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Love is like the wind and will always be by your side...

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Future Meetups
• Sept 21, 8pm EDT | Ultros, Primal The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks meet up Season 2 episode 1 and 2 >>494662829
• Sept 22, 6:30pm EST | Malboro Crystal - The Goblet W13P26 | Undisputed 2, 3,and 4 >>494947097
• Sept 23, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Fort Jobb, Lakeland | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495354832
• Sept 29, 1:50 AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 5, 5pm PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 27, 8pm EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween BadlandsChugs Watch Party >>495083393

Previously loved and Remembered: >>495387867
First for meenas
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My moonie will be bedrotting today, as she is very hungover
dumb hung middie
i need a middie husband with this hair
I have a critical weakness to chocolate thighlanders
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Confess one of your deepest secrets
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I would let Hihimi do as he pleased to me
What's this mooncoon's fucking problem?
I love femezen so much it's unreal
I like the idea of anons making poses with my moonie but detest the idea of erping with people
I did, because it didn't have the constant autistic kiting from high auto-attack damage you have to deal with in PotD and HoH and the bosses were much better. That said, the poms were a letdown because there was basically nothing fresh or inventive.
this hottest male moonie
My hung middie might change his hair to that one
Me too but no one asks
Fat Cat Fact #295

Fat Cats like to take sand baths for many reasons including exfoliating their skin, keeping themselves free of ticks and helping make their coat more lustrous
catboy supremacy
>Gaius didn't piss off and forced Nero to fix up Ultima
>Gaius waited in the bushes with Ultima to grab Ascalon
I am the schizo.
i want to plap all the cute xivg lalas
I'm pretty bad at making friends.
Everyone loves hung middies but everyone hates hung fiddies
Most oppressed femrace?
Mine would use this hair if it wasn't so short in the back
I would pose this moonie
I know there is a very horny femra masturbating right now
he's hot but why is he the way he is
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all cis women i have met in ffxiv are all single mothers
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some days i wish my eb would sexpest me and beg me to be her little plaything maybe show off in public how engrossed with them i am and let the world know who owns me
are you an ardbertface middie
shut the hell up now
i am
a gay hrothgar
And me as their boss baby
The sexual emphasis within his thread still makes me uncomfortable and whenever someome posts lewds I hide the post and if I ever accidently open them instead I delete my browser history immediately. I am an almost 30 years old grown ass man.
What about me.. the uncute one...
This is the lewd post anchor for this thread
Keep going!
We’re sending you to fat camp
What a freak, ammirite?
sex with this 30 y/o virgin
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Queue Crystal Casual CC @ 9:30ET

Last one for me.
Post your lewdra outfits
you're hot
is that thread still up there
Spoken like a true little porker
Fats can be cute.. I'm not cute
I am NOT a virgin.
I actually lost my v-card before I ever even masturbated for the first time... and that was in college.
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I kneel
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How do you get the capy to look like that
Good girl just like that!
this is what we like
Wao thanks fren
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shut up
It took me a moment to realize that retarded is not the word that was censored. Would have made it funnier though.
Heh, he has no idea it's actually me that's masturbating
I think everyone that says they like spending time with me is lying and trying to be polite, pretending to be friends to gather embarrassing information, or just hasn't realized what I'm really like yet.
I wish Hodrick liked me back
are those actual gloves or modbeast gloves?
This post reads kinda sinister so I'm guessing LT
i don't believe there is an uncute one
I want to edate a 4channer I have a fetish for 4channers I want one that plays xiv too. Maybe one that likes femra
Don't stop keep going and just focus on the pleasure
how good do I have to be if I want to clear FRU on PF and enjoy it?
my DPS sucks atm. Is spamming parse parties a decent way of improving?
am penta but never tackled any ult on-content
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I was told by the croctail enthusiast anon to take a new picture, but I'm lazy, so this is what you're getting.
Good morning, xivg! Isn't it a joy to be alive on such a beautiful day?
you left your webcam on while masturbating once and we all laugh at the video of it behind your back.
That should be extremely easy even if you're a grown ass man.
I've gone from only dealing with f+ to lovey dovey baby making sex with males with after care
I'm not degenerate enough for that.
It just might be, maybe I'll tell all of my friends and girlfriend how much I cherish them today
This except I want it to be an ovaries having woman as well.
Okay fine me a 4channer bf that plays xiv I'm socially stunted more than normal and can hold a conversion irl but not online and idk why
I gposed for the first time in a month and I really like how it turned out. We're officially so back.
It doesn't work when I know you're lying you know.
I want my character ebd to a futa middie but there aren't EBable ones here...
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>I want more dps buttons on my healer, I'm booored!
Also people:
>Expert dungeons are too haaaard!
Sandris, I thought you unsubbed...
how the fuck do you have a fetish for 4channers
And when they say
>”we want more dps buttons”
They really mean
>”give me more 30 second dots!”
My moonie just threw up. She needs someone to dote on her today as she is not well
That's a wonderful idea, anon!
>watching the healer die to the first round of X or Os in alexandria for the 2nd pull in a row
i don't think there is helpng some of these guys
If you're a grown ass man, just be honest about being gay when interacting with other men in a lewd or flirty fashion.
If you're a woman, just exist.
My PLD is on an errant adventure across the world and other realities in search of the best boobies and booties to enjoy.
Nobody says expert dungeons are hard after the first week lol.
he's just a dandy guy.
NOT THAT ANON BUT I grew up with unsupervised internet access and found 4chan before puberty. While going through puberty i started jacking it to people on 4chan porn threads and eventually that devolved into me jacking it to greentexts then to shitposts and now I'm almost exclusively turned on by 4channers.
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i have a really big plushie collection
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Queue Crystal Casual CC @ 3:45ET
The one without Immune Response? Grim.
boy out here jerking it to funny green letters
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I have hired this femra to stare at gay people (you)
B is for Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
my moonie is a femlala
after raiding on blm for the first time today
i am not good at using flare star
Just like that, you're really hot when you listen and show me your horny side, focus on what's turning you on the most right now and how intense you'd like to be
how does that work?
Now I jerk it to shitposts here. I jerk it more to male character posts than female ones. >>495398446 is first up for the day.
We like this.
my malera is a maliddie
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Would you?
Go back to your femezen and post more feet. There's a severe lack of femezen feet and I'm having withdrawals
Today I wished I was never born, as I've done repeatedly throughout my life, but then it finally hit me that I've been asking for what I always had because I was c-section and wasn't given birth to proper.

Yes, obviously.
*rapes u*
I'm flattered?
My male middie is doing something bad right now
No because the one you posted is the unfriendly tribe. The purple clothed ones are much nicer and I would wife one immediately.
No, the land she hails from hosts the people I loathe the most.
stop cheating its cringe
Middling blank, sis.
Post the wuk IT'S MAAM one where she's killing the barista at Sharlayan
It's good to know I'm not the only grownass man here that jerks off to male characters posted. I've been thinking of replying to them telling them what I'm doing but I don't want to scare them off
I desperately need a cute rava- for my miera.
do anime obsessed fat women like anime obsessed husky dudes?
I kinda wish I was a cute girl sometimes
I am so fucking cooked i can't believe i started playing a fucking MOBA.
I've already dumped 60 hours and i'm going to keep going.
Thanks you're too
>eb is bothering me so much i wrote a script to parse AI into discord
>he has been falling for it for a couple of days now
fuck, ai is kinda great
Just like the South Park episode
What does it mean when I emote at a Sightseeing log but it just makes me self-target?
Correct emote but not the conditions?
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We like this.
** Be Wary of Phishing Attempts via Tell **
If you receive a Tell containing a URL to a website from a random player, please check the contents carefully since there is a high possibility that it is a phishing site.
>no one wants a femhroth eb
Is it over?
it's so fucking over for you bro
Genius. I can't see how this backfires in any way. I hate talking to my friends. God bless technology.
i just like your tail
i like playing as a cboy but usually omit the fact that i do nowadays
there are some very cute femhroths who I would be happy to eb if I wasn't already eb'd
like what
my toon is cheating on their EB
I am
A straight hrothgar
femhroth are good
your eb deserves so much better
Shitting himself
Theo post
Whoa viper shares gear with bard? I can finally use one gearset for ranged and melee?
My malera's nickname (not really I have zero game and it translates to my character)
No? It shares gear with Ninja not bard
accessories only
shares armour with NIN
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Thank you, Anon. It does get many compliments.
My moonie is looking at indecent things on her tomestone she has become sodden below
Only accesories, NIN does too.
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Cute Trannyra
niggas will do literally anything other than to tell their friends how they feel when their friends are being bothersome
I am playing paperdoll with a free trial character
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I need a cute rava I can yap at about my interests...
Show us
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now get naked i want to see that tail in full scale
this is not a request
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I just have STRONG GENES!
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Dunno what you mean...
T-Thanks you too...
Modbeasting https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/114971
Yes it's me, Marie Persona
I glamourered the strings red but the gloves are the Makai Moon Guide Fingerless Gloves
Its just a copy of my femwa I just use it to not pay a sub...!
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Do your worst, Karakul!
FtM? Based honestly
and i set a card face down
>femra simping hour
Ill come back later, this is visual Ambien CR.
so about that rape...
I make a femlala cry and end my turn
i'm having a good time
You know what I mean keep posting your lewdra
I'll jerk off to her
My male midlander is about to shower with his 20 in one Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash, Toothpaste, Mouthwash, Deodorant, Peanut Butter, Gatorade, Milk, Tin Foil, Dental Floss, Eye Drops, Medicine, Motor Oil, Shaving Cream, Lube, Ice, Air Freshener, Thermal Paste, and Blood Transfusion
but now you're cursed with moba addiction
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You guys don't actually play the game, right?
How did that feel? did you cum like a good girl?
i should try it at somepoint but the whole get a code thing is annoying
idk what your picture is supposed to imply
it’s a bot
No but minion is pretty useless right now, all the cheat plugins can do the same for free
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can she use her hands to ruin my sunnies insides
built for raping by my meena's BWC
oh, thats dumb why pay money for a sub just to bot lmao
Plugins can't do the MSQ yet
pls respond
Got any links? I'm doing the MSQ on some alts to avoid paying for skips.
a surprised number of idiots pay to not play this game
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It's already over.
they can
Please show proof...
>hrothgar with twitch in search comment
>furry vtuber model in a bikini with huge booba
idk what i was expecting desu.
Parse parties wont make your DPS better, focus on gearing up and learning your rotation first and foremost, make sure you're keeping full uptime. Depending on how hard the ult is, it'll probably take a couple months for PF to clear it proper
I'd like to see some vieras.
Link it.
I want an eb that ntrs my fiddie
Questionable is a plugin that uses the already existing navmesh plugin to automatically travel to quest objectives, complete them, then move to the next. Combine that with plugins to automatically do duties, and that's all you need.
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>try to talk to a cute femlala
>she instantly d/c's as soon as a send a tell
my fiddie is
Can you show a repo for Questionable? The name itself makes it kind of hard to find due to the fact it's a term that people use to criticize something...
She got nervous when you talked to her.
Scroll up.
it was probably a coincidence if it was RIGHT when you sent it..
Id like to see some cute futa ravas
>Beat 7 year crippling addiction to league
>Clean for 2 years
>Friends invite me to play Deadlock
>Download it not know what the fuck it is
>It's a fucking MOBA shoot
>"We'll probably play a few games and move on"
>80 hours later
She probably unironically crashed because the servers blow ass
Yeah, but it is my first time having this happen so i'll let it fuck me up for a bit.
When you get invited it take effect iirc
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She didn't come back though...
no thanks
fuck off faggot
Cuter as a moonie
I'll be honest if I crash at this time I'm just going to bed
sometimes when i crash i take it as a sign to go play a better game
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hopes for 7.1?
The femlalas return...
T-thanks bros... She's really cute and it takes a lot of courage for me to approach femlalas so... maybe next time.
>go to catchup alter
>can't fly, first quest is a follow one
this was a mistake..
ko’d me…gn..
no hope
only cope
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I like Abrams and Dynamo.
Savage AR is a good time
My moonie is excited :3c
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Beastmaster maybe??? os is that wishful thinking?
the savage version of the 24 man drops the artifact sets form ffxi.
decent Unreal
not miserable Ultimate
nice Criterion
fun A. Raid (savage)
cool new Ex
me not being a pussy and start prog lying/derusting in totem parties
gn and sweet dreams /smooch
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just this.
Beastmaster is more than a year away. It is late expansion content so 7.35 at the cope hope earliest, but more likely to be 7.45 or 7.5.
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I have none
>decent Unreal
Probably Nidhogg
>cool new Ex
It's not going to be new
sex hair....
Any chance they start fixing some of these 2nd due channels? I feel like we should be able to due the flowers for this top as an example. (it currently dyes the inside of it...)
As it sits right now, the 2 dye channels are a total fail.
They turn FFXIV back into an MMO
>Get sent a tell by a dunie femlala about glam
>"haha sure thank you"
>Asks me if I am free
>sent me a friend request right after the question
>I dc and make sure to not log in
>somehow she joins FC discord
>now spammimg discord pms
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That I make a ton of gil selling the new Unreal mount within the first hour of release with the faux leaves I saved up
Do I gear picto? It's fun in casual content but I can see it might be really annoying to play in harder content with these 5 second paint cast times
my wife moonie
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I just got 100 commends tonight... its over... I broke triple digits.. and I'm just at the starting point of DT. I made it far without becoming a COMM'r... how much of a slippery slope is it from here..
That savage AR difficulty is between normal and extreme and has good rewards so it doesn't die within a week.
youll be begging for them in guildhest roulette in no time
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>focus on gearing up
am BiS but a single 97 aside, I can't parse anything higher than purple
playing BRD this tier. Pic related
This needs to go on my female duskwight it would save xiv
The sad reality is they're probably satisfied with it and have no plans on making it any better. My personal favorite top is worse than that, it dyes the dots within the buttons over the literal second piece of clothing over the actual top itself.
we really don't need more faggot femboy hairs, thanks
would probably look great on females though
It's the single strongest DPS, and Yoshida's said that they won't nerf anything because people complain, so there's no reason not to.
I am
A sunnie
Who secretly wants a loving husband to father her children
Criterion has worthwhile rewards and isn't tuned for fucking BiS for some reason.
But you are a dunie femlala?
how the fuck doyou still have a 97 piece, just get a 710 piece u ape
>between normal and extreme
So just Dun Scaith
If you can get purple consistently, your damage is fine, you don't need oranges/pinks, the difference between them and a high purple is negligible
criterion was never tuned for bis unless you mean crit savage
>DRK/AST/DRG nerfed into the ground for FL
>Melee damage reductions in FL removed
>Love is like the wind and will always be by your side...
No it won't.
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man endwalker fish are even more worthless than other expansions of fish
even when put on the market for free they only show once a month listings
sex mechanic added to the game
Final Fantasy XIV?
Not when you chase after dudes who have someone already it wont
Granted, but the only character you can have sex with is Wuk Lamat, who tops
wtf is this post about
it is a fish that is not used in recipies
yeah of course it is worthless????
Femra like this to make gag on my malera's knob until her mascara is running?
*Sigh* Haze and wraith
look at those dumbass idiots behind you.
Hello Marie Persona 4
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Hello, is there any femlalas here?
yeah, whats up?
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So what's your excuse posting here instead of replying to my DMs, huh huh huh? HUH?
May I see what you look like?
Eb status
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the only thing that could be used for is desynth for a few crystals better of just doing that yourself
This haircut fucking sucks and I have no idea how its so popular.
Statistically speaking it's better to keep your comments lower to increase your chances of being EB material.
Source: I made it up
>he wants yuri
youre the faggot, im bisexual.
Bussin fr fr no cap skibbidi toilet rizzler
instant pussy
pure rizz
who are you talking to lil bro
>mfw 14k+ comms
Fear me.
I am a 10k+ femlala... a mortal enemy to /xivg/...
How about don't reply to me ever again freakazoid?
sure, if you ever run into me ingame
Why is he so desperate
you're right, maybe I'm overreacting
ty for responding
Show lodestone at least?
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>only enjoy vanilla mashup mods
>the best hairstyles are all for femlalas, femra, and catgirls
>nothing for fiddies
i've posted this before but i'm feeling the disappointment all over again
Thats a lie, its often 3-4k between mid 80s and 95-98. That's a ton of damage being left on the table.
Why even try to play a prettyboy male when futanaris and shemales exist?
you lose out the niche of having a cock, the female form is prettier than a male
this is why I like my males built like the fat balding NTR looking middle age man. if i wanted cock attached to a pretty person, id just go after a futa. I like my men NASTY
muscle men are pretty much women brained faggots
It's based on Korean manwa hair not zoomer broccoli mulatto hair. Stop or I will rape you
wuk lamat deleted
her tranny voice actor dead
Shheeeeeeesh is that tru? bussing haircut no cap
dont be a yuri faggot
Solid choices. We'll bang later, okay?
>More kpop slop
It's all so tiring
Lets eb and I'll specifically make a bunch for fiddies. Deal?
I know. korean's have the worst taste in haircuts imaginable. who the fuck gets a bowlcut with a fucking fade. I hate korea.
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what causes this? I try to take multiple camera angles with ktisis but sometimes it disables itself while I'm still in gpose.
The fearsome elder legends from beyond the rift... Have mercy on thee.
Commcubus commlords... Have you any words of wisdom?
well yeah exactly, not even some niche useless cooking skill, just desynth or throw away
i know fishing isnt as useful as botany or mining but throw us something
>hairless prettyboy bishounen
>max height stubble middies
that's more like it
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XI armor
looks ugly
you might be gay bro
Beo fr I need this cut yesterday, shits bussin ong no cap. Got that baby gronk drip
what do i dump gatherers scips on if i already have this tier of gear and the orchestrions
just materia? do people buy the mats?
what race/sex...
This is hyperspecific but I know one rava woman and dunie lass who both are into going after already taken guys, usually pale or demure. Is there a term for this behaviour?
Which is why I said high purple, for BRD specifically, the difference between the lowest pink and the highest purple is less than 2k. Not to mention since it's more of an rdps job, comp can play a decent part in variance
What style are you looking for? I am also a fiddie and had this problem but everyone got mad when I changed hair so I have a few but can't use them
Meteor clones are the saddest niggas on the planet.
>please pick me I look like the poster boy
Bitch I'd just take the poster boy then. Shave those sad pubes and get a real personality for once in your pathetic life.
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The noses on anything non hum, or elf looks stupid.. how could anyone actually be okay with themselves logging into those other ugly races here... Let alone PAYING to do that. Fuck man
really anything that's not super long/poofy/extravagant. i'm mostly interested in tomboy or tomboy-adjacent styles
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>when I’m in a samefag competition and my opponent is Remus
It's in the OP.
I guess so.
It's 7:30 in the morning and you're thinking sex..
There's one front and center too
You're Dreaming misses you. /:
i thought you were gonna stop blogposting
Elegant viera / Elezen / hyur MEN with BEARDS or and CHISELED and BUILT well toned bodies yet the lithe frame and hygiene of a faggot who likes women
genuinely wtf are you talking about lil bro
did you forget your meds
what is bro babbling about?
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ma'am, thank your letting me chug your butt's chocolate
Looked it up and yeah, close enough if adding the preferences to the mix. Ty anons
Mental status?
i am doing my dailies for yesterday so i can do them for today later.
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almost did it
Hot take
If a man is talking about his body and how toned or chiseled he is, pack it up sweetie he doesnt want you, hes gay, no exceptions.
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who voices her?
lil bro must be confused or something take your meds bro lol
Large Marge
Large Marge this guy says,
anon she's dead.....
Stop trying to hog them for yourself whoreson
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oh no no no no
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So true, I can't stand that guy
Face sculpts be like.
Goddamn it just freaked my shit out so much as a kid. Horror in non horror will always be the scariest shit.
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Might be too poofy.

Maybe not tomboyish but would fit lady knight types.

This guy has a lot of good middie compatible Mashup.

I probably have more but I'm on my phone in bed. The middie cwls might know some good ones.
thanks anon i'll give these a try
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Post your power level!
Post pics of any you like
Post fid
I don't use mods. Is it like having an uncut clean cock compared to what you fucks post here
Reaper or Viper?
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Fellahs is it gay to like a tomboy?
No think about it, they have male interests and are male coded, it would be like hanging out with a fellow man. they are usually athletic and have a thin or runners physique meaning that they are flat and toned like a man so its pretty much like holding a man, the only thing that would make them a woman is their pussy but we know thats getting neglected bro, youre plowing her in the ass because thats what bros do and having a child between the bromance is kind of a moodkiller bro.
Post your croc tail instead
does literally anyone like viper?
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I do, second most fun melee to play rn
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You know a nigga get no pussy and stack no paper when he has time to ask these questions
Are the straights ok?
they have to spend so much time figuring out if liking a girl is gay, meanwhile us bichads just go for whatever whenever
whats the mot fun then?
Tomboys are the best type of girls. Look up the artist Okyou. He draws tall girl assertive tomboys.
I already have. >>495397814
I did at release, then they removed the venom timer and I dropped it immediately and haven't touched it since.
Bisexuality does not exist.
You are gay.
we didn't laugh the first time, stop posting f-lists
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maliddie council isn’t sending their best
I think DRG is the most fun but others might have different opinions
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My honest reaction, now excuse me while I go impregnate femboy bussy.
I love my femlala wife
Why did this post get samefagged so hard
Is Remus posting about himself again?
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Put a fucking baby in me already then
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my malera needs just 1 win to rank up to Emerald please send me your energy
nah what is bro talking about though
>all combat jobs at 100
>already bis for fru
>still have dsr and top left but I don't want to burn out before fru

Wat do. I'm burnt out of runescape and would rather harikiri than play wow. How do i kill 10+ hours a day now? Neet bros help.
I like watching YouTube shorts and doomscrolling Twitter
Fellahs, is it evil to get the baby crazy woman into a relationship when I got a vasectomy and then dont tell her ive been sterile this entire time until her looks fade and tell her then so she wouldn't leave me for a virile man when she was still at her most attractive?
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Play gw2. Just be careful because if you play it, it'll make you realize how fucking shit a lot of mechanics in xiv are.
I like that you consider malera dorks but that does not absolve you of being the object of my endless grudge against FFXIV players for causing me grief
When is 7.1 vros?
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play slay the spire multiplayer mod with me
or chat with me on discord and watch me play mahjong or xenoblade 3
or play some frontlines matches with me because i haven't grinded the pass out for this patch if there even was one
or get into dungeon defenders and play dungeon defenders with me
or watch anime with me
or start a baldur's gate 3 campaign with me
or try getting into realm of the madgod and let me teach you the basics even doe i havent done any of the new shit they added
or maybe we can just play in vrchat or something idk
absolutely based king
>a man trying to convince another man that he's gay
ngl, sounds kinda gay to me
she would think you were impotent and cheat on you after a couple months
Ok im gonna say it
I do not like y'shtola
This. She'd tell him the baby is his, too.
Only coomers and women do
She's attractive, and that's the only thing she has going for her.
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My roe will rush B next round.
November 12th or 19th.
i'll play bg3 with you can we do a mod run?
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I-I couldn't fit it all in one image...
I feel neutral about her. She's okay, but I'm tired of her.
Why do you follow the page of someone you hate so much anon? What are you hoping to accomplish
We wuz... gods?
I hope it's the 19th. The longer the dearth of content lasts, the more Yoshit will squirm.
>Go tank for roulette since other tanks move too slow and don’t use sprint
>Get a RDM whose dps is so low it’s less than the WHM

What do you even do in these situations?
Damn, November? Guess I'm gonna unsub for October then
>Tired of her
How? The writers forgot she exists
I'm logging on ;_________;
I continue to hit my buttons and not care about roulette randoms and their dps
I honestly fucking hope it releases in December. I want total chaos in the content drought + Dawntrail drama. I want Yoshi to be forced to make a statement.
Finish the dungeon? I listen to audiobooks for my roulettes and just mash my aoe buttons, I wouldn't even notice.
>finish final zone a couple days ago
>hate it so much I never went back
>S rank spawns there so go back for the first time
>realize that the whole map is now just a vomit inducing color scheme of repeating gray textures
WHO the fuck at square enix thought this was a good idea?
Weird ass niggas, oh right, EU time.
Finish the dungeon a minute slower?
My moonie is bedrotting, but she has f1 on so it's okay
So what is a “perfect” MMORPG content schedule and what content does each patch have? Since some of you clearly are game developers and know the inner workings of how SE works I figured I’d ask and see what you guys think
>Time to write the femroe manifesto again

What makes femroes so attractive is that they actively are holding back to not hurt others around them. Those lasses are so strong that killing you barehanded would not be a challenge and causing broken bones by accident while cuddling would be very likely- and when that would happen there would be weeping, shame and guilt felt by the femroe for hurting her beloved. They are giant teddy bears in a fragile world that melt into a puddle the moment they find the one who mixes well with them, who worships and praises her. The primal human instinct to praise giant women is strong and even if many would find it cringe to worship femroes, it is still one of the most pure forms of genuine desire. They are oversized lonely little spoons that deserve to be treated like princesses and goddesses. While there are also the "nice cock bro" femroes that are nice they are less likely to be on the shy lady side. All that said being straight in a very gay manner for femroes breeds the most genuine and cute shit you can see on eorzea.
You are now...a nyoomie..
Leave, log off, and do something else.
Everyone talking is from na.
JoCat-coded post (THIS IS A BAD THING)
I like this new name, my nyoomie will use it
>liking women and treating them well is bad
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Need a femlala for my highlander bros...
He doesn't like women he's obsessed about women like a weirdo
The thing is that XIV used to put out more content faster. CBU3/CS3 has been getting lazier and lazier as they've realized they can rest on their laurels, much like Blizzard before them.
i'd be a huge manslut if i had the confidence today i had then
So like any normal straight guy
Did I fucking say anything????
Depleted. Nonexistent
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I find it quite based actually and would want to fuck jocat despite being gay
You can call it whatever but it's fucking weird
I dint think this through
thanks bros!
*kisses the homies*
I want to be held in your arms and told everything will be okay.
I don't care how bad you can be.
hey buddy you have the wrong door
I have 1500 comms as a male character. Literally life on veteran difficulty.
Doesn’t answer the question
Fellas is it weird to love and respect women in 2024
Normal people like women, but they don't make it their personality that they're the CEO of liking women.
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The perfect game schedule would be enough horizontal content at launch (that utilizes all content from all expansions) to fill the entire expansion until the next one ala gw2. This is something xiv is sorely missing.
I have 4500 bro...
>Why do you follow the page of someone you hate so much anon?
Laughing at the mentally deranged is not "hate".
>What are you hoping to accomplish
I'm just sharing the comedy.
i think croc tail SUCKS
Doesn’t answer the question. You guys are really bad at this
you've just never munched on one
If your idea of "loving and respecting women" boils down to "I LIKE LOOKING AT THEM HERE'S AN ENTIRE SONG ABOUT HOW I LIKE WOMEN AND I LOVE TALKING ABOUT WOMEN ALL THE TIME I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT WOMEN" then yeah you're fucking weird, it's fetishistic
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So true. My femlala prefers the thin ones...
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what hashtags do i use to get followers
Does your femra do anal sex?
Delete this shit right fucking now
>I'll only accept answers I want to hear
>No? Ok back to gooning to my wol!
>liking women is a fetish
nigga its a basic functionality to spread your genes
faux apathy and online irony poisoning is cooking 1st world people as a species.
>All this because he didn't mention trannies in his song
I only started playing ffxiv in 6.4 so please don't laugh...
That was me, I was specifically waiting for you to message me so I could quit and make you feel bad
You have nothing else going on up there besides "I want to have sex with a woman" I see
He mentioned Vtubers though?
>it’s a fetish to like women now
My moonie is distressed
A real man would kill himself instead of being genuine or just say that he likes fat assed sluts. Come on now you are behaving like a twitter leftie
You are so genuinely retarded that there's no way you're not a woman. No one but a woman would be this consistently, specifically retarded
Queue Frontlines, that's all I ask
whats wrong sister
I am emerald 2.
I only play poppy jg.
I am a hroth.
Holy coomer projection, get a normal interest instead of yelling from the rooftops how much you like the opposite sex
yea, you have sex with the purpose of procreation with women
everything else you can do with your fellow man
you however cannot raise a biological family with another man as a man. you know this because you are also a man.
She is in dire need of a baby bump before its too late
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I've been playing a female character since 2.0 and only have 1800. It could be much worse.
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unbelievably based
>more faux apathy
you tell a woman you love her, stop watching andrew tate and sneako
And that's why JoCat's a weirdo, the mindset of seeing women as a baby factory and nothing else
I feel like anything people say to you will just be something you try to twist into 'liking women is bad'.
I thought xivg hated women
Who is JoCat?
you just might be a gay man, anon.
I like women btw guys
No way, you just don't do roulettes as much I bet. I try to comm every femra I see
Liking women just because they have a pussy is weird.
I hate women just because they have a pussy
My moonie will go feral if someone doesn't knock her up
Ohhh, you devious little scoundrel
Everything wrong be okay and you're too heavy to be in my arms
Yet here we have a man, in his full incel retardedness, talking shit when I haven't even said or done anything yet to deserve this
i love remus
wish i got to hang out with him more
Is it gay to like the smell of my own sweaty armpits?
>I only play poppy jg.
rin ywnbawneko post
is multiplayer StS a race like monster train was or co-op?
Damn I never got to talk about Jocat's shit because I don't have twitter.
We're all men here, so I will say this: it's the cringiest shit possible. WE ALL LIKE WOMEN. He says it in the most embarrassing way possible, and is basically the top example of your average Sanfran/Seattle white/asian male.
hey guys I Raid ;)
guys ;)
midan metal greatsword ;)
Eb status
Nigga can you read sarcasm or not. Both of those support the opposite of the point. Dont fucking tell me you're a puritan leftie freak?
i have a woman liking fetish and i am a pariah for it. not allowed in any discords except the gay ones
anyone want to come check out the cool apartments I found?
If we do fucking animations in each one, yea
yeah that sounds like fun, which DC?
its biology, youve been cooked by globo homo, youve been programed to be gay to snuff out your own genes to make way for the new shipment of slaves (immigrants) to outbreed you because your genes have gotten muddled and weak and you ask too much from corporations.
want to know the funny thing about it, they programmed you to make you think it was your idea. they planted thoughts to you about being a rebel, to think outside the box, to fight invisible opponets when you should be raising a family right now, oh children are too expensive, oh no i shouldnt look for a woman just to breed, oh i should respect her prostate.
if you even get to the age where your hair begins to grey and your knees start to creak you will look at your online crusades and virtues about how a good boy you were fighting the cause got you nothing but a pile of dirt and with no children to look after you as your own body begins to fail you and you are being pickpocked by a gang of feral brownoids for cash (they dont raise their kids to be proper like old era white people) you will only realize then that you wasted your life for the validation and virtual online ass pats for people that didnt even existed and then you will do the only brave thing you've ever done by taking the buckshot challenge in the back of your dome. but we know thats not your ending, you will wimper out in the back alley from neglect, thats the fate of all online bitchmade culture warriors in the next half century.
i wish i wasn't too autistic to talk to most of the male middie council because they all genuinely seem cool to be friends with but i have no idea how to approach any of them
t. not male middie
Only if you impregnate my moonie while we're in them
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footage of my femra running from two members of the maliddie council
its on balmung
no i dont think so
It's c@urday, post c@s
I'll be there in a couple of minutes
You can't escape justice
look at her go
My nyoomie watched this happen live and was worried for the femras safety
>Liking women just because they have a pussy is weird.
Retard, without that biological imperative, you wouldn't be here shitting up the thread doping on hrt
>schizo /pol/shit nonsense
Yeah go have fun with that monkey
No actually globohomo has turned me into a faggot who craves white cock despite being a black man i regularly give money to white guys so they can show me their dicks. I play a brown male lala and want a white male lala eb
Bro your brain is just wired wrong.
i'll be at the mogtome vendor in gridania
penis = man
sorry "sisters"
Why won't anyone put a baby in my moonie dammit
You don't like women for ANYTHING else?
I didn't know Hector posted here.
I'm here and potentially next to you?
>turned me into a faggot who craves white cock despite being a black man i regularly give money to white guys so they can show me their dicks
Based buck broken /xivg/ger being true to this desire.
guys i actually do like women though
Woodwailers invented condoms so they could rape moonie criminals without the 1% risk of interspecies impregnation.
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Oh, you meant like that. Fair enough, I misunderstood your post. No, I love lots of things about women, you're right.
I’m about to finish the things I want to grind for this patch which means I’ll have more time to play other games. Is Diablo 4 worth playing?
It's not fair she just wants to be a mother
same but all thighlanders
I'll put a black baby in you
how was the meetup last night
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Nice fucking game
That'll be the last resort as my moonie doesn't wanna be seen as a qos
it was a good time
nice chats and good movies
finnish schizo might be getting banned for saying something retarded in yell chat
I'm like this but black and play a brown catgirl while wanting a white f+ EB
>black moonie baby
Kong Jr.?
>muh cospiracy thery
good job doing the cia's work for them, brainwashie
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Fucking kek
wanna do frontlines with my catboy when it switches to onsal
women STINK
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Well she should find a nice husband first.
My moonie is not interested in a husband she just wants to use a man for his seed
in all my favorite places
Chi fate on balmung right now
>the materia shatters
post your fucking whore moonie then
I'm playing Mass Effect 1 for the first time.

It's fun. Dawntrail isn't fun.
Chi albarea on my dick right now
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Total Jigger Victory. That was fun, Anons!
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Guys what can I do with these stats?
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Get slayer to 99, fucker.
whatever you want bro wtf
i love Tali so much its unreal
>Dawntrail isn't fun
Aint that the fucking truth
Dawntrail is the worst expansion of all time
mpregging this moonie
Ok thats kinda hot, would use your moonie as a broodmare.
quest cape you scrub
Dawntrail killed my crops
Modding the fuck out of my character in Dawntrail is fun.
Can't say much about Dawntrail itself though, but at least FFXIV itself is still a good social hub.
yould you dip yourself in iodine and alcohol beforehand so you can have sex with them.
Dawntrail killed my wife and fucked my dog and recorded it.
men canyot get pregnyant
A lot of you would unironically be better off buying a VR headset and playing on VR chat, ngl.
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i would do anything for her
Get your fucking ass beat by me.
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Sadly, Macchi of all people put it best.
>Tried to hard condition healers by playing DRK instead of a self sustain tank
>Realize that the healer mental retardation was too strong for me after having to wipe to a DT boss 4 times
I kneel greentards you broke me and now I main WAR
it's a fun trilogy, ME2 is my favorite but 1 is very soulful and comfy
Tali is a girl. You know she's a girl. Why are you refusing to say "her"?
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I like ktisis for posing the body in general, but their facial bones are fucking unhinged on this thing. Can I use multiple gpose plogons together? Are any of the other ones better for posing facial bones? Thanks anons.
I'll bother when the technology gets better and more affordable, I like cooming and being fucked like a woman but not enough to drop $500+ to get the full body experience and VRChat avatars don't do it for me
i only use ktisis for the camera control until brio eventually does it better
A Lamitt-coded femlala accidentally targeted my catboy for 0.000001 second so I've imprinted on her and will begin stalking her until we're happily EBed. (Happily optional.)
ngl, the only times I’ve liked Dawntrail so far (I’m not finished yet) is when Zoraal Ja is kicking the shit out of the populace. More slaughtering of innocents please.
gl sis...
nuAnamnesis interface for face bone posing is pretty clean. I don't pose though, just make glams there, but you can look into what anamnesis has to offer.
That's not being mazed, mazed is continuing to do something compulsively and not even enjoying it anymore.

We know what we like in FFXIV, and are happy to stay subbed because of it despite its failings.
I enjoyed Dawntrail and think it’s an 8/10 so far.
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Hey there, wanted to let you know that due to your images large file size, it fails to load all the way through. I noticed that you are using a png file. with jpg files you can reduce the file size amount of data that it uses so other people can see your images (the reason you posted the image in the first place)
uh oh meltie
i hope the alliance raid is fun
I saw this cute 1.0 veteran thighlander yesterday, and I would like to share their plate with the thread.
NTA but I would let you
Answer the question.

Why are you calling a known female "they"?
Macchi do be spittin facts doe
I haven't touched Anamesis since I first tried it. I disliked that the controls for bones were outside of the game in a different window. Has those controls been moved into the game yet? It's primarily why I use Ktisis. Because the ones and their controls are on the character model, so I'm directly interacting with what I'm posing.
You just know she played a male toon in 1.0
It's ok she found someone to milk dry
You kind of get your own segment like that, but you're assured the whole way through that it's okay because they aren't really alive.
I hardly regard the Turali as innocent, if anything they are all too fucking retarded to live and should've been exterminated, allowing for Eorzeans to colonize and repopulate it after they had offed themselves in the dumbest way possible
4chan's dying, it's not his picture's fault. this shit has been happening a lot the last week
Me too, hope it’s not as easy as Myths was though. Maybe like around current Ivalice difficulty would be cool but I’m excited to see what they cook up
Activate them one at a time and zoom all the way in. It's how I manage
My moonie has made vanilla pudding with pieces of milk chocolate
my moonie is getting her ass beat by silverwind narga
That... is really good advice holy shit anon. Thank you!
My moonie will steal this from your moonie
Women don't have cocks.
Tali is a they.
not my problem
hiromoot will fix it
No all controls are done through app window.
did you make the pudding or mix up a boxed mix?
Content is good
Story is bad
Wuk makes it worse
Zoraal Ja was wasted and so was Sphene
Adjusting the angles of the eyes is such a pain to drag with a mouse it goes all over the place...
The only thing I know is that I love thighlanders, no matter the history.
I have failed to find anything to fill the hole Tali left.
no one makes pudding from scratch anymore
many people dont even know what the hell suet is, let alone where to even buy it.
Looking forward to that :)
>Limsa exists
>Still no pirate job 6 expansions later
Dancer is the butt pirate job.
What about Corsa- oh right HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
my moonie's culinarian level is quite low...
my moonie made enough for two people, so she will be happy to share!
Your moonie is too kind so my moonie feels bad about trying to steal from you
More proof that my theory is right
Play xiv long enough and interact with any community related to this game enough you become either a schizo or sissy faggot if male and a schizo or fujo if female.
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i personally use these offsets for ktisis for posing facial expressions while i primarily use anam for the body itself, while you can use multiple gpose plugins/program at the same time, ktisis and brio will fight against each other pretty often from my experience and ktisis with anam will also sometimes mess with each other if you're using positioning for posing if you enable anam's posing mode so i personally do body posing with anam first and then toggle posing on ktisis, disable posing on anam and then work on expressions to ensure that it doesn't mess up or alternatively, save your work often which is generally what you should do anyways if you dc mid-pose, if you load it through ktisis your positions should be saved as well so long as you toggle it on the import and export side of it
First time in an MMO community?
No problem anon! I expect a cute femra pose later
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It's also preceded by a couple hours of doing chores for them to try and humanize them even though you're told going in that they aren't really alive and you'll be killing them.
Having been given pudding despite your foul motives you now owe that moonie a lifetime of loyal friendship.
You will now take a mortal wound for moonie.
My moonie will die for that moonie, she swears it
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Not sure about cute, but this is the face she makes when a malera tries to assert its dominance. I'm not used to posing faces to such detail, so this was a first attempt.
Corsairbros they're laughing at us again...
we're going to be a job in 8.0 right?
>Xaela femra in a swimsuit pops up on my Twitter feed
>the water effects they added in post look like goosebumps
Incredible work truly amazing lmao
>no pic
oh so you are a tranny.
Facial expressions are a lot more difficult to get right post-DT, so that's pretty good for a first attempt!
If they don't drop it to one job per expansion, it should be a tank and phys ranged. There's a very small chance.
cute transra
>If they don't drop it to one job per expansion
I somehow fear it may happen
>doesn't even answer the question
I just have strong genes!!
Thank you. I will keep trying! I'm sure it'll be better with practice.
Not a troon!!!
>or alternatively, save your work often which is generally what you should do anyways if you dc mid-pose, if you load it through ktisis your positions should be saved as well so long as you toggle it on the import and export side of it
Nta but do I find the option to save in the settings somewhere? Sorry, I'm retarded.
Thanks for linking on an imageboard nigger
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They could also say no new jobs at all because of the earth-shattering reworks that will fix every issue people have with every job.
oh gosh you mean to tell me that the attentionwhore online thats only value to the people in the general is that she has a wet self cleaning hole and gets away with it is.... *checks notes* GETTING AWAY WITH IT?! *s0ijaks*
I don't think that was added in editing, it looks like the wet skin mod some people here use that I hate
You’re welcome :^)
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look at reference images
I hate her too but this post reeks of jealous tranny
that's what I imagine could happen, they'll say they need to rebalance/rework jobs so they only add one job this expansion but every other expansion afterwards will also only have one new job
i could swear something like this was why we went from 3 new jobs in HW to only 2 in SB
my roast beef looks like this
B is for Brazil lol
The male character to female pipeline strikes again.
I don't even do lewd stuff, I just want to be noticed in an MMO as a grown ass schizoid lifter.
Thank you! I shall be doing that.
that cat has the same hue and shine as my shits after an all night grape juice bender.
Yes a woman with a real, functioning vagina will always be more preferable to you and people like you
My moonie will not be posted
I fucking hate Vanaspati so much
I hate it almost as much as Ihuykatumu
Most jobs didn't need to happen. They should've been ascendancies of already existing jobs. They already had this idea figured out with Classes becoming Jobs. Bunch of fucking retard, they are.
Okay but you didn't have to go as far as referring to yourself as a throatpie lala.
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if you're using ktisis, it's literally the import/export tab underneath the pose section, export to save your pose and since position is now relevant for expressions, you need to toggle the checkbox on for it to save, if you're using anam, if you just export your pose, it naturally saves everything, rotation, position, and scale, into the pose itself without anything special to be done
what happened to the anti pedestal rhetoric half an hour ago? does 4chan just say things to be contrarian on the hour..... WOAH COULD HAVE FOOLED ME CHAMP *s0ijaks*
That was an apocalyptic thread, god I miss the cloud server
Only westerners make up these imaginary reworks because of problems only they face.
I want to cum in her. Thank you for the post.
How often does the collector's edition go on sale?
i hate western pigs so much
They wouldn't be wrong if they did that, with how limited this game is with fight design they wouldn't fix the main issue of many jobs feeling boring and too similar by adding even more similar jobs that feel like reskins just for the sake of giving people more job crystals
>easier to play jobs
>hard raids mechanically
>netcode is fixed and we get east coast servers (dc travel no cross dc pf)


>jobs revert back to SB design
>raids are easier mechanically
>netcode is still dogshit but we have regional cross dc pfs now (no dc travel)

You can only pick one
you're in luck, that's a huge quicksand slut to the point where i have never seen him doing anything else
1.0 veterans, everyone
Depends on in which timeline I will be able to make friends.
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first one but no east coast servers they deserve nothing
hello husband
first one but permanently delete the EU data centers
the first one easily
First option by far. Mastering the class complexity in Stormblood only lasts for so long before it becomes stagnant as well.

Aggro management as NIN was fun for as long as it lasted, but it made the game unbalanced, and YPYT being the dominant mindset before aggro rework was cancerous. Stance dancing was overrated, and fuck TP management.
thanks for coming
I am
a malera
sipping orange juice
while waiting for his car tire to get swapped out
Grug bring meat to Grugtilda because grug want to mate with her grug thoughtful
Grug bring meat to Lillith and Lillith get anry saying Lillith can get meat when Lillith want and Lillith is her own Grug. Lillith got raped by Grugal and Grugone and is now single parent.
Try offer meat to Lillith again and Lillith call Grug evil and wanting to get in Lillith loincloth when Grug is happy Bunga Up with Grugtilda
Lillith weird.
hello let me in I'm freezing
thanks for posting about it!
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Thank you. Have my first gpose I made yesterday as thanks.
Holy fuck you guys are obnoxious and I know obnoxious people because I hang out with other gays
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hello miki may i fuck your tits?
good morning khagan
What a cute moon
cc doko
hello miss may i fuck your tits?
Long time players know what they want. I respect it.
2nd one and it's not even a question, good job design is with you whatever content you're doing while raid mechanics are only for the new raids they pump out
please be a braphog
If she don’t hawk tuah
I don’t want to talk tuah
My BWC fiddie needs brown pussy to rape
no problem, bro, just make sure to save often because the amount of times where i dced or crashed after just finishing a pose and forgot to save is way too much for me to count and i wouldn't want to wish that on anyone
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if I find any other ones I'll probably try to get people to check it out, maybe any of those apartments would be good photo studios for people
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Good morning anon
Do you want some oj?
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at least half of those apartments would be great for screenshots imo
Thank you!
Hello, are you a sunnie?
I'm afraid I will have to disappoint...
My male middie is going to bed
before I go, just know
The only man who never fails is the one who does nothing
Wow I sure do hope Wuk Lamat won't force me to talk to her 100+ times while I am on vacation!
The Salterrrrrrrr! Grats!
I got a confession to make bros. This one is crazy.
I NEED a footjob from Sellen :sob:
pondering the orb
>checks list
Nigro. Tranny. Faggot. Bitch you're all of that
I'll slap you so hard your fucking neck will snap
Now check it
Your moms been on my dick 24/7
Been destroying that pussy worse than nine 11
Yous a bitch, a faggot, a retarded nigga
I'll slap the shit out you, then boot it back in ya
We outside nigga 204 nigga gang shit ya heard
Did you all start the weekend off right?
Fuck I gotta lay low at the club now.
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ty ty
Finishing the ARR fishing log was very satisfying.
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Some of these vistas are very well hidden, this one took about an hour to find and 20 minutes to figure out the correct time
No I forgot I had the laundry booked for today sO i gotta go book a new time

I need to cum inside someone's ass and then have them fart out the cum and shit mixture so hard that it goes through my dickhole
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I don't think it's an unreasonable expectation to think that I should be able to browse a final fantasy xiv discussion thread on a SFW imageboard without scrolling past posts like this.
My ass smells like piss
My dick smells like shit
I'm a gay hroth and I like this
I'll never find my lalawife will I bros....
Omw now to /pet you unless you've been lying to me...
Not just ARR, HW and StB, I'm 175/204 now... I'm getting there.
I will now message this thighlander
I'm missing 2 fishes from HW, but I have yet to truly start the SB ones.
Kinda lost the motivation.
went out got drunk and slept under the trees
does quick ranked mahjong pop at this hour?
>try to fart
ok now what
Looks like a bought account
skill issue
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there there.
wipe and go next
Hello nop
Holy Shit. She was the first person I ever ERP'd with, and taught me how to mod correctly. She pretty much introduced me to this side of xiv
no i got drunk
why not?
3 posts about farting/shitting in the last 5 minutes. This Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail. We like this. You like this.
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yeah, i slept 10 hours
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm i'll get back to you in 5 business days
The Germans are excited please understand
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I've only had one cup of coffee, I need two more
I want to gently kiss your pussy that looks like a grenade blew up in it
2nd one and its not even a choice
Because Miki and her tits are MALERA owned, cucklord. Piss off and go beat your flaccid lil worm to something.
Yes, had a good workout in the morning and a pudding in the afternoon!
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Hör auf zu lügen! Wir Deutsche stehen nur auf Pisse.
Here you go fren
Are they still doing the whole free to play thing for new players?
it means a certain group of /xivg/ lalas is awake
skill issue
i think they even gave them more content
All the way through Stormblood, yeah.
I am
An american fiddie
Pudding sounds good
Thanks mister perfect im honored
Cool, thanks anons. Wanna try out Pictomancer when I get my Steam Deck in.
Yeah (i am playing through it)
Do you make more than 100k combined between your job and onlyfans?
and now we've got our own tali in xivg sitting in elpis fucking proxy noir
full circle
i need my grandma dirt cake
except she's gone
i call her number
but she won't answer...
Not at all and not even close
Why are stalking her? Why can't you give people privacy?
However, Pictomancer is a Dawntrail job and is locked until you buy the expansion. Free trial lacks access to anything added after Stormblood.
keep meeting new people but the people i truly love are all leaving
Elden Ring npc
What's your FT character's name so I can bully you with bunpics and more debt?
Theyve been there for 10 hours bwo I don’t think they’re erping anymore
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It's caturday
Post cats catboxes
Hey Miki did you manage to avoid Saturday work?
thanks bro..
fuck off to /aco/ retard
Name the following for 7.1
>90% chance of happening
>50% chance of happening
>10% chance of happening
>One crazy prediction
>Release date
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I'm actually enjoying this Miki Q&A
Well, shit. Are there any jobs that would be interesting for new players that isn't also the standard MMO stuff?
Hello /aco/schizo. How're you today?
>EX3 is good
>Space Diadem won’t suck
>Alliance raid is worse than Myths
>FRU is even harder than TOP
>November 5th
ja ja ve love fartenshniffen
>90% chance
another cheating controversy in the ultimate
>50% chance
24man savage is soulless compared to DRS/BA because it follows standard raid-design
>10% chance of happening
DRK rework in 7.15
>one crazy prediction
the lizard kid is Zoraal Ja's clone or an artificial creation by him to reference FFIX again, the story will focus on him for the next five patches
>release date
November 17th
Just the same name but dont find me!

Just for a bit, i only had to open my laptop for 3 hours

I only do it part time as a side, is probably better for my sanity
>spend entire mixer talking to each other in front of everyone
>immediately run from the mixer straight off to elpis in a party and enter gpose
lmao bro it's one step removed from actually boning in public at the mixer
true probably wore out after 5 or so
Dang, hope you have better luck next week
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is catbox fucked for anyone else or just me?
Is that the case? Then I'll just bully you on x instead.
Works fine for me
i guess its only firefox since they work in chrome
what mod is this?
I think it is paywall locked right now but here


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