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Concert Edition

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Future Meetups
• Sept 21, 8pm EDT | Ultros, Primal The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks meet up Season 2 episode 1 and 2 >>494662829
• Sept 22, 6:30pm EST | Malboro Crystal - The Goblet W13P26 | Undisputed 2, 3,and 4 >>494947097
• Sept 23, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Fort Jobb, Lakeland | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495354832
• Sept 29, 1:50 AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 5, 5pm PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 27, 8pm EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween BadlandsChugs Watch Party >>495083393

Previous: >>495362116
to the reporter: i pose you this question.

you fully knowingly did something that could possibly lead to a person with severe mental health issues and loneliness and depression getting banned from a game that was actually helping them manage their loneliness and other issues to some degree.

if this person undergoes psychiatric decompensation as a result of your reporting behaviour, how would that make you feel? have you thought that through?
catboy supremacy
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my meena?

he has had 6 beers and 4 mixed drinks in the last 7 hours

should i crack anotha tallboy
My femlala's password is...?
he really sucked their dicks until they passed out, damn.
Did you ever consider that such a person engaging with 4Chan is more likely to commit suicide than not?
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how does such an ugly mfer cause so much thread drama?
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uhh... "password"?
0451 obv
what mod is this dance
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that tranny belongs in the mental ward
qrd Falke/Oka?
He replies to himself over and over and over
its a lot of samefagging imo
He's like an 8/10 otterish twink irl.
If I goon, it's because you'll goon for me.
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You know who you are
i want to paizuri LT's flat chest
Absolutely filthy skeeve on NA who runs back to EU the moment he's called out.
wow really me too. . . haha
they actually futureproofed up to 16 dye channels (or even 32, since all channels can blend with the next row)
>Violet Isabella on Viper doing 50k damage
Time to queue down. This retard nigger cant even play simple jobs like BLM and GNB correctly, let alone Viper.
I'm a malera with an annoying cavity
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Good morning /xivg/! (Especially to Domans and Gridanians.) This femra had very little sleep..
Uhm... senpai, that would be naizuri.
>focuses me the entire game and doesn't even try to win
Nigger behavior tee bee haytch.
He's Italian so he's like a faggy Chrissy Moltisanti.
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this is not a good fashion report week
That is literally every time I play cc with xivg
he spams and samefags like hell, and often goes above 50 posts in a single thread
i want to naizuri LT's flat chest
nice diaper lol
I don't remember making this post.
He keeps leaving his containment server and fucking eu ebins
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Crystal, queue CC @ 1:15 ET

last one from me
I met a 36yo femlala irl. Made a good friend with her. She didn't know how to handle someone 15 years younger than her at first which was cute.
8/10? Damn, would
I bet the Fashion Design person was cackling that everyone has to wear the diaper this week
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how can i recreate this outfit on ff14 online

Anyone picking up calls after this?
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If you had studied Japanese properly in school and then gotten an English teaching job in Japan and spotted a now-hiring ad from Square Enix and applied for it, it could have been you on stage here tonight.
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I'm sad i missed thighlander thursday...
looking good husband
alright... ill grace you noobs with my presence i suppose
My Malera? Klingon-coded.
Bro I'm just here to have some fun and scare the bejesus out of people, I don't care about silly numbers, especially on clockwork.
holy moly
You must be at least 18 years old to post here.
Got my Live & Learn remix locked
holy shit MORE
Please post tails
i wouldn't want to replace koji
in another life i would have been good friends with him
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I missed femroe friday and I'm gonna make it your problem
There is none. I made it up. But the seed of intrigue and doubt has already been planted. My job is done here. *melds into the shadows*
vanilla or using glamourer? (to circumvent job restrictions)
Do you guys think 7.1 will be an actual beach episode with bikini fanservice? I have a feeling it will be.
it's the least yoshida can do after that abysmal launch msq
>no instaqueue
Make I drunkly stumble and try to rizz her up in the disastrous way possible?
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Well since it was requested.
preferably vanilla for bard job pls
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you’re 11 years old?
Huge slut that steals other people's characters
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some people make such cool things. glad I was able to remember where it was since it was in the lavender beds too
This schizo accusing others of posting 50 times a thread when he does that himself is always something
Registered duty arena has changed. Registration canceled.
How old is Karu?
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Where are you my queen my nuts are going to explode
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>Registered duty arena has changed. Registration canceled.

well okay... Crystal, queue CC @ 3:11 ET
Xivg can't do math or are hallucinating
I am a Highlander male who will repopulate my homeland with this lady of Gyr Abania.
do femra tails shed?
ngl! kat can really write like a very fucking threatening glowie!
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Well i dont WANNA make my own PF because i dont know the plugin people use for automatic waymarkers and it seems like a lot of responsibility from an outsiders perspective
My wife is sleeping right now, do not skinwalk her!
Jean is just retarded and bad at math I wouldn’t put it past him
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They hated him because he spoke the truth.
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I probably shouldn't have posted my best picture first
No I don't! I didn't think anyone would want more
Go ahead, you're off to a good start
Ala Mhigan pride, world wide
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Say it with me.
PF for what? You can just copy someone else's waymarkers if they brought them by using in-game vanilla tools.
May I save this?
Ew get away from me, filth.
M1S i want to...
Prog it
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Where are the cute F+ catgirls in LB14
I need sex
>Pythagorean theorem
Weary moved and now i no longer have the necessary parameters to solve it
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>You load out of a dungeon
>My femlala is standing next to you
>She clicks on you.
>She just stares.
Your response
They do indeed, as do our scales elsewhere, Ser. Though not as often in adulthood as during our formative years.
In bed
uhhh, hello?
*hic* P-PLEASE LET ME TOUCH TH-*hic*THE SWEATER PUPPIES OH MY G-*trips and fucking dies from fall damage*
What keeps you awake tonight, /xivg/?
>No I don't! I didn't think anyone would want more
Well I do. Post more. We have a nation to rebuild.
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Nice jugs, ma'am.
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We love LT here
ok i'm comming
Oh, yeah, no plugin tools required for that at all, just ask for markers and people progging it will be able to set them down, and then you can save them to your waymarks list for later use.
dumb thoughts
I need a Liru gf
best I can offer is a sunnie- with a strapon
lovely fluff tip
Click on her back
/t <t> jiiiiiiiiiii
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CC doko?
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He's gonna sing a bee song.
I think they did a good job with their character, very unassuming
I woke up late and I'm frustrated and my internet is out again so I'm phoneposting.
ty she's real proud of it
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i wonder who the boss of this gym is
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Does anyone have a Primals stream
Probably the black catgirl guessing from stereotypes
You could just ask me in game...
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>CC Doko
How about you catch some ZZZzz Doko?!?!
You can stop samefagging now
>achieving numbers
>trying to win
they are not the same thing anon...
Ovulation status?
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>nerd noises
>heavy breathing
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CC. I had a rough start at the beginning but I've snatched a couple of Ws here and there.
So go dick her down, anon
its 9:40 the day has just begun
i'll allow it
calm down grandma it's 12 on a friday night
They are a -
this is the exact thing that got me thinking about their character earlier
I’m annoyed about a passive aggressive faggot but it’s late so I’m going to try and let it go to sleep.
>LT samefagging on cooldown again

why even mention this pedo, just makes it worse
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It's only midnight
Stop making fun of me I have sinus issues :(
no he's gonna die and get rezzed by that regulator
Fuck OFF schizo
awesome, thanks
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They mention themselves, then the thread gets shit up.
stop calling LT a pedo because LT sexpests non-Lala all the time
QRD on Lorilee?
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I spend the last few nights polishing my rod now it's super shiny! Goodnight.
im getting the spray bottle
is it really so unthinkable that some people dont hate LT lmao
I will wait for a cute catglrl+
They will find me
No, I will not out who I am
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I am a dark-skinned tan Femezen looking for a pale, blond, blue eyed, Aryan Ishgardian Malezen to worship. I am EU but can make an alt anywhere!
>Strike out with NA Ebins
>Has to move his sexpesting to EU
How is it possible to fail that hard
uuuuuuuuhh.. do you like midlanders?
all very organic
good job, proud of you
Ask for prog 3 hours ago
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Heh. Usually I'm the puppet master in these sorts of situations
I know who this is
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i do not like this, not one bit
Time to sexpests all of lb14...
I like to step on them in CC

i'm playing stardew
>Fuck off schizo
Just needed to confirm which one was LT. Thank you for obliging
My catgirl would inhale his BWC
What do you want one of them for?
I am hiding from LB14
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I'm almost the crab champion...
To fix and course correct my bloodline~
Sell me on the game.
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Too bad tonight it's me
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Hey that's not Chrissy Costanza.
Next weekend
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>I am EU
Second generation MENA immigrant
who had a melty at the movie meetup, again? you retards chose a small house as the venue and 1/3 of the attendants got locked out
Give me shitpost meme xivg names to use for cc sync alts.
So far I have
>Tiny Knight
>Howto Smite
>Khaghan Supreme (Raen)
Move the front three out of the way, I have a beautiful Hrothgal to adore
My lala would vigorously mate with that catfox
are there no pure lalas left......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
My miera? He’s sorta like this, in a way, you know.
Hmmmmm I mean I suppose I can sell you one, I got a few in the attic, but usually I only make deals with femezen who are are already purebloods. Why do you need your lineage corrected...
Damn this LT bro sitting on 8 phones and two laptops orchestrating this theatre
its risk of rain but you're a crab and it has music by the guys who made the crab rave song. well saying its risk of rain is giving it too much credit, at the start you pick a gun, a melee and an ability and then you go do roguelike in stages
Chip Askyourmother but it's a max height maleroe.
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Should I ask him to EB me?

We are both GAM. We are both queer.
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>he typed /afk but then hit alt+tab in such a way as to disable it
>join a single /xivg/ queue hoping for a fun match
>mariya on my team so he plays some job he sucks at (all of them) and trolls and wasted my time
A bi-weekly occurrence at this point
I yearn to rid my lineage of tanned skin and to replace it with that which replicates the delicate snows of Isghard
This but mod it to be an ugly bastard DNC.
>but then hit alt+tab
It's not 2011 anymore, I have more than one monitor
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people who do this shit for the items are FOUL
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>It's not 2011 anymore
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we ezmode cleared. thanks for cumming.
Kindest Frontier
April O'Neil
Haddock Blackstone
Ohcheeky Plapsfv
for a very long time it was the only way to get a 2 seater.
True and real.
Now you realize 2011 was 40 years ago
>Val with exposed legs and soles
nice surprise at LB14
Hey shut up. We're all here to have fun, don't be a massive cock just because you lost. If someone on your team playing a job they're not very good at or are still learning is the deciding factor of the game, you have bigger problems to worry about.
Can I get images of blushing femroe(s)
It's unthinkable that more than a small few hate him. It's 5 people who have lorilee stuck rent free in their heads who can't stop posting about him non stop. The dozens who like him can't be bothered to post as much as those insane schizos
tankermiddie whats your homeworld? if its balmung ill kms since i cant visit that during the day
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the skinwalk special is unmatched
Feels weird that I recognize that corner/market board area but a different ward
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I need one more cc so I can level and go home
My femzen touched Meridia's Beacon
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I should not have tried to do roulettes as DPS.
bunch posters here need to do some introspection and think about what your irl friends would say about the shit you're about to hit send on
can femroes do that?
Being alone, being miserable, being livid that seemingly every friend I have gets into a relationship and are having the time of their lives while I'm still alone, no one would give me the time of day in LB14 which I guess is a thing again, discussing this with anyone would probably make me lose the friends I have so I don't have a choice except for sitting here like a timebomb, and maybe I'll finally get to the point where I can sleep and forget all of this, making me feel better but ultimately still not solving the issues I have. So you know, regular FFXIV things.
Theo Voloux
i dont have irl friends
But Ishgard is naturally green. Its only had torrential snow due to the 7th umbral calamity, but that will clear up eventually. When the sun returns, your great grandchildren will naturally become more tan and your investment in one of these Aryan malezen ruined.
My malera turns your femezen into Serana with every coomer mod ever created installed
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The shit I post on /xivg/ is nothing compared to the politicians in my state
It's more about how young you are...I just can't tell.
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I get that. It feels weird to wander in other Goblet wards and see a completely different set of houses.
Yes and it is so fucking cute
Want to chat anon?
Val’s toes
Proxy finished his plap after 2.5 hours
please congratulate him and Tina
Can you quit wasting time like an austic faggot and bleach me already?
They would laugh and cheer me on.
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>my vanilla client is the only thing protecting me from all the degeneracy
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>all caps
>as the preview image
my sunnie acts like this
Mare is completely opt in dumb nigger, no one forces you to join public shells
You have to actively seek out modbeasts and join their syncshells or link mare codes. You're very protected.
tina? say it ain't so...
Ma'am, this is a McMelezens
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i was typing /afk and alt+tabbing and going insane because it kept disabling it for no reason but after a while i realized it was because i have that plugin that makes sure you don't get kicked for inactivity
Hey...-Crashes to Desktop
Those mods are conflicting with each other H.S
i don't get it...

right click > google suggest a strong password
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Thank you.
why do i always summon the pisslord everytime i try to make people get along
are you my ally in this struggle...
It's the last day of Summer!

Autumn is tomorrow.

Do you have an EB for the upcoming holidays yet? All Saints' Wake and the Starlight Celebration are so close...

If you don't have an EB, go ask that special someone!
Oh that's a lot of tanks. I don't know if I'm strong enough for this, gang.
Why do I have a feeling that you are a turkish trans woman
I actually fell for this the first time.
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good job and good night friend
sorry >>495381234
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i accidentally hit Rest when i got the !!!
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alright alright, but it'll have to be tomorrow
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>Do you have an EB for the upcoming holidays yet?
>If you don't have an EB, go ask that special someone!
Definitely not.
Thank you as well. Goodnight.
thinking of an imaginary version of myself that treated ffxiv like a social game first and foremost and would still be sprout, probably only having done ARR and HW, and just instead spent my time chatting, doin bard stuff, rping etc. Would I feel the magic still having not seen much of the game? I just feel so hollow standin out here
we already know what happens if you cum on it
>alright alright, but it'll have to be tomorrow
Bless. Please use keyword 'sweaty thighlander' to make it easier to find in the archive in case I miss it.
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Total. Feena. Impregnation.
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I queue down now
Come back when your face is a bit older looking
It wasn't a choice.
gm to chaos c:
will do!!
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Complete. Global. Saturation.
punches u in the glowy hexagon
It's balmung, don't kill yourself..
What's your homeworld?
One thing that was odd about the PLD quests was that they never explained why and how they use magic. Even at the end they looked at their glowy jobstones in confusion and then the stones decided that they have to fight each other to make a sword glow. What?
im a pure lala
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>enemy rpr
>goes behind enemy lines
>spams laugh
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How hard did you plap them Proxy
I want to plap this cat
Yeah can't help to be born looking gay
He just like me fr fr
i didn't plap anyone
its OVER...
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He showed up to Statler and Waldorf the show.
He looks so done, bros...
i love knife ears so much it's unreal
Well? Where is it?
what happened at the meetup
I farted
On my way, whore. I won't pay child support.
bro it was fuckin wild
we're both in the most populated servers of our DCs
It's so over, it's my turn to kms...
Please let me brush it, even just a little.
Akemi slithered her tail up someones cockhole
You should do it yes. You behave like a beta nerd who cant keep ot hard.
may my catboy rape
Thank you for the offer, but I think sleep should be enough to calm me down to talk without being a fucking idiot about it.
>using beta
so you're a retard then
Well, I'm taking care of him until he comes out age. Then he's your responsibility
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Dawntrail san....
im going to bed soon
what d u want
my catboy is a Professor of Woobonics at Moonie Mooniversity
Do you guys think patch content could turn public perception around or is base game MSQ truly the end all be all of this game?
my fiddie is the dean of retard university
swallow skin boots
felicitous leggings / teko 55
spriggan top
hraesvelgar gloves / salon server / gleaner
flat cap / hraesvalgar hat / seignur

best i can come up with
dye everything opo brown or something
It's fun to talk and think about things that aren't internet sex
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can I get a family & friends discount on enrollment
Nigga you sound nothing like a molester. Bro gets turned down by a feena and acts like a Sheldon with facts and logic numbers. No wonder you get bullied lmao
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QRD on this cat? I have never completed one of her dumb books.
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I'm gonna say it, Sage is fun.
adorable fidster
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Isnt it odd that like 3/4 of the fights in this tier include clones yet there isnt a single add phase to be seen?
Am I high or does horrid roar reduce SAM LB damage by 50%?
Does your fiddie abuse her position of power to sexually harass and manipulate the students?
your post is not particularly fun
>yet there isnt a single add phase to be seen?
because add phases are unfun aids. hope that helps!
Oh that entirely depends on if they want to pivot the patches towards higher customer satisfaction, or if they're going to put their foot down and hold the current course while declaring, "No. It's the players who are wrong."
well crystal can at the very LEAST be traveled to, aether is just permalocked
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fuck, she looks like she can do just frame summoned suffering
nice pic dragon bro. i hope we see the pixies again someday.
It's over...
thanks I tried to make her look super epic but not as epic as a face 1 or 5

it reduces the unmodified damage (the 24k raw lb) but it does not reduce the empowered 100% max health damage on targets with kuzushi
if you whiffed lb on a drg they probably had their sky shitter shield active
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>missed the last call
it's a good moment to wrap up for tonight
What if they give us a council fight next tier?
Would this Viera be interested in taking care of my Lowlander for the next 6 years...?
raid design in this game is at an absolute low right now
Please save this for the bedroom, love. I made reservations at a nice restaurant.
kinda cool
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of course
samurai LB ignores guard when dealing damage
it deals 100% HP damage to people that hit you under that one SAM CD and it can be survivable under job shields
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Yours looks so good what the fuck.
Does ffxiv do council fights? I can't seem to recall any
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her sister is hot and stupid
Do you think being a dean is about the education?
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My femras finisher move is shrinking into the size of your ant, crawl up your ass, then return to normal size
do it again i'm not there...
My miera is the bean of retard university.
File deleted.
One normal tail picture coming right up
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Do you guys like my VPR glam
Yeah I can always go to another server in crystal, they're always open even during the day
But FUCK this stupid restriction, you know how warriors go all angry with red eyes when using inner release? That's me rn
Ye, I think you picked a unique style and coordinated the colors well, broe.
glizzy lostheart
Last fight of Tower of Zot is three bosses at the same time.
Post your late night femras
My male middie is
- Well, that's not important.
very santa clausy
weapons kinda make or break VPR glams so you're better off featuring them in the pic
yea that looks pretty cool actually
Can I post my moonie?
Most of us don't have any problem with him, probably just Kong's trooncord schizzing again.
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terrible game
lmfao retard
warrior hmm? another detail for myself to remember..
Then what's the point to habe 2-3 tanks in a raid?
im fucking seething right now
all of you are still subbed to this game even after what yoship did to us all with dawntrail
do you have no spine
did you not see the healer strike
im blaming all of you for the lack of class solidarity to finally strike yoship down
Yes but I will ignore it.
i use the same helmet for my vpr glam
so yes
>Most of us
Don't silence the victims.
>Then what's the point to habe 2-3 tanks in a raid?
What fucking raids have you done in DT that have 3 tanks
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Only kits are allowed in the forests, sorry
hello my wife
id lol if that nigga killed themselves
made up mental illness ain't an excuse to be an annoying faggot, even real mental illness ain't
my lowlander+ likes fieras but they don't like her
So you'd be down for a Meena /ss/?
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>image never loaded
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I like the game a lot still and do not share the opinions most people have with DT.
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what if you wanted to queue for roulettes to have fun with your friends but god said alex adds fight
EW alliance raids. I spam them all day, since they are the best level method.
I have them all maxed and enjoy playing them but warrior is the tank I've been playing more lately..
Which healers do you like the most?
Date with my threadcrush there
Please restream this for us
*blushes* thanks bros
i would simply leave
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My male middie is a bit too hated here lately and even though it shouldn't get to me, I'm more vulnerable than usual lately
He shan't be going to the beds or posting here for a while, sorry bros..
>Looks up meaning
Yeah, that's gonna be a hard pass
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see these two meena?
yeah I turned them gay, with my thoughts
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Thank you! I did some changes, pic rel.

Seigneur's Beret (Hat) [Russet Brown Dye]
Spriggan Jacket (Top) [Russet Brown Dye]
Model B-1 Tactical Armlets (Hands) [Russet Brown Dye]
Oasis Halftrews (Legs) [Russet Brown Dye]
Swallowskin Boots (Feet) [Russet Brown Dye]
Bunnies were a mistake.
all of them honestly, but aesthetically? whm and ast i'm a horrid ast though
my catboyoyoyoy
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Your kind will pay for what they've done to my race.
he's gonna die
Ivy didn't cross my mind when I created her, it's a very pleasant coincidence
wine aunt femezen, is that you?
Which one are you...
meena means male veena, the redhaired one is rava
Don't let GAMs bully you, man. They're gonna be mean hateful wastes of the gift of life anyways, may as well do what you want.
whats the name of the duty support bot people use
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So im farming zoraal ja i just need a quick tip for the tethers
Is it a good idea to just run inside the boss's hitbox instead of trying to aim for whoever was tethered?
yeah sorry I got a bit carried away there with my thoughts
best way to avoid meanies is to ease up on your posts, you can still hang in the beds with your friends
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fujos will never leave us be
What is the meaning?
please don't leave my husband
gj anon, many doots in your future
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it was broken for me but seemed to fix itself i saw it happen in an earlier thread too and a post i tried to make just never appeared
whm and ast... I will remember this
And I love your taste, aesthetically those are the healers I like the most on femras, and when you don't feel confident as an AST, I'll give you my nascent flash or even cover you with pld
I am a malera
Who can't decide between getting non-breakfast Denny's now, or getting "Chinese" food later
yeah i figured, just thought i'd say so for anyone new to the thread
>non-breakfast Denny's
bro what the fuck
>We lost another male
It's over
no, just a random retard who wants to date her
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if you play a male wol, how do you beat the homo allegations?
Male middies are the femra of male characters
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>see neighbor standing in front of his house every morning
>mild activity: 2-3 people coming and going
>owner obviously has ptom because he targets me back every time I target him
>house looks cute on the outside
>gee I wonder how's inside
>tresspass when nobody is around
I actually had to double check from the phone to realize it wasn't just my machine. So weird.
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If the game means so much to you maybe don't do stuff that will easily get you permabanned from it?
i don't
i'm bisexual and i love men
By EBing a wife played by a GAW and plapping her until daughters tumble out.
You need a few extra plugins to make it work, like vnavmesh and bossmod/rotation solver but it works pretty well
/pet /pet /dote
I beat their prostate with my dick.
You read me. I don't want eggs and pancakes.
This thread has been a bit awful lately bro...mayhaps my male middie'll join you, I could use a break from all this
and i will slide boles and ewers into your pockets as thanks for picking up my spaghetti
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Do you think Alphinaud draws lewd sketches of female WoLs?
cool place though
I don't think he would do that
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Queue Crystal Casual CC @ 4:00ET
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meows you the bibble (in chinese) in one ear while seraph hums you mozart (2x speed) in the other ear
Flow's okay, I guess, but for the fun factor I find it ranking below many other songs.
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what's the lore behind this guy?
he's into y'shtola
his sister is into the WoL

do none of you stupid niggers play the game
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femroe friday is gone but not forgotten.
probably he did take a shower with your character in eulmore
damn thats a cute cat slut
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Dude I fucking love the pixies! They're fun!
The S&M cage made me kek ngl. It truly holds everything together.
Picking you up and making you my pocket healer
holy fucking shit
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I am the silent cockwatcher
I see what is going on but I will keep my mouth shut and support them because every nigga is entitled to plapping or getting plapped
>he's into y'shtola
Don't tell me you that line of him saying he'll never forget the sight of a name Y'shtola as the sign of a crush.
Qrd on Jazz?
>that story about how fwol finds alphiauds lewds of her.
>makes him get rid of it by jerking him off on his art pages

Half the characters in this game are WoLsexual
i sniff him sometimes
fuck, i didnt even notice. i was looking at the skyboxes and bar. lol
idk how to get his attention
He's my husband
ignores moonies, makes decent looking male characters, has a nice voice
Shame Ryne and Gaia aren't in that half.
Qrd on Rob?
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Who the fuck is Jazz
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Crystal, queue CC @ 6:00 ET
he has a gf now im p sure
forced meme
trantastic post you fucking retard
average looking asian man
really good at p4s
Plot / ward?
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really likes femra
oh mb
i'm glad no one ever asks for a qrd on my character
qrd on your character?
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I'm still waiting in the last queue you called...
Gimme a QRD on that dude's character.
Qrd on Remus?
qrd on this poster?
>Flame Sergeant Dalvag was among the thousands of defenders who met the Garlean invasion force in northern Thanalan soon after the Calamity. His company was ill placed to hold their position, yet given strict orders not to retreat.
Many fell, and suffered much in the falling. Multiple witnesses attest that Dalvag was the last of the company and fought as a man possessed till the end, the names of the dead tumbling in hoarse barks through cracked lips. Scholars theorize that his mortal remains are animated by a thirst for vengeance alone.
i require pelvis shattering sex from both of these femroe immediately
qrd on this guy?
gdi.. ugly and retarded
Goblet, Ward 24. I don't remember the number (I just logged out) but it's the small plot between the pool and the tunnel.
cute fantablob with a nice voice
What is her care regiment like to keep her black scales so lustrous?
qrd on thread femroes?
Hangs out in the Metalworks. Don't think there's any quest he's involved with and I don't even remember what his flavor text is.
hot middie thread hates him tho
some fishra that constantly changes her name
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Planning to hit M4S sometime this weekend.
(Cont.) Ah, yes. It's in the subdivision btw.
not gonna lie bros i think you all suck at the game, sorry
They all HATE hugs. Be sure to never give them one.
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QRD this, QRD that, how about you get some bitches of your own to QRD.
twin brother of romulus
Dream Girl or whatever? I thought that was Tyrone's gf
The tears and sweat of Maliddies
qrd on my bitches?
which middies are doman, hingan, ishgardian, thavnairian or tuyiololiolo
fuck it really is EU hours lmao
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The tank and one of the healers are watching cutscenes I am screwed.
>QRD this, QRD that, how about you get some bitches of your own to QRD.
ok. Qrd on this bitch?
QRD on this post?
at least it's not void ark
qrd on me being eepy and going to bed
stop blaming eu when 95% of posters here are from na
qrd on how to acquire manwhores?
QRD on the NTR femra incident?
talienne tho?
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Yes, until that eulmore shower part. he took a peek and saw pic related (my wol is a hrothgal).
>honk shoo
Gay shit for gay niggas
eu seriously cant take responsibility when we seen their cliquecord post.


it's for monk
are you playing cc
do you like black as night catboys
Lighting is so fucked on femhroth fur and hair that I'm thinking about switching to something else. It's a different color in every light it's never consistent.
White Silver Blue
At least it's not Void Ark (:
>kill the boss as he does the knockback
>ice disappears and everyone flies off
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Crystal, queue CC @ 9:00 ET
thanks bro I will go with that
please post your hrothgal so that I may call her cute
Only when they deserve it
qrd on my fiddie?
I guess I'm really unlikeable, even in xivg...
Sorry I hope all of this stops
Now that, I can't deny.

That's always hilarious, but what I really worry about here is Diabolos 2nd phase. Those tank busters and the exploding orbs always kill a TON of people.
Calm down Rob Chidori von Balmungland
It happened to me once. Funny how having above average DPS can screw you up like that in that fight.
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Wrong anon....
Cute and wife material
Yeah, Hollow Camisado makes or breaks tanks. Good luck.
QRD on my alt character?
No, but he definitely draws lewd sketches of male WoLs
Qrd on Theo Voloux?
QRD on Glue Licker?
Snake Eater
hes the only middie that likes me
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Glue Nigger
sucks dick with every single hole, telling you that boy has a gift
go to sleep sis
Come to think of it. How soggy do you guys think miqote and hrothgar can get?
QRD on my penis?
appalcord gooner and avatarfag
QRD on Otis Jenkem?
IDK why this makes me laugh everyone is posted
limp and smol
Go sleep tan femra, I like you too
Not really.
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Have you had your breakfast yet, /xivg/? It's the right way to start your day!
Here you go!
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Ninja feels like the job most in need of a rework
>Item farming mechanic that doesnt really help
>Stealth mechanic that has no actual use
>Elemental Damage thats just unaspected damage under a different name
>"Threefold Attack" instead of just saying attack with 450 potency
>First AoE button is at 38
>Targeted Teleport
>Hyoton Binds the enemy and cancels auto attack, making it completely useless
>Reduced Fall Damage
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qrd on fart enjoyers?
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What the fuck happened at the meetup lmao
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Not allowed. Ding dong bannu!!!
It's 4AM
Kat (the annoying Finnish Schizo that wants to be canadian) said gamer words in Yell chat during a meet today, people reported, GMs replied almost instantly.
I need to kill someome with a rock
Eb me
My breakfast consists of 2 black coffees and a cigarette
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qrd on this guys breakfast
What a precious kitter! I'm sure whatever he saw was perfectly charming.
oh shit you're right. i got them confused
The finnish schizo who has been trying to get into Canada melted in /yell chat, said reportable words, and is now melting over the fact that people reported him for saying those words
Fucking incredible may the GMs smite his ass
Every job plays the exact fucking same because PvE cant do unique encounters because of 20+ jobs. There has to be some form of universality to jobs which kills innovation.
Good way to slow kill yourself by the time you reach 40
The adorable boy I met playing this game fell asleep so he'll never know I posted that I have a slight crush on him.
Ninja is like the only class left with flavor abilities like that while being perfectly functional. Leave it alone.
You just had to stop ignoring Kat. I'm not even joking, being ignored hurts a lot.
the teleport i just wish had a bit more range i prefer the ground target than needing to target a party member like the one blm gets
all MMOs have a department for just handling mentally ill people
Comes with the territory, all MMOs have criminals, suicidal people and mentally ill teenagers
My femlala bought a cast iron skillet but has no clue how to use it properly.
don't eat cigarettes...
>Ding dong bannu!!!
This meme is nearly 13 years old btw.

Hag. Christmas Cake.
bro i have SHOWERED her in sexual attention every time she posts
she just ignores it or brushes it off
not my problem, i fucking tried
I give it 2 weeks before you let it rust and never pick it up again
I wasn't there but I checked the screenshots.
>expecting niceness by default in a 4chan /vg/ meetup
They should have tamed their expectations.
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my moonie had a really nice start to her task
qrd on /xivg/?
Yeah i did too, but i meant at the meetup. What happened? I left moments before the incident but i suppose she was asking something/trying to interact and you guys simply pretend she didn't exist. I want to cry now because i relate to her on that. fucking hell
downlow homos
cc doko
I use mine regularly, though.
if you want to find the actual good people here you have to do hey posting or insist on meeting up w/ them
hroth owned
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Crystal, queue CC @ 3:30 ET
do you like catboys
i have 6k giant mole kills
Uwaaa you're too kind anon!
Yes, that's fine, but did you have it yet?
Perhaps in less developed parts of the world.
nta but my meena is gonna smooch

what server
oh... unfortunate. But I wish you luck on your dating endeavours, anon! /smooch
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until recently I hadn't unlocked hunts so I didn't even know these guys added lore to the game. Much thanks!
>less developed
whachu call me mayo monkey??
Who do I go to for getting hrothed?
not particularly, did you at least get the pet...
>all it takes is one joke to unhinge them
You heard me and proved me.
if he was capable of moderation then there would never have been a melt, I have no sympathy for someone who dumps their problems on everyone else and refuses any kind of help
I found out recently that hunts are the only way to get riding maps for ARR-Stormblood and they cost a shitton of seals
run it then
yeah i got it at 5951 but then rounded out the kills just because
where are the fastest queues for Aglaia?
No idea why he'd say it. It was revealed part of the reason he wants to go to Canada is to date a black guy there who plays a male lala
no, he draws erotic images of Estinien
what do riding maps do?
understandable and gz on the lil guy
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i'm dead serious btw where can i meet you
ty, he cute
even more so during xmas
Counterpoint, since I've dealt with that kind of people in the past, you give them the inch and they ask for the mile, they develop such an imaginary relationship in their heads because you gave them the slighest amount of positive reinforcement that it snowballs into something too nasty to deal with.

Not to say those kind of people don't deserve some positivity now and then, but asking it from internet strangers is a BAD idea.
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treat time
Grown Ass Men, one and all
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Goodnight, xivg.
very pretty cat
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end of rine. rine ends here.
Eb status?
my catboy looks and acts like this
QRD on these guy's >>495393115
>>495393209 >>495393365 cocks?
I'm sorry
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They double your mount speed in the air and ground. They got moved to the bicolor gemstone shops for shadowbringers and beyond
all for me
bend over mierda
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Crystal, queue CC @ 6:30 ET
Only ground, you are always max speed in the air, which is why people don't usually get riding maps.
I thought airspeed was unaffected by maps and was always as fast as it goes.
My wife
damn, fur'shtola
We could meet at the gridania aetheryte, but tbqh it is 5 am for me and I really should sleep...
>tfw my voice is not attractive and deep
I wish i could change my voice
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my femra would ovipos his cloaca
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you say this but you will also in the same breath get butt mad when one job does 0.5% more dps than the other

this mindset that all jobs play the same is so forced i think you've convinced yourself it's true from parroting it so much.

nin plays very different from viper
sam plays different from mnk
drg plays different from reaper

theres some overlap but you can't actually believe dragoon has jutsus or that reaper has a sticker system
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It's only for ground though I agree, Air speed should get a boost, that's what, 6 FATEs per map?
At least you don't have a high-pitched squeaker voice like me
Let's eb
i'm not gonna be there long, i shall see you there
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post your meenas
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Met a cool femlala today, we talked about our favorite books and movies and she had even read some of my favorite childhood books, never met anyone else that ever had. Was a pretty good night.
Only ground speed. The only reason to get them post-flight is to run in your capybara mount. It's so funny-looking.
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Kindly post VPRs!
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It's all so tiring bros..
What's even the point
are you recording it?
>expect the person i’ve been chatting with to have a pretty masculine voice
>he sounds like he’s still in highschool
it’s not bad, i just expected it to be deeper
be honest

when would you consider it “appropriate” to ask someone to EB you
I don't need to, ticket purchase comes with VOD replays.
They all expect it to be deeper... I for example don't sound like I'm in highschool but I still don't sound like the 70hz chads out there that everyone expects you to sound like, it's kinda sad and makes me insecure
Average and satisfactory
Small and a bit shriveled from spending so much time fishing for a glub wife
please share? <3
I love femezen so much it's unreal
watch rob and remus having the thickest 8 incher cocks no one would expect
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it is not too late to start your path to enlightenment so one day you can reach nirvana
When is the next eu meet up?
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Crystal, queue CC @ 9:40 ET
what about tyrone and everill and the others i don’t know
It's not looking good for me, anons. At this rate the only hope I might have is settling for a femlala...
just have fun bwo...
I'd rather stay alone than having to settle with a femlala
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best job?
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good morning
6 inches thick, raging hard, 3 inches long. Quite bizarre
Cuntboy, uses a prosthetic penis a lot
good morning bro you missed the movies...
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>Cuntboy, uses a prosthetic penis a lot
Why does anyone give a shit about the race of the character of a person they want to date?

I’d date the most grotesque character imaginable if the player was extremely cute IRL
He looks like he's came into my room in the middle of the night to tell me he threw up
Because if your character is ugly you’re probably ugly irl as well
that is not how this works
im literally a catgirl when i boot up ffxiv
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"oh wow isnt Azim so cool anon wow azims the coolest lmao Azim is the coolest person in the world"
If he was so cool and important then why didnt he take part in ANY of the story up to this point?
Azim has more impact on the story of DAWNTRAIL than the saga that focuses on all his/her friends
Bro missed the lala wife
Want my femlala to make you breakfast, sweet prince?
Because they never intend to date the person IRL. They're two GAM living out an illusion in a game.
because they don't know each other outside of the game, so the character is all they have to work with
how did you get into my room
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Darth Maul lookin' ass job.
God, I wish I had a lalawife.
I am the lalawife...
Idk I'm the same as you but clearly we're outliers. I guess it's because for a lot of people here really don't want to think about IRL or are only interested in a digital relationship. After all if you're just making porn with your MMO barbies then the in game race matters more.
she/he was a free soul but that doesnt mean she/he actually got results
but he/she was universally helpful and that trait is decisive in the here and now
It would be a lot easier if e-daters were up front about irl appearance type stuff first, but that's just not how it's usually done. So if you wanna e-date you gotta go through the "we're just a couple in game" phase first and move up from there. Like, yeah, I'd EB a hrothgar if it was attached to a cute girl I liked, but you seldom get to know that part before hand.
My moonie feels very hungover and sore
As a bigger I’d rather take my chances with a fruity Lalaboy than desperate Femlalas
Love my lalawife
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A fishra in uldah randomly traded my male middie a tree toad. what did she mean by this
you must deal with my fujo nature if you want to date, and also let me pose our characters playing
Sorry bro I probably shouldn't have let the entire blitzball team have a turn...
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That sounds awesome?
My moonies memory of last night is hazy but she wants to slap you for some reason
I have a fetish for neets and fujos actually, so don't threaten me with a good time.
what about theo
That's a nice use of that mask. Like a muzzled monster
Malera look so cool but the people who play them are too dorky for it to work
You can try your luck with the other anons. I view my character as an small extension of myself so am not comfortable having him sexualized like that.
Maybe my Femra was too hasty in writing off Lala boys… This is very cute…
not the reaction i expected. everyone here hates fujos and thinks fujos should be burned alive
9 inches long, one inch thick, prehensile. Might be an alien, probing required to find out
Hello post vocaroos if I like them I'll masturbate to your voices
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Someone should call CC
my character is racist
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Join DB's pf
pretty sure caller is waiting for another match to end
He's still at it damn
why do none of the middies have normal pps…
Next person to walk within 1 meter of me at lb14 is getting raped
I love fujos and would gladly let them use my character for whatever if we were dating
My moonie is heading this way now
Where are the biofems with cute voices?
Just got plapped AMA
Oops my malera got too close
where are the biopoles with deep voices?
They're trying to compensate for how boring they are.
Who plapped you? what race are you? did you cum?
describe it
Okay let's edate I'm an ugly woman with poor hygiene that people on 4chan mistake for a troon because I look like my dad and it makes me have an emotional breakdown each time and cut myself part of me genuinely wishes i could fully transition to a male with a working cock and balls because life would be easier i hate myself i hate trannies more it made my own low self esteem worse when those freaks started popping up i went from being labeled just an ugly chcik to a troon and i just can't take it it's the worst insult i can think of id rather just be called ugly or freak like when i was in middle school i hate how society is devolving i hate this shit so much id gladly give away my right to vote to see troons hang im not even joking anymore im sorry for melting but ive been holding this in for a long time.
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Crystal, queue CC @ 3:30 ET
You don't want to hear my voice, I have a weird latin accent that doesn't sound like your stereotypical latin accent so everyone keeps asking me where im from because no one can tell....
If you can't handle my annoying juvenile /say spam in game you don't deserve my tired adult voice IRL.
It's the law of equivalent exchange
I came

An extremely slutty event
This is pretty much every woman I've met in this game except most of them also hate grown ass men who play female characters. I don't edate though and every one of them lives too far away, sadly.
>latin accent
please post
Like a bag of sand
is it me
This nigga sounds like Guiseppe
>ugly woman
>poor hygiene
This can be fixed you nasty fucking bitch
My male middie has an 8 inch cock that reaches his bellybutton but i bet everyone expects the opposite
have you ever used it though
Settle down, Ooki.
Wow, that's a big dildo. Does it hurt?
Commence baking
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Tempting but I don't think I could deal with defusing another cutter, it took so much fucking time and effort and emotion to get the last one to stop. If you're not whale-sized you're probably less ugly than you think, though.
Ooki post
Yes, my middie is still training for it
i must be tired, i’m laughing a lot at these posts
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Of course not, too autistic to have sex so it's going to waste
When it gets really really hard it hurts a bit
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Moonie? More like cutie
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>Eureka Orthos
Did anyone enjoy this???
Like a lot of SHB and Endwalker content it feels bloated, like things just take longer than they should to do
When I'm on the toilet
people consider it the worst Deep Dungeon
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I've met a lot of you IRL and none of you were what I'd describe as ugly. Average nerds, mostly, but in this day and age that just means normal for the most part. With good hygiene and a little fashion sense you'd all look perfectly dateable, so just make sure you don't let your personality become ugly and you'll do fine.
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No I specifically want to date a 4channer I have a fetish for 4channers I can only get off to 4channers. I will date a 4channer. I have a 4chan fetish. It's very specific and stupid
Eb status

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