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Fuck pscavs edition

> Patch notes
>Where to get the latest Russian sneedware
>Arena website
>Ammo charts
>Gun Builder Website (Overswing calculator included)
>For the newfags
>Written guide for the newfags
>Quest tracker
>All your Tarkov needs website
>Change list
/eftg/ has no discord, any discord links posted are from tranny or homo grooming servers.
/eftg/ is a general dedicated to tarkov, not spt.

MIA >>494752687
i hate the poster who posts with nikita reaction pics, question for you, why do you have pictures of a balding fat man in your computer?
i hate the lvndmark söyface poster
Haha today I will get my last setup kill!
No, I will instead find no one and get killed by a scav's armpit shot kek
>buddy gets head,jaw'd by a pmc with a 9x19 full auto from 150meters
>pmc spins 180 and head,jaws me
Absolutely dastardly strat of camping inside the old gas extract when you don't have it
>nooo you can only post my approved soijacks!!!
>dead raid
>went to fortress on my way out
>it's completely unlooted
oh well good things for me I guess
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am I bad
there's one location on that map and it's dorms
All my setup kills thus far have been outside of dorms somehow, I've caught people in the streamer house and big red mostly.
>he doesn't check the goonstracker every time he loads into a goonermap
Couldn't be me, they've caught me off guard too many times for that
>big firefight with pmcs
>touching body
>look up
>scav apparently sprinted and proned within 10 feet of me without making a sound in the 3-5 seconds I looked at the body
>shoots me in the throat
he hates it
Fucks sake everyone must have moved on from customs, these raids are totally dead. Not even pscavs
i saw you kill some streamer yesterday or today? i just have eft on in the background while I'm at work. think they reported you lol
Has anyone done an analysis of what the ruble value of a GP coin really is? Considering you can sell things you buy on ref to the flea I'm sure there's some barter item you can get from him that has high value with low gp coin cost that basically "sets" the coin value. Using this coin value you can determine which of his gear barters are actually worth the coins.

Like for instance light bulbs are going for ~20k rubles and 3 gp coins, this means each coin is worth ~6666ru. But this might not be the most efficient barter to base the coin's value on.
>sugar approaching 55k
Is it the time in wipe to finally sell sugar? The "high" price I'm used to seeing late wipe is 75k but considering you don't need FiR status anymore the peak may be lower.
>flub setup kill because flechette can't headshot a helmetless guy at 10 meters
fucking pellet spread is so shit sometimes
reddit did, at lvl 1 keytools to vendor is the best, no idea about lvl 2 but they do
dude I dumped 9 shells from 5 meters away at a guy and the guy was wearing a kora kolun, he lived
>time for the daily arena daily task CBT session
>3 different blatant cheaters in one LH game
Free weekends were a mistake.
the free weekend is for arena only
No shit
i thought LH stood for lighthouse
its last hero in arena which is an FFA deathmatch mode, pure cancer, kda doesnt matter so people with negative kd can win the game while 99% of people just metaslave guns
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it was my fucking ssd lel
you should do any other map than chop slop
It was on Bowl.
how old was it?
It sucks because chopslop is just the best map for LH tasks. I ONLY play arena to complete the tasks for free money/xp, I want to spend as little time as possible playing it so I can get back to eft. Chop gives me guaranteed at least 5th place and the kill counts generally run higher so it's good for those tasks too. There's just no other reason to play any other map, even wasting just one match feels really annoying in arena. I want every match to count towards task progress.
I play last hero on skybridge for fun
skybridge is fun as fuck on blastgang but I still only play it when I have tasks to do
7 years old
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i've never had such a successful wipe. burning through quests left and right, already found my ledx, almost lvl 42 without touching arena. feelsgudman.
chat where do I find the will to get hacked on and queue up
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I've got 3000 hours played on my account and been playing since 2017, and my GOD, I've never had this much trouble entering Interchange after spawning. Sure, I started really late into the wipe (level 19 currently), but still. Out of the last 10 raids, I've gotten inside the damn mall only two times. Otherwise it's just getting head, eyed like 30 seconds out of spawning.
sj12 and a lucky spawn is all you can hope for
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So, how's the PvE mode? I've not tried it, but all this dying to gigapoopsocks or to really suspicious shit as a low level timmie has made me consider it.
servers are shitting themselves again
they decided it's a good idea to make random pmcs have twice the target acquisition and shoot time as any boss in the game so you die in 1 tap the second it sees you
that way you're getting the "tarkov experience"

they add literal hackers into your pve lobby just cause
Do you push your closest spawns first thing? I treat interchange and shoreline the same. First order of business is clearing out the closest spawns to me.

lvl42 without arena is pretty wack, I've been doing alright but my progress has been hampered by setup.
Tried doing that for a while, but after getting doinked enough times, I just switched to deathspamming, so I could at least progress with my tasks. Kinda gruesome, since everything that's being thrown in my direction just lasers through my shit while my own ammo barely scratches them. Just got doinked by M993 to the face, lol.
the new marathon quests give an insane amount of xp. those helped a lot.
>ak12 in arena with 7n40
>42 pen with -10 recoil
Holy fuck the 7n40 is actually goated it just glides through helmets and makes your recoil super controllable. The ak12 even has 700rpm so it's a little quicker than the standard 650 of most aks. 556 doesn't really have a comparable round of high pen yet negative recoil.
I still haven't tried them because I hear marathon raids take forever. Is it true that it's like 2-3 hours to get all the way to the end? Normally I'm not able to play longer than 2ish hours at a time anyway so it makes me hesitant to waste precious time. But zero to hero marathon rounds sound super fun
Do you try to enter the mall through main entrances or through the parking garage? I've always had good luck going into the garage first off then popping out through one of the holes or escalator entrances.
much like the previous guy said the AI is pretty whack. A big problem with the PMCs are that they get scav spawns for whatever reason so sometimes there'll be like 4-5 spawned next to each other and immediately kill each other, or things like them spawning in SawMill with Shturman and the consequences of that. The AI PMCs also tend to just sit silently wherever they are and shoot you the second they have a visual on you/you look at them, so you're essentially dealing with extract campers but in random places. Grenades (like most with most NPCs) are good ways to push them but it can be very whacky. Boss spawns are really high though so if you like killing them they feel like they're almost always available to do.
you only have to wait 7 minutes for the transit to open on each map. it all depends on how slow you want to play it and how lucky you get with spawns.
>Find two super decked out bodies
>Check around, no proper line of sight to the bodies according to my calculations
>Go quickly snatch their tags and check them out
>Killed by a PMC with an ash-12
>Look for their killer
>Search wide, nothing
>Loot both of them and exfil
You just know there was another delicious corpse somewhere to be found. NOBODY leaves loot like this behind.
Sounds like a really half-assed attempt at PvE then. Shame. As someone with a busy life otherwise, I feel like PvP doesn't respect my time enough and was hoping that PvE was the answer.
I leave loot like that behind because I'm not getting doinked by the third coward who's been hiding 200m away with his scope pointed directly at his fag boyfriends' bodies for the last 15 minutes, but I do enjoy the thought of that cunt having to wait out the entire rest of the raid in fear while the other two cry about having died.
It's really not that bad, been having a lot of fun with it. Esp. since you can do shit with your friends if they play it too. If you're looking for not!PvP tarkov with good AI just play SPT with SAIN/Donuts/PMCsGoQuesting and other mods.
>kill two geared players
>look all around, check any random angles
>not a soul in sight
>go to loot
>the worlds' quietest scav has managed to teleport 4 inches from your head and puts you under in a single round
Fair point, to be honest, since even I do that. Oh well, I was that lucky random third party who vacuumed everything and made a run for it, lol.
Well, I indeed had to kill like 30 scavs, constantly having to interrupt my looting because of them. Shit's fucking ridiculous in Interchange, although killing them is pretty fun. Killed like 3 pscavs too while looting those corpses.
more than anything I just see it as a "every new scav is a dice roll to a retarded throat/jaw death" simulator when you're looting, since they home into your location like a drone.
I used to be a real poopsock back in the day, but being level 65 a month into the wipe kinda makes you wonder. How much do these people actually play this game on a daily basis? Or is there some sort of a superduper lucrative way of making xp these days? At least the dude wasn't a cheater, since he just sprinted past me while I was looting a random level 1 PMC I had just killed, lel.
>play a streets round
>go scav lighthouse
>queue back up for streets
>suddenly the load screen is running at like 1/4th speed
>find a rusted key
>guy camping the door with 10 minutes left to the raid laying in some whack corner

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hehe nothing personell

I've noticed this wipe scavs have been spawning weirdly like that. I'll turn a corner and there will be ~3 of them grouped up all on top of eachother just standing silently. Happens basically every time I enter warehouse 7 in the second half of raid.
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refute this
>engages you further than 10m away
>exclusively plays chop shop and equator
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It gives me such joy, when I get a ruin a squad's raid:
>Hear a squad roaming around and shooting everything that moves
>Follow them meticulously, waiting for a good ambush point
>Finally a perfect spot, the first guy climbs up the stairs and I doink his head
>His buttbuddies have to retreat below and all they can do is to throw nades blindly
>Take some distance and scope in on the corpse, while also watching gorillion nades landing all around the corpse
>Nades die down, now they are just screaming USEC taunts below with no line of sight on the corpse
>Dive in, slurp up all the loot and make my way silently out of there
Managed to take all the loot pretty silently, so I wouldn't be surprised if they are still camping the stairs and trying to save their friend's loot. What a perfect way to end the night.
>stacking face protection
bless your heart
I wish this worked but pellets will still let you down even on those small maps
stop trying to gaslight me
haha that's why they call it CHOPSLOP BABY

>nikita admitting that the game was made easier because of twitch drops audience constantly bitching it was too hard live on stream
I truly hate mainstreamfags so much
i run flechette, if you aim for the chest it will put rounds on their face due to the spread pattern
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>thought pve was going to be a joke
>it is, but at a terrifying degree of shits totally fucked
>40+ scav waves in dorms, hallways literally door to door corpses
>bosses agro from across the map, goons will fucking run you down from one end of shoreline from the other, bird eye will be shooting at you when you spawn
>partisan is fucking everywhere, if he catches you in an open field ur fucked m8
>every map that has a boss it's like a 50% chance they are up and are double their usual agro radius
The pmcs are 100% retarded, but the bosses, jesus christ.
>starts to jam after killing 1 pmc
ratting people is much more fun than pushing and killing them for me i dont know why, theres something about killing an unaware enemy
Wait till you experience it after you came into the map with literally nothing. Nade boxes on ground zero are fucking retarded, i've gotten so many nade kills.
this is the second time i died to kabans guards after killing kaban while reloading, they keep pushing me
>0-4 on fucking sawmill
>retarded faggot is in a 1v1
>he manages to win instead of just getting the fucking game over with
>we come back and tie 4v4
>retard team goes off and gets wiped in the first 30 seconds
>waste all that time for shit exp and no money
I fucking despise the mongrels that play this game. Every time I think "oh i'll try sawmill again" I'm reminded that this map is unplayable trash.
For me it's juking people, just popping out to see them looking for you in the wrong spot is fucking hilarious
Fucking teamfight can be so ass just because it draws on and on. You'll have a task to win X matches but then get stuck into a 4:5 match and waste like half an hour or something for nothing. I refuse to do TF or BG tasks unless its something that can be completed even if we loose the match
>finally get my first 1st place in LH
>realize it's free arena weekend and these guys are probably shitters
t-thanks guys
is korund good or worth the 185k
The guy didn't get a kill for 6 rounds. He won that round by waiting it out. I got a TF daily to win 3 games with marksman for a lega coin. I'm ready to firebomb the BSG offices, to be honest.
Kek some of these guys are lobotomy patients. Aren't there marksman weapons that are more cqb oriented so you can go better TF maps? Honestly my marksman kit is just an autoglock with shittons of mags
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Yea, I'm using a tx-15 with m995. Doesn't stop arena from being utter dogshit for marksman most of the time due to lolnohelmet and every player running high rof shitsticks. Most maps even if you can hold a longer sight line you'll just end up in a 1v3 or something and get shredded anyway. Finally fucking done at least. I have a daily for enforcer kills but I'd rather slam my dick in a car door than play any more of this shit tonight.
> what is vss
I think I didn't want to spend shit to unlock it or something, but yeah that's a good gun

Lol yep arena experience, the game is made for scout and assault. The other two classes are just there for lulz
is gud
once you shoot on night streets one billion scavs start rushing towards you i cant even loot the guy i killed
>spawn right above lower chalet on Lighthouse
>Knight charges up and instantly dies
>bird-eye comes by with 2 scavs shortly after and dies
>Big Pipe comes up, stops making noise, nothing happens
>reacts to my grenade
>poke about trying to find him
>6 minutes later I loot the two I killed, never see/hear him again
wonder where he went
>go to the Skybridge Apt
>search about and find the guitar pick
>kick down the door and exit the other side
>open door at ground level
>6+2 scavs waiting out the door
>4 more around the corner
was honestly one of the most hilarious things I'd seen
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>kept the FSP
holy based
that's a RIS III right?
hope they add some more Daniel Defense rails soon
too many doohickeys and gadgets, would not oper8 with
i am LOSING MY MIND trying to do assessment pt 1
you either get a dogshit spawn with 0 chance of seeing another human or everyone sits in bush
>tactical Bluey
doing a kappa playthrough in SPT with two of my friends.
using FIKA, SWAG+Donuts, Thats Lit, Questingbots+Lootingbots and SAIN
game feels amazing, we are around level 18 and enjoying every minute of it, im running the server on my PC and zero issues this far. Much better than PVE for sure.
>accidentally forgot to switch raid time and picked midnight instead of noon
>no flightlight
>no night vision

how over is it bros
what map
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>Me: I'm still happy with my 20 series GPU. It can still run most games on high or even max.
Pray for full moon. If not, try to navigate to the nearest extract and go again.
Just toss all your shit in a bush and kill yourself it's not a big deal

did you get lost in the maze of tunnels?
ris iii fsp
thankfully there r mods
As soon as they make it brighter then they made it better.
i wish there was a kill count on guns when you inspected them.
Gas welder goggles are maximum kino, I like that they added all the funny cosmetic gear to arena too. When I'm flush with coins I want to pick up those monster masks.
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>completed dandies in 1 raid + 2 PMC kills
>arena puts me into a match with 120+ ping
>my hits take like 0.5 seconds to register
>still manage to get 4th place
Nah just use the Bagariy or Defender both cheaper and better. You can just get a Korund front plate for a golden egg and stick it in a 6b23.
is Nigkita ever gonna add armor/rig/back customizations? I need more black color options so I can larp as Sam Fisher.
PP Bizon when
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Rig customisation is meant to come around 1.0
I hope they go in-depth, would love to see dumb 'tismic shit like having to use the right mag pouches for the right mags
Fyi you don't need to do Setup to get to Skier 4 if you have the EoD rep bonus. I'm level 51 now and I haven't touched it.
insurgency isn't a milsim
super fun to see obvious cheaters reach 52 level
I wonder if a shot to someone's helmet with the Blicky toy gun causes the same concussion effect as any other bullet?
will i ever be able to flash and clear
>go labs looking for solar
>have all keycards because infinite money wipe
>go to red room and hear weird shooting
>lock myself in as I hear him sprinting towards me
>see him poke his gun through the door, assume he's trying to shoot me
oh great he doesn't have a keycard and maybe he's not a hacker
>20 seconds later
>no noise, no beep, he opens the keycard door and instantly domes my head
30 kd low hundred hour account
chinese name

I hunger for the 3 gorge dam.

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