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>The Final Shape

TWAB (09/19) https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid_09_19_2024
Update https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny_2_update_8_0_5_4
Codename Frontiers: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/new_frontiers
The New Path for Bungie: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/newpath

DIM: https://app.destinyitemmanager.com/
Armor Picker: https://d2armorpicker.com/
API: https://www.light.gg/
Stats: https://destinytracker.com/
Braytech: https://braytech.org/
PressKits: https://press.bungie.com/Destiny-2
Gunsmith: https://d2foundry.gg

>TTK, Buffs/Debuffs, DPS, etc...

Previous: >>495061404
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>me with my Truth
who gives a fuck man
let it go
who knew pissposting would be our most persistent OC
who are you talking to
obviously to the truth retard
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forgive me truthchan... *unzips ass*
The power to command the pisstitan...
What if we came up with new jokes
Okay. Your life.
New joke: poop hunter
we'd have to play the game to do that
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when will we get new exotic armor?
Not next episode that's for sure
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I wouldn't imagine so especially with how new seasons worked before TFS
the next episode has new exotics.
I mean, it's only what, two weeks off?
One of them: seasonal weapon
Second: icebreaker
Third one: crafted exotic weapon quest
That's the new exotics
it also has exotic armor for all three classes
lol lmao
>doomer spam
>tranny grammar
many such cases
Stop making shit up and accept the fact because of random roll exotic armor we aren't getting new armor until Frontiers comes out
The only thing we have to look forward to is the exotic armor reworks
But reworked exotic armor is new exotic armor :)
>choo choo
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You joke but they might seriously think that, after all they did reuissue the same scout rifle 4 or 5 times as NF rewards and count it as a new weapon each time
and then once more as an onslaught reward
fuckin' shaxx. Banned weapons of the past, my ass.
this warlock is shitting from his dick right now
Ahem we have the contest dungeon to look forward to where streamers can make rent, show some respect
do i get my cv ready to hand into a studio or do i sleep?
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this time last year i really enjoyed coming here
now i just hate you all
what the fuck happened
Threads were exactly the same but with more people, I'm not sure what you were enjoying
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Play Warframe
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Good...but no cigar
wait...was the anniversary thing just some boxes being added to the traveler?
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any cigars here?
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>farmed for the perfect Slammer for ages last season but didn't get it
>do one GM today because I felt like playing Destiny
>get it immediately
bipod reconstruct is really good for general purpose
just need that slideshot surrounded roll for big damage
Will you fuck off already?
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>slop gameplay
No thanks I rather play cookie clicker
>slop gameplay
But enough about Destiny 2
i love hags
Wartranny can't accept xis game sucks just as much as destiny
into the light was more than likely supposed to be part of it given the time windows and all fucked by physical delay of final shape.
>Y-your game is bad too
Least delusional Bungietroon
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Holy samefagging
This is pathetic
I bet Transframetranny has over 10k hours in Destiny 2
I do find it funny how only 1 person actually defends Destiny in these threads
i'll reveal to you that there is not a single game in the world that is loved for every single thing it provides. Warframe is literal gacha and the only thing destiny has going for it are raids and some old d1 things. Though the frame cunt'll keep telling you that his game is perfect and destiny is le bad just to get your attention like a good attention whore he is.
I only defend it because I rather play red minigame than farm one mission in warframe
Shit gets way to boring 5 minutes in
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even if it’s just one person, as long as someone still believes then everyone will make it in the end.

trust the plan, believe in the future of Destiny that Bungie is working diligently on.

Because Destiny’s best days are still ahead of us
You play Titan
nu uh, forever warlock main
We all play both games here dummy
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I am also a warlock main
objectively correct, what even to do in that game after you're done farming? Farm platinum to buy a new (unkillable/killable) doll? Or farm a gun that that is modded and used in the exact same way as all the previous ones? The activities are all the same, with circuit being the only different enough exception. The real game (where you struggle and play) lasts only for, like ,200 hours, and that's if you play completely alone and have no idea about what the fuck are you doing.
along with playing Destiny 2, i also like to watch anime and read manga
along with playing Destiny 2, i also like to rape this anon and gape his mom
My ass has a crack in it
Is that normal?
this post was sponsored by the frame troon
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i wonder what it would be like to snuggle with an anthro female titan
>Troongie biggest cocksuckers are Warcucks
you forgot to oink in the end
Go back to Canada you stupid wartranny
good troon
Cope and seethe muttamerigoylem
bad troon, now kill yourself
>wartranny is a brownoid
Shocker LOL
Reminder that Destiny 2 is the White's Man Game
the state of dg
hopesisters lost bigly
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Only mommy Rebb can save Destiny
>makes the game more gachaslop
>you can use silver to buy raid weapons/armor
she would make the game worse
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We are about to be back next episode
No we're not KEK
You will go back to The Tangled Bore and you will like it
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She's too busy spending all your money on expensive holidays and sex
lmfao this shit will never fail to make me laugh
All of these episodes will be gay
Schrier said it only failed because of crunch and capitalism, so now that they know what the problems are, surely they'll bring it back and it'll be a huge success.
Concord 2 when Kamala wins
How would you change the raids to be solo friendly?
Anyone up for a void run of salvations edge at 7:30PM EST?
it was never alive
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I'd rather drag my nuts through a cheese grater than play that raid again.
t. Iconoclast
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I really like it when games take me to a building below the surface. When I played Minecraft I would always build subterranean structures completely invisible from the outside. There's something comfy about being in a deep underground location, especially if it has been abandoned for a long time.
do you have your copium ready for next week?
Bungie has exhausted me of hopium and copium. I have grown accustomed to disappointment
Add bots
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well? what did you answer?
we should all put 10 and see how quickly it dies
Um bungie bros... our response?
I'd rather drag my nuts through a cheese grater than play that raid again.
t. Iconoclast
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Why are there only 4 primaries with left column demo? Strand has more
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never done it before but i'm super smart
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>another Awoken sloppa season
>Fikrul broadcasting his daddy issues right into HELM radio
>Crow mopping around being sad and shit, because his rogue wish makes hekkin wholesome smollerinos turn into screeb inflatables
>Mara feeling jealous due to lack of attention and thus being sad also
>Mithrax suffering from debilitating migraines, while his daughter goes through Heisenberg arc in futile attempt to cure his Nezcafe overdose
>Saint and Osiris having buttsex on background
Can't wait sisters. Imagine 90 days of this.
We are so fucking back.
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>Stormtrance, chaos reach and fists of havoc buffs
>No damage buffs
I wonder if they actually are going to roll out more abilities to prismatic. These buffs are shit, but there wouldn't even be a point in tuning them when they're on dead subclasses below 1% representation
does the clan even have 7 people online
God I want to inflate a screeb
>Fikrul broadcasting his daddy issues right into HELM radio
>Not Crow making amends with his son after he left for milk
Has anyone done the campaign skip on any of their alternate characters? I was wondering how much of the prismatic class gets unlocked and what carries over to other characters. Does seasonal story progress carry over too or do I have to unlock all the seasonal stuff on alt characters as well?
Seasonal story progress never carries over, which is the dumbest thing ever. If I remember correctly, I had to complete the post-campaign mission unlocks to get skills/aspects again.
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Prismatic Melees when?
Prismatic Class Abilities when?
Prismatic Supers when?
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This game is fucking dead
>dungeon exotic is a scorned themed solar rocket sidearm that deals more damage the further away an enemy is
They already said the dungus exotic was icebreaker.
>it's another season centered around two faggots being gay with each other
Just shut Bungie down at this point.
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I'm STILL laughing at the fact that they had to explain population growth via growing tube-born babies who are then made gay during the gestation period.
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Ok good to know about the post campaign missions for the remaining aspects and skills. Yeah I agree, seasonal stuff not carrying over seems ridiculous, I am planning on just getting some decent stat armor for my Warlock. I guess I just have to run some of the early season missions to be able to get the armor needed for focusing.
>fikrul dies
fake and gay
An entire society of passive gays ruled by immortal magical supermen, their god hanging above the sky.

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>fikrul death fakeout
still fake and still gay
no i have to go into the city
i really hope this is fake and gay because they already said icebreaker was the dungeon exotic or something
I read the first line and I already laughed
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they are always fake. the "leaks" for 10th anniversary said that d1 would be shut down KEK
TFS leaks posted here a year in advance were 100% accurate, including onslop and the brave weapons.
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Someone should port Destiny to Thumby the same way Ed Fries ported Halo to the Atari 2600
>Fallen girl hooking up with a human
>Human girl
Holy fucking hell, again with the gay shit???
more brooks slop
There can be NO straight couples in Destiny. This is a safe space! You want boring old heteros, play another game! By the way, we'll arrest you for playing another game because that means you're a bigot!
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Warframe won
>Mara feeling jealous due to lack of attention and thus being sad also
Mara gets stuck in head first in the Blind Well and the entire Vanguard gets to use her for free
>Crow mopping around being sad and shit
He immediately cheers up when we let him use her too
everyones happy
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why did they nerf thundercrash something like 3 times in crucible but storm's edge is perfectly fine?
because fuck you if you play red minigame in 2024
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Woke status?
>10th anniversary
>go farm legendary engrams for us and get our user engagement up to become legend
It's gotta be some greasy business thing like we have more people playing hunter usually, game is still at full retail, sell more copies for people to play with power. The fact they haven't said shit about it is genuinely retarded tho
Pete plays Arcstrider
Give me $10 off whatever 2 skips is and I'll play your 2 alts to campaign's completion before midnight tonight, you can trust me and I won't even call your a pig to your face. No promises if your account gets banned. Whatta ya say?
you are not allowed to criticize red minigame
It's a pvp super :)
Truth is that all of the Bungie devs/paid divas used to main warlock, and every titan nerf was for warlock counters. Hunters got hit with nerfs back then too for their warlock counters. Now, all the devs and divas play hunter, so all the titan nerfs are on hunter counters. This means that titans have had two era's of pvp nerfs.
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You'll feel pretty stupid when a mind-broken skeeb that I have inflated with semen from my balls explodes all over you
It's okay Bro, it's getting a 33% buff, which will still make it the worst super in the game
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Well always should have been a titan super, and Titans should have a utility arc super where allies standing near them are linked with chain lightning that amplifies them, and applies jost to their abbilities or sustained damage. Non-boss nemies that target anybody in the super get blinded. 10s uptime. Eternal warrior grants everyone an overshield.
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did they forget to add stuff to banshee's stock in the last expansion? it looks like all the same shit from last year.
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We are constantly shitposting about it, but do we actually like playing Crucible?
Do we think it's a good PVP gamemode?
Do we think there are no better alternatives?
Answer honestly.
I don't even have the game installed
I haven't touched the crucible since Lightfall's launch. I have unironically played gambit more in the past year than pvp.
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>Do we think it's a good PVP gamemode?
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i do not think about pvp
This kind of makes sense when most of the nerfing has been centered on swarm grenade (which is the second most popular grenade in PVP even just on Titan and Warlock
>new episode activity has basketball like activites which have you throw coloured balls into their corresponding coloured hoop/pipe
Mediocre bait, at least try to make it believable
Wasn't that the seraph tower public event
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Does /dg/ like the faggot melodrama now?
I like nothing about this game, especially its players and developers.
I guess leaning this hard into drama for easy story finally made people angry
>pallet cleanser
Did 13 matches or whatever of IB for the legend title. Didn't mod the legend armor, didn't switch off my pve build, didn't even swap over pvp guns. Stayed positive k/d the whole time and found it to be low stakes and a pleasant experience. Much better than when I put my sweats on for trials or comp, of which i've done bwither this season.
>anon is granted 13 mercy games by the matchmaking where he has a lot of fun
Make sure to buy silver next time.
Why can't these people just say they don't want gay shit shoved down their throats?
Because that's blasphemy in the West
Being third wheel to a cis het couple wouldn't be any better
We have to be at around the bush just so the criticism doesn't get overshadowed.
*Steals all the shit off your pallet*
We wuz Eliksni n shiiieeeeet
it's not about gay shit, it's about being forced to stand there while an audio file is playing
But hey they "listened" to the complaints about smoke grenade and threaded spectre, and made changes to those that avoided both of their problems entirely.
>smokebomb pegging combined with grapple is a one tap with near instantaneous re-up
Lol, we'll reduce the timer on smoke grenade when set as a trap
The swarm/smoke combo isn't even used in comp and is laughable to get killed by. I only think people use it because they see streamers using it.
>Cuck Tassi getting in trouble again
They wish. I'm still sitting on my free 1000 Silver from when they first added it. I refuse to spend it out of principle.
crucru has never been good and I think that trials doesnt belong in destiny because it has such negative influence on balancing stuff.
What'd he do now? He still mad about revealing character models in korean games?
He's trying to start a movement for Sony to revive Concord
Has never been good, cheaters have quintupled and there isn't a lobby without at least some cheating retard.
It's hopeless.
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why is tassi retarded?
It has to do with that garbage Star Wars show the Ackolyte. A group of feminists and trannies rallied together to literally try and demonetize all the big Youtubers who were calling the show shit because they're somehow 'racist'. YouTube said there's nothing wrong with that, and Tassi made an actual article defending the troons
what's the hardest dungeon to solo and is it even realistic to attempt for a casual player
he is trying to cancel some starwars youtuber via slander.I hope that it backfires on him.
i’ve been playing comp exclusively nearly every day for the past couple of weeks, and while the flow of it is quicker and less of a slog, the over abundance of ability spamming, whack-ass spawn points and zone capture locations in zone control, and 140 hand cannons still not being nerfed makes it feel very unbalanced.

prismatic is completely broken, even after nerfing hunters. it literally just wasn’t meant to be to have multiple abilities at your disposal and how quickly their cooldown is and how much uptime they have. the map is constantly cluttered with smoke bombs, stasis shards, solar buddies and strand balls/decoys, you literally can’t move one step without getting slowed or frozen
ghosts of the deep for being a slog and maybe
Ghosts and depends how casual a player you are, but unless you have soloed warlords and/or duality Im going to say no.
He's a leftist
Trials has always needed its own balancing. And imo, 20% movement speed increase, +50 handling, 50% increase in ability cooldown, increase ability damage/duration. Faster gameplay more focused on gunplay. Dedicated trials maps that are free of forced funnels, more like combat arenas with cover but no narrow hallways and have true verticality. If trials was more like Halo2 pvp, but with better weapon variety, and the excitement of getting meaningful ability use every few rounds, peoplw would have actually cared to watch it.
this, desu
I solo'd ghosts and still haven't done warlord's. The giant anus final boss is far more of a bloated annoyance than the witch.
Just had a delicious chicken spinach spaghetti dinner
What's my opinion on onslop?
Destiny just has too many variables for that kind of thing and the physical everything outgrew basically all the maps as the game continued. I do agree when you have so many choke points on choke points it makes things play like shit and it’s just poor pvp design. I am surprised how Bungie didn’t make a larger emphasis on scale when they knew our chars have steroids and can just whip around the map doing nonsense. My beef with Trials was the whole card system is flawed and it’s basically just a lottery and that’s tough to really quantify any true challenge or skill. You’re rewarded for your skill as much as you are for the fortune of running into not as oppressive teams at every step or getting the hard games out very early rounds. Idk we should’ve have like a Halo 3 Epitaph sized map
Asmongold made a video on him, Tassi's done for
Ok I’m calling it now, call me schizo, whatever, 100% these people have some back room stakes in Concord. Cammycakes weirdly was talking about a No Man’s Sky situation for Concord and even for no shortage of paid shills and he’s a bit of an autist for things, he sucked it off raw out of nowhere
We had three different versions of IKELOS weapons, and some IB weapons get regular reissues as 'new' weapons from time to time.
I'm only ever playing pve, but the last time I dragged my feet to the crucible to unlock some catalysts I actually had a surprisingly good time. Admittedly I played with shitty builds and no expectations whatsoever but it was still decently fun. The mayhem and nonsense is quite entertaining when taken at face value and I can understand why some people would sink hundreds of hours into this shit
>prismatic is completely broken, even after nerfing hunters. it literally just wasn’t meant to be to have multiple abilities at your disposal and how quickly their cooldown is and how much uptime they have

It's purely hunter favoritism. Titan's prismatic subclass got specific nerfs to abilities when used only on prismatic to prevent this kind of shit yet they completely forgot for hunter for some reason.
trials will never really fit into this game due to a lack of care on bungie's part and due the retarded streamers,sweatlords etc unwilling to actually face their peers in fair conditions.
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Why are Titrannies and Warcucks always seething about Hunterchads?
When have wargods ever cry about hunters? You huntards are inferior to us
You think its okay but could've been better
because hunters are seething about barricades and wells
One of them did, the thread got locked after a day and comments purged
Is farming an exotic class item still CBT these days?
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Pathetic excuse of a pvp game where everyone has super powers an i-win buttons.
Not even hero shooters like Overwatch are this bad.
>exotic class item
i forgot those existed desu
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I don't know.
Holy fuck is it still this bad?
It's actually worse. This is from the week of August 12th.
wtf are even these stats, which gamemode is this?
44% prismatic hunters?
time to nerf titans again
Xur's treasure hoard
it was never good
anyone saying otherwise is on ultra copium
Trials. Week of August 12th.
I like how titans get all of the nerfs when they are the literal shittiest class in the game lol
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i am in the 1.7% arc titan category, i literally will never take off dunemarchers and ballistic slam
total titan death
>the sheer state of arc, stasis and strand
litterally wtf happened
Prismatic was a mistake
>Muh Trials
Go gives a fuck lmao
Play a real pvp game you faggots
Only solar warlock feels viable in the face of the prismatic abomination, every other subclass has been made obsolete overnight
bungie is just mad people don't like the 'only punch lol' design philosophy
>didn’t take advantage of macro farming
>take break from destiny
>now need to put in ungodly amount of time to get 2/2 class item
Yes more pinnacle grind, more brooks stories. I love it here! :))
Just smashed a /dg/er in Iron Banner
If you're here from the Eternity match, good game
kill yourself you fucking nigger
i hope your parents die in their sleep tonight
>feminists and trannies having enough money to spend that their absence is felt by a business
lol and frankly lmao
>do we actually like playing Crucible?
>Do we think it's a good PVP gamemode?
It gets really close to it sometimes and then releases something that sets them back 3 months.
Do we think there are no better alternatives?
Well it could always worse. They've could've gotten winter's touch and widow silk. But truthfully prismatic hunter is the definition of the best possible PvP class. It makes some of the shit Titans we're doing back in Risen, Haunted, and Plunder look like fucking jokes.
I wish I were as delusional and clueless as you are.
The only pvp I play is trials and that’s just for the flawless shader then I fuck off until next season
It's not being delusional. It's copium and actually having fun with the game. Though on the other hand I do actually enjoy Gambit.
Onslop would be amazing with:
>Can queue into higher difficulties, bonus rewards if you lose but clearly "carried" whatever you were able to get through in terms of add killing, boss damage and bonus objectives.
>All enemy races and subraces like shadow legion/lucent hive. These are balanced actively
>More maps and no more locking to a map each day.
>New reprised weapons are added regularly, cycled around and updated in terms of perks.
>Bonus points for at least a shader or ideally a unique armor set from higher difficulty content.
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>destiny would be amazing if bungie put in the effort
HOW THE FUCK did shadow keep survive the chopping block? that entire dlc is dog shit outside of the dungeon and raid which are very loosely connected to the actual game.

I swear the only reason they kept it around was to not offend any retarded devs who genuinely liked it, they could remove it and beyond light would be a much better introduction to d2.
Shadowkeep had a really cool atmosphere to it, all the voices you hear on the Moon was pretty wicked, and the reveal of the Pyramid ship was actually a sick moment, i don't think anyone was expecting it.
This but unironically
It's up
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Wait, someone fill me in. Does the character creation in this game let you make actually decent looking characters or not? Making ugly characters in character creation screens was always a thing. Unless there's a catch to this one in paricular.
In the official videos showing it off everything was ugly as fuck
Ah okay. I was worried they somehow sabotaged it to where making pretty characters will somehow fuck you over.
the boob slider apparently caps out a lot earlier than the dick slider does.
Are you fucking kidding me?
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If only Wild Life had better face customization because everything else is pretty solid as far as customizing boobs, asses, and thighs go.
>tfw guys have better butts than """women"""
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>33% of non-prismatic characters in PVE are playing dawnblade
>over half of them are using Speaker's Sight
>most of what's carrying the non-prismatic population is that prismatic is missing clones of echo of starvation and ember of benevolence
also ~80% of non-prismatic players are crammed into 5 solar and void subclasses. dawnblade has like 3x the population of all darkness subclasses combined
I'm really not into giant obese tits, but this is way below average even for skinny girls?
>No ass or tits at 100%
Yep, it's for the modern audience alright
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Why are trannies so obsessed with pushing homogeneous character designs?
I swear to god the same thing happened to Destiny
>I swear to god the same thing happened to Destiny
Yeah, body type 1 and body type 2 even though it doesn't make sense even for trannies' logic.
Trannies hate attractive women because they know they'll never look like one
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>they don't know about body type 3
>somehow worse than destiny
More importantly, how do these troons and feminists keep getting jobs working on videogames when they clearly hate their audience
holy moly... which vex subtype does she belong to
HR departments that live and breathe DEI
lmao if you read this in the voice of a clanker from star wars it's the funniest shit
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>from the official destiny 2 channel
Hello pete
hello ~~ do u strong buff men of /dg/ know when this ornament will come back to the store? >.<
___ ___ __ __ _____
can i guess letters? i will start with E
___ ___ __ _e __e_e
lets go with A next
___ _a_ __ _e __e_e
hmmm...still can't make it out. going with I
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Any Ws?
>scorn basically directionless since Uldren's not there to give them orders
>kill fikrul instead of negotiating
That kind of sounds like a shit idea
___ _a_ __ _e __e_e
damn. lets go with U?
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>somehow...Fikrul returned
why does Bungie love this gun so much?
it has like 6 ornaments (including the new nerf one)
__u _a_ __ be __e_e
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ohhhh, You Had To Be There.
well played
>dattos poorly disguised cry for help
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>pick it up, Hunter
holy kek

strand hunter does feel pretty good in pve but that's not remotely his point is it
no its probably just saying don't use combo blow which is stupid considering how good smoke bomb and combo blow are, especially when they both give radiant
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A Pisstitan and a Dredgen ask a question.

What´s going to be the next dungeon about?

Our answer lies before you. Leave mercy behind.
I'm a hunter main and I also happen to be a big homo boykisser does that make sense to any of you
The damage from combination blow's getting gutted because huntrannies are better at melee than titrannies.
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i want a girlfriend
Source for pic?
its harman you philistine
I thought the damage was staying the same, it’s just the healing that’s getting reduced
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i hate aliens
bungie should open up a Nugget Japan branch and move their HQ to japan
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>nugget japan
sumimasen, that meant to say Bungie
>Solar gets radiant, restoration, cure, ignitions, scorch
>void gets invis, void shield, devour, suppress, weaken, volatile rounds
>Arc gets jolt, amplified, blind...
Arc is EXTREMELY underwhelming.
Never mind the fact that solar grenades scorch and ignite by default, but arc grenades need a fragment to jolt.
Just make amplify heal you every 4 seconds for a small amount of health
That's encroaching on solar's identity and would be too strong with prismatic. Try again.
*lights you on fire*
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i just want a new or old void warlock melee.....
I would love having Soul Rip back
Think the arc grenades should jolt by default and then swap the fragment for one that makes amplified give galvanized armor?
I feel like Prismatic should have some stuff swapped out, since they tried too hard to make all the new exotic armors work with Prismatic (except for Titan because lol, lmao), and some of it just doesn’t feel as good
>Healing Grenade for Fusion or Solar
>Threaded Specter for Whirling Maelstrom
>Drengr’s Lash for Fletchette Storm
>Hammerstrike for Throwing Hammer
>Shield Throw for Shield Bash
>Swarm Grenade for Tripmine
I also don’t like Weaver’s Call since it’s still limited to Strand kills on Prismatic, probably would swap it out for The Wanderer
Post your weapon rolls right now
All of them?
what weapon?
Any of them
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Play Warframe
prismatic is gay unless it lets you mix and match with all the fragments
Who cares, the game won't make it to Orion anyway at this rate.
Maybe the end all be all subclass that canonically was used to kill the witness should actually be busted op.
Honestly I expected Prismatic Fragments like say “Touch of Chaos” which would be a combination of Touch of Flame and Chaos Accelerant
Ok?? You acting like I know who the fuck that is that is why I asked.
Um..............Warframe gameplay?
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wait wait WAIT... Thats the gameplay?
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Impressive, very nice. Now let's see Destiny gameplay.
Um...........xisters............how do we compete?
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anons... what characters in this game do you actually like?
Crow sometimes
Zavala but fat
These days? None of them, really.
Every character has either been dumbed down to imaginable levels by people that don't understand basic human emotion, or killed. And then typically also dumbed down.
if it happened to rasputin it can happen to anyone
> hack journos and content cucks having a stake in Concord
> hopelessly boost it and talk down to any dissent over it

I'm starting to believe this as well. Especially in a world where a lot of bigger time people do this, I have a hunch that basically these former Destiny people said, hey this is going to be the next Overwatch, get in while it's cheap, and that's why all these retards are fumbling their own dick trying to say how Concord's gonna make it in the end. I mean Shitnader Jake allegedly floated a fake esports team $100k loan and is dealing with legal shit from it being a scam, I imagine some of these people have some smaller form of buy in and dividends with things like new games coming out. Idk this shit just reminds me of that mid-late 2010s period when everybody pushed shit coins and swearing it was gonna be the next bitcoin.
Dumbed down to unimaginable levels*
It has happened to pretty much everyone. The only characters that haven't been basrardized are the ones the "writers" have forgotten have existed.
Neumunga dungeon where we get sucked into Nimbos ass
Neomuna season when

Its up
hoping they don't dig up shiro
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Toland, mostly because i really like his spanish voice actor. The spanish dub is fucking terrible, but I´d argue that the guy that played toland did an even better job than the english one. It seems that the beaner at bugie tasked with sending the lines to the spanish voice actors forgot that toland is meant to speak like an old man, as a result he speaks in a more enrgetic way, which i believe fits him better.
Variks and Toland. For characters we actually see often I suppose Caiatl
I used to play with a mixed group of people from all over and everybody basically would say how nonsensical and bad syntax hastily google translated so much of the non English was for the game. Spanish I remember a lot of the naming of stuff was horrible mashups where they didn't even try and everything sound so stupid. I
That's how it is in English too.
Pick two for your fireteam.
if you have any others feel free to add ‘em:
>polchud (18-22)
-hunter main
-hates every race except human, can’t stop talking about politics and internet drama.
-Pros: always fueled by rage so they excel at ad-clearing in pve/gambit
-Cons: sucks at dps on bosses, runs away from gunfights in pvp

>the troon (25-35)
-warlock main
-slightly nasely voice, will always correct you if you’re wrong about lore or how an encounter works, asks for your pronouns and raid report before joining.
-Pros: autistic so they know how to do end-game pve content well, massive dps and is insane in pvp
-Cons: insta-leaves an activity if things go wrong or if you wipe more than once, gets offended super easily if they get called out for messing up

>the dad (35-50)
-titan main
-tired overworked father of three, can hear kids yelling in the back. average player, decent dps/ad-clearing and knows just enough to not always die.
-Pros: will always support you, will stick through an activity even if you wipe many times.
-Cons: has to take many breaks (watch the kids, take a smoke break, walk the dog, make dinner), disrupting your grind.

>the gamer girl (18-25)
-hunter/warlock main
-has a cutesy voice, prioritizes fashion above all, can’t ever remember how encounters work and wants to be carried in pvp
-Pros: is up-to-date on zoomer memes and will make you laugh all the time, sticks close to you all the time so they at least never get lost
-Cons: you basically have to play for two people, carrying them is implied from the getgo

>the silent type (18-22)
-hunter main
-never talks, never types, literally just joins, completes the activity, leaves
-Pros: is efficient and will speedrun most activities, no awkward chatter or any distractions.
-Cons: gets super nervous when they mess up, leading to more messing up and never is able to respond back to callouts
Dad and silent, easiest choices of my life.
Yeah, theres a lot of stuff thats either badly translated. A lot of characters and enemies have nonsensical titles like the yellow bar Knights of ghost of the deep being called calcium knights for a while before it was corrected. Another anoying part of the spanish dub is that they constantly change voice actors but keep some of the voice lines from the replaced one. The drifter is a really good example of this, the gambit intro cutsene uses the old voice actor, while the follow up dialoge uses the new one. They speak in a compleately diferent maner and sound nothing a like. Theres also a lot of characters using compleately diferent speach paterns between different lore entries or their ingame dialoge.
I like John Guardian because he kills darkies and doesn't afraid of anything
Im literally silent hunter but 26
>the dad
>has to take many breaks
This is what kills it for me so much. We do 1 nightfall or encounter and then a 10 minute session in the tower/break like fuuuggggg man come on. Another pro at least is good conversation with them, they usually have some good stories and interesting things to talk about that they can't with their family.
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anon's self insert
>the troon
everything anon hates about people
>the dad
average mexican
>the gamer girl
anon's grooming victim
>the silent type
what anon is actually like
We need an overload champion that drops constant truth bombs.
>average mexican
>dumbledore dies
>bush did 9/11
would you guys want enemies that talk back to you, or you can understand what they’re saying?
i feel like that’s kinda missing from the game, Borderlands and other games had a lot of it
Im the silent hunter but 31
It adds a layer of personality that you just can't do without in my opinion. Halo, fear, rainbow six vegas, lost planet. They all had great characterisation of the enemies. In destiny it's all just white noise.
the dread talk just nobody has deciphered what the fuck they are saying yet.
One called me a faggot and started laughing when I died once and I've heard reports they say nigger a lot.
Maybe you've been on the wrong meds
>the dad
>decent damage/ad-clear
What world do you live in?
it's up
some dads i’ve run into are decent, but they just don’t have much time to really grind
Not talking
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miss when i had someone i loved to play this game with
i still play these days but something feels missing

Bungie said that its fully translatable.
I choose the /dg/ "not telling" during critical raid mechanic GIGACHAD
There are 25k people playing now. I wonder how many are F2P and what the real number is. 25k is not a bad # all things considered but the fact that they are in such a panic makes me think a large chunk aren't paying anything
Bros... I had a peanut butter jelly, a scoop of soup with some toast (didn't like the soup), 3 Dino nuggies, 1 cup of milk and that's all so far
Should I just buy a lunch or wait for dinner?
I can make dinner in 4 hours from now
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sounds too much like warden eternal
i usually mix peanut butter and coconut yogurt in some veggie chili and have a side of celery water
I like threaded spike in any content where punching gets risky. Shits debuffs out on everything for other interactions and can proc melee kill interactions easily as well since it will tap a lot of targets. Falls off hard on bosses and anything you can mindlessly melee one after another, though.
The knights of calcium will not suffer your boneless intrusion
I still cannot believe Sony bought Bungie.
For $3.4B + more money apparently.
That's 11+ Concords right there
can i get two gamer girls? i need female attention
Havent played in like three weeks. Hows the upcoming slop looking? I heard theyre bring back season power grinding
>ywn have 2 femtitans spam invite you to do gm nightfalls or dungeons with and verbally berade you whenever you fuck up
ok but do they praise you when you don't fuck up?
Only when you really clutch up will they genuinely praise you.
>Stoner (who fucking knows)
-hunter main
-always high off their ass and completely oblivious to anything happening around them
-pros: there is a slight chance they quit munching on edibles and become an absolute dps monster and ad clear. 1v3 in trials too etc
-too busy bong ripping to do actual mechanics and won’t shut up about irrelevant incoherent nonsense
the only fireteam member i truly hate.
>”hold on guys, i need to take a hit real quick”
where are The Autist, the Streamer, and the Well-meaning Retard?
All they've said is that the gear's vampire hunter themed(even though scorn are zombies) and the dungeon exotic is Ice Breaker.
> dungeon exotic is Ice Breaker.
really cool callback but still not buying another slogfest key sorry bungo
Two sets, one Scorn themed and one Monster Hunter (Cyber Bloodborne) themed
Had this guy for my Salvation's seal runs, guy kept forgetting everything, the encounters and the two challenges for Verity til we drew a picture, but extremely casually could pull off the machine like pitch perfect highest possible DPS for Witness infinitely more chill and relaxed than those bigger autistic nerds like Aegis could ever dream of. Got that MK Ultra super soldier dust.
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thoughts on kingsfall weapon design?
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That they were better in D1.
Bone shit is all ugly
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prismatic warlock is the most fun pvp class
me on the left
>Aztecross being retarded as usual for 9 straight minutes
streamers want the level grind back
Concord 2 announcement tomorrow
im so friggin hyped
I can’t wait to see the new designs for vale and one-off :D
it is actually impressive that whenever they remake guns and armor that they already have the models and textures for they somehow look worse every time
Don't they blast through it in a week?
Gonna hop on cash in my 60+ Iron Banner engrams and mass delete without even looking.

Wish me luck!
Can't wait for Revenant to come out and confirm that Mithrax is bisexual and he talk about his bisexuality each week for 3 straight (heh) months.
Um..............Straight people?

Isn't next seasons story about Eido falling in love with a black human muslim quadriplegic lesbian acid attack survivor? Must her dad be gay too?
Okay no but seriously is there a single straight couple currently in the game?
no that """leak""" was fake as shit
drifter and eris are a thing right?
the story is just video of bungie employees being raped and beaten. it will be the best season ever
yes but drifter is trans
Drifter and Eris is literally the only couple and it's only in weapon/armor lore tabs and books.
Drifter and Eris
me x (you)
I am a guy though
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shut the fuck up and just post anime girl reaction pics so i can pretend im conversing with a woman goddamnit
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well, THAT just happened *smirks smugly* *audience starts clapping and cheering* *wins noble price*
Anyone wanna play wallball?
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i just did 2 red minigame rep resets in private matches
I can't afford food :(
do you have a girlfriend?
i used to, i dumped her years ago
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That's like, 150 games.
Are you human?
>ask for help with assimilated demolishers in local chat in a mostly-full instance since I can usually only get two out of three in the time limit
>one guy goes to orbit and the others leave the instance on foot
there are nicer ways of saying no
am i going insane or are there a fuckton of cheaters in crucible
no they're just stupid fucking controller faggots with aimbot sidearms and pulse rifles
Cheating is an all-time high, yes.
Stop playing crucible.
yes they're just brilliant awesome controller straights with aimbot sidearms and pulse rifles
cronus console players pretending they are not aimbotting is funny
Has been ever since FS launched.
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Seems that people are starting to switch to diamond lance/ knockout titan even before it's buff has come out.
Who could have possibly seen this coming, just hope we don't have another 2+ year titan meta again
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It may seem like that because the pvp of destiny is so unskilled babymode, stuff that could pass as cheating in other games is a feature in this.
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what class would she play
Destiny PvP hasn't been good since Destiny 1 TTK
bejitas wife?
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i have more hours from starting on ps4 and BNet during vanilla, but i hit 8,000 hours on Steam.

have i beat the tutorial?
He would play hunter, and then blame every death on nobody else keeping him healed.
Even if nothing was vaulted, there is not 8000+ hours worth of things to do
>he doesnt know
>Spent 69 Iron Banana engrams (Nice)
>Got nothing worth keeping (Not Nice)

Is it time to decrease the amount of available perks in the two important trait columns especially? From the current 6/7 to 5 or even 4? Or would that cause Tratto to sperg out and send Bungie into a panic?
or you could just stop playing this dogshit game
or you could fucking kill yourself you subhuman fucking loser.
if you're not actively playing Destiny, then you might as well not even exist, otherwise you're just getting in our way.
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stay mad retarded nigger subhuman congo ape swarthy negro
make sure to preorder the next sloppa for the p2w exotic gun and p2w subclass
>Anon falls for the most obvious bait this thread has ever seen
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>i was merely pretending to be a swarthy black negro congoid nigger ape
nothing in Destiny is pay to win you fucking /v/tard who fucking thinks everything should be free to his faggot ass.
how about you consider where you fucking are before trying to splurt out shit from your mouth
>best exotic primary
sunshot, f2p
>best heavy weapon
edge transit, f2p
>best class(es)
solar warlock, void hunter both f2p
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>nothing in Destiny is pay to win
Then why do you keep buying expansions and seasons?
Surely the stuff you have hoarded in 7 years of Destiny 2 is enough.
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>we're heading back into a titan meta
I guess two months of them not being top dogs was way too long for Bungie
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>hunterfags seething that they're gonna be out of the spotlight soon
sucks to suck LMAO
>too long for Bungie
Titans players probably get the most mad if they aren't meta out of all the classes. Warlock opinions don't matter unless it's well related and Hunter just get to sit in the middle spot of being really good but not broken at the same time (pre prismatic of course).
>"I got killed by a titan, so they're op"
That's what you get for playing pvp at all, retard.
>and Hunter just get to sit in the middle spot of being really good but not broken at the same time
This was never the case even before trans power. The only time it wasn't top dog was right after the top tree Dawnblade rework.
I swear to god if you counted the amount of time classes have been meta in this game titans would have months and maybe even years of being the meta compared to hunters and warlocks combined in both pvp and pve
Diamond lance and knockout are literally busted right now and both are getting buffed in two weeks
>Has to literally lie to try and prove a point
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>Diamond lance and knockout are literally busted right now
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>Diamond lance and knockout are literally busted right now
>playing only one class
As a reminder Titans were bitching about Lorelei getting reworked to cast the sunspot that made you invincible on barricade cast and claiming it was a nerf
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i play 'em all but prioritize my Titan the most
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Allow me to explain it to you since you clearly don't play enough pvp
>shiver strike
>Melee immediately after getting a free instant kill
>diamond lance spawns
>throw it at player
>another free kill
Congrats you took out two players on a 3 person team instantly and this is before the buff that is reverting knockouts entire nerf, making diamond lance easier to use, and buffing shiver strike to absurd levels
And, again, that's what you get for playing pvp at all, retard.
Anon you're arguing with PvEfags they don't care
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that sounds too complicated imma just stick to my ballistic slam and dunemarchers
you and who?
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me and every other /dg/ anon apart from tourist ass.
now please leave.
im happy bungie finally threw you a box of crayons
dont eat them all at once
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it's not like you can't have some too
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So you're telling me I got robbed of the 4k seasonal dust because some of the challenges are from completing the fucking weeklies every week?
And I took a fucking break this summer because I was not going to play gay romance in space #5823429?
Why can't someone just go to the Bungie HQ in Seattle and blow it up? Preferably with the devs inside?
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post webms that make you lol
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I'm at 105/110 which is absurd enough and most of the ones left are Crucible faggotry. Might just not bother since Bright Dust offerings are getting mighty thin unless you like blowing 3000+ on an exotic emote.
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Nigger why do you care? Not like they put anything worthwhile in the store for dust anymore and are you seriously going to keep playing this crap into the next year to care about their shitty cosmetics? C'mon man, have some self respect
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you forgot diamond lance is also going to potentially be giving the titans/team frost armour too
bungie are quite literally retarded
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i have ABSOLUTELY no fucking idea how to play any of the seasonal activities, and it's pissing me off like nothing ever did
and then they wonder why they're bleeding new players, they're borderline undeciphrable garbage
i just followed the other 2 retards shooting everything that moved
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You're actually so right, thanks anon.
Fuck this game and fuck Bungie.
they touched hips
Lets just hope it doesn't take them an entire 2 years before they nerf titans enough for the meta to change this time. arc 3.0 titan and the subsequent void meta is the entire reason I quit pvp
What is it that you dont understand, retardkun?
Thats what you get for using a glaive
I want all casuals to leave
I will at least tell you Cummycakes is mentally ill and buckbroken, that faggot pines for D2Y1 and Concord was literally D2Y1 in hero shooter format and everything he whines about in crucible is a non-factor. If that game hasn't been dead on arrival we might have been able to celebrate him finally taking his retarded takes and fucking off for good.
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>titan becoming meta again soon
Huh, that's coo-
>arc, arc, arc, arc
God fucking dammit. What did solar titan ever do to Bungie?
I had fun making arc titans cry using stasis warlock but yeah it was pretty cancerous.
How the fuck do you fuck up "strikes but bigger" anon
fuck you
>What did solar titan ever do to Bungie?
They never recovered from TTK
Hunter was struggling during that time with the nerfs to omni and invis. This new meta coming up is even more cancerous than the void titan trials meta
Tyson Green seems like a warlock main so expect pVp to be warlock-favored when Frontiers comes out
Today I learned that Twilight Arsenal will track you through Blink, even flying upwards to hit you (God’s punishment for me playing Voidlock instead of Solar)
serves you well, you trusted a bungelf
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what Bungie can do to fix pVp:
>Ban controllerfags
>Ban consolefags
>Ban prismatic
>nerf 140 handcannons (PERMANENTLY)
>nerf 340 pulses (PERMANENTLY)
>put a timer on your heavy so you can't keep it forever
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kill yourself
no u
>muh controller
>muh aim assist
meanwhile KB+M users:
>ability to turn 180° in 0,5s without having to set their sensibility so high finer aiming becomes impossible
>ability to remap controls so they can do shit like set punching to scroll wheel to punch as fast as the game will permit
>fue to the above can combo things like shotty and punch way faster
>can change weapons faster by default
>have much higher precision on top of aim assist (yes, KB+M also has AA)
So yeah you winny fucks can get fucked in the ass and cry about it for all eternity, you are the kikes of shooters.
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kill yourself subhuman aimbot faggot
noooo you weren't supposed to say that out loud AIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE
Remnant 2 3rd DLC is out tomorrow :)
Everyone who uses Tommy's matchbook, sweet business or solar warlock in pvp should jump off a bridge.
Everyone should try bunging jumping at least once in their life, it's low key fun.
im too hungry to jump
Eruption is such a shit game mode holy fuck. And all I wanted was the legendary trinity (even if I'll never really use it) but no dice. Guess I'll just wait till they make a craftable version.
I'll erupt in your face if you know what I mean.
>back before the 4 shoulder charge tracking nerfs
Man what a time
Caiatl but shes bit too agreeable nowadays.
Eris is good.
They should nerf it more. In fact titans and warlocks should be banned from using anything other than their super in pvp and their roamings should last half as long and have 0 super armor. Hunters should be prohibited from using ascension, stasis, smoke bombs and clones.
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lets play some destiny
I'd prefer to do something enjoyable
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Reminder that using keyboard and mouse is cheating
Sometimes I miss the game, other times I can't believe I spent thousands of hours across 8 years playing this game.
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>The 24 hour peak is currently 25K
Its over
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That's because everyone's done with the power grind. With that back, it'll jump back up to over 100k.
Time turning up the volume
Time turning on us always
No time enough tomorrow
Fore turning back to where we began
You´re right. Once Steiner reintroduces the power grind, the player count will stabilize and we will have another 10 years of destiny.
I think of that when I think of the amount of times I let clan mates con us to keep running raids for the exotic back when exotics used to just never drop. One guy went like 90+ or so runs with no Anarchy. I like Scourge and it’s short but it feels insane to think about that I was in most of those runs just playing for love of the game with no incentive. Im not surprised this game isn’t played
the video is lower framerate than the game
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why do faggots keep spamming that "every expansion sold less than the previous one" when the player metrics say the opposite?
she has boobies
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Her's will get wrinkly and saggy in a few years, meanwhile Vex titties stay firm for eons.
>Maya keeps trying to find “her Chioma” aka “Chioma that agrees with her plan” instead of just making herself a Vex wife
I thought this character was supposed to be smart
only a stinky incel chud would think a vex wife could replace a real exo lady
anyone know her name BTW?
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theres nothing to do
>ability to remap controls so they can do shit like set punching to scroll wheel to punch as fast as the game will permit

Jesus Christ anon how bad are you that this is a problem?
Can someone tell me if all my engrams will be gone next season. I don't remember how that works.
all your vendor engrams disappear, yes.
im tired of seeing that elf
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you can already melee as fast as the game allows by toggling auto melee in the settings you doofus
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the classic
Pluck your own eyes then
this is why i will never, ever play multiplayer games on pc except for supcom
Gay. Even helm vendor shit?
how about you do it for me ;)
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Queer and faggy.
At this point that is more or less their creed
haha /dg/ ur gay LMAO
What builds are bussin rn frfr
I'm trying to continue my mewing streak nocap
how about i buss on your cap faggot
No cap you gay as he'll bruh :Skull emoji:
Either way you don't got dat gyatt so I'm not interested either way on skibidi
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I can't do strikes at all because I'm a poorfag.
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you are not a poorfag don’t lie to yourself
Not really, but I still didn't and not gonna pay a dime to bungie (or chink key resellers). You should be taking money away from them.
THEN WHY ARE YOU PLAYING THE GAME?? aren’t you literally just wasting your time, im sure there’s better f2p experiences in other games that you can invest time into
I felt an itch to fire xenophage and throw some vortex grenades around.
can’t blame you, no one can do gunplay/gameplay like Bungie can, it’s why they still have so many people roped even if they hate the current state of the game.
only other game that has this level of good-feeling gunplay/gameplay is borderlands, imagine the rivalry if BL was an mmo-lite like Destiny
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>>ability to turn 180° in 0,5s without having to set their sensibility so high finer aiming becomes impossible
It's not my problem your input device makes you move around like a fucking tractor.
>>ability to remap controls so they can do shit like set punching to scroll wheel to punch as fast as the game will permit
I remember this was a thing in warframe, but in destiny? You already melee as fast as you can by simply enabling auto melee in settings (take care on Lair's Handshake, the auto melee is lsightly fast that Liar's timing so you somethimes ahve to do one extra melee hit to proc Liar's buffed attack).
I'm litterally the silent hunter except I'm shit at the game
i think most players are silent, kinda Bungie’s fault for not having a better communication interface in-game, whether it be text or voice
i think we can all agree that Bleach is the best anime/manga, and Destiny is the best FPSMMO
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pretty hard to argue with that
Since when private matches give actual rep points? Post-match loot and glimmer is one thing, but they don't give you any rank.
>operation seraph shield is back
FUCK YEAH time to solo that shit 14 times in the next 4 days
Since they fucked up and don't have enough people to fix it
please get a fireteam
Play Hoshizora no Babylon
no I like doing everything on my own
there are no white men in the story of destiny Brownchad game
As a godslayer I have already defeat the PINNACLE of CHALLENGE within the Bungie game, maybe when they add the SHITNESS to PANTHEON, will I, Godslayer decided to step down from my Throneworld to eviscerate that miscreant
the legend title is twice as rare, lol
someone pls tell me whats this week nightfall I cant launch the game just yet
looks like she doesn't get a lot of sleep which accelerates the aging process
also doesn't give enough of a shit about her presentation to get a shirt that fits
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According to GM report
what is bungie going to do when the player numbers don't recover next episode and actually continue to dwindle down
time to do all those vex elemental kill triumphs in a single nightfall
Prismatic hunter with assassin's cowl has to be one the most busted pve builds this game has ever seen istg
It's Up
Um................2 more weeks until we are back bros
Because CHADTHEON >>>> grinding engrams at Skywatch
Ok let's be honest though
Pantheon was pure concentrated streamer slop and I hope we never get shit like that ever again
its literally just raid boss retard with slight modifiers
they'll do what they always do
redefine the parameters for success
Raids suck. Imagine herding 6 retards.
it's 5 retards
learn basic math
It was the timer that was the worst thing about it
It's either 2 phase or get cucked and the entirety of LFG sucks dick at doing damage
He was including himself because a YouTube video is giving them directions.
What if he's counting himself?
The arc/stasis weeks were also pretty horrible thanks to how bad most of their heavy weapons are.
The combined weight of the 5 others makes you retarded too.
The timer is only there for high score or titles, and if you just do the regular mechanics fast enough you can still do three phases within the timer.LFGs are fine on reset days but outside of that its shitter's alley
Cold Comfort, is one of the best rockets and it came out like 1 dungeon ago
That's why I said most. Cold Comfort is one of the only good ones and drops from an annoying encounter in a dungeon purchased separately, which is why most people just defaulted to Thunderlord.
no one plays that shit lmao
Um... I actually play stasis
strannies coping and seethe about CHADsis
>shaved pp and balls
>shaved pits
ready to grind Destiny!
Please for the love of god make the harvest aspects intrinsic, imagine if you had to equip an aspect to create tangles
I play prismatic warlock
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Weren't they supposed to release a patch today? Bungie kinda forgot about that one?
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uderstond smill goming cumpani
please understand, they are the indiest of devs.
batshit insane guess, they have an announcement at the playstation state of play today that requires it being delayed
Um.......straight white men?
Disagree. The fact it even got as many completions and interest, combined with how the Surge system actually allowed for some people who may have not had the best gear or weapons to show up and do something was a worthwhile test. If anything I think people were fucking big retards complaining about Surges literally on launch of TFS when so few people weren't even finished the campaign and of course weren't going to be in the power delta for content that had a Surge on it. I literally had a shitter on my Nez Contest Pantheon clear using Marsillion, and it wasn't the end of the world.
They literally forgot, delayed it to Thursday lmoa

Pete Parson
I kind of want something like it back, just to farm spoils of conquest and gear without having to do puzzle shit
>Remnant 2 got a new Boss Rush mode for free
It's over
Pantheon was free, chud.
He's bi, anon.
>i'll accept interspecies romance stuff but i draw the line at being gay
true, but pantheon is also not in the game
yes anon, dipping your dick in ayylmao poon is good but being gay is bad, keep up
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It's not Bungie's fault that you weren't there.
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I just took a really fat shit...
What do I do now?
Eat it
wash your hands
looks like SHIT is back on the menu hunter bros!
wat do
flush once and walk away
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I wish more missions took place in space. This along with the spacewalk in the DSC raid is peak comfy kino
how is Hallowfire Heart?
For some reason it got nerfed in the rework. Literally just worse than before
:( do you think it'll get buffed in episode 2? it looks really cool but if sucks then whats the point...
I know play count whatever, but I am still very surprised that Shitfall held a larger population for longer amount of months than Final Shape. People really just got off the exit ramp.
>other classes need everything removed
>except the class with the lowest cooldowns
Because bungie is looking for a convenient excuse to no longer make major expansions and know their hordes of drones will parrot their garbage. The only expansion that sold less than the previous one was lightfall to the final shape and this is a known fact
Try it with winter's shroud, stylish executioner, and liar's handshake instead
That build has been really powercrept
did they reverse the one-two punch liars handshake nerf or do they still not stack?
Do not sleep on the Stylish Executioner part especially with a 1-2 Punch shotgun and Grapple grenade. One of the strongest combos when you invis on the stylish and go grapple melee. Also if you hate yourself or just go lucky in simpler times, Synthos+Calibans is very nice with it all.
It's still way more damage because of combination blow, you can one shot a grandmaster barrier champion with it before ever even breaking it's barrier.
It's not only super safe it gives you invis and 2 forms of healing on top of that damage
that's not what I asked
Yes it's still nerfed
I know about that already, it's very hard to do but a fun as hell setup for a single million damage melee
They stack, but O2P bonus is lowered to 40% instead of regular 100% if Liar's cross-counter (200%) is active.
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why are you guys still playing?
The gay interspecies relationship is what sells this for me.
Bung has to insert their propaganda everywhere they possibly can.
Genuinely sickening. Hate it.
I haven't played in 3 months
>new episode activity has basketball like activites which have you throw coloured balls into their corresponding coloured hoop/pipe
people will say this is too stupid to be true
Weren't we already throwing colored balls into hovering colored plates in those two post-story Queens missions?
Just a hypothetical question. What's the best streaming platform to record killing myself? I wanna include this general somehow too. I want you guys to be part of the history at least since this general is all I had left. And no, Destiny dying isn't the reason I'm doing it. Hypothetically speaking of course.
bungie wouldn't just recycle old mechanics like that
we need better shotgun and sniper perks for pve
call a hotline, faggot
because even after a decade there's been no suitable replacement
Calling a hotline won't prevent me from being homeless, anon. Believe it or not, a lot of suicides isn't because of mental illnesses.
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>bungie wouldn't just recycle old mechanics like that
I know it's a really good joke, but the sheer absurdity of reuse shit bungie has already pulled on us just leaves me speechless at this point.
sounds kino desu
we need some candy crush gameplay in between shooting and blowing shit up
That's an understatement. PvE shotgun chads arise
Bungo said they would be doing something about increasing shotgun ranges for PvE, but I'm not sure if they would ever deliver it without fucking the red minigame sideways.
My idea for pve snipers.
>Having at least one sniper in the group buffs crit damage for all weapons that the team has by 10 times
For pve shotgun.
>Killing a red bar enemy with a shotgun refills your shotgun by 2 ammo and can be chained as long as you can, no time limit.
I know when that hotline bling
That can only mean one thing
having a tight fitting shirt and eyebags only makes her even hotter
yeah but faggot doomers say it on here constantly and it's annoying
the heavy handed mod used to give you special ammo for shotguns and fusion rifle kills while surrounded
used to have a 3 shotgun build because of that and it was extremely fun
then shitefall came out and replaced all the charged with light mods with the worthless garbage we have today
Preparation for new Exotic shotgun? Return of Invective?
>Paul tassi owning cross
what now destiny bros...hes with the DEI they will listen to him and reddit...
oh of course not
there are no groups out there that help with homelessness
call a fucking hotline faggot and stop being a faggot
none of your problems are our fucking fault
how could a virgin like Tassi own a Chad like cross?
You will hear my problems and you will like it! Besides, you don't have to watch the stream if you don't care :D
I'm thirsty
*unzips ass*
open wide
Cold, anon?
I just want to cuddle with dragons
I just want to cuddle with tigers
This but with female dragons. No sex, just handholding :D
I just want bungie to fucking cease
Americans with an IQ between 99-105 are cute. CUTE!
I need this
i saw a post saying why is he so caked up and someone responded he’s opening a bakery and i loled
Just a heads up the Euphony ornament is available for free/bright dust this week.
Grinding pinnacles in skywatch was harder than Carrytheon where every nigger and their baby momma + tribe of bastard kids showed up demanding to be carried and refused to even ad clear correctly.

Kill all ad clear Andies.
Bought it even though I haven't done the raid
>nigger and their baby momma + tribe of bastard kids
holy fuck that made me lole hard
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i don't own that gun
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can godslopper stocks go any lower?
Where is it? The hype?
There is no hype here. You shall drown in the doom.
Turns out I can solo seraphs shield on normal but expert is a fucking pain. I'll look for a fireteam tomorrow, this autism has to end
The hype... gone.
The siva still pumps in my veins
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The what?
n a n i t e
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Just you guys wait
Sivamas is gonna be a real thing this year and everyone will be happy again
I wish. SIVA red subclass when??
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No SIVA, only Neomuna's stunning and brave super SIVA that was perfected by ugly lesbians.
is this what san francisco will look like in 70 years
i'll do it with you
please tell me Ghost of Yotei will be on PC
>they'll just boost spawns of red bars, while competely ignoring majors and elites
I really hope this is the case. Praying for lulz.
It's up
its down
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less hive and fallen slop, more cool futuristic shit straight out of the golden age
play Marathon then chud
They want to make a fantasy game, not sci-fi. You will get nothing but magic and you will be happy.
Slop status?
imagine we got this instead of the plain-ass exo he got in seraph
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It will be slop anyway. God why couldn't they keep Joseph Cross for d2, it will all be to waste.

Evropa seraph spacelab clovisbraycore is the best d2 aesthetic by far, people obviously want MORE of that shit not clunky ass eliksni slumdog millionaire rusty scrapyard garbage
granted but it's more gaybien ishtar shit on neomuna (with its unchanged power delta)
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There was another concept for a weird exo deity version.
What a fucking amateur looking garbage. So glad it didn't make it.
>Vicarious Visions
Ah, it makes sense now.
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seraph shield is so fucking buggy and bullshit
and yet you still did get it did, little Legend
>Sucker Punch located in Bellevue WA
>Bungie located in Bellevue WA
>Both under Sony
collab when?
My dick is only 6 inches at best, I'm never finding a woman.
Is the exotic mission easy to solo?
which one? encore?
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Since months ago.
They made a twitter post about it too.
You get crucible rep, engrams, cores, glimmer and Pathfinder progress.
6 inches is above average you retard
Yeah sorry.
>make sure you have prime engram drops left
>only go in when there is Warsat Down event, can prolong it if you can, because tomb ships keep dropping packs of elites at the later stages, one ship also can drops several packs if you nuke them immediatly upon spawn (really tight window)
>do few patrol reloads for secret Ogre boss if you feel like it
>can stay around and wait for "The enemy is moving against each other" world event, which is full of orange bars and mini-bosses at the end
It wasn't so bad. Dunno why people struggle so much with it. It was actually therapeutic to run around. shooting aliums, just doing average Joe patrols for a first time in forever.
if you think tormentors and hydras are hard then yeah otherwise it isn't hard
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We like these changes
more 60 percent of young guys are virgins, statisically you need to be more than above average to secure pussy.
>Holywood yellow Mexico filter done right
Pretty rare.
Depends if they are bosses.
They are
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Oh, that's going to be a GRUDGIN'
What the fuck happened with D2? Why does it look so soulless
D2 was always a solo casualization at its core including in its art direction and no amount of course correction will erase its original sin.
Didn't D2 lighting used to look like D1s if not better before beyond light? Why did they downgrade it
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D2 lost all the talented artists, and the new group actively works to make areas less atmospheric.
the tormentor is part of a duo boss with one of the stasis psions.
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/v/ is making fun of the Ana Bray VA bros...
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It's insane how lazy these nuBungie faggots are. They didn't bother to properly port the whole thing, they didn't include all the changes that happened through the years to the OG Cosmodrome, with Devils and SIVA events breaking buildings and etc.
They didn't even include a fucking Day/Night cycle.

Why is the MC a woman now
takes place 300 years after the first one, the series is supposed to take inspiration from old japanese films so i guess there were films about female samurai.
>Rare triple A game dev moment where they don't make the female character based on the model ugly
Only difference is the hair obviously but I'm talking about face alone.
I mean they're both ugly
She does look mid but I'm mostly talking about the principle of making female characters purposely ugly with subtle cues that only a select amount of people can tell. Either that or going full blown ugly.
see >>495580251
No piss
If you dont merge saint will gape you

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