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/ggg/: NONE
NA/EMEA weeklies: https://x.com/nafgcto

Arc World Tour 2024: https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/awt2024/
COTO: 3PM GMT+3 21/9 twitch.tv/argin_sama 3PM 22/9 https://www.twitch.tv/legacyofkaiser
Tokyo Game Show: September 26th 11:00-12:00 JST https://www.youtube.com/@arcsystemworksjapan
Paris Games Week: October 23-27th
Major Balance Patch: Late October/Early November
Dizzy: October

Main wiki with frame Data and information about system mechanics: https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGST
Player Glicko-2 ratings: http://puddle.farm/top/all
Fighting game glossary: https://glossary.infil.net/
Deflect Shield OS tech: https://twitter.com/Precho6055/status/1778514309015826445

>Replay Uploaders

>/ggg/ APPROVED Strive mods
Potato Mod
Frame Data Display
https://github.com/Chitaso/StriveFrameViewer/releases (1.08/Pre Season 4)

>Nintendo Switch Edition Trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9zCMBXz57k [Embed]

>Season 4 Teaser Trailer

>Newest DLC: Slayer, May 30th
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIrZvjyqf1Q [Embed]

>Latest Dev Backyard (17th Volume, June 28th)

>Latest Patch 1.39 (July 22nd)

>Current Balance Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Xrd/+R/#R Stuff:

>Guilty Gear Soundtracks

State platform and region when making lobbies for the thread and announce in the thread when you close them. You ft10 anyone you make the lobby. Keep training and keep on rockin'!

SLASHED: >>494923969
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chipp nation
How come EU don't want me, man?
Better OP :3
Will Goldlewis think Dizzy is an UMA?
He can’t recognize human-like gears despite being a crusade vet. He just calls Testament a fellow UMA collector
Damascus is actually the one hosting greek Strive. Dumb schedule
She's got a tail, wings, and shitting dick nipples thoughever. Not exactly human-like.
I mean she wears a dress so he probably just thinks its high fashion.
>English voices
EU is truly cursed.
If I was a competitor I would change that shit. All my sound cues are off.
The dp nerfs were poorly thought out. Chipp for example should have kept dp rc. Them doing it across the board shows a fear of giving characters specific properties instead of making every character the same.
why not just give the pixie better offense and neutral
I thought Millia was bad and did no damage and had no mix?
>MY character should get to keep the broken defensive option because... because he just should, okay???
That is just Millia players stuck in S1. Artemis shits out damage and badmoon FRC hasn’t even been optimized
I didn't know Skyll still played.
Hans of doom used
hm.... do i watch eu pools, or a japanese twitch rivals event with only pros?
He is more of a Granblue competitor now. He constantly gets knowledge checked by S3 DLC characters
This aba toon struggles too much against zoners, buff her
>Axl player got 3-0'd by an A.B.A
Was this a desperate counterpick? There's no fucking way you lose this unlosable matchup that badly as a tournament level Axl main.
I think that Axl just sucked to be honest.
ABA vs Axl is even. Tiger agrees. She doesn’t lose to zoning in general
Aba cant be zoned because of her dash and super
But what does Kizzie think?
So tiger is normal for everything except talking about hc, good to know
What is the point of Axl when all the bad mobility characters are more scared of Bridget than him?
Funny time stop man ig
If you play Asuka you're probably more scared of Axl than Bridget.
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>ABA vs Axl is even
>She doesn’t lose to zoning in general
>Aba cant be zoned because of her dash
Bait so ridiculous that I can't help but be impressed by your shamelessness
Her dash literally has a guard point what are you on
The most annoying top tier of today versus the most annoying top tier of all time
I don't get how Slayer has bad neutral can someone please explain
normal mode A.B.A can auto dashblock, trade with 236K and low profile shit like his 2P and parry for meter. Fuck is Axl gonna do
He doesn't, I'm not listening to the commentators so if they're saying that they're dumb, slayer neutral is noticeable good, johnny is beating his ass bc johnny has better neutral since he gets half screen buttons
You see he has a step dash that he can't block from
And his Mappa Hunch only has 4 distances
And well, nobody is using Dandy Step in neutral.
ABAfags are just retarded
She starts with enough meter to transform and that's all she needs to win against zoners
Even a 50 IQ ABAfag can probably find an opportunity to transform and autowin neutral
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its been optimized, caps out at 251 dmg in kissing distance in corner.
artemis shits out damage when youre in corner on counterhit.
shes shit
>razzo whiffs master's hammer
>jhonny presses his nine (9) frame f.s
>razzo recovers in time to block
Today I learned Master Hammer has leds recovery frames than my character's f.S
Man that johnny won a set clean as fuck and then got insta washed lmao I take it back
>Her dash literally has a guard point
Technically no, effectively kind of since you can hold back without stopping the dash. But this really doesn't help against zoning when her dash is slower than some characters fucking walks. You're constantly getting pushed out just as much as you can advance, and taking a bunch of chip in the process.
You’re supposed to swat the large start up, reactionlet
>getting chipped
What is Axl going to chip you with
If you were complaining about ABA vs cubes I could maybe understand whining about chip but with Axl??
Do you even play
>Transform at full screen because you can't get in in NM
>Zoner throws more fullscreen shit and forces you to block something
>WA lets them extend the pressure until your meter runs out
>You're now back to full screen with no meter and the only way to get more is with a parry that gives the opponent free okizeme if you successfully use it
Yeah bro it totally autowins neutral from fullscreen
Her only REAL option against zoners costs tension. And then you get bursted or YRC'd and lose anyways. Good luck baiting them after spending all your meter just to get in.
Not reading. Only Asuka and HC can “zone” her
That guy threw the match just dashing in instead of mappaing his way to Leo lmao
Wish I could stop replying to your shitty bait as easily as you ignore any evidence against it
how many entries in the tournament?
This pot is gapping too much
"*sigh* Just a regular old unhappy ending."
I've seen enough, nerf millia
Okay I’m sure you know better than the second best A.B.A, chief. Axl players need to just step up their game
Axl players put in the least amount of effort and complain about their character. And they get buffed. Every patch.
Beefing with Axl of all characters is very funny
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Lobby when?
Lobby soon?
Lobby doko?
>Backdashes 6 consecutive times into curse gunshots as a foundation for neutral
Slayer please gape this 'man'
Man I love hc v slayer it's so hype
Slayer v Slayer. Now this is art.
do you think is doable to rip the models from the game and 3d print them?
I wanna back my own figures. Tired of seeing only le epin brisket on the market
Verix I love you.
Verix playing Nago is so cool
But Hotashi playing Nago is so lame
How does that happen?
mappa kneels to blood specials
You need really high poly sculpts of the models to print them and have them look good, if you don't know how to sculpt in 3d it's gonna be hard even if you can pose the models around since they come with the game rig, you can always learn though
>Slayer can’t even get top 8 winners at an EU regional
It’s over
Why the fuck isn't this ABA dashblocking??
Throwing on purpose for tournament sex afterwards
aren't the models from gallery mode high poly enough?
Sorani looks like a greasier Aimee Challenor
They're high poly for game standards but for sculpts you want stuff on the millions of polys for nice details, strive models have about 100k polys and a lot of the details come from shader tricks. You can try and print them anyway, could work? I don't print but sculpts though, I just make 3d models
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breadly sin
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me when plapping the soranussy
>I don't print but sculpts though
That aba player was so bad I had a stroke
Anyway reading more on it maybe the strive models work with minor modifications? I might be too used to sculpt really high to bake stuff but 3d printing sounds a bit different, you'd still have to make them one singular connected mesh without holes or separation for clothes and stuff, but as I said you could learn to do some sculpting in blender and you might get it working
Man. I despise Happy Chaos. Him existing forces mechanics to get warped to fit him. The entire game changes to fit him.
You need 996796427 IQ to play him thoughbeit
>How this character CHANGED Guilty Gear Strive... [thumbnail of Happy Chaos in ready stance with a red arrow pointing at him and text saying 'war crime']
The burst change was for the better. I was burst baiting on accident so much back when I played Goldlewis lol
It's funny how basically all his special moves are retarded bullshit
Curse, clone, hell even gunshot
legacyOfKaiser went from spamming retarded coomer shorts on youtube to hosting tournaments on twitch
The real crime is the downplaying
He still does unfunny coomer clips but he is also from greece so it makes that he helps out the local scene
I think the hypocrisy is the worst part.
you shut up right now!!
I'll cry if you don't!
Awe Of She
Awe of They/Them
Woke vs. ArcSys is a 10:0 matchup. They allowed woke to ruin them.
But woke vs. SNK? Looking like it might be more like 4:6... but who says a 4:6 matchup can't be won? Something tells me these underdogs will stand tall, proud and resilient and not lose their soul like ArcSys did. And when they see a rainbow-haired tranny feminist telling them how to run their business... BUSTER WOLF!
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I got hit
Nu test is so gross
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What are Sin's strike/throw mixups?
Run up strike run up throw. Then there's the Sneed Special which is run up IABD strike.
So this is where you fuck, Sneed.
236k follow-up into c.s or throw
looks like bnnuy is glazing tiger pop now. gross.
who the
I don’t need to know which tranny is sucking off which fraud, my guy.
Literally who?
tiger pop is using aba now right? people should glaze his aba so there's one less hc out there
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Can't believe in a game with absolute bombshells like Giovanna and I-No and Jack-o, the OBJECTIVE best girl in the series is still a gloomy jealousy-driven homunculus.
Think about the UMIclique STDs. Only UMISHO can transmit AIDs like that.
that makes it better
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I love my wife
sometimes the whole img is too big so I don't bother downloading it full size, have more
Why doesn't guilty gear have messi
as a guest character
Built for Big Demonic Keys
hc players love saying "Y'ALL CAN'T COMPLAIN ABOUT HC IF YOU CAN'T EVEN BLOCK TAP DUST" and then can't block tap dust
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Posting Ragna 9 hours after the thread was made because I'm stupid and need to remind you that he should've been announced for strive instead of Lucy
btw, how do I link Potemkin's j.P after 2H>HFB in +R? I saw people doing that but whenever I try it just results in drop. Is it some kind of super tight 1f link like in Xrd?
tap dust? some mf got hit by a charged dist from pot lmaoo
+r HFB stuff in combos is really hard to do as far as I'm aware, don't remember much about it but you can go into the +r discord and ask for tips
also obligatory es response
How do you teach someone to play Xrd?
Fuck around in a lobby, steer them away from combo trials.
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button button special
button button rc~
button button super
button 6p~

button jump cancel
button dash cancel
button 5D
button 2D~

if I'm forced to block I yrc
one hit, burst, resetting the scene~
counter hit wild assault
"damn, my neutral is clean"
get them on an easy character, tell them rcing is important, not to fd everything and to not flail around random shit on neutral/when they're getting pressured
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>+R discord
oh yeah. I always forget about those existing kek. Thanks for pointing it out for me
also, the Es in your response picture is rude. Take this arakune as an answer
When are they giving Sol Wild Punch
I've exhausted all es art that isn't porn or low quality, I gotta work with what I have
then why won't you draw Es yourself? I know you can do it, anon
Next month
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too busy with comms to do fun stuff myself
I miss EX characters...
EX Chipp is the coolest.
You just didn't understand the philosophy behind Strive if you complained about release Wild Throw. Instead of memorizing some autistic character specific wild throw combo, Strive Wild Throw did the damage of one instantly.
Let them play Sin
couldn't sol do wild throw into hmc in the beta
seconding this xrd sin is baby mode, alternatively slayer is very easy to get into
>alternatively slayer is very easy to get into
he has no gatlings or movement, and all his cheap bullshit requires BDC which is not easy to do for a beginner
the first characters I started winning with in xrd were sin and slayer, even if you don't play optimally he still has good buttons
Yeah I just watched the Klaige guide and hopped on the rollback beta
>wild throw>jS>jc>jS>jH>bandit revolver
so autistic, idk how Xrd sol players did it desu
im the complete opposite, i bounced off him immediately and played sol/chipp for a hundred hours before giving him another shot
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>when someone's doing the celestial challenge and I gatekeep them with my slayer even though they're playing ABA (Slayer's worst matchup)
sneed... this slayer arc is changing you...
I'm too busy watching the Sin squad get washed by Slayer to play Slayer rn. That's not me
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Fuck A.B.A
Surprised you're keeping up after they threw you to the lions
When you realize the average strive player couldn’t even survive reading the lore of the characters
>Sol has a wife and listens to rock (not rap or girl pop)
>Ky is religious and has a wife with an age gap
>Chipp is actually American (they’d be mad for cultural appropriation) and runs a country in Africa
>Johnny and May’s entire existence
And so much more
Why would the average Strive player care about any of those things
who the fuck is ragna
Now I know why discord trannies hate Clayton. He only fucks with the top tier ones. HOLY SHIT. Who is this does anyone know?
The liberator/sugar daddy of Guilty Gear
>Who is this does anyone know?
I've never heard of this Clayton person before
buy an ad
He invented Guilty Gear. Some cuck called DEIsgay or some shit took over and ruined it sadly.
Rent free. I'll never understand how anyone in the Guilty or DBFZ community can hate Clayton. It's literally biting the hand that feeds you in this sense. Both of these games are full of non stop Clayton tech.
Based CHADton
What do you mean rent free
I don't know who Clayton is
The hand that feeds you is the hand that needs you brother
I played combo trials thinking it would make me better. It did not...
>even Clayton can't be bothered to samefag replies to try and start discussion on /ggg/ anymore
It's truly over
hate this wench
He holds the keys to this yard
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This franchise sucks, time to move on.
okay chat, are you ready for Sajam Strive Slam?
I fail to see a reason to play a fighting game that isn’t +R
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+R lookin bullish af rn bros, looking like a kyGAWD kinda moment fr
s4 will save us
>s4 starts
>3 month wait before they do anything with it
I'm dying here...
stay strong strivebro
it will work out
>random streamers having to awkwardly treat the strive tranny cabal and kizzie like they're normal people
would be kino
just saw a floor 7 chipp with a hentai image as his dp
are you implying those are bad numbers? Cause it only shows how good strive is doing and how shit the other games are
anybody got that concord xrd comparison picture
His dp?
default picture, not to be confused with dragon punch
When you consider strive is the new one it makes the old ones look really good to keep consistent playerbases higher than most fighting games. +R in particular, it’s easier to find a match than in Strive. I don’t hate Strive but +R is way better to play for me.
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when sol badguy mains think they're cooler than johnny mains (slayer is coole than both)
who should I play if I want to lick feet and suck toes
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whe you say no more f*cking around and commit to getting to 1600 elo with slayer by the end of the year
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when people are saying slayer will get nerfed next month but you stay believing in he'll get some much needed backdash and hand of doom buffs
I can live with them buffing those while making pilebunker the end of a combo and lowering his super damage.
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cute cute CUTE!!!
why exclude brisket... :/
Why don’t Asuka or Happy Chaos use magic to make Bridget a girl if that’s what he wants now
Both Asuka and HC know the truth of reality and know there are just some lines you don't cross
Bridget was assigned female at birth and identifies as a woman wdym
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They should use their dicks and make Bridget feel like a real girl through anal sex
Asuka is a known transphobe
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how many transgirlies does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
just one, and she doesn't even need the lightbulb, just tell her she's a lovely lady and her smile will light up the room
I like how it's characters related to A.B.A talking about this and it's in character for both of them
so true, now take off your clothes
faustbro please save us
Don't fall for the meme, the art on Steam hasn't been updated like it does for Actual Season updates. We're in Season 3.85 until Dizzy comes out and the art gets updated.
can u do a cereal guy meme next pls? he is my favorite rage comic i think he's so epic like bacon xD
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How do I do oki with Millia? The beginner dustloop section is still kinda confusing for someone who is not familiar with fighting games
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for a fellow slayer bro? of course
Knock them down and do the heavy disc
that's a good meme my friend. i am not the person who requested it but may i save it anyhow?
mmmm try this out and tell me how it makes you feel... right click the image... click 'save image as...' and finally click the save button in the bottom right of the screen... I think you'll be in for a surprise
But what after that? The guide says j.H or 2K but I don't know what to follow up after that
oh i'm well aware of the process of how to save images, i was just being a gentleman about asking permission first. a meme of such quality should be given, not taken
it's as la spaniards say my friend, "mi casa su case"... it's all yours!
blessed. have a dandy day my friend
Look up in the combo section what you can do after either of those, preferably whatever ends in another good knockdown
Because Millia's H Disc launches AND hits twice, you'll be able to do something like run up 2K/j.H 66 c.S > 6H > 214K~P and do Iron Savior loops from there depending on gravity scaling.
I think she has a rejump that she can do a reset off of. I think it goes something like (Mix hit) c.S > jc jD > jc j.S ~ jS ~ c.S jc (airdash for mix)
And that rejump might be character specific.

If you're getting used to her, maybe just get the knockdown with c.S > 6H 214K 4P with Mirazh Iron Savior and do disc oki. Being able to reset the situation is the most valuable thing you can do as Millia.
i hate learning matchups so much. Too much autism and i don't like spending time with characters i don't give a fuck about.
i wonder if it's possible to train an ai on dustloop and guides. So when you are midmatch you say "alexa how the fuck do i beat this move" and she spoonfeds you in real time. That would be neat
The problem is that a lot of that info is in Discords now so when you ask how best to deal with Happy Chaos' pressure it'll tell you that @gojofangirl has gotten their bottom surgery instead.
thanks for the tip, i picked millia up because of my white woman fetish but fortunately she's very fun
Dustloop becomes more and more useless everyday, I don't think it really even tells you move weaknesses/counterplay anymore. And it hasn't gotten any better with standardizing the layout of information to make it easy for a human to understand let alone an ai. You'd have to basically rewrite all of it to make it useful.
is fuzzy mashing the answer to tick throws?
can you guys help her https://www.youtube.com/live/Nod8gPAN3M8
I thought you learned your lesson after the Shimada Tiger incident.
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You don't want to know brother.
Why help her when she's only gonna play for like 2 days max and then move on like other streamers who try fighting games?
the ass was fat
This footage proves we need modern controls bros...
it's like teaching your son how to shave
Is she pretended to be braindead? Even the first time I played Tekken 3 as a kid I had a better understanding of what to do than she has in this much more straightforward (at her level) game
This is what it looks like when a real woman plays instead of the fake women we're used to in these parts.
>pretended to be braindead
I'm the braindead one apparently.
yeah, that's my gf, and she knows I get off on watching her be retarded in front of strangers
Do you guys think if I give her the advice she needs to win she'll be my gf and have sex with me? I think she will.
I was thinking the same shit
Okay well I called her bro, so don't get ahead of yourself.
Hit a retarded Johnny with Hemi Jack twice then he got salty and called me a masher and said he was only pretending to be retarded afterwards, feels good. Pretty sure he just didn't know how the super worked. But him getting all upset about it is pretty sad.
xrd can be such a mashy gaming.
That's how you know it's good unlike Soive
I don't like knocking someone away and they're always holding forward waiting to air recover and air dash back, when they're supposed to be in disadvantage.
heavily depends on the situation obviously but if they're doing that too much you can airthrow reset the shit out of them or just wait and 6P
They're only kind of supposed to be at disadvantage anyway, especially if you aren't in a situation where you can threaten to punish them easily, Xrd is a game about knocking down on every hit if possible and not being able to knock down in some situations and having to play the air tech prediction game is a key flaw in some characters that balances out their strengths in other areas.
I feel like pounding someone in a ft100, who wants it
a ft100 in... rev2?
I don't play that crap anymore
Holy based.
Why'd you give up on it sister?
I like playing as shotos but i'm only good with zoners. It's not fair.
ok, fine. I gimmick people with zoners to pretend i'm good.
Why is the Strive community so toxic?
There are no shotos in gg, strive ky is the closest you'll ever get but a game with air blocking will never allow true shoto game plan (please ignore air parrying in 3s)
>i picked millia up because of my white woman fetish but fortunately she's very fun
World's first millia main that is not only honest but also has fun playing her
Well I want to play as Ky and could never wrap my head around what to do once i'm up close. I try to start pressure, they block, and then everything falls apart.
Ky is a strike/throw bot, making them block is your goal so you can throw them
ky offense is dogshit who knows what you're supposed to do
The new move will solve this trust arcsys
How do you even counter Elphelt's grenade?
this teaches you everything you need to know and how people will deal with them.
I changed my mind about maining Sin, who can I play that dominates neutral and has fast and long-reaching pokes?
anyone but him
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>why doesn't she want to play anymore
hmmmmmm maybe because i'm tired of being knowledge checked and exploding on counter hit???
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I hate this fucking game so much and I cannot stop beating my head against the wall with it.
This but unironically
fuck man i feel so demoralized, none of my pressure is working they're always just blocking it out or mashing/jumping my throw, my defense is dogshit i had 2 long sets where i got grabbed constantly and then air thrown when trying to fuzzy jump. idk where this is coming from all of the sudden. it's like a plateau but I'm worse and it sucks 'cause now i'm just really not feeling my character
when pot players do drift RC into pot buster, is there anything you can do?
There's loads of gaps and opportunities you didn't take advantage of here, even you should be able to see the large amount of space where you just stood still instead of escaping the corner. You got knowledge checked here the exact same amount you would have in Strive, you're just a shitter
You don't even play this game. Don't talk to me.
i love how for the first characters (except for may ofc) the new moves are literal troll moves that 100% assure a loss if you accidentally input them
and then later they figure you know what lets give pot and axl character-defining moves that explode their winrates, but then dont feel like retroactively adjusting the fact that they gave anji a fucking fish which does 10 damage as opposed to a 150 damage + hkd off cs after spin and removed 6h cancels "in exchange"
>guard crush and rock
>not character defining
>tornado that had to be buffed and heat tackle that is now inferior to 5H
>character defining
What the fuck are you talking about?
What is Pot’s weakness that isn’t covered by one of his moves?
so trve lil bro... the advancing attack with the same angle and animation as anything else that gets 6pissed on instantly because its a one button dp against ino... uncounterable...
as for the rock, if youre struggling with jumping out, airdashing, and jh for a kill, or the alternative, slowly walk up, make a cup of coffee, go to bed, and then walk up some more and ch cs for kill, maybe you should try a video game less dependent on reactions. maybe youll be at home in mortal kombat if MLA and rock is too spicy for you
Pot’s specials don’t cover his weaknesses
>go to replaytheater
>click on random match between two top 10 glicko fags
>every new special used in the first game except faust (used in the second game)
ni/ggg/ers tries to not retarded challenge: IMPOSSIBLE
Anticipate it, lol
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*to be
Yeah you react to them in a vacuum but if you actually played the game you would know why can’t always stuff it. Arcsys even had to make MLA’s start-up more reactable in a later patch
Name a weakness he has then.
no unblockables
must suck to be 40 and floor 5
mid tier Chaos kino is on btw
Why doesn't Sorani simply eat Leffen?
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Who’s sitting to the left of Potemkin?
That's Faust b.
post 2H.webm
Yep I see it now, I was looking at it wrong.
My favorite Strive tradition is Razzo trying to crash an EU local and getting washed
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Kek verix is memeing leffen with slayer
Not sure about this "Slayer loses to zoners" thing when he can genuinely punish curse on reaction with 236
also lol Last Horizon
Should I ever use backdash? It feels like a terrible button to use almost 90% of the time.
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Gio's command dash power up is cool but I wish it had an actual use itself like a hop that goes over lows
>drops clone
>reloads six bullets
How do you respond without sounding mad?
slayer is the perfect representation of this clown game and should remain is he is
Honestly I'd rather play the game with one toxic character than one where the whole cast is toxic characters
they should just leave Slayer alone and stop making everyone else have his damage
>you know what lets give pot and axl character-defining moves that explode their winrates

seriously asking what move are you talking about?
Who is the gio cosplayer in the crowd? I must know
That's my wife
i cant believe people play this shit game still and are getting happy chaos'd in 2024
Happy Chaos is about to lose two sets back to back on stream dough
Nerf hc again
Depends on how much recovery and invul it has. It is decent against backturn Leo
i kneel
das rite chud
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I mean, there was skill involved in knowing when and when not to burst, and now you can't even bait bursts by retracting your hurtbox
Not even gonna give the Xrdfag a reply
Low profiling burst was cool (even Nago’s 2S) but Strive does not need more option selects when it still has less defensive options than previous installments. May players should think a bit more
nah autopilot burst safe combos can stay gone
just go play the old games if you like feeling smart when your opponent who doesn't know the mu decides to burst stroke
What's your wife's insta?
>stopped playing Strive for years
>return because of El
>still rusty, try online
>first opponent is some level ~90 Bridget
>just one hit was enough to get me stuck on an almost endless combo
I know I’m currently shit, and thankfully started slowly learning how to counterattack it to the point of even getting some lucky perfect rounds here and there, but is Bridget a pain in the ass for an El matchup or in general?
Verix is washed...
the loss tweet is going to be hilarious
Man EU is like anti-soul. Popping off on every HC super.
Bridget has a 6P that beats bomb, an 18 frame backdash and a DP so yeah it is probably pretty rough for Elphelt
I just can't bring myself to hate Slayer
This toon's too funny
Yeah Bridget is overtuned but nearly everyone who plays him is horrendous.
If you don't have a low profile button or decent disjoints the matchup really sucks.
Bro, what are they supposed to root for? Katano refuses to make this game hype
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pls choke leffen
Slayer ofc
Are you retarded?
Please have a heart attack leff
Learn the MU
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reminder leffen played slayer on launch and said he was mid tier
Man I wish Verix didn't hop off Nago
EU's greatest player being a literal African playing the only black character was hilarious
Don’t care
Still downplaying Slayer
I love slayer now
finna super mappa lunch
lemmeeee see that tweet
Sex with the axl and gio cosplayers
Leffen is a complete retard, he presses buttons good but by now you should know-WOAH HOT GIO COSPLAYER ON SCREEN
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The Dark Triad is right unfortunately
Does Verix need the points? Does he not qualify automatically as the defending champion
Life of a Chaos main...
>the lack of communication coupled with a year straight of awful patches and DLC chars has really soured my experience
>complaining about dlc chars
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He's not wrong that the dlc characters this season are zero fun to play against
Tours don’t do title defense like boxing
I don't understand someone who plays HC ever complaining about a "neutral skip"
Being in the grind for real unfortunately makes you like that
>Loses to a black guy
>Posts an image of a man breaking free of bondage
Nice subversive racism Leffen
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Representatives of the tranny cabal and the dark triad convening to discuss how they can ensure Chaos is top 1 for the game's foreseeable future and how they will convince the public he's actually been mid tier for at least a year now.
I know that giving ABA a real fail state and making Slayer more of a risky counterhit fisher would turn them into worse Sol but who actually finds them engaging to play
Give him a third resource which curse is tied to
But make it extremely easy to manage and even make Curse stronger than it used to be at the best of times so we reap the benefits while being able to downplay it by saying sometimes we can't use it.
>Backdash 10 times in a row (Bonus points if you use clone or curse)
>Constant IADs with j.S and j2K
>Mashes constantly
>Lots of 5D in pressure
>Can't react to opponent's 5D
Yeah I play Chaos, how can you tell?
Nah Leffen's s3 narrative is fucking stupid because he's intentionally memory holing two seasons of HC being in his own tier and the bottom half of the cast being unusable dogshit
S3 definitely had problems, like WWA remaining as it was for nine months or release Johnny and Elphelt but season 2 was even worse. Remember release Sin?
I still dont understand why they chose a klan hood for Jack-O in this
Her halo was vertical.
Release Bedman? was worse. Sin had DP rc
which is more active? Rev2 or +R?
no one plays that crap
I think +R slightly beats Rev 2, but the difference is very slight and one can go over the other depending on the day. If you're wondering which is more active to decide which to play, they're not meaningfully different in that regard.
Rev 2 lobbies are gay
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+R probably. I can't play it because some moves seem to be made for aural distress, but aside from that it's pretty good.
We don't play that crap (Rev2) here.
What games has he successfully competed in other than smash and strive
+R tends to get slightly more but its very close. If you want games without any outside thing like discord +R is a lot better due to the quick match lobby and better online in general.
Dbfz but he fell off around season 2
has /ggg/ fallen off or is our peak ahead of us
Just waiting for ArcSys to update their fucking game.
Is it a dick move to IK on stun? It feels like people are getting pissed off by it. I figured that was optimal with May because she builds a lot of stun and her IK is very easy to land.

Playing +R btw
>HC player complaining about neutral skips
Not really.
>neutral skip
>RNG, execution and 2 bars
its optimal to do so lmao
Why can a little girl 6p and insta kill you
guilty gear only has hags in it silly
also, japanese people are magic in guilty gear
How do people land that 6P when it's so slow? I see it get stuffed all the time in replays.
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I IK with Zappa all the time when they get counterhit by 2H. That's what stun is there for.
generally no, but it can honestly be kinda annoying especially if it's not a guaranteed IK because forced mashing sucks
if they're fucking up a couple times in a row and get IKd for it thats on them, but if it's the main way you're taking rounds because you don't really have combos or neutral beyond fishing for the instakill counterhit button, it's still on them for getting hit by it but I can understand not wanting to play with you any more.
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It's been over 100 hours. My 66 input still drops for no reason. I literally can not move when I want and it sucks out all the fun.
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>My 66 input still drops for no reason
sure bud. I mean it could be a controller problem but you're probably just messing up.
hm... this poster is very soive.
genuinely no idea what's wrong with your dashes, what are you playing on? the world's shittiest arcade stick might make it hard to dash I guess
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this shit piece of plastic
skill issue lmao, feel free to get a leverless
easily one of the worst d-pads of all time
Please get any other controller, I tried to use this dpad and it felt horrible. Also I kept get 7/9 when doing quarter circles or 4/6 when doing DPs (I know that sounds like a cope but I was genuinely doing the exact same thing I do on my other controllers and getting a qcf)
I don't know why they made all the buttons so glassy either.
This pad is fine.
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All regions are welcome
Quit being a bitch, buy a better controller if needed
sony should pay me in damages so i can get a better one.
You're just gonna have to git gud
Strive's slower movement in general, restrictive combos, and slow air dashes feel more clunky to me tbdesu
I know people who play strive wont like good games but I cant believe pressing forward twice is what gets you
I still use double tap 4/6 because I find using a shoulder button awkward
i have my dash on left trigger and rc above it on left bumber. feels more natural to drift rc with my middle and pointer finger while having my thumb free to move.
GGs Bed I'm gonna go figure out why my controller keeps fucking up
GGs, good luck
Dash Macaco’s are pitiful.
some of my best friends are dash macacos
What's wrong with dash macro?
Nothing wrong with using it in Strive, you're gonna need to. But begging for it in other games is lame
I don’t use dash macros. Because every match is training. Training to be stronger. Using dash macros will make me used to them and mess up my training for games without them.
>sin vs slayer event was a free sweep for the slayers
Sometimes manual dashing execution is less awkward which ticks me off. It helps out characters I hate. Also dashing with one button just feels ignorant :(
Let us see a Chipp vs Slayer event.
I mean what did they expect? 2S and elk hunt are his bread and butter.
more fuel to my sin buffs plea
no fuckin shit
+R Potemkin is such a braindead mashing nigger of a character it's no wonder someone who played him made Strive.
Link to the vod?
When he makes the metal clinking noise, that’s not from his gauntlets. That’s from his players’ heads.
it was on newheadfgc yesterday
It's remarkably boring playing Nago
>tourney with literally whos and shit commentators
Damn. Also that Vtuber model looks horrible. Why did they think that Sin vs Slayer would be entertaining?
bottom 2 vs top 2 to peep the power gap
because the na pro cabal opinion is that sin is top 7 character and Slayer is "not a problem" (actual hotashi quote)
Sin players want a reason to cry about 2H. Self inflicted humiliation ritual
Does hotashit have an up-to-date tierlist? I wanna see where he placed slayer.
why is this oscar player being so mean to this innocent enby? i thought oscar mains were meant to be intelligent which means they should have the emotional intelligence to know better than to disrespect the lgbtq community like this. disappointed by this community rn :/
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>Have a friend from college
>He became trans (so she now I guess but whatever)
>Gets interested in Guilty Gear
>Decides to main Bridget
He was clearly trying to super but didn't realize he didn't have the meter for it. Happens to the best of us.
the weak should fear the strong, keep on teabagging what's the worst that could happen
He'll go down the Sol/Happy Chaos pipeline after he becomes an UMISHO fanboy, don't worry about it kid.
Daisuke is Great Satan
Kinda wish replay channels would show inputs.
Who has the best defensive option against Johnny?
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when i say enough is enough with this pressure business and say f*ck it imma open you up
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looks fun on my screen
This is so me when I 214P-P up close
can someone explain the faggy ironic slayer memes
is it just slayer derangement syndrome?
I think it's just one guy taking the piss
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Anyone have the vod of todays tournament? I can't seem to find it
Strive starts in the middle
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Thank you
Testament is even more boring than Ky, what a fucking tragedy
Ky isn't boring
t. 0 heart stat
that artwork predates Xrd by atleast a decade, i highly doubt daisuke even had a design in mind at the time, even raven got a redesign between this pic and overture.
People say that it's supposed to be Jack-O (retroactively) but I don't really see it. She wouldn't have even been able to be made by this point because Valentine hasn't shown up for Asuka to learn about. Has this officially been retconned to be Jack-O or is it simply a fan thing?
Such a dumb rework. Why did it take them almost 2 years to make teleport not a meme. Why even have air fire balls
>found the gio cosplayer
>she is just a nsfw artist
Nta but Onita.k_ on Instagram
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Reminder that change comes from within. Not from coping mechanisms such as 'alternative play' or simply continuing on your current path despite your unhappiness. Change comes when you say "I want better for myself" and pursue that something better. That something better is called Street Fighter 6, and there's never been a better time to embark on this new journey.
I like +R more
I got to master with Ryu but I just don't have fun in SF6
not reading all the schizo fag talk
I'd rather play Strive than Sf6, that's how shit I think sf6 is
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I'm kinda a big deal
>talented devs
Cmon now. SF6’s newcomers were designed to be anti-fun. “Hey guys. Here is T-hawk but all his fun shit is locked behind a 1 dimensional cuck meter. Enjoy”. Nah I will take HC over that any day.
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I like Jamie
this nigga actually playing mickey slimer 6 LMAAOOOOOOOOOO
I had a loss streak where I went down to Floor 9 and now I can't get fucking bad to Floor 10, I'm angry.
Go to floor selection you can get back there easily
>I can't get fucking bad
Take a breather
sounds like the problem is more that you can't get good
greek lesbian gio >> korean gio
Yeah maybe I should. Roommate said I was screaming I was going to kill these people and he told me to stop for now
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When is soive getting the msgk oppai loli character it not only deserves, but desperately needs?
Cmon now Anon, you're better than that
never sadly
I know anon, I get a lot of my anger from my father.
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i've been playing sfv with a buddy recently and find it kinda fun. what characters in sf6 can alternative play effectively?
>pick character wirh a horizontal 6P and good special cancel
>don’t seethe against Johnny and Bridget
wow it’s that simple
How do you fucking win against Axl with Testament, this MU is fucking 9:1 I don't give a fucking shit. I'm at a positive winrate against every character in the entire roster I've never won a game against an Axl for the last 8 months, this shit is unbearable WHAT IN THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ?! They are SO FUCKING BAD at the game yet it's impossible to approach in any way, shape or form.
Sol is so fucking broken
why don't you ask in /sfg/ for street fighter related questions retardo
oh i see. you guys can shit talk other fighting games, but never actually played them.
I thought the full screen Arbiter buff helped in that MU
your're retarded so pick honda
what's honda's alternative play?
it's a matter of organization
Footsies instead of headbutt/butt stomp
i think it's interesting that every version of the game is still accessible through combo mode, or at least every version since they added combo mode. they should let you pick which patch you want your character to be on at character select in offline play
i agree. i sometimes go into combo mode to remember how bad jack-o used to be.
>everyone just picks release sol
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i spent the last half hour fighting someone using scripts.
Would she have used this gun in gameplay?
Literally only Verix can make Nago and Slayer cool.
Outside of watching him, they're fucking boring.
how i feel watching all these niggers waffle around on May, only Slash makes her look like a fine art
im still thinking about that zando slash match
Yeah same here. Hell I think about the slash Latif matches all the time. Some people just have the gene/play with soul
may is top 1
i believe in LK
LK doesn't even think May is top 1 now that he plays her, lol
did slash get enough points for the arc thingy?
LK still does zero optimal may stuff or any may specific tech and struggles to get normal bnbs out.
we stay downplaying
I haven't checked recently
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And I mean lets be real, HC, Nago, Sol are real top 3.
Nago is just badMay and Sol is just badSin
t. cabal knower
I havent been paying attention, I thought nago wasn't doing much anymore and it was more so leo, sol, hc
Well think of how NA centric discourse is.
NBNHMR and I think TestYourLuck's real life called with school or something.
Hotashi... idk. Busy being a retard tranny chaser gaping his permavirgin bussy to the thought of UMISHO and Razzo.
I don't think TestYourLuck is really on the same level as NBNHMR and even Hotashi
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what the fuck did you just type
Testyourluck will always be a shitter due to him farming floor 10s for a year+ to boost his elo
hotashi literally stopped being a competitor the moment they made nago take more damage at higher blood level
is hotashi really a virgin?
Holy fuck razzo fix your teeth, you look like a rat
Razzo's so fucking hot my dick gets hard enough to knock a hole in a brick wall every time I see her play Strive
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ok but who is this fuckmeat
My wife
Hubba hubba... those glasses are cute!
which top tier has the worst roundstart?
Slayer works hard for his damage
Asuka is hard to play
Dizzy takes effort
Johnny could use one or two more buffs to really put him on the map
Leo is a mid tier if you man up and counterpick him
Damn did that ky get outfundied
You started losing when you had the great idea of using stun dipper without meter, if you want that kind of fraudulent gameplay pick sin
Back in the day in street fighter 2 I would always throw a hadoken so it hits as they get up, and it just werked. The more things change the more they stay the same.
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Alternative Play... has changed.

It’s no longer about skill, strategy, or raw talent. It’s become an endless loop of mind games, driven by unpredictable tactics and obscure rule sets. Alternative Play—and its manipulation of creativity—has become a calculated art.

Alternative Play has changed. Players now wield personalized tactics, use hidden techniques, and manipulate the flow of matches with precision. The mind, the meta, the outcome... everything is controlled and tailored. Thought control, pattern control, emotional control, match control—everything is observed and fine-tuned.

Alternative Play… has changed. The era of pure competition has given way to the age of deception, all in the name of redefining the boundaries of player expression. And those who control the meta, control the game.

Alternative Play… has changed. When the match is fully manipulated, it becomes just another performance.
Terry Bogard should have been the guest character.
no, it should've been Ragna the bloodedge
It should have been none. Fuck ArcSys.
Here you go, sis
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>Dire Eclat
>it's like Split Ciel, but bad...
>Foudre Arc
>It's like Greed Sever, but somehow ever worse...
Morgan Freeman should have been the guest character as Daisuke envisioned. Nobody at arcsys likes Lucy. It was just market research
i joined a discord of high level players and i HATE the wholesomeness and camaraderie that permeates the place. I want hate and cynicism like this place. Unironically. Why am i like this?
ugly game
aesthetic is the most important thing in life
Misery loves company.
Hate Elphelt, but when I lose neutral against her, I admit, I got outplayed.
any discord to get +R games as a complete and utter noob that hasn't played any gg?
I don’t think +r is active enough to have a beginner discord
Maybe try asking for games and tips in the main one
Also if you’re new to GG you should visit dustloop
LukeGAWDs I don't have the strength...
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anyone who swaps off their main doesn't deserve the right to complain about any character in the game. you already gave up your honesty, why not switch to a top tier?
There's like 25 characters in the game, and they're all can be learned in less than 30 minutes. Why would I stick to just one?
if they swap off their main after i beat them, i dont rematch. ive already won
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this is disgusting
Why are americans like this?
I don't have a main I play everyone (except Jack-O)
Why not Jack-O?
I'd rather not talk about it...
the caterpillar...
You don't even have Strive do you?
She's just not fun.
Don't speak for me.
why do i always feel like shit after my siesta? But if i don't do it i yawn all day
finna mash when i'm minus
I learned more about how to play Ky in Strive watching Ryu do medium kick into Hadouken than all my time playing Rev2. wtf.
this nigga playing ky spamming 2D > stun edge
I wish I were at home watching my favorite content creator right now
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who is it?
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He Will Never Be Gawd-Like
You just KNOW
holy BASED
Snowbunny mindcontrol
God I wish a white woman would mind control me
patch doko
Probably announced at TGS (Which in all likelihood is going to be at the END of October)
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Am I the only one who is no longer able to connect to anyone? It makes no difference whether it's me hosting or not
lil’ pochumpkin in the flesh
Have you tried turning if off and then on again?
I'm getting the same thing. Guess I have to touch grass...
How do I stop dying to Eddie in five seconds? I block something at almost fullscreen and he instantly sucks me into a blender where I either get hit confirmed into a full combo by a high/low mixup or I get grabbed into a full combo. It's a miserable experience.
You gotta hit the little bastard with your fastest/safest button.
Zato is a character where if you're blocking him you're losing
You need to check options like frog with 5P or stuff pierce with 2K.
Wtf? This looks horrible, why would anyone buy this? Same for the Sol plush, there are like 2 better ones- why not just rerelease those for the US?
Sure did, rebooting the router was my first instinct. Changing regions doesn't seem to do anything either
Let me know if you ever find a solution
ayo is this image real
>limited time offer
Damn I need to get a job quick
But how do I hit the puppet when he can easily cross me up from a distance?
I think he’s talking about +R Eddie
Drunkard Shade only has invuln for the first half of the dash and he can't queue it during normals the way he can with drills/pierce/leap
So if you're getting crossed up from a distance you're getting knowledge checked

Oh... if he is disregard everything I said
I don't think we have anyone who plays +R here though
I can't DP.
Whenever I try to 623 on a controller, it ends up as 62123 or 626 or I don't even know. It just refuses to come out/
enough onions plushies and brisket figures. Give me some HIGH quality BADASS figures of MANLY characters striking COOL poses. Like slayer pile bunkering some fools
I just do 6 236 very fast
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before switching to kb a couple years ago i did this trick. Glued a washer to the dpad. It might seems silly but it completely solved the issue for me.. Try with some tape first and see if you like it
You can then use some material, like glue, tape, resin, whatever to make a cross on top of it if you need the tactile feedback
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They should bring back Justice model sets
How much elo does this one simple trick give me? I'm all about gains.
why are you black
The less WA is used, the more fun I'm having. Who knew?
Feels like I should be angry at Capcom about this for having a mechanic like this present in every fighting game now... IDK.
You have only Arcsys being retarded to blame. But if you were smart enough to notice that then you wouldn't be playing strive.
capcom didn’t invent drive rush
What popularized it enough for aspects of it to be found in just about every fighting game today?
>tfw no giga nigga thumb
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>If the developers want to keep forcing RPS, huge damage from everything and neutral skips, then go ahead
What game does this retard think he's been playing these past few years?
Other chars besides his do that now.
+100, +200 if you have the gene
You’re supposed to pretend that Slayer is SSSS+ tier.
Why is everyone in season 3 so unfun to fight? It's like they come from completely different games.
johnny used to be ok until they hyperbuffed him
Ramfurry is a nigger...
It is a fan favorite season pass to counteract the new fighters coming out so Miyauchi told the team to stop making them unplayable at launch
>It's like they come from completely different games.
The philosophy of strive has changed over time. How? idk.
Johnny makes me want to throw my fucking head through drywall

>t. 1800 elo shitter
Season 3 unronically makes Goldlewis look less stupid.
why does he have a full screen reversal
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Guilty Gear Xrd Rev2 Lobby is up!
Name: Gilly Gear X
Pass: None
Connection: Any but keep in mind it's a East Coast room

I'm not the normal guy who makes lobbies, but I figured I would try it out today. Tell me if any settings are wrong.
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They changed philosophy from regrettably adding 50/50s with drawbacks like being 'resource locked' or 'bad hitboxes' or 'low HP' to just owning it.
Base roster was strike/throw for the most part, and most of it wasn't real.
Because DLC is about half the roster now, and becoming the majority in Season 4, Season 3 was a crossroads that they decided to give the base roster something to either give 50/50s, or amplify them. Nago's rework is the change in Strive's philosophy exemplified. He plays exactly like a Season 3 char.
Literally just use an xbox controller at that point
Because Slayer has always been a Strive character by old Guilty Gear's standards. I expected nothing less than the complete destruction of the rest of the roster upon his release.
this game has too many gay setups and frametraps to remember. I'm not gonna memorize every nago possible fukyo tick throw setup and wacky shenaningas and the appropriate response. It's just not humanly feasible. And that's one character.
The answer to this insanity is to give us universal defensive options that doesn't suck to bypass this shit. Ergo fucking buff DS you frauds
626 is a viable input so it shouldn't be that. The most common cause is you don't go all the way to 2
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mask off. i mean this with a %100 sincerity. no alternative play jester nonsense. no chatgpt copypasta. no gameplay.webm shitpost.
I'm done. I don't like the controls. I'm not going to pretend like I like the controls. the controls aren't fun. i hate pressing 66. i don't want to press 66. i hate hate how it feels. pressing 66 feels clunky. I can't move when I want. Moves coming out that I didn't do. Standing there like an idiot when I want to attack. Can't dash block consistently. Can't air dash consistently. Can't focus on the match because I'm micromanaging if my 66 will go through. It's like my hands are covered in clay. everything has a delay. it's inconsistent and annoys me.
>you just got to get used to it
it's been 100 hours. i am used to it. used to my inputs not going through when i want them to. i've been playing for weeks with the mindset that ill get used to it. well i didn't. and i'm not spending a 100 more with controls that don't feel good. was playing strive earlier didn't feel this way. it was like night and day. didn't even need to think about moving. i press a button and it works. i shouldn't have to get used to moving. i'm spoiled and come from a background where games just work right out the box. control is what makes or breaks a game for me. it can be the best game ever, but if the controls aren't fun then i'm not having fun. i don't care that i'm losing. i don't care that all the characters have stupid bullshit to learn. i only care about my controls and how the game feels. and i think they feel bad. it's not my controller. i was playing strive just fine earlier today. i was playing granblue fine just earlier. i was playing tekken fine just earlier. i was playing sf fine just earlier. just this game where moving feels like mucus shit.

thanks for the games but not playing this anymore. i'll just keep playing strive or something else. i'll play xrd again when they add a dash macro.
>hehe soiver
fuck off
mask back on.
I still have hope that Daisuke 180s back to the old gameplay in GG5 and tells the new fanbase to Git Gud.
He has said in interviews that he wants the game to be even more simple.
The old games were bad dough
god I wish +R was real
Another soivah bites the dusf
i genuinely don't think that would do the trick, strive and SF6 are both simple enough that casuals can get a feel for the game. You simplify it more and it starts getting stale for the people you hook. Without some nice meaty stuff to learn and places to show off some learned skill the game just becomes a bland guessing game.
What else would they do to make more money?
>i was playing granblue fine just earlier. i was playing tekken fine just earlier. i was playing sf fine just earlier.
PLEASE stick to other games and these generals I'm begging you
>good features like player ghosts and replay takeover so people can freely practice
>comprehensive learning tools so they don't play for 300 hours before learning what fuzzy mash is
>strong spectacle and presentation so casuals see the gameplay and go "shit I want to do that"

I think some casualization could be worthwhile, mainly in the realm of stuff like it being more apparent how positive or negative an interaction is. Experienced players can often already "feel out" how plus you are anyway,
xrd has no buffer so it feels like shit
you should try +r it feels much better
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So I'm not crazy. The little time I played +R I could immediately tell the control felt different from Xrd.
yeah people are memeing on that guy but in xrd the "66" input will often have to be a "666" input because it's extremely easy for the first "6" input to just get eaten
It definitely feels pretty bad
>xrd has no buffer
Why are you lying? It has the same amount of buffer frames as Strive.
I'm not lying, the buffer on Xrd is only on attack inputs, not on movement.
Please learn your own game.
>mask off. i mean this with a %100 sincerity. no alternative play jester nonsense. no chatgpt copypasta. no gameplay.webm shitpost.
stay like this please. reading you whine about your skill issues for mutliple paragraphs is a lot more entertaining than that shit.
It looks like Sol is grabbing Kys nuts in the old character specific intro
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another sin player swaps char and the remaining sin bros get stronger, october patch will buff sin to a whole new level, get ready for the return of top tier sin
2 Slayers and a Happy Chaos in top 8? These players pretty godlike to carry these mid tiers like that. And how did they keep out top 1 May?
Strive already has an anime and good soundtrack, I think that's the best thing singleplayer content that they could advertise. The best thing is allowing some interaction with each character like sf6's texting or something people can share online without being good at the game like character customization
>good features like player ghosts and replay takeover so people can freely practice
This creates a little bit of buzz but doesn't attract new players
>comprehensive learning tools so they don't play for 300 hours before learning what fuzzy mash is
Again this creates buzz and games like UNI iirc have been praised for how comprehensive their mission modes are but I don't think this attracts more money
>strong spectacle and presentation so casuals see the gameplay and go "shit I want to do that"
Strive already has that, it has flashy cutscene supers (which you see often thanks to high meter gain) and an attractive and cool visual style
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>pros finally play may
>wait she's not actually top 1
LK and now Umisho. gotta give them props for changing their mind but i just can't belive all the shit they talked without really knowing.
Strive is refreshing after the excess gets trimmed. That said, now that the series has found a foundation, I wouldn't be opposed to them adding new things if it creates more intentionality. Less universal gatlings would be good. Full gatlings wouldn't.
You should've seen the last online he played. Went against a Sin and got outplayed and the switched to Sol and won from bandit revolver RPS. Some people just can't admit that they may be wrong about a character's strength
Sad to see you go but I'm glad you stuck with it for as long as you did, if it's not for you then it's not for you and you should spend your time with games you enjoy more like granblue and tekken.
On a slightly related note, you have inspired me to play more alternatively and I've been incorporating Hemi Jack into my gameplay. Is it working? Kinda! I think people are just shocked by it or don't know how it works but it has been hitting people and it's always funny to see. I wouldn't have seriously considered using it if it wasn't for you and the strange whispering in my ear begging our Lord to be set free.
Don't encourage APtranny please.
it's the same person, there's no winning with these types
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wanted to go check what sin's mu chart looks like and it seems like this meme will haunt the strive scene for a while huh
You know they only say this because she’s straight
Is zando trolling slash on his stream, his r-code is "Slash is carried"
He seems to change it all the time. It was RedDitto is carried or something like thst after he got knocked out of EVO by him. I'm sure it's just joking around.
Everybody in the scene likes to bully Slash because he is Muslim
I just try to be polite to everyone I interact with. I think that makes society a better place overall.
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Did I do a good job of showing how the orgycabal thinks?
zato needs his own tier
move sol to S+
no one and i mean no one calls sol mid, you would be killed for saying he hasn't been top 4 for the entire game
idk when or how, but Leo players convinced everyone he's only ok which is insane.
You did a good job
it's fair he has a stepdash
I gotta be honest. if you're tier list isn't ordered as HC / Nago / Sol > Leo / May as top 5, I'm assuming you have an agenda. first 3, and last 2 ordered as you like but that'd me my order. ram, slayer, Aba, ky whatever idgaf but those first 5 how is that arguable?
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It sounds like good advice.
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ram being placed at the ass end of A is perfect, ram players constantly do that to put her low but say "no she's still high tier and good" when people call them out on their obvious bullshit
If he was actually top tier why aren’t any pros on him?
Ass (male) was too fat.
Tempest groped trannies. Would you say the same for May when they also have only 1 good player?
why are all hc colors so fucking ugly, christ
Yes actually.
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Excuse you
Asuka floats right under the radar despite nearly being as big a problem as HC. I like it.
nigro is kinda boring. Wish switching to blood rage mode was more interesting and less oh shit get me out of this
aight then your logic is consistent where i assumed bias. my bad, you could def be right
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Lobby closed. Sweet dreams everyone. Remember to get at least 24 hours of sleep a day!
what's your main's animality?
He's dishonest but only okay. How can a top tier have a 3:7 matchup against Axl
2 is better than his default.
Tried reinstalling the entire thing, the infinite connection persists.
The funny thing is, I can enter lobbys and chat just fine.
Baiken should be lower via the LoadKnight bonus downplays.
Sometimes it just fucks up. I had something like that before and just quit for a bit and it worked the next time I opened it.
secretary bird
>open TNS
>close TNS
At least it's not King Jobber
this shit ain't even got ronaldo in it who plays this trash, dios mio
It really sucks that you can just guess who's gonna win based off of character and completely ignore each player and be right in all shitty online tournaments like TNS. I wish strive was balanced.
The sacrifice of making each character play uniquely is that none of them were designed with counterplay against other characters in mind.
What? Is this bait? It's literally the opposite. Every character being unique is the only way that fighting game characters can possibly be balanced unless every character is literally the same. Characters not having options for counterplay isn't because of that, it's because strive is badly designed. Retard. If every character isn't unique then there will be characters who are just "[chara] but worse" throughout the whole cast. Sound familiar?
street fighter?
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>when you can't find anyone to whine to on youtube comment sections so you seek out random streamers
Who dares to enter the mayhem?!
Why are you giving this retard attention
gotta be screenshotting his own shit
only reason i can think of
I like how /ggg/ uses LK not winning with his unoptimal May like it’s a solid argument
Kappa is laughing at us again...
who cares
Are they at least saying something funny
Bro, you need to find better hobbies then browsing reddit
fuzzy is such a terrible term. it probably holds back a lot of beginners from leveling up because they think it's something special when it just means DELAY
*Fuzzy overheads this post*
I still don’t understand this. So you’re basically forced into standing up, right?
this i'm fine with, but fuzzy mash? fuzzy jump? fuzzy block? that's literally just a delay/os
Fuzzy overhead is the worst one.
Just call it f-shiki.
I've invented a new technique called "fuzzy neutral" in which I play neutral but gave it a cool name to make it sound like I'm really good
getting fed up over terminology is such midwit shit
no one is going to instantly grasp that shit at first anyway
“Don’t call it Euler’s identity. How the hell is someone going to solve that” “Tiki Taka? Wtf call it passing, you corny Hispanophile”
We live in the information age. How did you even find this site without a search engine
Your ass is fat
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>Mr. President, another doc just hit the Tower
arcsys should simply start banning anyone who doesn't meet at least one of these criteria:
full-time trade job
bachelor's degree (no online universities)
over 25
NA freaks can’t shut up for 1 month
Will UMISHO have to answer for abuse or just flash the "I'm a trans polyamorist" card and get out of it for being a self-selected minority?
Will Razzo stop allowing himself to be cheated on?
Will RedIAmNot be unbanned?
Will Bnnuy let her talons loose in the EU with Tiger Pop?

This ship's like FGC Tranny Game of Thrones.
Or alternatively, they could just ban everyone from the LBTQP+ cult.
Trannies bro, drama everywhere they go and it's always just like this
Gooning into dark
Fanum tax, sigma
Gooning into dark
When it all rizzesup
Drownedingyatt, I lostmy rizz
There's nobaby gronk in there
Drowned in gyatt, I lost my rizz
There's no baby gronk in there
Gooning into dark
It is looksmaxxing filled by the mog
Let me, let me
Let me cook your W
I’m a throat goat finna with blud
leo is carried by rollback frames
this but any character retard
hitconfirming and whiff punishing is inherently carried by rollback
>everyone is carried by rollback!
yeah that's implicit. leo is extra carried by rollback. thanks buddy
16 frames is reactable
They could at least make P and K buttons link together.
how so? leos startup and recovery are both >>495777860
overall above average (as in duration) so if anything he gets less out of online compared to more than half the cast
but they already do
yeah but on counter hit. i want free damage
Yeah, they should definitely increase the damage of this game, it's too low as it is.
>i want free damage and knockdowns
bro this shit is still going? fuck is up with this scene man
ky sneeds it
Nigga Strive Ky can just 2P 6P 214S for a HKD without CH
He doesn’t need shit
we're gonna see all the remaining new moves at tgs, right..?
I ain't reading all that shit nigga
Maybe the switch demo has new moves. The presentation is called “dev backyard on the road” so there has to be new information besides merch
Ky's new move is throwing holy waters. I saw the demo.
I hope they just decide to not give Sol a new move
It's not Sol Badguy if he doesn't have dragon install. Fix this bullshit.
Nobody actually believed bunny but took its side for the sake of PR
There is a clear bias against the chaser
Umisho is allowed to run rampant because everyone is afraid of being labelled transphobic
That's the tl;dr
thanks lad
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It's worth noting that we're reaching a point where nearly everyone is doing the ol' switch'a'roo and trying to wash their hands off any of this, honestly it's better to simply not trust a damn thing any of them have to say since they've all proven themselves to be lying, cowardly dishonest clout chasing scumbags. If you care about it, that is.
Hope UMISHO gets banned and stays banned. It would be just desserts.
Now that I think about it, did UMISHO even show up to spectate Razzo at the Greek event? That's not the norm, is it?
Wonder if there's some relationship drama stirring between them and Razzo's gonna come out about being literally abused...
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>go to local
>realize keyboards dont work on ps5
>now have to learn hitpad to participate in a local
my sprint macro was Q.... will i actually have to.... manually input dash?
Losing in a fighting game
>Aw man I need to get better, they definitely practiced a lot.
>Losing in Strive
Wow! Those were some hecking wholesome and valid combos! The onimai watch party is tonight!
So true bestie
Bring back RRC scaling
I do be saying the last thing
Unless you bind the dash button, yeah.
this nigga really called it the sprint macro
why do i feel motivated to play fightans only at 4 am when nobody is online? The fuck
when is the conclave bringing back Kliff
get a leverless and start lifting so if your local ky players chimps out at you for using a cheatbox you can toss him out
season 5 together with other dead characters + rick and morty
More like Guilty Gear STRIVEs to be a good game (but it can't).
It's fun and that's all that really matters to me desu
you're fun
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Huh? Me? Oh, you're just teasing me aren't you...
Why would you even try to tech them instead of just jumping or backdashing
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NTA is that why im so good at dashing in combos in other games, xrd took me a lot of practice to get it down really consistent but other games i can just do it, also +r feels like it has no buffer on movement at all to me
it's literally optimal in like 98% of cases, and everyone loves a good IK
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I wonder if there's a troon playbook out there or something because I've seen this exact course of action at least twice before
Comes free with every copy of Strive
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You have to give these trannies credit, they may not know how to be like women in most respects but they know how to he drama stirring, hysterical bitches like women.
What a sad fucking display imagine being so pathetic that you essentially snitch the tranny you couldn't bag to the teacher, praise Allah for not making me a chaser
Kissing inos tits
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axl is so lucky...
It's time. Baking the AP thread RIGHT NOW! And no one can stop me!
no... anything but the AGP thread...
So do you guys think Technicals will release another Strive video? I hope so. Need a lot of push to ban UMISHO
the only thing umisho needs pushed is my wenissu in his boipucci ;333
>page 10

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