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The Legend Returns Edition


Download the artbook here:

Download the BMG here:

TOTK sheets here:

TOTK interactive map here:

TotK Glitch Spreadsheet here:


• The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom was released May 12th, 2023.



• Live Action Legend of Zelda Film announced: https://twitter.com/NintendoCoLtd/status/1722011508509704549?t=0XCUONigd5rXBrI9xYGeag&s=19

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is a week away from release!


Previous timeline: >>465165194
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another previous timeline /lozg/ thread (more recent) >>482474189
How long do you think until someone actually beats the game? Or was the leak a lie?
It wasn't a lie, I recorded the webm in the OP. It's literally the first 30 seconds of the game.
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I'm a fucking retard
Would like more footage if you have more at hand, I refuse to go to the shithole that /v/ is.
Dead general. Dead franchise.
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Current tloz eow leak threads.
We're back in business, Zeldabros. And it feels so good.
So how is it, piratechads? I'm waiting like a good Nintendrone but just want to know if it's fun?
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Is that girl link?
Zeldabros... keep the thread alive, it's late as shit here and my eyes are closing on their own
So how are LORECHADS eating with this one?
I will carry it on for another few hours and then I too must sleep. I believe in /lozg/....
I find traversing the overworld to be one of the more fun aspects, personally. It's nice to just be able to climb over a tree to get somewhere, if you want. Or climb a cliff where you are, instead of figuring out where normal entrance is.
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From /smbg/, good luck. hopefully you can keep /lozg/ alive a bit longer this time..
Not linkle, lonkle.
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Spoil the whole plot to me
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Use spoiler tags for EoW stuff or I will find you and kill you. Yes, I could avoid the thread but I don't want /lozg/ to die again.
I haven't played much, I'll post more webms later.
Is Zelink anon necessary like 1UP anon for /smbg/?
If you're asking if we need a bumper then yes, I don't care if shipper or not
I'd have acted as a bumper if the anti-lore-tard didn't piss me off last time
I don't think he'll be back this time, at least not for now
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bumpin' for best 2D Zelda
It really can't be said enough but the fact that we finally got a "Zelda" game but it's in that fucking toybox art style everyone hated just about makes me want to kill myself. If there was a loving god it would have looked like ALBW.
People said that back when the general was alive the first time when he left for several threads and he always came back. Which ultimately killed the entire general.
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Guess I'll just have to fight his autism wigh my own autism then...
I left the moment he kept fuckign insisting that the Zonai retconned out all of SS and every previous game and dismissed all evidence to the contrary like a retard. I don't think he was even reading my posts or anyone else's given he never once addressed our points and merely insisted that he was right.

After that when I noticed the general stopped being made, it became really obvious what happened.
After playing TOTK, I just thought the Era of the Wild was so far into the future that every past game in the timeline was just myth and legends like it was already implied to be like with Ruto for example. The newly released version of the timeline basically confirmed it.
Pretty much. If the placement next to them means anything, then it's some far, far, far, far future branch of Child and Adult Timelines
The line clearly means a complete cutoff to me, though some aspects of those games' distant past can resemble aspects of other games. TotK left no real room for previous timelines in its new lore, it's a complete reboot.
>this retard again
Zelda saves Link.
Does she fall for him?
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Finally, the site functions again
Things were really breaking for a moment there.
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Silly little creatures.
Null has such a great design.
so null created demise?
Oh fuck I thought I disabled comments
No, retard. Demise is the king of the demon tribe that appeared from the depths of earth in the demon realm, Null is just the prime predator of the void world before earth and sky were created.
the pic literally shows null sealed underground
one of demise's name in other languages is avatar of the void too
Hurry up and disable them before some retard exposes what the video is actually about then.
No. Demise MIGHT be connected by virtue of him and his hordes emerging from a "fissure" in the earth, but nothing in Echoes implies Null had a hand in the creation of the demon tribe.
ok my bad, created was perhaps a bit too strong of a word
related might be a better one
it would explain, to me at least, where he came from and why he hated goddesses so much
Look at the first pic again, that dark red thing isn't underground, it's void. The skies, the surface, the underground and all reality exists over the void, which is where Null lives.
Also why the fuck would other languages matter? In japanese he's just "the great demon king" or "the person of death/demise/end", frenchies changing it to something related to the void has no canonical value
>wheres the download?
Good shit, thank you anon
Does Zelda get naked at any point?
It's possible Demise might be related, but there's not really anything in the game itself to confirm or deny this. As for hating the goddesses, every major demon seems to hate SOME major deity or spiritual force. For Demise, it's Hylia and the Golden Goddesses, for Bellum it was the Ocean King, for Malladus it was the Spirits of Light and the Lokomo and for Null, it's outright the Golden Goddesses themselves. They all have one key principle enemy they despise above all else.
They always shit the bed so hard whenever they try to do a non-Ganon demon king. Vaati was the best one and even he was just budget twink Ganon.
Vaati wasn't a demon king.
Anon the only demon kings are Demise, who was killed by SS Link and SS Zelda, Ganondorf who replaced him and Malladus who replaced Ganondorf in the timeline where he died for good. Bellum and Vaati are devils (majin), not demon kings (maou)
Demise is called plenty of things in different languages. It's mostly just ot highlight the fact that "Demise" isn't its actual name, but simply a title given to the original demon king.
>more and more threads on v but they don't go to vg
I fucking hate this place sometimes
Yeah demons are essentially the agents of chaos, which null seems to be the personification of. Stands to reason that Maou in different era act as its avatar, much like heroes champion for the golden goddesses and hylia
>the void had some beings
>one of them was (or became) bigger than others
>big one ate small ones
>one day god(ddesses) decide to make a big ass world above void
>the world includes mortals and demons
There's zero relationship between the demon tribe and the void, stop forcing this meme
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Well? Does it connect to BotW?
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cute imp
I've always preferred her true form. Heresy, I know. It's the leg fetish talking, I think.
Not him, but demons don't seem to be natural to the world. They explicitly came from outside it, from Makai (which is apparently the weird battlefield Demise takes you to in SS) and Demise is stated to be the progenitor of every monster plaguing the land. It's likely that after Demise's emergence and subsequent sealing, the demons it spawned ended up naturalizing to the world as a whole but still ultimately owe their roots to something from outside it.

Null doesn't seem to have any relation to the Mazoku though. At least none beyond them both being things from outside creation.
Demise literally came from a rift. He's the original agent of chaos. It's not a meme
https://files.catbox.moe/kde882.mp4 reuploaded in 360p in case someone takes it down
Eh, I'm tired of the whole Korok design ethos. Would have been greatly improved with different designs on the main body.
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I knew we'd be back
I actually agree.
Based anon(s), godspeed
Thought I'd do some science on how fast you heal in the bed. Seems the first half heart heal is in around 2 seconds, but every half heart heal after that is another 5. Healing 3 full hearts by laying in a bed takes about 27 seconds. However, if you hit A to get out of bed after that first half heart heal and then hit A again to lay back down, you only have to wait those 2 seconds for the next half heart heal. Healing 3 hearts that way only takes about 15 seconds.
(Time not fully accurate; there's only so much I can do with my controller in one hand and phone in the other. Plus there's the time for the animation to lay down.)
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But anon, why would it be a reboot if past heroes' legends were acknowledged in the Ceremony of Legend for the Hero of the Wild?
the eldin temple music is seriously great
embarrassed how long it took me to figure that out
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Wanted to work this out on my own like everything else, but I'm genuinely stumped here. How do I hit this switch?
I can get a Ghini and Poe through to it but neither actually do anything to the switch
The teddybear from the other room doesn't seem to do anything but attract the Ghini
I tried using the follow ability on a Ghini to see if I'd phase through too but it didn't work
I tried bombing the wall
Target the switch
Lmfao, jesus. I didn't even know targetting the switches was possible and I beat the game.
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To add to that, there's also Ruto being acknowledged in general like I said.
Okay so I'd previously explored Hebra mountain before the rift formed. Now, after warping to the top, it's telling me the top of the mountain isn't the right place to enter, but I can't really tell where it wants me to be.
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looks like echoes of wisdom threads are being 404d on /v/. I can't even post about my beautiful silk nightwear hebe princess wife without it getting nuked immediately.
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My final point, it establishes that the spirit of the Hero doesn't always have to reincarnate into a Hylian either.
Looks more like Ganondorf
Why did they use this art style, man? Why are they punishing us?
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Anyone know what this is? Last Echo I need, it's supposed to be in Gerudo desert but I swear I've checked every cave as well as the dungeon again

so link regains his voice that was stolen by null. He say ssomething to the king and everyone freaks out. what did he say? He was looking at Zelda when he said it.

did he say...

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>Why did they use this art style, man? Why are they punishing us?
>punishing us
Mob face Zelda is peak cuteness.
Seems like quests can open rifts, had it happen once but it must happen a second time because I've beaten the game and my little creature is ~a small rift from leveling up to presumably its final level. Can't for the life of me find anymore quests though
Was there even any Zelink teasing?
link and zelda don't interact at all until the end where they complete the final dungeon. whatever Link said to the king there shocked everyone, and it had to do with Zelda. maybe he likes her?

this game has sequel bait written all over it. I'm for it, I loved it.
Can you switch between Link and Zelda in the last dungeon?
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Nope. You give him his bow and sword back and he goes absolutely nuts. You are primarily assisting him in traversing the dungeon and defeating the final boss.
Makes me want to play Link's quest
Christ, the least they could do is put a sidequest tracker/tell you how many you have left.
I like how they don't even destroy Null. They just force it to puke back up the Triforce piece and all the Tris it ate then seal it back up in the void before going home.
You cannot destroy a being like null, it's the equivalent of the GGs
Yes. When she's changing clothes behind the statue.
Anyone know that 2D cave where there's a heart piece close to the ceiling but there's some sand blocking your way?
Left it for later and I've lost it.
what does this zora want me to give him to store his treasure in?
Is there a single person ITT who is waiting for official release, like a good Nintoddler?
Treasure chest, there's one on the ocean floor south west of there
The chest in the bombfish puzzle feels like I need to get one step higher to block up the wood, since it won't burn. Do I have to wait until I get a fifth triangle, or am I just missing it somehow?
Demise came from the Makai and the Makai is part of creation, it's as natural as the mortal world.
Got everything asides 3 heart pieces, but I have no clue where they are and at this point I'm ready to call it done for now.
That "new" timeline isn't new, it has been online since TotK dropped and it just keeps them separate but after other timelines, exactly the same as the timeline in the official website before TotK when only BotW was separate, and according to the devs it's not because any of your stupid headcanons, it's just they don't want to reveal to which of the three timelines it belongs.
TotK happens after BotW and BotW happens long after AoL, FSA or ST. If you disagree with this, you are wrong.
I'm going by what the game implies.
No, you are going by your headcanon interpretation of what the game says. What the game says is what the devs who made the game say, and they say you are a fucking retard.
Where's your source on what the devs said then?
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Here. Now go and post your "d-doesn't count" cope. Doesn't matter, you are still officially and canonically full of shit.
The first paragraph in the image is just what I said already.
He looks like one of the hundred rejected edgy ps2 era mascot characters
Thanks for the interactive map guide.
Makai and the other places used as the equivalent of the demon world have always been depicted as otherworldly hell dimensions. They really don't seem to be a part of the Goddesses creation at all, but I also don't think they're anything akin to the void of Null (since if they were, the world would be fucked).
how to fix sound bug in rifts on yuzu?
So, I just finished Echoes of Wisdom, ama.

I don't think this game fits neatly anywhere in the timeline due to the triforce being needed to hold the world together, oddly enough, I think the best spots would be before skyward sword, between it and Minish Cap, or somewhere after Zelda 2 or FSA, but it would pose some issues to have it after OoT: the role of the triforce in the game is half of the issues, Ganon's echo existence is the other half
>I don't think this game fits neatly anywhere in the timeline due to the triforce being needed to hold the world together,
That's literally the plot of ALBW. The Triforce is a necessary anchor for reality and if it's destroyed or permanently removed, the world starts to rot into nothing. Lorule's entire situation is caused by the fact they blew up their Triforce ages ago to stop people from warring over it which caused their universe to start to die.

All Echoes does is give a hard reason for why the Triforce is so necessary to keeping reality intact.
It's near Kakariko, north of the tree the cat rests on for the cat quest
I remember Lorule becoming a shithole, not getting eaten up by Giratina
>I remember Lorule becoming a shithole
Lorule has several gigantic canyons falling into nothingness in multiple parts of it because the land is literally disintegrating.
So is it a fun game? Any sort of challenge if you don't look at guides or anything?
Puzzles can be tricky sometimes
Enemies do lots of damage, so it's either be very patient with your echoes taking a shit ton of time to kill them or buy a shitton of smoothies/potions and skip them/use link form
I think in terms of fun is comparable to Minish Cap, maybe a bit better for me
>zelda devs have reached the same point as gamefreak where they're bored of zelda and only want to make new shit now
>we will never have a proper classic zelda adventure again
it's over
Gamefreak makes the same game over and over what you mean?
yeah but their heart hasn't been in it for a long time. they don't try to make the games good
It's more about wanting every game to stand out on its own probably.
I liked the oracles, but I remember next to nothing about them exactly because they were just standard Zelda games which might aswell have been level packs.
I don't mind Echoes of Wisdom or BOTW being what they are, ToTK is unexcusable though.
>I liked the oracles, but I remember next to nothing about them exactly because they were just standard Zelda games which might aswell have been level packs.
The magnet glove and swapshot were cool
A chest.
>I don't think this game fits neatly anywhere in the timeline due to the triforce being needed to hold the world together
Anon that's literally the plot of ALBW
>Grezzo was gonna make Zelda maker after the LA remake that included a very basic dungeon maker with Dampé, but the game evolved into EoW
Good, maker games are always shit where you browse through little timmy levels for the sake of it, kaizo levels to bait youtubers and well made levels which are not fun to play in a vacuum
Sad but true post.
You know what, good enough for me.
They don't have to. The Pokemon IP is one of the closest things in this world to a god. At the same time, it's their gilded prison, a sort of Vatican-Alcatraz where the papal Masuda resides, grinning his corpselike rictus grin with his skin pulled tight across his skull.
Playing that Zelda-like, Pine. It's like they took every bad lesson BotW taught and put it into practice. I've heard of the term "cargo cult game design" being tossed around recently, and this is categorically that.
Concept art Midna my beloved
I think they ultimately went with the best one, which is extremely rare for final products, but I liked a lot of the ones they didn't use, like the red one.
Should I play Link to the Past and then Link Between Worlds, or are they so similar I just play the latter?
Absolutely play ALttP, but don't play ALBW until after 6 months or so, you dont want to play them back to back. It's kind of like a Pokemon BW to B2W2 kind of deal
They have the same map and to some degree dungeons but some of them and the puzzles themselves are different, the story is a little different and it's basically like a remake/reimagination of ALTTP, with the implementation of the painting gimmick that is honestly cool as fuck imo. I would say play ALTTP and if you absolutely love it and want more of the same, play ALBW, otherwise wait.
What's the katana for?
Much appreciated.
So for any anons here that have finished it or played through an extensive portion...what we thinking? 7-8/10ish? I'm not really expecting ALttP level, but if it's similar in quality to ALBW/MC/Oracles that a solid enough game.
I've been enjoying it a lot, very solid game. Inventory system was really the biggest fuck up though, don't know why they're so allergic to adding a favorites option when they must have known people got annoyed with this shit on TOTK, would fix so much of the issues.
Wouldn't they have started development of this game close to around the time they were closing up TotK, so they might not have known it annoy people until they had already set up system? I assume we probably won't see inventory improvements until the next game.
There would have been enough time to make adjustments. They already have internal flags on echos so you can sort by type, a favorite tag would be similar in execution. It's just another tab. At least in TOTK you didn't need to fuse arrows too often if you didn't want to. But here I don't see how there wouldn't have been people who complained about it even in just internal testing.
After Zelda 2 works neatly
ALTTP first.
Do ALTTP first.
anything amiibo gives you in echoes of wisdom?
should we return to the toon zelda timeline or should they work further on the child timeline?
TP to FSA is kind of a last minute placement. There is no way the Hyrule TP Link is on becomes an island. something like that would have made sense for before Ocarina of Time or spirit tracks.
fwiw, I don't think FSA's map is a very accurate depiction of Hyrule. It's not even to scale.
why is nintendo so focused on the downfall timeline? they want to make it the default timeline? does child and adult not exist anymore?
Downfall Timeline is the default timeline, always has been since Zelda 1
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Just playing breath of the wild. Spoiler free do you get hints about the master sword location or it's super secret that you might miss it super hard without looking it up?
Really on the fence about buying Echoes of Wisdom after how disappointed I've been from BotW and TotK.
We're not going to last long /loz/ sisters...
We're still faster than a bunch of generals shut the fuck up
/ink/ salutes you
>watching random zelda vids about Ocarina of Time
>Yoshiaki Koizumi Interview I didn't know about saying the graveyard kid became a Skull Kid seraching for his father in the Lost Woods and that's why we never see him after the 7 years
Skull Kids are forest ghosts kinda, it fits
OoT had devs that really cared.
Thread died again...
>my wife was a hammerhead shark girl
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Anyone else having problems with ryu? Fresh install, win11/ AMD7840U. Main menu loads correctly.
Seems as though it may a vulkan thing on AMD APUs. Switching to OpenGL works, will try on an nvidia card later.
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I beat it just now. Spoiler: End credit slide with cute Link image
Unfortunately it seems you and I are in the minority hating the art style.
Guys where can I use the monster stones in EoW ?
>they want to make it the default timeline?
Always has been the default.
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I love Spirit Tracks
So that's where Sidon got his head from
It's very hard to miss, anon. You're not explicitly told where it is iirc but you're gently funnelled to the general location. Are you enjoying the rest of the game so far?
Just completed Minish Cap for the first time. Beautiful visuals for a GBA game, everything else kind of average though. I wish the dungeons were more challenging.
Side question: what Zelda game has the hardest dungeons, on average?
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how do I defeat this part of the final boss?
Spam shark echoes and pull the chimechos just like the previous phase
Probably either Ages or Majora's Mask
huh my post didn't go through

my Q is, is the combat as tedious as it seems? I watched MonicaAnon fight a electrified squid boss, and that seemed like a nightmare to do with the summons
in EoW, that is
It is kinda tedious, but for bosses and the like you are intended to use swordfighter mode when they are vulnerable.
Downfall was always the default.
This isn't even the "downfall" timeline, it shits on the lore of ALTTP.
You do know Hylians are basically exctinct in that game? They are talked about like a bygone ancient race in the entire game and its manual.

The classic timeline has always been 4 games and a half. ALTTP, that one sattelite view game we westerners forget existed, Link's Awakening, Hyrule Fantasy and The Adventure of Link.

Ocarina of Time's ending contradicts ALTTP backstory despite the game story attempting to adapt the Sealing War, but it's not the sealing war. There was no Hero of Legend during the Sealing War, all they had was the prophecy of his coming, the King & sages(all human, of hylian descent) didn't even know where the Master Sword was located, we were explicitly told they didn't. The Knights of Hyrule play basically no role despite their grand sacrifice in the original story. There was nothing said to happen between when Ganondorf massacred his men and took the Triforce, he had his wish immediately. OOT simply didn't happen in ALTTP past no matter how much you try to retcon it in there, it simply cannot. The Devs rewrote the entire thing, they made a new continuity. The "Downfall" storyline made up by Hyrule Historia's writers is pure cope and somehow endorsed fanfic.

The Oracle games were chimeras of LA and the 64 games. The twinrova being alive when we saw them die and go to the afterlife makes it impossible to be a regular Ocarina of Time sequel. They could have been a future to the Hyrule Link returns to as a child but it's skipping Ganondorf's rise to power.
It's more like its own universe taking elements from previous games... what Ocarina of Time was. "Maybe it's a sequel to ALTTP" has long been what many of us thought.
Capcom had other game collaboration with Four Swords and The Minish Cap, Four Swords attempting to connect to A Link to the Past but this was retconned with Four Swords Adventures retelling Ganondorf's origin story.
I like to add the Devs probably didn't do it on purpose and simply didn't consider the implications of the original story of the sealing war when they were making Ocarina of Time. Ocarina of Time simply grew into its own thing as it was made
>Devs probably didn't do it on purpose and simply didn't consider
This is the source of all timeline woes. They have never cared enough for a timeline to make sense, they just make whatever they feel like without thinking much deeper into it
Wow, the accessories sure are pricey in Echoes of Wisdom, aren't they?
A Link Between World is the worst possible pseudo-sequel.
What were they thinking retconning the maidens??? The fucking maidens you rescue to continue the main storyline? Did they really need to shoehorn the seven sages in there? EXCLUDING ZELDA!? When she was both the 7th maiden and the 7th sage in previous games? Their reasoning was probably something stupid like "we wanted an extra 7th dungeon in Lorule you could visit at any order so we had to replace Zelda with some other character and fuck up the story & lore to accommondate this".
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The Devs that cared were gone.
Four Swords Adventures, that had RETURNING DEVS FROM ALTTP WORKING ON IT thus should have been grandiose, was massacred by Miyamoto's autism into what is essentially a forgettable party game.
>was massacred by Miyamoto's autism
What did he do to FSA?
He gave them one ofhis dpecial "tea table flips" because it was too story heavy
Tetra and Toon Zelda in general are seriously held back by the teru teru bozu proportions they have in the Toon art style. If WW and SET Zelda were ever rendered more realistically they'd be 11/10 best girls automatically.
I mean, I agree they should have kept OoT shit outside of the downfall timeline in general, but ALBW gave me Hilda so I forgive them
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How so? Zelda 2 Hyrule is fucking massive, the only game that works after it is BotW/TotK. If anything it's before TLoZ
Geography arguments for the timeline never made any sense whatsoever
Downfall timeline is just the world Link left behind after seeing he couldn't complete the Spirit Temple, hence Twirova's survival and the knights of Hyrule doing a suicidal attack on Ganon at the end so the sages can seal him without a hero wielding the Master Sword
No it's not, downfall timeline specifically happens after Link confronts Ganondorf and loses. And yes, it's the stupid Ganondorf volleyball fight, not the final Ganon one.
It's important because it's stated Zelda specifically sealed Ganon in the sacred realm when he was wasting time transforming into pig Ganon after stealing the triforces from Zelda and Link
>specifically after Link confronts Ganondorf and loses
>it's stated Zelda specifically sealed Ganon in the sacred realm when he was wasting time transforming
Back up your sources nigga
1/2 : showing the split happening before Ganon becomes the pig
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2/2 stating Ganondorf transformed after getting the other triforces, and Zelda sealing him away in that moment
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I have no idea why it's refusing to upload leaving the posts blank lol
I think it's just a mix of OoT and aLttP tales, they know about seven sages having a role sealing Ganon and the aLttP hero beating him but confuse both events
It's a pretty good game.
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please give a clue to a brainlet, I'm only missing that last piece and I have no ideas how to get tehre
owo what's this
Looks easy enough. Figure it out.
I swear most of you guys have a very low IQ getting stuck on the easiest puzzles

Looks like we're going to be stuck with TOTK/BOTW for awhile.
Classic pig Ganon and modern Ganondorf always felt like different characters to me, except for maybe in Ocarina of Time itself. I don't know, none of the other games really bridge the gap between them very well. The pig transformation usually feels like some kind of alter mode like in Twilight Princess as a Wolf Link analog. Dorf seems like half retcon, half reconciliation. Older styles of Ganon just seem too different, like some kind of simple Moblin bandit king. I guess him constantly being mindless or copied now could be them further struggling with Ganon's identity manifesting in the games. Who knows, though.
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Prove to me TotK Ganondorf, who has ancient gerudo ears that not even his adoptive grandmas have, isn't the same guy from OoT brought back again, instead of his next reincarnation ala FSA
Not really good or bad just "meh".
Not really bad or meh just "good".
we will
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>anyone who likes BotW is a zoomer
I have some very bad news for you
I'm so mad we never saw the FSA one as Ganondorf
The little rats are everywhere, who do you think bought all those copies?
Can someone share their zelda echoes of wisdom save file that is beaten or at least most of the open world is unlocked? The game is just not fun for me so I have given up on playing it but I'd like to use the map for a mind palace since dioramas are pretty good for that.
Could never get into ALttP myself but I know it's just me. First thing it does is drop you into a tile-based dungeon with multiple floors and guards everywhere to prompt the game's terrible 8-directional combat.
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Are the rats who bought all those copies in this thread with us?
>He cannot spin
This was the only way to reconcile with the original intent. I think it works well enough
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Wish I could help. Tried blocking the current but that doesn't work
>They have never cared enough for a timeline to make sense, they just make whatever they feel like without thinking much deeper into it
Don't forget you have reverse bind
Fine, since the anti-lore retard has not shown up yet
Malon's huge ________¡
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Comfy place, hasn't been long since we've been back but it really feels like the general has been a thing for a while :)
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did anyone else have this issue? It feels like some sort of anti piracy measure they would add
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i'm retarded bros, what do i do here?
how the FUCK do you clear the gibdo slumber challenge with only the wind cannons, tables, beds, and boulders? i tried dropping shit on top of them but it didn’t work, and i can’t blow/push them into the pits consistently enough to get within the time limit

...with what instrument?
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>Really on the fence about buying Echoes of Wisdom after how disappointed I've been from BotW and TotK.
If you liked spending half the game in menus, cutscenes, and loading screens in BotW/TotK then Echoes of Wisdom is the game for you!

Sorry, I don't speak Japanese.

>how the FUCK do you clear the gibdo slumber challenge with only the wind cannons, tables, beds, and boulders?
Git gud. Don't let them see you and just drop stuff next to them like the first few.
My bad I misread, sorry. I thought you meant the Ice Guy challenge.
For the gibdos: just pick them up and drop them in the hole with your wand. The first few will line up in front of the wind cannon, then there's only a few stragglers.
Couldn't they have used more AI slop?
No, I think they used more than enough.
Anyone find anymore bottles? I've only had the one from near the start of the game
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The fact that this is even allowed to be sold is depressing
Couldn't find a fitting reaction image so have a positive one instead
How the fuck do you do the horse races, I can't get under 17 sec on the first race
Use the racing line and optimise your dashes for the straights.
Also it's funny that mastering the beginner course is the hardest, I did it with a time of 16.83 or something but the other two courses I made mistakes and still had +5 seconds to spare.
I thought you lost time jumping over the boxes but actually you save a lot of time, got master now
The first course is fucked, I mastered the other two on first try as well
Does anyone have a list of echoes and side quests?
I think I've done every side quest but there's no way of knowing for sure, all I'm missing are two echoes and two heart pieces.
Midna's fat fucking ass.
Mastering the first course is ironically much harder than the other two. Here's a trick: NEVER go wide around corners. Turn as far inward as you can.
These dungeons fucking blow.

I'm genuinely in shock at how boring the dungeon design is in this game. Generic aesthetics, lots of empty space, no thought whatsoever required from the player. I'm struggling to think of any other entry with dungeons as linear and as boring as these are. Maybe Wind Waker? But at least there, they had an immersive presence in the world.

I haven't beaten it yet, but so far this is definitely on the lower tier of the series for me. So much of it is bland and leaves me with so little emotion.
How can anyone make worse dungeons than totk?
There's supposed to be an echo in the eternal forest but I can't find anything
Talk to the priest.
Thanks, now to find the last two in hyrule field and lanayru
I know exactly the one that's missing, it's the one-eyed retards that instantly disappears when the take one damage, how the fuck do you kill them, I've got no fucking sword energy do I have to go to a rift to replenish it? Stupid mechanic
Drink smoothies
How do I solve the statue rooms with floor switches that lock you inside in the Faron Temple?
It's almost time, buychads.
is Echoes crashing for anyone else? I'm on a v1 switch, no problems with any other games
>For every Zelda game we tell a new story, but we actually have an enormous document that explains how the game relates to the others, and bind them together.
>Yes, there is a master timeline
>It's certainly not the same story being told over and over again.
>A reimagining of the same story line? No, not so much.
where the fuck is the carrot
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polygon - text/text
I 100% the game and now I'm doing a minimum echoes run. I managed to beat the 1st dungeon with just the table. I had to get the bomb fish for the water dungeon, I needed the mole, fire, wind power, and the two statues for the Gerudo dungeon. So I'm currently at Hylian Castle with 7 echoes so far. I'm hoping I don't need to add anymore echoes after that. I may need ice though.
down the ladder on the top of the cliff behind the town. they're the yellow platforms with the eye. where's the ice wizzrobe?
Ice Wizzrobe is on the frozen mountain, tucked in a overworld corner
which is more heartless: getting on your horse and riding away before it can eat the carrot, making the carrot disappear in front of it with your stick, or picking the carrot up and throwing it into an abyss
it's not a 10/10 game. it's not even really a 9/10 but i won't argue against that too hard. it's a straight 8/10.
it's the best 2(.5)d zelda but that's not really saying much.
Why are horses even in the game: by the time you get it you teleport anywhere easily, they are not much faster than going on foot and are very unwieldy
They are EXTREMELY cute though
they're fun and remind you of the good times of botw and totk
the whole game feels like a love letter to zelda fans

gee I hadn't thought to check the ice area

I dont remember, I found it very easily
find my bals in your mouth
Ok, come here
Read your own filename you inbreed
I didn't even consider a minimalist echoes run, I wonder how low will speedrunners go
>or picking the carrot up and throwing it into an abyss
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Two questions, first, does the game have a painting/tapestry/flashback/something that narrates previous games like ALBW had pic related?
There are tapestries but not about previous games
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>>495957270 (I don't know why it wasn't posted before)
And second, does it have an intro/outro/something with a different artstyle like the LA remake had? I don't wanna wait until the artbook comes out to see EoW Zelda's normal proportions and design
>does it have an intro/outro/something with a different artstyle like the LA remake had?
Nope, they really cheaped out on this game.
The closest thing is when the fire goddess gives you a flashback of the new big bad's origin which lasts about 30 seconds of a powerpoint animation.
What do they show? Or are you refering to the "flashbacks" of the goddesses >>495959173 mentions?
There are couple more but they are just backstory for two of the races
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Please help, I need these 3 last things:
1- The only heart piece left is at gerudo (red heart in the map), I know yo need to beat one of those sandstorm worms, but I don't know how to trigger it, there's no sandstorm.
2- The last single might crystal, I don't know where it is, can someone with the game competed check the map pls
3- There's a robot monster (whatever the name is) left to create, it needs an item that the acorn guy gives you but I don't know where he is.
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Why is Gerudo not Geldo if Zeruda is Zelda?
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"Da" katakana only means "da", "do" can mean either "do" or "d"
Talk to the training ladies in the palace
Check >>495963419 or do the great fairy sidequest.
Talk to Dampe, he should tell you which one.
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>It is 1998
>Hyrule is populated by Gorons, Zora, and Gerudo
>It is 2017
>Hyrule is populated by Gorons, Zora, and Gerudo
>It is 2024
>Hyrule is populated by Gorons, Zora, and Gerudo
Replacing Kokiri with Koroks was an objective downgrade so I'd rather they not get experimental with the others.
This is Hylian erasure
Well yeah, that would be an acceptable adaptation of "gerudo" too
All these are acceptable
what about gerald?
>Gerud Sandstorm
That was Wind Waker.
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So there's not a single sample of EoW Link and EoW Zelda's actual looks until the art book drops?
Eh? Are they not just representations of the usual Linktitty Past designs?
What's the sauce please?
That would be ge ゲラルド (gerarudo), not ゲルド (gerudo)
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LA remake Link had a tweaked design compared from ALTTP despite being the same guy, and EoW Zelda's design is new altogether (with some similarities to other Zeldas, but it's clearly new)

so how long is it?
I can't pinpoint any might crystal icon in that map that I don't have...

1- thank you, that was it. Got all the hearts.
2- Already got the crystal finder item, but still can't find the single crystal left, that's why I tried to check the map with no success.
3- yes, Dampe's book says the item I need is given by the acorn guy, but I don't know where that specific acorn guy is
>I can't pinpoint any might crystal icon in that map that I don't have...
Post your map then.
And did you get the acorn guy west of castle town?
Thank you anon.
Already posted the map here:
Ah, I see why you missed it.
Look at where it says 'Hyrule Field'.
Yeah, already did that acorn guy.

Thanks! that was the one, got all the crystals now
Thanks everyone! I found everything.
The acorn guy that give the Steel Trap item was on the far left of the map
Congrats anon!
help please ;w;
she just sinks back into the loading screen before I get a chance to leave. am I missing something or is this just bugged?
Works on my machine.
I just started the game and picked up the Swordsman's Cloak. But not its missing from my inventory? Bug or it doesn't show up there?
ok maybe I'll try a different emulator for this part
Does Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom have a post-game?

No. You don't get anything for beating the final boss except for a star on your save file.
The accessories/clothes screen gets unlocked later.
okay fine ill rephrase it. is this the biggest, grandest, 2d, actual zelda, adventure to date?
imagine an FSA game that's eight times its original map
ARe you liking EoW's combat? I'm kinda interested in the game, but "indirect" combat is one thing I'm not liking. Other than swordfighter form, can you use echoes "directly" on enemies?
Fucking finally a /lozg/
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>can't move with the dpad
For the ones that already finished the game, how long is the campaign?
>Want to read/post in /lozg/
>Game arrives tomorrow
Roughly 25 hours to 100% and that was with all the fucking around and aimless exploring I did when I couldn't be bothered with the main quest in the first half.
Anyone thinking of getting it would be better off with Kirby and The Forgotten Land, about the same length but that was a game I enjoyed 100%ing.
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Nice mods are coming out!
>Force higher res
>Disable DOF/BLUR
>Better LoD
>Reduced Bloom
>Removed Bloom

use https://download-directory.github.io/ to download
25 hours seems like a good duration. Is there any replay value/new modes after the credits?
The last monster I need is the orange frog called Ribbitune. The great tree says it is on Hyrule Field, can someone help with it's exact location?
ANZAC chads win again.
Friendly reminder to also post in the Mario Bros thread. Without it, /logz/ would still be ded.
I've played every Zelda game to completio apart from the original, II, and FSA. Is it worth just starting on Hero Mode from tbe beginning?

fuck why so expensive
>map is eight times LA's
>EoW is only 5.5GB while LA was 5.8GB
How the fuck
Got it for 46€, everywhere else here it's 49€
physical store or digital?
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One day they'll grow out of the baby series and all move over here
Go for it, personally I felt sometimes I took too much damage already and used the bed constantly to recover health, is not like the game is hard at all, but I imagine It could be frustrating.

In any case, you can change the difficulty whenever you want in the menu, so go try what fits better for you.

In any case, you can change the difficulty at any time so go try it.
What's the quickest way to deal with the Flow of Battle dream training mission? I'm having skill issues with the currents.
>dungeons are good and fun
>dungeons blow
>dungeons are good and fun
>dungeons blow
>dungeons are good and fun
>dungeons blow
>dungeons are good and fun
>dungeons blow
>dungeons are good and fun
>dungeons blow
>dungeons are good and fun
>dungeons blow
>dungeons are good and fun
>dungeons blow
>dungeons are good and fun
>dungeons blow

Which is it? Different people keep going back and forth.
Play the game for yourself and find out, otherwise you'll never have an answer
>dungeons blow
Characteristic complaint only new fans who only played BOTW and TOTK before would have.
Fair enough, I'll be playing EoW tomorrow then. Hard to tell who is shitposting and who isn't.
I'm a Zelda veteran and I think the dungeons suck anus.

The only people who would think the dungeons are good are babies who've never played a Zelda game before. You'd have to be literally retarded to find them difficult.
What's so bad about them in EoW exactly?
see >>495907076

Adding to that, the dungeons now have multiple warp points inside them, meaning there's no point where you're ever asked to backtrack, or go down a different route to get where you need to go. You never need to keep a mental map in your head, think about how multiple floors are layered. The dungeons literally just railroad you from room to room with the most basic bitch puzzles ever.

They don't have anywhere near the complexity of dungeons from the 2D games, nor do they have the spectacle and cool moments of the 3D games. They're just "there". They come off as an afterthought.
nigger. fucking. what? zelda dungeons were NEVER difficult past, oh i dont know, middle school? they were just something fun to explore and analyze the design.
Why does it feel like Zelda fans haven't really truly enjoyed a Zelda game in like 20 years? It just seems like complain complain complain and nothing is enjoyable to the point I wonder if people should just drop the series. At least this is the vibe I get on 4chan.
>Is there any replay value/new modes after the credits?
Because they hype up every single Zelda as god's gift to gaming, every new game is an event, and the games never ever live up to the hype. And they put previous games, the ones they grew up with, on a pedestal as masterpieces when they were just as flawed.

Most complaints people have about these games are entirely valid.
>and the games never ever live up to the hype.

So the series isn't very good then. How did it get a good reputation over the years again?
What the other guy said but also adding that the map and compass are no longer separate things to find.
Once you find the map (and you'll usually get it at around a third of the way through), you can see everything (including upcoming chests) and the entire dungeon just becomes a box-ticking and teleporting exercise.
And because of the non-linearity of the map, every "dungeon" has to be equally easy.
There isn't even a real final dungeon, most of it is basically a Captain Toad level.
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How tf are you supposed to do this
>doesn't live up to the hype
>"so it's not good"
Motherfucker I just mean people hype them up as if they're going to be GOTY all years and most of the time they're just pretty good. And even the worst Zelda games, like TWW, are at least innovative in their design.

EoW doesn't really have innovation on its side this time. Its concept isn't exactly original, and it's debatable how much it adds to the formula.
>Why does it feel like Zelda fans haven't really truly enjoyed a Zelda game in like 20 years?
>So the series isn't very good then. How did it get a good reputation over the years again?
The difference between OoT/MM and BotW/TotK is like the difference between Toy Story/A Bug's Life and Turning Red/Lightyear.
You can dismiss it as people saying 'old good, new bad' or you can judge for yourself that there's a difference in quality (or soul).
>throw rocks at fire octorok
>get fire octorok
>throw rocks to help fire octorok
>clear downstairs
>kill the poison flower with fire octorok
>kill piranha plant with poison flower
Only takes about 80 seconds. Maybe longer if you chase after rocks instead of making echoes of them.
Didn't work. You can't kill the ghirro with fire octo, and it takes something like 10 rock throws to kill a fire octo with rocks. It took me 40 seconds just to kill the fire octo. On top of that, you can't kill the deku baba with the poison flower. The spores just land on its metal head. And I don't know WHAT the fuck you're supposed to do about the slug.
>Didn't work.
Worked for me.
>You can't kill the ghirro with fire octo
I did.
>it takes something like 10 rock throws to kill a fire octo with rocks
It takes like 6 or 7, you should be able to kill it in 20 seconds.
Generate rock, throw rock, repeat.
>On top of that, you can't kill the deku baba with the poison flower. The spores just land on its metal head.
Only if you have bad timing. When it attacks, the spores land on its stem.
>And I don't know WHAT the fuck you're supposed to do about the slug.
Throw. Rocks. Also you can generate two fire octos if you didn't already know.
Alright, I killed the keese with a rock, summoned a bunch of keese to attack fire octo while simultaneously throwing rocks at the ghirro, get the fire octo, kill the green thing and the buzz blob with them while throwing rocks, go up, kill the poison flower, then kill the deku with fire octos (faster and more consistent) and then finally summon two fire octos to kill the slug.

All combined, that's still 1:37. I need to shave 8 seconds off that shit to have "mastered" it. The fire slug just takes way too long to kill and the poison flower is way too slow to be effective.
You can pull the deku to kill it isntantly and use it to eat the some of the enemies which die instantly. Set the flower on fire and it'll burn to death.
>fire slug just takes way too long to kill
Have you tried throwing rocks?
>You can pull the deku to kill it instantly
Oh. I didn't know you could do that. Thanks to that, I finally got a time of 1:21.
>Arriving before 8PM
It's not fair bros
I need to know too
When do you start getting outfits? I've found several accessories, but nothing to replace the cloak.
>100+ echoes to tediously scroll through
What in the actual fuck were they thinking? How did they not implement one of dozens of better systems than this?
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Is this really every might crystal? I've cross-referenced it with my map several times, but I'm not seeing the one I'm missing.
Can you delete Echoes?
They are hit and miss, Suthorn(first) is shite, Gerudo Sanctum is alright, Jabul(water) is ok, Hyrule Castle is boring, Lanayru is fantastic, Faron is Fantastic, Eldin is bretty gud and the finale Null's Body is shite but becomes fantastic because You do it with Link
What are some "Zelda games for adults"? I don't want to sound demeaning, I liked EOW, but people keep pestering me because I thought the puzzles were a bit too easy. What I mean is a game with exploration and dungeons featuring puzzles.
Isles of Sea and Sky
>beat the game
>totally missed the fucking Lynel echo before getting 100%
Fuckin A, that would've been useful. Oh well.
>a game with exploration and dungeons featuring puzzles
Skyward Sword
>"Lanayru is fantastic"
>floor is ice
>walk one room over
>heat ball with flame placed right next to it
>melt ice
In a 90s Zelda game, the switch for melting and freezing the ice would've affected multiple rooms, and you'd have to carry one ball for multiple switches. You'd also have to figure out that to get to the big chest, you'd have to loop around to the opposite end of the dungeon, then go upstairs to the spot right above it, then melt the ice in the floor to drop through, all while carrying multiple keys for multiple optional locked doors you haven't even seen yet.
SSfags vindicated once again
yes it not fair
in what way does EoW vindicate Skyward Sword?
Why the Triforce is now called "Prime Energy".
Is there a reason for the retcon?
How do you beat that fuck in the Goron Race? It doesn't look like echoes slow him down and taking shortcuts isn't even quick enough to stop him.
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EOW mods are out
> https://github.com/Fl4sh9174/Switch-Ultrawide-Mods/blob/main/The%20Legend%20of%20Zelda%20Echoes%20of%20Wisdom%20%5B21.9%20Ultrawide%20v1.0.1%5D.zip
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I managed to complete my minimum echoes run. Here are some key points about the run if anyone cares.
>I only needed tables and statues for platforming
>I did not use any accessories
>I did not get the arrows or bombs
>I did not get any heart pieces or stamps, but I did pick up all the boss hearts
>I did not do any side-quests or optional rifts
>I chose the Ghirro over the Wind Cannon for my wind source just in case I needed to use it to glide, but I never needed to glide in the run.
>Echo Zelda took me quite a bit of time
>Link didn't have his arrows or bombs in the final dungeon since I didn't get those
It was an overall fun and challenging run. There were some parts where I had to get really creative for the solution, I may post some clips of those. I might do another run with 3 hearts and on Hero Mode for a true minimalist challenge. The screenshot shows all the echoes I used for the run.
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Here's a cool jump I did. I really didn't want to resort to getting the cloud.
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I had to really think for this puzzle. I don't think there was any other way without adding another echo.
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This didn't accomplish anything since I still couldn't get past the pile of sand without using wind, but I'm still proud of it.
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which emulator do i use in current year for totk? can't find any posts/sites who even mention suyu, i have a version of yuzu but every mod repo seems nuked and i have terrible stutters unmodded
>Skyward Sword
>every Zelda game since (excluding remakes)
>no dungeons
The minimal echoes run shit sounds autistic as all heck and doesn't really impress me in a way beyond 'kinda neat i guess' but this webm is a truly sick jump
These are also very creative
With a new game, the general moves about as much as /smbg/. I wonder how long that'll last though.
Echoes of Wisdom stutters like crazy on the latest ryujinx for me. I have a 4080S and a 7800X3D so it's not my hardware. Are there any specific settings or a specific emulator fork you need to use?
Transformers 40th anniversary
I can only assume it's to make you think it's something unique and special until it actually shows up, and you're like "oh it's the Triforce".

Also probably has something to do with the little shits being called the "Tri".
>Still hasn't arrived
Fuck my chud life I should've gone digital
I got it cheaper physical though
I just started it and
>top down but actual tridimensional movement, can do platforming and get on top of houses even in the prologue, plus there's targeting both with sword and with bow
I need them to remake ALTTP like this already god damn it, it's the best way to play top down Zelda
That isn't how the dungeon is like
I somehow get the feeling this was drawn by a woman
Because it's unfunny?
I somehow get the feeling this was posted by misogynist retards
Calm down mate just a wee bit of banter
It's mostly the Goddesses and the Tri calling it that, so I assume that's the 'proper' name for it and if gets called the Triforce later down the line. Given the Tri seem to be little motes of the Goddesses power to begin with in the same way the Prime Energy is a big chunk of it, it's likely the name is changed in honor of them.
That fragile huh?
That can't be the case, because Ganon is an echo, meaning he must have existed at one point for Null to create an echo of him.
It's weird how people don't know Ganon, this must be many generations after ALBW or AoL even
Got triggered
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is there a recommended order in which i should be doing these?
How close is Echoes of Wisdom to traditional Zelda in terms of progression?
Like, is there a generally set path with side quests that give you special items, or is it like BOTW complete open world where nothing matters?
>Water -> Fire -> Lightning -> Wind
You may swap Wind and Lightning but the others should be done in that order.
I did it Water -> Wind -> Lightning -> Fire. The game strongly encourages Water first, but it really doesn't matter on the order.
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How would you rate the Switch era of Zelda?
Easily the most important console for Zelda since the n64. I'd give it an A- overall - if there was a legal way to play the DS/Gamecube games on Switch, it'd be an A/A+
Pretty fucking shit honestly
BOTW ruined the franchise
Hyrule Warriors is boring slop
Cadence is a weird gimmicky experiment
Don't care about remakes
And I haven't played Echoes yet, but it's just not what 2D Zelda needs right now.

Honestly a pretty damn shame that one of the best Nintendo consoles has one of my least favorite Zelda lineups. It's not as bad as the DS at least
Everything you said besides
>BOTW ruined the franchise
is retarded and you should go back to /v/
>I haven't play X game, but I can say that it is LE BAD
Here's an idea: forget that BotW ever happened and just keep making Link to the Past over and over again!
It has some neat ideas, but I just hate the feeling that nothing fucking matters. I'm sick of finding some super cool looking place, going into some cave or fortress, killing a bunch of monsters that could kill me in one hit, then opening the chest expecting something cool, but just getting arrows. Or a weapon that breaks. Durability is shit.
There is a thing as too much freedom.
I think it's after FSA. The Triforce isn't mentioned or even seen in the Four Swords trilogy, there's only the "Light Force". Ganon shows up in FSA, but he's relatively unknown to everybody outside of the final boss. The map in FSA is also very similar to ALTTP so that checks out too.
Bad, although I love Botw and Totk, they're not good Zelda games, musou shit and remakes and ports suck my dick. At least in the end, EOW may have steered the franchise back on it's tracks.
>people only hate new thing because it's le new
This game is comfy. Going into optional areas and getting things like a Super Ghost and the Cloud boss for a Heart Container is great. Maybe I'm just early but these kinds of things are already better than shit you'd find in every other 2D Zelda game. I'm kinda surprised some are being so harsh on this games content.
This but unironically. If it ain't broke, don't fix it
Grim Nintoddler mindset. Just keep serving me up the same stale bread over and over again.
>Buy bread
>Complain it doesn't taste like steak
Ok retard
>Food analogy
lol do amerimutts really?
Which was the last Zelda with lolis? ST?
At least it improved Skyward Sword somewhat
>Maybe I'm just early but these kinds of things are already better than shit you'd find in every other 2D Zelda game
Wait until you get to the point where you realise most of the rewards are just useless smoothie ingredients
>is it like BOTW complete open world where nothing matters?
By my estimation, you're able to get 95% of the game map, echoes, optional collectibles/side quests from the moment you're free to choose which region to start the non-linear main quest.
Nothing stopping you from going into the first "dungeon" with at least 12 out of 20 hearts as far as I'm aware.
/ TotK
I couldn't even play it on the Wii and I don't know why. The motion controls just refused to register so aggressively that it took me hours of attempts to land on the target during the tutorial. I gave up after beating the first Ghirahim duel drove me mad.
>I'm kind of surprised some are being so harsh on this games content.
Some /v/tards are like that who obsess over BOTW/TOTK or any new zelda coming out for years on end.
This is a return to form compared to botw and totk
This. ACfag in particular has made any /v/ Zelda thread literally unusable.
Even if Ganon existed, it doesn't really mean much regarding the Triforce's name. This isn't even the first time it's been called something else - in no real order it's gone by the names "The Supreme Power, "the Golden Power", "the Master Force", "The Ultimate Power", etc. More often than not, it's not actually called the "Triforce" but goes by some other moniker. The "Prime Energy" s just more of the same.

The game also has it so nobody even really knows about Ganon, meaning this game must be god knows how many generations after his last attempt to destroy thek kingdom.
He doesn't even have really interesting points against them. He seems to have a following though of some low effort posters now just repeating the game is for 10 year old girls.
is link directly playable in EoW at all?
or is it just zelda's swordfighter form
>Even if Ganon existed, it doesn't really mean much regarding the Triforce's name.
You're missing the point. Ganon didn't come in until it was already called the Triforce. So it doesn't make any sense for them to call it the Triforce in honor of Tri's actions during EoW, because it was already being called that.
>The "Prime Energy" s just more of the same.
Except those names, like the "Golden Power" were only said by random people who were only going off of legend. It's like the fish in TWW calling it "Triumph Forks". Here, it's only ever called the Prime Energy. Not once do they ever say "Triforce". Even in ALttP and SS, where terms like "Golden Power" and "Ultimate Power" are used, they still say "Triforce" several times, but not here. For the goddesses and even the fucking Great Deku Tree to deliberately NOT call it the Triforce is really, really weird. The Triforce calls ITSELF the Triforce in ALttP's ending. That is its actual name.

The game can't even take place after Zelda 2, because by that point, the Triforce is possessed by the royal family. EoW implies it's still in the Sacred Realm, and the king doesn't even know the Eternal Forest is connected to it, so I doubt it's ever been removed. There's not really any way to reconcile this shit, it pretty much has to be its own continuity.
Best since the SNES because I don't have any nostalgia for the N64 era or pretend it's what the series needs to be.
The deku tree isn't omniscient (see wind waker, where he believes the falsehoods around the hero of time)
You play him in the tutorial for about 5 minutes.
It's to remind the player that boys are cooler, stronger, and jump higher than girls before the main game starts.
That's vindicating the series, all of the series before breath of walking around had dungeons
Probably in between TotK past and AoL
is he ever playable again
something as a postgame unlockable or something
Are you a faggot?
maybe prime energy is the downfall's Force Gems? also it must suck being Ganon in the downfall timeline. you're always coming back, but as a mindless husk hellbent on destruction when the actual Ganondorf died post ALttP as a pig wizard.
I’ve cranked out the first half of the game without even having to use dungeon waypoints.

As someone who is still recovering from Oracle of Ages, I am glad to pass on all of the backtracking. In Ages you could always use Pegasus seeds to speed through completed portions of a dungeon, which does not exist in Echoes. Frankly, a lot of backtracking is just tedium that feels better thanks to nostalgia. Not saying that the old dungeon design was bad, mind you.
The Deku Tree is a lesser deity, so he doesn't know everything or even most things beyond his woods. The only strange part is the Golden Goddesses calling it the Prime Energy and I'm simply chalking that up to it being their name for it. We've never heard them speak up until now so we have no idea whether or not naming it the Triforce was their idea or not, or if that's the name their power decided for itself eventually (since it's sapient).
The Deku Tree in OoT told the entire legend of the goddesses, the Triforce, and the Sacred Realm. The only other ones who do are the royal family and Rauru. He clearly knows a lot of shit. So it's not out-there to think the next tree would know it too.

You can come up with a thinly-veiled excuse for why the goddesses don't say "Triforce". You can't make an excuse for the royal family, especially when they've been saying that ever since SS. If you assume this takes place between games, then that means the goddesses and the royal family arbitrarily decided to change the name only to change it back later for no reason. If you assume this takes place long after Zelda 2, then that means the goddesses and the fucking Triforce itself arbitrarily decided to change the name instead.

Again, you can't reconcile this. The only possible explanation is that it's some kind of nickname like "Golden Power".
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I don't know why you would reply to me if you weren't going to acknowledge what I said. The deku tree in wind waker was a dumbass who fell for "the hero of time is totally going to pop out of time and save us just like he did before!" bullshit. Not all deku trees are created equal
Ok, well answer me this: how does the Deku Tree know about the Prime Energy? Nobody else apart from the king knows what the hell it is. So how does the Deku Tree know? He even says Null can't get his hands on it, and that he'll face divine judgement. How the fuck could he possibly know this if he was "just a tree" and didn't know anything beyond the woods? If he knows that, he should know what the fucking Triforce is.
His roots told him

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