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>successful streamer
>knowledgeable about all kinds of fighting games
>reaches high ranks online in each of them
>hosts and commentates tournaments with official Capcom backing
>access to Mori's suite

>middling Youtube channel
>doesn't play any fighting games
>keeps talking about receipts and being left for dead or something
>doesn't host or enter any tournaments

^ new SS light novel
imagine tho, fr, imagine this shimowhatever nigga really is a paag doe. like imagine. just entertain it for a bit. this nigga SS got a paag stalking his every move. imagine that for a bit, just entertain it a lil bit. im bricked asl rn
Running wild and slime free.
imagine shuckle with a muffin top
>shang tsung with a muffin top
Continuing from last thread:

Why do you think he got spooked when I exposed his dumbass? Think Vappa think
Cheez, do you mind if I ask you a question?
Depends on the question
Jappa high school girls loved him when he to Japan thobeit
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Yep. That nigga SonicSol malding I exposed his virgin phaggot ass and has been taking Ls from a Digimon PAAG shotacon ever since.
Every time I post a clip from a deleted vod, he copyright strikes it. Including the clip where he played Sonic Kart and went black screen to say he related to school shoots. I know TOO MUCH LORE on the goongoblin
Some of you don't wash your ass
Okay, here goes:
You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?
aint no way this nigga just called himself a shotacon pedonigga
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All the right moves.
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Kotone is my spirit animal. Or Persona I should say. Lucky ass got that Amada cherry. Fucking wack she wasnt in P4AU.
Hate the corny ass nigga behind that vtuber avatar
"loved it"
Is Chihiro in the room with us now?
This is a trick question. I wouldn't be flipping over turtles in the first place.
what is it with you niggas and purple haired dark skinned elves?!?!
no fair asking autists that question. it's mean
Real "paags" enjoyed his company and he has photographic proof of it, unlike you being an actual woman. Cope.
these women at twitchcon revealed that they don't have to put any effort to farm simps
how did they prove that?
I dont like it when people point out my crusty goongoblin aas is a sperg wahhhh
- Joshua "SonicSol"
they werent paags they were just ags
Stop meatriding SonicSols 3 incher. Pure bullshit. You arent Will_of_Dickrider. Why ride so hard?
Your goongoblin is a broke sperg who cant even get Jappa pussy because none of us would give it to him. He got solo'ed by a DigiPAAG. LulMOW.
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He shouldn't really care about people outside of his circle and live his life and you should do the same for yourself.
Slampig jam
jerking off to anime and wearing your mother's dress doesn't make you an asian woman, timmy.
Nah. Seeing him sperg out is funny
Oh no I upset the sonicsol meatriders.
Projecting much? Silence troon
At this point it just feels like him shilling himself in desperation for more views
I don't care about shilljam slam for dix. I want to see Justin coordinate the same thing but for marvel 2. There needs to be a team duc as well, then I'd watch that shit
him and his meatriders are beyond desperate. yes.
The dood lives in your head rent free
I live in HIS head rent free. You have it backwards.
Does he namedrop you on his streams all the time? Until he does it's you who have him in your head rent free.
you really want to see 40 year olds playing run away on storm sentinel magneto?
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>"And then, just by walking forward, In a sudden flash of blue light, he stopped the assailants attack..."
>"It was as if just for a moment, time had stopped... the impact of the blow was nullified and in its place, only a breeze was felt instead..."
He actually does. OFTEN. Here have a sample.
SonicSol is not Raika_AschAbyss though?
He mentioned me and Raika made a joke. Cant post clips with sound here.
All I see is that post and
>roasting a chopped stalker
Maybe try not stalking him so much and he won't bring you up.
is majin obama corny
I mean im rent free in SonicSol stream and in his head. LulMEOW
>you really want to see 40 year olds playing run away on storm sentinel magneto?
Idk what you're talking about, I just think the idea of a PAAG or egirl vtuber learning & doing oncoming guard break AHVB on another egirl and seeing their reaction would be hilarious amongst the other bs they can do in that game
sajam slammers can barely slime into slime
why do you think they could ahvb
any fighting game made before 2020 is too hard for the average streamer
This new collection has simple inputs tho?
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My cute robot wife Sethanie dressing up as a maid, then pegging me to remind me of my place.
its still a ton of situational awareness and timing
have you seen sajammers
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>Mai got in SF before Makoto
MATZ and FATZ out here slipping to the Saudis. LUHMEOW
>its still a ton of situational awareness and timing
have you seen sajammers
There's no doubt in my mind the lot of them are barely functioning retards, but even still they just do it for fun and dumb prizes at the end of the day.
Besides, sf6 is party mode game. MvC2 is as well.
So how's learning another party kusoge going to affect then at all?
you really think egirls would agree to play mvc?
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they're only playing shit like dix and tekken because they're getting payed
no one's playing mvc2 for fun and those spicniggas can't fund a sajam paag event luhmow
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Blades and Beasts Development stream
Working on the character Gretel in 2D Fighter Maker 2nd tonight.

why isn't cheez supporting the development of blades and beasts
get a job, monkey
snow bunny mind control
don't get the appeal of MK it feels like playing a dumber tekken but without the 3d movement to stop stupid shit from happening
it wasn't snow bunny mind control, he picked the blonde-hair blue-eye color because it had gyaru vibes
ebw mary, zherka andy, pawb joe
what job do you have cheez
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>you really think egirls would agree to play mvc?
You can just get some marvel nerd egirl that likes the idea of exposure, because let's be honest, that's really what these things are about

My dick gets hard looking at Sprial-Sentinel lock down play
My dick also gets hard at PAAGs
Put the two together and hell, I might grow an inch or two
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Ono will save fighting games
nigga talking about his junior
this but unironically
porn star
where can we see your porn?
saber is mif af mogged by the other 2 bitches in the game
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He meant cornstar, this nigga thinks he is Tom Cruise in cocktail but with popcorn. I heard he drinks clarified butter during his break at the theater he works in.
What's with this influx of avatarfags?
damn I thought he was some dumb loser who just played darkstalkers all day
I had no idea he was a gigachad popcorn artist
>Ellie is a trapfag
Real women love trapshit
>Ellie is a Bridgetfag
Obvious tranny
>Reichan is a Bridgetfag
Real women love trannies

Make up your mond
Can't believe Cheez managed to pull this with just his popcorn skills...
Giga, yeah, he is.
Is Reichan a tranny or is Ellie trying to weed out the bio competition?
it's almost like different women might have different tastes
Pretty sure bio women don't enjoy looking at porn of flatchested girls with dicks
Don't do SHIT for the homies
unless a homie wanna walk that stroll and get that money, then the homie ain't gettin a GOD-DAMN thing.
sounds like some gay shit to me.
What's he supposed to do? Be a cheerleader and do backflips and splits every time it's mentioned? The game's not even out yet, so it's not like Cheez can shill it.
What were you expecting?
he can fund it with his vast fortune
Reichan: left wing women
Ellie: deranged tranny freak
just imagine Reichan being attacked by a troon as she enters the women's bathroom then BOOM I jump in and start beating the troon and shes like "wow, that was scary. FUCK TRANNIES" then we enter a relationship
The Ronaldo thing died so quick
How does being a Bridgetfag make Ellie a troon but not Reichan?
That's too much work, I'd rather rape her.
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I have the original yellow Qanba Drone. Should I get a new stick entirely or is it okay to just upgrade the lever and buttons?
Being a Bridgetfag isn't what makes you a troon, Ellie. Being a troon is what makes you a troon. Why do you keep being disingenuous?
>why do you keep being disingenuous?
>no liking this tranny character doesn't make you a troon
>no i won't explain what makes someone a troon
Then what does make someone a troon, o enlightened transvestigator? How is Reichan somehow more of a woman than your tranny oc Ellie despite them both being leftist Bridgetfags? Do you even know if Reichan is a woman and Ellie is a tranny?
If you really are a real woman and Reichan isn't why did you need her to explain what a pickme is? Why do you draw your husbando as a sissy in trannycore outfits?
Ellie really playing all her cards again
Not all of them. She hasn't pulled the "Ellie doesn't exist" card yet
Have we considered that Ellie and Reichan are both trannies?
Reichan is a real woman. She exposed Ellie's male brain
How do we know? Has she posted her tits yet?
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I'm getting closer and closer to just running Yasha's team and that makes me sad
See >>495506972
Why is Ellie obsessed with Reichan's tits? I thought she was a straight woman?
Then again, she drew lesbian porn three times, one of which was futa even though she insisted she doesn't like futa
I'd like to see her tits too
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I will buy Marvel vs Capcom Fighting Collection with buttcoin
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That's pretty high considering it's 2 weeks in
are you a buttcoin millionaire?
I own more buttcoin than you will ever see
Is Capcom Fighting Collection still active?
nigga look 10 posts up!
lmao a jappa just got using cheats in one of those online Capcom cup tournaments
what did they do to cheat?
I don't see a fucking post that answers my question. If you're referring to >>495509535 I'm not talking about that game
Yes, see
>mfw every time I beat faggots with Gambit
Like many wild animals, Cheez is too stubborn and bullheaded.
Supporting a product and "putting himself out there" means there's a chance that he could fail.
Cheez is too prideful to fail in public, as he can't just go "wasn't me :)" if his name is attached to a flop.
He would only get on if the project is already a success just to fund DLC or what the fuck ever because his EGO is just too big to accept that he is not perfect.
Nice repost
I stand with sonic-sol out of principle because I think vtumors are ass (still not watching him/his twitch though)
Why would you not cheat if there's a million dollars on the line?
Matz caused this culture. Blame him.
remember that time that lil Timmy raped you so hard in Tekken that your nub started leaking?
we all know you can't handle not being seen as the best at something
if you lost even one dollar on a bad investment and your audience knew, you'd go insane.
this place is your entire legacy, so impressing us is your entire purpose in life.
you are our entertainment.
dance, my puppet. Dance!
Why is everything a homosexual molestation reference with some of y'all?
why is ellie trying to get cheez to go bankrupt on go-nowhere projects?
once cheez loses everything he will be forced to turn to ellie for financial assistance
and then he will be putty in ellie's hands
at last ellie will be able to plap his fat cheeks with her leafcock and he will have no choice but to accept
While we're on this topic, why are they obsessed with cheez giving money to blades and beasts specifically?
why not gigamaidens or suburban champions 3?
Holy... bitch finna catch my BBC jr
Because Cheez and Baron are friends, and he's helped Baron financially before.

Though I think Cheez has a very different idea of what friendship means than most people.
probably should have made a game about something besides big juicy naked animal tits if you wanted funding from normal people like cheez
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Cheez knows a flop when he sees one is abstaining as such.
He's a smart businessman.
That's why he's a success. If he threw a million dollars at every random tech startup, he'd be bankrupt by now.
...why would she want to rape some guy's anus?
captcha: NTR 4X (TL note, this is Japanese for quadruple ex cuckolding)
You can tell that fgg is really dead now because one of our resident lolcows streams himself rambling to no one for an hour and no one even bothers to make fun of it.
because she's attracted to cheez, who was the 2012 evo champion in the category of sex
Yeah,, only sony can afford to throw their money at every dei and live service slop that jim ryan greenlit. Coincidentally, he stepped down not too long ago. I wonder why...
cheez, your thoughts on ellie plotting to fuck you in the ass?
5 years from now Cheez is still going to be using Concord as a punchline isn't he
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>5 years from now Cheez is still going to be using Concord as a punchline isn't he
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cheez I think you should take ellie's plot seriously
unless you want her to fuck you in the ass and if you do that's cool too
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All the right moves.
Sliding my BCC balls deep in there
This isn't me.
Nice try, Timcheez
This is me.

These aren't me
This is probably the real Cheez
these fakes almost got me
It wasn't
Too late Shadowtimcheez, you were already caught.
Too late dark orochi shadowtimcheez with the power of flames. It was already confirmed you're not me.
Shaddap. Neither of you are me.
Clonecheez plz
so if shadowcheez always says the same things cheez does how are we supposed to tell them apart
My impeccable taste in sniffs
your taste in sniffs is kind of mediocre though
like you made reina your wife and she's pretty bland
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Reina is a goddess, vappa.
maybe cheez wouldn't be so easy to impersonate if he wasn't so predictable
Yeah we know how devoted you are to her, so devoted you lost 18 times playing as her
just saw a smash video saying sonic is the best character in the game because you can just timer scam everyone with his superior speed
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little scooter ridin aaa nigga
but its hot...
What's wrong with time scamming DOUGH "BUT I CAN'T HEKING HIT HIM" not my problem lil NIGGA
Air combos fuck me up like if there’s a jump cancel in there I about can’t do it
>rompack of nearly 20 year old games has more players than rising
>fate stay night has more players than under night in birth 2 sys celes
finna patent the idea of "activating a meter type system to cancel moves into other moves" and FORCE capcom to be good again
If you're a furry, maybe, but the average person doesn't want to jack off to fat dog, and especially would not want to invest money into an idea that involves dogs in microbikinis.
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A jappa made a game inspired by his dreams and aztec art in rpgmaker 2 decades ago and it became on of the most influential indie games of all time. To this day people still discuss the symbolism and imagery in it and what everything could possibly mean. It has spawned hundreds of fangames and popular games like Undertale and Omori. Do you seriously think pawg vs paag: assclaps of the world can have this reach?
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I'll just make one of the pawgs from ancient Greece and name her Hestia and I'll be good to go, nigga!!!
Dark Souls proved you can just disseminate lore over a long period with vague little lines here and there and people will call your story super deep, so I'll make some mysteries Q-like character and won't tell you shit and everyone will call me a genius
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I really hate how all it took was one namefag saying he wanted to make a game and now the entire thread is just ghetto agdg now
You orbiters are fucking pathetic and never had an original thought in your life.
Why do Nintendo fans want Nintendo Vs. Capcom to happen so badly when Smash exists
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NvC would have poggy 50 hit wallbounce TOD type combos and incoming 5 way mixups. You can't really do that in Smash the same way.
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Not ALL day. Even I have a refractory period :)
But in all seriousness, I like all kinds of women.
nigga streams to zero viewers nightly and is still all the thread talks about half of the time, literal insane cult of personality
they put some real life soccer nigga in garou, wtf is this timeline
Yes? Women store fat better than men. It's only logical men would be attracted to the parts of their body that store fat the most.
Mike Tyson is a staple character of Street Fighter
They really put a nigga named Mike Bison in Street fighter and y'all are complaining about Milia to Filia smdh
my fat white woman is better than your fat white woman
More games need high tier zoners. People are too afraid of them in modern games.
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They'll add Vexx if we complain enough, right?
What makes a zoner high tier anyway?
Things like making it hard to get in on them. JP in sf6 became a lot weaker just from losing his good anti air crHP. A lot of it has to do with the game mechanics though, parry, drive rush, and lack of chip damage for example. Zoning feels weaker in Strive compared to +R too but it’s hard for me to explain that as easily.
everything now is catered to rush down niggers
don't expect anything zoning oriented in this lifetime
zoning isn't exciting for streamboars, so every character has busted anti-projectile tools

said noone ever
Guile stopped being zoning since 4
ERRRRM Guile isn't a zoning champion he's a NOOTRAL controlling champion.
Hey guys. Went to a friend's house recently and got shit stomped by that fag in Naruto Storm 4. My pride as a gamer is hurt, and I must have satisfaction. Just bought the game on steam, it's currently downloading. Pretty sure he's just casually good, not good-good. What's the best place to start gitting gud at that game? Also, are there any mechanics differences between PC and PS versions of the game?
Pick Danzo
This is a Kisame chad general lil nigga
we're borutochads here
said no one ever
The game is the same on both platforms.
Capcom went and stole a Japanese urban legend of an 8-foot tall PAAG yokai that hunts and "eats" children and repurposed the concept for RE8 and twitterclapped like fucking sea lions when they saw her.
How can you say that PA(X)Gs don't have a global reach or influence?
Why are you shotocaon pedoniggas like this?!?!?
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you have to become a lawyer and recite the entirety of fate stay night from memory before you can make a visual novel
Bros, I have no idea about basic mechanics, and I'm not a fighting games player. Please, give me a link to a guide for noobs. Or maybe a youtube channel that has good tutorial content for that game? Something. Since I have no fucking clue, no OP broken character will help me here.
Then what's the story for melty blood then?
I need to write, illustrate, and code a brutal rape VN before I can make an air dasher anime fighter?
Merry Christmas
Kamone didn't write Tsukihime, he just made a fanfic fighter based on it.
Jappa equivalent of some soiboy making a mugen Blade fighting game.
Thanks, anon-sensei. I will dedicate my ultimate victory to you
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What could Ciel have done here?
ebert said games aren't art and timmys are still seething a decade after that nigga's death
french bread just made fangames until they were approached by type moon to collab and make a tsukihime fighting game
If games aren't art, why do I need to study 50,000 hours worth of movies and films before I can make my hentai game? Checkmate, atheists
... movies AND films? isn't that the same thing twice?
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>French Bread 100% knowingly made a fighting game based off a brutal rape VN
3s is to fighting games what citizen kane is to movies
overrated and undeserving of the hype?
3S was co (ghost) written by David Lynch >>495488303
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the bouncy disney sprites???????
This is why old Melty looks so different from new Melty
they swapped to HD sprites and had to go way cheaper with a lower framerate because it was more work at a higher resolution.
why does fluid sprite animation trigger you Indians so hard?
If Lunar made a fighting game, what would it be like?
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forced animation is bad
If it was peach and she was shaking her titties instead, NONE of you COONS would be complaining
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im not eating up bounceslop
when did all of you become experts on animation?
I see his hair and ears bouncing right there.
Most trans people get mad about the lolis in melty
Hachishakusama being a tall shotacon PAAG is peak. Insipiration to me
the only thing you niggas are expert at is jerking your dicks
...how many frames is that?
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we need a FG animated like ZZZ
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will blades and beasts have bouncy Disney sprites with lots of frames?
>mihomo slop
I thought you niggas wanted your slingshot bikini yordles in bouncy disney 12 principles of animation so much so y'all would justify waiting another 3,000 years just for 2XKO to finally launch?
Why do you niggas switch up so much?
what game is that?
nigga watch the dev stream and ask the question there
I'm not putting that chink rootkit on my PC no matter how many bikini yordles they put in the game
so is this the new genshin impact or something
its a dogshit DMC clone that doesnt let you jump
... what's a dev stream?
Not trying to be mean, but it's incredibly hard to understand anything baron says
he talks way too fast and explains everything better with text.
is you stupid?
If I played a random NES game before swapping it out for SMB3 and saw this, I would yank that cartridge out and chuck that shit at the wall to break It.
My 10 y/o old mind wouldn't handle and would cry in fear thinking that shit is cursed
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It's easier to do that in 3d than 2d
in 2d, it's a waste of time and bloats the budget
riot can afford to hire 50 indian and 45 indonesian contractors so it comes out on time
was it autism?
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If I knew anything about making games, I wouldn't be on /fgg/
I'd be working for some mobile company and making a million dollars with my coding skills...
>riot can afford to hire 50 indian and 45 indonesian contractors so it comes out on time
Well that's obviously not true, seeing how it's been almost 9 years and they only have 6 playable characters with 14 planned at launch lmfaooooooo
and then they go
a wise man once said never pay more than $20 for a computer game
Imagine playing some NES game like Contra, that has consistent animation and slow down at times. Then you pop in SMB3, in mind with how NES games are supposed to animate like to click with you visually and mentally, then you see Mario bouncing like a crackhead. Your ass would crash out at 10 if you saw that lmao
I was pretty shocked to find out Bonchan is higher ranked than a lot of actual mahjong pros in mahjong soul
Bad news, bro.. code monkeys are slaves that get paid minimum wage....
licking ryza's pits while i'm pounding her fat ass with my jr
some of y'all niggas really play mahjong just to goon to fat white tigers
Daigo used to be a top mahjong player, too.
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didnt 90% of u vappas say its okay when jive did it? not only it add unnecessary post recovery frame bounceslop all the anatomy/centre gravity and impact frames were shit
i will never forget this
>Yurikov, a top level fighting game player
stop watching right there. aint nobody ever heard of this crusty ass nigga
Didn't he threaten to kill himself because yipes beat him in strive?
yuri kof
Why would you need to stop doing that?
hahaha that's ridiculous, that can't be real
post an example , I gotta see this
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Players taking the easy way out from games isn't anything new

We just had a tranny player that fragged themselves due to depression because Justin one day during a random tournament called their favorite kuso, SFTMTG, bad and only wanted to mash with the cheapest character and won all while laughing at it
Y'all MFs say ideas guys are useless, half of of you Indian and Indonesian slaves have literally zero ideas

Dont' believe me? Look at those contract studios
They aren't working on their own Tekken. They're not making Indian Street Fighter.

No, they're being commanded by auteurs like Harada and Matz. Not everyone has any creativity or idea. They are the little worker ants doing as the geniuses tell them.
like the bug girl from Touhou?
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yes but with more insect parts
what's your idea then?
matz worked on capcom for like 20 years before being promoted to an ideas guy
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Pitou in Nen Impact dlc
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twerk gauge
they didnt put this bitch in the base roster? oh naw
its like they want the game to fail
Please understand we needed Genthru
kimberly should have looked like this
why would you replace a beautiful, proud, vain unapologetically BLACK woman with a random generic white whore?
It's funny how THEY treat pride and vanity as these great noble traits now, then wonder why they're always miserable.
i thought y'all said it was racist to say kimberly acted black?????
razor,machi, and genthru are fan favorites chud
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What kind of gruntwork did they have him doing? To my knowledge he can't draw, code, compose, anything like that.
Meanwhile, Ono is a composer at least.
who said that?
matz is literally just an ideas guy with money
nakayama is the true genius behind sf6
My BCC would OTK this bitch
>bleach kino soon
>sparking zero kino soon

yeah i think i'm dodging fighting games for another 6 months again
sony really made a mid ass platformer celebrating a bunch of series they haven't done anything with in years and i'm supposed to clap for it
ufo50 got 50 games and not one of them is a fighting game...
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the funniest part of that game is capcom acknowledging fucking onimusha but not mega man lol
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megaman mostly existed on nintendo while onimusha lived on playstation so it makes sense
why is it always jamie?
i feel theres a very big difference in intention
fighting games are niche, and quite frankly in the grand scheme of things, nobody fucking plays them
the people making indie fighters arent trying to be the next yomi hustle or skullgirls or to make something with a super deep and thought provoking story with weird ass themes, theyre trying to make something thats dumb fun and reminiscent to what they like

something something mike z did that and you all love him? i dont know, but my point is it would be very fucking difficult to get an indie fighter off the ground nowadays if it doesnt do something more original like yomi hustle, so fuck the player numbers, just make what you want
they are so creatively bankrupt we're putting irl soccer players as characters now?

wtf happened
i saw a beautiful black girl yesterday
maybe the ramposter was right
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kamone is asking his chat to play with him but they all said they've uninstalled LUHMEOW
Which one of these is the real Cheez?
but sfg told me every jappa loves dix
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Most indie devs are legit just failed writers/artists that want to produce their student film as a video game because they know that video game retards will eat up any slop.
The standards for games are much lower, which is why they will sometimes even fund success.
This is why the 2bit indie bums here are obsessed with concepts like "having a message" or "making a deep, memorable experience"
Most of these retards don't mention anything about the game's actual mechanics. They basically want a VN about their gender transition and nothing more.

Typical of fagots.
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Ain’t no Yordle shortstacks in 2XKuso. Yup shan’t be playing that SHITE, NYIGGAAAAAH. LUHMEOW

Give in to my demands, Jewish nigga or no money. WHERE ARE ALL THE WHITE BITCHES AT?
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they hated him because he spoke the truth
if you could be mike z for a day how would you have done it differently to save fighting games
the closest thing to a football player in a fighting game is tidus
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You see this with their specific phrasing and manner of speech. They say things like "get real life experience to make a good game" or "read 200 books to become better at making a good video game"
Because in their minds, a good video game is literally just "How entertaining is the story?"
The mechanical depth of the game is entirely secondary to them. This is why so many of the sony games that come out now are simple movie games.

The Order 1886 is legitimately a failed Hollywood pitch that the creator was desperate to have seen, so he had it adapted into a video game. It's akin to how in the 1970s, many failed artists became comic book writers because no one in academia wanted to see their Jewish propaganda for adults, so they had to make Jewish propaganda for children instead. Bernard Krigstein is a good example of this. His art wasn't doing well, so he began working for Marvel. His students asked him about it after he became an art teacher and he was embarrassed by his work there. The medium they're in now is just a means to an end. They hope that one day, if they work hard enough on a crappy clone of super mario, but with like one new mechanic and an "in-depth story" (just them repeating the same socialist talking points every netflix special does), they will escape the video game ghetto and get their Disney+ cartoon about gay elves or whatever.

Even the low EQ sociopath Mike Z knows better than half of these clowns, and that's saying something. When a person asked him for advice on how to make a good fighting game, he didn't say "Read War and Peace" or "Travel to South Korea and watch asian women bounce around at a Kpop concert to get life experience." He said "play more fighting games."

Hopefully that is some food for thought for some of you if you want to make an actually enjoyable and engaging game. As opposed to just getting high marks from IGN for how tragic the downfall of Ben Kasters is in your VN, Meek Fighter.
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capcom did that and you all loved it
Could a Goku Black/Goku SSJ/Goku Blue team be good for a beginner?
no you need gt goku/base goku/ultra instinct goku
whats weirder, the soccer nigga being in garou or the walking dead nigga being in tekken
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Parappa the rappa exists because a jappa that made jpop decided to make a game after his group broke up. Not only did he use his personal experience for the game, it also lead to the popularization of rhythm games. He never intended for that to happen, it was incidental. Do you chuds get it now?
>failed musician
that's a man
>timazawa's pop band breaks up
>he copes by entering the dead party genre of Japanese rap
nigga was in the discord with matz trading beats
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Yes. I demand slingshot string bikini Yordles in 2XKO otherwise it will always be 2XKUSO to me. Really don’t get how these gayass TimTims got into the industry fucking up shit for their ESG Jewish nigga masters. LUHHOWL
whens genshin vs honkai fighting game
Soccer because that’s literally a random dude from real life sports. Walking Dead guy and Cyberpunk girl are weird too but they’re not real people. At least I think the Walking Dead guy was the character and not the actor, never watched it.
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The yomi hustle guy was literally a shut in neet that never left his house and lived with his mom, but his game made 2 million dollars
vex is craving my jr
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And now you're seeing why 4K HD sprites won't happen.
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wud play
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Another good example of what I'm talking about is Ken Sugimori. By his own admission, he only managed to get popular because video games were the "dead discord anime fighter" of entertainment fields. His art was only good enough to impress young children and every adult thought Pokemon was a mindless cashgrab fad to make money selling slop to kids.

This is not me saying this, Sugimori himself made this statement. He was legitimately yet another failed artist. He kept submitting to manga contest and trying to get a job as a real mangaka (which had become a more respected field in Japan by this time, unlike in the 1960s with the pioneers like Tezuka), but he continued to fail because no one liked his writing or his art.
He didn't even care about Nintendo games. When asked about his favorite console, it was the Sega Mega Drive. Drawing Pokemon was just a means to an end for him. He's not on the same bum level as Phil Fish, but he was very obviously just doing a job to get somewhere. This only happened because Tajiri begged him to work on the game.

Once again, by Sugimori's own admission, he stated "I'm only famous now because I was in the right place at the right time. Most of my peers working with me now went to art school. I barely even finished high school. The only edge I have is experience, and they'll soon have that over me as well."

It is quite literally free money just doing a do-nothing job and you'll get praised by the sub-humans that play video games. This is why a random dogshit b-movie/anime plot gets adapted into a video game and suddenly is considered a 95 on meta-critic.

You could legitimately repackage Manos: Hands of Fate or Plan 9 from Outer Space as "Ultra Buster Canon: An Indie Chronicle" and these panned riffing-fodder movies would suddenly be regarded as instant classics.

In general, your "experience" is usually just a testament to your own failure and you would be making real art (not a video game) if people respected you.
didnt read niggggaaaaa now post a fat yordle or shut up
I can just have ChatGPT create experience for me and you monkeys wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
>Once again, by Sugimori's own admission, he stated "I'm only famous now because I was in the right place at the right time. Most of my peers working with me now went to art school. I barely even finished high school. The only edge I have is experience, and they'll soon have that over me as well."

so he's just jappa baron?
No, he can actually draw
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ai sloppa games in a few years
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what kind of subhuman wants to play this slop?
Make this exact game, complete with shifting AI visuals, but have it star Peach and Cheez will fund it and say it looks fine
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Japanese doujin game makers: I want to create something fun for people to hopefully like! (Cave Story, Highly Responsive to Prayers, Vanguard Princess)


Sorry, but it looks like Japan wins AGAIN.
Personally I like the old sprites better. XIII sprites are way too dark.
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*skim 12 principles of animation by nine old Disneyniggas on da wiki* I am now bitch nigga. Finna make bouncy twerk bitches
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omocat did that and you all loved it
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Funniest part is that western indies "fucking hate capitalism" and are fairweather commies on twitter, then charge 30 dollars for a 2 hour platformer.

meanwhile, jappas will release their doujinsoft for free in many cases

Ameritards, what the fuck are you doing?

That game is far, far more popular in the west for a reason. Why do you think he posts in English so much?
she's a fat asian shotacon pedonigga
Same developers. Story and general world visuals is more Persona-esque and it has a mix of dungeon crawling with over-the-top TV world and combat in the style of character action games with some light fighting game mechanics.

It probably would be better if it were a fleshed out boxed release but the money is in gacha pulls.
holy shit, shinomiya-chan made a vidya?!?!?
remember when that redditor criticized vanguard princess for having so many young female characters and that he should have made them older to maximize his profits instead?
Was he wrong, doe? Only a very specific sick set of subhumans likes little girls. You need older women to get more normal men to care about your game.
Yeah I like older women
It turns out that hating an economic system doesn't make you exempt from having to participate in it.
>jappas will release their doujinsoft for free
no they don't you just pirate some jappa's shit long after people went to whatever convention they sold it at and then went home to upload it online luhmeow
cheez just repeating the newest meme, so proud of him
what game did you like?
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Several jap doujin games are free. Comiket fees are mostly to cover costs for the discs they printed. But now they will put games up for zero dollars like Cave Story, Angel of Battle, and of course, Vanguard Princess.
And plenty of itch.io american games free, too, but your JEWISH blood won't allow you to release the game with a donation box.
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Wow me2. Based man of culture
We need more fighting games with playable women like this
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wish i was tager...
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>cheez just repeating the newest meme, so proud of him

Sup shadowcheez
should have invested in bitcoin
no you should have invested in buttcoin like cryptocheez
>Several jap doujin games are free
And there's plenty that aren't. And itch literally has a "you can download for free and can donate whatever" option. Take your meds.
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Then why did you charge 50 dollars on steam for your 4 hour RPG Maker game?
ddlc was free
meanwhile mantha dating sim #108 wants 50 bucks. cringe
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Shotos are the only fun archetype of fighting games.
y'all tankies out here making me pay 40 dollars for your 4 character tumblr fighting game with a tranny and a random fat black women smdh

And then when the game flops, you will STILL blame capitalism, smdh
Which games should I play if I want to get better at fighting game fundamentals?
just play the latest sf, even if its slimeslop
kof 98 and SF 2.

usually older fighters relly less on combo and more on zoning.
you don't need fundamentals anymore
what fundamentals will kof 98 teach you
lmao? Sugomori-san makes all ages art for people all around the world of all ages to enjoy
bumron only makes nasty bestiality hentai for his fellow arrested development millennial porn addicts
they have nothing in common
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No. More fluid animation is very time consuming and/or expensive.
I'm aiming very fast to produce and cost effective style that still looks good. If you're familiar with Akatsuki Blitzkampf, I wish to produce something like that. Relatively low frame amount with many smears and reused frames to get around having less of them.
In that game, a lot of the supers just reuse frames from specials. Or they don't use many to begin with. For example, only 8 drawings are used on Kanae's 5C kick. 2 of which are smears that basically serve as edits of another frame. This is opposed to games like 3S where Ken's HK is 12 unique frames. If you cut down on rates like this, that's much fewer pictures you need to make a convincing attack. The trick is to have strong keyposes that communicate what you're doing.

ABK characters have around 150 frames, but it uses 3 buttons, vs Blades and Beasts having 4 buttons, so I have to use more. My goal is to have ~200 frames. I stated 300 before, but I found a bunch of superfluous things I can cut down on. Some of the things I had planned before simply were not feasible due to budget/time constraints.

For example, the character Suzette has gone through several changes in my head. At first, her "Jester Mode" install (which she gets by counting to 21) was supposed to result in her changing outfits, but the outfit I had planned didn't really fit the character or setting, so I scrapped it. Then I planned to make her just put on a mask, but then I realized it meant I would have to have every frame redrawn, including things like hit frames and getup frames, not just attacks. Even if I could afford to do that, it would be a waste of money since I could just put that towards actually making the game better in other ways like QoL.

So I changed to now, she just changes clothing colors for her install. She goes from an orange leotard, to a gold leotard because she hit the jackpot.

Here is a simple Koikatsu mockup displaying the difference.
will there be a gold leotard alt where she changes to her default color with jester install
why did SNK almost bankrupt themselves for the bouncy disney sprites meme?
Fuck this bitches retrain cards. Overpowered bullshit.
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...why does the rabbit need a gigantic ass and thighs?
African American character designer
Porn addiction.
Yummy Egyptian. Her and Menat can get the scissor
TearShizus can suck a fat one. 1st of the downfall of modern YGO devolving into card game version of MVC2.
Not a man hunnie
Rabbits fuck a lot. Represents they fuck a lot. No brainer.
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Warner Bros did that and you niggas loved it
how does a big ass mean you fuck a lot?
this is how we know you're a man when you say dumb shit like this.
uh shotacon and pedonigga is redundant anon
right DESU
Where did I say that in my statement you sperg? You are worse than the illierate dumbfucks I had to deal with whenn I used to play Yugioh with Jamals and Pacos and Keisukes.
those aren't that big.
judy > lola
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It was for the 90s. But I love rabbit bitches. Bloody Roar inspired indie fg when?
third world or low IQ? You says "big ass represents they fuck a lot"

what leap of logic did you make to get here?
what, getting fucked up the ass all day increases your ass tissue?
monkey brain
I said rabbits breed a lot. They do.
Artist chose semi-voluptuous features as a design detail.
Not that hard to get dummy. dont be special needs on me now
they watched too much colombian tranny porn and think liking butts = anal = gay
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Who is the best character designer on /fgg/?
Keep in mind that character design is specifically referring to the ability to create an appealing character, not necessarily their actual drawing skill or how well they can represent another person's character.
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My cute robot dom wife Sethanie giving me my daily maintenance spanking.
if you aint anal big butt whats the point?
why are y'all so horny?
i lack female interaction
When is the next slampig tournament?
I spend 30 minutes listening to some boxing nigga explaining how you do an idle boxing stance and how throw a basic jab and how you should squat in boxing and how to walk.

Makes me realize how shitty most fighting game are.
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Can't be creative without being horny as fuck lil TimTim

Based white bitch enjoyer. Finna put bouncy pawgs into a fg
why 40 specifically?
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This but mitsuru
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Is he actually a bad person or is it just /fgg/ schizoposting
its just rogs jealous of that a white man is popular
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this general fucking sucks
changed my mind, this general actually rules
inscriyption could've been a cool horror card game but the timmy making it just HAD to add a hecking metanarrative ARG
Feel free to leave anytime then you whiny bitch
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Thanks for making me aware of your filter. You know who this is.
Oh my!
Do you really think all creative people are horny?
Have you tried thinking without your little 2 inch nub?
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>it says posting shit from Filthy Queer whose creator made a femboy, red SLUTTY bitch rocker and deviant art the character
Dumbass Goober troon. Thanks for that (You) tho, FAGGOT
daisuke was horny when he made guilty gear
rent free
clown rabbit bitch with a giant ass
yep, that sounds like the archetypal fgg character alright
Might drop my name for a while and go back to anon posting now
Its not the name retard
each of those stubs are a manifestation of CapGOD laughter ricocheting inside your slum
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>Its not the name retard
Wasn't me
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if you niggas stopped JACKING OFF all day, maybe you'd get more work done on your epic game?
It was I. You're not me.

Jack-O didn't want me to jack she wouldn't be named Jack-O
why work on a game when AI can do it?
I remember in his video, he said that the rabbit was for people that liked to gamble and solve math problems.
so why did he give her a big butt and small boobs if she was obviously made for the Caucasian audience?
Crossover appeal
Kula fingerguns
so is everything just a racial conflict with you schizos
Plapping kula's ass
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Ken Sugimori drew slutty lolis in leotards before and you all clapped..
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...what's wrong with that?
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Linkara posts on fgg?
i liked sajam until he called hotashi a nigger
some nigga really spent several hours if his limited lifespan drawing big jiggly lizard cake
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niggas play fighting games but can't tell me what is the diference between a jab, a cross and a hook.
you can't say that word...
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Built for my BCC
Possibly, but I had not considered that and would have to make some adjustments to make sure it does not cause issues. I would think that may make it confusing to tell which is which if there's no additional effect on it.

I was thinking more of things like "P2 has a red leotard (like a tomato's colors) and gets a reversed silver and gold palette for their install." Or maybe something like "the third color is purple like an eggplant, then she installs and gets a sapphire blue leotard and ruby red stockings"
A reason that I'm thinking about this so much is because I want effects that can easily be palletized. That way, if two players transform, it's easier to tell them apart, as opposed to when two players turn into level 5 Dark Phoenix with X-Factor and then it becomes hard to track even with alt colors.

Of course, I plan on eventually having a Color Edit feature like KOFXIII (Which you can turn off to avoid any sorts of messing around with distracting palettes), so I imagine someone will do that there anyway. So now that you mention it, there probably should be some kind of aura around either her or her weapon to more easily communicate what is happening. Thank you for suggesting this, as I probably would not have thought of anything like this otherwise.
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She's meant to have a well developed lower half due to having many strong kicking techniques, a high jump, faster run, things like that. The legs are meant to look like SFV Chun-Li, but I couldn't really communicate it that well in Koikatsu,
a timmy can remake simpson's hit and run and you...already know you can feel the shame already just DO IT
you can't make that sign during a judo tournament
Netease presents... MVC Rivalz

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big child cock
when will jivebucks stop seething
if you just embrace the party mechanics issa good game chud
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can't believe nigcel sol bullied her ...
but she lashed out at him first...
Made for me
you're dogshit at the game lil chink bitch, but its okay
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>you're dogshit at the game lil chink bitch, but its okay
DAYUM. Bitch made my BBC jr twitch. What fg this bitch mash in??
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Spend like 2 hours watching some arab MMA dude teaching box fundamentals.

So far I learned:
>Normal stance, power stance
>Forward walk, side walk
>Jab, Hook, uppercut, cross punch
>Parry and slips
>Long block, cross block
>shining shoes

Actually now I want to make a 2.5D boxing game based on this video, and pretty sure It will be a much more interesting game than just copy pasting street fighter or kof
game theory that capcom made street fighter v bad on purpose to ruin /fgg/
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the passionate dix community
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not tekken
this schizo general is still around?
she was payed to say that
the fgc is so fucking gay that we got fat asian bitch vtubers so gassed they're moving like game critics. shut up and show your tits cow
Okay this is not a good look for Tekken but it is true. We can hope for it to improve rather than being sad about how it is now.
if jwong says select your assist type one more time im going to kill myself
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Did not watch any fighting game event since EVO

Are they doing antyhing at TGS? Besides maybe some trailers? I remember SFV had JAPAN CUP at TGS one day or something
damn eskay lookin like a snack
SNK will have a 50 minute presentation
Arc System Works will have panels set up to talk about Guilty Gear Strive Switch Edition and Undernight news.
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Which fighting game is going to add YASUKE as a guest character?
Not that I know. But we'll surely get something for City of the Wolves, maybe Strive too and Heihachi's trailer is scheduled for tuesday.
I fucking hate soccer nigga!
More like Suckherdick.
I knew Shiki was a lesbo.
this but unironically
If Morrigan is so great, why doesn't she have a boob mousepad?
Dumb bug.
Holy shit is that Dragon Ball Daima???
>>Japanese doujin game makers: I want to create something fun for people to hopefully like! (Cave Story, Highly Responsive to Prayers, Vanguard Princess)
>Also Japs: hoping Nintendo isn't their asses down on a patented software code string
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just...don't put pikachu in a baseball cap in your game and try to make money off of it???
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You think he'd hate anything designed by ArcSissy and NuCapcom?
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Uhhhh your Dark World Link, princess...
Strivee post
Not as bad as what happened to Concord
God I remember not knowing what to do in that shitty dark world, bad memories.
Lol you just want anons to give you Morrigan mousepads, don't you?
nah, the only SF character I see him hating is corny ass Remy. He'd deffo hate KOF and all its corny characters though
has justin lost a single game of marvel 2 since the rerelease came out
LOL BBC jr is the most anythings made me laugh on here in months. Im gonna use that one
poor girl is going to just make rawdogging her entire personality to save face
Funny how shame works.
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That wasn't him.
I'll +1 this bus ride
luvcheez is still around?
thats crazy
>raw dog
Finna do that to that Becky in red, niggaaaa
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He is still round too.
yes, her egg will crack soon
cracking an egg open on a troon's head as it starves to death
He just today decided to stop posting with his name and just go anonymous, but he's still easy to identify because his posting style is so predictable
How do we stop the Timantha Vibrator menace?
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yuffie on my face squealing while I enjoy a full course meal
ive genuinely thought cheez was a repressor for over 10 years
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why does cheez complain about timanthas, when he's gay for blond timanthas like ash and bridget?
What did he mean by this?
He's been on the Chris-chan track for a while so I don't know what'll happen first, trooning out or the incest
wait cheez didn't know ash is a dude?
he was merely pretending he didn't know
for what purpose?
back then you could NOT let the homies know you wanted to fuck a dude
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But now, it's seen as acceptable, and even a quality.
I think we should be more supportive of Cheez and his love for men, it's 2024 there's nothing wrong with it
i remember this post right after my dude weed edible kicked in and laughing for like an hour straight
We gettin weird again this weekend? I like when this gen gets weird on the weekend
it's sunday night nigga
Cheez got fit and has a girlfriend now
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Oh my bad thinking it's the weekend on a Sunday
wasn't him
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Fgg is an expert on lgbt vocabulary and slang now too?
Only ones useful for a chaser.
so in kof 15 I'm trying to find a shortcut for 236P -> 2141236K and it's kicking my ass. it's not as easy as 2141236(hold 6)P~K, is it?
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>Only ones useful for a chaser.
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why is troon vocab always so childish? egg, chaser, top surgery, skrunkly, meowing to myself. these are grown adults
It's as if they were mentally ill people, desperate for attention.
just do it fast lil nigger
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what exactly happened?
these were used to boil the frog
they got in trouble at espn for r mika
jive shipped with arcade mode
/fgg/ can't say shit about character design when we've had a tranny leaf turn fighting game guys into sissies
anyone wanna play mvc2 on fightcade
the game was ass too
Shut up.
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Fupoo drew this for me years ago.
i was a nash main doe
i dont wanna spend 50 bucks on something thats going to die in less than a week
is that your trans identity?
looks like shit
hope you got your money back
Was gonna post a clip of doing that DP > ranbu input cancel like yea I just rawdog it and it's fuckin hard but I stumbled onto this one and it's cooler
I didn't pay anything for it. He did it for free.
You should have gotten Splashwo
he drew your trans identity for free? that's very nice of him
But Helena is better
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Giving him you anal virginity isn't technically free.
Honey I lost that yeeeeeeeeeaars ago
Do you guys have anything better to do other than talk about your resident /fgg/ lolcows?
show me a single worthwhile fighting game of this generation
No. My ability to sniffmolest died from poor diet and exercise.
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Made for the Cheezcock
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GAWDno was so based for this icl
>kills an entire game alongside paid gems and console exclusive characters
>put bad boxart megaman in a game
>he has a gamebreaking stall-out glitch
>it gets used in grand finals
god what a thing of beauty
the cats theme is so based in that video
ngl I think a lot of FG music from that era gets slept on because it all has that kinda soulless midrange MIDI orchestra sound
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issa slow night
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tatsunoko had the best usage of those midis, sucks capcom never made music like that again after this game
For me it was
Not the Orbital Ring Systems Cargo Bay?
So instead of doing anything valuable like learn an instrument or exercise, you.... talk about some fat guy? You sound just as bad as him at that point.
I tried being productive, fucked it up, and went back home.
we talk about fat girls too...
>learn an instrument
Finna learn the piano and serenade some fat white bitches just gotta learn to play 1st...
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even the crappiest meme spouting rick and morty noodle limbs tumblr artist is still more valuable than you subhumans

You don't even have a spicnigga job like picking grapes
You just sit there playing with your butts or whatever.
yea nah an artist can be a piece of shit, fuck off
Is this really that amusing? We were all there at one time or another

I remember when I didnt know that "eat out" meant performing oral sex on a woman and when asked if i do it, I said sure with my [female family member i wont specify] and they all laughed
Who hurt you now, Timmy?
oh great you made a bunch of pretty lines that are mostly inspired by shit that gets you off. the world is such a better place for your contributions to it~

Stow the bitch-made little attitude, for one. Two, I'm just stating facts, and I'm sorry if that offends you.
Stop using characters not in the arcade version
All you do is blow up brown children.
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being able to create means you're inherently better than the masses of uneducated peons. artists are also treated unfairly by their clients and society's rapid adoption of generative AI technology
don't care, you're trans
first dookie, then fartslam, now FUPOO?!?!?!
Why would people treat you subhumans well? All you do is jack off to little girls
fupoo was my xbla name since fuckshit wasnt allowed not new
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So are you people always just pissed off about some random topic at zero provocation?
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someone having a wacky fetish you don't like doesn't give you the right to treat them badly...
You are *incredibly* naive. Ever heard of "skeletons in the closet"? You don't catch us straights just out fucking on the steps to your apartment, we don't need your queer shit in our face either. Just be a fucking PERSON.
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No one is putting gay stuff in your face, you're just biased due to your homophobia.
like the one time you could say you'd be left out for having some alternative fetish but be like nyeyrhrnrhrhhhhh bUt PeOpLe TaLk AbOuT bEiNg StRaIgHt AlL tHe TiMe NO we fuckin don't. When? Where? The one time that was true was when guys got together to talk about how hot some chick was AND WE DON'T EVEN GET TO DO THAT ANYMORE
Gay skeletons lmao
No you didn't.
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When my cute robot wife Sethanie said she'd make me dinner i didn't think she meant this!!!!
let's recap, I said
>being an artist doesn't intrinsically make you a better person
and some actual trannies got in their feelings about it and won't shut up now, am I getting this straight
Dragon Age just added breast removal surgery scars to the character creator and ya'll talm bout "they have no power"
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Why doesn't /fgg/ have drawfags?
They left for other places years ago.
nigga actually said peons
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You started sperging about artists at zero provocation on /fgg/ of all places like a petulant child, so now I'm tormenting you for my own amusement.

Get down on your knees, little boy. I've got a present for you.
she should eat luvcheez next
plenty of calories
peon actually said niggas
niggas stole my posting style
That much saturated fat is bad for you.
Dale said peon and you all love him
No thanks, she's not trying to get diabetes
If you are dumb enough to use sentences you don't understand, then you deserve to be laughed at.
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Generative AI already took over nigga
I went to see Luvcheez and asked if he could give me my iPod back, and he replied HO HO HO THERE WILL BE NO BARGAIN YOUNG JEDI
What did he mean by this?
we have many failed artists here so don't be shocked
File deleted.
Lmao, are you straightoids serious? There's marketing all over the place that panders solely to you people. Innocent LGBT members are literally demonized and hunted down daily, because God forbid if someone that isn't le cis straight white male exists, right? Fuck all the way off.
bro, your 100 gecs?
Is that actually happening in the place you are living though?
KayoPolice mindbreak.
we are tsundere for him
they instigate it with their attacks on /fgg/.
Is this a raid?
Love Kayoqt. HATE Timmantha in a dress lookin like a grandma. Luhwoof
aight for the sake of argument
>I don't like artists
is that even weird? I'm not even subscribing to this stance but let's say if I did, it kinda just sounds like a normal ass personality trait somebody might have. Not that I expect a tranny to comprehend standards of normalcy.
I'm more confused as to why you're bringing it up here.
What does this even have to do with fighting games?
what are the odds sparking zero kills dbfz?
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It's happening all over the place every day. Do you not have empathy for people literally being killed for their gender identity because it doesn't personally affect you?
none, 2 different audiences
nigga dbfz is like 7 years old, the main audience moved on years ago
they said the same thing about dbfz and mvci
I always knew what it meant.

Formerly fat.
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Shuckle is an artist and you all love her.
>There's marketing all over the place that panders solely to you people
Nice projection in the year 2024 you blind fucking faggot.
it still has more players than dead shit like jive at least
that was correct, mvci died because it was shit
then why did the mvc crowd move to dbfz instead of back to mvc3?
they didn't, you just made that up. they abandoned mvc3 then moved nowhere, just like 09ers
remember partyvel niggas literally begging people to not play dbfz luhmow
....fighting games?
>there's actual shit at stake this time
such as?
You aren't helping people in that area by talking about it here.
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so THIS is the power of the "golden age of capcom"
not bad....
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youre the one making shit up, 09ers stuck around and played new games they just talked shit about them every step of the way
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Are fighting games so bad now that fgg can just devolve into random /pol/, /soc/, /ic/, /agdg/, and /lgbt/ rants at any given point of the day?
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Putting on your mom's dress does not make you an intrinsically better person or automatically a better player, timmy.
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It's important as a man to be knowledgeable in various different fields.
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Uh... sorry, but all of these people would destroy your monkey ass LMFAO
Now shut your chud mouth the fuck up
I will DESTROY steamcharts t. anime illuminati
Trappa, your evidence is dubious at best
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The FGC is full of perfectionists
If a mechanic does not work in a specific way then everything is badly done
It's up, dawgs
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tempest beat them all and (((they))) got rid of him
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relax, choom.
I thought you said you were going to be anonymous now cheez
>beat them all
they agreed to throw their games so they could buck break him with their juniors, THOUGH
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Vicki would definitely destroy ANYONE here in ANY fighting game, doesn't matter how obscure it is. She has better fundamentals than all of you retarded apes.
where are they in sf6?
where were they in sf4 or sf5?
where are these faggots in games that actually matter?
kusofags should sit the fuck down and shut up
Wasn't me
Made for the Cheezcock
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colludes with other top players
the only actual good player here, not even a real trans just a he/they
has won nothing of note in melty
somehow got paraded as a god tier player for winning some xrd side tourney once, doesn't play fighting games anymore
>2006 you could have a dude kiss another dude
who are you? I was talking to cheez
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sf6 is an unironic party game
sf5 had no audience but a cult of mentally ill worshipers
sf4 was a dead discord game with delay netcode
I remember this retard said that Hyenas flopping had literally nothing to do with its dogshit character designs, so I can't wait to see him damage control Concord's characters.
Why do leftist tranny YouTubers always talk about how they want to kill artists for drawing anime girls, but then they pretend that graphics and art style don't matter when it involves their own homosexual politics?
It's like they know it's a perverted delusion and they still commit to the bit because they are so porn addicted that their fetish is "who they are"
Captcha says 80082
I can take him
cristiano ronaldo in garou.....
>blue shills on the /fgg/ of all paces
the best players in the world competed in those games and still do in sf6
the tranny faggots you posted couldn't get to 1500 MR let alone beat anyone relevant
sonicfox got 25th at the biggest SF tournament ever while not even taking the game seriously
Tell that to the people still bitching about $4 t shirts in Tekken 8 LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO
>one good run with a lucky bracket
where is he now? running from the real competition playing shit games no one else does
you guys see this one mentally ill nigga right its not just me
In Soulcalibur VI, you can make your character wear a tee shirt for free
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COTW is everything.
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why would he waste time on a slime party masher when he can just win in MK and various kuso with less effort and still rake in tons of money? you should be worried about the random chinese guys destroying all your "real competition"
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absolute joy!
Her tucking game passes 100 perception checks.
Poison is just proud of her mighty package.
Saw the one where Chaya is blatantly ignoring Matt Gaetz's child sex trafficking?
Hi, Ellie!
Reichan can you tell Ellie to settle down?
..ekko gave jinx da bee bee sea!??!??!
I love that resetera and the rest literally bend themselves into pretzels trying to list every single point of failure *besides* the dogshit designs, like it's almost comedic how much they tip-toe around the elephant in the room
>random chinese guy

keep on deflecting from the facts and stay in the men's bathroom playing your tranny games, faggot
Reichan won't fuck you, anon. You look sad begging for namefags to attack your thread nemesis
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Since when have any of you ever listened to me‽
he plays kof all day and never did anything notable in SF, why did he suddenly beat a bunch of "real" SF players?
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me in the middle (freshly squashed)
And how well did that series do? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
you managed to make her quiet down when you explained what a pick me is
Ignore him. He's just a sad little simp trying to pit you against his boogeyman
he has been competing in street fighter since 2009
doesn't matter if it's not his main game, he is a real SF player
you don't see Xiaohai running like a bitch to play MK or some irrelevant tranime game with 20 players
Fucked by company politics. Skim the wiki
I still want to know the lore on that apparent meeting between baron and Reichan at ceotaku
See >>495608176
You make yourself so desperate, anon. Leave Reichan alone
It's funny that they pretend this hasn't been an observable pattern. Every time they try to release one of these shooters with woke garbage in it, it explodes in the hangar. I'm not saying that's the entire reason but it does seem to be an observable pattern. Even Hyenas wasn't the first time this happened. Look at Battleborn and Lawbreakers.

damn not even emezie would stoop this low
reichan gangstalked baron, but he was too busy trying to take back the michibox to pay her any mind
And how many "unwoke" "successes" have there been? Every game the fart right champions has been mid disasters
why are you so angry about the pick me situation?
lawbreakers was just ugly, it wasn't really a tranny game
I remember it had Temu Raiden (mgr)
>no arguments
just face reality
none of the faggots you posted will ever amount to something in a game with actual competition
just like you'll never be a woman
name a bigger disaster than concord?
I don't remember Battleborn having any woke shit, I thought its problem was that it came out at the same time as Overwatch and just not being as good
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Hey, Ellie. Can you explain what a pickme is? How about Anaconda Vice?
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I think that's because the necrophile felt at a loss of embarrassment, but still seeking ryonafags to play with.
I am ignoring a lot bullshit from last and this thread. Esp. the uncertifying electoral college ignorance.
this person votes
So if Cheez is anonymous now, does that mean this person is an imposter?
Why are you so desperate for Reichan's attention? She's probably not even a real woman
jojos bizzarre adventuremall star battle r
Love seeing you 1D shit-eaters and your families getting slaughtered alive.
Street Fighter 6 is anti-woke and it's been a massive success
China is a far left authoritarian country, dumb poltard
they don't like you
Didn't know Ellie was a necrophilic ryonafag. I thought she was just a severely AGP tranny who pretends like she's a real woman
Ellie? Is that you?
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This. Broke records. 400 MILLION US listening to troons.

Black Myth Wukong, Space Marines, Helldivers(before Discord troonery), Stellar Blade, ZZZ, First Descendant, Mecha Break. Tekken 8 but legacy fgs don’t really bomb.
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Why did they reject the DEI Larry Fink money if they hated us???
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I wish these gacha and anime games in general didnt have stupid kid characters. Theyre obviously pedo coded

Honestly even Lily in SF6 is pushing it
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because larry finkelstein money is small time in china
>everyone i hate is ellie
Sorry. Not your tranny boogeyman
They're better for labor, by which I mean they're less bad for labor.
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I gooned to all his butt slop art he posted on baraag.
How was Corcord woke? "There was a black woman" is not an answer.
ellie, that black 'woman' was a man
I'll vote blue so no more kkk shoot out happens
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Wtf is that World Tour?
Looks ugly
there was no character named ellie
ai chad

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