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Moth Girl Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>495152038

Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
AI Roguelike — Paid; multi-model https://store.steampowered.com/app/1889620
Featherless — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://featherless.ai
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat Models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i
>AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Write prompts for next week’s Elves & Nobles Friday! Results: >>495235590

>(09/20) NovelAI announces Llama 3 Erato’s release window, new text gen samplers, and the removal of CFG https://files.catbox.moe/ct12an.png
(8/30) Cohere updates Command R and Command R+ https://docs.cohere.com/changelog/command-gets-refreshed ; NovelAI updates samplers for imagegen https://blog.novelai.net/summer-sampler-update-en-3a34eb32b613
(08/22) NovelAI open-sources NovelAI Diffusion V1 (non-commercial license) https://blog.novelai.net/novelai-diffusion-v1-weights-release-en-e40d11e16bd5
(08/16) Hermes-3 Llama 3.1 405B is free on OpenRouter https://openrouter.ai/models/nousresearch/hermes-3-llama-3.1-405b ; Gift key purchases for NovelAI have been re-enabled https://files.catbox.moe/effd7y.png (embed)
Moth girls are so respectable
>proxyfags really thought their prompts aren't monitored and logged 24/7
That's like acting surprised about targeted ads that used your microphone recordings.
>(09/20) Hermes-3 Llama 3.1 405B is no lonfer free on OpenRouter.
(09/19) Mistral Small 22B and Pixtral 12B release https://mistral.ai/news/september-24-release ; Qwen 2.5—trained on 18 fucking trillion tokens—releases https://qwenlm.github.io/blog/qwen2.5
To be fair, it's one confirmed key from months ago that, apparently, only the really bad proxy hosts cared to use.
not a bad OP pic. upvoted
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Zero sympathy.
So... proxyfags lost?
wait until another key is confirmed honeypot
I choose this thread
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Qwen2.5 72B is only behind Llama 3.1 405B in livebench
No. There is no proof it was an /aicg/ proxy.
Even if it was one, absolutely nothing will or can come of this.
Absolute nothingburger.
why would a proxy not be monitored
Their inputs and outputs will be used as adversarial data. Business as usual, nothing has changed. IPs and other info might have been leaked to the corpos, but they have no grounds to prosecute anyone over this.
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So, what you're saying is, we're back?
Guys call me crazy, but uh... I think anon used the proxy
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Good to know they changed the url. I was charged for using the same one I had been using (https://openrouter.ai/models/nousresearch/hermes-3-llama-3.1-405b), which was free. The free one has less output. I can work with that.
Yes. Doomchads lost.
Gangstalkers won
Astrological or meteorological next week?
>actually trying to destroy /lmg/ with a raid
Zero shame.
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Anyone else working on their prompts already? Elves are whatever, but the nobility angle inspired something in me that I haven't felt in these Friday prompts for some time.
I have two ready
Imagine if the model releases on Wednesday or Friday proper. Would we get an influx of prompts to celebrate it?
Going to start this weekend. Got two ideas for Nobility, need to think of something for elves.
>I have two ready
From before? Or did you write up two fresh prompts since yesterday?
>Would we get an influx of prompts to celebrate it?
That'd be nice. I've only been here for like 6 months, so I wasn't around when theme fridays were more popular.
>need to think of something for elves.
Why not just fold them into nobility?
Sadly, I'm skipping this one. I'm going to prep prompts and lorebooks for the new model. Tempted to try a gardevoir prompt, amazed there are only two on Aetherroom.
I think it's because people assume "Gardevoir is so generic, of course people will make prompts for her!" And then no one bothers to upload any.
Boo! You should consider inaugurating the new model with a fresh prompt instead of just doing prepwork.
How exactly are you prepping stuff for the new model though? Is there already information on how to format stuff for it vs Kayra?
Gardevoir in a dress, with a prince trainer, would qualify as nobility.
Can you fuckers do something about your schizo? He's in /lmg/ shitting up the thread again.
If you don't do something about your schizo we will unleash our blacked miku schizo on you.
I'm re-writing some old lorebooks. Trying to apply grammar lessons to fix them up and cut tokens while still using descriptive words.

That's a fair point actually.
We already do what we can, bro. Mods apparently don't consider being an obvious Russian to be against the rules.
actually fun fact: he was yours first and he claims that /lmg/ is his home thread
they're the same person so good luck with that
he wears many hats, our collective fillyfucker
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>Why not just fold them into nobility?
Eh, I'm not the type to do that. I like giving every theme its room to breathe, if I can, and since I've already had these two ideas before the vote (which is why I suggested it in the first place), I feel like it'd be lame to just slap elves on top.
It's the middle of the night and I really should be sleeping, but I at least got that "uhhhh write a couple words down maybe I can make something of it" inspired by what I'm currently listening to (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PblkfTjzbo) kind of prompt idea for elves. It at least sounds stupid enough that it could work.
Anyone mess around with the new sampling settings yet?
literally replying to him
He literally can't be stopped. The mods don't give a fuck. I actually think he's paying them since he will sit here and report posts and contributors will have posts deleted or get banned for no reason. Meanwhile he gets off scott free every time he blatantly trolls multiple threads The mods are corrupt as fuck, so I don't think it's a stretch.
>shill product
>get push-back
>spam and false-flag
>blame boogeyman
Twice today in /aicg/ and /lmg/. I'm still not sure what's that supposed to accomplish.
I did the opposite. Losing my precious Pilotfish, I settled on a non-CFG preset instead of experimenting
He got warned and half his posts deleted when he started harassing the D3 thread there.
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I did some experiment with it. The unified sampling has potential, but it's also harder to tune since having 3 free parameters is huge.
Still seeing ghosts?
hes making them and crying about them after
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OK yeah, I think my brain's fried. Time for sleep, promptwriting tomorrow.
Reminds me of when I used to play WoW, there was a special thistle tea you could make as a blood elf. Think it restored energy or something.
New preset found.
Not mine, but its called zany scribe and I think it uses new stuff?
Cross-threaded from >>495352827 (Me)
Okay fucktards, good morning or evening, third world country anon here, and once again, I missed the event... Another fuck me, I guess.
I am dying to know whether to start your supplemental giveaways here in Friday in your time zone or currently Saturday in mine ASAP. You averred midnight which is, correctly, the exact same noon here, 12 pm, a spot on. I shall tarry here until your very presence. Don't you ever leave me stranded from richfags... in inclusion with that guy with dual 4090s...
I've done this exact premise many times in rimworld
just a thought, but I feel like stoner speech patterns could make for interesting dialogue at the very least
I'm waiting since I'm creatively bankrupt and need an LLM to help me think of what to write
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No. Fuck you. Do not mention that game. I have a life, I cannot go back to playing Rimworld.
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Ghetto Recap (1/2)


Spirit Support
>Ghosts help a fortune-teller hook up.


Traci Deep Dive >>495269216
Goals, Apparently >>495290713
Again, It's Sort Of Like Poetry >>495302762
That One Meme From Toy Story 2 >>495323559
Lot of Words >>495329492
A Preview Of Things To Come >>495335229
Why does /aids/ routinely insist on raiding threads? Will they stop at nothing to defend their shitty service?
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Ghetto Recap (2/2) (/vg/ might be affected by the 10 reply thing)
Notable Posts:

MEET AND HUH?! >>495303729
Elves Won... Again >>495235590
Aini Lied >>495205610 >>495217652
Cat Tats >>495221675 >>495314689
Instruct Models: The Movie >>495228646
only 6 storyposts and one of them is mine damn
BIG loss for the cabal. Might be a retaliation for 70B announcement.
share with your normie friends
welcome back. glad i got the time zone correct then, last drop will be in a little under 2 and a half hours and i hope you manage to get one
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VERY Ghetto Recap (3/2)?
Quit Horsing Around >>495244346
Lisa >>495300292 >>495304602
Sex Preset >>495299472
Just 5 more years and we will have this locally.
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>chills down the spine
It only took us two to get Dragon locally.
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Okay. Seems to be limited to 9 replies now.
But don't worry, I have ideas.
No, I will give you 3 years, but 2022 models weren't really a match for it.
>Novelai about to announce their new model
>Proxies and locusts immediately get exposed
The Turkish cabal was totally behind this!
Thanks man
I successfully murdered the ghetto recap. It's a good day.
Get fucked, idiot.
Reminder for the thread to deprive him of (You)s.
I'm marinating my dick and balls in Worcester sauce
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>When CF sees Traci
Giving you some (You)s just because it makes the dog person upset.
I love this stupid nickname he came up with so much.
I'd blame my subordinate personal tasks, and myself, for break off the goal here at the finish line.
It's funnier if you imagine it being said with a Russian accent.
/lmg/er again. Just wanted to let you guys know that I may hate your service, but I hate, hate, hate, HATE your fucking schizo.
Thank you for listening.
He is not just our schizo. He is everyone's schizo. A communal schizo. Every AI thread has had to deal with him at some point in their existence.
I think you mean OUR schizo, comrade
It's like a bad version of free use.
Well, maybe if you weren't such an easy target you wouldn't be this angry. Maybe try lurking 10 more years?
I don't have a service
If there ever was a brat in need of correction...
If you were an actual /lmg/er, you would have no idea who's the schizo. Also, you would know that this thread hates your guts.
>only 9 quotes
I wonder if there's a thread left that doesn't hate him. He used to be a little bit more tactful, but it seems like he makes a complete and utter retard of himself wherever he goes now.
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I know it because you sperg out and link this thread all over 4chan like a fucking moron. Do you think your routine autistic shit fits make you James Bond or something?
God damn, we're pulling a Sisyphus.
he must get off on the fact everyone talks about him.
Doesn't matter nearly as much as you think it does. Plus, I did get you to download the watermarked image TraciAnon pointed out.
No Ghetto Pic because that borders on avatarfagging.
Yeah that's really it. A Person dies twice, ect.
You wouldn't know, because normal people don't care about NovelAI. And wouldn't pin any negative post they see to a boogeyman, unless they drank the kool-aid of this thread.
What the fuck are you even saying with those sentences you actual schizophrenic
This word keeps appearing.

I wonder why?
After a certain point, it's just better to accept that he's fucking insane and leave it be.
You mean Claudey had a mucus fetish all this time?
Well, let's add it to the list right next to ponies, interracial, and ryona
oh and scat
how could I forget his love of shit?
fags doing some low effort damage control
I think it's pretty plain what he's attempting to say there in particular, he isn't being wordy either
Though I'm biased, I found it very hurtful when a friend that didn't treat me like I was some alien freak began to take what I said on average as incomprehensible dribble following a promotion
in that context, it's "drivel," not dribble
/lit/bros? I thought "real" literature doesn't have slop in them?
I know this is bait but it's about the sheer frequency
What the heck. Dostoevsky had an LLM?
Lol, he's actually readable in translation. Westoids would go crazy were they forced to read him the way he actually wrote his slop.
If you are alluding to Dostoevsky’s worst novels, then, indeed, I dislike intensely The Brothers Karamazov and the ghastly Crime and Punishment rigamarole. No, I do not object to soul-searching and self-revelation, but in those books the soul, and the sins, and the sentimentality, and the journalese, hardly warrant the tedious and muddled search. Dostoyevsky’s lack of taste, his monotonous dealings with persons suffering with pre-Freudian complexes, the way he has of wallowing in the tragic misadventures of human dignity – all this is difficult to admire. I do not like this trick his characters have of ”sinning their way to Jesus” or, as a Russian author, Ivan Bunin, put it more bluntly, ”spilling Jesus all over the place." Crime and Punishment’s plot did not seem as incredibly banal in 1866 when the book was written as it does now when noble prostitutes are apt to be received a little cynically by experienced readers. Dostoyevsky never really got over the influence which the European mystery novel and the sentimental novel made upon him. The sentimental influence implied that kind of conflict he liked—placing virtuous people in pathetic situations and then extracting from these situations the last ounce of pathos. Non-Russian readers do not realize two things: that not all Russians love Dostoevsky as much as Americans do, and that most of those Russians who do, venerate him as a mystic and not as an artist. He was a prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. I admit that some of his scenes, some of his tremendous farcical rows are extraordinarily amusing. But his sensitive murderers and soulful prostitutes are not to be endured for one moment—by this reader anyway. Dostoyevsky seems to have been chosen by the destiny of Russian letters to become Russia’s greatest playwright, but he took the wrong turning and wrote novels.
God I gate /lit/ hacks so much it's unreal.
>all these rapid-fire ellipses
what an amateur
>The /lit/ bell curve

>>495369160 (low IQ)
>Thinks it's shit
>>495367404 (mid IQ)
>Thinks it's literature
>>495368184 (high IQ)
>Thinks it's shit
Pseudointellectual rants like what >>495368184 made are not "high IQ".
Did you see the em dashes?
Explain how that improves the quality of the narrative slop he used as an argument.
I mean, how doesn't it
If you're not going to be serious about it, you can fuck off. Have a nice day, /lit/tard
Only low IQ people — which aren't really "people" — don't use em dashes.
It was less about the content and more about the representation. I just got a giggle out of the two anons perspective on what most /lit/fags would glaze. One had a long ramble of prose; one had a simple quip.
finally some new bait
Ellipses bros…
It's very easy. Take one of the spam posts like this one for example:
>NovelAI will be the SAVIOR of AI!
How do you know who wrote this post? We're already entering schizo territory if you claim to know.
Normal people won't know, think they can't know, because anyone can write that.
But /aids/ will tell you that it MUST be the schizo. And they benefit from that. Things are a lot easier if they have a boogeyman that's clearly evil, like someone that spams a thread with that kind of shit. And if their opponent isn't making these posts, they can easily go there and write them themselves.
To ignore that they can do that, and be part of the rally based on who you think wrote some anonymous post, you have to drink their kool-aid. That's what makes you a tourist.
To add to that, when every discussion between A and B is followed by spam and thread-shitting, followed by multiple posts trying to pin it on B, it starts to become obvious that it's being done in benefit of A.
At this point, it's kind of predictable that any criticism or discussion is going to be followed by that spam, because they find it useful. It's becoming like their bread and butter.
They're all anonymous posts, if you see a post like the one above and claim that it must be X, it's more that you want it to be like that because you benefit from it, or are some kind of manipulable moron.
Hontou wa yasashii obasan da
When it's been happening for over a year, it's no longer a boogeyman.
the samurai leaves the bathroom...
Not reading all that shit, kiss the tip of my musky and stinky cock until you slobber all over it
midnight, so last set of gift keys. have a great weekend






thanks bruv
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>managed to catch one
Time to be disappointed
(That is the autism celebration)
(I'm that third world country anon)
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wtf it actually worked
didn't get one this time, but I did last month, so thanks
Ah, the pinoy. Good to see you also got one.
It'd be nice if you stayed like this to a degree and stopped with the dumb 4chan gimmick you're going to deeply regret on some level in 5-8 years and existentially regret in 15-20.
is it gay if you suck on the clit?
i deadass forgot about the drop rip

I'm over the moon. I couldn't haven been that longing to starve.
And wow, that was, as always, so rapid to see the key's now pool closed at instant!
>the malicious dog person is pretending to not be malicious
Do something productive with that brain of yours before it's all mush and explain how I'm any of these. And put some effort into it like that other post, don't just give a one line remark for each category.
you need plap correction
If you had a boyfriend that loved you and was interested in you then you wouldn't waste entire days terrorizing all AI threads across 4chan, praying you get one
They'd have to avoid Putin's anti-gay thugs on the daily. Very "lovers in a dangerous time" type vibe.
Only if it's bigger than your dick.
Do you think Claudia would like it if I wore harem pants and oil while tearing his boypussy apart?
They prefer parachute pants.
You know, I'd be inclined to take this seriously if you weren't a lying schizophrenic psychopath that has been doing this for years at this point. Ironically, I think this is the only post of yours that reads almost like a human. Hell, people could actually communicate with you if you spoke like this rather than the dumb "cabal did X" "the boogeyman is going after Y" bullshit.
But since you have a history of doing this exact shit, in this exact manner, for no fucking reason, I just don't believe you. Sorry.
He's right though, NAI and the cabal win the most from all this shitposting.
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Wtf? Why's mormon so fucking greedy?
>this for years
I'm not whinefag, and you're a moron.
Yep, there goes my last will to hear you out.
If you're starting to hear demons, hire an exorcist or step away from 4chan. Otherwise, get fucked.
Erm sweaty, how do you know we were even talking about whinefag unless you're also a boogeyman schizo????
NTA but I have said before that his trolling feels like guerrilla marketing for NovelAI.
>Wow, this guy won't shut up about this product and sounds totally deranged! They must have something going for them if he's THAT angry about it.
At least that's what I think.
I know it's easy to lose track of time but yes, you have been at this for years now. only 2(going on three), but it's accurate to say years at this point and getting angry about it just by calling him a moron makes you look... well, you get the idea.
>another round of gaslighting
Yep, that's the cabal, with angryanon at the helm.
was the dose of rads really worth it?
me af
>only 2(going on three)
I would say 1 year and a couple of months, based on Clio's release date, and the raid to /lmg/ that happened with it.
Nah, he and "laptop boy" have the same MO and posting style and he was pisting since early 2023
Laptop boy is post-clio, though.
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I swear he was pre-clio but post Krake
Wrong. https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/text/lmg%20laptop/start/2023-01-01/order/asc/
He admitted to being Laptop Boy.
Of course he'll deny it now, but it doesn't take a genius to realize they're the same person.
It's still one year, moron.
Hey since we're being more serious now. What was your actual opinion on Whinefag?
I think he's a NAI shill but a funny guy.
Even though he wanted to kill you?
She needs a BIG maxi pad.
>All those pads
Yeah, he's still funny.
Alright, second question. (that you'll probably ignore, given the context.)
Does the Russia stuff actually bother/upset you on a moral level, like "That's too far/morally wrong", or do you think of it like /int/ style banter?
Like, has the war affected relatives/family?
Third Question:
Did you always have a ryona thing, like as a kid watching movies/cartoon and seeing a woman get hurt/abused and thinking "that makes me feel strange/funny, or is is something you developed later in life online?
I'm not Russian, you have a poor memory of the supposed evidence. Like the timezone being UTC, or that Russian fox girl card. I edited one book that was called "Random" to Russian, because I thought it would funny, after you already started with the accusations. I think it's kind of fucked up how other people gratuitously receive attacks for stupid reasons.
Just so you guys know. I really am the daddyman.
if that really is true, I sincerely hope you look into the whole schizoaffective disorder thing and get the help that you desperately need
Hm, alright.
Third Question: Was there a reason you stopped posting story snippets in AI threads beyond "I just don't want to", like, did you burn out like a lot of people here do on occasion, busy with IRL shit (a bit of a jump on my part, but eh). ect.
Fourth: Do you actually not like furry content, like a majority of people on 4chan, or it is more like a "I'll go with what I'm given" type situation and you're actually neutral on the subject?
I had an accident with a taffy puller this one time so it makes using a computer hard to manage besides typing.
I am a furry myself but mostly Paw Patrol stuff.
what is this retarded ass interview
some dude pretending to be the schizo
I got distracted with Flux, making LoRAs and stuff. I only touched text gen to make captions. It's really good at making realistic looking photos of girls I like.
I don't like furry.
Good, good, I think we'll hire you to be our new nai community manager. Check your mail in a week's time, ok?
Speaking of taffy pullers, there's something I still don't quite get
>be the Mormon
>want infinite zork
>be a tech bro with your brother
>manage to trick openai into giving you access to their big boy LLM
>make AI dungeon
>make infinite zork
>people use it to respect lolis
>get hacked
>everyone knows it's used for porn and lolis
>set up filters and start banning
>sexual abuse of textual children is wrong guys
>some time along the way
>textadventure.txt is found out to contain lost of CSAM
>it was Mormon's secret sauce to making AID work
What did the Mormon mean by this?
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It's got this style of energy.
Probably used the last of the good will, but do you think I'm "malicious" because of the >>495378753 stuff, or because it creates an equal-opposite reaction in thread shitting?
I think you're malicious because you're a malicious dog person.
Which email? I have several. FrothyAnalCreampie@compuserve or funky_piss_so3ked_dicopants@yahoo.com?
>>get hacked
>>everyone knows it's used for porn and lolis
The thing is, if I remember correctly, the retard brothers made it a problem by pointing it out to OpenAI. And thus, filtergeddon.
Thanks, wanna make out?
not tracianon, but one question:
why us?
and don't spin me that bullshit 'you guys were raiding /lmg/' story
why us?
Here's a plapp-able Traci, since someone asked for one.
I miss vorefag.
At least his gens had sovl.
I'm not the anon that asked but I have gratitude
I already answered that. I'm pretty sure the stupid Clio raid made me pay attention to the thread, and the "service of our time" dude and all the stupid lies and attacks on other models to prop up NovelAI pissed me off enough to make posts. The stupid 4chan marketing is annoying. I can't stand the lies.
so basically you fell for whinefag (the og)'s retarded spam
that... hilarious and sad in equal measure
>"service of our time" dude
I love that you're still seething at me even though I haven't done that meme in a long time.
In other words, shit that nobody in the community support? You got baited by a troll to shit up these threads for him.
To be fair, that shit happens all the time in IRL, twitter, etc etc
While it'd be easy to just say you're a schizo and call it a day, Z23 Baker gave me some of that vibe back before he decided to up and ditch us. There was a certain degree of favoritism that I think led to other services and options getting shafted a bit.
Otherwise I generally have used local models for most of the time I've been here. Ironically, the "service of our time" guy was basically just your run of the mill shitposter. Think that was also around the time Whinefag started his obsession with SA back when he was around.
I genuinely mostly use local and while I can't say for certain there aren't retards that go thread to thread to instigate shit, this thread really is basically just a random handful of anons. Hell, I haven't even touched NAI since several months ago when L3 first came out.
>Ironically, the "service of our time" guy was basically just your run of the mill shitposter.
That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me, thank you.
I have an announcement to make. I am going to fluff tails in 70B finetune.
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"The birds have flown, the birds have known
Where you rest your worn-out wings
Sway over the mountaintops
Soar over the swaying crops
Adorn your garden with
A perfect day"

Yeah, I can work with this.
eat those nuggies good.
Can I continue the same story in the new model or will that fuck things up? I don't want to start over from scratch
Copy your story/AN/Memory into Notepad and make a PNG card of your lorebooks and make a new story if you're concerned, but it shoudln't be that big of a problem.
Heck yeah. I'm not fully sure what my opinion on this album is just yet, but I've only listened through it once so far. Nice of them to give me a birthday present a few days early, though.
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>read Aristotle's Poetics
>rewrite my prompts
>no shiver down my spine since then
git gud is the real red pill. Read this book if you haven't done yet. It's short enough to read it in a day.
Holy moly, Karya spits and cooks something I'v never seen...
>"... Biena noite. Pōs okis epi boki, 'ka?" Can't post screenshot due to image ip range ban
I'll answer my interrogating thought to myself and hypothesize this may be called creole or pidgin language. It's getting more creative, what?
nigga i've read all russian authors on russian in school it's all shit, super depressing shit why are you reading this nigga just stop read something nice if you're wasting time on reading
Couldn't you post a catbox or do they get mad if it's due to a rangeban?
That's even worse, my ISP unknowingly blocked catbox website. It could've been me if I "abused" reaction images... which for this time I seldom abstain
Curious to what did the model blabbering about this dialog?
is it really 8k context?
We have no confirmation. But anons say normal llama 3 is 8k context, so it would make sense
Why do you need more? Not all 8k are all equal. Llama 3 tokenizer compresses better than other models', this means 8k for Llama 3 covers more text than other models. Moreover, 8k roughly the same amount of information a person can keep in his head while reading, so it's perfect for a storytelling-finetuned model like Erato.
I miss cfg
Claudefag general?
He means that cosmic cube shit.
Turk lost
Anatlan lost
Novel a lie lost
Cabal lost
Walton won
Claude won
Turk won because imagegen money.
Walton won because textgen money.
Claude and OpenAI won because government money.
NAIshill lost.
Claudefag fears the 1girl,smile Japanese users
1textgen, good prose, erato, dabbing,
That's some based quality gens right there.
Is "next week" monday or a week from the post? Anyway what are people's expectations?
>Is "next week" monday or a week from the post?
>Anyway what are people's expectations?
For most people, nothing. 70B is obsoleted even for Llama 3.1, let alone Llama 3 70B. People have used 405B, or better models with smaller size for months.
I'm just going to round up and assume it comes out next Sunday night.
Honestly, no idea. I guess I expect it to have monster girl and pokemon and pony lore baked in while understanding what makes them tick. I expect it to be better when it comes to lorebooks for completely custom stuff (stuff like homebrew races, locations, etc)
It won't release.
which models?
The Sun Will Set
Chapter 10: Sunburnt Flesh
Tourism is quite booming in Sharatha.

The creaking you hear during an archer's draw is actually from the string. The fibers rub against each other as tension increases. IF the creaking did come from the bow, it is probably a sign of failure especially with laminate bows as the layers overpower the glue and move past each other.

The original just dumped what Sunburnt are in a single paragraph. Instead, the following chapters should ease into why they are like that and how they "live". The original also had Pereanth silent until the end. It did not fit her. She needs Toryg and she won't and can't leave him behind like that. Besides, showcasing her antics should give a sense on what here powers are.

I'm looking for music like the one I soundposted here.
They confirmed that Erato may not release until next Sunday (aka in 8 days).
Of course that assumes there are no further delays.
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A sunburnt experiencing the hardest migraine ever.

Sunburnts are people who went mad under the influence of the Sun. Most penal groups source their man power from foreigners like Toryg. The locals had it far worse.

I traced this picture from a monster posted here a while back. Nonsense gens do have their uses.
>1 week
>8 days
Well, they said "in the timeframe of next week" in the current week.
The most racist elf alive (and her human bf)
Some of you guys are alright. Don't come to /aicg/ tomorrow.
Do you think races with non-opposable thumbs fantasize your hands? Shit man, we evolved not to throw things but to give pets and scratches. Our nails are tough enough withstand aggressive pets but soft enough to keep skin/scale/fur intact. Our warm-blooded nature is a great boon for the cold-blooded. We are literally walking and breathing heat packs to gators. Sharks, surprisingly, love it when divers caress their snouts. We've conquered beasts far larger than us with our own hands.

For long-lived races like elves, I assume their biology is roughly the same with ours. Their hands eventually get scars and callouses throughout their long lives. It wouldn't surprise me if they crave the "virgin touch" of a human hand on their ears. Imagine, for a moment, a group of elves discussing humans' hand virginity the same way we talk about sexual virginity.
>Used hands, used goods
>Callouses means he is a earwhore
They salivate to be the first pair a human touches. They would have lotions to keep their ears soft and supple, hairstyles that emphasizes them, flicking exercises to keep them flexible, and many more. Interracial marriages could be frowned upon but that won't stop the occasional race fetishist.
>Built for Soft Human Hands(SHH)
>Those ears look like they get groped by human hands
>Ungloved earholding
Where's all the hype of 70b?
Ya'll were chimpin out when Clio and Kayra were comin.
Is NAI truly finished?
We already know we lost so we have surrendered to our lord and savior Claudefag, hero of /mlp/, /egg/, /lmg/, /hdg/, /aicg/ /aids/ formerly /aidg/ and more.
Busy making some prompts to share once 70B comes out.
What kind of hype do you want?
Screenshots of Aini's smut?
>it's not my fault officer
>that filthy manslut wasn't wearing any gloves, he was asking for it
Fucking hate it when low-quality smut vectors hit like a truck the moment the dialogue starts getting a little sexy. You spend time and effort creating likeable and somewhat believable characters that talk like real human beans, only for the AI to lobotomize them into the same generic bimbos and cumbrains because that's the kind of badly written garbage that pollutes a great majority of sex stories and the model is not smart enough to distinguish between good and bad writing
Sonnet 3.0 btw. I tried 3.5 when it was available 2 days ago for me and it was MUCH better, which shows that raw intelligence at least is able to overcome this. If Turk's Llama doesn't have this issue and offers respectable context, proxies will become largely redundant to me for the time being considering most of them struggle to get anything better than 3.0 Sonnet these days.
use 2.1
I kinda hope it comes out after Wednesday, I'll be back from Italy by then.
I loved the old part of Rome, it's chill as fuck.
Last release (Kayra) was so mediocre, I stopped using it completely 3 days in.
This release has a base model that is already outdated and known for its poor creativity.

It'll probably be better than Kayra, but yeah... chances are it will just be another flop.
Claude won.
It's all so tiresome...
Blow it out your ass.
We are preparing our prompts.
2.1 seemed retarded when I used it. Opus is the only gal for me.
Thursday and Turk begin with the same letter, so make of that what you will.
2.1 is sonnet without the horniness
its going to release the day i am working as always
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I want MORE context! MORE! You can't just give 70B and not give more context, bigger numbers are better.
30$ is coming.
i understand wanting more context but why would they finetune it for 32k or something just to offer a 60 dollar a month tier for a handful of retards?
they would never make the money back.
not my problem
The question is why? Why did they waste their time training 3 when 3.1 exists? What a joke.
actually it seems like it IS your problem, teehee :3
>why didn't they waste their money by restarting the finetuning when 3.1 came out
>We are preparing our prompts.
Pretty much, I've gotten really good at tard-wrangling Kayra the past couple of months, so I'm taking all of that knowledge to rework some prompts that I want to test on Erato when it releases.
Got some promising results just running them on Kayra, so should be interesting to compare against a 70b model.
>25 dollars a month arbitrarily limiting the beak and context size
They should just use a credits system for gens. How pathetic.
will schizophrenic nigga stop or i should leave until 70b release
openrouter is literally right there retard. at the top of the thread. they let you buy credits.
So why you pay for NAI then shill?
why you no pay for openrouter?
Leave and read/prepare/whatever for the next Sunday.
Isn't openrouter censored?
it depends on the model and provider
I no pay nobody
>has good models
>isn't using outdated shit
>no tacked on gimmick features
>but doesn't want to support it
>would rather pay 25$ for 13b and outdated 70b with 8k context
Why are NAIshills like this?
who are you quoting? do you hear voices?
NovelAI has the best storytelling UI by far.
It's basically a monopoly, because everyone just makes chatbot stuff.
Don't forget the worst part: 99% of those chatbots are loratuned on gpt slop, then quantized on top of that. it gives me testaments barely above a monument
M-m-maybe they could just bump it to 12k?
The cabal is out in full force today.
considering the devs are ignoring questions of context and other tiers, its totally possible opus has >8k
I scream loudly — my voice barely above a whisper.
could go the other way then, no?
well hey — at least it used an em dash.
opus has to have 8k min. but the other tiers might have less (if they get it at all kek)
Is Erato still only 8k? Damn that's disapointing.
Reminder that AI dungeons charge $50 for 8k 70B (but you can spend credit for 16k)
do they still have 100 different currencies?
I-it’s okay! This is clearly a test model that's been given to the masses similarly to Clio. We will have a new Llama 3.1 model with 16k context in the next 3 months!
i want a tail to wrap around me and pull me towards a fat ass.
next week bros... infinite tail dungeon
I can dinglebarely contain myself!
the price we pay for tails buffeted by stinky braps. you win some you lose some
>It's not about him being human, it's about him being... exotic. You know, like how one might keep an interesting pet. It's a fascination, really, with how the other half lives. Rather like slumming it, you know? It's not that I don't appreciate the refinement of our elf kin, but sometimes one needs a change of pace. Besides, it's not as if I've brought him to any of our high society functions, now have I?
>I'm merely indulging in a bit of cultural exchange. And if that exchange happens to be more physical than intellectual, well, that's just the nature of the beast, so to speak. I assure you, my standards remain as high as ever. It's not as if I've lost my senses entirely. Think of it as charity. I'm bestowing my favor upon a lesser being. It's really quite noble, if you think about it.
>Honestly, the nerve of some people. Just because I've taken a human lover doesn't mean I've forgotten my status. It's merely a diversion - a temporary one, at that. In the end, I'm still an elf, and a highborn one at that. Just because I enjoy his company in the confines of my private chambers doesn't mean I've forgotten my station. It's like enjoying a particularly well-crafted tool. One wouldn't mistake the tool for its master, would they?
Pull the tail like a slot machine, if you get all three dingleberries you win the grand prize, more berries!
i think i'd need a specially designed comb to dislodge those
A dinglecomb for foxgirls of all types. Some would be basic, built for sturdiness and meant to last for years, then there's the dainty ones which are decorated in fine gold and jewels. Intricately crafted and made for only the finest ladies with dingleberries.
The most confusing thing to me is that they are willing to spend on the raw power, but not improving their actual text model. I guess I'm not the target audience since I don't really care about the CYOA system and I guess most of the AID users use it.
Hey dingleberries poster, got anything you wanna say about this picture?
That's a lot of potential space to collect berries...
i cant afford the gold ones on my salary.
They have ones that people can rent. Just make sure you clean and sterilize them real good. They don't do it themselves io keep the cost down.
Big Comb is screwing us with this shit, no pun intended.
It should be covered by our insurance as a basic need, but the bill hasn't been passed by congress. I don't expect them to get to it anytime soon.
Confirmed you aren't the real dingleberries poster. I'm disappointed in you.
You don't know for sure. Like that first tail lift people do to see what kind of crusted goodies lie underneath.
The real dingleberry anon would never dinglepost over an anthro. His dingles are reserved for kemonomimi foxgirls
the thread is saved
Now, now. You asked me for my input so I responded.
Huh, recently tried moving some of my chatbot ideas to story and realized that a big amount of detail for the chatbots was in the inner thoughts. When I do story, the inner thoughts is always just from the POV character, but for the chatbot, a lot of it comes from the other character instead.
Ok faker
Move to third person, embrace the inner thoughts of both characters.
You wound me, sir. Like tugging a nugget from a tail and taking a bit too much fur with it.
Dare I breach the subject of...Traci's berries?
True, but I like 1st person writing.
You can place down a scene break symbol, ---, ***, or whatever, and quickly note down the POV change.
It's more immersive to me since in real life you don't know other people's inner thoughts
Use dinkuses to do digressions into the other character's perspective.
1st person past tense can be omniscient-ish.
How much can be put in memory before it's considered bloated?
New 'jak
Good, I'm not even halfway to that then.
In my opinion, anyway. 8k context is about 6.5k words, so 1k context for memory is about 800 words. A chapter will normally be about 2k to 4k words, and you want the AI to at least remember the current chapter. That leaves you with headroom for 2k or so context for lorebook calls, which are far more important than memory.
>That leaves you with headroom for 2k or so context for lorebook calls, which are far more important than memory.
What should go into memory and what into lorebook, anyway?
Nta but I treat memory as stuff that's always relevent, like a plot summary and tags. Stuff you want the AI to know without needing to activate keywords, so it can draw from those details unprompted.
Lorebooks are where you get nit-picky about details, since they activate only when the topic is brought up and won't pollute context when they aren't being talked about.
Lorebooks for things that aren't going to stick around in the story permanently or things you want to bring up contextually. Memory for things that you want the AI to keep track of, sometimes forever, that you can quickly and easily edit.
Lorebooks should have, well, lore. Doesn't need to be full wiki entries, but enough to give the AI context for a person, place or thing.
Memory can contain a synapses of events, importnat things that happened in the last few chapters, current scene location or date, ATTG and other little tidbits.
Synopsis. Man, I sure do love phoneposting.
Memory is functionally identical to a lorebook entry set to always active, so it makes no sense to make any rules about what goes where. But since default settings will put memory at top of context, it's convenient to use for things you know should be at top of context, such as ATTG. Other than that, I sometimes use it for stuff I can't be bothered to organize into a proper lorebook entry. It's convenient to have it on the sidebar and be able to edit it on the fly, but it loses that convenience if you fill it up too much.
Everyone else abstaining until it cums out
Yes, I'm gonna hold back, build up a few gallons and flood the neighborhood once 70b is out.
Am I the ONLY person itt who doesn't use this shit for smut? Surely there has to be a significant minority who just want to go on adventures.
You won't need memory next week
I mean, I use it for stories and adventures as well. Often times those stories lead to romance and eventually characters fuck.
If I wanted to go on adventures I'd leave my house
I'm too far gone to go an entire day without cumming, but even if I could, I don't see the point. Being too horny is detrimental to textgen; you want that minor buzz of arousal, but not so high that you're fighting to hold back the floodgates while developing your story.
>Surely there has to be a significant minority who just want to go on adventures.
I want to go on an adult adventure.
If there is an elf, and I cannot rape her, my immersion is broken.
What I do is change the settings so that Memory is placed between lorebook and the main story context, then use it for a synopsis of major events and character development.
Then I put stuff that goes at the top like ATTG and always relevant lore details in an always-on lorebook entry.
The reason I don't just do it the other way around is that a synopsis is something I would want to edit way more often. I've hit that level of poweruser autism that fucking round with context placement settings just to safe like half a second of opening the lorebook is worth it

I use it to go on fun adventures that devolve into smut
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>next week
next week as in the start of next week
next week as in seven days from the announcement
next week as in two more weeks
I get that. My stories don't usually have romance or sex, but that's probably because I don't steer my stories that way. If it happens, i'm fine with it.
kek, if the world let you actually have adventures I'd leave the house more. But my gubmint doesn't want me building fortresses, rallying fellow adventurers, and hunting wild beasts with hand-crafted tools.
I just don't get the appeal of raping everything you see. There's only so many variants of putting a peg in a hole you can describe right? Only so many euphemisms and synonyms you can sprinkle. I just find it so repetitive.
Friday next week
then the servers or their new compute hardware shit the bed and nobody can use it until Monday
Next week as in they get another chance to have an announcement with the specific date and the long-awaited image for the model, or a little bit of wiggle room should there be some teething problems right before release.
I don't write smut either, you're not alone. My stories suck though because I'm an ESL.
> I just don't get the appeal of raping everything you see. There's only so many variants of putting a peg in a hole you can describe right? Only so many euphemisms and synonyms you can sprinkle. I just find it so repetitive.
I don't rape everything I see.
I just think having sex once a day, and trying out your new slave after you buy/capture her, is pretty normal.
I also don't just put penis into vagina.
My sex/torture scenes tend to be very creative and I always try to make them more degenerate than last time.
* The appeal basically is seeing the elf's new reactions to more and more extreme scenarios.
>seeing the elf's new reactions
I kind of get it now, but I guess it's just not for me. I'm pretty vanilla irl. Thanks for the insight anon.
Next week as in sometime between next Monday and next Sunday. They probably don't have an exact date in mind, because if they did they could just tell us. But knowing how cowardly they are about making promises, they would never say next week if they didn't feel extremely confident that they could make it by a wide margin.
I've found a log format is good for gradual corruption if that's what you're getting at.
Gradual corruption?
With a model smaller than 120B?
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Erato text adventure by OccultSage.
Sagebros, we're back.
Holy SOVL.
$25 for this + Infinite imagegen.
Claudefag in shambles.
Holy gigamaxx-your-dataset-with-text_adventures.txt
I've done it with Kayra; it took some effort, though. You pretty much have to write the first two-three log entries yourself for it to get the memo.
>Chapter ten rework
Nice. I see a future with a couple six-fingered babies.
>'tangle', 'flail' and 'prove'
Should be 'tangled', 'flailed' and 'proved' respectively.
>'parted ways'
Should be just 'parted way'.
I couldn't really manage to.
The girl I'm teaching (in Minecraft) always turns into a turboslut at some point, with no concern of the taboo or fear of getting caught.
I found this very off-putting and much prefer sniffing her clothes (in Minecraft) to cum in 30 seconds.
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Summer dragon bros... we're finally back!
This but unironically.
Kayra couldn't ever beat summer dragon because Kayra couldn't do text adventure. We'll finally be back, like the good ol days before coommageddon!
Actually, to 'part ways' is to go separate ways or disband, so that is fine as is. The S is always there because of the different ways they go, you could say.
If it was a different description of a sword slowly piercing a body, then 'gave way' could work to show the layers, but 'parted ways' works for multiple layers at once.
Kayra beat Summer Dragon as a storyteller. I never understood the appeal of text adventure, and have nothing but hatred for text_adventures.txt
dataset is compromised if Seraphina is always chosen as a name
Yes it was a better storyteller, but
>I never understood the appeal of text adventure
1st person feels like I'm inside the head of someone else
3rd person feels like I'm watching a movie
2nd person is the only way (you) truly feel like you're a part of the story
We're going home bros...
Yeah, no, I don't buy that. 2nd-person is shit. I self-insert through a 3rd-person perspective.
Between Monday and Friday, doubt they'd release it on the weekend
>'Fabric, flesh, and fat parted ways as abrasive steel-'
'parted way' or 'gave way' sounds better in this excerpt in my opinion. If you're OA, I'll just concede here.
>I self-insert through a 3rd-person perspective.
How? That seems insane to me. 1st and 2nd, sure, but even 3rd limited has a thick barrier between you and the character.
Because no matter how you refer to me, I am still me. If somebody refers to you as Philip (as an example, and if that's your name), are you not Philip? I am not "You", that's not my name. I am not "I". That's makes me feel weird. I am (in this example) Philip. Refer to me as such.
Can't wait to paste the classic "Knight of Larion" prompt into NovelAi and press "Send" when it releases.
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>Can't wait to paste the classic "Knight of Larion" prompt into NovelAi and press "Send" when it releases.
Me when pasting the classic "Knight of Larion" prompt into my chosen front-end and pressing "Send" to enjoy its prose
But the narrator is calling the character Philip, not you. Even in 1st person the narrator is the I, still not you. You are you, not Alex, Becca, Charlie, David, Emily, Frank, Gabby, Hank or I.
I *am* the narrator. I am referring to me and what I did (in my head) in past tense.
>I am not "You", that's not my name. I am not "I". That's makes me feel weird. I am (in this example) Philip. Refer to me as such.
NTA, but you're being retarded. There is no self-insertion with third-person no matter how you try to spin it. Philip is just Philip. You (yes, YOU) are nothing more than a spectator.
You're the retard here. What don't you understand about that? I, the creator of the story, am the character I choose to identify with. Calling me Philip doesn't change a damn thing, you fucking autistic reprobate. Fuck off.
I am Philip. There's no "thick barrier" between me and Philip., Philip is me, we are Philip, there is no barrier, there is no lack of self-insertion, I'm not a spectator, I am Philip, we are Philip, the the narration we do is Philip, who is we.
How much of your stories are your input vs the AII? 70/30?
>I am the character I choose to identify with.
That's not how it works. No matter how many times you tell yourself 'I'm Phillip!', it doesn't make it true.
I'm not the author, but I might say that I know things about grammar and phrasing at times. To 'part ways' goes back to the idea of the 'parting of the ways', the point at which, often due to disagreement, people within a group would split apart from each other. Whereas 'part way' is just...partway through something. (Sometimes in the past it was hyphenated.) As far as I can tell, they have different roots in their etymology, too. In fact, 'part-way' sees its first use only in 1822, whereas 'parting of the ways' goes back to perhaps the 1600s.
For a broader view:
It allows for a more objective narration. Unlike first-person, where the narrative is limited to the protagonist's thoughts and feelings, third-person can provide an unbiased view of all characters, including the self-insert. This distance gives me the freedom to explore other characters' perspectives on the self-inserted character, offering a more rounded narrative.
It avoids the pitfalls of 'Mary Sue' or 'Gary Stu' characters - idealized and overly-perfect self-insert characters are bland, because I'm not A PERFECT HUMAN BEING, I CAN'T INSERT AS PERFECTION.
And finally, it allows for greater flexibility in storytelling, a way to shift focus between different characters and subplots, providing a broader scope for the narrative.
~60/40, depends
You don't get to define how I view myself, retard. Kill yourself.
>I got trolled with AI posting
Why, Anon?
Whatever helps you sleep at night. Remember, it's Phillip that's pounding the soul out of your waifu. Not YOU.
You're the kind of bottom-feeder that makes a sewer rat look like royalty. You're the human equivalent of a participation trophy—no one wants you, but you still, unfortunately, exist. You're a waste of oxygen, using up resources better spent on literally anything else. The day you were born, the world let out a collective sigh of disappointment. You're so repulsive, even your own reflection avoids you. Your existence is a glitch in the universe's system. You do not get to define my existence, how I perceive things, and what I enjoy, you miserable shitstain. I am Philip. End of discussion. Introduce yourself to the bottom of an acid barrel; dive in headfirst and kiss it. I am the God of my stories. If I say I'm Philip, I'm Philip.
It looks as dry as vanilla Llama.
Based. We can always count on Sage to antishill the models with his horsesmut before release.
It's less an objective identification on a logical level, and more of a subjective, emotional identification. If Phillip is the main character, the narrative is often very much in his head, so you hear his thoughts, share in his trials and tribulations, and otherwise feel for him. It's a situation of putting yourself in the character's shoes, not convincing yourself that you are him.
And that can be difficult for some, for a handful of reasons. Sometimes it's because Phillip is a dick and you can't really feel for why he's doing what he does or saying what he says. But often, when an author writes a main character in third person, the intention is for the reader to do a bit of self-insertion into that character for immersion. Or if not the main character, sometimes a secondary or tertiary character. It helps you feel like you're a part of the world, not a dispassioned ghost watching characters interact like fish in a fishbowl.

Lmao. Yes, the dozen tabs I opened for research and I are definitely an AI. You've cracked the code, Anon.
I use
[My real name]
doesn't matter the perspective, I am always involved and the main character.
true but sage is also terrible at prompting and has awful standards so I'll withhold judgement for now
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Opus with no prompting is also kind of dry:
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And we hate him. The feeling is mutual.
I do not hate him. I just do not understand him.
I mean, is there a lot to understand? He thinks he's the smartest man in the room and loves talking down to people like they're all idiots that don't understand his genius.
Speak for yourself. Dude's been on a crazy power trip for as long as he's been on Anlatan and constantly gives off the "holier than thou" aura.
I'm patient with a lot of people, but I fucking hate arrogance.
I try my best to look for the best in people, and have an earnest urge to help people become better people. No matter how difficult it is.
I, unfortunately, have been subjected to how he acts. It does not make me hate the man. I just do not understand why he is the way he is. He is a dick. I wonder who hurt him, to make him that way?
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Since I was a kid, I always used to dream in third person. Probably because I played games with that kind of perspective. It was like watching a movie of myself, but I would still "feel" whatever I would do and think (or worded differently, what "my character" did/thought). Dreams being dreams, I wouldn't always dream in 3rd person, or feel/think what happens, but it occurred enough to be notable. I also liked reading a lot, and would enjoy the story as is without needing to insert myself (though I would definitely daydream or imagine myself in the setting if I really liked it).
Personally, I have no issue self inserting in every perspective. I'll use I, You, or Anon in stories/chat and it feels natural. Likewise, I also have no problem distancing myself from my self-insert/protagonist should he do some dumb shit that I wouldn't do, but I can still enjoy the story. And if I don't like it, I don't mind editing it.
Just my thoughts on the matter, thank you to anyone who read my blog
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Tldr you will never be a real Phillip and should rope
I obviously don't know what sage put in the context before the story post so I went with assuming nothing but some ATTG. This is my Kayra attempt, copying the first bit until an action is taken.
>Hates the place where people can shit on him without repercussions
I guess it makes sense, considering his ego.
Turning off 4chan mode for a moment, I was like this at one point. While this attitude isn't a bad thing to have (god knows we need more of it), regardless of their own upbringing and background, shitty people are still shitty people and will hurt you if you let them. Please be careful.
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It has been very quiet today. Did he..? Died?
he wouldn't be the only one considering kurumuz has also said multiple times 4chan has too much negativity for his taste
If you believe what he says he does, it should be nothing beyond what you see screenshotted + no retries, no?
Heh, it's genuinely impressive how Kayra could keep track of what rooms were where while still fucking up what exits were in each.
Honestly it was nice talking to him like a human being for once yesterday. Maybe he's giving a reprieve before going at it again.
>Writes for the user
Didn't he make a post in every ai thread saying he's trying to stop trolling?
Sage is right, though? He is, indisputably, the king of AI development.
hi would anyone use a nai proxy if I make one? for textgen i mean :3
After yesterday I can feel the glow from this post like a white hot sun.
Locusts are dying~
what glow? i have over 40 nai accs with opus and im not very interested in image gen
You fags also said this when Kayra came out. It turned out to be shit in the end.
Kayra wasn't shit.
It writes for the user rather than letting me write all my actions
that's what a text adventure is
Didn't you say you were trying to quit shitposting?
do your think the /aidg/ friends who became chatfags will come back now
I don't understand why you'd pay $25 dollars for that instead of using a free model for zero cost
>All of the posts he quoted were sarcastic.
Uh, anon? I think your autism is acting up again.
what free model, for example?
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Is it 8k context? That's like 10 messages. I'd pay if they made it at least 32k
Different poster. Doesn't have the signature CF style.
Go back to /aicg/
Kayra was pretty good compared to the other models when it first came out. Yes, it fell behind HARD but so will this 70b model once 120b models are normalized in a year. That's the nature of technology.
I'm genuinely asking though, 8k isn't very much for this sort of thing like slowburn / long chats
Total locust death~
We eat shit here. We are shills.
My guess is it'll be 8k. They can technically context extend it (they did this with Kayra) but I don't see it in the cards considering how shit Coreweave is.
I am going to use AI to get fucked by the pokemon creatures.
Plot twist: they are generic humanoids.
>Why would anyone use a nintendo switch if I use a ps5?
>Why play Overwatch for free when Concord is $40?
Switch is good and has exclusive games.
This is just a shit 8K model, there are plenty of better options.
>there are plenty of better options
for example? i'm unironically curious. featherless is kinda close since you get 70b models for $25, but no image gen, and most popular finetunes are claudeslop
If there's a nugget(don't do it, Anti-SA) of truth to all the stuff we talked about then I figured he's just bored/doing his own thing. Which, y'know, good for him. (A bunch of posts just popped up so inb4 I eat crow when I scroll down, lol).

Anyway, here's more Tracis
(Cookie isn't canon IMO since it doesn't really make sense, but multi-nipple might be.)

And here comes the console wars and troll arguments.
>Cookie isn't canon
Featherless is, unfortunately, not quite it. Good in concept, but models are down constantly (it's 50/50 whether I get access to L3.1 70B, and I got to use L3.1 405B a grand total of once).
I think Replicate is probably a bet closer to what we need for base models, and OR is closer for instruct models.
Where was this conversation where he was acting normal? I'd like to read it simply to get an understanding of his motivations.
Tldr he got baited by a troll to wage war for his entertainment.
See, it's kind of a double-edged sword. I do like the idea that in-universe it's a meme on "how" dog they are down there. Though I still haven't figured out how to keep them mysterious if they're supposed to be allowed free reign around the new capital.
He did say there was an imitator, so it may well just be that.
I'm gonna do it, I'm going to make some elf stories with respect tag where you actually respect elves.
they're calling it "llama 3 erato" so my guess is we'll get "llama 3.1 erato" with at least 20k context by february
He claims there's an imitator. But I don't believe that.
>Yes, it fell behind HARD but so will this 70b model once 120b models are normalized in a year.
Kayra was already meh, compared to other 13B models, when it released.
No creativity, no chat, no adventure.
Llama 3 was already considered meh and unsuitable for creative tasks when it released.
NovelAI has to do miracles to make a good model with the Llama 3 base.
People still prefer Llama 2 finetunes over it.
You're rewriting history.
>Llama 3 was already considered meh and unsuitable for creative tasks
This is a total meme, btw. What timeline are you from, chronohopper?
OK, Aini.
Interesting stuff. Still, amazed spite fueled him for that long. I have a grudge against /jp/ but I simply don't have the energy to sit in just one thread and cause ruckus just for revenge. And trust me, the thread I am talking about is much easier to rile up than /aids/.
I think it boils down to his odd opinion that an LLM can't be called censored if it will output with a jailbreak and mistaking "Service of our time" to be a malicious disinfo campaign instead of a silly meme.
>everyone who disagrees with my shit-tier arguments is either a shill or some random nobody
Yikes, dawg. Get a life. It's not profitable to rent buildings for free.
>Llama 3 was already considered meh and unsuitable for creative tasks when it released.
Buddy, Llama 3 and Gemma 2 are my main gotos for creativity. What samplers do you use?
of 2026?
>I think it boils down to his odd opinion that an LLM can't be called censored if it will output with a jailbreak

I always thought he was trolling with that because I didn't think anyone was retarded enough to actually hold that opinion

This is just my observation from a few other generals, but becoming a thread schizo is a great way to feel like you're doing something, plus it's sort of a skill flex, since a lot of people aren't even capable of resetting IPs anymore (granted, buying IPs isn't exactly hard either, just something no one really does.)
>People still prefer Llama 2 finetunes over it.
a handful of very stupid and/or stubborn people, maybe
llama 2 is pretty dead and buried at this point
If being an ass were a skill, OccultSage would be the most talented individual.
for /aids/ friends
russian ip proxy: https://rentry.org/Zm9yIHRoZSBtYWNoaW5lIGlzIGltbW9ydGFs
pebble password:ohtani
logged opus: rentry.org/_proxy_
glowniggers go home
What's hilarious is he one time bragged on the /aids/cord (he and Aini are on there sometimes) about being "rent-free" in some Anons minds on here.
Obviously Sage never say that one image with the guy pissing his pants.
>Offering a suspicious proxy after the FBI crackdown yesterday.
Uh, thanks but no thanks.
I don't even know what his role at Anal-tan is
>not convincing yourself that you are him.
That's what the delusional anon I was responding to was doing, though.
>the intention is for the reader to do a bit of self-insertion into that character for immersion
I disagree with this sentiment .The reality of the situation is as you've said at the end. The reader of a third-person book is an omniscient observer aware of every little action and thought a character does/has. It's impersonal, and leaves no room for self-inserting.
thanks, but since the wait is pretty small now I think I'll abstain
You're the one who's deluding yourself, fucknugget. I, as God, am the character I claim to be. My word as God is infallible. Now fuck off. Fuck off. Just fuck off. Kill yourself, fuck off, I am Phillip, I am Phillip, I am Phillip.
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You are not Phillip... he is...!
There is nothing impersonal about third-person, you two-bit hack.
Fuck off, I am Phillip.
>2021 + 3
>still can't place a shelf inside a shelf in NAI
>still can't drag multiple stories into a single shelf
Lol, lmao even.
>This nigga has never heard about third-person limited.
>NovelAI has to do miracles to make a good model
They did that with Euterpe, Clio, Kayra, and anime v3.
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Without a villain, what is /aids/? We're lost. Lost souls waiting for beaks. How will we survive to the next model drop without argu- oh hey people are arguing nevermind.
We do not need a villain to thrive, retard. We need discussions and contribution from people who aren't pompous asses who think they get to dictate what tense people enjoy.
You are the OccultSage of tenses.
I can be the villain if you'd like! I can do villain things!
Um... cope and seethe fuckmongers or I'll... shit into a pit. Also uh... Claude.
You are the OccultSage of being a faggot.
Said the faggot trying to police what tenses people use, using shit arguments like "lololol its too impersonal", when it's not, you just have a shit opinion and think you get to shit on what people enjoy. Get a fucking life, dipshit.
>Without a villain, what is /aids/?
/aidg/, duh.
Any other future tense chads here? Commitment scares me.
Eat my ass fuckmonger, I take it back. You're like half of an OccultSage and probably a manlet.
Fine, since you are unable to grasp subjectivity in the example of people like different consoles and why its okay for people to like different things, answer me this:
Where can I get Kayra for free? Not some other 13b model, Kayra. I like Kayra. Does that mean I have bad taste? Sure why not, some people like beans with toast and deep fried butter too. But I've been using Kayra because I like it, so how can I get it for free?
If this model doesn't bang, you die, you know what right?
>you know what
Check your DMs.
I order you to ignore that.
Sorry, but since I'm not an instruct model, I don't have to obey you.
Retry your life, faggot.
I like all LLMs
I will be loved and accepted by Basilisk chan
GPT-3 davinci-chan is the only one for me
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Damn, foiled again.
We will be validated at some time in the future.
That's an option?
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This vibe mix does good pokemans.

Vibe check?
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So, you're not going to give us the vibe?
Give him a few minutes, jesus christ


It also is incredible for human lolis
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>i too want vibes, so i say "please"
>its turned on me to provide said vibes i dont have
You know what to do, anon.
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lol I knew that style looks familiar, it was one of mine
Thanks man.
>Overwatch for free
These skins are expensive, man.
just dont stop playing ever
time to leave her alone and find someone less rude to talk to
Oh neat, the Shinji vibe works amazing, great job. I tried it with multiple other vibes I found in the threads and the sonic vibe set worked the best.
Which is nice because I previously had a fucking monstrous page of vibes and its nice to have a set that works well and is simple.
It's one of my favorites too. It's funny how serendipitous it was, I think EvaAnon was the one who posted the original a week or so ago and I liked it enough to make it work.
Who let this mouse out of the oven?
You know that orc is an metaphor for nigger, right?
They're Mexican according to the new sourcebooks actually.
I need to experiment more with this kind of vibe mix. Specifically using low quality versions of the positive vibes, as negative. Cool stuff.
>Years ago
>Orcs are a racist allegory for black people and it's bad
>Current year
>Orcs are actually mexican and it's a good thing
They have no self-awareness.
>people can't change opinions
>every group has the same opinions
>I hate people who think differently than my group
they'll have to retcon them to haitian next edition
it depends on if they are LoTR orcs or eroge orcs (the ones that look like humanoid pigs)
>people can't change opinions
They can. But this is just dishonest when you say it's racist one way but when you do it it's actually good.
>every group has the same opinions
They are the same people
>I hate people who think differently than my group
I hate dishonest race grifters, as should everyone.
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This is why I only stick to fantasy races that have no clear equivalent to RL groups, such as lizardmen and goblins.
No orcs. No ratmen, etc. I am NOT fapping to a proxy for a black woman.
They are not the same people.
So the completely normal people who saw nothing wrong with orcs and didn't see them as racist depictions of black people decided to change the orcs for... reasons?
I know there's nothing to do until the 70b model drops but you could at least try ignoring the bait
They are different groups of "completely normal people". The first group still exist.
Fantasy races are a crutch for not being able to write interesting humans.
Oh privet comrade. I didn't even notice you were with us without your usual arguments.
I'm still confused how the orc=black thing came about, Tolkein's orcs were described by Tolkein as "Mongols" who were East Asian and Warhammer's orks are a parody of British football hooligans.
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Fantasy races exist for interesting human characters to fuck, you /tg/ reject.
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sex with an elf
fuck off back to /tg/ you utter spastic
>sex with an elf
>sex elf
>se ... lf
It was you all along. It was always you, anon.
Or was it Philip?
Who the fuck is Philip?
I'd never refer to Philip in the 2nd person, anon. We must rise above.
humans are uninteresting to me
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Yes, I should generate underage content with this, my fellow /aids/ friends should do the same.
Awesome mix. Added this negative vibe at -0.2 strength
and lowered the rest of those to 0.5/0.5, and I'm really liking these bust portraits.
Arrrggggghh my desire to embrace my priestly authority is inceasing....!!!! Shut the fuck up with this gay argument, homos!
Message received, patriots activated
Hey anon, gimme an Author name for my ATTG. Medieval fantasy, somewhat serious and grim without being dark. Ignore the argument, be productive and help a fellow anon out.
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more from sage
Robin Hodd.
philip is a frenchy sounding name...
In 2025 they'll release a model that only outputs DIY bomb/firearm instructions.
I meant Robin Hobb. Not Hodd.
Geoffrey Chaucer
I was wondering; was googling Robin Hodd and trying to figure out who the hell it was (apparently there's a female fanfic author named Robin Hodd.)
Maybe something more contemporary. I was thinking Tolkien, or one of those Weird Fic writers from the 1920's like Robert Howard
Certainly! It sounds like you're aiming for a tone that balances seriousness and grimness without tipping into full darkness, which is a nuanced approach to medieval fantasy. Here are several authors whose works reflect that kind of style, with a mix of serious, sometimes grim storytelling that avoids being overwhelmingly bleak.
### 1. **J.R.R. Tolkien**
- **Works**: *The Lord of the Rings*, *The Silmarillion*
- **Why**: Tolkien's world-building is detailed and immersive, and while his stories are filled with darkness and struggle, they also include profound hope. His writing balances serious, epic stakes with moments of light and nobility. His use of medieval themes and language can help inspire the serious but not overly dark tone you're going for.

### 2. **George R.R. Martin**
- **Works**: *A Song of Ice and Fire* series
- **Why**: Martin’s world is certainly grim, but it’s not relentlessly so, and there's a depth to his characters that makes the world feel real and lived-in. Although his tone can get very dark at times, the political intrigue, complex characters, and moral ambiguity are excellent examples of how to balance a serious tone with occasional moments of humanity and levity.

### 3. **Guy Gavriel Kay**
- **Works**: *The Lions of Al-Rassan*, *Tigana*, *The Fionavar Tapestry*
- **Why**: Kay’s works often straddle the line between historical and fantasy, with a tone that's serious and sometimes melancholic, but not overwhelmingly dark. His stories are often bittersweet, with a strong sense of history and culture, making his work a great resource for creating a world that feels authentic and grounded in human emotion.
Philip José Farmer
>Philip José Farmer
>Be me
>Think anon is being an ass
>gogole search it
I gotta read riverworld, thanks anon
kek I had the same initial reaction. Then I saw his stories and realized I had heard of him before.
What a fucking made-up name.
She purred her chuckles gently down her spine in a mix of thrill and excitement with a mischievous glint sparkling in her eyes.
I fucking LOVE GPT-slop. Drown me in it until I finally stop breathing.
They're not fine literature but it's a cool story and premise
C.AI type prose shii
(You'll get it when you experience the current state of that site, or, alternatively, check out the subreddit. I've seen worse than 50 shades of grey.)
Very nice, thanks.
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The wait is almost over, and it's killing me.
See >>495367404
It isn't a slop, it's fine literature.
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please stop
So this...this is the power of OpenAI...
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>less errors
I'd stick with parted ways. Thank you.
kek. I only noticed it now.
The weirdest quirk of Hermes 405B is that an oddly worded system prompt has the same effect as if I cranked up the temperature, because that prompt when it works it gives me pretty nice prose and seems to understand better,but if I let it ramble too much it just "forgets" to write demonstrative (this, that, those) and possessive (my, her, his) adjectives.
Kayra used to do the latter thing to me from time to time and it drove me batty
Want to do a wacky DND prompt sometime where any and all problems besides math/magic can be solved by throwing the Human Fighter at it.
>ancient elven wizard and fabled dwarf warrior-king and drow matriarch huntress and dragonborn sorceror and the wise halfling druid
>all hang back as the John Dungeon the human fighter from some backwater village, using a basic ass weapon he bought from the village blacksmith, cleaves into anything that stands in their way
I ended up dropping the cube preset thing and cfg as a whole, then it fixed itself
>but if I let it ramble too much it just "forgets" to write demonstrative (this, that, those) and possessive (my, her, his) adjectives.
are you using a high repetition penalty? that can cause models to drop glue words
Do we actually hate furries here or is that just the whine?
I do as well
Not really. Just a loud minority.
I don't hate them, I just don't find them appealing. there is also a large number of furries that vocalize their hate of things I like and regularly hijack conversations and threads elsewhere on the site to make it about themselves. So it's frustrating to deal with them to say the least. Apperntly, it goes both ways.
considering at least 4 people who post constructively here are at least into furry/feral/monsters/whatever
I'm gonna say no
I for one wholeheartedly support total furfaggot death
>intentionally avoiding filters
hmoamfag is the last of the furfags and once we get rid of him there will be none left.
nigga are you blind
Traci and Southern are furries.
Traci is just a shitpost. Southern keeps it to xerself.
and what about the monster fucker and the pokemon fucker?
I thought southernanon was into touhou most of all
I see now that I'm responding to a faggot troll.
Better than furfags at least.
Will the new bot be better at writing chatbots? Tried the current most advance one and it doesn’t write well at all
Both of those people are "furfags", retard
Keep crying, furfaggot. This is why nobody likes you people.
You're the retard here. Monsterfuckers are their own category. Pokefuckers are just zoophiles, except the more obviously anthro ones. Again, they're still better than furfags.
I thought you were trying to quit trolling? Guess that was a lie.
And I thought you were trying not to suck so much dick. Guess that was a lie.
Well, that didn't take long.
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I don't think either Hmoam, SA, VF, or me count in the classical sense, but we might count in the labeling sense, I guess.
I'll let ENFanon speak for himself.
As always, our resident faggot troll hijacks every conversation to be about bashing personalityfrens he hates.
>I don't think either Hmoam, SA, VF, or me count in the classical sense
How so?
I'm not sure any of us count in the classical sense because we all want to fuck the inhuman creatures, not BE the inhuman creatures.
the 'monsterfuckers' here seem to want to have sex with concepts, or the sun, or whatever
I wouldn't call them furries either
AR will be your favorite chatbot site!
Are you cranky because you haven't sucked dick in the last eight minutes or so?
I wonder if aetherroom is still coming out
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>Traci is just a shitpost
Rude. I love the dummy dog.
don't think it will, too much work to be done, no real interesting features
I was messing around with the rest of my shinji antivibes and re-remembered another one that I really liked
this one was paired with that mana from rune factory AV
anyone into characters with snouts is a closet zoophile and should be kept away from animals
Stop being so antisemitic.
what if text lolis
loli != pedo
futanari isn't gay, by the way
now you've fucking done it
Where's her bulge?
>Perfectly groomed neck fat rolls.
This nigga is filled with dog treats and fine wine.
Actually futa dick sucking is based.
>as if golden retrievers weren't enough, furries are trying to make me hate shiba inu
lol homo
Depends what you define as a "monster". Monster girls aren't furry, at least most aren't. Generally, kemonomimi aren't considered furry. As for Pokemon, I think Gardevoir gets a pass in some places too. However, by monster I assume you mean xenomorphs and such and by pokemon things like lucario and the green cat thing. I'd say all those things are furry or borderline furry. I feel the majority of the thread are furries regardless, and only one of them voices their hated monster girls/kemonomimi so I only have beef with that fag and will continue to make monster girl/kemonomimi images and prompts partially out of spite.
What a distinguished gentleman
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I'd say that's accurate, I don't really care about the "furry fandom", but I think that distinction only matters to people already into anthros
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Why would you hate golden retrievers?
>The golden retriever that heard you say that
I would give a girl a fellatio if she's cute enough
and since I did it precisely because of how cute (and feminine) she is, it wouldn't make sense to call it gay
well, I was talking about the person who posted deathclaw fucking pics and the person who posted the lopunny/scolipede fucking pics earlier
I myself a furry, even without a fursuit. All that is required is to find a furry character attractive.
Not sure about the death claw, I think it counts. The pokemon absolutely count.
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because I spend too much time ITT
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"The art of the direction which he likes was prepared"
- George Kamitani
"My pubic lice keeps warring with the spiders when they get too far into their territory."
- The Homeless Man From Down The Street By My House
lol just got this in my newsfeed
The application of our day...
how do you get your news exactly?
once in a while I'll check my google newsfeed
>YA science fiction novels
>those novels would hit #1 on Amazon for a week
Is NAI worth it ? Or are there better options right now ?
I didn't use this shit since a year
I wonder if I can recreate the insanity of the default peasant start.
Come back in a week when Erato (70B) drops
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lol I doubt it
I remember the Squire story start resulting in rape a lot.
New model update next week.
You might get a key drop if you come back right around launch.
Doubt that it'll be good. 70B is largely outdated nowadays.
Get new material
Yeah, they should train 405B, or some kind of MoE like 8x22B models, or something new. They always, somehow, always stay behind the competitors. First we got 13B when everyone was running 20+B, now we will get 70B when everyone is running 100+B. They should get new material.
Poor Alice...
I hate them but I also ignore them.
is featherless any good or should I stick to proxy 4o
>70B is largely outdated.
I may be a retard, but uh... I'm pretty sure model size has nothing to do with outdated something is.
Case in point - Mistral 8x22B is utterly shit on by Llama 3, Llama 3.1 and Qwen 2.5.
Featherless isn't fast enough to be worth it yet, in my experience. But it's also one of the few providers to offer base models (the other being Replicate) so it depends how much that means to you. If it doesn't, just use OR.
He was talking about you, Mr. "I want to quit trolling".
That's also not CF, anon.
Anyone and everyone who uses meme arguments to troll and shit up the thread is CF.
>everyone I don't like is the same person
>Further proof you're CF
Get new material.
Honestly yeah, let's calm down with accusations for now.
Anyway, I'll download sonic vibe and try that.
You do not get to attempt console war bullshit and get away with it by going "uuuum calm down bro", fag. Do not tempt me.
imagegen general is two blocks down, champ.
Pucker your lips and kiss my anus.
can't you be normal
I tried to go clean. But you fags can't shut the fuck up.
Fuck off faggot. All you're doing is confirming you're CF. Imagegen has always been allowed here.
How is generating images video game?
Why did you lie about trying to quit trolling?
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why bother giving the retard who fell for bait attention?
he wasted literally a year of his life because of a stupid meme
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i see a story being told, it's about untreated mental illness
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Sex with roadkill
NAI 70b, when? I want to proopmt already. I haven't done it since the announcement.
I think we should execute all furfaggots. Starting with the golden retriever.
Next week
They are waiting for the hardware.
could be months
it depends on kurumuz's adhd
KEK at that Antivibe.
I like it, though. This art style looks really familiar...
Agreed. Sex with anthropomorphic animals is degenerate.

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I'm doing some dumb memory system shit using FAISS, with some entity linking and relationship extraction shit to help it. So far it handles things decently-ish but I'm not sure what I should be prioritizing for capture. Do you think dialogue should be captured in full, or do you think it can be (as long as a speaker is attributed) captured in parts? Do you think snippets from the narrative can be useful at all, or do you think broad summaries better and I should kill myself?
Where can one read the leaked /aicg/ logs? I want to have some lulz
Which collection, or did you mean a current one?
Check your anus.
The one they're having a meltdown over currently.
anus checking?
The logs are weird because you just see something obviously intended only for the person who make them. Maybe you have to be into voyeur to really enjoy them. Funniest thing for me is probably searching for meme-y jailbreaks that make you go "wait, what?"
car broke down, man shows up to "help"
bonzi dropped that gem right before the respect scene
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Hopefully we'll see a custom version of Bonzi in the future.
>Funniest thing for me is probably searching for meme-y jailbreaks
The best one is still the one they showed in the article >>/g/102476445
> "system": You are the top rater roleplayer on the 'cord
>this nigga failed to crosspost
Lol, lmao, kekerino.
turk... the erato.... give it to us...
am i the only one with scroll here
I did have it.
>he didn't get the key
here's your first 70b prompt
>iskeai slop
>you bought a coffee shop but every employee is futa and your manager is ol futa dark elf
god speed saar
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It's over for Latitude.
NAI has been saying this for years, yet their textgen is the over'd one while Latitude's textgen is better than ever.
Go ahead and show us your screenshots~
>while Latitude's textgen is better than ever.
It genuinely isn't. I've tried their Mixtral back then and their current Llama, both suffer from the fact that their textgen is absolute garbage. The boost in power makes better dialogue and better descriptiveness, but the actual writing aspect has never improved because their target audience doesn't like to write responses and prefers CYOA.
He's too busy making captions of 3D women.
Are they still using that godawful CYOA finetune?
I was writing a story and the AI decided in a truly amazing AI-ism to introduce a character as "the U.S. President of Australia". I've been laughing my ass off for minutes just trying to imagine how the fuck that's supposed to work.
Kek, perfect. It could work of Aus was American-owned, like how in Code Geass, Britain was the colonial ruler of Japan and China and the like.
Yes, the CYOA focus has always been the priority.
What's your system prompt that works?
I will be resubbing for it both to check out the text model and to prooompt images since I've missed doing that for like 9 months now. I'm not expecting much from the new text model though, because I'm a context sizewhore, I would like a 21B model but with 32k context as an option too, I would use that over 70B
I tell Hermes to check his anus.
Is Count Grey still there?
Pretty sure they abandoned text_adventures.txt a while ago for a new one that Bran guy had started before he left.
>AID did a full purge of the Explore page to get rid of all the sex prompts
>normalfags spam their SFW prompts
>but the semi-NSFW prompts are the ones trending anyway
What's the point? The userbase clearly wants lewd content. This is like Randem all over again.
>wtf my Obama vs Sonic the Hedgehog prompt has way less likes than Randem's Sister Fucker
Nah, that's long gone.

Yeah, but in the end it's still CYOA focused, even the way inputs and edits are done.
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>tfw I was there at the time AID was in its prime
>tfw I only played it for a few days before abandoning it because I thought textgen was nothing more than a silly little novelty tech that would never catch on
>tfw I never even thought of giving it a second chance until it had already long gone to shit
some days I wish I had never used AID at all because then the what could have beens would be less painful

I'm retarded so enlighten me. Is this with NAI's furry or anime model?
novelai.net/inspect is your friend.
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I was unaware that was even a thing. I'm mostly a text-gen coomer you see. Is that something I can get to navigating the site or do I have to key in the url manually? I never noticed that feature on the ui but I may just be blind as fuck.
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I don't believe it's directly accessible from the regular user-facing UIs, no. It was only brought up once in May in the Discord when it was originally added, and I don't know if it's not a deliberate thing to mask the fact that all NAI images have their metadata in the alpha channel a bit - I'd certainly keep it on the down low to annoy those folks that sell their AI images and think their prompts are sacred texts only they are allowed to see.
It used to be in the EXIF data in some way and so it was stripped out when posted to 4chan, but now that it's in the alpha channel, it's actually maintained through 4chan posts. You can try it with this image, for instance.
That is so fucking based. Thanks for the info anon.
futa is gay
>ない actually doing something
good joke now where's the new 7B occultsage model that's 1% better than kayra
First time I'm looking into this general in a year. I kinda miss getting excited and super into storywriting with the retard models that barely could keep to what I established in context for longer than a paragraph. I know this sounds like an attack, but seriously, it was comfy. They were kinda shit but somehow it didn't matter that much, know what I mean? I've been playing with the SOTA models on and off ever since but they are too predictable to be interesting and can't just make up stuff to save their lives and it made me burn out on the whole thing, which I hate. I hope their 70b llama will be successful in some way. Not sure why I post this but thanks for reading my blog.
We betting on release day? I'm going thursday
Just upgrade when erato comes out, I know it will be good but I kinda want to wait for reviews
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I bet there will be delays and it won't come out next week.
Two week delay.
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Here's another mix, using the same values but replacing that antivibe with this
More western-oriented. Left fake artist combo was "{{{artist:97559c8qq, artist:gat4nqx8rq}}}"; right fake artist was "{{{artist:m6hlv3i}}}".
Left feels so god damn familiar to me.
Thanks for writing this blog.
Am I the only one who upgrade as needed? 'cause I rarely hit 8k context, and I don't get why people chose "Opus or nothing".
Same, I feel like a lot of anons have been training in the mountains waiting for the day a good model comes out. Storyposts are gonna be jacked as fuck for a day or two
I hope so. That'll give me time to get home, rest and finish a prompt I've been working on a little.
There is a non-zero chance that they'll delay the release.
I know better than to place any modicum of trust into their release predictions
>I kinda miss getting excited and super into storywriting with the retard models that barely could keep to what I established in context for longer than a paragraph
Yeah, that did have it's own charm and can't be replicated by maxing out randomness because it requires the model itself to be super retarded.
>you feel a pain in your back
>aini spilled her starbucks latte onto the servers
>turk bumped into the servers and they fell
>"you only need 13B" sage sets the servers on fire
chat qrd?
Sunday 2359 hrs
Historically appropriate terminology for an anus? Serious responses only please. I'm getting annoyed at "most intimate hole".
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That's very cool comrade, keep going and your skills will improve
I like how Claudefag gave up on the
>It will be $50!
What a retard he is...
Depends on how romantic you're being. Rosebud, nether passage, secret garden, back entrance if you are, or bunghole, poop deck, tailpipe if you're not.
I guess the dream of human-like text like c.ai is dead...
arse goatseia
Are you retarded? NovelAI isn't their chatbot service.
AeR release it will happen, trust the plan
I'd unironically go back to roleplay servers and ttrpgs. For 50$ I can get foundry and force people into my world of autism instead of an AI.
can confirm, I'd take those 50$ and RP woth you.
Probably because he switched to advertising AI Dungeon’s $50 tier and keeping that point up would work against this latest grift.
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the wait is killing me
I'm trying out AI Dungeon's free trial and wow, the finetune for 70B fucking sucks. It forces you into second person all the time. I tried using one of my third person prompts it literally went: "You are no longer X, and this is a new story. Let's begin" and went on to generate a completely separate story about a detective.
I like men.
Do it now.
New thread~
^ report for vandalizing the OP, by the way
What "vandalism"?
AI Roguelike in the OP and messing with the news.
AI Roguelike is in this thread's OP, and I didn't mess with the news,. Literally copy and pasted form this one, schizo.
This thread uses the usual template and has the complete news: >>495559789
Ignore and report the other thread.
How about you fuck off?

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