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Enlisted is the best squad-based World War II FPS currently, where you lead your squads of AI to their deaths, over and over.

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Defeat: >>494622865
buff semi autos to do as much damage as bolt actions, nerf mgs so they can only viably be fired from prone except the BAR, wala i've started to fix your game
Volkssturm Gangsters with 1921 Thompsons they stole from the NKVD when?
>one soldier at the front with different uniform
it might be officers not partisans
And you think they're accentuating the "Officer" feature by pairing them with shitty irregulars that need to be led by an officer? It's a possibility, the NKVD guy leading them did give me pause.
>Didn't update the OP
I bet your build score shows 0 at the end of your matches
I admit my main concern was getting the new image into the op
i enjoy lighting krauts on fire with my soblyats
So what a solider class that gets extra AI troops you can't direct control?
>The officer just spawns in tons of AI squads
Damn why didn't I think of that?
>55 builds since major update
>APCs still broken
Is that how you get your ROKS off?
This alone means you should not be listened to. Semi-autos are fine.
they aren't. there's no reason they shouldn't do as much damage as a bolt action except for le balance, but as i said, you have smgs that can realistically spray you down from any distance you're actually fighting at. smgs shouldn't be out shooting semis at range yet they do, don't tell me they don't because i rape people from across the map with the ppsh. it's broken
"Le balance" is the best reason you silly sausage. If semi-autos did 20+ fucking damage there would be no reason to use any other class of gun. The reality is that automatics need more noticeable recoil. Pre-buff Kiraly and the Thompson M1928A1 (box) are how most SMGs should feel. Also, the PPSh (box) has the same spread as a semi-auto rifle for no real reason.
you would still use smgs and lmgs except now you have options. i also keep forgetting those automatic semi automatic rifles exist. they should be deleted then buff the avt-40, avs, g43 and garand
the game was better when bolt actions did 12 damage
No, if semi-autos did 20 damage they would be the only reasonable option to use. Having 10 rounds of instant guaranteed kills in semi-auto would render all other gun types obsolete.

The big issue with automatics in Enlisted is that they are balanced for a game that no longer exists. Back in the day, getting a gun fully upgraded was extremely rare, as was having fully upgraded troops with ideal perks. Automatic weapons in Enlisted are balanced around being unupgraded and used on level 1 troops, basically.
you see, i don't have a problem with that. i like ww2 shooters and fully expect the rifles to be the standard infantry weapon and i expect them to be great. i really don't see the problem in it. high damage semi automatics didn't make smgs or lmgs obsolete in rising storm 2
Stop talking about semi autos
Start talking about the new class
Rising Storm also had completely different gameplay and mechanics. You couldn't run around bunny hopping with your +25% sprint speed trooper in RS.
you can't bhop in this game, you could before i'm told, but not anymore. for the record i think perks are a shit idea and a cheap way to pad progression. any time you had garbage like speed increased and especially things like vitality you automatically fuck balance up. it's just such a dumb place to put yourself as a developer for no reason
You can bunny hop, people still do it, it's just not as effective. As for perks, they were balanced around a totally different type of game compared to what Enlisted has become. Getting a troop with good stats via the gacha was extremely uncommon, time consuming and expensive.
I hope its not actually partisans, at best its just a shitty meme event squad with subpar enemy weapons.. at worst they can choose to spawn anywhere and are an even more cancerous version of paras
balance isnt a thing in this game though, its advertised as a gear grinding mmo style shooter where you are supposed to make your characters stronger with time or money. imagine if you spent all those hours earning something and it was just as good as the starter bolts
cute parisian partisan girls!
the starter bolts are superior though. i've since put winchesters back on my rifleman since semi autos are just doo doo
I don’t think they’ve ever made an image like this for event squads, I think it’s a bundle photo
its gonna be the premium prepurchase jew trick, we will get event ones that will be even better a few weeks after.
the kraut partisans look WAY cooler
Yeah and I think the guy that first posted it claimed bundle and event squads.
That begs the question what the hell this class actually does though.
use enemy guns from the opposing faction's inventory that you currently have
>press button for 5 seconds of bullet immunity and super charged fists that rag doll enemies that are punched
whoa based!
If this is all true then this would be the gayest move by darkflow since the merge.
Would ypu need to refill ammo from friendly ammo boxes or the enemy's ammo boxes? Germans using PPShs against Americans on Tunisia would be wild
>Bolties have highest damage but lowest fire rate
>Semis have medium damage and medium fire rate
>Autos have lowest damage and high fire rate
That's how they're balanced. Semis have their place. Sounds like a skill issue. It's easier to down a squad with semis. You down them all first and then focus on finishing them off or letting your teammates work on clean up.
>smgs shouldn't be out shooting semis at range yet they do
Because of aim punch. Most players don't bother taking the aim punch perks and then wonder why they lose gunfights when their screen is jumping erratically all over the screen
>Using NKVD with Thompsons and Partisans equipped with Cönders on Stalingrad or Berlin or against Japs in Manchuria
no one is taking aim punch over vitality and smgs and lmgs can mow a squad down almost instantly, significantly faster than semi autos. i've never seen a good player with mostly semi autos. they are rotating lmgs and smgs, be honest with yourself
prediction: the event "partisan" squads will be soviets with g41s and germans with svt38s
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ive seen some screens itt, where anons are showing off k/d of 3-4, and 95% win ratio
are theses individuals playing in groups and such, or is the gameplay way different on BR5?..
i feel like im doing allright, generally speaking, when playing public BR1-3 games
a high k/d ration i can understand - im not a very good shot myself, earning many points on building and such, but how da fuck can you ensure a 95% win ratio - are annons literally defeating the entire enemy team alone?..
>New thread
OP you are going to behave this time and aren't going to throw a temper tantrum and rage quit split the thread again now are you? Be a good chud.
leaving games before you lose doesn't count as a loss, but these people are still winning most of their games. i have a win rate that high, but only because i leave games in the beginning when i know it's gonna be fucked no matter what i do, not when the game is about to be over. you basically have to carry to win games in this game, but on some game modes it's really not possible unless your team helps which most of the time they won't
ah, got it! that makes sense
although leaving games is kind of gay desu
it's not. playing with velcro shoe wearing mcdonalds employees is gay and i refuse to do it
Depends on the game.
I see many vehicle players who just leave right away if they have troubles farming points. Chinese players especially: they often spawn only tanks and leave immediately after being killed.
Wasting 20-40 minutes trying my ass off when I know my team won't help me at all is just not fun. And there are no real consequences for deserting the games, unlike gayjew's main game.
What do you mean by "aim punch"?
more like you leave when your team won't carry your ass
i got gold soldier ticket
who do i get
ruskies btw
Rifleman or engineer you can slot into squads you’re trying to level
The only ass I carry is the one from ur mum
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quitting is a shameful act regardless of circumstances - fighting against all odds, on the other hand is where myths and legends are being born
being a quitter makes you soft, you get weaker with every ragequit
and every minute Charlie squats in the bush, he gets stronger - fighting against an overwhelming enemy force, charging a tank with his katana, capturing a point all alone, with a pack of TNT between his legs - ready to push the handle
i guess im gonna get rifleman 3 squad and then buy myself a rifleman 3
But muh k/d
Partisans might have the ability to move in the gray zone. That's something I didn't think of.
no one besides you will ever give a shit about your k/d
Are you genuinely autistic?
I care about his k/d
I care about your k/d
Both k/d and winrate are quite meaningless in this game, but we don't have anything else, so...
Mortars kills is the true metric
K/D is a meme
Defenders have unlimited tickets so players that spam push their squads have the highest impact.
Attackers have limited tickets, but generally players that play more risky by focusing on the cap points win games.

Win rate is highly dependent on matchmaking. Obsessing over stats is retarded. Just play the game and have fun ffs.
So is the meme about volksgrenadiers that all run away when the squad leader dies finally real?
Super high K/D is associated with spamming vehicles, mostly. People with super high K/Ds always have disproportionately high vehicle kills.
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>Me on the left in first place on my team with 8000 points
>Enemy on the right in first on the enemy team with 7000 points (he got down-tiered with an M4A2 (105) and got half of his skills/points his first spawn)
We won, by the way. My team was remarkably... I don't want to say "competent" but they were aggressive. Not enough rallies or anything but they pushed the point like crazy to defend it, which was nice.
Which axe is Italian/german and us/british?
The firewood looking one is German and the small narrow head one is the Italian.
The firewood looking one is the American and the black handle cut out tacticool one is the Bong.
The one with the nail puller is the German. The US one has "US" stamped on the side.
US/German axes are these basic ass hachets, bongs and pastas get more fancy equipment
>Team has good momentum on the first point
>Teammate builds one bad rally
>Everyone who spawns on it has all their bots get stuck indoors
>We lose all our momentum and the enemy pushes into our spawn
They really should have set the limit on battle hero awards higher
I have to admit, I did build a few really bad rallies.
Eh, it's fine as is for me. I get about 2-4k silver per match, sometimes more. People who sweep the battle awards generally aren't people who "need" more silver, anyway. With the new economy, getting 3k or so per average match is really nice, especially when combined with the daily login silver and boosters and such.
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It is to my regret that I'm weeb enough to understand most of the jap lines so they don't mondegreen.
DPS maximalism is such a retarded way to judge and evaluate guns.
You can use whatever trash weapon you want, it doesn’t change what the meta is
Raw DPS isn't the deciding factor of a gun's meta status, otherwise the Lanchester Model 1 and M1928A1 Thompson would be meta, and people would be using the Johnson LMG over any other US option in Tier IV/V.
Do you understand the concept of thresholds?
DPS doesn't equal lower TTK in of it's self. And lower theoretical TTK is useless if it's harder to keep and hold the gun on target for the time it takes to kill.
Also the highest DPS gun is the MG45 followed by the MG-15 and Type 100 and .30 Tommy.
My point is that there are people who judge things based entirely on the DPS output of a gun and use it as the be-all end-all of judgement, even though high DPS guns often have retarded drawbacks. The ZB-26 and Beretta M1918/OVP M1918 have insanely high DPS, but are basically unused because they have awful sights and tiny magazines for their fire rate.
Before the MP-40 was down tiered you did see people running the Beretta.
I ran it and I felt like the only one who did. It's just not a good weapon.
Before the T20 a bunch of meta tryhards (and cheaters) ran the Johnson and BAR with weapon swap speed
My experience was that it was basically exclusively cheaters who did this. Guys who, somehow, always had 100% accuracy even while moving and firing their machine guns.
I did run Johnsons before the T20 but it was just because I used the shit out of it in the Pacific and knew how good it was at range. No point in using swap because I would never move that squad in CQB.
Nah, the whole clan was doing it. Most of them proved why it was a stupid idea in the process.
It's an extremely theorybrained idea, dual wielding is in general.
So the entire point of using AT II is so that you can get reload speed in addition to bolt ROF/recoil reduction on them, right? It's not super impactful on, say, a Panzerfaust or Bazooka, but it's big on the GrB-39 and Sturmpistole.
I just use them because they have more perk points
Does the weapon aim speed perk have a higher impact on weapons with high ADS speed or lower ADS speed? I know the bolt action fire rate perk has more value on higher ROF bolties for example.
That's what I mean, the extra perk points allow you to put 12 points into ROF or recoil reduction, then 8 more into reload rate. Their base perk is basically worthless, even compared to something like position change speed, but the extra perk points allow you cross a threshold. Ideally, AT III would come with reload speed as a base perk, like Ass IV, so you can massively stack it and cut a whole second off your AT reloads.

It works better on fast ADS weapons, which makes it a redundant perk. Even going all-in with it has little effect, it's basically indistinguishable on an LMG or AT weapon, but it makes aiming with SMGs and pistols literally instant -- except aiming with those guns is already borderline instant so it doesn't matter at all.
Imagine if we got Tanker IVs, everyone would be spending 2m silver rerolling all their tankers to get vitality.
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This is how it looks, by the way. First soldier has +7% ADS speed from his base perk, second has +27% ADS speed from perks. It's barely noticeable.

Vit wouldn't really be worthwhile on a tanker. It's not even worthwhile on pilots.
>Vit wouldn't really be worthwhile on a tanker
I strongly disagree
>It's not even worthwhile on pilots
Not on THE pilot, but you want it on all the gunners.
And especially at 5 points per pop it doesn't seem worth it
Here's what I do for AT 2s that use bolt action speed. Some AT rifles are one shot per "magazine" regardless of whatever real mechanical action is taking place in which case you might want to go for reload speed. I don't take reload at higher tiers though because the vertical reduction for the primary weapon is more important than the fraction of a second faster reload.
The way I see it, guys in tanks tend to be just barely scraped, or they die outright. It's rare for a tanker to end up in a "red" state. Same with gunners in planes. Either they get turned to red mist by a high caliber cannon or they get barely scraped by 7.7mm.
Vitality will make it take 50% longer to get "barely scraped" down to zero.
It would be interesting though to see someone hop in a tank with a squad with vitality and see if their crew is able to survive some of those hits that would typically outright kill crew.
You are probably right, but I doubt it will happen for that exact reason. Tankers don't get Vit for a good reason. Same with most snipers.
Well, I only play BR5 so I prefer the recoil reduction over reload speed anyway. I agree with everything else you said about them
The reload speed barely matters with BR V AT weapons anyway, since they all reload in under 3 seconds.
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not how it works. once you get good, if you get good, you'll be able to notice unwinnable games from the start. for example this game >>495405939. it didn't make me feel good, it pissed me off. my team was so bad and retarded they couldn't take one point while i was literally solo fighting half the enemy team. it was LITERALLY my entire team and they couldn't take the closest point to their spawn. the only reason i stuck around was because of my 300% login boost. this shit isn't fun, i didn't learn anything, i didn't grow as a player, i didn't gain honor points for sticking it out
It's nice to have conviction but I've unlocked everything i want. I play for the challenge and fun not to "win", but I'm working 2 jobs and can squeeze MAYBE 3 rounds a night so if im getting my shit pushed in with no reach around ill gladly jump a match, just got lt general rank too probably reach general of the army before the saesons over
Holy FUCK I love the Silenced EMP. It might actually be my favourite SMG.
>nooo stoop dont leave!!!! stay in your unwinnable games!!!
they want you to stick it out because they want someone to carry them. thats all it is
you staying in the game = they dont get farmed as hard and maybe you singlehandedly win them the game
you leaving = they get farmed at spawn

peace of mind > selfish niggers
I'm going to use tanks that you never see and rate them

so far, the stug III F is alright, honestly more BR2 material than BR3 considering the PzIVs in the same BR do exactly the same thing but better in every way
the jpz IV/70(A) is genuinely abysmal, whatever benefits you'd get from the other jagdpanzers is nullified by it being 30 feet taller, absolute nightmare tank
the semovente is probably your best HE slinger(despite not actually having HE) at BR1
>it was LITERALLY my entire team and they couldn't take the closest point to their spawn.
It's so fucking annoying when this happens, having been on both ends. That is, the single player the enemy team can't beat, and the guy who is trying to clear the entire enemy team while his own team gets stuck against 1 guy defending the point. The meta of Enlisted really is morale. Your team getting fucked over really badly in one push can completely kill your momentum and destroy their morale, resulting in them just camping all game. Mine spam wasn't about getting kills, though it was nice, it was about making the enemy afraid to push.
How is the splash radius on the stug's HEs? Serviceable?
What about its turning and reversing?
>destroy their morale, resulting in them just camping all game
>Mine spam wasn't about getting kills, though it was nice, it was about making the enemy afraid to push.
kek I have mines on all of my characters, but I hardly use them. Dying to one, though, turns me into one of the blackest gorilla niggers ever seen. I swap to every single one of my bots and dedicate most of my time to placing my own mines and digging holes. Everywhere. Then I start rushing their rallies and placing barbed wire around it and the surrounding areas. A shame they nerfed them.
The splash radius on the long 75 is the same as the splash on the short 75 on the Panzer III N. It's Sperger 34 so it's literally identical.
do the silencers actually make a difference?
They make bots basically ignore you if you open fire on them from a certain distance. Bots listen for footsteps as much as they listen to gunshots, so if you are outside of footstep range then you are almost invisible to them. It's also a very accurate gun, but it has low-ish damage.
what about crawling, do bots hear you crawling or are you invisible?
it's the same gun as the 75mm on the PzIV F2 and onwards, so exactly as effective as them
not as much depression as the PzIV unfortunately, and it's pretty nimble, a decent bit more than the PzIV because it doesn't have a turret weighing it down(and also has half the ammo)

all in all it's a decent meme alternative to the PzIV F2
There's a lot of hackers who post stats here because if they did it on the official forum they would be investigated and banned. It's the reason you'll see some screen where some faggot has >150 kills but has blacked out their details.
>It's the reason you'll see some screen where some faggot has >150 kills but has blacked out their details.
No, people do that because it's a holdover from War Thunder general. In /wtg/, if you post your username, people will mass-report and brigade you, and also go through all of your replays to find one clip of you fucking up, then spam that for years. /wtg/ is severely mentally ill as a whole.
t. cheater
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and there's nothing you can do about it BWAHAHAHAHA
I don't post my name censored thougheverbeit. Also, posting your stats wouldn't get you investigated because Darkflow doesn't care, and they couldn't identify you by how many kills you have if you got, like, two more kills after the screenshot was taken.
i'm sorry your life sucks friend
Target Washington!
I get 150 kills every match though
tha fuck anony gon do
T-44 when
It would still get rekt by the KT.
Bots can be blind, or eagle eyed depending on the direction of the wind
Bots can hear you better if you are sprinting, but I don't know if there is a difference between crawling and walking (which is called running in-game and in the files).
Does anyone recall when the devs made an update, where they said bots would be able to use MG emplacements?

They said they would man it when no human player was nearby, and leave it when someone does get close.

This was around the time
Yes, I also recall them saying you will be able to order bots to use their mortars, and AT weapons other than the explosive pack
ww2 kinda boring, any chance well get cold war with proper attachments?
the most I'll accept is korean war
anything after and I'm nuking latvia
I don't mean to brag, but I am the best Enlisted player of all time.
>nerf mgs so they can only viably be fired from prone
Fuck yourself with a barbed metal horse cock. Mgs can be shoulder fired irl, I'm considering enlisted just to do this and have an alternate to bf5
learn to play, you fucking shitter. mgs aren't fired from the shoulder in real life either, you clueless nigger. the only time you would ever seriously be shooting from a standing position is to put down some high inaccurate cover fire, you're never expecting to hit anything
holy fuck the p38g is a tank sniper. my soviet rockets are ass compared to ally rockets
It's easy to hit tanks with the P38 due to the rockets being fuselage-mounted
I guess this is who the new Japanese Gold Medic is supposed to be. They got his name wrong. The rest of the Gold soldiers are holdouts right? Interesting that he's someone who died on Attu.
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shovel gang
The tanker wasn't a holdout. He was a tanker on Iwo Jima and a gold medal horse rider.
The Pilot is an ace fighter pilot that got got in the Marina Turkey Shoot
The engineer was not a holdout but one of the survivors of Okinawa

this thing is actually a pretty sick dog fighter

Sponsored by shovel gang
It's a shame dedicated fighters are kinda useless.
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>Silenced Erma EMP is listed as having a recoil of 16/16 in the resource
>In-game it's listed as 20/11
>"Actual recoil" in the resource is 5/5
WHO DO I BELIEVE? I am gonna err on the side of caution and go with horizontal reduction, it has no vert anyway. Losing 6% reload speed sucks but whatever, it's still under 2 seconds.
They really need to give them all some light bombs or something. Both of the Italian planes are pure fighters.
>mgs aren't fired from the shoulder in real life either,
NIGGER S H U T your melon munching, ass slurping nigger cocksucking lips
>that worthless nublet on the enemy team that dedicates its entire time to shooting you out of the air with its engineer aa while its team gets utterly stomped
listen, you dumb faggot, no one ever said you can't fire it from a standing position, what i said was that there should be major penalties for doing so because there is, you shouldn't be able to hit shit with it while standing with no support and definitely not be able to fire it while moving. it's a no skill game play style that i realize bad players like you crutch on
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HS-129B3 fucking when?
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oh fuck wrong pic
The best BR 4 ground attack fighter is Italian
>2 games CTD'd in a row
fucking shit slav programmers
I don’t know what’s current but the Erma (not sure which since there are like 4) was named as having reduced recoil in the recent update that adjusted that on several weapons
You think the Centauro is any better than BR III Bf110's?
The Bf-110s are all CAS planes. Is the Centauro that premium plane? Because I was just talking about the Fiat G.55
>Fiat G.55
it has a bomb
Shut the fuck up and eat your oats
Machine guns are genuinely fine as is, they could probably use a little more recoil in some cases but they're vastly inferior to SMGs and assault rifles, and even auto-rifles. They're a pretty low-tier weapon class outside of a few exceptions. The only super-powerful MG is arguably the Stinger, and you can only have two of those max.
doesn't matter how strong you are, it's gonna wear you out fast
The elimination of 1st person muzzle flash has transformed the Stinger from unbelievably dirty to inconceivably dirty.
>"dodododoesm't mattteeer"
the next new class is femboys
It's probably partisans/saboteurs/commandos.
Tomboy Yugoslav partisans next
this is the WORST idea they've ever done
>fix grey zone camping?
how about a spawncamping class goy?


>With it, a new class of soldiers will join Enlisted – guerrillas!

>The soldiers in these squads have a difficult task – to sow the seeds of chaos in the ranks of the enemy through sabotage and ruin all their plans. Although guerrillas often prefer to stay in the shadows, they do not hesitate to meet the enemy face to face.

I called it

>Guerrillas have a special ammo pouch in which they carry ammunition for a wide variety of weapons: when you pick up a weapon, you get full ammunition for it.

Holy fuck
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>Behind enemy lines
>The most important and distinctive feature of the new class is their ability to enter most of the enemy's battle area without time restrictions. The only areas that remain off-limits are the infantry and vehicle spawn zones.

>You can never have too many explosives
>Guerrillas can take significantly more TNT charges into battle - as many as five! With them, they can set up elaborate ambushes and fight tankers who think that staying outside the general battle area will save them.

>eye patch hans
I will buy it
memes aside this sounds horrible, just another way of bullying newfags
You guys are also all missing that there will be event and progression versions as well
absolutely awful mechanics will do nothing but make the game worse
>want to take care of those pesky greyzone tanks?
get fucked
and fuck you too bootlicker
I will absolutely nigger it up to the max with these squads. Sneak behind enemy lines into their gray zone. Barbed wire and mine every rally point I hear and see. TNT trap every reinforcement path. Take their MGs and set up a crossfire between their spawns and cap points to mow down any reinforcing squads.
It's mostly a measure against players who like to sit in the grey zone.
They deserve to be bullied 2bh.
enjoy the measure of TWENTY tnt charges placed directly on your spawn point
my squad has 7 upgrade points but there is nothing to spend it on?
Yeah that happens.
If you have multiple squads for the same class and tier, some upgrades are redundant. An upgrade point for AT gunner I for example carries over to every AT gunner I squad. Same with squads that have upgrade trees for the same weapon.
article said you wont be allowed in their spawns so you will have to put it a few meters in front of it
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I kneel.
>Guerrillas have a special ammo pouch in which they carry ammunition for a wide variety of weapons: when you pick up a weapon, you get full ammunition for it.
this is based
nooooo why can't there be ppshs also
>4 guerilla squads from tech-tree
>2 guerilla squads from premium
>1 (2?) from futur event
>to yourself
im guessing you spend a lot of time on your knees in public bathrooms
>put an anti-tank mine in front of their tank spawn
>put another behind tank spawn
>enemy can no longer spawn tanks
>can also spawn camp infantry and place ap mines right outside spawn
>can build barbed wire outside enemy spawn

this is absolutely cancer and might completely fuck up the game, especially if they're allowed to build things.
Not my post clearly. We have some a leaker that is pretty high up. Nice to see
event partisans will be US and JPN
You can't build in the gray zone and the squads probably don't even have engineers
did you even read? you can't go to infantry and tank spawn zones still
0% chance they get an engineer in the squad
Unless going into the zone just kills you instantly, then you'll have more than enough time to place mines then get out.
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>Can't change weapons
So they will never fight in Berlin.
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i notice you didnt deny sucking cock in restrooms. its well known that darkflow asslickers lurk here and they can report everything of note back to them in exchange for digital headpats
get full ammo when looting enemy weapons though
who said they cant change weapons? mp40s and pps-43s are standard weapons so should be changeable
That would only work if the other team has no rallies and losing pretty badly. If they cap while you're mining their spawn it's you who becomes the bullied.
Yeah but why using a BR2 squad ? Especially when tech-tee seem to have another guerilla squad (who can change weapons).
>Place mines inside spawn
>Enemy spawns
>Mines fuse
>Spawn invuln guarantees no damage is done
Well if they could take the weapons off they would be able to give them to any other squad
i don't know, will one of you goyim buy it and tell us already
We wouldn't know until the update.
Personally I think the big thing will be whether or not their outfits are the same outside of Berlin.
Spawn invuln for tanks is really short, I think as soon as you move you lose it. I don't know how
long the infantry one works though but that's why you place it a bit further from spawn.
Lads, French campaign confirmed.
Enlisted forum.
It will be a research tree squad
Why does it say faggot on your stall ? This image says you are the faggot :(
polish resitance whoud be more dope and im tired of pretending it whoudnt be
allies quality of life is so different. i can completely shut down enemy armor with my rocket planes. grey zone anything doesn't matter when you have planes like this whereas it's completely different on the soviets
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no weapon change for you
i really don't think that's a big deal. having full ammo when picking up enemy weapons is a huge boon. i just wish the weapons were suppressed
The U.S event squad will be French resistance.
i dunno about Japanese event one
James_Grove just posted that premium squads have the ability to put any weapon in the 2nd slot. It's like they have different knowledge
>trusting what some tranny with an weeb avatar says
not even once
if you wipe the nigger jizz out of your eyes you'll notice the stall vanishes you stupid faggot
Yeah time to PPS-43ing some american nigg*rs.
parisian gorilla girls
Just because the cover shut does not mean something disappeared . Does the peekaboo game still makes you think people are going away ? Your image depicts a closed stall with the word faggot on it. So where do you go to see the faggot ? to your stall. hahaha
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>why am i not surprised to see this
It's Volkssturm, ofc they're going to have more basic equipment.
>Can enter enemy greyzone
No more hearing an enemy rally in the greyzone, and rushing in to destroy it before you die.

In the past few days I heard them often, and I wished I had the time to barb wire them all.

please show me a rollershutter that is invisible to the naked eye then you dumb cumguzzler
No engineer
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It's a lot dumber than that. The crew has invulv. The tank does not
I'm the one who made the original post about it
He merely screencapped it lmao
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See, you go somewhere and you see a stall with the word faggot on it, and guess what, it's you behind it. Visual aid for you.
Just admit it's a bad reaction gif and move on
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No barbed wire for you, shithead
So are you just friends with MajorMcdonald and he leaked it to the inner circle ?
Polish campaign confirmed
you are suposed to censor it the other way around
"am*rican niggers" not "american nigg*rs"
PPS-43 is actually op for it's br, finally Axis getting better stuff than Soviets.
I prefer the Beretta and MP38/40
PPS burns through ammunition too quickly if I don't take care where the others I'm good until the last drop
just admit you have autism and cannot handle being called what you are
piss poor accuracy
what does latvian jizz taste like?
You realize you made and posted a gif that makes you look even more gay than the original one right?
Funnily enough, queueing against sweats can actually become beneficial in a way: easy Gewehr Kurz or T20 rifle.
I just grabbed it from discord my dude
Just have friends
Everything about this new class sounds utterly retarded, I'd rather they just be reskinned Assaulter squads. If you want to ruin a greyzone campers day just fucking reduce the size of the greyzone. At least they have good guns even if they're low BR.
It's fucking retarded and now you will get massively spawncamped the moment your team gets pushed back, not to mention now you can just camp the next objective and instantly start capping it before the defense can even get there.
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nazbol bros!
Update theme
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which one should i watch bros?
These troops sound like total ass. I was hoping they would have some special ability like being able to "capture" enemy rallies/structures for their own team or something.
You mean
It’s over
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The hard part about this one was the fucking vehicles, holy shit. The enemy team just had an infinite parade of M2A4s and M13 GMCs. That may not sound too bad but their infantry was also super aggressive, and my teams tanks were useless, so I was constantly doing EVERYTHING all at once. Fun match despite the stress, lildemonscorpio is probably 10 years old.
No, I don't.
>Paradivision calls guerillas "goo-rill-ias"
>Also says that building rallies should be instant because it takes too long for impatient people
This would be such an insane thing to do and would remove any penalty for building a bad rally and any advantage for destroying rallies.
Sad then.
wait so they cant build rally points? Makes them a lot less useful. Also will they all be 4 man squads or just the premium ones are 4 man (Which is also shit)
It seems like they will just be 4 man squads. They seem terrible.
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Yup. 4 man squads of just guerrillas. No engineers
These guys better get like +30% sprint speed or some shit.
They seem kinda shit desu. It's cool that they can go into grayzones but I feel like the entire AI squad will be dead by the time you reach the greyzone (Due to shit AI) or getting picked off by enemy squads running to the point spawning from the greyzone or camping enemy vehicles especially in open maps like Oasis
They’re horrible. The enemy team WILL use them to spawn camp your team. Your team WILL use them to dick around in the Greg zone while you lose the point
I can see them becoming monstrously OP in a well coordinated team, just like paras, but being mostly useless outside of that. If your team is on defence and winning, then you'll be able to build aggressive allies and rush into the enemy spawn using guerillas.
I hope they can equip sniper rifles
According to forum.
1st weapon is locked
2nd wepon can be shotugn or smg
What about the tech tree and event varients?
Does that mean no engie?
I hope to god they don't give them engies or at or radiomen or mortards
It appears the soviet partisans get a unique MP40 with a brass catcher on theirgun
Also just thought of how much of a nightmare its going to be if the guerillas can change their TNT for Landmines for urban maps. Like entire streets could be littered in tank wrecks and mines and nobody as infantry ever bothers to destroy them. Also retarded teammates in Pumas ramming into point and destroying then blocking streets for other tanks
>My team has Engineers
>Multiple players clearly have engineers equipped
>They build themselves ammo boxes, AT guns, machine guns
>Not once does a single other teammate build a single rally
I don't understand how people can be like this. What am I missing? How can someone just... not build rallies?
I don't know.
No engineers confirmed.
Don't know about radiomen or mortards
ok so they can only bring TNT no AT mines from what one of the forum mods say
Show me your ASS 4 build
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I wish i bought another RMN-50 when i could have, this is the best weapon in the game
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This is pretty good. I can't really think of any better build without sacrificing something integral. If I want run speed I have to get rid of Vitality or a point in recoil reduction or reload speed.
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This is the alternative, sacrificing some recoil reduction for extra movement speed. This allows you to run ridiculously fast and you don't REALLY feel that 10% missing recoil reduction because your base stats give you 10% reduction via Weapon Handling anyway.
On second thought they dont need to be able to equip sniper rifles since you can pick one with full ammo off of the corpse of someone else camping in the grey zone
Why don't these giga brained pilots deploy their parachutes so they don't splat dead on the ground
The first build looks nicer but the second one is probably better.
So they can spawn in the air again faster
Yeah, it's probably more efficient. You don't really "need" full recoil reduction on 90% of guns.
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>Connect client to steam account
>boot up game
>get earraped for 10 minutes as all the achievements get added
Guerillas should have had the ability to "disrupt" or "sabotage" enemy rallies and APCs by making it so the next five squads that spawn on them come with reduced ammo and/or HP. Rally mining has already been nerfed, and has always been a bullshit tactic, so I don't see why it can't be outright removed and replaced.
Super Pershing
Let’s not get too unrealistic now
Die Glocke
My guess for the Guerilla squads:
>Premium / Event guerilla squads
Volkssturm / Partisans / FFI or FTP because "muh commies" /Japanese schoolboys or girls
>Tech-tree guerilla squads
Osttroopen / Polish / Australian from New Guinea or their Papuan auxiliaries/ Takasago Volunteers
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Sorry, fixed it.
>touch BR2 as Allies
>half the matches are downranked against Germans
>friendly battles, pretty even
>half the matches are upranked against Japs
>curbstomped again and again

I know that's how you git gud, but the gud I'm gitting is shit like "how to avoid a sniper tank" and "taking a point alone while your allies stand around being fucking useless."
US players immediately lose their will to fight in The Pacific.
none and you're a faggot if you watch any of them
skill-less faggot
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That guy hasn't even got an optimal RMN user, it should be on a Rifleman 2 with maximum sprint speed. I was in a match earlier against a guy called Elver Gaza or something and he had at least two RMN-50s, wiped my whole APC squad from the roof on Manor Conquest. Still wiped the floor with his ass.
*blocks your path*
You don't need reload speed on the Conders so that's fair, but also the vert on the Conders is so low that having vert reduction at all seems arbitrary.
So we know that the Guerillas use SMGs and Shotguns. He didn't say assaulter weapons, but SMGs and shotguns. So I'm guessing no StG/AS-44 Guerillas. I guess I'll be able to give them a bunch of MP-717(r)s at least.
Since they’re squads of 4 I’m thinking of decking them in the gold order silenced smgs. Could help with the infiltration since I think they agro bots less
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>spawncamping squad whose entire purpose is to be as annoying as possible
They've done a pretty nice job touching up the maps. D-Day (at least in reverse) felt quite different.
>some broccoli head shitter with ttv in his name
>all he does is spam frag grenades and rifle grenades
why would anyone watch that kind of game play? he no doubt has zero viewers

i also think it's funny that shitters in this thread whine about the suggestion of semi autos one shotting meanwhile rifle grenades one shot entire squads and don't require any real aiming
lol mad
Majority of ttv players in any game don’t even stream desu
Same story as BR3 allies. Every match against Japan is an uptier where you have to sweat against Type Hei Automatics. Lose probably 80% of the time whereas I win roughly 80% against Germans. May as well just immediately desert with the shitcific desu
I shot someone with a kar98k rifle grenade and some of the fragment went into a nearby enemy tank, penned its front plate, and killed all 4 tankers inside. Is that normal behavior? Should I be trying to tank out tanks with my rifle grenade?
>p-please dont ban us darkflow. we'll give you money!
Faggots from a clan of cheating faggots
Rally mining was not nerfed. AP mines still murder whole squads. The AP mine it's self got nerfed and now has a delayed trigger and is more likely to det from other explosions.
put the ap mine directly on top of the rally now and you still wipe squads
Rifle nades should be limited to AT troopers, you'd have to be a delusional retard to actually think giving semi-autos the ability to kill in one shot is a good idea.
I have had my rally mines placed directly on a rally down entire squads before. Regardless, just remove the concept and replace it with sabotaging rallies, it's a way more fun idea.
sounds lame and annoying and a suggestion a sniper main would offer
Or you can just place barbed wire and get the same effect as your stupid ass.
Rally mining is a bit gay but if you removed it all I would do is the spicy tuna trick or just shooting the rally if I can't be bothered.
>barb a rally
>mouthbreather teammates shoot it instead
You can't wire rallies in the grey zone, Anon-san... My point is that adding a new mechanic to guerillas would at least make them worthwhile instead of worse Assaulters, plus it's just a fun mechanic idea.
I think the biggest problem your suggestion has is the fact that the average player is really dumb.
I could see someone do that, me placing medboxes and ammo in the same room and getting no score from it cause my team mates wouldn't notice half their ammo and HP missing.
That's exactly why it would work. Just because large portions of the community would be too stupid to make use of it doesn't mean it shouldn't be implemented. The majority of the community doesn't even know how to build rallies, and many who do know how to simply refuse to.
Half health isn’t severe enough, it should also make them spawn as lvl 1 soldiers with no perks
the best way to play the game is rotating assault squads with smgs. there's no reason to use machine guns unless you're bad, no reason to use semi autos since they're gimped. the best way to play is smg spam
It took you reaching Tier III to realise this? Top tier is literally just autorifles.
>first game of the night
>chink stack cheaters
nice nice
Don't look up the time in Beijing...
Each army has a rifle grenade that's made for armor pen, so yeah if you have the right one equipped.
they must have gotten off their 18 hour shift at the asbestos factory
My brother and I used to call 3-8PM Beijing time "Chinese Power Hours" in War Thunder and we just wouldn't play then.
>finished all bp dailies in record time, still dont have 20k score though
time to nigger it up with the ol tigger
I think the fastest I ever got my 20k was a single match in the P-47 in old Normandy.
>Darkflow: "We fixed vehicle spawn points"
>Me: "Cool story fucktards"
>shoot down p47
>another one instantly spawned
>or a corsair lol why not
The BAR is better than any BR3 allies SMG, especially so if you limit to tech tree onky
i like the highest tier 3 thompson. someone here said it sucks for recoil, but close range it doesn't matter, it mows everything down and medium range i put it on semi auto and it has no issue
You might have an argument if you were talking about the M1 Thompson, but because that thing is at 4 you really don't have a position to argue against the BAR.
Yeah, the BAR is dominant, and its only real competition is the .30 Tommy.
the m1928a1 without the foregrip is br3
The A1 is garbage compared to the BAR. I said you'd have an argument if you were talking about the M1 and it was BR3.
iq deficiency
>.30 Tommy
>M1 Garand
>M9 Bazooka
>105mm Sherman
I must have my head checked, not having made a BR III US lineup yet
Also nade launcher Smellies.
says the autistic fucking retard that doesn't understand it's fundamentally the same thing. this game at its core is no skill running around spraying with smgs and smg like weapons like the bar. bar is same fucking game play, run around, hold the shoot button and the game practically aims for you. it's cancer. smgs are overpowered, machine guns are overpowered. no one is running semi automatic squads for a reason, it's a skip tier
Not him, semi-autos are filler for soldiers that can't take specialist primary weapons, I don't get why this makes you so mad. People don't typically run bolt action squads either. I personally do but very few other people do. Semi-autos and bolt actions are just powerful enough to be usable. This is like complaining that Riflemen get shitty perk layouts and not enough perk points compared to their specialist counterparts.
semi autos are gimped hardcore, if you were good you would know this. fucked up recoil, ridiculous shop dispersion, highly inaccurate. semi autos are trash. guns that require you to actually aim and not run around hip firing should have their power reduced. the funny thing is you can out shoot smgs and mgs with bolt action far easier than a semi where you have to take two shots to drop someone with vitality. it's completely horse shit. the balance sucks, stop arguing
I told you
shouldn't have their power reduced*
Semi-autos are genuinely fine, especially the Grande. I dunno what to tell you. They aren't meant to be dominant, they are meant to be workable on non-specialised assault troops. You seem incapable of understanding the game holistically and how doing something like making semi-autos deal more damage would make Rifleman and Engineer squads even more powerful than they already are.
when i'm talking about semi autos, i'm not including paper shit like the t20. select fire rifles should be nearly unusable in automatic. the only thing that makes rifleman good is that can you load up on bullshit guns at br5. it's still fundamentally the same problem of automatics completely out classing semi autos. every single fucking weapon being a bullet hose is a problem
I miss when semi autos had the ROF limit
I fire too quickly to be useful a lot of the time without it T_T
That ROF is still there.
ummmmm just click the mouse slower?
>Bren carrier meme machine
BattlEye has been implemented. Expect a lot fewer cheaters now.
Wasn't it implemented a week ago?
But it still launches EAC for me?
And I don't see any BattleEye service running
We can test the Guerillas this week.
I'll try and get my friend to download it, he already bought the bundle. I know for a lot of people their purchase will be contingent upon how they look outside of Berlin.
>august 26
Anon I...
oh scheiße
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oh nononono
and you still can't answer where grenade launcher faggotry fits into your balance. if bullshit like grenade launchers exist in the numbers they do you can't justify semi autos being in this state
I prefer good semi autos to GLs.
GLs are shitter crutches but have a relatively low ceiling on their effectiveness.
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Try it now. It ran its first time set-up.
Just had one of the best matches I've had in a while. Everyone did well and it was a close even match. It seems to be working since there weren't any suspicious players.
ahh of course the asian micro penises already have cheats ready to go
how do I get into cheating on Enlisted? any recs for hacks I can use?
Are purchases on the Gaijin store region locked?

I play on an US psn account, would I be able to use a purchase made from my local store on it?
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>Build score

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dont question this
in my ass
AT grenades when
It's over
how does this fix grey zone camping? its just the devs putting the burden on the players and saying
>here you fix it fuck you
what if my team doesnt have the special niggers that can go greyzone? now I NEED to dedicate a squad slot to fix your shitty game? how is anyone applauding this?
Go ask merc, we don’t cheat
They have eyepatches and sweet fedoras
>what if i don't have a bomber
>what if i don't have a fighter with bomb or rockets
>what if i don't have a guerilla squad
You will learn to stop playing only assaulters.
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despite numerous sissy fags quitting the game, we managed to achieve a heroic victory!
very satisfying in itself, and 100% xp bonus made it that much sweeter
My biggest problem is my team being shit. Not that one nigger in a tank on the other side of the map.
The new 100 round Thompson will be the best SMG in the game, shame it's locked to a mediocre squad
There's already a 100 round tommy in game and it's not even the best USA paratrooper squad
before I chose lolispats, I was tempted to go with something sweaty armpit related

I'm glad there are some patricians out there
You “people” disgust me
The new Tommy fires at 1040 RPM (25% faster, a similar gap to the MKb 42 vs the StG 44), has better sights and better accuracy. It will be close to the highest DPS SMG in the game, it might even exceed the .30 Thompson.
The Whirlwind MkI is shit, SHIT!
Duh. Even the T-34-100 is shit, it's basically equivalent to a Panther, but worse.
It can pierce Tigers, so it can't be shit.
It's extremely fragile, has a long reload, and terrible gun depression. It's shit.
It's not like the other Soviet tank options are any better.
>every other game that uses battleye is a hot mess of hacks
uh oh bros
Name 17
actually i only play AT because that is the most fun. but fuck you regardless for needing to dedicate a squad to counter a cancer gameplay instead of the devs fixing their own damn game.
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>arma 2
>arma 3
>planetside 2
>R6 siege
>gta online
>heroes and generals
>destiny 2
>ghost recon
>r6 extraction
>war rock
Still running easycheat after the update you lying faggot
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Come on, we were so close...
I will screenshot it for you then chud
>100% xp booster
>join game that’s in progress
>enemy caps first point before I get a chance to spawn
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>play round
>bretty fun start
>fall the tiniest bit behind the other team
>everyone skilled fucking bails like someone shit in the pool
>proceed to get rammed sideways the rest of the match
Fuck every ragequitting son of a bitch, in general.
Does Soviet-Japanese match making exist yet?
Not any time soon. The community interest in a campaign caught them off guard and they've openly said they want to do a Japan vs Soviet event just to test out the viability of such a campaign. That means whatever big thing they were working on, if anything, wasn't Soviets vs Japan. So it is likely a good ways off.
the big thing is probably a France faction or Italy campaign
The Saboteur event/progression, if they aren't French, will basically confirm France as a faction
what relevance would france even have? a massive gap in prewar and then end of war weaponry and some super niche asspulled vehicles?
I was almost certain this thread would die after the steam fiasco. How the fuck is it still alive? Also I still have no desire to touch this piece of shit game because I know without asking that most matches are still filled with bot "players". Got real fucking sick and tired of 3v5 5v8 etc. matches.
they unfucked matchmaking a bit more and reduced the cost of everything significantly. game is on the upward trend but we have a bit of a cheater issue lately
Most players aren't bots. Unless you're one of those autistic retards that is going to insist on calling retarded third world children bots.
I like how this place exists but there is no /milsim/ general.
That's because milsim games fucking suck and people that play them are busy reporting to their CO on discord
/milsim/ or tactical whatever it was called died, because they refused to play SQUAD and all wanted to play dogshit ARMA, I was even going to buy a server and hand janny roles out to whoever wanted it from the thread. Even had people willing to help seed the server outside the thread that I used to play with. SQUAD is the only "milsim" game that is even remotely fun.
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We are SO close, xisters.
I can't remember the last time I saw a raw bot game. As in, a bot game that wasn't the result of people quitting the match. I have had matches where 8-10 players quit on the enemy team, but matches always fill up.
even when i'm winning i can't be bothered to play out pacific maps. it's just anti fun cancer. i wish there was some way to filter these maps
>My team consists entirely of BR I/II
>Enemy team consists entirely of BR III
Dunno how that even happened. Then again, I had a booster active and the game IMMEDIATELY dropped me into a match. Crazy how that works.
enjoy your 3000 silver faggot then hang yourself
one of the helper idiots implied the french resistance would be represented in a coming guerilla squad
yeah every everyone who wants a minor nation tech tree totally glosses over this, it also opens the door to completely ahistorical matchmaking and equipment time traveling 30-50 years like what happened with warthunder
lol that was literally nothing, autists have kept this thread alive through so much worse
they just left and went to the tactical general full of people the armafags kicked out in the first place
Nothing can convince me that vast swathes of this game's playerbase aren't using cheats of some kind. Why can so many people fire their LMGs with 200% accuracy while moving, but if I try that, why, my bullets land in a perfect circle around my target? What's also quite kooky is how so many people just know exactly where clusters of infantry are while in their planes, even in the most obscure places, with perfect timing 100% of the time. It's just so wacky.

NOTHING will convince me that, once you hit Tier III, there's not at least 1-3 cheaters per match.
>they just left and went to the tactical general full of people the armafags kicked out in the first place
Last thread of /&tg/ was a month ago.
>France bad
Why not just Have France be Rank 1 and Rank 2 only?
>one of the helper idiots implied the french resistance would be represented in a coming guerilla squad
Kind of. If one of the squads aren't French guerillas, it just implies France.
I'm in it for the three year Virgin Swords.
Will you stupid frogfucker stop asking about your dogshit nation that lasted 2 years of war and is now set to be extinct by the end of the century.
There are still equipment gaps in extant nations we don't need your garbage.
China when?
Free France vs Vichy France before the year ends
Just buy the Arisaka premium for USSR or Germany and pretend you are chink chong.
>and equipment time traveling 30-50 years like what happened with Warthunder
Historical match making is gay, you don't actually want T-34-84s to have to try and hold a bridge against M1 Abrams.
Oh Yeah extant nations like the Soviet Union.
>Oh Yeah extant nations like the Soviet Union.
The Soviet Union fought in WW2 for 4 fucking years against both Germany and Japan
France surrendered after 2 and didn't even fight Japan
Frogfuckers need to learn to shut the fuck up we don't want sore losers.
>and (France) didn't even fight Japan
Is he serious? Does he not know?
>you don't actually want T-34-84s to have to try and hold a bridge against M1 Abrams.
*shoots ur turret ring and 1-shots u*
Psh... nutfhin personell...

>we don't want sore losers.
Have you read some of the Wehraboos here? C'mon.
If it's about surrendering than why Deutschland here, they surrendered before Nippon, and didn't even fight China.
Germany was allied with China but that's okay I don't expect Franc*philes to know anything.
That's why China wrote a declaration of war and sent it to Germany in 1941, cause they were allies?
>Side switching is impossible
So no France then.
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What would be the point of having France as a faction? Wouldn't they just automatically surrender at the start of every match?
Do you think Poland switched sides during WWII?
It was Hitler who switched sides...
It was Hitler stabbed China in the back, Germany sabotaged all of her allies, and then blamed them for losing the war.
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>Join a server
>5 minutes out from combat on foot
>Try to drive truck I see in spawn
>Can't because I don't have that "role"
>Someone gets in the driver's seat and I hop along
>He drives to the middle of nowhere
>Stops trucks and disconnects from server
>FUCK okay it's fine I'll just drive it b-ACK
>Oh yeah.. Not allowed to drive it because "I haven't been assigned that role"
>15 minutes of in game walking to get back to the front now
>alt+f4 and refund the game
Gay ass autistic LARP games
I just want to pew pew without dealing with trolls and autists
When the fuck is the test server
sometimes I want to strangle my team
but sometimes even a good team can't hold up to kraut sweatstacks
that's where gaijin's team 731 performs tests on you
Are you playing Allies? This happens because there are less players playing Axis and Japs
check out this commie bootlicker
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>Premiums have 2nd weapon slot unlocked where you can put any SMG/Shotgun you want c:
These guys will benefit the most from suppressed weapons. I'm tempted to dump my stockpiled gold weapon orders to get 4 BrapMits. Now the question is can I equip them to the Soviet or Germany squads or both. Sitting in the enemy's grayzone mowing down enemy bots with suppressed weapons without them getting alerted sounds fun.
Will we be able to test out the new pre-order squads in the test server?
There was this comment.
They have unfucked the most glaring problems the game was facing.
Matches have been full of real players, I get a bot match like once or twice a day


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another well deserved victory against all odds
luckily, the enemy was terrible at destroying my beacons, so the zombies on my team could walk those 40m to the point and overwhelm the enemy with their bodycount
still, we had half of our last point taken when it was finally over
basically, this game was about who is worse, not who is better

also, what is more efficient in the long run - mortars or radio squad?
i have used mortars a lot when playing germany, but chose a radio squad as allies - while earning kills with mortar was fun, it felt like its taking too long time and i would rather spend those 10+ seconds rushing the point
artillery cooldown in specialized squad isnt that bad, and it takes 1 second to place a strike - feels like its more efficient than mortars
>/&tg/ is kill
I was just stating why it split from milsim in the first place but lol, I didnt go into the hell catalog to check if it was there, what happened? having a million games considered relevant didnt help them I guess. reminds me of the aborted /ww2g/ this general tried to be for two threads once
>Rank 1 and Rank 2
we both know they wont do this after what happened with japan. id like to see the mas40 in game but it should be given to a german squad tbqh
>Historical match making is gay
dumb opinion
it seems like an unbelievable amount of wishful thinking to think partisans will get access to opposing armies equipment inventory instead of it just being a (fixed) premium thing
I, no you don't actually want a game where WWII tanks have to fight tanks from a different millennia. That game would not be able to sustain a player base.
gonna get the bren 100 and put it on my UC squad somebody stop me
don't do that
get the chatellerault instead

use it in BR2
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did that already. going to put a drum bren on this squad and if I like it going to give them a second one too
It would be good for the eventual BR 5 brexit
I'm quite sure the comment is about the incoming Event guerilla squad.
yeah it's cute parisian sluts
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I hope the freaks itt never get anothing female squad
uninstall your life weirdos
I was at the gloryhole with keofox he told me we're getting a lily corps squad comprised entirely of 14 year old girls
obviously its gonna do something different or they wouldnt bother
>Partisans have an officer in uniform
>Volkssturm have an officer in uniform
I guess the American squad will be some kind of Jedburgh with a US or UK officer in uniform leading 3 "maquisards".
Please let the Jap one be Azad Hind because that would be funnier than Malays, Taiwanese or Indonesians.
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>Guy in first on my team is a Chinese guy with a gacha-referencing name who infinitely rotates tanks
Only if you bought them I think.
To be fair I was the first one to suggest it and it was in part because I didn’t realize the weapons weren’t actually the same. The MP-40 is a partisan modified one with a brass catcher (no bag though).
It made sense as a concept coming at the same time as the welfare tank and being another tool for players to fill a hole in their lineup when leveling a new faction.
I don’t think it’s the case any longer but that was why it thought it could be.
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If anyone preorders the squads report back the details.

I got this from the community manager on the Enlisted forums, One of the helpers Euthymia07 says you can't change out the premium squad primary weapon but James_Grove confirms that "Premiums have 2nd weapon slot unlocked where you can put any SMG/Shotgun you want c:"


So you can put any BR SMG/shotguns in that unlocked 2nd weapon slot.
taking first place using only tanks is not so easy if they aren't german
He was playing the Panzer III N mostly. We were German.
What a bastard!
Ever since the economy patch, I've been playing with the "any faction" option selected, mainly mid and high BR. Almost 70% of those matches were Allies.
>any BR SMG/shotguns in that unlocked 2nd weapon slot
yeah but not from other factions inventories. I wonder if that means they are hard locked out of backpacks or will be allowed to use both like premium tankers used to be able to

a bummer I might have to totally rearrange/retire my erma(S), m3(S), and ppd(S) squads to give them to tech tree partisans
My friend already bought them, if we get a test server I’ll try and get him to install it. I mostly just want to find out what the Volkssturm squad wears outside of Berlin if I’m never going to use them there.
>tfw no suppressed nip fantasyshit
Been ducking around in br5 Germany with a pure event load out and good god. I’m used to dealing with king tigers when I play as soviets but now against the allies it feels like I get squad wiped by hvars every other minute
>pure event load out
fukkin why
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>no bag though
can they not model bag physics or something
give us the bag darkflow
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>26k XP until I am done with this squad
Fuuuck. Then I have to do it 3 more times. This is the real grind of Ensharted right here.
the german and russian squads are premiums so they're probably gonna get an event squad too, just like the rocket arty squads

plus apparently they'll have TT variants?
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I kind of doubt they will give sovs and germs 3 partisan squads, more likely the event will be for US/nips and everyone will get 1 TT option
Greyzone info and where guerrillas can go
The amount of chinks flooding this game and rifle gl spammers today is absolutely fucking horrendous
People will take out all the stops to get their event score, especially Chinese.
Don’t have br5 fully unlocked for Germany yet. Horn stg, assault engineers, the new mgs, and the apc were serviceable. I did pick up a conders for the apc squad though
really happy I can do greyzone infiltration dives to kill tanks again. tank hunting some camping bastard used to be really fun
This image was just made by some random forum troglodyte trying to explain the system to retards
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Cool name.
>Germans and Soviets get Premium / Event / Regular squad
>US and Japan get only the Regular.
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>Enemy team has 7 console players
>My team has zero
Jesus. They literally couldn't do anything after a while.
they would have won if i were on their team
turned on any server so i can find you and beat you
i will not leave you alone cucksbox
>they would have won if i were on their team
I dunno, they were pretty useless and my team had like 4-5 rally points up. Sometimes a match is just unwinnable, regardless of how hard you try. Matrafoy on their team wasn't bad, he was just massively outnumbered and overwhelmed. The second "best" player on his team was, as far as I can tell, just sniping.

>turned on any server so i can find you and beat you
No, I already get 200-ish ping on the US server. It's 300+ on every other server.

>i will not leave you alone cucksbox
Are you the person who thought I was von Cuckendorf?
Mortars are pretty situational, overall I wouldn't run either squads if I only have 3 squad slots
The best mortar squad is a para squad, since it's so versatile. Point is open or mortar-viable? Drop in, grab the mortar box and get to work. It's not? Mortar box allows you to build a sneaky rally, or you can drop in and go rally hunting.
>take guy
>give him max sprint speed
>he has base sprint speed bonus too
>give him nkvd knife
>max melee
behold a englishman
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You should see how fast this fucker is.
>+10% run speed, which contributes to sprint speed
>+15% sprint speed from perk, +11% from perk points, for a total of +26% sprint speed
I think it's the fastest possible combination in the game.
wouldnt any trooper with more than 22 mobility spec'd similarly be faster

also I cant prove it but I am pretty sure weapon weight contributes minorly to speed and not just the stamina bar
how did you get him both sprint and run speed
i only got 18 points to spare and thats not enough
Pre-merge, it's not possible anymore.

I don't think weapon weight does anything regarding sprint speed. I have run a few tests and it seems to just be stamina. And yeah you are probably right about mobility, but this guy also gets +47.3% HP.
all I know is that running with the mors (3.2 kg) feels much faster than any other german smg on the same soldier
I just ran a test taking off all of that guy's extra weight and he ran the same speed in both configurations (with one configuration weighing a solid 80-100% more).
it might be peculiar to the weapon then, or I am hallucinating. thank god the devs arent known for throwing hidden modifiers on everything
According to the resource, it has the same sprint factor as other weapons in its class. Could be a placebo, could be the troop you have it on has slightly better stats.
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>wouldnt any trooper with more than 22 mobility spec'd similarly be faster
Yup. Radiomen 2 can get 22 mobility for double run speed and sprint speed. Add the sword and you've got max possible speed.
A max-stat Radio II has to take a hit to his combat ability to take Sprint + Run, right? Either missing out on Vit or full recoil reduction/ROF.
Yeah I tested it out a while ago because I was also curious. Weight doesn't affect movement speed. The same soldier will run the same speed regardless of whether he's naked with a just knife equipped or carrying a full kit with a fat ass mortar strapped to his back. Weight affects how fast your stamina drains. So even though both those soldiers will sprint at the same speed, the stripped soldier will be able to sprint for a lot longer. Of course having a mortar or at gun equipped in your hands affects movement speed.
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prem riders got 23 mobility and the prem stalingrad medics got 26, the later of which have to be the fastest in game afaik
The Orita and PPSh-2 are such goofy guns. Darkflow really did just shrug and give them zero recoil because the medics have such shitty WH points.
>prem riders got 23 mobility and the prem stalingrad medics got 26, the later of which have to be the fastest in game afaik
Oh you're right. Mobility perk points affect speed too. When I got the female medics I was surprised at their speed.
What the fuck is this stat spread kek
>actually good camo
that's even more annoying
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I wish the riders were BR1
>What the fuck is this stat spread kek
It's basically so they can take ideal/maximum perks for playing medic that normal medics can't get.

Healing speed of allies x 2 (4 points)
Sprint speed (16 points)
Run speed x 2 (6 points)
Total: 26.

+4 uses of medical bag (4 points)
Vit (16 points)
Total: 20.

>Weapon handling
3 x medkit box capacity (6 points)
the camo isnt stock to the squad
Still, you can't buy that on standard squads
You can on medics.
I'm kinda color blind so you gotta help me out here, do the pants and top match or not?
these are the pants and shirt that match in that pattern>>495990523
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>Play a match against the Americans
>The enemy team, including high level players, does not build a single rally point for the first 20 minutes or so
>Only when they are down to 200 tickets do they start building rallies, which causes them to rapidly take the first point, regain 300 tickets, then push onto the second point
>They still lose because they have zero momentum
Why are people like this? Also, I am FINALLY fucking done. I thought unlocking the 75mm cannon would make this easier but it really fucking didn't, since I got so few chances to use it.
Close enough.
more oak leaf pattern uniforms when?
>fucking done
no you are not
Done with that squad. There's no reason to level up the rest of it, I have the necessary upgrades. I'll get around to doing the AT II for the other factions when Germany is less stacked and I wanna use my boosters, playing the Soviets and Americans feels awful right now.
>playing the Soviets and Americans feels awful right now.
Soviets have been stomping lately. I finally got my 10 win streak achievement thanks to Soviet chad mains. Thank you guys.

The last game was such a roll I didn't even have time to build rallies because the team was advancing so fast. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if that team had a stacked cheater group queue.
Might just be my server/when I play, but every faction feels horribly braindead besides Germany.
My dad works for Keofox and he says that they're going to add an entire branch of the tech tree for sidearms including pistols and melee weapons.
Finally, upgraded shovels
>equip shovel
>goes directly from br2 to 5
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>br2 premium lineup queue any with bp booster to grind silver
>nippon has 1 (one) br2 infantry premium
>get nips every game
God the GrB is incredibly powerful once you learn how to use it. It can kill KV-1s and T-34s pretty reliably, especially T-34s, which are basically driving tinderboxes. Hit one at basically any old angle and it lights on fire.
>Using my epic French gimmick meme squad
>Taking pot shots at long range with the MAS-36
>Get a lot of downing shots, far more than I get with any other gun
>Actually bother to check the stats
How did I not realise the MAS-36 has such low fucking damage? Good fucking Lord, 23.1? No wonder it constantly just downs enemies at 100+ meters. That's less than the fucking Arisaka Carbine and M1907 Mosin. How? Why does the Mannlicher M1895 have so much damage, too? Is that why it doesn't have a bayonet? Because it has normal bolt action damage combined with a great ROF?
Me 262
the mas-36 really is more fitting at tier 1 with it's damage and a little better than a regular k98k fire rate
It doesn't have much going for it. WAY back when, it was one of the few guns with a bayonet, before they introduced them for most guns.
What is the best charge sound effect and why is it the American baby scream?
mas-36 was op in rs2 lel

reminder all semi autos should be buffed to do the same damage as bolts
yeah there's some strange BR choices, like the m91/30 mosin being tier 2 despite being only like 1rpm better than the dragoon (maybe it has other stats i dunno) but i guess they gotta pad the tiers and BRs somehow
i think some of the carcanos are tier 2 and i'd say they're still inferior to a regular kar98k
The Mosin 91/30 fires 2RPM faster and is 20% more accurate than the Dragoon, so it's a TINY bit better because 0.02 dispersion isn't really noticeable in many cases. The Carcano M91 is higher BR because it has an extra round per magazine, even though it fires significantly slower. The Carcano carbines are BR I and are a bit worse than the Kar in terms of damage and accuracy (a lot worse in terms of accuracy) but they have an extra round per mag.
the game sucked when this was the case
bolt actions have a defined niche now instead of being shit rods you throw out asap like they used to be
He just wants semi-autos to be OP because he personally likes them.
which is the kind of emotional whinging the devs thankfully mostly ignore. id much rather see autorifles gutted and rifle grenades reverted to how they were at OBT, the game would then be in its best state imo
the game sucks getting sprayed across the map with smgs and automatic rifles. why can't semi autos have a place in high br matches? they currently don't exist there and they should. it's easier to out shoot smgs and mgs with bolt actions than it is with semi autos, where's the balance there? the balance should be that bolt actions simply don't lay down the same volume of fire, what's wrong with that? we already have weapons tiered differently just because a small increase in fire rate
i actually have logical arguments that you concede every time because of your inability to form a counter argument. nothing i've said is logically inconsistent. there's no reason for semi autos not to be powerful. they have poor accuracy, damage and ridiculous recoil with an irrelevant fire rate you're never going to utilize

semi autos are objectively under powered, significantly so
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Increase recoil on SMGs, fuck with autorifles a bit (dunno how you'd reasonably do this, besides maybe making their general recoil higher too?) and make grenade launchers reload significantly slower by forcing them to have the blank cartridge.

>the game sucks getting sprayed across the map with smgs and automatic rifles
Shoot them with your gun.

>it's easier to out shoot smgs and mgs with bolt actions than it is with semi autos, where's the balance there?
Semi-autos exist as a compromise. You gain rate of fire at the cost of range. For an idea of how absurd a semi-auto is with even a slight damage buff, look at the Farquhar-Hill. It's not the magazine that makes it into a rail gun, it's the 16.8 damage that turns it into an absolute killing machine. Giving semi-autos even 10% more damage makes them insanely powerful. Enlisted is actually, despite everything, meticulously balanced around thresholds. It's not a coincidence that 9mm SMGs deal 13.6 damage in two shots, a guaranteed down against Vit users, while faster firing 7.62 SMGs deal 6.6 or 6.7, which means they take three hits to down a Vit user. Whether or not the balancing ends up good is another thing entirely, but just giving semi-autos an extra 7-10 damage would make them completely insane.
>meticulously balanced around thresholds.
it's literally not because vitality exists in two forms and soviet armor exists. we're talking about max damage ranges here without the fall off where non vitality users get destroyed. the ability to take another shot at range from smgs is mostly irrelevant since the fire rate is high and the screen shake you take from getting hit likely means you're not gonna down the nwith your semi auto without luck
>but take the screen shake reduction perk when getting shot!
only reduces by 80% and you can't take vitality then so it's a pointless perk

remove fucking vitality, increase health values across the board, never include anything like vitality again. then we can actually get down to balance. eventually some youtuber will make a video about it and this will become the popular opinion
>sprayed across the map
all weapons could use more recoil, yeah
>why can't semi autos have a place in high br matches
they do, I run full squads of them in my BR4 lineups, but they would have a better niche if autorifles were gutted like I said
>it's easier to out shoot smgs and mgs with bolt actions
are you playing on console?
>the balance should be that bolt actions simply don't lay down the same volume of fire
they dont, at all
>we already have weapons tiered differently just because a small increase in fire rate
which is why all the semis are 1-2 BRs higher than all the bolts

>you concede every time
ive never discussed this topic with you before anon, you started whining about this because of the garand (which is fine btw) one or two threads ago and I didnt bother to reply then
>nothing i've said is logically inconsistent
you have yet to make a coherent point other than they should do the same damage because realism which is a point easily dismissed by prioritizing gameplay because this isnt a simulator

>dunno how you'd reasonably do this
they should be impossible to shoot accurately from the shoulder in automatic, it really is that simple
>blank cartridge
yeah, you used to have to cycle the bolt and manually load the launcher instead of the garbage we have now
nobody uses semi autos, it's a skip tier for a reason. i've went back to bolts in br4 games for this reason. the garand isn't fine because no one uses it. i've already explained why it's imbalanced and not because of realism, it's because it doesn't make sense for semi autos to be as gimped as they are. they are inaccurate, low damage, high recoil, have a maximum fire rate that can't ever be utilized, ridiculous shot dispersion. i drop 100+ kills every game with any gun i use, it just feels like total shit doing it with semi autos when 100% of the time i'm better off putting my smg in semi auto mode. there's no niche for semi autos and i think one of the reasons you're so against it is because the map design is objectively terrible. i concede that strong semi autos would probably be cancer in shit maps like the pacific and some western front maps. hire someone to design better maps
>it's literally not because vitality exists in two forms and soviet armor exists
Yes, and guns are balanced around these thresholds. The minimum damage to instantly kill a soldier with Vitality +35% is... 23.5.How much damage do you think fully upgraded reserve bolt actions do? 23.6. It's not a coincidence, at all. The devs lacked the foresight to realise body armour was a mistake because it was just meant to be a cool little factoid that it reduces damage, they never predicted that Vitality would become ubiquitous.

>remove fucking vitality, increase health values across the board, never include anything like vitality again
I agree on this, but the cat is really out of the bag. Recoil reduction, Vitality and Sprint Speed should not have been included in the game at all, but again: the game was balanced with Vitality in mind from day 1. Why do MGs do 13.2 damage? Vitality, it allows them to kill non-vit targets out to 150 meters, but forces them to be a two shot kill against Vitality to give the perk value, et cetera. Vitality is in the state it is in because of legacy balance choices from when the game had a soldier gacha.
I use semi autos at both BR2 and BR3s. They are perfectly fine. They let you bully bolt tards and you can still out dps smg tards since you can get 2 shots of before the 4 shots they need to down/kill you. I don't know why you are crying about damage, it's 2 shot to kill regardless of hit location or VIT or gun, recoil even on the G41 is very managable. And I never had major issues with the accuracy as the dispersion triggers on the 2nd subsequent shot and you can just take a second to shoot at long range.
If I have the choice between an Engie or AT trooper with a Semi or an Ass/MG gunner I'm taking the Engie any time.
To me it just sounds like major skill issue.
>I use semi autos at both BR2 and BR3s
I really appreciate the Armaguerra these days. It takes a bit of discipline to use, but you can down most of a squad and then finish them off with your pistol, or quickly put two shots into the lead soldier and then hit the bots while they are in disarray. Semi-autos are fine, but low-caliber semi-autos could use a buff by having their ROF increased.
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I dont know what game youre playing but I see semis in every single match at every BR regardless of faction
>exclusively using bolts in BR4
the only reason to do this is if you have the console aimsnap
>maximum fire rate that can't ever be utilized
I take it you werent here for the hissyfit anons threw over the semi RoF nerf. they used to fire as fast as you could click and invalidated every other weapon
>better off putting my smg in semi auto mode
this is the kind of statement that gets classed in the "emotional whinging" category
>there's no niche for semi autos
yeah there is, crowd control, which is extremely useful in a game where every player has six or so bodies to inhabit right behind him
>map design is objectively terrible
I mean OK there are plenty of problem objectives but I dont really see how this isnt a non sequitur

the garand is a headshot machine because of the peep sights, it could use a slight (~0.5) damage buff but it is a reliable weapon at its BR. I use a tanker garand squad that has a full 1.5 damage less than the TT one just fine
I think his main complaint is about BR IV semi-autos being bad, which is partially true. They are "bad" because BR IV exclusively faces BR V, but ALL BR IV weapons are massively weak compared to BR V counterparts. Look at the jump from the Beretta M38 to the Kiraly, or the jump from any SMG to assault rifles, or anything like that. BR IV to V is a HUGE power jump, worse than III to IV and II to III.
>but low-caliber semi-autos could use a buff by having their ROF increased
the m1 carbine would be genuinely fun as-is if it were useable in BR1 only games. failing that yeah it could use another 100 RoF
yeah, all true, which is why BR1-2, 3-4, 5 would have been the GOAT matchmaker set up

I would also say the only BR4 semi that really needs a rework is the johnson
>Yes, and guns are balanced around these thresholds.
no they aren't, it's impossible. it's either balanced around vitality or it's not and thus it can never be anything other than imbalanced

taking an engie and at over ass/mg is just default what you're supposed to do, there appears to be a choice, but there is not any. congratulations i guess. still can't out shoot smgs with semi autos. volume of fire is always superior every time
>this is the kind of statement that gets classed in the "emotional whinging" category
nah, you're just trash and don't know how to play fps. tap firing has always been a secret of good players that should come naturally, but you're a scrub. post your stats

didn't read the rest of your n00b shit garbage. post your fucking stats and i better not see significant kills using tanks and planes
>>I would also say the only BR4 semi that really needs a rework is the johnson
And the Type 4. Both are pretty bad.

>no they aren't, it's impossible. it's either balanced around vitality or it's not and thus it can never be anything other than imbalanced
Except it is. Again: do you think it's a coincidence that-- you know what, never mind.
no, you're a dumb faggot. is it balanced for vitality? if yes, then it's not balanced for no vitality. is it balanced for not using vitality? if yes then vitality is imbalanced. you keep only taking into account maximum damage numbers which are close range when i specifically reminded you that there's damage fall off where this imbalance is seen and why smgs out shoot semi autos. do i need to repeat myself and bring up that bullet flinch exists?

the only thing you can do is concede that vitality is overpowered and semi autos are
post stats, n00b
> still can't out shoot smgs with semi autos. volume of fire is always superior every time
>Why can't my 10 shot semi auto put out more dps than the 30+ shot smg
Truly a mystery why some weapons would be better than others in some situations.
Are you the StG-45(M) sperg by any chance?
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>ur just trash git gud
says the knucklehead with a skill issue so brutal he has to externalize it lol

what kind of retard prefers to use an SMG in semi mode over a semi rifle. this is an *objectively* bone-headed statement

>you know what, never mind.
What the absolute fuck are you even babbling about at this point? Nobody is saying Vitality is a good or balanced perk, but the guns ARE balanced around its presence. Again: do you think it's a WACKY DACKY HOOKY KOOKY COINCIDENCE that SMGs have EXACLT SIX POINT EIGHT DAMAGE, which is THIRTEEN POINT SIX DAMAGE in TWO SHOTS, which GUARANTEES YOU DOWN A VIT-USING ENEMY IN TWO SHOTS. THAT is what the intention is. There are thresholds at other ranges that ensure that certain guns are a 3 shot kill against Vit out to longer ranges, too.

These numbers were not chosen at random, at all. The entire point of them is that they guarantee certain things at certain ranges against certain targets. The guns are balanced around the presence of Vitality, that does not mean that Vitality is balanced.

This is my last response to him on the subject, he lacks a holistic understanding of game mechanics and statistics and is unable to tell the difference between cause and effect, or intention and outcome.

you have no idea how to play. post your stats, queef
>but the guns ARE balanced around its presence.
no they aren't you fucking annoying retard

>What the absolute fuck are you even babbling about at this point?
that it's impossible to balance around vitality when there's no compulsion to take vitality so everything without vitality is inherently unbalanced. you're genuinely a retard if you can't follow this logic. some classes can't even get vitality which further disproves your assumption. the existence of armor on soviets and classes like paratroopers and flamers having mini vitality further disproves your hypothesis

post your stats and stop queefing in the thread already
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>Type 4
its just OK really, which is fine because I have the type hei stendos and I dont want them to be obsolete (im selfish)

been here longer than you, learn to aim
Neutral third party here. This guy is correct!
>Begging for others stats
>Hasn't posted his own
>nobody uses semi autos
Neutral third party here. This guy is retarded!
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I'll join in. CBT-era fag here. Every faction maxed out. The fact that this guy seemingly thinks that guns dealing exactly enough to kill/down Vit users is pure coincidence is kind of baffling. The guns are balanced around the presence of vitality, or else they wouldn't do exactly .1 more damage than is needed to kill/down a target using vitality at point blank range. It's not to say it's GOOD balance, but that IS what they are balanced around. The only alternative is that the devs, by pure coincidence, just pure fucking coincidence, decided to give starter guns the exact amount of damage required to kill Vit users in one hit.
>machine gun kills almost more than rifle kills
cringe and proving my point

>Grenade kills
super cringe

>kills using tank
mega cringe

>flamethrower kills

also proving smgs rule the roost and are super imba

>only 50 kills per game average
my sides!
>Reddit spacing
>No stats
Nice b8
Sometimes I wonder if auto rifles are counted as MG kills or something, because I really don't use MGs much in high BR yet they somehow exceed auto rifle kills. The SMG kills are mostly Conders.
>only 50 kills per game average
Actually, it's 75 kills per game on average.

He's just retreating into shitposting because, frankly, his obsession with making semi-autos deal 25+ damage is extremely retarded and he's unable to comprehend that balance intentions are not the same as balance outcomes.
Wouldn't that include matches that you quit? Because mine is 72 average, and there aren't all that many 30 kill conquest/invasion blitz matches that should bring my average down.
Iunno. I don't think stats include quit matches, but I have no clue.
nope, it's 50, 70 for this guy >>496043934

still not close to me who primarily uses rifles

it has already been proven that the existence of vitality means there's no balance. outcomes, are you on heroin? this guy only brings up maximum damage numbers, never bringing up the fact that the effectiveness of vitality significant increases with range. at something like 50 meters a semi auto is going to have to have to land two shots to the chest to down someone and factoring in recoil, shot disperion, the smg already sprayed you dead. literally everyone in this thread has more smgs kills than everything else by a significant margin. why? i also completely forget about limb shots that also favor vitality users. then you have weapons such as the conders and mp41r that are completely imbalanced
>but duh recoil and other things!
i thought this didn't matter, why doesn't it matter when talking about semi autos?
>50 meters a semi auto is going to have to have to land two shots to the chest to down someone
>I can't land two shots at 50 meters
Nice skill issue you got there. I'm guessing that's why you aren't posting stats.
predictable shitter cope tbqh
>nope, it's 50
The total amount of kills adds up to roughly 401,200. Divided by 5300, the amount of matches played... is 74.2 kills per match, roughly, and that's missing a few categories. The second guy has a total of about 466,000 kills, across 6500 matches, so about 71 kills per match. Your maths is terrible.
Bongoloid spotted, opinion discarded.
now we're back to volume of fire and why it's superior and why everyone that has posted their stats have more kills with everything other than rifles. for every one shot you can pull off with a semi automatic rifle, the worst smgs are putting out two rounds. all it takes is one of those shots to hit then from aim punch their aim is all fucked up and they are quickly killed. there's also suppressing fire which it seems like everyone does in this game, they just mag dump an area hoping the enemy peaks their head out again which they often do and then die

all metrics show semi autos are trash
>Be mongoloid retard
>Be wrong
>Say stupid shit
>Double down on stupid shit
hurr durr.
you're still fucking garbage with all those kills from using tanks, flamethrowers, grenades and machine guns and sub machine guns and it's 67 kills per game lol n00b
>this fucking retard is calculating his stats for me
haha, you dumb faggot. too easy
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>suxcox having a higher WR than sweatlord mbp
what a twist tbqh
>I have objectively more kills innaplane than hux
thats fukkin right nerd watch me steal your kill lmao

you keep citing volume of fire while praising bolt actions in comparison to semis which makes you sound like an idiot

you need to learn that you are arguing with mr objectivity himself and he is the supreme stats autist of /enlg/. semis are working as the devs have intended and all the oldfags who remember the before time are telling you the game is in a better place now than when bolts and semis had similar damage profiles.

401,200 divided by 5400 is 74.2...
i'm not praising bolt actions, bolt actions have the same issue as semi autos, but it's not a problem since they can down from any realistic range, semi autos can't. volume is of fire is superior when it's not plagued by shit recoil, shot dispersion and inaccuracy that semi autos have. the volume of shots smgs are able to put down compensates for their lack of accuracy
>>I have objectively more kills innaplane than hux
I don't really use tanks or planes much, especially nowadays, and especially not planes. If I am in a plane, I can't be winning the match for my team. If I do have time to be in a plane, it's to snipe bombing runs during events or whatever, or my team is winning so hard that I won't be able to find people to kill.
shouldnt you be complaining about automatics then? instead of asking for terrible power creep, which this game is already being strangled by
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We are so close, xisters... I can taste it... vgh...
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actual fucking dead weight third worlders, the pilot nigger did NOTHING but argue
yes, but that cat is out of the bag and when i mentioned machine guns shouldn't only be able to be fired accurately while prone this place had a stroke too. there's too many automatics now and no game i've ever played has made any kind of change drastic enough to reduce a design decision like that. buffing semi autos is something we can do however
>Just power creep more
I dunno man we could just increase the recoil of all automatic weapons or add a system where their recoil massively increases after the first 3-7 shots fired. That's more reasonable than turning every semi-auto into a death laser.
I'm sure the devs are bending over backwards to implement your schizo posts.
game will perpetually have balance issues, but who knows, maybe these faggots purposely imbalance the game so they can justify having a job with all kinds of back and forth nerfs and buffs, never addressing the real problem

buff semi autos


remove vitality and all its variants, actually balance gun damage models and nerf automatic weapons

these are the solutions, the latter is preferable
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>especially not planes
owning the air is such a power trip in this game when im in the mood I get off the ground as much as possible honestly. germany crushing this patch is great bc I can use my airstack lineup to farm P-47s
>I can't be winning the match for my team
sounds like a them problem lol. I almost never quit and just get into a vehicle asap if the team is getting hopelessly rolled. not my problem
hell even if autorifles just behaved similarly to MGs they likely wouldnt be the obliteratingly overpowered trump cards they are now. its hard for me to believe the devs intended to add a weapon class that makes everything else in the game obsolete, surely a rework is right around the corner...
Some people just play this game to have fun :-)
and you know actually they could implement better body damage models for example upper chest with a semi auto is one shot, stomach isn't
they should go have fun in traffic
lmao this nigga is using tier 1 pilots
neck and clavicle hitbox is a 200% damage multiplier
none of the pilot starter perks matter
but the perk points matter
Eh, the amount of perk points they get can be nice. It's not huge or anything and I am not actually sure if it crosses any important thresholds since I so rarely use planes.
What's the current body damage model?
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not really
yeah ive never felt compelled to regrind perks on my pilots. I cant even think of an example where I lost a dogfight due to some marginal case of flight stamina or whatever
Yeah, it doesn't really matter. 10% peripheral vision, big whoop.
They do matter
It does cross an important threshold.
I stopped using the vision angle perks when I realized I couldnt notice a difference with or without them, but I play on a widescreen so that might be part of it
enlighten me then
That seems pretty marginal. Winning air battles is mostly about getting the drop anyway, and grinding air squads is hellish, so I get why someone wouldn't do it.
Cope, my pilots are better
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unless its changed recently
helmet: 180%
face/neck/clavicle: 200%
torso: 100%
legs: 75%
iirc at one point there was something fucky with the arms/limbs in general but I dont remember what the modifier was/is
>no argument
mhm, im really missing that vision angle perk on this guy arent I
7% less flight stamina, suck it!
stamina on the butcherbirds is kind of a meme because rolling doesnt affect stamina and they cant turn hard enough to deplete the bar
i read the angle perk helps your gunner shoot better. i don't know if that's true. my gunner has done some work before, randomly sniping enemies out of their cockpits
I wouldnt be surprised if that were the case with how much darkflow loves hidden "features" but I havent noticed any difference on the gunners I have with enough left over for that perk. the only pilot snipes ive gotten from gunners is on the schnellbomber but I think thats more because it was hilariously overpowered for awhile
once a month you should be able to free trial a paid item for one game
>making semi-autos deal 25+ damage
this but only for the SKS-31
>/enlg/ says the lvt-4 sucks
>my nigga paradivsion who taught me how to build defenses on points says it's the best in its class
who do i believe?
but then people would find out how shit most oinksquads are instead of being enticed by the shiny picture in the menu. same reason they will never let us refund gold orders
pd also jizzed himself over the LAD saying it was the most OP thing in the game while ignoring the conders (hes retarded)
obviously the youtuber
i fucking hate this studebaker though
Paradivision preferences using the MP 40 over the MP 35, ZK and Beretta M38 at BR IV.
bro ur UC?
are you retarded
I'll trade you my halftrack
Are you?
everyone's getting an event squad
arty squads
It's a shame the soviets never shared their M3 halftrack with the allies and instead the allies had to use civilian trucks, amphibious landing craft and battle taxis to transport troops to the frontline
do you guys not use the stummel?
>that kda
someone has to be the meatwave anon
Mine is in BR3. So it’s not in my main lineup and then staying in it to sling HE isn’t my typical play style on top of that.
where's the fun in that? might as well use your 16 HE shells to get some free kills before skedaddling
Because if I don’t get on point then no one will.
I do that if I can tell the enemy team is braindead enough to ignore the big fuck off halftrack I'm in.
>Because if I don’t get on point then no one will.
Sad but true. I wish you could order your squad to go to the point whil you stay in the vehicle.
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I mostly use it to clear the enemy's presence from the point or around the point since it's still a potent HE slinger
9 times out of 11 I'm completely ignored unless there's a particularly observant CASnigger in a P38 or P47
the stinger proves these devs really don't give a single fuck though lmao
>2xMachinegun monkey likes the 2xMachinegun APC
No surprise there.
>double historical belt size
>can run like it weighs nothing
>effectively zero dispersion
>best sights
be thankful it was only an event weapon
the lvt-4 allowing you to swap out your two rifleman for assault or machine gunners is valuable too, no?
Bro if you want to buy it just buy it. Generally the APCs function as an APC is more important than the squad that rides it in, but you obviously want us to tell you to buy it. I'm not even saying not to buy it, I just said to wait until it goes on sale because it's the worst APC.
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>there are people in this very thread who spend money on this game
Money, yes.
My money, no.
I've been playing WT for so long I just sell shit on the market to fund my Enlisted addiction.
nah, i'm just making sure. playing the allies sucks cock and i'm not about to invest any cash on them
I plan to get it when it goes on sale for use in BR2, might have some fun opening up a Jap tank with the .50s and parking it in the ocean.
You can make money in WT?
yeah, by selling event items and cases
but then you have to play WT and is that really worth it
>Premiums medics get red cross helmets
>Not available for regular medics
you mean these helmets? >>495994207
I swear I've never seen them
the BAR sucks. allies are gimped
R6 hack maker said on video that Battleye is much easier to create cheats than EasyAC so i have no clue why the fuck are they downgrading to worse AC
no it's not i still have to run EAC
Do you enjoy using lower tier tanks, at higher brs, simply due to faster reload, manouverability, or just because they are fun to use?
>type hei automatic rifle
instant leave

i will not play your BR5 slop, I will double not play japanese maps
At least it's not the total overpowered lmg trash that blocked couple of my smg shots thanks to the p2w 20HP shield
soon Soviets will get IS-3 + jets and Americans will get Super Pershing, T30, upgraded AT launcher with new shell comparable to Ofenrohr plus Hyde AR and there will be zero reason to play as Germany anymore.
the 1918 and 1918A1 are pretty dogshit but the 1918A2 is goated with the sauce
>facing the sweatiest Germany players i have ever seen during work hours on the EU servers
Makes you think
I don't think only had like, 1 prototype jet during the entirety of the war and before it as well
They really just need a panzerfaust equivalent and an assault rifle to be the best nation in the game
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you can turn off eac and cheat atm LMAO
Give Japs the Type 2 SMG chambered in 6.5x30mm
Animations fixed!

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No more cheating, chuddies.
it doesn't appear for me so i can cheat at any time
how about they fix the fucking charge bug?
based fuck the shitcific
Me 262
Playing BR5 America against Japs is just pure pain because you know that their team will be stacked while yours usually isn't
but i was playing BR3 America
But you got uptiered into BR5. At least with BR3 you will play downtier more often though
BR3 allies rarely get uptiered to BR5 Germans but very often get uptiered to BR5 Japs.

In other words if you're playing BR3 allies and you get a Germany map, it's probably BR2 or BR3. If you get a Pacific map, it's probably BR5
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>be a BR2 shitter
>get into uptier match
>piss off the sweaties enough that they bust out the flamethrowers and sniper tanks just for lil old me
>lose, but also kind of win
Pacific campaign should be:
>Guadalcanal BR 1-3
>Okinawa BR 3 -5
Manchuria BR 1-2
I want to blow up ki-61s on peleliu airfields while cute japanese girls shoot at me
there are apparently no br3 allies. i have br3 equipment equipped and it automatically puts me in br5 queue. my planes are tier 2 so the queue is br2-5
I suspect that you get get queued with 2-4 in German theatres, and 3-5 in Pacific.

I've played ~200 games with a BR3 allies loadout recently (since the MM changes) and I've never encountered BR5 German equipment. Sometimes, quite rarely, I'll encounter BR4 Germans.
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post stats
all that talk equals to a dry dog turd, that you are, unless you post the numbers
mine are better and i don't use vehicles or grenade spam or auto rifle spam to get 90 kills per game average
when youve been playing WT for nearly a decade farming morons is as easy as in this game. people regularly pay $100+ for virtual toy coupons if you only play during events and sit on the reward for a year or so
the people that have customizations generally dont use medics
this is actually great
>still not posting them after his hissyfit
biggest shitter ITT
BR3 US is non-existent because it exists only to be pulled up to fight BR IV and V Germans and Japs
Whereas BRIII for everyone else is pretty fun
yeah, i'll just not play allies and stick to the soviets then

i don't know if this is trolling or genuine autism, but it's hilarious
looks like genuine autism to me
looks like genuine chudism to me
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for me its https://forum.enlisted.net/en/t/enlisted-expansion-of-the-game-part-i/150511
-Limited to Rank I and Rank II
-Match makes against the CCCP and Deustchland
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They should go up to BR3 since they had Murricans BARs (wz28 that germans have as a premium atm) that they used to defend their post office against Krauts, they could add prototype BR3 tanks too like 20TP/25TP
They're not going to add free Poland ever, they're rightful soviet servants
Sovieto Polish could be the regular soviet guerilla squad.
Ngl medieval enlisted would be kino af
Remember deadliest warrior?
It'd be basically Chivalry. Or maybe Bannerlord multiplayer.
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not adding the blyskawica in some form is a huge missed opportunity
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>Murricans BARs
wzor 1928 was licensed from the belgian company and produced domestically
It's more likely than fucking vichy France lol
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threw some mines at a spot marked by my ally - had no idea what it was, but it was satisfying

also, why replays take forever to "generate" on that page? i have to remember the approximate time when i played, to figure out which replay i need to find ( i cant remember map names )
soviets are so comfy
This was briefly enabled during that weird post-patch time where all the guns were fucked up, by the way.
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what the actual fuck is wrong with this piece of shit game?
Pic rel is my loader on my IS 2, absolute neccessity with its abysmal reload rate
The second I go into battle the fucking guy dematerializes and is replaced by another dude and a few seconds later by ANOTHER dude NEITHER of which have my loaders perks and are probably Tanker I with 0 perk points
how do I report this shit?
Disregard the last part of what I said I just realized it's the same dudes swapped around, still retarded
Tanks have always had some fucky nature to them. Some tanks are fuckier than others. It also depends which soldier you choose to spawn as in the tank first, I think (you should always select the Commander as first spawn).
I'm not sure if there is a different issue, but I did figure out that whichever soldier in that squad you have selected in the spawn menu will be moved up to the first seat in the vehicle.

Also, your specific issue shouldn't really matter because your tank crew should have one specialized driver, one specialized gunner, and then everyone else specialized as a loader. With this setup you would still have loader because its just your commander and loader getting swapped.
That happens with APCs too.
Yeah APCs were what confirmed it for me when I was selecting a certain soldier I wanted to level in the spawn menu and realized they were getting put into the driver seat.
just tried it out, not even that, my GUNNER swaps with the loader for no reason whatsoever even though I selected my commander as my spawn
I was having this issue and raged about it here for a few threads. I found giving the gunner and driver the gunner perk and everyone else the loader perks stopped this fuckery.
>d-day as germans
>be enginner squad and trench alll wall breaches to stop tanks moving up
>by the time i finish 2 objectives already capped by allies
right now is fuckwit peak time
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>don't defend objectives
>objective captured
>he wasnt personally babysitting the circle
>i'm playing the entire german team myself
gg faggots
>has no idea how to play game
>comes here to whine
Shovelcucks, amiright?
>suxcox being a faggot
must be a day ending in y
cant believe people still equip shovels. ill see a partially dug trench and baka my head.
So we get NKVD Sunday, right?
in 12 hours if you were a good goy
Won't that be 1/2?
i'm more excited about getting a gold weapon order in 4.5 days. fuck slavs and their store brand gestapo
no its just 1 stage, the halves are for the time waster grey numbers between some rewards
Today if you can get the 20 000pts.
Lmao the seething over the NKVD will make the squad that much more fun to use
Darkflow has to add different modes. The game is too fast paced and mobile for the cool mechanics of building and digging to be used.

I want to build up a base and defend it while attacking enemy bases.
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>oh see dount steel
the gestapo doesnt even hold a candle to the cheka and its successor tbqh
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ok stalin
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its just blatantly true. they suppressed enemy operations and political dissidents far more effectively while the head of german military intelligence was literally an allied informant lol
this is a retarded idea and the redditspacing only proves it. i want a squad fps not a ww2 themed fortnite. if the team isnt retarded you could build fortifications while the others defend the flag. sadly the chances of playing with non-retards is low to the point of nonexistant
since when did a fucking line break equal reddit spacing. this website is an IQ black hole
since retards press the enter key twice like they do in their leftist hugbox
>suxcox trying to win an argument by associating an unrelated person from a different government branch with the gestapo which took over that role once the soft faggot was uncovered and executed
perfect image though because the nkvd were a gay clown show
I miss when gold orders were exciting, ive got about 50 assorted doing nothing as well as all of the meme guns already
>Guerillas being added
>Not gorillas
Fucking gay
>everyone is my thread enemy
and why didnt the gestapo get to canaris sooner? why were the germans unable to penetrate allied intelligence? you have to know nothing about ww2 to be coping like the axis didnt have a serious weakpoint in intelligence operations. but hey, they had epic heavy tanks!

wonder how many of your heroes were executed by said clown show too lmao. the nkvd was singularly more effective than all of the axis intelligence services put together
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>*autistic marxist screeching with redditspacing continues*
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Can't wait to get the slavoid event squad tomorrow
The MG-39 is 10/10
And I'll replace my dogshit Ass 3 squad with the Thompson NKVD since i cannot be fucked grinding 20k xp a level

I want more Berlin maps!
giving the gunner and driver the gunner perk and everyone else the loader perks stopped this fuckery.
Nice game Darkflow
But boy am I glad I wasn't the only one, I've never seen someone complain about it in general
I didn't say shit, I'm at work.
>at work
How much are you paid to suck farts out of dead flamingos?
I'm surprised they haven't added in a PVE wave defense mode

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