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/rog/ - Ragnarok Online General

Currently: MyRO


>3x EXP/10x Loot/15x Cards - Pre-Renewal
A fresh server that's slowly growing to a steady and healthy population. Old school vibes with good exp and loot pacing. Non-commercial, unmoderated chat. Launched September 9. The admin checks in on this thread and is open to feedback.

>Ragna/v/ 3
>7x EXP/5x Equip/3x Misc/10x Cards - Pre-Renewal
This is one of multiple 4chan community servers that has already had 2 failed attempts. It might be fun for a little bit. Unlike the previous two editions, this server has extensive rebalance and changes. Discussion, status updates, and information gets released on this thread. Non-commercial, unmoderated chat.

Rates: 5x/5x/5x/3x, it's OriginsRO except rebranded. Not wiped, server was brought back from exactly the point where Origins stopped. It's probably best to avoid this server as it's ancient and has countless players who have full gear and have completed everything.

>UARO - High pop; vanillacore low-rate; multiclienting banned;
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

>ccRO - Pure PvE card farming, seasonal;
Rates: Customized depending on spawn rarity.
New season launching in October. Keep an eye on this one!

>But where is /ro/ playing??
Nowhere en masse. You can find a few stragglers on any of those servers. Many have been starting on MyRO the past week.
MyRO has extended zoom. So fucking nice and something that pretty much every pserver has these days. Fagnadev won't add it for some reason. I guess I have to be a bully and ask for it.
Oh and it also has a navi system that isn't bugged to death and works no matter what map you're on when starting it.
Oh and gear also drops identified. Fuck magnifiers.
Oh and it has the good BG script.
Oh and it has dungeon warpers once you unlock it for the first time.
Oh and you don't have to do dungeon access quests on every fucking character on your account.
Oh and the episode it's on is before the satan morroc trash so old morroc is there and has all the old sograt desert maps+spawns. Very very soulful.
Oh and it doesn't have assassins doing 10-20k autos with 30 minute EDPs for no reason at all.
Oh and it doesn't have wizards doing max matk attacks at all times so they kill stuff like necromancers and salamanders with 1 SG.
Oh and it has a daily mob kill quest system where you can party up with people and it counts the kills for everyone in the party.
Oh and it has regular events to participate in not ran manually by a retarded GM.
Oh and the GM chats with and takes feedback and suggestions from anyone, not just those in his faggot clique guild.
Oh and every player has oc/dc 10 instead of taking it away completely.
Oh and it has costumes dropping for every mob and you have to actually earn your appearance.
Do I keep going?
plying there makes thread schizos seethe, which is pretty nice.
I agree. It's funny how mad they get.
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Really. You're stepping it up to this degree? Kill yourself.
>21 online, 7 are vendors
>server (probably not their fault) is being used as a shitpost
>literally and unironically a reddit server reddit.com/user/MyRagnarokOnline/

It'd be better to just have no thread than a thread that exists so that 1-2 schizos can cause as much drama as possible.
Not peak hours right now. It's gaining more each day. Very comfy. Come join us and give it a try! I can help you out with some zeny and stuff when I'm on tonight.
>unironically shill server on reddit
>still don't have 15 players
>hehe let's hijack the op
it's all so tiresome
Any chance I would've tried that server would've come from word of mouth, and not a single person has mentioned it around me on ragna/v/. The only exposure the server has gotten has been through people forcing it here for malicious means. I feel bad for the admin but no, I won't be trying this shit until after it stops being a shitpost engine.
someone make a real thread
Fuck Hanyeo
Fuck Peachy
What do you mean hijack? This is a general for Ragnarok Online, meaning we all talk about anything related to RO including any servers around. It's not all just about you ya know. If you're a ragna/v/ 3 player, there's a thread just for you on /v/. You can speak about that server here too, of course.
bro he's advertising on reddit
Could you link that thread, please? I'd love to read it. And also
>Currently: MyRO
Kill yourself.
That's pretty smart. I wish ragnav advertised on reddit from the start. It needs more players.
jannies might do it for free but even they aren't this retarded
/ro/ - Ragnarok Online General
There's nothing wrong with him adding a NEW RAGNAROK ONLINE SERVER in the OP.
If you don't like it just fuck off and go make your ragna general already.
I'd play Arcadia rather than your dogshit dead huehuehue MyRO server.
>hehe ill pretend not to realize i removed the server 95% of the thread are playing
le master trolle, the redditor playerbase that makes up the other 12 players on your server will be very impressed
What is removed?
nope, you are cut off, redditor
I like MyRO and don't care about the schizos.
>19 online
>8 are vendors
I like MyRO, along with my 7 other split personalities that post about it in this thread.
Schizos have their own thread and yet they're more active in here. Interesting.
We love ragna/v/ here
No we dont, it just as dead as myro or whatever its called
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we love MyRO here
we love ratshitpiss here
we love Alchemists here
we love zulf the cuck here
we love sexsader here
we love SEA here
we love laraschizo here
we love Lordgay here

we hate bulliekeks here
we hate clikeks here
we hate niggerdev here
we hate all schizos here
>Umm, achuwee, we hate-
We hate YOU, you falseflagging cocksucking son of a dead drunken fat whore
Yes we, You can kill yourself and go to hell
We all would be happy if you killed yourself and died right now, nobody would fucking miss you, especially not your whore mother who takes dicks inside and out 24/7
We won't fucking miss you when you are gone, we will celebrate
If I could hire a hitman on you right now, I would
I wish you nothing but the worst and most painful death possible and eagerly look forward to the day you die alone and miserable
>lively chat
>public parties every single day
>weekly events
it sure is great to not be a schizo
>lively chat
You meant same 8 niggas cliquebullshitting ? Yea
>public parties every single day
Lmao, nice joke
>weekly event
Okay, you're right
I play ragna/v/ for Hanyeo
myro won
this guy is mentally ill
there are multiple schizophrenics tied to this thread.
so the schizo is some sea retard?
he keeps replying to himself and its so obvious it hurts to watch
For me, it's MyRO. It really upsets these bullikeks.
>if you don't post how we want you to you're a schizo
nah all me btw
I made this post.
>19 online
>8 are vendors
This is like back in the days of OG /rog/ when a mentally ill pollock named Psor spammed his dead keknewal server LeikaRO for years on end. There's always one retard terrorizing any given general or topic on this website. Honestly pretty sad how much damage a nolife schizo can do.
nigger I'm in the middle of my Doctorate classes, I would log in if I could and kill some plants
>96 online
>50 vendors
even myro has better active players/merchs ratio
>doctorate in 2024
have fun working at mcdonalds
jesas.. myro cannot stop winning
I will be making the best fucking burgers you'll ever have
Why lie? There are only 30 vendors.
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Grow up. Stop making your mother sad. She's old and not long for this world.
Reminder that we play ragna/v/ here
30 selling, 10 buying, you both are wrong.
Thats vg for you
I'm playing ragna/v/ and Arcadia. But I will never play MyRO.

why not? any particular reason?
I like seeing a lot of retards walking around. I don't want to start new again on a server that is obscure.
fair enough bro I personally like it because there's no particular pandering to anyone in myro and you're basically left to either interact with the population or just be that guy who farms and get all the global notifications , and both are good things
I'm seriously gonna kill myself if the damn thing doesn't drop in the next 1000 kills

isn't 0.25% mean average 1 for every 400 kills? I think I have better odd getting hit by a truck at this point
Though I agree with you in one thing. I despise the faggot clique and everyone in it. Good luck with your server though.
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Damn this shit is hilarious to watch
>plays on iRO
the pandering is in your head. retro rants about dev's changes almost daily.
He means Bill/GPU but it's a moot point because both of them basically quit already. The damage is done, though.
>I despise the faggot clique and everyone in it.
that's the only problem I always had , as soon as I found out the clique from pso2 was involved I jumped ship (get it, a pso2 reference), they were insufferable and never had anything to show for it
and now a server where the owner is their friends that practically does everything in their favor, and their favor only? Nah, not going to have that.
Aren't these cliqueniggers from Granblue Fantasy crew?
the MyRO i know was a mid-rate from early 2000's that used to be the largest pserver next to Talon. it also has tons of Pinoys. is it the same server?
shhhh don't upset the narrative
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I like stacked Shion better than flat
pretty sure it's a completely new server with like a max of 10 players
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>it also has tons of Pinoys
I refuse to play a server that has this majority as playerbase.

Fuck these islandniggers, they are the blight of every private servers.
yea, someone in global last night was talking about how they posted their pso2 character and got called a bulliekek
yes they're from a gacha game and only like 4 remain from their group, one of them is a legit mentally ill individual
how dare you
>mentally ill individual
just call him a tranny you're anon here
> one of them is a legit mentally ill individual
That doesn't narrow it down much considering 80% of them are trannies
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They should stay in their dying homoflop faggot gacha game.

Hey cliqueniggers, having fun with your grubb? Hope they keep releasing homoshit males in your kusoge.
just so you know this reads like "i got destroyed on two games in a row" but idk if pso has a woe equivalent or what
bro pso2 is full pve shut up and stay in your lane
Shut the fuck up, Vanessa.
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>Baneposting: can you forge weapons on top of Shion's chest?
yes and yes
>shilling a 1 digit population server
>be Bullies
>get bullied instead
what the fuck is going on lmao
Vincent did nothing wrong btw
wait, bulliekeks are pso2 clique? you know what, fuck ragna/v/
what is she up to these days
>in bullies on this server and the last one
>never heard about pso2 at all until now
The shitposter is in the "see what sticks" phase at this point. Just enjoy the ride.
then you were never in their circle just watch the damage control and analyze it
Being a useless housewife.
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good lord what the fuck is this thread
some guild won woe and instead of trying to beat them someone is trying to get everyone to move to a 10 player reddit server
it's just the average /vg/ thread where there's a a few mentally ill retards shitting it up 24/7
except unlike other /vg/ generals it's a slow as fuck thread so it isn't niche buzzing and there isn't a dedicated reportnigger who calls the jannies on em
clique getting exposed nothing new always ALWAYS happen in games that have their particular group
only difference here is that the ragna/v/ server dev particularly only does what they recommend thus leading to many players migrating to other servers, mainly myro
i already heard "pso2 clique" shits on other mmo thread as well, but what actually happen ?
I just click on monster, I click on loot.
Death to the cliquekeks
>create guild with your discord friends
>invite everyone on the /ps2g/ thread
>it was actually to fill up a quota and get points
>never invite anyone except the same 4 players to ALL the content
>people realize it, and shat on them
>they had to quit after failing to reach top rank in all the challenges

tell as old as time, basically what you're seeing here
but you already knew that and you're just going to reply with some seething and coping
didn't they post screenshots of being #1 last time you posted this
Qrd on ragna/v/ guilds?
you fags still use discord despite playing on /v/ server...?
not really I too can samefag, copy and paste my comments, and edit them on a lolsoepic character
queue the seething btw not even the same anon as your schizo post assumes
but I knew perfectly that you were going to cope about it


He then pretended it was photoshopped.

Unfortunately, he's the MyRO redditor and doesn't realize there's a vg archive, where you can literally just search the quotes in the fucking picture he replied to.


silly you're just digging your own grave deeper
>this isn't even the worst time he's been blown out lying about bullies
i'm n-not really new...
Plan to start ragnav. Don't know what class i'll like, so I'll try maybe 4 of them.

Is there any reason to make them in the same account? Is multi clienting a thing? How annoying is weight?

Can katars double attack? Is the normal leveling experience to just go around killing shit or is there some quest progression or something?
why do you think ragnav is pure garbage?
it's a server made by the dev for his discord friends
that's why the complain on @global that this thread is garbage yet they keep coming here to shill how good their server is
that's also why they get so mad at some brown advertising his own server, discordfags can't handle not being in control
ragna/v/3bros been getting a taste of how bad the schizos were in ragna/v/2
imagine this but happening in every thread a month before and a month after the server launch. 1-2 schizos were 75% of the posts. the threads were unusable and it pretty much killed the server.
Protip: never let them make the OP
yes and no
same shitposter that was in /pso2g/ that likely followed over here because the posting style is exactly the same. ops would also get hijacked, loads of deflections, "based" posting, its like I have stepped back into that shithole again. given how much they're seething over bullies/oya from there they must be someone who got kicked or reviled in their time there and frankly I only know of a few people who fit the bill in making complaining about cliques their personality. just sad it has to continue again into another general really, guess I'm dipping out of this one too because they will not stop the shitposting has gone on for 3 years straight over there. t. someone from a different alliance
you never played pso2 because none of this even makes sense. all the alliances had holes to fill and there were no rewards for points or anything that you're saying. maybe you're thinking about instinct and supplement?
>Is there any reason to make them in the same account?
shared storage/bank
>Is multi clienting a thing?
only if you're cheating :))
>How annoying is weight?
eh, depends on the class
>Can katars double attack?
With a sidewinder card.
>Is the normal leveling experience to just go around killing shit
100% this outside of entrance quests for certain locations
anon, it's way more than 1-2 posters
or you think the people migrating is actually one player multiclienting?
wtf you were around for that?
did /v/3 bring you back?
that was when the groundwork of /rog/ culture was being lain but modern schizos are much worse
nice seething, as expected you say that but you never said he's wrong so that's funny
is this the same dude? that post is responding to them being called hackers and posting videos
Where should I grind for XP as Wizard at around 68-70ish?
>Plan to start ragnav. Don't know what class i'll like, so I'll try maybe 4 of them.
try anything except merchant and alch (They suck for first characters)
>Is multi clienting a thing?
> Is the normal leveling experience to just go around killing shit or is there some quest progression or something?
just killing stuff mainly
I hope the MyRO anon keeps hijacking the OP so you cliquefaggots rope yourselves.
I have no idea and I'm not reading that shit but it really just seems like someone that keeps getting beat and has a vendetta if that's what it is.
>just a couple schizos
You're being extremely disingenuous
There's like 3 MyROs now
the pinoy one is still the oldest and still alive for some reason
>116 posts
>11 images
i'm going back to the /v/ thread, i'll see you retards when someone makes /vg/ - /ragnavg/
be the change you want to see itt
Fuck off nigger, you won't be missed.
Vanessa pls go
I only play on the 4chan MyRo
High orc
Me too, I found it through the owner's Reddit post and I was sick of people being allowed to say the n-word on the /v/ server.
Someone please sell me a pocketwatch... I will draw hanyeo or someone else for payment.
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>bro ragna/v/ is a clique server bro!! it's ran by a single guild!!
>join myRO instead bro!!
if 90% of the server is one guild, and they keep saying that the admin implements suggestions from the thread... isn't that exactly what they are complaining about with ragna/v/ just worse
that's the admins guild btw
this is just ragna/v/ all over again..
That entire guild is probably less people than even half of bulliekeks so if the thread joins they'll be the minority
I don't feel so good MyROsis....
Pecola Angeling is the GOAT
>so if the thread joins they'll be the minority
and because they will have ZERO preferential treatment for anyone in that server the "thread" would fairly get btfo by both guilds
I'll be on that list soon bros
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what will happen to ragna/v/
lmfao clique in shambles
hello you lying fuck, if you truly think it's only a couple of people who come to shitpost you're retarded
I remember one time when he got banned and literally over 100 posts in the thread shitposting against ragna/v/2 got deleted
I already got invited by two different people.. the struggle as a kirito.
it's way more than 1-3 people assuming the myro server growth
vincent isn't the server shill schizo, that's ratshitpiss
how come the other posts trannies claimed it was vincent too didn't get deleted? how come 120000% of the times you mention this you always leave that detail out?
which server has super high rate and job 4? I want to see them in action
MyRo seems pretty good. My only dislike at the moment is that there is no stat/skill reset post-70. I think the admin didn't add it because he's worried about pvp abusers, but it's overall a terrible experience for all players to not have a resetter in this day of age. If you're worried about it that much then just make it a zeny sink to help control the economy.

I'm surprised nobody talks more about one of the major flaws of Ragnav: the broken enemy AI hyper casting their skills. (is it cause of increased regen? another ridiculous "rebalance" btw) It's so absurd, other servers don't have this issue.
you can tell the thread doesn't play play the server right now
Quite literally nothing. Has basically no PvE application.
Some kind of later resets/reskill would be really nice. I like the system some servers use where you get specific amounts of skill points you can reset in a time frame. Like you can't reset your whole build every day, going from TU priest to FS etc.
Free resets to 70 is at least better than nothing.
can't you use it in bio3 or something? normal attack is forced neutral right
send the feedback to the myro admin he's always willing to discuss stuff
that was ratshitpiss
it was extra funny because they were using a tripcode at the time.. but only half their deleted posts were made with a trip
yeah join the discord and give him feedback on it https://discord.gg/E6XKHVMXna
it is easiest to contact myro admin through reddit directly if you have any feedback http://reddit.com/user/MyRagnarokOnline/
bullycric mad they don't have the attention of the thread
I only join loli porn discords
>it is easiest to contact myro admin through reddit
stopped reading there
no shit
this thread is full of fucking retards
reading comprehension is so hard bro
myrosisters................................................................................it's checkmate
not in bullies, wasnt in oyasumi so i cant speak about the inner workings but all the alliances back then played with each other all the time because they had extras or holes so advertising in b44/the thread/the group chat helped a lot with that
pls stop making a SE gvg meta bow ro in 2024.
some of the resistances enemies have never made sense to me
like why are siroma's resistant to fire
Remember that the cliqueniggers already got several god items. You can't catch up anymore.
It's sentient water. Why would fire work?
i guess that makes sense, my head was thinking ice so it would be weak to fire
Ok shinobi aren't that bad to kill but my god the paper is annoying with that iron defense shit
It's because there isn't an ice type like in pokemon for example. Everything is split into earth, water, fire, wind and just works in RPS fashion. So ice type monsters are weak wind (lightning) and ground type monsters are weak to fire.
>last post 50min ago
let me guess
ragnav discordfags got butthurt and went to make a circlejerk /v/ thread
and my guess is that the myrofag went to make them mad over there too
do you want to do dailies with me on myro? doing low level ones
>new to RO
>hate cliqueshit
>like slow progression
>like high-pop servers with a high % of noobs like myself
what server do I join?
None. There are very few new players joining RO.
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are you ok?
no i don't want to play on a low rate
this shit doesn't survive past a month
pinoy I guess
That's what people said about ragna/v/ all the time, too.
But low rates with high drops or high rates with low drops, it kinda evens out.
For 90/50 you play twice as long but end up with 4 times the loot in comparison.
Ghostring won't reduce the damage of auto-attacks from monsters as they are technically "Non-Elemental" instead of Neutral. (Despite Cards like Raydric working against them.)
It's always pinoys isn't it. How many times are they going to do sharp leaf turn ins.
lmfao fucking DAILIES the server is 75% renewal at that point, all everyone is going to do is themepark the same mob route 1 to 99
what a travesty
>the 24h gated dailies are killing some ants, skeletons, byalan shit etc.
>schizos think it's exp 150/150 turn-ins
not going to install it but I'm going to pretend I play MyRO.
you do your dailies bro? hahaha
>That's what people said about ragna/v/ all the time, too.
bro. they're on ragnav3. v.3.
had a fucking dogshit ending that ruined the entire series for me
Woohoo time for another day of MyRO grinding! Get hyped. Let me know if you need a little starting zeny. It already gives you 5k so that will probably be enough.
I'm about to go hit up some dailies on my-ro, want me to bring you anything anon?
Start MyRO instead. ragnav is already over a month in and has gone through woe when it shouldn't have started for a good 3 months and is dying off fast now. The GM is corrupt.
But you can say nigger all you want on MyRO.
I am not in the guild and the Admin chats with me and took my suggestions.
He said he's changing this.
rance so mad all the time. Keeps thinking it's 1 schizo in the thread, when there are many people tired of cliquefaggots who just want to play old game. it's time for you all to go back to gbf.
Just completed all of my (get it?) dailies. Logging off for now. See you tomorrow!
Daily see you tomorrow daily bro
See you on reddit bro!
>3 months
Bold to assume ragnav would last that long to begin with.
I was the one who made this thread (it's perfectly fair MyRO gets a spot). I went to sleep for 8 hours, woke up, and there are a ton of MyRO posts. You clique fags think it's only 1-2 posters here, but there are a lot more who are sick of your shit.
Avoid ragna/v/ 3 at all costs. It's ran by a retarded corrupt faggot ass GM who only pays attention to his faggot clique friends the server was made for.
Haha thanks for the (You)s mybROs! Happy dailies to (You)! Maybe tomorrow the server will have 10 players on at one time. Fingers crossed. Don't forget to do your dailies!
dailies bro? what are you a chud?
>wipes during his daily thana run
>makes new character and gets knotted to 90s
>goes to the prontera fountain and participates in the daily ceremony of splashing their face with the brown water while a mlp 2hu obsessed fag pretends to fuck you in the ass
>has nothing better to do but shit up the ro thread daily
The daily quest is sweet. You can only do 1 a day and it's worth doing but not broken. You can't chain them nonstop to 99. I've been grouping to get them done. Shared party progress! It adds nice locations to give something new to do and encourages partying.
myRO dev is adding Eden quests and gear next update. Dailychads we won.
rance calm down. I'm sure some people will still turn up tomorrow to get hit by stormgust.
party on 4keks. everyone welcome
That actually ruins the server. Fuck. Is MyRO admin also retarded?
He's not adding eden quests lol. bulliekeks in panic mode.
>he's still going
your pinoy server isn't getting past 1 digit btw
>everypony wasn't welcum
oh no they're attacking me again...transmerican erpcare please help...
>has a 'cord
>main channel of communication is r*ditt
Remember to never buy anything off the merchants in payon

if you're looking for shoes or armor just beg for it from Yi Sang and he might give you some for free
Just want someone to hold hands with while duoing...
better than coomer pdf file 4tranners
whatever you say Manuel
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can someone edit this to be a middle finger
ask ratshitpiss, when it comes to art he's great with finger related things
just let this thread die
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but I thought this was false? that it was just a "narrative"?
stupid motherfuckers hahahahahah
so this post is someone who's inside their faction pretty fucking hilarious when the same circle doesn't even like each other when being anon
MyRO is double digits though.
myRO is 15 jews though.
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it seems so
probably the same poster as >>495414267
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you're lucky I can't put hands on you little spic boi
good afternoon, myRO friends
i'm about to drop in my dailies
as a new player interested in creating a sworsdman, am I right that Kngiht is my Spear and AoE oriented and Crusader more of a tank/buffer?
that Knight is mainly spear and AoE oriented** im blind
what server has the best erp
its more nuanced then that, I wouldnt even agree with that statement
both have aoe options
both have tanky builds
in your experience, if I want to do both mob damage and tank mob damage, which one should I aim for and with what starting cards?
myro just added bg btw
no fucking way?
WTF. I love MyRO now!?
new question:
I'm going Crusader, what starting cards should I be aiming for once I can start doing damage with the Swordsman job?
both can do it but have different strengths/playstyles
although I would say grand cross crusader does the tanking better
but kinda hard to start out with compared to knight

starting cards, dunno what you have
you want tankiness, so +HP or damage reduction, DEF
>Bg with single digit population
godsend, thank you that's good info for me
MyRO is literally /our server/ and obviously much better than /their server/
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myroGODS ww@!!?
>a 2 digits server with no donations has a better BG script than niggerdev
lol, lmao even
i fucking love my homunculus, bros!
The dev seems decent, but honestly, old morroc + unbugged melee + higher drops is what is making me play.
what did he mean by this?
Also he's not a retarded faggot corrupt niggerdev only for his guild fag clique friends.
whats with the myro shilling today
can you please stop talking about myro im about to cry
we just got custom battlegrounds added
guys can we please just stop myro posting? we have to be focused on woe tomorrow and next week, this is the only reason everyone really played for even when told this exact thing would happen
now you better show up to woe, peonggy spent weeks grinding for gear and cards while eating nothing but dog cumsoup, make his sacrifice count and die like the cuck you are
>kek audibly with my custom hat dropped from a Poporing
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based as fuck
>this fries the macaco's brain
jesus christ I'm not even level 60 yet
this is actually really funny
too much effort for shit nobody is going to do before the server dies
>niggerdev rejected this
how can a single human be this retarded...
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actually agree, PvP faggots are a loud ass minority
you forgot your trip niggerdev
are you talking with "people" about it?
Is ragna/v/ the cuck server? How does MyRO has this? What the actual fuck.
I've given up trying to reel in retards that i'm over it
>Server focused on experimental changes, this time focusing on PvE changes
jesus christ what an embarrassing bunch of faggots you people are
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>some retard samefagging an entire thread
How do you function in real life? This is actual insanity.
no one asked btw
same server that pushed woe when nobody asked

and specifically this >>495475892
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Summoned a Bring it on!/Poi Poi in the church after the marriage. Good luck.
i honestly can't believe this faggot forced a marriage, beginning all fucking day, how embarrassing
>getting intimidated so hard by a 2 digits pop server that you need to give for /free/ a bsb
lol, lmao even
is there even a point to this
>Dude somebody adopt me, oh sorry, it HAS to be two bullies members
fucking annoying fucker
I and others warned you all ragnadev is a corrupt faggot niggerdev only making a server for his cliquefag bully friends. People are finally waking up.
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This post was approved by the Poring council
No one cares about your trash clique server.
bro your gear?
non-existent for now as I only play solo but soon
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ohhhhh new endgame focused guild on myro right after woe ended in ragna/v
could they be related?
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I'm 120000% sure of who you are
tell us

Akami and Midnigthz, Akami got the Emporium and gave it to Midnight asap creating Yggdrasil

t. chronicler
listen, i don't care
everybody who gives a shit about your dumbass wedding is already there
cringe tryhards in global begging for members kek
i'm running out of steam leveling
I think it's healthy, Avalon needs to recruit more though if they're already saying they will focus on endgame stuff
just my opinion that nobody asked for btw
Am I supposed to know who they are? RO famous?
kys akami
not at all, but I think this is related
>i talked to two people and got their opinions on WOE changes guys! please look forward to it!!!
>Dude you gotta play priest or bard, I don't care if you're not having fun, we need them
i'd rather fuck myself in the ass
you're just hecking mad that we were heavily outnumbered but still won!
you will play the bard and only use bragi and nothing else
bard is fun tho
yeah. fun.
I love afk autofollowing, and when I'm not doing that i'm weapon swapping & flashing songs. Such fun.
is there an equivalent of Star Dust Blade but for the Swordsman job?
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As part of showing GOOD WILL after their recent VICTORY, the BULLIES will be allowing the PLEBS the rape of ONE(1) priest for the period of TWENTY FOUR(24) hours. No, the Priests have not agreed to this. It will be ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%) guaranteed non-consensual. Please pick who it will be TONIGHT.
must be a good ass honeymoon if he's giving up the toy priests on the first day
bros I don't want to browse through all the swords in rate my server....
I don't think so? The entire point of that sword is it's overpowered but restricted to novice characters. Maybe like Masamune or Death guidance (2h swords) can kinda sorta do the same thing.
thanks, I'll keep a lookout for those!
somebody will talk to me today maybe
anyway you all suck ass and i'll be leaving now
don't bother playing if you're not in one of the big guilds. and no i'm not going to the other shitty shilled server
>killing everyone at the fag marriage
I quit ragna/v/ after learning that it is just run by a single faggy clique.
a lot of people did. I didn't realize it for ages, thought the people saying it in the thread were just retards.
saying what in the thread?
That it was basically just a server for bullies. Don't get me wrong there's some nice people on there, but the server isn't really for them.
you're right it's mostly for the bill clique and the rest for them, prove me wrong
>you can't
I threw all my pvp gears to the GTB a few minutes ago. See you in MyRO.
I set fire to ragnadevs house, not sure if the server is there but we will see
my-ro banzai!!!!!
you're right but it was for bill and not buillies lol
bros I'm new, is there a way to travel around fast or warps? Or am I just supposed to be walking around to maps and stuff?
So it's narue and his butt buddies trying to push the malaysian reddit server >>>/v/689561917
He's always doing this kind of shit. Narue you've been terrorizing /rog/ for 10+ years now. Go away. And tell MeteorD that I said you suck each other's cocks.
no, you either get passives that lets you walk faster, buffs or a badge that you need to farm that speeds up your movement for 2 minutes
overall you're stuck walking and that;s why you need fly wings as you farm and then teleport skill after (farmed from Creamy mob)
damn, arlight thanks anon.
talk to the kafra to warp to other towns
the cool event guy and the other npc near him with a kafra sprite can also warp you to some dungeons
What the other guy said applies to teleporting randomly around within a zone. If you need to get to various towns/zones faster you use Kafra employee
Ah gotcha gotcha, yeah I was looking for the town warper. Thanks fellas, games pretty cool so far.
for those in myro server
how hard would it be to implement an event ranking/leadeboard that would net you points each season depending on the tasks you do related to the current events?
for example, each plant you kill nets you 1 point
each time you give the correct disguise answer you get 2 points
and at the end of the season you have a winner
Who cares?
I'd rather have this pinoy guy push a server that's actually for EVERYONE, instead of your fucking shitty server that is so obviously only for your clique that it's not funny.
It's funny how discordfags like you fail to understand that nobody gives a fuck about your drama. We just want a fucking server to play.
fuck off retard
>obvious ragna shill
>can't handle criticism
>can't handle competition
We should never have let you in this thread to be honest. But I'm glad all it takes is apparently one brown.
Now go back to your ragna thread, and permanently fuck off to your discord while you're at it. Maybe we can finally get some good servers for a change.
>one guy playing myro
>won't stop spamming the fuck out of it in the thread
fuck off retard
>one guy
Right. It must be only one guy, it always is with people like you.
post even one screenshot from someone else than >>495476467
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Take your meds schizo. I'm a rando eternal solo. Farming mats on my rogue right now.
do you like my porings though?
i like the pet :)
thank you! so do I
Galatic Commander getting bigger
Auto Berserk SUCKS
How does that even work?
I haven't touched it.
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a free lvl 10 provoke when your health is below 25%
(Damage +32%, Def - 55%)
You have to wait for 25%? You can't just go berserk?
>-55 to +32 ratio
that shit looks so fucking useless
hey it works perfectly to get me killed
you're a braindead tard, use it to oneshot an enemy before you take damage
as long as you take the enemy down with you then it's fine
You morons know they are able to all the ice-cream they want now from jawaii...
try leveling past lvl50 please the high levels are talking
just got a Broadsword [2], any advice on what cards I should use on it? thanks

Today's WoE footage. My method for capturing was waiting outside with PLEB PATROL and then going inside along them.

This was a very close fight, with PLEBs taking control of the entrance more than once. At one point, the Left Side Crystal got repaired 50 seconds before they could destroy the Right Side Crystal. If they had managed that, Bullies would have been pushed to the first Barricade and the entrance would be secured.

Review this footage to try and improve your game for next week. If you need any information regarding mechanics of need some practice, let me know.
Take this footage as feedback and stop running WoE you fucking retarded faggot.
shut up retard
shut up bitch
please respond
>loki's precast
Absolutely embarrassing
Aw, I hurt your feefees because your dogshit mode is dogshit.
what song other than bragi do you actually care about your bard playing? should i even bother with the others?
post your shit in your own thread please thanks
Pearls before swine.
You're just a bragi and marionette whore
moshi moshi
thats actually what i wanna hear, its alot harder to maintain song stacking now that i got arrow vulcan and arrow vulcan prefers i have bragi up myself when spamming it. can marionette be used well in combat or is it for merchant crafting only?
Hey dev I just had a random crash while fighting a petite. I was using the 4th job ninja sprite so I guess it's not unexpected.
I've had people report crashes from unexpected actions but it's probably the game being old and faulty as usual. Did the error mention a missing filename?
There's also the possibility that one of the cosmetics you're using caused it. In the past, I had to remove some of them because they caused crashes. Things like
>this certain cosmetic, when picking up items, from a specific angle

So if it happens again, try to save and post here.
they're all busy shitposting on the v thread go ask there
It's all good, went to ratemyserver and currently weighting all my options
I accidentally pressed enter on the first crash dialog box but I'm pretty sure it had a garbled filename that was missing. I'm using Rose Corsage and Diamond Earrings. But this is the first time it's happened in 60 levels of using them and I was just doing auto attack which I've done a lot of. I'll be sure to save it if it happens again.
It's shit
compared to what for example?
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can you afford a two handed sword[2]?
if not just get a claymore from the knights guild, it's 75k zeny and 1 steel
marionette is mostly used for crafting but you could be using it to give bonus hit to a low dex class for instance
song of lutie can be nice. assassin cross of sunset has its uses.
who was mvp?
how is claymore better than broadsword [2] ?
bulliekek champion (free BSB for niggerdev's pet clique)
I have no idea, but from the video I think it was a Champion.
close, plebkek champion (being fed constant sp transfers from bulliekek prof, but please remember these guilds hate eachother and it's ruining the server)
oh it's a tanking weapon, nvm then
rule of thumb, do not listen to anything from the people of ragna they do not know the game outside of their speedrung strats
use ratemyserv or check the old ro wikis
mhm, so what's your verdict?
yeah, I know what you mean, still I always like to ask and see different inputs
it's an MVP drop weapon so I'm just waiting for what anons here say
frankly the difference between those 2 is irrelevant unless you're talking about end-game, where 1 more point in a stat can make the difference to get the next bonus tier.
otherwise it's pretty simple
>do you plan to just level? don't use cards, keep it open for later
>do you plan to farm a specific mob? slot for it, but that's usually something people in guilds because of the card investment
>do you plan for an end-game weapon? go check the actual wikis because there's a lot to consider
>do you play for fun? just slot whatever you want
already made my choice but thank you for the input !
champ Asura
thanks for the info, my merchant friends will probably like the marioette regardless
Compared to this obviously

What are you, stupid or something?
heh funny guy
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Delivery for Chelle
Why are damage values enabled during woe? And yes, I mean for normal players. The fuck is wrong with you.
>If you need any information regarding mechanics of need some practice, let me know.
Because GM's / Admins can see the damage numbers...STUPID
>And yes, I mean for normal players.
Normal players can also see the damage numbers, that's why I'm asking you fucking retard.
What's the policy regarding multi-client on MyRO?
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bitch nigger the dev literally said sprite edits are okay so probably hexing your client is too, except you can't log in so dev gave special exes to his clique if that's the case
not allowed
>Server side config
>J-just hex your client
Fucking cenozoic primates.
I haven't fucked with my client at all and I see damage numbers in WoE here, it's just how this server is set up.
I made huge progress in MyRO today. More tomorrow!
Wow that must have been a lot of dailies! More tomorrow!
Noob. It's actually incredible. Get good gear so you have more effective HP and it's better than a 20% damage card when you keep your hp in that range.
You only get 1 daily quest a day, retard.
More tomorrow!
I think I accidentally sold a clip I need, does dev reimburse these or am I seriously going to have to farm a fucking card again?
PM him whenever he's online.
what card was in the clip
Untrue, you can do *all* of the dailies only once a day.

I get the seething rage but nothing is Malay, no idea where this comes from. It's EU-West.
That looks great, would love to have my character be drawn by you some day..
Getting less motivated to play since I can't get an alt going at all. Gonna try one more week else I'm giving my shit away. No ghosting.
What problems are you facing?
already told you
we need a x20
Come play on my-ro
What? Is someone turning off your PC when you try to start a new character?
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I think you meant OUR-RO
Who do I have to commission for this kind of art.
you can find plenty in skeb
what's a good way to farm empty bottles? I've been killing frogs, just wondering if there's something better
ant egg
much, much better
still gay though
Why are two boys kissing?
im going to fuck my guild leader's wife
Why are you like this?
what class and what frog map?
I'll give that one a shot once I run out of my current stock, thank you
priest, geffen field 1
Does the cart cannon damage formula scale harder off your str or int? It FEELS like it's str but tedious to check.
Why are you farming empty bottles?
to make holy water, should I not be?
lol, lmao even
if it's ragna and you don't want to respec you can just go for drops and poring you can one tap them
either 1st south map of pront or 1st north of morroc
do you have double chance for auto spell to proc with double attack? what about double attack bow?
hello tourist
Do mimic cards stack?
thank you
holy based
that's what sundays are for
Is there a way to lock an item so you don't accidentally sell it?
I explicitly enabled damage numbers in WoE. It never made sense that you couldn't see them normally. It's on the Rentry since the very beginning.

STR is better, INT only gives very minor improvement.
you do not want dmg in woe it justs makes a clusterfuck on the screen it is the entire reason people use greyworld and change status to be obvious.
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the 2 kinds of reactions to dying
nice myRO players faggot
this but unironically
boss is simply too strong for this server
Do you have any plans on balancing the under performing pve classes?
could you assist me with something in game ragnadev?
Gunslinger needs more buff
ap ammo needs to work on bosses
From what I understand, no to both, at least in the context of ASS which only works with autos.
afaik double (and triple) attack count as skills so you're actually lowering your ASS proc chance with them.
Could be wrong though.
I want super hard to craft bullet that deals % damage to enemy and also works on bosses.
how do you use emotes other than sit?
alt+l for the emote menu and click on them.
You can also bind them to your alt+X keys, press alt+m for the macro menu
thank you
800 sage worms
no librarian glove
someone else who played on those old servers?
what guild are you in here?
wait till you learn about the pocket watch
Hanyeo and Renne are erping
Post screenshots or it didn't happened.
does that mean heal from lori ruri card will also do the same?
>I explicitly enabled damage numbers in WoE.
Could you disable it? I can't see shit even with effects off.
that's a heal when hit effect, a totally different proc.
What the fuck is going on? How do you know what the fuck is happening and what to do?
just attack the monster bro
where is it?
right in the middle
the big healthbar is from an MVP, you would realize it easier if you were there
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No way, I want to erp with Hanyeo next...
I'm gonna play a cool server instead.
Where did Hanyeo even come from? I'm willing to bet either /ffxiv/ /pso2g/ or even /heals/.
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I'm making bank selling [REDACTED]. I need to go farm some more later since I can't stock it fast enough.
I wish they would make a rebalanced final ragnarok offline version with lots added content, less obscure bullshit and lots of quality of life like a codex for starter.
I feel like the story and setting is too cool to be hid behind stupid fetch quests.
Good thing you're not in the Granting Wish Department, that wish SUCKS
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Every man knows you dont shit on another mans dreams. You half man.
Fuck you, if there's wishes to be granted they should be alot better than this garbage
Your existence is an insult to humanity
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Clean my shoes, half man.
Keep wishing for things, brownie
Leveling alch in the 70s is destroying my soul do you need to craft the plant potions to do anything as this damn class?
>Takes 1 hour to reach job 10 as Novice
>During the beta
>Cool server
That and the loop crashes makes that server a huge disappointment.
>1 hour to reach lv 10 as a novice
What? It took 5 minutes tops, what the fuck are you talking about?
str/dex and spam acid terror, then switch to balls cannon and start mobbing rachel or something
Im not playing on ragna/v/ so im not sure what alchemy does there, but i just mammonite high orc with usual orcish axe setup
Any guides to having sex with your pets? Does it really get better with higher loyalty?
Starting public mvp parties on MyRO soon.
name guild and level requirements?

your in game name, the guild you're in, and is there a level requirement to be able to join? that's what I meant
hanyeo give me a qrd on how to play alchemist i have no idea
He's just going to tell you to ERP and beg for a knight
This retard namedropping himself 100 times every thread is starting to get annoying
shouldve been x1
>all mobs have a 0.01% chance to drop costumes
I wish it were 0.5x. Only con. Gear progression is so fun on low exp rates / higher item drops.
>collect materials for headgear
>headgear quests aren't in
MyRO Dev here.
I'm changing the rates to 0.5x
Patch notes will be up on our Reddit shortly
nah myro admin is sleeping rn
0.5x/0.5x/15x with 0.50% cards.
I had a dream where there was a beyblade gamemode using ripped sprites where you could use cards as bey spirits
Wish I knew how to code
do a 20x
all 20x
0.01x exp 100% drops
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gimme da ring
That's fucking retarded. You're 99/70 before having any fun gear.
>putting drops and exp out of synch with each other
Why though
i know that you can drag things to the favorites tab then go into the tab and lock it with the button on the bottom so it doesnt show up in npc sales, but i never tested with player to player trades.
Can you guys stock some more elunium? I bought all the stuff in town but I couldn’t get my garment to +9
Lmao 115 online (mostly vends) on a Sunday afternoon and getting lower each day. Nice job running the server into the ground niggerdev.
precastlliekeks are sleeping
122 online, 78 players / 44 merchants

Meanwhile on urRO
>single digit
But it's double digits and grows more each day.
it's ok pinoy it's ok
there there, 1 digit isn't that bad
sorry I just logged off
It's single digit. Prove otherwise. Protip: you can't. Now go home and do your fucking dailies.
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professor birthing hips
>>3x EXP/10x Loot/15x Cards - Pre-Renewal
>A fresh server that's slowly growing to a steady and healthy population. Old school vibes with good exp and loot pacing. Non-commercial, unmoderated chat. Launched September 9. The admin checks in on this thread and is open to feedback.
Can you increase the EXP rates to 10x, admin? 3x is too rough, and it would be able to compete with Ragna/v/.
holy shit cannon balls are 800z each i thought they'd be like arrows
3 weeks and myRO can't even break 20 players.
Put a fork in it. It's cooked.
>loki precast
>complete shitshow fights
this is just pathetic, the fact that niggerdev made it possible to use ensembles with only one performer is the icing on the cake
if you unironically participate on this shit and are playing niggerdev's slop server then there's no saving your retarded brain, you are beyond help.
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>there are "people" who think this sprite looks bad
>age-play has been added to the server
Bro why do you care? Those are fucking renewal shit
of course they'd be expensive af
i think it's sexy
Go back to get your kindergarten education, I guess.
3x is fine
no 0.5x/0.25x/100x would be fucking perfect
what stats for my alchemist? I'm pumping str for acid terror and cart cannon but the lack of dex means my plants won't hit anything, also need int it seems
ragna feels awful with the low equip drops and higher exp. No drop should be 0.05 fucking insane. myRO first server to get it right.
you mean common drops?
that could be fun.
even if xp is slow you at least drop enough shit to experiment with different weapons
but more importantly you can actually do what happened in official servers and take the time to make weapons to xp on specific mobs
then you can sell those later to new players to keep both the economy and population going
>.05% increase in drops
>for 50% decrease in exp
LOL myRetard
how's the 1 digit going pinoy?
pump VIT for AD
dex isn't really needed since items, buffs and foods can give you all the HIT you need
anon i'm still an alch
also get a red bag
not the cosmetic but the actual one
oh nice I didn't know about that, I'll get one asap
>i-i-it must be one guy!!!
unironically kys
You must be new here.
nice honkers
Is the gatekeeper shotgun a worthwhile investment for gunslinger?
only the DD variant of it
Ok I'll be on the lookout for a DD one then
you okay there pinoy?
>global chat starting to rebel against niggerdev's retardation
based based based
Full buster sucks ass unless you're in a party with bragi. You're better off getting a rifle and doing triple action and/or desperado for mobbing. It's also the most boring shit ever.
qrd? lmao people don't care and just leave the server but what are they saying?
Hey Dev I just want to say thanks because I know you take a lot of abuse from morons who rage about you not implementing their every whim and yet you never lash out. I know I would have by now.
he turns off his tripfag to complain constantly here silly
It was just one tard raging that he couldn’t take his 1st job characters to Moscovia to abuse ez Les exp because that would require clearing the solo quest with mobs that are too strong for lower levels.
>punish people making alts
>durr why are there no low level parties anymore dead server!!!
Just make the dungeons access account wide, you will even get the good BG script for doing so, stop being retarded
a lot of the issues are genuine. myRO wouldn't even be a consideration if he would better his server. Fix melee combat/movement. Nuke the airship, no one cares after the 100th time. Raise 0.05 drops to 0.10 or higher. Fix /navi so it works cross region. Ask myRO dev for his BG script. Balance WoE around the small pop size.
Not for a sub 20 player meme server
airship is sovl everything else i agree with
yeah this too, forgot about the quests. I genuinely think the dev just doesn't know how to do it. There are other issues too. Things like mavka and sleepers shouldn't have been in unmodified.
100 pop is barely better, and the server gets a lot of the key things right... like melee combat working very similar to iRO.
Low pop is a problem when there the drop rate is low, the exp rate is irrelevant to the population.
dev why am i able to hurt my own plants!!!
myro isn’t a consideration, it’s spam
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bishop ded
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ragnadev could never.
>not a single balance update in over 2 weeks
He ran out of ideas to buff gunsharter
we'll be able to ignore the battleground messages now, apparently it was an error from his part and he fixed it
He also said he was gonna fix battlegrounds 3 weeks ago and counting
it's not going to happen.
you people have to realize that he truly made the server for his clique. he'd rather let it die, again, than make modifications to make the experience better for randoms.
and now that they're all max levels they don't need you anymore, bringing you into their parties is just potential loot loss, we can't have that
checkbox too OP (overpowered)
would be awesome if there were more parties around the 50-80 range
>waaa waaa clique clique
holy shit shut up you dumb niggers make your own fucking clique then who cares
which server?
am looking for more pt members around that level if myro
those who cared migrated to the MyRo (4chan) server anon
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The virgin Ragna/v/ Alchemist, versus the chad MoM Alchemist
I'll start an ice cave group in a bit, I'm sure we can get enough people
you mean the server advertised by the admin on reddit? no thanks
stfu there aren't even any players at that level
but there are?
would love to play on myro just to make niggerdev and its clique mad but im not investing time in a x3
Join me on Mythos of Midgard
everyone who started yesterday is 60+
with the quests it's way higher
does involve interacting with people
>Avalon is the /v/ guild
>6 members online
wtf you guys told me only a single schizo was shilling this server
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Play Ragna/v/ 3!
>Oh and it doesn't have assassins doing 10-20k autos with 30 minute EDPs for no reason at all.
Did you fags really have to wait for WoE to notice how bad of an idea this change was?
online count?
>damage numbers in woe
>discord pings in his recording footage (proving precastlliekeks have a direct DM line to him)
>multiclient allowed
>forced quest spam for no reward
>last update was a month ago
>failed BG project because the retard is too much of monkey to get his hands on a universally shared script
>0 parties
>unironic circlejerks with 50 webm's, a gold medal, and celebration in prontera every time a bulliekek takes a shit
nah i don't think i will
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What else do I need for instant cast?
+- 30 dex
30 dex
did someone troll you into thinking 120 dex was instant cast or something?
Wow, first time I visit this thread and there's a schizo in it already.
it looks like you need 30 dex which is a lot anon you should probably give up
70 alchemist where do I level?
How do you get the 30 missing dex?
I'm guessing bless+food+(????)
2x Nimble Orleans Gloves (+2 than gloves)
+10 Dex food, Blessing, (20)
Dame of Sentinel card and 36 VIT (2)
High Wizard Job 67 (3 more Dex than Wiz 50)
And a +3 Dex Silk robe (Assuming that isn't already a dex robe)
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these shoulderpads are a bitch to draw even for a simple sketch fuck me and fuck whoever designed them
>discord pings in his recording footage
i'm surprised nobody else called them out for that
but then again it makes sense because they are the same constantly shilling in the thread
or at least, they were, their shilling got dethroned by ONE pinoy guy and they're super salty about it lmao
further proof that discordfags are pure cancer
saggy milkers
Thank you, some of this seems a bit rough to get though.
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50 merchants
thats beautiful but the tits are kinda weird
Experience has always been a joke to get in RO when you want to. 3x may as well be high rate. 7x is extreme.
I didnt want to put that much time into the drawing because it was mostly for learning the armor. I think next time I'll rotate the character a tiny bit so you can see the other breast and both are sagging apart from each other just a little
MyRO is a blast.
pretty cool but no one is playing there
Shut the fuck up niggerdev.
sorry but saggers are a hard no
everthing else is nice make her flat
>saggers are a hard no
next drawing
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>he's a hagnigger
It's a lot easier to achieve with a box of gloom (cloud hermit card) and a rocker card
good shit anon i love your pseudo 80's style
these dudes know nothing about tits disregard their opinions
mariel sexo
oof, not thanks then
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holy fucking hell this sign quests is insane, is this the only quest in the game like that? and what's the recommended level to do it solo, 99/50 and 10 hours?
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Why does my shield not have a model?
Hot. Hags are supreme.
Swallow my cum next time hanyeo you stupid bitch.
glad that fag can shut the fuck up now for his retarded meme status
I'm not a quitter.
bringing attention to this
the programming, no, the people, yes
sorry, what do you mean by that?
this looks a lot better thank you
nobody does this aside from attention whoring, and the fact he kept asking it to specifically be bullies members proves it
I need some super novice help since one hand quicken exists on ragna, should i use
>Triple Andre Stiletto with double attack
>Some carded Star Dust blade with one hand quicken
Star dust blade
with 2 attack cards and 2 crit rate cards or 3 attack cards and 1 crit rate
only one slot on those
apologies I was thinking of another weapon
You want star dust blade with Side Winder card
and double attack at level 10
why is everyone upset at shion and male's son? the miracle of life should be celebrated.
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This kind of damage at lv 50 is a little stupid
sodomites must die.
On Ragna /v/ there's no reason to use any 1h sword besides Stardust blade and daggers are pointless since they don't benefit from 1h quicken.
Ideally you want an array of Stardust blades all with triple racial cards+side winder but that's psychotic levels of SuNo meming
next person to say triple anything on star dust blade gets fucking shanked
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wouldn't triple star dust blade with triple size cards be viable compromise?
bro you're star dust blade [4]?
because we're advocating against clique faggotry and he forced it to the highest degree
bro forgot star dust blade is changed to 4 slots here
>product of forbidden love between rival cliques
>clique faggotry
he is the symbol of your cause anon
>rival cliques
they are the same people
How do you achieve this effect?
Where you have a higher concentration of dots at one point and it they get less further from the source?
pleb and bullies?
Plean leader is an alt of Bullies so they could do WoE
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Should have attached this
Curse you third world infraestructure, i missed this because the lights went off for a couple of hours
tell me more, anon
understood, i hope they don't catch you anon, godspeed
not on ragna/v/, they're 4 slot
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>faggotry of the highest caliber
>had porn drawn after first WoE victory to rub in the face for "dominating" their leader(small dick behavior)
>forced marriage just to see if WoE drama could be swept under the rug
>"wtf why did nobody like this forced faggy shit"
aren't those pauldrons a bit too low / small. Also I'm pretty sure the design has metallic boob armor
I liked the placement of the pauldrons but they might be rather small, yes. I wanted the focus on the breasts rather than the pauldrons. Also I just wanted big boobs so I ignored the metallic stuff
looks pretty consensual to me anon
We can blame bullies for this, but plebs are cucks for going along with it.
How much are you willing to pay for an iron cain?
300k z
/rog/ - Ragnarok Art/Cartoons General
remember everypony we're all friendly players who just want to hecking slap porings, and the server wasn't made for the bill clique so he could hit 99 in less than a day thus cucking bullikeks, and the rest of the server is just bullikeks zergrushing woe so they can feel like rogods (terrible gameplay btw, shit was hilarious)

pls respond
Why's that kid so familiar...?
do i need dex for mammonite?
yea we had sex in prontera church, what about it
god i wish that had been me
fucking cringeyou both are dude
if you played the game you wouldn't need to erp to be entertained
melee classes usually end up with something like 30 base dex
I have 1 Dex as a swordsman
go the fuck back, right now
slow day huh, I guess everyone is expecting free drawing instead paid one

Wow that was so easy to find you
i cannot understand how people act like this every day
don't remind me, /xivg/ is such a goddamn shithole and probably the worst general on the site

some people are under circumstances so bad and chaotic that their only escape is basically that, the front is erotic role playing and lust but deep down it's pure loneliness and lack of human warmth
And that's the first and hopefully last person in my blocked list.
They have never really had sex and are extremely lonely
And I used the confessional seriously, now I just feel dirty looking at it.
Crippling loneliness
The confessional isn't run by Hanyeo, they are just standing there where the confession person would normally stand.
Death to all ERP trannies
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Psst. You forgot.
>Person types nothing like me
>Has to be them
At least put some more effort into the schitzo.
Don't talk to me or my son ever again.
/xivg/ is leaking
please, anything but that, I left that place like 3 years ago after realizing how embarrassing that place is
this is why my-ro is better
Me next?
clikeks are already a bunch of degenerates, you were warned about this, why act surprised?
how long did it take you to figure that out?
that's not me lmao AHHAHAHAH? I downloaded that screenshot, screenshots from my pc are in my language ahahah
how does transcending work? you reset but with more stats and available skill pointd nd you're set to 1/1 again? does leveling work the same? is it more xp overall to get back to 99?
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you spawn as a 1/1 high novice
instead of archer or aco or whatever you job change to high archer or high aco etc
once you hit job 40 (go to 50 unless you know you dont need to) you can go back to the Juno book and then speak to the representative of your class to change.
pretty sure its more xp overall, dont actually know
I need a ragnav alchemist leveling guide
Nice damage control
you reset but have more stat points available per level
novice and high first class are basically exactly the same
it takes a pretty significant amount more exp to level up. if you're playing on ragna/v/, the difference is even larger https://irowiki.org/classic/Base_EXP_Chart
>mob uses acid terror
>get 1shot or heavy damage+bleed+strip
I've been stuck at level 96 for days aaaaaaa
thank you
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Plus that server massively lowered mob atk values so it wouldn't be so stupid.
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bro I haven't even typed in any thread outside of ragna threads r u mentally ill, it's obviously banter, also you're replying to two different anons schizo
fuck off clopkek
ask mommy to get your tendies, sperg
>even more damage control
i fuckin hate raydrics
more like GAYdrics lmao
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Can we go back to /v/ yet, /vg/niggers are deranged
I'm never staying in the same party as Renne again
guess which server I'm playing so this doesn't affect me anon
Same clientele
None, you're mentally ill. If you were actually playing somewhere, you'd post a picture.
>But you didn't post one either
I'm phone posting from bed at the moment
it's right there anon
Why can't he be doing the same???
ragna/v/? since none of the drama you generate in the thread actually spills into the real game.
this is why you ban all female characters from your server. ragnadev fucked up bigly
what happened
Nonoko here. Sorry I had to leave like that, I had to tend to my sister.
I'm alone in bed.
anybody got one of them there star dust blades [4]
Wait, the priestess is HANYEO!?
So this is why he nerfed dancers and refuse to buff them...
if you needed proof of his bullies bias, this is it. bullies has almost every male character and every priest on the server.
I know
hi phone posting from bed at the moment
Hello, anonymous!
>all costumes available in the first room
This doesn't sit right with me, all private RO servers should have increasingly autistic endgame grinds for hats that double as absurd zennysinks.
those are not even 25% of the costumes though?
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you would be alone wouldn't you
Hilarious, considering this is the same server where people are constantly making retarded crude jokes about "getting knotted" and all kind of gay erp in global chat.
They're just using "it's a 4chan server!" as an excuse to spam this absolute garbage, while forgetting that /lgbt/ is not the whole website. Which is the reason why I've completely disabled the global chat after 2 days.
my-ro wins again baby
if you're talking about ragna/v no all of the costumes are in that server and the rest are unobtainable in it

get knotted idiot lol
I hope you sleep tight bro
Speed running priest hands wrote this post.
This anon has "how long does a knot last" in his search history
All female characters owe me sex.
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I'm more disappointed by the existing costumes being free than more not being implemented.
It lacks endurance and virility.
its shit and sovlless
Literally proving my point. See those?
This is the average ragnav chat.
You can come collect your debt any time.
I need a small loan of 2million zeny
Where at.
If you're this much of a puritan you should find a different community to hang out with. Every single board on 4chan has crude jokes.
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Hey everyone! Come join us on MyRO, a fun and friendly low-rate server with a unique drop system and a great community. There are currently 4 guilds on the server—2 focused on endgame and 2 social guilds. Whether you're new or experienced, we’d love to have you adventure with us!
You're more than welcome to redeem with me at the church
I was considering it until you posted that image.
heard a rumor some of Bullies are starting to play on MyRo and that they made one of the guild who's focus is doing endgame content cool if true
i heckin love myro baby!
The church of course.
I've yet to get any there.
I'm satisfied with the current balance, although I'm still open to doing more rebalance. I've actually been experimenting with some things, in fact.

Message me in-game or send a mail to my GM character.

No. Not being able to see your damage is much worse. WoE damage not being visible was always a retarded design choice.

Some shields simply don't.

Is this the WoE 2 castle? I went into the database and manually added the values to it. I'm surprised that alone didn't work.
Have you tried asking?
I can open any thread in /vg/ and don't have people spamming furry jokes every 2 posts. You and this retarded dev >>495620582 are the only ones finding this funny.
I'd say go fuck yourself and eat a dick but you probably unironically do already.
You haven't been trying hard enough then.
Stupid idea to test, make Bash or Bowling Bash able to crit, maybe with reduced crit multi.
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in all my years of playing i've never seen my in-game dmg differ so much from every online calculator. that, plus the fact that we have so much custom shit, can we please get a test server?
So do you think all of the "I hate women," "tranny" and "total **** death" jokes are people being genuinely misogynistic, promoting transgenderism, or racist? Do you really draw the line at a fucking white woman bestiality meme and not all of the nigger hate jokes and spamming? You do realize that joking doesn't endorse or approve of anything the joke is about right? Do you have Asperger's?
Is there a way to add a command to disable damage numbers anyways though? It'd be nice to reduce clutter in big parties
I'm new and retarded. How do I type in global chat in this game?
I can open the majority of /vg/ threads without there being schizophrenics attempting to push an unironic reddit server as some sort of epic troll.
#global in the box to the left of the chat box
type #global in the smaller box to the left
I like how you didn't say anti-semitism
Which means I'm right about kikes
The +10 str food cooking isn't working. I had the necessary ingredients but it's not showing up when I cook. Did you mess up the coding for it?

Also the NPC for the Fairy Flower headgear quest is missing. Please put it back in Kunlun.
danks bros
nta but every MMO vg thread is this schizophrenic
>WoE damage not being visible was always a retarded design choice.
You're the fucking retard, the inability to see your enemy's numbers adds into the mindgame. As things stands, the Creo can just tell who he should be chucking bombs into and DPS can switch element until something sticks. Your nigger change removed a layer of complexity away for woe because it tickled your autism.
>spend 2700 in shadow orbs
>farm 45000 on a mob that doesn't even have a valuable drop
that guy who was complaining about melee ninja prices lel
don't know why i'd play with a bunch of people that still think saying nigger every 5 seconds is funny
it's fun to use in the moment, not 24/7
sex with female professors
try myRO
they have an official reddit n' cord going there
buy my shit right now
>ctrl+f "myro"
>77 results
myro bros.. we defeated the /lgbt/ psyops
ragnadev, you here?
Agreed, return to tradition, thread on /v/ only when
he's on in game right now
Thank you
while normally I'd agree with you, this is a 4chan server where it's pretty much expected that people are going to make joke names and act like clowns because they can
camping out vagabond wolves is fucking shit
i just want a star dust blade
you know anon, not everyone is the same
I only use nigger when appropriate, which is still far too often unfortunately. I don't enjoy thinking about them
@Anon Ragnadev
oops, ignore that one
@Anon Ragnadev
t. N
I just ignore it a majority of the time
How are cards and equipment that grant ATK calculated into damage output when auto attacking or using skills?
Bullies are so cool
gross oversimplification but: auto attack is basically just a 100% ATK skill being cast over and over. cards that grant ATK will be multiplied by the ATK modifier on the skill. It's only mastery ATK (the bonus from Sword Mastery or whatever) that gets added at the end and therefore usually sucks.
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>bullies and bill are nice and friendly to rando me in-game
just b urself i guess
Yeah mastery ATK suckage had me worried about general ATK equips, thanks for the info.
what would you give for one
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clip mafia and speculator should be shot to death
Final Strike is so shitty. Even minmaxing it doesn't yield anything worthwhile.
post cool screenshots instead of boring shit retards
yeah i was there looking for it
i'll cry
i only have 1 mil on me at the most so unless you want that i'll keep looking
>No. Not being able to see your damage is much worse. WoE damage not being visible was always a retarded design choice.
You've never played WoE. Ever. Just listen for once since you clearly do not understand, turn that shit off.
No, too much work.

Not that I know or ever seen. I wouldn't be opposed to the idea, but I don't think it's possible server side.

I'll check both.

The water issue can be fixed on opensetup. What worked for me was switching from Direct3DHal to the option that had my GPU.
As for the flickering, I've never seen that behavior before, which leads me to think it's GPU/Driver specific. My earlier advice on forcing the Driver to ignore the game and running with onboard graphics is the best solution I can offer.
just say your name and ill come throw you one free of charge
Shubalts, currently at Larry
thanks bro
Could the priest card set be updates for the signum part? It doesn't seem to proc on ME so not sure what the intent there is (besides it being from the monk set).
Could ME also be included to damage monsters with just shadow property as well? Otherwise it's basically the same as before with like 2 areas you can farm in. Niff2 has bloody murderers which can't be killed while everything else can.
So when are you fixing melee combat/movement, and navi to work cross region.
>fixing melee combat/movement
What the fuck are you talking about faggot. Also I see you say this everytime you try to shill for myRO. KYS.
play a melee class and you'll see but who am I kidding you already know that stupid idiot
is there anything I should do before rebirthing?
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big mommy milkers....
The point is the dev can't even fix bugs. I've never seen this on any other server.
She could pick you up like an onahole...
Could you change Wickebine card's effect so that Rogue/Stalker can still use lvl 5 Strip Armor without completing the card combo?
ever though it was done INTENTIONAL for specific MVP's and classes for cheese strategies in high end level almost endgame zones?
because that's the reason
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You know you want to!
lmfao based
on top of what the other anon said, dex pet (gremlin?) and box of gloom
No thanks reddit
no it wasn't. stop smoking crack
but it was, and it is
drop are already out of sync from vanilla even relative to other drops because the rate of all items caps at 100% and some items drop nearly at that rate pre applying modifiers, so the rate "overflows" for them
I can't get the super novice chant working
STR Food fixed.
I looked into that headgear quest. The quest is under npc/re/quests/newgears/2010_headgears.txt, which means that, despite being on the Classic iRO wiki, it's a Renewal quest.

Skill autocasts don't trigger from skills.
>Could ME also be included to damage monsters with just shadow property as well?
No, it's already ridiculously strong with the buffs and gear available.

It feels like any other RO server I have ever played, I have no idea what combat/movement issues you're trying to describe entails. Maybe Hercules servers might feel a bit different, but this is not something I'll be able to fix.
Could you give an example of what's wrong with it? I actually have no idea how it works but I could try to look into it.

Autocasting max level skills shouldn't be that easy.
it's a bug, sometimes you got to do it like 20 times
ty narue ill keep that in mind
You need to type about 20 lines of any text before using it.
ME is a strong spell but its so niche and high investment... Why do you think almost no one plays it? How would expanding it to shadow property make it broken when most demons are already shadow etc. All it does is increase the places it can be used in.
in every private server is 10 times, in ragna/v sometimes it doesn't work and you got to hit a mob first and then try the chant until it works
Yeah you're retarded but we already knew that. Go do your dailies and then KYS.
tried everything and nothing, it worked like once maybe 40 levels ago and never again
>>Autocasting max level skills shouldn't be that easy.
>laughs in sage
auto spell thunderstorm sage only useful in... ice cave I guess? or anolian
Playing an archer, got some basic gear and I'm working on my weapons now. The size cards don't look at bad to farm, would it be a good idea to work on quad size card +10 comp bows?
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anons am I retarded, isn't this the npc you talk to for rebirthing? is there some other requirement?
Wrong npc
I see, the wiki is wrong then. thank you. which npc is it?
The other server is rathena as well.I'm looking through the bug tracker, and perhaps this might fix it. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/0d3550e7ea880e99ab383e9ff7b9ea34d3163c6d
Failing that my only other guess is the client you're using.
Why are you defaulting to ts....?
well can you add the hat quest in regardless? Really don't want the mats I gathered to go to waste
please just give super novice fury with the +50 crit they're supposed to have as a free skill or something, for fucking years the stupid ass chant has been retardedly bugged and works when it fucking wants to
play meme classes
deal with memes
because it's the only sage's AOE other than heaven drive?
The version we're using is less than 3 months old, we have this commit.
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I'm sorry for being new and retarded, where do I go for rebirthing? the wiki has wrong info
is not wrong
Why are you defaulting to aoe...?
you don't compare bolt skills to great AOE like magnus as auto spell
I don't play SN but I support this. It's a QoL change.
fuck off retard
god forbid somebody play something they like rather than the usual dogfuckers and high wizards you tryhards play
But he was talking about Strip Weapon when he said
>Autocasting max level skills shouldn't be that easy.
my fault, I can't read.
oh it's an npc of the exact same name in a different spot on the map, I'm just retarded, sorry
as usual next thread will be MyRO
Reddit won
lets all move to myRO and see how the schizo reacts
icky jp weeaboo thread next? yuck not posting in that garbage. someone make a korean thread

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