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Previous thread: >>495324842

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Sept 5: Update progress https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4613462911400573371
Sept 17: 1.001.100 Patch Notes https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/eventcomments/6655846466490872829?snr=2_9_100003_
Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwdf0G88OEY

Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwdf0G88OEY
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Why is the OPS so shit against tanks now
Im having a lot of fun playing now that im returning, glad the stratagem muscle memory is still there
it's effectively nerfed with the new health pools
just use 500kg or do the needful and become a recoilless noobtuber
everything is mega shit against tanks now if you shoot from the front you giga retard.
they increased the tanks armor from heavy to ultra heavy, making them impervious to damage from the front
>the front
It fucking lands on top of it you nigger
>new health pools
but the tank's health was not changed this patch, nigger
>Im having a lot of fun playing now that im returning
why werent you having fun playing when you werent playing?
t. spearchad
>they increased the tanks armor from heavy to ultra heavy, making them impervious to damage from the front
they have 6 front armour now. every AT weapon and every heavy red stratagem has at least 6 penetration, many of the latter have 7 or 8
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His Super-Seed... For Super-Earth.
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>wanting fake frames
>wanting input delay
>wanting frame times like you're playing remotely on a russian server
>wanting the game to look like a blurry, smeary mess
You people make me sick. Play the goddamn thing at your monitor's native res, and if you're an idiot with a 4k monitor, go get a 1440p monitor and use it instead. 4k is still a meme, and will be for another generation.

Also if you aren't an Nvidia slopslurper, AMD has built-in upscaling for any game, and while it doesn't look fantastic, it still works and lets you run at a lower internal resolution and upscales in software to your monitor's native res.
except the OPS and 500kg it seems
Spear suffers because it doesn't have a dumbfire mode. For you it's tricky to land a missile directly on a titan's or strider's face. For an RRtard it's easy. And he does it on faster reload and a bigger ammo pool.
NTA but the front armor is basically the top of the tank because it's wedge shaped.
Aim for the gun barrel on the regular tank. Also if you are struggling aim for the tank tracks so they can only turn around.
OPS projectile has 8 pen on 0 to 19 degree impacts and 7 pen on 20 to 40 degree angle impacts
go fuck yourself amd shill, dlss is superior
This also likely explains why Lesath keeps failing time and time again, this is supposed to be the front of the invasion so Joel wants to keep it bot-controlled until we finish this filler MO and clear out the Tanis sector.
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>drop in next to a gunship fabricator
>it spawns a gunship
>i shoot down the gunship
>i find out at the very end of the mission that the failed objective is some random SAM site a mile away
how do you even fail it, does it just not work anymore if you do
>how do you even fail it
It can be destroyed, it's an entity with a health pool.
>mg-43 against bots
>heavy devs now flinch to cover themselves completely with their shield, making it take forever to kill them.
wtf, this is bullshit.
take the Diligence pill, headshot every dev
>he left the microwave on and it exploded
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>but the tank's health was not changed this patch
except it was
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>i love my smeary frames!
>i love my artifacting visuals!
>i love having a jittery mess when the badly optimized game drops to below 30fps!
>i love my inputs having half a second delay!
>i love game devs being absolved of optimization because of AI slop technology!
I'd tell you to kill yourself but your life is punishment enough.
I tend to use dagger for those since it kills them fast enough without recoil and that gay stagger
new health pools
stronger front armor
huh, wonder what killed it
couldn't even have been the falling gunship since the SAM site died the moment i killed the thing in the air
aw shit, my casserole was in there
>shitty bait
oh i get it
You have to hit targets directly with the artillery shell now, it went from 450 direct + 1k explosion to 3.5k direct " 1k explosion. Tanks have 3k main body health now.
>>heavy devs now flinch to cover themselves completely with their shield
they always did that if they got hit with high enough stagger. was always a huge problem for HMG users if they missed the headhsot on the first shot
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Found a glitch with the chudhelm
Adjewdicator or DCS?
they said they increased the health of all heavy enemies to accommodate for increase in orbitals and support weapons damage
basically they say they buffed weapons but also they don't want you to have fun so they also negate the buffs by doubling hp
OPS was left out from the buffs so it's underpowered now
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I had that yesterday lol
I'd say DCS. 15 Shots still is a pretty generous mag for DMR playstyle. Adjudenkator also kicks back too much for my taste.
CS if you hate yourself
xbow otherwise
so the only purpose of the OPS now in bots is destroying detector towers?
that's fucked
>OPS was left out from the buffs so it's underpowered now
it wasn't, the projectile got an extra 3000 damage. You just have to actually land the shot on the hull or turret now.
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it had a lot of damage before the buffs so it's still kinda useful? I don't think it oneshots anything, but it deals a lot of damage
Gas strike can do that.

I haven't had the OPS kill a tank via the hull since the update.
wait a minute...
I already had at least 2 shots hit the hull which resulted in the tank nonlethal burning. OPS is absolutely fucked this update. Shit at destroying tower Turrets too.
>the projectile
the projectile that can't pierce top armor of any heavy unit
such buffs
many damage
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>the projectile that can't pierce top armor of any heavy unit
8 penetration on 0 to 24 degree hits, 7 penetration on 25 to 60 degree hits. vs 6 armour at most
DCS it is, what's a good secondary for deleting those fucking Berserkers? I'm currently using the Bushwacker but it can only kill one between reloads and is slow to reload
make it another reason to be an RRcuck or resupply/TR sissy for one.
or dagger
Senator is a zerker headshot device. GP even better but harder to ammo manage. Dagger and Redeemer on single is fire quite good too. Any sidearm you like really, just pop their heads or waists.
Guess it's finally time to give the Dagger a try, last time I touched that thing was pre-Escalation of Alexus and it sucked. I'm guessing it's good now.
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I hit this man with a few stims
Not addictive btw
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If your game lists upscaling in its system requirements it goes straight to trash, pajeet codemonkey.
>mostly headshots
good aim, lad
crisper or redeemer
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Imagine if they brought back the HD1 male voice as a voice pack you could buy or unlock
I'd use exclusively that and the Steeled Veterans outfit from the very day it's available to get
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>green swatika playercard
>chud helmet
Kek, this is the official kit of /hdg. If i see anyone of you rocking that combo, I will instantly know that it's one of you faggots.
>whatchu doin rabbi?
>17k still on Pandion with zero (0) progress
>its not even a good biome, its a foggy shithole
The numbers have to be bugged, I refuse to believe this many people can be that unaware.
yeah hd2 male voices are such fags
on the other hand female voice in hd1 was trash, but in hd2 they are good
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Who else has embraced femdiver superiority?
can orbital airburst kill devastators and chickens?
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This is tier list what i saved in march
>orbital airburst
Yes and it will mostly in 2 burst, 3rd is just to make sure they are dead
>/hdg/ plays the game as if it was march
who woulda thunk, explains all the shitposting about autocannon being #1
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Healsluts run this thread!
Art anon I’m excited for what you’ll cook up today. You got some funny requests yesterday before bed.
Been running smokes on d10 lately to surprisingly good effect. Portable cover for when some patrol 80m out decides to throw down, obscures gunship fire so you can more easily focus them down or cover yourself while you rig the hellbomb. Eagle version is also perfect for putting up a big wall when you need to run the fuck away.
>Thank you~
grug brain so easy to trick
I don't understand why botdivers are so afraid of fog. All bug missions have fog from spore shrooms and chargers.
Everyone already knew this shit for the past 7 months, grats on figuring it out.
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D10, Bugs, 3/4
RR is #1 and RG possibly #2 but AC isn't far off, it's excellent against the same targets with awesome RoF and ammo reserve. autocuck with good aim can rack up shittons of heavy killshots.
Yeah, you're supposed to use smoke against bots but I never see those scrubdivers using it.
full, pool is closed.
They should collab with Dead or Alive and put Marie Rose on the ship cleaning or something, that would improve the game a lot.
How do I even get a female diver? I never get one.
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do you guys still collect samples even though you're already maxed on everything? I sometimes to it to help out randoms
what did the sweedes mean by this?
I do, if i just walk next to them cos you never know who need them
Still kills tanks in 1 shot for me. I don't know what you guys are talking about.
>how to tell you are this new
Lobby-sama!! AIEEEEEE
This is definitely one of my favorites from mspaint anon
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Heavy armor on bugs any good?
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No, you run like fat ass and they will rape your ass
based, just gave it a try and it fucks
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It's 100% a factor of the planet being the "closest" to the center of the map when scrolling around. Dadgamers and other more bugchasers won't bother to scroll around for other options and just pick the first planet that pops up on the bug front, don't over-think it.
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context: against bots, high diff
I'm all but certain localization confusion still does the exact opposite of what it's supposed to do
Can already tell it's shitter bait just by looking at the first two. Won't bother with the rest
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this has to be the worst tier list i've ever seen
I wonder if they’ll ever make the game available to be purchased worldwide again. The decision to regionlock it was a very stupid move imo.
So uuh any reason to use EATs anymore?
SNOY needs money more than they need good playstation+ subscription results. They are clinically retarded if they continue locking out customers.
No, RR has mogged it into submission
>HMG emplacement in F
that's all i needed to see to tell that you never touched d10 lmao
it's literally doing autocannon damage and shoots way faster than that garbage you put in S
>HMG Emplacement not in god tier
moron, also the rest is also retarded
tier list poster here
high diff means 6 and above
>Replying to bait
You failed the test. Thanks for the (You)s
I seriously hope that whatever executive tried to push the "We need more account sign-up numbers to look good at the next quarterly earnings report!" bullshit got fucking fired, or at the very least demoted.
Which one is it now?
>plays the game
Anon, most posters here haven't touched the game since March: for example arguing about how orbital railcannon is S-tier or how the DCS sucks because it doesn't handle well.
They are bleeding money in so many sectors of their company. Making good decisions doesn’t apply to any part of their business model it seems like.
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is he ok
>not using HE barrages against bot bases.
that doesn't sound very comfy.
The game is too fun... he cant leave...
>Console shitter tries PC gaming for the first time
it's beyond retarded, they're not getting new accounts and they're not selling more copies, it's a lose lose situation
if we are lucky the $400 million dollar abortion that was concord will make them reconsider their investments and hopefully see more money/support sent helldivers way
I was running a full brap build as a meme with a friend, and I filled a strat slot with eagle smoke. It fucking sucked, but there was a cool moment where i used a smoke to cover the advance and gassed a detector tower to "confuse" all the hulks and rocket chickens inside so that I could set off a hellbomb.

Neat that it worked, but ops would have just ended the encounter in 5 seconds.
That’s the kind of shit I’d pull gaming on acid for a day cause it’s impossible to sleep
Get to Gacrux.
I believe that is already the case with the high quality patch notes trailer + release of the game's soundtrack + PREMIUM(tm) strategems. I hope SNOY puts some weight behind Helldivers as I see not only a profitable future for the game, but an entirely new genre ripe for vidya.
He alt-tabbed and forgot to close the game
>d9 eradication fails at 67% because the fucking time ran out
>also fails the entire op
>killed all the bots as they came, nothing could be done to avoid it
Please don't even bother fixing the mission, just remove it from the game altogether. Nobody ever liked it.
They are definitely trying to recoup their money. I highly doubt that this game making a complete 180 to be fun again was without their intervention once they saw how hard it was tanking.
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Only just back playing after months. Are sampleautists still an issue? Have they been filtered or have they graduated to fucking up diff9s?
I'm not maxed out on everything because I don't play this game religiously and randoms don't like collecting samples/die too far with a lot of them.
They are in D10 throwing reds on top of everybody friend and foe alike now.
I always samplemax even in a lobby full of lvl 150s, because:
>someone might need these
Seems you only get enough spawns with 4 players on D10. Maybe D8 and 9.
>back playing after months
You are the issue here shitter
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I've been capped on samples for months and I still pick up all the samples I see on reflex
>t. punished sampleanon, an autist denied his three rares
Had one of these yesterday throwing cluster on cooldown. He had 12 deaths and team killed about 9 times. GET THE SAMPLES.
Do you want to use RR but also anything else at the same time?
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>Nazi armor and gas oriented warbond with a title "Expert Exterminator" all in a single update
Swedes flying close to the sun.
> fucking up diff9s
Hello newfriend, post your had jeet
>Viper Commandos was anti-bugs
>Freedoms Flame was anti-bugs
>Chemical Agents is anti-bugs
Botbros... No warbond for use ever again...
If you got hate in your heart, let it out(on other anons)
Don't tell anyone but the next warbond is Bot Fuckers. I won't tell you what weapons the warbond has but.. heh... lets just say it's a little bit of fun...
what is easier: jungle bots or flat plains bots
No one plays bots bro skull emoji
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S are infallible tryhard crutch items
A are brutal with minimal drawbacks
B are great in the hands of skilled divers
C are overshadowed by better items in their class
D are decent but ruined by overblown usage restrictions
F are quite useless and warrant massive upgrades
no particular order within tiers
We are the redheaded stepchild of this game
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Why do brown people so obsessed with the new nazi armor set?
they're just like the rest of us
>mines in B tier
Opinion discarded
What the fuck is a heal slut?
Jetpack is good. Getting access to alternative entrances to outposts and being able to perch on tall rocks to blow up every fabricator in sight with Quasar makes it worth it. Will also save your ass a few times throughout the mission by letting you escape places you couldn't otherwise.
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>thousands of people have been grinding Gaellivare for actual days with 0 progress
This galactic war fucking sucks, why is this even allowed to happen
AT mines got fat buffs of late and napalm mines have never really been bad. A squad throwing around mines smartly can trivialize a d10.
Fuck em i drop samples down a hole.
>deployable shield bubble in F
bugdiver only detected
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>tier list posting
It's honestly one of the most effective trolls you could do on this thread. Just think about how much time you waste by looking through each tier and forming an opinion of the poster based on each item.
what do you guys want, a dehumidifier?
>look for something that the player obviously didn't experiment with, showing that he's completely inexperienced with the game probably clocking 70-150 hours total with shiptime
>discard his opinion
it's that easy.
No one actually analyses the tier lists people post though right? You just look at S tier for a few seconds then move on because they are retarded 99% of the time.
The actual time waste is in the tier list creation itself.
Just wait until the cowboy themed warbond
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Time for some bots 10
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Shits so retarded. I love it
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So what is the deal with the gas cloud in the terminid area?
I farted. Sorry.
some nigger farted in piss sample container
Indian settlements
Can you really blame them when there's no in-game way to see decay rates?
All mine should go 1 tier down at the least. Tesla too.
I'd put OPS 1 tier down as well since the HP buffs for heavies made it considerably more finicky to use.
Imo, flamer and libdog could go 1 tier up. They are not that good but the dmg is more than servicable if used for respective roles (especially since laser dog is that high)
Bubble shield is C at the very least as it is plenty serviceable for bots.
RG and AC are definitely not S now.
Otherwise agree.
shamelessly reposting my ideas for the ideal anti-bot warbond
AT guard dog, shoots mini HEATs like the rocket sentry
primary: Gauss gun, a bit like railgun but can rapid fire instead of charge
shield bubble grenade, big enough for 2-3 divers, lasts a few seconds
stratagem launcher pistol, shoot your barrage/500kg/sentry beacon across the map
super earth color skins, white yellow blue, blind patriotism vibe
armor perk: impact resistance, survive falling as well as getting smacked against the wall by some ragdoll shit, comes with recoil reduction so you can spam your Gauss gun more effectively
it's the GLOOOOOM OOooOoOoO
Months later people will be asking for their Pandion capes
Joel randomly slapping -3% there is the funniest shit ever, why is there such a huge bug resistance there anyway lol
Pandion bugnigger detected
Botdivers fear the fog cloud.
go back reddit nigger
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how does eruptor shrapnel work? if I hit chargers ass, will some shrapnel hit it too? Or does it all fly outwards?
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be careful out there bros
Tbh guys, I think the Teminids having magic space gas so they can be anywhere anytime is super faggy
I know caring about the plot is gay, but if it's gonna be this low effort just automate the war then
OPS power is awesome on direct hit and I usually land it since I pinpoint my throws via servo assisted perk. I think flamer is being overshadowed by the higher range arc thrower. Same goes for the higher range guard dog and rover vs dogbreath. Bubble shield simply needs more juice for me to be impressed, just like the other items I put in F. AC and RG are stronger than ever. With enough hits they can obliterate literally any breakpoint.
>all these returnfags still talking about D9 and sample collectors
Way to out yourself as a newfriend
Play a few rounds of erad and you'll never be short of commons again, they're only a bottleneck at the very entry level
Second phase is fixating on supers, but those quickly love all value
Rares are the real mountain to climb
Shrapnel is like ball entity that damages everything that is inside of it
>"oh boy I can't wait to play some helldivers 2!"
>Complex Stratagem Plotting
>Complex Stratagem Plotting
>Complex Stratagem Plotting
>Complex Stratagem Plotting
They produce space fuel with their bodies so they can just jump to wherever. Even scavengers are jump capable.
A calculated move by Joel to finally put hellmire off the map
no that's the explosion. I am talking about the little fragments flying off in random directions
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Okay boys and girls(boys)
lets throw together an Anti-bot Warbond, or even just Anti-bot tools, so the godless rotten fish eating swiggers in this thread can pretend they made it themselves
And remember Stratagems are now on the table.

>Secondary Slot, Melee Weapon
>Deals damage and a stacking stun
>Hitting a Metal Enemy repeatably turns them into an perma stunned Arc Tower which burns out over the duration of their health bar

>Shield Bubble Grenade.
>Can carry 6~ baseline
>300 Hp, 15 second duration, 2 second deploy

>Eagle EMS
>Eagle-1 flies over with a slightly delayed EMS bomb
>EMS design change to stun bugs but wildly damage/kill bots, effects the orbital and mortar strats.
a dehumidifier so botdivers won't run away from fog planets.
>Play a few rounds of erad
Fuck off, nobody collects samples there and as soon as enemies stop spawning the cunts on my team rush to the extract
>Just collect them while getting striders dropped on your head lmao
>they're only a bottleneck at the very entry level
Is lvl 52 entry level? haha
I like your ideas. Throw in a dual AC emplacement with the same firepower as the mech.
>lvl 52
Hi welcome to the game newfriend. Enjoying your first week? lmao
Lame. Would serve the same function as HMG emplacement, we need an AT one.
yeah because we have x4 more players playing BUGS, not bots
it makes sense to sell warbond to MORE people
This but make the AT guard dog just like the rocket sentry, with the backblast too for maximum self ragdolling
how about a missile + AC wombo combo? imagine the hulk carnage
>dual ac emplacement
that's already a thing, its called "HMG emplacement"
it literally does equal dps to 2 autocannons.
I know you badass gamers all have 1k hours and 150lvls already but i played for "only" 90 hours and im doing fine on d9/d10. But my progress is slowed downed heavily because of you assholes that unlocked everyting months ago and wont HELP WITH FUCKING SAMPLES
When do we get the Bastion tank?
no kino explosive damage that kills 12 troopers in one and a half shots though. they should add that.
play d7/d8 and chill
anyway TRUE bottleneck is rare samples
Like what, 2 self-loading RRs?
Not at all. I just find it funny. But even they should ask themselves why nothing is changing with that many helldivers on it
why are you playing with /hdg/ niggers?
this thread is nothing but retards and jeets
>>>/vg/coopg/ much higher quality people
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Chaff grenade - prevents bot drops from being called for the duration and prevents missile lock on for affected bots.
Laser lasso - unique throwable that binds a target and prevents it from moving while doing laser damage.
Pill box - fortified bunker strategem that protects from explosion damage while inside, with slits to shoot out from.
Sling shot - Explosive crossbow secondary, because I only want to use it to destroy fabs
d9 and 10 simply aren't conducive to sample collecting fren. it should be obvious why. my honest tip is to squad up for 6s and 7s. there is zero need for you to grind samples on d10 because you'll never need as many supers as a d10 can yield. youll need commons and rares more which are more than plentiful on mid difficulties and very easy to extract. and of course youll meet way more players that need the samples as much as you do. maybe in the end when you have one or two upgrades to unlock and somehow only miss supers it's wise to drop into d10.
Ok bro guess you're the expert
If you're still choking on commons at your level you're doing something wrong
My samples are on like 500-100-70 right now
>ARC-14 Thunder
>Primary Weapon
>Arc Thrower but single target only, same armor penetration, damage and stun.
>Fire rate like Blitzer, unlimited ammo
>80m range and unlike the arc thrower and blitzer its actually a hitscan weapon so you still have to aim
>Chaff grenade
we have stun grenade chud
>Laser lasso
too hard to implement for swedeniggers
>Pill box
too hard to implement for swedeniggers
>Sling shot
grenade pistol

next suggestions
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Over the last few Bug MO's the terminid story went something like this
>Murder bugs [big number]
>"hmmmm they bugs didn't like that... do it again but with more tools."
>"hmmm..... now they are erecting giant towers in response to giant murdering? interesting"
>"huh, and when pressured with the threat of giant murdering they also escape into space, pretty rad, keep it up helldivers"
>deep in terminid territory these escaped bugs joined up
>giant piss towers erected in the back lines to make the Gloom
>piss cloud expands at crazy rates, acting like crack for bio-form evolution
>all of it aimed right at meridia the whole time

anyway it's going to be the catalyst for the halloween battlepass gloom = spooky = halloween you get it
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GGs, stim pistol is S+++ tier, only viable sidearm really :)
>Pandion still at <1% cap despite 20k divers being on it for days
Okay so we clearly have no actual impact on the galactic war whatsoever. Good to know.
come home white man
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Mark my words, the gloom is what will bring these niggers back.
Two more weeks.
Thanks drawfag, you're the best.
honestly it is really great
having someone in the team with it really takes a lot of pressure off the squad as chip damage no longer pressures a stim use for the little damage it does but has opened you up to a One Shot attack which would have left you at one Hp if you where full.
>Is lvl 52 entry level? haha
this has to be satire
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>fellow diver stubs toe
>now missing 1/4 hp
>fire dart him, miss, not enough lead
>fire second dart, miss, not aiming high enough
>they stop moving to help, miss third dart
>just plain old miss the fourth
>fifth misses because I got flinched
>six desynced through their model
>reload, move closer, heal them
>"Thank you!"

Never taking thing off, love being a trained medical professional
>Lobby starts at 3/4
>not being a regular so you get invited before it gets posted
Melee warbond

Power Sword
Secondary weapon
The glowing saber in HD1 art.
It is AP7+; if you can hit something with it, you can kill it.

[something something] Exosuit
Left arm is an Arc Claw, it has AP7+ like above but also causes an Arc effect about equivalent to a Blitzer's on hit.
Right arm is a heavy laser cannon, more powerful and higher AP than the man portable one. Cannot expend heatsinks but has longer cooldown as an alternative penalty for going over the time limit.

Assault Jump Pack
Limited uses, 5 second recharge
Relatively fast cooldown, call it down like EATs when needed.
Same vertical height but much faster horizontal speed and distance.

Breaching Exoskeleton
Armor passive
+50% Limb health, +50% Melee damage
Armor sets are medium and heavy
Very accurate, never taking it off again.
The post match screen with all the darts sticking out off people alone makes it worth it.
I can. The decay rate has literally been the same for over a week, they went all-in on that planet during the Warrior and Bile Spewer kill order, and still haven't realized that there's a problem.
God I hope so. I want REAL bosses. Factory Striders are the closest we get so far, and they aren't massive threats even without the new powerful tools from the buff patch. Take out the gatling lasers with medium AP, and it's practically neutered. It also just goes down to a single EAS with good aim.
I've witnessed some people silently cooperating in ways which require communication, so there's definitely some people here who play over Discord.
Why did they buff heavy HP anyways.
They could have just buffed EAT damage to one shot. Even if they needed to buff their HP against other supports they could have just used their own vD system to increase their resistance.
d10 bots
i cooperate telepathically
The issue is that the game isn't telling them WHY it's failing
Many probably conclude that they just need an even higher concentration on the planet (which technically isn't wrong, but they lack the info that other planets are much easier to take)
No one gives a shit about Joel's map painting mini "game", they just look for the planet with the most players and go there
>new plasma pistol coming out soon
>Ap3 breaker too

I wish we had plasma that fucked harder.
Hope the pistol is meaty
>Same vertical height but much faster horizontal speed and distance.
for the sake of balance, what about no vertical height and make it more like rocket skates but you can do sick jumps off rocks for radical air and grind crater rims for aoe arcs while its boosting
Even if they wanted to play the galactic war, the game incredibly doesn't even reveal the basic rules of how it works
It's so dumb that it beggars belief
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Here is the comfy diver drawing.
Vandalon-4-ever feels.
AH needs to give more interesting rewards for completing MO’s and then maybe people will actually care about the war map progress. Armor pieces, SC’s, a bunch of rare samples, fucking anything else than medals. Nobody gives a fuck about medals for the most part.
They most likely are trying to reorganise their dmg formulas hence the massive number changes instead of just giving all AT +200-400 dmg.
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awesome, you're the best drawfriend
>Gas strike that high

I have a grenade that does the same thing. Imagine if OPS was just an impact grenade.

Shit needs to be thrice as wide.
(And heal)
Cute! Do the one that anon asked about yesterday with the stalker and sawed off shotty next please. That sounded funny to me.
I don't care. It's just disrespectful I think
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was looking at doing that next.
Issue is that it ironically nerfs a lot of weapon. Like pre EoF flamethrower had a TTK of 3 seconds, now its like a full mag to headshot a behemoth.
>shopclick general
Every helldivers lobbier from /copeg/ that I know of has migrated here. The darksissies unionized and drove us all out a while ago.
It's so AP4 weapons don't delete heavies
Buff heavy HP, buff AT damage, leave AC/AMR etc
HMG actually had its durable damage decreased for that reason
>HMG nerf
Can it still kill a bile titan butt in one mag?
Everyone! Be nice to each other!
i am in search of a no think no friends shooter
is helldivers 2 a good choice?
Alexus nerfed the HMG without telling anyone :)
He got his revenge on you all :)
>much higher quality people
kek, weak hellsissie calling darktide chads "sissies" when he collapsed and exiled
You can get by playing with randoms, the quickplay option will quickly throw you into a mission and people are content to quietly play. Occasionally you may run into an open mic playstation dad with a crying baby in the background.
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Nigger plz
now that they've released the OST, I hope they work on more tracks for being in mission
anyone still playing darktide is a battered cuckold
He also buffed devastator heads and made you more likely to break limbs.
helltrannies are the ones who couldn't stand being in the same general as tidekings
they needed a safespace
It's called making it out of the hood.
>not the xbow and RG
okay, sell me on the laser vs the RG
We just had a stratagem as a reward, one of the best ones for killing bugs actuallly, and even that didn’t get people interested. It barely got done.
This but HMG
How can I get the official OST and not the poorly constructed pajeet shit?
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I'm almost 100% confident that they nerfed the 380MM HE Barrage's splash AoE or broke the upgrade and didn't document it.
They don't seem to discuss about this game that much and I don't want to sperg out about something no one cares
Also I don't want to check 500 posts I don't care about to see if they posted a link 40 minutes ago
Infinite ammo, no recoil, in my opininon more versatile but pairs much better with the Eruptor because it can fill in the gap where the eruptor fails, like hulks and all strider variants.
Glad I'm not the only one who has noticed.
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>HMG durable damage nerf
Is this why you now need like 2+ belts of ammo to belly kill a factory strider? ffs
Most likely the same shit that happened to the OPS. Either direct hit or get fucked.
Well it's sorta like the songs in the game.
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Cope, the game is easy. You dont need 3 digit hours to play at the highest level. Also i cant imagine playing this game for so long with absolutely zero end game content or things to unlock

which secondary helps me deal with scout-striders reliably
Senator and GP are the only options.
my bad, public now
>Guy has a floating ? following him around
>He blows up, pick it up for myself
>Game crashes
I wonder if this game crashes as much on PS5 as it does on PC
He must have blocked you
You can't just pick up another man's ?
GP and Senator are the only two secondary weapons that damage them, and Senator does such a shit job of it that GP is the only realistic option.
Secondaries shouldn't really be used for chickens, in my opinion. Get a primary for it and reserve the secondary for something cancerous like zerkers or maybe even stimming
Senator isn't bad, I think it's 5 shots to the joint now. Does GP one shot them? I don't use it much on bots.
>Nerf + Power-crept by increased enemy HP
They made it into a worse AMR just because
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It's as I feared. I keep using the GP and direct-hits won't kill the driver sometimes, which leads me to get 2-tapped. So fun.
I miss the giganigger BTs that could tank 4 500kgs, an OPS and 7 RR shots
GP oneshot them at least prior to the patch if you shot them somewhere around the base of the gun barrel. Haven't tried it after the patch dropped, though.
Senator isn't a great option because it has 6 rounds, 5 of those go into one strider and firing it is slow. There's more than likely 3+ scout striders advancing on you whenever they're on the field. If you do the maths though, sure, the Senator is more or less the same as the GP in terms of how much ammo you have if you were to purely kill scout striders and accounting for the fact that both weapons need a lengthy reload between kills. But the Senator can also quickly dispatch chaff and even Devastators if you aim well, so it is more versatile in that regard.
Where are you shooting? Did the patch make them just sturdy enough to survive a GP shot to the groin?
Did they break how the armored chickens work? I thought you could shoot the missiles on the rack but that doesn't really seem to work reliably. In fact sometimes the rack itself explodes off first which is wtf tier.
Posts funny bugs you remember
>that time picking up the spear crashed everyone's game
It's still top pick and remains my favourite for bots, but factory striders are now it's one issue sadly. Hulks actually feel easier now because I don't feel like I am wasting ammo by hitting the body and no longer have to burst fire it. Other stuff dies about as fast
That funny time using the Arc Thrower crashed everyone's games, but gave you 10-20 seconds of dread where all your allies were running in place before it booted you out.
>Fire doing damage only if you were the host
Armor not working.
At all.

Actually the cursed thing was that we had "medium" armor at all times, and people using light armor were actually much better off during that time.

It's kinda silly that they actually nerfed armor by "fixing" armor.
I don’t.
Main objective completing when completing the radar station
Infinite loading every other mission. Very funny, laughed a lot
Not being able to be anywhere near a big corpse otherwise you'd get teleported and flattened against the ground. Very funny, also laughed a lot
scopes not being aligned in a shooter-oh wait
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There was a time where killing things with explosives made their rubber band three miles out while their legs stayed properly ragdolled near the ground.
Orbital gas Gatling gun

bots on the moon
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crashed again reward
you now remember infinite grenades
Too bad, you won't like the new Behemoth Titan in the next patch
This still happens occasionally if you destroy dropships
>Failed to join
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Also, this funny bug
Already full huh
Lobbies fill too quickly
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They need to come out with clans asap. Imagine just being able to hop in a lobby with the rest of hdg bros without all this copy pasting bullshit we gotta do now.
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Balance/rework idea for BTs because they are lame now and die as soon as they appear: RR should only one shot them if you hit the leg joint, making them collapse instantly. Joints are far harder to hit than the head as they jitter around constantly. This forces you to either let them come closer or go for a far riskier shot. Hitting the head would blow it up, but BT would continue living like other bugs often do. In that state, it'd no longer be able to focus it's spit and instead would just spray it all over the place blindly, at short range and in a wide "cone". Either popping the sacks or another RR shot would be enough to finish it off.
Vacuum explosions. Shooting yourself in the back of your own head with the eruptor.
Patriot exosuit chinese design.
Diaper Crutchpackers blowing themselves up with their Plasma Crutchnisher
It will tear us apart.
>Cope, the game is easy.
so why aren't you extracting with full samples all the time, cuzzo?
>blue armor
that's a tk and a kick
what the fuck is ops
people misspelling "oops"
OPS -> Orbital Precision Strike
ops -> The above or operations
remember boys, bringing OPS fails ops!
(the patch made it shit)
How so?
You are a blesing on /hdg/ we are lucky to have you
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It's been a few days. Are we officially back?
thanks for joining my lobby here's the kick you want
Ovipositor penetration sex
We're back, hecksister.
We are so back (unironically)
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The mad lad really did it, he pulled it off.
shou8ld i get it for ps5?
No, you should get it for pc
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It was a BRAPmas miracle
get it for pc
pc is too weak
so either play it on ps5 or not play at all
Obscene Penis Size
Flamethrower should have AP 5, so it takes exactly one stun grenade to kill a hulk / charger
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buy pc parts
A literal dumpster used PC with a 1080ti and a ryzen should run it better than a ps5
i don't have the money
saars where of the lobby?
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>chops away out of frame
Joel was guiding that Hulks melee gun.
>fighting games against the character with one incredible attack that wins every matchup
make money, itl be worth saving up for
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Cephdivers, it's time for D10 bugs.
I'll jump in if someone adds me.
If you have enough money to buy a pre built piece of shit computer (a console), you have enough to build your own piece of shit computer.
tell me about the swedes
did they keep their promise of "deep self-reflection" and stop nerfing shit?
hellsisters another lobby onegai...
Game seems more fun I guess. Change to the 500k makes it not complete shit, but it's still retarded how it comes from behind you. (Never jump pack and throw it)

I'm not convinced the game is balanced still. Feels like you have to carry the gear or get shitted on still.
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Bros... where did flutey go?
Game is fine on PS5. Lobbies here are hard to join for PSN players because you require a middleman to friend you.
Kinda. They did fuck some shit up but at least it's two steps forward one step back, instead of the opposite like it has been. All in all gamestate is more fun than it's been since spring probably.
What do you think the reward/punishment for this MO will be?
Why does dropping on turrets sometimes, but not always, one-shot them?
Is it the pod's damage box clipping the vent's hitbox or something?
it's just sad how hard the green helmet clashes with 99% of all armor
got bored again and left I guess, did he ever lobby at all?
The patch that buffed stuff like orbital gatling and eagle strafing to make them usable (if not necessarily good) was also two steps forward and one step back.
It's been so long I actually forgot when it dropped. But it was a good one, despite some flaws. Just like the latest patch.
It was the June patch
I think you have to land on the vent to do more damage. Not sure.
If the stripe was orange I think it would fit with the Legionnaire armor a bit better, yeah. Back to the green scout trooper helmet I guess, although the new discount Tech helmet has a little bit of orange that works in my opinion.
how about a quick cooldown metal barrier pop-up emplacement to sheild from bot lazer fire
Reminder that bayonets will be locked behind a warbond
or it should just have the 800 DPS its supposed to have, instead of 400 DPS.
Right. I'll have to try landing on the vent in the future.
Well maybe not, I just looked at the clip you first responded to and it looks like I landed right in the middle.
>Reminder that bayonets will be locked behind a warbond
Bayonets would require something close to a weapon modification/upgrade system that would completely change the way the way weapons are used.

I wouldn't mind seeing something like an upgrade tree for guns like the Liberator, which already have like 4 different variants.
I am sick of the napalm barrage simply because the area it covers is fucking huge and teammates run dangerously close to that area.
How good is gas orbital?
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I love this fucking game so much.
I know the tanks explode like that and I still do that shit sometimes.
Tell me about that gas giant, why is it on fire?
>How good is gas orbital?
Very. It's a complete disable that makes the enemies in it a complete non-threat for the duration. Just don't expect it to kill anything bigger than a warrior/trooper unless the enemies in it happen to kill each other.
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I am sick of the napalm because every single retarded nigger will use it for no fucking reason and cockblock you because they wanted to kill 3 mediums
Because FREEDOM burns brighter in our hearts than any sun in the galaxy, brother.
Gas is really good. It's a kind of inbetween of ems strike and gatling barrage, it applies crowd control while also doing some chip damage.
It can also destroy detector towers.
The fuck is that
Friend code
Cutting Edge or Democratic Detonation
or viper commandos for the booster
detonation is too good now, best throwable, best secondary, best primary
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everything in detonation is great
Cutting Edge gives you a bit of everything, can't go wrong with that one
it feels like HMG emplacements should be a little bit stronger against gunships. it's a great deal easier and more efficient to spam them down with AMR, AC, HMG, RC, LC.
we need the impact resistant armor perk and we need it now
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bot moon was kind of fun but I don't like how disorganized people are, maybe it's just because there's more rando shitters but nobody is marking and calling audibles
then I went to do bugs and had a worse time because of all the fog + spores + bad lighting, couldn't see shit it was actually straining my eyes

most of all I miss my friends, the games not as fun without them
>rail gun 1 shots gunships

That's all I sneeded in life.
Some kind of front shield would be ok by me. Or do you mean the HMG emplacement should get a bit of a damage buff?
Being the last one out of a group of friends that still play the game is a hell of a shitty feeling. I can relate.
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d10 lobby chooses
I also noticed that the moon has a BG that occasionally has a space battle going on and the ships look like stardestroyers.
yes, I think a bit of explosive damage on top akin to eruptor or AC would make it a bit more satisfying to use against less than squishy targets. particularly gunships.
damn who's that sexy beast
I'm pretty sure you can see space battles on the other biomes, the moon is just the easiest to see them on.
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>me with coop games since they always fall back to WoW or CoD long before I lose interest in Vermintide or Helldivers
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>mfw made my own group with players from Helldivers 1 in randomly encountered back then
>group is still going strong
Normies don't understand Helldivers, you need proper autists
I don't know but they look like the kind of person who sets their in-game audio to Fr*nch. They must do all kinds of disgusting shit.
Got i wish we eventually get atmospheric backgrounds like in Battlefield EA with capital ships dropping down in the background (maybe even as an AtA assist objective to provide support fire or disable shield projector).
Or better yet, have a ship crashland on the mission zone.
It'd be funnier if the turret is just a bunch of EATS ratched strapped together in the shape of a revolving cylinder instead of a proper self loading AT cannon.
>an M4 Calliope turret emplacement
That would be sick.
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Peace between Super Earth and the Automatons!
Hold my Super Baguette.
trench shovel support equipment that lets me deform the terrain into a trench with barbed wire in the direction I was facing when I used the shovel when
That one was leaked. I believe it had a mounted grenade launcher.
I know I've seen the crashed Super Destroyer on some of the lower difficulty tile sets. I wonder what the reasoning for keeping that kind of stuff in certain difficulties and not all of them is.
What's funnier is the time they "fixed" infinite grenades by changing the number of grenades from a normal int to an unsigned int. So when you did the glitch instead of putting you in the negatives it gave you 4.29 billion grenades instead.
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I'm with the super goverment and i'm here to help.
fugg wrong post
meant for >>495433569
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fucking Rolling Stone
I have to actually get around to watching this at some point.
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he died a month or two ago
How much damage does the Spear do now?
>gunshot suicide
Does that hit any breakpoints that the RR doesn't?
maybe command bunkers when hitting lazy shots on angled parts
and probably tank hulls
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D10, get in!
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I decided to use the purifier on bots because I was bored.
And honestly, if they made it charge up faster it'd be pretty damn amazing.
Good ammo economy, staggers even rocket chickens, medium armor pen, okay damage.
Its like a pp punisher that can kill chickens and kill heavy devastators way easier cross-map.
Also kills gunships if you can get the projectile behavior down.
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Is the brap grenade a good alternative to stun?
I am abducting pandion tards and shanghai-ing them to partion.
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>/coopg/ has NEVER been able to play together
>/hdg/ had almost non stop lobbies for the last 6 months
Truly peculiar
Tank turret front. I think that's it.
Its almost as if focusing on one game instead of 14 means that people are brought together.
Then when discussion starts about a different game the tidetrannies try their hardest to derail it towards tide games.
/coopg/ is unironically filled with trannies
Damn. I'm still going to use it because it's cool but that's a little disappointing.
>4chan cup
Speaking of which, are >we competing in the next /vg/ league? I feel like we have more than enough players
Full, pool is closed.
No one cared who it was until it caught on fire.
He's a gassy guy.
For you
>AC is not #1 weapon against bots and chuds prefer RR instead
why lol
>/coopg/ has NEVER been able to play together
I was a pretty active host of HD2 lobbies back in the day in /coopg/, and actually was not the only one. Just some people got bored while others moved all related HD2 stuff to /hdg/ at some point. Even robot fucker guy moved to this place. Not like it is a bad thing, but I still miss my /copeg/ bros.
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redpill me on bringing orbital napalm to bots
Not "P U"
Proto-Hellmire is growing on me.

I think they fixed the fire tornado AI to chase down enemies. Because each time it shows up, it's been beneficial to me. Granted I had an extract that was 100% covered in flames.

But I was rocking an exosuit, so it helped there too.

Exosuit is great too. At least the emancipator.
Being able to insta kill entire dropships just feels too satisfying not to bring the RR
It's great for the blitz missions as an extra copy of the 380.
It kills all the robots that aren't big, simple.
Emancipator got a perfect buff IMO. Extra ammo and durable damage was all it needed to be pretty solid. Just wish they were tankier.
Kills the enemies that call bot drops, but that's about it. I'm pretty sure if they see the strategem they'll still call, so it's a 50/50 if you kill everything in the POI.

For RAW DOT? Flames do about 75 DPS with the upgrades. (Not sure if the orbital napalm gets upgraded.)

With the highest enemy health for bot chaff being 800, it'd take about 8 seconds of them standing in the fire to kill them. (They would stay burning for 2.75 seconds, which THEN would kill them in 10 seconds).

Might seem like a long time, but 6 seconds is a stun grenade and unless they're on the edge of the zone. It's highly likely everything in there is dead.

Hulks/tanks will be the only things left, and you can build according to that pretty easilly.
still need a normal crosshair instead of big thick circle of cum which is unusable on distances more than 50m
>(Not sure if the orbital napalm gets upgraded.)
It does. Just checked.
Skill issue
Just center the target
Crosshair overlay fixes that
Is there any other support weapon that can destroy the bot cannon turrets from any direction other than the recoilless rifle and the spear?
I feel like the meta didn't change much
AC still reins supreme over the bots
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Soon we will have our secret clan base on Hellmire
i dont know man, i only see bubble shield emplacement with 500kg and railgun/recoilless now, i only play diff 9 and 10
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>drop into an SOS on the moon
>some retard dies once and after not being reinforced in 5 seconds leaves
>wonder where the entire team is
>dropped in near a jammer, so I have to clear it out
>almost make it
>get blindsided by a heavy dev and shredded in 0.23 seconds despite wearing heavy armor
>finally see what the fuck the host is doing
>he's running around in an armless mech with his diaper shield on not doing anything
pubbies never again
Aw shit I fucked up the audio.
>bubble shield emplacement
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Warning: this clip contains a cognitohazard, view at your own risk.
>bring antitank
>die to devastator spam
>bring other support
>die to fortifications (lol railgun orbital missed)
fuck sake
>flamethrowers have massive fall off

That explains a lot, might have to take shield pack to make it viable then if I need to stuff it in an enemies face point blank.
How the fuck do you deal with cannon turrets?
Shoot the barrel 10 times with the railgun.
Spear, RR, Thermite, orbital railgun
it might be embarassing but it seems to be the meta now on 9-10
bubble shield emplacement nullifies it unless theres 2 of them
You don't
Bring the spear from afar or pray for team cooperatiion
Wwwwwelcome, stranger.
Got a selection of nice chem/stun grenades and orbitals for you, stranger.
You can hunt elephants with an RR.
I have no idea how any of that is managed, but it'd be fun to be part of picking names
Latency is a real fun modifier for this game
What is that deal with that one file I need to redownload every time I verify?
Alexus final gift
Hahahah benis :DDDD
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crashed, time to wash my hands.
Is there any point to armor values now since everything kills you in two hits?
so the fun thing about this game is since the whole storyline is this macro thing and the players are the in game characters, the stuff we make about the game is canon to the world in game
so now we can say there's a chicken tenders factory on hellmire
cooking them at a high heat for a shorter period of time ensures the signature coating gets crispy while remaining moist on the inside
that's a very stubby penis. Have you only seen yours?
>crown of stims
it's funny, piles today once again reiterated alexus was the problem without naming him personally by mentioning past issues were being caused by the team not having a unified vision for the game
>Have you only seen yours?
Are you seriously asking questions like this, on the internet, in this place?
no >:(
We got a penis connoisseur in the thread.
They fucked up the tick rate of all flame weapons. They didn't nerf the damage, they just set them all to 100 ticks per second instead of the discrepancy they used to have.

I don't think the "torcher" actually deals 375 damage per second like they claim it does, but deals 300.
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D10, hands freshly washed.
Sneak around and blow up the heat sink.
>unable to join
Fix ya shit anon!
>want to shoot nigger bot in turret shooting at me
>dive forward to get the aim at the center of the reticle
>land on a flat surface at the same level as I was
>"whoops, you're still going to ragdoll, so you can't shoot and you die"
Excellent. How do we get the devs to implement a "Defend the tendies factory" mission?
The CS counter sniper is actually absurdly broken.
how would you balance it?
Not the same anon, but the only thing keeping me from building my own PC is not knowing shit about PCs in the first place and I dont want to spend a ton of money only to royally fuck it up and having spent it all on jackshit
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Another d10 lobby. Come and gas bugs with me.
Go to the PC general on /g/ they might help you build one also go to the Windows general so you can pirate the best edition
buff everything else.
I'm not sure I would.
Anon it’s like putting legos together. If my absolutely technologically inept could build one you should have no problem putting one together as well.
this is now how I'm going to RP on the evacuation missions

I was having fun when the game launched having trump deploy the helldivers to stop the count by destroying the voting machines (fabricators) and then closing the boarder to stop the mexicans (bugs) from crossing
Do you know if that upgrade does anything to the laser cannon burn damage?
-5 ammo
+2 mags
fail to join
I don't know shit either, I just went to /pcbg/ on /g/, there's a bunch of resources that do half the work for you.
>and I dont want to spend a ton of money only to royally fuck it up
The only way you can fuck it up is
>buying incompatible parts (there's countless pc builder sites that will ensure you don't do this)
>using the strength of a retarded gorilla on gamma radiation to smack parts around
>drawing the wrong satanic signs with your thermal paste
It's way easier than you think. Everyone actually winds up being too delicate with their first build.
I can feel the expression of "Oh, that's a barrage"
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Verifying my shit right now. Hold up for a bit anons!
What's funny is I don't see it used that much,
I'd rather have it be where it is now than it be average or below average.
Just restart Steam if that happens
Yes. Medium with padding is now top tier I would say. Its always been really strong since they gave additional bonuses once you got over 100 armor but this cements it.
Also this kind of shit reminds me of how dogshit the current boosters are.
Why isnt there a "reinforced armor" booster that gives +30 armor to all divers? How about a regeneration booster that lets you recover from wounds if you arent attacked for a certain amount of time? Boosters that release a small area gas (codename SKUNK) to disorientate enemies when you're attacked in melee? Or a booster that does the same but when you're shot and its smoke instead? (codename SQUID)

Why dont they bother trying to usurp the top tier boosters at all? Why is it all useless shit and even literal troll picks like the firebomb hellpods?
man I wish there was a motorcycle, I'd actually play solo if that's the case
the worst part about solo play is just walking between the objectives because there's no action going on
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Alright, should be fixed now. D10 Bugs is UP!
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>its... le boring
You can hate me and I don't care but I'd enjoy playing with you guys a lot more if we were on mic.
I use light gunner (light armor + padding) in nearly every mission and I haven't noticed much of a difference
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There was a motorcycle in HD1.
Not sure how they could make it worth bringing in HD2 considering you are giving up a lot of firepower for it.
On bugs it could be okay but bots would just destroy it almost instantly.
I enjoy playing with you a lot more when you're not on mic
>having to hear a jeet try to hide his accent, troons trying to sound feminine, that one dude with a nerd lisp, all the international dudes speaking broken English
Nah we good with text chat
Yeah I wanted to get some CINEMATIC shots of all our barrages at the end of the mission towards where I threw everything at the start of the clip, so you can see the HUD gets toggled on and off as my inebriated brain struggled to process what it was looking at.
And my subsequent panic at the end realizing that I was the only one who made it. But that's mostly because the end of the last mission featured me informing everyone that the first person on the shuttle is a PUSSI and I would rather die than be the first on the shuttle. Then this mission happened.
Don't be intimidated. It's very easy. The parts only fit one way and there really are only one/two ways you could fuck it up beyond salvaging.
probably one of the worst tier lists i've seen
but I want to play and don't have friends
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Am I chud enough for the cool guys club now?
Sounds perfect for SE immersion.
>No gas-related stratagems
And you call yourself a chud?
the addition of vehicles should have a separate slot of course
and for hecks sake mechs should be findable on the map
I've got gas grenades, they kinda make the orbital brap obsolete
No fire too. Definitely a pozzed pozzer,
They're both pretty good. I'd get Cutting Edge first because I think the primaries are more fun but it's up to you. Stun grenades are great, but so are the thermite ones now. Skip Viper.
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Motorcyle was great for sample farming in the first game. Take that and the UAV. Good times.
Should have used soijacks instead of text to represent reactions.
How are the mechs looking with the new patch?

I haven't seen a single person use one in weeks.
They're both a lot better than they used to be. Still not really worth bringing outside of blitz missions though.
ACmech got some good buffs, Patriot is basically unchanged
They're still bad
Opposite for me, I've seen them a lot more, especially on the bug front. Overall they're more useful since heavies go down easier.
Liberty Day can't come soon enough.
I want my raifu.
EM got a decent buff and armor nerfs made LIB a bit better, but both still bleed ammo too fast and get you killed the moment you face anything more than 1 patrol/small post.
emancipator can kill like 6 or 7 bile titans if you aim for the head, not sure about other firing angles. still something i always take so i can stomp around and blow up bug nests without thinking very hard, gets fucking shredded by shriekers but thats a mech issue in general.
combines very nicely with the other barrages, melts chickens and devs
Patriot rockets got buffed too
120mm fell of a bit to be perfectly honest, recommend replacing it with walking barrage

Make it a vehicle bay side objective on the map and completing it lets you refuel and use random vehicles. The game needs more things like the defense batteries and SEAF artillery that gives you bonuses in a round.
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>not a clip reload
I keep thinking that but the walkings cooldown just feels too long for what it does
The 120 can blow up medium outposts and drops just fine
>not using every stratagem
your heckduding is mere pretense so your opinions are irrelevant
Retard here. I still don't understand how supply lines work after 200 hours. Would capturing Lesath give us 5 planets at once?
Still awful on bots, decent on bugs.
Bug eradiation though mechs are meta
>he doesn't like the feeling of stuffing his rifle one bullet at a time
Very subpar taste, anon.
what if i use 2 based ones and 2 cringe ones
The ac can kill stuff now. That's about all I know. Aim is still shit but the mech increases survivability if you aren't completely unaware of surroundings so you can just walk in and blow stuff up and leave. I mostly use it for when extract is swarmed by like 10 patrols.
>180 damage
>no bayonet
>rounds reload
Hopefully those are just placeholder stats because holy shit that thing sucks.
Should be single bullet reload for anything less than completely empty just like the revolver
No, it would make capturing them faster.
Its called a magazine.
fair, but your spear already brings top tier outpost neutralization and surgical removal of anything really dangerous in a bot drop. you could play around the cooldown. walking is utterly brutal if you land a really good one.
nah, it's actually a clip this time
You make a good point. I should give the walking another shot.
For a rifle like that, that would actually be a clip.
Eh, the brap Rover isn't that dogshit against bugs honestly. I could survive all solo encounter and multiple breaches easily on D9-D10.
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>Its called a magazine.
It's decent but will absolutely not keep up with laser rover.
Honestly this warbond kinda stinks, the gas grenades are the only good thing in it
Walking is fucking nuts after the big buff and modules. Think it has double the area coverage compared to launch. Utility when assaulting fixed positions is unmatched now
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So, when are we getting armors like the ones from concept art?
I like it better than the laser dog because I don't accidentally decapitate others as much, and I ran a short range loadout (Cookout, and Dagger/Senator), also every elites are negligible since I also carry EATs to not waste any backpack slot, all good
All of these suck except the halo helmet rip off with the tube gang armor in the top right.
Yeah, really enjoy how tight the spread is. Nothing more satisfying seeing a base or mass of enemies get crippled by a single salvo.
I'll just play later I guess damn shitty internet can't handle a windy day. 3/4
>samuraidiver warbond
>katana, matchlock, oodachi mech
>booster that just goes YOOOOOOOOO when you call in anything
this is some Destiny shit
Thinking you whiffed but then seeing 20+ bots get killed by the next two impacts is an amazing feeling, knowing that it effectively trivialized the heavy base. Feels like it goes on forever with the extra salvos, though that does feel a lot worse on the rare occasions it threads the needle to miss a command bunker or detector tower
Shouldn't. It's not listed.
Are the Scythe and LC good yet?
3/4 again, come fast anon we need (You)
Reminds me of Halo Infinite, I'm hoping Helldivers 2 doesn't go too gimmicky with samurais and spartans and shit. Stick to chud gear please, no one else in the games industry is
LC is great for rocket chickens and gunships, with good general utility against devs and troopers and deals with berserkers decently after their nerf and the recoil removal. Hulk changes hurt it a bit since it’s easy to slightly miss the head with the beam obstructing your view and not realize it, and it’s a lot worse against tanks and turrets after the health changes. Scythe finally got a sight and feels a lot better but other primaries still eclipse it in a lot of ways with how much the power level got raised.
Laser cannon needs the heavy penetration buff. It can't take out anything that really matters against bots. Bugs its decent. Its TTK is pretty low and it overheats quickly.
They are rarely on D2/3, the most useless place for them.
Buff heavy armor
Why do you guys hate convenient hands-free communication?
None of those applies to me
give him some sympathy such is the life of a mech diver
I know, >reddit, yaddda yadda, but this thread shows the mentality of your average bug chaser. He thinks that pandion not gaining liberation is a bug.

Yes, why wouldnt he? To someone who isnt checking a 3rd party app it would make no sense how a planet with a consistent 10-20K+ divers on it at nearly all times isnt going down.
AH's system is fundamentally broken and retarded.
forgot the OPS
>but you can't hit it reliability
learn the 90 degree throw
It feels like they beefed up the heatsink, I haven't played in a couple of months but I remember them getting destroyed by fewer AC shots.
This, the whole thing needs a rework and to be made clearer. Though bugniggers are indeed retarded.
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Meticulous Pop Quiz for true Patriots:
Who is Chip Messiter?
What is "Tales of the Viper Commandoes"?
Who is Jen Shriver?
What are the 3 principles of Super Earth?
Who's Janet Jones?
What's the local past-time in Hellmire?
Who's Jackle 6?
What's Division Zero?
What did Freedom's Flame do to stop the Breach?
If those information isn't properly communicated WITHIN THE GAME, I simply won't follow it. I will dive on whichever planet has the most divers, or the planet where my friend is. Simple as.
>looks up a tier list immediately after the patch to find out which weapons to use
>wah wah muh bugdivers
All this shows is a fundamental flaw in the design
One must imagine the Pandiontards happy.
flamethrower over the hmg emplacement? anon I don't even with you
I actually imagine most of them are confused and frustrated because they have no idea why the liberation isn't progressing
you can use the initial hellpod that it drops with to kill an additional heavy unit, and it also tracks them unlike reds if you manage to land it on em. kinda only useful on the bug side
While I agree it's dogshit design, I can't fathom why there's such resistance to using outside tools like that's a novel concept. Roguelites, soulslikes, hunterlikes, gacha, etc are practically built around having a wiki open. Destiny depended on third party sites to have functional matchmaking and inventory systems. Games like Warframe and Darktide had notification sites for mission and store rotations that were practically mandatory. Every single game has endless youtube guides players will watch before they're willing to try something new. Bugdivers have no excuse. You don't beat your head against a rock for days straight without exploring why nothing's changing.
console players
holy shitter
you did not beat the game
I choose to believe the reason we aren't capping a planet is because the bugs are putting up a tough fight and we need to push harder
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i need to try something new but have next mindset
tired of it
useful only against fabs, hulks, turrets, maybe tanks didn't test it
shit aimsight
just RR with autoaim with less ammo and can fuck off the fog/shitty render distance
>arc, flamethrower
shitty drag and slightly better aimsight, without backpack unplayable
can't kill gunships, tanks, cannons realibly
somewhat good but shits itself against armored targets (bots are armored)
>commando, eat, quasar
imagine make 1 shot in 30 seconds, at least you don't need reload them

help me
How would (You) fix the Pandion issue?
Throwing out some random ideas:
>Indicator showing exact liberation decay %
>Vague indicator on each planet (High enemy resistance/Low enemy resistance)
>Galactic map voting where players get to vote on which planets to target, top voted gets highlighted as priority targets
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10 bots then bugs
>gatling over autocannon sentry
explain yourself
If the design implemented requires something outside of said design, then its dogshit.
Pandion is just a symptom of how poorly designed the whole system is. You should never, ever, have to say "well if you checked this site that isnt linked anywhere or shown at all in game or even mentioned..." then you should instantly be questioning the devs, not the players.

There are a shit ton of ways to implement something similar to what is happening in game right now without ever leaving the game:
>Add a warning when selecting the planet advising the player that enemy resistance is extremely high and it will be impossible to take the planet but you can still dive there
>Simply add the decay and gain rates in a stylised format, declaring planet capture impossible depending on decay
>Add big flashing signs to planets with low decay and call them vulnerable targets. Have them flash more intensely the first time players access the map.
Incentives optional, but options to quickplay a front should exist that provide more rewards and send you to the least resistant planet if you really want to control player movement.

>Add small sub MO quests for planets that revolve around specific missions that allow for the resistance to be reduced instead of it being controlled by a swede
Ultimately there is no end goal to the war and the swedes have seemingly given up on anything feeling real or having a deeper meaning for the moment.
Same. Fast moving speed is still the best buff that you can get in the game right now.
That would work if they didn't railroad everything.
Even if we had all the information in game, the never ending war system would still be shit because there are no stakes
It's poor design as you say, but these people are genuinely retarded. If you were able to directly communicate with the majority of any person diving on pandion right now and ask them about the liberation meter you'd be met with a resounding "what?" or "huh?"
they are unironically retarded npc cattle and the only thing arrowhead should do is fold to them and let them take the planet so they can stop griefing the entire galaxy
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Here it is :)
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>buffs your guns a little
>triples spawns
haven't played since polar warbond. are we back?
Them changing shit on the fly is not an issue. What's improtant is to see the info on the map.
After a game with sterilizer in a 4 man, I am definitely sold on it.

Blitzer, stim pistol, gas grenades.
Jetpack, Sterilizer, Napalm Air, Napalm orbital.

Probably would swap napalm orbital for gas strike.

You can just lock down any side during a defensive strat. Staying next to dudes and sterilizing shit that's coming towards them helps a ton, and it's very strong to just napalm airstrike and sterilize the enemies ontop of it.
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>Ultimately there is no end goal to the war and the swedes have seemingly given up on anything feeling real or having a deeper meaning for the moment.

Someone didn't understand the message of the media.
we had a bunch of copeg lobbies even after the splitfag, some after were also double/crossposted between the generals
>diff 8
>cozy but lacks enough challenge
>diff 9
>filled to the brim with mouth-breathing retards
it's just alexus in the basement
How does the crisper compare to the torcher? I've used the torcher and it felt pretty descent on bugs, and I was surprised to see the crisper having the same damage value.
same DPS, smaller mag. Kinda like throwing an impact
Forgot to add, the one thing the gun badly needs is stagger and range. Also confusing biletitans needs to be more consistent.

The kit itself lacks a heal, and you will take a lot of chip damage, so when they add stim pistol self healing I think it'll be perfect.
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Comfy solo 1mission sc farming
Comfy solo 2 mission sc farming
Easy relax
Useless retards
Even more retards
Comfy chill but serious
Retard shitters that are afraid challenge
pure /hdg/ kino
>Someone didn't understand the message of the media.
Your shitposty response being ignored. I think its important to note that most previous HD2 "campaigns" had meanings to them. Either introducing new enemies, providing new weapons, important story beats like the TCS, Meridia etc. The bots defeat and return, cyberstan...
That kind of narrative is incredibly important. You saw the TCS discussions fucking everywhere, what it meant, what will come next, maybe the HD1 bigger enemies making a return, the ayy lmaos appearing etc.
Those kinds of narratives being woven are very important. its not a coincidence that the massive drop in playerbase coincided with the galaxy map just being left in a vague "nothing ever happens" spot.
I wish the patrols spawns were at least consistent. Right now you can go from endless conga line that walks in from all directions faster than you can kill them to fucking nothing for several minutes in an instant.
pwease understand, we so small indie company, twying ouw hawdest, also we're swedish and working is really really hard, pwease go easy on us guise :(((
but ALSO you're all wrong about everything and we always know what's best despite being incapable of playing our own game at anything resembling a high level

what the actual fuck is wrong with swedes? Is there really a whole country filled with "people" like this?
Crispr is a bit of an odd one. Its a sidearm for emergenices but it's still got a slow ignition timer making it difficult to use against hunters without getting stabbed a few times.
Its very good when paired with gas grenades, and it makes very quick work of alpha commanders and hive guard. Its small mags mean against larger hordes you're best off laying down some fire trails and running
I like pairing it with the Eruptor
>useful only against fabs, hulks, turrets, maybe tanks didn't test it
wrong, RR shoots down gunships and gets you spontaneous 15x kills from downed ships
I figured if I had a reliable main weapon I could just use it for when I wanted to deal with swarms of chaff easily. Seems pretty nice for that.
Overall I'm pleased medium extra padding is the meta so most people are back in the basic gear

Seems there's still issues where if joiners leave it doesn't repopulate though
it is consistant. If your'e near the objective or fabs/bug holes, it spawns a shit ton, rush the objective and the spawners. Once you destroy everything the patrols drop immediately.

If you finish final OBJ it gets super high, standing near extract also raises it dramatically.
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>another MO where details we're not privy to are critical to success
>joel literally turning bugdivers into dead weight without telling them
reminder, pick any planet you want to fight on, the MO is made up and literally does not matter
This, the worst is having a small base active after completing the main objective. It become a real slog.
Emancipator or whatever is fucking amazing.
Just needs one more call in and it's perfectly balanced and would take a shit ton.
3 uses and i may consider them useful. as it stands now ilike the emancipator as a solo meganest clearing machine.
3 uses and 5 min cd would be a solid improvement to usability.
Only if you don't hit the engines though. If you hit an engine they spin out of control and the units almost always live.
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>chaff are now attracted to the light beam from offensive stratagems and will move closer towards it if nearby
>turning bugdivers into dead weight
Bots are why we were -2
you guys are so fickle and easy to fool
you should remember that alexus is still employed

the update might be good now, but odds are that he's already working on fucking over the game, if not now, he will certainly do so later
silence, bugdiver, I do not give a shit about what you think about "botdivers" because they don't exist, those are just players who will dive either front, and I personally will dive wherever the fuck I like, because your MO is pointless
Is there any primary can that can one shot rocket striders?
erm dont enjoy the game right now because itll be unenjoyable in the future :)
liberty day warbond should not only include the constitution but also armor set from the first game
DCS 1 shot to a rocket on the sides of its head will pop it, other 3-4 shots to a joint.
After fighting bots all week I honestly think they are more fun than bugs once you get the hang of it.
you can hit them on the nose/butt/sides and still wreck them
>bot planet gets taken
>this is the bugdivers' fault
Botsissies can't accept they suck dick
any1 else sometimes get slideshow tier, unplayable stuttering at the beggining of the mission? right as you drop.
>get sent back to ship without a message
oy vey
Sony is starting to push helldivers with more videos
Desperation can be felt from them.
we're just having fun :)
It says you just left on my screen. I didn't kick you.
honeypot lobby
they're certainly a more difficult challenge, especially on maps without alot of cover. Maps with big cliffs and hills/mountains, without any trees are fantastic bot-maps though.
Crossbow kills in two to the waist/leg area. Don’t think there’s any that does it in one, maybe eruptor if you get lucky with shrapnel
bots/ better with a good team
bugs/ better with a bad team

it's the whole prospect of artillery and stratagem jammers, bots you need people that can actually shoot and prioritize on the ground
That's the rootkit uploading the entirety of your C drive to the government database

Ok... The sickle slaps against bots. I'm now convinced it's the best multipurpose gun for bots. Scythe just doesn't kill as fast.
There's a million better primaries
Are you using VRR? Sometimes the game will overlay a hardware cursor in loading screens and the cursor plane might drop your refresh rate to the VRR minimum. It happens a lot on Linux with Atomic modesetting + VRR.
thats not at all what i said
No there aren't. It's literally the best one. I've tried basically all of them today. Maybe it's worthless against bugs, but I'm not a bugman chink.
Bot players on their hands and knees begging bug BVLLS to win the MO for them
why are you fuckers not defending the automaton front?
Everyfucking one is fighting the bugs nonstop while i only see around 10k players on the red front.

You sound like a sub level 100
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RIP my beloved, power crept not by other weapons but by automatons themselves. I'll go to my grave cursing the day the bot scientists figured out how to created a closed cockpit for scout striders.
The defense will be won when Claorell is taken since that's the attack origin.
it's still fine if you take the RG but yeah if you're an rrGOD it doesn't work
You underestimate how retarded, apathetic, and non-committed normies and gamerdads are. These are some of the lowest IQ gamers I'm talking about here. They're on the same intelligence level as the playtester from this infamous Half-Life 2: Episode 2 commentary node: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIS7m7YYEXI

Pigeons are more intelligent than these mongoloids.
do not give up on the things you love anon, the plasma punisher never gave up on you
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How many shots to the leg joint does the DCS take to break it on scout striders?
Lobby... please
Cyberstan is just another frozen rock. Let them have it. I want a bot gf.
I havent played in a while, but I am watching peaks of 70k players on steam.
Is the new patch good?
no idea, but DCS one hits the rockets which makes it the most agile of the strider instakillers

AP3 200 damage means it should be pretty fast
It's the best patch the game has every experienced by a large margin.
bushwhacker bros acknowledged
CEO was on reddit saying the purifier is getting buffed next balance pass so maybe that’ll come to feel as good as PP was
>the only thing arrowhead should do is fold to them and let them take the planet so they can stop griefing the entire galaxy
I'd rather Arrowhead just make it so these retarded NPCs didn't hog/grief the global liberation pie just by being retarded and made it so any liberation spent on a planet with too high a decay didn't take from the total. If the total amount of players on a planet doesn't exceed the % of the playerbase needed to go positive then no liberation should be taken at all, this makes it so those on positive planets have more liberation since those in the red are effectively "offline".
3 shots in the balls if you mean regular striders
rocket armored ones is a little more
>check patch
>only nerf/buffs
>no new content/new maps
explain please, I am retarded
Indeed you are
it's not bad, doesn't feel like bullet sponge simulator anymore. now all the game needs is actual regular fresh content and we'll be fine.
4 shots to the leg.
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In /hdg/ a lot of people are not so happy for bugdivers
>patch moves 30+ weapons from F tier to A/S tier and suddenly practically any loadout is workable
Important to note the vast majority haven't touched the game in months. So there's tons of new content for them. But even if you played religiously, the game not feeling like a weak-punches nightmare any time you stepped outside of the meta might as well be new content.
>huge fuckin moth/mosquito flys infront of my monitor while im playing
>decide to ignore it while I finish the mission
>finish mission and turn on lights
>its nowhere to be seen
Wish I had a 500kg or brap gun for this situation
an earlier lobby attempted a bugdive
first mission of the op was a hive nuke drill. second drill we arrive at is bugged. we had a suicide spree, then went bots. bugs are the jankier more frustrating faction. while not even offering a bigger challenge that is.
Game went from "you shoot with peashooters and die easily" to "you shoot with actually efficient weapons and super effective stratagems but you die VERY easily". Gameplay is a lot more frantic, with plenty of new weapons and strats seeing the light of day. People are having fun, so they're playing again.
several enemies got reworked so that more weapons were reasonably able to deal with them. Rather than being nearly impossible to deal with outside of dedicated AT and accurate/lucky stratagem placement.
glad it's already cold enough here for the insect shits to hibernate and die off, I love winter so much for being rid of them.
what's the best bot primary and why is it crossbow?
because they overtuned crossbow and it functions better than most support weapons against devs and zerkers
post-nerf it'll probably be more varied based on playstyle
>thermite is good now
nice, i always wanted sticky grenades to be functional
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Depends. DCS is just a little better if you use GP or AC because either will be there for you if you need your shots to go boom. Crossbow definitely is the better choice if you wanna use RG, MGs, AMR, or any pistol that's not GP.
>Get ship warning about the Imber system being invaded by Terminids
They still haven't fixed this?
Whatever it takes....
I love using them to invalidate surprise hulks.
Nope. Suppose this is one of the bugs that can't be fixed.
CS counter sniper also hits insane breakpoints.
>one shots raiders
>two shots devs in the stomach, 1 to the head
>wrecks berserkers
>3-4 shots to the leg kills a walker
>accurate at long range, low enough recoil to mag dump quickly
Do 7s. Rares are the fucking bottle neck, commons will always be capped out.
The Libpen is pretty fun now not to mention that it looks stylish as hell
what is the appeal over a weapon like the DCS
>diff 9
>finish objective
>5 minutes left
>difficulty really ramping up
>bot drops every minute
>have to fight our way to extract
>teammates decide to fuck off in random directions and fight hulks individually at POIs
what fucking possesses these people that makes them do this?
going dakka dakka dakka instead of bang bang bang
There isnt. DCS is the absolute best marksman rifle in the game and after the buffs is amazing when used on either front.
erm okay
zero need for samples but big need for SCs
Be glad they are still in the match, my teammates tend to leave if the mission gets trickier
full auto is more fun than semi-auto
Hello returnshitter
CS sucks at taking out striders. xbow reliably 2shots them just like devastators
GP can also 2shot striders but not as reliable, slow and has low ammo
and striders are fucking everywhere
Doing more D10 again and I'm falling into the habit of just leaving if the team is clearly dogshit especially if its the host.
>Doing D10 bugs
>host dies 2 times while failing to destroy a shrieker nest
>I run over and destroy the hive trees with my RR and go back to the objective
>he dies again somehow so I spawn him back at the objective
>he spawns back in, then runs over to the destroyed shrieker nest to pick up his Brap thrower
>complains im "gassing him" when I throw my grenades and orbital to slow the tide of 30+ hunters and alpha commanders that he is refusing to kill
>watch him act like a useless retard for the entire objective (geological survey) and die another 3 times
>just leave after he whines into the mic about how "its impossible" and "what was he supposed to do" (he died to a singular red warrior)
How have they still not made it so that you go prone after getting ragdolled? How is the retarded slow forced getting up animation still even in the game? are they stupid?
Forcibly going prone is even worse and that used to be in the game too. You'd be stuck and then need to reactivate the getting up animation yourself. Effectively dooming you in any situation where you are still being shot at/stabbed
Somehow it feels like I get ragdolled a lot more often when diving than last patch
I'm thinking about going up to D10, I just unlocked it yesterday
>Forcibly going prone is even worse and that used to be in the game too
I don't remember it being in the game but maybe you weren't forcibly brought up if you prone while ragdolled, I can't exactly remember
or maybe it was less infuriating because everyone was running light armor and animations were faster
anyway, you're retarded if you think making you space out for 2 seconds under fire is better
>September 2024
>people still haven't realised MOs are rigged and nothing we do will change the outcome (unless you're chinese)
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The whole ragdoll into getup animation needs to be reworked. I also enjoy the flinch recovery out of a stim, personally my favorite thing to seethe at
There is nothing forced about it, it's the postition you are already in after getting ragdolled. getting up yourself is also far faster and it doesn't lock you in place.
it seems that impact range from explosive is much bigger now but it only affects helldivers, not enemies
Honestly I can't even complain that much, they didn't piss away reinforces the whole time, and everyone said gg what a close one afterwards, it just pisses me off that they made everything so needlessly difficult
Completely useless against bots especially in difficulty 10. Against bugs you can have fun with them.
>imber has 7000 idiots who do not understand how defenses and attack origins work

This whole galactic war shit creates so much interplayer friction.
I wouldn't say 3-4 shots per kill (or 1 shot if you hit the side rockets) makes the DCS "suck" at taking out striders.
I don't find chickens to be much of a problem. So many support weapons cuck them to hell now. Nearly all chickens on my screen instantly get pulverized by a nearby RG, AMR, or one of the five other supports that can wipe out a chicken in a millisecond. Sure having a crossbow for them is nice but on the other hand DCS can kill devs by the dozen from +100m away it's utterly amazing to do. Also you can always use it to pop a rocket pod on a chicken strider, it does bug out and not explode sometimes but works often enough in a clutch.
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>the flinch recovery out of a stim
Heavy devastator sends his regards
>or 1 shot if you hit the side rockets
idk how this shit is supposed to work but it's a fucking casino
you win like 1 time out of 10, other 9 times you will destroy rocket launchers and nothing happens
Maybe they just like playing on the fire planet? We're going to liberate Claorell in 6-7 hours anyways, let em have their fun.
need like a hundred of these guys on d10 desu. They're the perfect mid-range chaff enemy. Just strong enough to pose a threat, but just dumb enough to be cut down in swaths.

You're not doing it right then.
>1 time out of 10
nonsense its more like 50:50
you have to aim for the rockets dumbass, stop hitting the rack. it has less hp than the rockets.
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I just stick close to my teammates when they're around and spam endless plasma punisher shots at them. They can't do shit
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>Maybe they just like playing on the fire planet
Instructions unclear
Deploying 10,000 shield devastators who continue shooting at you when staggered (the stagger animation will also make their shields block their heads)
>DCS can kill devs by the dozen from +100m away
I don't understand why do you pretend xbow doesn't do the same thing? It deals AOE damage and when you shoot a group of devs you damage all of them
if you can't hit at 100m with xbow it's a skill issue
you don't need to hit a weakpoint because it 2shots them anyway.
actually CS loses this comparison because of stupid sway desync, when serverside sway mistmatches clientside sway and your bullets are always off by few cm at long ranges, making hitting heavy devs weakpoints very hard. It can take like 6 bullets until it finally gets past the shield and hits it's head at 100m. Meanwhile xbow will take a heavy dev out in 2 shots just like any other dev, or a group in a magazine.
>Only lobby that appears on Claorell is private
Nig game
Nog general
ggs fun games anyways
It's just Joel doing a test to see how many retards are in the playerbase. First with the -3% Pandion and now Imber defense when Bot Moon gambit is the correct play.
GL is the new bots strat, just shoot at their feet and ignore the stupid shield
you can literally see your bullets are missing the missiles and hitting the rack between them
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d10 bug
The latest one I have seen is their gun still firing after being shot off. I though it was a cool little thing until it kept firing and firing until it was dead.
exactly my experience with CS on bots
except I don't miss all my shots lmao
>Game session is no longer available
Normal devs are challenging? I can literally stunlock them as they burn to death on the Cookout. Heavy devs really are the only devastator that is threatening and that's because the shield can potentially block all the pellets when blasting at them.
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>still waiting for cryo
I'm a casual ;)
If you're using CS just shoot the legs, it kills them way easier, shooting the rockets is only best if you have no other choice
xbow has a pretty slow RoF. DCS is a rapid headshot device. I see xbow's edge in utility, not killing power. DCS is gonna do so much better for raising your kill count and saving the butts of your mates.
I'm a little annoyed by all the stealth changes to breakpoints and whatnot the AC always seems to be affected negatively by.
>now EAT = 2 dead hulks
is there any reason not to take it every mission?
>AC crutcher has to cope with the fact that better players outkill them now
you missed idiot
RR is better and Quashit is infinite
>saving the butts of your mates
eh CS is only effective when devs are facing you
when you save butts of your mates it usually is not the case, and xbow wins again
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saturday night drink and dive
10 bots, planet undecided
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i like it since i can jump and shoot, but i stopped taking it because arc thrower stuns them again
DCS easily spams down devs from any angle.
>any reason not to take it
RR splitting dropships in half
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You're right, I must be getting false positives on headshots now that hulk armor is 4 all around.
get the red dot mod, it helps AC a lot
Certain special major orders should just give out super credits. A big incentive for players to participate
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This shit is so much fun.

I tried it, but the color gets lost in the red glow of automatons for me. I'd use it if it was green or another high contrasting color.
How to get rid of HUD?
It's just the center that's cropped out and I have a higher resolution monitor.
Could you imagine the chimpout if a super credit mo failed for whatever reason?
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imagine if that robot came out like super man and hit you.
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Wouldn't be the first time.
Only problem with shooting the spine of a dropship is that you often hit one of the bots hanging off it and only kill that and not the ship.
Best thing is that they fixed enemies not dying when you shoot down the dropship before they start unloading
You can just blast these things as they fly in and get a dozen or so kills
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shit is perfect
still 3/4 join my aurics
3/4, get on the front shinji or Eagle-1 will have to go
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>was the only person in the world that liked the tenderizer from the beginning
>was disappointed with the damage buff because it lost 5 rounds per mag and went from 10 to 7 spare mags without changing many breakpoints aside from devastator headshots
>they gave it back its old magazine and I completely missed that in the patch notes
Alright, this really is the best patch ever.
>tekken Jack vs average sissy gameplay
idk for me they die but I don't get credited kills most of the time
very rarely I get a combo counter, and at the end of the mission my kills are lacking
I tested it in eradication, I downed like 11 dropships and got only 11 kills at the end screen
it still only gets 2 mags from ammo boxes
otherwise it's good, yes
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for bots dif 10 I use RR with plasma punisher, walking barrage, smoke orbital, and smoke eagle. I run with my battle buddy who does MG43(which is great against scout striders), shield emplacement, eagle strafing run, and gatling barrage. I do really well by myself when im separated, scout striders suck but not that much, it takes 5 shots to the legs or underbelly to kill it, but I like plasma punisher because it causes heavy stagger to devestators, and against heavy devestators it causes them to expose themselves from their shields and my battle buddy can follow up easily and quickly for easy kills with his MG 43
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Those 10k players on Imber came from Pandion, didn't they?
Better question: When are we getting more simply black-and-yellow armor?
The only good thing is those retards will be moved somewhere else where they might hopefully be actually useful. Either that, or they'll go back to Pandion. But at least Joel's throwing those retards a bone and has reduced the decay to -2% on that foggy shithole now. That said, those niggers wasted not just this MO but the last one on Pandion doing fuck all until Joel tweaked the decay.
seriously that would've been the play where all armor is black and yellow and you could paypiggy for shaders to change the colors
My commando takes 1 to the eye and doesnt need cuckpack
I hate this shit so much. I have the best luck using laser weapons but you still need to hold it on them to make them explode.
>Joel's throwing those retards a bone and has reduced the decay to -2% on that foggy shithole now
Funniest scenario would be that they get halfway to liberating it and he puts it up to 5%
pool is closed due to bot aids
>still only gets 2 mags from ammo boxes
Huh, I never noticed. That's fucked.
Bros, where's that super credit mod that shows them as beacons. My friends have gotten back into the game again and I want to help them out a little.
Doesn't exist.
Someone give me a bot loadout.

I'm a returnfag bugdiver, D10 is fun but is not as hard as I thought it was going to be. Figured with all the OP shit I can finally learn bots and have more variety.
How to make the game look less fuzzy/blurry? The WebMs on /Hdg/ always looks so clean
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Throw distance armor.
Crossbow, bushwhacker, thermite.
Supply backpack, OPS, whatever you want x 2.
Throw thermite at everything big + fabricators with your big dick throw.
OPS the detector tower.
Crossbow everything else.
>Stim pistol
>thermite grenades
>mortar sentry
>machine gun sentry
>rocket sentry
>autocannon sentry
Stun lock groups of bots with purifier while you keep team mates alive topped up with stim pistol, provide support with good sentry placement. You'll need team to take out heavies for you.
This but for bugs, I literally haven't played a bug mission in months
medium armor
frags or incendiary nades
ballistic shield
heavy armor (fortified)
frags/incendiary/brap nades
120mm orbital barrage
OPS/strafing run/orbital laser
you can bring meme loadouts to bugs 10, it's like bots 6
literally anything goes
>flamethrowers have falloff
fucking WHY
I'm tried bro, my soul leaves my body when a heavy dev headshots me three times in the head.

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