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Previous: >>495358679

>Ordeal Call III: Neo-Primate Succession War, Archetype Inception:
●Event period: Aug 28~Oct 31 JST (2 Months).
▶NEW Limited Master Missions (~Oct 4): 10 SQ, 1 Crystallized Lore, 9 Stargazer's Teapots and 4 Silver Apples.
▶Login Bonus (~Oct 2): 5 Golden Apples, 10 Hellfire of Wisdom, 3M QP, 20 3*Fou-kun (10ATK, 10HP), 1 Footprint and 3 Stargazer's Teapots.
▶Welfare Servant: 4* Moon Cancer Kishinami Hakuno (Male and Female). These servanst will be featured in the FP Gacha in October's Event (you must clear OC III).
▶Moon Cancer will be added to the EXTRA I Class Score after clearing OC III.
▶Animation Update for Sesshōin Kiara.
▶Strengthening Quest for Kingprotea.
▶Teapots expire October 31.

>Lostbelt No.4 Clear Support Campaign:
●Sep 1~30 JST.
▶Recollection Quests: 6 Golden Apples and 600 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions: 20 Hellfire of Wisdom, 400 Evocation Leaves, 1 Rare Prism, 3 SQ and 1 Crystallized Lore.
▶Upcoming event requirement: LB4.
▶0 AP consumption for LB4 Main Quest.

>Archetype Inception Part 3 PU Summon:
●Sep 20~27.
5*Moon Cancer Archetype: Earth (limited)
●Sep 22~29.
5*Alter Ego Sesshōin Kiara (limited)
4*Saber Roland (permanent)

>Part 2 PU Summon:
●Sep 15~22.
5*Moon Cancer Jinako Carigiri (permanent)
●Sep 17~24.
5*Alter Ego Kingprotea (limited)
4*Alter Ego Passionlip (limited)

>Current Pick Ups:
●~Oct 2 JST.
5*Moon Cancer C.I.E.L.
4*Lancer Dobrynya Nikitich
4*Avenger Xu Fu
All limited.
5*Lancer Karna
4*Lancer Percival
Both permanent.
●~Oct 9 JST.
5*Moon Cancer BB Dubai
4*Moon Cancer Tenochtitlan
4*Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX Alter
All limited.

>Pastebin for utility links:
Is it worth going all-in for Arc NP2+ or is she fine at NP1
I really just use her for farming anyway
cute vamp
you need NP5
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Sex with Okita
>Op forgot
>Berserker Enkidu can talk
NP3 is the sweet spot from my experience but I failed to get NP5 so YMMV. Just don't be like me and keep her at NP1 because you'll find you run into a bunch of problems farming some nodes. I regret not going all in back when she released.
I realized that some of the shippers are ESLs.
>self-awareness: 0
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>that overlapping laugh when Hakunon summons Gil
I think the frustration with OC3 revolves around the fact that they know perfectly well how to get it right, but choose to get everything else wrong anyway.
You're a funny guy, I'll give you that. Better to see you like this then the opposite.
He could only talk because Hakuno had sex with him to make him human after summoning him
source: my brain
for the next one sorry
I was born in America, you midwit, so I have a better grasp of English than most of those shippers born in turkey, Philippines, etc.
It took 2 years but just imagine all the things my Arc can do now.
I have my energy back since GudaBB is safe so I’m using it to trash those shippers.
I used the CS revive on the inflatable man but that's it.
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Yep, i ship them.
This weird song is great
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>broke character only in front of the Hakunos despite being a "copy"
Where's that anon that said she doesn't care about them at all?
It doesn't fit my headcanon so it doesn't count.
Stuff like this is why crossovers in FGO were a fucking mistake
>Put BB in the game
>But she's a clone without any of the baggage of the actual BB
>Except she reacts to certain characters as if she's the real BB
>Except she plays an integral role in a plot about administering humanity as if she's the real BB
>Has a huge scene with Hakuno as if she's the real BB
It's the shittiest schrodinger's box imaginable. She's the CCC BB for all intents and purposes, except where you take issue with any individual facet, in which case you can handwave it with "she's a clone lol"
/fgog/ - Peruvian Playground General
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She doesn't care about them romantically.
She literally calls them mom/dad in one of her level up lines and the entire scene is framed as parents seeing off their daughter for graduation lmao.
They were canonically dying for good there, it's normal that anyone would cry. (You) feel sad too since you understand what's going on with them.
Doesn’t matter. Still not the original
Cope, he's the king of /frog/.
More like nu-/fgog/ and yes.
This putrid attempt of general deserves this outcome.
Here's what BB Cosmo has to say about that
BB Dubai was created from BB's data. Our BB fused with her.

That means Guda has two BBs to enjoy now... I wonder if their Valentine's will be like Arcueid's?
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She literally says she's not the BB from CCC during the conversation, they said "I don't care lol". They make it clear she's a BB who is only for Chaldea.

I know anon is just trying to start his usual cuckposting like always, but he didn't even read the scene
>Gold BB calls the Guda mom/dad in her level up lines
Did I miss something?
It's pretty funny.
BB Dubai acts like BB used to act right after SERAPH.
While our BB now bluntly expresses her romantic interest for you in her Golden BB bond 5 line without acting on her usual.
Maybe they wanted to give BB character progression with Guda without sacrificing her other appeal.
You’re biting into the bait, anon but thanks for you anti-c*ckposting efforts
You literally can't read that line at all if that's the basis for your cuckposting all this time

All she says is the thing she likes hasn't changed
>the Guda
The hakunos
I'm amused by how shippers (yes, selfinsertfags included because you're all the same) are only united when it comes to shitting on Tamamo. Man, I hope Extra Record does her right because she has needed something for a very, very long time.
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No, she calls Guda father/mother, and then says that she's joking
It's a reference to her being "born" thanks to guda deciding how mankind should end
Is Raikou for (you)?
>no outfit

Missed opportunity.
You're the one who has 0 reading comprehension. In this scene BB is worrying that she's not "worthy" of seeing them off, of being true to herself. She thinks it would be selfish of her to expect them to treat her like they would the OG, so she hesitates.

But the Hakunos assure her that it's fine, she doesn't need to hold back and that she is their beloved BB, no matter what.
Shipping requires a third person perspective
You can't ship yourself, you need to be looking at it from the outside for it to be shipping
Waifufagging and shipping are different things
(You) are the one leveling up characters and the line changes depending on the player gender, what the fuck are you talking about?
Depends on the writer.
Literally posted a screen cap of her saying she's not that BB, and it took you fifteen minutes to twist some sort of logic into "it doesn't count"
That's what's called a cope post
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Reverseside has been trying since this story chapter dropped.
He's a living failure like his friend schizu.
why do you care?
you already have mashu anyway
let that whore ai go away
I don't care
You use the same logic and shit up these threads
Georgie and his discord buddies are trying hard today.
That wasn't even my point, anyway this is all on me for replying to someone who is so illiterate and dumb
>you already have mashu anyway
Why is this not talked about more often? All these discussions will mean nothing because Guda will only take Mashu in the end. This isn't fucking AL or whatever. He is hellbound to that shitty eggplant. You know this?
I'll fuck Hakunon, Nero, Tamamo and BB Koyanskaya will fuck us all
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as someone who played Fate EXTRA first before getting into FGO, I think the finale of OC3 was very kino...
This general chimps out over pairings and shipping more than generals for gacha titles that have actual dating/marriage mechanics
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>None of the Nero/Tamamo variants have lines about Hakuno
>Charlie, Gilgamesh, Dantes and Emiya all have lines about Hakunon
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Both for (Me)
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I'm so happy I know japanese and can enjoy FGO without having to rely on shit anons say
I don't want to hear the sisters complaining since you were all so natural and casual about their addition.
Because guda self-inserts are the most delusional beings in this earth.
because this general enjoys it. there's no way they can propagate these discussions day in and out if they didn't. it's just manchild "what i like is better than what you like and i MUST justify it through any means necessary!" behavior ultimately
GBF has issues with characters being taken/not for you.
Nikke? Girls are pretty much hard on for the SSK
Blue Archive? Again, the girls all basically want Sensei.
Azure Lane? Another one where the girls want the MC.
You really only seem to run into shipping issues when you've got male playable characters.
When shipfag lost in argument always resorted to this, lmao.
So to recap:

Lost to Hakuno(s)
>Nero Bride
>Tamamo Summer
>Tamamo Cat

Won from Hakuno(s)
>Hakuno ( female )
>A new BB made from Earth

Was it a good trade?
>So to recap:
How about we talk about literally anything else than this falseflag attempt to start ANOTHER shitfest
More like crack shipfag like you idiot.
add the Koyanskayas to lost
Hakuno has never met EMIYA
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bow down to the biggest winners of this chapter
BB is literally the worst character in all of Fate and is worth less than a literal pile of shit, so no.
Nah, Koyanskaya doesn't know them at all. That's just stupid to even consider.
I'm happy as long as that whore Tamamo gets exposed for being a flip flop bitch that nobody knows how to write and nobody loves her.
See? That cope wasn't even real.
How will Enkidu (Berserker) play in Extella?
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Gudako got cucked...
I'm still disappointed by several things but as a BB chapter it was nice. It made me feel really nostalgic for the days I played CCC.
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/fgog/ should just learn from the japanese: lesbians don't exist.
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>Nero Bride
nero bride never met hakuno
This has to be the worst one you're trying to cuckbait because the Charlie of Extella and our Charlie are two different people. Theirs is the fantasy version of him with some alien shit and ours is the implied real one without going full on Karl.

Fuck off dude.
I want to rape Mashu Kyrielighto.
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Then why is Charlie so surprised he accidentally calls Hakuno master in his myroom line?
>Was wondering why Space Eresh did so little damage
>Realize she's not doing anything in her NP except flying around and losing
Use your beast laser or something wtf bro
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They're not.
He has a line towards the Hakunos.
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>Hakuno summoned the Enkidu that had sex for 7 days to turn into a human.
Uh Hakuno ass is safe right bros?
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Extra CCC has fully translated since months ago btw. There's no excuse not to play it if you want to meet the OG BB...
I think this would have been a really good chapter if they made the cast a bit smaller and didn't tie it to the fucking summer event
>Nasu in LB7: Even if death and extinction seems inevitable, you shouldn’t just sit there and accept it, you should struggle and rage against it with all your might until you draw your last breath
>Nasu in OC3: Just roll over and die instead of fighting it
What did he mean by this????
You missed that it's a Kaguyahime joke
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Don't worry about it
This is literally false idk why you keep saying this. One of the first things Charlie says in Traum is that he's from Extella
Someone important in Nasu’s life died.
They fought the thing that was causing the pruning so that they could launch the archetype to continue the prime species. That's not rolling over and dying, it's the opposite.
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Sorry for having to be the one to do this Yume sisters.

>To Hakuno, male
>Master of the Moon, huh? Although I'm here now and have not experienced it myself, the records remain. It was a dream-like adventure, full of peril and laughter. But now, that bravery is what he showed. Did I mention that the boy was heading for the wilderness? It seems he really did run all the way to the end.

>To Hakuno, female
>Sorry. My head hurts a bit. I couldn't help but hold my brow. I still need to train my mind. Ah, it's this girl who proudly calls herself the Master of the Moon. I didn't think she would dress modestly, but to think she was wearing a school uniform... I was stupid to have expected that. But, well, that rookie Master has grown into a brave young master. Hmm? Not brave, but dignified, you say? No, when it comes to dignifiedness, nothing has changed since before.

>To Hakunos
>A spirit born on the moon gained life, dreamed of heading for a new frontier, and eventually became a human. Ah, it appears that it was a truly wonderful journey. It's a pity that it was outside of my horizons...But still, the title of a new human race must be a heavy burden for it!

>To Hakunos
>H-ha-haaah? Master...? No, eh? Servant? Humanity has become quite indiscriminate. But I'm happy to meet you in a place like this, and to be able to fight alongside you~! Right then, I'll show you one cool thing I can do!"
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Y'all too busy shitposting about Hakuno... not realizing that we're robbed a single summer SSR slot this year... shouldve complain about that instead... We went from 1 ascension only summer swimsuit to final saint grap-only summer art with no costume... Fuck this la...
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what the hell? why does everyone hate tama?
You and the BBspic should kill yourselves.
I remember one of anons asking how would Ishikawa write an FGO chapter without realizing that Ishikawa was actually a writer on Fate Extra/CCC
>That's it
I don't get why shitposters are trying to bait them
Who the fuck is Ishikawa?
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>The manifestation of prunning uses "Just World Fallacy", a psychological fallacy where people believe the world to be fair despite reality showing us constantly that its not, as an attack.
Is Nasu trying to tell us that prunning bad?
Great, I found the sexual innuendo in Golden BB's final ascension art.
A mediocre one hit wonder of a writer whose plots stop making any sense once you stop to think about them for more than 5 minutes.
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He had No Chance in Hell to begin with.
The main writer for FFXIV Shadowbringers and Endwalker. She used to be a Type MOON writer before Nasu basically pulled some strings to get her into Square.
So what's next?
>Gudaguda event
>Halloween event
>random rerun
Shadowbringers was very good until the patches, Endwalker sucked dick but had a good message. Everything afterwards was complete ass.
It’s certainly the worst concept he’s introduced.
>Wasted summer slots on Ciel and another summer BB
What a fall off.
>no chance
This coming from the retard that cried and cried for 2 months.
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She wasn't a T-M writer, she was part of image epoch together with niino kazuya. When the company went bankrupt niino applied for a job on FFXIV on the official XIV forums and brought Ishikawa with him to Square.
I think that it's a cool idea.
Ishikawa's strength is more in the thematical and characters, her plots are not great but the character writing makes up for it
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In case of Emet I agree, but Hermes was an abomination of a character and so was Fancuckiel.
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OC4 will be pic related but with parts of all the lostbelts
Hermes as a character is great, but the plot of Endwalker is a stupid fucking mess
Kiara getting an animation update is retarded.
Can we save Adelle and Macarios and make them part of our harem then?
On its own, I don’t hate it but combined with everything else it starts to feel out place and stops making much sense.
I'm sad City got her swimsuit here instead of an actual summer event...
The problem with Hermes is that the game cannot fucking decide if he's some sort of justified revolutionary or a hypocritical cunt.
god those 2 had bad characters but they were so hot. better than most servants
I'd rather have Armored Core
does enkidu have a line for hakuno?
Crazy how summer was worse than even our wildest shitposts could imagine
can we report bbspic for flooding?
You have the Hakunos now for your brown-haired twin fetish
Haha guys... remember Ingo & Emmet from Pokemon BW (2009)?
i like hakunon the most but they're not as hot
Stop posting this, it defeats my argument.
I don't think they were that bad. Their motives generally made sense.
>We want to see something new even if it means us destroying ourselves and Chaldea is the only option for it
OG BB should have gotten one.
They just expect you to fuck Hakunon and claim all her wives via proxy
It's nice having them NPing as one, I would have preferred them as a duo servant than the Mecha Eli treatment desu
I mostly hate how selfish they are. They genocided their whole community because they were unfulfilled. Insane arrogance
It was also revenge for their parents as well. Still selfish but more understandable I think. They probably saw the society as responsible for what happened.
Why didn't they just ask Zeus to get incinerated, then? Selfish bastards.
Stop posting this, it defeats my argument.
Because they're like pets to the Gods and Zeus could never agree? Nevermind that their hope was not to die in the first place.
Yeah. Both BBs need an NP upgrade
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Is this the cruelest thing a male servant has ever done to a female character?
>real Charlie
The real Charlie is Karl, you retard.
BW are from 2010 (Like Fate/Extra)
What does it say?
Well, no not exactly.
Karl is the heroic spirit Charles the Great after he uses Imperial Privilege to excise the Holy Knight Charlemagne's myth from himself.
We haven't seen, nor do we know what kind of servant Charles the Great is.
Is the NP asset anon here?
Can I have the Hakunos posing here? Please.
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dumb whore
Hakuno really died here? Kinda sad.
The point is to not sabotage the future for the present
Don't give up, but also don't destroy the next generation just so you can live in an endless present
I like how every line with male Hakuno is "well I don't really remember it....but"

And every line with girl Hakuno is "oh fuck it's her again"
even duryodhana and bb cant deal with hakunon. she's a weirdo
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>Shit, what if we just give physical form to the human order and then kill it, so this world doesn't get pruned
>Yeah let's do that
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>this thread
So is this thing the proper power level of the pruning phenomenon for that world?
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We got Armored Core with the OC3 worm
Because nasu wants everyone to hate Tamamo….
My personal take is that she is the one that started the while cuckposting on fgog back then. Should have abandoned her and moved on to something new, the hype about her had died a long time ago.
Unlike Tamamo, Nero is the beloved child, hence the creation of Draco
>beloved child
She's a Saberface and Sakurai ruined her popularity so hard, Draco was given to another writer.
koyan did her image no favors
It's not enough I need Coral Release
>Wow Nero is so fucking hot, Chaldea is amazing!
>Ah yeah Tamamos... guess they're here huh? Giving any trouble? I'm sure you can talk about love or whatever with her, sure
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Anti-Tamamoschizo, pls
man Fate/Extra was shit it for a 2010 game, it looks like a game that came out in 2006 like Trails in The Sky or something...
I miss her…
This, but with Kadoc and Guda
a Liz did show up in OC3
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I'm not Nasu, tamamofag. Enjoy that nobody cares about that whore not even her supposed "husband".
No wonder she begged for scraps in FGO all the time.
How do I get more Hakunon NPs?
roll 3mil FP
is she in FP gacha right now?
I can't take Nasu's lessons on the meaning of life seriously when he's some city kid that lucked out by successfully transforming his eroge franchise into a gambling app
if you picked her, yeah
if you didn't, wait till they put her on rate up next month
What will Super Edmond's valentine be like? The first possible valentine and he's already fucking dead
Actually, it was lucking out in turning his porn game in a 12+ anime franchise and then shitting out the most inexplicably successful kusoge in human history.
I don't think anybody expected it to perform that much when compared to other gachas based on already existing IPs.
I'm PLAPing Hakunon rn
>Umm I can't take this unless it's gluten free cage free raised free writer who lives on the streets all his life, he spent twenty years writing eroge while living in a trash can having plenty of life experiences, he traveled the world, he is a worldly man who understands at least four languages and understands both all the highs and lows of life

Writing is writing, you can either do it or you can't
The aniplex producer that made all the anime happen is also the guy that proposed FGO so it's all part of the same process
Vagoo or anoos?
>Writing is writing, you can either do it or you can't
Nasu seems capable of both. Is he schizo?
Why? It's not even his philosophy, he is just saying stuff that other people have been saying.
Impregnate her Guda.
We know Enkidu.
Should have implemented Titan Altera and/or Loli Altera.
Altera's presence is weird.
She's in the Hakuno fight but aside from that she's completely absent.
She's in Hakuno's EX as titan altera using her big crappy 3D sword.
A single candle lit with black flame left for (You)
Nobody cares about Altera.
That's part of the problem. It all rings hollow.
Nobody care about your sorry existence you absolute piece of trash.
Her pussy is probably loose and her hymen probably broken, anon.
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Great. That way I can double stuff her pussy with the King of Heroes, imagine feeling his royal cock gliding against yours as Hakunon's pussy squeezes down.
holy sex
I want her to cuck me with her futa cock.
Servants with lines for the Hakunos. No Sakura 5, in case you were fearing that.
No brown woman is popular in Fate. Especially a short haired one.
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Imagine lusting over inferior Yui Ishikawa character. Couldn't be me.
Anon, seriously... BB refers to them as "mom and dad", which is funny and appropriate because it's actually true if you think about it. Of course, she cares about them, her existence started because of feelings directed toward Hakunon. This scene is the cliched Japanese trope of parents watching their child graduate. This is BB graduating, and her parents seeing her off.

Cuckposters are completely destroyed by Nasu. There is no coming back from this.
Only BB, and honestly, looking at the comments, I’m not too interested in reading them. I imagine Mundus will have a field day.
Remember when they shilled Altera hard but then no still gives a fuck about her? I wonder when Nasu will she her again.
That's because Fate exists to be Takeuchi's outlet for his white woman fetish.
He has drawn a single brown woman
>Anon, seriously... BB refers to them as "mom and dad"
She refered to Gudas as her mom and dad
>This is BB graduating, and her parents seeing her off.
That whole scene is about Hakuno graduating though
Read BB Dubai new profile unlocks.
Melt really dodged a missile by not appearing in any form, huh? Also, I get the feeling that the anons updating the For (You) charts were affected by everything that just happened because they aren't longer spamming their "tiers".
>That whole scene is about Hakuno graduating though
BB becomes the new Archetype and mooncancer class is approved by Alaya. Protea Alter saved everything in the end, Chaldea Lip is still fine, Hakuno dies but they were a thousand years old anyway and chose this as their final adventure, they help BB "graduate" and she fully commits herself to watching over Guda until the end and is confirmed fully for Guda. Hakuno sees her off and then disappears. BB gave that sad look to Hakuno when she first saw them because she realized they were going to die soon. Guda isn't allowed to remember this story since it happens in the future, but the feelings he made are remembered in his heart. Everyone makes it back home safely in the end, they decide to go on a real vacation with Lip to the actual dubai this time.
Hakunons literally tell BB that they are there to see HER graduate. It was basically BB's parants seeing their child grow up and present her as a gift to humanity.
Anon, those users are trying to troll. Ignore them.
>giving humanity the worst possible character as the worst possible gift
Wow, rude.
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So is no one going to mention the fact that this is the first story order in the games entire history to have 0 new servants released with it? Hakuno is just the summer welfare pushed back to OC3 clear requirements. The reason this is tied to Summer is because they had no servants completed in time for OC3.
This isn't about who BB is for or whatever you're obsessed with, I don't care about that. This is about you being unable to cpmprehend basic storytelling
Raikouschizo will just spam his list and get both posts banned there's no point.
If you want a TLDR, BB, Eresh, Kingprotea and some other moved up.
Can you stop being a stupid retard? It's literally from her profile


>Although BB was previously an AI that managed the health of humanity, she was never freed from the malicious information - the "curse" - that she had acquired in order to grow. However, when humanity completed its role and the new Primate left Earth, BB herself was able to graduate from her position - the curse.

The graduation was for her since Guda accepting the new Archetype and the Mooncancer as a whole meant he also accepted BB and her way to manage him aka humanity.
So she graduated.
She's not a "kouhai" heroine only now, it's in Golden BB profile too. She acts different, more mature.
Yeah BB graduated when she was born as the new Archetype, but that scene is about the Hakunos graduation. It's their graduation ceremony. She's saying farewell to her Senpais who are going to graduate (literally die in this case)
>This is about you being unable to cpmprehend basic storytelling
>This isn't about who BB is for or whatever you're obsessed with
Ok, and that was never the point of my post. I just copied that from the archive. The scene both metaphorically and literally depicts that it is BB's graduation. The Hakunons tell BB that they are there to see her graduate. Your insistence that it is Hakuno's graduation is borderline deluded retardation that goes against the entire scene is multiple fronts. Hakunon is there to see BB graduate.
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Poor Pokaniki...
It really is just a summer or Servant universe event forcefully turned into an OC or main story chapter.
after a while nasu's fixation on "muh senpai" "muh kouhai" got kind of old
like he acts as though "she calls you senpai" is some hugely important appealing personality trait
>but that scene is about the Hakunos graduation. It's their graduation ceremony. She's saying farewell to her Senpais who are going to graduate (literally die in this case)
It's not, it's BB graduation scene you deluded dumbfuck. This is some shit you made up on the spot and are passing it off as objective interpretation. The scene suggest that it is both metaphorically and literally BB's graduation, and anything else is your delusion.
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Karl soon...

I really wonder what happened to this artist. They just deleted their account and vanished one day years ago, shame because I really liked their art.
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It’s pretty how often Nip artist just disappear and delete their accounts.
Karl is her dad.
What are you doing
How is BB Graduating when the Hakuno's are the ones graduating(dying)? They're her senpai and they're dying first.
Did you even graduate from school?
Do you even know the basics of graduation? They literally SHOW where they are. In the fucking school. You are both illiterate and blind.
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The character /fgog/ hates the most.
enkidu? for me^2
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Don't blame me blame the artist
I thought that was Cags
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I know it's never happening, but it would've been nice if they added the Berserkerdu route in Record as a surprise
The line about Melt is fucking nothing, it's (you) asking how she was before
>You want to know about the Meltryllis in SE.RA.PH? Don't worry. She's the same as she is in Chaldea. The greatest prima donna, be it as an ally or an enemy. Not BB nor Sesshouin could bend the swam's pride. What? She's an athlete now? The star of ice skating? Don't tell me her pride issues are getting worse...
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If we cope hard enough we can manifest the secret route
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Protea and Lip literally never acknowledged or talked to Hakuno during the entire chapter. Nasu went out out of his way to make sure the cuckposters had absolutely nothing to work with when it came to the Sakura Five this time around, they never gave a shit about Hakuno. To the end of the story they were only looking at Guda.
I heard they usually do this when they decide to leave the fanbase so to speak, if said artist got into anything new and is still drawing they will just do a new account
Nobody is saying anything against Melt though. We know she is the only one not hurt in any form by OCIII. It's the fans and haters of Servants still arguing about how to interpret every single scene and interaction in the OC.
All that'll happen is Lancer Enkidu will be in Extella 3 and they'll call him Berserker
I mean they could just make a new account entirely, instead of deleting everything on the old account
Pretty sure people wouldn't hate them for it if they didn't wipe everything every time
I'm starving so I'll take anything I get
>She's the same as she is in Chaldea
Is Nasu retarded or something?
>be it as an ally or an enemy
Yep, he's retarded
She was the worst of the sakuras for Hakuno by a wide margin, what the fuck is Nasu smoking
To be fair, Melt ended in bad terms with everyone in CCC and 3 of the Sakura 5 were cut from the game.
Hakuno never hated anyone
That should have been obvious in the CCC route where he still emphsized with Melt and Lip, and chose not to finish them off. He couldn't hate them.
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Dude, where have you been? This line has been out for over a day. First, when Hakuno says ally, he meant Guda's not his. Also, contrarians saying CCC and FGO Melt don't act the same keep getting BTFO. We got not only Las Vegas, the Valentine's scenes, and this new line but also more FGO manga chapters confirming the obvious.
Outside of Lip, it honestly wouldn't have made absolute sense for the other Sakura 5 to feel attachment for Hakuno. Foxtail's Protea is just Takenoko's fanfiction. Otherwise, loli Protea would be an ascension and there wouldn't be the whole Palladion mess. And Kazura in FGO feels a little bit off compared to Foxtail's. She's now wackier, a target of jokes, and a punching bag for bigger villains.
This is not Kukulkan
Kutest Kowgirl Kuku-chan is /fgog/core
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>that cutscene where Bart betrays Kiara and NPs her
Okay that was pretty cool
Did you guys know every OC has been given a "term" to go with it?
There's 5 terms in total for 5 OCs.



They were separated like this too. Supplement is OC1, Parting is OC2, Entrustment is OC3.
So "Declaration" is OC4, Ruler and OC5 is "Pledge", Foreigner.
So only the male servants have lines for Hakuno? Damn, they really fear schizo waifufags.
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I dunno, most of this post just read stupidly.

Kazura is the type where she either succeeds becoming the final boss, or she's a joke. She gets one story where she becomes the final boss, called Foxtail, which means in every other story she's going to be a joke. She's the type who is forever weak unless she can eat her sisters one by one. In a feel good story like FGO that isn't possible, which means she's regulated to being a try-hard retard pretending to be "nice", while biding her time so she can reveal her true evil nature, only to still lose in the end because obviously this isn't a story where she's allowed to win. In other words after Foxtail, she's quite literally forced to play a joke villain since she obviously isn't going to get the chance to eat the others again. And without being able to eat them, she's stuck being a weak midget pretending to not be evil just long enough to try to backstab the nearest person. Kazura is all or nothing, she either succeeds or she's a laughing stock, and naturally there was no room for her to suceed this time. Its not her story anymore, the others are aware of her evil nature by now. They're not going to keep falling for it.
That anon got confused. He missed the context of the My Room line. Because of game limitations he failed to grasp that Hakuno and Guda are having a conversation about Melt.

He's not filling the gaps created by Guda's lack of dialogue.
Cell wasn't a laughing stock before he absorbed 17 and 18
Abby is the /fgog/ core Foreigner
>? Don't tell me her pride issues are getting worse...
How do we tell them?
>where she either succeeds becoming the final boss, or she's a joke.
In FGO and actual stuff written by Nasu, she's a joke. Always. Even Oberon ridiculed her, in a sense.
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>trying to cuckpost with Charles after having an event about how much he loves (you) and his voiceline towards the Hakuno being a literally nothing
>also doesn't even hint at having romantic feelings in Link originally
How is that going to work? You can roll now while only one's available, or roll later on rate-up and get a dozen copies of the one you don't want?
>Nasu's OC lost to Sakurai's
What the fuck went wrong?
Did Nasu forget that Emiya isn't Nameless?
You're probably going to run out of fp before you np5 her if you roll now. You do you but I'm waiting.
Unlike Oberon, Kazura sucks as a villain though. So not really angry she keeps getting mogged by everyone. She's just discount Kama at this point.
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Now that Summer 9 is completely over with, rate all the summers so far.
Making his OC3 summer but shafting the summer cast (except fucking Bart) to shill Extra for the 50th time
He's either the same or different depending on what's the most convenient for nasu at that moment.
Did you watch Trunks kill Cell when he went back to his original time-line? Total laughingstock.

Kazura is weak, she's not cell, at least Cell was almost as strong as Piccolo; her only tools her trickery and pretending to not be evil so she can backstab people, at least until she's eaten someone strong enough to stop pretending. Also her eating only works on her sisters, who obviously aren't going to fall for it a second time, except for Protea.
Shitposters will try every angle to make their stupid shit stick even if it's fuck all
Also no one should feel threaten in the first place anyway since the Hakunos like (You) a lot
Happy ending
>a good idea
>focuses on good characters like Dantes and Jeanne Alter
>has a cast that meshes together with each other
>has a consistent tone from beginning to end

>the only idea is has is to shove as much clap as possible into one story
>focuses on the absolute garbage character that is BB, everyone else is little more than a glorified cameo
>characters were arbitrarily chosen between summer swimsuits and advertising the Extra and Tsukihime remakes
>80% of the story a joke event and then it tries to pretend anyone can have any sort of emotional connection with a gag character like BB
Why would the Sakura 5 feel no attachment to Hakuno?
Their very existence, just like BB's is because of Hakuno.
Most of them obviously have moved on from Hakuno but denying facts make you retarded.
I bet you're the same guy who keeps blabbering about BB having no memories or feelings for Hakuno before part 3 dropped.
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take it easy fgog
The problem with "for you" servants is, due to shitposting, a single line for someone else outweights a thousand lines for you. A girl can have sex with you, be confirmed to be entirely for you, marry you, have sex with you again, but if she says "hi" to another guy, cuckposters will latch onto it and shitpost about it for years nonstop relentlessly

Just look at summer kama; literally the most for you character to exist, and they still found a way to cuckpost about it. No matter how for you a character is, a single line towards someone else will outweigh every line for you.
2022 = 2023 = 2018 > 2019 = 2021 > 2024 = 2016 >>> 2017
Did Habetrot ever get a rate-up? I took a years-long break at some point after LB5 and only came back a few months ago
>killing Summer
>2 month timelocks
Get rid of these 2 points and OC3 would be better. Also people have high expectations for Nasu's chapter unlike Sakurai so this chapter fell hard and is only decent~above average.
Also get rid of Kiara. That ugly bitch.
His OC was another extra and sakura shilling it gets tiring at some point.
>ny servant was an advertisement for samurai remnant, and then we got a collab event for further advertisement
>second collab event to advertise the mahoyo remaster and the upcoming movie
>random late spring event was a collab with some random gag comic
>summer is a stealth story chapter except it's actually stealth advertisement for extra record and the tsukire
Putting 2022 at the same level of the two summerfes is insulting
The last good summers were the first Comiket and Las Vegas. The first two and cuck summer had interesting themes and gimmicks at least. I didn't like much the last summers. Recycling Comiket last year was just lazy and this new one failed to decide if it wanted to be a BB, summer, OC, Servant-verse, or Tsukihime event.

For example, City is among the few that felt like a real summer Servant this year but as soon as the summer portion of OC3 was over, she became irrelevant in its story because of this.
Nope. But she only shared the gacha with Saber Lily.
>Create false premise for post
>Have people reply to false premise as though its real
>lest shove Summer, Extella collab and OC3 into 1
>summer Kama
I will never forgive that piece of shit xNaya for trying to c*ckpost her and try to come off as innocent. I bet he’s going to do the same with BB, that motherfucker.
Do you honestly think anyone that's not a wormfag will think that OC3 is better than OC2?
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I love Douman that much and he was the highlight of that summer for me
>muh wormfag
How is it different from Jeanne Alterfags?
It's even worst since Jeanne Alterfags have to rely on Sakurai lmao. The biggest shipper in FGO.
2018 >>>>> 2019 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2023 > 2020 > 2024 > 2022 > 2021 > 2016 >>> 2017
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>technically since this isn't a Extella or Extra collab we can still have one down the line
>He liked recycled summerfes
not even lb6fags liked it
I'm the biggest Cityfag and I hate OC3...
>Extra and Sakurashilling
Tell me, when was the last time Nasu shilled those 2?
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If you ever start to pretend Sakurai is a good writer based off one chapter because you think it owns the Nasu chuds, always remember that Sakurai had Boudica apologize to Nero for the rape and murder of her own family and children, three times so far.

And then in the manga they had Boudica confess that she saw Nero as just as important as her children, and then confessed her love for Nero
There was more to OC2 than Jeanne Alter waifufaggotry, there was nothing to OC3 other than BBfaggotry and Marvel movie tier references to Extra and Tsukihime.
That was Minase
Well let's put it like this.
OC2 is a story made for FGO fans, since it deals with (You) and FGO cast with messagging that affects someone who played FGO for a long time.
OC3 is a story made for FGO fans, EXTRA fans, Tsukihime fans etc.
If you like all you'll love all the callbacks etc. But if you only love FGO the only moments worth of note are those with Eresh and towards the end with BB and the mooncancer boss since they give FGO meaningful stuff.

OC2 is a dramatic story, that appeals to many.
OC3 is a philosophical story, that appeals to those who appreciate and share Nasu's vision.

It's easy to see why OC2 would be better received as a whole.
But OC2 also has the "downside" of being easily devalued by those characters coming back in the future. While OC3 character growth for the servants involved and the meaning of the story stays.
No one said Sakurai was a good writer but she somehow made OC2 great. It doesn't erase all the shit she did before.
City got more fanart out of OC3 than the new forms of OG BB.
BB Dubai is her own separate character.
OC2 was centered around Dantes
I could say the same thing, retard.
OC3 adds more to the TM lore than OC2. People only like OC2 because of Jeanne Alter. Am I wrong?
OC3 was a gag event with a really, really, really dumb view on evolution and parenthood that other media like Getter Robo and Gurren Lagann did better.
I'm tired of clapshit
All the OCs are supervised by Nasu, knowing what was going to happend down the line he allowed all the Rani, AI and curry sakuras
>OC2 is great
Its just the honey moon period
Its not an amazing chapter from what I remember; but literally every fan for years said they wanted a school life chapter one day with guda and a bunch of servants going to school together, and it turns out Sakurai was the one to finally deliver on that. Rather than an amazing well written chapter, Sakurai merely saw a crown lying in the gutter, and they were the one to finally pick it up. I feel like people like the premise more than the writing.
>OC2 is a story made for FGO fans, since it deals with (You
I cannot relate to a Japanese high school student and all the overexploited high school anime tropes. Not defending OC3 nor saying it's better though. In general, I don't like the OCs.
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I like Tsukihime and Extra nd still hate OC3. It's clapbait all to eleven while using FGO as a device to tell a story that just doesn't belong here. KnK, CF, Zero, CCC are good collab events. Stuff like SR, Apoc or OC3 being epilogue-like for the original works are trash
Lulu Hawaii> Las vegas > the rest
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I'm not judging either.
My two waifu in FGO since the start of time have been BB and Eresh so for me this chapter was amazing.
But I can recognize why OC2 can be seen as better objectively.
I think it's a matter of taste. I didn't like LB7 at all and think LB4 was very good for example.

That's on you.
The people who play and love FGO play it as Guda. That's the entire point.
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>OC3 is just 2deep4you
And people only liked it because of Jeanne Alter.

So why is nobody giving credit to Nasu for OC2? Why are retards picking and choosing who to praise?
I feel OC comparison is a waste of time because it's like comparing shit to another piece of shit. The OCs are a clear indication that FGO's lifespan is being forcefully expanded. LB6 and 7 were the last proper FGO main story chapters. Doesn't help that after ORT the threats feel like joke villains or generic bad guy of the week.
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I think people are going to severely underrate the hell out of this summer because they're angry about the time gaps, and they're angry about the cuckposters who made the entire chapter a living hell for everyone so no one enjoyed it.

If you were to somehow read the chapter on your own, and not listen to a place that's full of insane shitposters though, its probably a decent A+ story.
Summer 3 > Summer 8 = Summer 4 > Summer 6 > Summer 1 > Summer 7 = Summer 5 > Summer 9 > Summer 2
The story was confusing as fuck. Who made the "archetype"? And what the fuck does that mean? Was it the AIs or humans? How could the Archetype be a new primate if it's just BB? Unless I miss it, she's not a species, but an individual.
It just feels like utter dogshit made to wank Nasu's waifu and his obsession with Sakurashit. He's destroying his own world building because he's obsessed with making people like her.
If you don't like BB and Servant verse's sense of humor, it makes sense to not enjoy this summer... OC?
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My wife's summer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other summers
I wish I could say the same but my wife... is in current summer
>How could the Archetype be a new primate if it's just BB? Unless I miss it, she's not a species, but an individual.
Thia Escardos is an individual too but he can create a new prime species as well.
By being the first, you're basically Adam, containing the whole potential of your race, and just waiting to eject it from your form.
>The Archetype is a term utilized in the World of Magecraft to describe the brain of a planet. For Earth, this being is called Archetype: Earth
>The concept of the Archetype is related to Ultimate Ones, also called Types, but the exact connection is undefined.

Archetype is the pinnacle or absolute of a species/planet, its basically the TYPE of each planet, or their absolute creation. Every planet has an archetype, every civilization will eventually create an archetype one day. BB is the pinnacle of AI technology made into the ultimate lifeform of the current civilization after both BB's fused together. Whether by creation, evolution, modification, every planet will develop their own Archetypes eventually.

Arcuied is Archetype Earth
Kukulan is Archetype Malla
They are made to be the absolute being of their planet basically

Moon Dubai created their archetype back in 2400, but they sealed it away. Because once you create their supreme being its all downhill from there. They didn't want a superior being to usurp them, so they chose to seal it away. This choice however is what lead to their world being pruned, because the archetype was meant to be created, a civilization that cuts off its own development and doesn't allow the future to develop can only stagnate, by sealing off their archetype they sealed away their own fate in the process so the future couldn't ever flourish or whatever the fuck.
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Compared to OC2, it's not as easy of a story to understand if you don't share Nasu's values on things, yes.
Everyone would relate to Guda in OC2 because you see the story play out in (You)r eyes and mainly the people who critic OC2 do it because:
>They don't want to accept the "parting"
>They forcefully refuse to embrace self inserting
i finaally killed that pesky giant boss

props to astrea, she's been the MVP this whole mooncancer cluster fuck
I think even without that it must still be a good story.
If the value changed to B, then Ruler chapter would be the last, necessary OC to enter CHALDEAS. Where the Foreigner OC fits in all this?
I'm still annoyed at Bart getting that much focus. Fucking Bart.
>A+ story.
You're fucking tasteless.
Chaldeaman did say there'd be one we could skip
>Doesn't help that after ORT the threats feel like joke villains or generic bad guy of the week.
Retard point
Threats shouldn't just escalate and escalate and escalate and escalate infinitely
This isn't DBZ; you can easily scale back the situation based on the cast. What you're dealing with depends on what you have to work with ultimately. If you just have a rag tag band of loser servants you're obviously not going to be fighting Zeus. In fact having more down to earth threats is good for the story, its better to scale things back down for awhile occasionally. You can write a much more normal story with just some low tier servants occasionally if you don't write yourself into a corner trying to escalate. The story isn't meant to just go for fighting ORT to Double ORT.
It's not an "OC" or it puts us to A+/EX.
I'm betting on Foreigner just being a regular event that won't change affect the value (or change it to B+) so we would get it before OC4
time locks and pruning were a mistake and introducing them ruined the nasuverse
Foreigner OC will be in R'lyeh
No, because Adam didn't reproduce alone, bro. That comparison is stupid.
Again, it's stupid as fuck because Arc isn't a prime species, that's still humanity. It's bad writing and complexly nonsensical story because Nasu's still butthurt Sakura's the least popular FSN heroine.
None of the other guys in the story are really husbando quality or already have enough screentime so he's the next best thing to throw a miniscule bone for girls, I guess.
We already know there's 5 OCs, see >>495453686
>Nasu's still butthurt Sakura's the least popular FSN heroine
And yet she's the most popular FSN face.
You must be a Rinfag who's still mad that Rinfaces are flops, huh?
3 > 4 > 1 > 2 > 5 > 6 > 9 > 7
So we can rank up to EX and get some bonus against CHALDEAS
The ultimate life form doesn't have to be human; it can be something created by humans, modified by humans, born from humans, or appointed by humans. As long as it came from the planet or came from the species, it can be made into the brain of the planet. I don't know how its officially appointed but apparently there's a process. Hakuno talks a bit about the process in this chapter, something about Archetype Inception.

Kukulan wasn't a deino, but she was still an Archetype. Do you get it?
>How could the Archetype be a new primate if it's just BB?
Holy mother of speedreading
>Nasu's still butthurt Sakura's the least popular FSN heroine.
Its crazy how people try to run with this narrative every thread
Foreigner wouldn't get an OC, they could be important in the last Olga quest. If you notice all OC is "Guda" becoming that class (or rejecting becoming that class). Alter Ego. Avenger. Mooncancer.
There are classes they can't qualify like Foreigner, and I suspect the reason why there's no Pretender OC is because Guda's already a Pretender. The Chaldea Class, according to Aqua Olga.
Still fap to your wife nowadays
Feels like a lot of the people calling this entire story nonsense that makes no sense at all and must be stupid, will suddenly "get it" when the story comes out in NA and they can actually read it.
Obviously, that's the case. People just want to shitpost because it's a Nasu chapter.
NA will eos before that
>he doesn't know
You have been seeing this since NA started being a thing
Guda is linked to Azathoth so he will become a Foreigner
I was looking at hakuno/n lines it seems like bride no longer exist neither of them acknowledge the existence of two neros and treat them as a single entity
I feel that Nasu is now butthurt Melt became the Jeanne Alter of the EXTRA verse because he not only made her the only summer Wada 4* but refused for her to appear in the Mooncancer and Alter ego OCs. Like fuck, not even Jeanne Alter missed the Avenger OC. It's easy to notice Nasu is pushing other Sakurafaces to see if they take off as hard as Melt but outside of Kama, I think he's mostly failing at it.
Maybe Foreginer OC only existed as a concept before the second OC was released.
yeah, we know this since yesterday
Why would Guda even oppose that world to be pruned? That's how pruned worlds work.Feels like Nasu's fine to deleted worlds but as long they are extra related he balks.
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The Kon event was the last actual good summer event. Even freaking Imaginary Scramble was more of a summer event than that we got this year.
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Asking for being raped
Don't let them distract you from the fact that despite not being playable, swimsuit Lip got more fanart than both new OG BB's outfits. Not only City, Eresh, and Dubai surpassed her.
It's been 7 years and Summer Ishtar has less than 400 lmao
What do you guys think about the Aniplex account linking? Better or worse than using the code system?
Eh, BB is really popular tho. Though I’m surprised Nasu gave MC the okay but avengers..
Hi mantra
OG BB got just mogged by 4 Servants in her own OC. Again, Dubai, Lip, City, and Eresh.
There is no gaijin OC. Alaya doesn't care about that gagshit class.
>Nasu: Humanity is great, humantity will keep evolving, humanity will become a galactic master race
>Also Nasu: Abandon your humanity for the new normal!
>The OC3 boss is the Pruning given form
Geez Nasu
At this point I expect the Final boss to be (You)/Humanity or just the FGO logo itself if we are getting this meta
Maybe a mushroom final boss
>1.6mil FP so far
>3 Hakunos
>5 to 6 Habenyans, kinda lost count
>3 Saber Lilies
>1 Manjew (first in 3 years, my last one was when rolling for Habenyan funnily enough, got fucking 3 of him on that.)
>3 CE Bombs loaded full so far, another one on the way
500k FP left, please drop a lotto soon...
We know Marisbilly represents Aniplex
Fitting final boss
The Beast of Consumerism/Consumption
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Made a double update.
I refuse to give 3 parts for this shit chapter.
/fgog/ opinion has never changed after something was released on the NA srvers the overlap is minimal
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Dracofest lottery soon?
>that one from Avalon le Fae 2
Oh, so (you) end up protecting her but Morgan decide to leave the place and be happy and give you thanks and also extra QP and a copy of herself so she can be (you)r waifu, truly sublime writing haha. ;_;
Because the loud shitposters here are from /alter/.
SIN always kill me.
The different fonts are triggering my autism
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Medb? More like Flopdb
Sex with giant BB
So we are supposed to get KD thanks to Hans, and also someone else in next month event?
Does the expression change according to her NP type or is it random?
>can tell exactly which pic reference each moment
I am not sure if to be impressed or i'm just autistic
Maybe Violet
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Grand servants event when
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there are hardcore Koyanfags in fgog so definitionally she can't be the most hated
it would have to be someone that is universally hated
No FGO Original servants, just clapbait and OCs
Anon I don't know how to tell you this but Edmond Dantes was an F/GO Original servant
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I wish but probably never
I-Is that... a reference to something Nasu wrote 20 years ago!? KKKKIIIIINNOOOOO he never does this!
>realize people will just throw a single forced story support into the backline and not use them.
>"I know, lets force them to use two!"
Someone at Lasagna needs a slap upside the head.
Nasu thinks he's a game designer. He always does this shit.
Yeah, let's just ignore Shimousa and Olympus where Sakurai forced you to use Musashi
I was thinking that.
Its not terrible when the characters are actually useful but...well...
Orthinax Mashu is and has always been useless.
The only time she's had a use was in Chunguska and thats purely because Habetrot was slapped onto one of her skills.
I'm nearing the end of OC3 and its "Hey, here's mashu and Hakuno! They're useful right?"
I will take Musashi over Mashu every day until the sun explodes
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cut every cuckposter tongue
I'm starting to think the golden outfit is pretty hot.
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Now is your turn, schizo with the multiple shinji posts screaming kino like a fucing retard
For me, it was Kenshin for her buff removal on NP. and then my NP4 Himiko to unga bunga everything to death.
/alter/ general, retard.
i clapped
No he's not, he was originally from Danganronpa.
i wish i got Kenshin...... but yeah rulers MVP
cant wait for ruler OC since my vengers are STACKED
She is the end all be all of Moon Cancer bullying.
You used your himiko and iyo, right?
no himiko
and iyo is AoE and her damage isn't the best
sadly i think only kiara is evil. the NP nukes were hilarious
Lol I'm waiting for the 0AP campaign.
Not touching this shit at full AP cost.
Did bart really betrayed kiara for you?
She's the only evil one BUT Astrea can loop and Crit so easily its pretty negligible
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Nuked the entire OC with a different ruler
>finally finishing OC2
Can she do it
>Can she d-ACK!
Is Skadi neccesary with her? Double or triple?
wasn't caren supposed to be sakura's successor or something i never touched extra but i remember a recent screenshot
I'm just saying the cube stones defeat the purpose of your post.
It's like entering a battle with full of 120 gameplay servants and you only have to fight a level 1 berserker mob with 100 hp.
Why is she grabbing his dick?
Nta but the only time I've used the cubes was vs Cernunnos and only after being stuck for hours
Every other boss is easy
To be fair when you're as ugly as Ciel you need to take what you can get
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Bros how do I unlock OC3 again?
If you finished summer its on the bleached earth section
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Yeah you kinda need your own Skadis because Nasu loves cucking you out of actually useful supports

They should add some Dante Must Die hard mode with AI Caren
New lotto doko
The mooncancer isn't pruning the world, the world is being pruned because of the mooncancer (and the factors that led to its appearance).
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how much fp was that?
Bro they're getting a pickup just next month
How much FP? I'm only sitting on 1m and I have zero confidence that I'd hit Hakuno on every .1% chance
Honestly I got 3 in the first mil, its the last one that was the real pain. RNG is funny like that.
FGA keeps on crashing on my emulator
No, I used Astraea and Kenshin
I recently just bought a botted account to play around in JP. How tough is OC3? I have only have Space Eresh, Ciel, Koyan light, and Castoria skilled up and leveled so far. Am I gonna make it?
Hakuno can be useful tho
Mashu is only there to catch attacks for 2 turns and then fold over.
It has a couple cancer fights but with daily CS and blue cubes it should be pretty doable, especially if you try doing the hard ones a little before your CS are recharged so you get two extra lifes.
What's the FGO equivalent of this?
I think it's Olympus for me.
Follow people with strong Luvias.
>OC3 final boss
I legit tapped out mentally when that happened.
While I don't think FGO reached that low, the time I felt the closest in "fuck this shit" was the Ordeal Call announcement.
I guess I should resort to that if I really can't cut it. I like trying to clear without them, but I'd rather not miss out on mats.

I'll keep this in mind.
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Why the fuck does BB get TWO summer alts?
All these giantess' in OC3
And not one kaiju battle
The second doesn't even count as a summer.
It's just Super BB.
Why not
Sakuraface priorities.
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That was me back when I was trying for Habenyan copies
Shota mom (figure)
I'd say Olympus because fucking Olga returned.
She's a Beast and is stellar class or some shit.
The final straw was that outfit. Beasts are jobbers, yes but they're not clowns.
Both of them or just the one you picked?
Hyped up final boss/mc's father gets btfo offscreen by a literal and unironic El Hermano that has never been mentioned beforehand.
I need Gudako x Hakunon yuri.
Just the one you picked.
Still can't believe this shit. It made me drop the anime halfway through S3. I rewatch it recently and the only good thing about the final arc is this cute chick.
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Witch Koma will be the welfare for Halloween.
I has no shame usin command spells on some of deez fights.

I think its funny how summer 3 is one of the most loved summers while 9 is one of the least.

Yet both are nasu written and stars BB
How long before we get the next cooldown reduction support? That's the next logical step after releasing append 5 and an anni servant that can cooldown reduce, right?
>summer alts
where's the swimsuit?
Welfare and Summer BB should have got a NP upgrade, I think.
The next support will have Castoria's kit with 1 turn CD to all skills and the ability to reshuffle the deck on command.
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Archer bros….
>1 turn CD
Too underpowered unless it's aoe 2bqh
I like how Hakunon just dunk on EMIYA because how he is not a don juan guy
I wonder what happened to that Gil/Enkidufag.
Is he gonna grail Hakunon/Hakuno since Gil treats them the same as Enkidu?
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A kot is fine too.
Technically, BB Dubai is not FGO BB.
remember when fgog said BB Dubai was totally Kazuadrop
good times
i mean it was a obvious guess given what kazuradrop is and what she did in her own manga
That speculation kinda died in part 2 since protea alter called her out
Can't blame people for hoping for something more interesting than what we actually got.
Is the next event going to be Kazuradrop related? When are we getting news on the october event
We don't make the game.
I hope not because I need time to save up for Kazura
My predictions was only 1/3 correct.
>Dubai was Kazuradrop
>Summer Lip Costume
>Hakunos are welfare
You did get a Lip costume just not the way you would expect
That's not a costume. That's a voice pack.
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so the trailer was false advertising... yikes
I jobbed...
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>crying face emote
Why are Zoomers retarded?

Hope not. She needs a lb6 event not a lb4 one
no, hakunon
we're not having sex
Based Emiya
Like you have a choice
>sees a young traumatized/mentally drained human master
>"yeah, I'd bang that"
Is she okay?
Can Abby heal my broken heart?
The plebbit tl(where do they get their tls?)
Previously, even though BB was a health management AI for humanity, she could never fully escape the malignant data she acquired through her growth—known as the "Curse." However, with humanity's role on Earth finished and the new Prime Species leaving the planet, BB herself has also graduated from her role... and from her curse.
Pretty much matches what anon has said.
You will Enkidu now get Gil ready too.
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of course
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>Sakuras sell
We all know what Rin would outsell every Sakura
>Space Ishtar
Don't make me remind you what happened in 2019.
It worked enough, but Sakuraface bias is stronger. Saberface of course will be lower.
flopped so bad that it took them years to release another rinface lmao
>Sakuraface bias
If being bias works, why is Ibuki still a flop?
The solution is obviously more cunny
They're adding the one you didn't pick to the FP, but they never said they're getting a higher rate compared to others.
>Space Eresh is closing on Space Ishtar despite the 6 year headstart
I guess Eresh has AI help but it makes Space Ishtar look worse kek
Ibuki was because of Sakurai and she was literally never for (you). Meanwhile Sakura had a lot sakurafaces, that some of them were for (you). Despite this it doesn't mean that everyone are ok with them and hate Nasu even more for his obsession with Sakura.
Which is a shame since I love Ibuki design, and giantess women are hot. But even I can tell the bias and wanking. Then again Sakurai is obsessed with that.
Probably given that the next event will let you get the Hakuno you didn't pick.
Wonder why Altera was Gaijin. Feels weird to bother with unless we're getting Moon Altera at some point.
I like Sakurafaces but hate Sakura. The imitation surpassed the original, kino.
Why did she write this?
Maybe her butt hurts
I hate Sakura.
And I hate Sakurafaces even more.
And the more Nasu insists on shilling them, the more I hate them too.
No it says the one you picked is going to be on rate-up for the next event in october. We have no idea when we'll get th eone we didn't pick.
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even Tsuki kneels to Illyas
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From what?
I get the feeling that OC3 was padded out like LB6 just because Kinoko wanted to show off Moonbai the way he showed off Fairy Britain but BB isn't as compelling a character as Artoria Caster to keep me interested throughout the whole "world building" phase.
>summon hakunon
>rape her
next event is probably another Liz Halloween, it's hinted in hakuno's lines. So maybe Kazura will drop then
How do you rape someone who's already raping (You)?
Nah, they will 100% increase the draw rate. It's in their best interest to make them easy to get. You can't buy FP or farm it fast enough to matter, so telling people not to worry about the choice and then keeping them extremely hard to get would only make people angry with no benefit, financially or otherwise.
crazy to think its been nearly two years since cameltoez and he still not here
>he's still trying to bait people to engage on his Nasu hate parade
How can (You) rape (You)?
>he hasn’t been raped by his own hand before
You’re lucky bro…
"Allegro ma non troppo" seems to be Nasu's stance on everything
OC3 has mankind already gone, there was nothing else that can be done except create a reason of why they went poof. And the fight was not for mankind's survival, but to avoid the pruning system, and so mankind can still exist even if they are gone, while the new prime species comes after them and they can continue their legacy.
In a way, pruning is bullshit.
If knew they were going to do habethrot-like welfares in the future I would have saved my FP instead of blowing 30mil FP in the last gudaguda FP banner.
I don't feel like doing lottos again when I have coins for many many years.
That is not welfare though, that is the freebie. You still need to roll the extra copies.
Lie on your arm until it's numb and masturbate?
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Do the japs like servant universe shit?
That implies consent
I wanted Kiara to eat me in her giant form...
This except Kazurdrop, Protea, or BB.
Why is Hakuno calling Ishtar her Rin Just because they look alike I guess?
Also Aoko has copies of her Extraverse memories, cool I guess
When did Alice meet Hakuno?
And is Emiya implying that he only has memories of being with Hakunon or does his line for Hakuno count for both
>Maeda inserts more of his rap crap in the new event song he wrote
>Nasu inserts his giantess vore fetish in OC3
bro, space ereshflop ended up being worse
at least space ishtar didn't ruin both summer and a story chapter
BB is the one who ruined this summer and OC3 by existing though, on top of ruining CCC and SERAPH???
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Did we get cucked Charliesisters?
Gudao looks like THAT?
I have to make him part of my harem.
Is this just the 4*
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Sakurafaces are basically this meme
With Japan loving them, Nasu giving the fans what they want, them being massively popular, and people here going "I didn't consent to this, Nasu is seething, he only makes them because everyone hates sakurafaces, Nasu is seething guys I mean it, he's really angry, everyone hates this not just me, they're fucking stupid for allowing this to continue, any minute now the game is going to run out of money due to sakurafaces"

No sakurai wank and Nasu wank are not the same thing even though you try to force that meme. People hate sakurai wank because it's tell don't show, and it comes at the expense of other characters. Ibuki shows up and everyone has to explain how she's way stronger than all the Greek gods put together, seriously bros she's super top tier, you should give up now. While Nasu is show don't tell, all his character feats seem natural for the character.
More Sakura
More Kiara
Everyday until you like it.
No, that event makes it clear that he's for (You)
Emiya has different lines for each Hakuno
Yes. I have the 5* one if you're curious.
Don't reply to the shitposter.
So what, that doesn't make me like sakura at all. Maybe a few sakurafaces but not really the "concept" of sakuraface.
>Don't reply to the shitposter.
Eat shit, asshole nigger.
>all his character feats seem natural for the character.
>he says to defend BB, a character who this couldn’t be further from the truth for
There was some twitter bitching about that
KP Alter just instagibs her via conceptual nonsense and theres no fight
Why the fuck did you have to remind me about EL HERMANO
Nope, he's still very much for (You) and his line towards the Hakunos and vice versa is essentially a nothingburger.
Does anyone have the farming map for the event
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. My question is, does he only have "copied memories" for Hakuno or does that apply to Hakunon as well? Because he spoke about her with more familiarity. I am assuming that it's the former..
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>Ancient Cave paintings like Sefar and Moon Rise Obsession get super wank
Enter, Marisbilly True form
Impressive that he gets a happy ending.
>gil, emiya, and charuru get lines for both hakuno
>nothing new added to nero, tamamo, and altera
what did they mean by this
Olympus fights truly made the Atlantis fight vs. Artemis worthless lmao
to not make self-inserters mad, obviously.
gachashit is so shallow
But Charlemagne is still for (You) and he got a line for them
This. >>495492328
They made female Hakuno claim Tamamo and Nero as her wives but the male one only gets to praise them at best lmao.
>be Gudao
>pick Hakunon
>Sharuru prefers Guda canonically anyway
Imagine Gilgamesh being hyped up as the strongest, mightiest heroic spirit, but just that. He never shows up in FSN. People just keep talking about how great he is, and there's no reason to dispute it. He's also Shirou's dad.

Then you have one weak ass arc where he's off-paneled legitimately by Mr.Steal.your girl goblin who showed up from out of nowhere. IShokugeki is one of those series where the entire community can unanimously pinpoint the moment the series jumped the shark. Waste of a great artist.
Contextually, as in, the closest moment of this, would be ORT vs Camazotz.
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He has a type.
Remember that Siegfried didn't get a line for Kriem until what was it, this White Day? Plus his VA is Emiya's, and Charlie got a costume, so these lines were probably recorded then. It could just be they're waiting until they have more than one line for the girls' VAs to call them in to record.
Also Ruler Gilgamesh got shop voicelines.

I need him to be playable..
He likes faggots?
Yes, like Takasugi does
Ruler Gil is easily the best designed Gil. Although it might just be this particular artwork that I like.
I agree, FSR artist's art style helps a lot, I think
Maybe because he doesn't have the takeuchi wide face
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>we kill the collective subconcious of humanity
Bros.. were we the Beast all along?
One of the obvious twists is that Guda/MAshu/Chaldea was a Beast all along
Maybe the mysterious Beast V, VII or the Monster of Alaya.
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Just remembered that he slept beside the master
This Moon Cancer fight is in fact, fucking cancer.
>Monster of Alaya
Is this even mentioned anywhere
>Chapter about cancer is cancerous to play and cancerous to read
>Graduates from job as Healthcare AI

>Story chapter is all about sitting aside and letting the next generation take over

>Has a perfectionist child who specializes in healthcare

Kazura is going to end up as our new resident AI nurse once she arrives isn't she.
She doesn't have the qualifications to be anything but a public use onahole.
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No because humanity was... le evil
KnK event
But the Monster of Alaya is the counterpart of the Monster of Gaia who was retconned to be Beast Fou, so maybe the Monster of Alaya is also a Beast now
Counter Guardians as whole were referred to as the Beast of Alaya in F/SN weren't they?
I know that terms absolutely predates FGO at least.
Fake post

Vanilla Nero and Tamamo have been for Hakuno from the start, Nasu went out of his way to never let you pair with them or romance them. Which is why he had to create alts in the first place that "didn't count" you could romance instead. From the start Nero and Tamamo have been for Hakuno, of course he hasn't suddenly changed that now.

>but altera
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Just kill it until it dies
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It was self defense
Alaya was in our way
It's a singular figure
Someone who really really hates humans
Gaia has Fou
Alaya has the monster of Alaya when they want mass human genocide, maybe for when humans become too dangerous even for themselves and the universe
Kagetsu Tohya
Really shows how power levels have changed
>In KnK event the group was shitting themselves over how a simple beast of Alaya could wipe the party and we had no chance against it, it was simply over, we're done for
>In the current event we just forcefully manifest Alaya into a body and body to kill the pruning phenomenon

Almost odd you never have a character who can comment on how crazy any of this shit we get up to is anymore. "So wait you killed ORT, you killed Archetype Earth, and then you decided to fight Alaya as well"
Goredolf frankly sucks at this role these days, we need someone who actually understands how big any of this shit is so they can talk about how "you did what?"
The one from the KnK event was a defective copy
And even then no one could beat it until Void Shiki came with her OP Godlike power
Void Shiki uses no OP power and just fights like sword shiki though
Current power levels could easily beat it though, even a full copy
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>that scene where you arrive at the far side school with CCC's main theme playing
I fucking hate the mushroom for going for even more clap and I hate the fact that it worked. I love CCC so much bros
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LB6 actually had a cast of compelling NPCS and original cast of the Lostbelt: Woodwose, Aurora (she was a good antagonist), Coral, Hope, Mike, the goblins, Lionman, etc. Plus Pepe.
And new playable characters like Barghest, Melusine, Bob, Morgan, and lastly, but not the least fucking Oberon. Oberon himself is literally what he wishes Sakura and Sakurafaces were. A breakout character with dualism integrated in his facet. With even some motifs Sakura has. Sakura and her ilk needed to be shilled for decades to achieve a crumb Oberon easily reaches. Maybe Sakura is meant to be male to be compelling.
What's the point of Beast Eresh
>bag got kisaki
>meanwhile lipfags get the middle finger
NOt really fair
Ngl it does make me cry.
Lipfags are subhuman, sounds fair to me
go back
Your Gil example doesn't make sense.
Joichiro actually appears and is shown to be Soma's endgame. He comes back multiple times to tell him to work hard as he beats him again.
fanservice. nasu said that from the jump that it was to make eresh special. thematically, it's that she's the "goddess of the underworld" so in a story about accepting finality and demise, it is appropriate.
Insta kill tho
Gameplay in that fight is canon
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>Had to bust out one of their never evers to cover the fact that they are deep in the hole after the KV scandal
I give them one more year.
>While Nasu is show don't tell, all his character feats seem natural for the character.
Nasu bents his own lore and setting to shill his flops like BB and Kiara ( failed characters who lost to twice in a poll once).
Don't be retarded.
>tfw bond farming so I spent 27 turns with blue cubes
>>bag got kisaki
You didn't even try witht hat shitpost
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>official x-twitter
By this point why not make a CE with them.
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Have you seen his other 2 replies to that same post? Just ignore the shitposter.
Beast Eresh is the Beast of Hoarding which also means the Beast of Stagnation.
It fits the themes of a chapter that's about graduation, aka letting humanity go
By overcoming Eresh Guda was able to accept an ending for Humanity
I love Aurora so much.
MEoDP obviously.
Void has a greater understanding of death than regular Shiki. And remember, that boss shows up again at the end, and regular Shiki beats it.
>AI offtopicropa
>regular Shiki beats it.
The copy Monster of Alaya Ghost was defeated by Void
Regular Shiki comes back after the fight
If only it was well written... Guda had no reason to accept anything because the entire chapter didn't show a compelling case for "accept you gotta go bro." The fae of LB6 were far better case than this because at least they individually showed us the fucking living world.
We know Melusine
What if I'm a Mushroom?
Can you substantiate your claim?
You said it as if we are better by now.
The problem with this "chapter" (kek) is that Nasu failed to make Dubai or its citizens compelling or worthy to see them as anything but annoyances. There was not even a Sympathetic Lostbelt Child. Nothing.
They acted like literal mob npcs. Only characters with distinctive names were an asshole and BB Dubai who was also a massive bitch.
Login 4 h ago. That explain Enough is here.
It had nothing to do with the themes of LB6 who is more a meta commentary about the audience discarding stories and a retread of the Fate route
Since when were you under the impression Nasu was a mushroom and not an eggplant?
TL note Nasu means eggplant.
>KV scandal

I'm so sad we never got the swimsuit BB vs Yang summer imaginary scramble promised us.

Yang should have been the second summer this year and dubai her own OC3 rateup desu


His favorite always seemed to be kiara imo. Every time some big name comes up he slips in some lines glazing her, even going as far as retroactively writing her into other non fate works to wank even more. The Sakurafaces are just there to provide some plausible deniability because he knows deep down kiara would never be popular enough to get so many appearances otherwise.
Non-canon, Guda should be wearing the Part 2 or post LB6 uniform.
The people that left already worked on the KV stuff, and it was around the same time where supposedly the quality of BA dropped (which I don't think so since I loved the new Abydos chapters and summer stuffs). But still people absolutely were enraged.
A shame though, I liked the concept of girls with swords, and the girls were pretty cute.
>lipniggers are gooks
as if these insufferable retards couldn't get any worse
>I'm so sad we never got the swimsuit BB vs Yang summer imaginary scramble promised us.
I wonder if it got "rewritten" because of the OC arc. I associated BB with the Foreigner class because of Servafes and IS
But bro, this is post-part 2, where everything is reset except your servants and even memories.
read again
> that boss shows up again at the end, and regular Shiki beats it.
Void doesn't appear then
Seethe what? I'm not the hack who failed to actually write a chapter because he was too busy adding stupid shit to a melting pot of nonsense. The only "emotional" moments in the entire story are simply calling out for nostalgia (Da Vinci appearing and BB's last scene with Hakunos). That shows the entire fucking chapter failed to sell you the story.
It'll not even rank in the top 5 in Famitsu next year and Nasu will try to come up with how much he has to shill BB and the Sakurafailures next time until we love them.
Anthony turned out to not be an asshole
Hasara, Jinako's butler
First Slot the robot
and that one guy with a camel face


I don't think anyone was meant to stand out entirely as an individual due to the nature of the world this time. A world 1000 years in the future populated by artificial intelligence with people living in cyber heaven for years, unchanging, ungrowing, people like that don't tend to develop strong individualism, especially since AI's tend to be fairly neutral in mindset.
The characterization in this case is the world itself, humanity itself. The nature of AI and humanity, how they interact with humanity, how they shape each other, where humanity went wrong, and all that jazz. The story didn't focus on individuals this time because they wanted you to see humanity and the world as a whole a lot more in this case.
Oh, thanks. Was BA's popularity impacted because of this incident?
All I heard was that BA lost power in terms of quality but I am still unsure about that, most exactly how. They still get doujins, they still get art, hell, I know that Nexon pay artists to work on them, which is a fine move since you pay artists to make art, which also incentive other ones to do it, it is something that Lasengle and TM SHOULD do with how big was FGO before shit hit the fans during the pandemic...
Regardless, something changed, but it seems that now they are recovering. A shame for KV though, maybe the supposed VK will be a good cope.
We were robbed of futa doujins since people decided to make the girls futas for whatever reason.
>I don't think anyone was meant to stand out entirely as an individual due to the nature of the world this time. A world 1000 years in the future populated by artificial intelligence with people living in cyber heaven for years, unchanging, ungrowing, people like that don't tend to develop strong individualism, especially since AI's tend to be fairly neutral in mindset.
That's not an excuse when the fairies had stagnation too. Their natire is to remain stagnant even (that's why Fou doesn't want to be near them) with a few exceptional cases.
None of those you list could overshadow Boggart as a character. And I'm picking from the bottom of the cast there. Someday people will face that Nasu is unsuitable for Sci-fi. And his only worthwhile story is a Camelot narrative. His core idea about to write it "some slut from FSN with technobable jargon". Briliant!
BA is the #1 hottest item at comiket this year
If anything this couldn't come at a stranger time since BA finally made it into the major leagues. Suddenly a dev takes a group of artists from the company and tries to create his own thing, right when the game is about to start raking in billions.

BA will be fine unless they're literally retarded, you release one or two super desired units and the entire thing blows over, people's opinions can always be overturned with results, all you have to do is show players that shit's still coming out and the schedule hasn't been impacted.
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How would an avalon le fae behave when drunk?
I’ve feel like they’d need a few more fuck ups to die in a year the biggest thing they lost in the kv scandal was artists couldn’t they easily get somewhat good replacements just by throwing money around?
>bb sends off hakuno in CCC
>hakuno sends off bb in OCCC
>you pay artists to make art,
Yeah most other gacha do this too or host fan art contests.

It's a shame they seemed to have dropped nyarly too since dubai lacks the gaijin passive. NGL back when we thought moon cancer wasn't getting an OC I thought they would have squeezed her into the foreigner one.

Now that I think of it if foreigner OC is summer 10 that promise might still be possible...
All their recent characters have been phoned in because the artist didn't care anymore at that point. I found this document, it contains most of the drama that was involved.
Only good thing about Lasengle/TM is that they are not Nintendo. Like seriously, I love Nintendo for the Switch but even I have to call for their bullshit. They should be better than that, I definetly don't need my love to be turned into hatred like Sony, definetly I don't need nor want that.
>Beast of Hoarding
>Beast of Treasuring
>Beast of Comparison
>Beast of Depravity
>Beast of Pleasure
I still don't get what makes these different from Greed, Gluttony, Envy, or Lust. The only interesting Beast sins are Pity and Shame.
Beast of Schizophrenia
This is Type Moon we're talking about anon, they were an old school doujin circle and even today still behave as one. It's like asking yourself why ZUN has not done the same for 2hu.
That reminds me, do we know if Goetia was the Left or Right side?
That retarded retconned shit didn't exist when Nasu came up with Goetia and Tiamat and the only Beasts were them, Fou and VII.
Because lorewise the old 7 sins were already defeated by ChristCHADS
The Nu-sins are just Nasu OC concepts that mix the OG seven sins with some buddhist concepts
Thanks for the 33 page document on korean mobile game controversy.
Only 3 and 6 have that shit.
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I know, but Nasu didn't think about the new sins very deeply because he obviously only cared about Goetia and VII.
Remember they tried to have 4 Beast VI shit before Arcade got shut down so they had to retcon their retcon.
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>lorefags still existing
It's like you guys love being in an abusive relationship
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And on top of it they will be lucky if half of the plot gets resolved before they die. Isn't it hilarious?
Grand Berserker bros.....
Beast V......
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That's what I'm saying
I don't get how anyone can take the whole thing seriously after they dragged the hell out of part 2
>Grand Berserker bros.....
BeoCHAD and Warp spasm
>Beast V......
Rulers are neutral so they neither pass or fail which means Foreigners decides it all.
Nasu's favorite characters are all sluts. Unironically.
I still have no idea what this hypothetical monster is. Is it a Beast? A human? What?
He said his favorites were Tamamo and Rin, so yes you're ultimately correct.
Well personally I just want to find out the reason for part 2, see Galahad and Marisbury get in the game, and basically find out what kind of ending Nasu has in mind. Once that's done, I won't even have the will to be interested in little lore tidbits anymore.
One week left until the suprise Kazuradrop, Edison Alter, Passionlip swimsuit either happens or doesn't happen

They have to wait a week just to make sure enough players actually finish the story first.
Would this Hakuno even know about that? Didn't CCC Hakuno leave the Mooncell with Nurse and return to Earth?
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Local man too angry to die
Nice joke, you will get an Aid OC3 support campaign with reduced half AP and more leyline cubes and you will rike it.
Feels like they are going to drop KD during Halloween or something
He says that but he barely gives them anything
Tamamo and Rin are tied with the same amount of variants if we count the bunny skinwalking as a fox.
Pako already confirmed Edison Alter as an NPC, maybe he'll be playable someday but not anytime soon.
Kazuradrop seems more likely to be with Halloween considering the epilogue and the Hakunos getting a rate-up then.
Wada hasn't posted Lip's new art to her Twitter yet so there could still be a chance, personally I'm not getting my hopes up since we didn't see any other potential ascensions for her but we'll see.
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Japan are almost all saying it was a memorable chapter with a lot of nice moments
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Just realized that Protea Alter was the Melt of this chapter.
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He was too busy fapping and used AI to write the chapter. Since he thinks that's going to replace humanity.
Please don't fucking put Oberon and any of those discount Sakuras in the same sentence. It's insulting.
Sakurai bad writing is harmless. Nasu's bad writing damages the world building and lore, also wastes space and resources to push whoever slut he's simping for. So no, Nasu's worse by MILES.

I think Minase is the hackiest but he's just harmless too.
Much like BB and the rest of the Sakura Five, she's an actual character in other works.
In FGO she's just a shallow face to draw fanart of. Nasu doesn't feel like putting in any of the work to translate other characters into FGO whenever he does crossovers, so he just throws them into the mix with no rhyme or reason.
>share Nasu's vision.
His vision is whatever movie/video game fancies at the time. Stop pretending he's consistent. He bends all his laws when is about a character he simps.

>Death is super meaningful you guys
>never kills an heroine, or they resurrect/are immortal
Start killing off Olga for good to make things meaningful and I'll believe you.
>And people only liked it because of Jeanne Alter.
That's not true.
Did X Alter do anything?
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>Its just the honey moon period
Bro OC2 was months ago, it should be OC3 honeymoon period if people liked that trash.
Also stop coping about "muh setting." OC3 setting was SUMMER with swimsuit fapbaits being "plot relevant" and it's getting bad reviews.

OC2 felt like an actual story chapter, while OC1 and OC3 did not. That OC2 is the ONLY one you remember and is meaningful to the plot tells you everything you need to know. It feels that, UNLIKE OC1 and OC3, what was going to happen in OC2 was going to happen even if the Filler Orders didn't exist. It had been set up for fucking years too.
though this oc is tone deaf, it genuinely was the highest power level setting in TM. Just a whole roster of final boss types. only reason you manage is because most of them were playing around, not intending to kill, or had other agendas.
Nice samefag spam
Take out Jeanne Alter and I can guarantee at least 90% of anons wouldn't like it.
Why would you take up one of the first Avengers in an Avenger class reunion? You're fucking retarded. All the Avengers were important. Salieri and Jeanne Alter were hanging out the most in the school setting, but Dantes is the one who got the bond - soul-mind synchro moments with Guda seeing his life when he sleeps.
So where the fug is Archimedes? Even Karl got in through Charlemagne.
I knew Astolfo was going easy on us.
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More I read Twitter reactions, it seems Nasu really won with the tearjerker moments this chapter.
There's a dozen different moments this chapter they mention crying from
This Liz event for sure
Along with kazura and violet
>tearjerker moments this chapter.
There were zero emotional scenes.
You're not even trying anymore
>it seems Nasu really won with the tearjerker moments this chapter.
there is only one at the end. im not so cheap as to be taken in by the 200th rehash of a servant throwing their lives away as if it really matters.
Honesly the only emotional scene I cared about was both Hakuno saying their goodbyes to BB. Let's just not mention the upcoming remake though.
Not really. Because Guda was involved in shit that doesn't concern any of them. Nasu trying to manipulate the readers to bring Kirsch or Da Vinci was low, retroactively ruined them too.
What Guda should have done is killed Dubai and go back to Chaldea and let that wasteful world get pruned.
What exactly was emotional?
"Oh no these servants died! Nevermind lol kekek tricked you didn't I?" If Nasu actually deleted Passionlip from existence and wiped her data, you'll have a point. But it was a nothingburger.
Oh and the other is
"REMEMBER CCC (a game not even 5% of the fanbase played)!!" It's tone deaf to the majority who couldn't give a fuck about those two randos.
This is why is retarded and tone deaf message. Nasu going on "old must accept to be replaced by new. PS: please buy the remake of my old flop!
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Chapter had City content, therefore it's good.
This. My wife being in it makes it automatically good.
>It's tone deaf to the majority who couldn't give a fuck about those two randos.
The majority (jp) clearly does.
That's right. This year has been clap after clap collabshit. I can understand SR since it's new, but how can Nasu justify his "philosophy" when he doesn't truly practice it. Why can't he leave his old titles out FGO and focus on FGO, present and future? He committed the sin he said those humans did: he is sacrificing the future to try to preserve the past.
I wish she got an actual summer event instead of this, she was robbed
Who is the "majority" anon? The majority didn't watch or play Extra. That's a fact considering the low sales of the game and the animu. A vocal minority is loud but still a minority.
Weird how Edison Alter was more relevant than the majority of the characters in the Cm.
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Lizfest soon
Trust the plan
>When from "the majority" to "the minority"
I miss bit... where is he...
Nasu couldn't handle a cast this big so he shafted almost everyone
Oc3 pt 3 shown up.
Ask for city status multiple time. No one reply.
Not even one cityfag reply or care about her until two thread later.
We know Tez
I hope he makes his return by crashing his car into some random enemy we're fighting from out of nowhere. Bonus points if Kirsch is in the passenger seat.
So, anything from Kyomafu?
Yeah, but the most memorable thing is Jeanne Alter. That's the only thing /fgog/ likes about OC2 and it's a fact.
>>Medusa gets Alt, also Durga technically is Parvati Alt
>>Dantes gets Alt, Marie Alter released
>>BB gets Alt
Predict who will get Alt in OC3.
Maybe it's George, the saint that doesn't have Ruler form yet.
Amakusa Alt.
Is Saint George by Higa?
The most memorable thing is that Lobo did not show any emotion to Guda. The wolf even feels annoying.
He may help, but he will never bow down to human.
Because she didn't do a whole lot aside helping you against BB Dubai, she had a better showing during the previous parts.
>Vatican City
It's clearly Caesar.
God no
Majority of the cast seem to be irrelevant. Xu, Cat, City, MHXX Alter.
It's like, I don't know, I can't remembee what they even did.
She "sacrificed" herself to stop Eresh with everyone.
But then Nasu for some fucking reason I dont get pulled an
And then everyone who survived out of nowhere did nothing for the rest of the chapter except 3 waves of all your helpers to slow down BB which did nothing because Eresh did everything anyway.

So like why the fuck did he pull an "Edison Alter actually has super healing pods from DBZ and everyones in them and now fine"

This timelock was so baffling
>Jeanne Alter.
To you maybe, but the scene Guda lights Dantes fire got more art than the one of the dance. In anniversary messages too.
Sounds like your narrative isn't clicking.
Yesterday pu

Today news:
10 sq and that it not like last year mentioning Makoto sanda's grail front event.
>Japan likes it
A ton of nips are mocking how fucking bad this chapter was and people who say they "cried" during it are getting mocked relentlessly
TMdrones would eat up Nasu shitting on a plate, the sales show this isn't doing well
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We all agree that lipkek got what they deserve right?
>>>BB gets Alt

BITCH, that was SUMMER
OC3 didn't get jackshit for new servants
Good gracious thank you for the detail
Bros, your Hakunos?
I'd be stoked to see George get an upgraded alt, he's never really had a good story moment to shine and he's got a bunch of abilities from his mats that have never been touched on.

Yep, he's listed as his main writer.
Are they signing petitions as well?
No, they move on to other series.
Yes, it would definitely show how mad they are.
Oh wow. Art. Let's compare Jeanne Alter's art with Dantes' lmao
She also helped take down Kiara (we went to get her back because we needed her for it). But yeah the summer servants have been shafted hard in OC3.
Nasu failed to convince me about letting a random moon ai to decide what's good for humans. It honestly feels weird how revenge has no place when it's one of the most human reactions. It just feels like he's forcing stuff because he doesn't want to delete BB which would have been objectively, the right answer.
It's also funny you act like they basically weren't signing petitions during Anniversary with that level of outrage
Two literally had to publically apologize on stream kek
The voices in your head aren't Nips, Georgie.
I was joking holy shit.
They are vocal about it, even.
Daybit and the rest of the Crypters making their comeback by driving on a car and crashing into the enemies who's outnumbered (You) and Kadoc would unironically be kino
Nasu failed to write anything of worth because this entire chapter was a three way battle of his fetishes, his philosophical musings, and his growing disdain for his fanbase

The niggers who defend OC3 genuinely didn't get the point of OC3. Nasu doesn't want you to like it, and if you do you're the reason it exists.
So, officially BB is the main heroine and Hakunos are the main bros of OC3.
With OC1, it's Kama main heroine and Sion main bro.
OC2 Jalter main heroine, Dantes main bro.
I guess OC4 main heroine is Martha and main bro is Asoka, or Dante the poet if it's Inferno.
OC5 main heroine is Abby, main bro is Randolph Carter and his cat.
>betraying and deleting your greatest and cutest ally is the right answer
how about no, faggot
Of the new chapter? Are you feeling well anon? Jeanne Alter was a nice cherry on top, but Dantes and the entire setting with Guda as central character were the whole dessert.
She's never been around for anything relevant.
She's just a Sakuraface, we have plenty of those around.
Also Dubai was never an ally. If the other BB dies in the crossfire who cares.
Did you read OC2? Most of the plot happens because Dantes is in love with Guda. That's why Cagliostro wants Guda dead. Dantes, not Jeanne Alter, got a verbal confession too.
Not even updating with the latest pu and not removing Jinako pu.
Samefagging your post again?
Theyre adding oc3 free quests later on r-right
why the fuck are these fucking shit hard fights 25AP?
why don't they refund your AP if you withdraw?
no wonder people don't want to make progress on their shitty gimmicky main quests, is lasengle retarded?

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