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Batman's Birthday Edition

previous thread: >>495166679

>Game's Introduction

>Latest Patch Notes

>Multiversus Official Twitter

>What is MultiVersus?
MultiVersus is to be a platform fighter featuring characters from multiple Warner Brothers intellectual properties.

>Didn't this game come out already?
It did, but on early 2023 they announced the beta game would shut down for it to be developed into the final realese that came out on may 28th 2024

>What has been changed since open beta?
New modes focusing on single player and cosmetics, here's a full list.

New characters
New stages
New moves for characters
New universal parry technique
New PvE mode
New engine (UE5)
Rollback netcode
Gleamium earnable through means other than money

>What are the new characters?
The Powerpuff Girls released 9/17
Nubia revealed 9/12

>What platforms is it on?
The game can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles. The game has cross-play as well as cross-progression

>Powerpuff Girls moveset and complete guide

>Multiversus comic issue #1 (don't click if you don't have an adblock)

DONT FORGET !! This game is a live service & it's still undergoing constant development! Tony's reindog porn stash only grows stronger with each patch (:
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Happy batday birthman
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don't do it
>use garnet's downground
>beetlejuice dodges it with his fucking walk animation
sometimes this game is impossible to take seriously
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Appealing to coomers doesnt seem to be working so they should appeal to the fujos instead
Make clarke and bruce act fruity with each other in the rift dialogues and maybe a famous vtuber will pick it up your game it went well for SF
>platinum rank
>top 100 jason despite that
>still getting paired up with grandmaster stacks
This game is definitely dying
i for one really liked that rift line from ww about how bruce is "oddly sexy" or whatever
imagine if you got tf'd into a minidog by anubis and reindog impregnated you ha ha
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I want both of them fucking me at the same time until I start talking retarded
So has anyone figured out how RP is currently working this season?
Any cheese, any bs making it more grind heavy? Just curious cuz last season's system was pure ass
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Seems to be a lot better this season. I'm not sure how it works but you don't lose that many points and you get a lot more points when you win. Last season you pretty much took away points from the other team but now you get like double the points they lose. Pic related some of my matches yesterday.
Yeah I've been losing a lot less points for losing against higher ranked players. Got ranked against a Grandmaster stack and only lost 4 points when I would've lost like 12 last season. Though I'm still losing like 12 points when I have a fag teammate that leaves in the middle of a game
>same players every match
dead game
girls don't play multiversus and there are no females in this general either
It takes like a minute for me to find ranked matches and they're the same people almost every time
>Velma's 2v2 win rate went up more
call me washed up but I went back to casual 2v2s.
casual just feels empty and pointless
Ranked is still garbage, uneven ranks fighting each other
i don't care about different ranks, the characters are just too unbalanced. I can only face so many jacks and shaggys before wanting to tear my cock off
I got to Plat and all the PPG skins are ugly anyway. Time to play 2v2 forever until S4.
Every time I go into unranked I run into doublestacks that tryhard even harder than anybody in ranked.
That's just the way the game is. It's fucking dying and the only ones left will be the truly dedicated.
I wish I could have this, I don't care for Ranked but every time I go into unranked everyone in the match is just a 5 year old that would willingly walk into your strongest move every time
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Multiversus needs milfs!
>enemy shaggy just spams sandwich while my teammate jacks off in the corner and the other enemy won't fuck off my ass
i want to kill myself
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If I had a nickle for every evo top 8 badge ttv duo que I've had to play this season, I'd have a quarter probably.
But my fucking god I can not stand the cat. I would literally kill to get that beta projectile shield perk that procs after you eat a couple.
tom is literally the worst character in the game to fight
nakat buffed him so his friend would play the game again
But anon! We went to great lengths to make sure our MVPs would no longer have to deal with the projectile spam menaces!
Why not use our glorious anti-projectile perks, such as:
>incredibly precise and risky parry to reflect one projectile that will just clank with the next one thrown out
>projectile shield but only on the ground and only after holding one direction for .5 seconds making all your approaches linear and stuffable
>how it feels to play ranked with ppg this season
why is black adam allowed in ranked?
can you just block every grandmaster stack you come across in 2v2
I'm having a grand old time with them in 1v1s
while using my gold characters after getting another to Master I'm noticing that I'm getting plat players against players who are not even gold every single match
it's like all the good players are already in master and only shitters are left, there's no middle ground whatsoever
blocking does nothing i see people ive blocked before
I discovered the other day that if you get turned big by Rick's big ball thing move while playing as Beetlejuice, you won't actually be able to use your jab attacks to hit the smaller opponents. Because his hurtboxes on his jab string are too small.
1v1chad. Would love to use them in 1v1 but i dont think im good enough.
>partner is afk
>opponent leaves the set
>opponent is afk
>teammate leaves the set
i think i found the infinite rp exploit
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>just watched a Jack do a whole side special just to kill Jerry
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Marceline the vampire queen will be the season 4 character, so much for more than 2 characters per season I guess
I uninstalled this game because I am too addicted to it. I will come back this friday
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I mean Marceline fans should be happy since that means she'll be the BP character with a legendary skin at least
2 characters per season is fine. I would be more worried about BP XP being nerfed of bundles not longer getting discounts
Marsha Lee will be the legendary skin
Flat girls are cute but where are the boobs?
Yup, dropping this shit when Nubia arrives until then.
I don't know who that is because I am too old to have seen adventure time
Same, I'm finishing this BP and then I'm done. Don't care for Nubia.
Don't care for the grey carpet muncher.
Wicked Witch is cool but not my cup of tea.
See you in S5, if the game makes it that far
Boobs are antisemitic.
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I like adventure time but in my opinion it should have been her as the midseason character instead of Nubia and a character from a new franchise each battle pass
>samurai jack
>powerpuff girls
>4th adventure time rep
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>The only character being released for Halloween, the season of horror, is a black woman
What did they mean by this?
Remember when someone in this very general deluded themselves into thinking we were getting 6 characters this season? Lmfao
personally I will never blame anons for having hope in videogames so I cannot laugh at him. Except tripfags and namefags, they are subhumans.
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>we are getting a FOURTH adventure time rep before scooby doo or daffy duck
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>the only fighter we're getting for the halloween event is a spook
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>still no Scorpion
Nah, there's way too many toxic optimist retards.
Blocking only prevents people from sending you friend requests. It does not prevent them from being paired up with (you) in matches.
Amazing how three seasons in and there's still people who don't understand this.
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Awye, top 10 Beetleheck
no it blocks them in normals
it just doesnt work in ranked
and it doesnt actually prevent them from sending you any requests actually im pretty sure, i dont think it ever has, you need to check the "only accept requests from friends" thing in settings to get people to stop spamming you, trying to block them literally just crashes the game
So who is the mid season character?
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Why is blossom like this? All i did was tell her im grand master rank
I'm assuming you look a lot like Dexter.
bubbles rhymes with cuddles
blossom rhymes with bottom
buttercup rhymes with fuck n' suck
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God, if you're listening, can you please stop pairing me with utterly braindead retarded morons who shouldn't be playing Ranked if they don't even know how to wipe their own asses?
>Amazing how three seasons in and there's still people who don't understand this.
does it say this in game?

Still think PPG are low teir? How are you supposed to beat this
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Bad game design making a character brokenly OP ≠ That character being top tier
Not naturally, anyway.
You're going to carry the man who shat himself playing Mafia 3 to Masters and you're going to like it, my child.
just wait them out desu, either they will get bored, get tired, slip up, or you'll have a draw, Anything is better than just handing them a win
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Daily Deals
>spawn in after being rung out
>go to attack bugs
>he drops a safe on me and dairs and does 40 damage instantly with the ignite perk
cool character
i mean theyre obviously broken, the people crying about them being weak are just side b retards
but also shaggy is one of the only characters who doesnt give a fuck about blastzone camping, why the fuck would he go up there
wow i don't know what they did to bugs but he's fucking disgusting now
>read Joker cards as Joker chads
I fucking hate the internet
>teammate insists on holding forward on game point when they have over 100% and I'm sitting pretty
every fucking time please just sit behind me
Always has been.
its mostly just the momentum/dodge shit
his nair and upair have been that broken since launch
bugs fucking isn't disgusting
>i know you need to go, bubbles! just one more minute!
is that a peepee reference?
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here's my PFG employee impression:
>durrr i'm fucking retawded, time to make battwe pwass xp be damage and time bwased durrr *eats own shit*
good one
Hey, what did I ever do to you?
tony is that you
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damn feels good
here's my PFG employee impression:
>Reminder that false FTC submissions land you legal trouble. I hope you have money to pay for an attorney, faggot.
here's my PPG impression:
>ungh! oh! fuuuuck! owie ah my widdle cunny is too tight for your big coooockk!!
i'm not a neet
Here's my Reindog impression!
>bow wow ruff grrr row grrr oorfh
It takes you a full day to get out of silver?
Am I supposed to feel bad for solo queueing into ranked 2v2s while im learning a character and playing for maybe a couple hours a day and not being high rank within a couple days of the season starting? Not all of us can be a no life shaggy main getting carried by a discord butt buddy like lunalux is.
Be better than the tranny and git gud.
>get into game
>rick and morty duo
a good reason to quit playing
>1500 gleamium for 5 bucks deal nowhere to be seen
this sucks, I thought they would make this a seasonal thing
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>Rowdy rough boys
And yes, the name is gold.
he a paypig, son
he should pay for a coach
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>side b
>side b
>side b
Go side b yourself, moron. Do your part to keep these spamming fools in line.
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>Wins in Gold II gave me 30ish RP per win
>Wins in Gold I give me 15ish RP per win
>see that “stronger than you” fight scene
>play multiversus
>think maybe garnet will be a cool character
>most of the time she is portrayed like she has autism of low iq, i think she might actually be smarter when she unfuses into the 2 smaller lesbians
She really really isn't. When she's defused they can never get anything done because they're either flirting or fighting
You can still get 30s. I was getting them all the way through plat. Highest I get in diamond now is like 24 ish rarely.
I got +32 in diamond from beating #3 GM just beat better players instead of stomping noobs
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i've been climbing ranked and have been doing okay but am now wondering just how easy and braindead it is to climb with shaggy and/or jack
really cute velma doodle today, thanks dd anon
does that gem even exist
i got them in the rift and they never showed up to equip
>am platinum ii
>get partnered with platinum iv
>opponents are two grandmasters playing together
so they didn't fix anything about ranked. cool
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I just saw an ad for those new harley and ivy barbie dolls it said
>2 best friends with totally different vibes
>best friends
Kek, isekai harley was also straight maybe WB is counting on joker 2 being a hit and it’s trying to make harley less bi or at least closer to classic harley
Progress on the Nubia comic.
>uncleared rift task: silence the enemy once
>hit the enemy with rick up air multiple times
>rift task not completed
i know this isn't the first time this issue has appeared in a rift but did we ever figure out how you're actually supposed to do this
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thank you king
So in the first level of the ppg rift i need to silence the enemy but none of the girl can do that according to the move list, how do I silence and enemy with the PPG?
i just played with another person and used smith to silence the enemy
This game needs its own Banjo vs Steve.
Well Steve could actually happen since the Minecraft movie is being made by WB
mao mao vs ttgo robin
No one cares about mao mao
Here's what the 'cord wants.
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You need a beloved classic cartoon cartoon, vs something around the time of adventure time that is extremely popular and beloved by zoomers

I guess it would be something like I Am Weasel and I R baboon vs gumball and darwin, is the best i can think of since we already have finn and steven universe
it's more like
>overhyped game by tendie nostalgiafags
>most popular game of all time
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I hope whenever we get the Eds, assuming this game fixes it's shit, that they're separate fighters. I hope we just get... whole seasons dedicated to introducing three fighters sometimes. Like Harry, Hermione and Voldemort. Ed, Edd and Eddy...

No more ice-climbers-esque fighters PLEASE. It's way too visually cluttered with 12 powerpuffs on the screen.
I can't stress how much I want ben 10 and how much I want literally any other ben 10 but kid ben.

There was no reason to make steven kid steven and the same applies to ben for the exact same reasons.
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>no Maxwell
fucking retards
You're delusional if you think it's remotely possible that they'll add them by themselves.
Then i guess it would be ed edd and eddie vs teen titans go
I mean the child versions of Ben and Steven are the most recognizable and arguably both shows were at their best during both of their original runs where they were kids so it makes sense, I wish steven was his teen version but I know most people recognize him as the fat child
more airtime =/= more popular
i refuse to believe there are kids getting autistically sucked into TTG for the rest of their youth
Like that fucking matters when we have had so many people come out the wood work saying "who the fuck is beetlejuice"

Kid Steven had to have teen Steven moves shoved in his kit and cant even have his actual voice actor.
>Peter Griffin
>Jetstream Sam
>Black Hat
Where are these zoomers getting these ideas?
>Black Hat
these are owned by warner brothers though
To be fair PFG not getting Steven's VO is not their fault at all because the kid dropped off the face of the earth once the show ended
I guarantee if they did a character poll today, he wouldn't even be on the picture. The picks were made back when everyone was like 'Tee hee anyone can get in xD what about this shitpost of a character :P'
We've seen how well that went with Banana Guard.
I thought Robotboy was Nick. Fuck now I look retarded.
But black hat shouldn't count because fuuuuuuuck that.
>But black hat shouldn't count because fuuuuuuuck that.
Yeah I don't like him either, he's a textbook example of a mary sue and his show is just
I know it sounds hypocritical given the appeal of this game is the crossover but for me it's just obnoxious in villainous, I want a TV show not member berries (that's what I play this game for)
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>Random morty teammate
>Never presses save button
You got my Morty team mate that did 30-something damage, huh.
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Probably not. Like we won, it was just stressful when their Morty is actually using save button and mine never pressed it. Just making this an uphill battle for no reason.
The girls are so fucking fun and awesome. Before I thought it'd be a real chore to get used to playing as them but all of their moves are SO fun and good.

It's very dangerous to rely on any ONE move though, like their side special. Sure, it's good poking fun but getting a combo going is WAY better
It's safe to say that third parties are off the table at this point right? Multiversus is constantly the public's punching bag whenever it does get traction so no company is going to want their brand to be associated unless really desperate. Not to mention WB who have owned PFG since launch would have to pay for licenses and that would probably immediately turn the profit margin from this game down into the red. Especially if they do more than say two.
Just dumb to expect them at the moment. Maybe once the game stabilizes.
I don't expect third parties ever. We sit at 4k on PC and if we're lucky maybe double that on each console platform. With the perception of our game being an imbalanced, greedy mess because it is. We're 3 seasons in to this shit and we can't seem to make a step forward in the right direction. I do not see a No man's sky or FFXIV in our future. Partially because we already tried to replicate those big face turns with our "beta" to launch. What franchise is gonna want to be part of this?
Looking at the list, here's the next 50 wanted by the 'cord:
Johnny Cage: 101st
Mario: 102nd
Batman Beyond: 103rd
Homelander: 104th
Pibby: 105th
Aku: 106th
Michael Jordan: 107th
Tweety: 108th
Spike: 109th
Brock Samson: 110th
Jon Snow: 111th
Crash Bandicoot: 112th
Pim and Kai (Ninjago): 113th (they tied)
Master Shake: 114th
Mad Max: 115th
Richard Watterson: 116th
The Terminator (& Knuckles): 117th
Aquaman: 118th
Master Chief: 119th
Bane: 120th
Elmer Fudd: 121st
Huey Freeman: 122nd
Dick Dastardly: 123rd
Mojo Jojo: 124th
(Remember that any characters below have less potential and staying power than Big Chungus, according to the discord fags.)
Austin Powers: 126th
Voldemort: 127th
Numbuh 1/Ice Bear: 128th
Spear: 129th
George Jetson: 130th
Zatanna: 131st
Sylvester: 132nd
Porky Pig: 133rd
Gru: 134th
Garfield: 135th
Doomguy: 136th
Freddy Fazbear: 137th
Sans: 138th
Craig: 139th
Peridot: 140th
Darth Vader: 141st
Eric Cartman: 142nd
Legolas: 143rd
Pinky & The Brain: 144th
Luffy/Riley Freeman: 145th
Peacemaker: 146th
Alfred: 147th
Yosemite Sam: 148th
Lloyd (Ninjago): 149th
Dean Winchester: 150th
I should've said IF the game stabilizes. Obviously if it dies there won't be any. I'm sure they'll come if it lives long enough, but I'm talking a year or two here.
If the Ninja Turtles can show up in that flop dodgeball game than 3rd parties aren't that farfetched in the long run.
You'd be retarded to genuinely believe that and assert it so confidently. 3rd parties are one of the easiest emergency buttons as a cheap way to get traffic and players. Lots of companies whore their characters out enough nowadays. WB would absolutely accept a good 3rd party deal if they're given a good reason to. Aka they'd be a money maker. Other games like Mortal Kombat got crossovers and MVS made notoriously difficult IPs like Jason get front billing even over WB's beloved Beetlejuice and Wicked Witch.
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I'm going to save this game, just watch.
>It's very dangerous to rely on any ONE move though
>side special
>relying on the least spammable move in ppg's kit
do pedos really?
ninja turtles are cheap whores who will show up in anything that wants them.
I can't believe they are adding Finn's female friend with benefits to their game
Me as the guys on the right
Everyone knows that crossovers are lucrative nigger, the problem isn't that. MVS itself is not a money maker. WB makes nothing but profit as is because every single cosmetic goes 100% to their own pocket. Splitting the share on top of paying to use it gets in the way. This issue is exacerbated by the fact that any big time crossover that could cover for that deficit is more than likely not going to go for MVS in its weak state of the game and poor public reception. MK is one of the most popular fighting games if not the number one of course it has significantly easier negotiations and higher profit expectations that makes big crossovers work every season pass. As for Jason, a franchise WB already has partial rights to, he is part of some campaign called Jason universe to push him into more games. He got into multiversus because they have connections to him and he got in before everything MVS had going for it tanked. Not to mention his treatment so far is probably repelling others from thinking about collaborating. I doubt any company is going to want to hear about how their character they licensed out was disabled for a week and lost out on sales.
You got bought by Viz you are no longer welcomed here
Except if there's demand for 3rd parties from the customers, PFG could absolutely make a case for 3rd parties. Because again, other shit owned by WB has done crossovers even the fucking one off lego games that aren't live service and didn't get that live service profit.
>MVS itself is not a money maker
It objectively is otherwise WB wouldn't have bought PFG. Nor would PFG have gotten a second chance at all. MVS alone convinced tons of people to spend good money on the founders pack. And that's not counting the loads of people that unironically spent money on overpriced skins, bundles, hell there's MULTIPLE paypiggies that consistently pay tiers. There were players unironically requesting a fucking pay tier feature when it wasn't available at relaunch.
Warner Bros has never been this merciful to their shit before. If MVS wasn't profitable the game would be shut down by now. The fact that it isn't shows some level of faith in MVS especially when they literally said that they're gonna primarily rely on live service specifically after MVS came out and succeeded.
>They have connections to him
They have connections to a LOT of crossovers. They have literally negotiated with loads of companies to have deals in other games even shit that isn't at MK's level.
>Is probably repelling others
Nice headcanon, completely irrelevant and means absolutely nothing. Especially when loads of 3rd party companies have whored their IPs for worse games before. Fall Guys had a miserable crash and burn and yet loads of IPs willingly worked with Fall Guys. Including fucking Godzilla, Street Fighter, Sonic and countless others.
New Lebron dialogue just leaked
You reactionary cunts are pathetic. "Oh no, I don't like a video game so I'm going to try and get them cancelled!" Worse than limp wristed fags on twitter, because they doing it due to political brain washing, rather than just trying to prevent other people from enjoying a video game.

Inb4 "Noo you must be a shill because you actually enjoy a video game and you're sick of pathetic little retards on the internet."
Tony why are you up? Removing sales from the store again?
>toxic optimist
how do you even do that
Why do you bring up more popular and better things like MK and Lego and compare them to MVS like they even play in the same ball park?
MVS debuted big but has been dwindling ever since in all metrics. Alive because they didn't throw millions into it like the suicide squad game that would cost millions more to update it into a passable state, that they can't sell to a player as it would be by nature a free update. MVS sidesteps this problem and can stay alive skirting on these multiple paypigges that couldn't be more than 10% of MVS measly roughly 20k player base across all platforms. And don't say connections and use it vaguely to compare WB's ownership of Jason to their friendly collaboration with something like Who framed Roger rabbit and Disney. They literally explained how Jason isn't a third-party in the disclaimer >JASON and all related characters and elements © & ™ New Line Productions, Inc.
Go google who owns New Line for me.
Fall guys is the only thing you said so far that comes close to being comparable to MVS situation with epic being their WB. Except the fact that they still have a million fucking players. Get your head out your ass and listen to what I am saying or listen to yourself and hear how ridiculous you sound.
Not really. Some companies whore out their characters to pretty much anyone.
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Hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll yeah
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>Check top 100 for my character
>Only one person above me isn't duo queing
Because no matter how hard you shift the goalposts. WB has and will collab. MVS won't be the magical exception just for your retarded doomer narrative.
No matter how hard you try to force it. 3rd parties aren't and never will be fully off the table. Not when they're an easy emergency button for cash. WB has shown a fuck ton of faith in PFG and a stunning amount of generosity. The idea MVS will never go for blatant money makers is just delusional.
>Dwindling ever since
That literally doesn't fucking matter. Other F2P games got dwindling numbers and still receive crossovers. Dwindling numbers are a natural part of the cycle and MVS has already been regaining good will bit by bit. And there's nothing stopping MVS from having a rise one day whenever the game is in a passable state, look what happened with Brawlhalla.
Keep shifting the goalposts all you want, retard. Fall Guys objectively fell off hard from public relevance and loads of 3rd party companies have collab'd with literal shovelware. You're the one who needs to get your head of your ass and stop pretending 3rd parties are magically too good for MVS in this day and age where crossovers are whored out everywhere.

You're a ridiculous retarded faggot to pretend 3rd parties are off the table as if PFG didn't get loads of offers even when the game and player count dwindled massively in beta. Insiders actively confirmed they got approached for deals even late in the beta lifespan where the players dropped HARD and PFG stopped adding content. And that was MVS at its worst.

Thank you for having common sense unlike this retard, anon. He's still living in an age where crossovers are some holy event and not something that's been whored out to random fucking mobile trash.
Reminder, idiots, MVS has been confirmed by Papagenos for a while to have loads of interest from 3rd party collaborators all the way back when beta died. Literally the only reason fucking Spiderman wasn't in the conception phase was because of Sony wanting plat exclusive deals and retarded demands.
What listening to doom posting does to a mother fucker. It's the second most played platform fighter on Steam, with Steam being the second smallest amount of players in the game. Warner Bros brought PFG two months ago, so the game is obviously making a sizable profit (which they confirmed in the notes from a recent share holders meeting) for them to take that risk. The game isn't going any where, despite your shit posting.
Exactly what I expected. No defense for your shitty actions, just the same old joke from another whiney little fag.
You don't. The guy is a doom posting faggot that can't stand positivity because he's spent so long convincing himself, and others, that MVS is bad. The sole reason he's here is to talk shit and spread misery and misinformation.
>Lebron does a dash attack
>A totally forward shoulder charge
>Sends me as vertical as possible

This game is so fucking dogshit
Mvs is garbage and doing badly though, s3 start only brought a handful of players and the playerbase is already dropping, at this pace the game is gonna reach sub 2k peaks this season
Welcome to fighting games. Moves don't have to follow your expectations. It's most likely because LeBron doesn't have many ways to knock characters upwards.
Disingenuous doomer faggots are the worst. They are disconnected from reality and can't comprehend MVS not being at rock bottom, clearly never seeing actual rock bottom games before.
Spotted the retard that hasn't played a single fighting game. Even fucking SMASH BROS has moves that work like that for the sake of gameplay. Despite Link spinning in place multiples times, his sword can only hit you once even if you visibly see the sword going through another player. Get a grip.
Thanks for confirming what I said and revealing yourself as just another ignorant doomer that only wants to shit all over the game. A "handful" of players? 20k players on a single ranked character in 2v2 over less than a week, with PPG. That means at the very least (a lot of players won't even touch ranked mode) 20 thousand players bought the battle pass, whether they were returning players that spent saved gleam, or those that spent money on it.
It isn't doing nearly as bad as you insist it is. MVS is riddled with issues and literal game breaking shit that wouldn't (and hasn't) flied in other games like Cyberpunk yet MVS still somehow has thousands of players with a decent amount unironically spending serious money on the greediest shops known to man.
>Because I think this dogshit game is dogshit it means I haven't played fighting games.
You are totally right. This game is perfect and I'm just terrible. While we are at it, lets just give shaggy's side b some more vertical knock back. Mvs is really lacking in vertical kill potential.
Reminder that Multiversus literally doesn't work half the time even after months and yet it still somehow doesn't have discord fighter tier numbers with at least 20k in total that used premium currency to get a character. Fighting games never get these numbers 4-5 months after launch lmao and MVS still hasn't fixed itself into a bare minimum state yet. Still bugging and unplayably crash-y at times.
>Marceline is S4

Who will be the midseason character? Scooby or Raven?
Disingenuous. At least use actual issues than gameplay quirks to call the game dogshit. Lebron having the most basic angles seen in every other fighting game isn't an issue. A forward move isn't always going to send forward. Just like how a move's animation won't always match the "realistic effect". Balance and countless other reasons.
The actual issue is that its hell of a lot easier to kill from the top in this shit ass game and it doesn't need to be needlessly tacked on every fucking character you retarded nigger.
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You're getting a spooky spook for season 5 and you will like it
I’m not even the guy you were talking about, schizo
It is though, a few thousands players for a f2p game for a company with 50+ employees is just garbage.
Lebron is one of the worst characters in the game, retard. He can be allowed to have a kill move.
It objectively isn't. MVS is still completely broken yet still has waves of people coming back and spending shit.
>>>A few thousand
>Ranked stats literally confirm that over 10k players bought Powerpuff Girls with a lot of people buying skin bundles.

And this is 4-5 months after one of the most disastrous launches in history. Imagine what would happen if we made it to a day where MVS actually fixed its shit correctly. There's already starting to be a slow increase in positive word of mouth again.
>after one of the most disastrous launches in history.
suicide squad, concord, dustborn?
Brawlhalla has fast paced good gameplay, mods, farmable golds
When mvs purposely got rid of all of those, it's not making a comeback.
One of, not the most. Those are still worse.
At the same time, it has shit characters, shit art style, all the characters people DO want are lazy skins that don't display them properly, etc. etc. Brawlhalla is dunked on regularly by a lot of gaming spaces, Smash community being the most infamous. Even called Brawlhalla a money laundering scheme.
Doesn't Brawlhalla not even allow you XP for playing matches or what?
>One of, not the most.
I'm saying you're exaggerating. It wasn't a great launch, it was pretty mediocre. But it wasn't disastrous.
I disagree. It was very bad for not launching with bare minimum features ALPHA TESTS had, anon! 30 frame input buffer! Not even FFA was available!
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Game barely functioned for a while.
But it started with 2 very heavy hit fighters and a freebie, and another very heavy hitter coming in the midseason. Also two new maps. On top of that the game was very much playable and while it felt different it still felt good. It also had a shitton of events and shit to keep you invested.

It was mediocre. Not good, not absolutely awful. It was good enough that the game still had potential, and still has. So saying it was "one of the most disastrous launches in history" is very disingenuous when we literally had suicide squad, dustborn, and concord happening recently.
>This revisionist history again
The catastrophic launch is partly why the game is dead to this day.
What the FUCK are you saying?
Bullshit. The launch was mediocre, not catastrophic. If the launch was catastrophic this general wouldn't fucking exist. Are you really saying the launch of Multiversus is fucking comparable to No Mans Sky? Comparable to Fallous 76?
I'm saying you're using doomer terminology to exaggerate shit. The launch was subpar, but it wasn't disastrous. We've seen actual disasters in gaming. Multiversus wasn't a disaster, it was a bad first impression but not a complete flop.
going from 100k to 2k should be enough to tell it's a huge fucking flop
you're being disingenuous again, you know this shit isn't what happened
go to bed tony
>it didn't go from 100k to 2k!!!!!!
holy cope
at least for shits like concord they never even had players to begin with
Considering how it went from the game being given a second chance in the eyes of the public, to no longer even being on anyone’s radar and almost assuredly permanently discounted? Yes, second chances don’t come around often and they completely butchered their attempt at a revival.

And you bring those games up while saying we wouldn’t be here, while those games also have generals. Except they managed to claw their way back into the good graces of a player base somehow. Something that has yet to happen here.
Get a bigger vocabulary if you’re going to try and white knight for companies for free.
Because concord is an example of an actually bad game with an actually disastrous launch.

The difference here is that Mvs launched subpar but with potential to still become great. That's why you're still in this general dedicated to the game hoping the game will become better so it can be the game you want it to be.

While an actual failed launch like dustborn, suicide squad, concord etc fail to generate any hype what so ever because nobody has any fucking interests if the game will get better because it looks shit to the core.
>The difference here is that Mvs launched subpar but with potential to still become great. That's why you're still in this general dedicated to the game hoping the game will become better so it can be the game you want it to be.
the difference is, people expected the game to be good and actually liked the beta, so they came back to finally see the release to see how fucking shit it turned out to be
if anything mvs is a bigger flop than concord / dustborn / suicide squad because it managed to actually turn a game that was perceived as good by the masses into a fucking garbage mess
>And you bring those games up while saying we wouldn’t be here, while those games also have generals. Except they managed to claw their way back into the good graces of a player base somehow. Something that has yet to happen here.
So what, was Nomans Sky a great game just 4 months after it failed to live up to people's expectations? That shit built up its playerbase over a long period of time by slowly fulfilling its initial promises. I think it's fair to hope for the same with Mvs.

nah, use better metrics than steam charts faggot
>It wasn’t a disaster because…
>It just wasn’t okay!!!
>the difference is, people expected the game to be good and actually liked the beta,

The beta was clearly not sustainable. I think its its current state, it is. People weren't buying the battlepasses before, now they are. People weren't buying a shitton of skins before, now they are. People still come back for all the big updates, in the beta they just gave up.
do you know what beta means? it means the game is in an unfinished state and yet to be fully realized, even players that liked the beta quit waiting for the full release, imagine the reaction of all the players that loved the beta and waited for the full release just so that it ends up being worse than beta in every fucking way, it's no wonder the game is barely scraping 2K now
>if anything mvs is a bigger flop than concord / dustborn / suicide squad
lmao this is beyond fucking delusional
doomers really are so negative they have to actively fucking rewrite reality in their heads to fit their depressed sadsack cuckold brain narratives
>cuck is projecting his mental illness
nobody ever gave a shit about concord dustborn or suicide squad
whereas mvs had hundred of thousands of fans and they all left, it's clearly the biggest flop you dumb cocksucker.
fucking no one knew it was a fucking beta
you know they only said it was a beta because the game fucking failed to be sustainable, people didn't like the game enough and didn't generate WB enough money to be worth developing in that state

that's why the game had such a huge overhaul. That's why the Battlepasses now come with a lot more value, that's why the shop now has a shitton more stuff in it and incentive for you to visit it every day. You let the game die because you didn't like it, so the game had to become something people would spend money on and keep playing.
You say all this but the game failed to keep interest even with all that stuff. Not any of the doomer anons btw it's just a fact that the launch was a disaster. Going radio silent for a year only to launch with this shit was a disgrace. If it was S2 quality the game wouldn't have to crawl from the depths.
>fucking no one knew it was a fucking beta
ok you clearly don't know what you're talking about
It was subpar, not a disaster
CERTAINLY not a "one of the worst disasters in gaming history" like the original anon I replied to claimed. That was an absurd fucking exaggeration
This is cope. The beta was a novelty but it definitely wasn't appealing long term. The vast majority got tired and left even before MVS stopped adding content. Streamers had to be paid to come back to the game to the point Warner gave up on paying people to play since none stuck around not even for the supposedly glorious "beta".
Two more days til' I can either buy their cool dynamo skins or just not be able to buy it at all
won't the pack just keep being available on their fighters variants page below the variants? The way most packs right now are available at all times
the game clearly had hype in the beta and lots of tournament / streamers played it, it eventually stopped because it was a beta and they were giga slow about adding content
meanwhile actual release had streamers play the first days and it was so bad that they all stopped except a few randoms left on the game
BJ's wasn't like that.
Hopefully it won't be the case for this...
so you don't remember how fucking bewildered people were when they suddenly announced the game was going "out of beta and back into development for a while" and nobody had any fucking idea it wasn't supposed to just be the full game? You really must be new here
Yeah I'm hoping BJ was an outlier not the norm. Though his pack was specifically to buy the character and the skins early, I think the ppg pack won't be like that since they're on the battlepass
>Lots of tournament/streamers play it
The majority left at the end of Season 1 or beforehand. Funnily enough, there's MORE dedicated channels for MVS tourneys now than beta where it was primarily just Ajax trying to carry the scene for months after Hbox, EVO and the rare official tourney came and went.
Actually this is true. It's what started websites like Twitter's full turn against the game. MVS got memed and bashed a whole lot more with genuine bewilderment that it was supposed to still be in beta.
just remember that these PFG cocksuckers went from proudly claiming that over 50k people played in s2 to proudly claiming that over 10k people played in s3
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They have to fix the horrible monetization... Once that's fixed then I'll spread the good word about MVS changing it's ways.
How many people bought the battlepass during the beta anon?
Do you remember how they kept changing the battlepass? They changed what was on the battlepass, they increased the "rewards", and they increased how much experience each level needed.

They haven't changed how the battlepass works ONCE since the re-release of the game. It came out with a new fighter, with 1k gleam in rewards on it, and tons of skins and emotes and shit. The Battlepass we have in the relaunch, is fucking amazing compared to the battlepass we had in the beta.

And that's why current Mvs is a success, while the Beta is not. Current Mvs is actually making good amount of money every season, while the beta was a massive flop that people would play for a while and then get tired of and not think it was worth spending money on the battlepasses. You know what's better than having a large playerbase not spending money on your game? Having a small playerbase spending a shitton of money on your game.
There is literally nothing amazing about locking new characters behind a battlepass tony.
Yeah it's dumb, but I also think the people dumb enough to still buy this shit is what tells PFG that they can keep doing it. It's like Only Fans, whores are awful but they wouldn't be rich if simps weren't retarded.
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why do you get punished and lose rank points when your teammate concedes? Thats fucking retarded bullshit.
It works. And it's only for a limited time. So if you can't afford it you can wait, but if you can afford it you get the character plus a lot of extra shit. And the game frequently gives you gleam in events and for character progression so you can definitely save up to get the battlepass free if you just avoid spending your gleam on other skins
It's by far the most points I lose since the season started too, it fucking sucks
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There is literally nothing wrong with multiversus' current monetization. 10 bucks every couple months to support the game and get early access to some content is totally fair. Some cosmetics are expensive but that's the thing, they're COSMETICS. They're there for people who are willing to spend money on something useless because they just like it, they're not something they expect everyone to buy. I don't get how that can be characterized as "predatory."

Have you fucks ever played Dead by Daylight? A like $30 game with a grind to unlock characters, that all come with unique perks that you need to be able to use on the other characters to keep up with the meta, or you can just buy the characters, AND there are many characters that you literally HAVE to buy because you can't grind them AND on top of that there's a battlepass and expensive cosmetics. The people in that community don't call that system "predatory" so what the fuck are you whining about?
You seem like the type of person that's very easy to take advantage of.
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Don't care. Not spending ten dollars on a taunt.
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>There is literally nothing wrong with multiversus' current monetization. 10 bucks every couple months to support the game and get early access to some content is totally fair. Some cosmetics are expensive but that's the thing, they're COSMETICS. They're there for people who are willing to spend money on something useless because they just like it, they're not something they expect everyone to buy. I don't get how that can be characterized as "predatory."
>Have you fucks ever played Dead by Daylight? A like $30 game with a grind to unlock characters, that all come with unique perks that you need to be able to use on the other characters to keep up with the meta, or you can just buy the characters, AND there are many characters that you literally HAVE to buy because you can't grind them AND on top of that there's a battlepass and expensive cosmetics. The people in that community don't call that system "predatory" so what the fuck are you whining about?
You're posting those like it disproves my point. Just don't buy that shit. You wouldn't even buy it if it were cheaper. There's nothing wrong with it being available. It's there so that whales can keep the servers of a game you enjoy playing running.
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Yes I would, there's several things in the game I want to buy but I can't justify spending 12 dollars on the Iron giant ring out
I can't justify spending twenty dollars on BJ's matador skin
I could buy GOOD games for that much money.
We're on 4chan, which basically means we're more jaded than most people by nature.
We are not the norm, being extremely opposed to all sorts of monetization is not the norm. Most normalfags, spend money on games. No fucking shit games would rather make money on those people than jaded poorfags.
video for tony to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJLPONnEMzk
I'm entirely convinced that this thread would bitch no matter how much things cost
So don't buy them then?
If enough people didn't buy them, they would have to change how they handle monetization. That's what happened with the battlepass, that's why the battlepass is such a great deal now compared to the shit it was in beta.
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Yeah don't worry, I won't.
No kidding, I remember when people were constantly bitching about the mtx in ctr:nitro fueled despite literally everything being available for free with in game currency at a decent rate and a single option for the whales to buy currency if they didn't want to play the game to obtain shit. People still complain, because to some people it's not about the price it's just about their pride.
Fuck you insincere pricks, make them give people some actual bang for our buck.
the game is free
The ultimate deflection
and yet people aren't playing it.
i get quick matches
dead game
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fat cope
your mom's a dead game
I'm not buying gleam until dr harley comes out or marceline gets this outfit
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I am SICK and TIRED of the HATERS
Or this one too
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gutsybird is a pedophile
>there's nothing stopping MVS from having a rise one day whenever the game is in a passable state, look what happened with Brawlhalla.
These aren’t comparable at all. Brawlhalla started small and grew a fanbase overtime. This game had 20M players when it was in beta, many of whom left and returned at launch and then left again. The public has already given MVS two chances and PFG failed both times.
Is camping with Garnet a legit strategy or some shit?
I got a diamond rank garnet on my team and all fucking game they just kept running away from the enemy to stand in one corner waiting for the enemy to come to them. Shit was fucking infuriating to play with as their teammate. Second round when they started doing that shit I just killed myself 3 times to be done with it.
camping as any character is a viable strategy if your teammate is on the same stage and doesn't just run into the enemies' attacks repeatedly
>fighting games
Lmao. Nah enjoy your derank from diamond, shitter.
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paypiggies and shit at the game lol
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Let me explain how fighting games and competitive games work in general, from league of legends to street fighter, when you release a new character they are supposed to be op, it gives casuals a chance to get one up on the pro's and gives pro players a new challenge to overcome with their mains...

ppg release completely fair and balanced. They are not op. This is a huge problem.

PFG is not a new game dev studio, there is no excuse for this shit. I have never seen a new character released that are as underpowered and disappointing as ppg. They are cute, they are fun, but they are not op, and they are supposed to be. I dont know what CRACK pfg is smoking but they need to get their heads out of their ass before this game goes the way of concord, and with the nothing side background obscure character that is nubia that is just a sad attempt to virtue signal to life long twitter losers, i dont have high hopes for the future of this game we all love.

end of public service announcement.
1v1onlynig spotted
>pfg cocksuckers think the game will get more players as time goes on
people leave more and more over time and not the opposite, especially when the playerbase is literally dying like in this game, the game is gonna meet the same fate as omega strikers at best and eos at worst
Nta but I play 1v1 an he is annoying there as well. Jab can kill, up air can kill, balls everywhere. He is an annoying nigger, no matter the mode.
I'm fine with them being balanced...
then just fuck off, if you're going to be a negative nancy with no hope or love for this game what so ever then just fuck off and go play that new battle royale platform fighter instead
This doesn't happen every time.
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everyone just runs the same perks on every character they seriously need to do something with this system
>omega strikers team made a platform fighter after the mvs flop
Holy CHADSED I wasn't even aware, fucking BASED hope it takes away all the players mvs has left
Big reason why perks just aren't needed.
>be Masters 2
>try to get into a match
>game crashes
>come back, suddenly GM
Tony gave you under the table points.
nah theres a lot of potential for them to add to the experience but they just play it super safe with some perks and then make other perks a straight up easy upgrade that you don't even have to play around. Free damage is free damage, free speed is free speed, and you have to trrade those off to get a perk that...reflects a projectile...if you're precise and lucky enough, and that shit is 100% useless against characters that spam projectiles and useless in 2v2s where you're likely not going to even be able to capitalize on it. Like some are way too conditional for a meager reward in comparison to ones that are free and strong. I think they remove snowball, weakened perks, and pugilist. Add more that reward thoughtful inputs like airwalker, and that ppg perk that lets you dash in air, stuff that allows you to change your playstyle. No free damage, and no free speed either. Maybe we can get some free things like "gain a short speed boost proportional to time you just spent in hitstun" or "dodge attacks travel further but take more meter" y'know things that are strong but have tradeoffs
omega strikers was a completely dogshit game with a boring cast and no incentive to play it
t. played it for like 2 hours at launch with a friend
and its still better than mvs
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Kek. Big if true
why cant you just go away. You should never want to spend money on these worthless devs
you're delusional and worthless, david cappuro. you will never develop a good or successful game.
cope and seethe tony
is speed force placebo?
in all seriousness you're the only nigger on earth who cares about omega strikers or that development team's future projects
Point is, MVS could grow again. Thousands of people like it for its "potential" and desperately don't want it to just die. MVS is the type of game that constantly gets chances handed to it. Add a big character, even its harshest critiques would have no choice but to peep it.
fun fact: billions must purchase marceline skins
same with you and mvs
i'm in an entire thread of people who give a fuck, retard-kun.
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okay i'll be honest i just assumed omega strikers doesn't have a general without checking. oh well. still a shit cast of characters and a boring game
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Now that we know marceline is the season 4 character, it's safe to assume raven is the second one right? unless marceline is the midseason 4 character and it's someone else as the battle pass character (preferrably from a new franchise)
I doubt it
I hope Raven is the BP character so I can quit Season 4 after Marceline drops.
>some random anime battle royale fighters game
they don't have even remotely the same fanbase
When sparking zero comes out multiversus is fucking over, every pro and youtuber i see online for multiversus is black
When Bowlbó comes out multiversus is fucking done for
You stupid fucking idiots aren't even ready for what happens when Grandroids finally comes out.
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slowly coming to terms with the fact that im never getting out of gold rank with ppg.. and im ok with that.. i guess... :/
When Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 comes out multiversus is fucking over, every gamer is going to be popping off for poppy. Poppy playtime domination. Eleventy billion huggies sold.
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When Super Smash Bros 6 comes out, Multiversus is DEAD. Nickelodeon All Star Brawl is DEAD. Rivals 2 is DEAD. Nintendo will show the compniggers how a real game is made.
But nickers is already dead, same goes for the sequel
>every pro and youtuber I see online for multiversus is black
Is that why the devs and dicksuckers constantly talk about "cooking" and shit? I hate newspeak so much.
PPG are hella unbalanced shitters are just too stupid to be carried by any move that isn't side special
they have ToDs off a fucking dash attack (which also kills) and can infinitely air stall for fuck's sake
If I never see 'cooking' as a euphemism for for working on something again, it'll be too late. The over-use of it has become grating.
so nakat about that rerolling missions you mentioned
may I have it now to get rid of your fuck ass 1v1 missions
Season 6, MVP
>some random literal who anime game
>anywhere close to having the same fanbase as mvs
lmao that's fucking retarded, that's like saying "well nobody is going to be playing the sims 5 when the new forza game comes out"
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>literal who anime
>the unmentionables bugs with a random batman
>matched against two new players on finn and morty
>spend all game blowing kisses them
I got out of Gold with 'em.
see >>495523387
If I can do it, so can you.
ooooh nothing feels better than beating a double ttv stack
is smash 6 releasing on pc
did PFG ever make an official public statement that they've abandoned doing Colossal characters?
have they ever made a statement about anything
The battlepass was free for the first season for everyone who played the beta (90% of the player base) and gives enough currency to get the next one. You say that 20k people are actively spending on PPG because of ranked but that is just not true at all.
But yeah >>495553990, it's not hard, you just need to put some time and hope you don't get shifty teammates.
>dropped controller
>bumper no longer works
Nerf Jerry
I did it anons, I got the cute beach Harley costume. I haven't used her since season 2 so I wonder if she is still good or weaker because either haven't seen that many Harleys in 2v2.
they buff her literally every patch and she is still never top tier because her moveset is retarded
I thought she was high tier last patch. But she is cute so I will use her regardless
>win match
>get a party request and two friend requests
dafuq i didn't even do that well
Mid-level players are so god damn fucking annoying because they have enough movement to be slippery but aren't competent enough to make good decisions in their movement so matches just turn into a fucking ghost punching mess where they can't hit for shit and their weird ass movements make it annoying to know where you have to be to punish them
Always slows the match down because you have to sit there waiting for their next retarded option before punishing
You are just bad anon.
Has anyone else noticed this new glitch where your character is in the middle of doing something, attacking or moving, and they suddenly just start sputtering and having a weird choppy framerate glitch for a couple seconds that stops you from being able to do anything? Or is it just a me issue.
I though you were talking about the new battle royale shit. K alright, I guess MVS is losing its brazilian playerbase now.
i saw this happening to someone
but he was playing shaggy so i beat his ass anyway
that's just the game constantly shitting itself with connection issues, they fucked something up big time this season
you can witness it happen to other players mid-match as well
Unironically just bait whiff punishes if you want to get far in ranked
I started doing that and now I'm Plat 2 because a lot of people like to mash buttons and aggro
This has been present since last season (maybe even earlier). It happened so regularly and so advantageously for the opponent that I started to think that it was lag switches

She requires a lot of reading but I think she's still good.
>Relaxalax hasn't even mentioned this game while Nickelodeon got 2 videos
Is it over?
It's Multiversover.
Happened to me once in season 2.
>GM Reindog
Have any secret tips for a inspiring dog? I just reached the point where I realized how good his Air Up Special is not simply for recovering but for zooming right over people when they don't think you'll be able to. Such fun seeing them try to jump off the edge to get me and I roll up and zoom all the way to the other side of the screen.

Raven's got lines referencing the 2003 series, looks likely that her design will be from there instead of the Go series.
What in the fuck is a relaxalax?
It sounds like a fucking brand of laxative
Her voice sounds like Harley on weed
It's the same VA.
I know right. It sounds kinda like a monotone Bubbles I wonder why that could be geez
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Where the FUCK is all the content for this season? Its not like all the dev time went into a cinematic because there fucking wasn't one.

This feels more like a mid season patch rather than a season launch, what the FUCK is this shit?

Please tell me what these dev's are doing over at player first games, because they are not working on this game or we would at least get a fucking season cinematic.

what we got
>1 new character
>season 3 battle pass
>1 rift and the event that goes with it

thats it. THATS FUCKING IT???? is that why its called season 3 because we only got three THREE fucking things this season? WTF? REEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
but anon
your gremlins stage that has no ranked variants
They're busy fixing the game. And by fixing the game I mean coming up with new ideas to make event grind worse so whales spend more money
I forgot about the gremlins stage because i only play ranked.
>cinematics only in Season 1
I don't care about "budget" anymore, there's no excuse for characters like Jack, Beetlejuice and the Powerpuff Girls not getting some kind of cinematic trailer.
Nubia doesn't deserve one unless she petrifies the women in the game.
Well I know that, I'm just pointing out that Raven's voice sounds like Harley if she was a stoner.
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>enjoy playing the PPG
>have hopes that the game will find its footing and get better
>want to get the masters PPG skin in case that happens
>step into ranked for the first time
>forced to fight a side special spamming Shaggy literally every other match
>half of them use the salt emote when they win

I now understand why this game is dying. Are these devs actually oblivious as to why nobody wants to play? I don't care how much skins cost, or how scummy the monetization is, I just want that faggot's kick removed from the game NOW.
Well I know that, I'm just pointing out that Raven's voice sounds like a stoner Harley

gj on getting to gold 2, i have no problem getting to gold 2, but bad teammates who suicide and concede cause me to go right back down to bottom of gold 3

look at how many ko's i have, almost 800 ko's, more than diamond and master players, but bad teamates are keeping me from grand master status with ppg, its to late to switch to 1v1, im in to deep, to much time invested in ppg 2v2, i cant switch, i wont switch, out of pure spite and principles...
You're just garbage, bro.
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>win with 4 k'os against the best fighters in the game
>teamate concedes even after i won the game for them
>-20 or more rank points
>i rank down even after winning

but yeah im the one thats garbage, sure anon. sure...
You are just bad anon.
>37% winrate
>bad teammates
Yeah, the bad teammate is pretty much you
I love how half of the threads are people whining about the tryhard tourneyfag ranked mode. I'm glad I don't give a shit about playing it.
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Got to Plat then went back to unranked.
I regret finding out who the ppg guy is
Same but I like playing ranked. Taking a game like this seriously is quite silly.
How bad is it?
How many GMs do we have on /mvg/?
Rowdyruff Boys should have been the default skin, they're adorable.
Me, you and I think another extra anon.
which one?
AI voice acted webcomic animations bad
no you most certainly have a lot of problems getting there evidently.
i need to shit is this what black adam feels like every day?
>need to shit
Just do it.
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took a break from grinding ppg to show i can easily get 100% win rate if i wasn't being trolled while playing ppg, im not bad at the game, i am being trolled by people who concede and suicide, its not fucking my fault god damn lol
Or...you're just bad at them.
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100% in bronze
im impressed
I'm not clicking that shit nigga
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933 deaths! lol
Just getting trolled though!
Ranked 1v1
12 Matches
Win %
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its safe
Ayyy lmao
Oh, nice
Searched my name and I already have two views so I wonder who was the first one.
Someone you played with probably.
Probably. I didn't know this site was a thing so I'll probably use it to see people that play good as well. Seems quite useful.
Cool stuff.
yeah but i haven't played with ppg or my main in 1v1 yet so w/e

just did 1v1 for the daily/weekly reward shit
I stopped playing last season but if anyone wants to reach master easily by tagging without friends here's how to do it :
tag games until you find a partner who plays decently (preferrably low elo so you get more points) and carry him, invite him to play with you after the game, and when he stops rinse and repeat
I'm begging the gods to please give me a partner that doesn't play like some sort of Reddit pick me who'd virtuously announce "Sure I play a top tier character but I would never EVER use that one move everyone hates." while basking in the waft of his own farts, unaware that there's a difference between using a good move and spamming it.
Wicked Witch and Raven for Season 4?
Marceline's already confirmed, so it'll only be one of those two or Aquaman
Raven, Witch and Marceline just make sense for Halloween Aquaman too because on brave the bold he would cosplay all the time, Aquaman is based
>we only got three THREE fucking things this season?
this is the exact same amount of stuff we got at the start of the last season
We're already in the Halloween season.
adventure time vampire

>playstation jack takes a full second for his brain to buffer what to do next after a jab string
incredible. who's bringing playstations to the nursing homes.
Another Adventure Time character? Really?
jab... into jab........... into jab!
my jack is popping off rn
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and why stop there?
A lot of people are going to have to accept that, since we're gonna go up to 8 DC characters with Raven and Aquaman, that getting a shitload of character reps from franchises already in the game is going to be the norm going forward.
>Put in Jake condom
>Piss and cum in it
>Tie it up
>Throw it in the trash
Jake's been balanced, MVPs!
I'm fine with Raven and Aquaman. Adventure Time doesn't need any more reps.
it's a popular show whose characters each have really distinct abilities and personalities so there's a lot of room for creativity with the movesets
>inb4 banana guard
was made because they already had a model and didn't require much dev time
>inb4 i personally don't watch the show so it can't be popular
not how it works
They can stop after I get Ice King.
>some motherfucker already has White Adam
Paypigs gonna oink.
It doesn't matter what it does or doesn't "need". If it's already there, it's most likely going to get more reps.
So Brain Gremlin is gonna be a separate character from Stripe?
Yeah, same with pickle rick.
They day of the pickle is upon us.
people have rowdies
Sweet, wonder what his moveset will be. Maybe something more refined than Stripe's, using more tools and weapons.
It would be funny if he was. Not for very long, but at least a little.

I guess I should add in the factor that if its a girl character people want to FUCK then that will also boost its chances.
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>its a girl character people want to FUCK then that will also boost its chances

Fourth Gremlins character confirmed.
We could always use more fuckin' freak money.
Be funny if she was a grappler and her moveset consisted of hugs, kisses, tackles, glomps, and dragging people around.
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>Win one Ranked set with a guy who actually knows how to play the game
>Forced to beat him to keep my score up in the very next game
>Be me
>Morty main
>Decide to roleplay as my main
>Paired up with a Rick
>Spend the whole match running around and dodging opponents while Rick tries to fight
>We lose
Why won't my partner help me roleplay and win?
Do you anons have a guy or two that you fight with/against often? I solo 2v2, and of course 1v1, and I have a few recurring guys and they are quite good so it's fun.
>You were the chosen one!
This isn't Smash, you're not getting huge cinematic shit for every single character when they're already struggling to get everything on schedule.
Yeah this really. As cool as cinematics would be, I'd much rather they spent time on making and animating new fighters for use in the game than for a one off video I'll watch once maybe twice and think "eh, that's kinda neat"
i hope every morty main dies of testicular cancer
none of them have testicles left
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Can't stop the FIRE
Back to 50% win rate. This beach Harley skin is so cute! Gives me motivation to win. Although I still need to learn the mechanics of the game, as I have seen some dudes cancellingattacks like an animal fighter and I don't know how to do that.
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>Ranked game where one enemy is AFK and the other guy disconnects gives me 33 RP
>Ranked game where the enemy team actually tries, loses, then one of them disconnects as well only gives me 9 RP
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Daily Deals
Arya looking thick and caked up today, thanks daily deals anon

reminds me of this: https://files.catbox.moe/o6m97p.jpeg
Man I still can't get over how fucking busted Banana Guard's hurtboxes are.
Free gleam!
Maxwell is literally right next to Gwen you blind fuck
A.I. has gone too far.
what is the justification for losing 16 RP if you take someone to game 3
Go here if you wanna see the animations for some of the new skins
>Guy has a version of "Dark Knight" for a username
>Is playing Batman
>Has new Batman prestige skin
>Has a Batman banner
>Has a Batman profile pic
>Is the most absolute dogshit Batman player I've been teamed with
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JasonCHADS, I'm getting stronger.
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me too me too! I'm gonna get to masters with them!
Uh, I'm not very good at giving gameplay advice, but my main tips are to not be overly reliant on his side specials, try to fight with under the crystal, and that his S.air is his best move, so use it plenty.
Welcome to the Multiverse.
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>Pubes edit
You're not so bad after all, mvsg artfag.
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>Pubes edit
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I will never forgive dwayne "the cock" johnson for being the reason black adam is in this game
>Claims Black Adam is his passion project
>Doesn't even make the slightest effort to look like the bag man
>Doesn't wear a wig or anything
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Hey, you're right... ONE man.
Would love to see more of your work anon for "research" purposes
Can you redo the shower drawing with no bugs
I got to gold, I’m done. I don’t want to bother anymore
I'm afraid not. I never actually saved a psd file of it, just kept working on the picture and saved a png of the end results.
Be free!
. I do like your style, it’s great. I like how you did arya/ Wonder Woman . I just didn’t know if you had an alternate version or have any plans to put the two of them in something else
I'll for sure draw them in other things in the future. But thanks for the compliment. It means a lot.
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I think the points system is messed up or something because I went from Silver 4 to Gold 5 in one battle but prior to that did like six battles where I just got the usual EXP which took me from Silver 5 to Silver 4.
They should just make the system like sf6
dead tred
dead game
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Did they win?
>60 player peak
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I am going to start pulling out hair if I have to play against more projectile characters today. Feels like pulling teeth every match.
>they should just copy a worse game
Once the comic is fully finished Linkara should review it.
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>be plat jason
>get into a (friday) 13 win streak
>that includes getting matched against grand master players
>finally lose against a premade grandmaster team with a silver tier smith team mate
>only -4 rp
Jasonbros... we are eating good this season
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Marceline might be in the game
But she lost the Queen /co/ntest for best WB girl
Do you think Tony will use Miss /co/ as a basis for what characters to add next?
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Requesting a recreation of the right image with mermaid GF from Friday Night Funkin
Wrong thread. Time to kill myself
kill yourself for that shit request anyway
>sub 3k playerbase
It's o to the ver
Men are objectivelly more attractive than women
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This isnt mvs related but I agree, if Clark was real a lot of men would be curious about the krypto-cock including myself
but enough about reindog
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I finally got a chance to play and idiot me claimed my rewards without screenshoting my S2 results.
These are a guess of my S2 results just from what I can remember except Banana which I got from the badge and substracting some rift wins. Getting diamond with Banana Guard was super compared to getting Master with Jake and Velma, Reindog was kinda frustrating due to him not having kill power but at least he had combos and is super fun to play.
I really don't like the PPG as a fighter and the changes to Jake but we will see
Man they really gutted Jake it feels so bad to play.
I'm gonna switch to this dude in the meantime he is so much fun to play, hopefully I will get enough time to get him to Master.
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Does even a single person find getting +6 RP for a win fun?
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My new dude
>a worse game
mvs has the worst ranked system in any multiplayer game i've played, cope
Holy shit FTC drama cooking
You must be joking. MVS has the worst ranking system I’ve seen in any game. I just said to copy their ranking mechanics from sf6 you brainlet
You should do more posts like these
yeah idk what that retard's on about, sf6's ranked system clearly works since the "road to master" ladder and the "real" master ELO ladder are both well populated, games are pretty even skill wise, and people are generally satisfied with it
>b-but you can get to master with a 45% WR
players getting a measurable sense of progress is very important for retaining them. in this game, a gold player can go up against grandmaster stacks or platinum/diamond players before hitting platinum, then get demoralized and stop playing. this is clearly not working because i keep running into the same people over and over again
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your teammate? a fresh install shaggy.
your opponents? a discord tranny party.
your reindog porn folder? all commissioned by tony.
Toast should not be fucking bundled with anything, the earth 0 harley does that shit too and that skin really could use a good discount
problem is mvs is a dead game, sf6 has way more players while being fucking f2p so running against the same people is just the game being dead
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Only 2 missions today, why could the season start with the batman event it’s so stupid to do it 9 days after the anniversary
Biggest proof the game is dying is the match making. Can barely find matches anymore especially at higher ranks
as expected, season 3 is also a flop
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uhhhh guys i'm starting to think stripe isn't actually low tier at all
Main reason why the season is a flop is because there’s fucking nothing to do right now
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So what do we think about the "fighter road" leak?

Unlocking the base 24 characters through challenges SOUNDS like a step in the right direction...
what do I gain from it as somebody who already has everyone
>my teammate
>Shaggy that dies 3 times
>my opponent's Shaggy
>actually UI Shaggy that can combo
This shit doesn't even connect properly sometimes lol
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Absolutely nothing.
However it would fix a big problem for any friends you wanna play with, that being that they can actually play with a majority of the roster.
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It's nice for newcomers but should have happened way earlier.
For just about any other game I'd think it's a solid idea to allow new players to unlock characters and shit but knowing PFG and their mentality of 'We need to make sure players do long grinds for shit', it'll probably be a disaster and a half. I can see the ability to unlock characters being locked behind looney difficulty shit that requires you to have high level gems, which in turn requires a load of grind, etc etc.
hopefully gleamium
Great game design just have Jack be able to stretch his fucking leg like he's Jake the Dog for his second jab so that if he whiffs his first jab he can still do his shitty little combo I just love amazing game design.
Yeah, it's probably gonna be something REALLY annoying like that... Something that 90% of the people trying this game just won't bother with...
you can di out of the second hit
but he can cancel it and just combo you with upb or something
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bro you didn't know? jack has stretchy powers, it's one of his most recognizable character traits
This, I really want to see how bad it is first.
Yeah I think last season started the same way for some reason? Just giving you less missions than usual everyday... Ludicrous.

I guess they HAD to do the rifts this way 'cuz a new fighter is a bigger deal and they already have this bi-weekly rift thing going established...
>Says the game is starting but i'm still in my lobby
>Matchmaking Error and it cancels but I'm still in my lobby never got to the vs perk screen
>-10 points
>what the?
>Next match starts fine
>Finish match and win
>Banned for 2 mins
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The #1 ranked player in MVS right now is playing with the girls.
Any thoughts I had about the girls potentially being bad is completely gone, I literally just have to get good and practice.
How do I do the air dash perk with the powerpuff girls? nothing makes it happen
Anons free glem today (unless timezone for you)
You need the rainbow dash perk.
i really hope the perk name is triggering all the anti horse cartoon autists
Been hearing solo queue 2s is actually giving more RP, anyone here with experience to back it up? Feels true enough Ive def gotten more off solos but not sure if I just got lucky since I havent done it much
I don't think people care all that much anymore since the series ended and pony shit isn't ubiquitous online at this point. There was a period of a few years where it was just really bad and everyone not a part of the in-group couldn't get away from that shit. That's no longer the case.
that's what I'm asking though, I have it equipped but I can't seem to figure out how to make it happen mid air
Well I was just making shit up so I don't know.
I feel it more like 50/50

2 characters are fine per season, but long way for each, like 90-60 days per BP, i guess it's 1 character per 30 days

The only thing that sucks is that marceline and witch wont be coming at october which would fit them and the BP XP nerf
>hit down air attacks
>only counts 1 per match
Hire some need fuckers
same as on the ground, double tap a direction then hit your attack button
It's crazy how that rule is still a thing.
They're crazy good, their only downside is their size/hurtbox and fighting against spammy projectile characters where you cant do much abt them unless you play 2s and have a solid counter partner
similar to the "no furry" rule, it's antiquated shit that doesn't serve much purpose anymore, though unlike the furry rule it at least had a reason for existing beyond "lol look how weird these guys are right, right?"

reminder that SA was always kinda faggy and it went and trooned itself retarded after touting itself as the internet's badasses for years, lmao
Yeah, it was a REALLY good reason to be fair.
Wow I didn't even know that was a thing, I thought you always had to hold forward to do the dash attacks
>16 BP XP for a match
Kill whoever decided to change the values.
I don't know what they did to Lebron this update but he is unbelievable broken right now, also they should just kill armor in every character
you should hold forward on the second tap or youll get misinputs
The thing is, the rule for the most part isn't needed but you know there's going to be a couple of chucklefucks who think they're the funniest guys ever for spamming horse/furry shit.
LeBron can be frustrating to fight if the person playing him knows what he's doing. You just want to shove an entire basketball up his ass.
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Their size is very much a god damn downside, especially coming from playing so much Jason... Really gotta weave the god damn needle with these sluts, BUT WHEN YOU DO...
>nubia this season
>marceline next
Honestly great of them to add more black women in this game, even if Nubia's a lame choice on her own
i've found myself generally getting more RP when solo queueing as opposed to sending game invites to good partners i randomly get and playing with them. though it still seems random and there's no explanation as to why i'll randomly lose 6 RP for losing to plats in one game, lose 12 RP for losing to plats in another, but gain 20+ RP for winning against golds the next game
They really need to put a cooldown and lower knockback on Taz side special that thing is literally uncontestable on the cliffs by any melee character
wait till you find out who was the best character in beta
the hitboxes are the issue
making it less frequent doesnt fix it being disjointed by like an entire character width on all sides
and like most moves in this game is also needs significantly more whiff lag so it isnt spammable in neutral with literally zero counterplay
why is bubbles drawn so slutty here?
Tazfags downplay their character after being able to Nado off literally any untrue combo done to them for an easy reversal/kill option
Pretty sure everyone was broken Finn/WW/IG/TJ/Bugs where very dominant unless you mean the beta top tier meme pick Jake who currently gets vacummed in the tornado and the dogpile if he tries to do stretchy arm
not to mention he's pretty much invulnerable/uncontestable during his tornado or dogpile move and they last fucking forever and he can chase you with them, so he's got two "don't fucking touch me" moves that kill you and last way too damn long
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>already at sub-3k peaks not even a week into the start of the season
yeah this game is gonna EOS next year
The future of the game HINGES on them fixing the shitty monetization. They gotta stop thinking in mobile-game terms and start thinking in friendly fortnite terms.
it's over for this flop
nobody is gonna come back for the monetization it's way too late for that shit lmao
Fortnite is the MCU of video games. Every other company wants to be it but they don't want to do the things that were foundational to its success.
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The horrible relaunch did so much to ruin this game’s image. It’s so sad knowing there’s no real future here anymore
Would be funny if the first set of challenges requires banana guard making it impossible to really start until your second day.
I frequent /trash/ and furniggers are just as bad as they were two decade ago, always crying about being le fursecuted while trying to take over threads. Those fucks don't deserve to be given a single inch.
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harley needs nerfs
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crying about your fetish not getting accepted is very monotonous.
nobody ever said any shit like that and was serious about it unless they were trolling or unhinged to the point that the furries hated them

can confirm because i've been in their communities and this community for longer than you've been on the internet you insipid faggot
And I've been in normal communities since the early 2000s and they've always tried this shit. That's why the rule exists.
the rule exists because they were SA's lolcow dumbass
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I see I am back at my lose max gain pennies arc
at least you're almost done with ranked
>dodge banana attack
>it hits anyway
>now he can string together every move
nigger character
>Playing against Nubia
>Dodge nigger attack
>It hits anyways
>Now she can string together every move
canana character
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Fuck I fucked up the shitty joke.
well to be fair "canana" does sound like a racial slur
>recites the entirety of birth of a nation when playing against nubia
why is superman like this
Now you stole my joke
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>Play against the same team like 5 times today
>Win against them every time
>My gains are at the mercy of partner RNG
It's a good one.
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This game needs to pick back up asap, I also keep running into either a team or one guy I already played with every other match. Once the player base get so low that you run into the same discorders 24/7 it's actually over.
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To add onto your posts, I have run into our resident namefig here twice. Both with them as an opponent and a partner... They played shaggy. I felt ashamed I lost against them as an opponent and with them as a partner...
*and won with them as a partner
>Once the player base get so low that you run into the same discorders 24/7 it's actually over.
This is why I'm trying to get into Master now instead of later in the season. Last season I only tried out ranked after the Bo3 was fixed and I got hard stuck in Platinum III because I kept getting paired with the same parties. I am doing much better right now (almost Diamond IV).
That is a good point, it would be better to get into master V sooner rather than later.
The most irritating thing is that this is the first time I'm doing ranked, and I run into nothing but PPG, Shaggy, Batman, and Jack. Every time I encounter a Steven or something, I spend the entire first round getting my ass kicked because I don't know the matchup.
MultiVersus is going down in history as the first fighting game to die twice. Truly a historic feat to achieve.
is the new event live?
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Everytime I see a fucking tank dash cancel out of all their shit that would kill them if they have to commit, I get one step closer to popping a blood vessel. I refuse to believe anyone who tested Smith thought the end lag on his teleport was ok.
Why stop there? Let's re-launch it again so it can die three, four, twenty more times. The sky is the limit!
sometimes i accidentally input down b with jason on the ground instead of in the air and i have to wait like 10 seconds for the endlag on his sleeping bag that exists for pretty much no reason
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They won.
What's with this made up up rivalry that one schizo is making with smash and this shitty game?
wb made mvs to concurrent fortnite... they lost to freaking BRAWLHALLA...
tendies need at least one win, even if it's punching down
how long must we wait
>Garnet players
>Lots of skins
>Skins are just recolors or shitty tiny model change
>Cost nearly 1500 glemium

You garnet players have it rough

I think she's right now the only character with shitty skins
it's taking me like a minute and a half to find ranked games now, it feels over
Can't believe nigbia killed multiversus
She's also the character with the sexiest skins and two of them were even free
Fuck you mean garnet players have it rough? Her stuff is ripped right from the show and her wedding dress is probably her best fit period.
No, that's Gizmo.
Fuck damn you are right
Marvin has 2 good skins and the rest are either recolors or the minute changes Space Jam ones. Gizmo and Stripe are also suffering.
Iron Giant is weird because he can't really have skins since he doesn't change appearance in the movie so PFG has to make ones up for him and tend to give him really fun ones.
Smith has actually fucking nothing
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PPG mains are truly the biggest sufferers because we still don't have this skin
>The Gremlins
Need better skins.
imagine not maining a cultural icon.
I really like the Marvin Circuit Drone skin
I know it's just a shitty recolor but it really works with his Dator physiology
he better get the cashier skin and they better make him thicc
Sorry sir, more Steven, Garnet, Bugs, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Superman on the way!
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Dumb dogfucker revisionism. Furries are worse than ever, Hiro's lax stance on animal rapists has ruined multiple boards. Go back.

Based and true.
>forgetting Reindog
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mvs is a furry game get over it
>am diamond rank
>lose 10 RP for losing to a gold and a platinum with a low tier gold partner
>win 24 RP for winning against two golds with a gold partner
>win 8 RP for winning against a gold and a platinum with ANOTHER gold partner
Is there any rhyme or reason to RP calculation at all?
No generic world war 2 bad guy that's the brap gas not the killing gas!
We already have velma, do we really need a second dogfucker?
there's no proof raven is a dogfucker
Yeah sorry, I guess she is more of a horse girl huh.
Her boyfriend can turn into different animals. There's no way she didn't try.
not everyone is as perverted as you...
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jason is gonna have the finn skin that look really good, the rest will suffer
Actually everyone is significantly more perverted than me.
I'm just glad he got Uber already. I'd be whining about that way more if he didn't.
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Marvin's helmet shake taunt isn't working. I can't be a silly little martian on the battlefield.
deserved for playing marvin, why dont you play a popular character like harley and buy all of her skins instead (we will give her a buff next patch if you do)
Fucking DELETE Iron Giant man fuck off
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give it to me straight, what are her chances?
Why am I in plat getting constantly matched against fucking Master level teams with the possibly worst camping niggers in plat/diamond on my team? Like if the game thinks I have high mmr despite being in plat wouldn't it make more fucking sense to pair me with another master player against the other master team to test if I can hold my own? What in the goddamn fuck am I supposed to do against a double team of master players with a retarded ledgecamping nigger that just gets both of us killed over and over
garnet looks fertile
Zero. They release a new character every month and there's a huge backlog of WB characters they still haven't added. Combined with dwindling numbers and people just moving onto something else, they'll pull the plug before they even consider her.
We'll fix that in 3 weeks, MVP.
Nah, but have you seen that bitch? Guaranteed to be taking the knot nightly.
>arya rung me out at 16 with an up air
Quit charging up there, Shaggy.
why were you that close
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>Playing Iron Giant on the Water Tower stage
>Throw my projectile out, hitting the water tower door while I'm standing under it.
>door swings out, but instead of knocking me back, I get stuck in between the door and the floor because my character is huge.
>Door unable to close because of my character, I'm unable to get unstuck because I'm half jammed in the floor
>Enemy team gangs up on me to try and get me unstuck
>doesn't work, game just kills me and respawns me
Very cool!
Can someone check something for me? On results screen, I just had someone with the bubble banner and I have the waterfall banner myself. I was randomly flicking the analog stick and I noticed that as I flicked it, the banner animations stutter in time with my flicks. Can someone recreate this?
You can move some banners.
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It's always worked like that for every banner. Ever since beta moving the sick has moved the banners.
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>game keeps pairing me with the same fucking shit teammate in matchmaking
>get a 12 minute timeout for alt f4ing out of starting the game with them 3 times in a row
game is dead, bro. there's nobody else.
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>tfw you get paired with a literal 13 year old twitch streamer and almost lose against a side b spamming shaggy
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Any other platform fighter have this many pedophiles?
smash brothers
how about this, someone with gold jack skin, yet their highest rank was silver 2
I'll give him credit and say that final product Beetlejuice wasn't trying to diddle Lydia, he was just using her to green card his way out of the afterlife. Though he WAS intent on raping her in the original script before it got scrapped though, so there is that. And of course the cartoon showrunners secretly shipped them like everyone else, so there's another factor.

At least BJ never blew up multiple children unlike Harley lmao.
Either a dev or their displayed stats are wrong somehow, did you check that person's tracker page?
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The best part about this crossover is that there's a chance Superman could have been aware of Jared's crimes, and yet he did nothing.
i guess we were the multiversus all along...
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Daily Deals
Look at that poor creature's face. Someone stop that supercreep now!
It's a bit hard for me to kill with Harley as her kill moves are charged (Forward Strong, Up Strong) or a have funny spots (Anti-air baseball bat, sweet spot on the hammer). Do you anons have any recommendations? because I don't know if I can rely on funny bomb kills every single time hehe.
Smashfaggots are insecure dickheads. They never recovered after NASBkeks made fun of them.
and now to erase reindog's memory of this shop
then nair
then nair
then nair
then mix it up with a nair
stick a bomb in them, detonate it if they ever jump and if that's not enough then you use your bat
Hehe, Nair is her hammer right? I do use that move a lot but it's still a bit hard to kill sometimes. Not in 1v1 thankfully, but 2v2 stages are quite big.
I don't get the supermanxreindog ship, i always thought reindogxta made more sense because reindoge can present his ass and then ta can lick it in game and it always gives me a chubby
>It's a bit hard for me to kill with Harley as her kill moves are charged
Brother just hit them with a fucking bat.
I haven’t no
Yeah I do that but in 2v2 some stages are to tall(?) if that makes any sense, so I don't have reliable horizontal kills. Just gotta practice a bit more I guess.
"Smashtuber" Delzethin is putting out another "Multiversus is doomed" video tomorrow.
i like how they split gold into 2 currencies but then made it so there's no way of getting perk currency other than playing for hours or even days until a miniscule amount shows up on the battle pass wow that's so epic and awesome i love it
More like Chemical X bullshit keeping them virgin.
Byte Breakers is two blocks down
I use the bombs as bait
The only stage that I can think about actually having trouble getting a vertical kill on(in the ranked pool) is 2v2 dexters lab now because that shit is so high up now.
sorry, can't watch, gonna be too busy being disappointed with the state of play
Yeah, it also doesn't help that personally I'm getting that stage a lot. For goofy ass stages like the mansion is fine though.
So frickin epic I cant get the Powerpuff girls dynamo alts or Mojo jojo announcer because PFG/WB are too greedy to let me use my ingame currency and maybe like $10 to just GET WHAT I WANT AND NOT A SHITTY BUNDLE WITH GEMS AND SHIT I DONT CARE ABOUT
I have an ancient old pic of some /v/tard forcing up tribal bullshit between a mod and the latest Smash and making a confession over it.
Shit's old but force flamewarring has been a thing for a while in the Smash discussion on 4chan.
is that autist even still around
>-19 RP for losing to a master v as a diamond after taking them to game 3
make it make sense please
People who haven't bought the newest reindog skin lose more points in ranked, didn't you read the patch notes?
Brawlfan1 hasn't even acknowledged the game since LeBron James got added.
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Just hit Diamond III. I'm so tired, bros. And there's still 3 fucking ranks until Master. Fuck.
Chill bro, season's not even a week old yet
I know but I'm trying to hit Master before even more people drop the game and I exclusively get paired against Discord parties. I think right now I'm just gonna focus on one rank up a day and leave it at that
how do you do the jason thing where you can extend the duration of your neutral ground's run? I've seen people do it
Dodge into it.
length is a better word, not duration because they last the same amount of time (I assume)
I've been getting a fat number of discord GM parties for the last couple days bro. There's no escape.
Dodge cancelled fsmash
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>wow this bundle sucks, let's wait for it to expire so I can buy the skin alone
>It's fucking gone
I got it! thanks
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see >>495621612
So I get the salt emoji, but what does the storm cloud mean? Just had a dude spam it while teabagging while he was losing
>Harley niggers whining again
I have no idea. Had a Jack do it all match ages ago and he was a shitter.
I think I came across that dude a couple times. He used the emote every time he used a special move, maybe he bound both actions to the same button? Don't think he's doing it to bm since he sucks major ass, but who knows
What are you talking about, their hitbox is as big as Jason's, I keep getting hit by things that never touched any of the girls.
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What can they do to make the game appealing to normies again? it seems like a lot of complaints about this game are from people who are already invested in it and normies need something quick and easy to digest like
>hey this game is good now, play and consume
but what, what change could they do?
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I'm specifically talking about their dair or their air side special. VERY important attacks if you want to start or continue your combo, gotta do your best not to miss with 'em.
you're talking about their HURTBOX not their hitbox
their hurtbox is big their hitboxes are sometimes big sometimes small but overall fair
I feel that makes up for the fact Taz has extremely short range with 90% of his moveset and shitty hitboxes on most of his moves.
I really want a "My Adventures with Superman" skin, with the VA returning to voice him.
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his name is Jack Quaid, he plays the boy in the boys
Everything that good platform does, PFG needs to do.
My apologies. I'll try to get better with her.
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>Everything that good platformers do, PFG needs to do too
such as
when their favorite characters will be in the game
>enemies mash buttons
>I can not touch the ground
making the characters gigantic was a mistake
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Monetization. It's the BIGGEST factor keeping normies away.

Slash the prices in half
Get rid of buying gems, that doesn't look good at all.
Don't make garbage bundles, be nice to your fucking customers.
I don't know about this, the powerpuff girls are one of those characters where most people likely haven't seen an actual episode of the show yet know exactly who they are (you cannot go outside and not see several pieces of their merchandise) Not to mention women are obssesed with the girls for "aesthetic reasons"
Actually play test the game before rolling shit out. Really that's a major part besides the monetization. I remember Sakurai showing off characters with two damn controllers while he explained what characters could do. I do not believe that anyone at PFG is as good at the game as Sakurai was at Smash (any Smash). If so all this shit? like >>495737589, >>495711974, >>495711382, all of that would have been addressed.

Like someone needs to be on this game rigorously, man. There's so much stuff that's falling through the cracks, and I'm pretty sure (someone correct me) that ever since the game relaunch something has broken EVERY time we got an update
this anon is spot on the money
Ok idk about fair in some cases, I dont think you should get punished for just turning around or sht like Jack side special where even after I dodge it it still hits cuz the last girl is still somehow in the hitbox of his move
At the very least the prices for taunts should be lowered if they're going to be pussies and censor the game on the other players' end
no his ability to literally fly at you like an f-15 is to compensate for that
no comment on finn being allowed to do the same thing with a sword and zero endlag
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It's really weird how they haven't addressed that at all.
Well, no, it's very much par for the course actually.
Finn, Wonder Woman, Shaggy, and Harley are the devs' pet characters.
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The game only reads the last input you did after winning on other players' screens, this is why you see so many players suiciding or staying completely still after winning. All because people on reddit and discord were crying about "muh toxicity"
In the meme 1 hour essay comment section every casual complained about
>Not having all characters unlocked or not having an easy non grindy way to unlock them
>Fast fall, no ground cancel animations (floatiness), and dodge/attack/cancel making moves have inconsisent animation and speeds (like all the garbage Harley/WW/Arya can get away with)
>Spammy jabs/moves (Jack/Shaggy/Taz/Joker)
>Refusing to nerf streamer favorites (WW/TJ/Morty)
>Long ass combos with super easy read resets
>Expensive as fuck everything
>Ranked being ass
>Gems being required to play
>Not buffing low tiers enough so if they accidentally boght the characters now they are stuck with a bad character
>Overall balance
>Picking non popular characters like Black Addam, Banana, and Nubia
Because redditors complained so much about people teabagging or emote/taunt spamming during the part of the game where you win but before it goes to the winner splash screen, and because PFG is one of those modern companies that's so unbelievably desperate to have a "so heckin' wholesome best friends forever" kind of community, PFG decided to just turn off inputs like 2 seconds after the final elim in a match. So instead of the other 3 players seeing you spam emotes, they'll see your character walk right forever until they fall of the stage because that was the last input registered by the game before the "neutral field" or whatever you want to call it turned on.
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Anon, when the match ends you have a little bit of time at the end, right? Usually during this time you'd taunt or tea-bag or something, right?
Have you not noticed a big lack of people doing that? Have you noticed alot of people just walking off to the side of the stage?
They stopped keeping track of players at the end of the match. Even if you're taunting at the end, no one else can see it, to everyone else you're just doing the last input you were doing before the match ended.

For example: if you were running to the left when the match ended, even if you stop after you win, to everyone else you're still running to the left. Unsure if this is another bug or a very intentional thing.
>so heckin' wholesome best friends forever
funny cause they added the salt emote, shaggy crying and the new salt ring out
Holy shit no fucking way. I was just thinking today "why the hell do people keep running off the edge; it doesn't make sense as a taunt?" That's so bizarre man
this is bullshit and i dont belive it
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>Arya on my team
>playing like shit
>using shitty matrix skin
>dies twice before killing any of the enemies
>figure this is a fucking lost cause and SD
>arya was a grandmaster
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Yeah that's pretty weird. They have a library of stuff for inspiration and they give us salt...
It's very real. Sometimes people will be able to just barely get a taunt in before the game stops keeping track of inputs but most often the end of matches are eerily motionless, people have tested this and you can just observe for yourself.
Quite ironic. I like to think this whole thing is just a bug and they are too lazy to fix it.
I hate these shadow changes to the game with no mention of them in the patch notes/social media/whatever (like the nerf to battle pass xp), very scummy
it feels like theres next to no oversight on what individual devs are doing to the game and thats why weird shit keeps getting pushed through in patches
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I really hope they didn't scrap Godzilla.
Worst part is, all they had to do was remove the down input after the match or something. Let people use their taunts, they're literally paying for them. If they don't like people spamming the salt emote then they shouldn't have added it to the game in the first place.
nooo seeing steven universe from steven universe and the powerpuff girls from the powerpuff girls going up and down again simulating the sex position of teabagging gives me a realistic panic attack remove it from the game now!!!!!!!!!
I hope they did because I can barely tolerate iron giant I can't imagine how shit the game would be with an even bigger fighter
Iron Giant's size is likely the upper limit.
make godzilla a stage instead
I'd be fine with that
Why would Godzilla be bigger? He'd work fine being the same height as Iron Giant, and if his mass is an issue use the more slender Evolved Godzilla from GxK:TNE.
I think we can all agree that it's fully in-character for PFG to be too daft to see how a salt sticker could be seen in a negative light.
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Ohhh Tonyyy!!! where are you!!! well gang, seems like we'll need to get into reindog's asshole to hopefully get some clues on where we can find this Tony character!
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Yeah. This list makes sense.

Like, the balancing has always been kinda' bad... It pretty much still is with the low tiers being so low tier still...
Seriously, seeing Velma in such a state was dumb-founding at launch.
But balancing is not something most people will immediately get when they try the game out a little.

I'm definitely trying to look at the surface-level stuff that anyone JUST getting into the game can look at and be turned off by. That surface level stuff is absolutely the crappy monetization that seems to only be getting worse...
>seems to only be getting worse
Oh no, it doesn't seem to be. It HAS gotten worse. They made it so that bundles can't go lower than the price of the "main skin" anymore and got rid of the afk character xp method to get gleamium
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What rank do you have to be to be considered "good" at the game?
It's not about rank, you can get really REALLY far in 2s if you have a discord butt buddy to communicate with.
Depends the character
>Broken tier
Master, I still see Diamond broken characters making the dumbest decisions ever
>A tier
High Diamond/Master
>Mid and low tier
Mid Plat
Everything else I consider them retards and If my partner cost us 1 game I insta leave, getting to top 50 in any char means you are good
Yeah also this anon is correct, if you are duoing and you are not a master you are probably not good, duoing gives you easy 90% chance of winning
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>Plat partner
>Gold plat team
Kek, the same just happened to me, back to back. Me, Masters 2, and random teammates, both Diamond 4, each match against Plat players, and I got 30, and then 27 RP.
How many duos have you encountered tonight? I wanna save myself the stress if it's flooded
There is no point in censoring your name if you don't censor your rivals's
>be diamond
>lose against a platinum and a master 4 after taking them to game 3 with a platinum teammate: -19 RP
>win against 2 gold players the following game with a platinum teammate: +21 RP
the RP calculation is fucking retarded dude, i stopped trying to make sense of it a long time ago
I only played the one game tonight. I saw a bit around noon when i played today.

I didn't really censor anything, thats just how the screen is. Also its not like I'm all that hidden. I'm playing smith in 2v2 for fucks sake.
I don't want to play this shit anymore. I can't. I'm tired. I'm so fucking tired of being stuck with fucktardo team mates. 60 fucking damage from a morty. I'm so fucking tired. I'm so so so fucking tired. Murder all tom and jerry players.
new thread
You know the weird thing, I never played with you or encountered any diamond smith so makes me wonder if we actually have region based servers

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