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The Wheel has turned once again.
Blood Slave edition

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.
The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 3400 units, 1100 spells and 400 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them. It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.
Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

>Our pastebin (extremely outdated)
https://pastebin.com/wjbSA98Y (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)


>Multiplayer guide
>Blitzserver (game hosting service)
(Dom 6)


>Mod inspector
>Pretender calculator
>Debug mod (still dom5)
>Communion fatigue calculator (still dom5)
>Automatically prevent starts in all provinces with less than X connections (still dom5)

>How do I change the fonts?
Replace guifont.ttf, guifont_fancy.ttf and guifont_texty.ttf in the game's 'data' folder (C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Dominions6\data)

>Fan art

>Sloop’s Comfy Balance Mod
i've failspanded twice and got a knight event on my most recent army
illwinter doesn't want me to succeed tonight
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first for i love the melia
warhammer won
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Whoops here's the link the previous thread
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Pyrene seems preeeeetty cool but I have not played with them yet..Any tips?
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how do you deal with this shit if you don't have AN damage? just roll over and die?
Which age? Ooga booga Pyrène, semen demon Pyrène, or whatever the MA one is?
The map has a bunch of ports so you can cross the big ass ocean between the two continents and the little islands in the middle.
fuck is this shit
blitzmin always pulling out the most memetarded maps known to man
Oh I see, as to not need sailing I presume.
lizardmin I fvcking kneel
Yeah, its just a normal province connection.
Prov connections across water bodies to simulate port routes are pretty standard.
Is there a resource anywhere on how the fuck trample damage works
Is it AN? AP? normal? Based on size? Size difference? Combat speed?
Trample is exactly what it sounds like – a large unit runs over a smaller one. Smush! A trampling unit displaces all of the units in the square it enters to an adjacent square. These units have to take a Defense – (fatigue / 10) check against 3d6. If they fail this check, they take 7 + Size trample damage. This is an armor-piercing attack, so Protection is halved. Ethereal tramplers have their trample damage halved. A trampled unit will always take at least one point of damage, regardless of Protection. A unit which successfully passes the defense check is still displaced, but just takes one point of damage, total.
Page 40 of the manual. https://www.illwinter.com/dom6/dom6manual.pdf
what the fuck is this?
also, evocations, fatigue them out, etc
Ooga booga Pyrène
>encumbrance 1
Fair and balanced
what about a non ethereal unit trampling ethereal ones
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MA is catgirl + bbg (big black goat)
MA is bloody goats Pyrene.
Learn how to thug and buff armies.
give me a small extension my dominions is crashing for some reason
Postponed the turn. Which nation? I can see if it happens when I connect using the admin password and get the debug logs if you want
nope i just realized why, i was downloading some stuff and hit my hard drive limit since i installed it onto the wrong drive
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I don't have AN damage and they have regen
they have one enc instead of the 6-8 that would actually be fair
>and hit my hard drive limit
>they have regen
set them on fire
ap should work in large enough quantities but yea this is some op shit, i can't see a clear weakness
map is way too big
Combat speed 4 and I'm pretty sure Tortasia doesn't have A for air shield so just recruit crossbows if you have them and have them go ham
>20 prot + fortitude + regen
idk if it'll be enough though ngl
Sorry, I like it a lot so wanted to use it for the gigablitz. Was kinda hoping we'd get 8 or so.
i did not ask to be judged. i only asked to be free
>defense skill: 3
Recruit cavemen or something else that does fuckhuge damage but has low attack
45hp to regen too
yeah idk
I think the obvious answer is lightning or a few dudes with GSS but if you have neither you may be fucked
>Combat speed 4
could stack a bit more of that then just go around them
maybe foul vapors or somthing
>foul vapors against 45hp and regen
attack their fatigue, stack poison on them, basically bog them down. very smol units like bakamono could get in and totally shrek their already poor defense as well while units equipped with GSS and the like get hits in every round. Setting them on fire would be nice too, along with spells that put decay on them
THANKS for extension GODmin i was getting food and came back just in time to get my turn done.
i really needed the extension.
sorry for making everyone wait.
Finally checked out Tzeentch. Absolutely phenomenal spritework but the screamer is just another proof that Sombre does not play this game
>Gigablitz happening now
>nobody posting about it because they're playing on a PVE map
Post province/income/gem graphs.
He plays it, but only in single player. And he refuses to take input from people that play MP
I'm turning it into PvP this very turn
it's turn 20 and i just finished my first fort and probably about to get raped
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yeah leave it up to blitzmin to never get the settings right
I'm just mad I missed it. I was going to try a racecar build for MA Marignon, but I overslept.
btw can someone help me count from 12 to potato on this one? To me, it seems like the speed should be 21.4 (not sure how Dom6 rounds).
Please report back whenever you do try this. I'm interested in your results.
i didnt know you can stack swiftness
Samefag here. I think I've figured out how Illwinter calculates combat speed for multiple swiftness blessings. This is completely retarded, so hold your breath until your brain is about to die and follow along:
Paladin base speed = 12
Swiftness speed bonus = 30%
Paladin armor encumbrance = -5
Combat speed for one swiftness bless = (12 * 1.3) -5 = 15.6 - 5 = 10.6 (Dom6 then rounds this to 11)
Combat speed for four swiftness blessings = combat speed for one swiftness bless (rounded up) * 4 = 44
As I said, this is completely retarded. At best, it should get compounding swiftness as follows:
[12 * (1.3)^4] - 5 = (12 * 2.8561) - 5 = 34.2732 - 5 = 30 (rounded)
So basically Shillwinter's calculation is insane for stacked swiftness. Take advantage of this information until the next patch.
why does swiftness even matter though
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Blitzmin has been blitzing for 13 hours and 18 minutes.
is he ok
I should cast ghost ship armada
I should honestly mix in more strength to maximize damage, but sometimes u just gotta go fast.
>19 base prot on the militia
what the fuck?
shield hit
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When two units meet, the one with faster combat speed attacks first.
Can I get an extension on GIGABLITZ2 I want to go get snacks
Alright, extended by 5
im not in the blitz but can you extend it by another 5 so that other anon doesnt get hiccups from eating too fast
My earthquake senses are tingling
Any wars going on aside from ctis vs ur?
me against the independents on this fuckhuge map
>turned on the option to have new mages auto research when recruited
>actually have time to script now
My eyes are opened
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Why does late game drain me so much? I can craft artifacts every fucking turn, plan out remote attacks spells, churn out hundreds of summons, equip my little pixel men with their pixel swords...
But fucking scripting all those mages man. I hate and love communion nations at the same time.
try getting magic scales instead
>hes been playing the game without it
how fucking horrifying
I still dont get why that shit is not enabled by default
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Villains are just that good of a unit.
>All of those merc villains I missed out on because I bought them once and they bounced off of 10 militia
How could I be so shortsighted?
>somebody else figured out the villain abuse
fuck fuck FUCK
I think the top left water province on the map is bugged somehow, it ate one of my armies I raided C'tis with.
What? What makes them good? I thought they were militia tier like anon said.
Is there any better feeling than casting Illwinter and watching the world get a comfy layer of snow?
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nah i cant bros, this shit is too autistic.
the map is way too huge, its fucking 43 provinces per player. all it does is make everything 2 times as micro intensive, its not interesting playing this. i dont know how blitzmin keeps fucking up simple settings. last gigablitz it was the ridiculous level 3 thrones, this time its the ridiculously large map.
im out. gg, nice pve game. nice micro practice or something, i dont know.
I dispelled Illwinter some turns ago in the LA sparks game, and I kinda missed it when it was gone, yeah.
You do nothing but bitch and I have never had you say a single thing in advance and it irritates me a little bit.
live a little!
>dispelled Illwinter
isn’t it a blood slaves ritual? I usually get eliminated before the late game but I thought dispelling blood globals was generally considered futile once the blood economy is going
in advance? i cant read your mind, you didnt announce you were going to use this map or anything
Well you see....they're evil.
ok bye
I don't actually know what path or school or level Illwinter is, but regular astral dispel worked on it. Can't remember how many extra pearls I threw in there but it wasn't an obscene amount at all.
Also not really sure what "blood economy" means and refers to, if you or anyone wouldn't mind filling me in. I've played blood nations a few times but never feel like I'm doing it right.
You need to learn to have fun my man, if the map is big just expand towards a nigga and pick a fight, blitzes arent really meant to be played super seriously anyway you need to set your own win conditions not just do a 100% optimized indie clear into capping thrones.

The blitzes are meant to be for fun not a competitive ranked match dude, let lose a bit.
>You do nothing but bitch
yes and i do that because i care. if i didnt care i wouldnt say whats on my mind.
a circlejerk isnt useful to anyone is it?
am i wrong? is the map not way too large? does it not take away from the fun?
I said way back here >>495413967 to point out if there was anything wrong - had you pointed out before we were halfway into the game "hey this map is too big can we do a smaller one" I would have restarted with a smaller one, I like this map and wanted to play it rather than yet another randommap. But you waited until something like turn 15 to complain, am I meant to restart at turn 15?
you do sound like a little bitch tho

t. Ur that spite demolished forts and went AI JEJ
>Pick a high micro nation for a blitz
>say nothing about the map until the end
>this is high micro how could this be happening to me

try running a blood economy along with it next time n00blet
“Blood economy” refers to how Blood nations can get increasing numbers of blood slaves just by assigning more mages to hunting, whereas other nations are limited by how many gem sites they can find
Because Blood nations can get more slaves than you can get astral pearls in the late game, they’ll (in theory) be able to recast Illwinter for cheaper than you can dispel it. If they’re on the defense and need those slaves for other things, it’s still probably a good idea to dispel
Oh I see, thanks. I haven't even really figured out what I should be casting with blood mages.
you are right. i am wrong.
i take back what i said.
the map is perfect, 30+ provinces per player is fun and fantastic in a blitz. its my fault for not looking at the province count before the game started.
good boy
millions must circlejerk
I'm not asking you not to complain, I'm asking you to complain in a way that I can actually accommodate. "This map sux its too big" - does that mean I need to restart? "this map sux too big" I could probably infer requires a restart if it were early enough that its not shitcanning an hour and a half of blitz time. But even then "I think we should restart because this map is too big and its bad enough to justify the lost time ps. badmin is bad" is an actionable complaint.
nowhere did i say anything about restarting. you can accommodate next time.
>mr. butthurt's sloopless OP got deleted twice in a row and the one with sloops was left up
janny hates black servants? holy based
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They orient their day around dropping the nosloops thread in advance so its even funnier
Depends on the nation. I think sanguine dowsing rods for more blood slaves are pretty universal. Lifelong Protections are probably my favorite combat item from blood. Storm demons and demon knights are good.
It really depends on the nation. Ez mode is just making a blood communion and spamming imps
>Keybind 1: Cast communion master, Cast and advance
>Keybind 2: Cast communion slave, cast spells
Its that shrimple
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Ermor.. Are you trying to win by destroying my computer?
typical ermorian scouting party
hes just pinging your province and gem baiting
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642 down, 14536 to go
Realistically speaking how do you beat this
What I meant to say was, nothing
>cast a few earthquakes
>BV lictors kill your mages
>they have 10 more skeleton armies behind it
Come on ermor storm the fort I'm falling asleep in my chair over here its almost 7am I have been blitzing for almost 20 hours now.
>jannies deleted a post with this content
>a few earthquakes will easily delete that shit
My retard friend. Everything is OP in Memeage. You went high dominion and weak bless on Manletia and you didn't even make the good units. What do you expect? You can literally go dom 2 and still make as many sacreds as res + req points let you per turn and you complain about turtles?
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Houston we have a problem
Too many skeletons
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Doing a quick dodgy, the battle's taking too long. Bumping up the timeout to 15 minutes.
Server's being restarted, you'll have to reconnect.
Ermor delenda est
>Everything is OP in Memeage
Except the titty snakes and Arco, which just generally suck
Speaking of which has anyone realized that Marignon has recruitable succubi
I think I'm gonna hit the sack once this fight goes through.
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>Six minute host to kill a whole 777 skeletons
I guess its time to break out the final solution.
In like 10 turns once its researched anyway
final solution is to ban skelermor
How the fuck do you play LA Marignon when their units are so bad
you don't
Angels + alchemical soldiers
not him but the alch soldiers are shockingly hard to make consistently
seems like a clear skill issue to me
Yeah, the master alchemist restriction is stupid.
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9999999 dead skeletons
I am bed man
this meme but ermor version
Alright I am going to bed.
Thanks for the blitz
Good luck machaka, ermor. I
how many fuckin combat rounds did this take
did it reach the point where attacker force-routs?
I gave a lot of my wizards aids by having a smelly mummy stand next to them, fuck!
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based ermor
does flaming weapons get added on top of a damage roll or not? I can't see it being useful with only 8 ap
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I just want jags to be good in LA...
>gift of giant strength
>+4 strength
doesn't sound like much. how much of a difference does this spell make?
you are correct, it's only good against unarmoured units which are not a threat to begin with
yeah i'd rather just take fireshield then
Imagine you have a weapon that does 10 damage, vs an enemy with 10 protection
That means you roll 10 + drn vs 10 + drn so on average you do no damage at all
Now imagine you do 14 damage vs 10 protection
It makes an enkidu iron warrior go from 24/25 slashing damage to 28/29 slashing damage
This means they can 1 shot unbuffed black plate infantry reliably
Or ulmite pikeneers go from 18 piercing to 22, bypassing even their own armor
a +1 in this game is pretty significiant, so a +4 is very good
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Ermor and I agreed to a final omega battle before I claimed this last throne
Wow Ermor is even more stinky to me than it was before
those elephants are nuts
ermor with BV is impossible to beat without at least a 3v1 coalition they're ridiculously strong
I know
>enough mound kings to make an army out of them
any way you want its 15000 training dummies that go down from any single hit you throw at them
>800 lictors
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>that one demon jester trying his best
it's a nice damage buff for things like xbows if you are spamming them. It wrecks ghost/skeletons from sceleria, Lemuria, and therados. Also its an effective counter to barkskin.
can someone explain how barkskin actually works? I thought it would add nat prot on top of armor prot. So an 18 protection unit would add the barkskin on top with no reduction. Someone said that's not true
to a completely mindless army too
Barkskin adds on top of the Natural Protection of the unit. You are thinking that it would add to the Armor Value, but that is a seperate, uh, thing.
800 BV lictors
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Hey ghouls and lictors aren't mindless!
Phantasmal beast or illusory army?
wouldnt you make battleaxers instead of pikeneers, they have a much higher damage
blitzmin please remove Descartes' Snark from the map pool so the spastics like memeage badmin don't pick this utter dogshit again
it dependsTM
It's +4, so it brings the average human from 10 to 14. However even giantlets tend to have at least 15 strength, so calling it giant strength is a bit hyperbolic. It's more like Gift of Shaq Strength.
It's one less than enkidu and the same strength level as devils, so it's something.
demons maybe
oh sweet thanks, so with 5 nat prot lava warriors get up to 21, with barkskin it's 23.
survive until you can spam fallen angels
Some ideas:

Glamour evocations. And glamour conjurations.
Air elementals, but you'll need a critical mass relative to his numbers. What is the chunky ones' gold cost?
Weapons of Sharpness, add in Body Ethereal.
Heat or cold aura and fatigue them out. Cold aura is probably better, since they're cold-blooded. Wolven Winter before battle should help. Ensure your units live long enough to let the auras do their work.
Decay spells.
Dispossessed spirits.
Soul Slay batteries.

Does his bless have magic weapons?
Based PETA paladins carrying the horses into battle and sparing the horses the inhumane conditions from being ridden in combat.
Look at the mount's combat speed, not the rider's.
I dont think cold blooded interacts with cold aura
Correct it only interacts with battlefield temperature, which will fuck OP harder than it will fuck the tortoise since they have 1 encumbrance
Does death explosion proc twice for mounted units?
probably if the mount is also sacred
To expand on >>495466301:

For the 10 damage vs. 10 protection case, 10 + DRN vs. 10 + DRN, approximately half of the attacks will do no damage, since the protection roll being higher than the damage roll will result in no damage. The other attacks will do some random amount of damage, typically small.

I wrote a small program to simulate it for different differences. Number in first column is result of "damage - protection". Number in second column is average damage per attack, including attacks that dealt no damage. Only looking at attacks that hit. The program might have bugs, didn't put effort into it, but here are the roughly rounded results:


Assuming that the program isn't buggy, we can see some dramatic differences. Going from -12 to -8 is more than a tripling in damage output. Going from -8 to -4 is a tripling. Going from 0 to 4 is a doubling. Once the protection is lower than the damage, the gain from +4 strength is not as dramatic. For instance, 8 to 12 is a "mere" 50% more damage. Basically, the units that gain the least, relatively speaking, from a +4 strength buff, are units with 30+ damage attacking 0-protection enemies. The units that gain the most are units with relatively low damage attacking enemies with relatively high protection. Though it won't help much if hoburgs with 9 damage spears get a +4 strength buff against an enemy SC with 34 protection, they'll still almost never deal damage in the basic situation.

Two-handed weapons get more damage per strength point, bows get half, crossbows get one-third.
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I been hit by 34 Gale Gate hurricanes this turn. How is your day, domg?
in lovesloop ? I gave him air gems youre welcome kek
In a game where most units have between 10 to 14 health, 4 is absolutely massive as it will give a lot of units enough extra damage to 1 shot.
>implying Pythium couldn't afford it himself
Did it help ya much?
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Sorry, didn't realize that.
Illwinter should change that, a chill aura that is powerful enough to fatigue out non-cold-blooded units should affect cold-blooded units harder.
At least the additional encumbrance increase for cold temperature scales should stack. 8 extra encumbrance for Cold 3 for cold-blooded units, together with cold auras being stronger the colder it is, should fatigue them out very quickly.
Oh I didnt give it to pythium I gave it to nidavangr
But I'm nidvangr! Pythium got Gale gate...
I figured it out myself after I posted, but I thought it would be more fun not to clear up the misinformation
I don't have gale gate up you blind fuck
t. pythium
Does Purgatory trip BV?
I can't remember. If it wasn't obvious it was undead mastery. The battlefield looked like some kind of mold colony simulation.
you send a hobbit to mordor

this ain't the flex you think
It'd have to be on a prophet or a jesus shirt I think.
Just use them anyway like a man
Redpill me on Jomon
best nation for repel bless shenanigans
Underwater sim city.
jomon sucks
idk it was a common strat in dom3 or 4
the naginata troops with a bunch of attack will chop things up while only taking 1 damage at a time
Nowadays, with fear being so good, I think fear + attack skill would be a good bless
Later you can get some dai-oni so they can repel a lot too (along with soul vortex and whatever else)
SAR do not redeem the banned fear. If you pick fear I will ban you from the discord.
they know it's betta down where it's wetta but they can't get there and all their competition can, they also get gunned down by crossbows because they have no shields
there's a reason they get a lot of handouts in every mod that touches them
>the naginata troops with a bunch of attack will chop things up while only taking 1 damage at a time

Uh, that's not how repel works...
Does elixir of life work outside of combat? does it work if the unit died from disease for example
Wake up blitzmin it's time for your daily cbt.
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You think I'm trapped in here with you?
Doing my taxes then I'll host one
I'm going to do a wish build and wish for torgrin and make my own ghost ship armada
You know what? Fuck you and your armada. I'm designing my next plan around it.
I barely even cast it last game. I cast like three hidden in snows before I finally cast it. I think I showed great restraint, really.
No. Too late.
Cast it this game. I dare you.
Well there's game. Not sure if we'll get anyone but worth a try. Making pretender, I wonder if there's a sailing bless..
Might join if you disable slops.
What is it that you need to have so your archers can target rearmost units?
i will leave if you disable slops because my plan focuses around trying out some buffed spells from slops
Actually it's a bit too late for me. I joined as Ind but I shouldn't start anything at this hour. Feel free to remove.
This is why slops sucks and he's an asshole for making the mod. We could all be harmoniously playing the same game, but no, he had to complicate shit.
Wait till this nigga finds out about total overhaul mods
not my fault illwinter made spells that are thematically cool but mechanically useless
Those aren't usually my thing either but at least it feels like there's a point.
Neter of the underworld in SCBM gets dust walker and dust warrior domsummons like in spark and hellenika but the rate of summon seems way too low to actually be worth taking. With 10 dom in the province the pretender resides in you have a 50/50 chance of getting a single dust walker and 1/12 of getting an additional dust warrior.

That's a shame because I like the domsummon dust warrior gimmick, though it makes sense that it'd be tuned down quite drastically from spark or hellenika because dom summoning dust warriors is pretty crazy.
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Has this changed in dom6?
idk lol
Some of the Dom summons are really quite pathetic. I feel like Statue of War is the only one that actually calls a noticeable amount of units. Even shadows with the Prince of Death which are quite useless, have a crazy low rate. When using the trinity that summons Lampads, I mostly forget that the one even has the mechanic.
I think the problem is there's not enough granularity.
You can either make it domsummons 1d{dom}, 1d{dom}/2, or 1d{dom}/20. 5 dust walkers a turn? Yeah sure sounds hella balanced.
find out in RP
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>This is why slops sucks and he's an asshole for making the mod. We could all be harmoniously playing the same game, but no, he had to complicate shit.

Whiny faggot projection levels off the charts
divine name or gift of reason
Any of you two still around?
feminie, still here. will be here for a while
Aight I removed ind since I think he's probably gone >>495511405
If you're still around resubmit.
I'll start if we can get five, probably biddyn.
Or we can 1v1 while we wait, if you want.
nah i'll wait on the actual game, i'm working on the side and 1v1's arent my thing really
Does going underwater with iron equipment actually cause them to rust?
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>Whiny faggot projection levels off the charts
sloops is just the game but better
I dont even know all the changes but every one I find out piece by piece is good.
slops is just the game but worse
Are we getting raided by /gsg/ again?
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Is EA Xibalba still the best amongst the three eras?
I honestly assume /gsg/ isn't behind this since they have their own shit to fling about
What are they flinging shit about these days? I haven't been in there in months.
I don't know I haven't been there since vicky3 came out and I swore off paracock except CK3 forever
>except CK3
retard. ck2 is better in every way
CK2 is definitely better and EU4 is also based.
I play CK2 also, however I picked up CK3 last year and it has a few features I like such as cultures that actually do something (even if it's weirdly both politically incorrect and just actually incorrect in how it's presented, you'd think the swedes would at least toe the political line) and actually nuanced levels of religious tension unlike the "hard" version in CK2
Also I'm unironically kind of hyped for finally being able to play as landless
>been using my hammer all game long to gemgen
>notice its the wrong hammer
>its turn 47
I dont think so, but the relative number should be similar eg death being highest in wastelands so it shouldnt change anything about what youre doing unless youre literally spreadsheeting efficiency of remote searches.
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the smasher gets another one
kek I did that my first game too I built fucking midget smasher or something lol. Has anyone ever actually wanted to use that thing. Why would I need an item to kill midgets...
Midget Masher is weird because anything big enough to use it effectively would also just oneshot small creatures on account of having 20+ strength
>EU4 is also based
>mana: the game
Yeah I mean I guess it's for thugged piconyes? But I haven't seen that ever. And it's weird they specifically want piconye to not be thugs. I dont get it.
i always doublecheck
I think one of the dom5 mods (domenhanced maybe) gave it an AoE fixed damage+stun with str/size negates which at least sort of gave it a niche
it's for killing size 8 giant thugs with your size 9 pretender titan
If I was a mod maker I'd make it a conditional berserker item where if you get shot by a hoburg crossbow you get +5 berserker and a speed boost to start mashing those midgets to death. Fuck crossbows.
I still think Niefel giants should have an AoE1 attack
did u rly get plapped by hoburgs anon lol?
It has +3 to attack and does 40 damage to anyone who's a manlet (smaller than you). Main downside is that it's two handed and non-aoe.
no but it's arrogant of them to shoot at me and makes me mad
Will cocaine increase my dominions performance?
What happens if you have two+ communion masters in a battle?
nothing. just watch the fatigue on your slaves
what the fuck?
blitz dead?
the chain of daily blitz - broken?
Thanks glowiebro
what did I miss?
Except caves are a clusterfuck now. You've got cave forests and underwater caves but no cave mountains.
I'm too weak. The blitzes that were sustaining me have run dry.
>did u rly get plapped by hoburgs anon lol?
Hoburg crossbows were the jackpot in dom4. Turn every nation into ma ulm.
I think caves are additive so you get the cave + type like forest
That would make sense. But caves lost their increased magic site frequency which makes it confusing.
Also chart says sea has surprisingly low water gem frequency considering I was finding one in every second UW province but couldn't find sweet fuck all above land. Maybe its just funy mapgen things.
could be bad rng, I tend to find a lot of gems UG
Underground? Yeah it felt like I had a decent amount of sites, more than above ground despite that when you hover the "cave" terrain type it no longer describes it as "more sites"
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hmmm two clowns forced into AI already, now Caeliss attacks me, soon to be a third....
>but no cave mountains.
Just beg your admin to manually add cave mountains
im gonna add a peculiarly phallic shaped mountain in your cave
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Mr Sloops please revert the boulder thrower buff, i have an inhouse starting on the 30th and we very much would like to use your mod for it but boulder throwers are OP
You literally will have three caps
My troops are dogshit against yours, but I'm not just letting you run away with the game
you are just another notch in my belt
what belt you retard
turtles don't wear pants
It's poll time, bros. Please reply which which nation you think is...
>most based
>most redpilled
>most cringe
>most bluepilled
>most kino
Bonus if you give answers for each age.
none of these words mean anything
bro your "mister slops" doesnt even play the game, much less does he work on the mod
learn english
TIL MemeAge Marignon has a loli succubus tendie
>>most based
>>most redpilled
>>most cringe
>>most bluepilled
>>most kino
i have studied it. but anglos are such an inferior people that i refuse to use their mess of a language "correctly" whatever that even means given the context of this language being such a disgusting mess.
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go back to storm flight then
go back to worshipping your infallible mister slops who doesnt even play the game or care about you or his sloppy mod
I'm not in a single sloop game though?
Based can refer to that of earth of the alchemical property of nigredo or decay. The nation most fitting of that category would most likely be that of late age agartha, since they use alchemy and necromancy to elevate their nation from their place underground.
>most cringe
When it comes to sheer embarrassment, nothing goes so far as to the elven nations for their proclaimed might only lasts but a single era.
Redpill in the Matrix refer those that break the artificial world's conditioning and become perceptive to the world beyond. The nation closest to this ideal may at first glance be the nations of Kailasa and Bandar, but it is in fact that of Late Era Man, the tower of chelms that uses study away from magic to fundamentally break its rules.
While bluepilled in the Matrix refers to those not perceptive of the true world, it does not necessarily mean they are not happy. The nation of Therodos exemplifies this the most, as they are dead who are not aware they are dead.
>most kino
Any nation that can spam gifts from heaven
That's the only qualification.
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did you have an AI write this
that's chat gpt background
I am shocked that chatGPT even knows what domingos is
if it's on the internet or even deepweb it probably scraped it, just reading off forum posts for the game
I hate AI so much it's unreal.
wtf ai is based????
They are all memes, which means they mean something.
AI reminds me of the shit you'd write for high school essays where they'd ask you the most inane questions and you'd have to squeeze out 1200 words on something you genuinely have no opinion on
>something you genuinely have no opinion on
Every single thing I ever had to write at any level.
And the cunny race? please, anon i need to know, whats the cunny race?
Pyrene cambion kids mature in weeks
miss obsessed, your obsession isn't healthy for you, you need to relax. Have you taken your medicine?
not LA R'lyeh?
Seraphines with unaging
Cunnyfags get the rope.
They are beyond enlightened
cunnychads get the cunny
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Erytheia having inbred loli magical mermaid princesses has been a meme since dom 5 bro
the only question is why the kings need to exist at all
I kind of hate how almost every nation with a big female and big male mage always has the guy be the bigger/more useful caster
Phaeacia and LA Pyrene have better women.

It's turn 25! How we all feeling? Statistically speaking we're about a third of the way through the game, time sure flies.
yeah but phaeceia is black
The final battle for the hypothetical towers finally takes place next turn. Stay tuned.
>How we all feeling?
i feel like a million bucks
>can't even win a real tower as reward
getting broke?
Like a social butterfly
Uruk have a pretty equal female and male cap only mage/priest
The male is a S3N1 + 1.1 sacred mage while the female is a W1S2 + 1.1 H3 magepriest
Both are vital to a good army stack
>5 dust walkers a turn
you'd have to take 10 dom then which is exorbitantly expensive. Probably not worth desu
Uruk is one of the ones that stood out to me because it's really weird that the male mage is there at all when the entire "high end" lineup is women otherwise, and the mashumashu (?) doesn't even seem to be important socially/politically.
never beating the allegation anti-Sloop'sbro
maybe play on a discord?
They like faggotry there
>That would make sense. But caves lost their increased magic site frequency which makes it confusing.
IDK about that anon
Caves are usually very gem rich
EA Ulm
these old farts need to be shot and killed immediately

I don't even have Discord so I wouldn't know what they do and don't like, but I'm willing to take your word for it, fag.
The cope is unreal

>The cope is unreal
what cope? just the other day your sacred mister slops came in here and proudly announced how he doesnt give a flying fuck and doesnt play the game
all me
I'm a fellow noslopchad and I missed that. Wish I'd seen it, but it doesn't make much sense desu.
The mashmashus are the kissless virgin wizards of Uruk,
in-game wise they're used to for high astral rituals/bullshit combat spells due to being the highest astral mages of the nation
Lore wise they're the IT wizards of Uruk, knowing how and why the stars work compared to your average server admin S1/S2's
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pic related
so not only that but slop's taste in other video games is, who could have guessed it, sloppy, with slop such as rimworld and wukong
Mofo, slop's fucking dog died, that'd make anyone lazy
I only got one (You) from this post. If I was a samefag I'd have two (You)s, but I don't.
that is what a samefag would say

I made a couple of spells for Tzeentch

One casts blink on all enemy units on the battlefield (MR Negates)

the other is an AOE returning that only hits enemies (MR Negates)
>most based
>most redpilled
LA Marignon
>most cringe
>most bluepilled
EA Ulm
>most kino
I m considering making all of the tzeentch weapons do illusion damage. And giving many of their units disbelieve
>One casts blink on all enemy units on the battlefield (MR Negates)
>the other is an AOE returning that only hits enemies (MR Negates)
nigga you think the Father of Lies and Deception gives spells that only hurt enemies? Blink everyone. Returning everyone.
fair I could do that for the blink spell

But the returning spell, if it can hit both I believe it would default to targeting your own units. And that is hardcoded.
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Hey I'm coming over from CoE5. Is there any nation that cast world ending rituals like the Voice of El?
any blood nation
any astral nation
any death nation
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Can someone give me ideas at what some T'ien themed indie province compositions might be like? I'm nearly done with the T'ien map at this point.
Astral corruption, utterdark, foul air+wrath of god....
6/10 pretty close
TIL a fluffer IRL is a girl whose job it is to keep the guy hard in between porn shoot scenes
cant repeat this often enough; leave it up to yanks to come up with the most retarded terms imaginable
Thug was a British term first bruh
this, it's for titans and giants to mog smaller titans and giants to death
>dai oni, skratti and ifrit sultans onemogging polemarches and other gigante
>melqarts, basalt kings, jentilak and elder cyclopes onemogging dai oni, skratti, ifrits and gigante
>titans, niefel/muspel jarls and fomorian kings onemogging all of the above
real manlets don't even warrant attention, the midget masher is for slaying their manlet kings to maintain the natural order
It's not necessarily a girl bro
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Thug is indian
I mean yes, that is true, it just did not enter the english vernacular until the British colonized India
Yeah, since it's indian
TIL a fluffer IRL is a girl whose job it is to keep the guy hard in between porn shoot scenes

Globals are worldwide in reach so any spell that is bad is world-ending
Burden of Time is the usual suspect

Lots of glaives and crossbows, plus some horse and bone tribals in mountain and wastelands to represent auxiliaries
damn wtf it repeated my first post
Dude's dog died and you are going to gloat about it, and then try to take snipe shots about rimworld and wukong? those games aren't even bad, you are truly a pathetic whining asshole kys
In the game it refers to a single powerful unit that is used to defeat local enemy PD and small armies as a way to take over territory and divide enemy forces. The origin of the word matters less in this instance, poo covered though it may have been in the beginning.
I'd say Rimworld is bloated but eh.
It's astounding that this all comes from a self confessed, no doubt 70 iq newfag mongoloid who just "doesn't want to learn the game twice"'
Boggles the mind, I thought this general would be spared from turbo retards but alas
All airfaggots look the same for me.
join the slop cult now
slop can never do wrong
slop is perfect balance
illfraud must be lynched
we hate dominions
we love slop
>slop is perfect balance
It's not perfect, but it's best balance mod out there. For people who actually play the game (which includes setting up mods for actual lobbies we start up) that's the deal; trying to cherrypick isn't clever as you apparently think.
i like how you chose to disagree on this point only. implying you agree on the other points.
the slop babby shows its true colors
This type of game is bound to attract someone that's severely mentally ill sooner or later.
lots of long running threads have their resident shitter
the resident shitter of this thread being sloop?
It's a hard reality for us that not only is the general full of people who think discord games suck, it's also full of people who tried to play in discord games and were too obnoxious and retarded to play anywhere they could be banned.
not completely true, there's a few people in my discord group who came from here.
I shan't play in discord, you do you though.
Me too son, me too....
kinda, any nation can cast most of them and some have unique ones like xibalba, but all of them can be dispelled
Dominions is shit in the sense that every nation can cast most spells, you just need to design a pretender for it.
In fact, most doomsday rituals are so powerful that the only way of casting them is to make a pretender specifically designed to cast it. Making it so that, essentially, every nation ca cast all doomsday rituals/spells.
Only exceptions are the nation unique rituals like Xibalba's signature "theft of the sun", for example.
Yeah this game kinda sucks.
The fact that most spells are available to most nations if they choose to invest in them is good design not bad
Nations can still much more easily cast rituals that fit the theme of their nation since they will have mages that can boost up to them and mages with the paths to sitesearch the particular gem they need
That's easier said than done, a lot of nations can't just design their tendies for the sole purpose of casting some end game spell because there's more to tendie design than just pathing and things to consider like your blesses, scales and which tendie chasis and awake status.

lots of nations need an awake expander to make up for being bad at expanding or a suitable scale tendie to give them the scales they need, these are things that will limit what paths your tendie has and and how far up in them they can go.

And even IF you make a tendie that is purely for casting a specific ritual that your nation would otherwise not be able to access, you will have a shit gem economy for lacking site searchers to be able to cast it anyway, so forcing certain rituals is virtually almost never worth it outside of meme factor.
doubly so when you have to consider other players rushing you.
>each nation can cast all spells ndependently of their theme and even if it contradicts its overall theme
>good design
Pick one.
>hurr durr you are supposed to boost up
Not really viable i'm sorry.
The fact that no water nation can natively cast lost land and that neither pangea nor marverni can cast the big nature rituals (ie: enchanted forests) is just lame.
The point is that yes, indeed, all nations can cast all (non-unique) spells. Even if it conflicts with the lore. For example Marignon could have a D5 pretender and be a necromancer nation if you wish, even though that is contrary to the concept of Marignon itself.
u mad
>neither pangea nor marverni can cast the big nature rituals (ie: enchanted forests) is just lame.
With literally no outside help, 10% of Pans can cast Enchanted Forest. If you have a blood economy of any sort you can make that 100%. Marverni technically still can but needs way better luck, so I'll discount a Druid casting it themselves in a reasonable game. But I don't see how some random druid not being able to commit magic so powerful that it literally reshapes the entire world to somehow be bad design.
Not, really no, i'm actually playing the game right now and I like it.
But just don't be blind fanboys over shillwinter, that's unironically cringe.
We must give credit where it's due and criticism where it's due too. No game is perfect and certainly this one is not.
>neither pangea nor marverni can cast the big nature rituals (ie: enchanted forests)
any pan with bloodthorn armor + treelord staff
If its really hard on some nation just empower lol
>found the steel ovens for the second game in a row
>With literally no outside help, 10% of Pans can cast Enchanted Forest
3.3% actually, and that is crazy considering that they cost 455 and two turns.
>But I don't see how some random druid not being able to commit magic so powerful that it literally reshapes the entire world to somehow be bad design.
Maybe the point is that most powerful spells can only be cast if you focus your entire strategy around it, and that applies to all nations, independently of their theme?
>3.3% actually
In MA sure, and again assuming you literally use no outside help or any blood magic, but the explicit theme of the game is that magic is leaving the world as time goes on so I don't know why you'd bitch about people not being able to cast worldchanging effects in the later ages. If you want to literally reshape the entire fucking world, you'd need an especially potent mage, and guess what? That's your pretender.
how does blood help with nature rituals?
If you don't see the point i'm trying to do here, you are just a blind fanatic at this point, or just plain dumb.
The point is that world-end rituals don't feel special since any faction can cast them. It's even lamer the fact that factions can cast thematically contradictory spells.
It's as if in warahammer 40k space marines could do chaos magic if you centered your whole strategy around it. Makes zero sense thematically.
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Oh, you're trolling. Ya got me.
>this game should be more like 40k
Armor of Twisting Thorns. Otherwise you've only got Thistle Mace into Treelord's Staff for native boosters.
>since any faction can cast them
There's tons of stories about heroes and demigods finding random super mages and asking politely for their help to break reality in exchange for a favor.
>The point is that world-end rituals don't feel special since any faction can cast them
They can't, though, not without a pretender involved, and once a pretender gets involved all bets are off because a lot of them are explicitly not part of the society you pick them for, and others are considered by the game's own code to be evil gods.
I didn't say that, you fag.
It's just that the game lacks logic in this aspect.
Anon you only have a 1.6% native chance of getting B3 in your pans, at least in EA. So your strategy here is just outright impossible.
>the god a society worships is explicitly not part of the society
mmm try again sweaty
>the game should be this way
>it just should okay
A lot of the pretenders aren't native to their lands, silly. Case in point MA Xib getting Dagon as their god and LA Mari getting Mictlan gods as an option.
>outright impossible
You empower in blood, because blood slaves are cheaper than other gems by an order of magnitude.
How do you save scum in SP? I wanna test a bunch of random shit without having to restart every time.
go to the game files at %appdata% and look for the savedgames folder.
Just copypoaste the the folder and rename it and you will have an identical game, but only if the new folder has no spaces or weird characters.
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>the god a society worships is explicitly not part of the society
Not only are you retarded, you're also historically illiterate
>the Buddha in all of East Asia alternately replacing/syncretizing/getting blown the fuck out by native gods
>Isis, the egyptian, getting a massive fucking cult in Rome that rivaled any of the big name gods like Jupiter
>the gayreek gods straight up replacing the personalities and aspects of some of the native Roman gods
>Jews doing this to themselves by importing proto-Zoroastrianism into their own pantheon and in the process making YHWH into an actual schizophrenic with MPD
>Arabs backporting the Jewish god except filtered through manichaeism and assorted coptic heresies

And Dominions gods aren't even necessarily worshiped in the sense of faith per-se, the God of Ermor literally nukes everything so his dominion clearly doesn't cover worship, while some other deities logically wouldn't need worship to the same extent as e.g. idols or colossi since they're literally just mortal wizards. It's more like, "our society has either been subjugated by or has thrown our weight behind this pretender god who will reward us when they win"

Anyway you're a retarded nigger.
the age of timely updates is over... illfraud's dom6 post-release support is over before it ever truly began...
what're they supposed to be adding
New nations.
crannog ys
mm yeah i'm sure that if you want to represent a roman themed nation in a game it's totally thematic and not at all offputting for them to have a lich for a god or a egipcian/nordic god.
Yeah sure very thematic and good design'd i'd say, good sir.
Anyways, my point remains. The game shits on its own lore and its unthematic as hell in general, not to mention the counterfeit that every nation can do everything magic wise, which makes nations overall less special and interesting.
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>mm yeah i'm sure that if you want to represent a roman themed nation in a game it's totally thematic and not at all offputting for them to have a lich for a god or a egipcian/nordic god.
Have you played the game? And if you knew history then yes, it wouldn't be offputting at all. Especially the Egyptian gods, since a lot of them got imported into the Roman pantheon. Welcome to how real mythology works.

>The game shits on its own lore and its unthematic as hell in general, not to mention the counterfeit that every nation can do everything magic wise, which makes nations overall less special and interesting
1. 40k is worse than WHFB, which is already worse than even D&D5e and that's the worst insult I can muster up.
2. Most nations can do only a select few things. It is your god which defines what else you can do. The few nations which actually can basically do everything have flexibility as their hat, and it's not a very good one.
>that every nation can do everything magic wise
Lots of nations have their own national spells and summons, not to mention the kind of commanders/mages/units you can recruit will stay the same until the end of the game.
>It's as if in warahammer 40k space marines could do chaos magic if you centered your whole strategy around it. Makes zero sense thematically.
Is this a joke? What do you think csm are?
>the game shits on its own lore and is unthematic as hell
? The existence of the Niefelheim line alone makes you sound like a clown for saying this
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Until next blitz, /domg/
It's a silly fantasy game. If the Roman nation that takes on lizard auxiliaries and imports the lizards' death magic, worships a lich, I fail to see how that's no thematic.
In any case I've always seen the pretenders as more or less imposing themselves on the nation that worships them, rather than the nation adopting them. A good chunk of the non-human pretenders represent almost primordial forces that are capable of dominating mortals, and the rest are mortals that have achieve awesome power and then can much the same.
There are some mismatches that are egregious, like Hinnom or Ubar worshipping human pretenders.

Also nations can do everything given the resources but how realistic is this in game? MA C'tis can do some earth magic if they take an Earth Serpent for their god, but they won't be able to ever sling out earth magic like MA Ulm because they don't have the paths natively. When a nation does break into a path it doesn't possess natively its because they paid for it somehow (taking a god, spent large amounts of resources). Both these steps are easy to justify in the game narrative because they either represent the god of the nation imparts its primordial magic to the effort to become a god, or its represents the escalating nature of the wars of ascension where all the participants desperately try to bring more resources to bear.
I have never played a human nation before. What should I even do differently with them? I have played giants, lizards, monkeys, and pans.
>There are some mismatches that are egregious, like Hinnom or Ubar worshipping human pretenders.
I read that as more that they don't fundamentally believe smalls to be unworthy like Mek1. And while the Great Enchantress may dress like a dollar hooker and only have 8 HP, are you going to argue with someone who has 4 in six different paths?

you will learn to hate murdering winter and even seeking arrow
>Most nations can do only a select few things. It is your god which defines what else you can do
See my point then? You can pick any nation and it doesn't limit you at all considering you can craft your own pretender.
So yeah, all nations ca.
>Welcome to how real mythology works.
lmao you are such a brainlet. Yeah, wow, the romans were polytheistic, you are so smart for pointing this out!
It's would be still unthematic for them to worship a god without roman characteristics. Heck, even zeus was not exactly jupiter, they changed him to fit roman society better. So yeah, it wouldn't be thematic at all, nor is marignon having a death monster as a pretender for that matter. Why are you defending this again? I don't think that even illwinters think it makes sense for most nations to pick their available pretenders.
>It's would be still unthematic for them to worship a god without roman characteristics
Unfortunately for your conception of reality, this is exactly what they did.

>Heck, even zeus was not exactly jupiter, they changed him to fit roman society better
Incorrect, Jupiter was a separate god who shared characteristics with Zeus because both of them descended from the PIE sky father archetype, and they actually merged in some of Zeus' Greek aspects.

>a bloo bloo
Just fuck off already nigger you don't play the game, is this the new tactic of the anti-sloops retard? Or are you the stormflight guy? You barely understand English and all of your points are dogshit
India will never be a superpower.
The enormous pride Rephaites have and their willingness devour/sacrifice and later enslave humans (Ashdod) leads me to believe they would in all likelyhood struggle against a massively powerful human mage rather than taking them on as gods. This is doubly so for Ubar who has total contempt for humanity.
In any case it's just sort of lame to have Melqarts worship a puny human-man. I wish they Illwinter would add some more dom 1-2 options that weren't human. Give me a dom 1 or 2 Ba'al or Melqart for my low cost chassis. Might even make the game more interesting if the Hinnom line nations couldn't or were extremely limited in the rainbow chassis available.
You say puny human-man but a puny human man with A4 as part of their rainbow can drop a like 27 damage shocking grasp at will desu
>Give me a dom 1 or 2 Ba'al or Melqart for my low cost chassis
Some nations actually have this
Ur has the Bone Mother that nobody ever uses, the Niefelheim line has the undead Skratti, and the Ermor line has the insanely strong Divine Emperor
I'm thinking it's blitz time
>Unfortunately for your conception of reality, this is exactly what they did.
Except they didn't, you are just making a fool out of yourself here. Every god they adopted they changed it to fit their culture. And you dare calling other people illiterate.
>Jupiter was a separate god who shared characteristics with Zeus because both of them descended from the PIE sky father archetype
Nice conspiracy theory but it's commonly accepted that the romans just stole other culture's gods, specially greek ones, and made them their own.
So yeah, having a roman faction worship zeus is as unthematic as them worshiping a dragon or a lich, for that matter.
And the same can be applied to all other factions worshipping random creatures as gods and casting totally unthematic rituals like burden of time.
>it's totally thematic and not at all offputting for them to have a lich for a god or a egipcian
these are literally ermor and pythium's canon choices
>if it's canon then that means it's totally thematic
What? Do you even understand the point you are discussing? LMAO
Yeah, i'm saying that the game is unthematic.
No, pointing out that this inconsistency is actually canon does not make the game less thematically incongruent., actually, just proves my point.
>are you going to argue with someone who has 4 in six different paths?
when my actual father has the same and is size 9? yes
I'm aware, but they aren't wide spread enough and typically are outcompeted by the little guys who are cheaper. It would be nice if there was a state of Ur flavored pretenders and no humies.
>Do you even understand the point you are discussing?
that a literal skeleton legion or decadent mystery cult rome would absolutely have a lich or egyptian god?
>Nice conspiracy theory but it's commonly accepted that the romans just stole other culture's gods, specially greek ones, and made them their own.
Your peer-reviewed mainstream source for this extraordinary claim? The Latins already existed before they came into contact with the Greeks and the Etruscans certainly had their own gods which were separate from both the Latin and the Greek gods. If you're saying that they syncretized and adopted foreign gods, why, yes, that is how every religious system that isn't jew bullshit works. Culture and religion aren't separate. Matter of the Gods (C. Ando) goes into this and is a decent book for a beginner, if you are literate, anyway.

>Every god they adopted they changed it to fit their culture
That doesn't stop the god from not being native, and in many cases they barely did more than slap on a coat of paint. Hell for Apollo they couldn't even be assed to rename him, and for Artemis they merged her with Diana so hard that Diana actually lost most of her formerly Roman aspects, such as being a crepscular triple goddess with power over boundaries, and basically just turned into an Artemis clone.
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Not to interrupt the autism fight but bros I think the crabs are getting a bit big for their britches. Get a big pot of water boiling just in case...
Yeah but that's just a function of the tendie metagame unfortunately
is that a citadel? in ma?
I don't disagree, but it could be a bit different and more 'thematic' if the humies were taken away from some nations.
>Your peer-reviewed mainstream source for this extraordinary claim?
West, M.L. (1966) Hesiod Theogony: 18–31; Kirk, G.S. (1970) Myth: Its meaning and function in ancient and other cultures: 214–220 Berkeley and Los Angeles;
*glances at Ulm/Caelum/etc*
y-yeah? what about it?

First, get rid of Demilich. That or go the Sparks route where tendies actually have abilities rather than being SC chassis and/or a fight to find the cheapest possible tendie for a particular bless.
>y-yeah? what about it?
just surprised natgen actually generates that too
Could be the one tower in Kirkfors that wasn't hypothetical.
miss obsessed, you really need to relax, your obsession is not healthy for you. Have you sought professional aid yet?
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I've actually read West. Which specific line are we talking about? I just reread pages 18-31 and not only was Rome not mentioned at any length, the entire section is mostly talking about the creation of the world and describing the similarities between different cultures. If anything it lends credence to what I just said, that Zeus is descended from a more ancient god with various offshoots (though Sumerian mythology is not considered to be related to PIE). I'll download Kirk later but it seems to me you probably just grabbed these citations from Wikipedia somewhere.
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Hahahaha oh my fucking god you fucking Bosnian piece of shit you literally just copy-pasted two sources from a footnote that weren't even attached to the right fucking sidebar
you spent a hundred times as long as i did on that nerd shit, servcel
What does that even mean retard

>a hundred times as long
That's fine, because I don't need to work 80 hour weeks :-)
I hope Russia runs every slav country over so we can turn the entire race into cinders
I don't really care about this topic of discussion, but:
Has an IRL country or nation ever had leaders that were of a different ethnicity to that of the general population?
Have IRL countries ever had leaders that were actively hostile to the nation? Or leaders that were weak, insane or feeble?
Have IRL religions or cults ever been actively hostile to the countries they were in?
Are in-game plague cults benign to nations they are in?
Have there ever IRL been foreign or mysterious advisers in royal courts, having huge influence, sometimes working mostly in the background?
Have royal or other state courts or governments ever been successfully infiltrated by a foreign power, followed by staging coups, firing or executing competent generals, flipping alliances, staging war, weakening the country before invasion, etc.?
The game has all sorts of strange stories, like of a telkhine heroine that tries to influence EA Berytos by marrying herself to a leader.
Bone Mother specifically is held back by the fact that Ur(uk) desperately needs an expanding pretender because their troops are doggy doo
Bone Mother is actually fairly decent, she's got half-giant HP, isn't much more expensive than any other rainbow, and has stealth, which is always useful. She just can't compete with Nanners or some fuckoff monster who can actually secure your cap circle before turn 10.
>their troops are doggy doo
aren't iron warriors pretty strong?
>That doesn't stop the god from not being native
I never said they only worshiped native gods, read again. I said that they at least adapted some characteristics of them to fit their culture better, therefore, yeah, zeus is not jupiter and it wouldn't be rome if they worshiped zeus instead of jupiter. If you read my posts you would notice that I was right the whole time and you just were springing out like an autist because you were losing an argument.
Lmao, owned by a fucking ESL.
Reading is not that hard, though. Better luck next time.
>Has an IRL country or nation ever had leaders that were of a different ethnicity to that of the general population
Depends on what you mean by ethnicity, since you gotta remember that the modern conception of race genuinely is an age of colonialism invention. With that being said, the Anglo-Saxons DESPISED their Norman rulers, and the Britons were not of the same brood as the Anglo-Saxons or the Normans and comprise the majority of the population to the modern day. The Tang dynasty was arguably half-Turkic, the Yuan dynasty was INarguably Mongol, the Qing dynasty was Manchu. The Mughals ruled all of India but were definitely not even related to the South or East Indians. During the dominate there were a ton of emperors who came from the Pannonia and the Danubian border who basically were considered bumpkins to the extreme if not necessarily completely foreign. The Arabs ruling Persia were, well, Arab, and not Persian. There's plenty of other examples, you just can't split it along White/Black/Asian since that shit literally only existed to justify why niggers seemed to be caveman mode and why Asians were somehow both better and worse than Europeans at the same time.

>Have IRL countries ever had leaders that were actively hostile to the nation
Yes, but usually no, mostly because for a large part of history non-imperial states were more or less defined as "the leader's turf" and it's hard to imagine a leader actively wanting to destroy his turf.

>Have IRL religions or cults ever been actively hostile to the countries they were in
They're pretty common.

>infiltrated by a foreign power
This happens so often it's hard to even really count it as noteworthy, but the chinks made an art of it during the Warring States period and in one case Qin got Zhao to execute the only general who had actually been winning against Qin's invasion.

Basically the answer to all of the above is "yes, sometimes".
Zeus isn't Jupiter because Zeus was never Jupiter and Jupiter was never Zeus. Jupiter existed before the Romans heard of Zeus, and when they did hear of Zeus they imported Greek characteristics.

>If you read my posts you would notice that I was right the whole time and you just were springing out like an autist because you were losing an argument.
I'm waiting for your sources, you Bosnian wretch.
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When the fuck is Hellenika being updated? I want to play as the fucking nerds
pic unrelated
Is this from land of achra?
It's funny, for I had a lot of examples in mind for the different questions, and yet they're mostly different from yours. History is indeed riddled with examples of all that.
The only question where the answer is "no" is the plague cult one, but you also didn't quote that.
>There's plenty of other examples, you just can't split it along White/Black/Asian
I didn't do that, I am not sure why you're mentioning it. Unrelated, genetic studies have identified genetic clusters, often grouped more or less according to geography, and some studies indicate larger genetic variance inside Africa than between Africa and Eurasia.
There's a lot of plague-bringing gods that got worshiped or worshiped against, but it's hard to really call it a Dominions plague cult mostly because I can barely think of any examples of people just showing up with the intention of spreading smallpox or something
You niggas autistic ongod fr
Their chaff suffers from a case of "too big to fit 3 to a square, not skilled enough to overcome the harass dif"
It sucks because they look like buff humans that should stomp but instead you get fucked over by slinger headshots and human chaff with shields.
Anyone around?
Dis nigga aint ever found the furbolgs
aren't the firbolgs irish mudhut dwellers, why do they have cutting edge forts
I'll show up if you start 17 hours from now
Do Nidder sacreds reset fatigue each individual life they have in battle?
been a while since I've had to do this
*plaguevomit casts life after death*
Man construction 9 is so cool...
its so cool......... when you research it at turn 70
life after death zombies die at the end of the battle now, so it no longer bumps threads
any forgotten realms players have any advice on how to build menzo? i want to play the mod but everything i've tried takes a retarded amount of attrition to just indies. the best i've managed to do was just tanking the shit out of everything and awake expanding with fear and healing afflictions with priestess, but you can only recruit like 1 drow a turn when you do that
It probably is, don't give them your time like this. Just call them a whiny faggot and move on, they do it for the (You)s at this point.
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Has anyone ever made or has any infographic about usefull spell/items in Dom?
Stuff like: here are all the path boosting items; those items give temp gem; here are the summons usefull in path boosting or branching out into other paths.
I know that there is a hotkey at least for path boosting items in the forging menu and you can aways check shit on the mod inspector but it still not enough and somewhat inconvenient
You can find most of those things using the key filters on the dom inspector.
Make sure the advanced box is checked in the search area and search "retinue" in the property (key) box and it will show you all the retinue items for example.
Check the show keys box and you can find the search terms on items/traits etc to know what key to search for.
>here are all the path boosting items
This one is in the manual, nigga.
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>Stuff like: here are all the path boosting items; those items give temp gem;
you can filter the dom6 inspector to get an overview of such things
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Airyan supremacy
what is THE niefelheim build
awake tree regen
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Look ma, I did it! I defended Kirkfors!
dormant fear regen
cold aura frost weapons
ideologically sound caelum tribal sentiment and the best execution of dominions ai slop i've seen doesn't change the fact that its ai slop
all the wrong answer btw
I will show how wrong you are after I win my game
Either use assassin expansion or get some slavers, spend a few turns getting slaves and take attrition with them while you pelt shit with regular troops
fear is so busted :(
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What are you going to do about the second one, Kirkfohnoki?
I expected my enlarged giant sacred with regen to do slightly better. At least better pound for pound than the fucking pigs. We'll I'm dead too early to thig properly so that's that anyways.
I propose that we donate D gems to Kirkfors in the face of Crab domination. At least he can make some piggies
The donation would be appreciated, but a little too late anyways. I might have one last fight in me but then I'm out.
i think the pigs performance is a little bloated since they got into the militia and trampled

pls no im just an honest crab trying my best
Redpill me on EA Rus. I need to boof the whole bottle of redpills please.
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That's the whole bottle of redpills? What do I do with the bears?
How do I become the Oberjudenscheißführer as Hinnom?
BB, regen, undying was a fun meme in 5. I don't see why it wouldn't work in 6. The HP pools were big enough to tank multiple gifts without the entire squad splatting.
First figure out how to get 20 provinces in year 1
Whats the western cultural equivalent to caelum airyans
That is really easy as hinnom desu
Oreiads for EA Arco
What are my best go-to units? I've tried these guys once and they're pure kino but I really overdid the cannibal giants.
Do you get banned if you say NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER in a blitzserver game?
Yeah, once I ascend I'm sending you to Tartarus for Racism
>blitzserver was dead when I hit end turn

Does it save my turn locally or do I have to wait on this frozen screen until it comes back?
Oh wait I can just open another dominions window and check myself.
Blitzmin fix your shit you nigger.
happens to me too from time to time. so far i could always just restart the game and all my actions are saved and i can finish my turn without having to redo anything.
i usually do my turn offline and frequently save+exit because of this. had bad net earlier this year and had to redo complicated turns a few times.
How so?
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LAmp_Spark is over! Erytheia wins on turn 84. Cataclysm broke enough thrones to push me into the winning range, but I was poised to claim two more this turn if it wasn't enough, sacrificing countless mages to forge priest-boost artifacts.

I've got to say, completely ignoring rl'yeh was the best decision I made.
Bros? Erytheia keeps winning
Congrats nigga.
t. the Jews
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Now, this game was Sparks, and my pretender was as follows. The bless was meant to be something effective and non-incarnate to slap on my warriors of the setting sun and transformed devils, which could ideally cast proper regen and buffs on themselves. Paths were set to cast eternal pyre, mother oak, and bind heliophagus.

Turning my incest royals into devils has a lot of upsides, though unfortunately the transformation would only trigger on ones that rolled F1. Still, I got an extra H3 king when the previous one got demon'd. This conveniently provided me with leaders for those free fiends of darkness, who won me many critical battles.

I made great and greedy use of the pathboost feature of the tendie. By the end of the game I probably had thirty or forty F2N2 priests running around. Given my nation's fuckall for non-coastal recruits and my total lack of a coast, I had plenty of cash to toss at temples for this purpose.

Over the course of the game, I got Eternal Pyre stolen within a turn of casting twice, held MOak for most of the game, and did eventually call Mastema to give me endless free demons.

Another consequence of the pathboost is that my research was somehow even better than regular erytheia.

The game itself wasn't too exciting. I expanded well and had good scales, giving me an early lead on income. I warred with Bogarus for aesthetic reasons, since he had a province that made my border ugly, and spent the majority of the game sieging his vampire-infested cap.
When Piconye went AI, I ran him down in about a year.
While I was gearing up golems to grab the meaty throne armies (fucking watchers) on my border, I noticed that Utgard had 6/7 thrones and forces moving for one of mine. My call for a dogpile was swiftly heeded, and the giants were gone in a matter of turns. During all of this, I'd managed to pick up two of his thrones, and had an angle on two more that others claimed.

When Cataclysm hit, I struck decisively and claimed the rest. Good game.
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>Over the course of the game, I got Eternal Pyre stolen within a turn of casting twice
There's no way I could let anyone else have that, with my pretender getting a lot of bonus gems thanks to it.
I defied stereotypes by not having enough shekels the whole goddamn game.
I think the Airya and Mairya seraphines should have hot lesbian sex and establish their own nation
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>8 players
this is not a domg game is it? im kinda hesitant about joining non-domg games
I joined it but I was wondering the same from the name. I've also never seen it shilled here.
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Only if the remaining males are Forced to "mrge" with a beastwoman nation.
Descartes' Snark is such a dogshit map it's insane holy fucking shit there's NO fucking chokepoints anywhere
Yeah, and I mean, if anything I was anticipating more trample damage. They charged directly into your archers and killed hardly any. Watching that one crab stroll up and one-shot my enlarged giant mage is a pretty good metaphor for how this conflict has gone.
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weird, 20 minutes after making that post the game starts.
getting strong d*scord vibes from this, my condolences to all the domgers out there who mistakenly joined this game.
E5S7N7 Monolith
Dom6, T1S2C4G2M1D2
larger, regen, and either MW, PR +LLV, or recuperation. Berserker is also a possibility if you don't want to do communions with your Skratti (scrub build).
why are your colors muted like that
don't communion slaves continue to stand still even if their berserk triggers?
doesn't it add fatigue regardless? At least to 100?
Doesn't really matter even if it is the case, if you are using skratti communions they're going to be at 200 permanently anyway
you can often tell if it's a discord or a domg game by the tendie names.
/domg/ games also tend to be announced here.
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>seeing your opponents about to throw huge stacks at each other
comfy feeling, who can relate?
>that many underwater provinces
not comfy at all
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but it is. im the only underwater nation in the game and i have all this just for myself.
illwinter lobby btw
also 3 thrones are only accessible through water and due to throne settings whoever wants to win the game has to take one of these 3 away from me.
>play dominions (its a war game)
>attack another player
>they get mad
what causes this reaction
Can we have a game with zero UW or cave pretty please
Dealing with UW niggers that are impossible to beat UW is part of the authentic dominions experience.
t. Atlantis or something
>no wraparound
too constrained
>full wraparound
too open, obnoxious, constant feel of unease
>east/west wraparound
perfect, natural, comfy
Exactly as it should be, agreed. Kinda weird this isn't just what everyone does desu.
Yeah I'm also not a big fan of full wraparound simply because it means you can get gangbanged by 3+ nations at any time but I can see why people do it, because otherwise you end up with people spawning in corners with relative safety but those who spawn in the middle of the map get fucked, or people spawning with a lot of thrones next to them and the players on the other side of the map being unable to get to them within a reasonable timeframe.

I think east/west definitely could be a sweet spot between too open and too obnoxious. but I can see why people opt for full wraparound for balance and consistency reasons.
>Round world
>Round cavern
>No wrap
>a donut with filling
>play a nation thats weak in the early game
>a nation that is strong in the early game attacks you early
how to cope with this
Thrice Horned Boar
what if i took an imprisoned pretender and my opponent has an awake pretender - am i retarded?
Awake expander.
A strong tendie can genuinely fuck up anyone that wants to tussle with you early game no matter how weak your nation is early.

Preferrably one with recuperation so it doesn't end up being half useless if it gets afflicted while expanding.
Yeah that's called being greedy and making yourself a prime rush target, you never want a dormant let alone an imprisoned tendie with a nation that is weak early, always form your strategies around whether or not your nation can hold off one or two niggas rushing you early. remember tendies dont get their bless bonuses in other people's dominion so you have the upper hand when on the defensive.
Just think of this as a learning opportunity.
unfortunately round world and round cavern dont over lap perfectly
why aint there no default map gem for underwater underground cave pool kino? illwinter please
underground only game when
I dunno man
>no camels
dumb fuck
>collecting screenshots concerning any nugget of sloop activity
getting a bit parasocial innit?
he is about to have a similar rape this turn
brainlet newfag take
more like the Anti-slooper

woah, catching strays over here
They're literally heavenly nymphs of the air and mountains
Use chariots
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Maps? Mods? Blitz?
I have zero multiplayer games under my belt. Should I join the blitzes or the longer games around here?
The blitzes are fine way to git gud since it's faster and lower obligation. Also lets you understand the importance of being able to expand well.
whichever seems more up your alley, they play rather differently.
No harm in trying either of them though there's nothing that could really go wrong, worst case scenario you just lose your first war.
Are there any good videos on blitzing tips? New players would do well to get the various hotkeys and how to repeat orders quickly under the belt, makes everything so much easier.
Figure out a strategy to get at least 20 provinces in one year for expansion.
not afaik but a few important things would be
>enable the setting that makes your mages aut research on recruitment
>Use keybinds to save scripts so you dont have to script everything individually
>Have a good idea of what tech you will go for and in what order
>Have a good idea of what spells you will be scripting on your mages
>Check your construction options and see what it is that your nation will want to craft
>Do a few quick test runs to get a feel for the first 10 turns of expanding
All of these to help save time so you dont spend too much of it wondering what to script/research/do etc.
sloops should be renamed skub
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We need more soulful pretenders
To be fair, there are few experiences worse than vanilla.
It is a shame that in vanilla so many of the choices just aren't very good. Ol' Moloch is a jobber, for one example. I still agree with you though, more soul is better
Can I play mp with a pirated copy? The game is like $20 on steam and I'd rather not
>all these soulful tendies
>picks Demilich again

Yes, but only with us.
Yeah a good 80-90% of vanilla pretenders are unpickable, from monsters that can't expand (and those that can but get afflicted) to titans that can't expand at all and have bad paths and underwhelming traits
Hey, this is the cool kids club. Plus I vowed to never buy in steam when I learned that I am renting the games
Are you even looking at the right game bro? dom6 is 45$
and yes you can play it pirated but only through blitz in the OP, doesnt work for illwinter servers. make sure you get it from cs rin ru.
This is one big reason why I like playing sloop, the vast majority of pretender chasis are god awful or outright useless in vanilla, illwinter really needs to make a patch dedicated to unfucking pretender chasis.
>picks Demilich again
Well every other option is too expensive if I take a fear bless.
>all these soulful tendies
>picks Demilich again

Sorry man I play with people trying to win and sadly Demilich is just the best for my particular setup. I would LOVE to have more viable options.
Yeah a good 80-90% of vanilla pretenders are unpickable, from monsters that can't expand (and those that can but get afflicted) to titans that can't expand at all and have bad paths and underwhelming traits
>This is one big reason why I like playing sloop
Again, agreed.
Someone give me some UR tendie ideas
Sloop or noslop?
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added musketmen to Nuln
why do bullets stun and why do they have -4 precision and why only bludgeoning damage?
I mean.. You could play spark of divinity..
I do play Spark as well, its a lot of fun. LOVE the big bat
>Custom map
>Actually designed with the constraints in mind and great either way
Dom6 was a mistake. Rvtvrn tv trvdvtvvn
>why do bullets stun
Because they literally did irl
>and why do they have -4 precision
because early guns are inaccurate as fuck
>why only bludgeoning damage
What else would they be, piercing?
Bludgeon+Pierce makes sense (headshot damage with guns + they are definitely more armor piercing than a crossbow)
>inaccurate as fuck
I'd question if early muskets are more or less inaccurate than crossbows. Is missile speed something you can modify?
>because they stun irl
okay i guess, i was thinking of it more under game mechanics but this makes sense
24 damage you're basically saying that a musket shot blows a human into red paste. Are warhammer muskets roughly equivalent to historic muskets?
>I'd question if early muskets are more or less inaccurate than crossbows. Is missile speed something you can modify?
early muskets were much less accurate than crossbows
In fact crossbows were used well after guns were available because they filled a different niche in military projectile needs
probably too high

16 sound good?
no str added
I want them to deal more damage than crossbows
Is there any way to make the guns useless in rain or underwater? That would be a nice touch
>>because they stun irl
>okay i guess, i was thinking of it more under game mechanics but this makes sense
bear in mind they only stun if they deal damage, which is a major limiter
I don't think so
I definitely would if I could though
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I see the predicament you're in. It should probably do a bit more damage but have significantly better penetration characteristics, which you can't do since its 0%/50%/100% armor penetration. Making it piercing damage isn't really substantive enough especially when I think bolts are already piercing.
Have you considered weird mechanics like some kind of fear interaction to represent the shock and awe? I get that would be very contentious but it kind of aligns with the (at least layman's) conception of muskets being more frightening than they are effective.
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Still my favorite Dominions meme
What does Något gick fel sound like?
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Alright my game runs. Months ago I played like twenty games sp to varying degrees of ragequit and checked the d*scord which was a rather unpleasant experience. Don't get me wrong, I've seen the same kind of snobs here but at least I can call them fags so they behave excellently compared to the discord guys that "My dad played dominions and I've been playing since 3"
About the cost, I've seen previously that a key for the game is $40+ but it seems that through Steam is costs only $22 in Chile Pesos.

So to summarize I know... the bare minimum. From what I've read now and before, IT DEPENDS, but there seems to be a meta where tons of chasis are just bad. Speaking of, I got interested in Asura because it has many arms and heads and that sounds cool to kit with tons of good weapons. In particular is that a good chasis in EA?
Asura's great. Can't really throw him around early on like monsters in the early game, but he's a pretender that can get quite overpowering when he's kitted out. One of the best fighters in the game.
Did somebody say Asura?
Jesas... can you show me what it was when you first made it? Scales v/s Blessing always got way over my head
Funnily enough it's probably the boots that really tie it together.
thanks. I am staring real hard at my screen. The scorpion king seems to be a monster that's not so monster...
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Sometimes I wish that misc items could be used as weapons
>I'd question if early muskets are more or less inaccurate than crossbows

>Bludgeon+Pierce makes sense (headshot damage with guns + they are definitely more armor piercing than a crossbow)
Bludgeoning already does more damage on a headshot, and Armor Piercing damage shouldn't be on mundane weapons period as far as I'm concerned. The damage/prot comparison already does a splendid job of reflecting armor piercing capabilities. For the most part, shit that could go through armor was also more lethal, this was certainly true of early guns.
I made this in Sloop's. The 3 water can go anywhere, but I put it in water in case you wanted to forge a skull of fire and a water bracelet, then you could forge staff of elemental mastery. From that, you could climb to both water and earth elemental royalty. It also lets you climb air with A2 Gudu random + staff -> summon Ugallu -> forge an air hat -> queen of elemental air.
Scorpion man isn't great but fire and earth paths aren't bad for self-buffing. Better monsters would be things like the Thrice Horned Boar, Dracolich or the Golden Lion.
The boots are absolutely pivotal but he was functional before that due to vampiric weapons; early on i had him with maces of eruption and some blacksteel armor and he was able to solo most indies
Trust me you don't want to see the design. It was a meme build for a blitz specifically to try and have fun with vampiric weapons. Asura is good, but the way I created him is not.
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From what I read in the thread Sloop is a rather smart mod to use, is this the one that's most up to date?
Thanks. I've used the boar before and I learned the joys it brings. T'ill it dies...
I want to insist and I ask of you (all) for examples of your chassis. It seems that at this point the best way to learn the game is to copy others and understand why they are doing what
>From what I read in the thread Sloop is a rather smart mod to use
Don't say that you are going to trigger the local anti sloop schizo
Meh... I got the feeling that the two guys in charge of Dominion should have hired outside help years ago.
I don't know if they rebalance the game often
Its a good mindset! Embrace that you will lose a lot when you're new, and after learning the general idea of how the game works (formations, different unit types, research mechanics and so forth) I suggest you join domg games and just let yourself get beat up by people - but that's fine ,since you can see what they're doing and try and learn from that.

To explain my build, I wanted to use a bless most people considered bad (vampiric weapons) and see if I could make it work somehow. I figured if I could stick it onto a tough chassis with a lot of attacks it would be able to self-sustain properly, so I went for the biggest baddest mutliattacker: Asura!
Swords of swiftness each give two attacks per sword, so with 3 swords that's 6 attacks per round. He has three heads meaning three horned helmets, each of which gives another attack, for a total of nine attacks. Quickness doubles his actions every round, so eighteen entire attacks! Since vampiric regenerates fatigue, as long as he is attacking he won't tire himself out (normally, thugs have to figure out how to be fatigue neutral or they will eventually get too tired to fight). As a cherry on top, I empowered him into Fire for Phoenix Pyre and he had death for Soul Vortex, two more spells to keep him alive for a long time and help him drain enemies for health and fatigue, then an antimagic pendant to prevent soul slay or some other instakills.
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Ooh... hey and they are both alteration so that's great. How many turns did it took you to research Alteration 7? And what age & civ?
This was Feminie (thus, LA) which I mostly picked because it's a nation I know well, has good research, and had access to Asura.
Phoenix Pyre + Soul Vortex is a pretty power combo in general and are, yes, both in the same tree which is great (plus Invulnerability if you have d4). It took me a while until I hit alt 7 due to also going const 7, but I think by turn 35 or so I had hit both const 7 and alt 7.
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You might be looking at Dom5 mods. It should only go up to 1.05
There's a lot of things to take into account when making a pretender, beyond its own combat potential. I still don't think my own pretenders are very good, but here's an example.

Here's a Golden Lion for Ind using Sloops. It's not ideal, but I'll give you the reasoning. Its bless lets it expand with fire shield very efficiently from the start, flame weapons helps Ind's archers and soldiers deal extra damage and Far Caster helps their mage communions launch spells more safely. Turmoil 3 since Ind's capital is fixed at 3 order anyways, and they have fortune teller mages so you'll be somewhat protected from misfortune scales. Heat to enhance your fire attacks. Highish Dom so you can field a lot of troops before you get your temple spam going.

Earth access gives you forging hammers, deepish astral and fire lets you Stellar Focus and Eternal Pyre(with a boost). Earth lets you cast good self-buffs as well, and nature gives you the regenerate spell, which isn't necessary for a bless since your troops don't use it very well.
the stun does enough I think
>Armor Piercing damage shouldn't be on mundane weapons period as far as I'm concerned.
so you think vanilla crossbows are OP?
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>rate my daemon
>You might be looking at Dom5 mods. It should only go up to 1.05
Derp I was looking at the mods in the blitz page.
Fire shield is 9 +1 per level over 1 so 13 for the lion. And it has 13 prot 11 def (not sure if fire shield procs against any attack or only those that succeed) <-- That is if the blessing behaves the same way as the spell. I can't find flaming weapons in the inspector but I'll check on the game. The rest makes sense.
I will copy your build with MA Ind and see where it takes me
I think they're fucking nonsense is what they are. Whether or not they're broken is a balance consideration, but as it stands half of all crossbow bolts will go straight through a steel breastplate, which anyone who reads a single book on the matter or spent a couple of minutes thinking about it could tell you is bullshit.
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What the fuck?! Is dominion related to Byond in any way? I am apalled
What the fuck are you talking about
whew lad
tell me you are historically illiterate without telling me you are historically illiterate
You're the "muh unthematic" dude again aren't you
It's 8 AM in India
Get to work
historically crossbow bolts were effective against plate armor
seethe more
Yeah, just play around with it in single player to see what's what. Flaming weapons isn't good on Ind, I'll admit to that. I just wanted to make a serviceable monster as an example. I actually wouldn't want to share Ind builds I'd take to multiplayer but they're not monsters anyways.
Golden Lion has 25 invulnerablity which gives it 25 bonus protection against non-magical weapons, making him fantastic against neutral monsters. Fear helps as well.
Nope, read The Knight and the Blast Furnace, Alan Williams. All but the largest crossbows don't transfer enough force to pierce even early hammered iron plate armor at point blank range, and those heavy ones still fail to pierce steel, or pierce iron armor at "long" range.
The Lion needs regen or you're liable to get blown the fuck out by bone tribe or lizards or any other hard-hitting indie
It's only level 2 in enchantment so you can up your expansion capabilities relatively quickly.
true I forgot Lion comes with N
Playing Dwofs in Warhammer is the quintessensial EU4 experience. Just go siege forts and don't fight anyone while your forts can't be sieged.
lol i had the same thought when i was downloading the files and noticed byond was the default opener for the filetype
i think its just a coincidence though
Is there any way to mod the starting magic level of a game? Like, so that everyone starts at level 3 spells or something.
does Sloop's demilich have master smith -1?
Uhh... guys? Are we being invaded by /ss13g/???
oh shit, yeah I forgot about that. There goes the elemental staff. Might as well take whatever instead of W3 in that case. Probably A3 for cloud trapeze (that works on demilich right?).
Or bump fire/water up to 4, dom down to 6, sloth to 2, and take fire resist or something.
both games are heavily autistic, are you surprised?
Balance is a meme
What boots?
Balance is a meme but Nanners isn't
Where is the nanners buff to make her demilich tier
sloop hurry up and give her seducer vs 16
>The armor was thinner in the arms and legs
>there are gaps

literal midwit comparing one bolt fired at armor in controlled conditions, vs 100s of bolts in the air in combat conditions. A knight riding at speed adds a lot of energy to an incoming bolt. I can't believe I have to explain this
You think 21 prot is anything but renaissance gothic plate? Because crossbows do damage through 21 prot 50% of the time.

>hundreds of bolts in the air in combat conditions
Yeah except it's actually 50% of bolts, not 1-3%.

>knight riding at full speed
Who mentioned knights? They're not the only ones who can have heavy armor.
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>literal midwit comparing one bolt fired at armor in controlled conditions, vs 100s of bolts in the air in combat conditions. A knight riding at speed adds a lot of energy to an incoming bolt. I can't believe I have to explain this
>You think 21 prot is anything but renaissance gothic plate? Because crossbows do damage through 21 prot 50% of the time.
what does 1 damage represent?
could be a severe bruise
I see no reason that crossbow bolts wouldn;t leave a severe bruise 50% of the time even through severe armor
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>through 21 prot
ackshully they do damage 50% of the time through 23-24 prot
11 piercing AP damage reduces prot by 57.5%, which is why you never recruit the shieldless Ulmites, ever.
couldn't you get Stellar Focus through Starshine Skullcap and Coin at Const7 on the cap-only mage?
doubling down on both flaming weapons and also fire shield, is a bit too vulnerable to the enemy stacking FR. I'd have rather dropped one of those and gone with FR and some reinvigoration for the mages, or better scales. Fire shield helps, but if you're getting Ench2, you could get Ench3 for fire shield as well, Golden Lion should expand reliably against many indie types even without a bless or spells. And the lion can take the other indie type provinces once Ench2/Ench3 research is done

is fire shield costing 5 instead of 6 a Sloop's thing?

having F6 and not needing empowerment for Eternal Pyre would be nice. What booster would it use? It cannot wear a helmet, just a crown, and Ind doesn't have native FD access for Skull of Fire. Or can it wear a helmet in Sloop's?

less misfortune or less turmoil would make barbarian and cavemen and trog attacks less frequent and frustrating

drop the fire shield and the astral path, and get better scales?
>what does 1 damage represent?
10% of a fit male human's HP. If a fit human takes 10 of them they die outright. Normal humans don't die after ten bruises.
>I see no reason that crossbow bolts wouldn;t leave a severe bruise 50% of the time even through severe armor
How the fuck would they leave a bruise that can kill you through a rigid plate that's not deforming and therefore is spreading the energy of the impact over the entire chest/thigh/whatever? Do you think a crossbow bolt packs the force of a grenade or something behind it?
You aren't explaining anything, you are just pretending to have the knowledge on the subject without displaying any of it.
now we are arguing the semantics of Illwinter's health abstractions
I think the system works fine as is and is sufficiently close enough to reality, if perhaps a bit on the OP side when it comes to projectiles.
Recall that projectiles are bugged to be more inaccurate than they should be currently as well, which needs to be compensated for
He does not understand how that armor would often deflect an incoming bolt or arrow and it would just harmlessly pass by, he thinks every crossbow bolt is a straight on shot to some guy wearing square armor so all of the impact lands. Ignorant anon, consider shaped armor, or how projectiles can glance off of targets, its not a bullet
the arms and legs of a suit of armor would have been 30-50% of the thickness of the chest area

The tests performed to determine armor efficacy were on the chest area
normal humans also don't die after 30 seconds of being set on fire
They just both use .dm for extension .Dominions Mod for dominions and .Dream Maker for byond
I had a moment too, years ago, yeah.
you don't think a crossbow bolt could leave a dent in a piece of plate?
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All that needs to be said is that currently, due to how AP damage works, an indie crossbow does more damage on average to an Ulmite than this guy. AP damage doesn't make sense in the context of Dominions already having prot. What AP means is "armor literally does less against it", not "this thing is powerful enough to bust through armor". In real life crossbows and warbows can penetrate mail armor, not because they somehow bypass it, but because the force is sufficient to split the rings. This is reflected in having enough damage to overcome prot, adjusted for the -15% modifier for Piercing damage (which is fine). Actual armor penetrating damage should be reserved for shit like Fire Brand, which is enchanted so it's basically a monofilament wire, or Falling Fires/Frost, since armor certainly doesn't help you as much as you'd like against a sudden temperature drop that freezes the carbon dioxide out of the air.

We don't know how long a combat round is, do we? Also the being on fire thing is always supernatural in origin iirc so it's hard to say how "realistic" the fire is supposed to be.
Fire shield is going to age well on your sacreds beyond getting research at least. But fire resist is going to end up being better than fire weapons, I agree. Astral was taken with a more rush oriented strategy in mind, so you don't have to get construction and can go straight for stellar focus at around the time you don't want to be throwing your lion around in fights anyways. It at least gives it a more flexible role.
>is fire shield costing 5 instead of 6 a Sloop's thing?
>having F6 and not needing empowerment for Eternal Pyre would be nice. What booster would it use? It cannot wear a helmet, just a crown, and Ind doesn't have native FD access for Skull of Fire. Or can it wear a helmet in Sloop's?
That's a good point. It's possible just to raw empower as well, if not preferable. With stellar focus up fast you have some room to switch things up as you go. My mistake in thinking that Skull was F/E.
>less misfortune or less turmoil would make barbarian and cavemen and trog attacks less frequent and frustrating
This is largely a preference thing, but I don't think you're wrong. I'd prefer the turmoil misfortune since your income isn't going to get impacted by turmoil early on, and misfortune won't be all too bad in your forts. But I see what you mean.
>drop the fire shield and the astral path, and get better scales?
Definitely an option. Some of the communion spells later on won't really benefit from far caster anyways so astral can definitely be skipped out on, especially if you have a bless you'd rather use in mind.
>leaves a small dent (assuming it hits head-on, since most plate is designed to make the projectile just glance off of it and spend most of its force impacting the ground)
>this dent is further absorbed by the padding you wear underneath
>somehow this will bruise you badly enough that you will die if you take too many of them
Sure, but the armor was designed to deal with that as quickly as arrows and bolts could pierce it. That is why it had angles. In the same way that tank design incorporated angles into its armor in order to better protect against incoming fire, so did the armor, and that should be accounted for as the other anon pointed out. This game is just an abstraction so it has its own rules, thoughbeit
you have to acknowledge that weapons with smaller surface areas are better at penetrating armors while also doing less damage to the human body? That is abstracted with "armor piercing". Even historians would refer to crossbows as armor piercing
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To follow up with a helpful image, this is the reason why they had protruding armor that was designed to deflect incoming shots and hits
>you have to acknowledge that weapons with smaller surface areas are better at penetrating armors while also doing less damage to the human body?

"Armor" refers to mail. It was so ubiquitous for such a long time that the term literally became synonymous with metal armor, which is how you get terms like "scale mail" or "lamellar mail". "Armor piercing" means it can split the rings of mail.

>you have to acknowledge that weapons with smaller surface areas are better at penetrating armors
If and only if all else holds equal, which it does not. The very best non-windlass crossbows (which are arbalests in the game) might have around 200 joules of energy when they leave the crossbow. A sledgehammer (which is what that maul is) probably has around 250-300. But more importantly, the sledgehammer is much more efficient at actually transferring the energy.

>while also doing less damage to the human body
Not necessarily. An axe leaves a bloody mess behind, but it's actually pretty easy to fail to deliver a lethal blow since it usually doesn't penetrate too deeply, while a spear-blow is fairly lethal despite looking quite neat because it tends to get to the organs.

>that is abstracted with armor piercing
No, it isn't. That is abstracted with piercing damage having a 0.85 multiplier on the prot it has to defeat, while Slashing does more damage after prot is considered, and bludgeoning does massively more damage on head hits after prot is considered. If you want crossbows to be better at piercing armor than normal bows, you simply bump up their damage to, say, 13, which due to the multiplier will defeat full chain mail (18 prot reduced to 15) fairly consistently but struggle against plate (21 prot reduced to 18). Actual armor piercing damage should be reserved for stuff like Iron Darts/Blizzard or other magical effects.
looks nice
remove feet slots, restrict head to crown only, give it 4 total misc slots, bump earth magic to 2 to let it forge coins?
is it meant to be good for crafting and researching in your cap, or causing stealthy damage? Both?
could give it spy, unseen, misfortune bringer, corrupt, glamour, increase unrest, void sanity, curse luck/fateweaving as Scabiel, damage reversal. But it may have a lot of abilities already
bumping the glamour path a notch or two would probably be thematic
does it increase the magic scale of the province it is in, like a devala?
adept crossbreeder? Would probably need nature

looks fun as is, don't know how it would play in practice
>cloud trapeze (that works on demilich right?).
probably not, actually, some mapmove spells don't work with immobiles. Teleport does though. Except for rare units that are unteleportable like the sacred geyser. Made the same mistake once
good idea

>remove feet slots, restrict head to crown only, give it 4 total misc slots, bump earth magic to 2 to let it forge coins?
already crown only, feet slot IDK the game isn't very consistent about whether animal feet can wear boots, 4 misc slots probably too strong. One of the themes I went with for Tzeentch is that none of their mages ever have more than a single level in non-astral paths
>If you want crossbows to be better at piercing armor than normal bows, you simply bump up their damage to, say, 13
Against an unarmored opponent which will do more damage? An arrow from a longbow? Or a crossbow bolt?
>If you want crossbows to be better at piercing armor than normal bows, you simply bump up their damage to, say, 13, which due to the multiplier will defeat full chain mail (18 prot reduced to 15) fairly consistently but struggle against plate (21 prot reduced to 18). Actual armor piercing damage should be reserved for stuff like Iron Darts/Blizzard or other magical effects.
nah what you do is give crossbows armor piercing but reduce their damage, so they still get through armor but are relatively less effective against unarmored targets (and still have difficulty against the highest levels of prot)
makes sense
one idea for keeping flaming weapons and then get FR is also that you would then have flaming arrows on your sacred cap-only archers from the beginning of the game, and your sacred melee dudes would resist any friendly fire. Might be good. Sacred archers are a bit rare, and putting weapon blesses on them is a nice meme. Don't know if it would be worth it, though. Besides, Ind has decent access to fire mages and therefore later flaming arrows buffs
The longbow will do slightly more in this case since normal longbowmen have 14 damage
Man's have 15, so I guess you could give a crossbow 14-15 though I think this is way too fucking high considering indie heavy infantry only does 16

Why would a crossbow even be less effective against unarmored targets, what? A crossbow on an unarmored target will crack bone and that's assuming it even hits a place where there is bone and doesn't just tear a hole through your stomach.
that's fair. For feet slot, there are three "talon" weapons in vanilla, and none of the units with a talon weapon has boots (searched the mod inspector with the weapon IDs for slots including feet). Annunaki of Love and War has a taloned kick, and has no boot slots
Hahahaha that badmin removed my nation for some reason. Did he start the game just to go look at tendies and delete ones he didn't like before starting it for real? Hahaha what a NIGGER
This coming from the nation that begged me to stop fucking with them cause they were afraid of uh.... Whatever the brown flag nation was. Or was it Gath? You really betrayed me when I honored your wishes to let you perma-siege Bogarus cap.
a bold blow against team anti-skub
>Or was it Gath?
What about Gath? That's me.
Which one were you?
>You really betrayed me
Are you shitter-shattered about this?
Speaking of betrayal, how does /domg/ feel about traitors
Ruthless Machiavellianism is a central part of this game. You and your ally can't both win, after all. But generally if I see that everyone else in a game is being chivalrous about shit, I probably will be too. I don't get butthurt about being backstabbed though. It's legit play.
That's crits, which is a chance to become AP and the chance increasing in line with accrued fatigue.
Crossbows probably shouldn't have AP, but they need something to differentiate them from bows. Ironically while I loathe RP (yes this man costs 15 gold to hire.. to equip him will require 10 resources, and to train him we need 20 recruitment """"points"""") it modelling the manpower required to train a bowman, while resources model the industry required to manufacturer crossbows, could nicely differentiate them.
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it's okay to betray any non-human nation
it's okay to betray anyone if you're a non-human nation
it is only acceptable to betray a human nation as a human nation when playing as Machaka
>LA Heliopol
>The seraphines of Caelum rejected the old flame, tempted instead by the solar cult of the empire/lizards. Within the solar cult, only men may hold power, and so the seraphines turned to worshipping the moon in secret. Airya and mairya, now sun and moon, use their angelic visage to tempt the followers of other gods as they used to of old.
>normal humans also don't die after 30 seconds of being set on fire
Prove it.
>it is only acceptable to betray a human nation as a human nation when playing as Machaka
But body isn't a preposition. That's just a passive aggressive rhetorical question.
Or is that the joke?
Its not the daily blitz anymore but we should do one anyway.
I don't make the patterns. I only notice them.
this is not true. you can get a bless that gives your pretender affliction resistance.
slops slapping on recuperation on every pretender form, a trait thats supposed to be somewhat special, is not good game design.
Please take a trip so I can filter your retarded posts
Does sloop give the same afflic to resist to tendies as the bless? 75% presumably?
I think tendies should have some innate afflic resist, just less than the bless.
Did it fix itself?
It gives recuperation and 100% resist disease, which is jus how I like it
nice argument you fucking troglodyte nigger slop worshipper
You've never made a worthwile argument in all your time whining about sloops you self-confessed retard
This is the last (You) you're getting from me
Dies to drain life
if you want to have your pretender not get afflictions you can give it affliction resistance, there are even spells that give affliction resistance on top of that - and affliction resistance means afflictions will be resisted very likely and the only chance to NOT resist afflictions at that point is to send your pretender on near-death missions repeatedly.
now, nigger, tell me how its good game design to forego having to think about this completely by thoughtlessly slapping recuperation on every single pretender form for the sake of so-called "balance" when it has nothing to do with balance and only serves as a display of slop's lack of understanding or ignorance.
slop is not a game designer, much less a good one.
illwinter are good game designers which is why their game is so good. slop's slop doesnt make the game better at all.
>oohh-- oh.. oh slop oh oh i love slop oh... oohooooo i love slop slopp sloppy slop slop let me give you sloppy toppy mmm
*entire gameplan ruined by a random event giving your tendie mute*
good game design
yes, as a matter of fact.
next youre gonna tell me rng isnt a part of dominions?
being able to MITIGATE rng is part of dominions
there are almost no spells that could fix that situation and there's no guarantee your god will have the paths for it
you're a nigger
>being able to MITIGATE rng is part of dominions
you can. those events that blind or mute your pretender are connected to research - they happen in a lab.
guess what. have lots of researchers and this event thats unlikely to begin with is even more unlikely to hit your pretender.
having your high rp pretender research at the beginning of the game is a big boost to research but makes him susceptible to getting hit by such events.
this is bad game design how? again, rng is a key element of dominions and most actions in the game are affected by rng. if you dont like it, play chess. your beloved slop doesnt remove rng from the game btw you dumbass.
>you're a nigger
please refer to>>495761260
>rocks fall you die LOL
yep. good game design. illwinter are gods
don't like it? don't go under rocks in the first place LOL
>yep. good game design. illwinter are gods
>don't like it? don't go under rocks in the first place LOL
this is all true
so you moved the goal post from battle afflictions to research afflictions and now you even forfeit that? gg no re my nigger
>being able to MITIGATE rng is part of dominions
>b-b-battle can give a unit afflictions? oh my science i cannot mitigate that!!!!!!
>r-r-research can give a unit afflictions?? AAAAAAAAAA IM GOING INSANE SAVE ME SLOP GOD
dealing with your retarded arguments is just so tiring I decided to step down to your level and shitpost, but even that is getting boring
its so tiring to activate your brain and try to come up with arguments that PRAISE our LORD the slop GOD.
i know, i know. but maybe its so difficult for you because slop isnt a god at all? but just a dumbass like you?
last (You)
how gracious of you. shant be giving any more (You)s to you, negro.
slop babbies, am i right?
my job here is done. you think about that.
>dealing with your retarded arguments is just so tiring I decided to step down to your level and shitpost, but even that is getting boring
oh yeah, slop babby now invalidating his own posts by calling them shit, now that really takes the cake of slop babby retardation.
ok, ok, really gotta go now. show is over.
>if I yap more nonsense than my opponent I win every argument
ok lolcow, keep going
I agree with you wholeheartedly about slops but you're kind of an obnoxious faggot desu.
Someone should host almostdailyblitznoslop and see which gets more players.

Should also have a almostdailyblitz5050 for those who have no preference at all.
PLEASE stop arguing this this anti sloop schizo, its literally a highly opinionated and sub 100 hour terminally online newfag that thinks his retarded opinions make sense.
Do NOT give him attention.
Traitors as in stop being allies after having cooperated is fine. There's only 1 winner after all. Traitors that fuck you over in the middle of cooperation will get hellwared and exposed to other players.
>not gobbling up slop's slop is highly opinionated
>circlejerking and worshipping slop like a cult is not highly opinionated
He's annoying but he's right.
Im outside today unfortunately hope you guys get enough for a game though
Why is it unfortunate that you're outside? Touch grass and enjoy it, retard.
>Touch grass
>And enjoy it
pick 1
Do you really mean that? I spend most of my life indoors but when I do get outside on occasion I usually feel good about it.
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I can see recuperation on all pretenders being relevant, even if I don't prefer it. Loss, afflictions and pain is thematically a part of mythology and religion, and for gameplay, having contingency plans and rolling with the punches is a core part of the gameplay. And the FFA multiplayer aspect can mitigate things. There are rituals and items to deal with afflictions, like Blood Feast for blood, Gift of Health, Cure Disease, Elixir and The Chalice for nature.

On the other hand, specifically for pretenders, there is Call God. And since pretenders can be so load-bearing to many strategies, having certain afflictions happen even with fairly cautious play, can affect the gameplay disproportionally in MP games.
Between Dominions 4 and 6, Illwinter changed the penalty for death for pretenders. Instead of losing a massive 1 in every magic path, much less is lost upon being recalled, and pretenders with death magic path may even gain a death path level from being recalled. And Illwinter also added Pyre of Carthasis. So even Illwinter think that the game design benefitted from less punishment from death and disease for pretenders. Yet their solutions are more complex and more difficult and require more thought and preparation than SCBM's recuperation, and even then you may be out of luck.
A less drastic solution, which may not be available for modding, might be to add a command Heal God, similar to Call God, that instead heals all diseases and afflictions on all the pretender chassis for the nation, including all trinities in play, but which doubles in cost every time it is used. 50 priestlevel-turns the first time it is used, then 100, 200, etc. Would give a guaranteed "way out" for all nations, while not rendering recuperation and other methods meaningless or common for pretenders.

Recuperation on all chassis is not that bad.

However, many of the other changes in SCBM are generally much less justified.


"Fixing" "overpriced or superfluous items"? Completely dishonest, MP winning players in vanilla generally love both item crafting and golems. Rigging.
"Fixing" mages with crosspaths not having spells to cast for those paths? Rigging or original content mod, definitely not balance.
"Fixing" rarely used pretender chassis? The changes are extreme, like giving +1 Fortune scale to Idol of Man, cheaper chassis than most other chassis with +1 Fortune scales, which a Yomi player won with in a Dom6 /domg/ game, describing the tons of magic sites he got with T3F3 https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/479473275/#479667605 https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/479473275/#479683081 . An honest balance mod would just have looked at chassis that no competent player uses in MP, and make them a bit cheaper, or other careful game design changes. Anti-balance and rigging.
The helmet stuff is just being triggered of something trivial that takes skill to play around.
Worthy heroes? Content mod.
Spellcasting AI changes? A common source of pain, though not flawless, probably one of the better parts of SCBM despite the issues of the changes, it's limited what modders can fix.

And Sloop chose to use crafting nations in his team game, including MA Ulm, and his team won.

Not at all minimalistic, generally just careless, dishonest and rigged.

Is it really that fun to change the challenge of the game from vanilla into having to deep dive into all the changes of the mod to figure out how it was rigged? A more honest balance mod would just keep the recuperation on all pretender chassis, and then slightly adjust pretender chassis costs depending on whether the chassis is ever used by competent MP players or not. And maybe keep AI spellcasting. And for bug fixing that Illwinter haven't gotten around to (while also reporting bugs to Illwinter).
I can not believe that he typed this garbage seriously. Is this the new chatgpt?
Are you a woman?
have you dilated today?
have you said hi to your d*scord kitten?
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I am so glad I left this general forever.
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on how many layers of irony and falseflags is the slop hater operating on right now
>getting the option to take luck 3 on a pretender is OP
>getting lots of sites in a sample size of 1 means luck is OP
>sloop played a team game with ma ulm on it so the item buffs are OP and rigged
entertaining post
you know there's nothing stopping you from spending a few days making an "honest" balance mod instead of these months and years seething over the existence of a "dishonest" balance mod? you probably could have made it twenty times over by now in the time you've spent ineffectually spamming the thread on and off
he thrives on the (You)s just filter and ignore
>size 5 crabs have more hp than size 6 giants
>these months and years seething over the existence of a "dishonest" balance mod
You're confusing me with someone else, I have barely written any posts on this subject.
Are you Sloops?

Item buffs, when construction research and usage is popular among winning players in vanilla MP games, doesn't make sense, apart from rigging or content.
Illwinter clearly cared about limiting access to Fortune 3, since not a single one of the popkill freespawn nations have access to Fortune 3 in vanilla, and getting T3F3 is often expensive and cumbersome for many of the nations that can get it. And why make such drastic changes in the first place, in a supposed balance mod? The winner of that game used the description
>Sloop's let me get luck 3 with the Idol of Man, so that really helped me throughout the game. Getting luck3 on Yomi is actually pretty absurd, with m2 I got like 2 magma rivers back to back and got a shitload of gold/gem events. Highly recommend Idol of Man for Yomi in Sloop's.
I wonder how many discords this retard got kicked out of that it stays here
Be nicer to Sloops, please.
What kind of asshole goes unfinished on turn 6?
its always ulm.
undefeated ulm champion.
It's often Ulm, but sometimes it's Man.
crabs are the end point of all evolution
Horseshoe crab nation when?
Not really. I failspanded 4 times iirc. I gave up on that game like turn 10. Decided to just fuck around. I actually really dislike spark, but it was the only game I saw at the time.
New Pantokrator

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