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Katawa Shoujo General #4009

Artist Edition
QOTT: Has KS made you take up anything creative?

Last Thread: >>494768240

Official Website: https://www.katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free!)
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3068300/Katawa_Shoujo/
Steam 18+ patch: https://4leafstudios.itch.io/katawa-shoujo
Backup KS Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14sXK5HaU108--T7EjeEVj3xdv_KSB3_R (Windows)
KS Alpha: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/KSPreAlpha/discussions/0/1291816880498430072/
Summer's Clover: https://rentry.org/ghxzx (Suriko's Miki Route - date Suzu or Hisao)
Crud's "Where Are 4LS Now?": https://www.reddit.com/r/katawashoujo/comments/6v2zkb/the_whes're_are_they_now_post/

Thread Links:
(Updated) Master Pastebin: https://rentry.org/tan8n3k7
KSG FAQ: https://rentry.org/ub3bs
"I'm such a failure, I'll never find my Katawa": https://rentry.org/qty2d

Community Works:
Katawa Booru: https://cripple.booru.org/
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: https://ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: https://www.mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
Katawa Crash: https://archive.org/details/katawa-crash-V0.8.36
Kenjivania: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/608881?id=608881
KS fanfics: https://fourleaffics.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:/ksg/
Honey Select Anon's Database: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u7im3gkxe6z5vgj/AAACdqV-sKDjbSvh5J0HXKA1a?dl=0
Val's Content Dump + Pantsu: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n4aed5v6np2et5n/AADxAbytpFjXjEj0e7h77HRka?dl=0
Anon's Sprites + Font Rip: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FaiIe6pwqLVDjj05LZ_Nr8LUeXv-Z9a_
KSG Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1q8DrtNX3CNyylt8IhORnVHBTAcu4h9MH
Ara~non's survey results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSduImrEFF5qW16xfuRIHC9lN-QwPa-wDkABTVEZPQkJ70fZyA/viewanalytics
>QOTT: Has KS made you take up anything creative?
>Has KS made you take up anything creative?
No, but I've been considering learning to draw recently
didn't make me start, but motivated me to stop fucking about and draw
I don't buy into "katawa dick". In fact, I despise the notion! I just finished it again recently and I'm gonna breed my katawa! It's what she would've wanted! There's nothing wrong with loving physical intimacy between two romantic partners!
incredible dedication. secret ara~non poetry club route is real.
namefag worship never ends well, but quality is top notch
Isn't that how Twofold got made?
All I remember is everyone assuming it would be bad since Suriko worked on it, so if it really was just more eceleb worthsip, that sounds exactly right.
The romance options started as namefags from here that drew themselves as cute girls. To be fair to Aranon, she doesn't use a name in her posts and has asked people not to do pretty much exactly this.
>I'm gonna breed my katawa
I hope you are not like old Moldy, who seems to be literally convinced that he can hallucinate Lilly into reality
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>QOTT: Has KS made you take up anything creative?
Not yet, but I've been thinking about learning to draw. I wanna try but it's a big time commitment if I want to improve for real.

I wish I could be horny for Emi but I can't :(
I have too much feels for her and that kind of thing turns me off completely because I'm too porn-addicted (although the Katawa Dick has put that on hold)
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About 50% of voters said their waifu is either from outside KataShou or they don't have a waifu at all.

May I ask you all why, in spite of this, you feel deeply connected to the game, if that is indeed the case?
I'm not delusional. It's just fun to play pretend.
You should probably just do what you want to do, but remember that Emi would want you to be horny for her. She has a healthy sex drive, and would love to feel good with her beloved boyfriend :3
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fucking hell......for fucks sake.........
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>She has a healthy sex drive
Lilly is the one with a "healthy adolescent sex drive".
Emi is just horny.
Learn the difference.
Giving her Lilly's bow is a nice touch.
Being horny is healthy.
This guy gets it.
I'm old enough to know every namefag cult comes and goes. Let them have their fun, it's harmless
finally... we've invented threefold.

new content is new content, and it keeps the threads interesting.
>I just finished it again recently
And what about when you first played it?

>I wish I could be horny for Emi but I can't :(
I could probably force myself but naturally I just don't feel any lust towards her

>I have too much feels for her and that kind of thing turns me off completely because I'm too porn-addicted
For me i wouldn't say it's because I'm porn-addicted but yes my feelings for her are also so strong I can't see her as just someone to have sex with

>although the Katawa Dick has put that on hold
I literally still get horny over everyone except Emi (and the other Katawas too for some reason, maybe because I did all their routes but I don't love them all equally in a romantic way, just in a platonic way but Emi i love in every way)
Hanako is very beautiful and I want to make her cum
After seeing Pewdiepie's drawing videos, they inspired me to actually try my hand at it. If I work on it a little every day I can probably get decent somewhat fast like he did.

I got it off the booru, I just liked the pun n' gun.
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>Can you even have 40 not-particularly-close friends?
I invite >40 people to my birthday party each year, and I'm not a "popular" person, merely "likeable". Obviously there's no way I stay in even weekly contact with all of those people, but we're all on good terms and happy to see one another when we do.
>15 and 25
I'm well above that and my sex drive hasn't decreased since I was 14. And women are known to have a renewed sex drive from ~25-45.
>Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
This is 4 x 30 min episodes? Never heard of it, which is exciting.
>Special Duty Combat Unit Shinesman
Never heard of this either, wow. So another 2 x 30, a three hour watch marathon? I applaud the ambition.
This anon is right, it's hard to deal with weather. You can still do calisthenics indoors, or jumprope if you have somewhere to do it, or just grab an umbrella and go for a fast walk if only to keep your blood pumping slightly for that day. Don't sweat missing days here and there.
This is so good. The misbuttoning fits the grogginess. Even the hair color and style just feels right.
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an image for ants etc etc
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Good evening, /ksg/. I'm back from my appointments and I've had a lovely, relaxing hot bath. I wanted to remind you all that movies will be in 45 minutes or so, so be there with bells on!

Well, we'll see how people are feeling when we finish Yokohama Shopping Diary, but hopefully we can make it through both OVA's.

Did you. Did you draw fanart of me because I made a bad joke? I'm at a bit of a loss for words.
No, but /ksg/ inspires me. It is a temple, like Auric said, and I am sure to frequently quote.
Based and carnal love-pilled. Imagine telling your katawa that you don't masturbate to thoughts of her anymore because you "feel too strongly" about her. That would be at least one red card in any relationship I've been in.
I never knew that. I guess it's a weird community tradition, Aura always represented himself as that heterochromatic girl. And I'm a simple man, I approve of anything Aura does.
The feelings and ideas are still genuine, even if my waifu is elsewhere. I always looked at KS from the third person, living inside Hisao's head and watching *his* relationships unfold. And that was a moving experience.
Looks huge to me
...yknow, contrabass and contraband don't really rhyme. bass isn't pronounced like 'ass' with a b. it's pronounced like 'base'. bays. contrabays. it's still a very good dad joke, it just bugged me.
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I know it doesn't rhyme, I just thought that because it starts with "contraba-" it worked. It wasn't my best work, I'm fully prepared to admit that, but with the material I was given I feel it was witty and more than serviceable. So, there.

I didn't read through this before, but goodness gracious, that poor woman. It's really disturbing how easily some people can look past someone's humanity and feelings to project and idealised and regressive version of womanhood onto them.
>Aura always represented himself as that heterochromatic girl
That's because Aura wishes she was a cute girl
On cytube, right? Can you just register a channel on the spot?
No, no, the joke was great. It's just frustrating that it doesn't rhyme. it feels like it should, right?
>That would be at least one red card in any relationship I've been in.
Unfortunately that's just how I am. Love and lust and mutually exclusive feelings for me. It ruined all of my (few) relationships.
...You guys have had relationships?
Didnt expect us to get a new thread today, we really are fast now.

I dont know if it counts as creative but i got the whole VGL team thing going on as of late. Tommorow i must do some serious testing, maybe even try to fix some of the aesthetics.
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To answer the thread question, /ksg/ inspired me to take art seriously to begin with, all that time ago when the game released.

Yes, and indeed you can. I'll post the link to my room in a little while. I still need to blow-dry my hair and finish my skincare, running awfully late.

I see what you mean! It really does seem like it should, that's what annoys me about it. It's terribly close to being a very funny joke.

It's really been picking up, hasn't it!
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...yes and no.
My only real relationship was from 1.5 years ago and it lasted for like a month, with barely anything between us.
I've had a handful of (mostly one-sided) short passions for a week or two that never became relationships or anything.
I recently came insanely close to losing my virginity, but I couldn't do it because of my very volatile libido...
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I would be the perfect boyfriend for Hanako. No, the perfect soulmate.
If I were dating her, the first thing I'd do is try and help her meet some new people. Misha seems especially nice and willing to befriend Hanako. Shizune would likely be willing to put aside their differences too. And of course Emi is nice enough, and Rin weird enough, where neither of them will care about things like truancy, social anxiety or burn scars.
Of course, Hanako isn't a social butterfly, nor would I want her to be. But I do believe she just needs a little push - along with reassurance that if it doesn't work out, if she doesn't want to, it's okay. Because the goal isn't to try and change her or make her do things she doesn't want to do, but just to try and help her so she feels like she has more options, instead of being relegated to only spending time with me or Lilly. And even if she can't get as close to anyone else as she is with Lilly, I still think it's good to have some more casual friends too, just someone you can chat with once in a while instead of always being alone.
Of course, I'm not trying to be some kind of parent to her either. I'd simply want to help her the same way I help anyone else. And there's countless things she would help me with too, so it'd be perfectly equal. Ultimately, I'd just want our relationship to be both that of lovers and dear friends, and I would do everything within my power to make her happier than she had ever thought was previously possible.
Really? I'd like to hear more about that if you want to share (now or after the watch session). If you're >>495434317 it could be that you're nervous about losing your virginity and that ruins the mood for you? That's common, if so
Only 2/3 of the census were virgins, the rest of us have to pick up that slack. We should be inspiring the others the way the artists here inspire me
VGL team is absolutely creative enterprise in my book
I thought the thread was funny when it was all just joking around in the thread (though the humor is a matter of taste, and I know it's not yours), but my whole body deflates every time I reach the part where the guys start messing with her channel. Mob mentality is dangerous with sites like this.
Would you mind dropping us a couple sentences about the OVAs you selected? They're all ~2000 era, so I imagine you watched them growing up and they're nostalgic for you?

Actually, how many anons in this thread can speak/read Japanese? I need more motivation to pick that back up, and to find ways to force myself to set aside time for it.
This is just my own personal opinion, but you probably shouldn't sleep with someone you don't love to begin with, anyway. So don't worry about not losing your virginity.
>Actually, how many anons in this thread can speak/read Japanese?
I can read it. I've translated a good handful of mangas over the years. keep at it, anon. You can do it!
I do also want you to die for being a non-virgin, but that's nothing personal, and I'll still be rooting for you in your studies.
Thank you feed getting the reference.
Currently reading Rin's route
I don't really know why I saved her for last
More importantly what do I do when I am finished reading everyone
Do I just post here for the next 12 years like everyone else
basically, yeah
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Feeding Rin
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Don't forget, you're here forever
Anon from here. I talked with some friends, and they agreed to put our heads together for a serious plan on how I can meet new people. It's strange. Everything suddenly seems so much better. Even if it doesn't work out, knowing I have such kind people in my life is enough to put a smile on my face. Thank you very much for everyone who replied with supporting words. I don't think I could've come to this point without it. I hope everyone who reads this soon has something amazing happen to them. You all deserve it. And you all deserve your katawas. I might come back and be semi-regular. You guys are alright.
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On behalf of the translation-dependent community, I sincerely thank you for your efforts. I feel guilty spending time on Japanese, because my Spanish has always been hovering at a so-so level and I should be pushing that to fluency. But there's hundreds of times more Japanese content that I want to consume than Spanish-language. Thank you for rooting.
>die for being a non-virgin
Life isn't really any different before/after. I can understand that the situation would wear on you regardless, but grils like to fugg too. Do you think you're permanently a virgin? I think only a very small number of people are, and they have serious things going on.
I thought it might have been, because the situation was so close, but I was unsure if the line had originated from somewhere before that I wasn't familiar with. Seriously a top tier reference, clever anon.
Yes, why would you stop after 12 years? Enjoy your ending(s), sounds like you picked a strong conclusion to your first playthrough.
Im not a veteran obviously but i can tell this recent activity is a big positive for the general and truth be told, i dont want things to be insanely fast, we can manage at a chill pace but of course we're also welcome to more people and more cool stuff.

Your intentions seem sincere and good in nature im sure she would appreciate your effort however, you're wrong about one thing... She's mine

>VGL team is absolutely creative enterprise in my book
Im glad you see it that way, i really hope we can make this work!
Haven't you been caught defending her route? Why would she want anything to do with you?
How do I read this shit it's so blurry
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>I invite >40 people to my birthday party each year

What's next, you're happily married with 5 children?
Get out of my hideout before immediately, normalfag scum
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Get a real computer instead of a phone.
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Figured that was the issue, I can't lay down and use my computer at the same time though
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It's movie time! Please go to cy.tube, type /r/ followed by thetearoom (the spam filter is making it difficult to link directly).

The first OVA we'll be watching is Yokohama Shopping Diary, an idyllic iyashikei.
>In a post-apocalyptic world with rising sea levels, an android named Alpha runs a small coffee shop. Having received a camera and enough film for 300 photos, she begins to reflect on the scenery around her and what she wants to remember.

Followed by Special Duty Combat Unit Shinesman, a very lighthearted sentai parody.
>Hiroya Matsumoto, hoping to become a great employee as his late father, has just been hired at Raito (Right) Trading Company. Little does he know that he has been recruited for a very mysterious department within the company - the Special Duty Combat Unit, known as SHINESMAN. Their purpose, to fight the terrible (often times hilarious) alien forces that threaten the earth.

I did grow up with them, that's a very good guess! I used to go to conventions and buy second hand cassette tapes with various OVA's on them, or I'd catch them on Toonami late at night. I also used to speak better Japanese than I do now, as I studied it in school, but I've been relearning over the past month.

I must say, seeing this place so full of life makes my heart feel full and warm. It's a tremendously special corner of the internet.

There's worse places to spend twelve years, dear anon.
Oh, I don't actually want you to die. It's just a figure of speech. Yknow, all non-virgins must die. And I don't personally have an interest in losing my virginity. I'd like to be loved, but that's an entirely different affair. And even then, if I was only loved for a short amount of time, I don't think it'd really make me any happier.
Is there any reason you'd rather study Spanish than Japanese?
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>I'd like to hear more about that if you want to share (now or after the watch session)
I'll tell you after the movie night, aranon posted right as I was typing my story lol

>If you're 495434317
It's me, there aren't many Emiposters here anyway lol.

>it could be that you're nervous about losing your virginity and that ruins the mood for you?
That's only part of the reason.

>you probably shouldn't sleep with someone you don't love to begin with
I absolutely agree. I did love the girl I almost lost my virginity to, but it all faded away now.
Emi fucking sucks if she's losing the Sonic Isabelle MU
>Has KS made you take up anything creative?
Pic related, I've been procrastinating Shizune and Misha. Also I'm replaying Rin's route while taking notes, hopefully I'll write a blogpost trying to answer why does she makes me feel funny.
*cytu dot be, not cy dot tube
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I've been waiting for progress reports on these! Good to see you again
Yes, being loved is much better. You seem like a good person from your posts, so I think someone loving you would be in for the long haul.
>rather study Spanish
Like Ara~non I took Japanese in school, but I've mostly forgotten everything past the syllabaries. Spanish is more practical for me IRL, and it's easier to learn, so it just seems like I should hit fluency / self-sustaining competency in that instead of trying to split my time across two languages and making shit progress in both. How did you learn Nihongo?
They look great!!!
I learned japanese by doing anki bullshit, watching youtube videos (shouts out to cure dolly), and just spending a lot of time. I say drop Spanish and learn Japanese! It's more fun! Learning languages shouldn't just be about what's "smart". You can clearly survive just on English. learn what's fun, not what other people tell you you should learn. And thank you very much for the compliment, you're too sweet~ mmmwah!
For people who learnt Japanese at least to an intermediate level (say, N3): what was your initial motivation for doing so, and what kept you going until you reached the point where you are right now?

Asking because in my view, it's easy to master basic grammar, common sentences and the hiragana and katakana writing sets, maybe even the 20/30 most popular kanjis, but going beyond that level clearly requires a higher amount of effort and motivation
My initial motivation was to read berserk slightly earlier (too bad) and to play monster girl quest paradox, which isn't a game i've even thought about in a long while. The reason I kept up is just because I'm well disciplined and bad at dropping a practice once I pick it up. same way I learned music and art along with training every day. Sorry if that's not a helpful answer though. I think ideally it's not so much the initial goal that's important, though. It's figuring out why you want to *stick* with it. If it's fun, if it makes you feel good about yourself, or something else.
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>I've been waiting for progress reports on these! Good to see you again
I didn't imagine there were actually people following my progress, that's quite motivating. I mentioned CplCrud on twitter to show him the Hanako figure but he ignored me.

Thank you very much! I'm having a hard time being consistent with colors, mixing them is not my thing.
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So what the fuck is this? From the steam page.
Every other girl's description is stuff you'll know within a minute of talking to them, while Hanako's refers to stuff deeper in her route. Not to mention the whole thing about her dad. I don't think she directly mentions her father once in the entire script. What's this about?
Haven't played KS in 12 years.
Just wanted to stop by and say that you guys are awesome.
Also that Rin is best girl
yo. listen, I'm still up a gum tree and dealing with some serious issues, so my replies aren't going to sound too profound or involved or enthusiastic. I thought I'd reply to you now despite being preoccupied with my personal issues because it's been too long since we talked. I'm honestly sorry, but just trust me, the trouble I'm in right now is nothing short of detestable
>you're right, this is a good advice I also like to tell myself
you sure do know a lot then!!
>the best way to learn it is by communicating day by day with foreigers, learning social norms
>if I don't use it as a daily mean of communication, it really is pointless.
unless we're talking about borat bahahahahahah!
>I need MOAR facts
did you know that eleemosynary means charitable and related to alms?
>person on this website can relate to - we are just different
well yeah, we are, but it's not 2008 anymore and fourchan is not a niche platform, neither are imageboards as a concept unpopular either, unfortunately. so my point is that we're not supposed to stand out as weirdos, because the number of people akin to us is steadily growing.
>they don't consider typical or normal
surely you've met individuals with a fourchanner mindset that still refused to bond with you, no? because that's been the case for me. but yeah at least people in this general are kind and understanding. [s4s] is a nice place too
>I strongly refused to get along with them, idk why
I guess the answer is still either genetics or your upbringing. maybe that's just the way you are I dunno I haven't met you..
>and I make some progress
thank you for agreeing with me, I agree with you 2 :)
>thought people that are into language are more emotional/social/understanding
unfortunately not. a lot of them act hostile and unfriendly
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Hey anon, great to hear from you again, you don't have to reply now if you are in some serious problem, I'll patiently wait, so don't mind me, focus on your real life, cause that's more important than this thread, and come back after you'll better your situation.
Hang in there.
Sup, /ksg/. Hope you enjoyed your movie night, I just returned from a concert, completely exhausted, but it was good fun.

To answer the main question... no. Not yet. I do think I'd like to pick up some drawing or creative writing at some point, because it could be an interesting avenue to explore my thoughts. I'm not good at either, but it could be an interesting challenge.

Oh come on, I know the others have said that it doesn't matter if you skip a couple days, but from my experience, once you start with some excuses, it just snowballs. And you are telling me some rain is going to stop you? I've cycled and ran through thunderstorms, and it's always amazing. If you pull through, you feel like a man amongst men. Believe me. It's worth it. And if you have classes till afternoon, why not run early in the mornings? Waking up early is a good habit, and a small morning run gives you quite a bit of energy for the day. So don't make excuses this early. C'mon. I know you can do it!

Great job VGL anon, you're the man.

>Only 2/3 of the census were virgins, the rest of us have to pick up that slack. We should be inspiring the others the way the artists here inspire me
So when should I expect a /ksg/ guide how to get laid?
Jokes aside, by the mere fact we are trying to get people to better themselves and understand romantic relationships more, we're already doing quite a bit of work. The issue itself is obviously more complicated, as years of posting on /fit/ have showed me, but it's the least we can do.
I'm taking the cure dolly suggestion, thank you. I could survive on English, but I encounter a ton of Spanish-first or -only speakers IRL. So sounding like a six year old all the time doesn't help. But I appreciate the kick. I'll try to get my Anki going again because I just... LOVE JAPAN
I can't do art for shit, so it's always fascinated me. I'm surprised he'd act so cruddy, he's one of the more outgoing devs. I would chalk it up to him missing it by accident.
Couldn't say. I think they changed parts of her route last-minute, or at least the writer switched partway through, so maybe it originally came up earlier?
Good to see you. Perfect time for a replay...
>her father
More like both parents, right? So whoever wrote this down didn't actually play the route, curious
It's the official site description, just copied to Steam. Maybe it's to punish people that read about the girls and pick a katawa in advance, instead of just playing and following their heart
Thank you OP for your attention to detail and adding the updated pastebin
Reminds me of all those Moldy inserts
Who was the redhead with green eyes genderflip insert. Usually was drawn next to Lilly.
Anon, we try not to go there
I had a blast in that movie night! Hope we'll get to do that often!

>I'd like to hear more about that if you want to share (now or after the watch session)
I can tell you my story now :
Fortunately my only real relationship wasn't ruined by that (he simply broke up because of his mental health struggles), however all of my other adventures have been.
I just can't bring myself to be horny for real people I guess. Might be nervousness, might also be because of my porn addiction, making me unable to dissociate being horny with watching porn.
Anyway, about my near-sex experience I had recently : there's this girl from my area whom I've been flirting with a lot. She's soooo horny it's kinda crazy. Unfortunately we couldn't meet up as she was about to leave to visit her family for Switzerland for a month. She invited me to come over there for a week, of course I accepted.
But here's the kicker : as I've said previously, my libido is highly volatile. This manifests in random phases of over a week where I don't feel horny, no matter what.
It just so happened that the week I came to see her was one of those weeks.
So we didn't do much over that week. Just went out with her family and stuff. She clearly wanted me to do something, but I never did.
I've even tried initiating something but I couldn't do it, so I gave up. When I touched her (massive) breasts, I didn't feel ANYTHING. That's kinda insane for an adolescent like me.
Now that we're both back. I don't want to talk to her. At all. I've been pretty much avoiding her now, slightly ashamed of myself.
I'm both mad and relieved nothing happened to be honest. Mad because of my mind/body failing me in such a moment, but relieved because in hindsight, maybe losing my virginity to her wouldn't have been so great.

That was kinda long, sorry for oversharing my life like that, it was just a frustrating episode I had to share.
Who's Moldy?
A guy who used to pay rtil to draw pictures of him with Lilly.
There was another guy who paid rtil to draw himself as a cute redhead girl who was friends with Lilly.
>Great job VGL anon, you're the man.
Trust me when i say this, i am nothing without the support of you guys, we all are the team.

I know you gonna find this insane but if you really like this girl, the best course of action would be telling the truth to her, something like "You know, the reason i was so distant is because i have this issue that i dont know how to deal with, its not your fault, you're a very attractive woman and i really wanted this to happen but i just couldnt. Do you think we can work this out?" If she's a good person she'll understand and show compasion and who knows, she might find a way to push your buttons and get you going, that will also show that she's really interested to you. So there's only one way to find out. Talk to her, give her the deets.
There's a lot of weirdos who have paid rtil for that kind of shit, I almost feel sorry for the guy
I'm learning mostly through watching some Japanese tv and lessons I come across. Mostly I want to be able to speak and understand spoken Japanese, since I can't really read print signage in any language anyway.
>the best course of action would be telling the truth to her
I've already told her about my issue. Thing is, I don't really want it to work anymore. I kinda lost all interest in her.
As a teenager, I know I'm still very immature, and this is proof of that. But I can't do much about how I'm feeling either.
This little adventure is over...
Goodnight /ksg/
I'll check for replies tomorrow, cya!
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Thank you all so much for joining my little movie night, it was tremendously wonderful having the opportunity to get to know some of you better. If you missed this week, please consider joining for next week.

Pleasant dreams, /ksg/.
Weird, but, vaguely based as well on some sort of follow-your-dreams level
Movie "night" was a big success, I agree. I'm very happy I was able to make this one, skeptical I can start this late next week sadly
Thanks for sharing. I was going to write a bunch, but this and >>495464364 (very nice Hanako btw, and I agree fully with your post) made it a little unnecessary. But I think you should keep talking to her. You already had interest in her once, so you're probably compatible on enough of a level to try again. I would imagine you maybe just want to avoid her because she reminds you of a situation you feel embarrassed/ashamed about.
Emi tried to run away from Hisao too because she was over the relationship, but that isn't really what she wanted in her heart of hearts!
Good night Ara, we are still keeping your chat alive lol, good crew in this general
Thats a shame, but i'd say give one last thought on that just in case, dont let your problems ruin something that is potentially good but thats all up to you really, just my two cents.

You took off so quickly i didnt get the chance to thank you. Its been fun and lemme be totally honest, i was never really a watchalong sort of person but this is fun stuff, lets keep at it.
does ara~non talk like that in instant messaging chat too?
She's the real deal
You know, I think there is still more YKK, this is from the second OVA series
Did we ever decide on hanal or buttstuff?
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great, now we have namefags OC's? the fuck is this
It's the /ksg/ Renaissance, baby. This is what progress looks like
The OC didn't come from the namefag, it's technically kosher. The rules don't say a dog CAN'T play basketball
What's Hanako cooking? Looks like it's a smaller Hanako
Banal Huttstuff
by definition not a namefag and someone else drew that.
don't look at me. I've got my own prefixes to contend with.
Not grim at all

Bananas Foster
What would you buy your Katawa for her birthday?
Sorry I missed this earlier. You clearly deserve what good things are coming to you if your friends are willing to help you out. We're rooting for you!
I'd ship you with ara anon, but I already ship you with Shizune.
Patstuff won overwhelmingly over both.
I'm excited for you, living your life is the best outcome you could get, you have good friends
You heard wrong it's Batstuff now.
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Holy shit anon, are you in my head? i was considering using that as my question before going off for the day. In my case thats a tough one. I think i'd get her a big straw hat for the summer, and maybe a purple scarf for the winter, sounds like things she'd enjoy using
Unless she can paint with her feet and make me feel things, I'll pass
Sorry ara anon, my heart belongs to Rin
why are you shipping him with everyone? weirdo
If Hanako is Batman what batman characters would the other KS characters be?
Went on a nice dedication to Emi, saw some beautiful "Lilly"s growing along the path, thought of you guys.
>make me feel things
A high threshold to cross
I'm shipping you with the anon you're replying to, tsuntsun
>Hisao = Shinji
>Emi = Asuka
>Rin = Rei
>Shizune = Gendo
>Lilly = Ritsuko
>Hanako = Maya
>Misha = Misato
>Nurse = Kaji
>Miki = Touji
>Kenji = Kensuke
>Mutou = Fuyutsuki
>Akira = Aoba
A lot of shipping going on, and no one invited Captain Emi
12 years since I played this game

is bacon still a joke we make
Why is it always 12 years with you guys?
out of ten
That's a cute little pirate, I think all can agree. I wonder if Emi would be into Halloween, or if she'd not see the appeal and try to skirt past it
we watched some bacon.mp3 just today. Hanako is still Hanako
It came out 12 years ago. Feels like a long time, and I guess it feels even longer if they say the number than "since release"
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
If I took her legs off, would she die?
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I wanna Yo-Ho that Ho, if you know what I mea.
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Goodnight anon.
It would be extremely pleasurable.
She's a little girl.
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living is good
dying, not so good
A safe option is some good book in Braille that she still hasn't had the opportunity to read, so that we may then discuss it together.
Pair that with a nice bottle of wine

Just something off the top of my head, I'm sure there are other valid options as well
Either a vacuum or an iron.
Pirate outfit
Not bunny or maid?
Goodmorning /ksg/
I couldn't fall asleep tonight, I feel so tired :(
I see there's another Emibro on the thread right now, hell yeah!

She did explicitly tell me that she doesn't want to date. There's not much point in trying hard to get her back.
Also, at risk of sounding like a dick, she's not very attractive. She was just my only option so I went for it. I don't feel anything looking at her anymore.

I'd take Emi on a trip to an amusement park. I think she'd love that.
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Pirate outfit
And then raid her booty
A pirate outfit is way hotter than those boring bunny or maid ones
Thinking of that pic of Femji on her phone, would she be able to see a small screen like that, or does it make sense for her to have a tablet?
A tablet would be much easier for Femji to use, though they were in their infancy in 2008. I don't think she would be able to see anything on an old Nokia.
>check out a Nip artist you follow for reasons unrelated to KataShou
>they have a commissioned Lilly pic on their Skeb page

Everything is connected, deep down
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Just as well. I kind of fucked up her hand with her holding a small phone.
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Hello /ksg/ im really on a getting up late streak and i dont like it, i guess all that is gonna change now that im getting back on work on Monday. I never expected my leave to involve me getting into a general for a 12 year old VN. I surely dont regret that and the plan is to keep going, so lets make the most of it.
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Good morning, /ksg/. It's an awfully beautiful Sunday morning in my part of the world, with sunbeams sprinkled through a cloudy September sky. I have a watercolour class starting tomorrow, so I'm making my way to the art supply store after afternoon Mass to pick up a few things. May your day be as peaceful and enjoyable. Today's tea recommendation is Fujian Silk, a high quality black leaf that's similar to its sister tea, Golden Monkey Fujian. However, the Silk blend has a smoother taste, as its name implies, but shares the notes of roasted hazelnut and burnt spice.

I've drawn that exact hand pose a couple of weeks ago, and it really is horrendously tricky. I think you made a wonderful attempt of it, you'd just need to use value to show the foreshortening of the lower two fingers. Even simple wrapping lines help a lot, I find. I'm looking forward to seeing your finished work, anon!

Ah, she looks so radiant there. That artist really has a wonderful grasp of light and colour. Thank you for the find, anon.

Good morning Emifriend, I'm sorry you slept so poorly. It wouldn't be the worst idea to try and have an afternoon nap later in the day if you feel up to it.

Oh my goodness, I had no idea! The OVA I watched was labelled OVA 1/2 so I always thought that was all there was to it, what a wonderful discovery. We'll have to watch this next week!
>It wouldn't be the worst idea to try and have an afternoon nap later in the day if you feel up to it.
I wish I could be able to take naps :(
I'm physically unable to fall asleep during daytime, even if I'm completely exhausted.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
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Unwatermarked version, posted on PalladionHearts twitter acct.
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Was some sort of sequel or anything ever published?

Surprised this thread is still standing ngl
>No Kia (the car)
Goodnight Emo
Sleep tight
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>I can't do art for shit, so it's always fascinated me. I'm surprised he'd act so cruddy, he's one of the more outgoing devs. I would chalk it up to him missing it by accident.
To be fair a friend is helping me painting them. Probably he just missed it, I chatted with him on twitch before that and he seemed so nice.
In light of recent discussion, can we try to narrow down the cause of Katawa Dick? It's always intrigued me, and I've never seen any polling.

A quick poll:
1) Did you get Katawa Dick?
2) Which routes did you complete?
3) Being honest, do you feel like you fell for one or more of the girls?
4) If you had to take a guess, what is the cause of Katawa dick?

It'd be very helpful if someone who didn't finish all the routes got KD.

My answers: Got KD, finished all routes, fell for Emi. Think it's caused either by falling for one of the girls, or some weird subliminal fixation on moral purity akin to religion.
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I made a huge oopsie. I miscalculated the time available to fix up the team to be ready for friendlies so right now, i got 3 days until that which is, daunting to say the least. Its gonna be some very busy 3 days starting now, good news is i figured out how to fix PNG players so if we end up playing we wont have a team that looks broken. Now i gotta get into brass tacts and make the team not suck.
Anons, what is that one track from KS when you listen to it, that makes you lose your mind? For me it's the lullaby of the open eyes, everytime I play this all the feels come back, I close my eyes and start feeling really emotional, almost crying. It has this calming tone, and it gives this mysterious vibe, like the only thing surrounding you is fog, a cold void.
I even think it's better than Wiosna.
1) Yes. In fact it's stilk going on 5 weeks after it started.
2) I did all the good endings
3) Emi is the first fictional character I've ever felt genuine love for. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I think about her. Lilly was also great, I love her too but not as much as Emi.
4) Katawa Shoujo made me think about how lonely I am IRL. I definitely won't find love in the foreseeable future, and seeing such brilliantly written and realistic romances kinda broke my heart. I never feel like being horny anymore.

Comfort and Innocence both make me tear up near instantly. Aria de l'Etoile and Lullaby of the Open Eyes are also great at that.
He's delusional, which is why the vast majority of the general ignores him.
1) Yes, for 2 weeks.
2) All routes with good ending
3) Of course I fell in love and am still in love with Rin
4) Being in love makes you that way, it doesn't matter if the object of love is real or 2d.

Raindrops and puddles makes my eyes a bit wet everytime.
1. Yes, I had it for like 2, almost 3 weeks, and after this emotional high dissapeared, I started having dirty thoughts again, man, how can you get katawa dick again? I miss this feel, at least it prevented me from masturbating but now it's over.
2. All, it took my months to complete them while playing casually.
3. I certainly fell for Lilly, but I also like Rin and Hanako
4. I think the stories make you question some things regarding your life, and as a result of combining emotional stories, their disabilities and characters you realise that masturbation and sex is a plain activity, and you want something more, you want love.
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I'm sorry to hear that, Emifriend. I've always suffered from the opposite issue, I'm ready to sleep at the drop of a hat at all times of day.

I've seen your models on Twitter before, they're really coming along! It's such a cute little unique project that you're working on, I wish you the best with it, they're looking wonderful.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going! You can do it!!

Red Velvet, Raindrops and Puddles both feel like they rip my heart out of my chest. To say nothing of the musicbox track, I feel as though when I hear that I need to cancel everything else I was planning to do that day and go lie in bed.
I just messeged the person running everything, expressing my interest in reviving the team officially, so now i wait for a response and hopefully go through verification and anything else needed just fine. Its all a bit overwhelming considering im a newbie to all this but im willing to make this work, for everyone here.
Thanks a lot, Anyon

1) Yes, it vanishes after a while but that's not necessarily a good thing, and it can also return if you go back to the story
2) All of 'em, in the following sequence: E->R->L (climax) ->H->S (very anti-climatic)
3) Platonically speaking, they are all nice, but I have only ever seen one of them in romantic terms.
4) All your blood flows to your heart, deserting lower regions. I think that's pretty much it

>It'd be very helpful if someone who didn't finish all the routes got KD.
I'm fairly sure my KD syndrome was caused by Rin+Lilly+Hanako's routes specifically, if that helps. Compound effect

My big 3, as I have stated elsewhere, are Concord, Afternoon and Raindrops & Puddles. A weird mixture of "I love this" and "Oh God, why"
how are you so tolerant of bad writing, hanako's route just made me angry
We are all very grateful for your work
Thank you, i know its a bit of a stretch but i hope it all goes well and we get to play some friendlies this week, would feel bad for not acting on it sooner.
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Feeding Emo
Feeding BTGR
No opinion.
You really want to end my Katawa Dick don't you
>after afternoon Mass

I didn't realise you were a practising catholic ara~non. who's your favourite saint?

I know your bedroom smells crazy
Do you have what it takes to protect your Katawa in a cold and heartless world?
I haven't been to mass in almost 2 years. After 30 years of my mom going to mass and giving money, they just went through the motions for her funeral and I was just so done with it all.
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I spent my 24th birthday here
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>Do you have what it takes to protect your Katawa in a cold and heartless world?
Uhhhhhh, next question?

I take it you also have a very difficult relationship with organised religion?

There could be worse places, for sure. At least we all try to be friends with each other here
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I've never went to church in my life. I think religion could've helped make me a better person if I grew up with it...
Could Emi do parkour?
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Not having flexible feet would be a pretty big hindrance
She'd figure out how to do it anyways, because she's Emi.
Never said it'd be impossible for her.
Of course Emi would do it! That's why I love her.
Motivational and inspirational
I love Emi <3
I cant make any promises but i will definetly do my best.

Its not uncommon unfortunetly, faith and belief is a personal matter anyway so pay no attention to that side.

General was quiet today actually but even so i hope you had a good time.
Goodnight /ksg/
A new week is upon us, let's make the best of it!

(Also how do I get the Comfort ost out of my head it's making cry)
Goodnight anon.
Goodnight, keep your chins up and lets make it through the week
>I take it you also have a very difficult relationship with organised religion
It's more complicated than that. But thanks for bumping the thread.
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Also yes.
It's cruel to starve katawas.
I can't believe I got a baby ban for this.
No, thank thee for bumping the thread

Really? What rule did you allegedly violate?

>What rule did you allegedly violate?
Low quality post
Unoffical spin-offs and stuff, but the original team is long disbanded
1) no, never had it
2) all routes / endings
3) I felt emotionally engaged in all routes, but did not "fall" for any of them, per se
4) heartache once you realize it's over
I'm sorry for your low-quality experience (and post, I guess?)
Her smile WILL remain untouched
It was off-topic.
We should be talking about how Rin is best girl.
Emi is also acceptable, in that Hisao lives beyond 30 in her route.
How would the girls be as mothers?
The one Katawa I really cannot see as a mother is Rin.
The other ones would probably be fine
Lilly- baby dies after she leaves it somewhere and forgets about it
Hanako- great mom
Shizune- tiger mom
Rin- baby might die
Emi- great mom, packs a healthy lunch every day, grandma is helpful too
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I've always enjoyed that there's a big chunk of Rin fans that just hover around the general and lurk, while the other girls get plenty of active posts and praise. Feels appropriate, somehow.

No praise for poor Shizune, alas. I can understand though, she's more fit for worship than mere mundane love.
Lilly >= Shizune (depends on father) > Emi > Hanako > Rin (children would and should be taken by the State)
Mom dies
>I'm sorry for your low-quality experience
Are you for real?
1) I think? I don't feel lust towards any of the Katawas and haven't gotten off to them but I still get off regularly and just fine besides that.
2) All of them
3) I'd say I only love Emi but sometimes I think Rin is so adorable I could kiss her but I don't think it's a romantic love or sexual either so I have no idea what to make of that kek
4) True love? I feel Emi is the first person I truly love and she's not even real! I feel no lust towards her (although I'm sure I could force myself to get turned on if she was hypothetically real and my gf just fine). I only want to do romantic things to and with her.
Goodnight anon.
>Rin fans that just hover around the general and lurk, while the other girls get plenty of active posts and praise.
They're overcompensating for the flaws in their katawas. Feels appropriate, somehow.
It's like watching people try to flex around Arnold. They can't help it.
It's not that deep bro, I'm just lazy, and I'm not reading all the blogposts
That makes no sense. "Low-quality post" should be something outright nonsensical, merely going off-topic won't qualify

>Lilly- baby dies after she leaves it somewhere and forgets about it
Why? She has her flaws, but she doesn't strike me as inattentive. That would be Rin.
Lilly is more likely to do something controversial with full awareness.
Say, divorce Hisao and insist he keeps the baby so she can start over. That's slightly more in-character when you take her dark side into account
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Don't be mean to Emi or I'll cry
You wouldn't want to make me sad would you
I want to fuck her mouth like a pussy.
And make her a single mom.
It's Lilly's route that has the potential to make me angry, but it doesn't matter because I'm full of love and that overshadows everything
>all the blogposts
The last two weeks have been worse than usual.
Wait until Lilly meets Angus and forgets about Hisao entirely
The church's treatment of his family. Obviously it's terrible his mom died, that goes unsaid. Most people seem to like their churches, and the mass connection is what his post was about
Yes, Lilly might intentionally abandon a baby, but not accidentally
>I fear I am not cut out for motherhood, after all. I know I've never spoken to you about this Hisao, but my mother has convinced me to return to Scotland. I'll call you to sort out leaving Lillita in your sole custody
Does this mean you guys don't want to hear about how my day went?
So how was your day bro
Sure, let's just blogpost away and disappoint our katawas with walls of self-centered text.
Did you have KD after only playing some routes (if so, which ones), or did it only happen after you finished them all?

Hey, I did them in the same order. Neat.

Pretty sure mine was caused by Emi's route, but I'd like some objective evidence of whether one route is ever sufficient.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
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The anime watch session on Saturday was honestly the most fun I've had doing something in a while, so special thanks to everyone that stayed to chat. It left me in a really good mood today, and I hope everyone had an equally fun Sunday. To the young French guy in the chat, if you see this, I forgot to say that I was really impressed with your English. Most French people I meet have crippled, so to speak, command of the language and for how young you are that must have taken a lot work.

Good morning to euro-ksg, good luck to the Hanabro going back to work, to Ara's watercolour class, to the guy rebuilding the KS team, and to all of you reading this! Let's try to start this coming week with our best artificial foot forward.
Wow, didn't even think about the fact that his English was so good for being French specifically because it was so good, you're completely right

I'm looking forward to the next one, it gave me a sense of longing for more that I haven't felt in quite some time, it really does make me happy to hear that everybody else enjoyed themself
So many people these days learn English/American that it's easy for me to forget that it's still a whole language to learn. I also see I had a typo in my post, which, well...
I have no knowledge of English classes in countries like Poland or Greece, as examples, but the people I've met from there always had excellent English, so I assume the situation is good. So it took me a while to realize how rarely I see that from French people, even younger ones.

> sense of longing for more
That's a good way description. Been way too long since I've spoken with people that weren't normies. I'm going to try to hit the next one, even if I have to bounce early, and I hope to see you there again. Good night, for now.
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>I've drawn that exact hand pose a couple of weeks ago, and it really is horrendously tricky.
> I don't think she would be able to see anything on an old Nokia.
That's right. Femji is as blind as Kenji by definition.
I need to redo the hand/tablet entirely. If I cant get it done tonight, it'll probably have to wait until after next weekend, as I'll be out of town.
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I said it before and I'm saying it again. This face reminds me of studio ghibli's style.
Goodnight anon.
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>Oh boy i got a text from that boy with no arms
>i wish i could read it
There's a bit of Ghibli to the face. But that body ain't Ghibli, whew
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Yeah, I'm guessing those little nokias didn't have much in the way of accessible features.
Good morning /ksg/ and this time is definitely morning. As i send this im already up and back on the office. When i woke up and saw my extra set alarms was when it really hit me, that i have to get back into this kind of routine and it brought me down a bit. I guess i was blissfully unaware at the time of my leave and felt like it would last forever, never really have to think about anything serious ya know? However, as i looked at the time on my phone i also looked at pic related on my lock screen, she made me feel as if she cheered me on and as i started heading for the subway, Wiosna started playing in my head. I know this all sounds too cheesy or even melodramatic for something as mundane as going back to work but this is how it honestly felt and went down. Considering all that, im willing not let the tough reality bring me down and im gonna focus on the good times that are ahead. For me, for all of /ksg/ and most importantly, for her
Does she know "he" has no arms?
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Good morning /ksg/! On your feet, eyes front
I can't hound you too much, Im sitting today out; if I ran with feet in the current state, I'd be out of commission for a week
No excuses to be lazy though!
>good luck to the Hanabro going back to work
>to the guy rebuilding the KS team
Heh, both me anon, also sorry for not noticing your post i guess i gotta pay more attention in those morning checks of the general from now on. Really appreciate your support.

Morning, just go for it when you're ready, its no good if you overwork yourself.
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She can make out the blur of his silhouette.
Good morning anon.
I wonder what exactly is their vision problem, beyond ONLY LEGALLY. I'm guessing it has something to do with the center of their vision, which would explain why he has a hard time recognizing people.
I'm hearing a lot about people picking up drawing after playing this game, but what about usic?
Has any anon ever told themselves "One day I'm going to produce a track that is half as good as my favourite KataShou track?"

I reverse searched this and found myself on eBay of all places, quite surprising to see people selling merch of a grassroots product which is not Touhou
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They took this from you
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music, of course
Good morning /ksg/ ! Hope you're all having a great day

I also had a ton of fun Saturday, hope we'll get to do it often!
>I was really impressed with your English. Most French people I meet have crippled, so to speak, command of the language
I'm bilingual in English because I pretty much grew up on the internet. I know most French people are horrible at english, it frustrates me too.

>it took me a while to realize how rarely I see that from French people
English classes in France are terrible. I can't blame my fellow baguette eaters for not speaking English, although they're really not helping themselves by avoiding anything in English outside of classes.
Good morning /ksg/.
There isn't really a musical katawa, and music seems a lot more intimidating to approach. Audio software looks like esoteric machinations to me
With drawing, you can just pick up a pen and try. It might look like shit but you can see where you should improve.
For music, you can't make something good without learning music theory. If you try arranging notes at random, you have zero chance of doing something with potential. It'll be fundamentally broken.
That's how I see things at least.
NTA but i was thinking the same. You can have a lot more artistic freedom with drawing and even be all pretentious about it and people will clap. With music however, if you compose raw noise, its raw noise. You really outta make it sound bearable before anything else.
Goodnight /ksg/.
Goodnight Akirabro <3
Goodnight Akirabro
Why isn't she wearing pants
Just trying to even out the wear on her suit.
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Now that the dust has settled, do you think Hideaki was a bit underwritten?
We don't even know why he crossdresses, and that's his main trait
What would a music katawa be like?
Beethoven, obviously.
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Am I stupid, or is this CG not in the gallery? The only one I can find is with Lilly alone.
The prime candidate for doing this, A22, had very little interest in expanding much beyond what he felt was required, so he is a bit underbaked, but I also believe having unexplained traits of characters makes things feel a bit more real, though maybe not in the case of something as glaring as the crossdressing thing
Honestly I don't think about it much, Hideaki is shoved at the back of my mind when thinking about the game

I am also not seeing it so I'm joining you in being stupid if it is there
I always wanted to make something like KS and used to write music and pretend it was the soundtrack to a VN.

There are some people that can make good music without knowing a lot of theory. I think the guy who made Cave Story didn't know a lot about it and I'm pretty sure that Zun didn't either but I might be wrong.
>I always wanted to make something like KS and used to write music and pretend it was the soundtrack to a VN.
Did you end up making anything you're comfortable sharing? Or maybe, something you have already shared elsewhere?

I think two joke characters in a row (Kenji and apparently Hideaki) is a bit too many to be honest.
Would have made more sense if there had been a punchline at the end of the joke; did he lose a bet? Does he have a few screws loose from living with his father and Shizu?
What music do they all listen to
Besides Shizune of course...
>gotta pay more attention
The general is rather busy these days, it's easy to miss posts. I won't be offended if you don't reply, but I'm happy to hear you had such a cute motivational experience to start your day.
Poor Misha. She never asked for this.
That's almost more impressive. I've heard a lot of people on this site say that they learned English from web communities or other media, but it must be frustrating for a long time before you start to understand the majority of it.
You can "just try" with music, too. I just searched for "make music online", clicked one of the links, and put this together in less than four minutes. I don't think it's terrible as the musical analogy of a "sketch", and I didn't use any features besides clicking in the empty boxes to make notes.
Actual musicians seem to have taken some inspiration from the KS soundtrack, but it's true that it's awfully rare in the general.
That came out fairly well, cute butt.
He's a pretty minor character. I mean, we also don't know why Akira is a lawyer, and she's in the story way more than Hideaki. I once heard someone explaining that Hideaki probably cross dresses because he wants to do whatever he feels like, and he'll argue with anyone that tells him he can't, because that's their family dynamic. Jigoro is cool with it because he's proud that his son stands his ground and CRUSHES with LOGIC any attempts by strangers to shame his behavior. I don't know why he's one of the least liked characters, I thought his dynamic with Hisao was very funny.
That CG is one of the dynamic ones. There's a "base" CG with them having no facial expressions. Then the facial expressions are basically sprites layered on top of it. That way they could generate lots of variations on the tea room setting without needing a full-scale image for each separate smile or eye opening/closing. The assets are in the rips, you just have to DIY a specific version if you want one.
I think they have some kind of macular degeneration, so they don't have that sharp central vision, only peripheral, which is why he has problems with faces, and can see, but not really see. It might also have something to do with the scene with him and Lilly falling, though I don't remember who hit who there.
No way would they be able to read an old Nokia phone without some kind of aid.
Sure, I like sharing the stuff I've written... for example...
Finally got the aesthetics in order. I gave transparency to the PNG Heads so that they're not on solid color backgrounds looking off, made a small music bundle of Anthems, Goalhorns and even Chants since we couldnt salvage that either and now the hard part begins, the actual tactics of the team. I wish i could promise you wins this early but i know the bare minimum of divegrass and more so of PES so i'll just go with my limited knowledge and gut and hope for the best.

Once we officially official revive, im going to be taking polls/suggestions for all things team related from you guys. Some things are definetly the player names and their models of which i did some temporary tweaks so if we do play this week, i want your opinion on them, and yes, any form of critisism is welcome. Needless to say im open to suggestions and pointers at any time regardless. Some of you know how to contact me directly but you can always post here as well, i will notice.

It certainly perked me up, and god knows we can use that attitude to start our days.
Definitely. Both him and Shizune's father are my 2 least favorite characters in KS. They're either underdevelopped or straight up annoying.

>There are some people that can make good music without knowing a lot of theory.
That's true but it's definitely not the norm. Only the truly gifted can make good sounding music by ear alone.

>That's almost more impressive ... it must be frustrating for a long time before you start to understand the majority of it.
Ehh not really. I've been learning English online naturally since I was very young (about 7-8), so I learned most of it while I was still learning my native tongue.
I think that's what made English feel so natural to me. If I started learning later on, my brain would've been too used to speak and think in French.
Right now I think in 50/50 English and French in my head.

I'm out of the loop. What's that project you're working on ?
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Nooooo I forgot to avatarfag with an Emi pic
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Here, I made you one as an example
>good cop, bad cop
A handfull of people here myself included, wanted the VGL team of the general to be revived, so i took the opportunity to do just that and the last few weeks i've been knee deep into that, in a few moments i'll go through a verification process and hopefully all goes well and make /ksg/ a live team again. This is just the beginning though. There's a lot of work to be done so this is obviously going to be a team effort. We got an anon interested into working on the team's aesthetics (player models, outfits, etc) and another who is interested into fixing up the team's wiki page and of course any form of support is very welcome. I will get into proper details once im done with verification, finger's crossed!
What's VGL ?
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I didn't get my coffee early enough today, so I decided to have tea instead. Rather than follow Ara's daily tea suggestions, I decided to use the one loose leaf tea I have on hand: "Yabukita Niyodogawa", a single origin offering of the popular yabukita cultivar steamed-leaf green tea, produced near the town of Niyodogawa in Kouchi prefecture (the southern half of Shikoku. It is a fresh bag, containing this: https://shop.senchado.jp/products/1296?variant=40441345769537

I rather painstakingly produced myself 240 ml by following the instructions as closely as I could readily manage. The color and appearance are an extremely attractive semi-clouded bright green: a tad more opaque than the page's image, yet with some of the cloudiness settling over time, reminding me in a way of a hearty miso soup. It promised a relaxed, yet fun, start to the morning.

The initial sip could best be described as "vile". The aroma is difficult to describe, an off-putting odor perhaps most akin to lawn trimmings accidentally left in a sealed bag for a couple days. While this did not change throughout the cup, the flavor became somewhat more agreeable as my tastebuds resigned themselves to the situation. There is a faint sweetness detectable from behind the characteristic bitterness present in tea, the latter of which coats the tongue more strongly, alongside a noticeable (yet not overpowering) astringency. As an overall experience, I was left in a state of subtle disquiet, and a not-so-subtle desire to have other edible substances introduced to my mouth.

I still have 22 g of sencha to dispense with, so tomorrow I shall attempt to more accurately gauge my water's temperature, as I believe that was the most imprecise step of my preparation.
>Beverage rating: 2 / 10
>Tea-specific rating: 3 / 10
>Lilly: 0
>Hisao: 1
bro really isnt beating the personal blog allegations
Shizune could still enjoy something with heavy bass.
As for the others, classical for Lilly seems a safe bet. Emi, probably something energetic to listen to while running, maybe edm. Misha strikes me as a k-pop fan. Hanako probably something calming and mellow, maybe lofi hiphop, maybe classical to imitate Lilly. Rin strikes me as the type to not listen to music as it would be distracting.
I like to imagine Misha putting on her Bush/Cheney swag and listening to classic country music when she thinks no one is around. She doesn't really understand the lyrics, but she feels the yearning vocals.
I have bad vision (not Kenji nor Kenji-poster bad), and it just means everything is blurry. I can still make out from color matches and overall shape that there's someone walking toward me and they're probably wearing a hat, but their facial features won't be clear enough for me to positively identify them until they are just a few steps away. No special eye problems necessary, just typical poor acuity.
These are cool! The first one I would play while enjoying a calm beach sunset. The second one feels like a film soundtrack, with good emotionality. Nice work. I don't know why, but the musical style itself reminds me of the main track from Dwarf Fortress (I have no musical knowledge).
I wrote them a while ago and when I dug it out it also made me think of the Dwarf Fortress theme funnily enough
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>I have bad vision
Can you distinguish between Lilly and Saki?
Come on, that's too easy and it overlaps with Shizune.
Obvious one would be Lilly/ another blind one, from the sensitivity to sound.
As for something more creative, maybe a mute (but not deaf) who insists on expressing emotion through sound?
Lilly has bigger secrets
Crippy dreams /ksg/
Goodnight /ksg/
Today was prety quiet huh ? I guess that's how mondays are.
>As for something more creative, maybe a mute (but not deaf) who insists on expressing emotion through sound?
That would be neat, maybe she's also very popular and communicative with everyone to further demonstrate her desire to connect and also as a mirror to Shizune.
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Good evening, /ksg/. I've been awfully busy today, with classes and preparing a surprise for you all. It isn't the collage just yet, but please look forward to an art related announcement tomorrow. The weather here is officially chilly enough for me to take my thickest sweaters out of my closet, and unfortunately my favourite has stretched out so much I can wear it as a dress now. However, we mustn't let these things ruin our day, and it's cute like this too. My recommended tea for the day is Sencha, the most popular choice for green tea enthusiasts. I have a variety with dried figs and forest fruits mixed in, which gives it an absolutely delightful sweetness to each sip.

That's so amusing, I had planned Sencha for today's recommendation before I read your post. I would encourage you to ensure your water isn't too hot, as you've surmised, as it does make green tea far more bitter. However, most green tea does have a bit of a grassy taste to it, so perhaps you'd enjoy a flavoured blend, or a black tea instead? A chai could even be more your... cup of tea. I'm looking forward to hear your report tomorrow, anon.

Talking about one's life has been a part of this general's culture since the game first released, and if it bothers you, might I recommend posting something about the visual novel you'd like to discuss, as others are doing around you?

Thank you for your well wishes, anon, my watercolour class was terrific. It's such a pleasurable medium to use, my preferred way to paint without competition. Even if the paints, paper, and brushes for class cost as much as my groceries for a weeks!

My preferred saint to pray to is St. Jeanne. I read a book about her as a child and very quickly became inspired to be so dauntless in the face of adversity. Jeanne is also my confirmation name for this reason. My mother's preferred saint is St. Agatha, and since I'm often poorly, I'll say a few words to her also.
Is not gay if Shizune forces him to suck your dick right?
Hanako's tits looking kinda heavy here. I should hold them for her.
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>ywn crank up the Johny Cash and stomp your feet and clap your hands with Misha
>ywn yodel along to Webb Pierce
>ywn dance to Dolly Parton
>ywn sing along with a tear in your eye to Tammy Wynette while comforting each other
Small update, If things go as they should, /ksg/ is coming back for a friendly match this week, will elaborate more on said match if its settled.

>The /vg/ League is the series of simulated soccer tournaments played on games from the Pro Evolution Soccer series, which determines the roster of 4CC team /vg/.

More info on the wiki

Hello Aranon, you certainly got me intrigued, wonder what you got in store for us. The weather here has also started to change at last, it was even slightly chill outside today, cant wait to fully embrace the winter comfy.

You shouldnt be touching what doesnt belong to you.
>chilly enough for sweaters
God I wish it were even close to that cool here
>just typical poor acuity
Dude, just wear glasses.
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I can't believe my good luck to land on the tea of the day. I have a meat thermometer (#BornToGrill) I'll use to double check the temperature tomorrow. Your suggestion is on point: I do indeed love chai, and the usual tea I keep on hand for such situations are bagged Ceylon and English/Irish breakfasts.
>stretched out so much
I'm sorry to presume you might not know this, but you do store them in your closet laid out flat, right? Because if they are on hangers sweaters will stretch out very quickly. At least you can cosplay that VN sprite of you better now
That's funny, when you mentioned the class my first thought was "I wonder how much she spends on art supplies?". But every hobby is expensive, even the cheap ones I favor.

Not gay for him, but gay for you. You're only off the hook if Shizune forced you both.
Excellent post, anon.
>Tammy Wynette
Exactly who I had in mind. I only learned of her somewhat recently, from "Five Easy Pieces", a great movie.
Yeah, this is one of the hottest parts of the year for me as well, so that confused me for a minute. A solid 95 F / 35 C at the lake I was at yesterday.
You think I can't make out faces from a few feet away, but walk around without glasses or contacts? I was trying to show that standard vision deficiencies are sufficient to explain not being able to recognize people in a hallway or read things from fairly close distances. Only because I've noticed that people with good vision are usually sort of confused / curious about how it works.
>You think I can't make out faces from a few feet away, but walk around without glasses or contacts
Sorry man. the number of times people have tried to relate to my disability with "oh I'm blind w/o my glasses".
No offense taken, I was just confused because the description I gave seemed fairly self-evidently unworkable for daily life. I think my vision is terrible, but when I went to see recently if my prescription changed, the optometrist said it was "more or less average" for his patients. Grim. My heart goes out to you, seriously.
>I only learned of her somewhat recently, from "Five Easy Pieces", a great movie.
That's a really good movie and I remember being really emotionala fter watching it but you
Go watch 'The Blues Brothers' Right now!
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That's so exciting, looking forward to the match, Hanafriend! You'll have to let us know the time so we can cheer on the team. The surprise is mostly relevant to other artists, but it should be a good thing for everyone, I think. I just went overboard making my silly little announcement image and I'm running a day late with it.

Consider moving somewhere more Northern, anon! I'm in an awfully chilly country but it's perfect for me. I'll take a snowy day cuddled up with a hot cup of matcha over a sweaty Summer every time. I also love the rain, which suits my choice of city well.

I suppose a meat thermometer should work well enough, but something about using it for tea bothers me in a way that isn't rational. It just feels wrong. But, in service of better preparing your Sencha, I'll look past this transgression. The stale bagged tea I cannot forgive. It will be blades at dawn.

In theory, I am aware that wool should always be laid out flat. In practice, I was in a hurry while unpacking from my move earlier this year, and did not think very hard about it. Even the sleeves go down my hands now, it's firmly a house sweater because of this. The thought of cosplaying myself makes my head hurt. I think "I" was given a shirt-dress and a cardigan, anyway. I spend a genuinely disgusting amount on art supplies every year, at the expense of budgeting in nearly every other area. I'm frugal with most of my expenses so I can afford nice tea, artist quality supplies, and make-up and skincare because I'm unfortunately a creature of vanity.

A very delayed goodnight, Emifriend. Some days are just busier than others, it's difficult to predict when the general will be active or quiet and I gave up on the endeavour years ago.
you should post some of the outfits you wear ara~non. i bet they're cute.
>My heart goes out to you, seriously.
It's all good. Have cane, will travel.
Which katawa would make the best travel companion? The worst?
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>thought of cosplaying myself
Isn't that just... getting dressed?
Shizune would get everything set up for the trip, zero effort on your part during any of it
Hard to say, probably Lilly because you have to assist her in navigating a place she's not familiar with? Possibly Rin because no arms and she seems like she'd be a hassle to corral, this one is much harder to pinpoint
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I've seen it, but so long ago that I don't remember it nearly at all, apart from the big car chase sequence. I'll add it to my watch list, thank you.
Indoor cozy days totally trump panicking about heat and desparately trying to cool down.
>stale bagged tea
They're individually wrapped at least! But if it comes to blades, I'll hope my sensei can forgive me for going all-out, just this once. Your expenditures are reasonable; there are way worse vices to lose money to. Unless your make-up is garish and totally obscuring your face, but I don't think anyone concerned about skincare would do that. Andacardiganisasweater
Sorry if my response was brusque, it's hard for me to avoid that in text. May your feet find level sidewalks.
Getting dressed as the drawing representing our collective imagined form of the her that exists as established by anonymous text posts, that is!
For variety I will say best is Emi because she has the energy and enthusiasm to make the most out of the trip and see/do as much as possible. Worst is Rin, because it would be hard to tell if she's enjoying something or not. Als, she is very likely to wander off without warning and get lost in a crowd or by choosing streets at random downtown. It's a good question.
Forgot to reply to this: what happened to your feet? Just blisters I hope? Glad to hear it sounds like you'll be back on "track" soon anyway.
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A very sweet compliment, but I Will Not Be Doing That, and I hope you understand.

Hm, it would depend entirely on where you're sourcing them, I suppose. Some tea merchants do sell loose leaf pre-bagged, which is more acceptable. I'm not sure if explaining my taste in make-up would make much sense to anyone but myself here, but yes, I am particular about the products I select and avoid heavy foundation, preferring a diligent skincare routine and a lighter tinted moisturiser. A cardigan can be a sweater, but sometimes it's simply a thick jacket. Or a buttoned shawl. There's nuisance to these things, my dear anon.

I was referring to the illustration someone made based on what they think I look like, which is a really odd thing to think about. At least it wasn't a romance scene.

I would most enjoy travelling with Rin, as I think she'd have something interesting to say about where-ever we ventured to. She'd also be relaxed and wouldn't overly stress about particulars, which is my least favourite quality when travelling with someone. I would probably least prefer to travel with Shizune, because she'd want every detail and schedule planned to the smallest of factors, which isn't my idea of an enjoyable trip.
>At least it wasn't a romance scene
Careful encouraging that in here. Next thing you know, it's lewds or fatposting
>Lilly because you have to assist her in navigating a place she's not familiar with?
It's a lot easier travelling blind now than in the time of KS. I think it would be difficult because she's kind of sedentary.
Travelling with girls is generally terrible.
>do less than half as much
>they love tourist traps, so
>spend 5-7x as much
>impossible for them to travel light
>must make pit stops every 90 minutes
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Emi might travel light.
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KS is on steam for just a few weeks, and already ksg is hijacked by larpers blogposting
I never thought it'd end this way, but I should have known.
And you believe the best alternative to this is porn
Blogposting is mental masturbation, except people are forced to watch.
Imagine you go to a movie, and someone jumps in and stands in front of it to talk about their day for 45 minutes.
I didn't defend blogposting, I asked if you thought the best alternative to it is porn
Femji is for funny, not lewd. Sorry if your mind went there.
>nuisance to these things
A-are you a p-phoneposter? Anyway, I suppose it's regional, because here a cardigan is only a sweater. Anyone implying otherwise in my town would likely face summary ostracizing at the very least.

Perhaps, but not nearly always. If you pick a like-minded partner it's just as fun as with a guy. You do different things than with men, but that's the benefit: they'll think of activities or locations that men wouldn't. Also one of my old gfs actually packed lighter than me, because womens' clothes are smaller and she was a minimalist in general. Pit stops don't take very long

>Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Blog Posting Hatred Real
>Hahahaha Nigga Just Scroll Past The Post Like Nigga Move On Haha
We still talk about KS all the time. But for anyone that didn't just play it, we've covered the core material over and over. Yes, Shizune has the sexiest body. Yes, Emi and lemons. At least blogposters are following the game's lessons and trying to reach out and learn about other people, mutually encourage one another to succeed and live better lives, and make friends so we don't end up on a roof, full of whiskey and loneliness.
More to the point of thread quality, this is the best it's been in a long time. There's all sorts of OC in the works or already done, new people are learning about the game, and spirits are high. Forgive me, but you're being a poo poo butt
Oh my GOD I can't believe /ksg/ is still alive, I heard Katawa Shoujo had a steam release the other day and it reminded me to check on you guys.

Has the steam release helped boost activity in the thread at least somewhat or is it always like this?
It definitely seemed to boost activity. We had a Census conducted around the same time that just finished, and from the first chart you can see we had a few that stuck around and noticed it

Only time will tell if the activity level drops back down, but I would say things are quite promising. If you like KS you should come by more often, it's much better than it was a while back.
>this is the best it's been in a long time
"Yay, people are interested in me!"
>we've covered the core material over and over.
So, you're saying you don't want to talk about Katawa Shoujo anymore? Because you talk about everything but this weird self-insert fetish you're stroking off to.
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>So, you're saying you don't want to talk about Katawa Shoujo anymore?
>We still talk about KS all the time.
I don't think the picture you sent was particularly funny. You should try to be funnier in the future.
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where in latawa shoujo is your clothes and makeup regimen.
excuse me sir
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Yeah, some of these larpers also seem to be suffering from some extreme katawa dick, to the point that they are pushing their weird antiporn agenda here, like buddy the game has sex scenes and some of them are kind of hot
Not really seeing the humor on this one, try one more time and maybe I'll be convinced
This is what i don't get. Who picks 4chan, in the cripple-fucker-game general, to be a prude?
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
People who want all the thirst aimed at them.
the sex scenes were my least favourite part of the game
I accidentally replied to someone oops
but that is my opinion and I am sticking to it
goodmorninn /ksg/, dont die while im not sleep
>ara ara
It all makes sense now.
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Not enough time to finish this, maybe next week.
Looking good!
Good morning /ksg/
Same old same old ran them a bit too hard, on the bench for a day or two
I struggle with line and faces, and I really like looking at your line. Just makes me think "damn, thats neat"
She's watching over us.
Very nice start
A watchful protector
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>I struggle with line and faces
Undo is my favorite, but it makes these take forever since I have no confidence in my strokes.
>inb4 that's what she said
I don't know why, but the fact that you always post these with the little palettes on the side makes them extra nice. Like it's more tangibly "home made" or something.
Thanks! It's for consistency. If I add a texture or shading/lighting layer, I can quickly spot sample a color if I missed a pixel or two.
Oh sure, but you don't delete them or hide the layer before uploading, and that's the part I like. Anyway, it's a strikingly cute Emilly, and thank you for sharing it with us.
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Thanks! She's a lot of fun to draw.
F F friday night motherfuckas!
What're you picking up your katawa in?
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FIAT 126p, time traveler-kun
My beefy arms (if I can pretend it's Friday, I can pretend my arms are beefy)
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I have off tomorrow, and totally brain farted lol
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Black 2018 Alfa Romeo Giulia
>they're all black to her though
Good morning /ksg/
Its been a very busy day yesterday so im hoping that today is gonna be less so.

Thank you! i will definitely post reminders here do not worry.

>The surprise is mostly relevant to other artists, but it should be a good thing for everyone, I think.
The more fanart the better either way, cant wait.
Good morning my hanigga
Same car as Akira.
Good morning anon.
thank you guys, hope the rest of your day is a breeze too.
Cooked shrimp!
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>Ara hours end
>katawa art hours begin
Nature is healing.
Good morning /ksg/!
I hope you enjoyed your morning run, and let the rest of your day be great too!
Good morning anon.
This is a blue board, the sex scenes can be disabled, not everyone finds them entertaining and there's plenty of plot occurring outside of them.

You all had literally years to engage in nothing but lewdposting, can it ever be someone else's turn?

I think constant blogposting, in particular to the point where anonymity is somewhat eroded, can also be bad, but it's not against the rules per se, unlike posting borderline visual material (and only one of them is a source of embarrassment if a third person finds themselves looking at your screen)


>we've covered the core material over and over.
I think there are a few intricacies that not everyone is still aware of. Such as That One Thing in Lilly's route, which evidently not everyone is familiar with, as an example

>At least blogposters are following the game's lessons and trying to reach out and learn about other people, mutually encourage one another to succeed and live better lives, and make friends so we don't end up on a roof, full of whiskey and loneliness.
I thought one ended up on that roof if they had no romantic option to turn to, which is not quite the same thing...
I hate whiskey, it tastes like shit
>You all had literally years to engage in nothing but lewdposting, can it ever be someone else's turn?
Turn for what? attention whoring? lewdposting will always be here regardless of what any of you blogposting prudes say
I don't have a problem with blogposters. I just said the anti-porn people should stfu.
>You all had literally years to engage in nothing but lewdposting
Stop making a false argument as if self-indulgent blogposting and porn are the only options.
There's also the fucking game.
You know, how we got here.
What's your katawa crash highscore gamer-san
I miss that game. It was silly fun.
It's still playable
Maybe we could do a tournament
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Once you got enough speed, you could just leave it running for minutes at a time unattended.
>Stop making a false argument as if self-indulgent blogposting and porn are the only options.
Stop making a false argument as if I hadn't explicitly said that there is such a thing as too much blogposting

>I just said the anti-porn people should stfu.
What does "stfu" entail? This is a blue board, outright pornposts will be deleted and borderline posts cannot help but make at least a few people frown
Surely the skillfull intricacies didn't elude you gamer-san. Do you mean to whimp out of some healthy competition?
>What does "stfu" entail?
It means
I'm going to stop feeding this one
This board has it's traditions, if you hate lewdposting you should go back and stop trying to enforce your rules to people that have been doing this for years
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Best satou
Hey Hisao Im kinda hungry, we should have a 15th scene about grabbing food
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This guy gets it.
This is the dumbest fight ever. Hide the blogposts if you don't like them, hide the porn if you don't like it. We're on #4009 for a 12 year old game, not every post is going to be about the story. Coexist you idiots.
There was cohesion before the steam release
You're telling me a large amount of new people joined and there's an adjustment period? That's crazy, nobody could have predicted such a course of events. You're not making the thread better by bitching, there's clearly two kinds of posters and all fighting is going to achieve is making everyone hate it here. Post what you want to post and ignore what you don't like.
Goodnight /ksg/.
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Woah, mind blown

Two words: blue board
The only posts that matter are the shitposts.
Probably my F82 M4
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The only posts that matter are my posts and the (You)s I get
>we also don't know why Akira is a lawyer
Lilly wants to be an English teacher, so it's fair to assume the Satous have higher verbal intelligence than average

It could also be that Akira developed a strong sense of what's right and what's wrong growing up (specifically, through her resentment towards their parents), and that convinced her to go in that direction
Good afternoon /ksg/ !
Just came back from my run of today. I got new running shoes, they're way better than the cheap ones I was using (ouch). I can now run a good 800m with no problem!
Btw, the ZZZ OST is peak workout music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUzbJhzBwIg

How's you day going ?
She's a lawyer for the family company, so I doubt it has much to do with morality. I think it's just a high profile position that lets her stay within the family business
Going good and good going, had the revelation of new running shoes myself recently. Feel well enough to get back ok the track tommorow morning
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>Lilly's artist died
>but not her writer, who wants to be a girl and has a coinflip chance of killing himself
always thought that was odd
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>has a coinflip chance of killing himself
Ain't us all
Not even sure what route this is referring to off the top of my head but I still laughed
>the man who drew a drawing you literally fell in love with has been in the afterlife for 4 years already

We still have Raita, at least
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>blue board
Lewds allowed
Porn, not allowed.
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Zamn! Saki looks like THAT?!
Well, Hisao wasn't exactly romantically engaged with anyone by the time of the fork in Act 1. And if he does go on the roof, it's because he has no friends to carnivalize with. I don't think he considers Kenji his friend by that point!
Chase it with pickle juice, mix it with cola, or drink better whiskey. Cheap whiskey is noticeably worse, and I'm saying that as someone that isn't even big on drinking.
I hope the departing student council took that vending machine with them as a souvenir. They earned it.
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And the artfriends.
>Well, Hisao wasn't exactly romantically engaged with anyone by the time of the fork in Act 1

>And if he does go on the roof, it's because he has no friends to carnivalize with. I don't think he considers Kenji his friend by that point!
He certainly considers Ken at least a *potential* friend, otherwise he would turn down the invitation and just remain in his bedroom and cry/read a book

>whisky and cola
That's a no from me, sorry. I'd personally recommend soda water or fruit juice

Fairly sure it's Shizu's
Whiskey is the best taste that actually-trying-to-get-drunk alcohol has to offer
I like your Akira headcanon, even though as >>495792569 notes, she is ultimately working for the parents. But I think we can all approve of hypotheses that attribute positive qualities to The Good Satou.
Nice calls, way to focus on your health. I had some cheap shoes that were causing knee pain, and it subsided right after getting a new pair. The "impact" is no joke.
Although not as strong "shot for shot", sake is extremely easy to knock back quickly. I don't buy into the whole "anything sweet mixed with alcohol is going to give you a nasty hangover" idea. I get much worse hangovers from (equally strong) wine, probably because of sulfates or something unique to that. I'm also a big fan of the smokiness of mescal, but that might not be as generally appealing as whiskey.
Fruit juice and whiskey? Or fruit juice on its own? Because the latter won't bring the party, so to speak.
Yeah terrible when they die so young. One of my favorite artists has been gone just over 2 years now.
We could have had the perfect artist for ks2. Fuck cancer.
As mixers, of course. The topic is whisky

Do you happen to know how old he was, give or take?

Doesn't hangover intensity depends on how opaque/transparent the booze is?

>The Good Satou.
Well, there *are* arguments supporting the idea of Lilly as the Evil Satou
>hangover intensity
I think it's almost entirely due to dehydration. I would hazard a guess that something with more solutes in it might dehydrate you faster, but I'm not sure how much of a difference it would make. From what little research I can readily find on the topic, there doesn't seem to be noticeable impact on hangover rates from beverage type.
>Lilly as the Evil Satou
That's why Akira is always checking in on her, and why her parents want her back under their supervision. They saw what she was like growing up. What happened to that seeing-eye dog of hers, one wonders?
Nott exactly, I remember one time he made a post about his first time seeing a girl in a wheelchair and said it was about 25 years ago, which lead me to believe he was probably in the range of mid 30s to early 40s.
>That One Thing in Lilly's route
okay, you got me, what is it
Oh yes, Evil Lilly
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Are these new? They're cute!
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from this month i think, unless they're reposts
>Evil Satou
>That's why Akira is always checking in on her, and why her parents want her back under their supervision.
There's some dark legacy thing going in, that Lilly needs to be old enough to take over.
She's not as much blind as consumed by darkness.
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Good evening, /ksg/, I have a little announcement today. As my survey revealed many of you have taken up art for the very first time, and in a bit of a longstanding tradition for the general, I've organised a new art club!


I'll be joined by another lovely drawfriend from the general who does lovely work, and we'll be taking turns posting a weekly prompt. We'll be providing feedback, when requested, and posting some tips and resources to help you grow as an artist. Even if you're an established artist already, it's a good opportunity to draw along and make friends with other artists who love the visual novel. The first prompt will be up later this evening. Don't be discouraged if you've never drawn before, all that matters is your passion!
thread celebrity worship, my favorite!
great expressions
Thank you for organizing this, very good idea. So does this mean the art club is organized through Steam rather than /ksg/ itself?
>art club is run by a duo
>art club is only named after Ara
Fellas, is this a credit mogging?
We demand justice for Threeheadguy right now
Theo is helping me with the prompts, but most of the organisation will be done by yours truly. He doesn't really want his name in the group header, but I will pass on your concerns and I'm sure he appreciates your thoughtfulness. And you're very welcome, I'm hoping the group will lead to a lot of new artwork being produced! There's been such a lovely atmosphere of creativity in the thread lately, giving everyone a little push seemed only natural.
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Heres another pic he did.
I was waiting for this, I just wasn't sure who'd be the first to do it. You seem like the best person for the job Aranon. Good luck with it.
I had to leave my highschool and got put in yamanaku cuz i got diagnosed with incel chud
Does yamaku have an incel chud class or did they put you with Kenji in the Blind Band
emi long hair is looong
it's an pandemic right now
I'm still confused, we need to join to the steam group to participate or?
Kenji's a fakecel, he doesn't qualify. I'm in the class all the way in the back. alone
My apologies anon, I made assumptions based on old /ksg/ art groups and didn't consider new posters well enough. The structure of the group is a weekly prompt will be posted in the Steam group. It's public, so you don't need to be a member of the group to view the prompt, and you can post it in the thread exclusively if you prefer.

However, I'm using a Steam group so we can have discussion threads on each week's prompt, where people can post WIP's or discuss challenges they're encountering. There's also a group chat function, so we could schedule set times to draw together, as having company can help avoid procrastination. The point is to grow as an artist and create more Katawa Shoujo fanart for the thread, so please use it however you think would be most helpful for you.
b& for notheng!!
sweet, that's very clear. I will check it out when I have time
watch it bud, you're treading on global 8
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Reposting the art prompt from the group for convenience. Draw your Katawa happy! it's what she wants!
oh wait i just have limited user acc
I'm going to pass for now, as i'll be out of town for a while.
Thanks for the offer, and good luck, self-insert anon.
>>art club is run by a duo
>>art club is only named after Ara
*morpheus hm increases*
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Now that's a great idea! I've gathered some stuff to draw with earlier today, and you post this right after lol.
I'm gonna be atrocious at it but I'll try something soon.
unban in chat pidoras
Why is it not katawashoujoartclub
There are already a few /ksg/ Steam art groups in the pastebin, I wanted to distinguish it from them. Naming them after the artist who makes them seems like it was the done thing, and I thought having a little character on the image would be cute, since an anon drew her before, it seemed like it could encourage people to join. I didn't expect it to be controversial at all, honestly.
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This is such a wholesome first prompt. I will make a shitty contribution for the sake of a happy katawa.
Blogging to a minimum: meat thermometer saved the day, being a high precision device. The water I had been using was coming out way too hot, you were right. Now my tea looks and tastes as it should. It still ain't coffee, but it's at least a pleasant experience now.
>mfw she's planning an art club empire, and YKK is next after KS
>the pastebin
Which reminds me, there's also a collection of art guides in there kindly uploaded by a Rinbro for anyone interested
>there's also a collection of art guides in there kindly uploaded by a Rinbro
Yooo there's a ton of stuff in there! I'll check it out thx
ah fuck you /ksg/, and goodnight
goodnight gondon
Turns out my day was equally hectic today, however i come with good news. The /ksg/ team will be having a friendly match against /llsifg/ this Sunday! I will also post reminders so that people here wont miss it, i really hope everyone is excited as i am and and be there for the first match after so long.

>Day's program

>The stream itself

Thats pretty nice, although im not an artist, would it be fine to join so i can keep track of the activities?
The Andrew Loomis books were pretty interesting reads too.
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resting for the roon, goodnight /ksg/
yea come on in mate, all's welcome
I can't make that time on Sunday, but I'll rooting for the team inside my head, and I look forward to hearing about it. Man, there's a lot of info on that site you linked.
I think I've seen him mentioned on other boards as well. I'll add that link to the pastebin, thanks anon.
Official art club business aside, I hope you've all had a lovely day so far, /ksg/. Things have seemed a bit heated today, but I hope this community can continue to be a comfortable space for everyone. My recommended tea for the day is Jade Nantou, a Taiwanese Oolong that tastes a little sweeter on its second steep, but is delicious for both with an earthy and floral taste.

I'm glad you like the prompt! The first week's was actually Theo's suggestion, I just typed out the announcement. He's been such a helpful collaborator. I wouldn't let the blogging comments get too under your skin, especially discussing tea. /ksg/ is a unique corner of the site, and our friends here will always have different ideas of what it should be, but what matters is we're kind to one another.

I'm so glad the Sencha turned out better this time, there's a chemical explanation for why green tea becomes so bitter involving nitrogen and caffeine content, but I've never had a head for those things. And please don't give away my secret plans, those were told in confidence.

Oh, so it'll be a battle to see who has the cutest anime girls, then? I'm looking forward to it, thank you for organising it, Hanafriend. And you're more than welcome to join the group just to say hello.

Loomis' "Fun With a Pencil" is often given as the easiest starting point for any artist who wants to get into serious studies. I would also highly encourage Michael Hempton's "Figure Drawing: Design and Invention" which was the first drawing method to click with my brain, so to speak. Something about the flow of his lines really speaks to me. There's also ProkoTV on youtube, who summarises books into bite sized focused tutorials, and I cannot recommend him enough. I've linked an awfully helpful playlist for beginners.


Goodnight, anon.
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Count me in then!

Thats a shame but your support is appreciated none the less. Yes, the wiki is a treasure trove of info, although the /ksg/ page is severly outdated, hopefully that will change in the future.

Not just any anime girls, former champions even, so its safe to say im rather nervous for this match plus the deadlines have gotten to me. Made a cup of tea as well to continue testing calmly, really hope it all goes decently well, gotta keep the hype going!
>goth loli Hanako
Which fashion subculture best suits each katawa?
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Raita comes up with the best girls.
I could kinda see Emi as a gyaru
And Misha too
>once your eyes get adjusted to the dark
>ara ara you can see things people in the light can't
>New art challenges group
>Back in the VGL
>80 people in the survey
KSG has never been so back. Thank fuck for the steam release.
My guesses are predictable but here:

I would agree on the Gothic Lolita but i think it can attract too much attention on her. I guess something that utilizes hats to a great degree is more certain.

Thats an easy one as well. Sundresses and generally high-class clothing is perfect for her.

Breakdancing clothes through and through, i think she'd enjoy wearing baggy pants too.

Business outfits, suits, OL style would be so her.

Thats a tough one for me actually. I do think overalls with suspenders really suit her. Im not sure if she'd like short sleeved shifts or jackets for that matter. Open-toe shoes all the time.

Flashy american clothing, logos and everything. Think Hamada Masatoshi.
Not enough upper back / shoulder appreciation out there. Actually insane how every part of a woman is attractive
>what abo--
I said every part
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This guy gets it.
Just 80? damn
Goodnight /ksg/
I only half-finished a school project due tomorrow, hope I'll survive...

You guys get it
I think there are also some people that pop in and out of the thread and might not have noticed the census going on.
You're getting up early to at least put together a bare-bones conclusion to it, right?
Goodnight anon.
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It will take former champions to stand a chance against us! Maybe if they trained for a thousand years, they'd be able to score a single goal. You have nothing to be nervous about, Hanafriend, you've done an amazing job putting this together for us and it'll be a fun time no matter what. Between that, the movie nights, and the art challenges, maybe we should start keeping a weekly events calendar.

I'm going to answer with fashion subcultures because this is a special interest of mine.
Lilly I could see enjoying romantic academia, or classic lolita, something elegant and understated.
Hanako in mori kei, old fashioned and lots of layers, a stylish fashion that still allows her to hide away a bit.
Emi I could see in casual girly, a specific Japanese fashion subculture that's a mixture of frilly feminine clothes and more casual streetwear.
Shizune would also wear a substyle of the girly fashion culture, but otona girly would suit her better. It has a more mature and professional look.
Rin would look amazing in boystyle ouji, but it might be too much effort for her. Maybe a bohemian artsy look would suit her best.
Misha is the most likely candidate to enjoy a flashy extreme look, so pink decora is the obvious choice.

Just superb taste, anon. I couldn't agree more, women are like fine works of art and should be appreciated respectfully and with consideration to all aspects of the work.

I don't feel as though the general has had this much energy about it since just after release. It's sincerely enormously wonderful.
Would Emi wear those sin tight sports clothes?
>You're getting up early to at least put together a bare-bones conclusion to it, right?
Maybe I'll do something very quickly. I'll still have a bit of time left tomorrow
Or I can blame it all on my group bc they really didn't do shit
Seems like rushing towards deadlines is gonna be a common theme here? Either way i wish you luck.

Your sheer confidence in our team does put a smile on my face and my mind at ease. But i really do hope its not a disasterous comeback, gotta make it count ya know?

>Between that, the movie nights, and the art challenges, maybe we should start keeping a weekly events calendar.
We've surely perked up the place in more ways than one and i gotta admit i've never seen such immediate willingness and positive feedback from all sides. Makes everything really worth it and cant help but be curious for the future.
>blame it all on my group
This is why group projects are so important. Most things in school are just busywork, but only group projects serve to train you for the adult world. Wherein people continue to be the useless scum they were in school, just slightly matured.
I literally just finished Rin's route like 5 minutes ago as I am typing this. I don't know what the fuck happened but I was just reading and literally as soon as it ended I started crying but it wasn't just a few tears it was full on crying help me
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and there that is everything right
I have been slowly reading everything over the last month and now its over
i dont know what to say right now
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Hi friend, welcome to the Katawa Dick Experiencie.
Rin has a special power for the delayed breakdown. Congratulations!
>that is everything right
There is a little gallery section with CGs and images, you can check if everything is in there. Technically, there are a lot of small path branches and dialogue snippets you can find in the game by making unusual choices in Act 1, but that's for a future replay. Way to go taking your time with it!
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Rin will do that to a person. You're among kindred spirits, anon, feel free to talk about your experience with the game as you work through your feelings.
>Ended everything with the most depressing route
I feel bad for you
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Of course!
I don't make long posts on 4chan so I don't know how to write this
I think it was back in July when I saw it was getting released on steam, I had heard about it before but never bothered to look it up or anything. I guess I was just bored and decided to see what everyone had been talking about for the last 12 years. I don't remember how I ended up here in this general either.
Anyway I may have ruined the experience somewhat by using a guide because I wanted to read Shizune first just because I thought she was cute. I enjoyed it and I really like her and Misha because they are fun. After that I read Lily because I think everyone was talking about her here and her route did cause tears but no uncontrollable crying. Then I read Emi and I guess at this point I knew this was a sad game so I kinda expected the feels but I didn't cry and I actually felt bad for not crying. After that I had Hanako and Rin and I decided to save Rin for last because I liked her in Emi's route. So then I read Hanako and enjoyed it like all the other routes and was expecting the sad parts so again didn't cry. I thought I was unable to feel emotions like if this game doesn't make me cry what will. I don't even know what I am saying here I don't think I need to explain the routes because everyone has read them all.
I guess I don't know how to properly explain myself
You're not alone there, I've seen very few people who have been able to concisely put into words what Katawa Shoujo said to them, and what it means to them
Using a guide is fine, no shame in that, I'm glad you got something out of your journey
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Anyway then I started slowly reading Rin's route and I made it through all the depressing stuff. I kinda knew the game was coming to an end soon so I was just thinking what do I do after this but then once I got to this part with the flowers and sunset that is when I started uncontrollably crying.
I missed all of the credits because I took my glasses off and just couldn't stop crying
No game has ever done this to me before
I enjoyed every route but I do not plan on reading the bad endings
10/10 will read again someday
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Rin often doesn't know how to express herself, but she does her best regardless. What matters is that you feel what you feel, anon. It's wonderful that the game resonated with you so deeply, and you'll likely be reeling for the next few days. Everyone here has been through it themselves, it's a special visual novel. It really breaks down the dams in your heart and drowns you in a flood of sentiment. And that's okay. It's good, even!
that was quite the day today but i think all the effort is gonna be worth it. Before i go, i'll leave you with question.

if you had to describe your Katawa with 4 words, which ones would it be?

for Hanako, i'd say: Compassionate, Relatable, Beautiful and Beloved.

Im going to check your responses tomorrow. Goodnight.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
What would Rin's opinions be on Bob Ross?
Don't think she'd feel strongly about him one way or the other, at least to the extent that she'd express anything
She'd appreciate that he sees art as an outlet, but would probably disagree with what he has to say about it, and I sincerely doubt she'd have any interest in painting along with him
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This is a long posts kind of thread, so you're good there. Also, we don't see a lot of Shizune fans, so I'm glad to see another one here.
>everyone has read them all
We've been talking about KS for 12 years! We've played the same routes, but we have different reactions to them, and it's nice for us to hear a new perspective. And in exchange, you've now learned our perspective on how special Katawa Shoujo is as an experience, something that's impossible to explain to someone in advance.
>do not plan on reading the bad endings
A lot of people don't! They can be rather rough to experience. As an aside, the image you posted is my personal favorite CG in the game. To me, it's one of the more powerful moments in media. I hope you come back in the following days (or weeks) and express anything you choose as you feel and think your way through the aftermath.

I won't tell you who it is (I don't want anyone to steal her), but she's indomitable, considerate, genuine, and smol
This seems like a downgrade history
I haven't read through much of the dev blogs, why did every girl that had a fairly unique design at first that ended up circling back to being very similar to the initial RAITA sketches? What changed about their mindset?
Just like real women
I personally don't remember if the blogs addressed that or not. I know the majority of the art team rotated out at one point, but the rationale for the original character designs isn't something I'm familiar with. The dev blogs are a fun read, though.
I just can't believe I read everything without crying and then got destroyed by Rin
I think saving her for last was the best decision I made
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Willful, caring, generous, cute
goodmorning /ksg/
Good morning /ksg/! Turns out my track is lit up during the night, good news for the following dark months.
Tis be wednesday, keep your chin up and make it through the midweek
good morning!
Good morning anon.
Good morning anons. Im having a feeling things will actually be more chill today but lets see how it goes.
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I have a treadmill but it's so boring. I feel like I always have to distract myself with something when I'm on it. I need a running buddy like Emi.
Good morning anon.
Music and scenery is quite enough for me on the track, but should winter lock me in a gym I'll probably end up watching youtube like a pleb
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Be proud of yourself.
Whoever has never been kicked out of any circles in their whole life is probably one submissive b-tch

I think all versions look fine, they're just different from each other.
With Rin more than any other characters, the exact appearance is the least important factor

>I enjoyed every route but I do not plan on reading the bad endings
Every bad ending in the final version is clearly meant to be a depressing parody of the corresponding good ending.
They're never capable of standing on their own feet

>workout equipment at home
My dad used to say that's the best way to ensure you'll never work out

See >>493367151

Oh, I like this
Oh shoot, it is no longer archived on /vg/ itself. Go here then https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/492818349/#493367151
It's almost impossible for me to see what's going on a screen unless it's 4" from my nose so I usually listen to standup.
>that's the best way to ensure you'll never work out
I'm trying. I figure as long as I make it a habit, I'll keep doing it.
I'm halfway through losing my covid 15, but I want to continue as long as possible.
Rin's route's still my favorite. I want to have that feeling where all's right in the world.
I didn't actually cry from the routes, but i've hardly ever cried as an adult. Definitely had the ks feels, though.
>I'm halfway through losing my covid 15
You made me google that.
If you want to lose weight quickly, cut your carbs (sugars and starches), that's the gist of it

It's physically difficult for me to cry, not because I'm never sad (far from it), but because I learnt to repress the reaction during my early teens (women will easily assume you're gay/unforgivably feminine if you cry in front of them).

With Katashou I didn't cry, but it did make me stare at the horizon for several days (or was it weeks? Can't remember)
Good morning /ksg/ ! I woke up super late today damn

Katawa Shoujo made me cry more than any work of fiction has ever done. I only ever cried for 2 other stories ever, and nowhere near as much as KS.
It made me cry for a total of 7-8 times. That's pretty insane.
I think I played this VN at the exact age where it would hit the hardest...
But mom told me crying is okay and Im strong
Good morning everyone.

You are very welcome to express how you feel even if you don't know how you feel, that's what Rin teaches us. You are not the first nor the last person that will be emotionally obliterated by her story.

>I think I played this VN at the exact age where it would hit the hardest...
This. I was right not to play this game when it came out and I was still too young and edgy to appreciate it. I probably would have scorned it and dismissed it by saying "it's a game for girls" or any bs like that.
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>"it's a game for girls"
>70 male voters vs 3 girls on the poll
Oh, the irony
>It's physically difficult for me to cry
Same. I think it got knocked out of me at an early age. Maybe playing KS again might do it, and bring some catharsis, but I doubt it. I hadn't even cried when my mom died, but when I was at her wake, I went to take her hand the last time, and I felt that they'd put gloves on her hands. They couldnt remove the tape on the back of her hands from the IVs without ripping her skin off so they hid it. My mom, like me, hated anything on her hands, and when it dawned on me that she'd be wearing them forever, I let out a sob, and I overheard my dad say "he's sensitive". Next month will be 2 years, and I haven't cried since. I just ache.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
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>They couldnt remove the tape on the back of her hands from the IVs without ripping her skin off
Uh, is this normal protocol or medical malpractice?
I'm assuming normal protocol as she was dead.
A sport Shizune would be pretty bad at.
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not enough lillyposting here
how about a Hanako post and a promise for more once im back from locals?

Akira my beloved
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Emilly or Femji plz
What is Hanaposting without patposting?
Only if it's cop mom Toph
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Don't think I really understood that detail, but I guess inquiring further could make me sound disrespectful.

A bit excessive of your dad to call you sensitive for a single sob, given the context

Pic related, hopefully that helps a bit
>depressing parody
I always liked that they, at least usually, mercifully try to throw the player a bone. Hisao tends to reflect on the exact "incorrect" decisions he made in the route, and the misconceptions he had that caused them.
>never work out
I way prefer working out at home to having to deal with going to a gym; I think whether it's useful or not as an approach depends on personality.
>you'll never get to go to the beach with Lilly, periodically throughout the afternoon playfully bouncing a lightweight inflatable ball off her face that she can't sense coming
I'm sorry if this feels rude toward your father, and I don't know what your cultural traditions are, but that seems very "insensitive" on his part. If I had been in that room with you and heard him say that, I would have been both disappointed and annoyed. In part because, to my mind, that's also offensive to your mother.
>A bit excessive of your dad to call you sensitive for a single sob
>I would have been both disappointed and annoyed
Yeah, when his mom died, he cried and I hugged him. The double standard hurt.
Lilly going apeshit would probably be the best thing for her. She needs the release.
Lilly can go apeshit on me anytime she wants
>you'll never get to go to the beach with Lilly, periodically throughout the afternoon playfully bouncing a lightweight inflatable ball off her face that she can't sense coming
That's a goalball. It's meant for blind people to be able to hear.
Very cool. I love learning about these practices and groups, and appreciate you informing me. I'd still bring a ball without bells though.
Local anon beaten to death with guidance cane. More on this story as we get it.
It's a Paralympic sport, anon.
>Ara ara gomen, I didn't see you there
>Paralympic sport
Oh I know it now after having looked into it. But I don't think the overwhelming majority of people are aware of its existencem, either. From the illustration alone, it just looked to me like a blue beach ball. I'm happy to have learned about it.
Toph, 2b, or Emilly.
goodnight /ksg/
damn mocking captcha
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>as we get it
Lilly can get it anytime she wants
>the sex scenes can be disabled
RIP your torso
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We can just keep the cowgirl to a minimum.
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Just drew a sketch for the first time without drawing for about 5-6 years!
I think I did alright. I forgot how good it felt to draw damn
With a 300lb combat chassis, that would be wise.
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Well it's not like I could stop her if she really wanted too.
Late but not too late!
Looking good anon. Keep at it.
Yay, cute.
>the first drop of the coming tidal wave of OC
Emi first out the gate, as expected
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Of course I'm gonna draw my wife first
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>Most of these have legs
When you read Emi's route you'll find that she usually wears socks over her fake legs.
Yes and also yes
Does this go from 0 to 9 each?
Something good pls.
>Casual Emi and (bad) Cop Emo
I wonder how that will work
>Emilly and Bedtime Emo
I'm a little jelly of you.
>(good) cop Emi and Emo
Emi can punish you two for being delinquents.
>from 0 to 9
No. 1 to (1)0
>Emilly and Bedtime Emo
>I'm a little jelly of you.
I don't blame you. I'm jealous of me too.
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Hello /ksg/. Infrequent lurker and Shizfriend here. I've been trying to up my art reps for a while now, so I whipped this up this afternoon.


Hope you enjoy. Please critique.
Her shoulders seem very broad, and her hips seem kind of chunky(?). I get what you were going for in terms of human anatomy, but they look almost exaggerated, and not in a cool and sexy way.
I'm only offering criticisms, but I don't dislike this, it's just very clearly something going through the learning process. I'm also no artist so take my thoughts with a grain of salt.
She looks more like she's based of a human nude and not anime size. They're more exaggerated and noodly than people.
I still cannot get over the fact that I could cry like that. Rin is obviously my favourite now
how do I know if I have this "katawa dick" that everyone has been talking about
Would Rin say you have a problem in your pants?
It's your dick working?
define working
Rin only puts you through so much emotional turmoil so you actually have trouble in your pants.
Can you masturbate? It's your libido low?
I don't remember the last time it was hard
Am I allowed to say that here
You have something way worse than katawa dick sir, I'm sorry
You may need to go to the hospital.
If you're consistently not getting morning wood you should probably go to the doctor.
So you are telling me that because I read Rin's route and finished the game my dick magically doesn't work anymore and is broken
It has only been one day since I finished it
If it was working before you read her route, then yeah it's just katawa dick
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Can't remember but you only finished the route a day ago? It's possible you need a VN that has male routes in it
<3 <3 Shizune <3 <3
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you guys ever feel like
goodmorning /ksg/
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What do you guys think Shizune does when she's genuinely frustrated? Like when you choose to ignore her to talk to Lilly and then she leaves the room for example.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
goodnight anon
She power walks to the next item on her to-do list. One failed objective can't stop her on her quest to improve as many lives at Yamaku as possible.
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Morning /ksg/ I got a bit of a sore throat since yesterday so work is gonna be a bit of a pain, i hope it goes away sooner rather than later. This week hasnt been so kind to me.
Gyood myorning
Good morning anon.
Goodnight anon.
So I played the game for the first time and this guy talks to some girls, suddenly goes depressed and gets drunk, then dies falling off the roof. What the hell?
Welcome aboard. You got Kenji'd but dont feel bad, half the newcomers tend to get this ending. This time actively go after the girl that interests you.
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Would Hanako if she was a Yandere?
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So basically pre-release Hanako. Well i did thought about it and im not sure. I do get Crud's reasoning for wanting to create a character/story that doesnt have good endings but at the same time it feels a bit much, almost like having a bad story for the sake of it, maybe if it did keep its darker tone but still have the traditional Good/Bad/Neutral endings i'd be more willing about it. Like for example, in the Good ending Hisao ends up with her, being fully aware she's a Yandere but regardless acts like its a good think which keeps said dark tone despite it being the Good Ending, Neutral Ending having him keep his distance but not be in any immediet danger and in Bad Ending she either kills him or she gets locked up. All this however is buiulding onto an entirely different character so i guess she wouldnt really be Hanako anymore.
As a yandere lover this sounds like heaven
Your ideas sound good enough

She probably vents to Misha, tries to focus on her student council work to get away from her feelings, and maybe thinks about world domination (or more realistically, becoming a very powerful CEO) as a long-term revenge plan

Every single day

I agree with the two previous comments and think you should try to stick closer to the original art style, I am genuinely convinced it doesn't get any better than regular anime art

Underrated posts

>I always liked that they, at least usually, mercifully try to throw the player a bone. Hisao tends to reflect on the exact "incorrect" decisions he made in the route, and the misconceptions he had that caused them.

If I'm not mistaken, Lilly's good ending contains the bad ending, so there's no need to get the latter
I get the appeal like "oh god, a woman who's obsessed with me?! sign me up!!!!" but on the other hand you gotta think about the cons. A true Yandere would spend every waking moment watching you, what you do, when you do it and most importantly who you do it with. Concepts such as friends and family are completely off the table, its you and her alone and the mere mention of another woman might be your death sentence. Of course all this in a sort of "realistic Yandere scenario" because people see the animu kind and go "Awww yeah, i can totally control her, easy!" but when it comes to a real person, its not that simple.

From a fictional route perspective, i do dig the idea of Hisao going full edgelord and embracing his psychotic gf as a "good ending" or a neutral ending where he's shown with another girl and then we see Hanako lurking in the shadows, stalking them, giving a very ominous ending.

Cute models. Hanako needs purple eyes but still cute.
Jokes on you I don't have friends of family that I wouldn't abandon for a yandere gf
While that might sound ideal for you, you gotta think beyond that. The first few times she'll be all clingy and jealous might be charming but once its happening every single day its bound to wear you out and thats excluding the fact of her killing you because you cannot cheat on her while you're dead, but hey its your fantasy, just felt like giving you a wider perspective.
>or a neutral ending where he's shown with another girl and then we see Hanako lurking in the shadows, stalking them, giving a very ominous ending.

This makes me wonder, how jealous are the other four Katawas likely to be if they had reason to believe Hisao is crushing on a different one? As opposed to them just shrugging and accepting they need to date another guy

Yeah, I guess Lilly would be the most likely to promptly move on
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Good morning, /ksg/. I've been a little fluey lately, and it seems some of you are as well. Remember to get as much rest as you're able, and eat food with Vitamin C for your immune system. Today's recommended tea is a peppermint tisane, which is tremendous for an upset stomach and soothes a sore throat. Ginger or lemon tisanes work equally well as alternatives.

A reminder that we have a new art club, and you can find the link to join here >>495813869 if you're interested.

Try putting a dollop of honey in a hot tea, it will line your throat and give you a bit of relief. Feel better soon, anon.

That's what you get for not committing to anyone, I'm afraid. Try again and be more devoted to someone!

It's one of those things that works a lot better as a trope than anything resembling a real relationship. It never really suited Hanako, in my opinion, to behave that way with her history. Being withdrawn and slowly coming into herself is the best character arc for her to go through, I just wish we saw her become as confident as she gets in Lilly's route in her own.
Still cute; Would pat.
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vsegda gotov
Goodnight /ksg/.
goodnight anon
You know, i've thought of this quite a few times. Like, what is the perspective of each girl once he lands on one.

Hanako is the easiest answer with not being surprised because she thinks she cant be seen as girlfriend material. When she goes "I know im not as pretty as Lilly..." it breaks my heart because its factually false, she's beautiful in every sense of the word.

Lilly seems rather unphased yeah, if anything she's the instigator in Hanako's route.

Shizune seems a bit too preoccupied to find time to be jealous and unless of course there's >comfort involved hence i wont even need to mention Misha either.

I'd say that both for Emi and Rin but to be honest im not fully familiar with their routes but they do seem to be caught up in their own stuff and dont really hang out with the rest of the girls.

>Try putting a dollop of honey in a hot tea, it will line your throat and give you a bit of relief. Feel better soon, anon.
it havent failed me before so dont mind if i do I know honey doesnt really go bad but i have some for so long i doubt i should be eating it, maybe i'll grab some on my way back home

Goodnight anon, hope Akira hugs you in your sleep.
Lilly actually pops up during Emi's route and tells you "I thought you had forgotten about me".

Has to sound lethal if you play Emi's route right after Lilly's.

I do wonder if she was intentionally trying to sound clingy there, and communicate some subtext...
oh yeah that would be real awkward. Partly why i dont feel like doing the other routes, i cant stand a timeline where Hanako is pushed aside and not finding the love she deserves.
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Pleasant dreams, anon.

I'm relatively sure honey does have an expiration date, anon, so that would be a clever idea. I actually can't stand honey, so while I'm giving this advice, I rarely live it.

This upset me so much when it first happened I went back to the title screen, started a new game, and played Lilly's route from the start again. It took me a year to work up the nerve to try and finish Emi's route again. I felt so guilty.

At least Hanako does grow in a different way in Lilly's route. Romantic love isn't the only sort of bond a person can benefit from, and the confidence she gets from the newspaper club, as well as deciding to travel to her hometown in Lilly's ending is a gorgeous sentiment for her. I like to think she builds up to it in her own route as well, and we simply don't see as much of it.
Thats what i recall but then again, that leftover i got does have a funky smell so new one it is.

>I like to think she builds up to it in her own route as well, and we simply don't see as much of it.
And this is one of my few complains of it. Considering the context and excluding Hisao being himself, its all executed in a way which does make sense to end the way it did but man does it leave you hungry for more. The glimses of confident Hanako are such a treat, the night time date always gets me giddy because seeing her open up and just acting casual, not being on edge makes her so alluring to me.
Greetings /ksg/, today is a nice day. It's somewhat moody outside, but you have been keeping up your good habits, right?

Quite often. That's why I always try to be busy with something. It works.

I can imagine her burning half your face so "you both are always reminded of eachother". Or something similiar.

I'm glad I got to Emi first, I don't think I could've handled that after playing Lilly.
I noticed Reddit has no idea about the beta True End, would you say that describes you too?
Hi aranon. Are the art challenges every week or every two weeks? Sorry about your flu, you get sick a lot huh.
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lilly yay
Lilly was my first route and Emi was my second, genuinely cried for a few minutes when it happened
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So after I got >>496042970 Kenji'd, I went for it again and got Rin's good ending in the first try! How's that? It was sooooo heartwarming that I doubt other routes can top this
Not to mention watching bad end after the good one was so damn heartbreaking. But it did feel kinda ironic that one had to put Rin in a miserable and desperate situation for her to break and finally open her heart
>I doubt other routes can top this
That's what I thought... 4 times in a row...
Rin route is a masterclass. Glad you took the dive after the Manly Picnic.
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3 times in a row at best
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I'm getting into drawing by doing 1 drawing a day.
Day 2 : Rin's deadpan smile
It's missing detail but I think I'm doing pretty good so far!
Ladies lookin' real top heavy here
>factually false
Hanako is a cute, of course, but Lilly is a shining paragon of Western beauty standards. I'm sorry, but Hanako knows her place.
Feeding Miki...
Thats ok anon, you are allowed to your wrong opinions
He's not here to have discussions, he's only here to wrap his soft mouth around ks developer cocks. And her alpha route is a threat to that narrative
>Ladies lookin' real top heavy here
Yeah, but not in a showy way, unlike say *cough cough* Rtil drawings
Rtil just makes them, uh, fat
Feeding Katawa Shoujo cast...
>I thought you had forgotten about me"
>Lilly, I've been standing here this whole time.
If she knew it would make you happy, which katawa would be most likely to drop a "hard r" in front of your friends?
>any r
She has no problem saying "anal" to you, so she can say the N-word as well
goodnight /ksg/
Is Lilly's accent heavy enough to struggle with Rs?
I bet she can do it. She's good at English, at focuses on sounds (and her own speech) enough that she probably sounds fairly neutrally accented in both languages.
ok maybe I was being a bit dramatic but it seriously hasn't worked since before I finished the game
anyway lets not continue discussing dicks
Goodnight anon!
Oldfag here, does anyone have an archive of DJ Anon's running tracks for "Running Playlist for Runningbros"? I've only found incomplete archives.
R and L are blended sounds in Japanese, some accents lean more "R" and others lean towards "L", this doesn't help with how sometimes their R/L sound will flex into either or depending on where it is in the word as well.
>those feet
>the awfully flat chest
>the melting gaze
Mother of AI slop

I'm going to go with a no, her mother is a native English speaker who probably speaks RP

Night night
Not the same Anon but thanks for the running encouragement. I have soreness so I always make excuses but it should help get the kinks out like Emi said.
Gonna go for a shirt run now!
Is it one of the ones listed in the master pastebin? Excellent hips on that Emi by the way, wow.
You bet! Soreness doesn't sound very good, but I trust it's not something to worry too much about or you wouldn't be running on it.
Is it actually ai
Did I make a terrible mistake
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Doesn't look like AI to me. Looks like a hand-made image of a real painter, just like our little Hanako
it's dated from 2020, so it definitely isn't. and none of the things he listed are signs of AI to begin with, he's just a retard with no art understanding.
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Goodnight /ksg/ !
Look at my little eepy kitty :3
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Goodnight anon, nice kitter
>it's not AI slop
>but it still looks like it is
That takes some talent
You'll be happy when you see my art club contribution. There will be no doubt that it was crudely assembled by human err, rather than machine.
>Is it one of the ones listed in the master pastebin?
I... Forgot that was there... Let me look...
>>496128168 (Me)
I have a couple that the pastebin doesn't have but the pastebin also had 2 that I didn't have. Its weird that the same media fire links are dead despite both the links being different.
>drawing on the walls
Time for correction.
But none of the things you listed are signs of it, which is why some of us can determine its legitimacy only by looking
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I like AI slop
How does Rin wash her hair?
Maybe they contained the same copyrighted material? If you have something you like that you want added, I'll put them in there if you give me the links / a description to put them under
Sure, give me a moment and I'll fork them over to you, I just need to go back and find which ones you are missing
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>Maybe they contained the same copyrighted material?
They probably did but that's kinda bullshit considering its a mix.
Here's what I have that you don't:
>Week 3 Workout Mix v2
>Week 6 day 2

By the way, the Runningbros Week one you have is Week 6 Day 3. I think you're right and Day 1 got yeeted for copyright.
>the Runningbros Week one you have
the Runningbros Week 6 that you have*
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Some are pretty cute
I have to say: I've never listened to these and don't understand their structure. I don't manage the mediafire folder that's up there, and which it looks like (?) your two files fit into.
But the Week 6 Day 2 track seems to be the same size as the one in the folder, is it really a different track?

Anyway, this is just to say: I'm somewhat confused, so if you tell me where to put / label those in the pastebin I'll do so, but I don't have control over the mediafire folder and can't put/change anything there.
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I also don't mind it if it's at least had some effort put into it.
Look at this BTGR. She has the right number of fingers!
>But the Week 6 Day 2 track seems to be the same size as the one in the folder, is it really a different track?
They will be the same size because they will be the same length. I'll doubt check after dinner just to make sure.
>I have to say: I've never listened to these and don't understand their structure
Emi's C25k is a beginner/novice running program. How it conditions you is via intervals, basically 2 minutes running, 1 minute walking 8 times 3 times a week for one week. After the week the time you spend running goes up and your rest time goes down until you can run a full 30 minutes by itself.
>Anyway, this is just to say: I'm somewhat confused, so if you tell me where to put / label those in the pastebin I'll do so, but I don't have control over the mediafire folder and can't put/change anything there.
Is the pastebin public edit? I can just put them in myself if that's the case. If not, you can slot Week 3 workout Mix v2 at the end of the week 3 links and Week 6 day 2 can go under the only link under week 6
Oh the 5k program I understand, I just mean I don't get how the music tracks are organized / labeled. But I'll add them as you indicated; right now it's not public edit so as to prevent malicious tomfoolery. Thank you!
>Oh the 5k program I understand, I just mean I don't get how the music tracks are organized / labeled. But I'll add them as you indicated; right now it's not public edit so as to prevent malicious tomfoolery. Thank you!
I double checked and the tracks are both unique.
>I just mean I don't get how the music tracks are organized/labeled
I wouldn't worry about it too much as the organization is kinda fucked. Just make sure Week 3 goes under week 3 at the end and Week 6 Day 2 goes under Week 6 and it can go either above or below the current link, it doesn't really matter as that original Week 6 is labeled wrong (It's Day 3 but that seems to be omitted.).
forgot picture
>Excellent hips on that Emi by the way, wow.
Big Hips save... Ships...?
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Loud and clear say it with me
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I love Lilly's large lady lumps.
>Weee reuploads the artist stream to edit out "that part"
>It still shows up for like a second
Its still pretty funny if not more.
Emi is a big girl, she can stand on her own two feet.
You say that until she shows up with these
>Lilly (Btw I've always seen Lily with one L IRL, like the flower but w/e)
>When Japanese people say her name they say "rere"
>Kek everytime I think about it
Probably the best reason to date her.
Yeah, she probably looks down on them (and would, literally, if her eyes worked) and that's why she wants to go to Scotland.
>Lily with one L
I've met one that went by Lilly because her legal name was Lillith, badass AF name honestly
Cyberpunk Katawas...
I miss NeverPullABlindPersonAnon and the advice her would give for being around blind people.
I made PIC RELATED just for him but now that he's gone, I never hand an excuse to post it.
I've had a desire to get a BJ from a girl in a wheelchair ever since I way a .gif on /b/ back in 07 when I was underage B&D.
But the Scots might call her Liileigh
I want this technology.
Shizune laughs at your puny ambitions... I've had a desire to get a BJ from every girl
Sage advice it sucks not having any warning where you're going. Thankfully I'm harder to pull than a 90lb Asian girl.
Majority of people in Cyberpunk settings are katawa.
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The future is cripl
Which girls wouldn't get the robo parts? Besides Rin i can't imagine any of them going for it.
I think Emi might. Shizune definitely would, she'd think it would be ridiculous to limit her own capabilities.
Oh come on, we know what she'd be using those arms for
See that's the thing, i feel she may be too used to using her legs to use the arms for most things.
Wiping her bum?
Emi never asked for this...
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>Emi never asked for this...
She did ask for faster PRs...
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
She asked for this.
baby steps, first robotic legs, next literal blades and thrusters...
Think Emi would be disqualified from the track teams at Yamaku if she showed up like this. However, she'd win first place in the Yamaku Fashion Contest that I just came up with right now.
>that I just came
You should have ended it there lol.
Helene mouthy knock my power out so i just wanna say I'll be bumping you in spirit.

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