malicious code), run forward, throw that shit and then run back otherwise you'll TK
You can use it with a shield.
>yes that's what I said but-
You can use it with a shield. That's its purpose dumbass.
>Been actually using that card since forever without knowing
>Started permanently using the chud helmet too
I like using the Knight
the dying to random bullshit starts to get old and turns into resentment for other players and the mechanics, why be near allies when they can one tap you accidentally, why engage with subpar mechanics if they widen the window of you dying to bullshit.
Naw they should make gas heal for 25 hp a second, and the armor doubles this.

It's a support ability at this point, sounds crazy but having an alternate heal source would be great.

Hell I'd settle for heals only the one with armor.
Just so I can heal myself with gas and heal others with stims.
Barrage blasts home in on players, I fucking swear. I can throw a walking barrage and if I'm just a bit too close, it'll fly BACKWARDS to instantly kill me instead of forwards. It must have been some backend change because people were outrunning the traitor barrages, and instead of making it so traitor barrages only have that logic they applied it to all barrages.
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>D10 bugs
>Teammates decide they want to clear the entire fucking map
>All POIs and all bug nests cleared
>No Destroyer support for the entire extraction
>2k bugs killed
I like the game very much.
>They really just need to create a system where those that actually like to influence the Galactic War have more impact on it than those that don't give a shit.
This is what needs to happen, there needs to be some kind of weighted system. I refuse to engage with MOs, but if you want to that's your prerogative. I shouldn't hurt you just by playing the game.
Pretty shitty statline for bots though innit?
I want a mortar pack or strategem weapon
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>They really just need to create a system where those that actually like to influence the Galactic War have more impact on it than those that don't give a shit.
Before launching an operation, you can gamble samples. If the operation is successful, your impact is multiplied by 2 if you gambled 10 common, 5 for 10 rare, 10 for 10 super rare.
Barrage hits like every point of the circle perfectly, which some wide berth explosion. And it does it in 10 seconds. So it's understandable honestly if it'll hit everything underneath.
Goddamnit. These fucking things get me every time.
This but requisition.
Samples are obnoxious to farm.
Napalm barrage needs to be nerfed.

I'm sick of seeing that shit everywhere.
It's cool don't get me wrong, and its what every barrage should be.

But I'm sick of seeing it and I'm sick of not playing the game cause some nigger said "I wanna kill everything now."

>I'm just a bit too close
dont blame the game if you just havent learned how far away to throw it yet
it's not malicious magnet tk code - even when nobody is around, the first one or two shells have a tendency to hit just behind and to the side of the beacon
it's a barrage. treat it like you treat all other barrages.
Just throw your own barrage in the other direction
Walking Barrage ALWAYS start like 10 meters behind the beacon, retard-kun
I do
I throw the beacon directly on them, cause that nigger says "oh haha napalm." When he throws it Infront of me.
Then I run over to him, melee him and stim him.

Fucking funny little asshole.
Takes anti tank mines too, and giggles like a retard when things start blowing up.
is it actually BM to use barrages on drops/breaches? i thought i was being a bro by clearing out enemy spawns for my team :(
I have been hit by the tail end of a walking barrage homing in on my exact position near the start of where i initially threw it more than once. I have also thrown a 380 and gotten in the pelican alone while the other surviving players are out of range and been "hit" by at least four 380 shells in a row, on my exact position as I sit there waiting for the timer. They all seek players.
no lmao
The Defender is in the unfortunate position of not having a niche among the SMGs. The Knight can't be made too powerful because it's the Super Citizen weapon and not supposed to be pay-to-win, but they gave it decent stats swap numbers and it's fun to use for fast and bloody gameplay (run in close to the enemy while hosing them down). The Pummeler is the super weird one that isn't actually an SMG (close range high RoF to beat AR's at close range) but the fact that it has super heavy stagger gives it a niche that only otherwise the Lib Conc has.

I guess if you want to carry the Mutated Egg or Confidential Data or data upload SSSD, the Defender gives you something that's an order of magnitude stronger than the Redeemer or Peacemaker and isn't a liability like the Grenade Pistol. But if you bought Super Citizen then you might as well use Knight instead, it has an emergency mag dump feature.
You're actually schizophrenic, Anon
I rush into 380'ed bases all day and don't get hit
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>BRRTd down by strider turrets
>unreinforced for over a minute
pubs never cease to amaze me
it doesn't happen every time, i suspect it has some RNG to it just like the barrage firing patterns
Friendly reminder the fucking crossbow is one handed and they forgot about it when they made it a S tier weapon
i used AMR / airstrike / ops / shield emplacement
what's a harder one?
Yeah ballistic shield and crossbow is just stupid.
if malicious coding Helldiver targeting barrages exist, they shouldn't, and weighted RNG targeting correction to hit enemies should instead, take note swigger spies
Bots have warships too. Clearly, they should all have strats too.
The AMR pretty much makes bots negligible.

If you want some real dumb gay shit, do flamethrower bots. It's doable if you smoke in, stun and use shield emplacement a bunch. (I like to use gas)
ballistic shield is a strict downgrade for crossbow since it prevents precision aiming.
No, you're replying to a faggot
You aim?
I just shoot it at groups
>only bug planets left are jungle shitholes and a hot planet
yeah I'm staying with bots until that gloom shit either gets rid of the bugs or they get better planets
YEAH it's reaaaaal BM
Those were my kills! I was on the breach with my big fat balls ready to blow up the bugs.

You need to respect my first come first kill privilege.
i'll likely get sick of it eventually but since i have not played in forever i am enjoying the jungle biome and spamming napalm at shit
500kgs getting stuck in trees though is a tad annoying
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>ac with plenty of ammo being unused
>trying to shoot the fucking strider front guns with the slugger from a different area code
>running around like a chicken with its head cut off
Dude this is tilting me just watching it. I would actually get on the mic and call this subhuman every slur I could come up with in a rapid succession. Holy fuck that was so painful to watch.
>jungle shitholes
the short tree jungle is comfy
hes probs got tunnel vision trying not to die to the building sized robot dog, anon
Figured he was trying to aggro it towards him so he could shoot it's face
railgun still feels bad. high IQ weapon im too dumb to use
>trying not to die
nothing is even shooting at him for at least half of the video. it takes 1 second to call in reinforcements, you can do it under heavy fire and still not die.
what weapon do you use, fellow ape
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How do I wean myself off of this thing vs. bugs? The stagger + damage + rounds reload is just too good and everything else feels bad by comparison.
the slugger does the same thing but with medium penetration
I don't really need that since I have the flamer against med armor. Plus, the spread of the Punisher is better against Hunters and Shriekers.
>calls you down directly into the line of fire of the bullshit in front of you with no cover and nowhere near your calldowns
yeah no half of you instant revive retards end up costing everyone even more reinforcements
he also ragequit after this because H3, R4 didn't reinforce us (him) within ten seconds
Why would you want to? It's not like you're using the Breaker Incendiary.
>not the mindless AC "plap plap plap" sledgehammer
unexpected but i guess you're just an orangutan (significantly higher iq)
how does this even work better for you than the rg though im curious
the rg's only one eye hit, hmg needs a ton more
They need to give it at least 100 more damage. Maybe 150. Damage is too close to Scorcher/PP, needs to be more of a midpoint between them and Xbow/Eruptor.
It's not that fun of a weapon. Worse on bugs, too
ya, because you have to adjust your posture and cant properly do it while slouching on the couch
>he doesnt know
Nigga the slugger sucks donkey dick.
Half the time your shots dont even go to the aiming circle, not crosshair, the circle that indicates where the gun's barrel is pointing and what you use to actually aim.
It's damage dropoff is also insanely punishing.
Unless you got the barrel directly in an enemy's rectum you'll just tickle and push them back meaning your follow up shot will deal even less damage.
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>mutes him
>does the complete opposite of what he says
>gain over x4 the players back
>Don't lose them all again after two days
What do you think they thinking right now about the lord of balance?
>What do you think they thinking right now about the lord of balance?
Try the cookout for basically the same plus fire.
>Viper Commando has the best secondary in the game
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>they actually gave him a muted role
HAHAHAHAHAHA they're programming him with that swedish humiliation fetish as punishment for Hello Neighbor the game while everyone was on vacation HAHAHAHAHAHA
Yea well they don’t care about the gay ass orders and just want to play the game and here you are whining like a beta little bitch.
err, sweatie? don't tell me you're still using the grenade poostol? big ick
They wouldn't be stuck playing on easy mode if they were smart
>tfw no rainy planet in the cycle rn
I agree 100% with anon, it feels like the sissy ass bitches who couldn't get an easy mode on elden ring backed up their dumpsterfire of an opinion into arrowheads face and reached for the microphone.
>If your playerbase is suddenly 90% chimpanzees, how much of your game should you butcher to add more bananas?
i know this is the retard who is treating this game like some kind of retarded DM who is mad the players are having fun, but why was he muted? kek
Jesus Christ, turrets where deadly before, now they're insta insta killing
Solo might be harder now
I'm skeptical about this
>%0 time remaining
yeah ok mr hides in a bush retard, you didn't beat the game
>cheese the game with stealth
>complains that its too easy when none of the buffs impacted stealth at all
2/10 bait at least you tried
where is the new comfy sweet spot for people that are good but not tryhard ragelords? it used to be 9's on bots and like 7 on bugs for me (stalker bs and fucking bile spewer spam would annoy me more than chargers or titans)
>Comes first in a race but no medal cuz your sweating
why dont you go upstairs and apologize to you last parent for being a complete drag on humanity before they commit suicide like the other one did.
show your stats next time LMAO
What race? You destroyed a bunch of fictional robots, and contributed .00001% of progress to a bar that doesn't matter because the devs changee it at will anyway, you didn't accomplish anything
what the fuck does this even mean you colossal zoomer faggot
who came first in what race? who can suck the most cock? i concede that to your faggot ass
The majority of the reverted changes are things he personally signed off on or defended when they were first nerfed.
>Eruptor "dont gaslight yourself into thinking it was better with shrapnel"
>Arc Thrower "slapping bile titans from across the map"
>Railgun "everyone knows it needed to be nerfed"
He also acted like a smug retard after the first buff patch acting like he was doing good all along "I guess we just needed more time to cook :)"
It's most noticeable on the protect the rocket launches mission because it makes the amount of time between waves long enough that there's down time with nothing happening between waves. Also makes the mission take longer. Those missions launch a rocket at the end of each wave instead of spawning a wave every x minutes (which coincides with a rocket launch). Then that booster just increases the time between waves. I don't think it really makes a huge difference otherwise.
Don't forget "There's no bad weapons in polar patriots" and "Purifier is S-tier"
It was a metaphor for a running race, and all video games don't accomplish anything, they're video games.
What the hell are you talking about here?
>doesn't understand their own language
Why the fuck am I not surprised. Nice comeback though, really got me with that one you fuckin moron

So unironically, does this confirm that he went behind everyone's backs and tried to fuck the game over while Swedish Mandatory Vacation #24827 was going on?
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Maybe? Probably not.
They just realized that he's a walking talking PR disaster and that players really hate him, so it's better to just shut him up
>doesn't deny it
If the game is too easy when you're just crouching all day, try engaging with the enemy
>There's no bad weapons in polar patriots" and "Purifier is S-tier"
He should be executed just for that
Polar Patriots is fucking terrible. Atrocious even
It's proportionally the Warbond that I spent most medals on it because I just kept buying shit in the hope something would be good
I can't believe this fucker had the gall to claim shit about "significant roles in damage breakpoints" despite the fact he probably never actually played the fucking game up to that point.
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>cannot beat diff 6 solo
>talk shit about people who beat diff10 solo, full clear all objectives all bases in 40 minutes none the less
Imagine needing to vent your envy for videogame experience on a chinese pot manufacturing forum.
I usually do d9 solos, its comfy and fun. 10 is just a running away simulator which I dont like
okay stealthtard
I'm not the original anon, I just can't stand mouth-breathers in the threads. Why don't you show us all you're a big boy and record your 'pistol only' run? I'm sure everyone here will be super-duper impressed just the way you want them to be
>i can't do it so how is it possible for someone else to do it
the buffs was a mistake, it brought the cancer back to the threads
why don't you record your riveting bush gameplay? I accept your concession
my favorite part is that he typed those words when he should have had the knowledge that "10x150" is significantly larger than "40"
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lobby bots d10

>>cannot beat diff 6 solo
I beat with a guitar hero guitar
>>talk shit about people who beat diff10 solo, full clear all objectives all bases in 40 minutes none the less
That's the part I'm skeptical about it, it's the time limit, not the difficulty
dont get fucking smart with me, if someone can solo diff10 and it intimidates you to the point you gotta post you clearly have issues
and cut it out with the concession shit its fuckin weird
>oh you need the link?
>beat it with guitar hero
>has to tell everyone on an anonymous online forum
>I just can't stand mouth-breathers in the threads
Then can't you do us all a favor and leave?
>Why don't you show us all you're a big boy and record your 'pistol only' run?
Why don't you show us your crawling all-day run
I'm sure people will be even more impressed
just dont get bogged down in dumbass trench warfare.
keep running while doing burst damage on objectives with the bubble emplacement and airstrikes
>doesn't engage with majority of the game's mechanics
>lets timer run down for free extract with no fight
>posts and brags about how the game is too easy and the buffs were too much
>"Y-y-you can't s-solo D10! Me can! Me big boy!"
Again, your concession is accepted.
Because I bought an expensive plastic toy whose only really functional for 1 game so now I crave validation by using it as self imposed challenge of which I can brag about
Isn't it a bit early for a meltdown, Patel?
>No mortar
>No jammer
Babby mode D10 detected
Well shit, you got me there
That sounds awful though
It's like beating the original NG with Flying Swallow
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There is not enough hate towards stupid motherfuckers and terrible opinions itt. Last thread got fully deleted cause some dumb fuck got flamed by everyone for thinking that crosshair overlays are cheating. Step your hating game up playas.
I thought everyone hated the overlays
The autocannon aim is like, 40% crosshair
People use overlays to have a third person scope for the AMR. That’s about it.
I don't know, sometimes pubs just refuse to reinforce for whatever reason.
Once waited a whole minute while spamming request (after 30 seconds).
>they were busy
They weren't.
So if I don't get reinforced within a reasonable time-limit I just leave.
*reticle but you get what I’m saying
Look I'm sorry to bust both your bubbles here but just because you want me to be the original poster doesn't make me the original poster and sadly no amount of your green text can change that.
You both clearly have an issue with the higher difficulties in this game and you both keep bouncing the same surface level brain dead responses back at me. If a random post on the internet can rile you like this bad maybe you shouldnt be on here
I don't know why you keep replying. I've already accepted your concession. No amount of replies will change that.
I think you're the second person to call me that
don't be too hasty, I'm sure you can tip that fedora down further
Are you still sperging, holy shit.
I told you to leave a while ago
i like lasers and want to run all laser weapons. does the laser cannon kill titans/chargers effectively enough or nah?
I do wish the AMR had a reticle, I don't understand why it doesn't
um sweetie crosshair overlay is cheating though
not all forms of cheating involve hacking
>whole thread got deleted
Unless it was a mod getting flamed, I don't believe you.
Why was it deleted?
Oh fuck off, as if you and your "concession" boyfriend arnt choking up these threads with these bullshit antics. "I told you to leave a while ago", well shit let me pack my bags real quick and get outta here. Who the fuck talks like that?
>makes you "borderline invincible"
>takes a backpack slot
>takes a strategem slot
>14 million year cooldown if you should die and get your shit back without another since you died by being overrun with a million bugs/bots
And I'm the silly one here. Got it.
He was called a nigger a bajillion times lol
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this shit happens all the time when copeg schizo comes to beg for people to join his thread
he came in that thread too I think, I suspect he might be the mod
he always wipes all posts when he's around
>still sperging
Okay, I guess you'll be a faggot for a while longer
I wouldn't have an issue dying if I didn't come back black
What a fag.
I'm in God's good graces so I have nothing to worry about on that front.
The change probably was to make gas more than just a fire reskin. The weapons are weak, but the gimmick is pretty fun. They just need to buff it a bit
so what is the ranking of premium warbonds now? looking to spend my hard earned SC
Does anyone here dig holes in the ground with the autocannon to make trenches against the automatons, specifically in the evacuate mission?
I haven't really sat down to count the numbers, but in my (limited) experience so far, medium 2(AP4) weapons take too long to kill heavies compared to dedicated AT weapons, but at least you're not completely helpless, and it feels good when someone pops a heavy with a rocket but its not dead, and you help to finish it off instead of having to hit it with another rocket
As he should be.
I had so many (you)'s in there.
I guess so. This website needed age verification about 10 years ago
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Little late to this but why did they remove her dialogue
Is the machinegun viable against bots?
You can do that?
She said the no no word to the DO
Yes. Max RPM only.
I've been using the Redeemer (smg) as my secondary since launch.

Are there better secondaries now? I just want one that kills fast, don't care about the grenade pistol.
>Max RPM only.
So supply pack is mandatory then?
Wait yours is white(ish)?
My is like, super niggerish.
She looks like the bald chick from Wakanda
The revolver is fun. Pocket slugger basically.
You chuds better not be playing together with the chud helmet
Yeah, it's basically the old HGM, only quicker and more practical
I tried the HMG in the new patch and it seemed worse than last patch, it now takes like two thirds of a mag do kill a cannon turret with weakspot hits
Guess I'll give the MG a try then
the plate covering the neck on the heavy armor is really fucking cool with the helmet
>I tried the HMG in the new patch and it seemed worse than last patch, it now takes like two thirds of a mag do kill a cannon turret with weakspot hits
3 reasons for that
1) They inadvertently nerfed the durable damage of the HMG. The HMG released with a 100 damage and a 23% durable damage ratio. When they buffed the normal damage to 150 they also bumped the durable damage ratio up to 33%. This last patch they returned it to the old 23% durable damage ratio which effectively nerfed the durable damage to 35, down from 50.
2) The reduced the HMG's penetration when hitting surfaces at 60 to 80 degree, so occasionally you'll get shots that only do 65% of the damage it should. This is especially bad for cannon towers because the individual ridges on the 'grill' are modelled and can cause partial deflections.
3) They nearly tripled the health of cannon towers and tank turrets. On tanks this isn't an issue because they also doubled the damage the heatsink takes, but they forgot to add this to the cannon towers.
2 is the only good one and that's literally only because they're part of the same set.
Do Hulk eyes have armor 3 now?
no, still 4
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Chuds in control.
So how do I kill it with the MG?
stun it or get a teammate to distract it and shoot the heatsink on he back
Heatsink, thermite, EAT or other stratagems.
MMG is more a chaff killer so it isn't that crazy to bring EATs alongside it to deal with hulks, tanks, turrets and fabricators.
>chud helm
>RR (panzerfaust)
>thermite (stielhandgranate)
What weapons and stratagems do you run with this to chud max?
Hunters are acting weird during the ion storm on Peacock...
Panzerfaust is an EAT-17. RR is the Panzerschreck.
from left to right
>dumbass loadout, dumbass armor, retard.
>the haha nazi armor with the haha nazi helmet, very original. good loadout though
>actually looking good and based loadout
>the fit is great, the loadout? mid.
I mean the MG is literally a space MG42
Once we get the Constitution we can pretend it's a Gewehr 98
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>/hdg/ finally dies
thank super earth
the MG is more of a long-barreled FN-Minimi/M249
>shitting on some retard posting a screenshot
samefag harder, pathetic retard
>still no upscale solution
what the fuck
I keep taking Napalm Barrage and not using it.
honestly it's putting me off coming here anymore knowing the general is full of retarded /pol/tards
It's good to have but only really necessary on objectives. You don't need to use it every time it's up. You actually probably only need to throw it 3 times at most, assuming things are going decently.
Go away nobody wants tranny capes.
uhm akschually it's kaiserboos, learn some media literacy bub
>Muh pol boogeyman
I know you're baiting but people just like looking cool and edgy while killing stuff
that's why i avoid lobbies here.
i dont know how sens plays with these idiots
At first I thought it was kinda stupid because why wouldn't the eye be weaker, but thinking about it, why should it be weaker? The eye itself is miniscule and the metal surrounding it seems identical to the rest of the chassis
Do not make a new thread.
Return to /coopg/
>i-i dress up as a nazi b-because it looks c-cool
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>new warbond
>people only use the helmet
>from the superstore
>sens is trans
oh no no no no
D10 bugs
you set it to private ya dingus.
Why did you block me?
The weapons and stratagems are all kinda shit, the brap grenade is the only decent thing in there
So much for higher quality warbonds
It's full
Stim gun is cool :)
It can heal enemies.
I do it because Hitler was right, thank you very much
>Peacock is -2.5% bleed.
wtf... how am I supposed to conquer any planets.
Time to go bully the darksissies again
>Haven't played in a long while
>Decide to give the game another chance
>Hop in on D9 to unlock D10 because it didn't work retroactively
>Have to carry randoms that don't even do objectives, don't fucking know how to play, teamkill constantly by throwing bombs at teammates because there's an enemy in their vicinity
>First campaign my game crashes on 2nd mission
>Second campaign game glitches out on 3rd mission and doesn't let anyone open an oil valve, gets fixed only after host leaves at which point I'm alone and with one life left
Uninstalled, what a dogshit fucking game.
There're no indication in the game of any kind that Pandion is retardedly difficult to capture and no reason to expect the planets to differ in that regard
The only way to actually notice it would be to track and compare the numbers on planets yourself over an extended period and who the fuck would do that for no reason
All they know is capturing the planet is apparently hard as fuck
Shit design strikes again
turn off crossplay, too many niggers with stolen ps4/ps5
>t. tourist
>wasting time on peacock
get on claorell, we're on the way to capture it
mg-43 makes devastators trip out now.
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2/4, please get in.
>fashion troonism is a thing for low level plebbitors
Always knew it
failed to join lobby
Third guy is kino
What helmet looks good on Twigsnapper armor?
>no one even talk about shitty upscale
>not enough enemies spawn to win the eradicate mission
nice game, swedes.
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Anyone else almost never skip the intro when they start a new session?
fresh hellbread
fresh hellbread
Is this the final thread?
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Here is my theory: the aftermath of this M.O, fail or not, will lead to the invasion of Cyberstan, followed by the Illuminate release. Consider this: the Gloom is creeping towards Meridia now. The Lestrade and Mirin sectors are completely engulfed. The devs are trying to push bug players back to an even smaller pool of planets while they set up the rest of the story.
Meanwhile, we converge on the Valdis sector from two fronts- both of which we can trace back to the failed invasion of Penta and Chort Bay, way back before Escalation of Freedom. The devs likely intend for us to seal off Clasa and Claorell before we attack Penta and Lesath directly.
As for the Illuminate, it's safe to assume that Meridia is the key and the Gloom only advances with each passing capture. I frankly don't know why they would choose to introduce the Illuminate during such a pivotal war, but until Joel tard wrangles everyone off Pandion this is the most likely course.
tl;dr - They aim for us to invade Cyberstan first while the bugdivers clear out the rest of the system, introducing the Illuminate and fragmenting the Automaton offensive.
I almost never skip the intro and also often replay the tutorial

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