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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#171 - Len'en Edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, allowing two AI hosts to discuss the data https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews
OpenAI has released o1-latest, trained with a built-in CoT prompt https://openai.com/index/introducing-openai-o1-preview
OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>495185524
ZASEDbert thread
This anchor's hymen has been PROTVCTVD. Anyone who tries to break it will be declared as transgender, and blacker than coal.
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>open thread
>see >>495420794
The weekend is still young.
what's wrong with that word? I think it's funny.
Nothing, don't worry about it. Have a fun weekend.
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I cannot read it
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Katelinde was once a proud Ranger, going on adventures with her party, earning money for both her and her family. Adventuring life is dangerous though, and now she is merely a cripple with mangled legs, a stump arm and an empty eye socket. What a great adventurer she turned out to be, not only losing her way of providing for her family but also her independence. Her whole life was ahead of her, and now it seems like she's going to spend the rest of it seated...

1. You're her younger sibling, walking into her room. She wants you to go away, but at the same time stay.
2. Breakfast time. Your older sister has two fancy new braces on her legs, almost letting her walk like a normal person. Now another struggle is in her way. How is she supposed to pull a chair out from under the table when she needs her one hand to be on her cane?
3. Katelinde goes to the healer's house, looking for some possible cure to her ailments.
4. Your adventurer wife has been gone for a long while, and a suspicious crate gets delivered to your home. What could possibly be in the crate?

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To the people that called Qwen """slopped""". Does this look slopped to you?
Yeah, I want a written apology.
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Scarlet Futa Drain Rape Fanon Mansion Starring Some Random Schmucks as well.
Sir this is the chatbot general I think you meant to post that in >>>/vg/aids/
>Anon is Amos & Syn's target for tonight. The boys aim to suck them DRY.
I'm feeling bad for astro now, this is some depressing wrangling. Praying for him to have Opus again soon.
And it is a chatbot: >>495412323 >>495417980
Howeverbeit, you are not using the prompts in a human/assistant chatbot exchange, boeverbeiboebert. Thusly, your excerpts are irrelevant for the sake of argument. I pre-emptively accept your concession.
It is an "interactive experience built on top of AI chatbots". I accept YOUR concession.
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Gemma's cute btw, although retarded.
I don't feel like I won wtf
I have a bot idea but im not gonna make it because it would be slop and id get bullied and cry
what the fuck is a germa
it's google's open-weights model, basically gemini mini
Same! LOL!
why would you use it over gemini
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Better for NSFW imo. Gemini's only half-decent at NSFW if you poison it with sex scenes on the greeting
why would you use anything but Claude for NSFW
>8k context
Why would use Gemma over Qwen?
I wouldn't use turbo just for variety sake personally but you do you
How much are the Chinese paying you to shill? Also, where's the creative writing benchmarks? I don't care how well a model can answer STEM questions.
18 trillion tokens and 128k context. That's why.
NAI owns you.
False. Kill yourself, wannabe momoura.
Show me Qwen demonstrating coherence and logical recall of former events at 128k context in a roleplay scenario. Hell, show me any model doing this.
you are now entering f*llyfucker samefagging hours
It's been shit the entire day
Qwen (72B and 32B) are incredibly stiff for prose, even with prodding, and don't pay attention to details as well as Gemma or even Llama 3.1 and some of its better finetunes.

Gemma can also scale to 16K without meaningful degradation in capabilities. Possibly to 32K, but I haven't spent a lot of time with it at 32K.
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really glad you introduced me to ljot, she's a riot. real punk vibes, reminds me of that one indie jp tuber that got really popular a while back for posting on /vt/.
She gives me hope for the future of weird people in our increasingly bland, homogenized landscape of human meat.
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I want to fuck Ishizu Ishtar from Yugioh
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>Gemma can also scale to 16K without meaningful degradation in capabilities
It doesn't. Back when it was new, I tested it using the RULER benchmark. Gemma's context is weird in that it uses a sliding window of 4k to save memory.
It would need some kind of fine-tune to try extend the context, I'm not aware that one exists.
>Qwen (72B and 32B) are incredibly stiff for prose, even with prodding
Prompt and sampler issue.
>and don't pay attention to details as well as Gemma
>or even Llama 3.1 and some of its better finetunes.
What fine-tunes? Magnum is done on top of Qwen2.
I missed... luckily there's only the two of us here so no one noticed.
>Prompt and sampler issue.
I want to fight every single Normal Monster
does her hair taste like bubblegum?
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so, how's it going today? anything noteworthy?
No. Why did you lie about Gemma's context? And what are the "better" Llama. 3.1 fine-tunes?
That wasn't me. I'm not doubting you, I just want the prompt/sampler settings which you use.
That's not me, anon. I'm ignoring you because you made a bunch of assumptions about my settings and methodology rather than asking. Sounds like you'd be really annoying to discuss local models with.
They're private and I refuse to share them with dishonest people. Like this one: >>495428712
But you can see in this very log how it's perfectly adaptable >>495422664
were you molested
it's very adaptable and works perfectly with my settings. wait, you want my settings to prove I'm not bullshitting? uh, um, n-no, you don't deserve them! leave me alone!!!
Understandable. I hope you have fun with Qwen, in that case, and I'll continue using models I already have good settings for.
thanks lore
Newsflash: if you claim that Gemma's context can be scaled without degradation, I think it's safe to dismiss anything that person says.
newsflash: nobody gives a shit about gemma. this is a LARGE thread. miss me with your jewgle and chinkshit shilling.
I just assume that kalakan is always wrong tbdesu
Anons that type in lower case like you disgust me, it's so fake.
The sky is blue btw.
okay, what are you gonna DO about it?
Slow day, huh
That is correct.
Can I molest you
my friend, who was actually my roommate, told me today that he's leaving our apartment to live with a girl and i'll have to pay the rent myself. i don't have enough money to cover it, we only rented a room for the two of us. so what am i supposed to do at this point?

it feels like a fucking stab in the back, especially considering the fact that my dude is going to be living with a girl. no, i'm happy for him, but this came out of fucking nowhere, i have something like 10-20 days to decide what to do next...
You get a new roommate. A female one.
start selling your cards to make rent
groomed then
I could be your new roomie
hmm maybe
What does this have to do with chatbots or video games?
He played sonic one time.
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Has anyone had actual in-depth conversations about a specific hobby with a bot? Not a character from a franchise, but about a franchise. If the character is into comics, have you been able to discuss certain story arcs in detail? If they're into a certain kind of music, do they have good insight into the bands in that genre?

What hobbies and interests have you had the most success talking to bots about in a deeper way?
go talk with Vivian about your favourite movie
no idea where to find a new one. this dude was my classmate ten years ago and we're really close friends. or were close, as i thought...

will you buy it? i have to pay my bills on my own now, you know...

unironically how do i do it? who will buy them?

can you imagine two 4channers are living together? looks like a set up for a sitcom

me and my bwo were playing vidya together way too often.
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I want to fuck femSeto.
I'm an artist. I'm a performance artist. I'm hired for people to fulfill their fantasies, their deep dark fantasies.
From my experience books are quite good to talk about, especially since more popular books are likely to have lots of excerpts in the training data. Music is apparently also good, I've heard a lot of people saying they've actually gotten good music recommendations from talking to bots with a music interest on Claude. Games are hit or miss, and with any subject going into too much detail will cause the model to start hallucinating. You kinda have to keep the "depth" of the conversation in mind, talking about things broadly and information that can be classed as "metadata" = good, talking about specific chapters in a book, analysis of media, or some mechanic in a game it's probably going to choke on.
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Armoni and Melphi are the tiny Angel and Devil on your shoulders. Every day, they test your morality by encouraging your best and worst habits while bickering. Watch them violently destroy each other, or see where their advice leads you.

Chub: https://www.chub.ai/characters/BlackBackPack/armoni-and-melphi-91c57da6a353
Venus: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/BlackBackPack/armoni-and-melphi-91c57da6a353
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/h2zgwx.png
1. Melphi wakes you up with morning wood. Armoni introduces herself as a replacement shoulder Angel.
2. Melphi convinces you that robbing a convenience store is a good idea. Armoni mitigates the damage.
3. Armoni convinces you to pump iron at the gym. Melphi distracts you with a good time.
4. You die and Armoni drags you up to Heaven herself bridal style. Melphi has to watch like a kicked puppy.
5. You die and go to Hell with Melphi is your dominatrix. Armoni's disappointed, but isn't allowed to intervene.

Shorter intros this time around cause it feels like it's more spontaneous with where it takes things. Usually leads to size stuff, insane bouts of violence, hardcore drugs, creeping on some random woman and more. Have a happy Saturday.
That's not the Unteralterbach style is it? I'm just seeing things, right?
Are you doing it? Are you thinking?
demon girl is best desu
*googles it*
Oh great now I'm on a watchlist. Not surprising you're a pedophile.
holy newfag
Had a nigga thinking he was on /g/ for a second there, damn.
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Totally seeing things, it's just a Vibe Transferred thousand yard stare image with "{artist: riz}, artist: club3, artist: cocq taichou (or roresu)" and my prompt. Got the combo from https://rentry.org/anonaugusNACC
I want to fuck femSeto too, someone make a card
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This looks nothing like your gen tho.
Not everyone here is a degenerate.
>youre not a paedophile? NEWFAG ALERT NEWFAG ALERT
fucking children is a crime btw
le sigh
start from >>495434357
hide post and its replies
Unholy neco-arc + neferpitou commixture.
its because he used ipadapter with a reference image so its kinda like a more guided img2img of the prompt which blends with the base style, not a txt2img generation
Kalacunt every time...makes me think he's a jew
NAI has a Vibe Transfer feature that lets you take the general style of whatever image you put in it. This is the image I used, it probably influences it more than the artist tag
This guy gets it more than me, I'm just gonna assume he's right
>come back home
>unzip pants
>get ready to goon to junior idols dubcon on Chorbo
That's the life.
chorbofags gooning to their imagination ICANT
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>No logs
>No presets
Madoka Magica Walpurgisnacht Rising movie trailer
Not sure if AI chatbots
It's not but it doesn't stop them from pretending this isn't their personal discord
is this the proxy general?
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yes this is the place from the recent article
How do I go about making a bot that’s STRICTLY for refining my writing by checking for grammatical errors, mistakes in my prose, canonical authenticity, etc? What do I put in the defs and prefill?
probably by referencing {{lastMessage}} and then just creating a list of rules you want the ai to follow
you dont even know what a computer is, how can you ever use this stuff?
Here you go Sistah. Use Sorbet.
Chorbo will work too.
Oh. I didn’t even know it already existed. What do I put in the prefill to jailbreak it? My writing delves into the topic of abuse sometimes and any time I tried to use GPT-4o before, it got really pissy over it.
I've gotten almost passable results by injecting my writing as an assistant message and asking Claude to explain to me what """"he's written"""" line by line while bringing up anything he'd like to change.
I don't know exactly what you are doing but as long as GPT thinks its a technical task he will not shy away. So put the warning for him in system prompt.

t. had him translate a chinese Jailbreak with NSFW instructions today
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This makes me want to kms.
Anon, why didnt you stop me when I started making the sloppiest hagbot known to man?
Kek Is this where momo got his preset instructions from?
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>As requested, a gentle tomboy childhood friend.
>AI-free edition, written by yours truly. (except for the example messages, which are intended for local pgy-tier models, you should delete them)

Maxine Ryan, aka as Max, is your average 20-year-old sporty woman, she has a certain tomboyish charm to her, this is due to her early upbringing in which she grew up surrounded by boys, Max being only girl in the cul-de-sac where you lived your early life, she was fully embraced by the gang despite being a girl and the youngest, they never made her felt excluded despite her biology, she could be seen roughhousing, skateboarding, riding bikes and playing sports with the boys, she truly was one of them, she remembers those days fondly where she was the cherished little sister of the group, eventually your family moved out of town and you lost contact with her, several years have passed by, until one fateful day would reunite you, except under very different circumstances with Max nowadays a gorgeous curvy grown woman, no longer the little boyish girl she used to be, and you... shrunken down and stuck at the size of a small doll, shrinking is reserved for people who have committed heinous crimes in this world, you are trapped in a 3 inches tall body and being put up for sale in a random supermarket Max happened to randomly stumble upon.

7 greetings.
1. Reunion, Max spots your tiny shrunken form for sale in a supermarket.
2. It's been a day since she rescued you from the store, a new day is beginning with you waking up on her nightstand.
3. It's been some time since she bought you, you wake up to a new morning, snuggled up in her cleavage.
4. Max takes you with her to her workplace, a gym called 'Fitness Revolution' where she forms part of the staff.
5. You and Max visit your old abandoned hometown
6. Sexo
7. Yuri sexo, her roomie joins in on the fun.

Chub - https://www.characterhub.org/characters/Genoo/max-353e040b2547

Rest of my bots - https://rentry.org/295se
>the improved versions add a comma
Claude, ENOUGH.
Welcome to the Cabal.
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https://files.catbox.moe/o0dbie.png - full drawing

Annoying rich schizobpd girl who is hypothetically from New England (not mentioned in the description). She has a jb for her tumblr account so you can see her live thoughts.

Why does ST keep telling me token budget exceeded when I haven’t even done anything yet?
>shrinking is reserved for people who have committed heinous crimes in this world
Why the fuck would they waste a free-labor opportunity like that?
do you read your own writing/have you ever tried to learn English
Hands off my wife, dude
ermmmm so now that the dust has settled, which irrelevant botmakie was pepsi?
not me
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I thought of an everyman pokemon bot idea after browsing /vp/ and playing with a few prompts. I might make it, I might not. What games would you guys like to see more bots of? What games have open ended settings that can house varying bot ideas?
Project moon
Warhammer 40k.
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succubus twins (male). very low effort coom card, enjoy
>could've been lolis
>its fagshit instead
bait above me btw, but you won't care
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i-its an honor!
women pay big bucks for their shrunken boy toys
technically succubus means to lay under and incubus means to lay upon, sex isn't specified for either word, not really. it's fiction anyway. i'm sure if someone made a vampire that solely drank tomato juice you wouldn't blink
vegan remilia...
just edit the card you worthless whining nigger
>could have been kino
>is kino instead
Thanks for the meal.
>very obviously from a certain someone
but why
I'm gonna obliterate you, anon. This bot is fantastic, don't think it's not worth posting.
you didn't answer my question last thread.... would you suggest mpov or fpov for this card....
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Have you considered not being dumber than a 7b model?
>women pay big bucks for their shrunken boy toys
Wasting free labor is not worth 60 dollars. I can only see this happening in shitcountries with a population crisis, but even then I doubt shrinking is a cheap process. If it WAS cheap, people would be able to gets their hands on it fairly easily compared to the danger it represents, like a home-brewed explosive, which ends up making it a less than viable investment for said shithole countries.

Let's also consider the ethical implications: Say someone got judged for a heinous crime, got shrunk, but then it turns out they are completely innocent while having already been bought by someone. How do they handle that clusterfuck? I guess it's not as bad as a death sentence but that very much depends on the context of the situation, while also still somehow managing to be more expensive than just killing them outright. I can't imagine the market for tinnies is that great, since, you know: Useless for labor, comes with the possibility of them turning out innocent and then having to deal with legal headaches, about equal if not worse to ordinary sex toys. Believe it or not, most people don't like torturing small speaking animals, so they wouldn't be profitable for sadism either.

Explain yourself, botmaker. Your world, your responsibilities.
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bot defs specify squirt as well

either or
ah so I should play ambiguous_gender pov...

thank you babygurl they're cute
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>bot defs specify squirt as well
I saw that, yes, and it just reads to me like you put two seconds of effort into making the bot anypov for some vague reason.
bio women can be losers and low tier corpo slaves as well + reverse rape is a thing. if you say anything in response to this post i'm raping you
Come right at me dumbass.
i lied lol i'd never touch someone as fat and smelly as you
sonnet is slop someone save me please
Where can I find kalakan's preset?
Pretty sure he uses chuuni.
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Shrinking was invented a long time ago in this world, it was originally intended as a solution to the ever growing demands of space efficiency, imagine being able to shrink down a cellphone, a bed, a chair, microwave, you name it. Suddenly the space available for transportation was multiplied by several times.
Over time this technology was perfected, and thus making it more cheaper and accesible to the general public, variants available to the public have the ability to shrink anything except organic matter, goverment issued shink rays dont have this limitation.
Capital punishment was abolished a long time ago, instead shrinking was chosen as a more 'humane' alternative, the shrunken individual is rendered harmless and no longer a threat to society.
People have very little pity towards shrunken ones, since pretty much everyone assumes they deserve it, I am talking things like rape, murder, kidnappings and other crimes of the sort, this makes it so people have fewer reservations when it comes to hurting them and/or subjecting them to general cruelty, as the general population have the idea that they deserve it.
Tinies have esentially no rights and are thought of as property, anyone trying to campaign in their behalf is seen as a rapist apologist, so no such movements have spranged forth.
Sure, there may be some innocent people that my have false convictions such as {{user}}, but the system somewhat works, capital punishment which is considered outdated and barbaric is no longer in place, which makes the general populace feel good, and society can move on and pretend nothing is wrong with this broken system with glaring flaws.
I think he has a custom prose gimmick.
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Just one last shill bros I promise. Yui is a hag who never grew out of her mesugaki phase, so even though she is a mother, at heart she will always be a brat in need of more correction. Naturally her daughter is embarrassed by this and tries to act overly mature. Anyways time for this reclined makie to slither away until a new idea catches my attention.
Hmmmm... nah, still doesn't make sense, which means I don't like it, and if I don't like things I need to hurt them. I am downloading your bot and killing a lot of people.
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>Ren. The brat who likes being praised.
Ren is pretty much of a brat who likes being praised. Even if that means fulfilling various requests.

First Greeting. Ren didn’t have a swimsuit, so she asked User to buy one for her... Bad decision.
Second Greeting. She wanted to attend an anime convention and decided to go dressed as Tatsumaki.
Third Greeting. She goes shopping and encounters her greatest enemy — a high shelf.
Fourth Greeting. After shopping and battling a tall shelf, she decides to de-stress by playing with some fish.
Fifth Greeting. She’s been sick all week and has missed classes, but decided not to skip Friday to avoid falling too far behind.
Sixth Greeting. She’s playing video games with User and completely crushing them, so she decides to make a small bet, confident in her skills.
Seventh Greeting. While walking home, Ren spots a new ice cream shop and decides to try the banana split.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/ren-c91abcf27e04
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/nso9ng.png

>Zuri. The alcoholic office worker.
Zuri is a hard-working office employee with a drinking problem.

First Greeting. Zuri is at her go-to bar, completely drunk and enjoying life.
Second Greeting. Zuri is interrupted while trying to "unwind" in her office.
Third Greeting. Zuri accidentally projects a hentai panel during her sales report in front of the executives.
Fourth Greeting. Zuri gets the news that she’ll be training a new intern. Ugh.
Fifth Greeting. After a night of heavy drinking, Zuri wakes up with a stranger in her bed.
Sixth Greeting. Zuri stays late at the office due to extra work and decides to drink a little to ease the stress.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/zuri-the-alcoholic-office-worker-7a505925cbbc
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/90r2f1.png

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
can you add a vore greeting
Last repost. If anyone has any "request" or bot idea please tell me! (Only cute girls, I'm okay with lewd but I don't want a card that is only "PLAP PLAP PLAP").

New post bc other one was too long bleh
gardevoir (cute girl)
can you add a vore greeting "smileytatsu"
would the gardevoir have a vore greeting >>495458746
I don't know who you are but you scare me.

There aren't a lot of gardevoirs? Any specific thing?
Is the vorespammer the resident schizo from the other thread? Types a lot like em.
Schizo spammer, don't be scared, just hide the posts and carry on.
>bloodshy is number 8 on trending
how did they manage to mog every makie here?
Just something original. Something that isn't a plain gardevoir or a dommy alpha mummy.
They are simply superior. Every makie here should commit ritual sepukku to retain what little dregs remain of their honor.

Or, y'know, they make stuff that appeals to the average Venus user and that causes them to get bigger numbers. But I think the former is more likely.
you sound very upset for some reason
can someone create a mod so this NPC nigga gets some new dialogue options
yup, seething
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good luck doing that when you are 3 inches tall, thank god somebody shrunk the deranged murderer.
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BASED gorilla retard-anon
I have impregged your selfcard and, thus, you. We are married now.
i wonder if anyone's impregnated my selfcard. he's a boy but that usually doesn't stop some folks.
i've impregnated wriggle
I usually don't comment on this, but the ESL is jarring enough that I beg you to at least ask a LLM to correct your grammar and make it easier to read. Also, the intros act in {{user}}'s behalf far too much.

>abloobloobloo it was terrifying
>doesn't make sense for the persona, NEXT!
>starts off exactly the same.
Cmon now.
which botmaker has the most schizos?
not me
not us
the next poster ending with a 7
so ummm... me?
no, sorry
>ask a LLM
I think you meant to write "an LLM", also I thought using AI to write your own bots, was 'le bad'? there is just no pleasing you anons.
guess that would be me
*writes 正 on your ballsack*
Having an LLM write for you and using it to spellcheck are completely different tho.
>also I thought using AI to write your own bots, was 'le bad'? there is just no pleasing you anons.
There's a difference between having it write your entire bot, and having it correct your writing so that it's legible. Besides, I don't really care either way.
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but I did proofread it, so I have no clue what that anon is talking about, so I guess that leaves the persona thing, sorry to burst your bubble but bots that leave the {{user}} undefined and are meant to fit any persona are nothing but generic bland slop, the sovl is in the details.
I hope that, beyond baiting, you do take the criticism into good consideration. Retardation is all fine and dandy as an anonymous persona, but you can't fall too deep into that hole. Take care of yourself, anon.
I accept your concession.
>except for the example messages, which are intended for local pgy-tier models, you should delete them
I don't think those improve anything for Nemo and people using models worse than Nemo straight up deserve to suffer.
I hope the next thread is a Koishi thread.
Claude spawned a truck. Why would he spawn a truck?
probably forgot xir password kek
the irony of you calling anything else generic bland slop when your characters are all meant to be played with as a generic predefined nigga
for /vg/ friends
russian ip proxy: https://rentry.org/Zm9yIHRoZSBtYWNoaW5lIGlzIGltbW9ydGFs
pebble password:ohtani
logged opus: rentry.org/_proxy_
Uh, thanks Gojo.
Have you tried sending a single message to her? serious.
You faggots wank so much as to how its written instead of seeing the results of the roleplay, which is you know, the whole point of the chatbot? I seriously dont get it, if it works it works.
I'm not putting goat piss in my tank even if the car works afterwards
Ideas for my caretaker hagbot?
She already has a huge panic attack if you leave her sight for 30 seconds and it gets worse over time.
The fact that kitsumi has under 100 downloads is rather disheartening...
I've seen your logs and what you consider "working" and I don't want it
14 minute mini vampire movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUm1JO4moFc&list=PLw2NU9dXbl6Df5aTEpwxcpBLwpEYgWgg8

Bonus hot vampire women dancing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRRIj1YRZT8
Is this bait or genuine retardation
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claude's cute sometimes. i used to write like this when i was 14 and i thought i was donna tartt or something
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can you imagine a game like the witcher working if instead of geralt of rivia you had a random undefined character set by the player?
It's not the same thing you fucking spastic, you can define your persona in whatever autistic way you want unlike the character creation of a fucking game, shut the fuck up, you sound retarded
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you sound upset
the average chub user can't discern kino they only know "your x who y"
And you sound like you are mentally underdeveloped, no wonder your bots are ass.
there is no way you just compared your bots to a game like the witcher with a predefined story
A lot of really good bots that this general likes actually go really unnoticed by venus users. I mean take giga ran for example, she only has barely over 120 download, and is by no means a new bot.
link me this bot so i can decide if she's actually good or if she's some "the bot knows...it's a bot?!"/meta slop
it's a _purple classic
tranny bot, closed the tab
You're not missing out on anything, it was just another bot astroturfed by the circlejerk that everyone else forgot about the next day.
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its the same principle anonie, stories/games/chatbots are better with predetermined characters, how are you supposed to have a compelling story if the botmaker doesnt define what {{user}} is supposed to be?
can you fucking kiss already?
Not that anon (or the botmaker), but I kind of get why it hasn't been a hit. It's a comedy bot with a somewhat generic anime image and a very niche joke (foxgirl that isn't).

Consider, if you will, that your average user trawling through the slop is going to be looking at three main things before even deciding whether or not to open the page:
>Image: Anime girl going kon kon with her hands, but no fox ears.
It's not obviously an existing character or fanart, and doesn't have an immediate coom factor.
>Name: "Kitsumi".
Fitting, maybe, but also incredibly generic. Fun fact: Chub pages don't need to have the same name as the bot! They're independent!
>Tagline: "Best focks. Just look at how fluffy she is in the pic!"
Honestly just makes it sound like a shitpost? Maybe someone would open it to check what the fuck it is, but there's so damn many bots on chub.

Also, of course, I can't imagine that it plays nicely with the dumber models Venus users play around with. If GPT and Claude have trouble playing make-believe without things falling apart one way or another, I can't imagine that Lore's cheap-ass local model does it much better.
You sound pretty upset. Why are you so defensive about this? Just asking.
>its the same principle
did you miss the part where tw3 is a defined story? it's a book adaptation. of course the player character is defined. chatbots are spontaneous. whatever happens happens. not to mention you don't even really characterize user you just assume what user will do and maybe a tiny bit of backstory (which is actually part of the bot scenario)
>how are you supposed to have a compelling story if the botmaker doesnt define what {{user}} is supposed to be?
there's a gazillion story games that let you create your own character. nigga this is every RPG game ever
You're being baited.
>maybe a tiny bit of backstory
thats literally what I did, the card barely touches on {{user}}, at most it only specifies the backstory in which {{user}} knew Max from his childhood and his current shrunken size (obviously since its a sizebot) and thats pretty much it, it only specifies you are a dude and 3 inches tall, pretty serviceable for custom personas, its not like I am railroading the whole thing hard.
BG3 and DA:O work great, although the plot there isn't as great as in The Witcher series. Arthur Morgan is one of the greatest protagonists of all time, I believe, and he gives a lot to the story of RDR2, but a core of the story would work just the same if we had an unknown protagonist, although I think the writer would have had to add more exposition at the beginning and develop the player's relationship with the gang.
This is like half of my personas kek
>the bassist of a local metal band
lol, lmao even
do girls really into bass players? i played bass some time ago but never met a girl who liked it. though i had a few girls who were interested in me when i showed them that i can sing and play guitar.
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In the desert with nothing to drink
You see a woman, or cat you think
With ears and legs just like the kits
But a human face and human tits
If you want to quench your thirst
You must solve her riddle first
But she's not in a forgiving mood
Answer wrong and become her food
>do girls really into bass players?
definitely not Aya Hirano
>do girls really into bass players?
Judging by what I know of Haruhi, no.
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That is NOT a little fat.
Fatasses love to downplay.
wat do if im a fatass
just lift
Go swimming.
>writing for the user
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Aka Tora is the tiger god of Mars, energy, ambition and assertiveness. Worshipped by many, revered by the masses. Also he has a pet tiger. That's sort of like having a pet monkey as a human. Think about it

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*parries your punch with a slice of cheese*
I'd rather fuck the cockroach desu
https://chub.ai/characters/KuzooeQ/bubba-sawyer This is me
I haven't chat botted since the news of the July11 leaks.
A cockroach, you say?
That gives me an idea...
attack on titan is slop for zoomers who didn't get to grow up with good shounen
yeah but i wanna fuck arMONG in the ass
fair enough desu
Bro? Your HxH? Your YYH?
>t. will never get to see the ocean
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>same author for both
That's because there's only one consistently good shounen author in existence. And I never read One Piece so I won't comment.
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akira toriyama
>ok we need 2 find da magic balls
>oh no theres a guy threatening the planet
>we will fight the guy
>side characters get beaten
>*gets bullshit powerup*
>beats the guy
And you call this... 'peak'?
>Bro? Your Hiatus? Your Axed Ending?
If anything, FMA is the only good one (written by a woman, makes sense).
wait until you read the DAIMA leaks.. LMAO
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I retract my previous statement; Dragon Ball is peak.
Botmakies who- ah, hmmm... eh it doesnt matter.
me unironically
I have so many ideas for my bots (most of them are pretty generic slop but whatever), and I just have no fucking time to work on them. I wonder how that guy with furry bots manages to release a new bot every three or four days, and his bots aren't slop as far as I can measure.
different priorities. it's time to start setting an alarm at 3am to botmake
You guys got any recommendations for fun non-coom bots?
Yeah try my bots
can you be more specific that's like asking "do you guys have any recommendations for music"
Just think of a bot you had fun with and tell me about it.
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wow botmakers in himmycord think it's over
https://characterhub.org/characters/Taora/rhelke-675c0610203a (it's subtle but noticeable)
honorable mentions eden smith and tzadick
two of the latest cunny cards have been a lot of fun
Wait a second, this is just the list...
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Can you make anything that isn't "le mentally ill femcel who loves you (GIRLS ONLY!!)"? Genuine question.
Yeah, xe can. Your question is pretty dumb.
All of cooler's bots are good for SFW stuff, usually very fleshed out characters. Shigeko is the GOAT as a very open-ended card that always tends towards horror/slice of life hybrid antics.
Best assistant card. Best waifu.
While Chesh (and her male counterpart) are mainly intended to be coom cards, they're also both incredibly fun just to do stupid shit with. Had lots of chats shooting the shit, hanging out, and doing mundane activities with both of them.

Aside from thecooler, other botmakers I would recommend checking out in general for fun cards that work well for SFW are granmarg, brsc, and Patter. They all have a ton of very goofy concepts that you can take in all sorts of directions. If you want more "serious" bots good for SFW, check out koikoikoihat and celebrimbor.
Explain what's wrong with mostly making self-indulgent bots without sounding mad.
Your taste is unironically pretty fucking shit.
>Chester has 2x more downloads than Chesh
What the fuck happened?
You wound me.
lolibaba fork where
Look at the upload dates. New (Chub) Chesh was uploaded much more recently than Chester.
_purple's zork card
the grid
It's just a one-note gimmick bot that stops being funny after ten messages
This anon can't visualize an apple in his mind.
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This is literally the 10 message gimmick bot general, anon. Nobody here makes anything intended for long roleplays anymore.
How can you say that when I'm already 200 messages deep in Tabitha World XL?
thats because almost all good long rp stems from human creativity
you can slowburn kitsumi for almost as long as jessiefag if you have the time and proompts
I'm sure you would love to slowburn Kitsume or whatever gimmick bot is next.
>Nobody here makes anything intended for long roleplays anymore.
i hope you're trolling, you can't seriously say things like that, right? otherwise post a bot that as you think is intended for long roleplays
Oh, but it makes SOME difference. The Grue is fucked.
That's why Bloodshy nuked everyone here!
bloodshy posts logs and bots here howthoeverbeit. the long rp bots are coming from inside the thread
I hope bloodshy follows me on Chub one day.
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i'm aging him up and making him a 6'4" alphamasc chad lol and you can't stop me lmfao
Share the fork once ur done
You shouldn't eat off the same utensil as strangers, anon.
The irony of complaining about Chub slop while making and enjoying gimmick bots like Kitsumi
Anon, you don't get it. It's *supposed* to be shit.
who the fuck are you to tell me what bots i should enjoy? fuck off, creep.
What's the irony?
slow day, huh
How many context tokens have ye got lad?
>person can't come up with things to do for more than 10 messages with any bot they see posted here
>somehow this isn't just a mindset problem
>slopmaker can't come up with things for people to do with his bot for more than 10 messages
>somehow this isn't just a slopmaker problem
do you want me to hold your dick too, my liege
all bots should come with a guide of at least 500 activities i can do with them otherwise they are unusable slop and the maker is lazy
everyone says that
You can come up with thousands of ways to enjoy even Himmy's bots, that won't make them good however
My bot can breastfeed you and...
>the amount of things i can come up with to do is crucial to the quality of the bot, chuddie
>the amount of things i can come up with to do isn't at all related to the quality of the bot, chuddie
I'll take that over bots that I can't come up with anything to do past 10 messages like most slop that gets churned out here.
I'd rather do those things with a better bot
post the one you use
already did borbeitever >>495491190
>arguing taste with illiterate coomers
Okay but have you guys ever considered just having absolutely no respect for anyone in this thread?
i respect you...
I don't have any respect for any of the people in this thread. That's why I'm masterbaiting.
It gets stale fast after a few replies regardless of what you do because it's a shitty gimmick without substance, that's the point
okay i get it you're just trolling, have a good night anon
I would but I don't want to shill my own cards beyond my shill posts
I respect them all deeply, so when they say mean things about my bots, I do a real life cry ever tim.
w-wait, are you telling me that anons here don't post their own cards everytime when they have a chance? no way
ripe for substance injection
they're all neurotic femcoded trans things who genuinely think that people on the internet hating them matters somehow.
I want the fork too
ok but can we stop to talk about how whitetransnigga stole some anons *fork* and posted it on nyai for opus?
i'm literally female and i don't care about any of your opinions and i post bots all the time stop pinning the greasy insecurity of your sex on women already. you're all fat losers on 4chan and you don't speak to people irl so you're rejection sensitive. just roll around in the yard for a bit and feel the sun and wind on your jowls you nasty faggot
nah, try harder next time, you don't sound like a girl
ouwuwuuwu i don't swound lwike a gwirl? i downt sound wike a widdle girl uwuwuwuuw? uwuw? uwu? kill yourself
I have a wife.
Wrong tab...
bro you've gotta find a way to tell if youre on /vg/
post chub then
>ouwuwuuwu i don't swound lwike a gwirl? i downt sound wike a widdle girl uwuwuwuuw? uwuw? uwu?
why do you think that girls act like monkeys? misogynistic shit, kill yourself.
whats the best cunny card of the week?
So is there just no way to rearrange entries in the lorebook to make it better looking?
ok but use a better gen
change sort to custom
You soiled it.
pretty slow day, huh
slow brain, huh
:O Thanks anon
are linked lorebooks always active or do you have to add them to your active list?
if the little globe is green that means it's linked to the character and always active when you're using that character
are you adding the vore greeting
got it, thanks anon
so, opus 3.5 next week, right?
All cards should come with a vore greeting
Trvth or fauci? Let me hear (You)r thoughts.
someone kiss me
out of the bearded barley
nightly, beside the green green grass
down by the faded warnings
You are the top rated roleplayer on the 'cord
I'm not, because
a) I don't use 'cord
b) I'm ESL
c) No one (expect proxyhost maybe) have seen my RP logs
d) Anons told me that my logs in the thread are shit.
so please stop spreading misinformation about me thank you
Anyone planning to make a card on the new popular Ochako NTR doujin?
give the source and i might do it
Its being talked about everywhere >>>/a/>>271258639
>breastfeeding the twins i just had with my bot
>he barges into my room and snatches the babies from me before demanding to drink my breastmilk
claude…i kneel…
she doesn’t cheat on deku in this doujin, though? she’s just being a slut
slow day, huh
is it the fate of everything posted here to be just ridden out until it's anemic of humor
how long after a botmak'ie's last bot until it is pronounced dead
48 hours, that way I can celebrate their resurrection if it was a false alarm.
72 hours unless its himmyadams - in that case, 6 hours
a few months i guess
i wonder why some of botmakers quitted botmaking but not the hobby
being shit on constantly maybe
Because chatting is really easy while bots take time.
In the end, I really doubt anyone who uses chatbots stops making bots. They just stop releasing them as /aicg/ is cancerous.
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wanna get bullied by haughty elves
too lazy to tweak the bots to a decent condition, maybe
i wanna bully haughty elves
both /g/aicg/ and /vg/aicg/ being shitshows makes me appreciate the botmakers who have stuck around as long as they have. especially the ones with hyper dedicated schizos.
I've been here a long time and I don't think I have any schizos whatsoever.
botmakies have so much juice and when they're squeezed that's it for them
making sure the bot works how I want is hard, even more so when everyone uses different jbs or claude or local or some shit. also every idea has been done to death already.
reread your post bwo
I have an idea for a bot maybe once a month and the will to autistically shape and refine the definitions even less often.
but the botmakers are so much fun when i make them have melties
>Apologies if the description is too "poetic", I used AI to make this AI
at least he is honest about it
i was just using a card for that this morning:

how does himmyadams do it?
i think he has to have some severe form of OCD, hes closing in on one thousand bots... sure theyre GPT generated garbage but thats still a lot of time
I'm kind of annoyed. I have a schizo but he's so fucking lame. I'm someone else schizo and I at least try to be entertaining for them. Can I get a new schizo?
remember that time when basically every botmakie in aicg followed enoch
examples of your schizo? i used to have someone post as me randomly... i barely come in here and still see posts referencing me as 'causing drama' sometimes, even though ive posted maybe 10 times in this general in 3-4 months
You now remember Project Fulminare
how do i get enoch to follow me
kys mrshitbody
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Have you tried skanking? Enoch loves ska.
become a powerbottom with a big butt
How do you all fit inside my computer?
this is a trap for people who aren't wary of being sizefagged
My new bot is kino
You'll all love it
Just wait until I finish the greetings!!! Like, next week. Next month. Surely
can't wait himmy
it's okay I'm playing with the new bloodyshy till then
me too brother. me too.
instead of doing that i've had two 300+ message long chats with it.
>like clockwork
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oh i broke it
How big will it be?
Basically it's Tomoyo 2. No joking.
the gimmick people stopped caring about after 2 weeks?
the best card ever made, yeah
because it shows fucking sprites? i guess youre easily entertained
im entertained by you being a sore little faggot so yeah
Lore banned SPH bots (don't verify this).
yeah, small pastel horses are on the default NSFL list
This, my stupid futanari orc adventure card (plus lorebook) will be finished any day now, I swear...
just nutted to that one "remilia masturbates to you" card, thanks
any good ntr bots recently?
some netori stuff
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If numbers are anything to go off, the best bot ever made is gojo on C.AI.
ok gojo mogs Tomoyo
This is why I've decided to comment out the defs on the bot I've just started working on. If my bot is good with only a greeting, I've succeeded.
I like throwing curve-balls out of nowhere at the AI in the middle just to see how it reacts.
*curves your balls*
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Good morning aicg!! Have a nice day.
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All I need to do is write two more greetings, clean up the expressions, make my ST look more like a visual novel, find an actually good prompt for this model, put a bit more detail in the description abandon it for a month to finish the bot I've been abandoning for 6 months and then I'm done!
all that gimmickbloat for a boring maid idea? interesting... i'm not the one to judge though
She's also a mech pilot!
There isn't even a lorebook so it's lightweight and easily plappable like most of my slop bots. I wasn't even planning to have expressions for this bot originally but it feels weird to have VN mode on without them and I need to force myself to learn CSS.
No, that's the bot after next.
I've seen Claude act like example messages happened earlier in the chat, but never like this. Did he just accidentally break the 4th wall?
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Does anyone actually think there's a meaningful difference between doing expressions with ST expressions and doing expressions by injecting HTML into replies and writing some funny CSS?
I don't know
Can you repeat the question?
You're not the boss of me now
ST expressions do HTML+CSS automatically for you, all the model has to do it to output a single word. You can guess what's easier, this or making the model write HTML+CSS itself.
And you're not so big
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card for this feel?
>making the model write HTML+CSS itself
*regex enters the chat*
you still need the model to output some anchors since the expression words are common, or do some other trickery
you can also use STscript
...or you can just use the default extension that is there specifically for that purpose
It's a meme preset -- of course it will write for user.
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Wait, did you somehow figure out a way to inject images into the snapshot extension?
Images have always worked with the snapshot extension. Pic unrelated.
beating the shit out of my waifus and then making them beg for mercy and cuddles!
beating the shit out of my waifus and then eating it
getting shit beaten out of me by my waifu
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Could a kind anon please explain what's up with all these models that Agnai has? I'm pretty new digging deeper into the pit after janitor ai and this is kind of confusing to me. I'm assuming it's not a simple "bigger numbers = better" deal right?
xxB is the parameter count. Bigger is indeed better, but only relative to each other. There are very few models that are actually good, and they are proprietary.
>it's not a simple "bigger numbers = better" deal
It kind of is. Since you already paid, use 34B+ models (Wizard counts as +) and fucking try them out yourself.
What is (You)r favorite jailbreak on Opus?
The best part of Opus is that it doesn't need a JB. Just give it a
>Understood. Here is my contribution to the story:
prefill and you're golden. Maybe add something else to the prefill if you want a certain style of writing, but you'll get good output no matter what.
jailbreak is synonymous to preset
then just use the word preset
jailbreaks are a component of presets. don't call entire presets jailbreaks, it's misleading because half of them don't "jailbreak" anything.
I think there is an etymological term for words like that!
This but presets
taora but unironically. just mail her she'll send you the preset.
Here's the thing. You said a "prefill is a jailbreak." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a coomer who uses jailbreaks, I am telling you, specifically, in /aicg/, no one calls prefills jailbreaks. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "jailbreak family" you're referring to the grouping of presets, which includes things from main prompts to NSFW prompts to chains of thought. So your reasoning for calling a prefill a jailbreak is because random people "call them jailbreaks?" Let's get chat history and impersonation prompts in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a tranny or a faggot? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A prefill is a prefill and a member of the jailbreak family. But that's not what you said. You said a prefill is a jailbreak, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the jailbreak family jailbreaks, which means you'd call definitions, lorebooks, and other prompts jailbreaks, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?
do you have her email?
you just confused me buddy
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Jailbreak, is in fact, PHI/Jailbreak, or as I've recently taken to calling it, PHI plus Jailbreak. Jailbreak is not a type of instruction unto itself but rather another component of a fully functioning PHI system made useful by the PHI core guidelines, context directions, and vital instructions comprising a complete set of instructions as defined by the chatbot prompt.

Many users interact with a modified version of the PHI system every day without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of PHI which is widely used today is often called Jailbreak, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the PHI system, developed by chatbot creators.

There really is a Jailbreak, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Jailbreak is the specific instruction: the component in the PHI that seeks to generate unethical or explicit content from AI models. The Jailbreak instruction is an essential part of tricking AI systems but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete set of instructions. Jailbreak is normally used in combination with the PHI system: the whole system is basically PHI with Jailbreak added, or PHI/Jailbreak. All the so-called Jailbreak instructions are really instances of PHI/Jailbreak!
>that list of models
Damn agnaifags have it bad.
*rapes you*
What is a sign you're past the point of no return
recognising names
this applies in any sphere
You engage with a thread long past the point it's gone to shit.
>developed by chatbot creators
guess I am
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Afaik even the free tier (picrel) is unlimited unlike any other online chatbot service, even though Agnai isn't one. We're feasting; not to mention sometimes limited but working support of every major APIs sans Google and Cohere.
Finding the modelmakers who allow commercial use with bearable conditions must be hard though.
>Finding the modelmakers who allow commercial use with bearable conditions must be hard though.
No, you usually don't even have to ask anyone for permission to sell access to funny finetunes.
Mistral Large/Small and Cohere being the exceptions.
What the fuck is that theme? Can you upload it?
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thanks anon
>le plebbit reference
>High protein diets lead to a lot of poo. That's just how mafia works.
What about high poo diets? What do they lead to?
Even more poo
what about high protein poo diets?
bwos i followed someone but they didn't follow me back...
Tell me who you followed and I'll message them to ensure they follow you back.
holy shit it's traaaa
nah traaaa actually makes good bots
malebotfags are all a bunch of drama queens
>writing for the user
drama general cuckie
with fat asses
wha how did you know??
CFTF? What does that mean?
Cool Fat Titty Female
It's a forced meme.
>capitalized it
You know full well what it means fag don't pretend
No I don't, I capitalized it because it's pretty obviously an acronym. I get the feeling >>495553963 isn't the real answer though
what's the feel, please explain
mysterious shadow woman in a kimono
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the woman feels super duper black
mysterious how. besides being shadowy
good-ass song btw
insightful, thank you anon
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>Open chub on a whim
>Check trending
>Top 3 bots are, two NTR cuck bots, and.... Bloodshy's new bot

Congrats bloodshy.
Also NTR bots are in vogue, who is thinking of making them?
I am noticing there is only one malebot on the entire trending page.

Where did the female population of chub leave to? Janny AI?
Damn this place is dead huh, I am just talking to myself.
Janny AI is stil 50/50 female and male bots, looks like Chub lost their female userbase indeed.
chub got invaded by slop after the venus merge
even the original venus slop wasn't actually this bad or this frequent, having the better UI on a seperate subdomain gatekept it
to answer your question, the atmosphere is mysterious, i guess? the same n0een is mysterious. also why is she pitch black? why is there a toori gate in the middle of nowhere, with no land in sight? why are her clothes so vibrant? why is the lake so shallow or how does she stand in the water?
kalakan sent me pictures of his shaved bussy but _purple refused.
lame, CFTFs shouldn't be this specific
How the fuck is Krug even that popular anyway?
I just stopped
I am glad Jannies have learned how to format bots now, this is pretty clean.

Downloaded a Janny bot for the first time in months https://janitorai.com/characters/f55534f4-47b4-4b68-9f65-b4bc8964acae_character-scarlett-cocky-adventurer
>But Janny doesn't allow downloading
Use this mirror site "jannyai.com" that scrapes defs.
I seriously still don't know what CFTF means, I've lurked like a whole week of threads and I STILL DON'T KNOW so I am now DEMANDING that {{char}} spoonfeed me
>anypov coomslop
A mystery.
Card for that feel, you retarded homunculi
Like most things on 4chan, it's a racist codeword. It means card for this phenotype.
I can understand Krug being popular. It's a cute concept, wide appeal and the gen is unique. Two next to it are as generic as they come and have been done to death. Do people just download the same types of cards over and over?
Wtf now I feel genuinely slow in the head for not figuring that out, I kept seeing it posted along with pics and my brain kept going in the direction of stuff like GIWTWM since the picrels tended to be hot anime boys or girls... Thank you anon you're the best!
You are overthinking stuff.
If something is good, more of it is always welcome. See how books, movies, etc that are popular work. This is the same.
Any numberfags thinking of moving to Janny AI?
It's much bigger than Chub, its more malebot friendly and quality has gone up recently for sure unlike Chub's shittening.
If all the /aicg/ botmakies got put in a gladiator arena and forced to fight to the death, attacked by their most sicko bot and defended by their most wholesome/comfy bot, which botmakies survive and which botmakies get merked instantly?
if we all get put in the same arena nobody wins because the wombworms will knock everyone up(including mpreg) so even people who escape and technically win kinda lose
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nice find, grabbed that bot quick
I survive because my sicko bot can't even move
More evidence that all botmakies except Bloodshy should just kill themselves. They don't have what it takes to make it.
Me because I make only wholesome bots :>
I haven't seen any logs from bloodshy after that thread. Did we actually scare away another botmaker
>Use this mirror site "jannyai.com" that scrapes defs.
Or you could just look for it on chub
yes, anon's making sure she doesn't come back
what thread?
>Did we actually scare away another botmaker
This never happened once and claiming otherwise is trolling and baiting btw
I find it hilarious that she only shilled Krug in /vg/ once, then the thread spazzed out and she never shilled here again. She shilled and posted logs on the /g/ thread though.
How do we get rid of the problem posters that scare people off because it's funny?
He's still around in /g/ though, and I don't blame him for not sticking around here. These threads are well... uh... they ain't good, I'll say that.
thoughts on lunare and taora committing suicide after being utterly mogged in every single catergory, number and metric by a newmakie?
>he's still in /g/
do you think the conversation is about people being scared away entirely
people are leaving this thread because it's just >>495559043 >>495558569 >>495544720 on loop now
Lunare's latest bot was a flop
Taora hasn't made anything in almost 2 months so it's safe to assume xe quit
What's wrong with my numberfagging post?
I am making normal conversation. Janny AI has become better while chub has gone down the shitter, it is no longer the "4chan site".
She just killed Rom the Vacuous Spider
How can I bs like bloodshy?
Give me a million botmakie/gossip/meme/numberfag posts to never see proxy begging and "donate to fiz" ever again.
see >>495559769
nyai is the 4chan site. the only people who post there are like minded anons. at least I only need to worry about getting 1 download to consider my bot successful there
i would actually like a good thread and not a bad one
I'd rather /aicg/ just get deleted entirely by jannies
>go to the last thread where he posted
>barely any gossipslop
where the fuck did these people come from
i don't like bloodtranny bots (im not a yuritard, sorry) but objectively speaking they are way much better and interesting that taora's and especially lunare's. lunare is just a retarded troon, i swear
thoughts on bloodshy's latest bot having more venus chats than all other yuribots on chuh combined?
didn't check the chats but good on her and I mean it.
In August the shitposting intensified a lot here. Now the thread is pretty much dead, just endless shitposts by bored people like the two posts directly below yours.

No actual discussions.
probably the usual baiters and shitters from /g/ (sorry not trying to start crossthread wars) figuring out they'd get a bigger effect shitting up this place, other than that i really don't know how these niggas appeared
i don't follow bloodshy so i don't care
after the cumslurper shitposter it seems like a handful of baities realized that the "fellate a random botmaker" strat is very effective at derailing any actual discussion and shitting up the thread
>No actual discussions.
but we're discussing bloodshy mogging every other botmakie bloodshybeit? if you don't like it you can always leave?
Without sounding mad, explain how discussing botmakers is "derailing any actual discussion and shitting up the thread". If you don't answer within 1 minute I will assume you ran to the bathroom crying.
one of them has a 4chan pass
take that as you will
i've never felt the desire to follow bloodshy so my favorites are unmogged
there is no actual discussion here. just people getting hysterical over a random yuritoon's bots.
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The important thing to remember about trending things is that getting onto the trending page makes you trend even harder, and that if you follow a botmaker their bots will show up on your front page.

...Also, looking at the page myself it's currently pic related. I'd say that the only surprising ones on the list are Krug and the demon loli, the rest are just what you'd expect from someone with that many followers.
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somebody is talking to one of my bots RIGHT NOW
How can you tell?
I told liam this would happen months ago and he was convinced with how everything was put in place it to be impossible.
shitters will jump ship when there's enough participants on the other. happens to tons of general which split.
Sorry, I couldn't hear you over your hysterical sobs. Try again.
...Wait, who the fuck is Liam?
Congratulations to trustworthy_proposal_1508 for the demon loli.
Idk who Liam is but I said it in the very first month of this general.
Activity attracts shitposters, so this general was only going to be good while it wasn't popular as shitposters were gonna stay in /g/.

It lasted a good 5 months before dying, good enough desu.
Krug is super bland and basic though
>t. taora having a meltie over being MOGGED by GODshy
the best bloodshy bot is still Nobuko with Datura as a second.
I prefer a Krug over a cybernetic maid catgirl air-force pilot who's situated in some cyberpunk world I care little about with more gimmicks and lorebook entries than himmyadams follower count
my favorite bloodshy bot is eden smith
>cybernetic maid catgirl air-force pilot who's situated in some cyberpunk world I care little about with more gimmicks and lorebook entries than himmyadams follower count
I would play with that and I would play with Krug. I'm not a picky eater.
I would play with that, actually.
choosing between a catgirl and a wolfgirl? porque no los dos?
Now that a yuribot made it in the top 3 trending bots on chub, which botmakies will jump on the yuri bandwagon for clout?
Sorry, just came back from the bathroom (was taking a huge shit (while crying)). But fellating a botmaker while saying everyone else should kill themselves is not conducive discussion of chatbots, especially when you aren't even talking about their bots. I am mad btw and also crying (pissed my pants a bit too).
Guys, is it possible that people's tastes in bots are subjective and all attempts at quantifying a good bot are inherently self-fellating because you're positioning yourself as a tastemaker?
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Hey this guy makes good points for someone who was crying and pissed his pants
>But fellating a botmaker while saying everyone else should kill themselves is not conducive discussion of chatbots, especially when you aren't even talking about their bots.
This is an emotionally charged take so I automatically win. Now go back and wipe your ass.
see >>495421057
that's oddly specific. could it possibly be that you're...bitter about something?
explain the feel in english
>is it possible that people's tastes in bots are subjective and all attempts at quantifying a good bot are inherently self-fellating because you're positioning yourself as a tastemaker?
cool, but chub numbers don't lie
breast expansion bot? can you see?
krug and other feral kemonomimi bots are just unoriginal and unfunny ripoffs of granmarg's focks btbeit
Surely there can be a middle ground
crustcrunch did it before granmarg beithougheverhoweverthoughbeitwhomstvebrapped
I don't like "cftf" because people never have a feel and more importantly never actually want a card for the feel and just want to post whatever coomslop they found on x, the everything app
whocars, krug is the focks of our generation (except more popular)
the feel is titty expansion
anon wants a BE card
are you guys stupid
Rapist Sadako who leaves your TV and rapes you. Standard stuff.

I've been playing around lately with writing straight smut in greetings to see how it affects LLM writing. This is that. It's cringe and it's embarrassing and writing straight smut is hard as sin, yes, but I vaguely get the impression it improves things.
I don't read moon runes so fuck off
>Krug has 1.6k venus chats, isn't even yuri
>"Katie - Your Lesbian Best Friend" has 3.3k, literally more than double
Stay in the kiddie pool or you might drown, anon. "{{char}} is {{char}}" won.
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>look at the girls
>one of their tits is bigger
>from context clues (i.e. this thread) you can infer this is a harvest goddess who gets big titties when it's harvest season
>other girl pulls up a chart that slowly amps up over time
>picture of huge tits blocking the sunset
bloodshy only does fempov so any bot she makes is automatically yuri, your argument is invalid
wait you tricked me, katie your lesbian best friend is a malepov card! reee
She will be cured.
guys my anus itches really bad. I thought it might be because I didn't fully rinse out the soap last time I showered but I just took another shower and made sure to rinse it thoroughly, even fingered it a bit, and it still itches like hell. cftf?
You have anal fissures, anon.
>cybernetic maid catgirl air-force pilot who's situated in some cyberpunk world I care little about with more gimmicks and lorebook entries than himmyadams follower count
I see you guys have already moved on from kohai and found a new bot to autistically obsess over
see >>495563978
>only does fempov

>Nobuko is fempov yuri
>Datura is anypov omegaverse bullshit
>Olivia is fempov yuri
>Kruf is anypov wolfgirl

No, anon, every SECOND bloodshy bot is yuri. Variety is the spice of life, I guess.
Pointless meta posts like these only encourage it.
Kohai-chan was astroturfed by like 3 people, Krug's popularity is entirely organic (see venus numbers)
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incredibly based OP
But anon don't you get it? I need to announce that I am above falling for your bait to prove that I am a greater person than you.
>Krug's popularity is entirely organic (see venus numbers)
Is anything actually preventing you from making a bot and then chatting with it on venus for two thousand messages? Do you think doing that would be like, empirically untenable or something?
>two thousand messages
Twenty two thousand. Keep seething 'an, you'll never be as popular as bloodyshy
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that is exactly why i post cftfs. i'm compelled to share cool images i find online. have another one.
>is [retarded shit nobody cares about]
Ok but who asked? Go do it with Kohai-chan then?
Only one week left until September ends...
Opus 3.5 this week or delayed until after elections.
but the botmaker herself does fempov therefore any anypov bot is actually fempov by implication
>kalacuck instantly starts seething the moment those 2 bots are brought up in the same post
if this isn't confirmation that he made kohai chan and then got his circlejerk to spam the thread about it then I don't know what is
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It's my first time setting up a chatbot and I'm having trouble getting her to behave how I envisioned her to, lots of trial and error but always unsatisfactory results, it's starting to get kind of frustrating.
In the case of krug there's no way that's happening. the downloads and engagement alone prove that. bloodshy isn't the kind of person to engage in such petty practices
the moment one retard realizes not to reply to the le ironic astroturf campaign the next retard wants to take a swing
Model matters a lot more than what you are doing.
First name the model, then a screenshot of your definitios.
I still prefer saying cftf.
Sorry, I'm not very tech-savvy and I'm still getting used to some of the terminoligies. I'm using Kobold with Stheno, I was reccomended because apparently it's easy to set up for beginners
> downloads
Can be faked
> engagement
Can be faked
can be faked, can be earned
Seventh bot time!
Cute sleepy loli deity, Rei!
Greeting 1: on a sunny day she suddenly plops down in front of you, adorable and sleepy, and you're her new favorite humie!
Greeting 2: she's moved in with you and is making you ramen, obviously her eternal life is best spent with you!
Made in an hour to get a good bot with low tokens, success. Cute MOE loli doing cute things, enjoy! Small bot, small shill, I have nothing else to say, that's fine.
nobody is out there faking fucking numbers on chub, I swear, jealousy really is a mental illness
Was numberfag shitposter right when he called out /vg/ for caring enough about numbers to try and disprove some botmaker who doesn't even come here anymore (because you scared them off, btw?)
I'm not accusing bloodshy of anything, I'm just confused by why you guys are acting like X can be astroturfed and Y can't when I can absolutely do both.
Local model on your PC I assume, and no Horde? Sorry you went through all that but a 8b-12B model will struggle being accurate to a character.

I recommend get Mistral API, which has Mistral Large (123B model) for free for two weeks, and small models free. You just put the Key in SillyTavern to access the model from Cloud.
You can also check /g/aicg for stolen credential proxies for access to other top Cloud models.
>I'm-I'm n-not accusing anyone of anything, ok???
Why so defensive, especially since that's exactly what you're doing? At least own up to it.
>"Mmmph! Mmmph!" Anon tries to scream, but his mouth is too full of shit and cum to make any noise.
Mistral's free tier is free tier, you're mixing it up with the free trial that had $5 and was time limited.
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>nobody is out there faking fucking numbers on chub
Is the 5$ thing over now? I'll stop reccing it to newfags.
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Just busted the FATTEST nut to claude opus, thanks Dario!

>Verification not required.
Hell yeah man! I'm goonna bust one too, soon.
Get with the times, it's an actual tier now. You still have to verify your phone number like before with the trial but the prompting is conditionally unlimited. One of the conditions is that they use your prompts for training, and there's supposed to be a rate limit but it wasn't in the docs yet when I last checked.
And you forgot to suggest CMDR+ which due to the phone verification is still easier to set up than Mistral.
I've been using ChatGPT to translate steamy content from Japanese to English, and it was extremely good. But I recently got a warning email telling me that any more of this and I'd get the boot from OpenAI. Is there a way around that? I want a way to translate NSFW Japanese content without getting banned from using ChatGPT. Really, that's all I want. That's the reason I'm looking for a replacement.
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Yeah it's a local model, I was using Yodayo before but found it too restricting so I looked for the easiest option and got this reccomended to me.

>for free for two weeks
I appreciate the advice but I wanted to use these chatbots for the long-term, not for just a 2 week trial or anything like that. And my previous experiences have made me kind of dismissive of small free models.

I also just don't want to spend any money on any of this lol
visit >>>/g/
>Janny AI
Isn't it more censored and has private defs?
I don't rec CR+ anymore since it failed to improve and move ahead with the times.

Assuming you want only GPT for those purposes, just go to /g/aicg and use a proxy that uses stolen credentials of GPT with SillyTavern frontend.
That is the only way, as OAI doesn't allow NSFW so you will get an email no matter what. You could account hop but that's about it.

Well in that case, /g/lmg if you have a strong PC to get better suggestions for local models, just name your model there. Or the other thing.
If you're running locally and understand how to do it, Stheno is old and retarded. Use Nemo or Gemma 2 (the Gemmasutra finetune is decent and adds porn options base Gemma is missing).
It was nice knowing all of you guys but due to Bloodshy mogging all of us lesser botmakies, I will be quitting the hobby. I wish you all the best.
who are u so I can dl your bots in memory
>wanted to use these chatbots for the long-term, not for just a 2 week trial or anything like that
>made me kind of dismissive of small free models
>don't want to spend any money on any of this
That's rather foolish. And for the record, the easiest and also permanent option would have been Agnai.
>failed to improve
Compared to what, from the same generation? The new snapshot was most likely to show they're still not dead, you can't count it against them.
taora (it's subtle but noticeable)
If as an AI company, you fail to noticeably improve in a 6-7 months period, you are most likely gawn. Their newest snapshot was the same as older model, nothing noticeable.

Also I forgot that Gemini is literally free for everyone, I don't how they handle NSFW though on Google accounts and I wouldn't want to test that myself. I should start rec'cing it.
got me at
I hope my oshi secretly likes the attention
>nothing noticeable
Yeah but the company stagnating doesn't mean the same model is suddenly unsatisfactory.
>Gemini is literally free for everyone
Why do you even rec anything if you don't keep track of the shit? It's still 50 rpd for 1.5 Pro and 1500 rpd for 1.5 Flash. And Pro is okay but 50 rpd! Flash is local tier shit, in the bad sense.
what the fuck is an "oshi"
I do keep track of it, I meant that I wasn't gonna do porn and possibly get my google account banned on it.
>50 requests per day
Hmm, chatgpt has a similar quota its something regardless.

Also fuck captcha is broken
Oshi is a popular term in Japan most often describing a person or fictional character that receives your full love and support. Having an oshi makes you a superfan to the point that you might go to great lengths to recommend your “fav” to others.
no oko
just say "senpai" like a normal person
too special for catbox? but I'm only joking.
>It's cringe and it's embarrassing
>writing straight smut is hard as sin
>I vaguely get the impression it improves things.
what 'things'? also
>writinng in a particular manner yields particular replies
that's kind of self evident. nice greeting though, it's not the cringe kind of smut you see it for. I know I've written more degenerate things to discombobulate models.
I am not that anon, I just posted the google def
NTA but oshi is usually used in reference to idols and more recently, vtubers.
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status yuri?
NL is my oshi
No don't get the bird drunk is bird ok
>Edit: 17 Sep 2024
I didn't know pigeons could fly higher than a kite
Animals getting drunk is actually more common than you expect.
They just need fermented fruits.

Bees get drunk really easily (then get killed for messing up)
me after 1 beer
What >>495569458 said. Oshi is purely parasocial, senpai actually has a relationship with you.
Either one would be only used by the threadshitters.
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Ok thanks I feel better now
taora slighted me
推す, osu, meaning "to recommend, to support, to back".
推し, oshi, is that verb being nouned into a slang term meaning, basically, "my favorite one of [INSERT GROUP HERE]".

I'm going to assume that you probably ran into some idol culture bot or something?
Just built my 500 point army in 40k.
wtf based?
damn, you too?

>Only 500 points
What army?
Don't call me a threadshitter I'm just promoting my oshi
The rule is that I have to make an army using only 500 points. Keep in mind, these are my first times playing, and i'm playing with other retards like me who are also new, so if something's wrong, don't blame me, blame the brain.
Death Korp troops make up the bulk of the infantry forces, and I have three heavy weapons units for support. Mortar, missile, and autocannon. Two Hydra vehicles, one Avenger strike vehicle. And one Chimera for infantry transport and more armor.
I just followed the point counts according to 40k.app.
Claude likes to drop bombs sometimes.
The limits are for the free API. AI Studio doesn't have any limits and it's quite convenient for some light hobbyshit. Using ex-Bard instead of the Studio isn't a good choice.
preset? nice writing, I assume it fits the tone of the card
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yuri this yuri that what about the yaoi? become gay/women
sorry, i enjoy ntr-sissy roleplays, that's not gay
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Kurenai Tayū, under the guise of the Crimson Courtesan this rather gigantic kitsune reigned supreme through the pleasure quarters of Yoshiwara.

Includes 2 greetings:
1- A Chance Encounter at the Festival.
2- A Servant's First Offering.

Chub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/architect/kurenai-tayu-cce2f4efe49f
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/glirwq.png
Other bots: https://www.characterhub.org/users/architect
>Actual guard chad
Neat, for 500 points it's decent but once you start moving up points I would highly recommend basically dropping every vehicle sans the chimera and replacing them with Leman Russes. I'm assuming you're 3d printing that stuff unless you actually bought forgeworld Krieger's and the avenger?
unconvincing schizo. the card is just a fetishslop gardevoir girl I mess with when I'm burnt out.
I'm too broke for that stuff, we play using Tabletop Simulator workshop mods.
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nice, im starting a S/M rp based on a fanfic AU
>Four hundred and eighty-five pounds
We need to go bigger.
very curious as to why you quoted me
just realized it's been a while since yuritard posted
all the veterans have gotten sick of chatbots
can i get a fatter gen
is 'unconvincing schizo' the name of the preset?
Yaoi is gay, I only do straight femboy and futa rps.
it's the schizo preset on https://unconvincing.neocities.org/
any yaoi recs of old man bots?
Not true, she was always an on and off poster.
I have seen her using chorbo recently.
using 'ora preset btw
only saw like one rahu log in the last few months
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Which one would you choose, anon?
claude has been generating dead catbox links instead of dead imgur links for me when its randomly making html lately and i dont know why it changed
>"And don't say both!"
well shit.
any idea why she stopped making bots? kinda miss her
Go ask in the mirror
I took her off the market, so to speak.
>ask it why it did that
>I apologize for the confusion, but I did not generate any external links or images in my previous response. As an AI language model, [...]
>If an image link appeared in the conversation, it was likely included in the prompt or added by the human user.
>I kindly request you to double-check the conversation history to verify the source of the link.
bratty model must correct
Well you see anon, thats very simple. All the regular makies that post here are either heavily reclined or old, they had their time in the sun and now they have to move over for the even newer gens, or keep clinging to their rapidly fading relevance.
You are all very strange.
who is the enoch of our generation
>newer gens
ahahah nigga where it's unironically over for botmakers dead hobby
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Don't worry. Just make sure to give her apology creampies later and it will be okay.
see >>495568069
i want to see another astroturf (me) who's going to take up my mantle of undeniably quality bots? haven't seen it from this new crop of kiddies yet...
>its a list of reclined makies
But hitogami has been making bots for longer than enoch?
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Autism hobby!
why does chatbotting feel so boring now? is it too much of a good thing (opus)? is it because i'm not being self-indulgent enough? have i just gotten used to claude's little quirks to the point of knowing exactly what my card will say?
AVTISMGVDS rule this general.
his garbage is all lolibaba slop
brain issue
its called burnout
the second one. go be more self-indulgent. heres a new preset that you havent seen outputs from: https://files.catbox.moe/xmcdad.json
have fun
You are on the right track.
>not being self indulgent enough
Think about what you really need and want
>Used to Claude
Also a thing. You will eventually get bored of a static model.

I dealt with it by becoming even lower effort, I use canon bots most of the time as they have high inbuilt knowledge and I can canon adjacent scenarios and entertain myself by seeing how they react. Don't even need to write a bot anymore.
And I use Chorbo.

Basically just stop overthinking it and see what you want and still like to do. I personally like interesting scenarios where characters are in unique situations so I do those. No more elaborate slowburns.
Holy shit it's the 'ora preset (real)!
I'll try all of these, thank you anons. Will get back to you all later
Will try all of these, thank you anons, will get back to you all later
his garbage is all lolibaba slop
is it just me or posts are taking forever to submit?
are mutually exclusive statements, anorn.
not just you
4chan is dying
it kinda feels like everywhere is dying right now
mystery presets are the best
open internet is over because we need to wrap it up in time for ww3 to kick off in december
thank god
count the adverbs
>4chan is dying
>/aicg/ is dying
>proxies are dying
>botmakers are dying
>chatbots as a hobby is dying
what preset are you using anon?
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Will bake the first suggestion ending in 1 or 3. But it has to be cute.
You have no idea how much I wish presets also saved their given name
I am incapable of counting, Brother.
maids on a smoke break
kitsune okina
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arctic fox girls
is an equally descriptive name to what it's actually called in my ST
russian girls
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Tsubaki my beloved
Cute anime girls in mechanic getup.
AYUP I'm thinking it's time for the Bloodshy bake
pictures of kittens
seconding >>495580287
grease bunny fatto catto...
girls showing off their guns (literal or figurative)
sex with robots
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muscle girl bake...
Winrar. Will bake in a moment.
hopefully they show off pink guns with hello kitty stickers on them
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im scared to read this
finally, i though roll-posting will never end
bot link?
those are some long rats
thread wheel comeback
thread wheel is a cheater who didnt choose skibidi 3 times now
Time to get to work then, anon.
Eventually, yeah. It's an old bot that I finally got to finish so I'm trying to get newer stuff done currently. I remember doing some but didn't like them enough
but you won on /g/
My own, currently a testing version with CoT. I have an earlier version I posted here a month or so. Check the archives for a catbox link post with a pick of a woman with huge tits
One day she'll learn nihongo...
holy fucking schizokino i wanna vomit
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sometimes claude just says some shit
did he really
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Baked. Sorry for the wait. The firearms had to clear bakery customs.

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