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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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your competition edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

>Previous thread:
There is no better feeling that taking a huge shit followed by sitting down for dev time.
thread rule: dont be mean, dont be bitter
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>also look up what ai art looked in 2022, the advancements are insane
cute loli
*runs at you*
actually concord models would make for good enemies in a dystopian shooter
I know that feel. I've started timing my shits before leg day and it's noticeably improved my ROM. Dropping a huge log that's been marinating for 2-3 days will stretch me out enough that I go ass to grass without an issue.
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>tencent is bleeding billions
>timmy snobbed saudi arabia and now they won't talk to him
>suing google/apple was a big mistake
>UE5 has been a wip for 4 years still not even close to being stable
>shartnite is dying
>marketplaces are getting shutdown
>tencent is bleeding billions
Good. Hope those ant men go extinct.
Ironic that Sony is in Japan, land of the max appeal loli. And yet they are so cucked they produce DEI trash so extreme even faggot westerners are repulsed.
How is posting drawings of little girls supposed to drive pedos away?
>enable volumetric fog in the environment
>there's no such option
thanks godon't
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What is your creative process like?
imagine being so insecure that you have to compare your trannoid pedoslop to shartcord
I don't even know what the fuck you're trying to say.
>Sony is in Japan
PlayStation has been westernized since the PS3, they even closed the Japanese studio so fuck them, they got what they deserved.
pedos on this site are very used to hearing that, good luck buddy
this is now a community of nodevs.
This is what you get for bullying yesdevs and sucking the cocks of the inner circle
it wasn’t the bullying that hurt me and made me stop posting progress.
it was being chronically ignored.
I had the new world back rooms dream again. It starts with me seemingly playing some sort of grand strategy game or something but it's real and I'm in the game. I have enough dudes and boats to try to sail to the new world but they all have like diarrhea and dysentery and stuff but I say fuck it, got to beat the Russians there, and set sail. Another player was being a retard in chat or something and I accidentally miss the Americas and sail to India but I just reload the save. I make it to the Americas but it turns out it's like some sort of sweet giant gamer hotel complex where people can go to stay and play vidya. It's backrooms though so all the doors that lead to nonsensical rooms and it's non Euclidean and shit. I've had the dream before though so I decide to say fuck it and just speed run going through as many doors as possible to see if there's anything cool and get to a hallway that has some sort of poster at the end that I peel away to reveal a window into some couple's room. I can try to break through but it will change reality. I do so and through the following conversation between the couple it turns out the male is now possibly bisexual or at least wants to have a mmf threesome with his gf.

Tl;Dr would a backrooms gsg work?
The character art direction for Concord may have been pozzed but the environment and prop artists got done dirty. Lots of great work down the drain
Those devs are all gone anon, none of them have posted here in months. The schizo bullied them out.
Who cares, that workplace was so retarded only absolute pieces of shit survived there
I fucking love hard-surface, always the coolest shit.
There are a bunch of Destiny modellers uploading their stuff on Artstation as well, seeing those weapon models in ultra high def is so good.
imagine working for years on that for concord, and you can't even play it now
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Real, hoping the next live service slop flops as well.
ok kiddo whatever you say
the most american thing I saw today
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: An attempt at a Beksinski reference.
>Sheng Lam
>freelance concept artist
>Manchester, UK
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Huh, the trash can with arms and legs was actually a portable toilet? or maybe it's a distant cousin.
saved, that's awesome
Concord in general is very intestinal and fecal. For example, the copius tubing on the huge padded fatsuits are for shit, I believe.
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Yeah all the devs moved to discord because this shit website does not moderate schizo spammers
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how we holding up wishlist bros
Do you think the interaction button should appear when you go near an object, or should the player control the joystick like a mouse?

Our game name is blunted in the malen, its 2.5D pixel art.

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/v/ already tried that and it failed, your new is showing.
vedditors are not the same as yesdevs, ultimately what matters is the game you're working on and lolitroons have no games
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>anime spammers

don't listen to anybody
just make game, like
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Real talk: Is your game is gonna sell gangbusters or what's going on there?
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wouldnt be funny if someone made stick-chan edits using russian alice haha...
No, but it will foster a small tightly knit dedicated community for years.
cursor thing would be much more annoying imo
Hey /agdg/, I'm an undergrad trying to make a game. Been messing with Godot and dabbled in Unity (mostly YouTube tutorials). Got some Python chops from school but barely know GDScript. I have a solid game idea, though.

So, here's my understanding of a gamedev team:

>Designer: Ensures the game aligns with the vision.
>Artist: Handles visuals, sprites, backgrounds.
>Music Producer: Creates the game's music.
>Sound Designer/SFX: Adds sound effects.
>Programmer: Codes everything.
>QA/Testers: Can be friends who playtest.
Now, for the questions:

Finding Artists and Music Producers: How do I hire them? I know nobody works for free and most want upfront payment, but I can't commit to salaries without knowing the dev timeline. Prefer to pay per work done, then a cut of game sales. How do I figure out how many sprites or revisions are needed? Ideally, I'd like them to be part of the team for discussing art/music direction.

Programming Skills: I'm not good enough to code the whole game but want control over its feel. Should I hire programmers or just "git gud"? The more I learn, the less I need to hire.

Team Viability: Can I realistically make a team without a ton of money? There's no guarantee the game will get noticed, so I need to ensure team members are paid. How much money should I have before thinking about making a team?

Sorry if this is a common question. Appreciate if you've read this far and thanks in advance for any sincere advice.
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Use Fiver to scout out the artists.
Get good at programming (just in case you fail you can always get a job in a different Compsci field).
Hire everyone as a freelancer.
kys pedonigger
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How do I fix this issue?
Why do you chose to annoy an amateur gamedev thread? Genuinely wondering.
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>latest podcast was an hour long seething session over Marnix and other youtubers
too late
No it was not!

damn thats crazy
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I call bullshit.
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-Finished the new Floor 12
-Made improved versions of new enemies

webm with audio:
webm with audio (much better quality):
NO idea what he is getting at.
shart shower
-Added some new power crystals

webm with audio:
webm with audio (much better quality):
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-Made epic versions of some old crystals
The first step is to make Pong. After you do that, you will understand how retarded everything you just wrote is.
your game looks like ASS lil bro
Nice but did the game sold enough for you to keep updating like this instead of moving to the next game?
tempting, this general doesn't even resemble gamedev anymore. It's just /v/ - random
>Absolutely Super Stanning
Thanks, bro!
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Just make game. Stop thinking. Follow 5 youtube tutorials related to your engine of choice then make a game.
Go make a game faggot.
Early Access usually works this way.
Thoughts on loliposters being yesdevs?
Post game.
NTA but I looked it up myself and found what he was talking about in less than 5 minutes.
https://youtu.be/1z5B7i9YudI?si=qpNOpdQd3sz864fs&t=939 (timestamp should be at 15:39)
>ELI: I don't want to like call out YouTubers, you know
>THOMAS: There are a few and I don't want to call them out either, but there's a few. There's one and they're starting to freak me out, because they're talking about this like "how to make money" and "how to do this" and "how to sell your game", and I know your numbers. They told me their numbers. (Thomas shakes his head) You should be giving this advice. You shouldn't ne talking about this.
He was 100% talking about Marnix
who? they'll get doxxed anyway
How's their unicycle game doing btw
>make pong
Crab advice.
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>make pong, with tits
GMI advice.
Remember that reporting DOES work, your actions actually MATTER! So stop sitting on your ass being a doomer complaining about the thread and report the posts you don't like.
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>jannoid trannoid picks up his fat ass from his cum-stained couch
>reads my report
>deletes every fagoon post
>does NOT ban fagoon
>fagoon continues posting like nothing happened

genuinely why are they like this
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Sloppy but it will do, I'm going to bed now.
He's probably posting from multiple devices, it's typical schizo behavior especially the ones who heavily samefag
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yeaaaahhhhhh i'm going back to discord, see you fags in a year
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Today is my birthday. I am turning 26 years old.
Up until this point I have wasted my entire life. I never tried in school, I did the bare minimum to pass my classes. I never developed a work ethic because I realized it was easier to scrape by doing as little as I could. I never studied or learned how to study, never cultivated any talents, never learned any useful skills, never picked up an instrument, never explored new hobbies. My entire life has been a cycle of going through the motions to complete my essential responsibilities (school, work, etc.) then going back home to rot in front of my computer.
But not any more. This year, that all changes. I've been watching my parents grow older and more feeble. I've been watching my few friends grow more distant (none of them have even wished me happy birthday yet). I realize if I don't fix myself soon and break this cycle of destructive behavior that there will come a day where the guilt of inaction that's been compiling in the back of my mind will become too to live with. I have to force myself learn the essential skills I was supposed to develop as a teenager. I am going to be reborn a new man. I refuse to hit 30 without anything to show for my youth.
I laughed
I hate loliniggers AND fagtroon.
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You won't do shit
Based yesdev loligod.
>this year
you should start right fucking now, retard
Is this game actually making a lot of money for you? Didn't you release early access on steam over a year ago and you're still working on it?
Why yes, I do think creeps should not be allowed anywhere at all and should be thrown into the middle of the sea.
Glad we agree on that.
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how hard would it be to animate a game in this flat artstyle? i cant believe hollow knight only has one(1) artist
I will
I am. I meant "this year" as in this year of my life, ie. my birthday moving forwards
>I refuse to hit 30 without anything to show for my youth.
You will most likely go past 30 before you have something to show.
I started game dev when I was 22. I'm 30 now and still don't have a commercially successful game even though I daydream daily about becoming rich and giving my parents 50k dollars before fucking off in the sunset.
Hey we're the same age!
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I think retargeting animations turned out well.
reminder that the pedotroons come from the shartdew general
lmao, UE5 won't help you a single bit when you're a crab
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>he's actually talking on-topic now
hmm perhaps the punishments do work...

it would be extremely difficult
for (You)
hand-animating things is the most tedious way
outtedioused only by doing it in trad with inking like cuphead
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this one should be next
See the flat style was only used exclusively for cel-animated bits (one can only imagine how much work and tax-extorted money would have to go into making high quality drawings with shading and the like); the paper puppets were used to provide more detail for simpler shots.
Anyway, now that more people are getting into these Alice cartoons, I can finally say that my mission was a success.
Kek they made animation retargeting brain dead easy and you still can’t figure it out lmao
I have yet to see an animeposter who is actually a nodev.
this is an anonymous bord xir
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More work on the ui.
>7k revenue in one month
>there are 20 years old zoomers actually wasting their precious youth spamming this thread instead of becoming the next Hopoo
For fuck's sake, you absolute cretins. If you knew the things I would do if I went back in time to that age.
i released my first and only game when i was 28, 3 weeks ago.
>Hide post
the irony
Not bad. I like the gears. The background clouds could use some work.
I will never move to Discord until they stop endorsing bullying.
Marmo made $1000 after 10 years you dumb faggot
I finished the Godot tutorial game. Does this make me a game developer now? Can I make an MMO next?
you can do anything you want :D
yes but make sure you keep the scope small, so don't make more than 8 classes each with 50 levels each, and no more than two open world contintents to explore and quest in
What will be the next big /agdg/ game to flop?
I don’t get it, in kerbal space program I can do all of this but I can also create a space ship with hundreds if not thousands of interchangeable 3D parts, launch the rocket, control it, fly it, and everything. Why would I play your game and not ksp?
bullying or toxic positivity? choose wisely
There isn't a single youtube tutorial I can find that explains how to make a proper rig without just using rigify.
You lack self awareness lmfao
I think I'll work on 2 simultaneous projects each developed by a quartet since I can only work on 18 minutes of audio per year, these are the blueprints: 1- Yearly updated edutainment game by a physical team of 4 main developers as the primary source of revenue, 25 (86.4 seconds) tracks per year developed in a custom build engine. 2- For 2026 as a showcase idea I will create a simple Touhou fangame on Gamemaker as a showpiece of multimedia content for the GX.games platform, 18 tracks each lasting a minute (Half of what ZUN makes) and a special 18 minute animation by an online quartet as a way to branch out into other forms of game production and to harness new skills.
It's official fygoon has kneeled to the lolifags, now stop shitting the thread retards.

real niggas use rpgmaker nigga
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Nuh-uh. I got them to kneel before me.
looks like aislop
He literally posted his earnings before, nodev-kun.
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RPG Maker is not an engine, it's a template game that you put your characters in
the "engine" in question is browser/nw.js + PIXI.js... why not just use that to begin with lol?
You can drop rpgmaker, replace javascript with typescript, write your own cool scene logic and everything... PIXI is nice...
I've seen some rpg maker games that look great. Sometimes I'm amazed actually at how cool the games look. But at the end of the day, there's no good game play. It's just gimmicks or super outdated game play you have to overcome.
show me a better editor with pixi then nigga
https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/ + https://ldtk.io/ +
>why use this single program designed for beginners when you could pointlessly divide it into into a bunch of different parts to needlessly overcomplicate everything? I'm very intelligent by the way.
Why are codefags like this
actually i think it's the best engine for a writer/artfag, and the easiest and fastest way to become a millionaire
not worth switching to, i want to make a 3d game next so i'll have to learn godot or something
Thye wnated to make 12 live service games by march 2025?? And they still want to make 6?? Are they stupid?
The point of over complicating things is so that when you get to important shit, you have control over it. Ya it's cute that it handles saving for you, it's cute that it has menus for you. That's great. But ok, now it's time for FUN to be added. Oh, we didn't pre program fun in, you 1000 plug ins for that, good luck.
damn, i REALLY like godot.
if you think typescript is comfy like i do, three.js is better
or even babylon (it has havoc + it literally runs better than godot)
Thanks for the advice! I'm glad agdg is so friendly.
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I'm trying to have a bande-dessiné feeling for the BG. How would you make it better?
It is management game about space exploration and colonization, it is not about simulating mission. It is not Kerbal.
>Why are codefags like this
because most (read: all) of them are total fucking losers who've spent their entire lives hunched over a computer and are desperate to pounce on any opportunity that allows them to experience a fleeting moment of superiority over another human being
Actually I agree. If you're niche is that you are basically here to tell a story. And it's not so much about game play, then yes. I look down at it from a game play perspective. But if you're an artist and a writer, you have the opportunity to tell a story. And that might be a growing genre.
Dear god, I sure hope there's no way to figure out what shit I wrote on here. My reputation would be fucking ruined.
>he doesnt know
Someone will find a way.
AI can already determine based on word choice which posts belong to with person. So good luck with that.
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You think it's overcomplicated because you see coding as something arcane
in reality, it is SIMPLER and rpgmaker is the overcomplicated thing

trust me because i say this only from experience: if you want to make a bog standard jrpg and do it very quickly, rpgmaker is fine
if you want to do ANYTHING ELSE that's even a little bit different and creative, rpgmaker will only get in the way and hide the underlying pixi.js from you in retarded stupid annoying ways. Get rid of it, it does nothing for you
ALL this program does is generate some data JSONs for you and provide a map editor - and God help you if you want some data to be different or have custom fields in your game. Then you have to shove that custom data in the NOTETAG BOX - not fun
all i did is get rid of needless trash that is between you and the game, and also suggest a BETTER map editor
What's not to like?
Well rip me and my game i guess.
>How would you make it better?
You've succeeded in making it look like a comic book, I just don't like how it moves along the edges. It looks more like oil in water than clouds of dust.
Nah, nobody will care.
Not possible since I change my writing style with each post.
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>Are they stupid?
Apparently, gonna have to learn the hard way if them pulling out of Concord that quick meant nothing in the long run.
>agdg didn't notice my game
Phew, dodged a nuke right there...
>he doesn't change his writing style for every post to avoid this
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I saw it. It just wasn’t worth my time to reply.
Whoever the fuck is making this, can (you) finish this porn game pls?
Never mind, maybe tomorrow.
whats a crab
No it was released on Steam. Thankfully none of you knew so nobody shitted on it.
post game
>that ui speed
that better be configurable oh science
You will never be able to identify me, my posts are made by copypasting words from other anon anon posts, serial killer magazine cutout message style.
>You will never be able to identify me, my posts are made by copypasting words from other anon anon posts, serial killer magazine cutout message style.
>serial killer magazine cutout message style
You mean like a ransom note?
This could actually be good if the "art" wasn't the biggest steaming pile of dogshit ever sharted.
Yes. I didn't know it had a name
yes my bad marmo
you didn't make $1000, you actually made $1700
now go rope
$1700 pre steam cut, pre tax, pre debt he owes to the 3D modeler that made every single one of his assets for him lmao
10 YEARS btw
Why do people pile on this Marmodev guy so much? He actually made it to release and you all are shitting on him? I don't understand
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Finally got off my ass and working on my game.
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Good morning, aggy daggy.
It's time for a cup of coffee and some dev action.
>Why do people pile on this Marmodev guy so much? He actually made it to release and you all are shitting on him? I don't understand
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More key shortcut
Cute loli
because he lost his mind after his flop and is now acting like a complete spiteful bitch, exposing his true nature behind his decade old faux-positive persona
Coffee? We drink tea up in this bitch.
Has he? I haven't seen such behaviour.
I'm bitter because I couldn't get the keys he posted in time
Arisu > Alice
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good morning
I got one of the keys and I still haven't installed or played it.
Touhou Danmakufu shotdata extended, anyone interested?
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All Alices are valid.
He refused to share itch.io keys and blew all the money agdg gave him on vtubers
/agdg/ doesn't even help anyone let alone give anyone money
I bought Marmoreal.
Why did you take it then it should have been mine I would have played it nooooooo
a little devving...
Why would he give out free keys to agdg? You retards were the only ones stupid enough to pay for that steaming pile of dogshit lmao
Okay so this whole Marmodev situation made everything clear to me:
1. Stay away and disassociate with /agdg/
2. Never, EVER post keys here
No matter what you do, this shitty general will bully you until the end of times.
You’re talking a lot of shit for someone in snicker-snack range.
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Based and Alicepilled.
He did give free keys to AGDG tho
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Based and Bobpilled.
You CANNOT tell me what to do.
I WILL give AGDG keys once I release my game on Steam and you CANNOT stop me.
Honestly, I don't even want to make a side project lmao. I hate gamdev.
All Alices are equal, but some are more equal than others.
code blue flopped he was too cheap to post keys here
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a big sword
dont know why it didnt hit that one time, gotta up the range probably
That's a nonsensical proposal that doesn't fit a resource's life cycle at all.
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Bazza is FUARKING iconic troonbeit
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>that attack anim
great video
why is the attack “animation” 2 frames long

stop bullying the professional devs
What happened to him?
Isn’t Bazza the name of one of the dung beetles in Conker?
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The cat?
He probably got neutered(castrated) recently in that pic and hes still recovering from anesthesia.
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You have to be careful with the whole obsession trend. Fun to cosplay this identity on social media. But that type of lifestyle only makes sense for a small minority. Need to be self aware enough to know if you're truly that guy or if you should just finally grow up and get a job
jolt vs physx
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devvin' hard or hardly devvin'? heh heh
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4 hours in Blender, an hour in Substance Painter.

I present to you, Space Girl (name tbd)
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I won.
/agdg/ lost.
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let me show you what sovl is
5 hours wasted.
Nice clipping too
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How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?
my internalized guilt originating from this place and other project related forums/generals says hardly devvin' and the small semblance of self worth says I can't have a game without making the art, anyone who says otherwise makes purely fucking unhinged, messy, unplanned slop, and actually planning the project/drawing the level, character design, and all that IS making the game and I am in fact devvin' hard
>soon I'll show them all

Is it an inverse kinematics game? Neat. Looks like there are problems with that back leg.
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bullet is objectively the worse of the three, in every way, which is why I didn't include it
post your game Faggy
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Space Case

I think I have an okay chunk of infrastructure in the current project. Entity component system using alists. Things are shoddy but I'll worry about optimizations only when I need to. Right now I'm working on a system to advance the game time properly.
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fuck you
What do you think about this, agdg? A game where you have to actually get good, so I removed the crosshair. You just have to know where to shoot from your screen. You also have to count your own ammo and remember where north is. All the timers? You remember them. Stamina? You remember it. Health? Same thing.
I am on such a weird bug right now.
The edge collapse data is not coming back from the shader correctly.
someone would probably be interested in it if you marketed it as a realistic war game
I like that, but there should still be vague indicators, like irl. You know when you're hurt or tired irl, it should still be indicated in the game.
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guys this bug is really eerie.
You are taking a shower after, right?
do you really only shit every 2-3 days
what the fuck
He bears the collective sins of all Marmoposters
copy astrobot
He mad like $2000 for several years of work. Sunk cost fallacy hits extremely hard
That could work.
Would animations and sounds be enough or do I need post-processing and border effects?
its a thing that i'm building, i want to make it into a game hopefully
the back leg is gone, but Bobby still has that motor reflexes making the stump move
Should I use an svg texture for my main menu background, or just regular png in 8k and scaled down?
she cute
Physx, how is that even a question. Jolt is some guys personal open source pet, somehow it got used on one commercial project(forced blackrock DEI investment) and gained credibility. Physx is enterprise level AAA software made by nvidia.
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You're adding twinks to your game right?
found a new workflow chuddies
homosexuality will be something that only evil factions think is good. and I'm talking the most bestial and depraved evil factions. Like the Giants.

Others would value heterosexuality monogamy or heterosexuality polygamy ( both great options ).
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Can't talk I'm busy alchemizin
Why does this board attract people who don't know how to reply to another person's post? Gives off major schizo vibes.

GL. I saw a spider game recently that was pretty cute and it seems to be doing well. Playing as a spider provides opportunities for fun mechanics.
>Can't talk I'm busy asset flippin
and when Is say homosexuality, I mean male homosexuality. females doing stuff with each other is basically not punishable across the entire land.

I mean, if one has multiple wives, it's kind of a killjoy to not have the wives do stuff with eachother.
That's true. The build process is a little bit annoying, when it comes to setting up scriptable reproducible cmake builds.
you amateurs
How difficult is it to implement PhysX into Godot? Who cares about AMD users. Get with the times and use Nvidia so we can have high-powered physics.
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Dynamically generated metaball buttons. Next I'm going to make them slightly afraid of the mouse so you can poke the egg.
did he farted ?
8 months ago I left this hellhole
and that's what finally enabled me to make game and succeed

you here
you lose
Not sure about Godot, I'm implementing it in a custom engine. If Jolt integration is possible with Godot I don't see why Physx wouldn't be.
>tfw your game is so bad you spend all your time on meaningless UI menu gimmicks
So index 1 is not returning its data from the shader correctly.

But index 0 is.

So I put a check just before the shader exits which triggers a change in index 0 ( the showing one ), if my change in index 1 is present.

The check passes. index 0 changes. This means that something after the shader is changing index 1 back to 0.
The game is mostly finished I'm just making it nice now
Really good.
doesn't unity use physx and it sucks?
you are procrastinating release because you know it will do worse than marmo, lmao
>the author's barely disguised fetish
What stops me from just sticking a small piece of paper on the middle of my monitor?
What stops anyone from cheating in any singleplayer pc game?
Before I clicked the thumbnail I thought a green dude wearing blue shorts and one orange kneepad, was stepping on a big yellow emoji face, one foot stepping through the pupil. That gives me an idea...
He could go the mount in blade or kingdom come deliverance route and make it so you have to manually point the gun.
>in a singleplayer game
Lmao, even
meme techs aside AMD delivers more performance/cost
I know at least one of the Metro games did this on higher difficulties.
you must really like the game if you care enough to do that. so go ahead
>game name is easily pronounceable and memorable
>major locations aren't (all of them are in foreign languages, representative of their inspiration culture)
I'm going to get so many social justice points for this

in my game there will be no minimaps, no quest markers. Only real maps as inventory items which are sold by NPCs or created by player. And they can be wrong.

Some con artist can sell you a map that leads directly to an ambush that he and his gang set up in the nearby quarry.
It's not ready for release. I can't just be putting default unity buttons in a released game. I also have a couple more sound effects and a few gameplay tweaks I need to make. These buttons come first because they will also be the background for the in-game score and that needs to look nice for the trailer

You're going to get canceled for cultural appropriation
No one will ever play your game
kino if true
>there will be
Oh cool writing fan fiction about a game you’ll never make again? This place is actual dogshit lmao
>all of them are in foreign languages, representative of their inspiration culture
Enjoy your lawsuit, Wakanda is copyrighted by disney
ackshually the name is wacanda, ok?
>major locations aren't (all of them are in foreign languages, representative of their inspiration culture)

Arabic cities like Berlin, Malmo, and Nice don't seem hard to pronounce.
can't cancel a brown man for making brown cultures in your game, anon.
>just say you spoke to *based on location* natives.
what are they going to do? say "prove it"? to my brown face?

yeah, chief, I kinda don't care whether they do or not, either way, I still have a stable wage just by being schizophrenic

most of them are "mythological creature" kingdom/empire/land/federation/etc.
emergent gameplay in your game and a major plot point in mine
Needs some refinement but its better than Cris at least
>never written a line of code
>never touched a 3D modeling program
>never opened a game engine
>posts on agdg 100+ times a day about all of the heccin kino and le fweakin based features his non existent game will have
What compels a person to behave this way? Lack of a father figure?
That's not a game, that's a gimmick.
>can't cancel a brown man
okay you get a pass for doing anything you want in your game
Not a person, but a crab with access to the internet.
4 HOURS in blender? Gonna need to fix that workflow boss. This looks like it took 15 minutes
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Been detoxing from devving and left agdg for at least a week
Did I miss something?

I love being a "racially ambiguous" (in america) sicilian
Dude I'm going to make a game that's actively abhorrent to the audience, its gonna be amazing
Just make a game faggot. Speak less and do more
What makes you seethe so hard?
Lol I'm also Sicillian.
>brown man

>hey lets make this cool hardcore fps game where you have to just like git gud
>but lets make it singleplayer
Some of you retards are just not cut out to make video games. Maybe a job spinning up servers or turning spreadsheets into bar charts would be more up your alley
today, I'm native american (working on the great lakes map), in a week, I'll be middle eastern, next week, jewish, and nobody cares if I make an asian map or a scandinavian map.
I can close my eyes and pretend Bocchi posters look like this
Marnix was found dead this morning, floating facedown in a sewage overflow reservoir. The primary suspect Thomas Brush is currently at large and believed to be armed.
lately I've been ssseeing thingss
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>never written a line of code
>never touched a 3D modeling program
>never opened a game engine
>wants to make a game that's a spiritual successor to the Devil May Cry and Bayonetta series as a solo dev
it's me
I feel like me and Thomas Brush would be great friends.
>Maybe a job spinning up servers
You say this like tech infrastructure jobs aren’t the most cozy 6 figure remote jobs imaginable lmao
>”yeah my update for today is I’m gonna deploy a couple docker containers, run some health checks, implement some simple networking rules for hardening”
>What makes you seethe so hard?
>spinning up servers or turning spreadsheets into bar charts
game where you do this when?
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>Did I miss something?
Conflict and Instability: Continuing tensions in regions like the Middle East, Ukraine, and North Korea.
Climate Change: Increasingly severe weather events, discussions on climate action and international cooperation.
Economic Challenges: Global economic uncertainty, trade disputes, and concerns about inflation and recession.
Political Developments: Elections, leadership changes, and significant political decisions in various countries.
Social and Cultural Issues: Debates on social justice, human rights, and cultural diversity.
good morning sir
>vinesauce almost played unicycle pizza time
>by luck's chance, he avoided it
lmaoooo marnix... YOU LOST! HAHAHAH! THOMAS WINS!
why are you lying?
thanks I take it back
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even though I'm happy i manged to make the rebinding system that works and doesn't break anything, with icons support for additional polish, I feel like some sovl has been lost along the way
I feel like true auteur game would not allow the player to rebind keys
I like Vinny but I don't think his audience is the type to rush out and but a game just because streamer man played it. He played one of my dev friend's games a while back and IIRC he only saw a brief bump in store page traffic that barely resulted in a noticable increase in sales. This was an actual hour long stream too, not a few minute look before moving on to the next game like he does here.
>have to just like git gud
The masses have shown they don't want to do this when playing vs other people, crying and moaning about every tiny mechanic that better players use against them
>Timestamp 52:52
kek holy shit
What? It didn't land on mommy simulator though.
You are not an auteur, you are an autist
Take your meds
What happens if I bind all the keys to one button?
I get that roguelike deckbuilders are hyper oversaturated. But out of all the games I've played, StS personally had the most enjoyable gameplay for me.
I know the market's hyper saturated but gamedev is more of a hobby for myself. I know there's going to be even less people than usual that will see my game if it's a roguelike deckbuilder. I think that's fine.
Can you guys please give me your thoughts? Arguments for or against?
sir do not do that sir
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The keys will swap.
anyone knows how to scale the decal tool in armor paint?
i didnt care for sts
Can you tell me if you're waiting for StS2 and why?
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>roguelike deckbuilder
Stop using this term you piece of shit.
make a better term then moron
imagine in old man fisherman tugging his boat into his light house and then making a mug of fungal tea from the fungi he got from the local Underdark, and he fires up a roguelike deckbuilder while watching the sea from his lighthouse.
Why's that?

Sure, I'll give it a try. I enjoyed StS after all.

What term should I use instead?
"Eh heh roguelike deckbuilders be me guilty pleasure! heheh !" *sips fungal tea*

*Kobold friend scurries in* "Drow are causing trouble near the sheep pen again!"

*belch* "Ehh... Drow at this time o' year? It's High Autumn! Darn... Drow... ehhgh " *belch as he hefts his musket and walks outside*
All games should have weird minigames like Gwent for you to immerse yourself into.
path of champions (inside legends or runeterra) is/was the ideal roguelike card based game to me
at least until riot repeatedly nerfed fun builds so they could sell p2w shit
NTA but just call it a deckbuilder. There's a small group of vocal people online who've never played Rogue but like to act performatively pissy whenever the term "Roguelike" is used to describe anything that isn't a 1:1 clone of the original.
more destruction progress. stress detection is now computed over time so that overloaded nodes are identified and broken, which leads to propagation of stress and allows structures to collapse on themselves
>vid related
I agree. It adds to the immersion of the world.

I may have a 'gamemaster' skill line in my RPG. So you know in star wars galaxies how you had dancers and musicians?

So, I can have entertainers, but also gamemaster being one of these entertainer types alongside dancer and musician.

Gamemasters would basically make up their own games characters play games to heal their mind debuffs and up their moods.
Good fast progress. What happens if the middle collapses before the sides?
Today I asked someone if they think of me sometimes
I was so anxious asking ><
Makes sense.
The mesh is pre-fractured right?
what did they answer ?
need for speed most wanted destructible spots
This took place on discord not face to face.
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is the launch fighters button a star control 2 reference
Make a Slice and Dice-like instead
They: Why?
Me: Just asking.
>Game has the genre of the game in its title
This is so corny, I seriously hope you guys don't do this
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also can't stand 'ironic games' like that one RPG that calls itself something that has to do with 'generic fantasy' or something.

the Ironic self deprecating schtick is disastrous.
finally someone who gets it
Is armor paint even usable?
Last time I tried, it just crashed when I imported a model
>devs leave the """exploit""" in the game for several years
>devs start including the """exploit""" in official promotional content
Just learn to use it retard who cares

captcha MNK
make what you want. rl deckbuilders are an order of magnitude less saturated than platformers.
my game has deckbuilder combat, but sts wasn't on my radar when I started it. I don't want to call mine a roguelike deckbuilder even though the combat ticks all the boxes...

>deckbuilder!? I hate those!
>goes back to playing gatcha slop
gotta use their latest alpha or version 0.9
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As I've gotten older, self-deprecating jabs have become less and less funny, it's just kinda sad when I see someone who keeps doing it. So this also makes me stay away from games that talk down on themselves. But that doesn't seem like the best marketing strategy in general.
>Game has "Game" in its title
This is one of the many things holding fighting games back from becoming truly mainstream
yes retard, now I can use Krita brush and krita texturing tools.
>I feel like some sovl has been lost along the way
>I feel like true auteur game would not allow the player to rebind keys
I think this can be true for console games because consoles have a default controller and the games and how they control are made specifically for that controller. Sure there exists alternative controllers for consoles but they all have a "main" controller design that comes with the console and is the one they expect you to have and use. Ocarina of Time was made specifically for the Nintendo 64 controller. Super Smash Bros. Melee was made specifically for the Gamecube controller.
On PC this isn't true, even if most players will have a keyboard and a mouse there are tons of different models. Some mouses have additional buttons, while mouses with no scroll wheel still exist. Some keyboards lack certain keys or have keys in different shape, size and order. Some control that seem "obvious" to you might actually be a pain to use on someone else's computer. With so many possible configuration it's best to let the users decide.
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Looks nice. Can cars punch through the walls with their speed or is destruction restricted for weapons?
I knew AGDG would understand this.
if middle supports are busted then the entire middle section collapses.
>vid related
I need to add better load distribution functionality so that it spreads more evenly through 'sticky' materials. aka - a concrete structure should be able to hold the middle section up even if the supports are blown out.
yeah, doing it dynamically is too cpu intensive unfortunately.
i didnt know need for speed had much destruction
Took me too long to realize this was cris
Where did you learn to do this?
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My dear sirs, I fear that you are simply not on the same level as thine self. Simple as
gay ass nigga bitch
you can do this in blender.
Bug fixed. It was an alignment issue.
In Vulkan you have to keep your structs aligned to 16 bytes.

If they aren't aligned, weird behavior occurs.

Praise be to the King Jesus Christ.
and you can also do it with notepad, so what?
This is pretty cool, how's the performance impact? When I did something similar I had to dumb down to the point I just ended up scrapping it because it caused issues with a lot of (50+) destructables
Does the speed and mass of the object hitting the structure matter? For example, does a car thrown at the building bounce off after fracturing a part? Would it depend on how fast it collides? If you throw something heavier like a tank, would it go pierce further? Is there anything that can pierce through in one go?
im not procrastinating because i never planned on working hard in the first place
(You) can not do that in notepad
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cooking up some ludo
you can make 3D models using notepad.
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>had to simplify a specific weapon mechanical because of a skill issue
yes you can. Go look at an Obj file, it's just vertex definition
only an idiot would use pure obj
you need much more information
YOU can't.
Platformers were saturated a few decades ago. Now deckbuilders are the "current" platformers. Regardless, they're both saturated which is not good.

Honestly, action games are so boring. Just mashing the same button over and over. I simply cannot imagine how and why anyone finds it entertaining.
Kingdom Hearts, modern Final Fantasy, Sekiro, DMC, Bayonetta, etc
do you know you can hex edit binaries and objects with notepad?

do you even CS, bro?
Ironic considering you listed games where you don't mash the same buttons, but explicitly games that require you to hit different buttons.
go ahead and prove me wrong. I'm saying YOU specifically can not project a decal onto a 3d model using notepad.
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do you realize a GUI is just a visual interface to the app functions?
>Abuybubububbgbyu its too saturated afubuubuau are u even making money abubuabau you should move onto your next game

This general is crazy lol, how can you ever expect to make a good game that people want to play when this is where your head is at

Why would someone play your game if you arent even trying to make a game you want to play yourself
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>Now deckbuilders are the "current" platformers.
are they? I highly doubt this. did this zukowski graph from 2 years ago do some major damage? what does it look like today?
Survivors-like on the left. RPGs somewhere near the left because of BG3 and FF7R. I'm probably forgetting some.
guys you just KNOW I gotta say it...

I seriously love this hobby!
yep, this is the rule above all rules in Game Dev.

And it is basically, Treat others how you want to be treated.
reading comprehension
I have no clue what a rougelike deckbuilder even is despite it being said like 5 times a thread
you can write an opengl app to project a texture in a 3D model using notepad as python IDE.
Whenever I see someone posting about "oversaturation" or purely financial motives I just assume they're a desperate third worlder trying to use gamedev as a means of escaping poverty. Soulless in every sense of the word.
yeah cars can bust through walls
>vid related
still need to flesh out this system so that direct hits allow you to break through, where glancing blows deflect you
yeah i wrote a simple physics system on top of unity physics that allows me to have an object like a car collide with a static object, break the static object, and then maintain the cars momentum
>vid related
I don't think YOU can. I'm confident YOU can not. esl? Mr YOU can't do it.
Bros I think I have to add material quality, adding tons of different materials of different quality instead of one with a quality level is needlessly overscoping and I think I can achieve desired results with just weapon, armor, acessory, really no need for head, body, hands and feet slot.
ive done a fair amount of node network / graph theory stuff.. so i just extrapolated that into a simple system
the building of about ~550 nodes takes about 1ms to complute load stresses. this is because the algorithm is quite simple
you missed the entire point of my joke, lmao.
I don't have purely financial motives but I do think the oversaturation thing can be true. Some genre have so many games already, I don't the point in making a new one unless I have something very unique and innovative to add. In fact a lot of those saturated games seem to be made by people who think "this is popular so I need to make a game like that to make money", hence why you see so many indies of the same few genres.
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>BBEG in the next room
>MC gulps and turns to the camera
>"Oh boy, I sure hope you remembered to Quick Save!" while trying to loosen his collar
>canine companion lays down making a groaning sound and covers his eyes with his paws like "oh brother, here we go again..."
looks awesome, you could probably increase the impact of crashing through a wall by adding some screenshake or a similar affect without having to change any physics.
bug fixed, now I can eat a Greek Salad and watch Star Trek the Original Series. Feel so good right now.
Meta-dialogue is kino.
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Slice and Dice is the thinking man's game
>I'm merely pretending
>In fact a lot of those saturated games seem to be made by people who think "this is popular so I need to make a game like that to make money"
Yes, this is the other side of the soulless coin.
Make whatever you want to make. You should have the confidence in your own ability to produce something that is better than the competition at your level.
Damn this looks good.
my original joke was that blender was an inferior tool to texturize.
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>see hobbydev finish a game
>they're proud and happy, people play it and are having fun
>"how much have you made on it hobbydev?"
>"oh idk, never really bothered to check"

How does this make you feel?
slay the spire
>no! you can't just like enjoy making a game! you have to do it for profits! don't you value your time?!
I thought you were cris
jealous they have the mental fortitude to not brainrape themselves refreshing the analytics page every 3 seconds
after the thousandth refresh, you get tire of it anyways because it doesn't move
I feel distrustful. I just know by asking him the itch to check is back. He checks every hour.
I don't understand, what is it and what makes it great?
I think the only reason I know this game is because an anon brought it up and said he would make a similar game which I now realize isn't here anymore.
This is bullshit.
>Metroidvania that low
>Soulslike that low
>VR that high
>Roguelike deckbuilders that low
Metroidvania is the second most saturated after platformers.
blender is really good for projecting textures fyi
Making a game kids will enjoy is easy. Making one they'll discover and care about playing is based on luck.
>it was true in my head, so it must be true in reality despite the data saying otherwise
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>based dev has passion and a vision
>this enrages the crabs.
>"Nooo! You have to abandon your game in EA!"
>"Stop making it better! Give up already!!!"
>VR that high
By 2024 there are 4000+ VR-only games. I think in 22, 2000+ probably checks out
17 reviews (mostly positive)
I disagree.
1. You can make a game as a hobby for yourself (like I am), but you still want it to be popular and played by many people. Saturated markets reduces your chances of your game getting seen.
2. /agdg/ makes fun devs making games in saturated markets
I love seeing this game getting dabbed on while getting likely close to 0 sales from all the advertising it gets. Looks like any marketing isn't actually good for sales. Who knew appealing to the woke got 0 sales from the one's who scream for dei all while not playing games. That one dev who told the lgbt to fuck off got a lot of sales in his favor and positive reviews while the woke tried dropping negative reviews

That sounded gay asf

Nta but when I was a kid I think I took dumps maybe once every 2 days at one point. Came out like rabbit pellets as well.
it's just over if you barely make a 1000 from early access launch. you need to cut your losses instead of wasting more years on this.
>Created by tann (it took ~7 years)
nigga I'm boutta have a FULL-ON FUCKING FREAKOUT
I don't give a fuck about popularity. I'm making a video game so I have something do after I get home from my soul crushing office wage slave job. Once it's finished it'll be the game I've always wanted to play and I'll be able to play it until I get sick of playing it, and then I'll start the next game. I probably won't even release it. Not everyone is doing this as some sort of popularity contest, some of us just like the act of creating things.
it works both ways. if your game actually appeals to a woke group(unlike concord) you get bombarded with positives trying to negate the negative bomb
do you ever or only boutta? I've yet to witness you unleash itt
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i really am that guy pal
I think I'm going to wait until multiple areas are done before making a steam page, mainly so I can refine it's looks when it does go up right away
it's okay to be delulu
>Saturated markets reduces your chances of your game getting seen
Yeah if your game is dogass, I however will ascend mount Olympus. Ive spent dozens of hours just digging for something interesting to play on steam going through new/unknown games looking for these fabled "hidden gems" and they basically do not exist. Ive seen maybe 2 games under 100 reviews that looked even remotely worth playing to me, I bought 1 and did every piece of content it had and extracted all replay value within 3 hours.
Play slay the sprie.
thanks, yeah I will definitely be adding those juicy effects once more of the base systems are in place. still not sure how I can communicate to the player which walls etc are breakable by head on collision. aka - if there is a super thick bunker wall, maybe it needs to be shot with explosives in order to damage/break (car cannot just drive through it). Not sure how to show the walls toughness value to players yet...

for real tho, game dev is hurting right now. seems like games are making about 1/4 what they did 5-10 years ago. what do we do bros?
I get it. I also want to make the perfect game for myself. My dream game, the game I want to play over and over.
But I also want to share it and have other people enjoy it as well.
Did we have some fan art for DD58? I missed it
I don't speak Swahili
>But I also want to share it and have other people enjoy it as well.
That's what demo day is for me
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kino discovery
The fuck is with this blood cave
>Battle Royale makes $0
Online party game looks really good.
I think it's from pic rel
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

>rocks just magically turn red
Am I really supposed to believe this?
I think this is only steam
y-you go to the right
cool lore
>Realgar was also used by Ancient Greek apothecaries to make a medicine known as "bull's blood".[12] The Greek physician Nicander described a death by "bull's blood", which matches the known effects of arsenic poisoning.[12] Bull's blood is the poison that is said to have been used by Themistocles and Midas for suicide.
I am not competing with any of those games because I am not an asset-flip grifter.
The game I am making is unique.
If I didn't make it the art of game development would be brought back decades
Keep in mind COVID helps it a lot, won't be like this now.
Another day making any progress passes.
Im never going to finish this game at this rate if i keep working on it only like 1 hour per week.
And its not even becausbeibhave a job or something im just rotting in bed scrolling through youtube and tiktok and 4chan instead of getting up to go to my desk and work on my game.
How to fix this?
It would be interesting to do something like it if it keeps up like that for a mario party clone or something. Maybe a chess clone
He spent so much money on the epic games storefront but never thought to make a decent, responsive UI with a good user review sysem
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Just look at this mutt rock
Looks like those Steam videos barely get 40K to 60K views months after.
We need a 2nd covid.
I miss the lockdowns interacting with people irl sucks.
Is there anyone whis good at virology here?
Can you make the next pandemic already?
>loneliness pandemic doesn't because it just doesn't ok?
You know how to fix this but you're not going to do it because you're fundamentally lazy and undisciplined.
Which, I am too but I learned how to abuse caffeine and force myself to do shit from the military.
troonlike shartbuilder
I love rosemary.
Its soo good.
Put it on potatoes,beef even chicken soooo good.
800gsmall new potato
3shallots,finely chopped
1 tbspsmall capers
2 tbspcornichons,finely chopped
3 tbspmayonnaise,or to taste
3 tbspextra-virgin olive oil
1 tbspwhite wine vinegar
small handfulparsleyleaves, roughly chopped


Boil the potatoes in salted water for 20 mins until just cooked, drain, then cool.


Cut the potatoes into chunks, then throw into a bowl with the shallots, capers and cornichons, if using. Add enough mayonnaise to bind, then mix together the olive oil and vinegar and add just enough to give a little sharpness to the salad. Stir in the finely chopped parsley and serve.
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Just got diagnosed with clinical depression that is in turn giving me anemia (which is weird because I don't feel sad I just feel nothing), and when he asked me for a cause I just said "work" thinking of this hobby. /agdg/ demoralization is literally killing me
>your game is so shit, people leave cooking recipes in your reviews
>eat food, it mixes in your tummy, eat the right synergistic food the get explosive effects
Get on SSRI's asap.
what is it with americans and their obsession with mayonnaise
it tickles me balls
Actually not a bad idea for a mechanic
I'm feeling something similar except instead of /agdg/ (which is a joke), it's me abandoning my projects because it didn't pan out. And instead of feeling nothing, I feel sad.
cheer up lad.
Let's say my current dev environment is a raspberry pi 4 (my main pc is out of commission at the moment).
What tools and libraries should I use for gamedev?
Should I use SDL2 (and make 2D games)? C++?
What IDE should I use?
Have you tried running?
Instead of being a sad little bitch
Imagine taking crabs seriously.
just walk away from the screen nigga
Notepad and C. SDL2.
react JS
Rosemary bread is great. I like using herbs de provence on potatoes and meat, which I'm pretty sure includes rosemary.
you're ngmi because you have no game idea
just saying
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>my released game still has 0 reviews
welp, its over
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I think I overdid it.
I have tons of game ideas, I don't know what part of your pea sized brain your crab take is coming from.
I just need a way to make the ideas into actual games, a way that doesn't suck.
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Super Easy No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie You Can Make In Just 15 Minutes

1 chocolate pie crust (pre-made or homemade)
1 cup smooth peanut butter
8 ounces cream cheese, softened to room temperature
1 cup powdered sugar
1 (8 oz) tub cool whip
1 cup chocolate chips
1/3 cup heavy cream
1 tablespoon corn syrup
1 cup mini peanut butter cups

1.In a large bowl, beat the peanut butter, cream cheese, and powdered sugar until smooth. Once combined, gently fold in the cool whip and then transfer the filling to the prepared chocolate crust.

2.Chill in fridge for four hours or overnight.

3.In a microwave safe bowl, combine chocolate chips, heavy cream, and corn syrup. Microwave in 30 second intervals, stirring each time until melted (or cook over the stove top on low).

4.Spread the chocolate over the peanut butter filling then top with mini peanut butter cups.

5.Allow to chill for an additional 10 minutes to firm up before serving.

stop shilling your shitty game shartdev
This sounds like such dogshit that I'm going to bake a real cake just to spite you
code:shart is an underrated and overlooked masterpiece thoughtbeit
Why is /agdg/ even worse than the last time I checked here? Everything is all shitposts, crabbing, and crabbing shitposts. And any questions asking for advice/feedback are just met with more shitposts.
Unironically /gedg/ is better now. Most anons there are "ngmi", sure, but at least they're not retarded.
>entire cup of sugar
>cool whip (more sugar)
>corn syrup
>more chocolate candies
americans are disgusting
someone's wife is posting cooking recipes in agdg unprovoked
nah im gonna make millions
the inner circle sharted all over the place and then left when they got bored of the shart they sharted out
We're stuck in a freak feedback loop since the mods are too busy erping to actually do what they signed up to do.
As more real people leave and are replace by schizophrenics, it'll keep getting worse.
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remilia and koishi sprites (i need to work on the koishi one)
discord sucked up yesdevs. but no fun allowed
I can't believe it. I actually just shit my pants. I'm 32 years old and I shit my fucking pants like an infant. All underwear was dirty so I wasn't wearing any as the washing machine was running. I'm sitting down at my PC working on rigging a model and I feel a fart coming. Whatever, it's just a fart. I let it out. Still nothing unusual. A minute passes and a terrible odor hits my nostrils. The unmistakable stench of pure, rancid shit. I go to the bathroom to disrobe and there's a brown streak running down the inside of my pant leg.
Fuck this, I'm almost too ashamed to share this anonymously. I don't even know if I can keep wearing these pants or if they're ruined.
is this generated
a breath of fresh air
>rogueslop deck-sharter
why are gamers like this ?
How about you make some good games?
so this is why yakuza 5 was garbage, makes sense
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Strong nyah energy
Your big round eyes remind me of Satoko Kiyuduki's art
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I never learn
wasting your hardwork and talent on pedoshart slop
I look like this
Bocchi looks like THAT!?
>anime art = pedoshart
this is the kind of thinking most manchildren say before they're arrested either for possession of actual cheese pizza or straight up raping people
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here's the koishi one without the shadows and the concept art, it's just pixel art
Finally, a talented person on this hellhole of a general.
I wish my art was as good as yours.
Do you do the gradient on her skirt by hand.
This convinced me to go down the pixel art route rather than hand drawing my sprites. Something about the smooth lines of the hand drawn concept art just looks so empty next to the pixel sprite. I hope that doesn't come off as a backhanded compliment, your art is very good. I think I have this association with smooth lines and terrible western fanart accounts in my mind.
What's your game?
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Working with blueprints is sinusoide of doubting the point and getting hypnotized by Omnisiah's beauty
Please be my art gf
>make giant terrain in blender
>it lags to even move around and zoom in
How the hell are you supposed to edit and add to these?
Yes, go hang out with faggy in his containment thread
Never come back here, faggot
NTA but Aseprite has built in dithering tools that make this relatively easy to do.
this man's optimism is imearsurable
make the terrain with code
>clinical depression that is in turn giving me anemia
mfw the current state of modern medicine
>t. shitposter
How much do you charge for a spritesheet?
So once you finally get done with terrain gen what are the next major steps for 3D Dorf Fortress?
split it in chuncks
Yes, I do shitpost
Yes, I do crab
Yes, I do have a game
No, I won't post it
Yes, I will continue shitposting
Yes, I will keep on crabbing any faggot with thin skin

Cry about it, bitch
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my minecraft 3d modeler will solve this
>projection projection projection blah blah blah cope cope cope
You first.
I'm just saying frosch's """"containment thread""" is still a better option than this shitpost hellhole
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Yes the original one
>Yes, I will keep on crabbing any faggot with thin skin
>Cry about it, bitch
Wow, a bitter soul full of hatred and teen angst! BASED!!!
Dynamic fluid simulation ocean and water.
What about, like, gameplay?
How many years til you start on that?
bump, since no one gave any actual advice/suggestions
No, using "notepad" (or an equivalent since this is linux) is not valid advice. Such text editors are too bare bones for my tastes
No it's not. I get zero replies there here I get replies.
>who hurt you sweaty
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we won godotsisters
godot just got unity's scene view.
I just looked, it land on unicycle pizza time...seems the spin conviently cut out the moment it was on top of his game
>>495451636 has reddit spacing
Well what are you posting there, pray tell? If it's "you're NGMI!!!! HAHAHA" ofc they're gonna ignore your sorry ass.
Very fast.

Tentative agenda:
Go away fagoon
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>There is no response
Seems I've given the shitposter a brainfart.
instead of using a 2d w/normals chain texture, you unnecessarily added thousands of vertices to your model, for what reason?
Don't use Unity, what is scene view?
minecraft but the cubes turn into water and do the wetrix thing when you pop them
when you are editing, you are in scene view, and running, is game view. you can have 2 windows side by side and see all your gizmos and stuff happening in the scene view while you play
>he isn't nervously refreshing the thread to respond to my scathing arguments in this heated battle
Holy shit you're pathetic. Not even worth a (You).
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don't give up anon! you can always improve
yes... The program I use doesn't have too much variety in pixel art kek
a touhou fangame
i never did a comission in my life, sorry
>Something about the smooth lines of the hand drawn concept art just looks so empty next to the pixel sprite. I hope that doesn't come off as a backhanded compliment
No, no, I understand it anon. Something about pixel art is nostalgic, and has a "comfy" feel to it. In my case I use pixel art because drawing smooth lines with mouse is kinda... Painful. But also because of the game engine I use. But once you understand pixel art and stuff like dittering, anti aliasing, and shapes you're ready to go.
My main inspiration was funamusea, as well as CHARON (they use rpgmaker2k). So if you start with pixel art I highly recommend using references. Good luck!
>making about 1/4 what they did 5-10 years ago
More like 1/100 of what they made back then. Grab Marmoreal, Bokube, Omnigon, Into the Necrovale and I wouldn't be surprised if each got 10x what they have now.
post disregarded!
Also, it's not a heated battle, more like I'm just calling out a shitposter for being a smug retard.
how to into making terrain in unreal?
What's the difference from the editor we have right now in Godot? You can move stuff when it's running too.
you can edit the game visually while it's running, for example you can move a box from the game view using the same gizmos that you see in the editor.
My idea requires good s*x animations and models like Honey Select Libido. How much is it going to cost me?
...guys, can anyone answer?
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the angsty underage poster is upset he was called out for posting like shadow the hedgehog so he doesn't reply to his accuser in hopes he can slink away unnoticed, lmao
>ask stupid question
>surprised no one wants to answer it
Fucking lmao. Go suck faggys cock in his containment thread. It seems to be the perfect place for pathetic crybabies.
How is it a stupid question? I just want to gamedev and my only computer I have access to is a pi because my main high-end rig fucking died
I never touched godot. if godot just got unitys scene view, what did it have before?
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Saw a thread on old PS magazine ads, wanted to see if I could recreate the late 90s Lightwave 3D look
Your soul. At that point money is not the problem.
I neither know, nor care.
>p-pathetic crybabies...
Yes, you are coping.
i really am a worthless failure that can't and never will make a good or fun game
Cool, thanks.
i genuinely dont get how people work with this, code is so much easier to read
I would have cut this out and stuck it to the cover of my school exercise book
And yet you post on this shit thread instead of actually improving yourself and honing your skills using online resources that don't suck.
I am a coomer and actually want to play this game. I have scenarios and dialogue and a few models.
Maybe if there was a way to visualize code in a similar format, programmers wouldn't have such problems bug chasing.
Code the terrain.

-Fill array with perlin values / density values which are returned from a perlin / density function with input of a position and perlin parameters.

-Use the scalar field ( the array you just made ) in order to test for where it intersects with your voxel grid. ( Voxel grid is just a 3D array ).

-How to test it? If one end of an edge in a given voxel is below 0, and the other edge is above 0, then the scalar field intersects an edge on one of your voxels.

-Do this test for all edges on all voxels. Then determine the intersection point along the edge. you could do a few things here. dead simple way is to just take mid point. Find the intersection point of your surface with each edge.

-Then average up each intersection point per voxel. This is your vertex for a given voxel.

-Now you have a vertex xyz per voxel in your voxel grid.

-Mesh these vertices together by creating quads wherever one of the edges is intersected. In a voxel grid, if one edge is intersected, it necessarily means that 3 other adjacent voxels are intersected. So you can use their vertices to build the quad.

This is called naive surface nets. Pic rel is a pic of result.
holy mental gymnastics batman
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ennicened the promotion system
In a month, start putting keys on other websites.
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Is there a 3D texturing AI tool yet?
Progress on my game.
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Monopoly but unfiltered gore
Most things are due to how it's shown with lighting with the processing.
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is this ludo agdg?
What if it's a spinoff in another genre and you need to make it clear?
lmao, no
>not pirating electronic nodes
Damn, this looks good.
Puerto Rican Cousin showing off new tech vibes from this image.
tim chose this style
why would you deny his existence
Ok but is there a node-based visual programming tool that outputs to C/C++?
Unreal Engine can do that thoughbeit.
Sorry, I meant for point #2 if one end of an edge is below 0, and -the other end of the edge- is above 0.

Here's a link for reference, basically a full primer on numerous methods to generate meshing through code:

OMG Alice sis is back!!!
We missed you so much, Alice sis!
Where have you been?
Who are you?
what if I want my layout to not be random, based on a map I made, and how would I do beaches and lakes?
You're really talented anon, I envy your pixel art skills
>just learned about holding right click + e and q in Godot
>pixel game
>anime poster
>loli lover
These are the GMI keys to your game.
>>pixel game
>>anime poster
>>loli lover
>These are the GMI keys to your game.
>Keys to Game Dev
>Right Side of the Game Dev
This is so awesome, it fooled me before I read the whole post. You should maybe render it using POV-Ray or Bryce3D if you haven't, because that part looks too modern. I thought it was a photo of a miniature for a second.
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Why dont we have tank fencing again?
This, but with mecha please.
With swords, right?
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Trying to make a simple switch that depresses when you step on it in unreal. What about this makes it an infinite loop?
>Fun with a Game Engine
>Game Development for All It's Worth
>How To Make Games the Insomniac Way
>World war 3
Does this mean Mars has had two previous world wars? Was there a Martian Hitler?
well, so far all I've been doing is working with Perlin terrain.

If I wanted to achieve what you're doing, I'd just start with the random and then make a system to edit terrain in real time ( like Minecraft ), and then make my map that way.
Timmy please give me an exclusivity contract waste the last few millions on a 1 month, $10m exclusivity contract of my game on your store!!!!!!!!!!
If you want some actual advice, the more hype the game is due to marketing and how well known it is, the more often it will get positive reviews right out of the gate without actually playing the game. But for smaller indie devs, you will get a single review for every 1 out of 30-50 purchases. So don't feel bad if you have very low reviews if not none, since most people do not leave reviews when a game has low reviews for various reasons. It does suck, but it is how it is.
making a game about... Uhh...um... I don know
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I know right, he should be a:
>3D modeler
>Soviet cartoon poster
>Older women lover
>suddenly figure out a simpler way to solve my problem
Today is a good day for progress.
Can't say why but to me games like papers please and va-11 hall-a seem to nail the "what is the game about" part of their games more than other kinds of games
>his mecha don't have giant shoulder barrels
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I got 1 wishlist yesterday, usually I get 0
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I don't like lolis or hags, I like oji-sans
this lol. the guy is butthurt that the gamedev youtuber scene is growing which squanders his chances of further success. probably doesn't realize that anyone that treats it like it's this glamorous, easy, and fame filled lifestyle is the direct cause of this field growing so much.

look at the comments several people noticed along with naming a different youtuber or two that they thought he was referring to
brush is just jealous agdg is listening to marnix more than him
I've lost hope I didn't know I still had
you're supposed to post the link, anon
hopefully you find it. Maybe look under the couch?
marnix is more relatable and likes marmoreal. brush would never play your games on stream
Nevermind. the transform was being applied to the collision.
this is effectively how i played the tank game demo for dd58
Why not? Beats when someone raid reports you and gets you banned by what I suspect is the auto-moderator.

Good morning, it's time for a cup of Baja Blast and some dev action fren.
my game(s) are so unappealing..
Found it! It had fallen between two pillows, thanks.
i will make a game
there's a fix for that. big head mode
Make a Phucker in the ashes-like
nigga you may call me willy WONKA
cause if you get in my way I'm gonna grab my willy and WONK YA
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I don't think they're all piling on him desu. Some are probably just stating the reality of the situation which is grim, very grim for us. Others are just having some light hearted humor with no mal intent at the guy (eg I was the guy saying he lives in the root cellar of his mom's basement in a village with no women of marriageable age available, no mal intent just light hearted fun >>495362697). Plus it's probably just one or two guys that just keep posting using different styles to create a false sense of multiple people hating him.
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Drew some character concept for splinter farming sim collab with another anon dev.
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she ugly
why are chudjaks so funny? I want to make a game with them but I know for a fact that it would be lame and corny and not funny
I don't think this counts as a collab, it's a team up from the looks of it. You the guy who teamed up with UI dev?
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How do I make the health bars less obstructive and visually appealing? I need them in my game. Remnant uses the same colors and length for theirs but mine looks worse somehow .
the collab marches on, cope and seethe
what the fuck is wrong with your anatomy
take yourself and your gay ass gifs OUT OF THIS EXISTENCE SCHIZO
i know for sure that my new idea would be popular...
Add details
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When Nirvana released Nevermind every single hairmetal band got dissolved overnight and it instantly became embarrassing to become part of that fad.
Why hasn't the same tihng happened in game development? Why do we still need to suffer the "wholesome epic chungus" onions pixelslop platformers by soidevs who still think that super mario has any cultural relevancy in 2024?

>b-but pixel art is easy!!!
Stop making ugly games, put in the effort to learn how to draw or hire an artist.
>but it's art!!!
Every pixelslop game would be better in another artstyle, kill yourself.
Ahh yes one of the few devs on my /gmi/ list. Even this magazine ad looks fitting on an actual magazine. It now all depends on gameplay imho.
what the fuck are you talking about schizo
No? The Remnant one has a texture to it and has another one that makes it brighter on one end. There's also a black outline to the Remnant health bar. It's also not nearly as tall as you bars. The bars in Remnant flash white when they go down too then fade on enemy death.
how would people even split revenue in a large collab
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anyone knows how to apply this to unity?

basically i need a shader to smooth out the pixelation in a texture
said texture updates repeatedly during runtime in unpredictable ways, so it's not like i can do this manually or without a shader (as far as i know)

chatgpt only produces messy shaders that range from doing nothing to glitching out the texture
being a shaderlet makes me feel like a nodev
one dollar for each contributor?
what even was the last pure pixelshit platformer with zero *vania or other gimmicks.
Celeste? which came out 06 years ago
0 revenue, put the game for free or something, why would you want to get money if you made 4 or 5 assets
you spam your dashboard to see how much you made
i spam my dashboard to see how many downloads i got
we are not the same
Steam does have a built in thing for it, you have to have everybody being connected a certain way with the game
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It’s afraid…
try this https://pema.dev/glsl2hlsl/
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I've noticed that nintendo has basically patented every game mechanic possible, together with save screens, hitboxes and virtual cameras, so I've done some research where you can get sued for infringing them
guaranteed lawsuit
low probability of lawsuits
lawsuit safe, feel free to infringe any japanese patent
is this the dangangronpa guy
I've seen these tank girl animes posted before but never actually watched one. Do they ever die in combat? Is there even combat? The thought of a moeblob getting turned into tomato sauce by a 125mm armor piercing round is hilarious to me but I also can't imagine it actually happening.
>he really thinks nintendo has the money and time to go after thousands of games
All this shows you is that Nintendo's priorities don't lie in making good games.
for an old soviet animation, this looks cool asf
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Am I wrong to say that more cartoon characters should look like this as opposed to overly-cartoony shiny turd Disney slop
I don't see any meaning in this, or anything else
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That's literally their scheme, they extort money from smaller studios by making them pay for using their "patents"
>benchod you ran off with my idea, do not redeem. two of you now have stolen my idea to get rich off of!!!!! DO NOT REDEEM SAAR!
i joke but for that reason i don't share my ideas i'd be fuming if one my lottery winner tier ideas was taken by more capable people
Wow, I hate Nintendo now
That's just a handful. If out of the woodworks, thousands of studios joined together. Nintendo would literally bleed to death.
This should be turned into a game. Cute anime girl gets bopped by a 125mm AP round and turns into a sentient tomato sauce puddle.
I really, really hope Pal World doesn't settle out of court. If they can set a precedent to get them to fuck off, a lot of triple A companies patenting the simpliest of things can't go after the rest of us for patent infringement on stuff that shouldn't even be patentable. What am I supposed to do, start patenting every single concept just to defend myself against these companies?

Since Nintendo has so many, what if I simply don't sell n Japan? Their courts are rigged hard so Palworld is probably going to lose. I'd rather they try suing me in the US where I can probably convince the entire jury for a unanimous victory setting a massive precedent.
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They should go after Falcom to get their money back
You fucking retard, never EVER look at patents if you ever work in software for a moment because you only fuck yourself over
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That’s literally just how the characters move. Is your only interaction with the Alice cartoons just the wack pictures I post?
You are not wrong.
Anyone here worked with p1games before? They are offering a pretty good publishing deal to me.
>0 games published
literally who
no, but most old soviet animations in general are choppy
also McGee's alice is peak
That'd be great to see. I like some Nintendo games but seeing their behavior on this end absolutely disgusts me. Won't be surprised if I get sued if I end up being a success where the target of their lawsuit isn't the actual reason they're mad.
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Thank you Anon that was incredibly useful
Wish you GMI
Kievnauchfilm animations are super cool because the animators are always fucking around with the perspective and doing super dynamic camera angles and stuff; of course you get frames like this every now and again, but you have to respect what they do.
Also, I’m starting to dig American McGee’s Alice and really want to try it.
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Nah this is a calssical sport for girls and not a warfare
The inner layer of an unpierceable armor was added and when penetration of the old armor happens the crew loses
The citadel 3 sounds rad
yes, you're wrong. It looks repugnant
Kek making promotional materials that look literally nothing like your game will never not make me laugh. If your promotional material can’t just be in game screenshots/videos of your game then your game is literal shit and you know it
i want to ask a question about copyright. If I would want to make a tower defense game based on anime and I would like to use characters from for example: One Piece, Dragon Ball etc. while also using their attacks. Would I need to get permission from authors of these series ? Would I need to get permission from every single one of them? If not, then how do I do this ?
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Hey brother I'm making something similar too! Are you using unity or is that godot?
>If not, then how do I do this ?
1. Shut the fuck up about it
2. Drop it out of the blue without any tie to your real identity
3. Watch as the internet takes care of the rest
You would have to pay a lot of money in licensing fees at the very least.
You either
1. Release the game completely free
2. Come up with your own versions of the characters + their attacks and then do extra work to differentiate the designs
holy shit that looks awesome. That looks kind of like rain world movement but in 3d. I want to try doing that too
Look at him go!
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what a virtue-signaling, attention-craving faggot this poster is
Finally a rolypoly-like.
Don't care, nippendo can't even sue me in my country, they can suck my dick with their fake patents
get ready for the nintendo lawsuit
>i want to ask a question about copyright. If I would want to make a tower defense game based on anime and I would like to use characters from for example: One Piece, Dragon Ball etc. while also using their attacks. Would I need to get permission from authors of these series ? Would I need to get permission from every single one of them? If not, then how do I do this ?
the japanese are mentally ill
literally mentally ill
they can be incarcerated that's how bad it is
>You fucking retard, never EVER look at patents if you ever work in software for a moment because you only fuck yourself over
guys I just added jumping in my game, do I have to worry about a nintendo lawsuit or am I ok?
too bad, they've patented jumping in the 80's
why are you pretending to be that dev?
>lawsuit safe, feel free to infringe any japanese patent
yameroooooooooooo if only i lived there!
its so over ....
crabbing used to be better
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Go bitch about notebooks on xitter jon
Cute anime FPV pilot dropping grenades on other cute anime girls bleeding out in trenches
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nice anons cant wait to play these at demo day!
More GMI-coded than anything that has ever been posted to agdg
why does this dev like bugs
If you never banged a maggot infested cocunut you don't know the joys of bugs
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ludo physics but looks like cancer
I'm not joking
anywhere outside japan is good too, a lawsuit is a significant investment and they wouldn't do it if they knew they could lose
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you can do that in notepad
you can worry if your game makes it otherwise they don't care. ;_; there's a decent probability i'm going to get sued if i get too popular. making an LLC is absolutely imperative so that each time the company makes money i funnel it as salary to myself. effectively the companies coffers have $0 :^) checkmate nintendo the company is operating at 0 profits and thanks to U.S. law on how this work they won't be able to target me the developer directly. in effect they win almost nothing. idk about this part but it might be possible to play your cards right to where the company doesn't own the game either but simply handles putting it up for purchase, in essence they can't even take the ip as a separate form of payment for damages. oh looks a big hefty $10m owed to Nintendo, announce bankruptcy, open up new LLC kek and make an online annoucement that i started a new company so my fans flock over. can't get sued for the other companies actions, two different entities.

easiest way to avoid get screwed hard by nintendo unless you live in a country that will just ignore them.
AHAHAHAHA LMAO, that's a good one cris
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Kek you know literally nothing about US business law. Single owner LLCs are considered pass through entities and your personal income as the sole owner can still be taken as payment for a lawsuit and you will be considered liable. Absolute dumb fuck
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Adding microtransactions to my game
1 orb = 1 summon
But if you use 10 orbs at the same time you get 11 summons(1 free bonus summon)
Summons can contain new characters,evolution materials for characters to ascend them to a new stronger form,level up potions etc.
The more orbs you buy at the same time the cheaper they are
If you buy 18 they will cost $0.66 per orb
But if you buy 76 they will cost $0.52 per orb
Seems like a great deal thoughbeit
>it's real
How long does it take to get this good at 3D? And don't tell me 12 months* cause that amount of effort isn't possible unless already rich and neeting with tremendous amounts of focus.

>* of 12 hour days of 3D modeling with 100% concentration every single day
Can aggydaggy be sued for slander
this looks weird. what were they thinking? i think i'm going to take a break from this place after this because it reminds me of some stunt marnix would pull. how much you wanna bet this dev lurks here and was around for the drama
the fuck am i looking at
i only know vaguely about it, would still try to find a way to legally avoid getting screwed like that when the time comes. would simply get a lawyer to handle all the necessary paperwork to put me into as safe position as possible from scummy companies/lawsuit happy people
the dev has been here for a awhile, I remember seeing webbed back when it was being made, not that a newfag like you would remember
Cumball could never
10 minutes of pulling your head out of your ass and another 30 minutes of buying store assets.
>would simply get a lawyer to handle all the necessary paperwork to put me into as safe position as possible from scummy companies/lawsuit happy people
ah yes, I forgot the part of US business law that states "if you get a lawyer you never have to pay damages from a lawsuit" you're genuinely a fucking retard lmao (no offense)
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/agdg/ be like
>today's progress
Lawyer insurance is like 12 bucks a month.
how so? i don't get where the rip off mechanic is? swinging from branches thats not in paper skies
>inb4 it's just crumble butthurt that this game has more interest than his without having to fake it on a kickstarter
it's over...
You used blender all this time without knowing about the stencil texturing mode? You didn't even try to create decently textured characters before, did you
Look if you game is 3D, features even slightly spherical characters and let's you move around then it's a Crumble ripoff.
who knew being a better dev than all of agdg just required me to swipe my credit card on a $30 asset pack. well the time has come, i'm heading over /pgdg/
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New fetish unlocked
cope and seethe cumbrlel rolydev is getting at least 10x what you made
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I know most of you guys are joking but I'll clear the air anyway.
Every major publisher in Japan owns several patent over "basic" mechanics that appear in several games made by other game companies. The reason for those patents is not to sue every other companies. Think about it for a second; if the point of owning those parents were to sue other people, there would be several court cases every years. The reason they patent those basic mechanics is actually to protect themselves from this, so that they themselves can't be sued. They all let other devs use their patented mechanics all the time without suing them. If one company did sue another one, then that other company could just sue them back in return since they all have several patents over stuff that every game does.

Some years back, a company named COLOPL patented a form of touch control where you have a digital joystick and started making other mobile devs pay a fee to use it. When Nintendo saw them patent trolling, Nintendo decided to patent troll them in return and sued the shit out of them for breaking several of Nintendo's patents - even though tons of other devs also use those patented mechanics. The purpose was just to shut up COLOPL.

My assumption with the PalWorld case is that Nintendo wasn't specifically trying to sue them for infringing on their patent, but more likely that they just thought the game ripped off Pokemon too much (notably many of the models look extremely similar) so they just set their lawyers to work. But proving that a developer ripped off your models and modified them can be pretty hard to prove, so they're using the patent thing as a proxy.
I think that at this point we should start crowd-funding lawyers to sue companies for patent fraud
It's over. I quit.
Okay Nintendo of America, we get it, you're mad they're defending their wealth from your frivolous lawsuits like they would in Japan.
That was the qrd
tldr then
*sues you for patent infringement*
>capturing monsters in balls is somehow a proxy to monsters looking like pokemon
Seriously? This is a bad case to build on.
>don't have to take off the headset to dev anymore
VR devs we are so winning.
When you poop it gets shaped like a sausage because of your butthole, when you capture a monster in a ball it gets shaped like a pokemon, understand now?
I have a fetish for bocchi posters :3
that makes no sense moron
if that were the case
everyone would be filing patents of the exact same thing to protect themselves
but you can't do that because someone already filed the patent
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it's godon't. holy fuck i got mogged so hart lmao
Huh, yeah? Are you fucking stupid? What the fuck are you saying?
>patent troll
>literally showing patents don't work
I knew Nintendo was bad, but damn. I didn't know they were that bad.
? I'm ridiculing retards for lack of knowledge on US business law, and by proxy helping inform them of what protection they do and don't have. no need to be a salty little bitch about it
That I think you are dumb, there I said it.
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I used other tools for texturing.
but this proves they can successfully sue, do you not see how dark this can become quickly?
He is obviously a tendie, you can't reason with them.
Patents expire in 20 years anyway
>Everyone does X

>That makes no sense because if it was true then everyone would do Y, but they can't because Y is illegal.

Fucking retarded statement.
see you tomorrow
Jason rohrers latest game is literally going to get someone killed holy shit...
>but this proves they can successfully sue
Correct, every game publishers with patents can sue other devs who use the patented mechanics. This has been the case since the beginning of the game industry. How many court cases can you name?
>making games that are actually games is bad
This is why creativity is dead. Just slop, more slop, skinner box shit. The whole nine yards.
Dunning–Kruger moment for you.
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big guns fun
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Nintendo vs everything * 1000
what game? castle doctrine was based
I would probably play this for free.
>anyone that treats it like it's this glamorous, easy, and fame filled lifestyle
Brush does literally none of these things.
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New lore drop
Did you mean to reply? His latest is an irl Bitcoin treasure hunt with an ever decreasing circle ala battle royal. You pay $20 for aerial photo clues
there are gizmos showing in the top screenshot so this is probably a comparison between scene view and game view (Unity terminology, no idea what they're called in Unreal). in the scene view there appears to be a light source attached to the camera, causing things to show a fairly uniform brightness with closer objects being brighter than farther ones. note how the pillars closer to the camera are DARKER than the background in the game view and brighter in the scene view. there is definitely an additional light source. it's not just different post processing.
There are games that have real creativity but you'd just endlessly shitpost them as bad or taking too long to develop. Its HILAROUS the same people who complain about slop bitch that your game needs to be done in 6 months tops and are literal nodevs with 0 games
Skydrop. It's more like an arg.
not anon but post those real creative games?
very nice
>and I know your numbers. They told me their numbers.
can't be talking about biteme because biteme put their numbers out there publicly. the way Thomas phrased this means the developer in question privately talked to Thomas, revealing numbers that are not public.
Cool, I'm actually inside the circle
Bokube is pretty creative for being so limited gameplay wise with sokoban and look at all that fucking content and unique levels.
How's the weather? Is it clear for the next week?
I HATE inner circle.
>worse captain toad

lmao bokube is trash and will fail the 10 year cope is hilarious. kys boku
The weather is actually incredibly beautiful and comfortable right now
in case you're new, bokube is literally just ripping off Captain Toad, with boku pretty much saying as much way back.
Which is why the original game was so much lighter and simpler
>over time he made it different than captain toad
Plausible deniability
which is now just ripping off Souls
amazing progress :^)
Loretubers will make an hour essay about how the blueball represents blueballing and your past relationships.
When is it polite to make the next thread, does this one have to die or what
realistically, at or after bump limit.
I already made it. Just waiting for admin approval
new thread
kek ive done this on purpose so claims of me doing on purpose cannot be proven as done on purpose. can't be on purpose if i didn't know
"if object get component position is not null modify position"
"if object get component velocity is not null modify velocity"
they have played us for absolute fools
runtime checks considered harmful
embrace contract programming
When will he do an updated version say 2023? Landscape has change a ton since 2019

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