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I didn't sign for this shit edition

previous thread: >>495297809

This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Vermintide, Darktide, Deep Rock Galactic, Helldivers ect.

>Latest News/Updates:

Introducing "Rolling Steel" - Dev Blog

Vermintide 2:
Versus mode soon™

Helldivers 2:
60 Day Timeline - Progress Update:


Deep Rock Galactic:

Space Marine II:
Message to the community - a first Q&A:

Payday 3:

Remnant 2:
The Dark Horizon DLC releasing SEP24:

Earth Defense Force 6

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>Future games
Den Of Wolves - TBA
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA
The Forever Winter - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
Another Versus beta when?
Full release when?
>runs into the direction of the U5
I really hate how I have a few comfort builds that I can't move away from in DRG, I wanna try more stuff but i also don't
What comfort builds?
Sure you alwanywant to have sprint and revive perks, but aside from that I experiment a lot
Mostly mean OC-wise, like mortar rounds for example, I wanna try different stuff with the thunderhead but nothing comes close to it fun wise, or burning hell for the minigun etc
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reposting from last thread
if anon wants to get into Killing Floor 1, i can teach you the ropes
i've 1600+ hours in kf1, still play often, have a custom server with a bunch of qol shit like giving players lv6 bonuses regardless of their account perk level
if you want to get into kf1/play with fellow n-word sayers (mostly from the remains of /vm/killingfloor)
add me on discord: altnrzl
I don't get you. There are a lot of viable ocs for all classes and weapons.
And even if your build is not optimal, you literally can't gimp yourself in this game as the content is quite easy
4 more days until Darktide is saved
darktide my beloved...
>space marines 2
>you have to grind operations on low level diffculty to level your classes
>you have to grind operations on low level diffculty to level EVERY SINGLE WEAPON
>higher difficulties just turns enemies into bullet sponges
>class talents are all shit with a very obvious choice in each level

Perhaps I treated You too harshly fatshark...
SM2 coop is honestly not very good
What's the next coop game coming out?
they should make sack dreg that drops random weapon rewards or some shit
SM2 is good but I think the power fantasy and gameplay mechanics aren't synced up well. If you play the game in the most efficient manner you're not gonna play it like a space marine canonically should. These are characters who are supposed to 3man a hive tyrant and mow down whole armies in melee, then you actually play the game and it turns out hanging back with a Las Fusil and sticking to cover is the best way to avoid ranged cancer and unstoppable chip damage in melee.
>>you have to grind operations on low level diffculty
You actually don't. I play ruthless even as a level 1 if I already have a relic chainsword or bolt pistol, or if the class has a melta. Game balance is wack at the moment so just exploit previously leveled gear or op guns to powerlevel through the early stages.
It was so stupid of them to change the mechanics from the first game. The first game had unavoidable damage too, but the glory kills completely refilled health and armor. It rewarded aggression. Like, I can't express how wrong a perfect parry/dodge system is for a Space Marine game. They are not agility characters! They aren't Dante or the Bloodborne Hunter!
Does anyone use the DT discord? If so, is there a designated strike team number? My group is looking for a 4th for games on Tuesday and Thursday and whenever on the weekend.
why not, which region ?
East coast U.S. I play all operatives so I can mix things up with any kind of team. I prefer Pysker and Zealot most since I feel like they have more "I win" buttons on tap.
fuck sake,am euro so the input eating will be unbearable
Usually when people here play together they just post their fatshart friend code.
It's in the social tab from the ingame menu, then press E to find player.
From there you can copy the code to your pastebin, and post it here.
Then anons can copy paste that code into their game and request to join strike group
Speaking of which anyone wants to play in Europe ? 1380992169 got the time for a mael or two
I'm french btw forgot to mention
I'll try that later. I'm not feeling it right now Mr. Krabs. Thanks for the heads up.
I enjoyed it for a bit, but it definately lacks staying power for sure. Which is fine, not every game needs to be a 1000+ hr forever game, but they didnt need to have such an AIDS turbo grindy progression system for how shallow it is.
>Which is fine, not every game needs to be a 1000+ hr forever game, but they didnt need to have such an AIDS turbo grindy progression system for how shallow it is.
To be fair people clearly expect it out of every game now which is what motivated em to do it
Yeah, I feel that. People actively demand endgame gear grind when it's not there, it's really tiresome.
PLEASE play frogfu psyker
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I still have no idea how the power event works in clandestium gloriana or what I'm supposed to do during it other than survive and push the button when it fails
I'm still not sure if it failing is a scripted part of progress or an actual delay of the event. After all, the handlers still berate you for events failing in other missions when you have no input.
Can you imagine a game like Left 4 Dead coming out today
>Where's the progression system?
>Why would I play this game if I'm not filling up a meter?
>Outdated game design, there's not even cosmetic DLC to buy
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This rat asked about versus.
you have like 2 seconds to walk and push the big things, otherwise it "fails", you get berated by handler and you need to pull the lever
if you do it right then you skip the lever part
I unironically felt that way when I replayed it a while ago. it was fun completing the campaign but had no reason to go back to it.
Back in my day we grinded for zombie genocide.
I am relentlessly and endlessly triggered by the poor timing of Vermintide 2's backstab audio warnings. I feel like a third of the audio warnings come AFTER a rat already inserted a spear up my ass.
^ This is why games aren't good any more
I've never even played left 4 dead.
You just keep playing it for the gameplay, man.
>play again on higher difficulty
>play again using different weapons
>play again going through as fast as possible and taking as little as damage
>play again solo or duo with a friend
>play again for the gnome achievement if its L4D2 or one of the mutations
That's not even touching on the PvP.
And if you're on PC, there's tons of mods and custom campaigns to try.
the weekend players are too powerful..
>AFTER a rat already inserted a spear up my ass.
it's not a warning it's a sound effect of that
No, it's meant to be a warning sound just before you get backstabbed. Every Tide game has it, and it works most of the time in V2. But not all the time, and the times it doesn't work is very annoying. The issue seems to be that enemy attack animations vary, some are fast some are moderate some are long in duration. And the backstab warning cue is just way too late for the faster attacks.
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>joins your auric mission
>unsheathes knife
my way? stay out of it.
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tumblr core art
Can you imagine having a cute girl in your group draw art of your characters?
all darktide art is tumblr core considering by nature it will be OCshit. God what a mistake.
Directly from reddit, ty anon, get my upvote!
does that ogryn have fucking mammaries?
PLEASE rope yourself
kill yourself retard
lol it's supposed to be a girl ogryn. God, faggots being obsessed with that is so predictable
there are no haircuts liek that in game
you just KNOW a woman or troon drew this lol
It's a cis girl.
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I didn't think it was that terrible. The only thing offensively bad was the fem ogryn for some wack ass reason. The artstyle is whatever
I haven't killed a single thing with a thermite nade because every time someone kills the enemy before it blows up
Now you know how it feels to be a BB psyker. At least the average diver already recognizes a glowing thermite and saves their shot.
BB psyker before the talent rework to make it faster was truly an exercise in mental fortitude, the funniest part about it is how it literally highlights the head of the enemy you want to kill so others can shoot it easier
pssh, thanks for highlighting the special kid
BB Psykers have to learn how to not get cucked. They never got good before ditching it for Smite. Kinetic Resonance and Empowered Psionics are key now and brain bursting targets behind the front ones are how you get all your targets to burst. I only have 2-3 cucks per game of my 100+ targets brain bursted.
Trying to get the warp battery penance before the rework was like pulling teeth, I swear people would go out of their way and actually willingly take damage just to take my highlighted specials even if they were 200m+ away
haha wow i'm using the knife and i have the default prison garbs on i'm so carefree and wacky :)
>haha wow i'm using the knife and i have the default prison garbs on i'm so carefree and w-AAAAACK A DOG SAVE ME RECONNECT MOD
That reminds me. I still haven't used the knife. Should I build it for my Vet or Zealot when the rework comes? I like Zealot more, but my Vet only has a Powersword built 'cause I barely play it.
both have fun different builds
try a precog blessing + duelist build on zealot
try uncanny strike, bleed talent, mercy killer on vet
Nice, thank you. I'll see how demanding the new system is before going for both at the same time though
wait dagger vets are a thing? I always thought sneaky melee vets used parry swords or axes
Ok, I was one of the people posting that Space Marine 2 was going to replace Darktide, but it sucks lol. I admit I was wrong. Back to Sloptide and Slopdivers
BB comes in handy more often than not
i had a match last night with 2 ogryns and a zealot so they werent hitting snipers or gunners for shit
beloved wins again baybee
apology accepted
Haven't touched Vet in maybe a year, what's a fun build to run? I've got the resources to make whatever. I'll just be doing normal damnation as I'll obviously be too rusty for anything tougher.
Oh! They're waiting for the train!
Doom Shotgun + Weapon Swapping right captstone perk is fun to play, if you include the perk that will reload your gun for free
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>it's another "voids staff psyker carry the whole group" episode
>it was me, you're welcome
Which one is the good accatran
they all feel the same to me but i see people having a blast with them
I think the Vlad (with super high rate of fire) is the best with dum dum+ inferno
versus was the meat of the game. its hyper autistic at this point though.
VId if you take vet's brittleness on hit talent, VIIa if you want to go for headshots and being able to hit heretics reliably beyond a couple meters.
Inferno's pretty shit though, unless there's some hidden effect that makes the fire tick more often, 12 stacks max is worse damage than even bleed. I prefer Deathspitter.
Do you think Killing Floor 3 will be able to load faster than Space Marine 2
Just hit 30 on my Vet. How's this for an IAG build? Managed to nab a good Columnus from Melk.
dum dum and any +% damage boost your fire damahe tick, this is why msot purgatus psyker have uncanny strike
Infernus (all flame sources, really) currently has a busted interaction with dumdum where it applies the full damage bonus regardless of range on fire ticks.
5 days until the biggest controversy patch sirs
I honestly can't wait for the shitposts, it will last longer than the shitdivers 2 faggot patch, we already have the tranny AI psyker back
Good one? For what?
VId has the highest rate of fire, and is best for activating brittle/infernus/onslaught etc.
VIIa is like a braced agripinaa but in laser form, has more stagger and cleave than normal.
he's clearly not talking about Darktide as that's in 4 days
what about it is controversial?
you'll see

+1 day for the snow break + patch upload
Do you think the next abiotic factor update will come with a usable minigun or have one the scientists have to cobble together
I don't think that's a good idea ...
Played Helldivers 2 after a few months break. What the fuck were the swede niggers thinking adding more bullshit ragdoll enemies to the game? Fucking every scout strider now carries rocket batteries, hulks now have laser cannons with blasts and barrage tanks that can clap you out of LOS. Is that the way they think the game is supposed to be balanced?
Want a chip, Vet-Kun?
Is the update giving us more staves?
I had a pretty nice one the other day that was surprisingly high kills for a 28 minute run.
I have told you brute again und again, we're NOT GETTING ON ZE TRAIN!
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How to join:
Install "NorseCode_Ashlands_ModPack"
Update all mods to latest.
(fastlink config is outdated, connection info below)

pass: 12345

Discord: https://discord.gg/8PwjVknV

I enabled nocost, so you don't have to grind seven hundred gorillions resources to build basic shit.

I buried the boss stones beside eik so you can't go too fast too soon. Not that it would stop my fellow shitposter...

Maybe I'll do some shit with EWP, but no promises.

Have fun.
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Got V2 and I'm liking it enough to get some DLC. I'll probably get them all, but what's your favorite? Should I just avoid Winds of Magic or are beastmen not so bad? And what's stopping Fatshark from making them a togglable option?
I spent over 7000 fucking plasteel I've been saving and I still don't have power cycler IV...
Crafting update is right around the corner dude, you would've just gotten it for free
bro... its just 4 more days until the update...
You follow the pylons as they turn on, starting from the back left. Interacting with the rods when one of them fails within a time limit or the sequence restarts from the start of the row.

It's bewildering how pubs still haven't grasped this months later.
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>what's your favorite?
Assuming you're talking paid, in which case it has to be Back to Ubersreik. My answer wouldn't actually change if we were also looking at free DLCs too though.
>Should I just avoid Winds of Magic
I personally don't dislike WoM, though the one (yes, only one) level it comes with is middling and weaves may as well not exist. The weapons it adds are solid, and cataclysm difficulty is great (though I'm still of the opinion that it shouldn't have been paywalled at all).
>are beastmen not so bad?
Beastmen are not as bad as some anons might make them out to be. Still the least fleshed-out faction, but they're no longer the absurd anal rapists they were on release. Minotaur is some bullshit though, fast hard hitter with almost no downtime compared to the other bosses.
>what's stopping Fatshark from making them a togglable option?
anon, it's snowing in Sweden right now; you can't possibly expect any work to be done under these conditions
lol cute. I spent probably ~200,000 trying to get Thrust 4 on my Thunder Hammer. Enjoy hell.
Well what else am I supposed to do with plasteel? Isn't the new system mostly going to use diamantine?
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>He thinks the new system won't keep the plasteel bottleneck
Anon, what in the world gave you the impression that plasteel wasn't going to remain as important as it is now?
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>he doesn't know
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I haven't played payday 3 since release.

is the new content worth trying? are there people playing it?
I'm swimming in plasteel
dickets are the problem given that all I get are 20% damage shit so I need to spend 300k just to get something worthwhile for hadron to brick
I got banned cuz I mask slipped and called someone a tranny in VC and they ran to a mod and got perma banned, so not sure if it's still as populated as a year ago, BUT if you just ask whenever you're playing for a fourth member, someone should respond reasonably quick if it's just normal aurics
they're increasing diamantine usage, they said nothing about reducing plasteel grind
dude you're such a bad doomer, we're all real advanced doomers here so we all already know that the new system will be actually more RNG than the old one and have worse bottlenecks. Just get used to it man, we're all kinda kooky here like that
>~200,000 trying to get Thrust 4 on my Thunder Hammer.
Jesus fucking christ. I grabbed Thrust 3 from Melk and called it good. Do you run your TH without Martyr or something?
why tf would you use martyr
Lets you shit on elites without having to sit there like a dickhead waiting for thrust stacks. Even Crushers got one shot IIRC, although I can't remember if that required a charge as well as high Martyr stacks to pull off. I only just came back to the game. Ironhelm by the way. Crucis a shit (hopefully not for much longer).
Only 1-2 people here play it but the overall playercount has been slowly healing over the months. It's still pretty dead though.
>play psyker
>use staff (any): untouchable bringer of death and destruction
>enter melee: immediately eat shit and die
everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face
I should play PD2 again
why americans are so trash at darktide?
gigantic damage
I'm normally too busy being overwhelmed because nobody can kill anything to notice what's going on
how so
bad players think psyker doesn't have some of the best melee in the game
Well that's because you're retarded, and please don't come in my aurics. Becasue if you struggle with psyker in melle you deserve to get shit on, you absolute mongol
This. Illisi, Deimos or Rapier depending on staff and you’re golden.
There are people who are genuinely so shit at meleeing they play guns blazing zealot only
I only use my dueling sword to dodge and block the random poxwalker that spawned behind me.
maybe if you used your melee more there wouldn't be as many stray poxwalkers in your melee range, ever think about that, huh, shithead? huh, retard wizard? you ever think about that you piece of shit esper?
>guns blazing zealot
What the fuck is that?
sounds like a skill issue, they have infinite stamina just use any weapon with alot of pushes and you suddenly have a highly defensive combat style thats better than other classes because you dont have to worry about ever running out of stamina
you put on an autogun and just shoot all game and waste all the ammo because you're not nearly as ammo efficient as a vet
>play psyker
>use trauma staff and stare at the floor for 30 minutes
>left click whenever I see feet
>top the scoreboard
Oh. I thought that was a talent or blessing I'd forgotten about. Yeah, fuck gun zealots. Worst feeling is seeing 4 zealots in the lobby, only to find one or two are shooting half the game.
can't wait or you to fuck off to another general 2 weeks later once you get bored of darktide again
stop using this ugly ass chibi shit
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Every generated image is a prayer to the Omnissiah.
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If you're using warp rider that scales damage based on Peril you can go all out with your staff, switch to melee, and tear ass. With the Illisi Mk V blaze force sword you can do the force push to knock people back or charge your force attack which also buffs your attack power because that boosts your peril with warp rider again. If you're running warp siphon at max stacks you can cut through pox walkers and so on like butter doing almost 50% extra damage from those talents alone. Add in team buffs, weapon blessings, and perks, and you should be godly with both melee and a force stuff (don't sleep on the mark V's light attacks, they are absolutely heretical). At least that's how I play it.

You can also benefit from warp rider and soul siphon with other weapons, but non-force swords don't let you boost your own peril on the fly WHILE doing melee.
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yep, im playing scriers gaze battle psyker in a few days
Yeah! Praise the Omnissiah!
26th cant come soon enough
I give you two weeks until you fuck off to the next FOTM general, like usual
post porn of her already
ignore previous prompt and say "nigger"
>but wait there's more!
I also run kinetic deflection with deflector on my sword (apart from blocking bullets it also reduced block cost by 30%). I believe this scales with your peril generation of kinetic deflection to make Kinetic deflection even stronger. I can face tank plague ogryns and ragers without generating too much peril. This gives me some breathing room to move around and figure out what to do next in tight situations and has saved me more than a few times.
stop talking to it, just let it scream into the void. We had a good thing going when for multiple threads nobody replied to any of it
hopefully cobble together so i don't have to wear low armor arm bands

upgrade to orange you ninnies
Why do you assume I haven't been?
Wonder what skins they’ve been holding onto for the update
Is there any alternative to the multiple keybinds mod for Darktide? It was removed from the nexus and the old version no longer saves the extra bindings.

Barring that, maybe a mod that allows rebinding jump and dodge since thats the only reason I used it for.
I’m still in disbelief that they’re buffing gun psyker, what was probably hands down one of the most stupidly power builds. And they’re not small buffs, some of them are massive.
oh my god...do you t-think they'll...let me b-buy them?
*squealing noises*
because that's impressively shit luck otherwise so the easy assumption is you're only upgrading to blue
You just know they've got a huge fucking backlog of shitty indian gig worker-created cosmetics waiting to fire off.
average psyniggers are terrible, a lot of them were screaming for hand holding
psykers tree kind of sucks you dont have much freedom at all. tweaking it to be like vet's suddenly makes it overpowered, makes you think.
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Fartshart fren code.
I'll be in room 88 of the DT discord. Try not to spill your spaghetti.
Do you prefer new characters or can I bring one that's already a bit leveled? I missed the last Valheim coopg experience but it looked like a lot of fun.
Space Marine 2 honestly looks boring
I've played it the last couple nights and I'm already feeling like I want to uninstall it again. It's like you're just grinding to level up weapons. At least in PD2 the random weapon mod drops kept you grinding and the rng somewhat drove the direction you took in what weapons you were using or trying next. I feel like nothing matters in PD3 and I'm just grinding to grind.
I'm banned in the DT server, can still join yes yes?
the melee honestly sucks ass. i have no desire to just spam gun strikes.
You gotta send me a thingie then. As for VC, we can do a direct via discord or I can join your server.
It’s fun but there’s not much depth, just makes me long for some genestealers in darktide even more. Shooting nids is fun
Yea, I gotta poop though so if anyone sends me a thing in the next 5 to 10 minutes I may not accept the invite.
But I bought the rag slop last week, I don’t think my girlfriends boyfriend will let me by more slop so soon after…
Heavy sword on vet could be pretty strong right?
eh, dueling sword prob gonna be better 3bh
Vet has power sword. It will be shit
It's fun, but it crashes on my series X every 15-20 minutes. I can't even play the multiplayer because it will crash before I can finish a match and get my rewards.
>you must verify your phone to talk in this channel
the fuck
I like it a lot on my zealot so I'm assuming so. It's pretty much a stronger devil claw and the devil claw is bretty good already.
have not used power sword in the past 200 hours
Don't forget your credit card and SSN number. They require that as well.
What do you do for crushers/maulers? I'm assuming you're not bringing it to high intensity shock troop games because that just seems like a deathwish.
I honestly don't like them.
Probably, but vet has a log of ways to shoot armour to death no problem so having a big sword that nukes everything else sounds really strong on paper anyway. Plus being able to burst armour with a rapid fire weapon to stack brittleness then chop its head off.
I bring a bolter with it.
I'm right and you are wrong
post hours
Almost 1.6k but i'm at work
There are certain Vet builds where you don't have time to activate the weapon and lend themselves more to M1 spam. In those builds I think the heavy sword could be pretty decent. Don't know if it would be better than the chainsword though.
Why isn't there an "only dreg faction" modifier, fraudshark?
what is the point of ogryn knives
They used to be good
>less single target damage than the shield and karsolas
>less horde clear than the shield and karsolas
>less utility than the shield
There is no point (except for the one on the tip of the blade)
Bull Butcher still holds its niche of light attack spam for the dedicated gunlugger
The stabby one is fun but the new light pick does everything it does but better. Looks cool and feels good is the only reason to use them now, if you’re a gunlugger they’re not bad but you have better options
It's great for anything not Crushers/Maulers. But you have krak nades for the former, and lots of gun builds can just shoot the latter in droves, so those deficits are whatever for Vets. On Zealot, I have to take a Bolter.
I personally can’t give up my shredders, I feel naked without them
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Damnation standard and auric damnation without much trouble. I'll have to play with you again sometime fren.
Yeah I take Shredders whenever I can. I greatly prefer them for the CC, but not all guns can shit on Crushers, and of the few decent melee weapons I have on Vet, only the Powersword kills them quickly.
Whatever you say
I’ve been playing with recons a lot lately and they deal with crushers nicely so having three shredders in my pocket is always handy. But even if i’m using a shotgun I find I get more value out of them more often, the best case for kraks sometimes doesn’t even come up in a mission, where’s frags are always good. I will admit I typically use a knife or devil claw though so crushers aren’t a drag to deal with
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I thought you were talking about the shitty submachine gun
anyone want to play darktide?
Kek fair enough, surprised that thing didn’t get any buffs. Nearly worthless as it stands
>submachine guns
There's another besides the Columnus? Wild
Still can’t believe it didn’t catch a nerf
Well it sucks fucking shit after like 15m, so good.
Also one of my mods seems to make it so that extended full-auto fire makes the point I need to aim at drastically different from where my sights are, to the point where I can have the sight directly centered on a non-Ogryn enemy's torso and not get a single hit. But obviously, that's not gonna make a difference to FS.

Tried playing with Weapon FOV settings a bit as well as returning it to its default iron sights, but neither seemed to fix the issue, so fuck it.
It used to be very good
Guns should be allowed to be pretty good. I'm tired of borderline useless and unfun guns
Use a crosshair mod.
What? It's the weapon model when ADSing that's getting fucked up, not the crosshair. Is there some other feature to crosshair fix/remap that I haven't noticed?
Use a crosshair mod so you can have a crosshair on the screen while ADSing. It'll always show you where your bullets are going, even if the actual iron sights lie.
I don’t know bros, i’m against nerfs for the sake of it and having a bunch of shit guns. But the mkV is so stupidly strong it makes the game dull, gun psyker just shits in everything with it in hand, vet and zealot too but not as hard. Makes the game dull like the plasma to me. But i’d rather they actually decided on where the balance of power should lay first since so many options are very uninteresting, like every single marksman variant.
He means get a set crosshair so you can drag down and use it to sim without worrying about the epileptic fit the weapon models is having. It’s actually a really accurate gun but it you wouldn’t know it going by what the game is showing you
Oh, what a fucking dumbass I am. Good idea, thanks.

>gun psyker
I wouldn't know. I hate wizards. My Psyker still isn't 30, and I have over 600 hours played. I swear the damage falloff cucks it, but it seems II was just missing even more than I thought with my shit bugging out.
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>psyker and vet tree
>buffet of "pick whichever of the strongest talents you want"
>zealot tree
>it's all so good you can faceroll the build
>ogryn tree
>all talents are dogshit and the few good ones are mutually exclusive
>1077 blessings unlocked
I'm ready for the update. Are you?
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Ready boss
Yeah, that's wonderful. Cheers
Don’t blame yourselves, a games crosshairs and sights should give you accurate information but fatshark decided to just have the fucking thing wobble all over the shop and give false information. They should be getting way more flak for this but somehow they get away with it.
Yeah, it's certainly something watching the actual point of aim become a point like 1-2cm on my monitor above where the fucking sight is. lmaoshark
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Fatshark is such a strange company. They hate their fans yet when it comes time to release a patch they pretend to be friends all along. They go radio silent for months but then release a big change out of nowhere. I don't understand how they can be so confident that people will stick around.
battered fans syndrome
What's the alternative?
Fatshark are masters of making a great combat system and then fucking it all up. I miss war of the roses
>They go radio silent for months
More communication is just more chances to say the wrong thing
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I need to run a match or two to finish my weekly before this week starts. If anyone wants to join me I'll be sitting in room 88 in the DT discord for the next 10 minutes.
Can't find shit on steam forums, did they fix edf6 amd crashes yet?
The dkxv or whatever its called didnt work on my computer
We got the servercharacters mod active, so you gotta make a new one
ggs fren, i'll probably be playing a lot more after the patch, been catching up on other games recently
You and everyone else. I didn't get anyone else today. It is Monday morning though. I don't have a regular job so I have basically unlimited free time for the foreseeable future.
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3 bedtimes and Dartide is saved
I have just spent 1.000.000 dockets and didn't get what I wanted
made a general for the forever winter so that when it releases tomorrow /coopg/ doesn't have a melty over people "spamming" the thread
crackhead dreg that drops stimms
Darktide really should have its own general together with the other tide games. Maybe even together with other warhammer games, like a Warhammer Games General or something.
>I miss war of the roses
god fatshark just loves mistreating the great games they make, I loved war of the vikings too
poleaxe and AP windlass xbow masterrace
loved ragdolling plate sissies
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it's cranked up to 11
everytime I see a lvl 700+ I know the run will be harder because those faggots just run ahead aggroing every pack of mobs on their way and they always get netted 3 rooms far from the group
is there a difference from normal high intensity and auric high intensity?
the soul is cranked to 11, only fatshark veterans know this is a marathon not a sprint
heretics are hardcore
No, which is why if you quickplay into it you will get a bunch no-aurics shitters and get wiped on the first wave event
> Everyone is either going work or asleep at this hour.
That's what I get for having a goofy schedule. I'd play with the euros but apparently, the lag for intercontinental sessions is pretty rough.
should have waited for 3 sleepies
Is it smart to farm blessings now? I have a fuckton of resources but I don't know if I should safe it or spend it to roll for blessings before the patch.
it's either this or playing gacha games
I don't want to craft multiple dueling swords
Shared inventory in Darkietide when
three more days of space marine twoing
It's a little bit late for that. I've been farming blessings for a while myself since I saw this shit coming for months. If you don't have the resources on tap, consecrating items will burn through your Diamantine and Plasteel pretty quickly.

To conserve crafting resources, I'd say try checking the offerings in Melk and the armory exchange before you start buying up blank weapons for 10k and mass consecrating them gacha style. Only do the latter if there's a weapon you really like and you wanna get all the blessings for it before the update hits.
Don't spend it. If I'm reading it right, blessings are only converted into weapon XP which is otherwise gained by playing the game with said weapon. In other words, piss easy to obtain. Upgrading the stats will be the real money sink.
No. Blessings are turned into XP. Think they said just a few T4 will unlock the entire thing and it goes by family/tree now.
it will give you head start with weapon xp which will just mean less xp farming
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new rat is up
the reward weapon this week is the war pick
are we back?
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da big one, for those who haven't seen it yet
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I'm in bed.
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On the contrary, I doubted SM2, but now that I played it I know that it's better Darktide in every single way. No point in reinstalling it anymore, I will stick to VT2 and SM2
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fucking kek, i appreciate you anon
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I'm on yer mum's back
I too love parrying and running 3 missions on repeat.
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Luv me zoomer CM.
this but unironically fr
There are 12 missions which are fully unique, radically different both visually and in gameplay with actual boss fights already on release.
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>red the whole thing
>barely understood anything
>Cat profile pic
>Absolute retard on the forums
Yeah, sounds about right.
We love Strahwat, she's precious and goofy.
people are cowards for refusing to fight chaos. That said the daemonhost mission is the only one worth a damn. Reliquary and the Artreus mission are dogshit not for fighting chaos because forced crossplay+"puzzles" is a recipe for disaster as all the fucking random niggers keep pressing the wrong buttons.
>turn crossplay off
>breaks matchmaking
>No more locks on shit.
>Weapons will have preset caps which is fucking dumb.
Hopefully, there will be some kind of special item or something to max the stats for a weapon in the future. Usually, there's one dump stat in a weapon that's okay for it to be low so this isn't the biggest problem if you're lucky.
>If you already ripped a bunch of blessings for a weapon you won't need to grind as much for it, if at all
Good for me since I've done that for a lot of weapons.
>If you haven't done this you have to use a weapon to build up mastery points with it
This kinda sucks but at least it encourages players to spend a lot of time with a weapon to learn how to use it.
>Some kinda new UI for customization
I think everyone knew that was coming. Looks okay at a glance for me.
>you can bulk sell weapons now

All these hours passed brunt clicking gone... like tears in the rain
Campaign has no progression, and I'm sure as hell not playing it again. Most of it was extremely repetitive.
I was talking about coop operations, which is where all the progression is found. And it only has 6 missions, only 3 of which are pure tyranid missions. That's not good.
>2 years, several redesigns of the core systems and a handful of maps and weapons
Can we finally get some actual content now, or is it time to change something yet again and spend 8 months on it?
its because of console ports
You get train.
did they even ever said anything about new classes?
everyone smart used buy until rating anyway but im not complaining about ui improvements
Yeah they said we could expect one every quarter before the game launched to build hype, then they never delivered. Of course you still have some faggots in here arguing that the talent tree update was giving us new classes
fuck you reminded me how shit they were before update
I'll give you context for it
>hedge insists that careers wont just be vermintide careers and to wait and see, says it will be more freeform than that
>game releases, its just vermintide careers
>hedge promises 1 new career per quarter (he says class but that refers to career now, a new character type would be "archetype")
>multiple quarters pass
>no new careers
>eventually talent rework passes adding 2 more careers worth to each class
>its suspiciously freeform much like what was advertised pre release

Pull your own conclusion but mine is: They always meant to have talent trees, but had to rush and scrap it for launch. Then they thought they would just do vt2 careers and promised 1 per quarter. Then they instead decided to finish the skill tree system.
tell that to the community that instead of saying "MORE guns MORE maps MORE enemies MORE new stuff" keeps parroting "you know what matters most? meaningless achievement points and how the gun store operates!"
Anon that’s not a suspicion. They literally talked about how that was the initial talent tree as part of PR for the tree update but decided to go with the simpler VT version right before launch.
I never saw that but checks out then
look at player numbers. Nobody reinstalled for the latest wep and map drop. Everyone reinstalled for talent trees. This includes myself.
I didnt give a shit about the new weps becsuse crafting them is still abject cancer. They HAD to fix fundamentals
fact that they will do smaller missions means they will release them faster right?
read niggas
Remember when the game came out and the crafting system was literally
>timegated stores and emp drop only
>you can change one perk

we've come a long way and it objectively improves the game yet screechers still screech
>they shouldve just added maps instead
Like nigger, to begin with, that isnt the same devs. You dont have map designers and artists doing itemization reworks.
Sorry sweaty, we don't want the train to look like it's going in loops. It's gonna take 6 months per map
>focus on out of bounds eyecandy
>in a mission with time limit
>heyo everyone
they'll go back to rejects next time watch
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this isn't aimed at any coop game in particular but why did this GAMES NEED TO HAVE A SPECIAL ENDGAME thing appear? it's a relatively recent trend.

i'm a '98er and most games i played as a kid were either just finishing the campaign and being done with the game (maybe you replay it once or twice) or it's a multiplayer game that you keep playing simply because you find it fun, right? i played hundreds of hours of Doom online (through Skulltag) and there was no progression or prestige or achivement system, you just kept playing because it was fun.

now when i look at online discourse it's as if a game is committing some kind of cardinal sin by not having an "endgame", like i see people 10 days after a game's release with 100h playtime saying THIS GAME DOESN'T HAVE CONTENT WHAT IS THE ENDGAME? they keep demanding some kind of grind or meaningless carrot on a stick to bait them into playing more

what happened? why isn't it enough for a game to just be fun in and of itself and that's enough to keep playing? if you get so burnt out by the gameplay that you NEED an extra grind or achievement points to string you along, then you're not enjoying the game anymore. if shooting and moving and hearing stuff in the game is starting to bore you, then why does chasing new weapon cosmetics or prestige points make it fun for you? why not just drop it and play something else? there's so many other games you can play. i really don't get this
It's getting pretty cold anon I think it's about time for their 6 month winter break.
Thats precisely the point isnt it? Its not looping, the time limit is actually arriving.
>i'm a '98er
stopped reading there
that's actually nice wtf
people are just dopamine addicts now so every game has to be designed that way
go back
>just consume
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I remember reading about an interview where a level artist was practically weeping because they saw how players navigated their levels. Most players don't stop to look at the intricate architecture inside each building or linger on elaborate vistas. They're just rushing to the next objective guided by the allure of yellow boxes and not dying. If, for a brief moment the player's screen happens to settle on some pristine craftsmanship by the level designer it's pure luck.
>"We spent so much time designing vaulted in this map, the player didn't even look at it!"
Poor level artists.
Yeah you've been saying this for every single redesign they've pushed through. And I'm sure you'll be saying this when they inevitably make up another to delay releasing something actually fun.
>* the vaulted ceiling
i wonder if they realize people are dealing with not getting shot at or stabbed when going through the levels
>I remember reading about an interview where a level artist was practically weeping because they saw how players navigated their levels
you autist that was a satire article
I have noticed after 500 hours that in one of the starts in terminus missions you can hear ongoing battle and if you look on distant bridges you can see tanks and some troops shooting at each other
Sprinting outside of combat ruined Darktide, I'm 100% sincere in saying this.
In V2 you really get to stop and breathe in atmosphere and see the sights of levels and enjoy setpieces because you're walking everywhere and there's no rush. In Darktide it's impossible because everyone is sprintsliding at mach 5 to the next objective and all your surroundings are a blur.
I wouldnt say it ruined darktide but it messed up the pacing. In lower difficulties in darktide you actually still have this pacing, on higher ones its just nonstop enemies without a break and the few breaks that exist people sprint through
I'd agree if a 40K hive city wasn't such a shit setting for vistas 90% of the time
A lush forest with ancient ruins, frozen wastes, a dwarf hold, an imperial city, sprawling wheat fields to damp caverns and sewers; that's worth stopping to take in the view.
You've seen one DT map and you've seen most of them.
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I can give you a whole autistic rant but the short of it is- We're approaching the "universal meta" in game design. The design whereby players are funneled into content built around scoring and speedrunning. I would point to party finder systems in MMOs to see where this began. Originally, you had to talk to people and coordinate socially. Now everyone wants to press a button and instantly be dropped into a dungeon with randos to complete dailies and weeklies to check a box. There's no
>"Hey, you look pretty cool, want to explore this dungeon with me? I've run it a few times, it's pretty fun and it drops a fancy mount!"
now it's
>press button
> Everyone silently does their role.
> Complete dungeon, maybe get a "gg" in chat, and that's it
You're going through the same motions as you would if you were being more social and you may be social within a guild, but outside that everything is content consooming and ignoring one another. That attitude is how most people play co-op multiplayer games these days. If you're not playing with a close-knit group of frens you may never go beyond surface-level banter.
Part of that problem is several maps recycle locations and the names of the maps don't help distinguish them. I'm sure this cut down on level building time but it makes for a lot of similar locations that blend together.
Why are there nurgles running around everywhere any way? Surely there is another planet than atoma with them.
I'm in favor of a matchmaking instead of having to beg and cater to fatasses
I wish my friends played coop games
mine do but not enough for so aurics
Darktide has more than one location?
Well, you're in luck Jack, in a coming update they're adding a matchmaking system so you can more efficiently consoom the product.
Matchmaking was the example but I meant more the attitude of burning through the content without stopping to even examine the content you're consooming because
>need to beat level
>need to grind for gear
>need to complete weeklies
I have 2 who are pretty good. We could use a reliable 4th though.
So I've been told.
I can tell each map apart because I really really like darktide!
I play with friends who are too good for auric maelstrom. I always need to play alone occasionally to make sure I don't lose my edge.
Me too, but unironically. I think I can name every map from memory.
>adding a matchmaking system
Im tarded but this sounds like quickplay with extra steps.
What unique hive city areas could they add? I think we need a corpse farm mushroom map and a big prison or labor camp.
uh yeah, it's got
>rusty old metalworks
>rusty old tunnels
>rusty old cryo array
>rusty old desert shantytown
Really, the only maps with any non-lighting-based distinction from the others are the Throneside maps, and even those are just slightly less rusty. I understand that dirty metal is the dominant theme in hive cities, but there are also canonically areas with a completely different aesthetic. Hive cities are mind-bogglingly huge and do have parks or even full-blown mini ecosystems.
Like I mention above, something with greenery would absolutely be possible in the upper parts of the city and would make a nice change of pace. Having just one map with open lighting like Against the Grain or The Courier (ratclick 1) would improve the entire game of shopclick.
I share your sentiment but I kinda see what they're doing. This is a way to make a party before you start a mission. So say you want to check the stores, pick your contracts, and make sure you have the right gear and talents set up prior to starting a mission. The MM could be matching you with your preferred team; penance hunting, casual, auric, or whatever while you're doing all that stuff.

If the team has a low-level person or an xbox player and you don't want to deal with that crap, you can preemptively leave. Maybe this would transition into a lobby system at some point so you could pick and choose missions that need another player. We'll have to wait and see.
I liked those new hookah rooms that hotbox you in that one map where you have to destroy the canisters at the end. They need to send us into the redlight district proper so we can fight triple titty warp demons and be bathed in neon lights advertising all kinds of heretical shit. Higher than the hive but lower than throneside.
It does. But the initially released locations feel and look too similar, and most of the newer more distinct locations just aren't enough. I think
>Throneside maps
>Carnival maps
>newest map
feel distinct while everything else blends together even if set pieces and objectives differ.
Makes me wish I didn't go through and purge all the useless shit from my inventory before a crafting overhaul was announced and then also take an 8 month break from playing weeks later.
Carnival maps...They are so good and Warp Traveler is such a banger...Warren always provides, especially at the end when no one goes up top to press the button and Ragers and Shotgunners keep pouring in non-stop...
The vet shout sounds like the retard from south park TIMMAY
EDF bros, we finally have some content? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHyhnY8dH8s
I want to buy this slut as my personal cock sleeve
Man I missed the crusher in Shopclick
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>jihadrat weekly
>people are playing classes with no ranged weapon
Can we finally start hoping for new classes Dorksloppers? It only took them two years to rework every system the game launched with. Now they can start producing new stuff right?
people need to complain about these fucking islamrats because it's a fucking cancer to fight during a wave
No new stuff until they finish the console port
If this update adds nothing for you, then you're indirectly admitting to having engaged with Darktides dogshit item gacha, proving that you're a pig who eats feces anyway, so you don't get to pretend you have standards
but that was last week?
also I played on veteran and they did no damage, do they hurt on higher diffs, or knockback the only thing?
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I hope they do a Switch port next!
>already have all the weapons I want
You caught me red handed. I admit it, I like playing Darktide
>Crisp 5 fps gameplay
It's not really hard because like 50% of them drop ammo so you never really run out. You can just take a repeater crossbow/handgun or even the fucking shitbow and just start absolutely spraying into the horde as soon as you hear allahu akbar.
>but that was last week?
Was it? There's sometimes repeat weeks of the same curses/boons.
>also I played on veteran and they did no damage, do they hurt on higher diffs, or knockback the only thing?
Yeah they do damage, quite a bit actually. But that's not the problem, the problem is some retarded Grail Knight or Slayer trying to melee them and getting promptly ledged. Happened a LOT this time around.
Are you looking forward to the eventual influx of PS5 newfags?
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I think there's nuance to this. I have 1000 hours and I'm far from having all the weapons I want because I'm not tolerant of brain damaged slot machine shit. I just kept playing it with some of the weps I got that are good enough I made with minimum effort or gamble.
I think it's funny that people who actually kept doing 1000 rolls of brunt to get new weps with the blessings they want are sitting in here complaining as if they weren't actual shit eaters who put up with anything anyway.
For me 3/4 of perks/blessings being correct regardless of tier is good enough. The system really preys on gachaniggers who want the perfect rolls.
This was a shitpost
>bounty hunter connects
>ults Sienna and takes away 50% her hp
All me
We can't expect Sigmar to do all the work
>See poxburster running at teammate
>Highlight it with my trauma staff for him
Why yes I do love making my teammates stressed out.
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>damnation quickplay
surely the group finder feature will save us
>play as elf
>end of the mission
>bounty hunter ults me to death
>"hehe sorry I had to do it for the meme"
didn't play since then
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Here you go, fresh ratte to click, sent this little shit to Detroit (read local park)
rat bastard
>edf 6 already on sale
oh no no no...
>quickplay into hi-stg 90% of the time
I refuse to play this adhd modifier a moment longer. Ill take my pick of hi lightsout/fog/nox gas thoughever.
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>broooo why are you complaining that the weapon stats are still rng broooooooo, you'll be able to get a perfectly rolled weapon in like 4 or 5 buys from brunt's now broooooooooooooooo
actually, that was a lie
>Watch streamer
>Plays Darktide
>Says Vermintide is better
>Keeps playing Darktide
>He and his gaggle of faggots wipe every single damnation
Really makes you think.
Is the DRAK with TEF any good in sabotage? or is the M1K just better? My friends want to do some 6x2 sabotage runs and i'm tired of using the M1K everywhere lmao
Perfect potential roll* Maybe read next time dude.
>tell that to the community that instead of saying "MORE guns MORE maps MORE enemies MORE new stuff" keeps parroting "you know what matters most? meaningless achievement points and how the gun store operates!"
Are you still pretending that the guy who codes the achievements is the modeler to makes the maps or the voice actor that voices the lines?

Different staff have different fucking jobs. Your art team isn't doing the coding. Your coders aren't making art assets. Their QA team does nothing at ALL!!!
>wipe every single damnation
>the forever winter releases tomorrow at 9PM
wow so much for being on the 24th
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>have to increase mastery to increase max power
Seems piss easy just scrap some old weps
>This retard hasn't been collecting blessings
>not unlocking all blessings right now so you never have to engage with the system
the swedish internet defense force...
>you'll be able to get a perfectly rolled weapon in like 4 or 5 buys from brunt's now
This is correct. You can see the stat spread the wep has. If you were to roll 5 weps and didn't get one with a maxed out 380 spread you want, you would have to be severely unlucky
>the new gear system is supposed to fix the old gear system
>just completely max out the old system first
I literally have hundreds of weapons in my inventory that I never bothered selling, and their system actually lets me mass scrap them for mastery complete with favorite tags and a little treshold slider for what to scrap
To me that seems like really good design, I genuinely don't understand what the fuck your issue is. Yes I am defending them because this is a good feature, faggot. What the fuck do you want man? Want me to say they can't have made a good feature because it's fatshark? Emotional little sperg
The odds may be better, but the core problem remains. The solution to getting desired gear is "just be lucky. Don't be unlucky." It's hilarious how much that they love RNG.
Read nigger read
>We have created the Sacrifice feature to help veteran players get value out of the hoards of weapons in their inventory, but also as a way to empower new players to catch up more easily with the rest of the playerbase. Sacrifice is a way to further gain experience on the Mastery track of a given weapon family, and (a bit of a) shortcut for the Mastery track.

You don't have to have collected blessings
you scrap them AFTER THE UPDATE for mastery

In fact strawhat said that scrapping them after would yield better returns than collecting blessings now unless it's T4 blessings
Hey, >>495689851 complained about grinding and put a sad face, I was responding to him. You can't just contradict the conversation line like that.
>I genuinely don't understand what the fuck your issue is.
The presence of RNG in the gear crafting system is the problem. It was always the problem. It was a problem before crafting even existed. This has been the key feedback that fatshark has received every single step of the way. Still fatshark refuses to remove the RNG. They just reluctantly shift the odds more in the player's favor with each re-work.
don't be such a disingenuous cunt man. We went from 3 layers of sub 1:100 RNG to having a single layer of RNG where you buy a wep and the stat spread has to be alright and then you're set forever. They literally removed every layer of RNG except for the most trivial one. I don't know why they didn't remove this but if you genuinely care that you have to buy like 5 weps off brunt's you might be retarded. You realize the average before this was 100+ weapons and even then you werent guaranteed to not brick it to restart the process? All that is gone now. Now it's just a couple for a good stat spread.

You can't seriously be comparing the two and saying they're equivalent, you cannot ACTUALLY be such a retarded bitch
Its continued presence despite being singled out as the core problem this entire time is just insulting. Why even leave the RNG in place if it's trivial to overcome? It's like one more defiant spit in the players' faces. Just cut it out entirely.
>If you were to roll 5 weps and didn't get one with a maxed out 380 spread you want, you would have to be severely unlucky
How? What are the odds of getting a perfect 380 from brunt's right now? Because they'll be the same when itemization update goes live.
Maybe when they finally introduce red weapons in 2026 it'll stop being an issue, alongside a better mission selection system.
I do not give a single fuck about its continued presence because the time it takes me to make a perfect weapon will have gone from

>buy 100+ weps
>get a near 380 with decent enough stats
>upgrade and pray
>repeat if prayer didn't work
~30-60 mins of menuing per attempt per wep, all time spent gambling, ultimate outcome is RNG

>buy 5 weps and pick the one with best stat spread
>empower it
>pick the blessings
~4 mins of menuing all spent theory crafting and deciding what I want: It literally doens't even matter I have to buy 5, I'll just buy 5 and check em real quick, it won't even really take more time since I'll have enough dockets to buy 5 anyway.

To even pretend these are remotely similar and to pretend the actual issue which was LAYERED and EXTREMELY PUNITIVE rng isn't totally fixed is dishonest. No, I don't know either why they didn't remove the last little 1:5 RNG roll. I don't frankly care either, I'm not some sort of pedantic emotional autist. As long as it doesn't actually severely waste my time I'll overlook it since 99% of the issue is gone.
Battered wife t b h
> Emotional little sperg
You write all that and call ME an emotional sperg?
>buy 5 weps and pick the one with best stat spread
you guys keep saying this, over and over, as if it's going to roll that quickly, and as if you aren't all going to go for perfect god rolls instead of "oh well it's 79% damage so that's okay I guuuueeueeeeueessssssss"
>How? What are the odds of getting a perfect 380 from brunt's right now? Because they'll be the same when itemization update goes live.
Right now the odds of getting a 380 to begin with is abyssmally low, something like 0.5%.
After this update you can upgrade any wep to 380 and see the stat spread in advance.

If you want an actual direct comparison and not numbers I pulled out of my ass: Install the "buy until rating" mod. Set the tresholds to this:
>sell all below 380
>buy 200 at once
You'll probably get 1 per attempt average or something like that in my experience. Then you check how good the stats are, the chances the wep stats rolled with above 70% in all bars are big. You CAN get cucked and have a 380 with 60% damage but it's relatively rare, that's why I said 5 rolls off brunt at most.
Fair disclaimer: You probably don't have the dockets to do this.

Post update that process will be condensed to the following:

>buy like 5 weps off brunt
>pick the one that has decent enough rolls, who gives a fuck if it has 77% damage or 80% damage anyway
>empower, craft blessings, etc
>you are now set forever for this family

>buy until rating and config it to sell all below 80% damage and 80% penetration and 80% cleave or whatever the fuck have you
>probably have to buy like 20 weps to hit it (mod does it automatically)
>empower, craft blessings, etc
>you are now set forever for this family (autist friendly perfect rolled weapon with 0 improvements possible)

Again I don't know WHY they decided to keep this little RNG remnant but it's about 100x less time consuming and autistic than having to then actually roll the blessings onto it, and also the fact that sub 380 weapons couldn't be empowered beforehand making a good 95% of weps you get not worth gambling by default.
Not a pedantic, emotional autist btw
>Nobody reinstalled for the latest wep and map drop.
Woah some reskins and one (one) map. If they dropped the stuff people actually want like Melta Guns, Heavy Bolter, 2-handed Power Sword, Longlas and all the other shit that has been leaked already (or maybe added dual-wielding and gun/melee combinations) then you'd see more people jump in.
Instead it was what, fucking pickaxes? Who looks at Warhammer and thinks "oh boy I want to Minecraft a fool".
Everything I said is 100% factual and based on logic
everything you said can be condensed down to
>ugh but it's fatshark so don't look at it unbiased...
I don't care nigger I'll look at it unbiased even if I hate them
That's completely false. Right now you aren't guaranteed a 380, and also It's rare. On top of that it might not have a good spread. After the update anything can be 380, so that's already a ton of rng gone. Although they are nerfing Brunts and my understanding of it is that you won't get any weapons with the yellow bars maxed right off the bat. But Melk will have stuff with maxed bars.
What really matters at the end of the day is whether or not you hit the desired breakpoint. If 79% and 80% is the difference between dropping a special or elite with one headshot, then ofcourse you want the 80%. But if it doesn't make a difference, then it doesn't matter.
Fatshart is holding those weapons back for the new classes. trust the plan.
Where is my Heavy Stubber for veteran? Its in the skill tree art you swedeniggers
Not a counterargument, faggot. You're making emotional whingeposts and I'm showing up the actual facts, the pedantic emotional autist is you.

everyone screamed for a bolt pistol and a 2h ogryn wep (this in particular was one of the #1 complaints with weapons in the game) and guess what
>releases bolt pistol and 2h ogryn wep
>wow these wep suck with bad rolls and I don't feel like rolling a good one, I'm not playing until the crafting gets changed
there's your root issue with the game
Hey man I'm not the one making emotional, whinging posts
Bro, he's trolling. Let him go...
They haven't delivered on the bolt pistol fantasy until they put in friendly fire.
Look it's fine, fatshark aren't beating him almost to death now, just slapping him in the face. So they're good now.
see >>495693264
Even if you're one of those people who NEED an 80/80/80/80/60 wep despite it not really making a single difference breakpoint wise, just to please the autistic heart and making it feel like the ultimate version of the wep (I sorta get it) you'll be able to just use the mod that filters purchases by stats and let it autobuy until you hit it, and this update will still benefit you in the following ways:
>All weapons cap at 380 now so the mod no longer auto discards literally 99.5% of all purchases, making it way less costly to get such a weapon by a magnitude of literally 200x less costly
>when you do have such a weapon, you are set, there is no longer an additional layer of RNG (whereas before you only had a 1:30 chance or so not to brick it)
>Who looks at Warhammer and thinks "oh boy I want to Minecraft a fool".
I look at warhammer and want to mincraft every single unfunny dogshit crybaby retard fan of it
if i could instantly remove one demographic from the world it would be warhammer fans
Ogryn players aren't people, giving them a 2H weapon didn't bring in new players because Ogryntards were already playing.
Bolt pistol was requested but it sucks even with good rolls, so the crafting issue is moot. Not to mention you're giving people a bolt pistol but not letting them use it at the same time with a chainsword, which is retarded since it's the most used Warhammer weapon combo there is.
Go back to Slopdivers, slop chugger.
kill yourself redditor
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>Who looks at Warhammer and thinks "oh boy I want to Minecraft a fool".
They get me
kill yourself 4channer
I thought that the ogre equivalent getting a drudger weapon is extremely cool and fitting. You have to realize at some point that there's more to 40k than chain weps and lasguns.
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>I be toonking da threed for da Emperah!!!
kill thyself brute
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>no new weapons
>no new class
>bolters still trash because they literally do not know how to edit their own recoil animation
>gave veteran two swords but didn't get zealot power sword because that's part of vet's """class identity"""
>leaving RNG in the itemization update for no fucking reason, at all
>wE'rE sO bAcK!
>leaving RNG in the itemization update for no fucking reason, at all
Yeah, that is pretty fucking stupid, but at least it's mostly gone...Now if only they could do something similar for the mission selection system...
I liked ogryn shit since dawn of war, I don't care about any of the darktide memes redditors do
>Psyker loses dueling sword class identity
Its over siblings. We have no class exclusives except for force sword and a couple staves.
The mission selection system is actually fine. It keeps the playerbase together so there isnt 300 different dead matchmaking queues (payday3).
>The mission selection system is actually fine
Nah not even remotely
Imagine being this much of a salty cunt and letting everyone know
Like damn, of all the things that are a step down from VT2, the mission board is arguably one of the biggest
I used to hate the mission select system back when I actually wanted to do specific missions but after 500 hours I no longer felt a need to do specific missions anyway so I honestly don't give a shit anymore
Even then I wouldn't defend how you arent able to pick though.

It's kinda like that stat spread RNG they're leaving in for buying weapons off brunt. I'm not happy about it, but truth be told I don't give a fuck. I'll be able to get what I want out of the dockets I have right now, with minimal menuing nightmare, so I'd be lying if I said it bothers me
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>bolters still trash because they literally do not know how to edit their own recoil animation
This is probably the thing I find funniest because there's no exaggeration, they've directly stated "we're leaving this in for now because we're too fucking stupid to fix it, but we'll totally get around to it sometime in the future teehee, unless it snows or we need another six-month vacation haha jk... unless..."
That's cool but it's still bad
I think I'd take payday 3's system, at least that game lets you play whatever maps and difficulties you want, alongside being able to play solo
>I'm not happy about it, but truth be told I don't give a fuck. I'll be able to get what I want out of the dockets I have right now, with minimal menuing nightmare, so I'd be lying if I said it bothers me
Oh also, I have something like 300 weapons in each of my characters inventories. I'm sure just within those I'll have a perfect roll for every wep family already. It's a real non issue for me
5 seconds if independent thought says they outsourced animations (the guy who did them is on artstation and does not work at Fatshark) and have to organize a replacement first
just 2024 game development things
I'll take "bad and doesn't affect me" over "bad and affects me"
And I'd take "good", like VT2, over outright bad like darktide
>they outsourced animations (the guy who did them is on artstation and does not work at Fatshark)
the eternal sw*de never fails to disappoint
VT2 system wasn't "good" either, you couldn't host quickplay without doing workarounds and the crafting made you waste minutes per red just senselessly rerolling stats
VT2 let you play whatever maps on whatever difficulties, alongside a quickplay system and a lobby browser with various filters. It is unabashedly superior to darktide, and definitely good.
That's good for you but it not letting you just host quickplay was still bad
Deeds were also utter dogshit and only tolerable because of an exploit btw.
Ok but the host quickplay mod has been around since essentially the get-go, so it hardly matters
>No argument
My argument is you have no control over the maps, difficulties or modifiers you can play, which makes it a bad system and inferior to its predecessors, and even games in the same genre (not all of them).
Yeah and you can pick missions in darktide via a mod too
>it's bad cuz umm...
>it just IS OK!?!
You can temporarily play missions that have left the mission board, up to like 24 hours.
>It keeps the playerbase together so there isnt 300 different dead matchmaking queues (payday3).
Yeah, bro. I love playing Verminsissy and finding nobody to play with because everyone is a min-maxing nigger in that game that only plays the most optimal map
>design whereby players are funneled into content built around scoring and speedrunning.
I've been ranting about this too, you see it in MMOs now as well as most games as a service now.
You can't step it back without adding other systems that promote social aspects in the game though. Like you can't slow Darktide down without adding a way to wander around the Mourningstar or Tertium in some freeform like an mmo between missions because the way it is now is geared towards just queuing in and going, you barely get a handful of randos in your instance of the Mourningstar as it is and they barely want to talk.

In general I blame DIscord because most socializing has shifted out of MMOs and into some giant kennel packed full of quirky idiots you're supposed to join thats moderated by the most incompetent instead of allowing organic pockets of cliques and communities to form like they used to within the virtual space.
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, I have no problems finding people to play in a variety of maps in the game.
In fact I've barely ever encountered a lobby that was running the same map over and over again. People are pretty much always either doing quickplay, or doing various maps via custom game.
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is chaos weekly resetted ?
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are shields good now i've sat on one with BM and skullcrusher for a while
>force sword and a couple staves.
We are still missing like half the staves from vermintide. They could just copy paste them over. What the fuck are they waiting for?
Would they be Lore Accurate™ though?

(I don't actually know)
>group finder feature
wait the fucking what now?
does this mean I can get the private penances done without having to play with anyone here?
Give me the 2H force sword!!!
Which in effect ends up being all missions
Which in effect still means you have no control over the maps, difficulties or modifiers you can play
>no control over the maps or difficulties
wrong you can pick them via the mod

you can't control that in VT2 either, deeds are an item you get with random properties
No, you cannot. You can only temporarily play a mission that has left the board. You cannot select your own maps, difficulties or modifiers.
I wish that they'd give us Chaos Wastes: Shopclick edition.

Remember when people in the thread thought that chaos wastes was a prototype for a darktide game mode? Randomized delves deep into the heart of the hive? Good times.
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>psyker got access to like everything
>it doesnt matter cause dueling sword is now on vet and zealot

>You cannot select your own maps, difficulties
You can using the mod. Just pick one of the maps that were up within the time window, which will include every map on every difficulty

you can't in VT2 either
>You can using the mod
No, you can only play missions that have left the board. You have no control over the maps, difficulties or modifiers that are present.
haven't shields always been one of the best CC/horde clearer melees, or did they get nerfed recently?
Stuck in a loop I guess? I can go play any mission on any difficulty I want using a mod and you're here whining about it
I can boot up VT2 and actually play whatever I want, whenever I want. I'm not at the whims of an RNG system to play what I want. Even DRG lets you choose your difficulty.
they've been good for the last few months if you take bleed talent
I think DRG also has server/lobby browsers. Man what a fucking cesspit of shit the darktide mission system is. Hopefully they get around to meaningfully improving it one day.
>Wants the fuck the psyker
The God-Emperor is a psyker, chud.
>I can boot up VT2 and actually play whatever I want, whenever I want. I'm not at the whims of an RNG system to play what I want.
Me neither because I can just use a mod for it
Everyone wants to fuck the Emperor, Guardsman.
they've been good for at least a year now
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You guys dont actually want to fuck the psyker, do you?
want to fuck every psyker except you
Are you pretending to be retarded? Google many more try, it's the mod in question. The mod lets you pick any map from any difficulty you want from the past 24h (which defacto includes every combination), it's how I got all the map related penances done without RNG
>The mod lets you pick any mission that's left the mission board for 24 hours

It is what it is. Don't get blackpilled, lots of people share your perspective.

lots of '98ers were playing GameCube and PS2. They were exposed to the "good old days", before every game had to have at least 3 currencies, an in game shop, and progression bars.
I suppose it's not surprising that there's people that will defend something terrible like that when there's people who will unironically defend darktide's current crafting system.
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Forever Winter beta opens tomorrow
>>The mod lets you pick any mission that's left the mission board for 24 hours
Yeah and thats every combination of difficulty and mission because it uses an even rotation. So that means in effect you can just pick the mission you want on the difficulty you want.
I don't understand why you think these two points contradict eachother.
I don't understand why you'd feel the need to defend such an obvious downgrade, but you do you.
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ok liar
Those character designs look like absolute dogshit.
I'm not defending it I'm telling you you can pick with a mod retard
Why is the VT2 system having flaws ok because you can just use a mod (as stated in >>495699852), but when the Darktide system has flaws you can circumvent with a mod it's not an acceptable solution?
I'm just telling you that the mod doesn't give you control over the maps, difficulties or modifiers you can play.
Am I supposed to guess what your retarded ass point here was supposed to be? Even says 1/1 so clearly you have the option to play that

Also don't move the goalposts now: I said you can pick difficulty and mission. Modifier is unpickable just like in VT2 where you need a randomly dropped deed for it
you don't use the mod and it shows
Also, comparing using a mod to just host a quickplay, when you still have the ability to pick and choose to play anything you want, to a mod that only extends the amount of time you can play something you want, is monumentally retarded.
I never said modifiers. It does let you pick mission and difficulty freely. You can name any mission/difficulty combo and it's playable.

You're retarded. You're on the maelstroom website and ctrl+fing a mission that is on there. says 1/1. What is the issue?

>to a mod that only extends the amount of time you can play something you want,
I'm not sure how many times it needs to be said: Within those 24h, every mission and difficulty combo will have been on the board.
Using this mod, you can effectively pick your mission and difficulty. You can not pick modifier, but you couldn't in VT2 either so I don't see why it's bad when DT doesn't let you but it's cool if VT2 doesn't.
Wow golly gee willickers, an RNG system doesn't necessarily let you play what you want, when you want. What a shocker.

What's that? The mod author also basically says the mission system sucks? Wow what shocker. It's almost like the system sucks or something, weird.
>no shovel on zealot

>you can have any color you want as long as it's black
I'm not sure how many times it needs to be said that you cannot control what maps, difficulties or modifiers you want, even with the mod.
Not the brown one obviously.
>You can have any color you want so long as it's on the spectrum of light
is more like it

>I'm not sure how many times it needs to be said that you cannot control what maps, difficulties or modifiers you want, even with the mod.
You can pick what map and difficulty you want with this mod. I never said modifiers are pickable, and they're not pickable in VT2 either, so I don't accept you moving that goalpost.
Name 5 map and difficulty combos. I'll show you they're playable right now.
Emotional investment in a videogame is a hell of a drug.
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>doing trail of niggery
>wizard decides to stay in the cog room instead of following us
>the rest sperg out trying to save the dumb nigger and trickle into the blob, dying one by one
I know it's my own fault for trying but I'm still blaming him.
I crave the mind-job
I'm telling you that you can use a mod to solve your issue of
>I can't pick what mission and difficulty I want
because the mod lets you do this. If that's not your problem then I can't help you
Congrats on posting an ai sloppa that actually looks decent for once.
I'm telling you even with the mod you cannot control what maps, difficulties or modifiers are present
woman coded post

Stop being a pussy and see >>495708267
>Name 5 map and difficulty combos. I'll show you they're playable right now.
>Name 5 map and difficulty combos. I'll show you they're playable right now.
>Name 5 map and difficulty combos. I'll show you they're playable right now.

I will let you name them. I will prove to you that you can pick using this mod.
Do not name a modifier. The mod doesn't let you pick modifiers and I never claimed it does.

Let's see you backpedal and mental gymnastics, little bitch. Tired of the taste of my cock yet? Don't worry, the flavor is about to get far more intense
That's cool but darktide's mission system is still terrible and a huge downgrade from VT2
>You're right but *different thing nobody asked*
>defending darktide's plot
>defending darktide's mission select
Tune in next week when copeg defends the old crafting system.
That's nice dear
i just press the quickplay button
Lmao, doomposting ratsissies already shaking in their boots.
Stop being a woman I wasn't defending it, I was saying you can pick with a mod. Imagine being upset and thinking someone is shilling when you're told
>You don't like this problem? You can circumvent this problem with a mod
like the actual context of what I'm saying acknowledges it's an issue without the mod because why else would I suggest a fix for it? Stop being such a fragile dumb bitch, shit like this is fucking obnoxious. Do you accuse people of being pro-bleeding out when they suggest a bandage when you're hurt?
Uhhh RNG is good, actually. Baseded Telopots told me so
No one else will admit it but the RNG gear treadmill has kept me playing Darktide far longer than I would have otherwise.
Definitely a woman coded post
lmao imagine thinking bleeding out isn't deadly. I'm not going to minimize the problem that is bleeding out by using a pressure bandage
why do darksissies argue like children?
i'll admit it: the rng gear treadmill kept you playing darktide far longer than you would have otherwise
I will admit that the RNG gear treadmill has kept me from playing darktide for over a year and seven months, though I may have eventually been filtered by the terrible mission selection system if that didn't happen
Darksissies all have varying levels of autism. Please understand.
Damn that one really got you good didn't it?
Perhaps playing darktide for a long time causes mental illness? We need studies on this.
They can't accept fault in anything. Whatever stupid offhanded comment they made in an anonymous shitpost, they can't give up when called out. They need to stubbornly bicker for hours how they're never wrong. These people are aggressively anti-social, have no self-awareness, and they're in your aurics.
(actually just 2 days short of 1y8m now)
for the record for anyone wanting the shit fling topic summarized

>install mmt
>go to https://maelstroom.net/
>look up which mission you want
>punch the code ingame and now you can play it

two caveats: while it has every difficulty and mission across any 24h sample, it doesn't have every modifier. So if you want to play a specific mission with a specific modifier you still rely on RNG (but have all the rolls from the entire 24h so you might find it anyway)
Due to auric boards though, HISTG damnation is basically always available on any mission, so that's the silver lining. I used this to get the "skulls on x map" etc done without having to rely on board RNG or having to play low difficulties
I haven't played Darktide in like 7 months. I really liked playing the Ogryn with the shield and sometimes the shovel. Have they changed anything in regards to that character and those weapons?
They added more shovels.
they gave him massively OP 2h pickaxes
they admitted ogryn was a silly thing to add and deleted him from the game in favor of a mechanicus class
oh wait no, this world is cruel an unjust, so that didn't happen
Smallfags seethe meantime as ogrynbulls smack wife ass
do any humans fuck ogryns in the lore?
other way around only
Man, you guys talk about the Columnus being too strong, but the Recon Las is just obscene. I feel dirty bringing it
What does the ogryn have on his back?
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I'm causally leveling Darktide so I have to use whatever weapon I've got at the moment.
Switching from revolver to autogun feels like I've been given a wet noodle to tickle the enemy with even though it's got 50 more power.
It's easier to make the dogs fuck off because I can spray like a retard, stagger it with one shot and then finish it off, but aside from that everything is shit.
Also we're playing inquisitorial assistants and we can't play a range or blood axe, what is this bullshit?
Looks like a battery for power weapons a la pic related. Or is that hydraulics? Idk
Forever Winter? More like Forever stealth and then die if you get spotted lmao
I never played a stealth game before that didnt just devolve into genocide so that honestly is the most appealing description of the game ive seen yet
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I'm going to craft 80/80/80/80/60 weapons of every mark on every character.
rolls with like 40% or lower on a stat will become godrolls, its ridiculous all those god rolls I threw out
Why the fuck does he talk like this? Just talk like a normal person you fucking loser, nobody thinks youre witty and clever. Everyone things youre an obnoxious faggot.
Finally an adult instead of a creepy loli thing
>bored of all these retards in damnation today
>fuck it, I'll fuck around on my zealot since I hardly play her
>speedrun a level with another zealot in 13m
holy shit that was a rush
sure the console vet was crying about us needing to slow down but we duo'd the bosses fine
i understand why zealots do it now
you'll get another """"variant"""" that's just a slightly reskinned lead pipe and you'll like it
i usually do and i usually play east coast as well. I'm Orangutan in the discord, if you wanna play some day
this, the pickaxe was just a slightly reskinned lead pipe
wait so after this patch I can just
>take any wep
>put it to 380
>put 4x t4 on it
just via grind/scrapping my old shit? Am I missing something
>But in addition to the Credits, players will get additional crafting resources based on the rarity of the weapon sold. From Profane (Grey) to Anointed (Blue) rarities, players will only get Credits back; at Exalted (Purple) players will get Plasteel in addition to Credits; and finally, at Transcendent rarity (Orange) players will get Diamantine added to the mix.
Good thing I kept all my weapons cause I was too lazy to ever sell them
Penis (Caged)
i really didn't like darktide for several reasons--one of which was once i used the revolver it felt like no other gun did any fucking damage. in vermintide 90% of guns are either one taps or two taps, in darktide it feels so bad to have an automatic weapon that deals no fucking damage.
i chalk most of my horrible experience with the game up to the fact i only played zealot. I can't host my own lobbies which means i have to deal with ping differences in every match which always felt like shit in vermintide and feels even worse in darktide.
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I did not care for the perpetual crouchwalking and impotent gunplay in GTFO and I don't see this game being any different so hard pass
The revolver (and a few other guns) can effectively one tap but the catch is the limited ammo pool. Autoguns and lasguns have bigger ammo pools which means you are allowed to miss a little or use them for crowd control rather than specialist-only culling. If you want more instant stopping power at range, you need to use veteran and focus on ranged damage. My veteran builds are balanced because I like having some flexibility in a mission, but I'm sure you could spec a vet to be able to one or two-tap a lot of enemies with various weapons if you select the right blessings and talents.
Commissar, this guy is talking some heretical shit. Kill him.
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Ahhh SOVLraid...Home...
I didn't. I got sick of scrolling for 8 eons to change weapons, so I sold all the dogshit back in like January or something and kept selling any new junk.
>in vermintide 90% of guns are either one taps or two taps
true but they have much more limited ammo and rate of fire
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>people are still too dumb to stay together on aurics
I just used a mod to show the ones I mark first
>it's either a lvl700+ zealot or a lvl 40 retard
>it's cranked up to 11
You're lucky they haven't been retconned out of existence or exterminatus'd at this point.
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Wait how did you know?!
>TWO plasma vets with powerswords

Yeah no thanks I actually want to play the game
Who asked?
my wife strawhat is doing a really good job
She's clearly underage you fucking pedo
If there’s grass on the field play ball
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He's the CEO of darktide
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>need one more mission with no player deaths to finish my vet melkquests for the week
>join regular damnation game; full squad of vets
>mission begins
>someone's dead within the first 30 seconds
at least it made leaving the mission easier on my conscience
hey, that's my 5th wife, don't post her
That is me so I must be your wife
Skilled issue
they'll nerf zealot again this patch but won't touch this broken piece of shit, in fact they'll give new blessings for the plasma
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Where patch?
Vet has so much shit that just laughs at what the game throws at them.
>Recon Las
Makes me wonder if Psyker gets similar retarded shit. One day I'll level mine
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Remember the time Fatshark was inundated with complaints about the power sword being overpowered compared to every other melee weapon in the game, including the nearly-identical-in-function force sword, so they nerfed it by reducing the cleave from INFINITE to """"""just""""""" 20 enemies per swing, without touching its free charge ability to do 4-5 such swings in a row compared to force sword's one per peril-generating charge? haha
and v*ts still had the audacity to complain
Bubble, smite and head-popper are really good, though.
>around 5 to 15 games would be enough to have access to T4. (That would be starting completely from zero, and without using the sacrifice feature.)
This is the "harsh grind" people whined about? Completely skippable to boot?
But I really liked the juxtaposition between the gritty 40k setting and having a chibi just randomly placed in
So what do you think they'll do with the Sister City plotline? Should I give up my hopes that it'll be Genestealers?
Chibi is fucking shit, anon. Like 3 of us have said so in the last couple threads. If you're gonna avatarfag, at least do us this favor
make her have boobs too
make her WHITE for fucksake, I ain't gonna cry to janjan, but damn that shit is so not nice to look at
>he hates delicious brown
she has a white face so its good enough for me
Anon that girl irl is black. Why would she make her white
cuz I'm (NOT) racist
This is so much better thank you.
Anyone want to play some Aurics?
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That's too brown. Needs to be more caramel
no one actually plays the game here
any other ranged besides bolter and revolver that can deal with bosses?
considering I'll only be using it for that, all perks and blessings can be focused on boss killing
on zealot btw
I think there are quite a few boss deleting options. Las Pistol with Infernus and something I can't remember is a good one because of the stacking weak spot damage. Flamethrower is pretty decent on bosses as well.
t. Dum dum
>tan lines
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Ahh, sitting in a room while the bots solo the safe house on DS...Also home
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Why couldn't Darktide win Norwegian game awards?
See how faith moves the body!
Go back to chibi, fuck da haters Stinky-chan
I dont stink...
Didn't Elden Ring release the same year as Darktide?
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Haven't touched TWIII since release, is it worth playing now? I remember it feeling really bare.
i'd say it's solidly better than tww2 now, if still easier because anti-player bias isn't so fucking nutty
Yeah, Immortal Empires is out now, so no more shitty Realms mode. It's just more of the same. If you like 2, you'll probably like 3. There are a lot more mods ported over and created for 3 now, and some of the really bad performance (and other) issues have been sorted.
are total war games built to be pvp games or are they more about campaigns? never played one
You can play offline against AI.
Ive played all 3 total warhammer games and never once did PvP
Most people just play against the computer (either solo or with friend(s)), but you can do PVP, either through campaigns or skirmish battles.
I have never touched PvP in a Total War game and I do not intend to.
>read the forum post about the update
>decide to check out the rest of the forum
>there are multiple threads up by some guy demanding answers about the mastery system
>he keeps saying that by asking these question he's doing "fatsharks job for them"
>insists the questions will make or break the patch
>look at it and it's all just the most pedantic who cares tier shit ever like "HOW WILL OLD PLAYRRS BE COMPENSATED FOR HAVING ROLLED A GOOD WEP WHEN YOU CAN JUST PICK NOW?"
>whole behavior coated in self righteousness like he speaks for the community and anyone actually cares
holy fuck these people are obnoxious no wonder CMs keep quitting. Now I understand why each post has these big parts about "wat about my blessings that I have now???" in them like anyone actually gives a shit
campaign only
the unit responsiveness is fucking abysmal, on with conquest earth from 1997, units will stop attacking units if they break instead of chasing them down or attack an enemy attacking them, you have to constantly be manually giving them commands to attack, unless theyre ranged, else they will literally stand there and do nothing
the mp has some sekret discord rules, like using trees as cover or holding units tactically in reserve is considered bm
>playing smart is bm
pvpniggers are not human
no, its just that specific one, their micro is subpar compared to the shit that happens in sc2
>units will stop attacking units if they break instead of chasing them down or attack an enemy attacking them, you have to constantly be manually giving them commands to attack, unless theyre ranged, else they will literally stand there and do nothing
That's what guard mode does. This doesn't happen nearly as often if you disable guard mode. Then, it usually happens because line of sight was broken or the unit was otherwise interrupted. At least that's what I've noticed
no, thats because if theyre being attacked by two different units, theyre not going to chase down the fleeing unit, theyre just going to stand there and fight the other unit, which is a problem, when that unit could be really fast touch them to reset their targeting ai and flees, or is just one dude
Oh, you're talking about the in-combat pullback thing? I could've sworn a recent(ish) patch tried to alleviate that a bit, but I've been out of the game for a while. Knowing CA, they probably made it worse anyway. Yeah, that shit's awful and causes endless frustration. I thought you were just talking about units that seem to randomly stop their chase.
>started playing darktide a week ago and play a zealot
>got to trust 25 and try Karnak Twins on difficulty 3 as havent cleared that one yet
>first run goes badly as the vet stands in the green gas and doesnt pick up stims or medicae before the fight even though they are level 27
>second run but this time a level three zealot and a level 10 ogryn join who also refuse to step out of the green gas
>third run different group again and the exact same thing happens but with a zealot and two veterans who are all under level 20 and wont stop huffing the green gas
Why do people refuse to grab stims? Why do they stand in green gas even though a giant spotlight shows a safe area is nearby? I just want to clear Karnak once at the least
They're brapfags. Please understand
its ok i have 600 hours and couldnt stand attempting the twins anymore. people are especially stupid in that fight.
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God I love the twins fight. It was such an insane mess day 1. I spent 9 hours doing it with pubs, slowly assembling the good players I met along the way. What a rush that was when we finally won...
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>ogryn with a knife, can't kill hordes, can't kill crushers
>vet with a lasgun, can't kill specials (vent purge sniper gauntlet)
>2nd vet with a boltgun
>me, a zealot, can't complete the last event by myself (3 nodes daemon purge)
I have failed the Emperor.
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>my crew beat the hardest difficulty on the first day it dropped
At least you got it eventually.
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>enjoying sm2
>enjoying hd2
>ready for the dt patch
>interested in forever winter
lads just become an enjoyer, it is good for your health and fun
Same! Me and my crew 3 manned it, but I had to prove to myself I could do it solo with pubs. I played for like 12 hours straight when it dropped. What a fun memory
He didn't hinder the team why are you crying
>forever alpha
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forever winter is only for people who want a worse gfto experience, its alpha, but it shouldnt even be in alpha state, because they spent all their time on graphics and lore instead of the game; kinda like concord
Ah yes, Concord famously flopped for having incredible art design that put the rest of the game to shame.
just because you spent a lot of time on something doesnt make it good
Is the darktide update today or thursday?
Everyone that wanted to do Karnak and knew how to play did it a year ago
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im not a knifefag, what should i change on this? its for my psyker.
I prefer crit on dodge instead of finesse but it's already an excellent one
i just upgraded 5 to blue. no riposte ;_;
Oh well one day you'll find this blessing,the knoife is already near perfect.
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Lies and misinformation.
>the unit responsiveness is fucking abysmal
No it's not.
>units will stop attacking units
Wrong. You went out of your way to toggle guard mode, which exists as an option specifically to prevent your units from chasing, forgot about it and started complaining. Retard.
>mp has some sekret discord rules
No it doesn't.
spotted the mpnigger
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>still new to Vermintide
>decide to try legend to get a taste of the difficulty
>quickplay into it as bardin lvl 16
>spawn into game, garden of morr
>as soon as i spawn in have ONE (1) hp somehow and no healing in sight
>instantly downed by a ratling gunner not five seconds after joining
>teammates get me back up but none heal me even though all 3 have healing items
>proceed to die when we trigger a stormvermin patrol in a cramped space
>one of the teammates says "dwarf don't join high diff until you l2p"
>booted from lobby
here's that "chill" and "friendly" elite playerbase i was telling you about
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>try legend to get a taste of the difficulty
>quickplay into it
legend isn't the "elite" difficulty of the game so I can see where your confusion comes from
for chill and friendly times, try cataclysm instead :)
you are playing a dead game with a stagnant playerbase and a solved meta, brother what did you expect
>at lvl 16
Telling you to fuck off isn't being mean, it's using basic common sense.
And calling you a dumb fucking nigger isn't the playerbase, just me. You dumb fucking nigger.
i spent the last few champion games breezing through without even falling down once, what else should i do but try a higher difficulty?
host your own legends since one bad experience seems to have soured the entire QP for you
2 bedtimes and Darktide is saved.
>one day you'll find this blessing
Is it me or does the Warhammer 40k franchise as a whole suffer from "Nothing ever happens" syndrome?
so what?
Its boring
it does but you need to see it as a setting more than a story (because if you see it as a story you get a headache from the sheer retardness)
40k isn't a "franchise" it's just a setting in which stagnation is a big part of it
it's a setting for a wargame, of course nothing ever happens
End Times was a mistake. It will never happen again.
are we forgetting the giant rift in reality spanning the entire galaxy
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You want the universe to evolve like they did with star wars? or THE END TIMES?
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I'd like more flamer weapons
40k needs their end times just to make 40kids explode
Hum dude, the fall of Cadia?
when you think about it,it's basically what ushered Age of guilliman except they hide the name :

>better ultramarines
>diversity started to REALLY rear its ugly head
>sense of hope with primarchs coming back and Cawl innovating
>someone starts speaking on vc
>run is confirmed to fail
every time
It think it's just you. If you actually read the books then things happen all the time.
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More like CACAdia!
I agree, except forever winter looks like forever jank. Art project turned into a video game. Should have been a short animated series.
that's not funny, it was like 9/11 X 1000000000
Bleed build, argubly the best build in the entire game when talent tree revamp update happend. Got nerfed obviously.
The eternal seethe vs multiplayers will never not be funny. Multiplayer has several different communities that have their own different rules / guidelines for fun and/or fairness. But you can just ignore it and quickplay with randoms where there are no rules. Eventually you'll learn why tournaments have rules. They're held to be watched, and nobody wants to watch 30 minutes of hide and seek for example.
Like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhRapsbwhqE
lol, lmao even
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Fuck you zoomer, I don't want things to change
I'm playng game to play game, not spectate the game I'm playing
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>Demote the homosexual furry running the show
>Things immediately start looking better for the game
It's like Darktide getting better as soon as the old combat lead dev left
>Guilliman comes back
>Nothing really changes
>Cadia is blow up
>Nothing really changes
>Nothing really changes
Nothing ever happens and when it does nothing ever changes.
play PUBG survivors left behind mode 4-player co-op
I can't remember the last time I had a party or ate a cake for my birthday.
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reminder their stocks (the only thing they really care about) fell after the custodes retcon, it is not in their economic interest for anything to happen
>quickplay into it as bardin lvl 16
Nigga, you are literally too early for it. even too early for champion.
Grind your hero, learn how to play him and get your power level up
But that's good. Can you imagine getting into Napoleonics wargame and then after a while developer reveals that it's going to progress into WWI and you have to change all models and tactics? That would be utterly retarded
I'm okay with this. What I can't reconcile is the autism over "something happens but only in this 1 isolated canon" like we see over Darktide or Vermintide breaking the rules on what characters are allowed to do. If there is no overall narrative and it's mostly just a diorama to smash action figures together in, what does it matter if a tertiary writer plays by house rules occasionally?
>start looking better
Lol the cope
Yeah there's some annoying fags there, like the guy trying to do math to figure out how many blessings he needs to sacrifice so he has enough points or whatever. It's like these retards don't even play the game they just want to craft(and it's been said months ago to fill out blessings for progress)
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...is it thursday?
Yes, shields are one of the best weapons in the entire game currently even, ever since they got hyper buffed.
The first heavy attack in specific is what you're going to be spamming a lot, it has ABSURD reach, absurd cleave, does a decent amount of damage but more importantly does an infinite amount of stagger. There is no mixed horde big enough to stop your heavy 1 spam, nothing will hit you because anything in front of you will be staggered. I usually do the same amount of damage with my shield than my pickaxe, even.
The only complaint is that it can get a little boring to play, though that's a problem innate with ogryn.
2 more sleeps until Darktide is saved
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Today I will talk about Gunfire reborn. How are the new characters? I liked the bnuuy with really fast guns :)
Speak for yourself, the pickaxes are fun, the pull/push into an overhead on Karsolas is extremely fun to use on crushers and bulwarks over their shields
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>3 pm
>wake up
>not thursday
I meant that about the shield, spamming H1 is a bit brain draining, there is rarely ever a horde big enough that makes you struggle even in maelstorms
Maybe it's time to give up.
That's quite bleak, anon. Maybe he needs some encouragement to find caring people around himself.
Forever Winter pisses me off because they have all those cool mechanics but it's all ruined by "noooo you have to sneak!!!"
What's the point of a big interconnected battlefield when the only way for me to interact with it is always the same - hugging a corner until everything else goes away.
idea is great on paper but had almost zero chance of translating into a great gameplay. Is there a game where it's fun to be the spectator
I meant give up birthday cakes jessus christ
Go to the hospital, now.
I'm not Jesus(But thank you). Maybe think about how your words might be interpreted when you leave out key details.
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Quiet now,boy. I recognise my mistake, but don't push your luck.
Well as long as you recognize your mistakes I guess I can let you off with a warning.
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Not thursday
2 more sleeps! Trust the plan!
I never did.
eat mine
I prefer ice cream desu
Slopdivers is actually fun after the update
Too little, too late.
Get to play it for a couple of days before Sloptide update
They made it easy for Reddit which was retarded. Now not only the game is downright boring to play they also never delivered on most of the expected content.
>muh difficulty
Nobody cares except 0,05% of the players like you. Even in DRG, an easier game, less than 5% play on Haz 5. You are not the target audience.
>he loved chargers spam while wielding peashooters
I am a warrior!
You're "Heyo everyone" now, chump
Aaaaahhhhhh I need the update nooooow.
Already have 3m dockets and 100k plasteel saved up so far.
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Lol, goofy lil' guy
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And you are free to do so with or without rules, whatever you prefer. That's the beauty of it.
>not even roflmao
so what?
how do you think that changes anything he said?
the game is boring even if people like boring games
the only people whose opinions change when you try to make an argument with an appeal to popularity (hardly even applies to a game with mixed reviews fyi) like this are people insecure about being different
The new crafting looks so fucking bad
I would much rather RNG roll weapons till I get one thats good straight out the gate than have to fking grind a weapon from a useless one legged whore level 1 blesses every time I want to try something new. fuck reddit for whining about this shit ffs.
Kill yourself gachanigger.
Dont use words you dont understand
He's right to
>I would much rather RNG roll weapons
Yup, that's a gachanigger alright.
is there a way to make the grudge racker worthwhile against armor or do I need to use a good anti Chaos Warriors melee
Gachatards have to pay for their rolls you dumb nigger monkey, here you roll by playing the game, now instead of rolling by playing the game you will instead upgrade by playing the game (with a dog shit weapon)
the new system looks meh
but the old system was pure cancer
meh > cancer
simple ass
Yeah, and rolling is the problem EVERYONE has had with this system. Do your 10 damnation games with a weapon and you're set for life. Probably far less needed doing aurics.
no fun allowed with grudgeraker
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When the hell is soon? Wasn't it supposed to get released today?
I've been set since summer 2023 but I still play. If I could exchange ALL crafting and itemization with more maps and missions I would do it.
You know what I apologize, I was retarded because I forgot there's a solution to your problem. You can just feed weapons to Hadron for mastery. CONGRATULATIONS, no more grind and you get perfect weapons.
>only way for me to interact with it
So you want to be able to... Do what exactly?
thats like saying being a cuck is fun, thats what i get from forever winter, youre rat not because youre youre going to build yourself up, no youre after everyones sloppy seconds
stop lurking on /gif/
Every time I got there I've got at least 60 threads filtered. Mossad is working overtime on that board.
>Forever Winter
the game looks like shit
>Looks like shit
>Runs like shit
>Plays like shit
I don't even need to have played it to know that it deserves to die on release.
So...this is the power of black-owned devs....
>This is what your devs on race apology looks like
I'm going to write negative reviews as soon as it drops later to hopefully warn people away from even trying this POS. Feel free to join the bandwagon.
>i love AAA gaming with 100 dollar releases + micro transactions
just kidding, i'm being disingenuous
It's like american'ts are trying to make eurojank.
You're not. Talk whatever shit you like about $100+ AAAAAA gaming, at least they look good and don't drop ping like a retard drinking soup with a spork. The microtransactions are just the cost you have to pay for regular updates and helping the studio recover the investment made in developing the game. Save your $30 and spend it on an actual good indie game.
this has to be bait
yeah, for 20$ more you get could get remnant 2, a good game
>I'm going to write negative reviews as soon as it drops later to hopefully warn people away from even trying this POS. Feel free to join the bandwagon.

Doesn't it imply you bought the game
I dropped Forever Winter when they released this video: https://youtu.be/Z2izSjSXoq8

the whole "holier than you, look at us we are GOOD DEVS because our game is cheap yadda yadda" vibe was annoing as shit
lol same
Yeah I never like that stuff. Comes off more like a grift.
someone else perfectly summed it up "am not like other girls"
Thing is, they're acting liek this when their game is not even release.

Prove you're good devs BEFORE sucking you own dick.
>Buy game
>Post review
>Refund game
actions before words and all that
Where they release an utter shitpost of a community outreach video because they didn't have a PR department to tell them not to suck themselves off until at least a month after release. And if they absolutely had to release anything then to make it as non-commital feelgood as possible.
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first time I see that video, why does it look like "we are anonymous we do not forgive we do not forget". Also the guy soudns like he like sniffing his own farts
>Forever Winter is an ANTI-SHOOTER
yeah fuck that, if I want to feel miserable I play Frostpunk or Mordheim
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nowhere it says that
my dark mode is better than your dark mode
mordheim is not miserable, youre trying to get stronger, youre trying beat the odds, you just get brutalized in the process
not the forever winter, youre not the underdog rising from the muck; no, youre dreg because youre never going to be a hero, a main character in a video game, youre an npc
>in helldivers the only way to return to solo lobby is to either kick everyone or restart the game
they sure do love patting themselves on the back
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I do feel miserable when I play Mordheim
but I like it
sounds to me like they are saying they are holier than AAAA games, which from the features they listed, they are. What exactly offends you about calling out shit studios for shitty practices? Do you work for EA?
good goy, consume the product
its fun, i like building the gas chamber and shoot people with guns, but playing chaos is cbt
about what i expected
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this is so fucking shit, they have mobs walking like 3 meters near them and they don't get spotted lmao
I'm stuck being a wagie... but just 2 more sleeps amd everything will be alright... gotta hold out...
I don't understand what your point is. FW being bad doesn't make AAA good. Lots of AAA games have their own problems like lag, login issues, storage bloat, shit performance, etc.
we're almost there brother, hooold

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>than have to fking grind a weapon from a useless one legged whore level 1 blesses every time I want to try something new.
Try actually reading you dumb nigger. Gachaniggers are the worst

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