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Churro tower edition

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KINGDOM HEARTS collections (I.5+II.5, II.8, III + Re Mind (DLC)) available on PC, PS4, XBOX, Switch (Cloud)
2003 Lost Kingdom Hearts Pilot Animatic (archived copy): https://archive.org/details/kingdom-hearts-pilot-animatic

Two new Kingdom Hearts games have been announced: KINGDOM HEARTS IV and KINGDOM HEARTS Missing-Link.
The KINGDOM HEARTS Missing-Link closed beta test for Android and IPhone devices has ended. Pre-registrations coming soon.
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KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ Dark Road is now delisted but you can watch the story on Youtube or download the apk to experience the story yourself

Union χ[Cross] scenes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPCJnwphQDQcJOkD9OsmxxMHX7YHE4WP2
Uχ scene compilations: https://roboloid.github.io/khux/theater
Dark Road playthrough: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhcSrKyqhfh6KtymEp7GpkwvLVK2Cu-Vp

PC Version Mods and Patch Manager

Previous thread: >>494491552
I wonder if next time I do a full on study session of the data real organization next time I try it. I keep finding odd vulnerabilities and stuff, and I can't tell how I trigger them half the time.
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So Oswald better be in KH4 now. I just found out even his girlfriend is allowed to be in other games.
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props to the people who animated Aqua's walk animations
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Merch News:
New Kingdom Hearts themed wedding/engagement rings are now available for sale

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Some of the new types of rings come with engraved messages of different KH characters.
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More Merch News:
Metal keychains of the Dream weapons and the base SDG weapons are now available for purchase in the Square Enix Store
Whoa, whoa, what the heck is this?
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Also now available in the Square Enix Store is Olette's money pouch
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More Merch News:
Four new small keychain mirrors with KH stained glass designs are now available for purchase in the Square Enix Cafe
The new keychains feature stained glass illustrations of:
>Ventus and Vanitas
>Union Cross
>Melody of Memory Kairi
>KH3 Sora
>Aqua wedding ring
>"The three of us will always be one"
Damn Aqua.
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Xion ring mentions 3 people too
We will always be together, Terra... You... me... and my dear, dear shota Ven...
Why the fuck are there no paupous on this. Not even a Wayfinder? Get fucking real.
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But there is one
In fact the paopu fruit ring is the most popular one right now
I want to marry Aqua.
You need to be alive first, Zack
Makes sense since she's Sora's second wife
Aqua wearing her sexy spats under her wedding dress...
Just made it past my first second visit on my level 1 run ,so excited to get to Roxas.
So I heard that Nomura is retiring after 4? So no more 5 with Nomura?
Lost Master arc is a trilogy (KHIV, Verum Rex, KHV). Nomura will make sure the developers and writers have everything they need to wrap up the series after 4 if he retires at 60 in 2030.
>Nomura will make sure the developers and writers have everything they need to wrap up the series after 4 if he retires at 60 in 2030.
This guys over here becoming MoM and handing out his own Book of Prophecies in the form of his massive kh design bible.
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CoM is when Riku peaked.

It's no big deal
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>Nomura passes his instructions down to Yoko Shimomura, Tai Yasue, Ichiro Hazama, Masaru Oka and Tomoco Kanemaki
>vanishes, dims and fades without a trace
Honestly if it's that short he's just gonna delay his retirement
He could delay it until he's 65 and retire in 2037. They could probably get what they need done by then, at least the next numbered game if the one after 4 is the last.
>KH4 isn't likely to release until 2026-2027
>Remind sized DLC a year after
>next game will take like another 6-8 years to make
Yeah if Nomura wants to end the story himself before retirement he's probably going to have to hand the Verum Rex game off to another team, condense it into KH4 DLC somehow or shelve it altogether.
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Why would anyone want these engraved rings outside of japanese people that don't understand English?
The Kairi and Namine rings are the only good wedding rings with engraved messages
>Looks like my summer vacation is... over
Time for the old ball and chain! Wife bad am I right fellas?
can I just spam forms in KH2? I'm supposed to level them up for skills right? I know there's anti form so do I just suck it up and anti sometimes
you can technically manage anti form, but honestly it's not that annoying. Just spam forms. Game is more fun that way.
Tip: You can't anti-form out of battle. If you really want to manage it or reduce the counter at some point, it's best to go find an area with a save point that has enemies that spawn in the area... which admittedly doesn't have that many options, but once you have access to timeless river it gets really easy to not only level up forms, but manage your anti-counter.
got it thx
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Why are Riku, Terra, Ventus and Aqua are not using their official icons? Also Xion got a new one in KH3.
So I'm lookin at this "ultraericthered" tumblr mf who was mentioned a couple generals ago and

This dumbfuck literally has his head up his own ass it's unreal.
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>Verum Rex,
They aren't wasting time on Verum Rex at this point. Maybe it'll be a mobile game, at best.
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You're retarded to believe this.
When games take too long to come out now, they aren't going to waste nearly a decade on Verum Rex, especially with Nomura close to retirement. It's only chance was before KH4, and it was skipped over.
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out of curiosity, are there any good examples of this? Solo/primary creator handing off a ton of info or "the roadmap" to their successor (as opposed to: randomly dying one day and successors having to dig for shit on their own, or handing vague directions to successor and then randomly okaying shit because they're rich and don't care what happens to the property after)
It's made worse by the fact that Square has drank the kool-aid almost as much as the big western first-party devs. Their response to their 8-year dev cycle AAAA games not making 1.5 billion in revenue month 1 is to devote even more resources to make sure the next game is AAAAA so it will be guaranteed to make 2 billion in the first 2 weeks. There's no room for a modest console release for a KH game. It will be stuck in overproduced hell until SE folds in on itself and dies the death it really desperately wants.
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One really famous example I can think of is George Lucas retiring and selling Star Wars to Disney with the intention they'd make the sequel trilogy based on his story treatments, even though that didn't end well because Disney discarded his outlines and he distanced himself from them.

The most similar situation to Nomura imo is Kojima trying to hand off Metal Gear so he could work on new things but Konami strong-arming into making more sequels like MGS4 and finally MGSV where he'd had enough. So it's ironic that there hasn't been an honest attempt at a new Metal Gear game without Kojima when it was his wish for the series to move past him. And people always talk about how Kojima's involvement in writing those games in particular is exaggerated so there's people at the company who could carry the torch. Konami basically fucked up the legacy of that series by insisting Kojima remain the face of it instead of letting him pass the torch to new creators or remain in a producer role. Hopefully Square won't pull any of that shit with Nomura.
The best example is A.I. artificial intelligence. It was a Kubrick project that took years to make, research and plan like most of his work but he always had Spielberg in mind. Kubrick died and Speilberg did A.I. on his own. There's tons of concept art Kubrick did himself in the Kubrick archives and everything.

Also it has Haley Joel Osment and came out around the same year as KH1, and has Peter Pan as a huge thematic point which is funny coincidence for this thread.
you mean Pinocchio, right?
Yeah Im tired.
Feels like the video game industry is going through a crash/crunch now anyway. Square keep saying none of their games are meeting sales expectations (FFXVI, Rebirth) which is probably because dev costs are too high for them to make a profit like they used to. They're going to have be smarter about how much money and time they spend making games because the current model isn't sustainable for everything they put out.
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>No Leslie
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I never realized this area in 2 was based on the GBA backgrounds.
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If Yozora is based on Sora and Sora is based on Mickey and Magia and Aegis are based on Donald and Goofy, will we get more Disney-inspired OCs in Quadratum?
God I hope not. Things could get real forced real quick.
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Like two days after I accidentally kill data ansem with this goofy ahh keyblade, we have this picture.
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>Heartless all over the shop... You'll be one of them, sooner or later.
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Those bright colors remind me of other Disney game
Where can I find a list of changes the Steam release of KH series had over Epic? Fixed bugs, added bugs, those things.
KIngdom Hearts 4 should replace fixed spawn enemy points outside of scripted battles with random encounters.
Sounds terrible.
Rpg hater
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Counter idea, make the enemies that spawn interact with the environment. That way it feels necessary.
Most RPGs have enemies on the field.
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2024... I am forgotten.
KH4 should have form changes with unique magic properties. Like one form can mix aero and fire together to make mega flare, another raging storm, another Firaga burst and so on.
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>Kairi is... inside me?
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It's a cash grab. The type of person to buy an official kh wedding ring probably won't care too much.
Honestly if you want kh theming on your wedding ring it'd just be way better to get a custom engraving.
Yea I should have specified what I meant by "good" example - I mean successful ones. I had Lucas in mind as a failure case where the successors just threw out his ideas.
MGS is an odd case because Kojima was still around by V: even if we're saying he'd taken a smaller role by the, he could definitely still call the shots to change anything he didn't like.
That's a neat! Though it's only a single project so not quite what we're going for (especially with drawing parallels with the KH series)
I personally believe that for Kojima, MGS ended with 4 and the rest is just fluff because he couldn't trust someone else to helm the series
Kojima wasn't even gonna direct 4. He wanted out even in MGS2.
Kinda canon really
He wasn't even making Metal Gear 2 until he found out about Snake's Revenge
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Rosy Dancer with a gun. She can't use it though her hands are too big. Maybe she can use her ribbon...
Why do you keep posting when nobody ever replies to you? You're like that desperate loner kid with no friends here.
Miz, what do you think of the Unversed and Dream Eaters?
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why are there little flies I can kill for mp in olympus
I never particularly liked the Unversed as they feel like they were gonna be a different faction of heartless but near the end changed them to being Ventus' emotions unleashed. I'd probably like them more if they had unique designs but 80% of them are just heartless just slighty changed, some as little as having their eyes blanked out and that's it. The concept is interesting but I would have personally preferred another heartless faction (maybe a group of unique purebloods cuz ventus is a pure darkness?) or for them to be more unique compared to heartless.
There's also that nomura interview where he said they're closely related I've never understood as one is peoples very conscious and being made a monster and sometimes beings born from darkness while the other is a individuals emotions manifest. I guess I could see the heartless born from darkness being close but idk. Heartless are they're own beings while ones emotions that can't exist with out the individual they came from.

I like dream eaters, they're pretty interesting. I don't know as much about them but still. They got some really cool designs and feel quite unique, and I like that you can recruit them. I wish the paint system was like the moogle paint from crystal chronicles though. Also horrible things happening to children makes for great stories lol.
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The story of Metal Gear really ended with 4. They tried to continue things with Raiden but that didn't go anywhere and it was a different beast to the mainline series. Peace Walker, Portable Ops and Phantom Pain felt like they were milking Snake Eater's popularity and Big Boss, they weren't crucial to the saga like the numbered Metal Gears were, more their own thing and something Kojima only did because Konami wouldn't let him go. Kingdom Hearts has a prequel trilogy of mobile games now as well but they're all building to the major sequels, ironically for gacha they feel less cashgrabby in that way because they exist for a reason and if the circumstances were different they might not even have been mobile games. We know at least with Dark Road it wasn't originally going to be. The only KH game that feels a bit superfluous is Coded, but it still has some things to move the story forward and isn't in a complete vacuum.
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Imagine Nomura and Lucas showing up to Disney HQ in black robes
I hope we at least get a Quadratum version of Pete.
those are very big shoes
>actually shows up in kh later on as a wise mentor no dev added to the game
Too bad Spielberg ruined it with that sappy ending
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How many kingdom hearts games have you played?
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elrena action figure
It's been said before but I'm surprised the devs themselves never talked about the "It's a Small World" Disney ride inspiration for Scala in KH3 and Dark Road since it's pretty blatant
>Keyblade wielders with cultural influences from around the world
>Described as the nexus of all worlds
>Disney has the Tower of the Four Winds near the ride and Scala is filled with windmills
Land of Departure has a reference to it when transforming back from Castle Oblivion too and that's loosely connected to Scala too.

But it's interesting how none of this is present yet in Missing Link. Something shifted and things became lighter and Disneyfied. Maybe it has something to do with the state of the world overall following the Keyblade War where not enough Disney worlds had begun restoring themselves yet so Scala's look reflects that.
Also looking at Mary Blair's flat 2D style and how that was a big influence on Alice in Wonderland makes me think the box rooms in KH1 were actually intentional and not just trying to evoke her art but that ride too.
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Wonderland is canonically a theme park ride and all of it's inhabitants are animatronics.
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I don't mind the Unversed, in theory they're distinct enough from Heartless only being extensions of Vanitas. If they show up in the future as minions of the True Darknesses like the Organization had their unique Nobodies that'd be cool. Like they're so powerful they don't need hearts to create an army they can just spawn tons of Unversed between them but that's also a weakness because if the Darkness is destroyed so are the Unversed connected to them. Hopefully they get better designs if they do that though, their main designs being so similar to the Heartless makes them feel a bit redundant. And I get why you wouldn't find them as interesting since they don't have any past life or character of their own like a lot of the Heartless variants do, they more just leech off emotions of people around them. They're empty which ties into Vanitas' name and the formless Darknesses who didn't have selves in UX and leeched off other people's hearts like parasites.

They say anything can grow a heart in KH but could an Unversed? Or are they too intertwined with Vanitas? I don't think we'll ever get an answer to that question.
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It's funny seeing Nept, Remus and Freya front and center here when they might not even be major players in ML but they're all we've got atm besides Sigurd. We still don't know who any of the founders are or the leaders of the biggest societies, basically the Foretellers/Union Leaders of the plot.
That would be sick.
All of them.
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Quadratum will have an item synthesis delivery service provided by the Moogles.
Moogle Moves straight 2 u.
It's funny how people deny the Disney influence in this series and think it can just be casually dropped.
It's probably just a coincidence. White and gold isn't a particularly unique colour scheme.
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The music is in BBS and there's picrel so idk if it's unintentional the team are at least aware of the ride.
I still have to try out V-Cast and Melody of Memory, the rest I've played multiple times.
Sora's apartment will be destroyed by the heartless not even as like a dramatic moment either, screencap this
>make us attached to it through Sora's daily routine and customizing it
>Darkside blows a whole in the side the apartment building
Would be pretty kino. I'm looking forward to seeing Sora's daily routine whatever Nomura means by that. We got a little of that with Roxas in 2 but it'd be cool to spend time in Sora's apartment and do normal stuff we never get to do in the series.
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>the landlord Kupo Mooglestein says that Darkside attacks aren't covered by our renters insurance so every piece of munny we find goes directly to him until we pay it ofr
It's happening guys, we're not getting news again!
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>Mooglestein offers to pay for the damages if Sora marries his daughter Mooglina
Being a KH fan fucking sucks
Apparently this leak thread was up almost an hour before the announcement. It lists KH4.
I haven't tried yet MoM and 0.2
And DQ12 and FF9 remake. The fake leakers mock us.
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Don't do that to me. Don't give me hope
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>DD2's expansion
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>Death Stranding 2: On the beach
Forgot they actually called it that.
>Gravity Daze 1 & 2 Remastered (Nixxes Studios, PC, PS5, early 2025)
>Kingdom Hearts IV (Square Enix, Gameplay trailer)
>Final Fantasy IX Remake (Square Enix, announcement trailer)
>Dragon Quest XII (Square Enix, teaser trailer, 2025)
Too good to be true. Playstation are consistent with their nothingburger presentations lately
>Gravity Rush remaster
I'm calling bullshit there's no fucking way

Also I genuinely don't believe that Ghost of Tsushima is getting a sequel
What, are the mongols gonna attack Tsushima again and Jin is gonna have to grapple with his identity as a samurai again?
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>gravity rush remastered
The mere fact KH4 is on the list proves it's fake.

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>Source: /v/
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Larry was just cut content bro, it was totally real
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What's the Larry Lore? He looks cool lol
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I have so much moar than this blue board can contain
Too good to be true
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This boss is absolutely terrifying on level 1.
this is masturbation?
>Aqua turning CO back into LoD in 3 has a Disneyworld-style projection overlayed onto the castle as it rearranges
A State of Play has been rumored for almost 2 weeks now. Just like with a Direct, everyone will make fake shit up once it feels like it's about time for one. While I am hopeful, that list is complete bullshit because there's just way too many game announcements. You can go back 10 years of Directs, State of Plays, TGA's, and other events and you won't find that many major IP announcements in a single event. Tomorrow's SoP will be 50% indie titles and 30% remasters of Sony games that aren't Bloodborne, or Gravity Rush.
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Dancexene bows before you ready to do anything you please.
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I know its not likely but I beg for anything KH at the State of Play anyways PLLLEEEASSEE
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The cloud versions of the collections and KH3 are coming out on PS5.
Wouldn't be a big deal, since PS5 can run PS4 games anyway
Also further rereleases will probably have that dogshit AI-upres in the Steam port
Yeah, but it'd still be the most pointless thing ever and only serve to mindbreak us. Imagine Nomura hyping up a Kingdom Hearts announcement in an interview and it just being cloud versions of the game on a console that can already play them instead of anything else.
I kinda want to play BBS again even though I don't like that piece of shit game.
>Crown of Guilt
>Kinda looks like a Dream Eater
What did Nomura mean by this
>cloud versions
That reminds me, what's the absolute worse experience you could have playing a Kingdom Hearts game?
My money is on Critical Lv 1 Terra fighting MF on the Cloud version on McDonald's wifi.
I remember nomura being asked about the translation difference at a Q&A and he was so confused.
>Crown of Special Attack Bonus
Is Aqua a "sexy lady"? I think she is.
Well CoM is set within a castle of illusions.
I honestly don't think we'll be seeing them in KH4. I think the secret ending was mainly Nomura going "The next thing will either be KH4 or Verum Rex" which is why they both have endings. This is of course based on Nomura himself saying he chose to make KH4.
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Could this be any more blatant?
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I hope that mf on /v/ is at least right about KH4 showing up at the SoP

I can't take this drought no mo'
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can you post that?
most times JP devs have no fucking clue what localizers do to their scripts
the one exception at square was Koji Fox and he's since been bent to fit with the rest of the localizer crowd, not to mention functionally replaced for XIV (and it shows)

the localized version of every single square enix game in the last 20 years has had terrible mistranslations and often complete rewrites that were entirely needless
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I love crown of guilt. I wish I could buy it as a prop but Days's keyblades aren't really made afaik.
god how I'd like to put my hands around those hips
That isn't Verum Rex.
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some tumblrino's shit
in the demo you enter a dream forest through magic
blue girl, red boy, modern day japan setting
hard to just call it inspiration, but it's also true that I don't think this reaches the scope of what Nomura wanted VSXIII to be
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Sex with Aqua
>hard to just call it inspiration
The way Furyu works is that they rip off properties but bring in old staff in to work on them.
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To be fair all these games have Yoko Shimomura composing them so similarities are going to be hard to avoid even if they wanted to.
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Ventus' Dandelion survivor's guilt bleeding through to Roxas.
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we might
by some miracle
be back
take your lithium schizo
I hate the Doritos Pope.
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spam more OOC bi illustrations of children, chomo
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This is actually a genius reverse psychology hint that kingdom hearts Will be at the show
My copium production is off the roof
It's been amusing seeing people get mindbroken by that game cause it's their first time hearing about that company and don't understand how they work.
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I fucking hate you, Geoff.

Why isn't DQ12 bein' treated like this huh. They don't even have an actual logo and they aren't gettin clown tweets
DQ fans didn't make clowns of themselves like KH fans did when they thought he was teasing KH.
Because DQ has the combination of a quiet(er) fanbase and more stuff released.
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I love this
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>they announce the UX remake instead of a KHIV trailer
How would you feel
Which tumblrino?
that ultraericthered dumbass some other anon mentioned early on in the thread
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depends on the kind of remake, cause i'm already expecting UX and maybe even DR to be "remade" as special missions in ML
That'd be clever.
That would be quite a lot of missions
I'd be happy because I'd get to see my old friends again, in that city that we loved.
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Why ya gotta... say it like that...
>correct use of character symbols
At least those cafe guys still care
*I'd be happy because I'd get ditched by that faggot epehemera again
i have a feeling they kinda have to, i mean not really but they have to have Player remember his UX self so something from UX has to come back in some way, either cutscenes, playable missions or still pics with text scrolling over it
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Grey clouds rolled over the hills, bring darkness from above.
But if you close your eyes...
Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
And if you close your eyes...
Does it almost feel like you've been here before?
Player at least remembers his past as of raising Xehanort so it'll come up eventually but I don't think it warrants a full recap of the extremely-dense UX narrative (much of which Player isn't even privy to in the first place)
>much of which Player isn't even privy to in the first place
that's why ML will have Episode of Brain, doing exactly that
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just about an hour to go lads
I forgot, damn. Now I will be disappointed.
Riku only had to wait a year to go to Quadratum...
I feel stupid for not realizing this sooner but DDDs ending with Riku meeting data ansem is like Sora going to a Dating Island in his heart and seeing Selphie Tidus and Wakka.
>Sora going to a Dating Island in his heart and seeing Selphie Tidus and Wakka
man Selphie's holes aren't gonna survive that
I fucking KNEW it. Christ, and I thought it ended with Zaxanor or whatever the fuck his name was. Honestly, introducing this retard to the board really is the gift that keeps on giving.
I can feel it. The State of Play is going to have a KH4 gameplay trailer, Melody of Memory Final Mix, KHUX Remake, a full 358/2 Days Remaster and Missing Link console version
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here's our news
>Keanu Reeves' Shadow the Hedgehog in Shibuya
Close enough, welcome back Dylan Sprouse as Yozora in Quadratum.
Im not feeling to good bros
are we gonna be ok
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Save us Nomura-san...
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At a certain point, you have to respect SE's restraint.
Ready to accept that this is just a franchise being kept alive by merch only the japanese are getting
Nothing again, everyone back to drinking daytime drinking.
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Nomura draws such beautiful girls like Aqua, and handsome boys too for people into that.
The VGAs are going to be torture for this retarded fanbase. There will be no news, and Geoff Keighley will rub it in your faces. Deservedly so.
Love how we basically looped back to pre-KH3 where thinking KH3 is even a thing is stupid.
darkness within darkness
within darkness
Can't wait to go out and fight heartless in the middle of the winter when Missing Link finally comes out
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>Missing Link
>coming out
lol ok let's recap the last 5 years or so for SQEX live service games:
>FFVII : First Soldier, Fortnite but VIIR
shut down within a year
Shut down.
Shut down
>FF: Brave Exvius
Shut down
>FFVIIR gacha, its got some stupid name I can't remember
very low sales for a game sells Tifa and Aerith bikini skins, I give it 1 more year
>Not within a 5 year window, but I'd be remiss not to mention FF:Mobius
Shut down in disgrace
>FFXIV: Dawntrail
currently Overwhelmingly Negative on steam, lowest rated, lowest sub count, universally panned

Now let's look at other SQEX games:
Did not sell well, tanked the entire company's stock. PC Release saw a peak of 56k players, already down to under current Monster Hunter World players.
Did not sell well, botched localization, most players felt scammed by Remake. If it came out on PC I didn't notice.
>Visions of Mana
Did not sell well, studio that made it has been dissolved on launch day, comically botched localization and basically unplayable in English just wike twiaws of mawa.

With all that in mind, and considering that Missing Link has been delayed now for close to 2 years, and also considering that from the first beta to the second beta a whole year later nothing about the game has changed, do you really think Missing Link is coming out at all?
Not to be a downer about it, just trying to be realistic. I expect it to be cancelled.
Has Nomura mentioned ML at all since the last beta?
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Missing Link was mentioned in the last interview Nomura did, but I would still bet money on it being cancelled. I would assume Square is rushing to get either DQXII or KH4 out to help counteract their recent poor performance. Hopefully that doesn't fall to KH4, because I don't see it doing any better, and Square is much more likely to rush it out the door under cooked than DQ.
To be fair with FFBE it was around for 8 years, and the Japanese version is still around. What probably led to it being cancelled is that the global version wasn't just a translated version of the Japanese version. It had a lot of different units and other stuff meaning that they had to actively balance it differently than the Japanese version.
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>just wike twiaws of mawa.
charlotte did nothing wrong
>but I would still bet money on it being cancelled
What? Nomura literally talked about how it'll be newcomer friendly. If he wasn't confident about it he would've sidestepped any discussion about Missing Link entirely. Do I think ML has a promising future? I'm not sure because the video game industry is in a mess right now, but if the game is the size of a regular KH title on launch that's good enough. Maybe the reason they delayed it is in part because they want it to launch as a complete story in case it ends it's service sooner than expected. Similar to how Nomura likely made cuts to Dark Road's story to make everything fit.

I feel pretty confidant we'll get Missing Link but I'm less certain about their plans to expand the story potentially. Maybe they'll just relaunch the game like they did with X several times and remove stuff like the AR elements and add a new story expansion that way. So ML itself might not last very long but it'll have a successor. Maybe that'll even be brought to PC like Ever Crisis.
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pic related is just out of frame here
>Maybe the reason they delayed it is in part because they want it to launch as a complete story in case it ends it's service sooner than expected
even if they knew the game was gonna shut down in a year, like Nomura time travelled and told his past self that, they'd still not do that cause otherwise it wouldn't have no content to add, besides new pieces and gear but they would only serve the eventual arcade/pvp modes. And idk, maybe i'm a minority but i don't care about those in a KH game so if that's all the content i'd have to look forward for ML i'd just play the story and then unistall it, which in a roundabout way would force it being shut down if enough people do it
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They might have minor story updates planned for across the year but the major update could be saved for a relaunch of the game like a Union Cross situation, if vanilla ML ends service within a year because Square don't want to support it because changing business model. Nomura will just take whatever story is left and rework it into a new package.

Best case scenario imo is the relaunch being an offline console version that wraps up whatever story threads are left by the end of the base campaign. Again similar to Union Cross being the continuation and conclusion of X's plot.

But this is worst case scenario talk it really depends on what the climate is like at Square Enix at the moment. I guess my feeling is even if the situation is bad the most important aspects of the story to set up 4 will still be told, maybe that'll be frontloaded into the base game when it launches. Although looking at UX a lot of the story elements that were important to future games didn't crop up until near the end like Darkness, Elrena's first appearance, Strelitzia's murderer etc.
>I guess my feeling is even if the situation is bad the most important aspects of the story to set up 4 will still be told
i think there's actually none of that and what matters to IV will be retold in IV in a "Sora doesn't know about it so we'll explain it to him and the audience" way. Like playing ML will give you the indepth stuff but i very much doubt it will be actually instrumental to KHIV
but also, i think they'll just follow the UX formula cause UX managed to stay up for 6 years and they shut it down cause they wanted to, not because nobody was playing it anymore. At the same time, i don't think it ever did big numbers so whatever player number it had worked for the type of game UX was, the same could (keyword could) happen to ML, i have a feeling ML only exists cause they wanted UX but better graphics, cause better graphics means more appeal (even though likely less players, as not that many people own a phone that will run it flawlessly), so again i don't think we'll see much difference compared to how UX dealt with content updates, save for maybe no global and jp divide, but that's more on me wishing it
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Depends how important the inclusions in ML are but if it's supposed to be a fresh jumping on point for people maybe the story won't be as big a deal. We know Luxu and Brain are involved but they're already established, even Sigurd showed up at the end of UX so if he really is in 4 they can just reintroduce him.
>i have a feeling ML only exists cause they wanted UX but better graphics
I had that feeling too. UX is the origin of the new saga's antagonists and a bunch of other key characters. Dark Road was Xehanort's origin. What is Missing Link contributing to the bigger picture really? It seems like nothing as big at the moment. But if the story is about wrapping up mysteries like the Brain/Luxu situation, Skuld and Xehanort's mother then that isn't newcomer friendly either, sounds more like a story for hardcore fans who want answers to these things. Maybe those are what they consider to be the game's big reveals that'll come later in the plot for fans that stick around while most of the campaign is accessible to newcomers like the story in the beta seems to be.

Again to compare it to X/UX the story up until the Keyblade War is pretty acessible to someone who's never played a KH before. It's only really with the union leader arc that things began tying in more heavily to the wider series with Ventus and Lauriam showing up and Maleficent coming from the future. ML might follow the same pattern only the tie-ins with other games are less crucial and more to do with tying up loose ends left by UX hence the name Missing Link ofc.
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Xion is so damn cute and adorable. She's the best Kairi
Both her and Namine are better Kairis than Kairi.
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The Dark Road character's names didn't end up having much meaning so I'm not sure if Sigurd's will. He seems to have a bigger role than them. In Norse mythology he takes cursed gold, becomes invulnerable from exposure to dragon's blood, shapeshifts and wears a cloak of invisibility. Obviously Darkness can shapeshift and turn invisible so there's some possible connections there. And avarice being linked to Ava who was best known to Brain whom Sigurd meets. Is he shady like Baldr or is all this meant to throw us off?
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that's correct, she did not deserve to have all of her dialogue butchered like that by an actually tranny
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christmas when he sees that your missing link character is a "Body Type 2"
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>the only beings that go by they/them in the entire series
>pure evil incarnate who often get inside kids to perpetuate themselves
Nomura-sensei... my knees...
Clearly Geoff must be sacrificed by KH fans on the Skein of Severance to manifest KH4 news.
I dont know how Square is still alive after Sakaguchi did Spirits Within. They just keep making mistakes. Maybe they get money back with weird merch like why the fuck did they make a Kingdom Hearts chair.
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>At it again
You'd think you'd develop some actual hobbies after all this time.
I love that they've made a Kingdom Hearts chair and silverware.

>Overwhelmingly Negative, universally panned

I'm pretty sure mixed isn't overwhelmingly Negative. Hell, I didn't even like it that much and I think that's too harsh. That said:

Are we sure it didn't sell well or did it just not make an absurdly high amount of money like Square Enix thinks everything needs to?

I agree that Square Enix is falling apart though, Nothing they do seems to make much sense, since they keep investing in stupid bullshit that isn't going to last. Like Foamstars.
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>pretty sure mixed isn't overwhelmingly Negative
steam deletes negative reviews, or restricts them as "off topic activity" when it's not off topic. The recent reviews are 43% positive and if you check them there's a ton of reviews like picrel, scathing critique of everything except the savage raids and then recommends to buy the game which is fucking insane.
>Are we sure it didn't sell well or did it just not make an absurdly high amount of money like Square Enix thinks everything needs to?
they didn't break even on the development costs for either game and despite the Blackrock stimmies their stocks tanked to shit after announcing this
the fact that Blackrock wasn't able to keep them steady is why they switched president and cut off both Sony and SBI
also I forgot about foamstars lmfao, and those marvel games too, and all the LiS games they keep pretending are selling well by bundling them for free with other game purchases or straight up just giving them away?
It doesn't need to fall apart, they just need to cut the fat.
Take out the marvel shit, the gay shit and the experimental troonery, make some solid AA games and they'll be back in shape in the blink of an eye, because people want them to succeed.
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Sora, Donald & Goofy, each wielding the Dream weapons, vs Mickey dual wielding the Dream Sword & Dream Rod, with the Dream Shield on his back.

Who wins?
Sora solos
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How many times are you gonna seethe about Xion anon? It's fucking pathetic and weird
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Tokyo Game Show just started today
Maybe we'll get news this time...
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SE is adamant in pretending KH doesn't exist as an actual game series so forget about it and have harsh depressing reality kick you in the prostate and the balls and the shin and the Kaioshin.
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How many times is this reddit meme gonna be posted in the same thread?
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Aqua looks so good in bikini tops.
It's funny to literally call yourself a retard now apparently all cuz you want to see a fucking video game show up and know if it's not suffering development problems
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dorkness within dorkness
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TGS 2024 announcement, this will not be like the last 20 videogame expos. I know now, without a doubt Kingdom Hearts… IV will be have news. Or else please squeenix I can’t take it anymore or at least some mention of dq12….
Hope you enjoy the new FF mobile game announcement.
SE already announced it's lineup and schedule weeks before TGS started. We aren't getting any KH news
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let me dream…
If you could have Kingdom Hearts crossover with one other video game series what would it be?
Hard mode: nothing owned by either Disney or SE
sure but still, you know they won't have KHIV go "this is stuff from ML, go play it or you're sol", they'll give a summary to the audience. They have to give it to Sora anyway as he also doesn't know what's happening, so they might as well.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse/Heroes
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https://x.com/midiplex/status/1839295419526131959 :
>At the Square Enix merchandise booth, we are selling a limited number of autographed KH1.5 and KH2.5 soundtracks! We hope you will pick one up!
>I ran into Emi Evans! I got a photo of her
Also, although it's not a title I'm in charge of, I became the 850th emperor using a Romancing Saga chair #TGS2024
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banners for XIV, Fantasian and then 2 for DQ3 demake
there's no way they show a fucking bundle collection and don't announce Missing Link right?
Missing Link's basically in limbo. KH4's not getting news until the final chapter in the FF7 Remake trilogy is announced and out.
Might as well just take a few years off when it comes to Square interest, as they won't announce shit.
half of it is that, the other half imo is SBI
if for nothing else Nomura is probably not ok with those faggots making demands of him and his games, so now that they've been fired KH might come back from the darkness
asleep to avoid getting queered up
Nier Reincarnation bros.. We are forgotten..
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>900 days
grope xion
There'll probably be recaps and stuff like they did for 3 only more focused on getting casuals up to speed on the mobile games.
Doubt it. KH3 was like that because it was unavoidable. KH4 can be different.
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I guess I just doubt they'll be able to avoid explaining things are providing recaps via marketing. Nomura was spelling a lot out in 3 as well, even in DLC that only fans who'd be more familiar with the lore would buy. We know they have other writers working on the story for 4 to make it more newcomer friendly but Nomura said he'll end up going over it anyway so hopefully he has some restraint and won't add whole scenes like picrel, it amounts to very dry scenes and clunky plot dumping.
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I just don't think you need to recap anything for KH4 to the extent that KH3 had to have stuff recapped. The opening movie will probably start with Sora disappearing as well, set to some Utada song, and that's all you really need, while you can tell Sora the KHUX actually relevant to the game, and establish Sora's relationships through the game.
Super Robot Wars
Isn't this the part where you pull up that popularity contest from 2017?
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It's always so cringe when people use fictional characters to create moments from TV shows.
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How come?
Why the FUCK does Sora not have any pets? This kid's out here picking up stray HEARTS as an infant and you're trying to tell me he has not a single dog, cat, or turtle in his care?
Aside from the same ones being used constantly, like there's probably been hundreds of variations of that exact Brooklyn 99 meme, it always feels forced.
This guy gets it. Don't expect anything beyond interviews. I would also use this time to save up for a PS6, or a good gaming rig, because there's no chance in hell KH4 is current gen.
>Optional, as the entire file is viewable in Kingdom Hearts 3
Why'd my image not post :(
>completely skipped CoM, coded, 0.2, X saga
>do you really think Missing Link is coming out at all?
yes, it might be closer to release than you think and there's been new development since the last public closed beta
>very low sales for a game sells Tifa and Aerith bikini skins
I think it just celebrated 9mil downloads and is currently the most profitable mobile game SE has besides DQ walk.
>Has Nomura mentioned ML at all since the last beta?
Quite literally a week ago you dingus.
Aqua should get a bikini skin.
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>Did not sell well
According to whom? Online retards or corporate retards? Because the former is almost always a loud vocal minority, fishing for validation or trolling, and the latter are never satisfied
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Did goldpanner release a proper translation from the JUMP interview yet or not?

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