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Sofa-driving Edition
Moo Deng Timeline
Newey in da house Arch
Prev >>495179321

> Clubs
"4cvg" in FH4, "4ch" in FH5 (broken on PC)

> Communication
Lobby chat in the Xbox App, post xbox id setting https://i.imgur.com/lIB6A1u.png in https://account.xbox.com/settings first
Discussion chat on Discord, ask for invite in the lobby

> Rivals
FM Weekly starting every Sun 16:00 UTC

> Community
News https://forza.net/news/
Support https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us

> Emulation

> Gameplay
FM cardb https://www.kudosprime.com/fm/carlist.php
FH5 cardb https://kudosprime.com/fh5/carlist.php
FH5 map https://guides4gamers.com/forza-horizon-5/maps/

> Media
Howto https://pastebin.com/raw/2uWDEQZL
Video recaps https://pastebin.com/raw/7kkHBder
Music stations https://pastebin.com/raw/qtwbwkaJ

> OP Template
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Week 48 of /forza/ Rivals is over!
The top 3 players this week are:
>1st - Semobii!
>2nd - AllowedSiren15!
>3rd - JohnFender1420!
This weeks winner is Semobii! Congratulations to him and a big thank you to everyone who participated!
Here are the standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit?gid=464263071#gid=464263071

This week on /forza/ Rivals - Week 49

Welcome, everyone, to the Season 5 of /forza/ Rivals Championship!
This season we gonna test the limits of our skills once again and witness an epic fight for the title! Last seasons title winner Semobii gonna have to put an extra effort to win against the competitors, because oh boy, judging by last weeks of Season 4, the competitors getting stronger and stronger! It's gonna be an interesting season, and i hope you all join us!
We gonna start the season nice and easy, with a bit goofy looking car(in a good way), Renault 8 Gordini! Do a lap of Maple Valley Short Reverse and post the result!

>Track: Maple Valley Short Reverse
>Car: Renault 8 Gordini '67
>Class: E
>Upgrades and tuning: NOT ALLOWED! RENTAL ONLY!

Here's something to beat: https://youtu.be/iEI6ychRf40 [Embed]
How to submit a lap: https://youtu.be/dbjlfAB-o0I [Embed]
Standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit?gid=1583570553#gid=1583570553
FAQ: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit#gid=707343726
Reply to this post with a clip of your run!
Rivals suggestions are always welcome.
Standings updated!
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were back
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throwback to when Lancia wasn't in FH5
wake up
lap 10
it's a slow day for the forza crew
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Lap fucking 1. Yeah. That's what's up.
Fingers so fat they can't even bump
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The racism in on
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Just remembered PGG messed with the physics and everyone kept rolling in dirt races.
the chad push out vs the virgin squeeze by
hider is overpowered
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both deserved desu
i will fuck your father's asshole bloody penchod bitch
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Finally something fast on an F1 track.
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I managed to improve by one tenth but this track is giving me the heebie jeebies and I don't even know what that means.
I can't tell what's more challenging the Club turn on the big Farm corner. I used to think that Club was the difficult part but now I'm starting to think that I'm doing the big final part all wrong.
based af look at him go
wake up
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The pinnacle of motorsports.
He's destined for greatness now
Sir Lewis Balenciaga Pedo Demon Hamilton did the same when he switched from Mclelren to Mercsaydeez
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fans will tire of LIZ-ALO-STR
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What went wrong?
Esaki told us what to like instead of giving us what we want
38 players is over 8 percent of total players. Jesus. T-10 must be ass clenched with the Microsoft layoffs.
forza horizon 4 is a better game in a ton of aspects than 5, and motorsport lobbies are a waste of time, having to deal with qualify and timed events. it launched a year in advance with no content, plenty of bugs, and crashes even on consoles
5 has better handling and physics and car sounds than 4 which is enough for me to never go back. Better map vibe and car culture though. 6 will be all u need being set somewhere that isn't mehico
5 is floaty and the car is magnetized to the road. also drifting is nerfed so you get points even if you touch the sides of the road
if they try to make 6 friendlier, it's going to be a disaster
I'm definitely grateful of what we have now though, because horizon is the best arcade on the business compared to the other slops (unbound, motorfest and solar clown)
>5 is floaty and your car is magnetised to the road
Pick 1 brah
oh man though solar crown is so bad. horizon really is the last good one true
once you leave the ground, cars have moon physics, probably to ease collision calculations
while on the road, the car feels like a boat magnetized to the ground, input lag is bigger than 4, probably with cloud gaming in mind
4 is snappy as fuck. a little flick on the stick, you lose control in comparison. it feels more realistic, and completing the drifting island is harder. in 5 we have the same type of mountain, and hardly anyone drifts there because the only way to fail is to spin off
I'd still recommend 4 if you have an older PC. It's more lightweight while still looking good.
I think the game ghosts too early and often since the last update. If you spin out, you get auto ghosted instantly and I think that it takes the edge off in racing because accidents are a part of racing.
Pic unrelated
also this road color blob is just awful
Works on deck too doesn't it? That's a point
fairs. I don't drift at all so wouldn't have noticed that but I see I see. fh5 still feels like that on sim steering for me. but you bring another thing I miss of fh4 and that is a busy map lots of groups roaming around. the way they worked servers in fh5 is trash
i think fh5 has some very specific issue with their network technology
i remember some meme article about their new azure tech to power the map and it shows it never worked

the dlc island in fh4 is still packed with people drifting the mountain it's insane
sounds good I may go back just for the freeroam. I love the rally map in 5 wish more people cruised it and did the races
brits being gay and as usual, and steam being gay and 6 years retarded
One thing that keeps me divided between the two is on how painful it is to race against their respective metas online, awd swaps and powerbuilds are both cancerous on their respective ways.
The Lego Expansion in 4 has some good dirt tracks. The were really fun in the 037 once everything clicked. You really had to get the flow right.
i found the lego expansion extremely good
it introduced the accolades board and the go from A to B challenges
also it looks gorgeous
so good
Some of the city circuits were impossible on unbeatable though. I still need to try the dirt stuff again.
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>When that livery you downloaded had a painted on license plate
I bought all three on the most recent sale and it just seemed to make most sense to start with FH4. It's comfy aside from the fact that the game won't detect my shifter.
I suppose the reason FH4 has the most players is because it was the cheapest - only 12 bucks. FH5 was 30 bucks and similar and Motorsport was not only the most expensive but also had the worst review ratio on Steam, so there you go.
>0.004 seconds off 4th
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Standings updated!
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Said they were rebuilding the game from scratch and listening to the decade's worth of complaints
Did neither of these things
Laughs in Forza Aero.
Forza Aero is a high IQ move by the devs to shy people away from downloading tunes
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Drunk driving racing when?
My summer car got you fªm
is the renault giordini named after that russian street drifter who passed
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It is Sunday my dudes
you know what that means:
new rivals challenge after the singapore GP ends, yay!
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Find someone that matches your freak, mates
i don't understand, in gt7 im only a bit off the pace like i dont constantly win but im not at the tail end, in FM i cannot for the life of me get anywhere near the pace
Thats because FM requires retarded setups in order to be fast
If the game had an ounce of realism people wouldn't be running maximum front and minimum rear downforce
i dont know maybe im just dog shit, though i dont run a setup besides the default
eh, in non tc/gt rear aero still gets used (like in opens raceboy uses max rear) as you can convert rear grip into front with arb and roll center and you'd have max width rears to help with low speed throttle issues
it does affect tire wear in a desireable way though
the setups running it are fairly sensible though, you just use it to help the natural handling characteristic of the car and once the car is in 47-50F weight the arbs solve 90% of car balancing our
okay well i used the find a tune function and used the one it recommended and got better lap times even though i made a good amount of errors than usual lol
woah, now the car has no power to reach higher than 100kph
that only really applies to tc and gt divisions which have way too much aero available for the car power, when you take those cars into opens you realize the "optimal setup" uses much less aero overall, but once you "paid" the PI cost of front aero you might as well use it
the tcs run really wild front to rear aero differences, and in most gts min rear aero is like less than 5% off from max front so no big deal, the wheel set over which you have more aero gets more tire life so in touring it is a no brainer and in gt most of the time you're limited by front life anyays
again, the reference point for most forza aero setups is max max, because 200lbs on rear is like nothing when you have 400hp which is common nombers for a class
my setups are balanced and close to stock and I wouldn't call myself slow
how do i actually start from the back? i don't qualify but somehow still end up in the middle, do i gotta qualify but go real slow?
I think you have to enter the lobby last
Sure maybe a rigid ass swapslop tune will make you quicker and mistakes mean less, but is it really worth the selling of your soul? Drive stock, small tweaks for the track. You're still gonna win 95% of the time because you're a good driver reading this
having a fast car doesnt make you a fast driver
most meta car/tune users aren't fast drivers
there is still 5 hours left o submit to rivals right
about that yeah
what if i give up instead of trying to get better
NEVER give up
okay i wont i'll try some more tomorrow
How to overtake episode 407
Is it possible for you to increase the deadline to 22 September 2024, 1600hrs?
by 16 you mean 2 hours and 20 minutes from now?
1600hrs GMT.
johnfender - 0:54.588
Is it possible for you to increase the deadline to 22 September 2024, 1600hrs GMT?
Hi, is it possible for you to increase the deadline to 22 September 2024, 1600hrs GMT?
im sorry but no
im gonna post new challenge when Singapore Grand Prix ends, in ~1 hour
Come on Billy faggoth. Increase 2 hours!
I wouldn't mind a +2 hours either, then I could squeeze another improvement in; didn't find the time during the rest of the weekend :((!
orwell improved to 00:55.034
proof recorded and uploading
post link now in next ~20mins or that's it
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Sorry for the delay, chief!

Car was fun, hopefully I can do better next time :')
Standings updated!
This rivals anon all cocky and shit. #TimeToBoycott
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Week 49 of /forza/ Rivals is over!
The top 3 players this week are:
>1st - QuitStalkingMe, 25pts!
>2nd - settiesa5847, 18pts!
>3rd - JohnFender1420, 15pts!
This weeks winner is QuitStalkingMe! Congratulations to him and a big thank you to everyone who participated!
Here are the standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit?gid=1583570553#gid=1583570553

This week on /forza/ Rivals - Week 50

This week we are visiting Catalunya National Alt circuit in a goofy-looking beemer that has a lot of soul, if you look deep inside it! I promise!

>Track: Catalunya National Alt
>Car: BMW 323ti Sport '00
>Class: D
>Upgrades and tuning: ALLOWED!
>PI limit: D400!

Here's something to beat: https://youtu.be/ahC-_GOnYLg (01:26.236)
Standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit?gid=25833452#gid=25833452
FAQ: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit#gid=707343726
Reply to this post with a clip of your run!
Rivals suggestions are always welcome.
Rate my new controller. You all are about to get thrashed.
hecking love my accessibility
The controller ARMs race has created something that can truly give you the upper HAND in your future rivals
1:22.886 (Bugged timer lap still verified at the end)
I got Horizon 4 when it was on sale and I never played Forza before. I got to the part where I can design vinyls for my cars. Guess I'll spend most of my time doing that.
I suppose using the forza-painter program at highest quality to transform loli porn into a vinyl wasn't such a good idea. It's been going for like 3 hours now and it only made 381 shapes.
Dont use the highest settings in forza painter because it really does take forever
It's at 441 shapes now. I think I'll let it work for a few days. It would be a waste to end it now.
fucking knew none of the liveries are handmade in that clunky shape maker
>tfw 6 seconds off the pace
when tf does horizon tour do C & D class? Need it for accolades (and fun) but I never see them come up
Apparently some people do make things by hand, but it's usually only simple stuff.
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Weren't they removed from the rotation?
I found this bro
So there are C and D tours but they are super spread out. Neat neat neat
freaking fomo bullshit damn
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will the thread survive another night on the leaves and lards watch?
Yeah d is only buggy too
gonna be a cold one
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Hey, this might actually finish before tomorrow morning. It's 1/3 of the way there.
good mornig sirs
Based. Don't let the Forza jannies get you.
Yeah for real dont incriminate yourself, PGG jannies lurk here and they nuked our boy Antony with a HWID ban because they're a bunch of commie bastards
lap 10
i used to live my life
a quarter page at a time
Eh, not a big deal. It was on sale so single player would be enough for me. I haven't played a racing game since NFS: Porsche 24 years ago so I'm probably bad enough that I'd get banned from online for crashing into other players anyways.
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I think you could get away with a little more in 4 than 5.
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Have fun with that CVT. Actually, is there any functional CVT in Forza?
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>Horizon 4
>forza-painter program
wtf are these two things compatible?? i thought that forza painter was an fh5 exclusive tool...
please let me know asap, anon
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I bought this viper solely for the livery. It's soulfully bad. Very classy.
link to that page please
Post just up brah >>495562302
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thanks anon i forgot to check
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Is this with that tool? Nice
Probably. I just downloaded the livery.
early gallardo when
I think a lot of older racecar liveries are done by hand. There's a lot of gifted autismos in the community who have like a whole library of crafted logos they've made themselves since maybe the first motorsport. If you get into it now you need heart because that ingame creator is clunky as shit, but if you've been working it for over a decade probably not so bad
Anyway I do think most the anime tatties are tool made for sure but if not I mire the talented curves
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I'm not even waiting for page 10
Fuck it we bumping this shit on page 7
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Standings updated!
>hider is overpowered
true, game mode is kinda fun tho
i haven't even played this gamemode yet
should i?
can we? at our next playlist convoy sesh
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>can we? at our next playlist convoy sesh
i'm down for it, it'd be better than playing with randoms desu
btw black wrx and blue bronco are great seeker choices if you want blend in and also twat the hiders
dont promote ur dogshit content here
KWAB i was just bumping with anything forza related but suit yourself faggot, see you in 2 hours when this shit gets archived
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yes is smol buggys
Moo deng livery when the fuck
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Well, it says on github that it works both with 4 and 5.
Happy Monday bros..
Don't let your boss give you shit
If he does, you should wrap a tire iron around his head
something something overtake
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Me rn bumping
Why you stressing over dem hoez?
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Thank you for everything u bring me to my life hood or bad
She never really loved you anyway yk you need her most it's all good tho blame yourself 100
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how insane is it to play FH4 with a wheel?
I had steering on Simulation and I didn't realize how much of a clusterfuck it was until I turned it off a few days later.
New ludo is on the menu, brothers
OK, this ended up somewhat successful. Now for something more serious - if I wanted to paint my car in a specific pattern, would I need to use vinyls for it or is there some way to apply say, multiple colors or a repeating shape to the body without that?
Can I post yet
Has 4 chan finally unfucked itself
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I have many complaints over the authenticity of Horizon 4s location
If it was truly britain then how come picrel never featured in the game?
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when you can't overtake the guy in front of you
Because this image was made by AI. Just look at the sandnigger's fingers.
Nice try, ableist. Try being more inclusive next time
FH4 is alternate reality of an imagined Britain. That's why every other car is a 60s mini cooper and not a hyundai mobility scheme car and the cultural buildings are intact and not kebab shops and hmos
Le Bump
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3 days from today
i will be zhere (fk)
I have serious concerns over your use of psychokinesis powers to make your opponents drive off the track
this madman footage always ultracrisp
are those bots in multiplayer now? is the game this dead?
Generated usernames > xXo0M4ST3R_CHi3F_SL4YER_20080oXx
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hide & seek is fun, FUN!
fuck playing in maps with fog and guanajuato in general tho
also, idk how he did it but one guy in my team was driving a wrx with a rally livery
>are those bots in multiplayer now?
Always have been. You have literally never played multiplayer and have just been playing 60fps single player.
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bless diddy
diddy please
It's trash. 90% of games are hiders glitching out the map (easy) or just driving in a circle (easier)
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sup bros
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Why he so smug
how can u glitch outside

but yea mode is lame
it has a radar for wat wtf
here you go famalam
Standings updated!
what do they mean by that
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no bueno
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you may not like it, but this is the optimal suzuka hairpin line, #FWO #wedontneedroads #elitedriver #elitelines #comegetsome
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why did they lock my clio
he zigged when he should have zagged
not my problem lemao
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remember oreo
>Pause ghost to avoid a hitting a retard trying to kill me while doing a no stop strat at spa
>Game refuses to give back control and auto drives me in the pits
>Go from 1st to 4th in the final corner of the last lap
Fucking gay. Fix this game you commie bastards
The absolute state of this game
>He has the dialogue turned on
Oh you can turn it off? Neat
It just works
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good morning
Good morning saar
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>french car
>using pause strat
>wants the game fixed
>Why wont you let me ram you?
you can play rammers like a fiddle if you'll just leave your line
high speed collision ghosting when?
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Posted this in the forza insider forum and they are all coping holy shit this game is led by retards
Microsoft has unparalleled talent in writing some of the shittiest code known to man - just look at the piece of shit which is Windows 11. It's worse in so many respects compared to 10, excluding the heap of added spyware under the hood.
Just how bad is that Insider Forum?
It's the same retards as in the normal forum who beg for the newest slop and outfits but now they all think that they have to defend the game by all means
So the program that was designed for dedicated fans to help fix and improve the game are instead defending it like their life depends on it?
Yeah we're fucking doomed man
After taking a stroll around the forum it's actually not completely true. There are people who defend stuff with "uh but this sounds hard" and some who are just retarded, but many actually try to improve things.
Like the curb grab bug was discussed there and the issue was actually found and will be released in november
Has anybody mentioned implementing a proper 60fps cap for multiplayer yet?
Found it
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Please tell me you have it
Why don't they just fix the game so people can run unlimited FPS instead. The 60 lock was because they were too incompetent to make the lap times consistent. At 60 you might as well buy a console.
Short answer is the game engine is the same one used in Forza Motorsport 5, when the game was locked to 60fps and the physics were built around that fps
It would require them to unfuck everything from the past 11 years and or start again from fresh
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Weird how far I could come with a "lets just slap tires and brakes on it" tune

01:22.464 - https://youtu.be/lssajjpadEM
I don't see a problem with this. They should have done it in the first place.
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get ya oddball READY FOR THURSDAY
It's another bump in these trying times
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>He did the needful
Well done saar
Semobii became a threat so I had to redo my build
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Power build sisters we got too cocky
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y nawt?
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Penalty system works perfectly as intended
Definitely nothing wrong to report with it
All is well. All is sorted
Random number generator goes BRRRRR.
wake up
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But I'm getting ready for bed.
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FH6 when?
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Two weeks.
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eat it
Surly you mean sorted.
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duality of lap1 mulsanne corner
thank you saars
Meticulously sorted.
your pause button..?
why the FUCK can i not trail brake in the porsche gt2 spec race, i lose it every fucking time, i lose that thing in every situation
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reee stop being baad
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operation follow semobii and let him eat up the penalties while the lobby implodes on lap 1

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hit me with your best cigarrete liveries
i'll kick it off
kino wheel2wheel finish, nigga got penalized at the worst moment posible lmao
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Standings updated!
The last 12 hours have been a complete disaster for penalties
Why do they keep on sorting it like this?
We made fun of the residential dev too often, and he decided to fuck us.
What is Shiros problem?
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dis is an add
meds, now
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They must of stealthily changed the penalty system within the last day
The amount of bullshit penalties have increased
make sure to sub, like and hit the bell so you don't miss any synthwave tracks
t. NewRetroWave
This whole race was action from start to finish

I wouldn’t want to be in front of me if I were you
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Leaked new Forza widebody kit for Horizon 6
My good man I only play forza motorsport with my local classic rock station playing in a browser tab.
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guys take care of the thread pls
im going to bed
im eepy
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93 Mclaren F1
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S O V L chink ev's
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>prototype group series
>R class cars
>street tires
>20 minutes of struggling through that shit
>just for a DNF and the same rewards I would have gotten for pausing the game and going afk
utterly niggerlicious
Traction control

ah yes it's pro gamer time
how did he know
Los negros de la fuerza
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Not my problem
why does it ghost him
so lame
yet another underserved penalty
I'm ready for a new heartbreak
I'm bored of the GT2/GT3 split and want them to remerge
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Based anime booty enjoyer
I've been punished harder for less
Villain origin arc
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Such a lust for revenge
wake up
>literally smash hider to a stop multiple times for 3 minutes
>5 successful pings just from me
>still wins with 80 percent of seeker bar filled
Jesus hider gets so much leeway it ain't funny
how bout some nicknames?
agent 13: the unluckiest mf that still gets the job done even after all the bs penalties
slimer: the guy's a ghost, a slippery ghost, who also has superb race craft to avoid most crashes
flying slav/k-man: pretty self explanatory, love ya bro keep it up
But the burning question is, who are the people being assigned nicknames and what would mine be
>what would mine be
well, what are some of your driving traits anon? are you good in the rain, managing your tires, during quali maybe? Are you autistic about some car brands or race tracks in particular? post some webms and we shall decide
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Its been sorted fags, our response to this?
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>1.10 penalty for correcting an oversteer slide caused by retard
>This fucker murders me and gets a lesser penalty
And somehow the fucks at T10 still have jobs
they really did change the penalty system without saying a word
come back to fh5 and have fun

p l a y l i s t d a y
i have my game cranked to the max and it doesn't look this good at night (or at all really), is it the low quality webm making it look better?
Skill issues and completely unsorted.
Dunno, here's a higher quality clip of it

I have most settings on forced on ultra
raytracing on?
also man that shits tilting even more watching it a second time
>higher quality
thanks streamable

Here is a clip of him as well

Yes, but only car reflections
>i am fast when i drive the rsr
very surprising, coincidentally i am too
manual+clutch can't stop winning in forza games
If Horizon 5 takes place in Mexico why isn't everyone getting murdered between and during races by drug cartels?
I will NOT go MC in FM
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Maybe people know to keep their mouths shut.
but it works on horizon 5 hide n seek
i dont understand how people can break later than me, when i try to use their brake point i just end up going off the fucking track
>driving nords at night with rain
>get to a part where its super dark with no upcoming lamp
>get scared
i realized dat real quick but i only played hide and seek two times, won both as hider and seeker
never again
Do you have an example of your braking? It can be that they are trail braking or are simply slower
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playlist in 4 hours aprox.
you still have some time left to get>>495589990
good luck

p l a y l i s t d a y
Send him the race results screen
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these are this week's vehicle restrictions
pic not related
I'm not saving those, and there's no need to kick a mentally ill man who is already on the ground
just get ya relaint robin for zhe oddbal race ready
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guess i never used it lmao
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That's a nice car, gringo. It would be a shame if something were to happen to it.
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Is this the home of the niggas of horizon? I've heard a rumour that you are all white
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p l a y l i s t d a y

get yaself a bigass jap bitchin limo
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>all these H&S games full of shitters on my team, on top of ridiculously OP hiders and the fog
the devs need to do some shit asap if they want people to play this shit for a year until the next horizon game releases, like removing the fog or getting rid of the rwd cars that lil timmy is prone to pick and also more maps, shit's getting old real quick and i started playing a few days ago
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I'm famous, fucking hot, I wanna sex myself, right here, here, now. I love myself, I sex myself....
The fact hider can play aggressive af and play seekers like a fiddle while dragging them around needs some work
You say m+c but you can round up a group chase break them and spam voice commands to gloat then do it again and again and again
I spent 3 minutes of the last section trolling them and the last minute driving around the exit zone in a circle
fun for me but not for thee
Hider needs huge nerfs, IMO chase breaker should be removed or you get 1 per game
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FACT: only limited production, luxury and or race cars from the 20th century should be allowed to reach 20M on auctions, partly cause i think we'll never get stuff like the F1 W04 or pic related but aside from modern f1 cars, no hatchback or wagon should be worth millions, and devs are retarded for thinking that
bro that limo is easily worth 120m, it is like a free win in b class
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this fucking dude, no way he's not trolling
do it like back in the day hide and seek css mode
seekers have health dat they will lose if they hit the wrong cars and so on
bro doesn't understand i do what driving line tells me to
>watch forza-painter create a square shape out of ellipses
Jesus fucking Christ, I wish this shit was able to use other shapes.
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you know what forza painter was made for
classic DUB pic
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Me and the boys coordinating our liveries
Too bad
So sad
He threw away his career when he pussied out of RedBull the 1st time
You can't, you're over the shape limit.
The writing was already on the wall, will miss ya smiling australian man. I appreciated your last shitpost in Singapore.
You will be with that attitude
Take shortcuts, make your sponsor branding less accurate but less layer heavy
Is that a heckin cross country trialerino?
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You boys are excited for the upcoming Tokyo Xtreme Racer right?
My autism won't allow me to make inaccurate logos.
>braking fully assisted
>steering fully assisted
>shifting automatic
>throttle assisted
yup, it is forza motorsport multiplayer time
Fuck T10
I hope you lose your jobs
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Forza Horizon 4 was released in 2018
Forza Horizon 5 was just an iteration released in 2021
We are on the verge of 2025
We've been playing a 7 years old game level pack
Fret not my dear friend
Horizon 2 is getting closer and closer to playable on XWine1 and we'll have a new playground to rip around on
Motorsports took six years to add fresh paint and remove features from Motorsports 7. Horizon is released at an amazing pace by comparison.
dont make gta v kids cry
Will Germans save the franchise?
>TMNF was 16 years ago
time went by fast
with wat?
electric cars???
FH6 will be in _________
denial about being built from the ground up
very rough shape because Forza games get worse every release
hide & seek fucking sucks
either korea or china (taiwan)
The discussions in this general are starting to become too convoluted with too many different topics. My proposal is to create some spinoff generals where we can better stay on topic and keep the conversations more streamlined. Something like a horizon general, motorsport general, tuning general, livery general, etc.

>tuning general
that would be just me talking to myself
Sorry, anon. I've been meaning to learn for awhile now and am going to start next week so I'll rely on you for info.
next week for sure
Why have one dead general when you can get four different, completely dead ones with mostly the exact same people?
I'm serious! I have time off work and it's definitely going to happen probably
it's a very good idea, ngl
you forgot cute general, for all the cute animal lovers here, that post moo deng and xing xing
No that should be for cute anons who's dick I want to suck
This general is already dead with Horizon and Motorsport fans sharing the same general
I don't see the point of more generals that will be dead as fuck and wiped off the board within hours
4 was an iteration 3
More like we've been waiting for 9 years at this point for something new
India, so you can drive through designated shitting streets.
we already have kerbs full of shit in motorsport
heard some dude literally genocided the discord members i swear to god i hate this place so much it's insane
just remember we're all the bad guy in someone's webm
Don't forget that the black and gold Mobil1 meme suit is now up for grabs in the rivals event
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followed and battled with him all race only for him to dc on nearly the last lap
rip lambo buddy
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i dont have any clips on hand at the moment but i try not to brake enough to lock up but it feels like i never slow down enough for some braking points ive seen, ive tried trailbraking but i suck at it on controller, these are for sports cars usually, like gt3, gt4 etc

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