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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Future Meetups
• Sept 22, 6:30pm EST | Malboro Crystal - The Goblet W13P26 | Undisputed 2, 3,and 4 >>494947097
• Sept 23, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Fort Jobb, Lakeland | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495354832
• Sept 28 10:30pm BST / 5:30pm EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W5 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO Ep 1 - 5 >>495416723
• Sept 29, 1:50 AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 5, 5pm PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 12, 3pm EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
• Oct 27, 8pm EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween BadlandsChugs Watch Party >>495083393

Previous: >>495515552
catboy supremacy
I have a critical weakness to chocolate thighlanders
If you just kill the PLD there won’t be any problems
1.0 supremacy

fuck off
i am
a femra
testdriving a femezen golem
My catboy balls are hot.
the next person to read this is doomed to have a cc teammate that doesn't have recup bound
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Lizards cant drive
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can't wait for the post-breakup drama
why are you being racist i didnt even do anything
Happy birthday anon!
I love femezen so much it's unreal
i know who made this post
another lizard has hit the lavender beds
I hope you have a good night, anon. And read some lore besides just the MSQ!
I am a femra
doing femra things
Then you know why they're hot
The command /HUG does not exist.
fuck i missed out on frontline daily roulette
okay sisters let's do some cc instead
its mostly what we have now but the little details drive me FERAL
Goodnight lorecat.
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1.0 looked like shit lmao
No way... I'm also a femra doing femra things...

t. femra
this game is kinda weak.
do you wanna do femra things...together?
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>GARO meetup
is it because catboys have a high body temp...
my moonie is doing moonie things and not femra things
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After 10 hours in a row just today of attempts, failure, struggle and pf after pf... M3S is finally cleared >.>
Just when I thought M2S was the hardest fight I had ever done, this one proved to be even harder. For me at least >.<
Thank you to my friend who helped me both by joining some of my runs but also answering all my annoying questions :')
I am done for this week! M4S will have to wait for next reset!!!
>another afk tv show meetup
You guys are really innovating on the afkslop content this expansion huh
Good, don't do our things, stick to moonie things, they're your things, femra things are for us
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"oh god bros my character is so freaky and such a pervert" and its just a fat fetish.
Cant help but pretend to be unique, huh? Fucking loser go jump off a bridge
Not technically 1.0
Was a really early in development 2.0
yes, but also because he's sitting on a fire
cant believe i miss shadowbringers
Look at this shit /xivg/ you don't play the game yet this new player is already doing the tier, what is your fucking excuse.
Ten M4S PFs tonight, closest they got was a 1.0% wipe with multiple DPS deaths.
What are some other "meetup" ideas, anyway?
It's not like you need your balls, bottom
>"Oh ho? You're not a pedophile like me? Begone, normie"
this sprout will clear m4s before i do and i will KILL myself
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Remember when Akemi gave tail jobs?
I was contemplating doing a TTRPG meetup but you fuckers behave like animals and you don't deserve the effort. Enjoy your cross-DC plapslop
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>sitting on a fire
I don’t see the point to savage raiding at all
My femra does miqo'te things
congrats btw, always glad to see new players venturing into harder content and giving it an honest go
my balls are so hot they will brand your butt as I fuck it
I've cleared the tier
this picture looks really strange to me. didn't read your post also but cool or unfortunate depending on outcome
An auction
middie go to bed
now you can both do the real endgame and play cc

cc doko??
eureka meetup
Jesus Christ how fucking bad can you be?
shant be doing that
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I'm still maxxing out all my jobs. And reading all the job quests. Don't rush me.
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Its the fucking audacity to try and earn cool and edgy points for the most banal shit
"I pour milk in before the cereal, aren't you scared? Aren't you freaked out, chud?"
"Haha, I'm high on life"
"I like women... With big boobs!!!!"
No one gives a shit, dear lord if youre gonna seek validation be fucking interesting.
>spending ten consecutive hours in front of your screen
Nigga it ain't a job, you ain't gettin paid.
I've talked to a lot of people here and they seem like pretty avid ttrpg players. I'm not myself but I certainly think there's an audience for it, and obviously everyone is an animal in the zoo.
why not
>my thread crush is hanging out LB14
its so over
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Roleplay workshop. A good starting point would be discussing where your character comes from based on what you want to do with them.
is it me?
I'm getting plapped by the local catgirls right now
You should've made a move while you had the chance
i did a few savage clears and uwu with a group of friends over the span of a few months and i just cant get into it. i had fun i guess but not nearly as much as i thought i would
need a meena husbun
I'm BiS on two jobs, that's why I'm idling at lb14 instead of doing stuff
fair, same
For your own sake I would highly suggest against hosting a tabletop game with /xivg/ people unless you are 100% positive that it won't just turn into a rat king scenario with different flavors of That Player.
Literally anything else that’s not sitting in a house with a movie/tv show overlayed over ffxiv
CC doko?
My femra meeting up with miqo'te(+)
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Post food, I'm starving and need motivation to cook.
I like this idea. I would attend it. Make it cross-DC. Make it on Saturday evening for EU / afternoon for NA.
my carboy is tired and is logging off
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They hated him because he spoke the truth
>tabletop game with /xivg/ people
its going to turn into ebinism in 2 minutes flat
and then someone more popular is going to host another one at the same time
beep beep
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My Miqo'te+ would attend that!
crystal casual crystalline conflict @ 7:45 eorzean time!
crystal casual crystalline conflict @ 7:45 eorzean time!
Baldesion Arsenal/Delubrum Reginae Savage.
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Imagine: Desert Catgirl Village in the Morning
Fat Cat Fact #296

Fat Cats can’t get cavities allowing them to eat as many snaccs as they like without needing to worry about the state of their teeth
need eb like this
we can talk about miatas while we have gaysex
Anything that’s not pvp also because this thread can’t play casual PvP without melting and saying people are throwing or sandbagging games
>accidentally clicked on someone at the goonbench
>immediately targeted back
oh no no no no i didn't click off fast enough
>I LOVE the nameplates
>I LOVE the health bars on the nameplates
>I LOVE the chatlog buttons
>I LOVE the little icon next to the party list text
>I LOVE the target status bar
>I LOVE light circle around the chupicabra's maw, it makes me think that its one of those untelegraphed cleave attacks except it does have a telegraph, the telegraph just isnt a circle on the ground as much as a circle that slowly shrinks around his maw and the attack goes out when it's shrunk away invisible

>I HATE the debuffs timer, that falls apart the second it leaves paper
>I HATE the icons next to their nameplates.
>I HATE the parameters bar. I hate it in the real game too its redundant info next to the party list and looks like ass
>I HATE the tiered menu buttons, I also hate the real menu buttons so I bound tab to controller's menu and I use that
>I HATE the colors used on the party list status bars
>I HATE the enemy's nameplates, maybe making it less neon will help
but also I
>I LOVE how the enemy's nameplates aren't locked to exclusively being a hundred miles over their heads, I bet in this version of the game your target lockon would center around their faces too and not around their invisible pixel hitbox
thanks. I'm closing the thread now
consider a different hair bro
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Fatcat believes in you, your friends, and the power of snaxx shared between friends. Eat your destiny, sproutling!
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wish i had a femra wife like this
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A drive in theater night showing old 50s movies
Okay but your Miqo'te+ has to come up with some meetup activities
It was less TTRPG event and more TTRPG style RP event where we complete a FATE chain while Roleplaying. But that's too much effort to organize and you lot don't deserve it after how you've been behaving for the past week.
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>I'll host my OWN tabletop game with blackjack and hookers!
>it's literally just baby's first module but reflavored with the DM's poorly-concealed fetishes
I tried imagining it and my brain derailed into "sex with catgirls"
I think I failed the assignment
My moonie was complemented by a suncat Tia
He's level 17 and only has "RP" listed for interests
His plate mentioned wanting to be a Nunh
My moonie ran away quickly because that was gross
Real nunhs are 100 and have ultimate weapons
This is why I only converse with femroes and malera
Fair, but would have to meet with this femra first.
I think he's cute with that hair.
t. catboy
average miata owners
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Congratulations! I really have to pick up the pace now, been on a break from it too long.
I missed it but I'll get the next one
comfy... kino... man i love cats
It didn't pop anyways
>wowsprout MOGGING ffhivtroons in their own content
Our response, sisters?
>Anything that's not pvp
so you mean the 20 "alt tab and watch movie" meetups we have now?
queue hasn't popped yet
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We like this.
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My sunnie's home looks like this.
go femrava it unironically works
that's not 1.0, that's a concept image from when they were first pitching 2.0
>average miata owners

>get cool car, rs6
>the only people who notice, approach me and ask about it is other dudes
>i have.. gotten their numbers and plapped a couple of them...
"The downfall of ffxiv" and its a guy who started in shadowbringers pining over heavensward content that almost killed the game AGAIN after 1.0
You know what job design was in Heavensward?
It was the tank keeping their tank stance off and forcing the ninja to manage everyones aggro otherwise the raid couldnt meet its abhorrent dps check and then everyone would die and have to wait a mininum of 7 minutes for everyones buffs to refresh.
He wouldnt know because he started in Shadowbringers but Heavensward was and is still considered the worst expansion by people who played it when it was current. ARR wasn't perfect but it was a fun game with its own unique flavor for casual play that got completely shat on and trampled over by heavensward and it never recovered.
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I hope you like dots fibb
yawn nigga
Is the meetup already planned? When is it?
ok but you're going to have to pick it
What the fuck aren't you the weirdo who cheated to clear DSR how have you not cleared this iter?
thank you fatcat facts.
. >>495522485
nta, femrava works for everyone.
because femrava is pure sexo
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I don't care about PVE filth.
Well I am going to bed, but we can meet now to arrange the finer details
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>RDM hits me with full melee combo during heatwave
No there’s other shit to do in this game as a group than PvP.
>older alliance raids (everyone here sucks off ivalice)
>frontlines (it’s not pvp remember)
There’s more in this game than 10 player casual crystalline conflict games
Dilate nigga, run back to the qs
>cares about a 2 tickrate mario party mode instead
Fucking lol
That's not a bad idea. I've considered getting into RP before but could never come up with anything concrete for a backstory, i think a workshop would be the perfect place to spitball ideas and fine tune that kind of stuff.
Do meenas not like sunnies?
no one wants to do gated clique pve shit
Sure, my femra hosts meetups on Marilith
with these fatcat facts I'll be able to clear m3s. Thank you.
sometimes i miss my femrava but having hats with femra is so nice
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>Responding with random shit now
What is your home server anon?
Sure, anywhere in particular?
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Cactuar, Aether.
what if we did min ilevel void ark raids blue mage style
not feeling great, chat. could be moonie hug withdrawal
you've broken his programming again
i nolife ffxiv because i hit it big with bitcoin, so i have like 4 home servers
That rava is pure fucking sexo God damn
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Adamantoise, Aether.
>M4S will have to wait for next reset!!!
It doesn't *have* to. There can still be fresh prog parties on Sunday and Monday to get the basics glimpsed.
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A lot of people here play way more than I do and are way better than me to be honest :')
You can do it! If you made it to M3S then you can clear it!
You just need to get that one good group that does everything perfectly ^.^
Thank you! <3
Probably a bit of both xD
I had a really hard time in there >.>
Phantom, Chaos.
that's not 1.0, it's a mockup to show how they wanted 2.0 to look like
A full vg BA sounds like it would be fun but idk anything about BA or how much work it takes to spawn or get into so maybe its not actaully that fun.
Post character + Clears logs from savage and ults
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How does /xivg/ feel about Twitter turning on elezen/hyur ishgard rpers because they learned a mass majority of them are incredibly racist ingame and irl and regularly go on racist rants
How about Camp Bronze Lake
But I've been PFing daily. It is how it be.
Mateus, Crystal.
Skill doesn't matter in this game when the skill ceiling is shoulder height, the fact is you took a leap that not many do and instead just like to afk and do nothing for 3/4 their playtime. Which is why I can respect what you are doing.
uhh, how about the fluffy one with the dark ear tips
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the best server
>the xenophobic race in the xenophobic city is racist?
say it ain't so
Don't care about Simon says. Simple as.
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Behemoth, Primal.
People pretend to be auspices and ascians? isn't being the god tier WoL enough?
My moonie is now clean and ready for the day
isnt house dzemael all d*skies
Balmung because I wanted to RP, and this was before dc travel. Now I'm also locked down by my house.
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tiktok is a plague
I dont wanna be the WoL
I wanna be azem
Clip your ingrown toenails.
The highest echelon of cc combat is happening @ 12:45 on the crystal data center, queue up!!!
cccc @ 12:45
Don't show them the secret tribal cat discords with enforced sexism, racism against halfbreeds, and heterosexuality.
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Reminder FL > CC
All the desperate gooners are latching to CC for their new personality of the month
Ganbatte moonie
Aether; GILGAMESH!!!!
We used to have FATE parties in Aether, which were pretty useful. A big maps day could also work, MAYBE.
-or, what if going to zones like this for a day could work? Going to a desert map in only desert attire, or going to the cowboy map whateverthefuck that was called in only ideally cowboy attire. The quiet snowy ishgardian zones, etc! What to do there though, I don't yet know
My moonie doesn't have ingrown toenails..
ishgard not fishgard
glubbers GET OUT
Do you have a link to said seething?
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Zalera, Crystal
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You don't want me in those trust me :'D
Very bad :p
I believe in you my favorite EU friend! ^.^
Be nice <3
I don't even know what DSR is xD
She is very pretty I agree :3
Chaos, Phantom
azem isn't even that cool fr
>forgetting that gooners latched onto FL until the SCH/DRK meta overtook everything and made it impossible to relax in
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they're gone, but they'll always be attracted to who's talking about what in the thread.
>how does /xivg/ feel about twitter
I feel nothing at all.
That being said I think some people are using in-game racism to live out their racist fantasies, and that often results in pretty bad roleplay. The reasons for the lore's racism and how it's expressed are somewhat different from real life, and it takes a bit of effort to roleplay that properly. I do love rping with a "properly" prejudiced Gridanian or Ishgardian, but with some people you just end up with the ffxiv equivalent of a DnD player who says "knife ear" every 5 minutes.
Louisoix, Chaos
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did you like my post
idk what's to be mad about if they're trying to rp a specific setting. you wouldn't see an elezen rping as being a part of one of the xaela tribes.
Balmung, Crystal
Why do you guys use Mario party as an insult, that game was fun as fuck to play with friends and family
No, melt.
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put the phone down
This guy fucked my mom and then i was born (real)
Sniping hunts as a group to both grief hunt trains and get the proper fight experience sounds really devious desu, but I know some loser would report it
That's my favorite overworld battle theme :))
holy wife
I dont think that's reportable honestly, you are just killing mobs in the wild
Mario party is used to say a mode isn’t serious or competitive, like Mario Party is
It's a meetup then
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I don't interact with people on social media, especially with fandoms of things I'm interested in. Social media was a mistake.
For the anons that were curious about seeing some JP stuff: https://catbox.moe/c/ubn9xf
I have a lot less than I would've liked, which makes me a bit sad, lots of memories I'd love to share but I don't have the pictures anymore. What I do have are a lala dance troupe/band that was somewhat famous, they were available to hire for venues and they did random street performances as well. They made up dance routines using different abilites, did costume swaps mid-song, and it was all-round very cool. The majority are of a mikoshi parade around New Years, and the subsequent night market. That is one of my favourite memories of this game, I got robbed by RP brass blades in an alleyway, when I reported it to their captain he chased down the perpetrators and got my money back (it wasn't a big amount, they only asked for a few thousand gil). The last one is of me in a bar my FC ran, we served raid food "meals" (90 minutes of food + potions), as well as RP meals
>How does /xivg/ feel about Twitter turning on [insert anything here]
Getting angry is what that website is all about, the topic itself is almost irrelevant.
4chan is a social media site so you do use social media
no the gms would be on your side but if they tried to reset the monster you could report them
sorry casey, I lied
yeah and who cares about serious or competitive. I wanna have fun.
Adamantoise, Aether
Despite what anyone in this thread will tell you sunnies are a numerous and cliche. If you choose to be a sunnie you have to do something special or unique.
I've been soloing ARR S ranks during off-hours for ages now
Now I'm powerful enough to solo SHB A ranks in a reasonable time
That shit is not reportable in any shape or form, no matter what discord troons tell you
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I implore you to stop huffing glue.
>feel about Twitter
I don't give a shit about anything said on that site and that's been my stance for well over a decade
Damn it's like a real festival. I wish NA did stuff like this.
Can anyone turn a faded Copy of "seeking pupose" into a real copy? I have the matts...
Also maybe make the reselient armor into the chocobo mount armor?
My malera would big time
A part of refuses to believe the game changed this much within an expansion and they are just soaking up the cash
Anything that's not Upper Midcore or Hardcore content. Upper Midcore (EX / Unreal / Previous Tier Savage Glam Farming) content is best reserved for spontaneously setting up PF farming parties at hangout spots.

Hardcore content is best looking in the right places to play with the right people, it'd be like trying to create a static on 4chan with a bunch of people with wildly varying expectations and skill levels. Hence anyone complaining that the meetups in the threads do not engage with the content are being intentionally polemic and ignoring the fact that "content" has a different time and place, and that place is not here.

Adventuring Forays meetups are a good idea because people of all skill level can take part and help each other.

Watch Parties are the obvious one - You just watch movies and shows together.

Playing OTHER games together that doesn't require extensive time investment is also a good idea, so no playing another MMO, no playing multiplayer extensive campaigns that last more than 2 hours. The kind of game that is pick up and go, or just casual tabletops that you can sit down, or get up and leave at any point.

Social gathering meetups - Finding people of similar interest, Finding fuck buddies, just hanging out with people with some kindof theme or event attached to it. Auctions and Mixers fall under this.
Lich, Light
I do it well.
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Thanks for the mats *logs out*
>they'll always be attracted to who's talking about what in the thread.
Such a true statement for this general, attention is truly a drug here.
Yjk Tina paid it back with an hour of oral sex
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>*crack* *tsss*
>"Now Heavensward? Now there was an expansion that had soul"
>"None of this 'Moral Greyness' You shadowbabs onions out about"
I don't get the gif
this one? idk bwo... kinda makes me look like a femboy
Zalera, Crystal
I can, but I only have crafters levelled on EU and we'd have to do an awkward OCE exchange. There should still be some NA player that can craft for you that is still awake at degen hours.

If you can't find anyone else I can always come meet you on Materia.

Cerberus, Chaos
Seraph, Dynamis
Tonberry, Elemental
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Queue crystal conflict on crystal @ 4:45 if you want
In another life, I would've really like to plap and goon with you
Happens to the best of us
We should play BGO for future meetups.
I just want you to know if I ever see you I'm taking your data and raping you
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lmao, bet this noob has level 1 firemaking
>It was the tank keeping their tank stance off and forcing the ninja to manage everyones aggro otherwise the raid couldnt meet its abhorrent dps check and then everyone would die and have to wait a mininum of 7 minutes for everyones buffs to refresh.
>DPS having jobs and a place in the party that isnt just raidwide dps buffs
>You earn the achievement “A Wolf in Green Tights IV”!
I queue down, you guys are getting silly with how sweaty that game was.
Which femra whore is this anyways?
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f1 femra pits
Uh oh!
Someone just reset their IP!
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Has anyone else gotten the feeling that the vast majority of level 90 to 100 skills for jobs have just been variations of blue mage 6.45 spells?
Femra what keeps you up?
My moonie is running aglaia naked
erm.. queue at 5:30
do you think in 7.1 with the new frontline map are all the other ones going to be locked out like when onsal was released?
>new frontline map
NOBODY tell him.
That was hardly even sweaty
Ill be honest with you chief, I don't expect a big rework.
I like it, I think you look like a feral mooncat that eats wood wailers for breakfast
I just want Secure back it was the best map and mode and they took it away from me
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Oh come on Sages AoE debuff is literally just breath of Magic
May I see her in all her lunar glory?
It was really cool and super memorable
I don't really know what their problem with it was
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we gonna do a watch party for f1 this time?
Tonberry, Korea
If that’s your metric for “variation” then every job is a variation of blue mage
It’s not breath of magic you are delusional
LB and MP skittering around like tiny feral rats trying to backdoor coupled with all the other games of the night harshed the vibes too much. Good luck in your games.
the votes are in, and it's a landslide malera victory
I bet your femra is horny right now
>my favorite

Feel free to elaborate, if you wish.
i guess i can try it for a while
Actually I just fucked someone
XIV should add a PvPvE mode. I'm thinking something like 4v4 where each team is fighting mobs to score points, and at certain point caps one team can invade the other. I dunno, I bet no one has ever tried that before in any other game. It would be a real gambit to pull off but I think if they could rework pvp, they could manage this.
Primal, Ultros
How was it?
>”Why isn’t FFXIV like this other MMO I no longer play!”
I bet you think an aoe being a cone made it more skillful too
She is focused on hitting big numbers at the moment
hell yeah brother
Pretty good, 7/10
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>CN Dawntrail datamine shows that there might be a slight possibility for cross region between China and Global server
Are you going to welcome your new Chinese friends soon?
Nope I applauded the changes to WAR AOE actually, the cone was stupid
>XIV should add a PvPvE mode.
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Not on your life
no chance of that happening
what race?
the bug people getting punted off the ramps by monks and dark knights complained enough
Did they talk about that recently?? Anyway, I assume they'll just put it back into rotation like they did after "fixing" Shatter.
Gambit is a dead mode in Destiny 2 for a reason, it’s bad and not fun
PVPVE BLU battle royale
Yoshi-P already promises that someday China have the same update schedule as us. Oh yeah, it's happening
Well I guess I don't have to worry about being used by a sexpest... I don't think she's gonna show up...
it was the DRKs killing absolutely everyone on ramps with a single salted earth
social media is "media" because your posts are presented in a feed, think of a news site
a lot of people consider social media to mean something as loose as "if it lets you post and be social through the internet" but consider then if discord, whatsapp, or telegram is social media
i am
Crystalline Conflict is a PvPvE mode. The PvE element is the payload pushing and all the netcode garbage you have to deal with that affects it.
khagans win again
My malera would bend this cutie over and wouldn't stop until his legs give out
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a golem addiction.. i really should get in bed though
In lore racism has many differences as you've said but also some similarities. For example, duskwights in lore are disliked because many of them choose to be criminals. Ishgard towards the other races are more religious and xenophobic than racist with their only non dragon hatecrime being killing a tribe of xaela assuming they were part of the race they were at war with then ceasing hostilities towards them after.
Xiv racism as seen through npcs especially the background ones, is closer to "I don't like your kind around here" than the "KILL THE NIGGERS RACE WAR NOW" kind though similar is present. The average elezen male racist for example would simply make it their wish to not want to interact with groups he would be bigoted towards. Take moonies for example. A racist male wildwood would simply ignore them or make a slight disgusted face if one tried to interact with and if harassed threaten to call the wood wailers on them.
Would be funny as fuck cause CN is full of cheats. Shit like splatoon and bossmod has nothing on what those guys have lmfao
Wow... why does JP mog NA in every possible way bros?
>more savage and ultimate clears
>less modbeasts
>soulful gposes using ingame glams
>lively housing districts with festivals
>CC and FL games are actually challenging matches
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That's the Nunh's work.
It’s literally just cultural differences
>be Yoshi-P
>the date is the 27th of June 2024
>it’s the night before early access
>you are cuddling with a body pillow of your catgirl EB in bed
>you have a framed picture of your lalagirl on your desk
>you’re about to drift off to sleep, knowing you’ve just spent the last 2 years working on the next expansion of the game you’ve poured your heart and soul into
>you know that you’re the sole reason the company you work for is surviving
>you’ve put so much trust into the English localisation and writing team
>you know there’s so much they have to work with, they can’t possibly make it shit
>all the servers are setup to deal with the influx of players, endwalker issues won’t happen here surely
>nothing can go wrong here…right?
fuck lewis hamilton and fuck ferrari
>CC and FL games are actually challenging matches
This one is just false.
And then they went and canceled this year's Alexander summer festival for some reason.
it's the sum of unbelievable trampling of the soul and individual. think constant pressure forming a diamond.
This femra really loves middie himbos huh? I should do the same with a femra golem when I'm bored.. Keep playing a bit longer.. I'm sure you're not that tired yet I know I'm not
>Tfw having to listen to your 20 wives bitch about each other all fuckin day
One of the New Year's parades got cancelled during my time too. I don't entirely remember why, I think it was HOA-esque pressure or something
It was really congested and Alexander became unusable, Dawntrail was just released so it cant be helped...
Look at him, he no longer derives no pleasure from his duties.
NTA but frontlines is definitely sweatier over there. DRK salted earth has everyone popping guard preemptively and people actually listen to calls.
>t. play on a pvp alt
I humbly welcome whatever CN calls their geeks who like xianxia.
My femroe looks like this
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queue cc @ 11:00 if you feel like it
my femra does this same thing but with malezen but I never wear them becaue they don't feel like "me"
I want smaller frontline teams while also giving purpose to splitting up your alliance to different parts of the map. on jp their way of doing secure was send A left of spawn and C right of spawn, B went mid and then to whatever side looked like it needed help. on na it's just deathballing without any strategy.
>didnt post character
No balls, looks like a bottom faggot with QS alt to avoid "drama" with zero parses and clears.
Wouldn't make sense in terms of naming convention
101 Chocobo
102 Moogle
103 Fat Cat
104 Mameshiba
t. Filthy Hong Konger
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this thing sucks
Deathballing is a strategy though
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Nothing wrong here
I took a look at the stats now that the tier is over and the dust has settled.
What's going on with the tanks?

Why the hell is DRK so popular when it does less damage than GUB?
Every team has at least one DRK, some are taking two.
I can't believe XIV of all things is going to burst the cultural isolation bubble
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Wanna be friends
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i already cleared weeks ago though
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China DC/worlds are all weirdly named
I don't want to sift through all that for your point, get to it
it was originally husbandos but none of them have clothes on so i think himbo the better title. i have golems of almost every race though
it’s fun to play around with though! just yesterday i was running around as himbo 1 and trying to give him a nice glam. now that i think about it i need to make a malezen too at some point
Isnt Splatoon explicitly banned from the chinese fork of dalamud
I don’t see anything wrong here at all
Oh yeah you're right, those ARE the current names of the Chinese servers.
I get when people crank the tit size up to max with mods but I will never understand people who cannot play the game without oversaturating the colors to the point where they are bleeding out of the screen.
I assume they just have very shit monitors.
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One day...(maybe)
People do that here, too. That's why the better premades use DNC or RPR as their fourth.
What's up with elezen players and being racist anyway
>less damage than GNB
Look at any other statistic than rdps. DRK does more damage than any other than under the right conditions which is having a few jobs that provide raidbuffs because all of DRK's damage is on the 2minute window. So speedrunners take DRK, sometimes even two
yeah man that IS weird, who names a server a bunch of squiggles? erm??? is that even english at all???
What glam did you end up giving him?
Well put, well put! Have a /clap from me.
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we find it funny
no it doesn't, the world and dc list with the chinese servers is in the global client too
It's way less common, but it gets more common during late nights on onsal/shatter days
Do these lvl 90 dungeons with poetics rewards also give exp? Can I use them to level to 91?
Raiding in this game fucking sucks cocks and items are boring.
>wtf bro, all these skills do damage, they are so samey.
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I've always wanted to workshop glams with someone.. should we meet up so we can have each other on call? I wanna help dress your middies kinda..
And yeah the DC names are as I mentioned above, but the Server names aren't names of Deities, Bosses or well known Creatures in the FF Universes - Instead they're names of locations inside FF14, how odd.
>Beat Dawntrail
>annoyed by bad writing
>Hate it
>Drop FF14
>Pickup SMT V
>Enjoy the bad writing
>Strangely endearing
>Have fun
Weird how that works sometimes
Chinese femra EB..
I regret to say I've developed a threadcrush after promising myself I wouldn't let GAM behavior get to me. Almost four years of holding it strong, but I guess its my nature...
are there any mare syncshells to join? im not a modbeast but i wanna check out some people's creations.
It takes a certain archetype of person to play as a knife eared faggot is all.
Wonder why the vast majority of WoW players are blood elves? Same reason, same... Phenotype.
i thought he looked nice in the darbar fending set. resisted the urge to put him in the pummeler’s set, it’s my favorite for obvious reasons
it's a really boring one and it's strategy only goes as far as one step instead of thinking on allocating how many people should go somewhere.
youd be better off doing the 89 dungeon until 91
They technically do give EXP, but it's vastly less EXP than you'd get from running the 89 dungeon. They were all meant for a time in which everyone running the 90 dungeon didn't need any more leveling.
Does this mean that Korea's unnamed DC is actually called Eorzea?
Tonberry, Eorzea...
>Beat Dawntrail
>hate it
>Go play Genshin Impact
>Paimon seems like the best written character in the universe
My moonie has still not installed mare, so no one can see her public nudity
i hope one of these days i can get to the point where i've improved enough to be one of those people that other anons have to lock in for when they go against me in cc
Welcome to the gang sis... tell us about your crush.
I love Paimon, dude.
I'm a pentalegend with a QS alt actually, my main will never ever step foot in Balmung
just play monk anon
its stupid op and you will feel like you are good at the game
my moonie pets your moonie
Don't underestimate the fraction of the JP playerbase that HAS been exposed to mods. They go all the way, even further than us. There is no inbetween.
Darbar fending set is really good, I have it and use it every now and then, that and the caster ones are pretty cool on males, good taste!
Stop resisting the urges, you just know that set is a must have for warriors and you will be able to look at it from every angle
i’m not online anymore but i could post about dressing him in the thread tomorrow to signal you if you’re still keen. i like making outfits so i can eventually pose them for mini comics
>My moonie has still not installed mare
Pretty good too when you install the plugin that instantly LBs on guard usage.
a chance to post my favorite channel
Big numbers = good
blm would be saved if flare star was 1k potency because it would make me cum when I crit with it
ideally it'll be when i'm playing something i've already been playing for the past ~300 games
so just ast whm and sch
rizz vacuum
>CC larpers think actually believe this
same with my sunnie
do you know if there are any tbse mods for the pummeler set…? i know female mods probably do but haven’t seen any for males..
chocobo electrope armor is pretty cool
>Installs a million mods to cheat at the game and jerk off to the game

>No way, cheating in CC is over the line!

t. nobody
I'm not too consistent on checking the thread so I'm a little nervous, but hopefully
Young man... did you pick Canon of Creation or Vengeance?
I can’t imagine any reason why you would need a plugin for that
you usually want to meteo right before guard anyway since it’s an extra 12k
cheating in pvp vs pve is usually not comparable. both are bad but one is definitely worse
My moonie accepts these pets and pets your moonie back
why would someone want a plugin that makes you waste your LB
There is a few
This one is a mashup of pummeler and pag
Now you can have fun..
>people think there are actually hackers in pvp
Yeah cheating in PvP is infinitely worse. Means you’re a shitter that can’t play the game fairly
It shows, our resident superhroth got introduced to mods not even a month ago and he's gone down the rabbit hole deep, there's something about the gook mindset
such barding befits a ruler, looks great wookie fat. now clean your fucking inventory
I purposely sandbag and keep a 20% winrate so no one can tell that I'm cheating
this is exactly what i needed, thank you!
I cheat in cc by using my invulnerability hack every time I use lb as paladin
I love the leg pieces...
I'll do it tomorrow..
We RP walk from one end of the game to the other. Just a hike with pals, taking in the sights, maybe helping out people we see along the way or doing FATEs. For extra immersion we all turn off our maps and use only the in game road signs to find the right path. Maybe someone can make up a rules lite Oregon Trail dice game for it.
I cheat in cc by using my innate ability to be good at video games
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okay who wants to join me for ridorana lighthouse on the north american data center
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How could you...
there was that guy who streamed himself cheating in pvp he got banned from the streaming sites multiple times before se even did anything to him
i logged out…
Crystal? I’ll get out of bed to help
tea time with thread schizo
Cheat in cc by using the fear hack as rpr to make everyone run off the point during overtime
Do you know what monk's LB does?
i was gonna mention that guy but i forgot his name and people always want proof
I need to ask you something don't laugh how do I get a futa lala eb
on the way to crystal rn
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>can mod themselves to be anything they want
>mods themselves into being a disgustingly fat slob
wypipo why
holy fuck zangief dawntrail
his name was eli blue
No problem, glad I can help
I hope you like them and that you have fun playing around with them!
/t <t> hello can I please see your huge girl cock
I am no longer calling cc since I don't think too many people are playing due to the time but I will remain queued up
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What an ugly piece of shit
Most of the fat brown female characters you can find are made by black or latina biofems
I love fat bitches
wish more people modded themselves as a slampig
I see!!
Hello, I don't mind to meet anyone, so sure. I'm folding laundry and then I'm gonna die for the night, but any other time, I am here at home (as in, inside my house), in Aether's BEAUTIFUL sunny Gilgamesh! Or also I am raging in Frontlines. Sometimes Crystal, but that's usually only on Onsal days which that just passed toda-anyway, you get it. Sure, whenever!
I loveeeee that one, and the other two newer ones as well..um...Skyruin Barding, and Wild Ride Barding too!
>disgusting fat slob
Do you like fiddies?
post your middies tum in the pummeler set..
>literally one single guy who was using the most obvious cheats possible to make a point about the state of the game
>gets banned
>somehow it correlates to all pvpers being cheaters
tell me this: how often have you guys seen people cheating in pvp? Is it actually cheating or is it just a good player?
une is a biofem
please fix your lips they're so ugly
une was cheating just a few hours ago
if you play monk or drk in pvp you should kill yourself
>Didn't post character with the clears
I accept your concession
ngl I feel bad for korkana
sophie did rapeplay with LT, that's fucking grim
prone fat femra
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>go to the lala bench to /pet my fav majong master crab riding lala for good CC luck
>notice it's oddly crowded today
>other Lala's start getting uppity and demanding pets

What have I done
>skyruine and Wild Ride
I dont have those yet, but Im curious to see waht they look like... Do you know if the electrope one always glows pink? or is it because my chocobno is just colored ferocious flamingo pink?
Wintrading is far more common than actual cheats desu. And the cheats aren't super obvious, either. Mostly trackers for purify and guard.
Same with Summoners who use Phoenix instead of Bahamut
Oh shit
It’s fat me
no one cares, korkana
builded to have wholesome sex with a fit femroe
if pvp cheats actually exist expose the repo for them
Stop objectifying male middies, especially the ones that are objects
this seems oddly specific anon
who did it?
pld abusers…
Chemicals in the water make amerifats mentally ill.
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You're a biofem
>Dub trannies having to deal with Sena being an obnoxious troon
>Sub lads now have to deal with one of their JP voice actors is fired for sexual assault, grooming, and other sex pest crimes.
What is it with voice actors in this fucking game?
having the thing that shows people targeting you would be pretty beneficial, I don't really know of anything else
do you mind if people show up unannounced to your house and crash on a couch or is that too much
dear god the samefag damage control when everyone shits on the fat fucks
How do I get an eb like this?
The other anon wasn't me, give me one second and I will post it for you..
I forgive you, just watch yourself, we- they're people too.
Sagittarius, Chaos
See, there's no real pvp cheats then
Why are the japanese such sexual deviants. What a repressed society
video game industry is rotting from the inside out
tranners love video games because it's escapism from their shitty lives so they can play as a cute girl 18 hours a day
now they've taken over the industry and woke-ified it so you get one of two choices
>lgbtqiabbq+ diversity hires who suck at their job and are shitty ambassadors for the game because they constantly melt on twitter
>men who actually know what they're doing in a historically male-owned space, but whose lives will be combed through by jealous tranners for any shred of bad behavior so they can be canceled
grim times we live in
I <3 Sunn Dereh so much.
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dunno if you got outta bed anon but im queueing on crystal
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my femra looks and acts like this
aight we get it dude
I read this in a senator Armstrong voice
Eb status
is it too late to start playing this game? do they have aussie or oceanic servers?
he's one of the easiest plaps of the general, why don't you send him a tell?
Does she <3 you
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>not an aquarium fish
i hate fishing!!!!!!!!!
the fun of it is the thrill of almost getting caught
If a male actually wanted to date and marry me irl I wouldn't be so mentally ill or angry all the time. You know that right? I can't even get an eb for my femra ingame.
I just don't get it..
It's not too late but nobody plays on OCE servers because they only released last expansion and nobody wanted to lose their friends by transferring.
yet another incel mad his hobby is being "infiltrated" by trans people. if you actually gave a shit about games and the game industry like you claim you would've acquired the skills to be able to get hired into these studios instead of the trans people who "ruined" the industry according to you.
you are..just swat me with a newspaper next time for my trespasses
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phoenix is based and ur a fag lol
why is the thread melting down over this dude…
Spriggan, Chaos
I don't want to plap I want to EB.
We've never met!
Honestly I really like what he's done with it
no eb.
Which JP actor?
You too?
We didn't have Aymeric in EW because his VA had a cheating scandal.
Sounds like you want to be caught, my moonie keeps it a secret..
This but fire spamming blms
Want to eb my meena :)
idk how blm works in pvp but the sleep makes me want to scream
if tina clears m4s before my static does i will genuinely kill myself
Ladies, ladies, there's enough of me for both of you.
Server? I'm on balmung I'm not joking if you're remotely nice to me I'll fly out to you irl with the intention of marrying you.
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I'm new to xivg and I messaged someone cause they looked cute and they said this... I'm just going to go back to being alone..
My alt cleared m4s in pf week 1
why is the username party color?
Why would someone act like this, what the fuck
>idk how blm works in pv
Using ice gives near constant freezes so it makes the scream factor much worse.
It just always glows that color! Skyruine you can craft (https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/recipe/792704eef52/), and I cant remember but Wild Ride is from nuts (https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/2557e5f9a52/?patch=latest)!
I don't mind visitors during day hours at all, in fact that tends to happen a lot! My house is this, location in name and middle of image. Tuesdays and Thursdays I have in-person classes though and am afk. I'm afk a lot in general though so keep that in mind too!
thinking emoji
I also do this if someone with less threadcred than me(Infinite) dares approach
Seraph. You sound lovely and I'm sorry you're having such a hard time darling.
My nyoomie is now seated and awaits lights out in singapore. She is glad this season got interesting
actually fucking unhinged response, you dodged a bullet, this bitch has to be ugly as fuck irl
based letting the low tier thread shitters know their place
Any latinx bitches in chat?
Nahhhh bro really tried to enter the lvl 70 zone when he's only lvl 16 :skull: :skull: blud is the opposite of the grind
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i’m being tricked aren’t i… do not trick femra..
My duskie will find a wife someday
Itaru Yamamoto
He does a bunch of side characters and voiced Runar.
vengeance. Got the law end. The last second inclusion of Lucifer was really funny
Paimon was the only cute character in that game
That's a Shan the Meltyman alt right?
tranny melt over hearing that trannies melt. how new.
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middie tum for anon
im just sick of every mmo i play being laggy as shit
guess ill try my luck since you can at least start playing for free
wtf Shannon Mlemenon based?
Hmm...I'm thinkin' /pet. The newspaper is put away for today
seems like it
My shadow the hedgehog-coded malezen already collected them all.
I hate that so fucking much because his English voice actor is one of the reasons I decided to give the English dub a chance, he had the perfect voice for Aymeric that of a posh old fashioned Lord of the Knights of Ishgard.
I transferred anyway. Because what friends?
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HOLY MOLY! abs aside that’s a very nice shader too
isn't this the guy with the weirdo agp bungirl "boy"friend
every time I work myself up to try Savage I play for 30 minutes, die to the first mech 4 times in a row, make it to the second mech, die to the second mech twice, then die to the first mech 4 more times
am I the problem? do I need to find a static? that seems like a lot of work
Give it a shot. You will probably need to ask for people in the thread to party up outside of peak hours, and even during peak hours for side content, but it is doable. There are also NPC parties you can use for dungeons you need to progress the main quest, but they're about half as fast as humans at clearing, so you'll have to balance their speed VS however long your human queue would last.
>agp bungirl "boy"friend
um, hello, based department?
Oh no, not...uh, Vorporlor and Kemakka! How can there be a Patch 7.1 without hearing those two?
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..hacking booru...
.....Accessing thread cred files.... oh shitt
>thread cred going down.sfx
>Sorry anon.... I don't trust you anymore
>lasts second inclusion
After all the other games they did my bro dirty at the very end...
I was thinking about meeting her in-game. I was chatting with her on another thread the other day and she seemed nice enough. Such a shame that she's like this.
I transferred to Shadow because I thought a fresh start on a new DC would be cool but it closed down already.
Real fucking shame, the raiding scene there was about to pop off.
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Thank you! <3
Had a good high-DPS M4S phase one. Which was then ruined by only having access to a tank LB2, because someone thought to bring two vipers.
they're messing with you, big dawg. its a meme
Bro...just mit and heal through it...you don't even need tank LB at all
>I transferred to Shadow
You mean you visited Shadow? Character transfers to there were shut off for its entire existence.
Glad you like it! Took me a while because I wanted to pick a nice looking shader, I wouldn't trick femra like that.. especially when they're staring at their phone in bed
You don't need tank LB3. Heakers are just lazy
Shadow was a run-off server for congestion, you couldn't ever make a character there
Maybe if the healers had planned and prepared for that, but open pointing out why we only had two meters, they all opted to leave immediately anyway.
I fucking wish my static knew how to mit.
I'll never get a gold parse when I need to stand here doing an LB3 for a mechanic.
I fucking hate heakers.
Shanon? More like shanshan
Least there'll not be a cucking/ NTR arc of Yshtola now.
my moonie said you guys are mean
Never was gonna considering she states outright she's not into him
I'll spit in your moonie's mouth, that's how mean I am.
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>Original character models of FF14 were made by a third party Chinese company called Virtuous
>FF14 tried to update those models in the graphics engine without consulting or hiring the third party company who they used
>This is also why the model customisation has remained the same since 2.0 give or take or takes incredibly long to update because SE doesn't want to hire Virtuous again.
It all finally makes sense.
I've been in twelve M4S "clear" parties so far tonight and none of them have actually cleared. For me, worrying about parsing can come afterward.
wyd in game btw? i logged off a bit ago. really wanted to do some prog in savage today but the nonstop 90k ruined that plan
aDPS is what matters for tanks since none of them have raid buffs, DRK does the most damage when 2mins are properly done and it's not even close
Healers don't deserve to be in Savage parties, every paty should just be four Paladins
My moonie thinks your moonie is weak!
We should get Holy Paladins too. Maybe even Ret. Could be fun.
tanks should be nice to their healers…
I had an idea where a GC squad runs joint operations across Eorzea doing things from small jobs like de-escalating arguments among farmers/traders, etc. to uncovering sinister plots, Primal suppression, Investigations of dungeons (MINE) I have the chocobo carriage so I could carry a few other players around who would've been interested
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CC doko?
Its more fun to bully them.
they like it when you're mean though
Phoenix is good for certain situations, like you know your team is going to get wombo'd and you need to set up a buffer heal for them to recover. Otherwise Baja Blast is ideal for chunking health/securing kills.
There's someone who has an actual drive in theater but they mostly show robot anime
okay just not all the time…
>dies to any auto
>needs help on physical busters
>cannot mitigate physical raidwides
>can't self heal like based WAR
M-Muh damage! At least I do damage!
>implying i'd ever want to work in an industry with zero job security
>implying i could single-handedly turn back the tide of wokeness
i make more money than any code monkey in that forsaken industry except the people who own the companies
>play DRK in FL
>there's a PLD in my party who keeps using Cover every time I use my LB
I'm confused, but also amused.
ok I'll be nice to my next healer
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Imagine playing/ watching FF16 at a drive through? The Bahamut and Titan fight would be so fucking cool.
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I'm busy with my bestie.
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>Has sci-fi magitek gun probe funnels
>Auto attack is a punch
I am a Dynamis tank
waiting 26 mins to get into Origenics.
cute frog
I was just catching up on some roulettes and was farming some ex trials for mounts, the constant crashes made it really hard to play earlier. after that I was just running around my housing ward, browsing here and trying upscale mods while waiting to get sleepy again
I also wanted to get some prog done in savage but it's rough over here, and primal isn't any better, hopefully next reset is better for that
what other roles do you need bro I'm coming over to help
We rented out a screen at the local cinema at launch and played there for 4 hours.
It's not really a flex that you're playing a pampered job.
Unfortunately, I woke up.
He's literally not wrong. They don't want white guys and then it'll be guys of any colour in gaming.
Kino. I dont know who owns it but could try asking
anyone wanna help me level my bard? can pay in gil or whatever
This game is dead as shit. No content and no other reason to stick around besides ERP.
Go play Worlo like every other sane gamer.
This can be remedied
Guess maybe they weren't interested :(
I’m heading to another DC.
No way? That's based as fuck.
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so your only problem with it is that he wants a black artist to replace him and not a white one?
I can see his name's been deleted from his agency but is there a news article regarding this yet? Preferably in Japanese.
This sounds incredibly fun. I'd join.
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>tfw playing with my brothers and theyre ruining every questline and killing every NPC and party member
Shanshan got mad once years ago and I've called him that since. Not actually a melter.
i’m surprised aether is still perma locked. i couldn’t find anything that wasn’t a reclear on aether so i tried out primal and there were a few parties i was looking to join but same thing, dcs and 90k all over the place. it killed my mood
hoping by next reset these dcs will finally stop..
Damn you're ugly
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Me when I told my friends my favorite weapon in Halo 2 was dual energy swords (I didn't own an Xbox)
You couldn't dual wield energy swords in halo 2
My moonie is going to sneak up behind this cat and give her a big hug
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Please anon, you can't be this naive about the state of the western games industry currently? We just had some spectacular blow ups Concord, Dustborn and a few other major failures attributed to making games and being made by and for "the modern audience".
I could sit here and post examples all day long but would that be productive? You also come across as the sort of person who will ignore every post and in the end just say "yeah but how does this affect you?".
please call me cute for nothing in return
Friend/family save and a separate solo save for you to do everything and go full autism mode on without fear of murderhobo-itis. If they complain later on about a bad end or missing out on an item, it's their own fault and out of your hands.
Okay, you're cute for nothing
please call me cute for nothing in return
That would involve playing a Blizzard game, and I've been shunning all their titles for several years now.
Oh shit, it's europeon hours, i will be back later!
What's up shithead?
>playthrough i watched completely axed this scene and the gay kiss
man wtf, where'd this come from?!
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my goopie has been stirred from slumber and cannot fall back asleep
To the friend who sent me a pose while I was AFK holy FUCK I love it, thank you so much. You're the best.
A lot of nugirls have that reaction cupcake. It's okay. That feeling eventually eases and melts into the warm safe comfort once you're in a proper soft fluffy diaper.
That icky feeling tends to come and go in waves, at first. It takes time to calm the waters inside to find true bliss wrapped around your bottom. A soft, thick, warm diaper leaving a nice puffy flat front at your crotch. It'll make you feel all safe and allow you to let go of those toxic male socializations instilled in you.

You've been poisoned so deeply by that icky toxic boy socialization that it feels almost primal to resist restarting.
Those earliest building blocks of gendered socialization are put in before you even have much of a mind to understand anything let alone your gender.
It's that earliest block at the base of male socialization that deep down your heart knew needed to be knocked out so it can be rewritten with happy good girl socialization.

Gendered socialization is so intrinsically entwined with potty training. The first time a gendered socialization was inflicted on transgirls to participate in was during potty training. Girls sit, boys stand. Diapers help nugirls open those mental pathways back up so they can become trugirls free of that toxic male poisoning.

Removing those mental blocks also allow HRT to work more effectively. The brains ability to subconsciously resist transition due to shame, fear, and deep rooted socialization can seriously hinder a nugirls ability to pass.

But by embracing your need to start over as a girl, the treatments will be unhindered by mental blocks and allow you to perfectly pass. Physically and emotionally. A perfectly passing girl.

You'll only understand the magic of diapers once you try them. Every transgirl desires to perfectly pass. By wearing your diapers sweetheart you'll be able to become a PP girl too.

But the first step is acceptance. Repeat after me.
I'm a transgirl, and I need my diapers.
You're very cute, anon. *respectful smooch*
beautiful transgender women have been taught by the world to hate herself, so that she distrusts those who love her for herself. "chaser" is a derogatory she uses for those, who she condemns as stupid enough to want her. I wear the label as pride.
I have literally never had to ask for help with a tankbuster on DRK, if anything I usually take less damage because of how stacking multiple mitigations interacts with HP/shields.
When they were shit I could understand it, when Worlo was awful I stopped playing and moved to XIV.
But becoming a sycophant for one or the other is equally retarded.
Right now XIV is the trash game and you should feel bad paying for it until the situation improves.

I mean if you're a zealot I get it but don't try to pretend you have standards. It's embarrasing.
but also why announce it on here
>We just had some spectacular blow ups Concord
oh boy the game that Sony execs would be "Star Wars" level and had ZERO Marketing despite having a 400 million dollar budget
No clue what this game even is
>a few other major failures attributed to making games and being made by and for "the modern audience"
Cant name the other supposed failures, curious.

Let me ask you one question: Do you see non whites in the gaming industry as lesser skilled individuals than their white counterparts? Yes or No answers only
i started a separate file, but i'm gonna wait until we finish our campaign before i really get into it
You could always buy the game? Who did you watch playing?
I watched Vinesauce Vinny after completing the game myself I liked his playthrough as hes an English Major his appreciation for the writing was far above that of other people doing playthroughs
Share with the class?
>deluded DRK
Many such cases, DRK has the weakest mit
i want someone to react this way when i pose our characters
>please let me help you replace me one day
My moonie is still waiting for an anon to pose her
post your poses anon
Cute bun are you still about
I am sure ya boy big xeems taught you all about raiding.
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Yeah exactly! It's mostly reclears and when they're not, it's either dcs or the parties you try to find in primal are just awful and there is no progression at all, it kills my motivation and mood and I just go back to leveling my jobs or farming easier stuff, or even just idle, I hope the DDOS stops and that the next live letter just gives us a lift for the lockout thing. I hope we can both clear soon..
Here, have another upscale revealing pic just for you, remembered the mashup I sent you and saw that they had upscales for this set
hey thanks

weird post
I'll do a couple dungeons if you're still here
Still in queue? Crystal i assume?
Pose her doing what
Living in the woods sounds pretty comfy when compared to the alternatives these days. He's still a bit of a cuck but I can respect the desire to return to nature.
3million hours in paint
nta but sexo
something lewd..
What are you doing in game right now xivg?
standing in the golden saucer
Yes, absolutely
Snuggling some may say
There's no need to be a zealous sycophant to continue to get good value out of XIV. There are still things to do here, it's just the people who are running away look at those things and go, "I don't want to do that."
Rubbing my face on those cumgutters and doing unspeakable things with my tongue.
post moonie
ill pose you
>being this autistic
think it was mkfireandice no commentary, I did notice that the kiss was absent between bahamut and his lover before he left to go off to war but that scene with barny and his mom i dont recall AT ALL. I only remember the scene with benedikta lying on his shoulder at this bedside nude
I'm excited for the massive log you're about to deposit in your diapee
going through my fishing log, getting my tracker caught up
sitting in my private house watching f1
Standing in LB14 thinking about what to do
Standing in Old Sharlayan doing jack shit wondering why I'm still awake
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sorry duty just popped...
Nah I got it at an hour something
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They went offline as far as I can tell, but I was hoping they might still be here. Alas, sleep comes for me shortly too.
I don't do that without asking and rarely do that in general.
I have zero posing ability, so I always gush when friends hook me up. And they always do an amazing job.
Checking retainers and pondering imminent sleep.
holy moly i love middie abs so much i am THIRSTING BARKBARKBARK
Did you even read his message?
(you) me when you're out of that one if you want
i'm playing clive's game
I go on the potty for that
wryx i thought about a pose idea with you but i'm really sad you can't freely explore the cc arenas.....
I've already sent her to one anon I can't just start slinging her out like a cheap whore
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Debating between going to the store, sleeping early for the male meetup since I got stuff on the same day to do or forcing some hours in a game I've not yet chosen.
I logged onto my lala alt and now I eat lunch
might queue for the level 91 dungeon soon
Any Hrothgal enjoyers?
Yeah, but not to that disgusting degree of beasting
nah, "too tired for this world" mgtow types are just delusional. the real manly thing would be to burn all of this modern bullshit to the ground instead of scurrying off to return to monke
but anon you ARE a cheap whore
just start giving her out already
Ah fair enough, yeah I can post that scene here
not anymore
I need to stop opening these things out of habit.
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Trying again.
is the lodestone search broken for anyone else?
I never see them anymore
nyot true..
I hate hyperfags so much.
his femezen was cute
meena x meena = true kino
Taking a break for a bit, also at work. Dunno what I plan on doing when I get back, maybe some EX1 / EX2 farm back on chaos, maybe messing with mods, maybe hanging out with people until I get DDoS'd from the game again at Balmung LB14
I got stood up. Gonna sulk in lb14 for a while :(
Couple of are you alright, but the weirdos who use this general as a stand in for social interaction instead of talking about the game give me the vibe of mind broken people.
Slapping you with a rolled up newspaper
i just tried and it seems to be working normally
Sorry to hear that anon, what happened?
Letting you touch and lick them
I'm not autistic enough to not be able to see it's a joke
I wasn't expecting a naked hugo and ultima
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yeah i deserve that
I'm neither.
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im not gonna make it bros
Chatted with someone yesterday. No commitment but seemed like it was going well. Said we'd chat later. Greeted them today and they just ignored me.

It happens but I'm gonna be a broken bunny for a while.
whenever I try searching for something the wheel spins infinitely and the search never finishes
Home invading
Throughout balmung and mateus I alone am the honored one.
my moonie uses this thread as a litterbox
Barnabas is an advanced coomer.
dc? duty? what role is needed?
Me in the photo
Nobody cares Chloe
Why are you so upset anon
what happened akemi? did you also get swatted by middies
Why's it so small?
Sure, just poke me sometime. I can't help with the posing but always have lots of ideas. It's possible to get a custom CC match, but then you have an audience while posing...
japanese game
Hate lying cheats, that's all. Hate them even more when they think you're too stupid to realize what they're doing
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Just get 8 free trial accounts and use them all at once.
Friend has been lying to me and stringing me alone and thought I'd be too stupid to realize it.
Speak plainly, Ascian.
its FL anon dont worry about it
i queued up and then forgot about it when i got food
>porn brain seethes if a flaccid cock isnt the size of a forearm
You need to lay off the futaslop and get laid
can you make a vocaroo saying goodnight, sleep well in you smoothing deep voice
Yeah, I know that feeling all too well... try to take it easy and not overthink things. I'm here if you want someone to talk to, although maybe it would be better if you did something else to keep yourself distracted for a while /pet /pet
did they not let your f+ plap you or what
Aren't floppy cocks meant to be small, because they're flaccid then go big when aroused? How do you not know the basics of biology, is this the state of education now?
>hit a nerve
... I don't remember making this post.
aren’t all guys small when flaccid
I'm doing my best not to take it personally. People don't really owe you anything at that stage, I get it. I thought chatting the way we did for a few hours meant something but I guess she couldn't wait to get rid of me.

Thanks for the offer, I appreciate it.
>they fell for the "grower" meme
>bunch of dicklets ITT
That explains a few things.
You first, Gaius.
i have a 13 incher, around
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Yo free trial accounts can pvp?
A friend of mine is clearly upset with me but doesn't want to talk about it. I'm thinking it's due to the fact I didn't rp with them yesterday even though imo I had pretty good reasons.
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Reminder that this is the peak male form.
is benefic 1 worth it
Oh right I forgot. Get 8 paid accounts then.
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>Yea my cock is 16”s irl just like my character! I only goon post… ugh… ironically!
why are his nipples like that
benefic 1, cure 1, physick, and diagnosis are never necessary once you get to higher level content
Watching myself getting more and more sidelined by someone over the last few months, said person assuring me "nothing is wrong" as if I'm some 70IQ retard
Some people are impulsive like that and will chat with anyone just because they're feeling lonely and stop talking to them because they're satisfied, never thinking about the other person's feelings... I've known people like that in the past and the best you can do is either forget about them or maybe keep them as friends you hang out with every once in a while... they tend to be very self-centered people so they can be kinda annoying to deal with, honestly
My dick is so big it's a disability
Many such cases. You aren't a 70IQ retard, anon. You matter.
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My moonie regrets doing roulettes nude, she is freezing..
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I ran an rp story line for years that was basically this. We weren't working for a grand company, but we were a ttrpg style party on an adventure that led us to weird places and dire situations.
Not my best but I'm exhausted, enjoy.
i miss ragi...
*cuddles your moonie to warm her up*
hand me that newspaper i need to use it on >>495532363
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Anon I thought you said it was big
my moonie will plap yours to warm each other up
My moonie thanks you she really needed that It made her a little wet
my peepee so small it makes a clitoris have big dick energy
yeah i was talking about yours
You said it.
your voice is amazing thank you
My moonie doesn't know what plap means but if it makes us both warm she is curious
Yeah I'll be fine. It happens and at the least I'm not being strung along. I'm glad that they were honest with me in that way.
Of course bro, if you actually want the mod let me know, I had to update it for DT myself
I have a grower my penis is 2 inches flaccid and 7 erect.
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me and my wife
What happened to him?
The place has such a funny perspective on online friendships man.
>have to talk to anon every single day or else they’ll melt about not having access to me 24/7
>have to play with anon every day or else I don’t care about them
>have to constantly reassure anon they’re not bothering me
Idk man it’s more effort than it’s worth especially with the socially inept here
>check "next allowed society daily quest allowance"
>doesn't actually show when it resets
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maliddies sound like THIS?
yeah it's wild. really makes you appreciate the well-adjusted people.
Where are her huge tits?
i love having comfortable close enough relationship to my friends to not need to speak to them daily
Skill issue. Stop making making friends with notorious BPDs
full pic?
cute moonies
Why does OP's picture look so fucking soulful? I want to play whatever game that is.
>especially with the socially inept here
Yup, i got used to it by now since there is A LOT of people like that, specially here. But man its just exhausting.
its concept art
I can't help it. As a kid I was groomed by an older who taught me to act that way because it was more attractive. The grooming continued until she got pregnant when I was I highschool then disappeared idk what happened to her but I know i have a child out there. She was 15 years older than me.
did you finally go to bed
yea looks sick as fuck
i never said that
grown ass cat
i never message anyone first because i'm comfortable being by myself and doing my own thing most of the time. i'll always respond if someone messages me however
Oh, I thought for a moment it was a game. Got my excitement up for a moment.
People will take this fake story at face value.
This is why I don't make friends, it's just too exhausting when you get in your 30s
>another episode of bad friends stand in a circle and pat themselves on the back for being bad friends
it's all so tiresome
I don't remember making this post
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>1.0 private server hasnt made any progress in many years
>not even a whisper regarding a 2.0+ server
Its honestly so over.
>that one person i added where one i stopped initiating, they never tried to reach out
>been over a year since i heard from him
it happens when the roulettes reset
>bad friend is when they don’t talk or play with you daily
I may as well have
I'm in bed but still here, still can't sleep?
Going to listen to this before sleep
you're projecting, anon. but it's cute that you do. at least on some deep level you understand
Based as fuck, Elezen and Hyur are the true Final Fantasy representing races anyway, they adhere to traditional fantasy as well. Fuck all you weird cat/ beastiality fuckers.
The bad friends are the one that demand your attention like they're your wife.
Hope it helps you understand what actually makes people stop talking to you indefinitely.
Why are all these fucks ok with being alone? Be my friend, listen to me talk, do whatever I want to play, Oh you don't want to go to the xivg meetup? Guess it's time for me to act like a bitch until you do it out of guilt

Oh and we're not dating
I know it sounds kinda cheesy but try to surround yourself with people that value and care about you. Not just potential partners or whatever, this applies to friends too. Just ignore and get over people that don't treat you with respect no matter how much you initially like them, it'll be for the best in the long run, trust me... the way I see it, it's better being alone than being surrounded by people who disrespect and mistreat you. I'm gonna go for a bit now, if you want to keep chatting after I'm back I can send you a message or whatever, if not, take care and good luck anon
i might be able to if put my phone down, but yeah. are you sleepy?
>It's another episode of Effy sits off in the corner on his own and grooms some literal who
/at y
/at mtq
How do I get someone like this but they also want to date
>that friend who spends all of his time traveling to Balmung
>complains I don't DC hop to say what's up daily
If you want to be friends with the cum freaks, be friends with the cum freaks. Don't get pissed at me for playing with an established group I've known forever.
>more projection
concession accepted
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What’s a bad friend then anon? Enlighten me
My moonie has plenty of friends who she met outside of this thread and game, she only comes here to funpost and shitpost
this is the only middie i don’t like because he’s violently racist against femra
he is buduga owned
This is why I don't make friends with people from here, you guys just want a boyfriend or girlfriend and you're just trying to shove regular friends into that hole
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>haha yea, I totally have really clingy friends to bother me sooooo much!
>im so popular it gets tiresome
There is no friend, is there anon?
a bad friend is a user. they extract out of you what they want. then when you want something, there's always the next excuse
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Then send gil to support them and the kids because you're no mhigger
A little bit but not there yet, I'm too stubborn to put that phone down and I keep browsing under my blankets
Put that phone down before I K.O you.
Thanks. I do my best to be self dependent. I might go to sleep soon, my eyes are tired and everything will be fine when I wake up. I'll move on.
Assume I did everything in prior expansions already.
What is there to do in Dawntrail specifically?
I've got one reclear left to do on savage, it's not even for my own benefit but just to get the static's final mount.
And then?
No. You're my property. Mine. You belong to me and me alone. You can't interact with anyone unless I agree and only for as long as I agree. You shouldn't interact with me if you didn't want to become my property. Idc about your autonomy it's not a real thing to me only I have it no one else. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL I OWN YOU
Correct, clingers aren't friends, they're parasites. They absolutely exist thougheverbeit.
Sleep well, anon!
I can fix her
>Make linkshell
>Invite a group that gets along
>Sees use for maybe 2 or 3 months then utter silence

>They demand you join their shitty clique group but treat any other group you're in as bad and don't wanna join.
>You'll only ever see them on afk spots anyway

>You suggest them coming over to other DC's and hanging out with other people you know
>Half assed excused or they join and leave within 24 hours saying they're not comfortable around people

Tag yourself. This is literally all of you.
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found the remus AI bros
How do I find someone that clings to me I want a clinger
How ffxiv friends act
>you're literally my slave wife and have to do anything I want like lick cock or do a dungeon, you're basically my girlfriend(guy) but I don't want to actually commit or date you because I get a boner when a popular avatarfag jerks off with me ingame
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>itt sluts who cycle through people like cheap gas-station candy are repulsed that someone called after a one night stand
LT and who?
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you sure you can handle that much alimony payments?
>>You suggest them coming over to other DC's and hanging out with other people you know
Why would I leave my home DC to hang out with your friends?
Are you here to talk to me, the coolest, strongest, and everyone's number one favorite Male Middie, Remus Anima!?

Well, make yourself interesting, then!
>knew someone almost exactly like this
alright alright, you’re right… sleep well wherever it comes to you /dote/doze
You are LITERALLY bitching you are LONELY you CUNT
getting called a "bad friend" by some bpdemon clinger that can't stand being alone with their own thoughts for twenty minutes is a compliment desu
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Yeah? Why wouldn't I?
How do i find someone like this but we date
Well, personally, after I finally get all my M4S loots, I plan to finally get around to leveling up some neglected alt jobs. And maybe decorate the houses a bit more. Researching how this whole submersible racket goes. Etc.
LT and everyone LT sees at the beds even without interacting with them (they plap in his mind)
Is tzera having another meltdown?
He's all talk sis, best he can do is call you a hornhead and post some staged pictures.
Even better when they make an anonymous post about how you’re a terrible friend and never played with them…when that was far from the case. Had it happen to me really cool and fun :^)
Sweet dreams you cute femra cuddling with you and putting my phone down at the same time /dote *cuddle* /doze
im starting to think some of you arent moonies
Hello Macska Aranyos
My moonie is real, although she thinks you're not a moonie
Jew logic btw
I play the part of the good friend, because I am the bad actor, waiting for you to slip up.
Copy, we're looking into it.
I don't think Tzera posts or plays anymore after namedropping her schizo
Guess again, but if you’re wrong yoship will fly in through your window and make ur pp smaller
case in point
It's cute that you think people don't know.
>negative attention is actually a positive
Man I can think of like a dozen avatards who think this way unironically. It's sad because it traps them into being retards since they see nothing wrong with themselves.
Box for next thread
>Macska still obsessed with Tzera
Hate to see it
okay I'm too lazy to gpose this but imagine 262 lizards popping out of their eggs on a beachside, all staring at (you).

iunno anon, I didn't know you were that rich.
I agree with you. I just don't like you in particular. I don't like how your character looks so i take any opportunity to insult you.
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thank christ
The people who know are part of my game. You only find out if I want you to look like a schizo to my current targets.
Found the culprit
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I'm no mhigger, they'd be raised.
>negative attention is good
>many more to come
r e t a r d
>Have my own personal femra army
For a new nation to survive another must die.
Alright tell me what happened between them I want to know
Oh, a double down. Bold move. Better lock your windows tonight
waiting for your next inevitable meltdown because someone doesn't message you back for an hour ( they were at work )
It won't happen because I don't make "friends" in this shithole.
My EB literally forbids I talk to certain people from here, even though I have no interest on them that way.
that doesn't just apply to this place
I've made a few friends in this so called shithole, I've also made a few enemies but that's to be expected given the nature of this place.
I know the internet hates nuance, but I'm going to say it anyway just to get called a retard and a fag. Some of you are schizos tormenting decent people. Some of you are awful friends tormenting decent people. Can we fucking move on?
Stop bitching you fucking children about and make a new thread
>waiting for a meltdown you won't see
Kinda weird don't you think?
"You're killing me with this offset man."

Funny to assume i erp enough to even one night stand people anymore!
Is she okay?
I talked to her in DMs
Tzera said Macska has been pretending to be his friend and shitposting him for like 10 years, basically being manipulative and shitposting him, but then doing the thing where you're like
>Oh man, you're getting shitposted hard and everyone hates you, that sucks, at least I'm your friend :)
and ever since Tzera namedropped him, he's been posting for a month, stuff like >>495534281
To be like
>see Tzera I'm still your friend, it's actually someone else who has been doing it
my moonie wants a breakfast sandwich but is having trouble deciding between wendy's and mcdonalds
knowing that it's inevitable for someone like you is enough satisfaction for me
My moonie will wait to snatch your breakfast as it arrives for herself
make your own it's cheaper, better, and healthier
My dearest moonie you go to McDonald’s and get a sausage egg and cheese McGriddle meal with an extra hash brown and a Hi-C Orange or Orange juice.
Making something up in your head that will never happen is enough for you? I see why you're a Crystal gooner.
>schizos tormenting decent people
Can't be me, I only torment awful narcissists.
make a real breakfast, you fat fuck
my moonieboy? has oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast
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please bake a new thread
spiking this moonboys oatmeal with shandy
>le crystal boogeyman
crystal are the bpdemons in question you fucking troglodyte
I don't do this but I let it be known that I have nothing but disdain for their coomer friends.
>>Oh man, you're getting shitposted hard and everyone hates you, that sucks, at least I'm your friend :)
How do schizos not think that make it incredibly obvious it's them
please let this be the last ever thread
My moonie doesn't eat breakfast. It makes her enjoy the lunch much more!
my moonie is as moonie as they come
i think you are the fake......
I don't know how I ended up here like damn you people are fucking unhinged. Ya'll ever heard of a bit of balance?

People get busy, people need space but if your homie messages you and you ignore him for as much as possible they get the picture eventually. Eventually there is no more homie.
my femroe is gonna go warm up a few frozen breakfast sandwiches
this doesn't help my moonie decide

my moonie is not very good at cooking and is lazy

this combination was upon my moonie's mind

my moonie suffocates and kills you with her massive thighs
I never said I hated it.
Also posts like these are always made by people begging for a girlfriend only to realize they have the emotional maturity of a potted plant, so it crumbles beneath their feet because they can't ever show any empathy to even the person they supposedly care about.
>friend is getting shitposted
>express sympathy
you people really are animals
>a few
fat FUCK
Oh so you're lashing out at me because you can't read and don't understand we're talking about the same people. Understandable, have a good one.
>hes still going after someone challenged his view
Jesus let it go
And thus, the legend of the Dragon Fucker entered into its newest Chapter: the Femra Nation.
my moonie is drinking monster energy for breakfast
my moonie skips breakfast because she is a FAT FUCK
There are fujos and femcels in my FC and I don't know how to deal with them
steak, egg and cheese breakfast bagel with hashbrowns. i dont give a fuck what kind of drink you get
For me its one of the breakfast sandwiches from Dunkin, a large ice tea(no sugar) and 1 donut i save to eat a little later.

I got better.
Yeah so? You want a few too bitch got two full boxes
I like my XIV friends, they make me smile :)
They're thinking with emotion not their brains. Many think you're one of the little things they have and become super dependant on you for their own mental health and do awful shit to you out of fear of you leaving them, when in truth those actions are what's pushing them away.
t. Did exactly this years ago and got a major wakeup call after
Day 19 of Macska damage controlling something nobody cares about
My femra's needs have been unsatisfied for too long, she might need to resort to sexual violence.
Ok so are you NA or EU? Are there even people in the EU/ Light here who aren't mind broken?
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wish i had femcels in mine
its just married women
>lol you couldn't tell something that was never stated or even alluded to? lol you can't read
kill yourself
Can I ask a question? Be frank with me, you slut post but usually never respond to the positive attention. Is that all you’re going for, just quick awoogas and then done?
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My moonie is very real, you are the faker
No I want a boyfriend. A BOYFRIEND. And I am fully capable of feeling empathy.
ok my moonie will head to mcdonalds, also she's drunk

my moonie likes dunkin coffee a lot actually but not the food there very much, also not much of a donut eater
NA, I'm sorry eurobro...
Just make yourself sound real dangerous anon.
Make up a fake girlfriend on your past, say you two got piercings and shit together, say you used to choke her so hard you put her on the hospital once. Say she left one day without saying goodbye and all you heard is she skipped town and you haven't loved anyone since.
That oughta make you seem like a mess not ready to deal with women stuff and you'll get some peace of mind.
>makes dogshit points and spams thread crying because they're unintelligent as fuck

I forgot what a lowlife you were. No friends so you sit there on threads trying to shit on people to make yourself feel better. Poor baby.
Not him but there are many "normal" people over here... it's just that the bad apples are very very loud
Nigger who else but Crystal gooner bpdemons could be meant by "avatards"?
>960 replies
Please anon Im very busy, take up the mantle
Nta, but I'm EU and not mindbroken. Just don't interact with the cliques and everything will be alright.
Nah it's ok I'm raiding in an hour with my EU static. Trying to pass the time until then.

I know what you mean, I look in on the forums and the people who are the most mentally unhinged on there have post counts in the thousands but have only been posting for a year or two, it's wild. Not really related to asking about EU people but just saying it's an example of weird behaviour in the community I've seen.
I'm from light and refuse to interact with anons here
my moonie likes this thread and doesn't want a new one
Where are the Sunday Morning Mentors on Crystal?
nyo. 3 years ago I vowed to never bake another bread
gross, my moonie would never eat that
I would rather deal with 100 american schizos than a single european one like Gyoza Fairy
be careful out there mooncoon
>tell fiddie trannies to kill themselves
>they think I'm Macska
>say Macska didn't do anything
>they think I'm Macska
The real qrd I want is why they want to schizo Macska so hard they're taking this opportunity to blacklist them from the community?
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don't pet me I'm sleepin'
hello macska
>breakfast sandwiches from Dunkin, a large ice tea(no sugar) and 1 donut i save to eat a little later.
explains the obesity
That's why it's spiking, you wont even notice
grown ass man x grown ass man = fagkino
I barely log in these days, do my weekly to get tome cap and raid on a Sunday and that's it so I'm personally not in the game enough to see the cliques or weird stuff anymore. Trying to get the motivation to play more though, might do an ARR relic.
This is just one of Macska schizo babbles because he thinks he's being really clever by posting this, but in reality the post itself is showing just how guilty he feels.

Or I could believe it's Magness trying to push all the shitposting he's done over the years onto Macska, and changing his behavior to get away with it.
but they get no sugar!!!
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Actually Im Macska
wuu2 macska you fucktwat schizolord
It's definitely Macska, why would a shitposter care about Macska's reputation, or taking credit for shitposting when he's anonymous

Macska is just really dumb lol
I'm already Macska~
This is Magness falseflagging himself.

This is Elk posting anonymously pretending he's not awake yet so he can post gm next thread
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At the end of the thread, I leave my confession. I only now just woke up and I already dearly miss my EB who won't be on for another 7 hours.


Buts thats impossible, Im maska
Thank god mine wakes up in like 2 or 3 more hours... i just wanna spend time with him so much.
>This is Elk posting anonymously pretending he's not awake yet so he can post gm next thread
so true
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shouldn't have brought a gun to a sword fight. Wait the other way around.
Wanna run some rollos and do some hunt trains? I've been lazy and haven't capped my tomes yet... also, I suggest you try out criterion dungeons if you want some "new" content since most people haven't cleared them and they're pretty fun in my opinion
>mid 50's DRK that I want to level
>undergeared af and don't want to blow a shitload of tomes on stuff I'll use for like 4 more levels
>don't want to grief a dungeon group on an undergeared DRK
>PotD is 30+ min queues at peak hours and will never pop in mornings
>pvp is probably not terrible but doesn't pop super often and isn't exactly fast leveling
>using roulettes for another job right now to get it to 90
>HW beast tribes are dog shit, and give even worse exp
>fate grinding blows cock exp and time wise too
Wat even do? Is there any decent option to level through this range?
At least in 60+ beast tribes are actually good and and HoH is a lot faster to solo than PotD which takes forever
you could check the wiki for sidequests some of them give hq armor and accessories and then run dungeons
Have you tried just asking a friend to craft you gear? I know I am replying to a half-hour old post but if you are on Crystal I can craft you a full set of HQ gear for free.

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