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Previous thread: >>495402583

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Sept 5: Update progress https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4613462911400573371
Sept 17: 1.001.100 Patch Notes https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/eventcomments/6655846466490872829?snr=2_9_100003_
Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwdf0G88OEY

Sept 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwdf0G88OEY
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How far this game has come. I remember when everyone on /coopg/ was shitting on it saying it would never amount to anything. Now its one of the most popular co-op games of all time. Pretty ironic.
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This is my weekly 30 seconds pause.
Are sniper scope still misaligned?
What happened to the 60 day plan? There's more coming right?
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I haven't played a bug mission in months.
Supposed to be fixed.
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No they're all fixed !
Arrowhead coming out of the closet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVTB1q7wwqk
I played the space marine 2 campaign and then dropped it because it was boring. This is a better game, even before this update but now it's even more fun. My goty
I knew this would happen. How long before HD2 passes SM2 player count?
I love Space Marine 2, but because it's Warhammer 40k. It would have been something else ? Would have dropped it quickly. I still think they can unfuck the game a bit like Helldivers 2 did, making weapons actually slap and stop with the fucking bullet sponges.

But in the end ? I've played SM2 with my bros, and in no mission i had great moments like in Helldivers 2. Its too on rail. We keep making clips of insane shit happening in HD2. SM2 ? Eh, its just the exact same old killing, on the same old map, and it doesn't even feel that good.
Shame because i want it to be just as fun.
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If you didn't see it yet, here is the bushwacker request drawing :)
>guy throws red strat on extrat
>immediately gets ragdolled straight out of the pelican
Based bots.
it's not misaligned but visual sway is desynced from actual sway so the more sway the less accuracy when aiming down sights
Cute, I love the bushwhacker so much. Saves my ass multiple times a mission on bugs when I need to keep stalker/commander stagger available at any time.
How to make the game look less fuzzy/blurry? The WebMs on /Hdg/ always looks so clean
Turn off antialiasing
Look that you're actually using your actual resolution and none of the shitty upscaling
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D10 Bots

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Just >>495473248

Now if anyone can tell me how to make the game brighter without washing everything out with brightness, let me know.
That shit is my go-to Berserker obliterator, up close you can take em out in 3 shots
>he doesn't use supersampling
Your gamma is just fucked. Turn it up.
I’m 100% that I’ve set my resolution scale to native but I’ll double check. Ty
cuz fug you

It's also really short, like linear fall off starting off at 1/3 of it's range.
Be sure to turn off anti-aliasing and put your sharpness to 75 or 100.
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I'm waiting for the winter to do that bro'.
>Torcher, Guard Dog, Quasar, heavy armour (flame res).
Comfy against bugs.
>/hdg/ doesn't join /hdg/ lobbies
dead game
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Why does the SOS beacon stop working after a mission? It completely disappears and no one can join my missions after I complete one.
It is me or Dog Breath and Sterilizer needs something more to actually be good ?
Played all day already bro' sorry
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>graphics set to low
>render distance all the way down
>sharpness all the way down
>can't snipe fabricators cause i literally cant see them until i get close
>have to squint to spot anything in the distance really

Getting a gaming laptop 2 years ago was the worst fucking mistake of my life
Did you spy on me my last few games?
corrosive gas effect duration should be increased or make the sterilizer clouds a lingering thing and not a weird green flamethrower
Because Arrowhead are incompetent and break matchmaking all the time.
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Patch is great but I kinda miss having to tailor my loadout for bugs vs bots. Been playing a little this weekend and I am basically settling on just taking Dominator and Railgun to every drop. Also no real need for stuns any more so just take impacts for everything. More stratagems are viable, but I'm still always taking eagle airstrike and 500kg. Still always taking the crutch shield.

I guess I should branch out and try more stuff but I always just feel like going back to the weapons I feel most confident with.
they clearly have malicious coding when it comes to aiming
I've played with nearly everything and i keep changing because now nearly everything is viable in one way or another. Unironically having a blast.
Hea I haven't played it but the bullet sponge shit is unappealing
SM2 is too bland. Every mission has a predetermined number of enemies at set spawns, and the only shakeup is waves where your team is either smart and fights in space they can handle the crush or gets split up in the open and you die.
Even Vermintide has more variety to it. SM2 is truly meant for the irl model-buyers that enjoy painting and color design/dressup more than actually playing the game.
all the illiterate brownoids from pandion are now on imber
At higher difficulties you need to mag dumb the big boys or hit them with multiple laser sniper shots. The birds fuck take a ridiculous amount of punishment too. Even the canon fodder resists full size bolter rifle shots.
>I want LESS content to play with
We had that and nobody liked it.
I like em, just wish the effects lasted longer on the sterilizer.

Been playing CC man lately, having a blast. Just needs a smidgen more.
having to actually turn down the difficulty just so I can match with people that aren't the same 3 chucklefucks that die 20 times then leave the game

where's the supposed 50,000 players at are they all on dif 3 the fuck is going on
I enjoy it too. I love supporting my team, could it be with CC or heaving them or whatever. Helldivers 2 is only getting better and better.
They are on pandion drinking bug coolaid.
I think it needs a bit more love on bots tho too. But probably impossible to make happen.
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Change that review, anon.
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Well Joel realized that the dumb bugchasers are never going to quit Pandion so he lowered it to 2%. They'll cap it eventually now.
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Why ? It was always positive.
500 can get destroyed
He swallowed it.
>enjoying moon planet because endless sightlines means I can live out my overwatch sniper fantasy with the AMR
it should be required that one biome with no fog and shit is always available. I don't care if a laser turret can shoot you across the map so long as you can actually see the same turret and it's not wallhacking through pea soup
After they add dating sim elements with eagle 1 and pelican.
It will get liberated instantly and you play on swamp planet 5 now
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>>enjoying moon planet because endless sightlines means I can live out my overwatch sniper fantasy with the AMR
Are you me ? I'm literally running around with my beloved knight, AMR and supply backpack, living my retarded tacticool fantasies.
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They're already together.
>HMG actually good
I mean with me.

If SM2 had an open ended mission structure like this game does, it would be a much closer call. But as it is, it's just a fun time you will play for a while and eventually you will have had enough of it. The secret sauce of Helldivers that gives it longevity is the randomly generated mission structure/maps and the tension of the extraction.

I think the horde mode when they finally add it might give it some of that spice, but fundamentally it's just a way more conventional game. I have had some good moments on it, that said- Playing with my bro and some random the other night I had a fucking clutch moment where I was on my last sliver of health and just managed to chain lasfusil headshots on Rubrics into executions until my stealth was back up to revive the other two guys. We would have failed the mission if I didn't manage to survive there. Felt awesome.

But that was basically only one moment in 5-6 hours of play, and otherwise it's just a bunch of grind to try pad out what is otherwise very lacklustre content.
You don't have time for that. Everyone you get with will be dead by the next time we thaw you out for a dive.
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Tell me, what is the weapon/stratagem that would make you cum in your pants ?
For me it's the explosive packs from the first game, and a sword, or even better, sword and pistol combo.
Damn, yeah. Life is tough for helldivers.
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Still 2/4. Last mission of this operation before starting a new one. Automaton blitz. Join us, we're genociding the bots.
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>tfw have to pick between supply backpack for ensured self-sufficiency and jetpack for better high ground
Just another of Super God's little challenges
The fixed 500kg explosion.
That's completely misunderstanding it, the point is that everything is good now so it means you don't feel incentivised to change up from your favourites.

Game is still infinitely better in this state than it was for the last 3-4 months, but it's a valid point.
>Shift: Ended
>Monster: Opened
>Liberty: At hand
Time to dive
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I know the feel.
Backpack belt fed HMG.
playstation players are such bitches lmao
People like to forget that a little less freedom can make your choices feel a lot more meaningful. The game kinda feels like such a sandbox atm, and I'm not really sure how long I'll stay hooked into it.

I'm most interested in how they'll make higher difficulties harder without pissing everyone off. I don't really think you can make enemies tankier unless they manage not to fuck up spawns again. Gunfeel in this for people seems to be directly tied to TTK, so enemies that don't die aren't really fun.

And they can't really just keep spawning more and more enemies since this shit still has to run on the already unstable as shit ps5 version.
Anon, more shit being good means you can choose more shit to play around with. Fun and Meta are diametrically opposed things and the fact that you choose not to try out different comps is not the games fault.
Right now there is both effectiveness and freedom in our loadout choices. Sure there are picks that are just plain better with no reason to alter other than 1 strat or primary, but having options that won't feel like shit despite lowering your performance is an extremely hard bar to reach in an average game. And right now HD2 has approached that bar a bit.
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Belt-fed chain gun, AP 4. Has to spool up but has a fixed cone of fire. Holds 500 rounds that do about half the damage of the HMG.
A real chad would just shoot your mortars if they didn't want to deal with them
>shitter keeps going to the other side of the map and dying alone
>gets mad when I call him back in away from his shit
maybe stop dying so much? idk with these people anymore
won't have to spool up via the realism clause :)
I want team cord to be more important than spamming reds effectively desu.

I like the idea of the gas updating bringing this CC tool. Helps manage enemies a lot
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>Not letting them do the walk of shame back to their shit on the other side of the map then kicking them so they're left having to deal with the entire mission by themselves with nobody else's samples or gear near them.
RIght now we have
>everything good, but some are better
And it's better than
>most is subpar and some are better
At this point the issue is that too many things are way too similar a substitute to each other, which hinders variety in a way, nut its' still better than it being only 1 option.
wasn't the host, he kicked me after i called him a shitter when we tkd me
I could see it being balanced by nearly stopping you in place to spool, and takes a while to spool down (can't dive)

Or a slower turn speed, so it can't swing around to kill hunters.
Maybe if they add specialisations, that add buffs to specific strats/weapons that will incentivise you to build in specific ways. As long as you can freely swap specialisations it could be an interesting customisation option.
>bot eradication d10
>weird ass map which has a huge pool of water in the middle of the base
Yeah I was thinking that.
Like an identity strat with a lower cooldown or something.
But some "classes" could be fun, if cursed.
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Moonbots suck but I like how they suck. It's like sucking air through an aching tooth. I cannot stay away. I have been exclusively playing moonbots since the patch dropped. It sucks. It sucks. it sucks.
It will spool up anyway because they don't actually know shit.
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an important message from the keeper of the stars
Came back after the patch, wtf the game became much easier on diff 10 now that ur primaries actually deal damage.
Also charger spam is now a non issue with consistent headshots with eats again.
And landing 500kg takes 0 skill now.
The message: Behead all niggers. That is all.
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flutey says this one sounds like a day and night cycle
I still wouldn't say it's a worthwhile stratagem when you only get 2 and you could take napalm, cluster, or airstrike instead.
Yes. Trust the plan.
Me when they nerfed the flamethrower instead of buffing it.
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We need more AMR/Sniper weapons. I can't get enough. Give me plasma sniper, laser sniper, anti-tank rifle. My body is fucking ready.
Anti tank rifle be cool
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>upgraded PC just in time to return
will they add zombies? PUBG added zombies
Cultists, zombies, demons.
That's what I want.
500kg still seems weirdly inconsistent. You drop it right next to a Hulk or Tank and it survives sometimes.
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Based picture. I'm happy for you anon.
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>automaton scheme revealed to be a way to mechanically reanimate dead humans as robo-zombies
>slow-moving but teeming in numbers
>map has a horror-survival vibe to it, sky is blood-red
EATs are so fvcking kino now..... can finally run MMG on bots without being put through Hulk CBT
Remember when the RG was supposed to be the giga OP weapon and all it got was a pity durable damage increase and some shitty breakpoints at unsafe 99% that barely made it into a shitty primary with a chance to blow up and kill you and the RR ended up being the actual good support weapon?
we still need the super earth arena missions with the fixed loadouts and the saber and i want a huge crowd this time
I want automaton dogs. We had them in HD1 iirc
rocket grenade?
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I kinda don't want them because holy cancer. But at the same time, they truly are a Helldivers staple. They have to come back.
Give them exploding jetpacks and we got a deal.
Wish you guys just called the weapons by their names because i keep forgetting what the fuck you're all talking about
You can't possibly be this fucking new
I was wrong about reddit
I've been here day 1 you faggot, i just have dogshit memory and english isn't my main language.
I still don't understand why everyone creams over the breaker incendiary, it's not that great. It sets shit on fire but burning enemies are still dangerous. I still prefer the regular breaker.
>no stratagems
>perpetually dark
>massive hordes
>enemies generally quiet before they trigger so you can get snuck up on
>bug breach has them literally just crawl out of the ground all around you instead of from a single point
>just 5x the amount of bug enemy density but it's only fodder units
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Anyone try the new eruptor yet. Its pretty bad especially against bots. The damage is pitiful I don't think it was even buffed. The projectile does no damage and the explosion is only good for trash mobs that are grouped up. For it to be decent it need to have a faster bullet rack speed. Its also clunky and slow to maneuver. Overall it is disappointing.
I'm an old Eruptor main. I never liked it against bots. Its goated against bugs tho. Its literally very fucking good. Hell, its got more frags than ever now.
it's just a worse crossbow now
We need more bot guns. I swear there is only 1 (Diligence counter sniper) and the rest are decent to bad overall.
That + gas nades or other gas shit is god tier. DOT build basically.

It's niche but it's more for if you are running something like the Stalwart/MG/HMG as your support, then you use the Eruptor for bug holes/fabs and finishing off heavies that your stratagems didn't fully kill. It's not meant to be "this is my main weapon I will mostly rely on".

Arguably it's just kind of in a bad place because the crossbow does all those things better now.
>Plasma Punisher
It's in your head man
Behold, the voice of the community

Dominator and Scorcher are both top tier on bots (and bugs tbf) for me. The important thing is the explosive damage lets you take out scout striders without fucking around getting a shot at the back, just shoot them from the front.

DCS still can't do that, can it? I used it earlier to try out again but I don't remember.
Skill issue, I use it on bots almost all the time. It's like DCS with AOE that kills clumps of devs while staggering them and destroys fabricators.
Railgun is still nice to have on the team for deleting chicken walkers.
>Equips light armour.
>Gets hit and instantly dies, rendering the 6 stims he starts with as pointless.
Trench Medic armour is a fucking bait for retards.
why is Sony pushing Helldivers2 lately? is it because they are now betting on concord?
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They lost 400 million dollars on Concord and are trying to recoup their losses by making Helldivers 2 their new Concord.
AMR is better all around for that. 1 shots them and doesn't need to charge.
I know you're excited about the new TORtanic but
HOLY powercreep. And I thought 2tapping them was good
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Arrowhead needs to put decay rates in some form on the galactic map and also force a tutorial to understand how the goddamn galactic war works. It would help more in getting people to not bash their skulls into pointless planets like pandion and now imber.

Who the fuck am I kidding? The tards would just skip reading a tutorial and rush through it like the orbital napalm order.
he put sickle in F tier for bots
It's not like they have something else
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Dagger is pretty goated this patch, on bots at least. Good sidearm if your primary already staggers most bots (you should be using a primary that staggers bots). I'm glad it's finally a desirable gun, I think it looks awesome and always wanted to bring it with. Now that you can carry a ton of frag grenades for fabs, I don't feel pressured to bring the grenade pistol or AC in every game.

You have to shoot the leg joint though, that's all. Otherwise it's like 4-5 shots to kill.
Railgun has always been a shittermagnet. Fags just hear it's good and don't try anything else despite it being so easily proven wrong.
they really weren't doing shit with it and actively worked to hamstring the game in favor of some destiny tranny expansion + boosting their quarterly
Doesn't this faggot play solo all the time? That's probably why his tier list is all retarded
Yes. Trust the plan.
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Is it still fucked? It's my last upgrade.
No, it's fine now.

This might be hard for your to get your head around, but nothing they implement would make a difference, because people don't actually care about the galactic war. People chose to play on the planets they like playing on.

No amount of autistic screeching will make people play on specific planets.
I am autistic and can only use armor sets that have black and yellow in the colour scheme. Why don't they add more bros...
Skill issue
the 20k people on pandion aren't there because they
the planet
they are there because it's the first one they can see after looking at the galactic map
if available planets were shown in a list with the MO planets being on top, this wouldn't have ever been an issue
It's not even something you'll really feel since the AI on mortar sentries is so fucked up.

>People chose to play on the planets they like playing on.

That argument falls flat with Imber. People HATE fire planets and they are only there because they don't get that attacks can be cut off.
The truth is that it was never good
I thought I threw this so that you'd be able to see it.
you can't get an eleven kill streak
the calm before the storm, the last bit of peace before the heavy chickens and devastators show up
>People chose to play on the planets they like playing on.
Don't you LOVE all these colors?
>Makes the newest clown armor have an entirely different color palette
Fascism heck yeah!
>gunship patrols on higher difficulties means there's going to be at least 3 in the sky shooting down at you at any given time
>even if you kill them all as soon as they show up
fuck this piece of shit modifier
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>People HATE fire planets
cucks, the lot of them
if they make a heavy urbanization map with rain i will never leave
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It feels like they fucked with the dark levels on the moon planets lmao. I don't remember it being THIS dark on them.
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the white rocket bots are ruining that front for me as a botdiver
That's weird, I remember thinking this about the last update before this one. Since the last one, my moon biomes haven't had as much of a contrast between light and dark. I haven't messed with any brightness settings either.
advanced darkness
I haven't changed my settings either and basically just log in to play when my friends say the moon planets are open on either side. The cool thing about that was that day and night were about the same, high contrast with thin atmosphere. This is.... >>495485782 ADVANCED DARKNESS
The dominator or crossbow feel pretty much required on bots now that the chickens have closed cockpits. I miss being able to bring my plasma punisher, scorcher, or just anything else and flanking the walker instead. Exploding the missiles feels so inconsistent, they just die without blowing up so often.
Getting off work and seeing my request come to life brightened up my night. Ty art anon!
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>Hmm, bots look a lil funny in the dar-WAIT FUCK.
Part of me wishes he'd left it at 3% for the entire MO just for shits and giggles.
It simply has the highest DPS of all primaries while also being able to dispatch large packs simultaneously with dot
There is no competition
And no, you're not supposed to wait for enemies to burn down, you have a big magazine, use it
fair point
in his tier list video anything that couldn't 2 tap alpha commanders was below F tier
god can you fucking imagine if they added a new faction that took advantage of the limb destruction system, I know you can shoot all the legs off of a brood commander and watch it drag along the ground but thats more of a novelty thing

Most people are basically NPcs and they just go wherever they see the highest number of other players. There's also the quickplay button adding to that. The next biggest factor (me and my friend always decide this way) is the modifiers. If there's an annoying modifier on a planet we don't go there, simple as that.

I'll concede it's an oversimplification to say people only chose people chose the planet they like most, that's not quite true; but it's definitely true that the galactic war "system" is barely a factor in people's decision at all. Autists need to learn to get over it, the most annoying aspect of this community is HURR BUGDIVERS NOT HELPING WITH THE ORDER DURRR (or vice versa) DURR WE NEED SUPPLY LIIINES bullshit. Nobody cares.
what's a good primary against bugs now?
>Autists need to learn to get over it
How about Arrowhead not make the system not piss off people that derive their fun from the macrogame, then?
what armor is that
Spray and Pray.
I'm pissed flame weapons don't work on them in general. Was doing pretty well until I saw it just phase through them.
>me realizing I don't have heavy metal on my board
I need to add more rock, I have so much fucking EDM and phonk because almost anytime I play squad I end up on the Russian/Insurgent/Militia teams
i do like shotguns.
ive never given this a shot
This guy has to be missing chromosomes, or that tier list was pure bait.

That or he's doing the plebbit "shh arrowhead is listening" joke
4chan ate my post so might double post here. Basically, any fire shotgun, breaker, spray and pray, liberator, liberator carbine, erupter, crossbow, sickle, and adjudicator all do well and feel pretty great, some more than others.
You will never leap behind striders with defender and take them out midair. How could they fuck it up so hard?
>lol whoops, we we're trying to use the bio reprocessor vats to make a more "nutritious" super slop but accidentally made sentient biomass. CLEAN IT UP DIVERS.
>Solo retard
>Cant decide on weapon to deal with armored bugs
Lotta chaff clear. One shot kills a wave of hunters if you have space to wait out the DoT. It also has insane durable damage which makes it solid against brood stuff and even charger asses.

I'm genuinely mad the limbs on brood commanders aren't weaker so this isn't an optimal strat.

Should be able to just drop them down to the ground with a spray of bullets.
OK I think EVERY hit breaking a limb should be scaled back a bit.
You're right. Everyone disagreeing is autistically screeching too. The entire war system needs a revamp top to bottom.
>you cannot of into likings of capitalist pig scum of American rock as glorious conscriptovitch of Mother Russia
Comrade if the the Insurgencies of Militia can be listening to such things as haram as Phonk and Music Dancing of Electronics then I do not think you need to forgo rock yourself.
Legit? Hive guards fucked me last time I used it.
I'm tired of rocket chicken. I wish they had a weakspot that isn't as tiny and inconsistent as the missiles so I'm not forced to bring a pen 3 primary to deal with them while running something other than the pen 4 supports.
damn you chickened out dude. Gotta let the reticle center up first.
Bro your nades? Also Hive Guards are slow as hell and if you hit them with anything they stop in their tracks. Just go around them and hit the side/back.
Honestly a fourth faction that consists of all kinds of body horror meat abominations would be quite fun if their gimmick was to delimb them.
I like the Knight. It's basically the Liberator but with the ability to mag dump, which is always handy against bugs. One Handed isn't always useful, but if you ever need to carry the SSSD during a data upload mission or carry the Mutated Egg for your team, you aren't relegated to a liability.
No, it's shit. Imagine recommending a weapon that struggles against scavengers. Idk if it's trolling or diff 5 opinion.
Crossbow, eruptor, or adjudicator do that and also can handle hordes, not considering what support weapon you bring. On my solo runs, I bring the cookout, senator (solely for the hive guards 2 shot kill), thermites (woth +2 grenade armor), grenade launcher (spewers, commanders, charger butts), 500kg, gas strike, and Gatling barrage. Good coverage all around.
Getting shot and staggered didn't help either, but I think instead of trying to powerslide the last few feet I should have dove instead.
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Is palette matching something arrowhead has talked about recently?
I say tie the Dwellerspawn to a ship and send them to Cyberstan
One handed is useful when you need to run away and shoot back, but it's more useful on bots berserkers than bugs
its a fun time either way, mic'd gaming is slowly healing. Concernfags swore up and down people were going to use the body shield voicechat for EBIL RACISM in the BO6 beta and it was literally just people being retards and ERP. Both the perpetrator AND victim
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Why is this a thing!
How to counter automatons using soijaks to depict you?
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Has anyone able to ricochet an AC round into a fabricator since the last patch? Also, I shot a tank turret in the back six times with it and it only got it on fire, where it used to take three shots to destroy them.

Shoot them until they die.
Call them an incel.
They can't prove me wrong
>stop trying to play the game as intended
i will not. Bugniggers must hang.
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under normal circumstances I'd say the laser is usually where the bullet goes, but your webm says otherwise so I got nothing
Are you on top of a SAM launcher, not surprised the hitbox is fucked because its usually spinning around.
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god it gets funnier the longer you look at it
I get this shit all the time but I use xbow so I also hurt myself doing it
That's what I thought at first because of all the other height over bore stuff I've heard about other weapons but I'm more so trying to draw attention to the circle reticle. It doesn't track the laser, it's the barrel indicator, right? It snapping around is kinda weird too.
It was when I was on top of a SAM launcher, but it hadn't been activated at that point.
for me, it's the invisible hitbox of every single dead hulk that blocks your bullets but not enemy bullets
For me it's the invisible nursing spewer corpse that just blocks everything when the sack gets blown up.
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holy kek hahahaha
Knight is good. Those high rpm guns just require more discipline so you don't waste too many bullets, which makes them unpopular.
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>4 underaged kids with pretend armor just wiped out 2000 bots including tanks and factory striders and 9 outposts
>90% win rate
Bruh, it's so hard to kill heavy devs with the mg-43, they just flinch and their shield wobbles all over the place.
I've been bringing the quasar to claorell (the moon planet) and it's actually pretty useful. You can destroy outposts from across the map since there's nothing blocking line of sight most of the time.
Okay the absolute funniest thing you can do with the RR is blasting a factory strider belly as it's being flown in.
Try it!
It's a good thing it comes with fire select modes that do that for you then.
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For me, it'd be a lighter walker, maybe built on the same chassis as the Patriot/Emancipator, but pared down like those 1st Recon Humvees during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
>MG-43 on a pintle mount on top for a buddy
>twin-linked HMG on one arm that can be reloaded/resupplied by someone carrying resupply pack or HMG
>automatic grenade launcher on the other arm. Think of it like a lighter, more mobile heavy chaff clear walker
As for weapons
>lasgun that functions more like a Diligence/Adjudicator
>doesn't need to charge up, but locked fire rate
>AP 2 but lots of ammo
And finally
>field repair pistol
>comes loaded with Super Earth Bondo
>spray it on vehicles for quick repairs
>spray it on teammates for armor boost
>spray too much on teammates and they're slowed
I think it'd be cool :>
Yes, I believe burst fire mode was invented for vietnam drafted teens to stop them from wasting bullets.
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Now that the dust has settled, which sentry won?
It spams its ammo, but it actually uses its ammo before it's broken.
rockets might be better but the autocannon wins because its more satisfying to use
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Only 6 hours to pick up the Chud Helmet!
It will probably return since superslop store is in a rotation but that could take weeks.
burst fire modes in firearms were originally developed to waste more bullets in hopes of landing more hits with less need for training on individual soldiers. Burst fire modes are a long running meme that has never had a real military application because the problem they solve hasn't been relevant to conventional warfare for 90+ years. Your NATO tax dollars at work.
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Autocannon after the d10 update. Rocket tends to break before it can do much of anything now.
Does that logic apply to the AN-94 as well? I'd love if we had a gun in this game that functioned like that.
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>tfw scrawny with glasses and shit facial hair
>chink kills me with his drop pod after i reinforce him
>it cascades the entire mission into a failure because i can't kill armor now
you get what you deserve, nigger
thanks, anon.
Need fren

I’ll be playing for a few hours. Focusing on lootan super creds and havin a good time in diff 6 and above
wrong thread? simply lose the facial hair and twink maxx
I tried it in game and it seems much worse than simply sticking to full auto and controlling how long I hold down the trigger. I think that's about how it goes in real life as well.
hey same
even helldivers wouldn't take me and they'll take just about anything with a pulse and enough brain to throw pokeballs
hacked armor?
just become a leandiver(Male), you could probably still pull this look off >>495489524 with enough super tofu
The AN-94 was developed to penetrate NATO's better armor with conventional ammo. Its burst mechanism is about putting two bullets through the barrel before recoil changes the trajectory of follow up shots. Turns out just making specialized ammo is cheaper and probably more effective than developing an entire weapons platform based on the doubleshot mechanism (you should see how the an-94 works, its wild). A double fire gun in Helldivers would just be a slightly higher pen liberator with really shitty ammo economy.
lmao, they really thought the average soldier would have both the IQ and patience to clean and maintain that fucking thing as well as keep up with spare parts. Classic lesson in why weapons manufacturers love the civilian market, no matter how batshit your design SOMEONE is going to want one. Just look at fucking KelTec.
>strider rockets still send you flying at mach speed any time they are in your vicinity
nigger game
I would rather die.
There's irl helldivers?
I don't even mind the rockets one-shotting you.
It's how they launch you out of cover when they hit the over a meter thick rock in front of you so you die to either impact or getting shredded by the five heavy devs you were trying to kill.
no, not until we figure out how to drop in from orbit and not fucking die
but i'd imagine the volunteer legion in ukraine is the closest thing right now as you're literally just thrown into the shit after a 5 minute introduction to your billion dollar NATO-funded equipment
why does Joel rail road bug players to not be able to do fucking anything.

>bugs constantly pushed back, most players
>all the planets have heavy fucking push back against the player base, basically a brick wall to push

Why do we even have this "story" stuff. Should just be like helldivers 1 where we can win the war.
I could see the patriot exosuit being a lot better if the chain gun had pen 4.

>Missile once
>spray the rest down with bullets
Cowboy hat.
Main Battle Tank.
Sword or bayonet attachment.
Cloaking device.
Entrenching tool.
>volunteer legion in ukraine
anytime I think about it I always picture the gang of guys pointing to a tank and getting vaporized
>For me, it'd be a lighter walker, maybe built on the same chassis as the Patriot/Emancipator, but pared down like those 1st Recon Humvees during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

A chicken walker that ran around at high speeds and had like some light rechargeable plasma shots would be sick.

just PEW PEW, and keep moving. Lotta circle strafing. Probably open top too.
the eternal swigger can't understand the reality of this image: bots will always be 1/3rd of the playerbase and squids will be 1/6th
it really does
Helldivers the type of dudes to say they hate robots but jump at the opportunity to watch their girl fucking a vibrator lol

Give the Lib Pen the AN-94 double shot burst and I'd use it.
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Seconded, I'd love to be reunited with my raifu. It even looks similar.
Reminder that they fucked up the flamethrower and it needs to be fixed
It's the bugdivers' fault for congregating at a 3% decay planet for a full fucking week instead of trying to go for any of the other more easily liberated planets. Hell, it's also their fault for spreading themselves out over so many planets that the potential liberation rate of any individual planet goes down the shitter.

Imagine if there weren't more than 8k players each on Gacrux and Peacock, and all of them had gone to Pandion the whole time.
Pretty sure most/all of the volunteer legion are former soldiers from NATO countries anyway, and thus were already trained on how to use that equipment years ago.
does gas grenade obscure vision for enemies on the other side, or just for enemies inside the aoe?
>It's the bugdivers' fault for congregating at a 3% decay planet

Where does it show that on the ingame map again?
just enemies inside.
They get hit with a DOT effect that will cause them to act like they don't see you and attack randomly. USUALLY 90 degrees to where they were originally facing.
it's the bugdivers fault the botside lost 2 planets on the first day, don't question the narrative, ok?
We can already drop in from orbit and not die using a reentry capsule. But it's not really practical to deploy a few soldiers that way.
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moon sendoff

how do you feel about the damage changes?
>haha yes stop killing bugs and getting fuel for the war, come fight in the bot meat grinder
Do not respond to botdiver posts, do not acknowledge botdiver posters
>everyone must play on the same planet.
but what if I want to try out different ones each mission.
what, you guys don't like moon?
Instead of blaming other divers why don't we all work together?
nah, dead game
still at 2/4
Moon is my favourite map though.
I haven't played bugs in ages, I've been trying to liberate Gallivare this whole time because it's the only planet keeping an entire sector red and it's pissing me off.
I'd love to, but take it up with the bot divers for constantly blaming everyone else because they cant finish any of their MOs

they constantly bitch about us, and we don't even think about them
stop shitposting and join the fray
Dark math juju.
If you take commando and torcher, you can one tap a charger/behemoth in the face with the commando and finish them off instantly with flames. Could do this too with hulks.
I told you we'd have to liberate Pandion or it would waste all our liberation points.
alright then
hdg is a no show
lobby canceled
mother fuck i was launching the game
ill make some food and rehost in like 30 minutes or so
Did they just lowered the Pandion's regen rate?
yeah it's only 2% bleed now.
there should be no regen rate at all ever on any planet, change my mind
>bug front cleared within a week of starting the war just like in hd1
yeah great idea retard, got any more?
planets would need to be more linear to attack, and take way longer to liberate. But I could see that.

We'd be done with bugs by now though, like 10 times over.
This, it's retarded that you have 10k people on planets doing nothing. Just make them attack us more often or just make it way slower to take them.
remember when we cleared bots off the map and like ten posters were convinced they were never coming back and got refunds because they 'lost 50% of the game for no reason'. Pretty funny
>bugs can't just take a different planet
idk but it would make more sense if the regen rate was based on supply lines, like 1% per route to friendly territory so if you encircle a plant it drops to 0% regen.
without the regen rate, the offense of gamerdads and bugchasers will always outpace the defense
unless you're content with the
>somehow, they have returned
over and over again
>Work together.
Doesn't matter. We're the minority among the sea of retards that negatively influence the game by choosing bait planets to throw liberation away on.
people sure are high strung.
>somehow, they have returned
>over and over again
this happens anyway, at least with no regen rate you can actually cap a planet and not have some swigger arbitrarily set a regent rate
Devs finally caved and cut the decay rate. Can always sell it narratively as "wearing down enemy resistance."
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I don't remember that and I believe you're making that up.
Really? Lets say we can get like a group of 12 solid helldivers here. Instead of grouping with each other for a easy missions we could all group with randoms and steer them into missions on planets that need help, and with hope and luck those randoms will steer people in the right direction in their own games.

A lot of fingercrossing going on in that but its better than coming to 4chan to bitch
what the hell...
I say there should be no hidden planet stats whatsoever and the only mechanic should be that liberation actually impacts gameplay and so missions are easier/harder based on liberation percentage, with some kind of buff to MO planets so the blob doesn't just go away and people remain inclined to contribute to the MO.
That way the hardcore people can go way off the beaten path and still be useful, they'll just have to put up with increased patrol rates (since there's no offensive going on) and lower reinforcement stocks (the budget is lower since it's not a planet the SEAF is focusing on)
>bot planets
>-.5% decay

>typical bug planet
>2% fucking everything

I wish bugs just captured more planets and they were easier to liberate. I want to do missions on those acid planets that lower armor.
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that'd be cool.

>SUPER fucking hard missions near liberation
Make it more fun to liberate shit then.
they actually can't make taking planets harder with their shit engine
people have been asking for increased enemy resistance over their shitty -5/hr system since launch
mission success rate will remain at 90% for the remainder of HD2
If you and 20k players were diving the same planet for a week straight without the liberation meter moving an inch, you wouldn't question it? I get it to an extent but they're just fucking retarded, with or without any third party tools to show everything.
Alexus is the best video game developer of all time.
>48 potential players vs 20k retards bogging liberation down across the galaxy
we wouldn't make a dent even with perfect play and speedrunning every operation
I'm really starting to believe the
>shit engine
excuse is a cover because a SNOYSTATION would explode if they put anymore enemies on the screen.
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>torso_inside : -1 Health (Fatal) (ExplosionImmunity), 1 Armor, 300% to main, 30% durable

I wish this bonus damage to main shit was more common. Imagine if headshots contributed more damage to the body, so when you explode the fuck outta something and it's got low main HP. A headshot actually soaks into main super fast.
Then give up and suffer, Ill keep the dream alive out there
it's lua iirc, amazing what they did with it.
I also love the bushwacker, and fighting stalkers (they are cruel but fair and I feel very clever for spotting them via noises or visual shimmer). You must be the same guy who drew "the railcannon incident" pic I saw and saved yesterday.
attempt number two
chudwaffe bereit machen
you better fill that shit within ten minutes or i'm going to sleep
i love thermites now, they're exactly what they should be like
god was this satisfying
and that's 4/4
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>mfw i install the mod to replace the extraction pilot's dialogue with Pequod's dialogue
oh yes

better play this song too when extracting.
i'm still trying to figure out what to do about music, right now i have this abomation 97 hour playlist of 60s/70s music for that Vietnam feel but i'd like some 80s stuff for that soldier of fortune feel, and i'd like to make an electronic focused playlist for vsing bots.

in an ideal situation i could mod the ingame music for all this but from what i saw they can only mod the descent music. i'd love to be able to mod in some MGS sneaking music and then use other songs for actiony stuff.
I was waiting for YEARS for external GPU technology to reach parity with internal GPUs at the high-end, but now that that time might finally be approaching, more games are CPU-stressful than ever, so I guess gaming laptops will simply remain a fool's errand.
>it's another episode of illuminate divers costing us the MO
God I hope they give us in field reloads with eagle, so I can stack a ton of fun eagle strategems.
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Man, how many games let you cover your friend in an epic last stand like that ? I cannot get enough.
Looks like you need throwing knives to help you against those Alphas.
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>all planets now have sub 3% decay rate
>even pandion
Now is the time to take, fellow Helldiver.
Ok that was a pretty cool spur of the moment toss, no wonder you clipped that-
>he hits the second tank
Holy shit.
I fucked up and took smoke nades instead of gas. How good are the knives against them ?
Knives are a meme but if you have a weapon that cant stagger them, the knives can.
You could just take stun nade instead.
Honestly i was doing going with my fire shoty overall. Staggers them good and burns their shit up too. Love it.
>hdg lobby is full
>say fuck it and drop into a d7 pub
>6 minutes on planet 6 reinforcements left
>literal 8 year old sounding kid on the mic
good luck faggots
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Botchads, to Clasa after this?
It only has a 1% decay rate, I'm thinking if we get Claorell it'll go down to 0.5%
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>faggot kid complains because i kill him after he teamkilled everyone with his fucking arc thrower
>gets killed by the explosion of the drill objective
>starts screeching and gets kicked by host
Anon, I'm sorry, but you're gonna need to stop inhaling that hopium. The reality is we do not having the numbers game to influence the war like we might be able to in Helldivers 1.
One knife to their fat heads will stagger them and chunk the health down below half.
Less than 2 days left really doesn't give a lot of a chance here for the botfront players to even get a planet from near 0% to 100% even with a -1% decay rate. I think at this point people will actually have to follow the Pandiontards in capping the planet, because with -2% decay it's now actually a possibility, as even now it's already starting to go positive in liberation.
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I really hope devs will buff melee, or give us bayonets or whatever. Hitting a hunter 5 times in the fact to kill it is fucked up.
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Theres even 13K on Imber achieving nothing when instead if they were on Claorell it would be cleared already and the defense won instantly.
I disabled voice chat ages ago and haven't looked back once since.
That's a fair idea, but they would also have to account for that by increasing the total hp of a planet to make up for a decay instead then.
How do you niggers post your links on here without getting filtered?
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Hold Imber, then head to Clasa. Unfortunately there's a decent-sized blob on Gaellivare right now so we might see congregation there. Not the worst thing in the world though, that one's only 1.5%.
Whenever i paste my lobby into a post/reply it wont publish for some reason.
One punch to the head should kill them, or three to the body with peak physique.
Would be great to get a bayonet with peak physique and just tear them up in melee. Maybe a bayonet strike could have enough reach to easily knock them out of their leap before it connects.
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I just hope the melee cancels the reload.
Kinda like swapping with the emancipator
A little drunk and fighting captchas for my life.
what are pub aids and how do I test for them, I feel like I may have been compromised
Verify game files.
How am I supposed to kill this cannon turret? It's so far up.
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>didn't even match the patch day numbers
It's so fucking over.
Who knew that listening to reddit was a bad idea?
I tried it and I'd rather have something that staggers Stalkers, because they pretty much 1/2-shot you now. .
50,000 is better than 5,000. It's healing. The question is will they fuck it all up again or not.
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cheers mate hopefully no more koreans give it to me after this
See you in 2 weeks when it will be lower than before the patch.
>caring about player numbers
How to tell me you aren't old enough to post here without telling me directly so.
I see you don't understand how trends work
Don't worry about it
Man I remember when they hit server cap so much nivgers left the game open

And that was like for a month after release.
you could just swap weapons to bypass the cocking of the gun to get some nice ttk, but still xbow is better
in the discord i find bros to play with there's still a few holdouts who don't want to invest time if it's not gonna be worth it. i'm part of the like 2nd or 3rd wave of people who have tentatively come back in.
Source on that gif?
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NTA but I listen to the Halo 1 OST when I dive.
>mfw covenant dance hits
Requesting Unloader Barga from EDF or any other famous mech from mech media losing in a height contest to 4 Exosuits all stacked on top of each other and 4 helldivers on top of the last one
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Add a shovel swiggers. I am no longer asking.
How to tell me you're from re**it without telling me directly so.
NTA, but between you two, you are the one that strikes me more as a plebbitor
it's from the 2001 cowboy bebop movie
Anyone hitting a bug on extermination where the time between enemy spawns is just way too much?
After 15min I can't even get 50%
>melee weapon
>why should I have fun now if I might not be able to have fun later
>my fun needs to be an investment
Modernity was a mistake.
yeah, they're bugged and impossible to win.
>poojeets is back again with playercount posting
In the good old days, they'd just release Helldivers 3 after one year in development and it would rarely ever crash.
Well fuck me
I fucking hate Blitz missions
Correct. The spawns were balanced around d10 so anything below that is fucked.
Quasar cannon is a SSS+ tier pick now, even more so than the RR
>infinite ammo
>passive, self-reload
>zero bullet drop
>no backpack, can bring the bubble shield, ammo pack or guard dog with you
>1 shot headshot Bile titan
>1 shot headshot Behemoth charger
>2 shot headshot Impaler
>1 shot bot fabs anywhere on it's body
>1 shot Hulk anywhere on it's body
>2 shot tank/cannon turret frontal armor
>3 shot headshot Factory Strider
QuasarGODs, we are so back
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It was never at 5000 you retarded mongoloid and it was at 63K when last update dropped vs 68K of this patch.
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>unironically wearing chud helmet
Yep, that's a kick
>even more so than the RR
I think it's a pretty solid argument either way now. Quasar is definitely much better during the traversal portions of the match but the RR is stronger during holdouts, especially extractions since a lot of backpacks fall off at that point and being able to teamload someone with the spare RR backpack dropped at evac means you can invalidate the heavy armor that spawns from the reduced enemy reinforcement delays which can overwhelm the quasar.
ze vorld is sick
und vi are ze doctors
I still exclusively take the extra stims armor. Just can't get used to not having 6 stims.
RR is better for combat, quasar is better as utility (i.e. clearing stuff from far away)
>sees hulk
>charges shot
>grunt shoots you
>whiff shot
>hulk rapes you
Wait do the stim pistol needles stay permanently embedded until you die? They don't despawn at all?
>see hulk
>aim shot
>grunt shoots you
>whiff shot
>whoa time out botbros give me 5 seconds to squat and reload
That's why you run bubble shield or guard dog with quasar.
>needing the diaper shield
>bubble shield
holy fucking shitter i am lmaoing so hard
>guard dog on bots
That's why I run guard dog instead. More damage is just better over all as a backpack vs the shield.
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Shut up alexus. You're supposed to be muted.
>shield backpack
>super light scout armor against bots
the returning meta slaves are so easy to spot
I run the Quasar without the shield nor the guard dog though, cope
Last pelican off the moon is gonna be empty boys.
vs the quasar's 15 sec cooldown (additional 2.5 to intense heat modifier) I disagree. You could have downed like 2 factory striders with the RR before you could even fire your next shot with the quasar.
>Why do we even have this "story" stuff. Should just be like helldivers 1 where we can win the war.
Because the game is in early access and most of the planets aren't done yet.
>wearing heavy armor now that armor is worthless again
>speed is my ACK
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Limb health was changed, not total health. This means us heavy bubble bros are winning even harder.
Every fucking time I play bots and it decides to spawn unlimited waves of enemies it crashes right during the extract, without exception.
pub aids
I can't imagine not wearing heavy padded or at least heavy fortified/physique against bots
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Quasar can't oneshot Shrieker nests, RR can and takes them down pretty much instantly from afar.
That alone puts RR a tier above Quasar, and we aren't even accounting the fact that Quasar needs to load shots.
But Quasar is decent.
It really is a shame because that is when the game is most fun but you can never actually complete it.
w-why does she has a weird expression on her face?
Commando is the big loser of this patch, there's no reason to use it over EATs/Queso anymore with how anemic it's damage is now
they gotta release squids soon because this gloom thing is going nowhere. It feels like it's been 2 months since the gloom appeared and still nothing of any importance has happened with it at all
pubs are the most fun or extraction?
yeah i'm not sure what mission type or loadout would see command being useful
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>getting oneshot instead of three shot
What do you mean anon?
no the game is the most fun when there are nonstop unlimited waves of enemies
>the defense of Claorell instantly ended the attack on Imber
Oh, didn't actually see that was where the attack was coming from. I should pay more attention to that really, but gambits only ever happen once in a blue moon so I wasn't expecting it.
nothing has come of cyberstan
>be heavy armor
>can't even outrun alpha commanders and alpha soldiers
>can't even outrun rocket volleys
>they still kill you just as fast as with light armor
Why did they do this?
I swear the previous balance system was fine, you could tank up to 5 hits by alpha bugs, now you die in 2.
And I swear the slashes that hit my head are always crippling my legs, so it's even harder to run away.
It's genuinely retarded.
Health wasnt changed drastically, but enemies deal way more damage now.
See >>495494719
>Everyone keeps dying because the bugs keep spawning on them.
>We lose 8 divers and counting
>Active autism and go on the highest cliff on the objective
>T-pose and stare into as much space I can to blanket the area in my gaze
>Enemies don't spawn where I see and they spawn a mile away now just barely out of sight
>Everyone can now do the objective so we can gtfo
Has anyone else thought of this?
dummy-kun, enemies don't care about your LOS and will spawn in plain sight, especially so since the patch
>nerfed headshot damage
>made sure to increase damage to every other body part to compensate
>made sure to also raise enemies damage to compensate
Why did they do this?
Heavy armor feels terrible now.
but it worked
because the devs were fucking shitters for letting the game get to this state and no one wants to support them if this is just going to be a temporary thing to try to entice people back
patrols will generally spawn at the edge of the map
Really? I think medium armor feels terrible but heavy at least lets you survive a bit better.
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holy based. faith in AH restored
buff the helldivers and hype the shit out of it, then secretly rework and buff a bunch of enemy shit in the background lmao. Notice that they didn't mention increasing the health numbers for BTs or the flame vs Charger rework in the notes. I actually love it.

Despite these changes, Super Helldive still feels a little too easy, at least vs bugs. I'll try to play some against bots this weekend
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i ended up making a massive playlist of basically all the songs i like from 1975-1995 and cannibalized another playlist for it. 940 songs, 73 hours of tunes to dive to. very nice.
I like the fact that crippling happens a lot more often now. It felt like an underused mecnanic previously
I dunno, you don't need to one-shot an enemy with an AT weapon for it to be useful. Since you can break any big bug leg armor with one shot and still have rockets left over, I could see it being handy as a utility armor stripper. Open up an armor plate, hose it down with the help of teammates, and still be able to immediately pull out another rocket to do it to another big bug. You can also still kill Hulks with eye shots or heat sink shots without the gross amount of overkill of other AT weapons, and bring down Gunships with one shot (and again, still have rockets left over against an enemy that always shows up in packs).

We always knew that it being able to one-shot Fabricators was never going to last, and it was foolish to expect otherwise. Just acknowledge it, and focus on the weapon's strengths rather than its weaknesses.
4 commandos still do more damage than 2 EATs and you can have all 4 of them slung on your back at once unlike the EAT.
It's in a fine spot it'll just require some new tactical thinking to make up the difference
Bots are even easier, at least if you use a meta support weapon.
Wondering why I was having so much fun and realized I was on level 6
Chill vibes and map clears, no deaths
Try heavy armor against bugs in D10 solo, it's cock and balls torture.
It used to be viable and allowed you to run weapons without push force so its niche was "if a Stalker ganks me, I won't get oneshot", now you get ganked by a single bug that runs faster than you, you'll likely die almost instantly.
You also die instantly to bots too, and you can't outrun their hits, like medium and light armor can.
You just don't have the stamina to deal with a big chunk of enemies, and your bonus resistences mean nothing if you die in 2 hits when an enemy gets on top of you.
Can't you just shoot two rockets at once with it?
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>All these players
>we liberated two planets
>look at the chart
>all the planets people have been fighting on for DAYS still <= 1%


also post HD reaction images I need them in my folder
Can you still shoot fabs with it?
it one shots gunships anywhere now, not just to the engines, so it's ease of use is greatly improved on the bot front
yes but it's a 2-shot now.
People don't point this out enough, the Commando being able to carry everything from the hellpod at once is a major advantage. If you hold onto a Commando for the entire cooldown period, you have the potential to drop eight rockets in the next engagement, which is absurd. Even moreso when you realize that the bigger AT weapons often end up overkilling targets and thus can be quite damage-inefficient.
news that the devs are reversing all their dumb shit is spreading
>go from solo bugs to solo bots
>take flamethrower and gas just for funnies
>drunk as fuck, myb shouldn't go on such a hard difficulty
>eh whats the worst that could happen
>easiest fucking missions ever

I thought bots were supposed to be harder, holy crap all you do is throw strategems, and huck explosives over cover and shit.
I have a new keyboard and I need to adjust to it, post bot lobbies
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also to add

strafing run and gas grenades are the stupidest strongest shit I've seen.
Do not sleep on this strategem. It's probably gonna get nerfed, I can take out heavy bases from a mile away without entering. Absolutely busted.
It has always been good, dont know why it has been ignored
let people sleep on it
I was a naysayer
It destroys fabs now, and can hard pen everything in the game. Pair this with a commando and the torcher, and you can chew through everything hyper efficiently.

Really coooooooool stuff
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>wake up
>free 500kg bomb
>d10 solo
ok well you should probably do light armor for that anyway so you don't run out of mission time.
So Cyberstan is the Automatons base of operations and Creek is considered THE Automaton planet
What about the Bugs? Hellmire?
Heavy armor without stamina booster used to full clear pre-patch.
Cyberstan is the capital, yes. Creek is legendary due to peak hype + peak autism. ZE BUG's closest thing to a Creek is Estanu since it's the most defended/fought over planet on the entire front... But we have no clue what the bug home world is, if they even have one.
>still no light or heavy armor with Democracy Protects
How useful would such an armor set be, anyhow?
yeah, i'd say bots are a little easier than bugs.
/coopg/ is dominated by fans of Warhammer Fourty Gays. As such, they harbor a deep hate for any sci-fi that might appeal to the dastardly normie jocks and icky femoids who are too smallminded to appreciate any the flawless paintjobs on muh glorious armies.
wtf, I keep trying this stratagem and idk what it's supposed to be good at. What am I supposed to be killing with it?
Bug home planet is likely way out in unknown space. I doubt Meridia was the first hive world
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>Meridia wasn't the first hive world
Remember when we destroyed a super colony and it had zero impact on the bugfront?
We stopped getting triple defenses bi-daily anon.
ballistic dog is great on bots, can wipe out a surprise patrol while you're reloading. the obvious play is to combine it with railgun or AMR though instead of queso.
Softens the fuck outta shit too
ok so swedes spent like 4 months to remove accidental missile oneshots
then they reintroduced missile oneshots but this time intentional
what are they thinking?
imagine if the illuminates mailed meridia back to us
Kepler Prime was their homeworld, but it's not on the map.
Hellmire could be considered an iconic bug planet. It's a desert world like Kepler Prime was. And I remember when shriekers were first released, it was pretty cool fighting them at night on Hellmire with fire tornadoes lighting up the skies.
Okay, well I could only kill the Implier with it. Does it kill Hulks in one run?
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at least those pandion divers can start putting in work
It's like when they start spawning stupid amounts of patrols is when bots get bad. Post final OBJ? Fucking retarded.

But man dude, popping a bunch of hulk eyes with the commando, snipping fabs and just doing awful things to lil prebuscent troopers is kinda... Fun.

Ant gotta worry bout some bullshit insta kill spawning, or something that'll ragdoll you a billion times cause it just saw you across the map.

Man. Shame the flames don't work on those walker sentries.
What the fuck was the decay on it to stop it from getting above 2% for a week with 20k divers consistently on it?
>ragdolls seem a little extreme and people are dying from the impact force from hitting the ground too often
>so in this patch we'll be making it so hulks exclusively spawn with twin laser cannons, both of which knock you over if they even breeze past your shoulder, and let the chicken missiles kill you from impact force
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>fucking retards lobbing 500kgs on the jungle planet
>increased explosion radius means I get teamkilled 7 times in a row by 500kgs hitting the treetop canopy above us
Heavy armor? Trash
Light armor? Fucking amazing.

I'd use that and resupply, and just stim all the time.

Not unless you're super lucky.
It just compliments other shit that does damage to hulks. Kinda puts them in a crit state so your support weapons just go...BLAM BLAM BLAM..- KSSHHH-BEWM!
>Buff weapons
>But power-creep them with more enemy health so only AT is better
>Bloat the damage and health numbers too
You tell me
Internet said they wanted the game to be more like launch and devs listened
>die 7 times in a row to the same thing
>calling other people retards
sisyphus wept
at launch missiles didn't break mach 3 and you could at least dodge them
I usually headshot Hulks, or I kill them with a red strat like OPS.
Strafing is cool but I usually end up taking Gatling Barrage instead just to fully suppress an area.
>We made it so everything can kill shit!
>Actually make the TTK worse than before for fmamers
>Unironically tought bonus damage to support weapons, when all the heavies get buffed

Noooo fucking wonder they didn't show off the rocket changes before hand.
People would realize "oh 2000 HP is the kill threshold for eyes and faces?"

But I will say. I'm glad there's a sorta scale between heavies and like super heavies. Means they're probably gonna start spawning a hundred hulks and chargers now.
also no, misiles did not oneshot at launch, it started happening when they nerfed helldiver hp with armor update and introduced headshots
>3 people interchangeably throwing a nuke during a bug breach where the stratagem beam has little to no relation on where the bomb is actually going to detonate
>explosion covers roughly the entire surface area of the objective zone
it's tantamount to my situational awareness I didn't die more
I think they only power-creeped the heavy armor enemy health pools so it's not power creep overall.
But they did get their damage increased yeah

what's this about missile oneshots?
What's the S tier armor? The basic armor is high A tier as it is
Everyone is wearing it again
S-tier armors are light armor with engineering kit and peak performance.
Ops fell off pretty hard for me. Feel like you need to be able to kill 4 hulks a minute pretty consistently.

Also cursed thing is now that everything got buffed that needs to kill heavies, the best strats right now are the ones that had their damage ludicrously buffed to actually tangle with the higher health pools.

Like rocket sentry fucks now!?
extra padding, fortified, and democracy protects are the top tier ones if you ask me
not dying is king
servo assisted improves your killing power though so it's hard to pass
is this a "shit gun" situation talking about armor? I haven't played a d10 bots yet where everyone isn't rocking super-heavy armor to avoid being oneshot.
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>buff a few weapons to be how they should've been at launch
>fix 0 bugs
>triple spawn rate
>crank physics to 300% so faceplanting into your ankles (read: a 3foot drop) is fatal and helldivers are cartoonishly cartwheeling 300 meters across the map
>despite the constant 300m cartwheels, randomly take no fall damage because of numerical stack overflow
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luv me extra padding.
vs bugs it's this, or medic armor if you have the amphetamine booster
Probably medic armour even if they all look ass. Servo Assisted is my personal favourite, being able to lob stratagems further is a game changer.
Peak physique for guns, Medic for baby mode stim spam, grenadier for thermite spam, fart armor for orbital gas strike spam, padded + health booster for stupid amounts of damage reduction.
Medic + Infusion
>Get grazed by a rock
>Lose both your arms
>Get shot on your ankle
>Lose 70% of your HP
Protective medium armor perks as mentioned in this post >>495513692 are the typical /hdg/ convention, alongside vitality booster. The latter should always be your first priority booster on bugdives.
I had an orbital airburst detonate a hellbomb with the first attack, then the other two never went off and somehow a strat jammer ~200m away exploded. Wish I’d clipped it but I have no idea how that happened. Also had a 500kg skip and land about 100m beyond the beacon.
remember how bugfuckers were ridiculing redditors for sitting at creek?
at that time people didn't even know how decay works lol
>on bugdives
Though it makes sense on bugdives too, even though bugs are all chaff at this point.
>Vitality is mandatory
It's amazing how one fucking change forces everyone to take shit that ignores it.

Kinda feels bad, cause you see this so much in errything.
vitality was always the best booster
Any recoil reducing perk is honestly stronger than peak physique. Sway can be played around. Recoil is static.
To be fair against bots if you're not ragdolling you can stim.
Bugs two shot you, but they ALL stunlock you with their two hits. So if they touch you once... You're dead.
Anything with Engineering Kit is top tier. Extra grenades were always useful pre-patch when you needed to constantly stun Charger Behemoths due to how prevalent they were (and how useless AT weapons were at killing them), and even post-patch you simply replace Stun with Thermite. The recoil reduction lets you plant your feet and mow down enemies with rapid fire weapons, always handy with HMG.
Depends on what you're fighting-
Also it's not sway, it stops your weapon drag. So I can take shit like the jar against bugs and snap fire that thing at hunters at any moment.
Which is real big. Specially with those heavy ass support weapons like AC, HMG, Commando.
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>It has always been good
I assure you anon it has not "always been good".
mash F
anyone know if the extended stim duration from medic armor applies to the pistol?
nta but yes it has. From launch everyone who know their shit about boosters was aware the heart is the one you pick first, even over stam and muscle.
Might try.
Been wondering what you're supposed to do. Diving won't safe you, melee sometimes helps.
it was always good, it slightly underperformed because of low use count
it's not significantly better now than it was before, damage buff was negligible
>It destroys fabs now, and can hard pen everything in the game
It's been able to do this for months anon, it's just become a lot better against heavy enemy units because the near global armor level reduction has functionally doubled its damage output against heavily armored units since previously it matched those armor values, now it exceeds them.
From what I’ve heard it does, as long as the shooter wears medic armor. The booster works too
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>Pick supply pack for once
>Everytime i give ammo to some guy he says "oh dats hot, dats hot" over the mic
Don't know if i'm built to be a support slut.
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Check out my new drip
hell yea, one more op and I am support maxxing by taking both of those
Wow thats actually kinda cool. Heard the heal rate stacks too. Wonder if it refreshes each time you apply.
Any lobbies?
based diff 3 enjoyer
People didn't think they needed it. Which was blatantly untrue but they didn't know that until there was a difficulty that one guy can't feasibly pamper three manchildren through.
Those shoulder bolts remind me of those weld bolts old space Marines had in like older editions.

Always thought that shit was sick.
Good drip would cop
Anon we're talking about Strafing Run.

They increased armor pen from 4 > 5 which doubled the damage against medium armor enemies and enabled you to damage heavy armor enemies. They also increased the numbers of charges per refresh. Now that heavy armor units had their armor decreased it'll now deal double damage to those units. It vastly dwarfs launch Strafing Run.
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D10 Whatev
well most people are bugfuckers and at launch they were sitting at diff 4-6
you don't really need it on bugs until you encounter packs of bile spewers
>110 hours
>only been able to get the one warbond that's not the default one
is this normal?
>They increased armor pen from 4 > 5
which did absolutely nothing meaningful
nobody uses it on heavy armor, retard
>1 hour get like 30 super credits from some semi focussed poi farm
>100 hours get 3000 super credits

I'd say no? Guess it depends how hard you go for pois
Put more effort into finding every POI on the map
3/4 anon, where the fuck are (You)
Have you bought the SC parts of the warbond? That's an easy 300 or so SC I think. I've got 180 hours and every warbond but one
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Thermite + Engineer kit + Supply pack is just fucking retarded and i love it.
Could be combo'd with EAT's to remove chargers or combo'd with the spear to remove bile titans when you didn't hit the head. It was the best follow-up stratagem to a heavy unit that survived AT
Rocket sentry is cool but I'm really bad at remembering to find a good spot for them before fighting.
yes. People that say "bro just get the super credits in game you dont need to spend a cent!" have spent hours upon hours just grinding super credits on difficulty 1. They arent playing normally.
Tanks, chargers, hulks
Hell softening bile titan heads.

Combos with just about everything.
Uhh everyone uses it on Chargers, Impalers, BTs, Hulks, Tanks...
>300MB patch
What is it?
I'd say you should have bought at least two warbonds by now.
Do the HMG emplacements ever vanish like sentries? On the missions where we pass back and forth near extraction multiple times I consider just throwing 3 or 4 HMG emplacements on it for when we do extract but am never sure if it would be a waste or not.
I hate how they shoot drop ships and aggro patrols. But god they feel great just raining hell down on camps.
I grinded maybe 2 hours out of 280 and i earned enough SC to buy every Warbond but one, and a few superstore armors
Granted, i played a lot of D5/6 because i'm bad and it's easier to go for POI on shitter diff
Are you full? I'm validooting as we speak.

They stay forever.
They do not to my knowledge.
Think I saw someone drop one when we landed on extract and it was still there.
Arrowhead is hiring someone specfically to work on monetization. Trust the plan...
>it's another episode of teammate throwing a 380mm on the middle of the map on eradication mission
>hosting public lobby yesterday: people joined in under 60 seconds before I even entered the hellpod
>hosting public lobby today: been sitting on the bridge for 20 minutes and no one's joined
fucking shit ass matchmaking in this game I swear to christ.
more proof of SNOY putting pressure. The swede might actually make some fucking content. This is good news (and awful news)
finally got another 1k credits which of the last three warbonds is most worth it? viper commandos, freedom flames, chemical agents?
pub aids, it's a bug
Before its first buff (meaning, at launch) it was dogshit.

>only medium armor pen
>shit number of uses

It was only handy for instant fire support against chaff, and only if they were standing in a straight line. A MMG could pretty much do what it did.

The only reason it's good now is because it just so happened to have enough armor pen from the previous buff to fall into the "it can damage heavy units so we're giving it more damage to compensate for heavy units' HP increasing" category. The explosions from the rounds aren't going to penetrate shit against heavy enemies since they're only AP3, and the individual projectile damage still isn't enough to reliably crack heavy unit armor (they need thousands of damage, whereas Eagle Strafing deals hundreds), all the most recent buff did was make it even stronger against medium-sized enemies. Hell, I would argue that Orbital Gatling benefitted more from this buff than Eagle Strafing.

The default warbond gives you 750 SC for fully completing it, so unless you spent some of that on Superstore armor you should have gotten at least 300 through regular play to buy a warbond.

That being said, getting SC through regular play is kind of a crapshoot. I've always tried to explore every possible POI every mission, and in my early playing I would average out at about 10-20 SC per mission depending on how much my teammates were also exploring and if I found a lucky 100 SC. But really, if you value your time, don't try to farm for SC, just buy it to access the warbonds. You might say a $20 microtransaction is expensive, but honestly $20 isn't a huge amount of money if you have employment, and moreso post-inflation.
give it to me straight, which weapons are top tier now with the super buffs? i want to be useful to my team before i go gas support because i want the dog's breath thing
how do I get cured of pub aids
consume surstromming
Concord bombing is the best thing to happen to this game
I don't mind paying for content.
The question is whether their new monetization designer will make the warbonds more enticing to buy by actually making them good, or just find new ways to put even less content into them like Chemical Agents.
Exploding Crossbow and Recoilless Rifle are top tier now. Doesn't mean everything else isn't worth using though, just that the existence of actually good anti-tank means your team can diversity its loadout more.
I wish they’d give the purifier half the love they gave the crossbow
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>social tabs haven’t worked for me going on 3 months now
>anons tried to help me but nothing worked unfortunately
>ask a AH dev on what’s causing this and how to fix it
>”we are not sure what’s causing it and don’t know how to fix it lol”
I’m starting to lose hope that I will ever get this fixed hdg bros :(
>dog's breath
>stim pistol
what stratagems should i use to complete my support larp?
Viper Commandos for the armors probably, assuming you want to spend SC on warbonds instead of superstore armors.
Supply Backpack
Shield Relay
HMG Emplacement
Eagle Smoke :^)
EMS mortar/strike.
Viper Commandos has the booster and Peak Physique, that's pretty much it. Lib Carbine is fun but you aren't missing anything if you already have access to the Knight. Test of Conviction is great though.

Freedom's Flame isn't dogshit anymore now that the flamethrowers are useful. Cookout is basically a better Breaker Incendiary but not worth breaking the bank for. Otherwise, fire-resistant armor is the only reason to get the warbond, though Thoracic Collision Exultation Maneuver is also pretty good.

Chemical Agents is literally brand new, but everyone says that the Gas Grenade is the only good thing unless you really want the Stim Pistol.
so that didnt work.
one file failed to verify and got re downloaded, but that didnt fix it, still no one joined after 10 minutes.
i verified again and a second time it said one file failed to verify and was redownloaded, that still didnt fix it.
a THIRD time I verified and the same shit happened.
it seems launching the game at all is fucking up this file and making it so no one can join my lobbies. COOL.
that one file is part of the anti-cheat. verifying files is pure cope
dont they have a few other "concord mordern audience" games in the pipeline thats already 3+years and millions in the hole as well.
california was a mistake for sony. half a good year of profits at the start of ps4 era leeching off the ps3 endgame success, then straight into the aids infested bedrock of mordernday HR and movie game walking bullshit till they hit ps6 and bankruptcy
The upcoming one is fairgames, but its looking like the exact same slop that made concord fail. Sony said its testing well "internally" but they said the same thing about concord.
Heavy armor feels a bit too slow against the Bugs, so should I just go all the way to Light?
Honestly they could make Part 2s and so on to already established warbonds.
So lets say, purely as an example, Polar Patriots gets Part 2.
>Cryo grenades
>Cryo based stratagems
>Frost resistant armor for the new cryo effect
>White recolors for pods, pelican, mech
PP Part 2 costs 750 SC if you own PP Part 1 or 1000 SC if you dont. But you can buy both PP warbonds for 1000 SC equivalent of money.
Same if PP Part 3 releases, 750 SC if you own both prior PP releases but you can buy all three for 1500 SC equivalent of money.
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>zero reinforcement left
>A guard dog kills us all by detonating a hellbomb
I can't even be mad
Go medium, you'll still be able to outrun most bugs but can be afforded to make a mistake here and there.
Learn which bugs to prioritize that can actually catch you.
With light there are still some bugs you cannot outrun and if you get caught, you are dead near instantly.
Unironically the default padded 150 medium armor is one of the best on both fronts.
I knew bugdivers were idiots but not to this extent
>Viper Commandos for the armors
Enjoy your increased sway lmao
Swedes can't do anything right, they will never fix armors
3/4 bots
leandivers keep infesting my lobbies
>bix nood bugniggers finally noticed they achieved nothing on pandion for God knows how long
>Joel reduces the decay on pandion
>pandion is slowly getting captured
>~3.5 day for it to get captured even with almost half the playerbase there
>almost every other planet has better decay rate
>rest of the planets have people spread too thin and achieve nothing
If only all the bugniggers and botchuds blobbed one planet at a time.
idkwym, with Peak Physique I can whip around the MG-43 lightning fast and mow down enemies with excellent accuracy, haven't noticed any drawback.
probably means it in medical terms, as in their heads are so far up their own arse that something that doesnt look like aids cum covered shit is an abnormality.
if you want to keep using heavy armor then just use the gas grenades as a way to keep bugs off of you
My friend who plays maybe once a week deployed us to Menkent. A lot of players just ignore the galactic war and play wherever.
>correct play
>retarded anon seethes because he's a nigger
you cant anymore, they nerfed it
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They're going to release an armor like this, with a rainbow cape and pretend it's a sponsorship armor for yogurt like the blue one.
stfu botroon
>they nerfed the AC to be shit
>but they did it in the big buff patch so the average consoomer won't notice
devious swedes
I play both fronts, faggot.
The ragdolling problem on bots is actually worse than its ever been, despite the rocket barrage nerfs. Now it's laser cannons.
Why does it feel like this MO is bait?
>we win
Everything proceeds as usual.
Super Earth gives a few toys to the divers to hopefully turn the stalemate.
Super Earth goes in and reinforces the divers with experimental tech that will likely turn the tide.
>spawns 30 billion hulks with laser cannons and chickens
>behind 10 rocks of cover
>ragdolled anyway and lose 80% hp
>ragdolled anyway out of cover and turned into minced meat
>he still thinks that our actions matter for MOs
It's all decided and rigged by Joel. Only the chinamen hackers have the power to challenge him.
>there's a dog, two cannon turrets, and an automatic laser turret behind 20 layers of trees
>they can still see you
Nothing happens
MO to get the gas mines
MO to get the gas mines
Why do you think anything other would happen than us either getting or not getting the medals?
AT least the Quasar feels pretty good again
ok so I figured it out. I had one mission left in my operation from yesterday that I was trying to launch. the planet had been liberated overnight, which I guess means literally no one can join the mission anymore despite it letting me select and play it. I switched to a different planet and everything worked as normal and people joined the lobby.
cannon turret hp got buffed, and supposedly u have to aim at the lower half of the vent now as opposed to the top half
>supposedly u have to aim at the lower half of the vent now as opposed to the top half
where the fuck did you hear this load of horseshit cope?
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>finally update that people actually like (literally just do what people ask for months lol)
>Major Order is another stalemate garbage
jungle aids ggs
And stamina.
>icbm mission consistently makes the host crash around the extraction shuttle arriving
what are they doing
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Never played edf, but i did want to draw something like that already. Maybe a bit more like pic rel. With a devestator or spacemarine and 2 divers.
The optimal p;lay on erradicate is throwing 4 380s in the middle of the map at like minute 2 or 3, when the spawns speed up.
>spawns speed up
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>Imagine still playing this slop
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I cant believe I'm saying this but to win, we need to hop on Pandion
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I will not play ze bugs
Idk, most eradiate missions start out slow than after a few drops they start spawning in higher numbers.
Also, current erads have a chance to be fucked with spawnrates.
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I can't believe they actually salvaged it
But I never left?
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>medic + vitality
What was the goal of this post?
clearly making you respond
which you did
how's your second day on 4channel?
If that was all then you could've posted literally anything, how you enjoying the patches, bro
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>Stim pistol doesn't work through bubble shield
>blocks projectiles
>syringe is a projectile
unironically fail to see anything wrong with it
the bubble has no IFF
Just get close to them.
Heavy devs seem to flinch really hard when shot with MG now and it's even harder to get headshot them. I think going for ankles might be the play
just throw a gas grenade and shoot them in the back/sides while they spazz out
>crash on extract
Good morning I hate Sweden
I am poorfag and don't have the new warbond yet....
stuns work too
I am also using Eruptor + Impacts so I can fuck them up pretty fast with AOEs, but I want to figure out a way to do it efficiently with just MG.
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arrowhead troons crashed our lobby, it was gg though frens
the swedening can't be stopped
if it doesn't have strawberry it's a no buy from me
How many shots does it take for a commando to kill a hulk now?
does stim pistol give hit markers when target is on full health? using it to recover stamina seems like a great idea but holy shit I can't stop missing
still 1 to the eye
for the body it's actually better at 2 shots instead of 3
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>d11 is coming
How would you increase the challenge, /hdg/?
every scav is now a hunter
every hunter is now a tier 3 hunter who doesn't afraid of anything
stalker patrols
every alpha commander is now a charger
400 hp shriekers
it deserves to be RR's equal in damage for how long that cooldown is especially on hot shitholes
make d9 the new d11 on bugs and triple heavy spawns on bots
>400 hp shriekers
next will probably be the dragons, which I suspect are an abominable winged in-between stage of spewers and titans.
Make enemies move 10% faster.
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500 Bile Chargers
More chaff spawns
revert the multiple nerfs to heavy enemy spawn rates
Either make basic chaff more aggressive or replace them completely with medium enemies
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wishing a nigga would
/hdg/ RR sections have been hard at work training engaging flying targets at bot d10
we'll prevail
Fucking this! Instead of throwing more heavies at us I’d rather feel like I’m in an actual war with A LOT of smaller enemies coming at me from all sides non-stop. Their whole philosophy of just add more heavies to make it more difficult is so fucking lazy.
nearly every bug gets a behemoth version, behemoth spewers will make everyone seethe including (You)
factory striders get fat weapons upgrades and spawn hulks exclusively, jetpack hulks now spawn and can ground pound you from 80m away
two mega bases per map
Stop despawning enemies when you die.
30 (maybe 25) minutes timer
Higher risk of multiple breaches/drops when doing objectives (no more stealthy nuke)
More negative subobjectives (less SEAF arty and more Stalker nests)
>factory striders get fat weapons upgrades
They get those canons the new Hulks have
Some anon had the idea of making extraction a victory condition and i like it a lot
I was thinking barrager missiles but why not both?
>spear as stinger
Spear is javelin and airburst is stinger THOUGHBEIT
Reinforcement budget cut in half
Gets a barrager platform behind the main canon and a fortress turret on every leg.
Gets a face mounted MG that can only be destroyed together with the head.
Belly gets removed, now he poops out other bots. Belly gets another MG placed on it.
i need to try something new but have next mindset
tired of it
useful only against fabs, hulks, turrets, maybe tanks didn't test it
shit aimsight
just RR with autoaim with less ammo and can fuck off the fog/shitty render distance
>arc, flamethrower
shitty drag and slightly better aimsight, without backpack unplayable
can't kill gunships, tanks, cannons realibly
somewhat good but shits itself against armored targets (bots are armored)
>commando, eat, quasar
imagine make 1 shot in 30 seconds, at least you don't need reload them

help me
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Pitch: airburst version of the Spear, with a Stinger skin. Takes out a whole gunship patrol if you hit the most centered one.
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>enemy is now on high alert and patrols come from all sides
>shorter cooldown to call in breaches/drops
>new leaked enemies added
>two fortresses
>increased heavy enemy spawns
>increased titan spawns
>Increased breach/drop spawns
>more stratagem jammers on bot side
>Hive lord boss fight
Yeah and lower difficulties which are the (chaff) modes according to arrowhead are boring as shit because there's never been enough to kill. Everyone always flocks higher for a reason.
Sounds like you suffer from skill issue.
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Denser fog.
What about the railgun?
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breach cooldown reduced
stalkers are now normal spawns
stalkers can call in breaches
charger and behemoth asses are now fully armored
titan belly fully armored
impaler spawns more often
drop cooldown reduced
each drop is accompanied by 2 gunships
hulk vent fully armored
rocket devastators have infinite ammo (pre-nerf)
factory strider spawns more often
Especially when you look at diff 4 where instead of highe numbers they just swap out a medium for heavy enemy.
Calm down Alexus
Make the map smaller, but the entire map is a bot base. Super factories that produce hulks and tanks. Factory striders part of regular patrols.

For bugs the entire map is a bug nest. There are no bug breaches, the entire map is a bug breach.
>Unplayable without backpack
Nigger the map is FULL of ammo boxes
Never post again.
That should be a new short mission type.
idk, maybe the AI should use more light fast units and try to set up pincer attacks.
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too bad i already emailed this to the devs
I dont care what they add but I want this to finally play on bot side during a drop
>Arc, flamethrower
Those are bug weapons. Burning/electrocuting shit will never not be boring, seems like a (you) issue.
eravin wonned
That should be for the siege mechs.
can a nigga get some super experimental infusion?
I don't need cocaine acid or ketamine, I have stim pistol users in my squad
Got any dark fluid on there?
Are you also a time traveller?
I'm telling the democracy officer about you.
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hellmire tendies are the one true drug
Can i pay in medals? I need a sink
>stim armor
>stim pistol
>supply backpack

It's healing time
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We must destroy the Shitter Attractor on Pandion
ok d10 shitter
feels like nerfed amr (shit aimsight, only 1 shot before reload, chance of exploding yourself + need to wait before shot)
i can't find usecase for RG honestly
>random niggers steal ALL boxes for their spears, rrs, etc
>bug weapons
don't care, i prefer play against bots
imo more interesting and feels like you are in a fucking war, than shooting pests

anyway /hdg/ helps me try 380, 120 and other barrages again and they became good and even reliably kill big bases
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We did it pandionfags
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>Divas having to waste requisitions instead of getting the fresh stuff from the assigned terminid gf
RG is a multitool, it can theoretically kill off anything from all angles. The shit sight is hard to get over though, I agree. You could consider going in without support weapons on principle and only play the ones you're able to pick up as you go. That way you'll have variety at least.
>can't into railgun, the easiest weapon to use
>somehow lets other steal from him
AMR is the best tool to deal with gunships, what's your problem
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She's just been going over her disciplinary record, anon
It’s a tossup between it two shotting then and RG 1 tapping them at full charge
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My democracy officer would never do that.
Only on bugs
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That democracy officer is a fraud.
REAL democracy officers are watchfull guardians over helldivers.
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I remember everyone being pissed about the flamethrower, but i have yet to see anyone use it now that it's fixed
That's because it WASN'T fixed
If anything it probably got nerfed more
t. retard
flamethrower gets overshadowed by the primary flamethrower from the firewarbond.
The primary is almost as strong if not just as strong, has more ammo and isn't a support weapon.
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>That guy wearing fire resistant armor and running under a napalm barrage while his helldiver is screaming his lungs out the entire time
Would be really cool if there were an asbestos lining booster that you could equip. On any other armor, it gives you a minor boost, but on fire resistant armor, you're finally fully fireproof
That would be me, I like the screams :)
They really need to add more things that can destroy bug holes
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>host a game
>random pubbie joins
>dies in 15 seconds
>rage quits after not being reinforced after 3 seconds
>game crashes
So this is the power of swedish coding
A small price to pay to witness my enemies perishing before me.
HE grenades
Grenade pistol
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not enough
Wrong, retard.

It has never been good, and I doubt it is good now. This is the same thread where people were swearing the 100mm rockets were good.
We played a little mini game of shooting stim pistols at a guy running around inside the barrage last night. I forgot to record it, hopefully someone did.
Eagle strafing is good on bugs and alright on bots (might need to try it more there). The fact its a fast call in to kill behemoths is good enough. It also fucks spewers up like no other red strat and just overall is a solid choice for a bit of chip damage and chaff killing with the lowest likelyhood of friendly fire.
Every time I pick it my team trolls the fuck out of me with explosives.
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>Slight inconvenience appears
>Throw Napalm Barrage + 380mm Barrage + a 500kg for good luck
>Circle around the inconvenience
Literally me
I enjoy the brap weapons on bugs
I am running torcher and brap currently. Flamers fuck, but I don't want to use it as a support weapon right now.
>more things
you can just lob a 500kg now that will clear up anything that isn't a huge nest. skill issue?
>Pandion decay rate dropped again from 2 to 1.5
Frigging in the rigging, frigging in the rigging
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>Circle around the inconvenience
>not having 10 points in luck and walking through
Sorry anon, maybe stick to D5.
You can also use flame grenades and orbital strikes
>tfw no big tiddy hunter gf
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>call the difficulty 11 update "Up to Eleven"
>diff 11 aimed at those complaining that the game is too easy
>have to clear 5 helldive full operations in a row without failing to unlock
>make these leaked giganigga chromed bots exclusive to diff 11
>make a recolor for the gigabugs too
>gigabots get lazer accuracy and x1.5 hp
>gigabugs get double movement speed and x1.5 hp
Grenade Launcher
All barrages
Airstrike, 500kg, strafing and rocket pod eagles
>gigabugs get double movement speed
That would quite literally be undoable unless you are a stealthdiver.
Super earth would never expose its citizens to such risks
>he says as he jams yet another syringe full of totally safe and non-addictive stims into his neck
RG is the designated rocket chicken removal tool.
Just plap all of those you see and then focus devas if there's any.
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That drawing is based on real events.
>people everywhere complain all fucking weekend that bugdivers aren’t helping the MO
>instead of throwing and in-game hint or something, Joel just rigs it in the community’s favor at the last moment
Every fucking time. Imagine caring about the MO at all.
What about SUPER-asbetos?
>doesn't have his own healslut
Get on my level.
Just kill them faster, no fun allowed
Caring for the MO is stupid.
Joel won't let either sides win at all because it's rigged as fuck.
No one will ever care for it because the reward doesn't exist 99% of the time for 99% of the population (Medals are useless).
And worst still, bugdivers are turbo casuals that can't take criticism or laser fire (they didn't take their super-heated-photon vaccines), so they'll just stay diving on the same planet killing the same thing without affecting the capture because that's really all they want to do.
The war will just get worse when the illuminate get in and people can't take their controls being reversed (if AH even implements this again, considering they're now catering to casuals more and more)
1.5x then, I just like the idea for sub-factions to be the differentiation between the higher/lower difficulties, kinda like Payday 2's One Down/Death Sentence's ZEAL team
Would be perfect since they already have these chrome bots already in the files
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/hdg/ stands for Healslut diver general.
How do you use them on yourself?
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>I’ll take 181 stims please
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>He could save others from death, but not himself
Increase the spawn rate from every 7 seconds to every 3 seconds.
You find the leandiver healslut in your room, give her exagerated buttcheeks a good slap with the melee button, and she will take it as a message that it's time to heal you.
anyone else really laggy all of a sudden? feels like i'm locked at 22fps
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Restart the game. This happens to me periodically, more often when I alt tab to other windows. After I restart it goes back to normal.
pub aids
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>Mfw still haven't fought the new units
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>can shoot strider legs without using support weapon ammo
>headshots devastators with ease
>hell, you can even one clip a gunship's thruster with this one now
What's your excuse, for not using the Adjudicator against bots EVERY TIME now?
have you tried buying above d5, mister developer?
They should add bugs that shoot bullets and rockets at you.
I’d rather have them fix all the bugs and crashes first before they introduce even more shit that might destabilize the game further
Nvm I misread what you typed. Up your difficulty casual anon
I'm not the best shot and Libpen is way easier to handle thanks to very low recoil and more reserve mags
Also the Adjudicator is ugly as sin
DCS laughing at (you).
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DCS exists and does all of that better.
But Adjucator is still a cool gun.
Rocket chickens and Alpha commanders appear only from D8 and up.
Is the lib pen good now?
It felt like complete dogshit before but it got a big damage buff this patch right?
Plasma Punisher is too good against everything
feels really good against bots now. bout half a mag into the backpack of a sheild dev takes it down. or just a few headshots.
It's viable against, but the DCS and Adjudicator are probably strictly superior. Ease of handeling is its biggest upside.
Nah, I stay on 6 and 7
Makes sense
4chink ate my post, so I'll make it short: Dominator, DCS
Give me purifier with 30% more damage and continuous fire mode and I'm good.
I'll give it a try, adjucator always feels like it has a bit to much recoil for a gun needing 2(?) headshots on devs and if i remember correctly lib pen has a pretty nice scope aswell.
How many headshots does lib pen need against devs and how consistent is it at getting them?
JAR is the best gun in the game
I mean, we've been diving on this shithole for the past week, it's only logical resistance is fading
It's not at all
D10 Whatev
Thats not the Liberator (OG)
It is.
just the highest damage, great breakpoints, easy enough to use if you're not retarded, pen, stagger, good ammo economy, and full auto (chain burst) is the highest dps.

But this is a troll response so why do I need to convince you.
>failed to join
pub aids or full?
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I'm going to do it
i'm going to join a /hdg/ lobby tonight
And i will be AWFUL
lib pen better
Godspeed you shitter
so, the avg hdg diver? ok.
you'll fit right in
Don't forget your stim pisstol and healslut armor, healslut.
Is the rocket sentry any good outside of eradication/holdout missions? I last used it before it was buffed (so a long time ago) and all it did was whiff it's shots and die instantly
Works OK against bots if you position it smartly and not in the open to get sniped by rockets, it's basically your own personal rocket dev. Shoots and hits way more than before, but is still vastly outclassed by the AC turret for basically anything it does.
It's probably even better with all the enemies having less armor now
I think it's 3? not sure exactly cause with the bigger mag it has than the adjucator you can just spray at their faces and it works out. even if you miss their face you'll kill em eventually cause it's still doing damage. and yeah, the scope is really nice.
Cool, I've been running a lot of missions trying out the "dead" stratagems now and I've been finding out that most stuff actually works pretty well now.
I like the state the game is in, bros.
Mind that it has an aggro range of around 200 meters or so, so you can set it pretty far back and it'll still put out damage.
my game also decided to shit the bed
Game was fucking hot garbage with 3 viable/good weapons at launch. But people were all using the meta shit like the sheeps they are so they wouldn't know.
>play with pubs
>find 2 100SC drops in one operation
Well I'm basically set for the next couple of warbonds

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