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#1098: I’m Gonna Take You For A Ride Edition
Previous: >>495101936
This general is for the discussion of original, fanmade, or look-alike Mega Man games as well as original titles developed by Inti Creates.

>/mmg/ news
Funkoshit is already out, it took anons here two days to take notice and Amazon Prime slop
Megaman X Dive NFTs got canceled, to the surprise of absolute no one
Megaman will show up in Brawlhalla as a skin

>Fangame news
Zook Hero 3 found and released https://hhug.me/?post=116
X and X7 demake engine are open-sourced
MMVGB remake on pause
MMGB remasters announced
Innocent Impulse update: https://x.com/MegaManXII_CX2/status/1832750733994668057
Legend of Zero mod https://gamebanana.com/mods/515481#FileInfo_1244616
X8 demake is OUT: https://sonicfangameshq.com/forums/showcase/mega-man-x8-16-bit.2184/

>/inti/ news:
Card-en-Ciel will release in October 24th
New Card En Ciel Game: President Ex Machina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUtaN4rY5Do
Inti interview at BitSummit: https://youtu.be/wGtpXV8tLOE?si=x44_zFHOUadcDNV2
Mystery announcement at TGS
Divine Dynamo Flamefrit will be released in Winter 2024
Gunvolt 10th anniversary was Nothing but LINE stickers
Gunvolt 2.5 is a "Maybe" https://x.com/sa1999_/status/1826510157230035227
Card en Ciel demo is out

Translations of Classic mangas on mangadex.
Inafune is working on Fantasy Life i: The Girl Who Steals Time which got delayed
More iconic kick than the spinning bird kick or the Hyakuretsukyaku

>DiVE Links
https://rentry.org/xdaibu (game, emulators and other stuff)


>Melt Stuff

>Game Downloads
Has all MM games, MN9, romhacks, patches + BN cia files

>Audiovisual Media
Contains:Cartoons, Anime, Comics, Manga and other printed media - Music Playlists and albums
Naturally the Rollnigger does not learn
way to call your own reports
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for context
nothing here that wasn't on both games
>posting mvc2 when people are refunding the game
No, I was merely pointing out that the previous thread image was deleted by jannies, so do not be surprised if this one gets as well
it's the only way for pedos to supply their own victim complex
Mega Man?
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we only like rockman here
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And I’m just stating that there’s nothing worth getting worked up in the OP. afterall, Capcom rereleased both games with the pasushots and the pansushots intact so it’s not something worth cutting out like the zombie tits from Death Rising. An M rated game by the way.
Yes and why should I care?
They are not megaman games
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Will this make that Sonicfag who acts like the arbiter of what people can or cannot post mad?
You care about any crumb of Megaman news to the point that you didn’t complain about the Funko game and Brawlhalla in the OP for 5 editions in a row.
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Need to be comfy between Pando's
>celebrating not getting an earthquake again
Depends on what you enjoy on these types of games, if you want traditional platforming type challenge then stay away, if you instead like score systems that reward a specific playstyle then yes.
>You blahblahblah
Going full mask off with the dislike of the idea of someone being interested in discussion of the actual megaman games instead of fightanfag shit, are you not, Shantefugee?
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taking the tako into slavery
>Got sniped
Never trust a bird
>chosen by a bird
>sniped by a bird
I told you you couldn't trust the moon
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Pretty sure it doesn't. It's been a while since I played it but I don't recall it ever requiring any special controller feature.
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Riding Hood ruined the sorting for not just Lola, but also herself...
Lola got mogged
>Over a week without a new song not included in the demo
Tomorrow...I believe.....
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>ciel does chuu!
does this mean I'm invited to the gangbang?
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>ciel does chuu!
I'm afraid there are more severe implications
>yfw choobas don't job to action triggers
Pls understand they're hard
Shut up Roll.
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>Megaman has been reduced to "legacy" IP to be whored out occasionally for shitty licensed shovelware and bland crossovers banking off of nostalgic manchildren
What went wrong?
Platformers died out, it couldn't advance into 3D, and Capcom's other franchises sell better.
It sells little outside of nostalgia "remember this" points
Capcom is not willing to make a real new series to market outside of pachinko few actually played
The gaming industry changed so something like Megaman (relatively stable yet largely static profit margin) is not as attractive
Capcom's unbridled maliciousness and petty Japanese hatred toward inafune turning his back on them, and nothing else.
They made 11 without him.
Didn't 11 sell really well for a Megaman game? They might just be too Triple-AAA (that's 9 As) brained to bother with the series.
>uhm, it didn't bring us 38 vigintillion dollars so it's not worth the effort
"REMEMBER MEGAMAN 2!?!?" can only get you so far
It did sell well
The caveat is how long it took to overcome the other best selling titles in the series and when you have Battle Network's Legacy Collection making over a million copies sold much faster, it does not inspire much confidence to make new games like that
>4chan isn't a pedophile website
I wouldn't be surprised if the only reason 11 was actually greenlit was because the higher ups wanted to spite Inafune by basically saying "See? We don't even need you to make Megaman if we want. Have fun with your failed knockoff." and once that was accomplished there was no desire from them for any more.
But either way it was a challenge since the director outright said there was a stigma around making a new Megaman game after what happened with Legends 3 and Inafune leaving.
Stop using OP pics that would get deleted after 12-24 hours. Ergo, don't make these threads unmarked.
where do I start with mega man
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The buster.
Pick up a classic, or x-era game, and play it for a bit to see if you like it.
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Mega Man DOS
You press start on the title screen.
card en ceil is still over a full month away
why did they put out a demo so early this isn't fair
The demo was the full game.
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So you pre-order it dingus. Don't it do it by the way. We don't get the lewd bonus art anyways.
So they could get feedback before the TGS showcase? Idk.
I think they wanted to release a slice of the finished game as soon as possible, the public reception CnC wasn't exactly the best before the demo.
Could not be more obvious Rollnigger
They could make BN7 if thats the case
But it does seem like they are just fishing for excuses
But BN7 is a new game, therefore there are costs all over, meaning risk, instead of licensing out the series for merch and releasing legacy collections which is cheaper and less risky
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Astro Boy for PS2 probably damaged Megaman's reputation given that it came out a year after X7 and was just as bad as it.
>b-but it's a completely different franchise made by a completely different developer
The average consumer isn't able to tell Astro Boy and Mega Man apart.
why are digimon in the background
why not?
every game should have digimon in the background
The average consumer doesn't know that game exists either. When people think about an Astro Boy game everyone talks about the GBA one.
War machine was always cooler than Iron Man
I never thought I’d say this, but I think you’re underestimating the average consumer.
Start with Metal Man
it's pronounced 'sah-geh' harpuia
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>terrifying final moments of neo arcadian truant
>Single-handedly makes people abandon the church of Roll
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I hate high scoring in galgun 2 so much
Mostly I just hate love struck. I refuse to wait that long on every single wave just for some extra points. But having to vacuum up all the mini kuronas when you vacuum also stuns girls is pretty lame and tedious too.
people abandoned the church of roll long ago.
Church of Donuts when?
Only when the labors are complete.
Oh right, Penaldo is in Fatal Fury now.
>I think you’re underestimating the average consumer.
My experience in the food service industry has taught me that it's impossible to underestimate the average consumer.
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It's time to play the much-anticipated demake of the 8th entry of a Mega Man franchise.
Alongside new (old) melt technology, it's Rockman 8 FC!

>Download Parsec

>Join link

>Chat commands
!ff or !drop - Frees up the player slot
!help - Shows full list of commands, except it doesn't
!fortune - ?
Press any face button to take control when a player slot is empty

L Analog - Movement Input is not shared with d-pad, remap if necessary.
A - Jump
X - Shoot
L Shoulder/R Shoulder - Weapon Quickswap
Start - Menu
Back - Access Shop

Keyboard players should download this program to emulate gamepad inputs instead of using the default keyboard controls:

Starting in 30 minutes.
sasuga demake
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The best Aile.
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This is the future Zonda wants
By looking for Roll lewds
>azure strike gunvolt 3 is on sale
>same for Luminous Avenger iX 2
Oh man, if only I didn't own them already.
Joking aside, I'm still upset about paying real money for iX2.
>sics my regina harem on a wild rabit
look at them go!
Now you lost the harem and the rabbit.
>DLC isn't discounted
t-thanks inti...
Yet there's never been more people being acused of being a Rollfag
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Everything except DLC is on sale for TGS right now.
>thread proudly went on about there being multiple Rollfags
>n-no one was ever accused of there being more than one rollfag
haha holy shit
You're not that hard to spot
regina sale...
Reginas are so cheap they come bundled in with damn near everything now. One came bundled in with toy soldier kit I bought today.
why are you buying toy soldier kits anon are you thinking of uprising against Master X
>no panties under the shorts
My angel in white
You heal us all with your love so bright

Where's my Meddy hack
I need a touch
She'll fix me up
She's a healer with such

No one still noticed Kelsinger's is the best way to answer a question
On Sunday, September 29th, from 13:00 to 14:00, the "Inti Creates Information Bureau TGS Public Live Broadcast" will be broadcasted as a special public live broadcast from the stage in the Happinet booth (Hall 6 06-N03) at #TGS2024 .

Streaming URL: https://youtube.com/live/kcM1JqYZkJ8

Special website: https://happinet-tgs.com/#Stage

The PV for the song is now available ahead of the mini live part!
Listen man, I wanna paint knights and have them on a shelf and play games with.
Not every day I want to set up my tens of thousands of Reginas in battle formation and have them fight some other nerd's ridiculously large zako harem in recreations of ancient battles. Takes all day and the cleanup is crazy long too. Sometimes I must want to roll dice while drinking and the zako grill burgers instead.
>dislike of the idea of someone being interested in discussion of the actual megaman games
>the funko pop crossover game
>the actual megaman games
The stream on the 25th should also be looked out for, since its description implies details about a new game will be revealed.
Or not. The press description omits that part, and the TGS profile for Inti says "maybe even" about an unannounced game, so I think whatever it is is so early in development they're uncertain about showing it.
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Rockman Zero 3: X romhack.
Download actually available!

Fun fact: Dude has been working on this for 14 years, though there have been version released throughout, so this isn't a Corrupted deal. The last download I think was 7 years ago though.
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I feel a familiar energy here...
That's a damn vampire.
I am so sick of this music also not a very accurate X
That boy needs therapy
That boy needs Lev
That boy doesn't need a rat nearby
Area Zero psychiatrist.
Less wars, more Lev
Fully Levosomatic.
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Rod lives
How did you know!?
but that's illegal
so whenmelt
post-hallow since we're still in long game season
that sounds eye-tal-ian to me..
smooth maverick
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Why would you ever pick GV if Quinn's power is to give you a GV and then give you another GV on the next turn?
have you seen what GVs can do
You need to get at least one to power up with boosts or you'll just be summoning vanilla GVs with just 1 break point
Smooth Lev clean shaven
Quinn is higher rarity so it makes sense.
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you might not be able to pick cv as a stand alone card. The demo has a similar summon in both stages that gives you the card railgun on play and every turn, but railgun is not in either stages card list. So like rush that GV might be forged only.
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monkey :)
Quinn focused decks die on it's feet if the oponent has a Kirin.
You can get the railgun card in an event, either it or her green rival guy.
Fuck off mate. Even the normalfags are waking up to the fact of hard the AAA model sucks while the only console with a future is whatever the next Switch will be named, and no amount of graphics will change that (not like they could do that these days). Things could not be more perfect for small, easy and fast to develop games as long as they are mecanically sound games like Megaman. And yet, Capcom will not make one... probably because they can't.
Normalfags are waking up to the problems with AAA. Corporations are not.
That's annoying that it doesn't show in the list, but it makes sense since it isn't a fight reward card
Still, in that case you might not get GV from normal rewards and only from an event.
it does
Thank you for joining Rockman 8 (Without Sovl) + soda testmelt
See you next week for our regularly scheduled SF3 postgame
has FCdev considered applying for spanish citizenship
so when for clown only
FCgods won
I hate these demakes so much, jesus fucking christ.
People who like this don't deserve a new game.
If i see "FC=good" one time i'm gonna lose it
yes it applies to other FC's too
I'm glad they never touched &bass
They don't play the games, but that doesn't stop them from moaning about it here and elsewhere.
>power of love
Cyan really stood no chance.
so what'll be hallowmelt
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Judgement Day.
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Aren't we doing Lament? Can you host it?
isn't that just one day
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>The Gunvolt series speedran its way to being in the same state as Megaman
Will never stop being funny
That game has metroidvania length, it's gonna take two days at least, not counting jobbing.
If you mean for the empty friday/saturday you could host whatever, for sunday I have fusion.
There's a big difference in being whored out to random third-party bullshit and being featured your own company's big crossover game.
Functionally they're the same thing
also it's time to watch van helsing for this year's movie
No, not even close. Mario wasn't whored out to Smash Bros and him appearing there wasn't representative of anything like that. Same for Mega Man in MvC, same for Gunvolt in CnC.
Zero and ZX:
>6 games total in 5 years (2002-2007)
Gunvolt and iX:
>5 games total in 10 years (2014-2024)
Where is the fighting game where Tsuda asked for Joule panty shots?
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two more times just to make mid games and less of them
The power of Capcom money, baby.
They didn't have anyone breathing down their necks to pump out sequels this time. And the industry changed so much in those two decades it's hardly a fair comparison.
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I saw two chemtrails cross in the sky today.
It's a sign.
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You seem really interested on shilling the funko games, despite them also not being megaman games proper as well
Will you peddle for there to be Archie Sonic discussion, as the logic is the exact same?
advance 2 melt
There are a few things I'd like to acquire.
which part of reginas is considered a reploid, legally speaking
>You seem really interested on shilling the funko games, despite them also not being megaman games proper as well
Also the same anon.
>someone being interested in discussion of actual megaman games instead of fightanfag shit
I'm not the one defending the Funko Pop game.
For once, follow the reply chain before you post something.
And all it took for them to do so was the implementation of DLC and season passes into the card industry.
Unlike Mega Man, Gunvolt still has some hope of comming back.
Damn this erotic roomba
How strange, because if you followed the reply chain, you would have noticed a reply talking about how the funko game has to be talked about because how dare I say that Marvel vs Capcom is not an actual Megaman game, despite neither being Megaman games
With that in mind, you might as well invite the Smashfags in, since Megaman is in there
>Gunvolt still has some hope of comming back
No, the reply says that the anon who was mad at MvC2 but was more than happy to leave the Funko Pop and the Brawlhalla talk be, to the point that he didn't mind that both of those things were at the OP. Next said anon deflected into that whole "what is a real Mega Man game" rant when asked why. Then you came into his defence and did a very bad job at it because you can't read for some reason.
>card industry.
>car industry
On that topic imagine if day one patches that make your car at least start is the next videogame feature they implememt.
You mean that the annoyance expressed at a faggot that blatantly only is there to talk about fightanfag shit that is barely related to Megaman?
Meanwhile you try to deliberately change the goalpost to "you should be upset that these are in the op news" despite neither having a cancerous nigger talking about how this is very related to Megaman or showcasing that he solely cares about barely-related crossover games
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>tis the season
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He must suffer more.
So it was you?
Then pray tell who died and made you decide what people can talk about here?
The jannies
>He so much of a tourist that he doesn't know how those are called here
>How dare you say that these non megaman games are in fact not megaman games, tourist
And we're back at square one. I guess discussion of a demo could've only lasted so long.
If you are not a tourist like you claim, you should know how to call those. So say the word and prove you aren't then.
I think someone was trying to make one but I wouldn't be surprised if it got quietly cancelled
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>He's still seething for the whole +/inti/ thing
>He's been doing that for 3 years now
>He's too much of a pussy to do anything but being a party pooper because all he has tried during those years have backfired Wall E Coyote style
>He just admited that he failed to do it for free
You really cogitate that calling jannies "Elpizos" will make anyone not a tourist?
You are nothing but a farce
Firulaisvolt will return as the next ¡Me toca sobre! dog
>Implying I mentioned inti or that I am the same anon as the seetheposter
All because I pointed out MvC isn't a Megaman game
Gunvolt bosses all do that annoying thing where they hover in the middle of the screen for 30 seconds while their flashy signature move plays out. What's so fun about that? The only real challenge is trying to do it hitless, so I feel like I'm playing bullet hell instead of actually having a duel.
I didn't Imply anything and you aren't good at hiding it
>I didn't Imply anything
>He's still seething for the whole +/inti/ thing
Yet you didn't feel the need to act this way over the Funko Pop game... funny that.
Ancie's RH adventures can't continue until we know how many years has she wasted being a wagie instead of looking for a man to know if she's on her last egg.
Save us Ancie
>Muh funko pops
>deliberately change the goalpost to "you should be upset that these are in the op news" despite neither having a cancerous nigger talking about how this is very related to Megaman or showcasing that he solely cares about barely-related crossover games
Get new material instead of throwing a temper tantrum that I called MvC not a megaman game
Ancie will turn out not to be a hag and RiTa gets killed.
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I wonder if the physical differences between the three types of Elise are just for the player's sake and people in-universe can't actually tell them apart
They'll get fused together and balance out their aspects.
Eating french cheese with french bread and sipping french wine while looking at Pandora lewds. Life is good.
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mystery densetsu game stream status?
Damage them while they're performing it? Come on anon it's not that hard and most of them can be hit during it, even Kirin who lacks an actual ranged attack with tags can do it.
(Pending Title) will be changed once melt starts or finishes depending if it clashes with the "hour" of god.
On another note very important grind video should be up
>Maj0 captcha
TGS leaks doko?
>The only real challenge is trying to do it hitless
I think you may have missed that part. I never said GV bosses were hard, just that they aren't fun to fight. To everybody their own, though.
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Time for some Pandorass
surely 2 weeks of piety is worth one "hour" in the day of god
>dodge big flashy super move
>afterwards activate your own big flashy screen clearing super move to finish them off
sounds pretty fun to me
you know what, fuck it, i'll remote stream
surely nothing bad will happen if i don't look for an hour
surely AI training will not overconsume stream resources
Or I could do 3 saber combos on them and end the fight in 30 seconds because I got my skill up to that level. In Gunvolt you don't have much choice how you approach battles.
Bem, bem, Privado Coringa, eu não acredito que o escutei corretamente.
it's not like MMZ doesn't give bosses super moves too. Just look at shit like Z1's guardian EX skills.
what if cunvolt
what if cumvolt
what if gumvolt
That you aren't forced into watching a cinematic of, that they only use if you approach them at A-rank or above, are barely different from their standard attacks and only last about 5 seconds, and you can interrupt them in the middle of. Z boss fights don't drag on if you're a good enough player; Cope, Gunvolt and Kirin just don't have the DPS needed to quickly end bosses like that without equipment and SP Skill abuse.
they made gal gun ice cream so why not
absolute garbage
>b-but it was better than mighty 9
yeah, it's still garbage though
that's the blue knight and atlas you moron
And yet you haven't said why you weren't this upset over the Funko Pop game news. Also, you are the one who has been doing this temper tantrum for two threads now with no explanation about why the double moral. Probably because you don't have one.
unko poop
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What are you supposed do if your Big Roll doesn't return to normal?
I have clearly stated the reason several times at this point
>deliberately change the goalpost to "you should be upset that these are in the op news" despite neither having a cancerous nigger talking about how this is very related to Megaman or showcasing that he solely cares about barely-related crossover games
I have not seen anyone gush and chatter about funkoshit in several threads, seething about plastic toys because some prices and company behaviors and clearly knowing far, far too much about action toys despite claiming to have nothing but hatred
You mentioning "muh funkos" when anons took two days to care about the game's release versus a fightanigger who has shown its colors shows that
Big Roll is better than normal
have you tried turning it off and on again? percussive maintenance might work
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>he wants to stun lock bosses and kill them quickly
it sounds like you don't actually want to fight bosses, you want a punching bag
don't let me tell you how to have fun but if you can't see how actually engaging with the bosses attack pattern is fun I don't know what to tell you
You know, the only down side to animations is that you lose some quality. Like seeing Pandora's puckered asshole.
Deplete all the Photonic energy though multiple uses of the Oppai Missile System
Thanks for getting the thread killed you fucjing faggots
what if nunvolt
>t.malding Inafune
Nah, I like the combination of mechanical depth with simplicity and think Gunvolt sacrifices something for the sake of flashier visuals. I don't want to feel like half my kit is useless and I'm forced to play in a certain way IE
1) Tap boss to place tag on them
2) Fly around while dodging
3) Hold button down to watch health bar deplete
4) Repeat once tag wears off
Is what combat boils down to. What player even uses Kirin's sword skills that were, ironically enough, copied over from Zero?
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I think it's all in the attitude. Probably. Elise may or may not actually have a forked tongue.
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We know about your search history Ancie. Incognito mode doesn't work with a company computer.
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Elise is the only good thing about Gunvolt that I know.
I like Inti's character designs, but then they go full retard with everything else; they would be a power-house, if their writers weren't profoundly retarded.
Sounds like iX2 is your game then
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they should make a dating game instead
lol keep seething
lmao keep coping
They're pretty much the same as any other boss just with harder to avoid attacks so I don't really get what you mean unless you want to be able to melt them in seconds MMZ style if skilled enough in which case that's fair.
They're a fucking anomaly.
Like, they have decent world building, and they give their characters personalities, and backstories, etc but they still operate with the 1987 mindset of 'we made these 8 bosses, now they gotta die' which has resulted in Gunvolt looking like an irredeemable psychopath when he goes slaughtering all these characters like they're they're nes-era stage caps.
At least with Cope you know what you're getting.
>repeats remark and doesn't add anything new to the argument
kinda like how capcom is now
>what player uses Kirin's sword skills
Anyone that isn't willing to delete their fingers with mashing actually because unless you're going ham with AC spam, which still requires you to be in the boss' face you actually deal damage with 3 slash > uppercut > downwards spin.
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I'm pretty sure she doesn't. Might have a really long one though, like any good unsettling anime villain.
>implying they wouldn't fuck that up too
sorry not sorry you failed conman
Xross Storm ruins it too
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Either way, regular Elise would be really self-conscious about it, which would be very cute.
And Evilise might be too, which would be even cuter.
For reference, top players these days opt for Arc Chain spam instead because of time dilation jank but as I said, really hard on your fingers that way. Granted Issen Dash is a complete meme beyond using it do avoid specific attacks which this player only does like once and it's not even needed when he does.
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This is the week of demakes so we are playing another, or port to weaker hardware as it was back in the old days.
Legend of Valkyrie or Valkyrie no Densetsu was a game originally from arcades ported to PC Engine.


>B: shoot, hold to use magic
>A: jump
>Start: pause

Starting in 10 minutes
since when does john telemelt support PCE
It was the most recent addition
and by recent I mean like 3 years ago
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Out by the word of god.
Surely nothing will break, do tell when it ends or breaks
Stream/Archive: https://youtu.be/HuFecY7gdhQ
>faggot stole my shibbledibble, go fucking get it
why is tiny sho fighting the apes
Based GV3 enjoyer.
>Granted Issen Dash is a complete meme beyond using it do avoid specific attacks which this player only does like once and it's not even needed when he does.
Yeah, that's a shame. It looks cool, but it fucking sucks.
where are the other 5 pages of password
do we keep all that money though
>resist magma
how can we learn this forbidden magic
because pedophiles would mean it also includes gay shotas

we hate gay shotas on this board
thats more of a /y/ /b/ and /a/ thing
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elecman has seen better days
You say that but they're at least biological women. The husbando posters we have here are definitely all trannies or gay larpers from their tastes.
Not true and shut the fuck up
Go back to pretend seething about Cinnamon, shotawhore
Sera, my beloved.
servbot gets top billing!
servbot saw the bulge
Oh no....... she has cancer?
can you change the sword beams or they always override
Senhor, o Privado disse "não, senhor", senhor!
the beams have ammo so they are always in the order that you obtain them
why is this a running theme with demakes
I'm going to blame the controls on that because holy shit
which dragon ball episode is this
the black valkyrie is very red
oh god...i'm feeling.
what chameleo do
probably an instant kill spell that just doesn't work on bosses
that or it's meant for the final boss
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I'm a fucking idiot

all this time... were there two different valkyrie series?
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Thanks for playing secret Zeldmelt.
Stay tuned for more Valkyrie adventures in the future.
did this series ever recover from becoming calarts slop
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very cute game, with some jank ass hitboxes at places
I swear I heard something from this in a hack but none of the tracks check out completely, did the arcade one have different versions
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Most Namco series never recovered. All we have is old games and peak SRW-like crossovers.
>I swear I heard something from this in a hack but none of the tracks check out completely, did the arcade one have different versions
iirc it was airman in RNC
Airman's theme in rockman no constancy.
The arcade had 2 player-coop with the green guy and a few graphics and stage layout differences.
>forgot to change his name
shows how competent you are, intifag
The hitboxes seemed fine, you just didn't have a "higher" hitbox while jumping which made some hits looks awkward
How did she ended up in that position?
yeah, that
crouching kick
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dragon marked for death is half off on steam
Aerial crouching kick. Ground crouching kick just makes her do a slide. Also, that gets you the most extra points when using it after the match alongside the Jin towel taunt.
I would buy it if it was 75% off but it doesn't look like it will ever go higher than 50%
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RiCO C. is cute
That's pretty good.
Is it worth playing?
If you have others to play it with yes, otherwise no.
That is what I thought. Not much of a multiplayer guy which is why I skipped on it the first time I learned about it.
The classes are fun to mess around with but the actual content of the game is incredibly meaningless and grindy.
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I played it on release solo only and I liked it
main complaint is that you need to grind a lot to make end game content not completely miserable, to the point that you're better off skipping it entirely. Inti boss fights are a lot less fun when they take 5+ minutes of shit like this.
Also true ending is locked behind beating the game with every (base game) character with no indication of this, which is kind of dumb. Last I checked the dlc characters were both kind of bad, but I vaguely recall hearing they got buffed.
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Depends on your tolerance for bullshit damage sponge bosses and horrendously low drop rates for the gear that actually matters. I always saw it as a game that would be far better with none of the RPG stuff.
Yeah, a lot of boss patterns are obviously designed around having a teammate to mitigate it through stunning/aggro-tanking/healing/whatever. Without that the best strategy ends up being stacking a ton of damage reduction and facetanking everything, and that's no fun.
God damn I wish this game was good.
inticreates, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
It was arcade garbage from the start, there was nothing to recover.
the worst is the final boss of the dlc who has a gimmick where the more you use one damage type the more he resists it. While it's possible to do a split build it kind of sucks and you're much better off having friends. Also he's a huge pain in the ass to dodge too, so you really don't want the fight to drag out.
Oh yeah, that guy is awful. Even in multiplayer it was a pain in the ass, because with randos you have no clue if you're doubling up on damage types or not.
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Imagine writing a bunch of new songs and paying a bunch of seiyuus for a fake game within a game no one is going to buy
>a bunch
>over 30 new songs
>implying they aren't all real
You're going to look SO stupid when everyone is playing Yggdrasil Records IX next year.
>implying they're all real
What will you do when Flamefrit doesn't have any of the vocal themes?
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I'm unironically looking forward to buying her game on day one
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Kizuna Connect*
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>50 songs
>Minus 17 songs that already existed
>Minus 6 GrimmNoir songs who copy each other
You can thank her for taking up 3 slots
>he doesn't know that only the fake games which have a sequel will become real
President ex Machinna for GOTY
Tell me about Riding Hood, why she does wear the hood?
Most of the songs kinda sucks ngl
Triangle Meister has the best songs
And they're still mid
She's doomed to recite lines from her book. I don't think she can take off the hood...
Oh my god, how horrible.
which subgame is she supposed to be from
So the other version is actually the good end for her?
Ancie please stop coping Lolass dance coreography. You have your own and it won't hurt your back.
loli art gives pedophilias an outlet to satisfy their sexual urges so they don't go after real kids
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upgrades for my regina came in, fellas
internet cafes and trending mmos?
>Lolass having any ass
>Cinderella tramples the rich in >>495599161
As usual Inti makes the villains more heroic than the good guys
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I dunno, Weil, Serpent, and Albert were pretty damn evil.
she has a cute hat. Definitely would take her picnic over little red.
Other version is her becoming a yandere hunting the big bad wolf down so she can drain him dry
Why yes tell us more about how you love dog dick
>drain him dry
....out of blood, of course.
Oh anon, I wish you would have been there when this trailer aired. You have no idea how high the expectations for DMFD were.
I have a tendency to prefer blue girls compared to other colours.
>Expecting anything from inter
Couldn't be me, lol
Man, I'm glad I wasn't. The hype must have been heartbreaking.
Bro I'm not the one writing this shit
What do you think the drawing is supposed to represent?
>Expecting anything when they showed off the gameplay in the very same trailer
DMFD was the 1 to 1 opposite of Card En Ciel. It looked good in the trailers even the gameplay, hype was huge and Inti had a mostly perfect track up to that point. That was a bonus not a detriment to the game. Then the game came out and it all came crashing down.
CnC is the other side of the coin, it got nothing but scorn until the demo. To the point that this looked like something that could end Inti.
CnC still looks janky.
>Scares the wolf so much that it never interacts with people again
This has accomplished more than the other version, who may or may not have died
>who may or may not have died
Gunvolt or Copen killed her
I'd imagine she's hunting the wolf now. He may die yet.
but it's fun, and that's what matters
Riding Hood is a cautionary tale. The wolf is not literally a wolf.
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lan could beat hub in a fight
>hololive with monhun
Hololive old hags with megaman when?
>Light RRH is raped
>Dark RRH is groomed
Riding Hood is a cautionary tale wolves tell their cubs so they learn to avoid white women and japanese mikos.
doing the grooming?
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>tfw no more female robot masters
More like

>Riding Hood is a story about children obeying their parents and not talking to strangers
>Riding Hood (Origin) about adults not interacting with children because no one will be there to hear you scream deep into the woods
your coin woman?
can't do female bosses for whatever reason. Inti only copied levi.
There are female robots masters???
maintaining the gangbang ratio
Splashwo and technically roll.
>Splashwo Man

Yeah, not buying it.
Who needs robot masters when you have reploids?
Who needs reploids when you have Lev?
No more Mega Man games.
Why would you want a rat?
They always win.
>They always win.
>lose badly in futbol
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>Can't unsee the beard
Has that drawfag done any new Rolls
you need glasses
would you want to
Chinstraps are stupid
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I'm happy loli Zonda is back. Kinda felt like Inti was trying to bury her.

Bite your tongue.
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>Together, we will be banned from XBox
No, just the splashwo
She's retarded so she needs that helmet held on with the chinstrap
>Kinda felt like Inti was trying to bury her.
I mean, she fucking died back in GV2 and Inti doesn't hate her enough to keep bringing her back for more violence like they do with Joule.
You're supposed to bury corpses. Not that Zonda left one.
They used her adult form in 3 and Tenjian does most of the talking in that encounter.
>we're forgetting that zonda exists
it is extremely funny to me that X7 is on the same console as a game like kingdom hearts 2
>Loli form is one of the most useful image pulses in the game
That's fair, I guess.
What is this? MMZ but with X?
see >>495499912
>Instead of got it memorized little timmy got burn to the ground
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good stuff
Last he posted he was working on a front and back double Roll pic of her in just panties. No proper Roll thread to drop it in as of late.
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Alia is bad influence to female sidekicks.
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>This is your sole non-Ancie content
The office hag won't get away with this...
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i look and act like this
don't recognize any of them
Canary. Other one is tamandua from kemono friends.
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Is this an appropriate way for a grown woman to act with a guy she has never actually met before?
Why can't they just make pillows out of implants?
>over 24 hours have passed
>pic is not deleted
Good morning /mmg/.
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I can't find any of the Kizuna Connect stuff from this thread anywhere else using reverse search, I guess it really must be AI
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She's desperate anon.
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I still kinda doubt it. The details are way too accurate for an AI, especially with how little reference material these two have.
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>fujo/kemo series
>people only draw the girls
Might be AI and then retouched on Photoshop or something. There are some stuff that just seems weird, like the lighting in the bow, or how the arm is goign through a place where the sweater should be.
Also those two hairs kinda fusing twith the face.
Whether it's AI or not
At least Kizuna Connect is getting attention
Meanwhile Triangle Meister and Flamefrit have fucking nothing even though they seem to be the most popular fake games
GrimmNoir seems to be the one generating the most interest in the streams actually.
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>40 year old OL has grey hair
>not-RiCO has grey hair
>Vtuber imouto has grey hair
>other Digimon imouto (?) has grey hair
>Civ IV loli has grey hair
>Railgun girl has grey hair
>base Grimm girls have grey hair
>meanwhile all the girls with colored hair get ignored in this thread
I'm sensing a pattern here.
Is Bokura Kingdom or whatever the 3cost witch game is called any good?
I want more of her.
>2011 mobage
Take a wild fucking guess. But it's not like you can it anyway.
*can play it
I doubt you can even play it. Wait for the inevitable remake/sequel.
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I can't believe the Jiivui yumejo is still drawing Gunvolt fanart, especially iX2 fanart.
Though scrolling through her feed it becomes pretty obvious she likes Jiivui because he looks like Cloud.
Fucking kill me, why must she be trapped in there?
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Also the only good source of Ancie lewds as of now apparently
Ships Jiivui with Cyan so she can't be a yumejo
They registered a new trademark for it this year like they did with Flamefrit so it might be getting a new game.
Does Inti hate lolis now?
No, but Twitter does. Gotta chase that western money.
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We Hag en Ciel now
häagen-dazs country
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Turns out Bolo can get girls, he's just a monstergirlfag.
And Shantae is racist towards them. Doesn't even want them in her pool.
Shipping is just a more self-aware form of self-inserts
That's just Mash
Thank you for noticing the obvious character inti are basically stealing.
FGO already had her get stolen from the MC
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>Rival girl in card-en-ciel is literally a thicc nopan loli with a see through dress
>Does inti hate lolis now
Too big.
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That is not a loli
This is a hebe at best and only if you squint
>Turns out Bolo can get girls, he's [just limited to the kind that sacrifice great numbers of their kin on raids on human settlements or trading routes to kidnap men because their kin can't give birth to males]
>And Shantae is racist towards [said kin of women that attacks and kidnaps the very same people she has to protect nonstop]
You don't say?
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You have your own general.
>Zone da now has a Kernel beard
not like this intibros...
Guess I'll practice drawing Pandora l̶e̶w̶d̶s̶ this evening
GV wanted her to stop the coop now...
Yes +/inti/
She's on her last egg, anon. This has got to be the one.
>Song lyrics are about how it's perfectly natural to want to smash the neighbor's windows to storm the house to rape their 35+ year old son.
Pantera never intended her songs to be considered political in any way.
ywn be japanese
>lel this character who wants all humans to die ackshually just wants to fuck them all! isn't that funneh?
do you get sick of telling jokes nobody ever laughs at
This thing is ugly.
Songs tend to be missinterpreted more often than not. Most popular examples are, born in the USA, Fortunate Son, I wanna get physical and of course Take On Me.
>o Mouth
The origin version was better.
Hot Lev mouf
inti, bring Cinderella into a real game and my life is yours
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>GV on sale on Steam
Is the PC port of 1 still broken? I heard of issues with the controls (and controller support), and that Steamworks was implemented wrong and functions as always-online DRM as a result. I want to get it for my best friend but don't want him to have a bad first impression of the series :<
>there's more than one word for something
Perish the thought
Márbula is not a word in portuguese at all, Google is messing with you. If you also posted
"private" is not a word that is used for military rank, it's recruta. Coringa is used only for the card, not for someone who makes jokes.
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>actual search engine results for Márbula
>translation services that are paid for also show Márbula
I think I'll trust programs that require money to function than the average anon in the chinese knitting image posting forum, nothing personal.
>He paid for translation services
Pensei que fosse bolinha de gude.
I don't but deepL is an entire service that has a free version, but only exists because people pay for it.
You do you, I guess.
There's more than one way of commiting genocide Edd boy.
>The nation that can't design a way to heat water for a shower without fryin a person in the prosess has this amount of organization on it's millitary
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Também pode ser, mas no caso do Sonic se refere a pedra.
>>The nation that can't design a way to heat water for a shower without fryin a person in the prosess has this amount of organization on it's millitary
What the living fuck are you on about?
Ah. Embora meio assim não ajuda por causa da aparência dele quando pula.
Dictionaries get very outdated very often. You won't find "Kurae" in Jisho to this day for one.
Then do not say translation services that are paid for because it implies you exchanged money
I don't agree, that's like saying Mega Man 11 isn't a paid for game because the demo is free.
>fryin a person in the prosess
Jesus, I hope this general can at least speak spanish properly.
It is the way that is said that implies it
If you say "paid for", the underlying sense is that whoever mentioned it had exchanged money for whatever is mentioned, unless a demo or free version is explictly spoken
Highly doubt that anon can, he managed to spell a word whose spelling in spanish is similar wrong, yet wrote "committee" right.
I believe everything wrong with it has been patched. The only real issue is that it defaults to the original gutted translation instead of the proper retranslation.
You guys still play MMxD?
What's your fav mods?
The Gunvolt showers.
Why are you posting pictures of your own house?
I didn't bother with it because no Lev mods.
You seem terminally autistic.
>people talking about whether a word exists in Portuguese or not
>all of a sudden, showers
>then organization
>then fucking military
>no I'm just talking about showers
Okay, if you insist
Ratty buster
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Whenever one of those kills a person, who gets the kudos? The person who install it, the company who made it, or the electric servises provider.
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Samefag alert!
Reverse bunny suit Roll
Jair Adeptonaro himself
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NTA but I am pretty sure this comes from some fag who said something about Venezuela being invaded by Brazil or something
This is just the same as those potterheads saying that so and so is just akin to Voldermort or whatever aka Redditshit
President Squidula*
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>turns your Rapunzel into Rapunzel (Origin)
I'm sure the future generations took this out of context and turned it into something else. Like allahu ackbar but for anime people.
>kills a person
At worst they'll turn green and become really annoying to people who play CVS2.
So that's why they're called the Gunvolt showers, because they can give the Azure Striker to some rando getting clean at 0.0000000001% chance.
Nah, that's the precice intended sentiment Rowling always intended to spread with her books. Those potheads are not outsiders, they aren't even extremists. They are 98% of the people into Harry Potter.
I can buy you are into these books because you sound as retarded if not more, Redditard
You write like you got the gayest lisp I've ever seen.
>This is just the same as those potterheads saying that so and so is just akin to Voldermort or whatever
So all of them?
>still ends up getting mogged by a favela monkey on the way back to work
what kind of anime is this?
How much of Splash's DNA is in Lev?
Since Brazil is so violent dangerous and horny would they even notice the adept uprise?
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>this is Gunvolt's Roll expy
>kernel beard
>no pantyshots
>villain of an entire game even, instead of supporting sister
>literal male half
Only like noticing that the local guys on motorcycles have yugioh like hair.
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The more important question is what would the muse be like.
Wasn't Roll supposed to be a villain or at least a fightable boss in the original megaman game as well as being arguably just a female like version of Megaman in ways since she was supposed to be playable?
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Designwise, all of it. In universe, none.
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GV2 Joule is the Roll expy
\\two choices:
>Old (as in 40+) hag who has been at it for long from porn to children's shows and all and has dedicated groups with drama and everything
>Hatsune Miku, who was taken and happily incorporated
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>fighting game Zonda
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If evil why cute?
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It's how they deceive you.
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Rats are also really cute. Doesn't stop them from being mankind's archenemy.
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Many such cases, do not be deceived.
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For them we are merely a temporary setback.
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Shrine maiden exposed back and pits.
...and funny
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evil inti girls are always cute
To show that she didn't have to be evil.
That's how they get you retard. Don't fall for it.
>That time the Battlechip GP administration decided to ban a handful of VERY EXPENSIVE chips in a popular Net Battling format, and investortards started screeching bloody murder at being unable to use their expensive pieces of plastic.
Good times
You'll never have one
reminders 2 thin ur paints!!!!!!!!!!!
>My friends
>Milas who mentions the ocean all the time
>Asroc who mentions cooking all the time
>Ghauri who rhymes all the time
>Teseo who posts memes all the time
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Too late.
And Gibril who likes to cosplay all the time
Are the Megaman 11 devs still divided on the exoprimal mine and the MH mine?
I like how in the game, from GV's perspective, Eden are just evil that needs to be eradicated with extreme levels of excessive violence.
Then you get to tbe side material, get to know them like they'd know each other, and yeah no cutting Pantera in half with a lighting sword was bad.
I still wonder how much of that was 8-4 talking. Were they less "psycho evil religious cult" in the sub? By how much?
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They're just communists.
This feels perverse.
california levs
in a good or bad way?
>cutting Pantera in half with a lighting sword was bad
says you.
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Cool Eden fact's:
You can't run nor hide from the light of love.
With the right frequency you can mess up light with sound.
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>The most interesting topic they can think of is still an eight year old game
lmao even
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We must go older. If DP is older, can't remember.
Gunvolt that's not a strategy that's just you singing terribly off-key.
>that's not a strategy
sucks for zonda that singing off-key is all it takes to kill her
Whenever endless starforce 3 grinding ends what's going to be next megaman melt
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Desna's also got a part like that. I agree that they'd be better off without it.
A return to java hell
Forcing /mmg/ to stop jobbing to action triggers.
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>Outdone by a video that’s after it
Yggdrasil bros it’s so over…
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Always hated those, on men or women.
Would she do armpit stuff
Their willingness to screw over other adepts and kidnap people sure didn't help give a positive opinion of them
>Freezes entire city
>No mention of Eden vacating all the adepts before that
>No mention of there being 0 adepts in the city
they tanked that
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always time to onegai
>walk up to zero
>pick up and walk away
nothing personal ciel
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>/mmg/ not jobbing to the hardest ats ever
aieee, is that.. a quarter-circle forward? help me oilman i'm going insaaaaaaane
Sundowner is so fucking cool that I'm willing to let it slide - the guy is invincible, he's allowed at least one fashion faux pas.
the 30 in one trigger or whatever you needed was actually pretty difficult
It's been quite a while, was cinnamon that hard?
YR IX doesn't seem that interesting on it's own, not even as a parody.
Fucking gross. I just like Roll.
I can't tell which JRPG it's even meant to be a parody of, unless it's meant for the whole genre
kinda sorta.
There's about five different fantasy RPGs represented in CnC, that's part of the issue.
It seems to mainly be a mashup of the Mana series + Ys.
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Only if you beat her in a card game.
Be careful, her convert deck is deadly and she starts with her own muse in play.
>will do armpit stuff only if you beat her in a card game
ok good to know she'll polish my rim free of complaints
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>Carries your Conversion deck
Isn’t this the same as that 1 guy for Banish decks?
no, the banish guy is from a fake game
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>thought the Japanese name of Kirin's septima was Gives this entire time
>it's actually unironically Gibs
What the fuck was Tsuda thinking
>Zonda is only as good as a faker
Convert is heavy on amps so the loli is likely better due to higher base damage
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It also depends which is the range of Phantasmagoria but should be roughly just as spammeable. Gasol hits an entire row so it's easy to manipulate enemies into getting hit.
Zed and Luxia are the core of conversion decks.
Ciel with her hair down is adorable. I know understand the appeal for Cial.
Gunvolt lost sight of itself and crashed so I'd like to see Inti make Code: Escape as a replacement scifi series.
It's even got psychics too.
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Kinda hilarious how much Code: Escape fits in Gunvolt
Only if it's a turnbased game. Inti can no longer be trusted with action.
Ugliest design in the game
She looks fat to me somehow despite obviously not being the intention.
All the deset rings stuff looks kinda bad, not sure what kind of art style they're going for with it.
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whoa, etriam collab ciel.....
Shittest taste itt
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The Ashen Queen, the demon women and the Lizard Guy I'm fond of. Eduardo and Gina throw me off though.
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we can't run forever
dildoman on the left
t. Lacks the testosterone to take what is his and become the lord of the rings
Deset Rings, Scholars of Elfilia, and Yggdrasil Records IX all feel like half-assed "woah generic JRPG parody!" titles with bad art that would've been better off just being one thing.
Especially Deset Rings and Scholars of Elfilia since they basically share a card archetype anyways.
wtf is a deset
idk i think inti meant to say 'desert' but they're retarded, by accident.
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>Scholars of Elf-
No. I honestly can't name any school JRPG that isn't haremshit.
>Persona doesn't exist
"But you can date multiple gi-"
And get punished for it yeah
Not in p4.
harems are based
P3P literally removed the punishment for dating multiple girls
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yes we can
why is evil rock a b*rd
because birds are evil
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Character pairings are way better
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don't know which is probably worse
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>Persona doesn't exist
it doesn't it's just megamanx.
Why is X using a gun
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It's time
Me en Ciel if you're picking up what I'm putting down
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Demo only
Anon no matter how much you water those dried up ovaries nothing is going to come on...
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stole it from axl
Embrace the Sky is also gaijin
rated R for Roll
I was weirded out because from the thumgnail she looks like she looks like she has a big neckline.
But watching closely she isn't, it's just tha her blouse is kind the same color as her skin.
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Exoprimal already EoS'd dude. It just didn't leave the usual nuclear crater you would expect from a failed woke Hero Shooter.
>Exoprimal already EoS'd
Really? Holy shit.
Isn't Jenya honorary Japanese?
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I'll get this one
me on the right
fat happy boi
>magazine title
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>Leaves the 3DS
>Keeps the giant laser trails that are meant for the 3DS' 3D
no one used the 3ds 3d
ayla sexo
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Real ones use the buster shot rather than the z saber to beat Pandora
panty shot
you're so one note
Which you won't get with Pandora
Why did Dr. Light give Roll a vagina?
Alternate vacuum
>All the GV songs in exactly the same place in one tier
Wow not horribly biased at all
pants are banned in the household.
to put an off button inside it
roach motel
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Is it really a good idea to install madness.exe into the robot that controls your subsystems?
emergency knee mortar holster
you don't need health if everything is already dead
Fight the twins on even ground. Use gun to fight the ranged twin, and use the Z-Saber to fight the melee twin. Yeah, makes sense. Fighting Prometheus and Pandora takes real skill after all.
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Lolo was built only to suffer.
Actually I'm pretty sure she was built to commit adept murder.
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nyaaaan nya nya is still stuck to my head to this day
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>imagine an entire game where the whole OST are NYAN NYAN NYAAAAN songs
Maybe the world is not ready yet for Cut Cats
That sounds awful.
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But Cut Cats already exists as a real game.
I wanna fuck that one at the bottom left
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Sorry Mihoyo shill, gachas aren't real games.
Isn't that one Nikke but as a tactical shooter, AKA a real game?
Cool Zonda fact's:
Kirin hates non septimals way more than Zonda ever did.
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Maybe she never was evil. Maybe the whole evil thing was just how Gunvolt justified to himself what he did to those orphans, to the future of the world and to himself.
>Eden wins
>Every man gets one goverment mandated anime gf per 80 Kg
>This number gets divided by 3 if he's a musclemass mountain
did they had to deceive anybody anon?
pear shaped Roro needs a way to let go of all that sexual frustation and Copen ain't gonna help in the way he should so murder will have to make due
No information about Code: Escape setting was revealed so far so you're probably confusing it.
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Why does a combat drone need such massive birthing hips?
She has to continue the Kamizono bloodline
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A whole dinasty of racist albinos was supposed to come out from those hips but alas Copen's muderboner has too much murder and too little boner...maybe killing Gunvolt would get him hard for long enough for Lolass to get the job done.
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Tonight I will remind them.
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I shoudnt put my dick in there, however...
Im coming to your castle
Im gonna slay ya say your prayers
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Here's your new Inti game at TGS. It got leaked by the pastas.
Stream reveal of it is tomorrow.
this isn't angel julius mode
only 901 editions to go
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Now I can wait for the full game in peace

Who are these two? Gal*Gun 3 soon?
Grim Guardians now is its own series detached from mainline Gal*Gun
>site link 404s already
Was anything there?
What's GalGun's Battle of 1999?
That time where you had to fight Shinobu to unlock the true power of the Anti Demon Sub Machine Gun was really kino
The 31st game...
Can't believe she's weak to creampies
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>make platformer game that isn't 8-bit shovelware or tagging slop
>it does really well
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It's over...

>Aku Majogami
Everything will become vania
>GGDP got a sequel before Bloodstained
We're getting increasingly closer of /mvg/.....
inticreatesingly you mean
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>Demon maid girls.
I see where Kurona got influenced to become a maid, in her later years.
>connection with the "Gunvolt series"
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Me gusta
What's with the dual hair color? Are they going to fuse to become the ultimate maid?
So where's the DrAcura's Castle pun?
the evil reimu from koumajou denetsu 2 is hot
>main girl has gun

Uh oh, it's happening?
it's gotta be somawhere
I really hope there'll be some movement tool with retarded physics like the hook in the first game
Which are the chances of this one being a metroidvania?
inti can't chase that trend until it's cold in the ground
there's a nonzero chance they'll control like copen
New thread?
They made one last year already.
We got non funko news so use that for OP
GVfags btfo. Please be less mediocre this time and don't just have some random intern fill in for the soundtrack.
And have more ecchi.
Sooo is anybody baking?
Heh, I wish I had non pixel graphics like Umbraclaw
If i don't see any bake by mid page 10, guess i will
Ok use the new leaked game as the OP >>495818206
This is the lowest turn count so far nice.
It's no President Ex Machina or Love Adove The Rooftops but I'll take it.
>yuri demon maids
Inti must be afraid of cnc...
Tentative excitement.
> of a not Dinomorphia game Inti made a non Lab game instead
>new game leaked by the hues
Brazil deserves a second Adeptonaro
I am interested.

It's a pasta website
It was leaked by italians.
the level of Portuguese in /mmg/
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So... about that new bake. Why isn't here already?
Mayro wins again
Fucking Brazilians they try to pin their crimes on a nation that doesn't even exists!
Guess that'll do it
>inb4 inti nuke

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