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Nova edition

Previous thread >>495231482

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4Funbros: contact ddaavveeFTW
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Warbros: contact Killsaw
Oblivion: contact Wxu. or Geogre512

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://rentry.org/zcav453e
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: The Lotus Eaters: Hotfix 36.1.6
CURRENT EVENT: September Corruption Alerts
nerf mapwipers
nerf incarnons
nerf energy economy
nerf mobility
save warframe
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Reminder Nova is a loli
Don't mind if I do
early melty
poopy bumpy
Liger is asking for players' critiques and opinions from the Reddit Warframe Community
another melty
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
I'm gonna call him a fag
y u so gay
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if your name begins with a dash you're a faggot
reminder that nova is fat
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>nerf mobility
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God I wish DE got someone else to design females other than this faggot
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Just passed my gooning rank 12 test
go away
I thought this guy was Japanese? WTF?

Did he not see how popular Ember Heirloom is?
he is faggot, literally
>Did he not see how popular Ember Heirloom is?
that's a comment he made 11 months ago, so I guess there's some hope Ember Heirloom changes his mind, but it goes to show that he's been holding back female designs for a while
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im on it boss
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goodmorning sirs
pls do the needful and sho wafram vegana an bob
thanks you sirds
/new/ ruined 4chan
/pol/ killed it
didn't ask thougheverbeit
meant for >>495423061 >>495422859
>The Wokeri Paradox
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What are tenno eating to survive?
Lotus milk
aren't we basically dead?
delete alchemy
cubes, literally
fish-o-nazi sushi
fag moment
I'm MR27 and I'm totally dogshit at warframe
Cute mrlet!
thats ok most people are
Ember was more fun then i thought she'd be. But into the wall she goes.
no cap
fax fax
dopdopdop yes yes prime
File deleted.
tak on the 'log anyway dj mag song of the day is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZOgEQCO2nA
granum tax
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Best way to grind Necramech EXP nowadays? Is it still Railjack Survival or now it’s something like Murmur?
fuck, kek
why do you guys hate alchemy so much?
the duality of 'log
Amphor percentage decreases with the amount of players so unlike Survival which encourages you to have more players, more kills and more life support; the Alchemy punishes you because most randoms will just killing everything never bothering to throw amphors and therefore doubling the time needed.
dont wanna stop killin things to do stupid chores
the pick-shit-up-and-throw-it mechanic is atrocious and they made a whole fuckin game mode out of it
fuck alchemy
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now THIS is plastids farming
5? i thought you could only do 4
what is this pay to win garbage
I just do veil railjack survival
might as well try to get ambassador blueprint
I'm a registered founder
whenever I play circuit I feel like I'm the only one throwing the flasks
you are
back to work, wagie
dang, and my time machine is in the shop...
alchemy just isn't good. takes too many to throw, doesn't spawn the right ones, and the throwing is garbage. Feels like half the time the stupid thing overshoots (when I'm looking directly at it) and it can bust itself on enemies, making you miss and waste shots that should have clearly hit the thing
It's actually insane how fucking terrible. Duviri is until about that 10 minute mark where you have good decrees. Like it is the worst experience I've ever had in my 7000 hours and I used to do aliens and spiders for 14 hours straight when they came out. Who is it that enjoys this content? Who? I want fucking names because I don't believe they are actually people.
It would probably be less garbage if they would just let you pick 3 decrees at the start. It would also help if DE's netcode wasn't hot garbage or borderline broken in content where it actually matters. But that shit's unfixable.
like I said million times before - I quite enjoy duviri
I like the fact that at the very beginning you can't one-shot the enemies
I like the pseudo souls-like combat
but if I want to get clamps for all the shit - incarnons and duviri weapons - then I have to play it DOZENS of times
and I don't like that
Haven't messed around with valkyr in ages, how is she nowadays
the tossing seems pretty solid to me. the only tricky part is recognizing that you still have control over the aim after you release M3, until the animation finishes
with practice you don't have to stand still to toss, you can just send it and do the aiming mid-animation
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Nobody does Duviri because they actually like it
I've thought that maybe it might make it better if your weapon elements affected the dropped vials. That way you could have at least some control over the RNG. Making you think about what you bring, sort of like profit taker. Mixed elements would weight their constituents.
Either that or have a much better "non random" system that varied around a fixed number of vials of each element. "If X number of one element exist on the ground then the other elements get weighted heavier" sort of thing.
Dooveeree is good, only shitters hate it
I always end up doing SP Circuit solo.
Every time I've accidentally pugged it I just get people who go one round and then leave. How do these retards ever finish a week like that?
lolwtf why did she make that face?
stinky fart
It's not bad it's just boring which is worse
An MRhag walked into the room
I honestly don't remember
I ended up grinding out both. Leeched the Hild Chassis off a random after missing 4 of my own rads and a rad and intact from Randoms.
Meanwhile Sevagoth BP popped from one Rad and I got the relic from my first run of Apollo
Now I just need plat for slots.....
Hildryn Prime was my second prime first was Oberon and I cleared entire non-SP content with her

Reb is famous
Just whore yourself out, whats your ign?
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That one time I got a god roll on the wrong weapon
>mactics (destiny streamer) hit mr 24 in 2 weeks
>that cut
fucking lol, just like with the dress and the spot
IMO the non-combat parts of Duviri are nice distractions that still keep me overall in the Warframe ecosystem, but I don't like Drifter Sun & Moon combat and all my clamps go to incarnons and shit from Acrithis, not any of the other weapons. Like, I could have two Duviri melees or install five incarnon adapters.
Did he start at mr10? Can't you only do 1 test a day?
I don't get it.
>caring about streamers
The janky combat is probably the main reason I can't stand duviri. It only becomes bearable by the time you can one shot entire groups of enemies with one bullet, which is basically the same as turning off combat entirely anyway.
>The janky combat is probably the main reason I can't stand duviri.
just say you got filtered
>say you don't think a thing is fun
>haha filtered shitter git gud
why are Europeans like this
>NA time
what did he mean by this
if I don't start the run with fleet footed and now an early swooping miasma it's a complete throwaway, but when you get enough decrees to build up to sanic speed and you're just skiing across the landscape hunting for resources and squads to instagib for intrinsics it can be kind of fun
>10 at night in Moscow, 9 in continental Europe, 8 in UK
>not European time
Fuck off fag. You think I haven't noticed this attitude appears when Europe wakes up and goes away when Europe goes to sleep?
don't worry, their shift is ending soon
Um............Good gameplay?
Play Mag
obsessed + off topic + woke
>mention multiple "European" time zones just to show that all of Europe is still awake right now
>immediate russchizo reaction
>You think I haven't noticed
some people are so funny
he's beginning to believe
You know it's possible for people to notice things that aren't about you, right? You know that this general doesn't revolve entirely around your vendetta against warbros, right? Unless you're admitting that you're the one constantly shitposting about how not liking a thing means you aren't good at that thing.
meds + this isnt a board about europe discussion. + probably woke
this one's going in his pasta bank
how the fuck do I find an angry sheep they're all tame
>enter duviri
>teleport to top left island
>fly for few seconds around
>hear kid mumble something about poor creature
>check mini map
>see red market
>land behind creature
>press X to doubt
>1k nigwave exp received
I'll try that next time since I was just cruising around each island but it turns out I just had to bitch in /wfg/ and it immediately spawned, thanks everyone good work
Every now and again I feel genuine pity or sympathy for you. I think I've seen you actually contribute to the thread in a positive way and would be happy to see more of that from you, but then you swan dive right back into the depths of your mental illness and return to being the worst poster in the thread.
just so you know - Anonymous isn't one person
which is what I said up here >>495445407 but you're convinced everything in this general revolves around you
retard alert
how is this related to warframe let alone russian timezone?
>filtered alert
just say you're bad at the game and head to r*ddit for tips
afaik it revolves around russians or something at least thats what i see the thread is about.
Its ok when i do it
no, it's ok when *I* do it
I was trying to call Europeans bad posters and a paranoid Russian decided it was about him. Maybe it is, actually, but I wouldn't have suspected that until just now.
Based russchizo
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All animals maxed. My Bestiality is finally completed.
I take accusations of russchizery as a badge of honor at this point
>My Bestiality
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shupup!!! russchizo!!! spupid!!! maaag!!!!
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>20 minutes into duviri
>still not a single skill that lets me do damage

i just don't have any more time to waste on this shit. there is no logical reason for me to keep playing this RNG skinner box simulator. it's funny to me because you can buy almost anything in this game with plat but you cant buy incornent weapons. that really transference my warframes when I think about it.
You know it's possible for people to notice things that aren't about you, right? You know that this general doesn't revolve entirely around your vendetta against duver, right? Unless you're admitting that you're the one constantly shitposting about how not liking a thing means you aren't good at that thing.
Ostrons resumed TGD
how do i farm plastids?
brother what are you on about this is the first time i said anything about duviri
Just play the full game mode and do quick side objectives to get more decrees
what is russchizo plan? discuss
corpus soon to allow direct attacks on the kuva fortress
The thread schizo is just repeating posts he doesn't like
we gotta keep doing pattern recognition (in warframe game gameplay online) russchizo can't keep getting away with it!!!!
Is this shit good at all?
>mr locked
come to my orbiter first then endo...
>posting in euro hours

russchizo much???!!!!
I thought we were cool now. What did he just do to me?
based infested mobility user
that was a dev invasion
>console player
>nvidia prime
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I never want to do mirror defense mars again
What about the weapons?
thanks for mentioning infested mobility
i just subsoomed it on my speed rhino along an aura forma for sprint boost
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They already finished alongside the base parts, about to try them out
Nice. And the arcanes from the shop?
Maybe later, but none seemed interesting to me plus I already have like rank 2 of each from the missions itself
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gotta get me an arcane phantasm and then the setup is complete
sir your arcanes?
steadfast is very fucking underrated
that's not agility or consequence...
yeah i guess agility would work better, i was just ctrlfing for speed
I'm biased, I'll take sprint/movement and slide buffs when I can but parkour speed is the real juice that I'll max out first
I hate augments in this game. There are so many that should just be apart of the base ability because there is no reason not to equip them.
If you are running Qorvex (and not subsooming off his 2), why wouldn't you use Wrecking Wall on him?
Another thing about Qorvex is that he is "good enough," so they will not address his issues for several years, like how his 1/2 are awkward, how his 3 does one specific thing which is a secondary effect of other warframe's abilities/augments/overguard, and how he is suppose to be a health tank >in 2024 with no way to actually heal himself.
every time, i don't remember the maths but i just know speed means less time spent accelerating and that parkour ignores that part
Trinity will give out overguard.
I dont have energy issues on any frames I play.
Primary Plated Round is the only one I could see myself using but i'm already using Deadhead for the only gun that would benefit from it.
Double Back MAYBE on Zephyr but even that's not great considering I can press 3.
Encumber might be funny on my status twin grakata but otherwise whatever
Kinship mitebcool on Harrow but I dont play him too much.
>made it to 2k plat from 600plat
>still 25days of resource booster
maybe buying drop chance + pub arbitration doesnt sound so bad
what were you trading?
Still dogshit don't worry
pablo hates her
Augments are basically "this frame clearly needs a rework but we are too lazy to do it" mods.
I'd be a lot less annoyed about this kind of thing if we had an augment slot like exilus.
They've been doing a lot of good QOL stuff lately so I hope an augment slot is a thing they'll do at some point.
When will they finally include walk and roll animations alongside floating animation sets? It's jarring as fuck to see a basic walk after float idle
A real asset to the team.
>console player
I wouldn't mind augments if they sidegrade stuff instead of "zero reason not to to use it."
Something like Gourmand or Teeming Virulence are fine because they are good mods, but not "mandatory equip them" good.
Then you have mods which you are never going to not equip because of what they do, like any overguard augment.
Then you have mods which is just retarded that they are not apart of the frame's base ability, like Nidus' and Rhino's augments which let them cancel their abilities.
Radiation is a funny status effect.
Both of Caliban's animation sets having him float, but use the default walk animation, is proof that he was doomed from the start.
I think the work they did for wisp shows how it could go if they did tie more animations than just idle to the sets, would be a nice upgrade
Reimburse me for me tennogen.
That's even worse, but i meant the animation sets you can buy, none of the floats like wisp, titania etc have the float walk or roll
I hope they fix that alongside the Caliban rework
They really should do it, it's not that hard
whatever they said about unique frame characteristics is bullshit by this point with helminth anyway
I was going to buy Wisp's set until learning you still walked. Imagine how more money Ember Heirloom would have made with people buying those sets up.
You're talking to one of the people who thought it had all the anims
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May as well just take care of it during a Conjunction fissure run.
sold shit ton of words, arcanes and galvanized mods with occasional prime sets i got from randoms
requiems have to be the best plat desu
Just hit mastery 26. God. This is such a slog. Still so more left to do. I... I don't wanna be an MRlet anymore! I w-wanna be a h-hag!
still holding out hope they'll fix it, but i'm buying all the other sets meanwhile either way
Wouldn't have happened if you were in your 4 24/7 as God intended.
the rank 40 stuff like kuva/tenet weapons and necramechs are some of the most annoying but also give the most, once you get up to the max it's an eternity for each rank and you're left scraping out the latest prime access to keep up or just doing it in bursts between breaks
In the 2 or 3 months since i returned i have hit an exponential slowdown from 24 to halfway 29
I could be faster but I wanted the new stuff like incarnons or whatever, if i did the kuva/tenet weapons that would be enough for my 30 without formas even
Which one of you feds made a clan called cunny club?
More importantly, assuming it's true, who at DE allowed that clan name to be used?
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Imagine being trapped in the void with all your young Sisters of Parvos candidates. It'd be terrible.
Why is his nose so big and crooked?
Because he's LITERALLY the founder of the space jew religion.
They bore a heavy weight.
I know I'm late to the game, but should I sell or roll my epitaph riven? this thing seems stupidly strong right out of the box
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I am /Lotus/Language/Etc/GrineerHammerDude, my hammer awaits your skull
Rivens are ultimately at the whim of the devs and how they decide to change a weapon's affinity. Best to build your weapons without rivens to maintain consistency.
What's the reasoning behind him selecting sisters based on the tenno impaling her first anyway? Does he prefer used goods?
I keep rivens in all my favorites because they let me do silly things like never not crit
He's secretly rewarding the Tenno for freeing him by training a waifu to be tailor made for them.
Because of the element. When a candidate gets fatally wounded by a warframe, it scans their strengths and then imbues the new sister with the means to nullify and combat that warframe.
5th dimensional chess
can still proc teammates and you can kill them
I am /Lotus/Language/Actions/BatteryAmmoMutated, unequip Ammo Case you do not need it you're using Nataruk
but then they'd deserve even more than they already do
>have a fem operator and the sister is recruiting you to a Parvos harem
They heard that waifus are popular in MMOs, so they added half-rotted ugly bastard women that want to come to your orbiter.
I cache hunt in pubs
I like you.
aw thanks, I'm just greedy and it makes the ancient berrypicker slime mold parts of the brain happy so I might as well let pubs do the main objective and race around exploring
I don't think this raises the hag stocks, but i'm no investor then again
Getting stabbed by a tenno lets them leech our void powers or something
I think originally the kingpin/nemesis system made sense, but they kind of flipped the way things were going to work around so they could actually ship it
>cap ass cap ext dis ext
ez modo de
I wish the Bonewidow was better it can't really compete with the Voidrig because that shit has invulnerability and a nuke button
arent nemesis systems in any game sort of handicapped?
iirc WB have it patented so no one else can use it, or at least not to the same level of functionality
Ironbride can hit Orphix from any side. That's about it. If it could ignore Thumper armor, it'd be better.
that's a really depressing and also good point
>capitalist patent trolling and bullshit is ruining my vidya
imagine my shock
>WB have it patented
What games have they released that had it
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Currently edging MR 33. All of the Duviri melee weapons are done or in the oven along with Octavia prime. I'm turning to dust.
Yes, I spent all of my clamps on sharp sticks that I will never use instead of my incarnon genesis collection.
Bonesisters, our slam spam can't even compete with Wukings...
>79 days left for sigma & octantis
Middle-earth: Shadow of War
Buy it from Simaris, if you're impatient.
>games can patent entire mechanics.
That sounds retarded.
i think it only becomes available there after you get it on login reward
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MRlet spotted
Huh? 2873 consecutive logins, 3.5k+ hours what are you talking about?
>Doesn’t tells his MR
>Literally doesn’t know why of the callout
I am close to MR3, I just can't bothered to farm and level all the Lich guns I need.
LR3, I mean.
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I'm really liking the new hairstyle
her new hairstyle doesn't help hiding her lack of chin. it looks awful
That haircut is so retarded
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I literally spent all of my money going out clubbing yesterday guess I deserve this for being a filthy normie
Same energy
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What did he meowean by this?
you shut your whore mouth her lack of chin is cute
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Bros... I tried to save myself but.
My self keeps slipping away!
Stop using shit weapons, stop using shit frames, stop using shit builds
here's what I do
>temporal drag
>ophanim eyes
>pop it in the head a couple times
>laugh as it dodges around in slow motion and dies of dots or pubs finish it off
my big heavy hitters can oneshot if I strip beforehand or have a group to amplify damage, but otherwise it's just a few shots/swings anyway
They are using crit-based weapons and the rest of the team likely filled them with different statuses for the Condition OVerload and Galvanized mods to multiply.
Go melee against one of them; a few blows afterwards the Tennokai will wipe them out
Modern copyright is completely fucked. Technology patents are way too restrictive, but then there's shit like how tabletop can't copyright rules, only the fluff surrounding the rules, because of some precedent set by accounting how you can't copyright processes. I'm not sure what the legal distinction is between what's going on with tabletop and what's going on with tech.
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im on a date with rebb, what do i say?
>what are your thoughts on worker exploitation in the games industry?
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How many seals did you bag you filthy canuck?
Tell her to add more content to duviri I'm tired of fighting the same 4 enemies and doing the same activities over and over and over and over
Now i understand why and how people have so many
it adds up fast if you're logging in every day, and once in a while you can scrape off the top for some spare kuva or relic packs so you never have to farm either
>doesn't even have 20 bucks to spend
reb is on her way to chastise you RIGHT NOW
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Not him
I really need to actually farm those mods out. I'm woefully behind on Arcanes and the new stuff from Whispers. I don't have a single fully upgraded Arcane besides the acolyte ones, and I don't know how other people get full sets so easily. I've tried doing SP Void Cascade and the rate seems pretty okay there, but its still like 4-8 in a 30 minute run if I don't happen to have a booster.
Tell her to delete duviri and add clamps to circuit.
Also add more gun blades like the corufell which only shoot when the heavy attack is used.
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Literally me spending 102 arcanes and 5 million creds just to get 1 energize
dead threat
TFD better
change of plans, tenno.
This is now a defection mission
farming 50 of each available lith relic to then leech omnia with them
my brain is rotting and i'm not even at 20 yet
>farming lith relics
>farming relics

your steel and syndicate relic packs? I'm cracking relics out of boredom and to stock up on traces ahead of the next prime
1 relic/aya per minute from the capture missions is somewhat comfy
especially since there is not a single kuva survival, extermination/capture or void cascade
i already bought everything, i dont do that because i dont have relics, i do that because i dont want to open non-radiants ever and if there are no convenient requiems to farm traces ill just spam worthless protea liths
I can't even comprehend not having bunches of random low level relics to burn on fissures when I need traces for real shit. Why specifically 50 of each? Why lith? Why anon, why?
>i dont want to open non-radiants ever
do you just hate forma???
first of all i have 50 blueprints and im pretty sure i will never run out of this shit
secondly when i need it i just buy bundles
thirdly its not like radiant automatically gives you the rare things every time so i end up with plenty x2 forma
because i dont want to think about relics ever again
well, you have a goal and you're working on it, I admire the autism and discipline
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>OG loki finally knocked down to #5 most used
Anyone else having huge issues with Railjack lately? Half the missions I do don’t record that I won them. I come back to the Dojo or Relay and lose all the affinity, rewards and now even my Lich is back alive
Do you think they tonguefuck each other? Warframe's deepest lore.
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no issues here
railjacking right now actually
they look like generic middle aged whores you'd find in a cvs parking lot, damn not even worth the $50 yikes
I have a shitload of those ayaya things. Should I just buy whole bunch of Axis?
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is prime resurgence a viable way to farm vaulted primes? wouldn't it be easier to farm plat then buy the prime directly from wf market?
Sell for plat then buy the parts you want.
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What I can't believe is just how absolutely insanely hairy Reb's bush is. Like she's smuggling a furry rodent down there. That leaked photo from her fiance's phone and the other one with the tiny's baby cumshot on her lumpy ass is wild.
any ideas why the fucking infected fish won't spawn after I clear out a hotspot?
Bait and everything, nothing spawns after the initial bunch that started there.
How can you sell aya?
say you are selling aya then people will msg you and say which relics they want, you buy them and trade said relics
What? You should have more than you know what to do with just by playing the game. I have several thousand and haven't actively looked for them.
Good job defending those women chud, very impressive.
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got a link, fren?
Nah the one with the amazon rainforest down there is Dani
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My mom is so cool...
your "mother" is a whore.
>esl calling others esl without understanding why
ready for your shift?
>esl melty
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I see Russchizo woke up early this time
>Using "esl" as an insult
How fucking insecure do you gotta be
>Reb is already in Japan
>Probably going to go to a cosplay cafe and rape some JJK cosplayers
>rape some JJK cosplayers
weird way of saying she's sucking chink dick, fucking hell megan with the dogs and rebb with the chinks, do no white women love human beings anymore?
Nips have souls
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Anyone going to the "freak off" at the Warframe booth? Never attended one myself, but I heard some good things about it
>All those studios
>An entire booth just for Warframe
How did Reb do it?
Has de mentioned anything about any new augments coming out
I know qorvex just got one, but I want something to make his 3 feel not useless.
bumpio sisters unite!
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What else am I going to do with the aya?
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what are you fellers up to?
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resigning myself to my fate (waiting 3 days for sevagussy)
Break until next weekly reset, then weekly chores, and then spam Murex for Valkyr and Venka relics, parts to scrap, a bit of credits, might get a Shedu to sell.
And then Remnant 2 DLC3 on Monday
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Leave before 1 AM.
>Complete Status immunity for the entire mission
Tell me you don't have primed sure footed without telling me.
Wrapped up my weeklies a little while ago and now I'm just shitposting before bed.
I'm effectively caught up for primes now, so I don't feel like cracking relics.
I should really do some fucking duviri for the resources, finish off my second kullervo and get more clamps but I cannot be assed at all.
>Complete Status immunity.
And? What else does it do?
What else do you need it to do? Lots of frames would kill for it.
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Gotta kill this minority
Lots of frames have their abilities do something with status immunity being an additional effect.
newfag here, i just did the MR5 mission. have a few frames and weapons and i've been enjoying myself so far. how active are the clans in OP? I was told i should probably join one at some point
active enough to use them for clan blueprints
Active daily, you can expect help, but most of your progress is going to be you doing stuff solo
>clans in OP
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>Finish Second Dream
>Operator doesn't keep on the full suit
>Operator customization options are all ugly, even the Plat stuff
>5 paths that basically tell me to enjoy grinding on top of your previous layers of grind
>The writers really leaned into the "mommy" nonsense instead of having evil Lotus
>Stalker is a bitch

I imagine this was something of a letdown for the community when it first released. The only good thing about this, aside from a free sword, was slapping Stalkers shit again and Lotus boobs.
i see. thats fine with me since i just assumed i was going to be doing things mostly solo anyways. is there much difference between the two? also, does DMing in game require the other person be online for it to go through?
Difference as in what, and yes, how the fuck would you DM someone that’s offline?
That quest basically retconned warframes from being powered exoskeletons into warframes being remote controlled flesh mechas.
just got Dante, what should I build to retard-proof EDA next week
idk man in other games you can just dm people and they'll see it as mail once theyre online. i asked because i didnt know and didnt think it was that much of a stretch.
difference as in size, activity, location of playerbase?
Currently in DMs with someone. Otherwise, doing jack fucking shit.
Set him as your Vapor Specter and he should overguard the fuck out of everyone.
I think... I can't find much material on specter loadouts than "lol dante and wisp"
Medium I guess, same for activity and IDK, you can see someone online most of the time, I mean a lot of people got nothing to do so they have no reason to be online most of the times. And there are no inbox messages in this game
I want to play AS him, I don't really fuck with specters and last made on in 2014 with the Boltor Prime on it. Heard they're valuable for solo play though.
People who can't build something that can survive SP level 450+ use spectres as a crutch to get through it.
Its always goofy to me to see some guy running around with a little crowd of worthless spectres following him.
We trade them and we slay them ... what did DE mean by this?
I have only heard of specters being used like that for SP Mirror Defense, which actually makes it soloable when it's otherwise extremely difficult to keep all sources of damage blocked (if you aren't Gara etc)
I see it pretty frequently in pug Deep Archimedia.
I suspect it might just be shitters copying people using it like you said but not knowing why they're doing it, because its always a mix of random spectres like Clem and stuff.
You sure they aren't using a Kahl beacon?
Specter kills count for Powerless.
that came up when I was using Jade and I opted out of the vosfor on that one. Can't imagine using her without the slow cone or defenses right off the bat (I use 60% damage reduction while airborne)
Might be actually. I remember thinking a few times I didn't know which spectres they were using, since some of them were corpus. That would fit.
Thats extremely useful info, thank you lol.
da man in the wall = devil
da void = hell
how original
surviving hangover
got the shakes at night again
Bumping wfg
>I imagine this was something of a letdown for the community when it first released.
You have no idea, this thread took years to recover.
You are some sort of thread's guardian?
nigga just pop the crewman with kuva horsecock
Content curator, i decide what gets posted
It used to be even worse, we're at third complete overhaul of focus/operator system. It was awful completing this shit, being given shit customization with barely any options only to then enter any mission and discover how shit the operator gameplay is (also having to mute that little shit in settings).
I hoped they'd maybe make Stalker more threatening again in Jade quest but no he'e just a joke forever.
Also Lotus used to be an organization at first and I wish it stayed that way.
I'm Cephalon Simaris. All of you are just in my sanctuary dueling for my amusement. I like to watch.
I think you're a sadist, but I put up with it because I want those Companion Rivens.
cant wait for the afterhours mechanized ball draining by reb
salad tossing?
Can you stop summoning grineer i beg you
based sub 90iq spiritual brazilian
You know it's possible for people to notice things that aren't about you, right? You know that this general doesn't revolve entirely around your vendetta against grineers, right? Unless you're admitting that you're the one constantly shitposting about how not liking a thing means you aren't good at that thing.
Comparing russians to grineers will never not be hillarious to me
>just need 200 ducats for cool liset skin
>only dropping commons
>the one uncommon that drops is a 25 ducat part
There was no retcon.
You're just an illiterate brownoid.
>the next day he's still seething
I guess in a way it's a twisted honour to live in russchizo's head rent free
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Play Mag
I keep memoryholing that to the point where I somehow believed that the Glast Gambit came before Second Dream which is impossible
Same 4 fucking hounds in a row
should I tap into the riven market?
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time for mod transmutation gambling.
you're racist
i'm getting spammed with 10 view warframe stream vods wtf
You're a murderer.
The blood is on your hands.
You shall not leave this place!
why they change helmets to be called neuroptics?
i like ember
time to farm base equinox.
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Its not a bump because uhhh... You are schizo for noticing!
don't laugh at me...
Brown fingers typed this post.
just got an anku riven, I'm fucking cumming
railjack would be good if ai pilots could actually do their job
Railjack would be good if it was just Starfox or the Gummi Ship from Kingdom Hearts.
railjack is good duviri isn't
I only like railjack if I join other people's missions and do nothing but fly around in my archwing
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just need the day neuroptics & the night chassis
It's up.
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>launch warframe
>immediately start bleeding from the nose
I wish I was joking but this happened twice
laugh at me will you?!
open it and go straight to the duviri experience
RIP it was nice knowing you buddy
both are pretty shit
Railjack is good
Kingdom Hearts is for queers
>>Operator doesn't keep on the full suit
You can put it back on
Just switch the hood to be up
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Goin to bed
In the process of farming my daily forma I got Sevagoth and Nautilus brains by accident (I hadn't started on either)
A gainful evening
equinox farm done.
i love kingdom hearts, fuck you111
wisp mains disgust me
I am going to build Wisp Prime
what about nezha mains who are former ivara mains?
What does Nezha offer over Ivara for the two to be compared?
what about nezha mains who are former ivara mains?
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>Tokyo, Japan
>The TGS is about to begin
>The Warframe segment starts
>The camera pans to Reb
>My god! She's holding a flag of Taiwan!
>The stream abruptly ends as the last thing you see is the entire security staff piling onto Reb
warframe needs its own Syama Pedersen
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nezha has a tight asshole and ivara has a tight frog cloaca
WTF is wrong with DE? Im reporting this
We all know the nerf is gonna come eventually.

We also all know so is the review bomb.
wtf groll magistar riven, 8k plat
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>Tokyo, Japan
>The TGS is about to begin
>The Warframe segment starts
>The camera pans to Reb
>we dont actually have any new content, its just a bump
too real
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>he's still using glaive prime
im still not selling my good glaive riven
how do we fix
How much for a golden shower from meg and reb
Always out of FUCKING forma
no sir wf is not p2w
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I...do not know that feel.
Then buy 3 for 35pl you are not piss poor right? 35pl is like 15 minutes in void cascade
I hunger for these fucking puzzle pieces give it to me
not my fault you didn't poopsock plague star...
I know how to farm random crap for plat, it's just I go through these things at a break neck pace when I get to non-primed items that only have 1 slot preset to r polarity
ok this should last
I must be doing something wrong duviri can't be this boring
Yeah, your mistake was not playing on release when it was the new hot thing for the playerbase. Now that it's old and busted no one gives a shit.
Bump topic of the day is duveri?
tedious as fuck too, and you need like 1500 pathos nippleclamps for everything
Change of plans.
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orokin eye should be map wide imo
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Why are these mods so hard to farm, like GOD DAMN
>1 hour of alchemy
>skull emoji
Why does everyone make their character tacky and saturated as fuck in this game? Everyone is covered in glowing shit.
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I exclusively use default skins
what about armor and capes?
Yeah I hate it too. The designs are heavily detailed to begin with but nobody plays with those aspects they just pick an obnoxious neon lining and blind everybody. I like playing with asymmetry on my frames, which I don't see a lot of.
to attract mate, obviously
just played an exterminate relic mission with 3 PC MR25+ and they schooled the fuck out of me in my get to extraction speed. t. MR15 PC.
wtf arcades where you have to kneel down to play them
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our date went well
>look at something made for little kids to have fun
u r gay
She looks saggy and ran through, this is why I don't buy plat
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i'll run through your bussy, chuddie.
>doing all this alone
Man I feel embarrassed for her
It's marketing otherwise her army of simps will kill themselves
>She found my goon room
Retard. We literally keep begging Rebecca to get knocked up.
You are cuck, minority among simps
she's a lesbian feminist
You're a faggot that wishes to deny Space Mom motherhood.
whiter than you, rajneesh
prove it
>EU hours
thank you
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SBB discord gallore
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>mfw I don't want to do any of these
super vatnik schizo
i still haven't gotten necraloid to rank 2 even yet
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If I hear demolisher beeping again I'm going to fucking snap
>Europeans are ESL
Smartest mutt you are.
how did I miss this happening wtf
CT, prepare more anal cream for our... guests
is fake scenario
Every now and again I feel genuine pity or sympathy for you. I think I've seen you actually contribute to the thread in a positive way and would be happy to see more of that from you, but then you swan dive right back into the depths of your mental illness and return to being the worst poster in the thread.
I enjoy trolling the Q&A chat with plausible deniability. Its even better because I have a low MR and a gooky name so people assume I'm ESL.
>I was playing as Saryn and somebody called me pozzed and called somebody else a bugchaser what does this mean? I don't understand these terms so am I not playing correctly?
>Why does Ordis keep saying "I am writing a poem, it starts with, a nasty corpus from Venus" every time I enter my orbiter. What does he mean? is this for a quest?
>What does it mean when somebody asks me to come to there orbiter
>is Nezha lgbt? I bought him from the aya store and people are calling me slurs?
WFG is QA chat
yeah, what of it traveler?
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How's this?
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Is this pro or against warframe? I can't tell anymore
>Sneed's Feed and Seed

There's a joke hidden in the name of this store, or so says Jeff McClellan: Notice how the last 3 letters of each word are all "eed" modeled after Sneed, well put Chuck in place of Sneed and replace "uck" as the last 3 letters of each and it makes "Chuck's F--- and Suck" [Which is apparently in circulation on playgrounds throughout America -- Ed.]. I thought it was rather clever of them.
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Would be cool without the big wing things
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Wait, you actually have to kill Sister to get her gun? I'm pretty sure i got the gun last time i converted sister/lych.
no u didn't sir
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Yeah i did, i checked converted sisters/lyches and i had their guns.
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that nigga drippy
>are gay
God I hope he's one of the romance options
I had a bleeding key on in sp...
play with all keys on at all times like they're training weights, then when you get to Serious Contentâ„¢ you take them off and go beastmode
Why is he so smug
what do people spend plastids on anyway? I have 1.6M. I never understood the hype.
I unironically ran out because I got in the habit of summoning a whole crew of specters for long survival/defense missions
>god roll
maybe if you're a retard. the phantasma god roll is as follows.
damage to corpus
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wouldn't you be?
is Nyx bad or just powercreeped?
Doesn't that just make that shit more tedious? The more the enemies get distracted at the less they come to you.
I still use Speedva just to make defense tolerable.
why would I do that if it made things more tedious?
i've been playing this game for 10 years and I never summoned a spectre.
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>long defense
they're kind of niche, and I didn't really get into the habit until after we got infinite reuse on-call crew summons
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>4 epitaph barrels
>5 epitaph receivers
>0 blueprints
Railjack crew is great, nothing is consumed, otherwise the same, never bothered with specters.
>xhe doesn't stand with the pod
>free roam sortie
I can't stop using kit guns. Why do I like these things so much?
shit taste, gotta be
>ghoul missions
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No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.
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not a lot of loyalty for a tenno operative
For me, i just do two high level bounties for mom, and give necraloid the shit i stockpiled when farming for necramech and its mods. I might run out of stuff for Necraloid, but i already cleared his shop.
Now Little Duck and the Quills are the annoying ones
new player experience is kind of dogshit
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but they do! they belong online!
just gambled 200k credits trasmuting mods.
Welcome to every mmo ever mate
no you don't
I hate footfags
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It's improved quite a bit in just the last few updates. I started last year and all the stuff I got bottlenecked by has been changed and streamlined. They're clearly aware that they can raise player retention rates beyond just "get to 2nd dream lol THEN the real game begins" community advice
that's a lot of dog semen...
she used to have big tits. now she looks just like reb. built like a fridge with no curves
what getting knotted does to a mf
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say something nice
me on the left
what's the least gay incarnon?
Wait... does steel path duviri not give more intrinsics? I'm running around in the experience and I'm not noticing a difference from the normal mode outside of harder enemies.
torid is manly af
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>15 days left for PSF
only on completion for killing the wyrm
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Don't forget to SUBSOOM NOURISH
Is it even worth it then?
atomos. It's a perfect incarnon by concept.

The adapter makes the primary fire actually really good and evolving it just makes it work differently at about the same effect. It doesn't follow the usual super shit into super OP evolution pattern.
depends, I prefer to run SP now but it was definitely way slower for me to get going at first without my intrinsics, and I think it does give more pathos clamps from any sources that reward it too
leveling shit is so slow and I don't feel like spamming hydron.
you should be doing solo stealth spam for warframes and leeching eso for weapons (or doing solo stealth spam)
SO and ESO are like 5 times faster than hydron
if not online, where do they go?
don't do it anon, don't take the shitter crutch. you've gotten this far without it
soon you will be able to enjoy a life of luxury
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kek you're retarded.

silence bramma
archwing nataruk
pick your method
Devs too busy partying
reb is on her 5th vacation in 3 months pls understand
you can do that once when you feed fatboy to audrey, but then what you're doing when you give another frame the ability is infusing
oo oo OO
*throws shit*
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>you can do that once when you feed fatboy to audrey, but then what you're doing when you give another frame the ability is infusing
That image is just the entire general
Uhm acktzually it's called bump
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only took 9 years
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>only missing grendel, khora and caliban for helminth
khora will be in circuit rotation soon
caliban will be given away for free
fucking grendel
you are not allowed to pub with anyone while playing that abomination
Oh. Wait, Limbo, no that's a mistake, you don't want to go there. It's too big a bump. You can't rift walk... ohh. Oh no.
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Is there a general consensus on optimal keybinds for PC? Newer player and some of this stuff is a bit weird like weapon swapping being on "F"
go into a defense mission and make sure you have max range/duration and cover that pod! spam 1 on your teammates to protect them!
>Why can't I deal damage???
nothing personal
only 15 more mutagen masses and I'm free from invasions
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So if you don't want to use a Bane faction mod, which of these alternatives is better? Serration or Rifle Elementalist (with Blast + Corrosive damage)?
>he fell for the serrationless build ytb cope
Eidolons are the fucking worst I'd rather do Exploiter Orb for arcanes
default is best imo. maybe put weapon swap on an extra mouse button if you don't like F but it seems fine to me
Just bought 4300p what should I do with it
Is Praedos still a shilled weapon? How much is this Riven worth?
banes are the most dogshit overrated mods because you dont need them to kill actual fodders and the stuff that needs dmg like acolytes, thraxes or demolysts are factionless
just use serration, more elemental dmg if its some status garbage
BIS melee in the game, its not for doing damage tho
I run mostly defaults except I put some extras like gear and emotes on the numpad, omni/recall on backslash, and push-to-talk on a side mouse button

since my basic movement boils down to pressing control + space then shift and space again in rapid succession, in practice this means my pinkie gets a lot of use for the ctrl key in a kind of splayed piano hands position shifting between two stances where I'm letting the ring finger do double duty on the shift key with middle and index handling WASD or tilting back inward for your traditional three finger WASD that has the pinkie doing a more typical FPS alternation between ctrl and shift
>nooo I don't wanna change my mods :(
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>he still uses serration
>he has to wait for his trash conditional build to ramp up before it's effective
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>wait let me change to my secondary to prime this trash mob
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But a youtuber told me what to think
>his trash generalist build falls off at lvl 70
>his lazy generalist build doesn't completely decimate up to at least 2 hours in SP
oh nyo a whole .7 seconds to charge my Cascadia Flare....
>half ranked mods
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I accept your concession.
I ascend beyond your comprehension
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>He needs jewtubers to tell him what to think
>Uses overframe
>Needs 10 minutes to get MAX damage in fast missions, when it's already over

Let me guess, you use PSF too
PSF is for lazy gigachads who also use grugmaxxed unconditional builds
Bro this is a video game and you're an adult man
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>he's not using amalgam serration on his torid incarnon for comfy fast gameplay
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>He doesn't use serration at all because someone told him not to use it
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bros, i keep getting 4k endo from sorties, fucking hell a single zariman mission gives you that much, sorties are so fucking shit bros. Worst part is that i don't need endo anymore.
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>He uses serration because he doesn't have enough damage to kill
primed chamber
play other games, seriously
its why nintendo is sueing palworld at this moment.
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>He needs mods to win
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>mfw I actually WANT ayatan
>keep getting Rivens and Boosters
>uhm actzually you don't NEED seration or status mods
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kiketeer will sell it next month
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>He needs weapons to win
omg I love sph
>every 2 years
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>He doesn't play solo
the void can also be heaven, it really depends on your emotional state.
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>he's not playing hard core solo self found, where if you die you have to delete your warframe, weapons and companion
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aww he's regurgitating food for the baby
should i even bother with plains of eidolon it seems like a noob trap i havent reached venus yet
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why do I even farm this shit
I'm not going to use them because I'm a contrarian faggot
just do the saya's vigil quest and never touch it again till you need mats to get your necramech
Heat or electricity for Tenet Livia?
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It gives you some good mods, but essentially everything else is for advanced players. Get some of the augur mods and hunter munitions then move onto something else. The gold mods and custom weapons are for high MR players who have completed the starchart. Fortuna doesn't have anything essential for newfriends.
garuda is wife
>do you wanna know how i got these scars?
Learn to read please???
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This movie is actually entertaining
are you a chinese farmer?
does anyone else get coil whine from just this game in particular?
on an older cpu, yes and consistently, I'm convinced it's the menus running up a single thread for their shitty flash based shit
i don't know how a particular game will cause coil whine on your pc? on the fans? what?
I love the pigtails on her deluxe
usually from the PSU as a result of strain from one or more other components or something in the general power flow
works fine on my ps5
limit your fps
or GPU now that I think about it, I've had cards that would sing when running certain kinds of shaders... and CPUs that made noise by themselves with nothing from the PSU...

but in general it's a power a thing and warframe is not optimized, you get my point
I mean on the GPU
Does coil whine on the GPU even matter?
it could possibly indicate you're wearing out your hardware a little faster than normal by really putting it to work but no not really to my knowledge, sometimes it's just annoying lol
when i boot up warframe i hear coil whine from my ceiling fan, is that normal?
Isn't this disabled by default so no one ever uses it?
Not sure, can you post you social number?
google says you have two weeks to live
is Once Human any good?
Sex with Valkyr!
idk is it? I get a lot of consoleshitters with a hot mic on that I gently remind in chat, sometimes I'll listen in on their conversations and then use it to jump in
Is there an easy way to void relic corrupted enemies vs normal corrupted enemies on void tilesets
blurry hag feet...
AI generated post
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>Why does Ordis keep saying "I am writing a poem, it starts with, a nasty corpus from Venus" every time I enter my orbiter. What does he mean? is this for a quest?
What the fuck is the joke here? I can't figure out what are you even referencing.
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hot sex with my favorite cat
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I asked a legitimate question, schizonigger. I feel like relics take longer on void exterminate because I can't tell which kind of enemy they are.
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What are the odds of Reb returning from Japan with a newfound understanding of just how hideous Warframes face gen is, spurring her to put effort into revamping it to be less potato-prone? It's always looked so atrocious compared to what we can do with the warframes themselves.
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Is Warframe prepacked with Chinese spyware?
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yes now go back to d*stiny
your mom is prepacked with chinese spyware
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I'm really that interesting to the chinese? All I do is goon and play warframe
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yep, the whole post-tencent age verification thing is pretty suspicious not even gonna lie
based disinfo enjoyer
Why would Reb want to know how deep is my anus
thisbit ivara
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Market analysis for the incoming Double Sided Dildo Prime Access.
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what is that?
based trump destroying libtard wokeframe jannies
it appears to be a feemale
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>first try at free roam
>caches never spawn
>objective expires and mission fails
>second try
>get them to spawn but can't find third one
>finally notice loot on map that doesn't correspond to anything
>the cache is under a rock
>maneuver around to the right angle and open it without ever seeing it
thanks DE
>caches never spawn
aww cute mrlet, caches can spawn underground, look for a cave entrance next time instead of crying ok? come to my orbiter i'll spoonfeed you
>free roam sortie
>caches stage
>quest point underground
>find two caches all by myself
>check what team is doing
>all of them are above ground but within yellow circle
I bet they were as confused as you are
but I'm LR4, and there were no cave entrances that I could see anywhere nearby... the zone was right on top of where I already was but leaving and re-entering didn't trigger it either

no quest marker on the map anywhere, just the yellow circle
When in doubt always go for heat. Electricity is only good for memefluence builds anyway.
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any OULL gamers in chat?
not really, it's just your typical NetEase garbage
though it's kinda funny that both warframe 1999 and once human are gonna be all "Oh no CRT-TVs-for-heads-ahhh-save me" and shit
>is Once Human any good?
It could be if the frequent wipes weren't brutal. You basically have to quit your job and main it 24/7 as a result.
I blame skibid toilet.
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>skibid toilet
I still don't know what this is and at this point I'm afraid to ask.
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it's an odyssey where humanoid heads sticking out of ceramic thrones terrorize a city patrolled by overcoat clad CRT-headed protectors, it's very popular gritty social commentary enjoyed by age groups 3-12. Look it up sometime.
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how much money has that fucker made pumping that shit out to gen a?
is there anything that matches sampotes for slamchads?
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finally a proper list for warframes!
I'm lost here, can you explain what this is
>actually watching that faggot
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they stopped spawning
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>Time to farm Kullervo!
>Joy in 11m
Wait and pray for ramsleds. Next time, leave a Crewship alive and do Fighters first.
they're stuck somewhere so go find them
I'd love railjack if it weren't possible for literally every aspect to break and make the game unplayable
Doesn't even look like Nova
>was doing narmer bounties
>pull out voidrig, and use its 4
>huge ass bullethose instead of the normal firing
can someone explain what happened there?
>Top score on a K-Drive race
I'm so fucking good a this game
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Void staff weapon when?
That's all of warframe. Don't act like this is special.
What a fag
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loli from the neck down
Rebb can't be taller than 5'0"...
Go fucking play Taimanin or another coomerb8 gachashit, shitbird.
Is this finally the Warframe killer
>hop on lua disruption for riven sentient challenge
>9 rounds
>no sentients
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They're guaranteed to spawn in Conjunction Defense, so I don't know what the fuck you're doing.
>gayshit impact 3
i needed axis too
most gamemodes don't rely on barely functional AI or have so many screen transitions that can softlock you. it can happen anywhere but railjack really shows off the game's shoestring and ductape seams
anyway I got the last 3 fighters to spawn by re-entering and exiting the derelict
Oh no!

Railjack is uniquely bad in this regard.
Vanilla missions very rarely have these issues, and open worlds usually have functioning scripting which accounts for multiple possibilities.
what completion, incarnons dont give mastery
Hags enabled
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>I'm not going to use...
>Burston Incarnon
He lacks the critical information

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