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>Touch Bloodstain:
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I love sluts
keep this thread brainrot free
If you could add a new Ending, what would it be?
why are there so many girls in erg? I'm scared...
Sounds like the MC from A Practical Guide to Evil.
We failed
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Now that the dust has settled:
What went so wrong?
They are all troons except the one landwhale mermaidtard (we call her mermaidtard because she's as fat as a whale)
allowing /v/eddit to make /erg/
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Kill yourself
hey fatty
Do you think that all turtles can talk if they get old enough or just like him?
I'm not fat
lose some weight fatty
I'm fat...
After some quick research the anons last thread were right the kinda girl I like is similar to ranni and marika, tell me, out of them both, which do you think you'd have more quiet alone time with?
I'm not fat and you can't convince me to redevelop an ED thinking I am, I know that I'm not
Lose some weight fatty
>"yep, hornsent's gotta go"
I would feel bad for helping her of she didn't look like my favorite fsn heroine
you can't develop ed you don't have a working cock fatty
That's not what that means
come on now lardass
Ranni just drugs you and puts you in a ball next to Sellen and Rennala
Fuck thread changed over as I was typing
Reply to schizo anon who had a point
>I actually almost agree with some of this
>Although don't think we're god itself (well we are, but we aren't meant to act like it. It was the only material around to work with) I think the intention was for humanity to be his/it's children. I think we're supposed to find our own way as people and as a species. To grow and become our own beautiful thing equal to what came before. The children of god so to speak, but made of the same stuff as god, so basically the trinity explanation but on a species wide scale

ngl I do not give a flying fuck at the same time. I will always prefer 'pure' virgins in almost any scenario. Hags have there place, and sluts are fun, but pure is best
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I'd like you to remember that avalon in the last episode is the closest to a "true" ending of FSN.

Saber won
I'm not fat and that doesn't even make sense, mermaids are half fish, a whale is a mammal
No but I'll drug you, take you back to my place, and have my way with you. by that I of course mean tucking you into bed gently stroking the side of your face while you sleep then going into the other room to sleep.
Radahn and Freyja's swords (and those of the dead knights at Aeonia and the Wailing Dunes) are shaped like Omen Cleavers. No other characters in the Lands Between use blades like these. What is the lore.
whale sharks are fish thoughever, and you are as fat as one
I'm not, and that's not a whale then, just because it has the name whale in it doesn't make it a whale
But actually once I was thinking about it, mermaids don't have be just half fish, chance mermaids can be half lobster or half octopus
whale sharks are about as big as whales which is whats important, because you're fatter than either
You're not gonna believe this but
the omencleavers were created due to fundamentalist radicals related to radagon and radahn is radagons son. Freyja is radahns second favorite soldier behind jerren so she has a sword similar to her master.
I meant omenkillers
Can we actually talk about the balls? No I'm serious, deadly serious. That joke isn't even funny but I bet you snorted, don't lie to me! Anyway, can we talk about how they're basically crucible experiments using the soul or mind instead of a body like the jar shaman girls. They even study a primordial current through it, and the crucible is itself a series or source of currents of energy

Or how Sellen's graven school is able to talk, kind of, and still even teach. Maybe Sellen had numen ancestry, or perhaps it's just having a woman in the same mass as all the other dudes. A bit like the demihuman queens commanding her followers, or the shaman girls being the core, etc
I'm not
That sounds nice. Better than being drugged and tortured MKUltra style, for sure.

It's not a joke. Rennala and Sellen may think they're "in space" too. Especially Sellen, if she really tapped into the primeval current.
Sellen is related to the carian
The architecture of the carian manor of similar to that of that of the eternal cities
Academy scholars are present in one of the only upperground portions of an eternal city
Her name is similar to that selia and sellen
We know from rogier that the black knives are from the eternal cities
We know the black knives are numen pile marika
Thus the eternal cities contain numen/numen descendants

Ergo, sellen has numen blood.
Nice headcanon and all but how are you feeling today
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Oh shit I forgot she was from Sellia. You're totally right she must be at least part numen. Instead of horns they're growing glintstones. It's merely a cycle, stand before the Elden Ring and become the Elden Lord. History is repeating
I'm not
Marika and the Shamans vs the Hornsent are the Carian's and the Academy vs the Primeval Sorcerer's and some Astrologers. Holy shit it all fits. Marika took over the hornsent like Rennala took over the academy perhaps? Dazzling them with golden light vs a beguiling full moon
The numen don't grow horns. That's the hornsent it's what's special about them. The numen are the ones that when they die or are maimed they turn into earth materials. See the grandmother tree or marikas living but stone body crucified post shattering.
Malenia CUTE
Ah shit I flibbed. I was thinking about the hornsent using the shamans to concentrate the power in their horns, created by crucible energy, and how these glintstone growths are very similar in nature, just using star amber and light instead of primal life energy

>I love the way Miquelia's Fantasia does eyes. The kind of grainy look of it is very satisfying for some reason
I'd like to add as well
Metyr and Marika are who formed the golden order as a religion as we know thanks to the dlc
Coincidentally there are two places of significance related to fingers and the carians. The temple of the divine hand and the moonlight alter. With the latter containing the afformentined divine hand, ranni's fingers, fingers who look NOTHING like any other fingers and are blue meaning they either didn't come from metyr or she pooped it out for some special reason.
We also know that the fingerslaying blade is a thing and by its description it was used before. Metyr has a large wound on her and smaller throughout her body. It's likely it was used on her.
Ranni later uses it to kill her own fingers.
The same blade that was used to maim the golden order's primary finger guide killed the carians'
Note also where it's locked up and how its made, marika we know has a connection to the eternal cities
We know she has a connection to the assassins beyond being a numen like them
If she has some sort of connection she likely used their services before
We know marika through asking hewg to forge a godslaying weapon and creating the tarnished had turned against her own order, or at least it's more "otherworldly" aspects long before the shattering.
I propose marika had the assassins use the fingerslaying blade to attempt to kill metyr but she, similar to when we beat her, teleported away for safety
This is sometime before ranni used the assassins giving them the black knives.
Marika made a new crucible with the divine gate. It's why it's a bunch of bodies melded together and contained the gold strands
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And her daughter too.
No it's the same one. The crucible is the earthly equivalent to the primeval current coincidentally marika opposed many crucible related things yet utilized them like godfreys knights. And rennala opposed many primeval current related things yet utilized them as we she when she comet azures us
>I propose marika had the assassins use the fingerslaying blade to attempt to kill metyr but she, similar to when we beat her, teleported away for safety
The nameless eternal city I'd bet
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>"Oh great. More people."
>"They keep coming. And coming. I'm getting nervous."
There's too many fucking similarities between marika and rennala but real and theorized. I'm going to fucking say it. I don't care if you think it's headcanon. It's fucking true. They fucked at some point rennala knew about radagon and marika being one, they fucked, somehow someway they conceived one child and that was ranni. This is why she's an empyrean. Her younger siblings the twins were empyrean due to the special circumstances of their birth being born to one God. Being born to two women would also be out of the ordinary and thus a special circumstance. This is why marikas grace can point you along rannis questline but not to kill her like the others. It's because ranni is her daughter not just her step daughter. Ranni might not know it, but marika does. She's only not cursed because marika didn't birth her, rennala did.
This is the symbolism of the cuckoo. A daughter of marika and rennala, the heir over radagon and rennala's kids, was raised as a daughter of radagon's daughter despite her true parentage. This is also why the cuckoos rebel its not full on like the cuckoo bird, but halfway there.
2 years wait for 30-50 hours of slop
if it was released in 2022 then it would be good
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The crucible isn't really a singular cohesive thing. It's an energy field that binds all living beings. It surrounds us, penetrates us, binds us. Fr though it's energy was wielded by the hornsent, its power generated by spirits called to their horns. This energy was refined by the Hornsent closer and closer to gold and then conjoined with the shamans to create a an object that could infuse a massive amount of refined life energy into something, and potentially connect with a divine realm.

The Elden Beast entered this lifestream to order it into the Elden Ring. The strands are the refined primordial life energy, gold, 'life itself' as the Erdtree is sometimes called "As if life itself knew it's end had come"
>She's only not cursed because marika didn't birth her, rennala did.
What if godwyn wasn't cursed because marika mpregged godfrey? We know godfrey is his parent somehow and so is marika. So what if Mpreg happened? It's not out of the ordinary remember originally ryas mom was a guy who birthed her and that ymir wants to get pregnant and become a mom. What if godfrey was the first. What if he was mpregged by marika.

This also answers how ranni and tarnished if there needs to be any for some reason could reproduce, she would only need to use her magic to form a cock, empowered by the elden ring she absorbed, she could almost certainly easily impreg the tarnished in space regardless if they're male or female.
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I'd be okay with this. My singular gripe would be that it undermines the thematic weight of Radagon leaving his family for Marika. That's Ranni's entire reason for her Order being out of reach, so what happened to her can never happen again. A father leaving his family for lordship
I never claimed it was canon. I'm okay, I guess. Making more with doordash than any of the jobs I interviewed with, and I've got a plan to take an extended vacation. I'll stay for a week or two at a hotel in a random town, take in the sights, doordash in the afternoons/evenings, and then repeat the process in a different town. If I'm wrong and there's really nobody spreading rumors about me to the authorities, it should be pretty easy to tell (even if I still can't definitively prove it.) If I'm right, we can see how much time, energy, and manpower people are willing to drain on it. I've got nowhere to go, no reason to stay here, and a whole bunch to leave.
The alternative is the golden strands are from all the shamans exclusively and somehow the Hornsent needed their own kind to build the gate of divinity, which I'd also be fine with, but doesn't change much in the end
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Is this good again?
The would explain the mask if confidence description: "When Radagon married Rennala, he ordered the Carian magic preceptors to don these masks. To make it clear that all of their matters were to be kept strictly private."
That's the thing. He's still technically her father, it's his body, sort of, and he raised her. It's a double whammy for rennala. Imagine your husband left you to go fuck himself. It's not even just her getting cucked it would be like radarika saying "seeya I'd rather go fuck myself alone than be with you here have the dog and this egg seeya" she would be double cucked. Cucked on two fronts and left a single mother to unstable kids.
you are
Define "good"
To add
If you think about it too, technically malenia did something similar to radahn, remember she stabbed him, penetrating him from behind, then she bloomed, we know the bloom we see in the cinematic is what birthed millicent and her siblings. Malenia penetrating radahn helped birth millicent. Everything radahn ends up doing is just a fucked up copy of godfrey, from his lion iconography, his ascension to elden lord, him trying to copy his stomps, even miquella on his back like serosh is. It's all there.
Not gonna lie. I watched the Malenia Consort mod video and now I’m extra depressed at what the dlc could’ve been.
always has been
How much do you make? I'd like to get into it as well. Then I can buy a pc and play with erg finally
Really? I thought it looked really jank and shitty, same as fagdahn. Theres a reason people thought the leaks were mods.
>radahn got mpregged
Is this what radahn is now? Just a joke character used as a cumdump?
Yeah the gameplay mechanics of the mod look jank but the lore and themes feel way more true to the base game.
oh i mean for sure, i think I would've rather had promised consort putrid tree spirit than fagdahn
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Malenia, Consort of Miquella
My own personal theory is simple
With each bloom malenia got closer and closer to godhood as seen in her boss and thus stronger. Her blooming against radahn signified the battles end and the end of the last major battle during the shattering wars.
Malenia fought radahn to a standstill pre bloom. So they're at least roughly at equal strength
The malenia we fight as a boss is stronger than the malenia that fought radahn
Radahn had his forces reppeled and got his ass handed to him by morgott
Radahns hair looked more like starscourge radahn than the braided young radahn

Meaning that morgott, during the time of the shattering wars, was the strongest demigod but he just wanted to grill all day.
Since Monday, I've gotten $600 for 24hrs of "work," which is really just driving around listening to music while posting here as I wait at places that don't have the order ready yet.
I want get started but there's a lot of blacks and methhead whites in my area and I'm worried I'd get robbed.
The crucified Mohg down below was a nice touch, and having the consort be more omenlike and using bloodflame was perfect. You could insert literally any consort into the frame of “phase 1: bloodflame/omen, phase 2: crucible/holy” and it would’ve been perfection. But I did think the idea of having Miquella heal his sister and raise her into holiness was more apt than what we got.
Please take your schizo ramblings elsewhere
>jarred shamans still have bodies underneath the jar innards.png
When you stagger a jar innard, as you're about to do the critical hit they open their arms wide as if welcoming death.
Most of the new art of radahn is him being used as miquella's onahole. It's not just that. Normalfags have even started referring to radahn as miquella's wife. Not husband. But wife. Even the people who don't believe he was brainwashed and that he consented view radahn as submissive to miquella.
Radahn will be forever remembered as miquella's cumdump
Malenia will be forever remembered as a loving sister and the female version of the chris redfield meme.

Malenia won. So fucking hard.
In the end
Ranni won
Marika won
Melina won
Rya won
Malenia won
Nepheli won
Bocc won
Kenneth won
Boggart won
Godwyn won
Patches won
Hewg won
Roderika won

All the good characters won bar millicent. Good end
Judy dont carry cash. It's all direct deposit, anyway. Besides, if you're delivering to them or people around them, they'll be happy to see you.

He asked. And like I've said, if I'm schizo then why didn't any of the multiple different professionals I've spoken to about the situation diagnose me with anything?
I'm not
Objectively speaking is turtle pope the only character in elden ring that's actually done nothing wrong?
Rya did not win, she still is awful
Obviously a schizo would claim to not be schizophrenic, are you fucking stupid too?
Roderika doesn't. Rya doesn't either, really.
I'm not fat
>Rya doesn't either
She's ugly, lies to you, works for the evil murder faction, has an annoying voice, tries ro get you to kill boggart
Sure, but why haven't any professionals said I was?
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this is you
Everyone knows you're shaped like a walrus already
Don't worry. She'll come back in ER2 as some murderous death snake that's a huge cunt.
It isnt
I'm not
I'm saying you're lying about not being diagnosed, nobody with paranoia and stories of persecution like yours can be taken at face value
Or in an item description where it said she dies immediately offscreen
Alright, trying to have you kill Boggart is fucked. But it's not her fault she was born into that family
I wasn't even the original guy calling you fat. Your mass pulled me into this conversation due to your gravitational orbit
First of all, yes it is since she could've killed her parents or left, naivety is a sin too so yoy can't say she didnt know any better. Second of all, so? Just because she was born into it doesn't mean she still doesn't deserve to be hated
visions of fatty ahead...
Im not, and that isn't even a message you can do in elden ring, it'd be plump sort not fatty
are you the same guy that wanted to see Rya cut herself? If so fuck you
don't give up, fatty!
Rya: "Kill that lying, thieving, crayfish eating shitskin, kill him now tarnished, the lands between must be white. Entirely white. It's what my mother wishes"

Why did they add in this dialog for rya? I don't remember her saying this on launch
Well, I could send you the screenshots of me messaging my last doctor on the patient portal about it and his summary where he outright lied and misquoted me, if you'd like. It doesn't really matter to me if you believe me, unless you work for bank of America or the FBI and can get someone taken off a watchlist.
And is still a huge cunt in the description that makes her utterly unlikable. She also gets married and has incestuous children that eat people as the throw away lore for some enemies that are only in one part of the map. It's a swamp.
It's not "want to" she just does/would
That's not an eldennring message
Fatty O, Fatty
I guess so. She seems pretty upset about it during her quest, though. But you're right, she didn't do nothing wrong
I change my mind, wtf I like rya now
Guys? Did rya really say this? As a black guy I'm starting to agree with >>495355393
Fuck that racist bitch
Yeah. There was a reddit post freaking out about it. They added it in last patch.
That's not a message that you can write in Elden ring
Fatty ahead, therefore be wary of Fatty.
It's just schizo tikkun olam psycho nonsense
>bla bla bla godhead bla bla bla now leave me unattended with your children bla bla bla
why is it always fatty?
You know what's in the game, the fire prelate armor. The chest piece at least is rumored to have been based on you ya know?
mist or fatty
Rots will do literally anything to pretend another character is gay.
The fact that you spare Rennala's life confirms that she's straight.
Fatty isn't a message you can say in elden ring, it'd be "plump sort"
I dont know if mist is in Dark Souls even so that doesn't make sense in either
What? No
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Holy shit is this game boring without a shield. Never doing this shit again.
Your defensiveness is only making you seem like you actually are fat

Which you are
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Wait till you guys find out that Volcano Manor is (Carthage)
Wait till you find out what Tannith's name means.
Just saying that something isn't true isn't being defensive
>Volcano Manor is (Carthage)
I love her even more now
Killing thieves is based, you made a judgement call that Bogs was salvageable because he likes seafood and no one who likes seafood can be all bad.

What exactly did Rya know was happening at the Volcano Manor?
That there were guys in conflict with other guys? Ok.

Don't be such a retard.

Goldmask, Roderika, Boc, we don't know anything about melina's life pre her being a ghost, Florisax, Moore (I don't count a 50 IQ downie being tricked into fighting someone he barely knows for the will of Satan "his fault"), the only thing Placidusax ever did wrong was not crushing Bayle as a fucking toddler.
The only thing Radahn did wrong was not rebel sooner.
The only thing Mohg did wrong was make himself a good target for the antichrist.
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It really is a shame Syphilitic Tumor Chan didn't give Michelob Ultra AIDS while she had the chance. Could have saved us all some trouble.
Omenkiller cleavers specifically mock horned warrior greatswords. Divine beast warriors can make horns grow on their blades and they look just like omenkiller cleaver horns.
/r/ing some fashion souls recommendations to go with the banished knight helm
Equip a parrying dagger, instead.
Zamor armor and whatever gauntlets/pants you want
It's hard judge a thief in a game where we play as someone running around murdering and robbing basically everyone we meet. Hell, the whole point is to steal great runes.
Miquella should have just given Malenia some sleep pots to throw at Radahn.
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not steal, gainfully acquire by murdering their owner
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It's divine right, really.
why didn't malenia just use boluses on her rot
scarlet rot shouldn't be a super poison mechanically, it should be like curse in DaS where getting infected with it reduces your max HP and the longer you go infected the more its reduced until you either die or cleanse yourself somehow. Probably fire.
While unstated, we have pretty clear signs that there are just two kinds of Scarlet Rot infection: acute (HP drops very quickly, will eventually go away if you don’t die, the patient functions more or less normally while it's active until they drop dead, can be cured with a bolus or spell) and chronic (slowly rot away over the course of years, excruciating and debilitating pain and reduced level of consciousness and memory, seemingly-incurable). Malenia, Millicent, Radahn, and a bunch of random enemies have the latter, while the former is what can be inflicted in-game with Rot spells and "cured" with the aforementioned methods. The in-game Scarlet Rot status effect rapidly drains health and can kill anything (the damage is percentage-based) without the intervention of magic, but it only retains that form for some one to several minutes, after which it will cease to have an effect (you could simply survive it by out-healing the damage with spells or flasks, for example). Meanwhile multiple in-universe characters are dealing with long-term infections that don't kill anywhere near as rapidly but are much more difficult to remove. Backing this is the fact that you can inflict the acute version on characters who are already dying of the chronic version, and the result is a very clear visual difference on their models, usually followed by them dying in seconds. e.g. you can inflict the acute version on Radahn, who's explicitly already sick, and suddenly he's covered in a red mist and rapidly loses 1/3 of his health in 90 seconds.
int/fth using only sonaf and rellans swords or quality bloodhound/dragon halberd
Sadly Rellana's swords are still shit, even with the buff in the patch.
>int/fth with no infusion and all your shit is dlc
the rest of the banished knight set
The banished set, ER isn't the game for mixed sets
int/fth with scuffed sonaf (2x broadswords magic/flame art infused) with square off
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What is underneath the Crucible Knights' armor? They aren't human are they? Aren't they some of the oldest living things in the Lands Between?
pure humans
They are human and the female ones have very large breasts
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Is it BM to invade Limgrave with Hefty Rock Pots as part of my Red Bear build? Throwing rocks, gouging people's guts out, and screaming until they explode is hilariously fun

Level 2 btw so 3 people just melt me
it is never BM to invade coopers
Nothing is BM besides literal cheating like deathblight dagger scripts
I never realized the game limited you to only +3 weapons before getting to Roundtable Hold. That's horseshit.
>Nothing is BM besides literal cheating
You mean like using software literally called Cheat Engine to spawn yourself hefty pots and materials at starting level?
Saving yourself hours of farming isn't cheating
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They bleed gold so they aren't human. They are possibly made of wood like the erdtree guardians.
Personally I like to imagine them as humanoid trees with scales, feathers etc. growing on them, essentially wooden misbegotten (they even share a lot of moves with leonine misbegotten).
Gaining access to stuff you haven't legitimately accessed is.
how tf were you getting anything other than +0 before RT? you can't upgrade shit before going there, and the only weapon you ever get that's already upgraded is the one from Rogier
They can't be bled, but you can sleep them.
Wooden Humans most likely
This current playthrough is my first time ever not going to Caelid immediately
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list of stuff that's BADASS
>horns (gifts from the crucible)
>golden eyes (gifts from the erdtree)
>the storm
>gravity magic
>colossal weapons
>STR FTH builds
>STR INT buiilds
>INT FTH builds
there's probably some other stuff
but come on
you gotta admit this shit is pretty fucking badass
>list of stuff that's BADASS
you forgot (You)
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thanks bro
I appreciate that
enjoy your weekend
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These are reddit
they're cool strong dudes
>you can't like this because some other fags like it too!
reddit game
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Strong dudes don't get their ass beat by some random hobo
the tarnished isn't just some random hobo though
they're immortal demigods built for war
In addendum
How many fucking heals can a phantom have? This furled finger had like 10 estus or something, unbelievable

I've beaten mohg at RL2 with +3 weapons
I mean most people in vanilla are niggers playing with overlevelled phantoms so I'd say they deserve worse.
How hard did you shit?
What's unreal to me is how unbelievably sweaty coopers are

I have ppl with furled fingers with fire knight helm and ledas armor that are pivot drawstringing sleep grease in stormveil and holy fuck dude

Zero remorse about rock putting their host to death

To be real 3:03 was much scarier, I hadn't practiced that move much
What rl are you?
Mommy... Marika
A curse upon thee...
2, as I said in >>495370794 and >>495367423
How were Radahn and Miquella supposed to sire a new generation of demigods when they're both Type As
How high should I raise my Strength, Dexterity and Endurance if I wanted to go up to 80 Faith?
Mike would mpreg Radahn just like his sister did.
22/18 str/dex for the fkgs and however much endurance you need to wield it with your armor of choice
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i dunno man, that doesn't really seem doable
>gaius's ash of war has more hyperarmor than Maliketh's ash of war
You don't need 80 faith
Where are you dpswhores coming from?
nobody said anything about needing 80 faith, i just want to make an 80 faith build
The Tarnished is the chosen one, a supreme archetype of all abandoned men.
>Male Ania simps think ganking Radahn in a one on one duel with a hundred simps, and giving him aids and nuking a country because you cant win an honest sword fight is a "win"

Reminder Male Anala had to cheat and still lost. She was on the ground at the end, Radahn wasnt. She had to be carried away, Radahn didn't.
Even cheating and griffithing an entire subcontinent, she still lost.
Tarnished-dono... was my drink a mistake or a boon?
Kinda both.
Boon because it seems fun, but I'll never use it because fuck the dlc physic tear acquirement method.
Mistake because it made me think on why From didn't expand the combat more and why we're still rolling instead of doing bloodborne's forward skips that pass as more warrior-like stuff than rolling like a retarded rat.
Elden Ring was actually a massive step outside Miyazaki's comfort zone. At least things other than R1 and rolling are viable at all, rather than being completely useless to a shocking degree.
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>She was on the ground at the end, Radahn wasnt
he's literally on the ground, on his knees, paralyzed and dropping his weapons after getting stabbed.

>ganking Radahn in a one on one duel
sk you ever get tired of posting fan fiction
>but I'll never use it because fuck the dlc physic tear acquirement method.
kite the furnace golem to the middle of the road, stand up on the side, aim all the way up, and throw hefty fire pot
4 hits in the head = dead
I wish we could give the bosses and NPCs sake in Elden Ring and shoot the shit with them.
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now Leda have a new weapon so she finally can stop you from blasfemy

>a plot where character motivations are actually explained
>an ongoing war situation that results in map changes as you progress the plot, complete with common PvEvE fights between warring factions
>thematically appropriate endings for both the main story and quests that aren't just "and then the character slipped on a banana peel"
>enemy soldiers being actual people instead of groaning zombies
>being able to listen in on conversations between enemy soldiers to get their opinions about their leaders, the war situation, the plot, and random shit
>some of the major bosses being people you personally know
>being able to chill and have a drink with friendly NPCs and former/future bosses


>tying damage boosts to skills and boss Remembrances rather than weapon upgrades
>grappling hook movement
>climbing and wall-jumping
>somewhat faster jog and sprint
>unlimited sprint in combat
Radahn is the KWABiest character in the game
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what if they randomly made Sellen a grey lanky zombie like in the concept art?
Was it the Oda nobunaga shit liek guns defeat all the shinobi, then the monsters, then even Emperor and the the whole dinasty?
I'm not wasting my time.
Iji allows you to max out weapons even without doing Ranni's quest
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>50 Str
>15 Dex
>48 Fth
>Maliketh's remembrance items + Beast Incants
>Dryleaft Arts with Beast Roar
>Always the option to use a Black Knife
I've not had this much fun in a fucking while, holy shit
The anvil by Kale
Str/fth is so fucking fun.
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alright, i fixed it. i wanted 13 int at first for discus of light and sacred weapon but honestly i can just carry around a halo scythe or sacred blade if i want holy damage that much
Is this true?
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t. Leda
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What is a lore behind the Hyppo? He was like a dog for the Messmer?
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The most obvious reason why he was taken out was because he was too competent. He defeated Dragons without a Great Rune. He befriended the, after, showing large charisma. To destabilize everything, he needed to go.
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>showing large charisma
Large "charisma". Sure.
Me unsure if Elden Ring dragons have souls and thus can be transplanted into another body.
>Mistake because it made me think on why From didn't expand the combat more
yes they did, Elden Ring is the singular Fromsoftware game with good combat
>and why we're still rolling instead of doing bloodborne's forward skips
Free iframe backsteps and running R1 so you can spam that shit, yeah really good combat
when did you realize that time is nonexistent in this game and the Shattering happened anywhere from a month to centuries ago
it's not even just Destined Death being removed from the Elden Ring, it's that the Elden Ring being shattered has completely fucked causality
sekiro is dogshit and never uses any of its elements in a fun or interesting way.
The grappling hook is just used to proceed through plateus of game map in the same way Torrent already can, and never important in combat
People not ded friends hunger. Weapon durability gone too.
Me not know either!
Maybe, because dragon priestess can be made into a summinable spirit
>and never important in combat
if that was the case, Farum Azula wouldn't be special
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>he never used it for platforming during combat
>he never used it on bosses
>Grapple is limited by specific AI state
>It's just a weak slow dual slash
Sekiro is dogshit, play a good game like Lies of P if you want to see a good grapple.
The only Fromsoftware game with good combat is Elden Ring
Jack does it better
Faram Azula is a nonsensical meme level
Is tha Titanfall or Batman Arkham?
Just because you need it for "platforming" which is just usimg it cross gaps/ledges, it dpesn't mean that its applocation is interesting, especially because Sekiro level design is awful.
Just because you get the prompt to close the gap on veey few enemies by using the grapple, it doesn't mean that it's any interesting combat applications.
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I still don't understand this.
Probably because it's overthinking.
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Batman has won.
We don’t know when Radagon and Marika became one. There’s an explocit quote of Marika stating that they are not yet one.
Boc is just male rya. And boc fans are just as stupid
Boc went to his people to fit in. He wanted to be like the other demihumans
Low iq, violent, xenophobic, thieves, rapists, etc.
He ONLY didn't because they beat the shit out of him
Bocc is the elden ring version of the "based Blackman"
Yes bocc is nowhere near as bad as his subhuman kin ONLY because they rejected/victimized them.
Want a redpill you're not ready to accept?
These "some of the good ones types" in many groups aren't actually all that uncommon, there are many chimplike blacks that are of moderate intelligence compared to whites and know right from wrong, they just want to conform with their larger group so they dumb themselves down and act like retards just like the rest.
Boc fully intended to do just that
The only difference is the "good ones" were seen as more "off" they didn't put on the monkey suit fast enough and were targeted so they seek solace in other groups.
This is exactly what boc does but with you.
I say this as a former wigger, someone who grew up around, befriended, dated, and had a kid with blacks.
Boc is just a nigger like the rest
And yes his wanting to be "beautiful" matches perfectly with those types wanting to be white. They hate their own more than most racists and want to be anyone but these "based" types can only be calmed in that regard by a white man who they orbit telling them they view them as a normal person not a nigger and they calm a bit exactly like boc.
Shut up coalburner
>says boc is like male rya
>justifies this with a completely unrelated rant about niggers
No. I warn you from personal experience. The only thing that actually brought me out of my wiggerness towards the light was the bitch accidentally killing my daughter because a lot of them have few paternal instincts. Her death saved me from literal darkness.
I simply used a comparison many here can understand. Boc is ugly, borderline suicidal, an annoying sycophant, and wanted to integrate into terrible demihuman culture. He's no better than the murderous retarded snake bitch
Then there's the retards who still insist they never split.
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Yes! Finally a good topic!

The way I understand it, the primeval current is essentially the discovery of the universe's conception, the big bang, and the fact that all being are stardust.
If we look at Lusat, Azur and Alberich, they have all begun growing crystals on them after making contact with the primeval current, which I interpret as a metaphor for how a man of the Enlightenment might have felt, had modern science been available to them as a revelation back then.

The concept behind graven schools is that since all beings are stardust, there is no need for glintstone, because you are glintstone. Combining the bodies of various sorcerers and dabbling into the primeval current allows for a direct connection to the universe and higher knowledge.

Briars of sin and briars of punishment form thorns from *your* blood, because all matter is related to glintstone and therefore has hidden magical properties.
Godwyn was cut
But Rya never wanted to fit into snek culture. She thought she was special and unique and the child of royalty.
They did. Marika removed him from herself like miquella did with trina. It's why that part was added. And then they were rejoined forcibly later.
Yes. But she's still bad. She's part of an evil faction, wants to continue on the murderous aspects as per her own parting words even if it's not any of the experiments that birthed her. She's not a good character. She's vaguely nice to you and that's it. Ryafags are just as bad as rannifags and marikafags in that regard. As anon mentioned one of the only actual good characters is goldmask. He actually does no wrong and wants to reform the order without marika.
I like this explanation
>he's literally on the ground, on his knees, paralyzed and dropping his weapons after getting stabbed.
one got carried away by subordinates, the other rode off on his own
lol cope
>sk you ever get tired of posting fan fiction
Radahn sent away his men, BTFO Male Anal, and waited like a chad for her to get back up to try again after killing all her dykesimps.

Cry harder man-shoulder enjoyer.
I mean he is probably better just om the fact that Rya is so awful that it's hard to imagine anyone every managing to be as bad as her
>Yes. But she's still bad.
Because of your contrarian feelings and dreams lol.
But the comparison with black culture/demi-humans and Boc fails with Rya, because she's not "settling" for the Volcano Manor lot because she was rejected by the sneks. It's just not the same thing.
Reading comprehension.
My post was why bocc is bad like rya is bad.
But I never said their badness comes from the same source or motivations.
A nigger is as bad as a murder cultists, but in terms of character and motivation aren't the same.
Marika is Radagon.
Marika's blasphemous self-children were born with explicit dual nature parasitic beings as a platonic reflection of her literal existence as one being transforming into two bodies. All of Marika's children have a physical deformity that reveals a sin, a secret, of hers by metaphoric similarity. The omen twins, Mike and AIDS chan, Messmer, Their deformities reflect secrets.

Marika is Radagon.
Nta but how do you feel about me plapping marika and helping her rebuild or going into space with ranni
You shifted the goalposts from >>495390234 to >>495390809. You literally called Boc "male Rya" and went into detail about why Boc is bad in your eyes. You're just being a disingenuous twat.
Boc is an at risk youth and you prevent him from being groomed into being a troon by getting him a job and teaching him self confidence.
Cute headcanon. Can I feed you oranges? Do you like those?
Nothing? Why would I care
I dont think even when you restore the Golden Order that Marika is "brought back", I assume she still stays as the weird stone corpse
I like Ranni's ending.
Whynwould I care which one you pick, that has nothing tondo with my post
>Marika is Radagon
Yes. "Male rya" in terms of how fans portray him as some awkward deformed but cute and morally good character when he's not.
There's no moving goalposts. You're just a retarded ryafag/bocfag.
I care about your opinion. I like talking to you. I want every excuse to talk to you because I know we'll never be together and this is how i cope.
Marika is Radagon, cope.
Okay but do you like oranges. I can peel them for you
I'm not an anyonefag, I don't base my identity around barely fleshed out characters in a video game where the director's stated goal is to keep everyone in the dark and guessing as much as possible.
So you're mysterious...
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Can you imagine a mod where you can marry the NPC/boss of your liking and start a homestead together, able to give them gifts and make them happy?
I am eternally grateful that no, I can't.
Radahn controls the Stars so that the Eclipse can happen
Thin Rennala or thick hairy mommy Rennala/fupa wyd

I'm drawing her and can't decide what she should look like naked
I got 1000 hours in Stardew Valley. Elden Ring got boring after 100.
So why are you here and not in the Stardew Valley general?
Nigger, get fucked
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I like you more. I will force you to like what I like. I will pin you down and shove my interests deep inside of you. You can squirm you can cry, you can even try to fight, but you will take my long thick interests and you'll be forced to like them.
Can you please stop flirting with eachother
Cringe dsgtranny
I've finished ER. Just wish we could interact with the characters more. I keep creating characters just to continuously murder Bernahl and Varré because they speak to me then.
Never posted there. I'm actually from /wowg/ and /xivg/
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no, but I wish there was a mod where you can swear your allegiance to your favorite boss and don't kill him/her, and instead serve him/her and do quests and errands for him/her and punish those who besmirch his/her name

(yes, I'm still annoyed that you cannot be Ansbach and serve Mohg, why do devs assume that everyone is a fucking simp for Ranni?)
The ape destroys all the trees you can grapple eventually
That anon is right. Sekiro completely fumbles the potential of its own systems. Starting with dogshit balance of prosthetics and combat arts and ending with the fact it didn't even manage to utilize a grapple hook in any interesting way. Compare it with wirebugs in Rise that actually allow you to reposition or even hold in one place above ground at any moment to avoid attacks.
That's such a good point. Technically you're serving Mohg as a Bloody Finger, but there's no quest progression...

Malenia in particular could just be romanced if you told her of Miquella. Rogier could be romanced if you gave him the needle (Millicent doesn't want it).

Or maybe you could convince Millicent to keep the needle and live together.
Reminder that there's a cut ending for the dlc where you side with miquella and her Chris redfield's you into marrying his sister and you serve as his blades with radahn as his elden lord.
There's a cute base game quest where you can side with and marry miquella

We had the option of marrying either of them at two different times it was cut. I gurantee its because no one and i mean no one would ever choose the cheating blonde statue or haunted murder doll over prime miquella ass or malenias scarlet pussy
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>Azure Dragon Glaive
>Twin Dragon Sword
>Puppet String + Aegis
>an inventory full of grenades and cannonballs
Yep, it's gaming time
>Technically you're serving Mohg as a Bloody Finger
So redman good?
Redman good. Only redditors think redman bad and they're objectively wrong always.
Let me get this straight. So Basically redman good because Blood for the Blood Lord?
NTA but you ever grapple the ape itself?
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Skulls for the weird pelvis throne he has?
Another perfect day complete! Goodnight/erg/!
Goodnight. I love you. I'm serious btw.
I don't trust your definition of perfect but goodnight
Show feet
DLC had two of my favorite sequences of the game: illusory wall in Black Keep -> Abyssal woods, finding and following Ymir's quest. I really hope the next game has big dungeons like Darklight with more emphasis on resource management
Thin but not "thin except in the horny part thin", proper malnurished thin. Imagine someone who's spent decades without eating, just being kept alive by the egg. She's so famished without her magic she can't even stand.
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>mfw dlc npc calls me a fucking tree worshipper
I choose borderline anorexic bone-thin depressed milf with black eye circles and a gigantic dark bush
Marika is cool. I like her.
Cool it with the hornsentism bro.
I like INT/FTH so much, even if it's ass compared to pure INT and FTH.
imagine helping Marika overcome her murderous impulses before diplomacy conferences in the post-game...

I need a sequel kingdom management sim
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You will burn.
Messmer has the problem of being too dutiful to a system tgat doesn't care about him that probablyhurts relationships, but do you think he'd be a good dad to your kids? Would he like adopt that same sense of care into his love then for them, or like do you think like that his priority would still like fall away from you and your child and be too absent?
I never got the impression Mesmer was zealous in his work, after all he sits in his chamber mulling and most of his personal gard isn't in deployement but instead manages his own research.
He won't abandon the children or let them starve, but he won't overstress over how to optimize things for them if he doesn't want to
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>one of the best weapons in the game is an anchor
Probably because of the damage and poise damage it can do
I'm actually playing AoM Retold and imagine some factions to be related to the elden ring ones.
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I just realized why I found the ER setting interesting.
It's messing with my nostalgia since MTG is dead now (rotten with trannies)
>list of stuff that's BADASS
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Think of it this way. People spend more time indoors and playing video games or watching netflix more now than ever. Their libido hasn't changed, but the frequency of face to face contact has. You feel aroused by the people that you interact with directly. It's a false sense of contact, but the emotional stimulation is real. Therefore, if you work from home or in a field with few of the opposite gender, you'll probably not even feel horny for anyone that's not fictional.
what are you even talking about
Do you think if I go out mildly covered in red paint/fake blood someone will think I'm cool and mysterious?
If Miyazaki wrote complete stories with all the missing details left in, would he be the Kojima of dark fantasy games?
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There. I fixed your shit pic.
You are welcome
Why is Rellana blond in this pic?
>you'll probably not even feel horny for anyone that's not fictional.

imagine being varre in the world where mohg is just a fictional character in a game
it's so sad
<depression intensifies>
do we have enough information to even tell if he's a good storyteller? His in-game stories are very simple, no?
It's the tarnished/(You)
I own the world record for having the least fun while playing Elden Ring
prove it
So where is Rellana and why isn't Messmer being her loving husband?
Because you're blonde and better than her, and also Rellana waited too long and was too timid and retarded and thought that she could just wait for him to be hers but he moved on and found someone who was actively caring about him instead of just waiting for the world to be hers
Sad! But he's happier now with you than he would've been woth her
The details we get from npcs are simple, but the item descriptions add a lot of complications. Look at the lore of ER with the different races, factions and schools of magic/incantations. If elden ring had tapes with characters talking about the different demigods, npcs, and events, not to mention true identities of different characters, I don't think it would be all that different from the kinds of strange, interconnected narratives we get in MGS or Death Stranding.
Plus I'd anyrhing she might have help set them up together trying to make him happy, even knowing that she's losing her chance. Its funny to think about Rellana crying once she's realizing that she's sold her only chance of not being alone to make him happier
Fuck it

I don't care anymore. I'm going full Bloody Bloodfiend Arm bonk build and gonna beat the DLC with that unless I find a more fun weapon. I tried Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword but it just didn't feel good and it gets outdamaged by the chicken wing even when my stats are skewed more towards str than arc and I have a bunch of MND to give me plenty of casts. I did like 40 pulls of Messmer with AMOG and got to his 2nd phase only like 2 times whereas the chicken wing got me there consistently and I beat him in like 30 minutes.
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God I want to braid Malenia's hair (I don't know how but I'll learn)
ER mythos came from Martin tho
Braiding is really easy, you can probably just practice it on your bangs if they're long enough sobyou can see what you're doing.
Just seperate your hair into 3 locks,aiming downward kind of like the three fingers, then pick one of the outer ones, can be left or right doesn't matter, and kind of fold it/move it under into the center of the other two (it can be over but it's easier move it under/closer to your forehead when practicing)
That'll make two of them kind of twisted together like the scadutree, take the other one that isn't twisted into it, and fold that into the center of the twisted ones. Like you did with the firs one.
Keep doing that pattern, folding over the outer one into the center and after just a few times it ahould be a braid and you can keep going.
Keep in mind, don't do it too tight woth the smaller bits of hair I told you to do it with, the smaller the braid the more annoying it is to undo, and since you're practicing you'll want to undo it probably a lot
>Hornsent: 'i slice up shamans and stuff them into jars to make them divine'
>Sellen: 'i take sorcerers and stuff them into balls to make them divine'
>jump cut to the two in a sloppy makeout session
It's mulled wine season
>Academy scholars are present in one of the only upperground portions of an eternal city
What do you mean?
Hey, I’m going through the game for my first time and I’m struggling against Gideon. I had to summon mimic tear for godskin duo and malekith, so I’m wondering if I’m just bad at the game or if he’s that strong?
He's very overwhelming, you kind of have to learn to get through his bullshit and hit him if you're doing a melee build
he's very strong if not cheesed during first encounter while he's giving his speach. You need a strong chasedown tool to keep interrupting his spells. + get your holy/magic defenses up as much as you can
>not doing a 4 strand litz braid
ngmi, enjoy your infetterance and 5G mind control
Well I didn’t cheese him because I’m stupid.
I looked it up because i didnt knoe ehat that was
A litz isn't a type of braid, that's a type of cord that you WOULD braid, it doesn't have anything to do with hair
shut up mermaidtard
Nobody said anything about mermaids but you, so
Good point. I guess I just get a similar feeling from his games, with all the plotting and scheming and characters trying to use the player character for their own end, while we're just trying to figure out wtf is really going on
God I want to spank Miquella (don't know how to but I'll learn, probably easy)
Imagine having sex with Miquella while Malenia watches haha
that would be weird
It's Rya
Hey, I’m that anon from a couple weeks ago with the hacked together dex/faith NG build. I can’t beat Godfrey and I realize Elden beast will be even harder. What should I respec my build to so I can just finish the game?
No, that's disgusting he wouldn't get with her
>there is no need for glintstone, because you are glintstone
finally a decent explanation
If you want to finish the game for the sake of finishing the game I'd say go for a strength shieldpoke build.

If you want a build that's moderately effective against both bosses while still being good, faith build with blackflame spells and a flaming strike banished knight halberd, go for lightroll
Thanks. I just want to finish the game so I don’t look like a poser.
Shabriri shouting like a retard really haven’t convinced me to join the FF.
what should i name my faith character if i'm thinking of like a spanish catholic woman, the kind that would honor kill their children if they ever came out as atheist or homosexual
Sellen does have numen blood but is anti Carian due to an ancient disagreement between Nokstella and Nokron. The whole idea of the Nox was that they were edgy athiest Numen that used facts and logic over religion but Nokstella essentially muddled the whole thing by worshipping the black moon like a god and were cut off from the main branch in Nokron. This rift between the two branches continued with the Carians and Sellians with the Carians continuing to worship the Moon and Sellians favoring the raw Primeval Current.
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The staff of the guilty has a small animal that has been impaled and burnt onto it. I believe this to be an infant that has been sacrificed by the staff's owner for power. The knowledge that all beings are stardust is also the moral event horizon, where morality loses its meaning.

From what we know, Alberich was aloof and disturbed (autistic) and was bullied by his peers, returning only to kill any future members of the Roundtable Hold like an edgy school shooter. Therefore he was a braincel and likely had no human connections.

Alberich is wearing red glintstone, formed from the blood sacrifices. This could be coagulated blood. Thus, it makes sense that his set offers a buff to thorn sorceries, being that the thorns are formed from blood, but the altered top and trousers lack them and offer no buff.
Imagine Oyakodon with Rennala and Ranni
>honor kill their children if they ever came out as atheist or homosexual
examples of this?
Like eating it with them, watching them eat, or them as the ingredients?
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Date night
Oh I'll be eating alright
Along with the other bodies in the original Roundtable Hold, he was probably burnt alive once Leyndell became the ashen capital, but his spirit still haunts the Roundtable, invading any new Tarnished.

What a loser. I want to make love to him.
Isn't technically any Ranni doll figure actually 1:1 scale?
You ever fight Mimic Tear boss and think "damn my build sucks"
>I want to make love to him.
literally why

Yes. Multiple times.

Which evergaol and where?
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>"Ugh, stupid Tarnished... You wouldn't understand the sheer complexity of the universe. Yes, it's necessary for me to gouge out my eyes, for higher knowledge. You would never understand..."
>"...What? What do you mean you like me?"

It's kinda cute as fuck.
Is there any way to actually confirm whether or not warrior blood truly runs in my veins? I feel like they could just be saying it to manipulate me.
It must
You're the chosen one.
Try Bloodboon or similar? As long as she's anywhere near you she'll die.
you are weirder than the other femanon
Alberich is literally just male Ranni.
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It'd not warrior blood must run your veins as in has to, it's must as in musty, he's saying you STINK your blood smells like sweat and grime
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If you can beat this, you don't need tiche or any other summon in the game.
that's a new one
How do people even do this
EverGAOL. It's the old spelling of "jail" and is pronounced... jail. Everjail.
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no boss is as unfair as this one
i fucking hate this piece of shit so bad, im not even going to fight it again
By cheating.
just hit him bro
I wanna cheat too, how
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i also use wheel and the jelly, how did you do this..
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you can add white mask to the mix if you're fine with looking like a fag
you defiantly need to chill
You didn't beat.
looks like i beat it to me
Neither thing is weird
No it's evergoal, only difference is that there's no ever goalkeeper like in football.

There should be, Miyazaki should have included goalkeepers
the white mask is okay to use
I think the white mask is really cool thoughbeit
but thank you anon
very nice, i dont have the prosthesis but i have everything else
have fun cheesing the dlc
Shields dont work in Elden Ring
medium shields are extremely op now
The description in Japanese is: "冷気を防ぐ、毛皮のマントを纏ってる ラニの剣でありながら、ブライヴは寒さに弱かった…", which can be translated (using DeepL) as: "A cloak of fur to keep out the cold. Despite being Lani's sword, Brive was vulnerable to the cold...". So I really think the US localization team just took the lore that Blaidd doesn't like cold and really added a Frozen reference. Otherwise they would just translate that Blaidd is weak to cold or something more descriptive.
They don't work
They also literally added a hawk tuah reference to one of the dlc descriptions
Why is the Great Axe so short? Why can't it have the moveset of a regular axe to make up for it being so short?
>written by G. R.R. Martin
>George Raimi Martin
It all makes sense now
Crescent Axe is right down the hall buddy.
ohhh very honorabru shut the fuck up weeb
Elden Ring isn't the game for "great" weapons

It's still hot garbage
No. You just suck. I have no issues with either axe.
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I just realized that the weapon art for Leda's sword is probably a reference to the Light Needle spell from King's Field
Stop reaching before your arm falls off
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"It should not be forgotten that glintstone sorcery is the study of the stars and the life therein."

Comet Azur depicts the very beginning of the universe and the immense energy that allowed matter to exist and gradually expand. The projectile itself depicts the movement of energy across time and space.

By contrast, Stars of Ruin depicts the death of a star cluster. Although stars die differently depending on size, the largest stars create a massive shockwave (supernova), spreading matter throughout space, and this is exactly what we see as the sorcery's projectiles.

Furthermore, the Founding Rain of Stars is the oldest sorcery, capturing a meteor shower, and so, the moment that man made contact with the stars themselves.
What's in store for Elden Ring™ foreseeable future?
Crystal torrent is tied with Rock blaster for the worst endless FP spells in the game.
New game from the makers of Elden Ring
>comet azur but with tracking
They had to nerf it somehow
Describe this new game for me
are ytou fucking kidding me, why doesnt reforged let you wear both the insignia AND THE PROSTHESIS
a gacha game in January
They wouldn't dare, right?
That's like selling your daughter to the whorehouse
>he doesn't know
Npcs and bosses just sidestep crystal torrent leaving me looking like a faggot as they smack me
meteor is better
You're a faggot for casting in the first place desu
There's a meme called hawk tuah
casting is hardmode you don't nuke bosses in 5 seconds like strength builds.
But int builds are the only builds viable at level 25 and level 50 unless you want to go pure vig.
you can get 35 or more intelligence for the meteor staff at level 25 if you forget about vig. And 60 or more int at level 50 you forget about vig. Endgame level damage because the meteor staff requires no upgrades.

If you want to oneshot people you will go with INT at low level.

I wish they'd made unupgradable weapons for other builds too.
There's ZERO fun in one shots, I hate dpswhores so fucking much.
They should add a 50% damage nerf in PVP so you can actually engage in fights for more than 5 seconds
I like reforged a lot but like yeah their like allergy to letting you stack buffs is so annoying
Being able to find things to stack buffs to like make 1 gimmick work for me like IS Elden Ring, it's the main vig advantage for adding the open world isbletting you dobthat
night comet does 700 damage to enemies in the DLC at sl25 but it could do more, my build isn't optimized as much with talismans and int boosting equipment.
>There's ZERO fun in one shots
I think killing vigorlet hosts in one hit is a lot of fun
It doesn't take much effort at all to kill viglets hosts
They wanted you to pick up better ones along the way
It says the axe is supposed to be great
Well they LIED
just like your PARENTS lied to you about SANTA CLAUS
activating taunters tongue and killing viglet reds is more fun
I like /erg/ites
I like you too
Why don't they collaborate with open source seamless coop they can just add it to the game.

The code is right there
no you don't
I do, why do you think I dont?
Nobody does.
I do, I love everyone here, I like the internet
Would you rather be stuffed into a meat jar or stick your meat in rotten puss? Actually rotten, and it infects you.
this general is dogshit
Ok but would you rather browse this general or go outside?
I would rather die
why would you post something so stupid here?
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So Farum Azula was once at the top of Jagged Peak right? The bottom of Farum (floating graves around palci) lines up with the weird structure in Bayle's room.
That would be cool but I domt think so
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>had a dream where I was fighting a better version of Radahn when dressed up as Starscourge Radahn
>was better in many areas
>at some point got pissed going melee and grabbed the bow
>Radahn actually retuned fire on his bow
>Radahn also had horrible pathfinding and a very detailed yet unfitting animation of himself Naruto running
>eventually win the sniper duel
>proceeded to exit the game and complain on forums online how horribly designed the boss is
>wakes up
Why is it I can't even dream of the boss not being shit? He even has his bow this time. Even all the times he shows up in my dreams he's still a shitty boss.
>Briars of sin and briars of punishment form thorns from *your* blood, because all matter is related to glintstone and therefore has hidden magical properties.
I thought the implication was that conversely regular glintstone is the crystalized blood of stars/alien beings.
I think they just deleted it themselves because it was dumb
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I'm not sure. Glintstone seems to be a material. Azur and Lusat started growing it on their own bodies, until it replaced their skulls, and they're not aliens. It seems to me more like a metaphor that once you see the nature of the universe, that all beings are connected and all stardust, you can't unsee it.

It lines up with the maps, too. Farum great bridge and bestial sanctum are right next to where jagged peak is when you combine the land of shadow map with the map of the lands between
Imagine becoming Miquella's consort, much to Malenia's disagreement, and then, one day, she walks on you fucking him in the ass raw, doggystyle, because he actually loves the pain.
>Azur and Lusat started growing it on their own bodies, until it replaced their skulls, and they're not aliens
Because dumbass sorcerers wear glintstone on their heads and even embed glintstone into their hearts, and it's an assimilative material that even corrupts dragons that eat too many sorcerers.
Smarag was the first hint that glintstone is an organic material that spreads to and takes over living beings in contact with it.
Oh that's true.
Albreich drank too much of Moghs blood
Chalice dungeons for ER when?

its the reason shitborne survived so long
Please be the last update
I hope there's enough shitpost material in it too

They need to have new assets though, that's the part that's pretty shitty. Otherwise it will be the same as the usual catacombs shit.
But how does that make it the blood of aliens?
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>no hefty storm pot that scales evenly off DEX and STR
>there are several supposed "quality weapons" that are instead just an assymetrical split with a little bit of one and a whole lot of the other
>Divine Beast stuff doesn't boost thematically appropriate things like Divine Beast Frost Stomp, Golem Arrows (in the desc it says they're imbued with "tempestuous winds"), and various skills and spells that call down lightning from the sky
still a pretty decent offering of options though
mixing the Divine Beast, Banished Knight, Veteran, and Horned Warrior stuff feels appropriate given the shared horn + lion pelt motifs
4 more circular arenas with the erdsneed eating your frames
Those should be weapons that scale best off quality infusions
>no grafted blade for the stat glitch
I thought glintstone arrived to earth via meteor showers, much like some precious materials in reality.
I'd legit shell out 30 more bucks for a chalice dungeon mode
Will it have more bosses too?
I'm more referring to stuff like Veteran's Prosthesis, Horned Warrior Greatsword, Commander's Standard, etc
any regular infusable weapon gets a good quality split no matter what with the quality infusion

nothing stopping you
with a build like this you'd probably be going to around 40 STR anyway
now that we have AI they can create AI designed catacombs that are cooler than those dumb boring ones
>any regular infusable weapon gets a good quality split no matter what with the quality infusion
yes but not all weapons are good on quality infusions, 95% are better on heavy infusions even when your stats are 45/45. This is because hybrid builds are shat on by miyazaki
>quality had a handful of good weapons in ds3
>crippled in ER
>int/fth was murdered
Tanimura should direct the next game
I really hoped it would have that after they said pre-launch that there was a whole underground area and smaller side dungeons. God, I wish we could go spelunking in ER. It was great in bb to be able to search for random co op dungeons.

What would rewards be? Gems and weapons with different sockets were the big draw in Bloodborne.
actually the Grafted Blade could be considered part of the Banished Knight stuff thematically since it is the Sword of Morne, a castle run by a Banished Knight
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Has he ever worn a shirt in his life?
>Golden Child of god
Why would he?
Me wonder what if we got a boss who changes weapons as each one breaks. The boss makes a weapon with magic and each big attack or parry makes cracks until it breaks and he fights unarmed until pulling out another.
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Was he born during the war against the giants? Could Godwyn have witness Hoarah Loux wrestling or the fighting styles of Zamor? Would he have learned fighting moves from watching gladiators too?
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Way before, his knights use moves from the divine warriors.
PVPers have it better than PVErs
>PvPers have it better than PVErs
how so?
>110 hours logged on Steam
>Still not even close to endgame.
Damn, I suck.
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Ledda NO
The game is bad now
NTA but there's much more gods of agriculture worshiped in real life than in fiction. Random joes farming probably give more of a shit about good harvest than war or wisdom or whatever others worship.
>Invade with a cute cosplay build
>Host is fatrolling, one of the phantoms immediately swaps to full poiseblob pata setup and spams running heavy attacks while the mage spams desynced comets behind
>I get killed
>They all teabag
Incredible game
That means nothing. The Romans had a god for trading, or for roads.
Societies tend to have culturally relevant deities. Zeus is associated with a ton of crap that looks irrelevant to us but makes sense when you look at their culture.
>get summoned for random co-op, spawn into Enir-Ilim
>host immediately gets invaded
>invader beelines for us
>meet him with an occult raptor talon running R2
>he dies instantly
>had less than 1k HP
This is just sad.
>plan a cool tank build with the butcher knife
>remember that warmth needs 72 faith now
I hate this game
Feel free to leave, then.
>invade with cute cosplay build
>bow before furled finger
>furled finger bends the knee
>host backstabs me
Did they ever confirm if the Gloam-Eyed Queen is dead? If she survived, would she choose Godwyn as her consort?
We don't know
next dlc will feature the formless mother/twinbird god
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Scaled, Bloodhound Knight, Exile, Horned Warrior for chest
Veteran's gauntlets and leggings
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What's the character called?
Blood Maid Varre
Why? I'm not gay, by the way.
Just curious as to why the co-oper kneeled. Why did you feel the need to say anything about your sexuality?
It just isn't gay
So did Marika and the Gloam-Eyed Queen rule at the same time? It seems we have everything except a timeline for how long she supposedly ruled.
Reigns are convoluted
I thought the GEQ symbol ooked familiar

Time is convoluted
Is there a way to downgrade the game version on steam? I do not care about multiplayer cuckery
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>decide to play the game again
>get torrent and remember I have to run around for two hours collecting shit
How do you guys do it?
I dont
I just cheat everything in
fuck grinding
CE or just respec another character
Glorious Merchant
Duplicate characters
For me, I always cheat my basic outfit and weapons/spells in, and then maybe get the smithing stone bells to not have to grind shitty mining caves. Also quest exclusive rewards like Alexander Shard or Rotten Insignia.
Why did people latch onto the “dlc ruined perfect kino elden lore” stuff so badly? Stupidity? Tubers?
Because it did, duh. What's the matter. Are you stupid?
I mean the game awards are literally considering removing Elden Ring's GOTY award because of the dlc, so
elden ring lore was already shit there was nothing to ruin
Well yeah obviously
Keep your eyes out for a reveal later this year
maybe the gacha or a ds2 remake
>ds2 remake
Another one?
It's called ds2 'cause there's 2 remakes
>look at dark souls 3
It made existing characters worse and left major questions unanswered. It didn't do much ruin the lore as it did the hope for a unified, satisfying ending. What we got feels like a bad fan fiction or one of those Chinese knockoffs of a popular game that you see
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>M : Thou'rt heavier than thou seemest.
>T : I'm lighter than your spear, am I not?

>M : No, THOU art heavier.
>T : (Silence)

>T : Well, um, it's not my fault. It's because your arms are too graceful, Your Highness. So I suggest you should train more.
>M : Hmm, then I shall use thee as a weight.
>T : Y-Your Highness?
>black knife assassins work for the two finger wielding the rune of death
>GEQ and her goons were on the same boat as Messmer, pawns of Marika to establish her order
>They got the black flame/rune of death through Metyr
>Their job was to kill every single other empyrean that wasn't Marika to prevent Outer Gods from invading the world via John Scarlet Rot and Will Formless Mother
>After they were done/Marika wanted to have normal kids/GEQ got too rowdy with her empyrean status, Maliketh was sent to beat the shit out of her and take the rune of death back to Marika
>She kept Melina around as a "oh shit" button, teaching her how to burn the erdtree and how to turn runes into strength so a tarnished can become the new lord and maintain Marika's order
who the hell is t
The game never explicitly states which 'Fingers' made the Gloam-Eyed Queen their empyrean.

The DLC reveals it was Metyr.
so it's some jap roastie self inserting?
I hate roasties, but I hate jap roasties the most
Did Marika actually chimp out over jars or did she selfishly backstab the Hornsent to attain godhood?
We don't know
The hornsent deserved it regardless
Both can be true
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Why do people ask lore questions as if shit was known for a fact
The average ER player has 0 Int
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So yea, if you're using the smith script daggers. Only use heavy attacks and scattershot throw ash of war. Anything outside of that is pretty...useless. NEVER R1...ever.
Just use the smithscript spear
Assume that fromsoft told anybody shit
Less stylish
but also less shit
Not as fun. Also this >>495474632
Level int
Melina before you burned her, but it's you now after you get married to him
Using them to keep bleeds and other status effects up while stay at mid range (just outside of melee range, but not quite) is pretty good.
what kinda thrusting sword does ansbach have?
Promised Consort Cemetery Shade.
you playin that randomizer, boy?
Who is the GEQ if not Melina?
>Melina was a Black Knife
>Melina is spirit only, just like Ranni, meaning her body must have been burned away with death-empowered magic / implements, something she would have had as the leader of the Godskins before Maliketh sealed away Death
>Melina is a daughter of Marika, thus a candidate for being an empyrean
>Melina says her body was burned away at the base of the Erdtree. What kind of flame would only burn away a body and leave only a spirit behind?
seriously? who is Melina otherwise? who is the GEQ otherwise?
as if the only evidence supporting Melina being the GEQ is her purple eye
what a retarded, regurgitated line
I saw some retard on here say something along the lines of "actually gloam would mean gold, you know like the Godskins eyes!" and posted a picture of them with golden eyes
man what a unique trait
golden eyes
good thing theres no other groups of people with golden eyes
I want an Age of Blood
the Gloam Eyed Queen, obviously
>both born with a special flame unique to them
>both sacrificed by their mother in one way or another
Godwyn The Golden, Consort of Melina
Standard Rapier I believe.
Why do you say she was a black knife? Cause of blade of calling?
If only some device existed you could use to prove this hmm
>Everything is bleeding
>Blood swaps
>Blood shit (literally)
>Bloody flies
>Beings transformed into fly people
What a load of bloody shit.
because in the game files she has a full moveset for a fight and it's literally just the Black Knife enemy moveset
not to mention their symbol is tattooed across her closed eye

The Gloam-Eyed Queen is literally older than Marika. Melina can't have been around before her own mother had children.

Melina is also not an empyrean... or married to anyone. 'Queen' implies marriage of some kind. It also doesn't look like Maliketh mauled her, which would have to be apparent.

>'Queen' implies marriage of some kind.
what a load of shit
it implies nothing other than lordship and a female gender
>It also doesn't look like Maliketh mauled her, which would have to be apparent.
why the hell would it? SHE HAS NO BODY
>Melina is also not an empyrean
According to who? It's not stated that she isn't. Other parts of the lore imply children born to Marika all have the capacity to be empyrean (see Malenia's remembrance)
>The Gloam-Eyed Queen is literally older than Marika.
not trying to be a dick
I am genuinely curious to see the evidence for this
what I want to know is why Blaidd is the only other character in the entire game with the same purple eyes that Melina has
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GEQ reincarnated into melina
When if I took a picture of the scale you'd say thag I'm faking it and I'm not taking a picture of myself just because you want to be annoying
It's th remnant of life within the stars. Th asters are referred to as living stars. Glinstone magic is basically Communion with the stars. The farther you go the more you assimilated into your being like Formless Mother communion(mohg cult creature in the book swamp), dragon communion, frenzy. It's just achieved via a different path and ties into the occult themes of left versus right hand path. Meter vs the Elden Bast contrast seems an example of this
He's a Cadian
Hell they could have AI finish the story
I suppose it wouldn't be the first time a God / Lord / Outer God's representative showed back up in Marika's children
>rot goddess god reincarnated as Malenia
>the snake god got Mesmer
>Miquella got some sort of time shit
>the malformed dragon helmet's decoration implies Godwyn had some fishy characteristics before he got KNIFED
maybe the divine gateway gives you an STD that turns your ovaries into a portal to the stars, causing Outer God birth defects
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Say the line, Prattlingjak!
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Does Relanna's Cameo affect all attacks or just WAs?
Just waeapon arts
Makes sense since Eternal Darkness absorbs all spells and spells/incantations are simpy invoking higher level beings. Peak reddit. Probably what passed off the Greater Will. On top of the Metyr stabbing and Black Moon worship. And attempt to make artificial life/Lord lol
How do I kill these as a INT glintstone twink who hates crafting?
>*uses (You)r Prattling Pate
What does it say?
Ynir confirms we are children of said Big bang too. Makes sense.
>kill me...
>carian hands were just finger critters all along
cringe or uncringe?
Why nobody mentions that the Beast Eye was actually something from the GEQ? Maliketh could have taken it from the defeated GEQ.

I also for some reason like the theory of the Flame of Ambition Melina making her some tulpa of the Tarnished.
I dont play elden ring, I don't know.
Why does pretty much nobody speedrun this game?
Lots of people do, just people from here domt speedrun much in general
AI will always become race realist. Especially Nip AI.
we all know what the worst boss in DS1 and DS3 are, but what's the worst boss in DS2?
I dont know, I haven't played
The he gets back up fo 5k years and still holds back the stars. While Fungal queen has to be carried back to infect the Haligtree
Hard to narrow down since a lot of it isn't memorable and is generally shit all around.
Wait is there a consensus on the worst DS3 boss? Deacons, Wolnir, Cursed Greatwood, they all suck ass.
it specifically affects "stance" weapon arts
>stamp sweep and stamp upward cut aren't a single stanced WA
fuck you too miyazaki
Soul of Cinder
Why do gankers love Redmane castle? The most mentally ill ones always gank there
because it angers you specifically
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Y-Yeah bro I totally still invade
Nah they were kino.
I know i juat I never got far enough to fight them and I'm mad
>optional boss so it's always up
>open enough to make any invader's life hell, but inside a closed area so there's nowhere to run
>small number of non-threatening enemies to dispose before setting up a gank on a dead level
>no cliffs or elevators for gravity kills and stalling
It's just a perfect place to have the most unfair fights possible.
At that point just gank at the beach
The beach is less forgiving for retards(most people who gank) as the invader can just bumrush them with invincibility + smaller area.
And usually when at least one phantom dies in a beach gank it's game over.

The castle has more space for running and resummoning.
Marika it expanded on, it added new stuff, but everything to do with Miquella is shoehorned or extremely stupid. Miquella ended up being the worst part of his own DLC.
If Melina was then her getting her ass kicked might explain her lack of a body. Melina and Godwyn DLC. Her spirit in Godwyn's body.
I was wondering who the 5 phase boss would be
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>introduce new redhead character
>reveal at the end this is what Ranni's pre-burnt body looks like
Shard Spiral
So does he have water powers?
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twohand or dual wield Greathammers and use Raptor's Mist to dodge all shockwaves.
GH jump attacks rape poise.
Using the Deflect tear is the most effective way to kill them
I feel like there's a missed opportunity in not having Melina be Spirit Ash after she burns herself.
>"Special ashen remains. Use to summon Melina."
>"Melina, your companion on your journey, has been alongside you all this way. Now, with her life's purpose fulfilled, she may accompany you in satisfaction."
>"The ashes are still quite warm."
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>design the perfect ultimate boss
>casuls whine because he's as strong as his lore indicates he should be
>Miyazaki nerfs him into the ground
>now he's just like any other demigod
Anyone else get unreasonably mad and sad over what they did to //ourboy//.
what a reddit post
>>design the perfect ultimate boss
Oink Oink
>"The ashes are still quite warm."
I'm glad they didn't do that because this line alone would make lorefag youtubers cum uncontrollably
It's an eyeball.
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skill issue
>Shabriri was trying to deny you her ash all along
Kojima's a hack, Souls games are already leagues better.
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what do you think of my stat spread, wavering between dex/fth and dex/arc because i haven't found a weapon i really like
also why are there two generals, and what's your opinion on the frozen needle
Nice bait, retard. Here's a (you)
Skill issue.

Radahn is literally the master of spacetime. It makes sense for him to manipulate his hitbox to throw you off. Most lategame bosses have attacks or abilities to make themselves less scrutable.
Miquella is a god and so can control reality and is helping Radahn out
Does the Mohg cheese with his shackle still work where you summon him, leave the room and then shackle him from outside it and then bleed him to death as he stands there?
Are there any more cheese options? I just want to rush into the DLC to get some shit I need for a new build.
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The truth Radahn can never escape.
His moveset is so fucking basic though once you know which way to dodge and what attacks to block its just a matter of muscle memorizing his animations. He actually should have been harder in my opinion.
How is Margitt/Morgott this powerful?
That's because you probably fought his exact moves from enemies like Banished Knights before.
>why is the final post game boss and strongest demigod in lore so hard bros
Nah, he must just be shitposting, am I right?
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>strongest demigod in lore
/v/ newfags made /erg/, the frozen needle is outclass by dlc weapons
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I'm starting to think that the shed snake skin in Bonny Village was an aspect of Marika discarded by her like Miquella discarded Trina
Marika has suspicious connection to serpents. She has a snake bracelet in the trailer. And Messmer is a snake who takes human form like Rya. Mmhhhh
>Messmer is a snake who takes human form
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>"strongest demigod in lore"
>Morgott forma de Margit beat the shit out of him
>A crippled blind woman ruined his existence
>Said cripple's femboy brother ruined his hole
>He died TWICE to some small jobber who rolls a lot
>He wanted to be Godfrey's kid so much he stole one of his kids' bodies (pathetic)
>He would've been used as just a tool by the femboy mentioned before
If Godfrey's son (Morgott), with his might contained, broke him, imagine what Godfrey would do to Radahn after learning what he did with Mohg. Imagine what Hoarah Loux would do.
In his desperation to be successful, he jobbed the most out of all the demigods to exist.
Radahn is this world's version of the 177013 chick, started well but got so fucked so fast you can't even recognize him.
Is it bad that Marika's visage still captures me? I'd still marry her. She's just so beautiful.
>the frozen needle is outclass by dlc weapons
Yeah but I won't be at the DLC for a while, I'm nowhere near good enough to beat Mohg at 67. I've been using the Nightrider's Flail for a while and it's good but not too exciting.
I think Saki is so lucky
because warfare isn't just about strength, Assuming this was during the invasion of Leydell, Morgott had the home advantage of being the king of the capital, and one 1v1 this guy just summons shit out of his hands. Radahn can smash the ground as much he likes but if Morgott keeps trakata'ing all over the place there's not much he can do. That's pretty much the entire idea behind Judo, an old weak sage using the opponents strength against him
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>A crippled blind woman ruined his existence
After she marched an entire continent too. Just compare where the Haligtree is and where Malenia bloomed. Radahn was practically home court.
To be fair, Morgott let her through and Liurnia was in to position to resist. That left Limgrave, and we all know how that went for God Rick.
>it implies nothing other than lordship and a female gender
Modern definitions skate past saying a Queen must have a King, but the original definition makes it quite clear

>why the hell would it? SHE HAS NO BODY
That was a joke

>According to who? It's not stated that she isn't.
Well it needs to be stated that she is somewhere. The game lists every empyrean by name including her. It's something Melina would mention if she was. I do think Melina is connected to her, possibly even genetically, but I don't think they are the same person. They have different lives.

>I am genuinely curious to see the evidence for this
Marika needed to take the Rune of Death from her in order to seal it away and start the Golden Order. This rune was something she had before Marika became a God. Not that significant, but why would her own child have this fucking world-bending Order rune before she even takes the Elden Ring? This is not a Great Rune. It is literally part of the fabric of reality. Does Messmer have the rune of Life? No he has a damn snake. None of her children were given a rune that strong. They didn't have much really, until they seized the shards of the Ring.

Is it possible the Gloam-Eyed Queen was just a rebellious fucker who stole it in the first place? Sure. We don't know. Right now, it's more likely it was given to her first when she became an empyrean, which likely would have been before Marika was.

This is what I believe.
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Can people resummon infinitely in seamless like in the base game, I remember seeing that unlikable polish faggot complaining the gankers were going back home and returning immediately
>the original definition
words do not have singular set definitions and you are a fucking retard if you think otherwise
concepts first known by germanic forest-monkeys 10000 years ago have been expressed in dozens of different forms since then
i don't give a fuck about your gender argument but there is no "original definition" of any word in english especially before the 13th century
>Who is the GEQ if not Melina?
Somebody we haven't seen.
>Melina was a Black Knife
YouTubers are the ones perpetuating the retarded idea that gloam is purple, niggers who have no idea what words actually mean. I haven't seen a single one who has brought up the etymology of the word, they're retards like you who think Google showing them purple means something.
>good thing theres no other groups of people with golden eyes
Maybe that says more than you think. But you have brain damage, so it obviously says more than you think.
Did the Niall cliff jump skip get patched? Seems like I can make it out of bounds but then die just before any terrain loads out. Or I'm just fumble fingering the falling attack.
I wrote up a long ass post just now but 4chin says it’s too long. Basically, I just finished my first run of the game and I feel like shit. I feel crushed and disappointed. I felt like a shitter because my build and skills suddenly became inadequate around Farum Azula, and I hated how the game fucked me over and made me pick the chaos ending. So what are you supposed to do, not talk to the three fingers at all? From made sure to hammer it into your head that frenzyflame was a radical way to free those oppressed under the golden order, so I figured they’d have something worth saying but nope! Fuck you for even talking to them, you’re locked into chaos ending.

I just feel so devastated. This game started out so strong and if it had ended with Morgott as the alpha and omega I would have loved it. But now it felt like it stretched on too long and all I wanted it to do was be over. I know that I’m probably a shitter for thinking Godfrey and Malekith and Radagon and Godskin duo is hard, but I don’t care anymore.
As in, the host starts escaping or stalling until they find their butt buddies' summon sign and call him back, basically undoing you killing them in less than a minute
hello newfriend

> Fuck you for even talking to them, you’re locked into chaos ending.
you can remove the frenzied flame from yourself, but you need to defeat malenia and then go into placidusax's boss arena

>I know that I’m probably a shitter for thinking Godfrey and Malekith and Radagon and Godskin duo is hard
malekith and godskin duo are decently hard, especially for new players. most people think chadfrey and radagon are fun fights though
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So you followed the Three Fingers' quest, saw multiple cases of people completely devastated and debilitated by Frenzy, fed smoldering eyeballs to a blind girl, descended into a mass grave, got Melina to beg you repeatedly to stop, got even more warnings at the enormous door, and

you thought this was the path to a good ending?
>words do not have singular set definitions and you are a fucking retard if you think otherwise
So what's the problem here
I’ve heard of Malenia vaguely from all the complaining around the game’s release, I just figured she was in a secret area and if I was struggling with regular bosses I probably couldn’t handle her.

Also I thought Godfrey and Radagon were hard but I think if I had a better build I would have liked them more. Godfrey’s second phase never made me feel like I had proper space to heal or counter attack and if I could break his poise it might be better.

The game literally tells you not to believe anything the golden order says because they’re shit, and Marika threw Morgott into the fucking sewer and he turned out okay. I thought the frenzyflame was a metaphor for mental illness and oppression so I figured I’d hear them out. Clearly I was thinking too hard about it.
nigga they EAT EYEBALLS
you leveled vigor, right? what was your build?
What the fuck
Where do masochist Miquella comes from.
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How does /erg/ feel about rya?
>Marika threw Morgott into the fucking sewer and he turned out okay.
He is a massive self hating mess of a man still perpetuating the abuse of omens because mommy did.
I want to be friends with a femanon...
nothingburger character
Miquella had brainwashed mohg before or shortly after his kidnapping. Mohg shared a bedchamber with miquella implying sex its the reason the mohg pedo memes started. Miquella controlling him during this meant miquella either plapped mohg(more likely with what we're given ingame and in the files) or he had mohgs massive cock in him. In the dlc miquella proceeds to rip off his limbs and eyes which would be painful but he still goes through with it.
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The entire point of the game is that appearances aren’t everything. The put-together knight is actually an asshole who oppressed the weak. The Queen Marika is beautiful and also a fucking genocider. The “monsters” that run the smithy and they capitol are both diehard loyalists to their side and honorable unto the end. Maybe read a book at a college level for once.

I did level vigor. Pic related.

No, he stood his ground and defended the Erdtree no matter what even when they owed him nothing. It’s part of his character.
>my own headcannon definition of the word "gloam" is correct! it's all the dictionaries that are wrong!
at this point I think you're just enjoying being a contrarian, denying the general consensus everyone else came to with the evidence in front of them
gloam is almost certainly just an older english spelling of what we use today as the word "gloom"
the glowing purple sky you get right after the sun disappears beneath the horizon
a blueish purple is the first thing I'd think of if I were to choose a color for the word "gloom"

here are some faggot redditors talking about the Japanese translations
>Dusk Eyed Queen
>constructed with kanjis which mean "night" and "eyeball"
>No, this first kanji means more like "twilight - early night hours". Here're the dictionary entries. https://jisho.org/search/%E5%AE%B5#advanced
so even Michael Zachary himself seems to have chosen "gloam" to mean a color corresponding to night / twilight / post-sunset
now if you're going to pretend that doesn't mean purple then you're either a disenguous liar, or a thumb-sucking retard

do not respond to me with your retarded contrarian denial drivel again or I will tie your prolapse into a knot
>pure faith
oh that's why you had trouble

yeah all the bosses in the endgame resist holy and you don't have a lot of faith to begin with
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faggot reddit link

>50 Faith
>”Not a lot of faith”
Genuinely, what was I supposed to do? I put the minimum into Str/dex to wield the fucking thing and I had on heavy armor. Also I knew they had holy resist but I thought a flame art infusion might eat through that.
60 would have been better, what weapons were you using? anyways don't focus too much on your build, it's not shit by any means. the last few bosses are pretty hard, space whale excepted
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>Space whale excepted
Wow, I must really suck then, I honestly thought he was super hard. Having to fight radar on them him back to back was super fucking tough, even with torrent. I always get like I had too little healing and I couldn’t figure out how to dodge that orb.

Also my weapons were a +25 godskin stitcher and a +25 godslayer seal.
I have killed Bogghart in 3 of my 4 playthroughs for robbing that little angel.
Wait who ripped who's limbs?
>nigger can't read
>nigger doesn't know etymology
Back to school, dipshit.
>the glowing purple sky
The purple isn't what's glowing.
were you using black flame spells? they're pretty good and boosted with that seal

>I couldn’t figure out how to dodge that orb.
yeah elden stars is a bitch
I was using them, but only the fireball and black flame ritual. The others were too hard to get off in time or too situational. I wish there was a black flame infusion on weapons.
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still going with purple-isn't-purple despite the Japanese?
you're assuming that the use of the word gloam by the writers is following a less common definition of an already old word?
>every dictionary says gloam = dusk / twilight
>the Japanese, which doesn't have to worry about old english definitions, describes the GEQ as the "night eyeball queen" or "early twilight eyeball queen"
again, I think you just enjoy being in conflict and you're just pretending to hold this asinine position
I cannot convince you to stop believing something when you don't actually believe it yourself
Is there a SoNaF equivalent for SotE?
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and this
rellana's swords? they're more physical oriented though
>Morgott will never jump on me, wrestle me to the ground, and then rape me to death (which wouldn't be weird btw)
i'm talking like absolute maximum "i did not beat the game" tier shit, like hexes in base ds2
Miyazaki should bring back the text blurb beneath the big victory text from Demon's Souls. Imagine that, under GOD SLAIN, it says "You shall establish a new Order."
>(which wouldn't be weird btw)
it definitely would be
Why would you rat yourself out like that?
No it would not be weird.
Most of you...no...ALL of you faggots didn't beat him unless you used gay ass BIG shield and poked him with rot or out lvled the fight.
it's a valid question
Is it not possible to parry Crucible Knights or am I just dogshit?
they're literally a parry test
every single one of their attacks, barring non-sword based attacks are parryable
you're just missing the timing
I suggest getting a better parry skill such as Carian Retaliation or Storm Wall
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different parry skills have different startup and active frames
less startup = better
more duration = better
less recovery = better
I dont know
okay yeah i swapped to Buckler and parried him to death almost exclusively
this is actually pretty gratifying considering i'm usually a 100% phys shield turtle and struggle immensely with crucible knights, i've never really managed this many successful parries before
parrying would be way easier in ER if bosses didn't constantly do that stupid shit where they wind up an attack for 7 whole seconds
>that attack where Morgott holds his cane above his head, which has variable timing if you try to attack him early on during the attack's windup
yeah fuck you for that Miyazaki
ER has some of the worst combat of any souls game because you're fighting Sekiro and Bloodborne bosses using a barely upgraded DS3 toolkit
Malenia makes more sense if you have the deflect mechanic
bosses with attacks that can't be punished safely make more sense if you have a mechanic to get health back from attacking
ER has neither, and there is no visual indicator to let the player know which attacks are parryable and which aren't
no wonder so many people resort to just spamming magic at a distance
can hardly blame them
remember to jump when they do the stomp
you can instantly parry the followup attack once you land
>100% phys shield turtle
In this game, you can have your cake and eat it too. Put Carian Retaliation on any medium shield. Although the animation looks similar, parry frame parameters of the base shield are ignored, and you use the Ash of War's own parry frames. Carian Retaliation's parry frames only start like a frame later than Buckler's and last as long. Basically you can have a Buckler-tier parry on the Brass Shield if you want.
Please recommend me a weapon for PvE
I want something unusual/exotic, not something that's just a sword or hammer. More for Dex than Str, and if it has Fth or Arc scaling or status effects too then that's all the better
I used the perfume bottles occasionally and not for the overpowered weapon art on release. It was pretty funny sprinkling enemies R1/R2.
one of the scythes I guess
Malenia was actually fun for me because I used the Niggakiba aggressively. I actually WANTED her to cancel into a counter, because I could roll the counter and punish with another R1.
What the fuck do summoning pools actually DO? And what should I be using if I want to maximize my chances of getting summoned, the finger or the effigy?
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Me too. I've convinced myself Bloodborne is the sequel to ER set in modern times.
>purple isn't purple
Purple is purple. Gloam isn't purple.
>less common definition
There is only one definition.
>every dictionary says gloam = dusk / twilight
Key part of the word being twi "light." Where's the light from anon?
>the Japanese, which doesn't have to worry about old english definitions, describes the GEQ as the "night eyeball queen" or "early twilight eyeball queen"
And you know what color early twilight is? That's right, orange. You're getting there, anon.
>again, I think you just enjoy being in conflict
I enjoy being correct.
>I cannot convince you to stop believing something
Correct, because I'm right and you're wrong.
Any weapon poker enjoyers here in this thread?
Gonna have to side with this guy. It makes more sense for the godskins to have her eyes, considering they are her children, and it's far more unlikely to ask someone to picture a twilight and it's purple.
The Beast Eye is purple and detects deathroot. It's probably Maliketh's own eye, considering it's called the "beast" eye. Melina could even be hiding the same abilities in her purple eye, but that still doesn't make her the GEQ.
Messmer really needs to be fucking nerfed
Speaking of, it's Marika's incest children that have retained the most of her power, in spite of their curses.
I don't think Melina is the GEQ. It just doesn't fit her character. She is not the mother of a faction of monsters who make robes out of their victims' skins.
It's speculated she has carian blood due to sharing their features, preferring body hopping to bodies with similar features, using a carian staff as her weapon, jerren calling her a traitor meaning she at minimum served them, and is the only one besides rennala who has anything carian related to her in her painting in the academy.

At the very least she was a retainer. At most a relative of some sort.

Either way they were close.
She doesn't have a character that's the problem.
I disagree with you on the eye thing. It's clearly not his eye
What character?
Why does the guidance of grace send you to Castle Morne?
Seems pointless. No main game items or events happen there?
Marika is racist.
Grafted Blade
Nta but there's no reason for them to have her eyes for one main reason. What little we know of the gloam eyed queen is that while she's their mother she didn't birth them. The godskins are artifical beings like the Claymen and Albinaurics. She didn't birth them.
She begs the player not to take frenzy for the sake of unborn babies. That's enough to suggest she wasn't skinning them.
Sob story to make you not take the nuclear option
On the other hand, service to a greater power in Elden Ring causes your eyes to change to reflect your lord. Blood eyes, frenzy eyes, dragon eyes, and the Grace of Gold being examples.
We see that the abyssal serpent is within messmer
It's implied based on descriptions the snake in someway predates him
The snake devours his flames
There's a god devouring serpent skin in the land of shadows
The godskin have serpentine features.
A godskin can be found next to temple dedicated to the current god devouring serpent
The name of the current one is similar to that of a bridge in the dlc
Similarities in names often denotes kinship between characters in this game
We see through the intro that the current god devouring serpent was smaller at one point so its relatively young
We know from rykard you can't truly kill a serpent
The gloam eyed queen being labeled queen and having kids likely had a consort
And based on the kids having snake features the consort would have to be snakelike

I propose the previous god devouring serpent, upon its defeat, wasn't able to be properly killed, so instead it was sealed within marika's newborn growing in and with messmer becoming the abyssal serpent.

I believe something similar happened to the gloam eyed queen, but she was sealed within messmers sister, melina.
I think we need another dlc to explain Melina and the GEQ. Extra bosses will be Godwin in his pre death from and Marika at full strength.
>Marika is racist.
She wanted us to kill misbegotten?
>Grafted Blade
It means nothing to the story
Not just that actually, harnessing certain energies can also alter your apperance. The glintstone sorcerers begin growing gems, stonediggers are becoming stone, radahn became almost as dark as the onyx lords due to spamming gravity, and as related to this topic, upon harnessesing the power of destined death in the frenzied flame ending melina's hair becomes an idental grayish to the blackflame monks.
It's the preamble to the Frenzy quest. Irina's corpse becoming Hyetta, her father going mad and killing misbegotten in Liurnia, etc.
>radahn became almost as dark as the onyx lords due to spamming gravity
I had always assumed he turned that color because of rot, but I like that idea.
>melina's hair becomes an idental grayish to the blackflame monks
Also an interesting detail.
>She wanted us to kill misbegotten?

Kill Misbegotten, behead Misbegotten, roundhouse kick a Misbegotten into Mourne's walls, etc.
If the golden eyes means grace of gold influence then the godskins indeed served the greater will or "greater will" as they have golden eyes similar to the demigods. It's a gold iris with golden grace only seen in those related to the demigods.

Based on them also being followers of metyr in some way using her face as one of their symbols. The "gloam eyed queen" name implies a different eye color, which would only truly matter if her eyes stood out, if even her kids eyes were gold but hers weren't thered be a good reason for that distinction. Though I do doubt the "gloam" mentioned is the indigo of melina's eye.
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Befriend Albinaurics. Respect Albinaurics. Roundhouse kick Albinauric friendships into existence. Slam dunk some healthy fruit and vegetables into Albinauric baby mouths. Love Albinaurics. Share some food with an Albinauric. Launch Albinaurics into orbit as part of high-paying astronaut jobs. Treat Albinaurics like human beings. Warn Albinaurics not to fall into active volcanoes. Share life experiences with Albinaurics. Watch TV and play video games with Albinaurics. Invite Albinaurics to parties. Report Albinaurics to the Nobel foundation. Karate chop sterotypes in half. Give up your seat for pregnant Albinaurics. Free Albinaurics from quicksand. Appreciate Albinaurics. Eat with Albinaurics. Judge Albinaurics by the content of their character. Dance with Albinaurics with steel-toed boots. Cremate Albinaurics in the oven, but only if their family didn't want them to be buried. Dignify Albinaurics. Civil rights for Albinaurics. Collect Albinaurics garbage to put in the garbage disposal. Surgically reconstruct Albinaurics with a ray gun. Help old Albinaurics cross the road. Admire Albinaurics.
I saw a schizo theory that Marika was the Gloam-Eyed Queen. I have no idea how that would work considering Maliketh, but I want to believe.
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We see even before malenia rotted him radahn had really dark skin.
In the volcano manor painting of a younger radahn he has olive skin
Consort radahn who's a pre "starscourge" radahn has a similar mediterranean swarthyness. Sometime after that painting was made but before his fight with malenia radahn nigged out
so like how is it the frenzy flaming tower is a thing
it's just sitting there in liurnia pulsing death
it's like if a fucking hellgate opened up 50 miles outside of boston
Goldmask is an onyx lord

How do you feel about that?
Cuckoo knights and sorcerers too busy with those fucking lobsters.
In cut content Daedicar was a man and Rykard's side piece, however this had to be changed so that Daedicar would be able to give birth. It's possible that the snake men we see around Volcano Manor, including Rya, are their children. Rya was born of a noble king, but Tanith is not her mother.
>it's like if a fucking hellgate opened up 50 miles outside of boston
Yeah I know about D.C.
Wouldn't that technically make rya rennala's grandaughter? I want an ending where instead of leaving the lands between rya goes to look after rennala instead.
I had assumed his infection was a progressive thing during the fight, and by the point the Aeonia bloomed he was well and truly sick. Hard to tell what his skin tone is in the previous scene before he picks up his swords. Althoughbeitfully I would accept either explananation.
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Okay schizo headcanon that likely isn't true.
I believe the numen are related to the onyx lords

If you look at the onyx lords, the zamor warriors, the nox, and the black knives, they have near identical proportions, very similar fighting styles, and for the onyx lords, nox, and zamor, similar skin colors.

How does this relate to the numen? Well we know the black knives are numen and that they're from the eternal cities, so unless there's another group there living with the nox, then they're nox too making the nox numen.

Those in zamor are known for using frost magic, a type of magic that's ancient and about as old as primeval sorceries and the moon magic the carians use, utilized by the same astrologians who's descendants would be the carians.
The zamorites can be found in the same general area the carians originate from, and uses an ancient magic associated with their ancestors. Their architecture isn't all too dissimilar from what can be found in the eternal cities or academy either.

I propose they all share common ancestry

A race similar to the onyx lords decided to head earth, those that did became the numen, the numen then branched out, some bring driven underground becoming the nox, others finding their way to the mountaintops becoming zamor, and others living with nature becoming shamans.

The numen tribes still had contact with eachother despite their different environments, this contact would inspire some to migrate to different areas, namely, more to the eternal cities, with some shaman heading there, their descendants later used by marika and ranni as assassins, and some zamor moving there, later leaving and becoming the carian family

Eventually many of their cousins who stayed in space began landing as well, known as onyx lords, these onyx lords hostile to most, decided to integrate themselves with their star worshipping cousins, the carians.

They're ALL aliens. Every last one. Marika, all of her kids, rennala, all of them. Aliens.
>they wind up an attack for 7 whole seconds
But that's good. When you can predict, those are attack or heal opportunities
Acceptable headcanons.
Are Twinblades good in PvE?
Elden ring is a chud game
The characters we know that likely racemixed, godwyn and vyke both with dragons meet terrible ends
The final dlc boss is a newly married gay couple
We kill radagon at the end of the game, untrooning marika
The most explicitly bad factions the hornsent and frenzy flame are jewish with the hornsent outright calling themselves the chosen people and the frenzy flame being embodied by someone with the name of a jewish demon
The faction that worships the flame are gypsies, a group also known as merchants, the game implies they steal what they sell, and Kale being a name for multiple gypsy groups
The fell god an explicitly evil god acknowledged by the hornsent though not worshipped by them is said to have made a deal with the giants
The game implies this deal was to their detriment
Meaning the redheaded northern giants were tricked by a large nose(based on its apperance in relics and on their stomachs), demon.

The end of the game is either marrying a blonde(aryan) genocidal woman or the ghost of a redhead(aryan adjacent with most redhead genes in the british isles coming from the norse) and imposing your will upon the world.
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>George writes basic shit but adds so many twists and turns and "CONNECTIONS" (name recycling) that it all seems deeper than it is
>Michaelzaki writes vague stuff as if it were a mythos ages past and recycles the same concepts over and over again
>they both team up
>end up making a world so convoluted that no answer is 100% certain, no question is 100% right to ask, everything can fit together even at the barest of thread
>ends up being another case of people arguing about lore for years
>ends up as another example of prime schizophrenia
I wish there was a reverse mode to the game where you start in the DLC, beat radahn to get to the erdtree and fight all the way to soldier of godrick as the final boss, with scalings inverted to match so you can pick up new weapons at the start. It feels dirty using cheat engine to add weapons.
I want to rape someone who's like Ryan gosling I'm not joking
hey man i would rather you not post things like this
Yeah it's both intriguing and frustrating
There's nothing better than schizo lore. The plot is what I want it to be.

Oh, I disnt know thw game let you do that
No, they can't so that, in seamless when you die during an invasion, you're stuck spectating until the theater is killed or they die
'Flame, cleanse me' burns the user. Radahn probably burned most of his skin stopping rot build-up at this stage.

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