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Previous: >>495443642

>[Campaign] Road to 7: Lostbelt No.5 (Atlantis)
2024-09-23 21:00 - 09-30 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] "Lostbelt No.5 (Atlantis)" Pickup Summon
2024-09-23 21:00 - 09-30 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Singularity Repair Support Campaign 2024: Part 5
2024-09-23 21:00 - 10-07 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Advanced Quest: Part 9
2024-09-23 21:00 PDT

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Pickup 2 Summon
2024-09-04 21:00 - 09-20 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Best year in a fucking while
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Kama Love!
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Happy the 21st
So to recap:

Lost to Hakuno(s)
>Nero Bride
>Tamamo Summer
>Tamamo Cat

Won from Hakuno(s)
>Hakuno ( female )
>A new BB made from Earth

Was it a good trade?
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Why is Olga there?
>BB of the Funny Hat
Is she a grand?
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>A good mom doesn't want to fuck their kids.
It's called bonding
Cute doragon
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Now the doors are open, which servant deserves a second swimsuit?
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Lip love!
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Unrelated but can we have her now? I need to roll her.
Jeanne Alter
Skinship is important after all.
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Nursery Rhyme is still ours, so we absolutely won here
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She's on rate-up this new years with Gilgamesh, decent rate-up if you ask me.
They should give BB a new one every year, and keep making them sluttier.
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I'd rather not and give swimsuits for servants that haven't had one yet, but if we are to go down that route, lets get back to the origins.
If you're the anon who posted her in the [COSMOS DENIED] thread in response to my question last thread, thanks. Know that your hard work sourcing this pic and making the measurements and math easy will work wonders towards helping me describe the growth of XX's ass in this size/expansion fetish smut I've been commissioned to write.
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>Won Hakunon
Worth it.
>none of the ascensions is an actual swimsuit
It's called bonding with a degenerate using her lack of understanding to take advantage of her. Not a parent and child relationship. It's fine of you want to fuck Jack or whatever but don't pervert the relationship of parents with their children.
I think everyone agrees here that Aesc deserves much more from lasagna.
I don't care I'm gonna coom to it as hard as if it was a swimsuit regardless
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Archive: https://litter.catbox.moe/j01wqd.zip
>using her lack of understanding to take advantage of her
She understands what sex is though so she can consent, that's what makes it hot
Cute Milly
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>Lost to hakuno
>Won hakuno (female)
Picrel. We lost nothing and gained a cute xth wife.
I cannot fucking wait anymore. I wish I could have a pretty gf like that
I'm not him,but I saw it in time.
I missed all her rate ups, and the only time I got one rate up I didn't have resources I think. Not this time.
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Nito's swimsuit looks fucking great but her kit and NP are garbage and need a huge fix. Also I NEED summer Nito (alter) AND summer Schez.
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Nito is /alter/core
Mom healing…
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Nito is my wife
Nice as always.
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Nito is Neato
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Gu-sama! She deserves an SSR version to please Xuxu and me of course!!
I'll take /ourgirl/ too on top of the new one we will get when she finally comes back!!!
I'll even take another power up easily!!!!
a friend i know married a girl he found on a roleplaying discord server.
they have 2 kids now
Am I misremembering or didn't those flying horses in salem/LB4 charm?
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Funny how no one has pointed this out yet. Why don't summer servants have any swimsuit ascensions?
Stop falling for evil women, bro.
Trust me, she's not worth ruining the Dynasty over.
So now that we've got summonable Hakuno(n), can we finally get FSN humans without retarded pseudo-servant shenanigans?
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Aoko trips sex
I hope not
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Mom’s ass on the third one.
Is this the real Nikitich or her dragon?
Will sakura be for me?
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Why so slow?
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I have nothing good to post
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We could have fun like last night but then the police would come in and ruin it all again... So what do huh? Want me to take one for the team again?
wiki doesnt list them as having that as an ability but i think i remember them having it, mightve been a one off event or story thing
I just want a 3* Issei pseudo desu.
we saw you take more than enough last night sweatyyy
SEX with Romani's wife!
Aoko CURAZY sex.
yes but she'll have also have a line for Muramasa that gets used to troll here as well.
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I hope you're not talking about THAT picture...
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I did enjoy my Friday night /alter/ soap.
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Melty Blood is fun, but I want another FATE only fighting game.
We will get a Sinjface before EoS...right?
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>*tik tok clock sfx*

From the outside to the inside.

>*tik tok clock sfx*

From one to zero.

>*tik tok clock sfx faster*

Shift, cyclic.

>*tik tok clock sfx FASTER*

Player substitution.

>*magical girl transformation sfx*

Let’s get started!
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Hello nurse
It's not a summer form.
That's Super BB.
We now have
>Super Orion
>Super Romulus
>Super Edmond
>Super BB
I don't remember who else.
Parvati with Sakura's clothes is already in the game, bro
>posts a LB6 only concept
If it will be like that I don't want anything.
Is very expensive!
What's so super about her?
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Saturday are supposed to be even better! But I'm not sure I'll make it TWO (2) nights in a row! but then again I only managed to get a single war9 lol
No idea how that happened honestly! I was simply having fun posting /ourgirl/ that's all!!
>Let’s get started!
*unzips cock*
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>Rin main pseudo
>Sakura main pseudo
How come Ishtar is way more popular and relevant? She has both a free summer version and a space variant while Par just has a costume.
FGO BB has absorbed BB Dubai to become Golden BB
god i wish to swap into jinako’s body
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Aoko is so cool...
I don't like tako.
I want another FSN and HA only fighting game. Ushi can be a guest character again tho.
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Poor Archer, even his former master is stronger than him.
Probably because Sakura has like ten other pseudos + BB and the Sakura Five.
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>No idea how that happened honestly!
Drunkposting gone wrong.
Nobody likes "nice" Sakura, people only likes evil Sakura and we have many BB's and Kamas for that. Also Parvati and Kali are the same entity in poo mythology and we get kali next year.
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Bond 3 OC3 Complete

Personality (Golden BB)
>BB, the devilish heroine, has now become a goddess heroine as well.
>The best and worst traits of both sides have miraculously fused, resulting in a BB who is slightly more thoughtful, merciful, and composed than usual.
>It feels as though her mental age has increased by about two years.

>However, just because she has matured a little doesn’t mean the core of BB has changed.
>She's remained as that same playful neighbor who toys with humanity while still trusting them.

Bond Extra OC3 Complete

>Previously, even though BB was a health management AI for humanity, she could never fully escape the malignant data she acquired through her growth—known as the "Curse."

>However, with humanity's role on Earth finished and the new Prime Species leaving the planet, BB herself has also graduated from her role... and from her curse.
One is drawn by one of the worst artists in the game and the other by one of the best ones. Give sakura to wada and see how she does.
bros I am fucking hammered
how do I get a gf/bf I can talk to about fate and other shit and cuddle
you can give me meme answers or anything else I don’t care anymore I’m gonna drink until I pass out

>normal pool 4 star vs limited 5 star

>dogshit art that doesn't even look like the person they share faces with.

>no story relevance vs big role in a major story chapter.

I wonder why
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You know I don't even need booze for that!!
Knowing Nasu, it'll be another spinoff from Fate/Extra, as he'll get both Kiara and Li Shuwen day one.
The main Rinface is Ishtar and the main Sakuraface is BB. Should be obvious.
The last Sakuraface will be Aŋra Mainiiu (BEAST) when FSN Sakura returns to the grail.
>Give sakura to wada and see how she does.
That's literally BB, bro. Anyway ReDrop Sakura is the best Sakura of all desu.
Plapping this boy
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As long as I get my girl in I'll be happy.
Thanks, bro!
ayo dis nigga cant read
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How are you doing Pig Queen Witch? Long time no see!!
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>That's literally BB, bro.
That's the point I was making
>Anyway ReDrop Sakura is the best Sakura of all desu.
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Kama had to take over Parvati's spot after Nasu realized releasing her as a 4* and in such a bad state was not a good idea.
Has Guda ever questioned why half of his servants look like the same Japanese girl

give redrop the reins to draw space parvati for saber wars 3 and watch her popularity skyrocket for "reasons" lol
no one is gonna gov me an answers so it’s time to drin more
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More like has Guda ever questioned why half his servants look like King Arthur of Britain, first of his name, wielder of the sword Excalibur and chosen of the fairy of the lake?
imagine how tight her butthole is
Guda isn't here to think but to take a chuuni pose while his servants save the world for him .
>Rin is the Sumerian Slut goddess
>Sakura is the Hindu slut God
>Luvia is the Greek star and purity goddess
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And done. I hit a huge roadblock along the way, but finally I was able to reach this screen.
>luviakek making shit up
Shit art lol.
>A1, sexy black dress always works
>A2, astronaut, works for B, cute
>A3, a literal crime against fashion
>inb4 A3 gets spammed with art the next week
SEX with gyaru monk!
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Is this proper for a monk?
I want to see her nipples.
I picked that screenshot because you can see her dialogue. But here's the 120 screen for you anons.
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Holy shit FINALLY
This is one of those "healing" one right?
Astraea NEVER says that, bro.
her dialogue is the same, servants don't have specific dialogues for leveling past 90
Congwats, bwo.
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Rhinosluts are gem sluts, nothing new here!! And that's why we love bullying them! Cause they do it for gems lmao!!!!!!!!
Beast GFs...
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I know, but unless we get a raised level cap that'll be the last time I'll see it. That's why I hold extra value to it.
They do... what?
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Did Summer9/OC3 reduced or increased her chances of getting a real swimsuit?
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How do I get a gemslut GF, bros?
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You know... work hard to get gems...
Go to materials -> servants -> leveling up and you can see it as many times as you would like
I like that illya's isn't half as retarded as everyone else's because she's still just illya
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Summer Illya literally has brain damage
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Treat you know who miserable, she loves it!!
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>when you flake out on Barg at the gym
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Yep, that's me. I finally reached bond 7 today, and got the coins I needed for the last two levels.

huh, you're absolutely right. funny how I never notice that feature despite playing this game for six years.
I need to see a gyaru variant of EVERY female servant.
Probably increased, if she wasn't in summer 9 at all then it would seem hopeless. Now it might show up as a spiritron dress someday just because lasengle can make it happen.
Oh it'll get art, it's BB after all. But nowhere near the other two ascensions.
Congrats Ericebro!
congrats surprisingly still no evocation festival for Erice yet. Maybe a rerun?
Where do I read the trial quest stories? I don't have MHXA but I wanted to read hers
Original summer BB 2nd ascension is still the best BB design desu.
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every event is on YT
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It's literally the sluttiest swimsuit ever released in FGO
>pink g-string
no sub, but used some credits for (you)
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I just want an FP summonable Shirou. Is that too much to ask for?
Why is she like this?
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I know sweaty, it really can't be helped at this point!
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Thanks anon.

At this point I have given up her getting in the shop. They're absolutely waiting for vol 3 release for a rerun which is morbid news to us Erice fans. it ain't ever happening...
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Now take responsibility for those words.
Grats bro
What the fuck am I looking at?
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Because Wada is a really horny artist
Sexual teenager
Is that supposed to be a threat? That belly is gonne have triplets in a few months.
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Am I cringe too?
>no idea how it happened honestly
It's really a mystery isn't it!
Extremely cringe.
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Perfection, I really, really want to make a family with her majesty.
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Bro you can't just breed a small army of beautiful blond haired, towering tall, genetic freak athletic giants like that...
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Exactly! I have no idea who could have been teasing me at this point! I know it's her Majesty one way or another! As long as Morgan-sama is involved I suppose it's fine!!!!
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I can see them
hapy bday
I'm depraved enough to take pussy from a woman who will kill me.
So yeah, I will take care of Bob. She will be a happy girl and I WILL praise her.
Name 1 (one, uno, ichi) servant nobody in /alter/ hates.
>Inb4 Reddit alter, Faeniggers or Eric Bloodaxe
I hate those
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Bob sweaty we can see your... you know...? Hmm milk please?
Happy birthday sweaty
Godspeed, bro. Post more Bob lewds
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conquering the Northern Kingdoms with Barg
Yeah you're on vacation all right LMAO.
Fappy birthday, you goon ass nigga.
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Thank you for positive thoughts.
Grailing Eric is big dick energy.
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>gyaru barg
disgrace Bageko like this one more time and I will personally get your NAI account permanently banned.
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Ehy you're back dumb loser! Where have you been!? I've been missing you! Maybe Caren-sama should put your slut back in her place where she belongs and you too!!!!
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It's hard to improve on perfection but she deserves it.
Real talk though, Anne and Mary deserve an update. At least give them a sprite with both of them at once.
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Enjoying [Campaign] Road to 7: Lostbelt No.5 (Atlantis)
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Happy birthday bro
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just give him the costume as a gift and he will use it
Yes I am a faggot
But I just want to be happy
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>reported and blocked in less than 1 minute
>cuckfucker allowed to post forever
FUCK THE MODS and fuck the queer that reported me
Drug him and make him wear the cosplay
I love my cute baby dwagon wife Melusine and I wish that Morgan would respect our relationship and stop calling herself my wife.
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fags will never find happiness, only temporary respite from their degenerate lives of hedonist escapism
Agreed. That Durga artist did a really good job though.
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Mom Love!
That’s not real love though

Thanks Marthabro but I’m not going to change my ways
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Spoken like a true gay
What's /alter/'s opinion on Dobrynyan Nikitich?
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I want to Grail her.

Imagine shoving your cock through the neck hole and out her mouth and cumming all over her face and suffocating her with cum up the nose.
Karna and Bunyan.
I’ll message him…
Are those...?
This is a good one.
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>Aŋra Mainiiu (BEAST)
We already saw his body and it's nothing like Sakura.
>Durga/Kali is just the evil side of Parvati
>Takauchi gave her to a new artist instead of Takao
Takauchi can be based sometimes
what is this white stuff?
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What's /alter/'s opinion on Dobrynyan Nikitich summer?
Oyakodon with Morgan and Bob!
I forgot about her existence even though she got a swimsuit recently, the next time I'll remember about her when she spooks me
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love her expression here
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Oyakodon with Dobrynya and Vitch!
Kill yourself, that retard wolf can't even bother on having any positive thing. Beryl is the worst of the cryper for a reason.
I thought it's a blue board, what is happening?
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You give me some of that milk right now!!
I want a Bob gf
At first I thought "he wishes" but then I remembered that he doesn't actually wish that and only likes Mash like that. What a weird character he was
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>voidsucker seething again
who set him off?
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He is about to enter full meltdown mode
The rare based Baobhan poster.
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Holy based, happy birthday, Bobchad
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Keep posting
Personally seeing this oyakodon fae pics is fulfilling for me so thank you whover is posting this
You're a bad person and your parents are ashamed of you.
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More MILK!!!
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So who we blame for the state of this thread?
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I mentioned this before, but after Tunguska I lost almost all enjoyment in this game, so i just decided to take a break. That's all really. I still play the game, but since I'm not fully into it i don't bother that much to post here. That may change going forward, as gudaguda rekindled my flame by a little.
For reference Im >>495486156
I'm not the guy you're refering to
I just posted Nikki since today I finally pulled her after completing OC3 on my JP account
Probably me. I've been afk, so thread quality took a nosedive.
That's unfortunate, you share the servant you like with l*cksucker
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Got it! I didn't catch on! Hopefully you stick around sweaty, i love how much of a perv you are! Stay strong sweaty and I hope you regain some of that passion! your dumb slut love and Caren-sama love tooo!
This thread is ass
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Servantverse Story Timeline in order of release
Saber wars 1
X interludes: 1,2,3:2016
X Alter trial quest
Summer 3: 2018
X alter interlude: 2019, before SWII
Summer 4 (A bit): 2019
SWII: 2019
X Interlude 4: 2019
Ranmaru: Gudaguda close call: 2021
Have I missed anything so far, and if so what
Yeah maybe just take the small W you got and run with that.
That's actually an advantageous positions since he spams hot art sometimes.
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That's gay
no u
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I can smell /fgog/rats ITT
I don't.
Licking Bob's perfect pussy!
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This is your wife.
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Rats run this general.
But I'm gay.
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Having finally assembled my army of All-Terrain (Alter for short) Hylian Rodents, cheese will be eradicated from the thread and all will be Medb's.
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My wife isn't from Type Moon.
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Not so fast, Medb.
Good taste probably.
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I definitely am still a huge perv haha. Maybe even got worst since last year, as i can't help but make Erice even more perverted in my commissions.
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Why she's so popular?
/fa/ and for you
hello? cumtent?
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that's a good boy! Enjoy yourself sweaty! Please don't leave us! breaks are fine though!
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you know what, fuck you have some mesugaki Barg
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You're missing this
I already jerked off to pictures of Bob posted in this thread
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Fuck off
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I actually don't know. Japs just liked that specific ascension, in particular.
Of course it's AI, did you expect artists to draw loli Barg for no reason and what's the difference to you anyways
It's called having interesting fashion.
AI is shit.
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Now I'm horny...
>Believe in the Bob who believes in you
Nope, not anymore, it has improved drastically
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Still shit but unironically better than the naked bridal attempt so it looks like the jokes on (You).
we love AI here anon That's why i don't come often
Doesn't matter if it has learned to beat Hackeuchi at hands, it's still shit.
Washed out, awkward proportions, and a shitty ass "style".
Non-AI /fgoalter/ when?
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Strength is beautiful.
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Reminder that several FGO servants are quite literally AIs based on fetishes
I bet you would not be able to tell the difference in couple of years, we'll see then
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That's my home though
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yuri love! Dogs love too!!
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Gonna have a day nap, later bros.
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time to drink
Have a good one sweaty
Just starting the gudaguda event today. Is it worth reading or should I just skip my way through it. Did people enjoy it?
Alter is always better. Always.
Saber Alter > Saber
Jalter > Jeanne
Okitan > Okita
Nitorta > Nitocris
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tickles my fantasy of cute petite hispanic gf
never read
dont have a sub so im not fixind enhancing right now so yeah my bad for the hands
>Okitan > Okita
I don't think so.
we love them reddit names
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Ditto. Maybe some Jameson can salvage this night.
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She is not petite, retard
Sexo con Carmilla, y muchos hijos para que no este sola nunca mas.
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melt the Exhibitionist
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all I have are Malts specifically Beast and Hard Mtn Dew
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There's a bunma...
Are you alright?
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When do the bro hours begin
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You mean Nitler.
What were you doing the whole time, latelet?
You just started today when there's only one day left. You should probably hit SKIP all the way through. You can just read the story on Story Materials of My Room or watch on YouTube if you want to.
I recommended taking up Apples as much you can to get as much Cha-no-yu points by clearing and repeating nodes to complete the event's main story and unlock Iyo. You can also play extra missions afterwards for NP copies. You're probably never gonna get all the rewards since you started so late, but at least you'll get something out of it.
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Is this a guy or girl?
Cute wife!
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Alters are cool but they're not as cool as the OGs
She better have a costume where we can see her bare thighs.
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>5'6'' 120 lbs
>retarded manlet wants to argue semantics
Nigger I am 6'2'' 215-220 lbs. I can lift her over my head with one hand, that is petite to me. Especially when you consider the average hispanic female weight in the great US of Adipose tissue.
Based skipgodbro
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Si senior! Milla love!
Fuck off, petite is 5'4" and under, Tlaloc is not Petite it doesn't matter if you're a big guy
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look at this fetishistic AI
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>I can lift her over my head with one hand
>Nigger I am 6'2'' 215-220 lbs.
Didn't ask
>who set him off?
Who said anybody needs to? If nobody gives him attention he starts feeling lonely and spergs out all on his own.
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>alcoholics in my /alter/
>"Why yes, I love inducing neurodegeneration in my brain and making my life even shittier so that I can feel a bit goofy for a few hours, how could you tell?"
I'm not manlet, I am 175...
How do you use these wardrobe keys from the event?
I was busy playing another new gacha game but now that I've hit the wall and am out of things to do in it I've come back. I've just been making apples every day. I guess technically I could clear everything if I just ate all the apples I've been making.
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I wish Bhima's np was him ripping someone in half instead of him turning into a superhero or whatever.
In the wardrobe with the servants you summoned
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Who cares man we all are going to die eventually if people want to drink let them drink
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yeah bro, for us it was just a bit of a surprise and some furniture groaning
we're used to them, part and parcel of living on a highly seimic zone
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>literally off his autistic definition by 2(dos) inches
So this is how (((men))) behave when their height starts with 5 huh.
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You sure?
>moralist in a gacha general
Fuck off
At least I'm not some fucking sadsack who likes posting bar graphs on imageboards for fun.
>So this is how (((men))) behave when their height starts with 5 huh.
this is >>495490236
Nothing wrong with being a short man in the 21st century, what are you going to use all this height for? Working on a construction site lmao
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Post the /alter/core approved bar graphs
>Saber alter
2 faced rat.
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Nitalter is reddit
Horta is not
>wanting a functioning brain makes you a moralist
So? I would rather prefer OG Okita being for (You)
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lazy and cringe as all fucking hell
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Holy sexo...
Julius, Brotome and Valahara what the fuck were you thinking? Especially Valahara... Douman? Come on man there are so many hot waifus in this game
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Sorry your mom drank while she was pregnant bro.
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This one's on me!
>tfw no depressed glowie gf
If you had a functioning brain you wouldn't be playing a gacha game.
based and /alter/pilled
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Why does Albert do it?
>cropping his garbage shitpost
Fuck off already fgognigger
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A shame for her VA. Seriously gonna miss this beauty mature vampire. Also in another franchise, best sailor.
Sorry, she's gay for Nobu.
She is taller than me...
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calmate che
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Delicious hag
Wait, this old man is for (you)?
Why is Oberon for me? I'm not gay
>all those missing servants
This is how you know /fgog/ has no idea what they're reading.
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Her legacy will continue
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Liz? More like GAY, lol!
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old men trapped in the bodies of young girls have a suspiciously high rate of being for (you)
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Why her breasts keep growing?
Total Liz supremacy.
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>waaaa roll for me mastaah look at my brasstss!!!!
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Where's morgan? she's for (You)
Shirokamis are actually nice
She keeps downloading more RAM.
It's not BB, look at her ribbon
Based and truthful
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Stop it...NOW.
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God I love power ups so much! Hopefully Koyama does Sashi again!!! More milk is always amazing!
Keep going...NOW!
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>my Ranmaru X is NP4
>last copy nowhere to be found
What the fuck? I could've sworn I thoroughly cleared that event. God dammit!
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she needs an alt with normal hands
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Not big enough if you ask me.
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Fucking mo der ati on, I am bei ng bann and from post ing ab out lu ck suc ker, not. Lewds
Burning Skadi for RPs...
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I feel like Lip should be raised to explicitly for you after you go out of your way to buy a swimsuit for her just so she can be happy.
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Hehehe.... I'm finally green. Feels good. Can't wait for an update..... Though I guess it didn't really matter since I'm still trying to get Bunny, Castoria, and eventually Tiamat maxed out. Saber too if she comes home!
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it gets updated once per year, sometimes twice
Still gonna complain about Draco (Third Ascension)'s placement.
We just had a free saber like a month ago, bro
Incarnationbros, we have been done dirty...
Shit is NOT sexy at all...
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I've seen several variations of the list without the doc getting updated.
Regardless, I'm just really excited because I want more copies of my favorites and all those gold fous and fou paws already.
I know, it's how I got her to NP3. She's only ever spooked me once and showed up in a paid summon alongside the guaranteed servant!
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are these hot women for me?
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more like luckshitter.
Mama don’t cry.
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>Tlaloc is petite
>the tallest among them
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define bite sized
For me it's
BB > Eresh > Ciel > Tlaloc > Dobrynya > Xu Fu > MHXA > Lip
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Kingprotea-sized bite
the size of a bite
But like what kind of bite? it could mean many things
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A Ranmaru bite, ir pretty clear bro
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lmao kek
>complain about the devil
>bann for a month
There is nothing better than booze and gacha on a Saturday night desu senpaitachi
They should add the Standard System of Measurement as a servant. That would be a cool American servant.
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Isn't funny that literally every single girl in this pic is in love with (you)?

>In love with (you)

>Madly in love with (you)

>Open to being friends with benefits

>In love with (you) just to spite Arcueid

>In love with (you)

>Super in love with (you)

>Super Duper Mega in love with (you)

Xu Fu
>Open to being friends with benefits
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>Isn't (it) funny
Neither funny nor interesting I'd say.
>>Madly in love with (you)
You wish
>All that clap shit
Nah, last year was much better
>Behind the Dune
>voyager stays away because he fears it will make him malfunction
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Wrong, nothing like RoN and music for a good ol' Saturday night
She is too. She's like AM, but with love instead of hate.
Nikitch is cuckbait and xu fu is 100% dyke bro. MHXA is a soulless mash clone who would never put out. Don't know anything about FGO ciel
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Literally the most for (you) servant in the entire game
She is just teasing you
Mom butt
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Is this real?
>Changes scientist servants into Berserkers
Madly in love with Hakuno
She has a husband
She's for Shiki
She's for MHX
This whore betrayed you for no reason
>Xu Fu
Nope in love with Paisen
Why nikitich is a cuckbait ?
/alter/ post
/fgog/ post
She's taken
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Everyone is for (Me)
Not me
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Friends with benefits.......
>bobfag gets banned forever for harmless lewds on his bday
Sad, fucking mods
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>bobfag gets banned forever
pls don't toy with my feelings.
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Was that the one where the enemy Master was situated over big BB's womb? And you had to find your way to the middle of the heart and finish her there?
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You read wrong, OC2 has nothing to do with guilt over Lostbelt purging at all. Just like how in OC1 (You) needed to experience the mindset of an Alter Ego to understand the purpose of the class, in OC2 it's about whether (You) have what it takes to turn your mind to flame and become an unstoppable avenger after everything and everyone (You) know was mass murdered in the bleaching.
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im lost
That's Space Eresh. She even has a meter that doesn't work if she's on support to declare she is ONLY for (You).
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And OC3 is essentially being the one that register the final moments of mankind, which means you exactly know how Mooncancer work.
Why is shinji genderbent
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I look like this.
great game
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Unless we have an incident, Bro Hours should commence in approximately an hour and a half. I hope you'll be there!
Keep in mind that (You)r loved ones weren't actually killed in the bleaching, the mass murder happened to the people of Chaldeas instead, which is another reason the Avengers are incompatible with (You)r journey.
I hate fanartists who draw Draco as if she's a mature sophisticated woman and not a bimbo like she really is
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>tranny form
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So this OC thing is about destroying or canonizing extra classes? I hope we finally get to kill Mash then, she is an extra class after all.
Can't wait for (You) experiencing outer god mindrape in the eventual Foreigners OC and the Gudako doujinshis that will come from it
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Take a break from /v/ and clear your mind bro
by who?
nta but isn’t her whole thing that she isn’t actually the person, but the person’s wife
Stop making fun of her
I wouldn't know, bro, I SKIPPED chunguska
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Not her fault she is as pathetic as her poster
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This isn't tea
Close enough.
Looks like matcha in clay pot to me
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When (You) are a rape CHAD everyone is for (You)
Everyone knows Wada is the superior milk artist!
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The official goodsmile company posted this.
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Lmao this roll pissed me off so much that I did a multi and immediately got this
Fuck off Aurora/Percival
Why even start?
Don't reply to the schizo.
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Not like I can deny what you said... Still I have absolute faith in Koyama to give nice power ups to /ourgirl/ when the time comes!!
You just got tested bro, and you were rewarded. Yorokobe
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>Gilgamesh isn't a jobber
>Nasu literally views him as Vegeta
Ignore the babble of the clown.
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Yes! /ourgirl/ love!
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>So this OC thing is about destroying or canonizing extra classes?

Kinda, TLDR, light narrative spoilers
Every OC is focused on a single extra class.
Guda can decide whatever he accepts these classes or reject them based on several factors, like his moral views.
After completing OC1 and OC3 Guda decided to accept Alter Ego and Moon Cancer.
After completing OC2 Guda decided to reject Avengers because
As result Alaya cut the connection to all the avengers and Chaldea/Guda can't use them anymore.
But he can continue summoning Moon Cancers and Alter Egos.

An entire class will not get pruned if Guda decides to reject it
The only consequence is Guda not being able to summon servants from that class anymore
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I activated the Hot Period for (You), bro. Your welcome.
/ourgirl/ by Wada would be even better you have to admit!
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I wish they'd make Humbaba more accurate to the original story...
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>All this bullshit for some timber
thank you, Beast 0
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I'd be curious to see it for sure!
What NP is this?
And he’s talking to himself again.
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>After completing OC2 Guda decided to reject Avengers
WTF? Guda was supposed to be (me), I would never reject Avengers, I meam my wife IS an avenger!
Sounds like Foreigner is next on the old chopping block.
I wish Enkidu would fucking transform already. Gil stated, the first thing that he showed up, that Shamhat's form, while nostalgic, is not the figure Enkidu wore most of the time. I want to see more Enkidus!
He's mostly a chain as seen in Hollow.
What servant would look better with a different artist? Musashi with Koyama?
Is that...?!
Id was probably the most "Guda as his own character" chapter in the game, even beating LB6 in that regard. He talks a shit ton and even has inner monologues. It's great
Abby's cunny will save foreigner, bro.
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Based on what you've said, OC4/Ruler has the potential to be holy fucking kino
That has to be the most retarded thing I've ever read
I prefer the Samurai Remnant artist's Musashi to Koyama's, though I do like him a lot too
Astraea with literally anyone else
Anyone drawing a Takao servant would be an improvement
Wada draws Takeuchi's Artorias better
To cheat a bit, Melty Blood era Takeuchi is one of the best artists in Type-Moon bar none
OC4 will be Foreigner chapter, retard
>Lost to Hakuno(s)
>>Nero Bride
>>Tamamo Summer
>>Tamamo Cat

Hakuno can have all of them, I don't give a fuck.
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I don't think they're eligible. That's supposed to be the janny class. The poster girl is even named Jan.
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That's hell you're walking into.
Retard, Ruler is next and we just got OC3, 3+1 equals 4 dumbass
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He's talking to me
Foreigners are harmless (t. Gilles)
Being a janny means humans are not meant to summon them so you are still up for the review. It's not that the class is not supposed to exist, it's that YOU do not have authorization to deploy them.
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>OC5 will be about accepting guda's own madness
>foreigners are forgiven
>about to enter chaldea again
>guda get's posesed by the foreing god
OC3 is Moon Cancer
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I want Sprite-kun to re-do Tez. Sprite-kun clearly has a much better command of his skills
>Oberon's stupid fucking face
>Reddit Alter FINALLY banned from chaldea FOREVER
Yep, that's me (True).
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Yeah? I know, OC3 is MoonCancer and the one after is Ruler, so Ruler is OC4 fool
Your turn is next, Aoko, all foreigners will be data lost in its respective chapter OC4
Rulers are moralfags so they must be safe, right?
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>Foreigner Ordeal Call
>literally takes place in R'lyeh
That's oversimplifying a bit. OC2 proved that Guda(ko) 100% has it in them to become an Avenger if they want to, and that fighting with vengeance in your heart can be a powerful weapon. But it's a path that will eventually burn you and everyone around you, it's the path that Dantes (the original FGO Avenger) turned away from at the end of his journey, and it's not the path that is necessary for the restoration of the Human Order
what class was oc1? there are many other extra classes, what makes you think oc4 will be ruler or foreigner
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>background map changes shape everythime you go to the main menu while playing the chapter
>Anon politely spoiler tags all the spoilers
>All the quotes just repost the spoilers without spoiler tagging them
why do you people know so much about future content
OC1 Alter Ego
OC2 Avenger
OC3 Moon Cancer
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So, who is she?
She will be featured in the Ruler Ordeal Call.
Your turn is next, Aoko, sex won't be allowed in chaldea
Doesn't Gilles have some sort of access to that? I think it's if he ever gave the spell book back to Prelati (s)he can open a gate to the Spiral Castle.
I'm an oracle.
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>Link Lost
That just means that sufficiently angry Guda will reestablish the link.
My next 120
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Abby replaced Dantes for the person living rent-free in Guda's head, so probably not. Also Foreigners are good to have.
R'lyeh is just Rhode Island on a meth binge
We don't, bro, these are just fanfiction theories haha
We know Pretenders aren't getting shit because it got it's class score opened already
Foreigners got the "Nah we won't have to do this one" so we're totally doing that one
We already knew Alter Egos, Avengers, and Rulers were getting something when the OC started
Moon Cancer was the one that was out of left field, iirc Nasu even said "We won't do that one" in an interview
will I find a wife?
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He's your Claefriend, don't be rude to him.
If Foreigners get data lost, I will swear vengeance against lasagna.
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If only it were just 30SQ.
True Melusine.
Oh cool it's translated. Loving sex with my cute wife while Morgan supervises.
That's a nipple
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my waifu is a zerker so she is safe
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Foreigners are outer gods, a beast, Aoko, and Kuku.
Idk, I'm pretty sure the counter force would reject the shit outta them
>Nasu: We choose LINK LOST and LINK BAD with the intended meaning of “They won’t appear in the story again, but they didn’t really disappear, we just can’t connect to them, ok?”.
So keeping them causes fgo to end and ditching them lets a new set of adventures happen. I think it's clear what she'll pick.
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Nasu wanted to have them all be Data Lost, he didn't only because Sakurai was against it.
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>bro hours are announced
>it's actually rat hours
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>pointy ears
>bat wings
>alter eyes
Are we really pretending this isn't Liz alter? Or at least trying to evoke that feeling?
I don't know, but we'll be lucky if she's a hit. So far, 2/3 have been flops.
She's a zerker (false), in reality she's a ruler
>Suzuka's interlude calls Nero's singing voice a Tyrant Burning Shout.
I wonder what time Suzuka's interlude was released on the JP server relative to Last Encore.
Liz alter
Will there be True Percival too?
Optimus Prime wouldn't say this.
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Reminder to thank Sakurai
>OC1 Alter Ego
>OC2 Avenger
>OC3 Mooncancer
>OC4 Ruler
>OC5 Foreigner
>OC6 Pretender
>OC7 Beast
>OC8 Shielder
The poster servant for OC2 was Cagliostro
>“I know this may sound overblown, but try to write something that will be remembered as your personal masterpiece. I’m giving you unlimited time and budget for it.”
Sakurai got the assignment, Minase seemed to sleep on the job
If I had to choose between humanity and my Foreigners, then I would reject humanity.
yeah he just released another one
new (529810)
translated (490291)
>your waifu gets datalost
Will you uninstall?
But she's the one deletes Musashi from existence.
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That would be Raymond in this case. Not a terrible pick, but I'd rather have one of her sons.
Good to hear your wife is safe Beryl.
He's a 4*, the true poster was Dantes
You're right, we should thank her twice for that
>your waifu gets datalost
This will happen at EoS regardless
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watch your tone.
I think he means the one literally on the OC poster
Sanzang's NP uninstalls herself so it's a bit late for that.
So this means Keksashi will never come back, right?
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fuck you planet,
I can't say no to yuyusex
I can, Datalost all foreigners, Alaya.
Unlikely I'd say outside of events
Foreigners are BAD and you shouldn't summon them.
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Grand Assassin King Hassan, kill this guy in his sleep.
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The entire plot of OC2 was Super Edmond trying to get Guda to realize he doesn't have the stomach for true vengeance, to strike at CHALDEAS with the rage of the last surviving humans.
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what about pretenders?
Maybe it'll be a Yuyu redemption chapter. That would be cool. She's the only Foreigner that's ever tried to fuck us over to that degree.
Keksashi? Don't disrespect /ourgirl/ like that, loser
Kama didn't get link lost
I don't think it would take much to get the pants off her, you just need to ascend her once and she's in a bikini showing off for (You).
Do you think nasu would be murdered if he went through with erasing avengers entirely?
Based. Better to be an enemy of humanity than to lose Yuyu.
Damn I wish my waifu would get permanently deleted from the game so I can enjoy it more!
Who even thinks like that?
She didn't and it's not relevant either.
Hassan quit the Grand Assassin thing years ago, sis
Kinda is when you are talking about her
The fuck man. Avenger is the coolest class. I hope they don't prune foreigners next.
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Per Nasu, it's only PHH Avengers, so non-PHH Avengers stay (e.g. Space Ishtar doesn't disappear either, because she's not from PHH but is Servantverse).
Why does Alaya look exactly like Cthugha?
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why do event final farming nodes now have enemies with 1 million hp
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>Entire thread discussing JP content
Why don't you fuckers just go to /fgog/?
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try it dickhead
Parrotma IS an Avenger, bro...
Kama is PHH
Alaya check your fucking phone more, KH left the GC ages ago
Suspiciously, the only PHH Avenger maintaining its is Aŋra Mainiiu
>He is impregnating his extra class waifu?
>Send the emiya squad to terminate him and have them hand his balls on the entrance, send a message
It's stinky in that thread.
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The end of OC2 unironically broke me as much as the end of the Fate route did. Looking back we've known Jeanne Alter ever since the launch of the game and she and Dantes have been in our Chaldea since not long after that. Since oniichan's server is 9 years old and ours is 7 years old, that means the two of them have been a part of our lives long enough for someone who had just started high school to have now graduated university, entered the workforce and started a family.
He retired, chief.
And his replacement is too busy with his sister.
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what if I try seducing Alaya?
Claiming this bitch as my personal bedwarmer.
I actually like you guys so I post here, if it helps I use spoiler tags
My headcannon is that Alaya is a bitter hag who is insecure about her age and body and jealous of all the cunny beasts that easily seduce master
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I'm in your thread.
I'm in your walls.
I'm in your friend's list.

merge when?
let's merge
I've always kinda hated Avengers. They're like Berserkers, but more retarded.
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Watch, next I'll be storytiming my 3rd playthrough of Extella Link and you can't fucking stop me.
Are foreigners even part of the PHH?
I changed my mind, give the kid performance enchanment drugs. Gotta repopulate earth
Nasu does. He's also the man who thought that watching your Servant fuck someone else in Extra was a good idea.
>Post in the decoy thread
Another hilarious joke from Anytime!
At the end of Ooku Parvati stated that "our" (PHH, since Parvati is PHH) Kama is under watch by the other gods so he doesn't escape and turn into a Beast. But she also theorises something might be wrong in the Indian Lost Belt, namely as we find out that Arjuna in that version of history vores the other Hindu gods, meaning nobody was left to watch their Kama.
I thought it over once more and yeah just behead the kid, his chaldean family too, you can just dump the bodies somewhere I guess.
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Who cares? Watch Musashi come back and Kurikara Tensho them out of existence as FGO's Grand Finale
>Did someone mention a Foreigner Ordeal Call? Sorry I was feeding my cat.
All the Lovecraftian Foreigners are historical figures, so yeah.
Old man Musashi will be Gran Saber, just wait.
Surprised they never showed him fucking around in Etherspace or something
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>Old man Musashi
>It's /ourgirl/ with white hair
Old man Musashi is just a version of Musashi who failed to reach the Void, so no.
But what makes them foreigners are the outer gods.
entire part 2's antagonist is foreigner i hope you realise it guys :^)
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a cat? I LOVE cats! my cat's name is pancake, what's the name of your cat?
>old man musashi
>just musashi wearing a beard
It's Niggerman. His cat's name is Niggerman, is it really still just as funny as it was after all these years?
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>Yasuke (Pretender)
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Whoa, a nip that almost pulled something off? Sounds like Grand material to me.
That's would be just BeoCHAD as both are shitty copies of him
Kiara is japanese and she failed at her task, two times
Which was my point.
>tfw he BTFO Artoria AND Iskandar's grail dialogue in LB1 with a single statement
>"the real work of being king is ensuring things don't fall apart after you die"
If Dantes was Grand Avenger and BB was Grand Moon Cancer, who was the Grand Alter Ego?
I'm pretty sure Sigurd predates him, but I agree that Beo is a much stronger pick for Grand Saber.
Douman most likely
Wasn't it Kali?
I don't know, that's why I asked.
Nobody, because Dantes wasn't Grand Avenger and BB wasn't Grand Moon Cancer either.
Look at Amakusa. While he is, he is also too much of a moralfag. Among them he's the most dangerous.
Otherwise I don't know what Ruler chapter should be about. Shelock again?

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