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Make Scary Games Edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA
>Halloween Jam:

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New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
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Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

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/agdg/ is DONE!
I wasn't joking earlier but I do however know that this patenting purpose is partly done in the same manner with nations and nukes for the purpose of staving off others. They are protecting themselves from getting wrecked and thrown out of the video game industry. If they have no patents every other AAA company can just wipe out the competition with lawsuits. However the nefarious undertone of this means they can also collude and cement their reign at the top of the gaming industry by simply suing up and coming indie games. All it takes is them agreeing to not sue each other in secret while simultaneously going down the list of the most successful, non-triple AAA games and suing them into oblivion. And then after that, use the wealth to sue up and coming devs. In effect this would cause a massive die off in indie gaming leaving only triple A games coming out yearly while indie games would have to go anonymous to avoid being sued (but also incapable of making money unless they get paid in crypto). Unironically easiest way for them to cause PC gaming to die off and come back to consoles at least for Nintendo.
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Level progress
Post game.
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Unreal Engine 5.3
Please help me, why do SOME of my items fall through the landscape SOMETIMES? Smaller objects do it more but I've thrown one of my lawn chairs at the house and had it clip through too. Collision all looks normal.
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Reminder I am still working on story stuff.

turn up physics tick
feels like somewhere between DXHR and Stalker. what's the gameplay going to be?
Yeah the objects are phasing through each other because the mesh passes through faster than a tick can tell it that it’s colliding, ja feel?
do you like my cover image?
it's you and the wife when Bokube gets released
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note in your webm that it did not phase through when falling slowly, but then did phase through when falling quickly. this combined with "it happens more with smaller objects" is your hint at what's going on.

bandaid fix. does Unreal really not offer a better solution? in Unity this bug is 100% preventable nowadays, without increasing tick rate.
upping the tick rate will lead to longer frametimes and will not eliminate the problem, only move the threshold for the problem to even smaller or even faster objects.
First person RPG with some immersive sim elements. Planescape Torment and Fallout New Vegas are main inspirations.
how bad is unreal compile times in comparison to unity?
how many people are working on this? you can't make an immersive sim solo.
I can and I will.
Do you even work on your game anymore?
absolutely awful
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a certified godot moment in ue5
no. but I admire your spirit and I'm sure you will learn a ton from this project.
anon your lighting looks fucking ugly
It's just me. I mentioned "some elements" for a reason - I focus on enabling creative solutions for problems, though mostly through in dialogue interactions, and not stacking boxes to get to a vent.
Well give me advice for once I'm fucking with the lighting
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Nah godot's physics issues are of completely different kind
Everytime I abandon a project but don't have an idea I feel so lost without a purpose. I'm using gamedev as a coping mechanism.
ventbros... I feel sick.
it's too white and bright.
If you were an expert 3d material dev you could write some crazy Subsurface Scattering shit for that grass so it actually absorbs the light
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Any unreal engine enthusiasts here that can't into asset making that would like to learn blender in exchange for teaching me how to not suck ass at blueprints?

>t. failed programming and my only cope method as a model monkey is to copy youtube tutorials
>working on my UI
>realizing that I have no corners free for streamers to stick their faces
Oh the flashlight, yeah no that shit's getting toned down I thought you meant the scene in general
It doesn't matter. Not your problem.
This is the talk of someone who's gonna make it
the good thing about epic launcher and the ue editor each taking fifty years to launch, and a thousand years to compile a single-line change, is that it gives you time to reconsider whether you really want to use that crap
I've been deving everyday for weeks now, and I told myself that I'd send the weekend relaxing and playing games. My progress so far for the weekend: I opened up Steam, scrolled through my library of games that I've bought by never even installed, closed it, and opened Godot again...
Any recommendations for an engine if I specifically want to make shitty 2d flash games for uploading to sites like newgrounds? I would just use one of the python packages, since that's what I'm most familiar with, but the file has to be in html5 to upload to a flash game site.
Imagine the downfall mod for slay the spire as a full on game.
pygame exports to html5
godot can compile to web
Otherwise pixi.js, I've made a vampire survivors clone in it and it worked pretty well for me
I want to reach my artistic peak
Is it hard to make a model exactly like this and rigged? How much would I need to pay for this?
i wouldnt pay more than 50 for the model plus animations
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I like sculpting monsters and could do it for ya potentially, depending how much you're willing to pay
I want models of this quality too.
erm, sorry sis, but you will have to show your remesh and topology skills
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bros, wtf.

I just learned to texture with blender.

>game starts
>you wake up in a strange decrepit house with no memory of who you are or how you got here
>there's a stench of stagnation and sweat that permeates the house. rats, flies and other vermin infest the rotten walls, the shoddy floorboards creaks ominously as you carefully begin to take a look around
>suddenly you hear a loud rumble of heavy footsteps dragging towards you, the whole house shaking with each step
>the shadow of a titanic behemoth appears in the doorway, and takes another leaping step towards you
>you wince, expecting the end, but open your eyes when hearing the sound of a pot carefully being placed on the table next to you
>the unkempt man points to the pot and then looks at you solemnly
>"You have to eat all the eggs."
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Animating is difficult and it's looking real janky. Handy script can render my shitty animation into every direction I need though so now I'll plug them into Godot and see if I can't make him face the right direction while he marches around.
Mixmaxo is a thing, but you have to rely on their free animations or editing them. I looked at the Killer7 models and they are actually more complex than I thought. The textures are simple, but they do have lots of details.
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retopology on sculpted objects? heh, not a problem
Spent today giving functionality to my player chest inventory. Tabs. Switching tabs while holding an item. Swapping items. One more Grid System to add and then I'll take a slight turn into a save system, which is already 99% done, and then I'll tackle the quest and dialog system.
Or pay $100 for (or torrent) quad remesher
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3d anon, do you know anything about compositing? I'd like to limit the number of colors in my renders so the AA/transparency pixels around the edge become solid. I fucking hate GIMP so much it's unreal.
When are you going to start actually making a game and stop doing half-assed garbage to try and impress people on here?
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4 down 1 to go
Compositing is kinda finnicky atleast in blender, I'd honestly recommend watching a couple tutorials to really understand how it works.
Even low poly models from ps1 era have better quality than the devs trying to emulate them decades later.
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Is more proof needed?
Was this taken with a cellphone?
I wish I had an game idea that's within scope and actually fun
if colliders in unreal are anything like unity, you should be using primitives if you are not already (box colliders, sphere colliders, etc) rather than complex ones for random trash like this
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acheesements are working with the Steam API now
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it helps if you start with prototypes that wouldn't even be satisfactory as a full game, because then you can still show something off and it lets you get a feel for how big the scope would end up being
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My game actually has an unique never-done-before game mechanic. Should I patent it?
hate him
phasmophobia 2?
patents cost money to file and uphold btw
I have this 3D game idea but do you think it's worth starting in 2D first to get things setup faster?
I now understand why you think communism pig girl cartoon is attractive
Nta but why a box over say one of those polygon colliders? Using unity as well
Do it.

Then why doesnt Nintendo sue each company that uses one?
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I think I learned my lesson bros. I'm done with trying to make real time action games outside of bullet hell type enemies (those are just boring).
I keep trying for years and I can never make it past the AI phase.
Ever notice how indie games with action combat tend to rely on bullet hell? That's because it's cheaper/less time consuming to produce new attack patterns. I played some roboquest and all of the enemies are variants of enemy with a projectile and it's boring.
In the meantime I'm going to try one of the le quirky game ideas just to do something.
>Sausage fingers
There are enough low poly fags here to say that a literal cube is all you need for a hand
Yeah I looked up the prices and I can afford it. The uphold fee is actually very small, at the beginning it's like $50 a year. The biggest expenses seems to be the lawyer you have to hire.
Just. Like. Make. Great. Games.
>Then why doesnt Nintendo sue each company that uses one?
Because giant companies aren't stupid enough to go full retard with that, or they'll start drawing government ire and bait reforms for flagrant abuse.
Granted we could avoid all that with sane practices and laws around them, but that's not for our clown reality
Guys... I uh... I don't like it here.
I hate lateral raises
2d vs 3d is different but in 2d complex colliders depending on their shape just get stuck inside each other, or start going crazy in many situations trying to depenetrate when they can't. I haven't used 3d as much but I've still had stupid issues with things going through the floor when they are non primitives. It's also cheaper to do primitives in a lot of cases I think. Test both though for whatever game you are doing
I don't either. Lots of absolute retards really dragging down the quality. I use this place to motivate me to finish features. But really, I should probably just start listening to Indie devs who actually make money, rather than a bunch of Bozo's making games that will obviously flop.
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The Lieutenant hands are 100% integral and necessary.
It's all very impressive stuff, they mostly took shortcuts due to the PS1 not having certain things for hardware
Did you use a guide?
That's on my to-do list.
Your design is awesome, do you have any more? I'm looking for game assets not sculpts though.
In my case fast projectiles need to be slowed to avoid having them go through solid stuff or have their collider/raycast made longer
Nice progress.
why do you complain so much just take a break
he's right tho
It keeps happening, I dont know how to break the cycle. I want to make an action game but always give up when I start making AI.
just stay banned
just realized i hate video games
Why not just make builds per level like star craft. Make the illusion of AI. One build might be, rush in. Another might be to surround. Seems super easy. Then just make 30 different little maps with assets from unity store. Add some dialog. Add a twist to make it your own and unique and to pull gamers in. Seems like a pretty easy genre to make if you have the combat down.
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If gambling isn't degenerate enough, try your hand at volatile void market.

Your actions and your teammates will influence the course, you can help each other or be a greedy asshole and crash the market and take all winnings for yourself.

The last machine i'm adding. On to destructibles now.
Fine, I hope all Slavs die. Is that better?
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Thanks! Sculpting is just part of a process to making assets in my workflow, it will always be retopolo'd etc before being turned into a game asset. I do it for a living

Here's a rough draft sculpt I'm working on for a game that I will never make (because I can't program). It's called a World Bearing Tree, holds up the entire world underground and there are hundreds of them.
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Yeah, that’ll work.
I like Slavic culture though, I don’t see why you’re so vengeful against them.
I dont think I can do it with this one unless I start from scratch. I need to start from the very basics in order to actually learn level design but I don't know what genre would be good for this. Maybe a walking sim?
It was a warning but that’s still low.
Holy kino.
>a game that I will never make (because I can't program).
Neither can I. Use a visual scripting method to start, it's easier than you think. It also helps pick up a couple of the basics and makes it feel less paralyzing to later dip your toe into code.
I'm willing to make a game with you if you can make more like this >>495474710
>world bearing tree
>is a treelet
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How do you keep the magic going?
gamedev used to be fun, now it just feels like an endless, tedious chore. I no longer get dopamine from it, and feel great dread about having to add new features and stuff.
I'm making a game.
>and feel great dread about having to add new features and stuff.
I only felt the dread when I both didn't know how to add things or how to ask the right questions on search engines to figure out how I wanted to learn things. Since then it's been a steady plod.
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Unreal is filtering me, I need to find a mentor who will sit and wrangle my autistic ass because all I'm good for is being an art monkey.

A big problem with unreal was trying to figure out a good method for importing an entire world for world partition. I made a prototype demo that is a LOT smaller than my huge ass 6+ year project world and so far it's going OK with a nice bridge plugin and finagling.
kek, exact same here.
where are the aggie cuties(xx)? i know they are out there
>Play games that inspired your project
>Get motivated
>Work on it a bit
>Lose motivation because you can't make anything as good
"The magic" isn't going to get you to get you to ship a completed commercial game. It will be hard. It will be a chore. It will be work. You have to either find the discipline to push through, because you want the results hard enough, or you have to trick yourself into working.
Those subhuman apes don't belong in this thread.
Dont put time in making a game that you don't care about!
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One more picture of KINO for the road, I think I did a good job adapting the dragonslayers texture properly.
How do I make a map that's flat work?
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what if i put a jukebox in my game with recordings of my out of pitch poorly played covers ?
too familiar...
make sure to create a character for that jukebox
the secret trick is to just stop doing it for a while stop doing anything related to it and come back later or don't odds are your gamedev battery recharges every couple months even a week might bring your gamedev battery back up to 80% but it takes longer to go from 80 to 100 than it does to go from 0 to 80 just stop doing anything take a vacation
make sure the value can keep decreasing indefinitely closer and closer to 0, else you can just wait for it to go back up again.
for example, every second there should be a 50/50 chance of increasing value by 10% or decreasing by 10%. so even if you are very close to 0, it can still decrease by 10% if you just bought super cheap.
this way variance can make someone rich or poor depending on luck
this is the sped up version but you definitely can lose everything I'm using a stock market simulator formula to simulate market volatility and fluctuation and in multiplayer players will affect it by selling or buying, potentially ruining your investment. Way too much math went into this little gambling box but hey it's funny.
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I'm not currently looking for a joint operation, but I'm willing to help with blender issues in exchange for unreal engine help

I promise you, these are NOT treelets.
How do you guys gets funding for your game?
Engineering salary
godot sissies...it crashed again
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>healed to death
decorating another boss room
Is that something that needs proof? We have a lot of wagies in the thread.
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lmao, mayhaps
Ah so your work at mconalds
I work as an industrial electrician on night shift. It pays reasonably well and I do my gamedev at work when I'm not busy (which is most of the time).
>meanwhile in unreal
>right click
>create new pcg asset
>spend 10 minutes configuring it
>infinite boss rooms
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Holy shit this game has some SOUL dude.
I'm formerly a research roboticist. I didn't manage to find a new job after my company went under right before covid, but I have enough savings to keep me going for several more years as I try to make it as an indie gamedev.
Damn its that easy?
what a waste of polys oh my
>doesn't know how to retopo non-complex arrayed geometry slop for a tiled building

My pc is 10 years old and compiling takes seconds, genuinely can’t relate to turd world subhumans who think their opinions matter the same as actual humans (White)
4 hours handpainting on blender and I only have the face done.

Not gonna use that method.
It's too expensive and ineficient.
i have a 12400f and it takes up to 15 seconds. 1 second is too long, by the way.
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>making a jewish kingdom in an area shaped like israel/palestine
>name it "secret kingdom"
>few days later, realize that it could be taken as a nazi dogwhistle when I suddenly remember all the "jews secretly run everything" sayings

fuck. already bad enough that I made the entire disputed plot of land theirs. might as remove the entire area and just have jewish people roaming around other areas

>w-why do you have jews in your ga-
kabbalah, magic game
>how to impress 3dlets with little skill and fancy brushes
If I'm understanding correctly, you are saying that the attack patterns are extremely limited in these types of games? If so yes, I too have noticed that specifically with my 2D sidescroller. The combat is extremely limited due to the view. The irony that I chose 2D sidescroller over 2D topdown for the game. The gameplay's intent wasn't changing back then it was simply a choice on the view. Oh how terrible a choice I made. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Past me, why didn't you pick topdown! It's too late to turn back, I probably have 1000+ hours sunk into this game.
woah, the environment graphics finally look good, the character models even fit in with the environment. idk about the seam on that pillar to the left and right.
There's some depth you can add with the use of gravity and jumping. I'm saying it's a budget choice to go with bullet hell styles because your animations have to be on point after determining how many iframes are given to the player during a dodge.
Do you have a tutorial?
Nope what I said is purely abstract
that skelleton has powerfull braps
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I ended up taking 6 hour nap by accident.
The thing is I'm trapped because it's side view. 10 enemies show up and they could end up stacked up within each other. One projectile you see flying at you is just 10 of them launched at the same time. Potentially enough to go down to 0 HP. Which is a bogus reason to get wrecked by since it only looks like 1 projectile. Having them separated means the threat of normal enemies goes down hard since they'll literally stand in a line to get to you but the two up front block them from getting within attack range.
Implement a token system and small colliders on each to make them automatically stop each other from stacking.
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peg prediction ball thing
Cris you could've learned this like 10 years ago
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The more I try to use AI to generate assets for a game, the more I realize is much more cheap to use my own cheap style I developed before AI.

Both hand paint and AI are much more expensive methods to my cheap workflow.
>The more I [schizobabble]
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Whenever I feel down about my own gamedev abilities, all I do is remember you exist. Then I feel strong and powerful again.
Thanks, Cris.
I need to figure out a new workflow for cheap high quality texturing.
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Dungeon Watchers dev here, asking for feedback on how much I should price the game for an early access launch, the content the game will have is:

>Around 5 - 6 characters, each with unique abilities
>15 enemies and 2 bosses.
>2 maps each with their own set of monster and additional difficulties (norma/hard)
>25 weapons/spells
>50 different stats upgrades
>Around 60 Steam achievements

Right now I'm thinking of 2.99$ base price with a launch discount of 15% for a final price of 2.55$, game will be in this October Steam Fest and I plan to launch on November on EA.
what do you mean by "cheap"
that I can finish in less than 90 minutes.
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Bros this refactor was making me want to slam my head into my desk but now that it's working my code is so fucking clean and now there's way less stupid shit I have to remember and everything is nice and neat and easy to use in the editor and there's not a bunch of weird redundancies and edge cases that make new bugs nigh undiagnosable.
I haven't worked on my game in over a year and now that I'm back at it I'm just dumping all the architecture change ideas I've thought up in the meantime.
add another map and it sounds fine actually
imo, a game at 2-3 bucks has a "low quality" connotation, but at the same time you might get more sales.
perhaps pricing at 4 or 5 but putting it on 50% sales
4.99 is mostly fair honestly
sure it's a shameless vs ripoff but it has a lot of cute art and looks like lots of dopamine, some bosses, and if you promise on adding a 1.0 version with close to double the content, etc, it's more than justified
I think putting it too low, 2.99 sounds good in practice, right? cheaper game = easier buy! the thing is, people see something cheap and they assume it's going to be worthless
so even if you don't believe your game to be a 4.99 price point, you should still because if you do, other people will too
now i wouldn't say anything higher than that for sure, it's a fine line to tread, but just know that pricing your game too low can be detrimental in the long run
Solid plan. IMO, you can go a bit higher to $5, same as VS/Brotato, and do without any launch discount. It makes for better looking big sales numbers (e.g. $0.99 at -80%)
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>me showing up on stage to pick up my game of the year award
In Guilty Gear there's a character who is a robot version of another character, and his theme song is a poorly-played, poorly-recorded version of the original character's theme song. Creative way to go about it.

Ky's "Holy Orders"

Robo-Ky's "Holy Orders?"
honest question have you ever really examined your obsession with "cheapness" and saving time with workflows, contrasted with the years you've wasted distracting yourself?
$19.99. Don't sell your hard work short, anon.
Bro that's not a nap you just slept.
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Thanks for picking up my GOTY on my behalf, slave.
Is this porn?
It's fun to find new clevery ways to make stuff faster.

think of like doing speedrunning but for game assets.
yeah, it's gay porn
did the artstyle not give it away?
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Fygoon supports loli, godot, and trans rights!
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Fully rigged and animated haha and import successful into unreal, time to get silly in unreal engine with absolute slop tier blueprint crafting
I would have thought 5... in my currency, so 3 does check out.
I'd say 4.99. 5 bucks is not a difficult dip to the pocket to make and your game looks better than what you usually find at 3 bucks so go for 5.
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What do you guys eat while devving?
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I have productivity anxiety
Basically whenever I'm about to get my life together and do something productive, I panic and procrastinate and before I know it it's *checks time* 8pm and nothing's been done
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Can someone help me fix this?
There's a part of your brain (forgot the name) that's responsible for making you do things you don't want to do. The more you do things you don't want to do, the better that part of the brain becomes at doing thing you don't want to do (so basically discipline). The more you avoid doing those things, the weaker that part of the brain becomes which makes it harder to do things you don't want to do. That's why it's hard to "get your life together" because your brain is used to avoiding things you don't want to do. It's not just willpower; your brain is PHYSICALLY trained to avoid taking action.
But the good news is that the more you do things you don't want to do, the easier it becomes to do more things you don't want to do. So you can "train your way up" to being disciplined and hard-working by starting small. Now I don't know how messed up your life is but for example, say you don't shower everyday. Getting into the habit of showering everyday is easier (for most people anyway) than learning to code or draw or whatever. So at least make sure you shower everyday, get into the habit of doing it. If you already do then something else, maybe you don't brush your teeth every day, then enforce that. Or maybe you stay in your underwear all day because you never go out, then you don't take out the garbage because you're not dressed; then get in the habit of getting dressed every morning. Then you can add more and more habits over time.
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>steal textures from another game
>compress them
>recolour them
>photobash them
And I'm getting away with it too. Who's gonna catch me, huh? YOU?
I think something like the expression 'penny wise but pound foolish' would apply here.
Like, hour wise but week foolish, idk
The guys on money twitter all say "It's impossible for work obsessively at something for 5 years and not get something out of it". They don't know about gamedevs...
that's just anxiety still
just take one vague step in the direction you need to go in and your body will automatically start moving
it's very difficult but I have this too; but the thing is you just need to start doing something without thinking at all, even if it's something tangentially related
when I make level outlines I just literally start making shapes and dragging them around, knowing full well they are not gonna be anywhere close to what I want, but i'm "revving the engine" so to say
> industrial electrician on night shift
That sounds so comfy (other than the chance of electrocution, which presumably is close to zero)
I wish I could work a job like that
marmo got experience :)
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Think that you will turn into cris if you don't dev.
Print his picture and put it next to your monitor to feel it.
Cris has released more games than me... and more music, even though he isn't even a musician
effort doesn't beat talent
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I read a paper a few years ago where they did a simple transitivity test for programming variables on a few hundred university students. Something along the lines of x = 3, a = x, b = a -> what is the value of b? Essentially, those students who could answer these kinds of questions without programming experience went to do very well in their programming and maths studies, while many of those who couldn't, dropped out.

I started an IT degree in 2005, but dropped out after a year because I just couldn't grasp coding. To this day, I can't array iteration and REALLY struggle with memory allocation / deallocation. I really wanted to make games and decided to knuckle down and do a computer science degree in 2019. I struggled with discrete math and programming, but through repeated effort and failure, I graduated. I'm not a natural programmer like some of my peers, but I'm pretty good now. When I look back at concepts that made no sense to me 4 years ago (abstraction, generic functions, interfaces, etc.), they are now perfectly clear to me now. I don't touch assembly or C, because I know I'm not good at it, but anything at the C# / Java level I've got minimal issues.

I tried visual scripting in Unreal briefly, but it was way too inefficient to get anything done.

My advice, don't give up. Some people just aren't wired for coding, but it doesn't mean you can't learn and rewire.

Webm related, recently wrote a data driven event system for my game.
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Integrated the crafting menu to work with the code that manages menu operations. Awww yeah one of my biggest assumed hurdles is nearing the finish line! Only have like 3 big hurdles left that terrify me.

I'd say the pricing depends on how much content you expect to have in the game when it full releases. If say you wanted the final price to be $9.99 and the amount of content is double what it is now, then you should up the early access price to be $4.99. A jump from $2.99 to $9.99 for only double the content will likely be received terribly.

What's the price you want it to be at full release? Also how much more content do you plan on adding on top of what you already put in? Does it flopping or succeeding massively affect this quantity of content? The majority of current content is plentiful but the map quantity seems to be limiting you really hard which makes pricing it hard.
That ending scene, is that part of the main menu opening sequence, it looks really cool!
effort + talent beats your nigga ass
it's so easy and fun to come up with characters and make art of them when I am playing dnd with my friends but when it comes to gamedev and I sit with a completely blank paper and no world or pre-existing pieces it feels fucking impossible to make anything at all. it's not like I don't have ideas but every idea of how anything should be like feels fucking stupid and bad
Or gamers. what did bobby get out of hour 5000 of cs 1.6?
>anon doesn't know people lie for clout
those people who "learn blender for the first time" and make amazing shit in like a month either have a background in using other 3d software or are professional 2d artists that got fired from their job and now have endless free time
I unironically have this. Anytime I get productive where it might move my life forward this stuff gets in the way plus some more than what you mentioned. Idk why and it's very annoying. Like something is preventing me from succeeding. I can get work in but nowhere near as much as I'd like. If I could get in 8 hour days of gamedev thatd be great.
Is 1k enough to fund an indie game?
It'll be rough. Your competition is spending way more.
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i changed the scene to be nighttime and rainy and atmospheric
nah go straight for 3d
what game, what's the gameplay?
$0 is enough
over status: it's
yall don't put in 5 years boy
maybe 5 years of 10 minutes per week
I put in 6 hours today...
holy soul
I've completely lost it, now I'm just binging youtube videos about the downfall of INFLUENCERS. God give me a sign or game idea NOW!
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What do you think about aztec tigermonkey tech priests representing the Wands suit? Not enough games try to do interesting stuff with Tarot
I spend 18 hours today. lower your town when you talk em
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>lower your town
imagine not having a game idea
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roughly decided on the main character and proportions, as well as the weapon he'll use for the game so I replaced Spurdo and quickly made a very basic model with skeleton and gave him a running and shitty jump animation. Wanted to start building up on the attacks and fighting system right away since it's a large part of the game, so I'll be doing that next.
They're either not fun for more than 10 minutes or something I can actually make.
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I mean town
Making a game about a girl having sex with me just because I made a game.
KEK, how true that is
rsi obviously
True. I've been doing this since 2014 and I have probably put in, if I worked 8 hours a day on it, around 2 years. Maybe 2 1/2.
I don't know anything about aztec tiger monkeys. they look... hard to look at. why don't you plan your values to make it more readable? the white outlines don't help much. I don't mean to sound harsh
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Well, thanks for the opinions, for what I read, 2.99$ wasn't a unreasonable price in the first place, I also was thinking about 4.99$ but that is the price of VS and Brotato, and I think it will inevitable make the players say something like "Dungeon Watchers cost 4.99, the same as VS/Brotato but with less content/hours", that's why I'm aiming to put the price at 4.99 next year when it goes out of EA and reach 1.0v, because I'm aiming for 24 characters and 10 maps for 1.0 (and of course new weapons and skills). So, EA launch at 2.55 is like selling it at 50% discount of the 1.0v price.

Also, another reason I want to keep the cost low it's because I want to make it accessible for countries with low purchasing power, which is the reason I focused in optimizing the game since I started, and thanks to that, for what I tested, this game runs in an old computer with no VGA.
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Ericsisters… how do I make my game as beautiful as his so I can attract female gamers who’ll then become my future wife because I’m the chad dev of their favorite game
Posts like this just make me sad, because they make me think about all the lonely men out there, such as (You), who will never find a wife, never find love, never fulfill their biological destiny, and die alone.
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I was able to develop a new texturing workflow.



It's stencil based texturing.
you mentioned you use blender, you know about rigify right? It's a plugin you'll have to turn on but you have it by default. Animate them. I know you're the resident schizophrenic or something but hey, I think your animations could be really, really funny to look at
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>I think your animations could be really, really funny to look at
you have to genuinely evolve or iterate the genre.
granted women will still play every SDV clone, but the fatigue is definitely there these days.
I use rigify.
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is memepoly is bad for trees what's a good low poly tree?
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>what's a good low poly tree?
is this achievable natty?
2 polys
theres plenty of other VS clones that cost more than that as well, you'd probably be fine at 4.99
remember theres sales as well
Cris is such an excellent lolcow. Why isn't there a cris wiki?
Be the change
It's just natural selection taking it's course. Men are just a vessel.
That's a billboard tree
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Oh fuck yeah
>Make the game YOU want to play
The only games I can make are SHIT!
well get good then

There is documentation on how to do this on Steamworks, but the implementation is very simple. Here are the main important parts, I'm not going to paste the code for it here because if you are a Steamworks dev you already have it.

1. Initialize the Steam API
2. Hook up 3 callbacks using boilerplate code Steam provides in their example
3. Add the function to pump the Steam API callbacks to your main game loop somewhere
4. Use the API RequestStats function when the game starts up and you have initialized the Steam API
5. When a player unlocks an achievement, use the SetAchievement API function + the StoreStats API function

Everything you need to make Steam achievements work is available on Steamworks in the example game code that they provide for testing.

Signing up for Steamworks is free, but putting a game in the system for testing is not. You get your submission fee back as soon as you make $1000 in sales.

I hope that's enough info. If you reach the point in your project where you need help integrating the Steam API, reach out to other yesdevs in the Discord, in the Steamworks discussions, or through Steamworks support itself
what the sigma
Beak magic
>make the game YOU want to play
I never replay games...
I've averaged like 5 hours every week.
kino map
There's no way Artic Eggs dev was like heck yeah I love heckin flipping eggs!
>but the fatigue is definitely there these days.
What's a good genre to learn 3D level design? Walking sim? Horror?
>There's no way Artic Eggs dev was like heck yeah I love heckin flipping eggs!
Play games like Banjo Kazooie and Timesplitters
you never had that dopamine hit when you perfectly flipped some eggs?
Women tend to have a higher tolerance for slop clones of beloved stuff (Sims, Stardew etc), but eventually do get tired of them like everyone else, so they may pass over yours these days unless it hits it big with others or it has an interesting hook.
Added a PhysX backend to my new engine for a side project. Returns a nice Handle<RigidBody> type which makes it so easy to track all of them in the ECS world.

I actually have a unique idea for this game, unlike my primary project.
Weird question because obviously a platformer is different from a walking sim. The Witness is top tier 3D level design, but it's a puzzle game.
I mean to get started in actually doing it myself.
and that unique idea is?
The final goal is making an a shooter but when combat is involved things get complicated, I kind of just want to practice making interesting structures and possibly looping paths.
Not really. It depends on the combat. If it's a wave shooter, you can just have the enemies come from a void and the rest of the level is a circle. CoD zombie kind of stuff. DOOM is proof that shooter level design is basic enough to get started with and complex enough to spend a lifetime on.
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yeah, playing a lot of (hopefully competently made) games is the fastest way to get an understanding of how to do it correctly

you have to actually look at how stuff works and dissect it, though. go play mario 64. go play spyro the dragon. go play halo 2.

look at where the developers put things. think about what it would take to implement the things they do.

play 2d games too. you can learn more about 3d design from playing Ori then you'd learn from watching other people play games. it has to come from your intuition about what makes the path to the objective fun

go try bomberman 64. learn what feels good and what feels bad. ask yourself how the levels can be sequence-broken and whether or not the player experience is negatively impacted by that. examine how they link the levels together.

go play conker's bad fur day if you want an example of anti-design for 3d. cbfd is the golden standard for doing it wrong, despite Berri's spectacular ass
WASD or click to move for a top down isometric RPG?
I want players to fall in love with my game's NPCs. Literally in love.
click to move for crpg
wasd for marmoreal
Is there a reason why you're mentioning really old games? I have hundreds of hours across games with great level design but even analyzing it I feel so lost when I actually start doing it. Mainly because I can't conceptualize blockouts.
the limitations of older systems make understanding their implementations easier because the constraints forced developers to rely on simplicity

if you want an exercise in 3d design, reimplement a short level from one of the games you enjoy, then improve it (or fix it)
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>is there a reason you're mentioning really old games?
Because we live an evil world where the good guys lost and games have literally become worse over time
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What if the game I want to play is Overwatch? Should I just go ahead and try to make a hecking clone for funzies?
wow wheres the game tho
Overwatch is a good game. Don't believe the haters.
get me on this
what if
just like listen
what if overwatch but singleplayer?!?
demake it first
a good game design exercise too
overwatch map design is set up such that you can run in a straight line through any number of siderooms toward a HUD objective marker and arrive at your destination without knowing the map

for braindead consumer user onboarding this is great, but from a developer perspective overwatch has some of the most boring map design ever
I should demake my game. I won't get those years back though...
That's not how game ideas work, sir. It's supposed to be
>I want to play x but y
So if you want to play OW, you must want something different for your own version. OW, but all sexy women or something.
Have you played Overwatch non PVP modes? There isn't much you can do with the game.
low iq as fuck
if you don't know the map, you won't be able to heal in a moment's notice
you also won't be able to live since you'll run into chokeholds all the time
the map design revolves around lanes which is why it always goes back to the center lane
you're meant to ambush and push from different directions
You sound like you know something about level design
Sexy women are in my games by default.
overwatch but with lolis
Is character customization too hard in Unreal?
I started writing this engine last night. Maybe a game will come soon
Character customization is the same in all engines. I think the only thing Unreal does slightly better is it has a better autorig than Unity and Godot.
Should I be mixing blueprints and C++?
C++ be hard af yo.
enginedevs dont make games. time and time again they never submit something finished
i've been here for almost a decade you aren't fooling me bitch
As a solodev, yeah. If you had a team, you could just have a code monkey make your C++ and tie them back to blueprints.
>have to make placeholders for placeholders
it's so over
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The issue I think I'm running into though is sorting C++ classes. Like in Morrowind when you create your own character class. All those skills are pure code but then in order to be able to click on them you need blueprints.
Seems hard.
Have any /agdg/ devs made RPGs?
Cris, by practicing to get better at something without shortcuts you also get faster. Experienced artists can draw really good stuff in just a few minutes. By doing what you're doing, you may be getting faster but you're not getting better, you could've used that time more productively.
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>marmoreal but soulful

Damn, Marmoreal really got stolen like that.
We'll see anon. The architecture is already really good. It's like Bevy, but much thinner and more lightweight. I could build this game with Bevy, easily, so why not in my own engine
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not even close
marmoreal looked like kino
this looks like mobile slop with how small the levels are
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All the games on here look really simple...
Am I out of my league?
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>Can buy animations for random minigames
>Can buy emotes
art is okay, if a bit too "western anime at home".
but it's incredibly cluttered and muddy.
hard to differentiate all the entities at times, and the scales of things are all over the place.
Really needs an experienced senior artist to clean it up.
>New studio Pahdo Labs formed by Capcom and Riot Games alums
This genuinely looks terrible
gameplay looked boring compared to marmo.
It's almost as if we really were the league of legends.
You'd think they realize people are getting sick of topdown action roguelikes but they keep making more.
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Has anyone made an OOT clone?
If it's still impossible to make that for indie devs then my career is over.
The core loop for OoT isn't super complex - most of the work in that one is gonna' be UI and mapdev
We hate all Legend of Zelda games here.
This but only BotW/ToTK
>3 hour long game
Not bad.
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I love Ever Oasis so much
>no hookshot
>i've been here for almost a decade
Where's your game?
crabs don't make games
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not finished but...

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Needs items. Tons of items. But they can't be the hookshot or din's fire or bombs
Evolving Zelda is impossible even from a conceptual standpoint
It's too perfect
>hating LoZ
How can you possibly be this soulless?
>Type one line of code in Unity 2021 fresh project
>6 second compile time
By having an actual soul. Only hylic automatons enjoy japcrap.
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The Japanese DEFINED action adventure role playing games with Zelda.
Everything else was just a DnD clone.
Are you a demonic zoomer or what
I'm not going to waste time typing words at a p-zombie.
I hate the demiurge.
why do people ascribe "RPG" to zelda?
It's just an action adventure game.
Anyway, It's not really that amazing, OOT is a definitive nostalgia game.
*laughs in unity 2017*
You get increasing health and sometimes magic
Also increasing item progression.
And your Role is Link
>it's not that amazing
Make a better game then
I dare you
Ratchet & Clank is an RPG now?
RPG implies being able to approach the same game, fundamentally differently, with fundamentally different characters.
Netcode for Gameobjects tho...
No it's just a role playing game where you increase your stats.
Action is just pure action like Uncharted
>Make a better game then
maybe in time.
But meanwhile, go play https://www.gog.com/en/game/wizards_warriors
An actually interesting and better AARPG
making multiplayer as a solo...
Just a little project while I take a break from the main one which is turning out to be not so fun.
The Japanese invented the soul. The West has only produced a handful of good video games
Looks like an Ultima clone....why not just play Daggerfall
Japan has never produced a good video game, and all the games they made are soulless ripoffs of White men's inventions.
Whites create, non-Whites take.
mom /agdg/ is doing another race war
Roy in Melee is pvre SOVL
>i played this as a kid and it left an impression on my impressionable mind
what is better about it?
nah, the gimmick is, it's real time (fast turns really), and you can switch between the entire party, which the game is balanced around.
So it's not really a clone of either of those.
The mechanics, the weight, the items, the exploration, the story, the graphics
Fucking BACKFLIPS yo
>>i played this as a kid and it left an impression on my impressionable mind
false, I discovered it a few months ago actually.
I can be fairly objective about my childhood games.
Welp someone is making it and it looks fucking good too
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Wait wait wait wait
You're going BACKWARDS my dude
no I meant wizard warriors. if the person who played it can elaborate on why it's better, please do so.
>an action horror shooter
>Combat fuses the tense, shooting gameplay of classic survival horror,
>with the skill-based mechanics and execution of fighting games.
modern game devs need to stop ruining good ideas with genre gumbo.
Oh I see. I thought it was an indie game it was so bland.
Turns out it's just some 80s game "update" when the OG was better in terms of originality
Why couldn't I be an artist?! It's not fair!
It's real time
They have two gaijins on the team.
Barley any combat compared to 1987
What's the plural of "area of effect"?
>Area of Effects (AOEs)
>Areas of Effect (AsOE)
Are the areas plural, the effects plural, or both plural?
AOEs obviously.
dios mio............
that troll said the n-word
trolls are n-word coded so it's ok
Ackshually it's
>Areas of Effect (AOEs)
Ayo E's
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Guys, here's I'm doing thing in Godot and got puzzled. So there are games like Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga, Crosscode and Zoda's Revenge: StarTropics II with a pseudo-3D platforming.
Is there a near-perfect solution for such multilevel structure? Can I make like a heightmap-tileset which offsets the sprites of other tiles it covers?
i don't know what you mean by godot supports tilemaps for easy z-indexing stuff
layers and masks let you decide collisions for walking and whatever
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They aren’t so bad, but chin-ups/pullups + heavy compounds are all you need
Just make it regular 3D.
Holy fuck no one told me I had to BUILD the fucking project everytime I want to test multiplayer.
>Guys, here's I'm doing this thing in Godot-
I'm gonna stop you right there. Don't use Godot.
Unity 6 finally fixes this
it's indefensible that it's taken this long, but at least they're finally doing it
Both are true, being easy to understand doesn't mean there isn't any skill expression. Ow makes it really hard to play wrong, every corridor leads back to the main path which has set points of resistance where there aren't great flank paths (maybe extremely long, bad angle, or only some characters can access), but once the objective gets past that choke the options open up again for more dynamic positioning but generally still just lead to another angle in that area.
Basically funneling everyone in the match to the objective from the correct direction. This combined with the most of the characters being designed to only be functional when "doing their job" makes the game very accessible and easy to start playing.
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The future of wypipo
Let all us simultaneously experience the most brutal torture and orgasms eternally!
Are the compile times even slower? I'm going to look into it anyways.
Yeah I'm a TI and when I'm game devving electric needle orgasms shock my dick but when I slept next to my phone last night they simulated her being my gf because I want to go be homeless so bad despite needing to burn the morgellons off my skin with lime sulphur dip and feeling third degree burns and puking my guts out from the potassium iodide removing the radiation from my body
You aren't anti-semetic enough
Your game isn't good enough
If they don't want you dead it's because you're already a sissy tranny on death row
im making a loligame
Look at the grey car outside.
it's mine
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don't give up!
Areas of Effect, abbreviated to AOEs
Thanks brother, it's massive and has a ton of vertical floors to it.
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(((They))) Don't have anything better to do in their spare time
the rock
unity 6 and the future roadmap are actually looking good desu
Troon the goon
gonna make a nazi killing game
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Why can't you just squish your rocks in engine?
I think it's time to take your (girl) pills sweaty
Small balls though. Good luck cycling off tren, your hormones will NEVER be the same again.
i want to keep assets and engine separate if i can
i did my weapon shooting and reloading animations in engine months ago and i had to redo most of them when i switched to a different cockpit
also, learning more about blender is useful in general
how do you check what month it is in godot
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your game looks great, thanks for the encouragement brother. A huge problem I have is I'm retarded and can't think logically, my mind eye sees incredible detail like a movie which helps immensely art-wise and landed me multiple jobs but I literally dropped out of a C++ course half a decade ago because of getting completely hardstuck on multiple assignments to no avail.

Maybe I'll crack open my old C++ books and try to go through all the exercises again and follow a course online. Unreal C++ looks absolutely hellish though...
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>mfw it has a budget of $17 million
How can I ever compete?
aggy together strong
17 mill? The assets look like they're worth 2k max.
pray for an angel investor, I think that's how it works
the anime intro cost 16.9 million
Why hasn't a single anon made a successful game?
eric's game did very well though
>it'll be stable and performant THIS TIME
bridgeseller, I need your strongest bridge.
>what is ROR
sknrx dev made good money
yomih too
That's 3 dudes.
All animeposters have tho?
humans have worked best together and not alone since ancient times
new CEO helps
i did, look up "nolgorb's ordeal"
Do you prefix your scene names with "Scene_"?
ask jeeves "Neon Survivors"
my game is successful
Is this being tried in Japanese courts?
If not, could the Palworld devs just pull out and sell their game in other countries? I doubt it would fly elsewhere (well, maybe America)
no becasue they're in the "scenes" folder
no. I mostly have one scene and I save new versions as I go.
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Yeah baby just went through my to do list and this combined ~2 hours 30 minutes worth of work has been extremely efficient. Just wiped out a ton of needed stuff. Only tedious but easy stuff remains for this category.
the new CEO is going to write better code? the new CEO is going to completely eradicate Unity's culture of constantly shipping new bugs (and old bugs that they bring back from time to time)?
>all these replies saying this looks worse than Marmo
Genuinely can't tell if you guys are being toxic positive crabs or are really that deluded. This thread is nuts.
>still not even close to UE from a technical pov
>still not even close to godon't from a convenient/productivity pov
>all the eye candy features are irrelevant to solodevs and indies
All AA/AAA companies switched to UE, hobbyists and indies are switching to bugdot. Unity is still great for mobile shovelware and gacha since they have all the sdks and toolchains ready to scale.
what's so convenient and productive about godot?
Whichever engine has the fastest compile times I will switch to. So far Unity 2019 is at 5 seconds.
Yandex: The Looker
....I wonder what would've happened if they released before Marmo. Same genre but I don't think it's fully in the same subgenre. This kind of stuff is scary, imagine putting your game but then one with a huge marketing budget takes any potential interest from yours by bombarding with ads of theirs.

You simply can't not easily at least, my solution, a time machine. Go back to 2012 with a copy of your game, the engine, and any other things you use for development. Enter Steam Greenlight, the games coming out back then, well lets put it this way I'm sure you'd get approved.
gdscript is an interpreted language, so it doesn't need compiling
>still not even close to UE from a technical pov
Unreal also has some technical downsides, especially in regards to anti-aliasing. Unity has kept MSAA alive and made it better in recent years. I don't use HDRP but in URP you can finally achieve essentially flawless MSAA that is NOT disturbed by real-time shadows any more. I don't know how they did it but MSAA is genuinely viable in a modern looking game and this is only true in Unity.
and the elephant in the room is of course performance. you have to fight Unreal every step of the way if you want your game to not run like shit, stutter and have input delay. in Unity performance is perfect by default and you can then take steps to ruin it if you want to.

>still not even close to godon't from a convenient/productivity pov
yes because godon't is still nowhere close to catching up.

>all the eye candy features are irrelevant to solodevs
Unity offers plenty of visual features Godot sorely lacks and being a solodev does not change that. in fact I would argue that being a solodev it's especially important for me that these things are there out of the box or easy to obtain as assets. unlike a big team I do not have the time and energy to do a ton of sidequests like investigating how to create a certain graphical effect. I can only justify that kind of work when the effect is critical to my game's visual identity, so to speak. any non-essential effects will be there only if the engine makes it very easy for me. Unity's post processing suite and lighting features are big arguments for a solodev to use Unity over Godot.
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>Tiny Combat Arena
>Penguin Heist
>Your Only Move is Hustle

I think these are all solodevs too
Them releasing earlier wouldn't have changed a thing, Marmo flopped either way.
how in the hell did this get millions of dollars
There's unlimited funding waiting for you if you belong to a certain group...
I wonder if the two cakes thing will help you. Assuming it works here like it did with Vampire Survivor clones. Though idk if it's applicable here.

Sadly this. They have the budget, no need to feed him lies, that'd only make me feel bad especially when it's this obvious.

So you have a team right? Next you'll say
>I'm built different
That's enough for me to try it out and see for myself.
btw i'm fairly certain that as your unity 2019 project grows larger and larger your compile time will get longer and longer with it
i heard stories of people having to wait entire minutes for their 5 year old project to compile
What does compile mean? Hitting the play button in the editor? Building it as an exe? My project has been around for quite sometime but it "compiles" quickly. Though I have a rather good CPU and GPU
it looks better than marmo, but it doesnt look good
it looks like league of legends (a 15 year old game) but shittier
In Unity, **compiling** refers to the process of converting your scripts (usually written in C#) into a form that can be executed by the game engine. There are two main stages where compilation happens:

1. **Script Compilation in the Editor**:
- When you write or modify C# scripts in Unity, they need to be compiled into bytecode that Unity's runtime can execute. This happens automatically whenever you save a script or make changes to the code. Unity does this in the background without you explicitly hitting a "compile" button.
- If you have many scripts or complex code, the compile time can vary, but it typically happens quickly on powerful hardware (like yours).

2. **Building the Project (as an executable or other platform)**:
- When you hit "Build" (or "Build and Run"), Unity compiles the entire project, including assets, scenes, and scripts, into a standalone executable or package for your target platform. This process is much more comprehensive and takes longer than script compilation.

When you **hit the play button** in the Unity editor, Unity does not recompile your scripts unless there have been changes. It mostly just enters play mode, initializing your game based on the current state of your code and assets.

Since your project compiles quickly, it is likely because:
- You haven't made significant code changes that require recompilation.
- Your CPU handles these tasks efficiently.

The real test of build times would come when you create a standalone executable or deploy to a platform.
compiled is when computer prebuilds the thing for you so it can run

interpreted is when the instructions are read on-the-fly by the game program like Lua
is boku still around?
I just downloaded Godot after using Unity for 5+ years. How good is the C# and will I have to deal with compiling after every change if I use this instead of GDscript?
gdscript is godot's main strength.
Nodes lead to blackboxing whatever you're trying to implement letting you prototype quickly and go lower level if needed with gdex, I first started using bugdot just for jams and now look at me.
Unity games are literally known to be poorly optimized, in fact having the unity splashscreen is a turnoff for many players on steam, they even had a curator that would call out unity games just because of perf, the rest is just delusion. The UE toolchain is just too good and lets you go above and beyond as a solodev/small team whereas unity brings you down if anything.
It's not like unity has no redeeming qualities but you pretty much have to be relying on a specific sdk or ad network to use it for a new project in 2024.
>and now look at me
post game?
Godot wants C# to be its main language along with gdscript for scripting, however C# is in a weird state because of microsoft pajeets being retarded. They switched away from mono since it's getting deprecated but they switched too quickly as the newer versions are not ready for production especially when it comes to crossplatform.
Gdscript as the main language is fine for small games and hobbyists who don't care about finishing a game like >>495522580 however you can use both and only use gdscript for very simple stuff or use cases where you need to have stuff on the editor, as long as you don't care about mobile and web current C# implementation is fine but it lacks documentation is many areas (networking especially) so you gonna have to follow a gdscript tutorial.
The reason why I'm hesitant about using GDscript is that I'm taking courses for C++ and don't want to build bad habits. The convention for C++ and C# are similar enough that I'm fine with swapping between the two.
cute game
>I'm taking courses for C++
then why not use unreal? I'm not being a shitter I genuinely don't understand, I thought c++ was the whole thing with unreal
a lot of people rag on c++ for being "too hard" or "too complicated"

it gives you a ton of powerful tools and expects you to not be a retard in exchange for having access to everything

i've used c++ and c# in professional capacity and although c# is good for small projects and rapid prototyping - that has only ever been the case for windows development environments

by contrast, in linux dev environments we usually used c++ with something like QT framework for handling ui boilerplate stuff

people give c# too much credit because they often have some other babyproofed UI form designer solution alongside it to mask how much of a clunky piece of shit it is

i recommend just using c++ and ignoring c# people unless you plan on scraping webpages as part of your game, since that's the only place where having something like .net framework is going to make your life actually easier
It's fine, just think of gdscript as pseudocode that you can then translate to whatever if needed. The C++ bindings for godot are excellent btw
Do you also recommend people to make their own engine?
The type of person who should use C++ for their game, is not the person who would ask it online. If you HAVE to ask, you are 99.9999% of situations better off using the simpler option.
I use C++ at work but I work on fucking 10 years old projects that are continuously updated by hundreds of programmers, we have our own implementations of shared pointers and other conveniences that come by default in C#. I wouldn't recommend it to someone for solo dev unless he knows exactly what he's doing, like the Factorio devs for example.
This game looks nothing like Marmo, I don’t know what you guys are talking about.
>Hurr all anime games look the same
i do recommend you make your own engine, and i have been for the project i'm working on

if you're not going to make your own engine though, there's still a lot of benefits to using c++ if you are actually competent with it
you're retarded c# is great for gamedev because shartcrosoft works hard on it and it makes for highly performance moddable game, you sound like a /g/ enginetranny
I love c++

I dont know how to think outside of it anymore.
Ahh i see thanks for the info.

Uhhh you were kinda confusing desu i assume you mean lile the other anon where stuffs ready to go and i simply hit the play buttom/opening the game up
do you love c++, or unreal's safety netted c++?
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I told you guys that if you want easy money you should buy some 3D asset bundles and make "random obscure job simulator" shit.
But nobody listens, and then they cry why am I poor, why don't I have the vision waah.
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a lot of people rag on rust for being "too hard" or "too complicated"

it gives you a ton of powerful tools and expects you to not be a retard in exchange for having access to everything

i've used rust and c++ in professional capacity and although c++ is good for small projects and rapid prototyping - that has only ever been the case for windows development environments

by contrast, in linux dev environments we usually used rust for handling kernel stuff

people give c++ too much credit because they often have some other babyproofed UI form designer solution alongside it to mask how much of a clunky piece of shit it is

i recommend just using rust and ignoring c++ people unless you plan on scraping webpages as part of your game, since that's the only place where having something like c++ third party libraries is going to make your life actually easier
godot itself was written natively with c++.
gdextension allows you to create your own classes and nodes and stuff directly with c++
c# was badly crammed on top of it to please unity refugees
use gdscript for basic stuff, and c++ for performance heavy things
both I actually didnt know where to begin when I first tried unreal c++ so I was using blueprints but they became too cancer

I used to only code in c for years so i aint never scared
Where's YOUR obscure job simulator game?
I dont care about success i care about making something good.
I want my game to be art even if it doesnt sell well.
Godot clunky af
you are on the correct path
godot? the best game engine.
Why would anyone want to simulate a card shop?
I cant get Godot to work, I put [Export] and still cant see serialized fields
I just posted it.
I made that one.
your demotivational post is weirdly motivating.
there's still room for quirky, unique, fun indie games.
we just need to not give up, and make project after project until we find something people enjoy.
Why would anyone want to simulate farm work when you don't even get food out of it?
Because it's fun to experience something you might never do in real life, in a safe controlled environment that you can just back out of whenever you want, usually without the downsides that come when doing it IRL.
What are you, autistic?
its @export, sister
Why fucking trading cards though?
>your demotivational post
Is that how you see it? You're pretty weak mentally.
>we just need to not give up, and make project after project until we find something people enjoy.
>just make slop after slop until something catches
Why not actually sit down and think about how to make a fun game instead?
Ah I see it now it's on top
How's Vietnam?
What would you use an async method for in an FPS?
loading adjacent areas for seamless transitions
>Godot clunky af
Thought you meant "Godot clussy gf" at first.
anything that is happening asynchronously
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I'm really understand why so many of you use publishers rather than go solo, it's shocking desu but wow I might just become one at some point.
>duplicate files exists here >>495510916

grifters do be writing gdds for fuarking vshart transvivors clones, nah this is too much
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Tombstone stuff.
>500k views trailers for a 185k sub youtube eceleb
>only 650 reviews
It's still in EA but it's me or this game flopped?
I'm just a nobody buy won't he end up making a few million on this based on the current trajectory? I guess it depends on rev share deals they have if they went with a publisher. Seems like it did alright. This dude is a genius of level and architecture design, but the game itself looks boring. So it's kinda impressive how much it sold without a solid foundation.
Same anon, just to add. When looking at the preview video, it barely shows what the game is. It seems like a lot of the presentation was like, hey look at us, we are like stardew but more refined. But you're kinda left wondering, what is the core mechanic of this game exactly? Like ok you're a chef, but very little chef game play is shown.

I'm making a game similar to this but will make it very clear what's going on.
>we are like stardew
It's very clearly not a harvest moon clone, not sure why you would namedrop one. The combat/gathering food to cook looks boring because it's just a random animal running at you instead of a proper hunt like in say monster hunter.
The vibe is clearly based on the comfy vibes set in place by Stardew. It shows off the player schedules, talks about building relationships with npcs, it's all very Stardew-ish. And even the art is Stardew art transformed by a professional. But yes, it is clearly not a clone, but that's why I mentioned it doesn't clearly display what it is. What are the chef mechanics. If I'm not planting food what am I doing? Of course I can fish (like stardew) and hunt (basically a stardew mechanic in spirit, like it would be completely at home in stardew), so what's going on in the kitchen?

This is just a minor marketing complaint. I really respect that dev and have learned from him.
>minigame based cooking game
barone schizo
Why are you such a stupid fucking faggot. Like for real, what inspires you to be such a fucking idiot.
>The vibe is clearly based on the comfy vibes set in place by Stardew
Fucking delusional.
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Working hard, gang?
Yeah the dev is good but it looks more like an incoherent mishmash than a farming game.
I think I might do this. Suggestions for simulator type games that don't exist yet?
Where did I say it was a farming game. Is that what you think Stardew Valley is? You think it’s a farming game?
1. """""""only""""""" 650 reviews
2. its an early access game for 25 dollars lmao
shartdew invented comfy pixelshart games, no i will not take my meds (btw i'm a trans lolicon drag queen not sure if that matters)
Drywall Simulator. Pick Mexicans up at Home Depot. Go to home. Fire Jose for being drunk at 7:30 AM. Finish job. That’s the game loop.
Post your game and lets see if you have more reviews than this game you say "flopped"
I've never played it since I'm a grown ass man but I saw some gameplay and you save your dead grandpa's farm or something, meanwhile chef rpg is a cooking warioware-like game with horrendous hunting gameplay.
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>Make millions
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I seriously don't enjoy drawing but don't want to use le goyslop asset store and dont have money to hire a real artist and AI is too unpredictable to be usefull.
Right, I can see why you'd say that.

I think about it like this. If Stardew added a restaurant DLC, you know, a Warioware like mini game, to the overall game of Stardew valley, how similar to Chef RPG would it be. It would be the exact same game. The EXACT same game. Dating, npc schedules, a town, little areas to explore. It would be the same game. It would look the same, sound the same, feel the same.
yes i triggered the barone schizo
am i proud of it? also yes
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ermmm, the heck? NOT WHOLESOME mr barone >_>
I would make a sex with female anthros simulator
nigga the clock is ticking you're 40 years old and still sabotaging yourself like this
I don't have stamina.

spending more than 30 minutes drawing actually makes me physically ill.
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my current limit when drawing is 20-30 minutes.
Have you tried changing the tick group of this object? Try them all. https://dev.epicgames.com/documentation/en-us/unreal-engine/actor-ticking-in-unreal-engine
> cbfd is the golden standard for doing it wrong
Conker is the best N64 platformer.
do 30 minutes at a time but don't drop your drawing, keep on improving it over multiple days
I've been drawing since 2005.

I really really hate drawing.
I makes me physically sick and I never enjoyed it.
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I agree. Conker is the GOAT!
Would you play a Visual Novel with this plot?
You are the the single father of 3 children.
Your wife died 2 years ago from cancer your family has been struggling financially and due to dept from trying to save her.
The dept forced you to crossdress and go work at a brothel to provide for your children.
One day a rich foreigner client falls in love with you at first sight.
He offers to pay off your depts and wants you to be his wife and wants to take you and your children to his mansion in America.
At first you're reluctant but do it for your children but over the course of the game you start developing feeling for him too and also you get used to your new life in this foreign land.
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That is the absolute worst plot I have ever read in my life please consider taking a long walk off a short pier.
>Would you play a Visual Novel
I think people everywhere, but especially people on 4channel have lost their soul in their present day. They have lost their spark. It's like talking to empty vessels who have nothing going on inside their brain.

This is mainly why it's so tempting to engage with fygoon. At least he acts like a human and not a brainless automaton buckbroken by the modern age. Yeah I know no one reading this is going to comprehend this because reading comprehension requires a soul and black people have no souls etc etc. It's just sad
he's just personality_3 aka irritating attentionslut
counterproposal: you play as one of the kids, your father is distraught by the death of your mom and starts crossdressing as her at night in a scary way but is completely normal during the day, horror walking simulator
Whats wrong with it
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I feel so unmotivated and lazy lately..but today I did a thing and added hair selection.
>the dev behind Proud Father was arrested
yeah but are you any better? I have seen very few posters here with enough brainpower to have the right to throw stones at other people's glass houses
Why did you remove the nonbinary sex option.
lolitroon sisters? i dont feel so good.........
Yeah Australia is a Australia.
Because that will not be a standard option.
Fem character is planned be able to (optionally) turn into a futa at some point.

Because there will be magic and weird stuff
Standard texture painting or should I use proper materials if I want to make low-poly assets that play well with modern lighting and post-processing?
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rate his devstation
trash out of shit
hope he gets the rope
Theres no death penalty for owning loli porn its a 11k fine and 1-15 years in jail.
How did Australian police figure out he's behind it? Did Patreon snitch?
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Any tips on fixing this?
amateur game development general more like professional shovelware developement general
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How long until i can make my own commercial game saar
I just find the idea of a person cross dressing and whoring himself out to be a very poor plot idea.
eric's wife did it
Pedotroons in shambles.
miserable tits
The perky tits on the woman in red are great.
do people actually not only play this shit, but pay MONTHLY too? uhh...
They used to.
Now its taken down.
Why didn’t he just start the game where the youngest daughter has a birthday and is now of legal age. Classic mistake. Flew too close to the sun.
Australia doesnt care if your character is a 500 year old vampire.
If it looks like a child then its a child and you're going to jail for creating/owning CP.
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Facts. Really do wish more people would show their true personalities.
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were back
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Well damn, I kinda like Australia now! And here I was thinking they were nothing more than bumpkin Brits with boomerangs.
that's not poorly played, just a post processing shader
That's fucking bullshit. So what about that girl who stopped growing, so she kinda looks like a kid in some ways. Would her husband be arrested in Australia? Fucking retards.
>Disgusting uncanny valley trying to be realistic
On pair with Shad and not the same as more stylized anime.
theres no logic in this nanny state shithole
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Dev is in prison, but the gameplay is on youtube...
Extremely based.
I wish the same fate for every lolidev in /agdg/.
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>politicians share the same retarded ideals as useful idiots from tumblr and twitter
give it a few years and zoomers will be the ones cheering when "murder simulators" stop being made
It’s different, you disingenuous pædo.
Ok, then how come when I go to Florida the alligators aren’t singing and playing accordions?
Chinese riddle for you.
No it's not. If you murder someone in GTA that should be the same thing as murder IRL. Sick FUCK
pedotroons be like
>it's just a drawing bro calm down
>this guy traces CP? what a legend, fucking BASED
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NTA, but (You) would diddle kids if you had the opportunity.
Your argument is invalid.
The people calling others pedos over cartoons are the ones not taking pedophilia seriously.
They just treat "pedo" as an insult like "retard" and not as an actual crime.
Even Chris Hansen said "I don't care about drawings, we chase the actual thing here".
You don't care about actual victims of CSA.
You're taking advantage of their suffering over shit that doesn't matter.
Like people who turned the word "Nazi" into a meme insult related to culture war bullshit, to the point they're the ones not giving a shit about WW2 history.
Plenty of beloved anime/manga writers/artists were lolicons but it's "respected mediums" like movies and music that have actual pedos.
Watsuki and the Galko-chan creator are rare compared to Miura sticking to 2D.
>the edgy/ironci weebs on /a/ are the same as the people who seperate loli from actual CP
/a/ says "you have to call yourself a pedo for liking loli" as a meme to drive away normies and because of edgy contrarianism reasons.
Also, if "anime no longer borrows from reality" like Miyazaki says, what does that say about loli? It's osmosis based shit.
You're fighting an imaginary battle instead of doing something useful. Fuck off. You'll affect nothing, while bringing shame to your family. "Why doesn't society know I'm a warrior protecting the innocent!" You aren't, and you shit up the board with low IQ, low quality humor.
When did this general get overrun by gay redditors who think being attracted to women is evil.
Too long; didn’t read.
Write some better material, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.
>add loli to the game
>say she's 19 with a winky face
It's that easy.
tranny-loving keanicus... my emporeror...
When the lolitards got uppity enough to imply that for a game to be appealing it must feature pedo content.
I see your fingers moving, but all I read was “blah, blah, blah!”
I have never seen a "woman" on paradox subreddits/forums not be a tranny
Literally every time I see female pronouns used there I go check the profile and it's a tranny into diapers or chastity or shit like that with 18+ marked account
You guys ever seen a woman playing a game like this? If a paradox employee it doesn't count
Well, that's just for max appeal. It's not NEEDED, it's just a cheat code.
>when i call a game "woke": fiction is reality and we must do something about it
>when i want to jerk off to child porn: ERRMMMM ITS JUST FICTION BRO
disingenuous lolitroon
Proud Father dev also said his characters are all 18+
Didn't work.
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>Too long; didn’t read.
You didn't because you switch to your "smug, irony, so detached" personality when challenged.
You mock troons when you share this exact trait that Tumblr inherited from SomethingAwful goons, that pretend Dril is funny.
Even Twitter Zoomers do the "what tf are you blubbling about? L, RATIO, GOT NO BITCHES!" because being "le quirkly" is a clear substitute for counter arguement.
This "ping pong" switch between "moralfagging" and "U MAD BRO" was prevelent even in KiwiFarms types.
Wonder what happened to all of those "cool guys of the internet".
they don't because they can always use voice-changing software to dupe you
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Please understand, they are mentally ill and need rehab…BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!
I can’t say that with a straight face! They all need to be destroyed!
that doesn't mean anything
you fuckers have called me a woman ("not a tranny - an actual biological woman") before because of my typing style

idea guys, let's go... thinking about making an arc-like
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its over
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Trying to reason with emotionally driven cattle is as big of a waste of time as complaining about anime on an anime imageboard, Just do your thing and work on your game and let them virtue signal if that's how they think they're batman.
Who the heck is Proud Father?
it is a certainty that spits in the face of scientific method while also upholding previous results which can be attributed to science
also you stupid simp, it is safer to always assume it is just men in here because i'm not a, as emil cosman would call it, a baboon
>Putting "media literacy" retards and lolicons in the same group
Nigger, "media literates" are the ones that bitch about sexuality unless it's "the good, queer friendly type" with fat bearded men and meme muscle girls.
"Media literacy" comes from Troll's Remorse havers overcompensating for treating games as escapism before they decided they care too much about politics.
That's why every take about media literacy is "this anime from the 80's has the same views I picked up from Tumblr, you heckin chud!".
Most lolicons nowadays are always guys on 4chan casually throwing "fag" as a suffix in various words.
Internet lefties are all about "good PR image", why would they associate with loli, unlike reactionary rightwingers that still suck up to Metokur to this day?
I'm so fucking sorry bros I was getting frustrated and I fed my code to a robot for debugging...
didnt read, you care about fiction and thats that, mayo cracka troonie
USA be like,
>We wuz cowboyz
>"the homophobes are the real homosexuals!"
This cope always comes crashing down every time a lolidev or loli artist is ousted for tracing or referencing CP material.
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>>Too long; didn’t read.
>You didn't because you switch to your "smug, irony, so detached" personality when challenged.
>You mock troons when you share this exact trait that Tumblr inherited from SomethingAwful goons, that pretend Dril is funny.
>Even Twitter Zoomers do the "what tf are you blubbling about? L, RATIO, GOT NO BITCHES!" because being "le quirkly" is a clear substitute for counter arguement.
>This "ping pong" switch between "moralfagging" and "U MAD BRO" was prevelent even in KiwiFarms types.
Wonder what happened to all of those "cool guys of the internet".
sister just opened my door and instantly left without saying anything
isnt there some kind of christian forum somewhere the moralfags can go to and shout from their soapbox? the rest of us are trying to gamedev
don't worry, i'll never call you a woman
i am steadfast in my certainty that women don't hang out in this general
Never mind, that's a different screenshot. My point still stands thoughever.
how the FUCK do I do status effects
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>the rest of us are trying to gamedev
Stop lying.
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this game still around ?
The easy way? Timers. The hard way? A priority queue.
how can you be so suree :p
thread was fine until you came back and decided to shit it up
I'm still adding lolis to my game.
google a pluging for it
No. I haven’t seen him all month.
oh no just found out my filename of choice is not unique to me in the archive bruh i swear i only post my screenshot work here and those tranime and such aren't mine
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Imagine being conditioned to go in a blind rage with preset response just from seeing a thumbnail. Actual NPC behavior, embarrassing.
>bro just depend on some other developer that might abandon their stuff at any moment
How reliable!
The Australian dev who got 15 years in jail for making a pedo game where you date you daughters.
Not my fault that the only thing pedos respond with to criticism is twitter screenshots.
You do it everyday. The game engine you use. The browser you use. The sites you use. Even the OS you use. Are you going to make your own keyboard and mouse when they stop production or simply sit there?
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Yeah, whatever. Are you familiar with the 1981 adaptation of Aлиca в Cтpaнe Чyдec? Definitely some good material to take inspiration from.
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Who the hell is Antonio?
There's a much higher chance of Billy, 35, working in some random software job to abandon the plugin he works on in his freetime than it is for literally any of those things you mentioned being abandoned.
There's your problem.
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taking a shit rn

you guys remember hypnospace outlaw?

what a bangerino

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Do you guys use Resetera?
Did /agdg/ really exist before 2014?
tranny forum
show me your funniest ___ meme ___ get memed on memes
Euros posting their progress when?
mate stop smoking kangaroos dick
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thank god i dodged a bullet in the character creation skill and didn't pick the dogshit taste in music trait wew
Please consult the filename.
Anyone here use TheMotte?
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Some tiles are actually solid.
>bragging about being on agdg
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how do I fix this?
Imagine larping as an agdger
inb4 this guy is one of the lolihaters
Going schizo mode from half my compiler errors being skill(syntax) issues.
>larper doesn't know that the valhalla artist only came here to shill when the game was done and interacted with no one
the new CEO is going to remake the R&D department (which was completely disbanded in 2019 leaving Unity in maintenance mode)
Bumping this question
2 more weeks sirs
They’re the same thing. You never used materials before?
So if GPT is haram, tutorials are haram, what is the *proper* way for codelets like me to start learning? I have a bunch of stick figures and doodles and my goal is to get the stick dude be controllable with left-right and a jump, and make a simple start menu and a you are winrar screen. I have Unity right in front of me. What do now?
Do input first. It’s the easiest.
What I mean is actually creating proper mats with node wrangler, versus just using flat lit color textures.
Which the more I think about it the more I think I should just make real materials since I want to use real lighting and such.
i didnt shill anything kys
post your art larper
i will if you post your game
>need high strength to wear heavy armor
>after a character is high enough level to wear heavy armor they'd be able to get higher quality material
>no purpose for low quality heavy armor to exist

game dev is haaaaaard
Sense of progression is good?
>shitty heavy armor is lighter since its made of shit like aluminium
>problem fixed
all games from this general that succeeded had no sense of progression, see crumble and ror
Make the physics continuous, i would show you where in the editor but i am in the wage cage.
Isn't that just standard for RPGs or any game with a progressive difficulty? Unless you'd want to instead have a very limited selection of equipment that is specifically used for different types of enemies like
>you get a spear at some point in the game, it's not necessarily better than the sword, but you start to encounter a mob that really requires the reach of a spear
my players keep complaining on reddit they dont like having to stop mid dungeon to eat, im worried its only a few redditors though
>my players keep complaining on reddit they dont like having to stop mid dungeon to eat, im worried its only a few redditors though
>no sense of progression
Are you retarded?

3 fixes:
>characters don't begin in the same place with all stats; some will have higher Strength from the start
>stat requirements to wield equipment are not hard yes/no, but soft tradeoffs. E.g. being too weak to wear heavy armor makes it slow you down, but you still get the protection.
>do not use hard tiers of equipment upgrades. Give different material tiers more of an identity through unique benefits and tradeoffs, and just have a general progression curve from good to bad. Higher tier heavy armor may not be immediately worthwhile if it impacts other stats
how much you earn? i can pay for you to leave an hour early and show me
>what is the *proper* way for codelets like me to start learning?
You take a week, or some weeks, to just do non-visual programming. Pick a language, learn about Hello World, functions, types, recursion, etc. Then solve Project Euler challenges - not the math-heavy ones, just the easy ones in the start. Until you feel you understand how to approach an algorithmic problem with code and how to structure your approach.
Then - if you must - move on to Unity. If your stick dude is 2D though, I would recommend using a lower level basis such as SDL2 or a python or js engine. You will learn much more that way, and it is plenty sufficient (even simpler) for a 2D jumpy thing.
E.g. look at this entry from last DD made with SDL: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58/rate/2685956
Use ChatGPT and long continuous tutorials and then eventually ween yourself off both and only return for specific rabbit holes. Chat is good it just gets real focused and u need ask the right broad questions.
o1 is too expensive, 15 dollars per hour
Techbros are so fucking retarded
>oh but you have to pay for the premium super special version cause the one from last week is totally retarded and can't do anything LOL
>yes I've been plugging AI for years, why do you ask?
do you have a game?
I pick the first one, thanks anon. Who wants to play as the literal giant piece of rock character because they need to start with 50 strength to wear the heaviest equipment so will have 1s in everything else?
>Who wants to play as the literal giant piece of rock character because they need to start with 50 strength to wear the heaviest equipment so will have 1s in everything else?
Anon why are you predicating your hypothetical on the game you're making ending up with dogshit balancing? You realize balance decisions are YOUR choice, yeah?
2nd would probably be even better and third the best but I'm trying to keep scope small, ya know.
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you guys are all out today, huh
what if one of the food options is fly eggs?
Post game
I was being sarcastic the 50 strength rock character sounds cool? Wait actually I guess they'd be diamond boulders because they'd have lower con as well. 60 points seems like a healthy amount to spread around 6 stats when starting out so 50 str 10 con 1 in everything else.
post game then
t. nogame
Ah, nvm then
me the nodev inside a box in the upper right
post your progress nodev
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It's funny to even today, my inner passion for gamedev hasn't dried up.
looking for feedback on my very first 2d project

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>Didn’t include me randomly posting my Soviet cartoons
Shit meme.
They spent 17m on this instead of giving marmo 1m and 16m to this. Tragic
My stick man is able to down arrow through the floor
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its a doggy world out there
Well, use the free one. Programming is basically just string, int, rarely float, dictionary, hashset if you're feeling spicy, sub classes to avoid tuples, and sometimes some basic inheritance. Like an itemBase class that all items inherit from. That's 95% of what you'll be doing if you're just making a game and not making your own engine. Use tutorials for most of this, ask chat questions along the way. I don't recommend random tutorials that teach one thing. Find a tutorial that makes an entire game in a genre you're interested in.
>thinking we will open a website called virus total
kys and stop spreanding viruses
Why don't you upload it to itch.io like a normal person
Hmmm I could also divide armor into upper and lower and divide weight values by half but that invites clownsuiting and I'd have to make special pants and shirts.
is that a site for losers?
looks kinda crap (aside from character designs)
you dont have a game
>bro go waste your time uploading your game to my site so i can run ads on it and also now i own your game because TOS

fuck off retard
I have a game to upload, unlike you, nogame.
>>bro go waste your time uploading your game to my site so i can run ads on it and also now i own your game because TOS

>fuck off retard
post game
>it was just Eric schizo being a nodev tranny as usual
Slow hours in the Shartdew general?
if i make it big I will buy /agdg/ and enforce a post your game before you post policy
I have no game
when i make it big you won't be allowed here anymore
>just download my virus
no thanks
are you mad because you don't have a game to post yourself? maybe if you ask nicely ill give you the project files and you can learn a little
It's a fun H O B B Y, isn't it cris?
anon-sama people give the project files, i wish to learn from your wisdom
no :)
a hobby is something you spend money on, did you?
the best part of gamedev is that there's always a newer level to be reached, something unexpected to learn.

It's trully the most dificult artform, but also is very rewarding.
Yeah. Over $3000 in unity assets.
Wrong I technically have a game, https://files.catbox.moe/ueghke.webm I can post about design decisions. Imagine if I threw together some mysql in 30 minutes and bought a domain for 5 dollars I'd be a millionaire overnight.

why the fuck are you posting here and not continuing to learn, you low IQ retard fuck you
post proof
we won
Because I'm already in a place I'm comfortable with, rich coming from someone with no game like you.
>Because I'm already in a place I'm comfortable with, rich coming from someone with no game like you.
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game's right here faggot

again you have absolutely no skill and nothing to show for your career so far other than a very shitty text based game, LMAO
Nobody here is download your virus, post it on Steam or stop spamming.
it's not ready for marketing yet dullard
>again you have absolutely no skill and nothing to show for your career so far other than a very shitty text based game, LMAO
Nice excuse retard.
It's kind of rich people crying about yesdevs and no devs when essentially all the games here are terrible. Like why don't any of you have a game anywhere near the level of Stardew. Or ChefRPG. What are any of you fucking doing.
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post game then
getting 600 wishlists tomorrow would make me happy
I think getting too granular with the equipment system is only worth your time if you're going to be giving players a paperdoll character, or if you're doing something like Diablo with RNG modified equipment and relying heavily on grinding over actual scenario/encounter design.
Why. What does that benefit me.
This, it's really pathetic lol seems like everyone here is sniffing their own farts jerking eachother off and meanwhile their "game" is 99%* ideas guy shit they are spouting, and not learning, and certainly not making
Why are you upset about amateur hobbyists doing something they enjoy?
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I don't believe in game dev as a hobby. Unless you're already rich and just killing time.
actually solid game, is pressing multiplayer supposed to crash the game though
Oh ok so no game, got it
Underspace is the last /agdg/ game that had GMI potential and nothing since then, grim.
The most sucsessful /agdg/ projects in recent memory were both released on Newgrounds. Aesopian fable is what it is.
Sharty farty poopy diaper.
>What are any of you fucking doing.
Most people here are still learning software and tools (assuming they're devving at all). People who have been devving for a few years move into other communities and take that higher-level, project-specific discussion with them.
Yeah there are a bunch of useless faggots itt but this is still a good place to crowdsource lower level discussion and shop for answers to noob problems.
thanks and yes i cut most of the game out this is just a demo
Why do you think your opinion on what is/isn’t a valid hobby holds any weight at all?
I made a poopie in my diaper and now its full and its leaking all the poopie juices onto the floor!
Waaa waaaa
Somebody change my soaking smelly soiled diaper full off poopoo to a new one.
Don't underestimate the autistic and opportunistic.
post game and i will change it
average /agdg/ dev
are you a dev?
Im just a little baby who cant even use the toilet yet and you expect me to know how to code?
Are you retarded?
First time posting here. Are these threads best avoided like /DJT/?
Waaa waaa mommy change my diaper its full!!
Also i need mommy milky let me suck on your tits bitch.
if you are a delicate little faggot, yes
Oh I don't, I think it's a good business for the autistic.

Oh god, you're like the 40 year old dudes playing mario 64 as a speed running game desperately trying to convince the world you're not an absolute fucking loser.
If fire is strength, earth is con, wind is dex, water is int, then is light wiz and dark cha or dark wiz and light cha?
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The only language I knew before going into Rust was TypeScript
You can therefore deduce that if a retard amateur webshitter like me can learn Rust, it's not really all that hard or complicated
Whats DJT
meant gamedev not virusdev
pathetic xD
Donald J. Trump
I don't know.
As I have ensconced last thread, all the people with souls moved to Discord
Because 4chan is house to demoralization psyop bots, schizos, and victims of demoralization psyop bots
Some discord circlejerk.
>Leaky diaper drips on your pc while ur gamedeving and you lose all your progress because u didnt change my diaper
Sowwyy mommyyy....
pathetic xD
kalemnongo has 10k wishlists

It's the Daily Japanese Thread on /jp/. In summation the thread has an original goal of learning Japanese in actuality It's just a shitposting general.

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