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Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.craftegg.band
IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/バンドリ-ガールズバンドパーティ/id1195834442?mt=8
APK: https://apps.qoo-app.com/app/4847


Bandori Live Finder app

Infodump: https://pastebin.com/BaSPtAga
Song of the "Day": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1HiVXR0Sno

Previous Dream: >>492393057
Mu's car transformation~
Hagu's egg event takes on a weird new meaning through that lens
The reliable Mubile runs entirely off of green energy.
ELEMENTS successor idea:
Nyamuko doesn't remember those ancient classes
Ms. Yuutenji should explain the link between アーカーシャ and Ether so we don't have to try making sense of complicated religious texts
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Nobody foresaw the consequence of official cat goods
Nyan police on the lookout for a suspicious individual.
Her disguise is impeccable
Aya and Uiko's school of disguise recommends dumb cool sunglasses
Share that tech with Wakaba's daughter
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Suspicious Mu
Next time it will be a bunch of weird masked girls standing at Haneoka's gate
Make a Wanderland room later
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Little Tomonyan would hoard all her toys
She shares her collection with all
Don't forget ANON SHANGHAI
I expected an immediate upload given that it's their home turf.
They actually had to get home from the venue this time
Totally different situation
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Leader squids
Early napping~
Pink tyrants must be stopped
If only Misono were pink, maybe she could've won
Ano was democratically elected pink leader with one Tomori vote.
Dorimacracy is very simple. One pink = one vote.
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Arisa has done an unbelievable job avoiding the role of Alice in Hanazono Land for all these years
Alisa would do anything to avoid HANAZONO Land
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They should finally do the legendary cover now that Revolution is out of the way.
Determining which vocalist should get that one could spark a Home Street civil war.
Anon read my mind again
At least the parody art mine is evenly distributed already.
Dumb blockhead
Secret childhood friends are always valid until proven otherwise.
That needs an official clause
Finding out Saki, Mu, and Uiko used to visit the onee-san at Yuutenji Temple
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Memories like that are best buried
Like that dumb orphanage
Sakiko should do that with the bassist too
Announcing Kaoru in the collab right after Chisato is begging for a Chisaface.
Panel 4 material
Instead of the 50 year old shoujo manga I'd expect Chisato and Kaoru to collab with it'll definitely be something new and popular I'm not familiar with.
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Prop comedy
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I was waiting for this
Leave all the cool duels to responsible Tanaka.
Turn Mu into Moo for the movie.
I like how the story is basically national Masshiday.
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There are nothing but good times ahead for Masshi with her #1 fan being added to the game next year.
Running out of free dupe rolls~
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Cool cat
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Emergency healing is necessary after being robbed of the usual passionate post-live RAS posts
To think the little underclassman full of admiration could have been Mu if this was run next year.
If it was Obliviko
She wouldn't even need to be in Wonderland
A shy Mu working up the courage to thank her favorite vocalist would be too dangerous.
In some ways Saki is always in Wanderland
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All the lights in the sky are pandas
I can believe Hina altered the zodiacs during her time in the astronomy club.
Very much business as usual for her and Kokoro too.
Poor Tomori is going to believe in Hinantius
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Big sister Moca
There must be always be a catty big sister
Except Nyamu
Nyamuchi oppression must end
Waiting for funny insensitive art of Chu yelling about the stabbing incident~
Trying that during their stage would have aggro'd Pareobot security
Risaful collab
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Somehow I imagine Yukinya is next
Don't trust the university pattern
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I can believe Uiko used her first paycheck to commission a giant Sakiko painting
A tacky lenticular painting that switches from Saki to Obliviko.
I hope they don't take back the Suilen stars
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To make up for it they should add a singing segment to the next Bushiroad TV

Arale killing it on the mic
Chemistry like choco and mint
That's mad science
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Yukina was a surprising star of this event despite not appearing in it at all.
Mocat is also fluent in Raanya
My unreliable pattern radar tells me that the cat or Ano must be up for a mixed event cameo next.
Believe in your existence
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Survival horror idea: Himari's aircon breaks down at the start of a three-day weekend
Still melting when it's officially autumn is evil
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Stay frosty
Raanya's smile is beautiful as usual
I don’t know if i’m going crazy over here but lately my combo keeps breaking. It’s like my taps aren’t registering properly. Even on long sliding notes especially those that have straight lines would break even if i don’t move my finger. Is it just a bandori issue? Don’t seem to have this problem on D4DJ
Forgot to mention that I’m playing on iPhone 15 (base model).
These projects are getting ambitious
Change The World(view)
A real puppetmaster needs to use the silly dolls for a full production.
Pull Rimi out of doll retirement
Make it
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Poor Saki is already stuck with her squid persona and can't upgrade to a cool snake.
Snake merchandise isn't as marketable
It was actually PAREO
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Guessing those is too hard
Mu putting S𐐬yocat in air jail~
Cucumbers are already the top weapon in anti-nyan warfare.
That's the nuclear option
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Even though I don't consider cucumbers fit for human consumption eating them with tea actually sounds appealing
Forget my toothpaste thoughts earlier
Earl grey and cucumber are much more apple and cinnamon
S𐐬yo frantically switching from the black tea faction~
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Takiko's sleepiness trait could for a natural introduction into the cafe faction.
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I thought this day had already passed but
Triple the price of Hii-chan's cookies or else there might be a terrible caloric incident.
Nap cafe
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The event was pretty close to a nap cafe
That one needs a waiver
Side effects may include falling into HANAZONO Land.
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Evil babby
Poor Ann just walked into a wall
Mu being the only one not to ever make Tomori cry means it's clear who was in the wrong
Those two are on a higher plane of non-verbal understanding.
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Takiko looks cool on her stack of phonebooks
Alternatively S𐐬yo is picking her up
Both wonderful scenarios
Basedorin has the might of a mother bear defending her cubs
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There's no use crying over a 4400 yen doll
It could have gone to repairing the AC.
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Takikats do that
It's not easy finding a cat as well behaved as Nyamuko
PAREO will be happy regardless of what it ends up being.
Pareo in Wonderland
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Rui wearing this would be an iron maiden
I was going to complain about that one not even having the classic maid colors.
They (not so) secretly want you to get scammed by maid LOCK
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Moca planned for that
Much like her silly shirts
Tell Takiko that traditional maid colors are kind of panda-like.
Hopefully Tomori's family can afford to hire a panda maid.
Rei's song has really done wonders
Lily rays powerful enough to defeat both the dinosaurs and the beastmen
Waking up for TVday a day early~
Watch our former producer egg_yuda talk about tomorrow's TVday instead
Use your coffin to nap until they show the spooky day event.
Scam idea: Run a new event as usual, but also pair it with a rerun of 6th Afterglow and new versions of the ghost outfits.
The Lost Girls are still hibernating until next year
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Tomori sure has a lot of hair colors
The Risa eye phenomenon
Taki should go on a long rant explaining why each variation is wonderful
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Borrow Afterglow's emoi buttons
Dumb Soyo is trying to sneak onto the wrong side.
The roster would actually be great for the fabled Sanrio collab.
Don't expect something cool
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Don't succumb to Takibrain while looking at that
I didn't even realize that was the movie promo
Maybe Mu's vines will cameo
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Mu always in her chair actually serves as a headbanging power limiter.
That's a traumatic point for Arisa
Dumb cute new Masshikoma
Supportive background Moca was cute too.
That official comic about Himari wishing for Tomoe to be a guy so she can hit on her hit different today.
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Let your cat handle those
Raana as the face of the free rolls is funny. That would never happen.
Takiko's Wallet: Draw a card. If it's a Raanya, destroy all other copies of Takiko's Wallet in your hand or deck.
Scam idea:
Paid maccha that you trade her for a free roll
Obliviko's cool monologue
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Looking at the original for the first time, it's a lot cooler than what we ended up with, just like Zero Wing
Event ends in twenty four hours.
Glad Masshi got a lot of event art for once.
Masshi's time in wonderland felt a little short.
Don't Masshiface if the collab is with that sort of series
Dumb rainbow glow
They should add angel and demon wings too for the proper MMO experience
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I know anon was waiting years for Hiromachiween
It would've been shocking if Monica didn't get their first spooky set this year
It was that sort
It's hard to be disappointed since it was exactly as expected
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Cute lil' leader
Revisiting Anonisms
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Muting Anonyan~
Put her in the timeout room to play with Mu.
That's unreasonable cat oppression
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Nyamu Nyamu Kingdom
I'm almost starting to suspect they forgot about the foreshadowing of the Woof Meow Kingdom trip.
They surely haven't since Ako, Mashiro and ROCK visited someplace like that recently in a card episode
That one even had bunnies
No wonder the kingdom went out of business
Hopefully Asuka and Hana get an invitation next time
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Shiro is Kuro in that one.
Healing levels of Hiromachi Halloween will be unmatched.
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It was movieday
Hopefully an art boom of the Owner family line is in order

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